Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Nov 1882, p. 5

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ĵ ê eary plaintlealep. WEDNF,! NOV. 8. 1S82. feallroaH Time Table. ^ GOING BOOTH. -®<M>evA Tjdte P*Rsenffer.v....».....».7i*-"> A; * Benevft T,ake Kipwss. K«n«va Lake Freight--..............1:16 P. * NOMB. Rene-^a T,*tce Freisrht....» ....9:83 A. M ftenera T.afce Express............... .4:5#P. M fienava Lake Passeneer. " B. Brss. Aeent. • MrITenr,j\ Til M \f»ONTC UrTTKVRY T OTX5F.. No. IBS F. ami A. M.-- RegularOon»minScfltiom> the Satnplny on or before trie fnll of the moon and e-very two weeks thereafter. CHAS. O. COT.BT» W. M. MrRKWWT PHAPTF.W ffo. 34 R. A. M --Retro. |ar Oo«Tor.nHon(i?hpl<1 on the second and fourth Fridays in each moneh. SMTTH SEAW.KS, IT. P. SEE the new advertisement of the Wanconda Drug Store in another col- ftnui. It fx suggested that "TheYe's money >n It" for the astronomer wh<* will dis­ cover a flrst-cfciss comet, that can be seen about nine o'clock in the morning* A man lias in venter! a chair that can be adjusted in eight hundred different positions. It is designed h»r a boy; to* sit in when he*goes to church. The Cemetery Aid Soc^pty will meet with Miss .Tnlla A. Storv Thursday filter noon, Nov. 3th, at 3 o'clock. MRS. T. J. WALSH, President. Miss JT7MA A. STORY, Secretary. A TOUNO lady weighing a trifle over ten pounds arrived at the home of Q. V. Stevens on Tuesday, night. Con­ gratulations are in order. - SITBSCRIBKRS who are to pnv their subscriptions In wood are cordially in­ vited to do so now. Do not. wait until' next, sprine. when we can keep warm by standing in the sun. WE found a' bag of fine apples at our resldence*tlie other day. but we dare not tell who left them for fear of the t'wrath to come." But'the v were nice pnee, and we hereby tender thank*. . -%v. ANOTHER real estate change in our village since our last. The house oc­ cupied bv F. K. Granger, and Owned bv John C. Smith, lias been sold to Alien Walsh. Price paid, 81.200. _ THE second party by the McHenry Social Club takes place at the Parker House this Wednesday evening. The Janesville Light Guard Band furnishes the music. JOHN HEIMKR is trenting the front Of his building to a new coat of paint, and when completed it will be the handsomest front in town. Geo% Curtis Is doing the work. THE hog market has heen lively at this station this week. On Monday last Smith A Snyder »n4 C» T* KUJr-edg" paid out over 04.000 for live porkers', and to-day (Wednesday) three or four car loads more have been taken in here. Buckwheat, cakes, harbingers of win­ ter, have arrived. An exchange wisely pays: "Though they are enemies of the stomach Miey glndden the pala'e, and make the partaker of them wish that breakfast time might. l*Rt all das*. THE MeTTenry Dramatic Club have- re-orgatii/ed and are now rehearsing for the drama entitled "'Blow for Blow." which they propose to briwr put some time the last, part of thi* month, due notice of which will be given in these columns. • THE parties in the row of whiclj we fpoke last week. wet;e all taken to Woodstock and put under "bonds of. 81.000 each. Their examination will take place before Esquire Johnson on the 15th. Bolger has been tiikeii home And reports sav is recovering rapidly. H. PAI.MER has moved into the A. Booni^r house, vacated by C. E. Cobb Charles* Taylor into the bouse near the pickle factory, vacated bv Palmer, and John Brewer, of the PLAINHKAI-KII of­ fice will occffpv the rooms over Nichols' store, vacated by Taylor. A little strip of flnt paper, torn from the edge of a newspaper, moistened in the Hps. and drawn under the lid of the eye that, is troubled from a locomotive spark or cinder, will in nearly every case remove it Instantly. It is so It, and the snflerer doesn't feel it. A NEIGHBORING exchange says: "We had some conversation lately with re