JJeJearj fhuleder. |;j WEDNESDAY, :"' | ;.-^ S3RPSSSa|BB9BB NOV. 8, TSS2. Sm VXlV SLYKE. KdltQr. i-0 IHE ELECTIONS, wait* if the ejections on Twe •••** 6*T *r* ttin* summed up by the Chicago ; Jmtmal of Wedne»d»y evening: f »M»*chusett? elects General Butler '•* ̂ Governor, and a portion of the Re pub gS ^ IIwmi State ticket. pif' New Hampshire jrfvepn small Repnh- llean majority, and Oonneoticiit a small Democratic majority. All tlie Southern States have pone Democratic, of course,except Virginia, which elected the Mahone tlck«t. Colorado. Nevada and California have gone Democratic. Pennsylvania elects tH# entlefcDetno-* •ratlc ticket, ' . New York hat gone. Democratic by not leas than 150.000. New Jersey is Democratic, as usual, fcnt Delaware has a narrow Escape from v going Republican. ^ Indiana Is doubtful as yet, but has probably gone Democratic; ditto Mieh- v"v 'f*n- ' 4 ' Iowa, Kansas. Wisconsin. Minnesota and Nebraska hare gone Republican by .. reduced majorities. -i ^ : The Repnbllcans have Toat heavlly In Congressmen In the North and gained • Mw In the South. The Democrats will no doubt have control of the next House of Representatives by a very <eclsiv* majority. Further returns are necessary before positive figures can be glren. In Illinois the Republican state tick- •t la elected by a lair plurality, and the Obancee are that the Republicans will St least hol*J their own in Congressmen •lid have a small majority In tlie Legis lature on joint ballot. The result In Cbok county--Chicago and vicinity--1» "mixed," and in part, atlll donbtful. Hanchett (Rep.) is no doubt elected Sheriff, however, and the Republican candidates for Congress •ad a majority of the Republican legis lative candidates are also elected. It la evident that the Republican party In the east was struck by a regu lar cyclone. and it is to be hoped that, •he lesson taught may have a good •fleet In the future. The Election In McJImiry The election in McHenry In a very quiet manner, although aV good deal of earnest work was done. Tlie vote was extremely light, but 314 votes being polled, but lite scratching beat anything we ever saw. Nearly e*erf name on the ticket,. from State Trowfurer to Coroner, received "•'market!" attention at the batul of some dissatisfied voter, who In turn re ceived the curses of tlie board when they came to count the votes. ^The flght w:»s%>riiieipally<oii the legislative candidates--Thompson, the Demo cratic candidate, and the scalawag Haines contesting strongly for the Democrat vote, a majority of which the latter succeeded in gettiug bj? means, of w hich lie has no occasion to feel proud. .mm*" Prof. S. D. Baldwin, tlie Republican candidate for Superintendent of Schools, received 255 votes out of a poll of 314. which is a high compliment |o him as a citizen and an educator. He is probably elected by the-* largest majority of any man on the Republican ticket. It. is a compliment worthily bestowed. . JFor Representatives. Etiotigh returns have been received up to tlie time of going to press to en sure the election of the two RepnbU- can caiuUdntes, Messrs. Tr.von and Fulle r. but the flsrht between Haines and Thompson Is so close that it Is Im possible to.yet decide which will win, t^-The overwhelming sympathy manifested at first in favor of Slayback has ceased. The theatrical benefit for his family wa* not an enthusiastic affair. Only one box was sold for $1,000, and that was bought by Mr. Pulitzer, the edito: of the Post-Dispatch, Tlie bids for other boxes soon fell to 8100 apiece. Few seats brought more than 85. Cock- erill. tflfc editor who shot Slayback. fs now the liero of the hour. He lives at his liorei, and his room is constantly thronged with sympathising visitors/ He will soon resume his duties In the Post-Dispatch office. If not, don't Ijfil to call at the Wajiconia Drni Store anil Boot • Haunt. Andvlearu our prices*. We have just completed arrange ments with the publishers, so that Ave can now furnish you all papeis and magazines, by the day, week, month or year, at the low est club rates And when call ing, ask to see those Albums marked way down to. clear, out stock. Always glad to see you whether it be to get papers, Albums, Knives --m-irked< 1 own too,--Ala- bastiiie---one "pound or fifty--7 Carbolic Sheep Dip--much bettor to kill Ticks than a Tobacco »;ash --01* any other article in our line, or simply to shine upon us the light of your countenance. F. B. HARRISON, In McHenry County. That this Is the "off year" Is fully proven by the vote in this county, not wore than a half vote being polled, "but the result shows the election of the entire Republican ticket by a hand some malor'ty. A desperate effort -was made In some localities to defeat " .-a portion of the Republican ticket, and •w« are sorry to say that some Repub licans aided the scheme, but they failed |n their nefarious work, and the* - affklrs of McHenry County for the next ^ fmt THn will ho t a tbe feyxds of tnife. .» Republicans. The newly elected offi cers on Tuesday were as follows: 'County Clerk, Wm, Avery; Onunfy Treasurer, James Nlsh: County Judge. O. H. Gilmore; Sheriff. Asad Udell; Pnperlntendent of Schools, Prof, S. D. • Baldwin; Coroner. W. W. Cook. Lake County. County fret'irns from all but l»ne township) gives Smith 2.152, Oreu- . dorf 1,087. St ratton. 2.085. Raab 1.130. Complete returns from this county give Ellwood for Congress, 2.166, Price 1.169^ For the Legislature, Fuller 2.771. Trvon 9,615, Haines 3.918 Thompson 670. Cowan 110. The entire Republican -. connty ticket is elected by a good ma- TI1K FAT-STOCK SHOW. [From the IiUrois State Journal, Nov. 3, 1832.] The F uttering Prospects of the Fbrth- comhiy Exhibition and the Results of Its Predecessors. The Fifth Annual Fat-Stock Show to be huldon tinder the auspices of the Illinois State Board of Agriculture, will open in the Exposition Buildiug, Chi cago, on Thursday, Nov. 16, and will continue open day and evening, Sunday excepted, until Thursday, Nov. 23, The interest manifested by breeders and feeders of meat stock'in this deser vedly popular and rapidly growing en terprise, is shown eaoh year In the in creased number of animals entered as. compared witii the previous year. The Journal has noted daily the applica tions for entries received at.the office of tlie Secretary, and it Is assured that the number of animals already; entered gQF* Cowan, the sorehead candidate "(Prom Boone County, must be proud of the vote he received in this part of the District. For the jf>a«t two weeks he has kept mer. traveling through Lake and McHenry Counties, peddMng lies aga'nst Senator Fuller, and just how much weight they have had with the people is evidenced by the vote. In Lake County he got just one hundred and ten votes, all told. In the town- Ship of McHenry he polled just four and Ofie-hatf votes, three of these b«*- |ng probably put in by the man whom It# hired to peddle h!s ticket. Such is the (estimate in which sore-heads are held by the voters in this sei'tion. BRICK! The McHenry Brieife Manufacturing Com puny are now ready to supply Brick in quan tities mm SMALL LOTS -TO- Oar Loads. Their Brick are second to none to be found in the market, 'and will be sold at the lowest market price. Persona intending to huild, or those hand ling liritk, will do well to call and aee us be fore | tirchasinj*. For further information Apply to or address McHcnri Brick MaflifacUrii McHEtfRY July 5th,J882. ILLINOIS, is one fourth greater than at any for mer show. Tlie rivalry betxVeen the breeders of tlie various classes of stock, is strong, and the' contest for tiie dis- tingubhed honor o„f ths rings, where all the rival breeds compete, will be more spirited than ever before. The Hereford breeders claim the su perior excellence of this over all other beef breeds, while the short-jiorn breed* er* seem