liable farmers, and from all sources WP think that when the. corn Is cribbed there will be a change of opinion as to the extent of it. The crop is verv light and will not begin to turn out as »ell as Inst rear." JonN HENDRICKS, of Blivin's Mills will please accept the tlmriRs of' the editor and family for a nice crate of h,onpv left at our sanctum-on Thursday. Mr. Hendricks keeps quite a bee dairy and has certainly some as fine IIOUPV as can be found In the markpt. .May John "lire long and brosper,*' is tlu^wish of his many friends. The new five-dollar bank notes have put In their appearance. A fine en­ graved hp«d of thp latp Prpelrtent f?nr- field apppnrs on Hip eirip of flip fncp of the notp. aiuV the seal o£ flip Unitpd States^takes the place of the prdit?3fj*j: engraving'on the right side. On the back is the number of the bank In lathe work In large letters. The polor of the jvhole is in chocolate. "THE en'terfalnm'ent by the Cemetery Association last week was well attend- pd. and highly enjoyed by all. The IJt- f rarv exerPises by "ve w*ymmen ' and ye nienne"were A No. 1, while the Supper was a credit to/the ladies un­ der whose charge It was arra.nged. We learn that the receipts of the even­ ing, were^ometiilng over 840. We trust these eiitertnlnments nmv be con­ tinued from tiuia to-tlfne flprlBtf thp winter. • . PRRSONAL.. MRS. A. PORTMAN and daughter Louise, of Chicago, were visiting friends in this vicinity the past week. MRS. GEO. NEWELL, of Gt^den Prairie, III., was the guest of Mrs. E. D. Tripp, last week. JOHN ANDERSON, of Chicago,, called on friends heie on Tuesday. *' H. S. GREGORY has been quite sick the past week, but is now reported much; better. D. A. Potter, of Richmond, v«8 on our streets on Wednesday, SMITH COLBY and wife are ylsltibg friends In this village. WM. MUDGETT and. wife returned from a visit In Iqwa Oil Wednesday evening. > , . . " V ERN'1 SMITH, of Malcom, Nebraska, is calling on old friends here this week. THE Fat Stock Show, held un^er the auspices of the Illinois State Board of Agriculture, will open at the Exposi­ tion BuiMing„Ch1cago, Nov. 16th, and will continue until the 23d. 1 here will be the finest display of. fat cattle to be *een a»vywhere in the country. There will be reduced rates on the railroads. THE Georgia. Jubilee Singers and Colored Concert Company, a band of genuine Slaves, will give an entertain­ ment at the Parker House Hall, on Thursday and Friday evening^ of tills week. This company comes well"rec­ ommended, anfl our citizens can rest assured of a rich musical treat. Remem­ ber the date and place. at the Parker Hons® Hall, Thursday and Friday even- * ing. BREYER'S Comedy Company are ail- vertised to appear at Riversfile, nail., in this village, on Monday eyening next,, the 13tl». at which time tiiey will present the beautiful drama of "l>ora. or The Fanner's Iron Will." This company has just closed an engage­ ment of three nights at Crystal Lake, and sire highly spoken of by all who i saw them. Our citizens slipuld give themgb full l^ouse. '* T FOLIAGE parties are tfte PRESENT snb- s itute for picnics. The party In many Instances, embraces a leave-taking at the gate, and the foliage must be pressed immediately after gathering. The most attractive foliage Is between sixteen and twenty, and instances are on record where this variety has with­ stood pressure wonderfully* The study of leaves.Is a delightful one, but should he undertaken by no young man who can't leave at a reasonable hour. To the extreme surprise of our citi­ zens it was announced on. Tuesday morning that the powers at Washing­ ton had appointed a ne\$'.Postmaster at this plaee in the person o| C. V. Stevens, who took possession of the office and removed the same to big store,near the Depot, on Tuesday afternoon. As there the matter we shall not di«cnss the merits* or demerits of the ca«e at. this