little concerned and appear to have no fear of being driven from tlie foit they have so long held with this popular breed. That the white-face? will be out in double the number of hife' year, is already assured, as is also the fact that they will be nte£ by their rivals in increased force. The exhibition of sheep apd swine will be particularly fine, the entries showing one-fourth more of the former and double the number of the latter, as compared with last year. The liberal prizes offered for live and dressed fat poultry have secured uumer ous entries in that department. The fat-stock show is, in its general character, to this country what the great Smitlifleld show of London is to England. The cattle and other stock shown at these exhibitions attract buy ers from all parts of the country, who want holiday meats. It is gratifying to know that t^e management of tlie fat-stock show has been such as to secure : the confidence j and co-operation of breeders and feed- OLD BOOTS AND SHOES. 'fljfoi j»v« ̂ ust au immeaae Stock io* tho FALL; AND WINTER TRADE jy*a cart sho^ <yoii H;he finest line of these goods ever brought to McHenry Colinty. Remember we buy and sell for^ Caah, buy our goods at V., ; 'w.<• * AT C. ̂ V. STEVENS', McHENRY - - ILLINOIS (-an and will «^ive you such bargains that it will pay you to come from any part of the county to trade with us, no matter how great the distance. We keep a full line of the .. v SEL2 CELEBRATED; CUSTOM MADE GOODS, : wristanti% ouri^e children. - • . , 1 / * . women and H. DWIGET, Woodstock, 111. Who is fully prepared for the fall and winter trade, with handsome assortment of Dry Goods, Di ess Flannels, Dress Noveltic WooleiiS|,&e., Men and boys' Clot^ig, of every Big BargaiaaiaOvsrcoats. All 1he latest styles in Gent^' Furuishirg Goods, Hats, Oapi Choice Grooeries, <£c., at hard-pan prices, Good, New and Stylif-i Gocds, and prices as low as the lowest, are his mottoes, Don't* bi] a dol lar's worth of genera? merchandise, until you have called at h' store, n.ea'r_th^;;j^pot^ McHeiiiy, III. ; :Piitter- auii eggs wanted 4 Fancy Trices.' ' ' ' • ' •*.- :•*' I o. TO THE PUBLIC. O- [(I JOHNSBURGII, ILL., Would respectfully inform the PUBLIC that HE has just received a full stock of Goods lor the . Fall and Winter Trade, To which lie inv i te ? t h o i r 'especial attention, ( l is 8tock consists in part of r GROCERIES," lotim, , TINWARE, &c.t &c.. And, in short everything nsually kept in ITi-st Class General Store. Good Goods, / -AND- Real Merit'the Basis! <r C. L. PRATT, AUCONDA, ILLINOIS, The Highest Market Price, IN CAPH OU TR^VDE, c* ers ot otlier States and of Canada, who "Edward Clark." *ay7the u«thorV}J ,bepa l ,-v ^ »»'« prizes awarded, and the valuable lessons taught. Tiie National Live Stock ^Journal 6peakjngof the show of 1881,said: - 'Let every man who wants to educate him self on the cattle question, on matters of feeding.^breeding and management,, on what constitutes true merit in the beef breeds--on tlie diflej'eiice betweeii breads when matured, on the' relative advantages of early-and late maturity --in short, everybody interested, come to tills great school of tlie breeders^and feeders'art, Jt ha« no equal on the continent, and jio farmer is so wis« but lie may learn something that, will be wort It money to him in his husines*." The very low excursion rates granted by Ihfi Chicrigo & and Illinois Central ltaiiroads will enable many Sangajiion funnels to attend the show. Nearly all tlie roads running into Chi cago have agreed to sell tickets at re duced rates to the FatrStook Show. As an interesting bit of informatio i djerived frojii the results of the four preceding fatrstp.ck shows, the follow ing table may be given, setting' forth the consolidated juerage weight of th<; rings of the various breeds of cattle anil jheir cropses, in 1878, 1 S7t#. 1880 and of the Tribune's Note Book, l>died last week worth $20.000,000--some say more --and he received just twenty lines average notice from the newspapers Such Is the scale measured per million now; a newspaper line. Publicity ha« Its exchange value, and he who expects It must he something above ills million. Here Is Herbert Spencer, sick, and the beneficiary of an American subscription to make his days easy, gratified by columns of attention, wlille the greatest capitalist In the sewing machine indus try. though he invested nothing, passed Into eternity wjth a 'da'da? Old Singer, vagrant, iiiteontiii-nt. with, no ?^ore fcare for marriage rite or posterity ban the birds from whom he drew^his name, died p. newsy singularity com pared to tlie person who left three times his fortune. Mr. Clark had a Turkish bath at the Cooperstown resi dence which is said to have co-t ten^of thousands of dollars, He was attracted tlie re by his wife, the daughter of Am brose .lovdsiii. whose childhood was sp«-4it iwar Fejndmore Cooper and in Whose sight yourg ('lark studied law under iter father's roof. They married and when Clark had hui!t her. in sub sequent years, a beautiful home and bridged * the young Susquehanna for iier, flowing through her park, she walked across the bridge one evening and took berse^tin the tieldy lawn, and <here she seemed to stay very long, till , the) sent lor Iter and found her stone dead. Her monument i* by Cooper's-- ^splendid work--and there a lorlunc twice greater than Girard'fe will lie laid jdownwilliu few lives, as it io say: *Twas mine, 'U. hp-pfngyn BUHCHftRD CHURN Five sizes made for Family Dairies. Five sizes for Factory use." Perfect stock and the best work. Strong, simple, efficient, convenient and dur able. They continue to be THE STANDARD CHURN OP THE COUNTRY. T R Y O N E . Send for full Descriptive Circulars to PORTER BLANCHAIID'S SONS, _ CONCORD, W. H. . CUIZOXIC DISEASES CLUED. . N.;W )IO;:IM marVe<l out by that ni'wt p>j{>u.ar .IKHJIC I'LL JIKDICAL, SortAi; Ullil br.xUAI, pCIKNTP, I I.AIS KI»MK TALK UNCI MJTJIOAI, mjion Senhk. Nc-arlj 1000 1 < aial SOO iiluair:it 'uins, oi" ti .o liunimi body in hualili ar .D by Sit . E» B.icOOTl^ci^evv Kork City; I'rice , $1.50, Over 500,000 of las book? hnve liein polil in theUiiitedStatrs .B ^'LIIND, C!<• T-iMisiiy IN IL Australia . An Edin- buroiii-'h jihvHcian . l e t i ror l nittr fify years practice , writes: Kurk isitriLtlesgii. value, anth ul- cvlnted to r* (If iterate xociet;/." A lfi-pnpe contents table of Plain Hume Talk, a copy of Dr. Fonte'a Health "Monthly, ami a J(lt> i>ap;b pan:|>hlrt of " Evidi no r" of the eun liility of fill Chronic Diseases of whatever pari, Kent , for 8 cents. DR. FOOTE'S Ifand- Uonk of Health Hints and Read J' Kccelpts gives l 'JS jinRCKof advice about daily ltaints iu all fc iboiik. r.iui rcciiirs <or cure of comivon a;lment~-- a valuable refereiuo book for every family. By trail, 25 cclltl. IjinERAL Pispocsx' TO Thankful for past, favors T solicit n continu ance of the same, mid shall always tie aflud to meet all my old frieirls, anil as many new cinis as m-.iy see lit to call. on AS. KtrnsEUT. Johnsbnrff, Oct. 17tli., 1882. Murray llill Publishing Co., 120 East 28th Street, New Yor^ City. UUfM Hhorthoru Hereford. Devon (i rades or Croh« FACTS. 1st. That flie Phoenix, of Hartford- is do voted exclusively to the business ot Fire In- suratM-e \ 2nd. Tlmt,.\\ ith two oxcoptions, the cap ita I of tin; I'buMii x ih double i ha I ofany rvtln'r Company in the United tales doing- a Fire, Insurance business exci:isively. »l. That it8 rates of pi emiuin,are, an<t wll- contiinie to !)e, aB low as strictly choice! Ilr»t class InMivance can lve furnishe'd for 4th That it has prom-cnted the General Agency bn^inesis in the Western and Southern States and Territoiics t hroiiff'.t ' the means of a lie|>a; tnienl llea<l«|ttarters in ("incimia ti, Ohio, for-a period of more than twenty-live years to the (.ntire satisfaction of a vast runibcr of uiidecwrilers and |in>pert v ownevs . "itli. That its ijianiiur of'adjustinx »nd l>»'y- iu^ loshes has been teMed in every great lire of the period, and found to be at all times in h.'