time, but simply make the announce­ ment of the changel SUBSCRIBERS' to-Dr. Foote's TfeaKh Mohih'g are offered unusually liberal premiums for the coming year. There is a long^Kt-f>f scientific works, two of which are sent with the Health Month' ly, one year for fifty cents, and ill the li=t of SI pr?miums. are included an elegant edition of Sha-k«peare and the American. Standard Dictionary, h^oks that have retailed largely-at 83 per copy. The illustrated premium list and a sample copy of the- paper" are forwardi-d free by the publishers, thp Murray Hill Publishing Co.. 120 Ea«t Twenty-eighth St., New York City, WE dropped in at the Photograph Gallery of L. E. Bennett, in thl-s vil­ lage, one day last weekend were agreeably surprised at its improved ap­ pearance under his management. He has papered, painted and otherwise improved the interior&sp that it Is now .one of the best arranged and neatest galleries In the County. He has also put in a new sky light, and is now pre­ pared to no all work in his line, from a tintype to a Cabinet Pltotograph. and warrant satisfaction. Mr. Ben sett is a first-class Artist, and we take pleasure in recommending hlni to the readers o.f the PLAINI>EALEU who niay want any­ thing in hi? line. Call and see his rooms and examine specimens. LIST of letters remaining in thp post office at Mcllenry. Ills., for the montb, ending Oct* 31.1882: Letters.--J. u. Dween 2, H. Daymand. B. f. Butler. W. F. Heghy.Gustave Roepke3. Isaas Lake". Alva S. Warner, John Neihs. Dr. J. A. St. John 2, Albert. J. Smith. Joel Ran­ dolph. Charley E. Sinfth, Adam Stra bele 2, Mary A. Boner, Mrs, Nettie Boyington. Mrs. Mary Barnes, Miss Maggie M. Ho ran* Mrs. Mary 11. Rowe, Alfre^l Gustafson. Gurine J. Mj'gaard. Postal Cards.--John Denilng. Wm. Eliert, W. J. Wallace. C. E. Travis. Park & Entiekin. George Apdinann. Miss Bertha Borchers, Mrs. D. C. Town- send. Mrs. B.,L Pratt, Miss Etta Kel- ter. In calling "for the above list, please call for "advertised"' letter*. , A «real.*tItedactloii. W© call the attention of owr fenders to the 'advertisement of Charles A. Wood &Co.,No. lT^orth Tenth Street, Philud>-i;ihii). Pa..whiTfn$r«mfacture the l'hiladelphia Singer ^ewinV Machine, which they ofler for tweiJy dollars, i'hev warrant jt to be an yexact dupli- i-ate, and as good in ever/ respect as those manufactured bs' tne old Singer Coippairy. which they sell for fifty dol­ lar? on installments,,or fo^tv dollars ,caslu The fact that Charles A. Wood & Co. ofler to send their machine to be examined before being paid for ought to be full guarantee that they are ali they claim. ^ 9 • J- Social Party. There ~wiJJ he a Social Party at the 'McHen-rj' in<>iise, in tliii* village, on Monday evening, Nov. 13th. 1882. Good music in attendance. Tickets 50 cents. ttWlSWiJiiilly invited. * , SOLON* The following was intended for last week but was unavoi dably crowded out: ^EDITOR PLAIN DEALER:--"Aft quiet on the ^ippersink"" (^r.'Nlblsh'Ing, as the gifted author of the *4s»weet bv and •by" declares to be the right pronuncia­ tion). No demonstrations of a warlike nature--except an occasional outbreak between the "bloods" and "scrubs." Our school, taught by Mr, Wire, be­ gins on Monday. The business and population of the plaoe are increasing. Onr new black­ smith has got ,fairly settled, and is doing a good business. Mr. J. Overton haVbeen enlarging and otherwise Improving his butter and cheese factory, so that It is now much improved In appearance, a6 well as much more commodious and convenient; and if any" one doubts Ills ability to compete with other factories, let them taste of some of his delicious butter aitld rich creamy'cheese, and then decide. It is not often that we have so rare a treat as we enjoyed last Sabbath In listening to the sermon of °Rev. Mr. Dlnsmore, who spoke In the school house to an'attentive audience-whethpr