.nnony wi tii the priiu'iplos of strict juutice and lilierality. •lib. Tbat'it has spent a largo sum of money in orjrani/in^r, t 'arrvlu^ on and perfeetin>; its present admirable HvnUin of fonimelc.ial antl rural ilistricts. vv.hei'tdi.v i,i is enh b'led to ofl'er tlx? advantages antl facilities ot jiemiiive *in- dciiini! y to the people of' every cif, town, village aud .-ouiitv ni the. I'n;lj!d state*. 7th. That it* f a'jjit.i 1 is Two Million Dollars --its Ke insurance Hesei've, onu million, one bundled a"nd eighteen ,tl)oufand dollars--its Keserve tor ouist»ivd(nK losset*. oi\<! hundred and ninety thousand dollars--iit, nf\ htirplns, one mi)ljoi> dollars and its cash anae mMi ; 8th.. That the old fhdnix of Hartford is a live inslituti '.n and everv wav v orthv'the ex ceedirKl.v liberal wttroBUjro- It has rcc«;v<;4 fr«iu the people in every seciion of the COun. try. • W. SMITH, Agent, ' For Woodstock and yioi.ity. HmmisEiuEiBi M I S H A W A K A mmm •r Tliis macbino IS PO-PRRIALLY ADAPTED to thftTlFo of I'ARMKUS mid STOCK l KKDEITS. Itiocapa ble of shulliiiB Bud grinding twenty bushels j-cr hour , with four to elx horse -power , and can be run BY water, steaia or horse-power. Tho prindinfT plates are of crystallized imn , and cost $l.po a pair. Ccii iar Circular £ivin£ full description. ST. JOSEPH M'F'G CO., M J S H A W A K A , I N D . • Would respectfully inform Tthe^ citizens of Waucoiida and sui rounding country that h(! has a l:>rse and well selected stock of Uaods in6 his line, for the Fall and Winter trade, consistiing, in part of DrjrGoods, Notions, Groceries HATS \ND CAPS, Glassware, &c.y Ti Which he is bound to sell as cheap as good sroods can be bouifbt anywhere. lie also keeps a line line of Hock ford Hand Made Hoots and shoes, to which he inv.ites par. tieu Iar a t ten t ion. In short, every I hing-'tlvit can be fotmd in a •general store will lie kopt., ami sold as low as I lie lowest, and every thing warrai.ted aslrep- resonteil, •* Chick's Celebrated 'Rockford Hour, ALWAYS OX HAND. Whon in want of (foods in m V line vntt will tind it for your interes t to .call ami seev"ine. a x . WAUCONDA, Oct. 10, 1S8». PRATT. And Dressmaking:. MES. C. L. * Has just returned from the city-, with a full «|eiek <>('Fall and Winter Millinery, T.ndies' •Fnniishing t-ioodm, .etc , to which sfie invites i he 'at ten lion of l lie Fad i.e.s of Wauconda and vicinitv. Dressniakii\ic promptly.iUtendcd to and satisfaction guaranteed. 0NLYS20 fora I'HIbADKLI'IIIA SIMiFR of this siyle. Kfju.il tu iinv •iiiRer in tlie market lio- •nu mbrr, tee semf it to ho, cj 'iiniiH fl bvf'itvi? yn\i pttif /'••>• it. Thin i( the s:inie stylo t>ther companies retail f< T $50. All Machines wnrnuited for 3 years. .Send for llhiHtnited ("••>- cularandTestimonial!). Address CIIARI JKS A .-Wuoi* & ro., 17 iH. ieath St^ fbiladelphia. Pa, E, Wauconda, --DEALER IN-- Fancy, .Groceries. Canned Goods, ' 0 Choice Confectionery JVO FIOKB, TmWA RE, CUTLER Y, i.'IOABS, TOBACCO; &e li W- CD HENRY COLBY! --DEALER IN-?- t General Merchandise. RIVERSIDE BLOCK. McHENRY, ILL Every Efepartment now complete with * Fall and Winter Goods > ' " ^ , An Inspection of which is respectfclly solicited, ' T H I S . ,rv W P , PIOVUS beyond a:iy rea ible nuestion that'the j CHICAtfO & NORTH-WESTERN UAH-WAY1 Is by all odds the best road for you to tak hen traveling in either dlreptionbptwet*, Clicap ani all tlie Principal Points in tie West North & Northwest Ca re f u 11 v *e xam i n e this Map ; The principal Cities i n the West and Northwest are Station! on this road . Its through trains make close connections with the trains of all railroads »t>| JunetipivpDrnta , Anse CZZ un _ J3r^fk«'T\vv'1 ' liraineru RENCE ChaniUe\ Quinm-itio ^ Worcester Spa.1 d yton s O\N .S I $ :\r, \ a lie Ordway Cloud - s APOi.