appreciative or not you may judge when Informed that they raised'-over ten dollars for liiirf ir)' less than ten minutes. He first, came here two weeks ago last Sabbath by invi tatloh. and many people from Richmond.Ringwood and English Prarip, besides most of the people of our village and vicinity were present, and were so well pleased with his discourse that another . invitation was extended to him (to come again in two weeks) which was acceptpd. While all seemed pleased with bis remarks on the previous occasion, and we were all prepared for a treat, yet WP must, in candor, admit that his last pflort fairly took us by so far exceeded anything we have been permitted to listPii to'for a long time. It was beau­ tiful. grand, ennobling. We went away feeling not that, we were miserable, condemned criminals, doomed bv an avenging and wrathful God to everlast­ ing perdition, but rather that a kind, loving Wl great Father, watching over his children; and that wo were indeed P:trl of that stupeii'lou* whole Whose iioit v nature is, aivl God--the soul. Mr. Dinsmore will preach again at the school house in this pla^e, Nowlfcth, at 3 o'clock p. rri., and, l,f we mistake not. those who tfko the pains to come will be fully repaid, for their trouble. Our Sabbath school, under the effici­ ent management of Miss Maggie Tur­ ner. is well attended and is prospering flnelv. The pulpit at the M. E. Church is also occupied every Sunday (morning and evening) hy our regular preacher. Rev, Mr. Brown, who is well liked. But our letter is getting already too long, and we must leave further men­ tion of this, as well as of the merits of our excellent choir (wliii'h slugs at both Until anofiier 11me. TIIK M liSlly'AL WUKi n. The entertaining magazine, Brain- arips ftftiHical Worfd, comes to ha;id this moutirwith the usual interpsting and and instructive . ' mis- cellany. correspondence, musical news, gossip.-etc.. and sl-xt-ee-H pages of de­ lightful new music i>y the best, authors. The World is an invaluable companion to all musicians; * teachers and pupils alike find it entertaining, pleasing and useful. and excellent song with chorn*;a' fine ballad; two beautiful; a galop and a Fantasia, are among the music pages of the Xovem -her number of this ever welcome guest. We'heartily commend the World to all lovers of music. The subscription price, is $1.30 per year; single copies 1H cents. The music received in tills way. in one year, would cost over $50 purchased*by tbe sheet. W. Brainard's Sbm-, 13fi State Street. Chicago, III., are tlie publishers. MISSING. " Mr. Jere Stapleton, of Spring, has been missing from III*, home since Fri­ day morning. He left Garden Prairie about 7 A. M.. going toward Marengo. He i« an Irishman by birth, talks bro­ ken. Is about SO years of age. 5 ft.. 8 in. In heighth. dark complexion, wore short stubbed., whiskers, and was dressed when he left home, in a hack frock coat, dark colored pants, and had on a black felt li?t. which he always wears slouch­ ed. About 3 or 4 weeks ago he broke" one. of his arms, and is therefore unable to work, though he does not carry it In i; sling. When he left home lie had $80 or §100 in money. It is feared he Is out nt his mind, and may have returned to his former home in Ohio. Any TTTfor^ illation gladly received. Address or call on . JAMRS STAPLRTOW, Belvidere, ills. JOHK S+ARI-ETOv, Garden Prairie. How to lncrea«p tlie Valu*f of Butter. Use Bean & Perry's Natural June Butter Color. Sample Bottje Free at Fitzsiuunons & pyanson's, Mcllenry, 111. The great manufacturing city of Lyons. In France, has for a fe\v days past Deen in a state of panic; its banks and public buildings are threatened by the mob; its theatres are deserted; the soldiers and police are getting ready for act ion. France has been shaken from Its equanimity by the discovery of con­ spiracies which are aimed against capi­ tal, order and the life of the republic In truth, the republic has been far too lenient with the dangerous political leaders of the hot-headed French rabble. It has even allowed them to hold meet­ ings whereat the president was form­ ally condemned t<> death. M. Ducleric is considered a man qf straw. M. Grevy is reputed an amiable nonentity. These are not the methods nor the men of France. The French need to be ruled with a strong hand, and if Grevy anil Duclerc are the strongest men that the "repuMic can produce, it will assuredly perish. ' , An envalunble strengthener of the nerves, muscles, and digestive organs, producing strength and appetite, is Brown's Iron Bitters* Kicluitmid Department. OONTKlBrTED, BV P. BENMBTT. Lots of the soldier, bovs came In fo^ medical examination. Nov. 1st. Henry Chevlllon mov*d Into lit* i»w house Nov. 2d. Ben Martin Is improving his premis­ es by a new fence. P. G. Sktnklp lost onp of tits team of horses from inflamatlon. Dr. Cook, of Hrnitly. made us A pleas- ant%^ll on Wednpsdnv. '-- A seven year-old road mare, warrant­ ed sound and a good stepper, for sale by Dr. Bennett.BRichmond. Most of the sidewalks ordered by a l«e ordinance of th» VI111 age Board are already built. -- Shelly: Was that puppy a. part of your regular church ta*, or don't it cotint? ' x -V-.; . The Village Board, finding "certain technical. If not. legal "difficulties in the way of procuring street lamps this Fall have adjourned action until Spring. Several of the hrethern from Wood­ stock were up to assist o«r Masons Sin confering two degrees, at the last con­ vocation of Richmond Lodge, N A. L, Brown. Just week received a severe fall upon his back causing Inter­ nal injuries that were feared to be seri­ ous. He Is, however, much better. Wtuiconda Department. Dr. E. R.Bennelt, after a two weeks vacation, returned tohis post !n the Cook County Hospital. Chicago, on Monday, the 6t)i. . John Wray, last week, made a sale of the two-year-old short horn lielfer, Ros Janet, to- J. E. Wesson, of Ring- wood, for $100; He also sold two grade heifers to the same party at #50 apiece. The pleasant countenance of Col. Wm. Avery beamed upon his friends In Richmond on Wednesday, the 1st. Inst. Before this reaches our readers he will be"Connty Clerk elect. An Aurora dispatch of Nov. 1st, says that tlie Fish Coimnissi&pers have commenced suit against several dam owners on the Fox Kiver, to compel them to put In fish ways in accordance with law. Our neighbor, Solon is "picking up ih the world." The baker who has heretofore been located in McHpnry has bought one of the houses and lots of the Turner property and Avlll es­ tablish his bakery there. He is put­ ting up his ovens and will soon be able *o supply his customers, old and new. with nice fresh bread, cakefc. pastry, etc- A blacksmith shop is also located there and .James Corkill lias reopened his harness shop there. A party Is looking up a plnf.e to start a meat iiharket there, tvhlch new enterprises together with Robt. Gardeners mer­ chant lie establishment, ought to make Solon a place of considerable business. The following is the result of the election In this t^wu on-Tuesday: For State Snp't. Public Instruction -- Chiis. T. Srrattan, 173; Ilenrv Raah, 3&: Frank IT. Ikill.2. For KfHjdlTreasurer-- John C. smith, 173; Alfred Opendorf, 38; D. McLaugh­ lin. 1. Representative to Congress. Fiftfi District--Reuben Elhvood, 173; Wm. Price, 37; B. N. Dean, 2. For Representatii-e. 8th Senatorial Distr'ct--Chas. H. TVy°n. 4fi0J; Chas E. Fuller. 49}: James Thompson. Ill; E. M. Haines,#: Aniory H. Allen. (5. For County Judge--O. H Giluiore. 17<>: t-^atlisle Hastings. 37. For County Clerk--Win. Avery, 175; John D. Short. 35 : G. B. Richards. 2. For County Treasurer--James Nlsh. 170; E. M. Lamb. 39; C. H. Morey. 2. For Sherifl--Asad Udell. 88; P. K. Allen, 120; Anson Thompson. 