>J AXKT0N Ncill vvw* r>A, _ ,o Kc<vpfV ** ^ 3LJ_.»4. ^ .?• 0 ' .Chi. _ \A*K CHICAGO & NORTHAVESTERN RAILWAY. "«9TI1E CHlCA<iO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY, O v e r a l l o f i t s p r i n c i p a l l i n e s , runs eaeh w a v d a i l y Prom t w o to LV>NR or more FMC: IGspr Xrains . It is the only road WEST, North or Vorthwe-U OK'HIEAJRO that U^ES the i T < • i s the onlv road Mint runs L'u l f m a n Sleepin Cars North or Northwest of C h i o s ffo. It ' S- 'L OB Miles I^F ROAD. In forms, amongst others, I-hc following Trunk Lines: Council Hlu(FJ. Colorado A c-ilifornia f.ine. Winom, 1iIinne«ota * Central Dakota Un® - ioijx Citv S NorthoasterfPN 'obraska L.ine . ( i h i e a a r o , S t . PRNL FT •Minneapolis Line, i-'lsin, itockford, Freeport & Unbnqtie T.ino. Milwaukee, Orecn Ray ft l.nkePtipe Jnii li'iver Valley, Pierre S I)rad«'ood Line. Waukesha. Madison ft Northern I-ine Tickets over t h i s road are solii by a l l Coupon T i c k e t . Aaron ts i n t h e United States A Canada Remember to ask for Tickets via this roaa, be-sure they read over it, and take none other 4 D. LAYNG, Gen 'L Sup 't Chicago . IMPERIAL PALACE DINING CARS. W.H. 8TE3TUITT, Gen Tass Chicago B BUSS, Ag't C. A- w. R»y, McHenry, III C. N. CULVER, n Froni 25 to «r> rents per pound. We make a s|*6cialty of tlicco goods. My «tock is fri '?h and complete in-/evepjr- pirticiiUtr, and 1 will not \n-. undersold, <|ual, ityot jrood.H con-ideivd . 1 tmy none but the pest, and purchasers will 'And' it an object to. call and see me before purchasing, ^uick Sales «Xc Hitmll Profit motto, »nd It will bo lived vp t«. ' E : W 6 R O O K S iVaupofula, Ocfc 05tU, Richmond, Illinois. 1 Sales of Stock, Fanning1 Tools and Goods of all leiiu s at(on«U'd to on tho most Reasonable Terms, and satisfaction guaranteed. Post Ollice address, " M^)JlMONbrILL f - Novelty and Variety ST A T ION Eli Y. XE W rS PA PEKS, Magazines, Books, s Npyelst MTJSIC. All Musical Journals,-T.ibraries, onp an d Joke Bonks, Letter Writers ' flames," Hays, 'Dream, liooks. Motto Verges and cards, loys and Tov ISookts, Inks, Mucilage, WritinjtsPa- pers, RlfnciU, Tens, School and Blank Beoks, M;i|>i, ,r.ti >d * upplies, Collars, <?i«ars and :U9 othe M'CUites not nere lucuiioned, at the .Bazaar, McHenry, III, To Whom it may Concern. NOTICE is herebj friven that the under • ' sinned,-• iruardian of (ico. (J.Starr, (in jr W. Starr, Cora M. Starr,Charles 1,. Starr and Eva V. Starr, minors, will apply to the Count f Court of McHenry Connty, in the State of Illinois, at the November term thereof, to be holden in the court house in Woodstock, In said countv, on Monday, tho 1.1th day of No vember, A." D., 1>W2, for an order to sell the following described real estate, situate in tho said county of Mpllenry and State of Illinois, to-wit: I.ot number two hundred and seven- t y-eiirht (27i») o( .^istssof's plat of the town of Dorr, as nitide by John Urinlc and filed foe record in the recordei !s office of saul McHenry po., on the lijth day ol December, A, D., 1882. Also l.ots onu (1), two (2) and thrre (f), In lllork four.(4), of Asa W. Smith's plat, neac Wopitstork, iii said'county, which said Block 4 is nunibe)ed fin said Assessor's plat as Lot 170 in .<eciior, Town 41, North Kang-e 7, east of Sd principal meridian, when and where all . jiersons interested piay appear, and show caused if any tliey have, why such ordet SIIQUJd J)P t J|e NJA d e. ' ' ASA W- 81FITH, Oaardian. I)ate«f tllU 13th day (»f Octolier, 4- D., 1888. Mus. Sj-ia^i ks !i:ip tliis w<*e|^ |^Bt*ivet| a tint' apsnrtment of Winf6r AiilHnery, fiFinsisritiff of Birds, l 'lumep, T'PS« Rnt» ALL^LLH' FHIK-V Fejitliers NO\Y SP much i ifetl . Also a fliOTi'o lot of Beaver, Kelt, Flush and V reltfeTNHtitP, wliidi will be foM ut the lowest pV>«iHfTP=iigJires. All the new and rlepirnble styles )i| Hats Caps 4I V. S^veilV? ' j