2. For Coroner--W. W. Cook, 173; Geo. Horn, 2; For portjnty Superintendent of Schools--S. D. Baldwin, 173; J. K. Wheeler, 38; A. W. Cumins, 2. For Appropriation. lf>9; against. 4. For Ceiling ('anal,. 178; against, 4. HOUSE AXD LOT FOR SALE. I oflier my house and lot. situated in the village of Mcllenry, for sale. There is a jrood barn, outhouses and small fruit on the premises. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to M. ENGKLN Z Revitalizing the blood is absolutely necessary for the cure of general de­ bility, weakness, lassitude. &c. The best enricher of the bipod is Brown's Iron Hitters. Attention. I>alrynjen Bean & Perry's Natural June Butter ^Color has no equal. It is guaranteed to give perfect, satisfaction. For sale by FitJisiinmons & Evansan,Mcllenry, 111. JSOCIAL DANCE. - At Peter Adam's Hall. JohnSborg, Friday evening Nov. 10. 18^2. Music-- Mcllenry Quadrille Band. Tickets-- 60 cents, All are cordially invited? PETER ADAMS. Proprietor. Bean A Perry*. Nalnral June Butter Color^ The strongest Color on, the market, ofhly requires one-half the atnount of other Colors. For Sale by Fltzsimiiions & Evansou, McHenrv, 111. A stock of Underwear 'sufficient |o ( supply McHenry and Lake Counties, to be sold at bottom figures. At C. V. Stevens. A full line of choice groceries always to be obtained at HENKY COfBT-S. Debilitated persons, and epflpfprj from wast ing diseases such as consump­ tion, scrofula, kidney afleptions, vviU be greatly benefltted by using Brown's Iron Bitters. ^ A complete line of Groceries, ^t reduced prices, at C. V. Stevens. POTATOES WANTED. * One '"Thousand bushels of Potatoes wanted, delivered at Dundee, f<^whicli I will pay 50-cents per bushel, cash, for assorted Snow Flake, and Peach Blows C. r. HAL^ Dundee, Oct. 30th, tSfft. «®-SUBSCRLPTLOXS for the PLAINDEALFR will be roceiyea in Wuiiconda at F. B. Har­ rison's Drug Store anfl by JRFFI^GoMing x l^ob.ert Taggart has gone into the printing business at. Kensington. Jack Taggart ^has returned f»*ovn Highland Park were he has been team- ing^during the fall. Emei-son Cook has s«!ctired a gopd position in Chicasro for the w|nterxf^d left for the city Friday morning. Faiiton Foster lias returned to his farm in Nebraska. * Mrs. Arthur Graham has returned from her visit to Minnesota. Miss Allie Poole bfe^jfts her school at Spring Bluff, la Benton township, Tues­ day. . ' Will Thornton has returned fr^m Da- kpta. where he has been since early In the spring. News has reached their friendsJiere Of the safe arrival In California pf Mrs. Swenson and Mr. Robert Harrison. Hop. E. M. Haines, and Prof. 0*Ma- hony, independent candidate for school superintendent, addressed the people in Maitpau's Hall Tuesday evening. Mrs. A. F* A'^lersoti died Tuesday night. She had been suffering from consumption nearly two j*ears. An unusually wejl attended and Inter esting Teachers! Institute was held at the school house Saturday. Assuming that neighborhood correspondence this week will he appreciated by the editor largely in proportion to its brevity, no report of the exercises is attempted. "CIOAKS, CKOAKS.--Call at Mrs. S. Sear!es\ and look over her large stock of Dplniana, Roman Circulars, Pelitses. Ulsters, and Chlldrens Cloaks. Also Cloak Trimmings in Plush, Fur. Orna­ ments, But tons, etc. Mrs. Searles is prepared to take Orders for Silk and Satin outside garments of every de- scrip tifltn." OYSTERS! OYSTERS! E. W. BROOKS, Wauconda III., dealer in Gro­ ceries, Canned Goods, Confectionery, Cigars, Tpbacco, Notions, Ac. «Aiso Headquarters for Piatt & Co.'s celebra­ ted Baltimore Oysters. I am now pre­ pared to furnish Fresh Qvstprs by the Can or Dish, at all hours of the day or evening. My Refreshment Parlors are cosily fitted up, we^i warmed and light­ ed, and no pains will be spared to please all who call. 1 also make a specialty of all kinds of Can Goods, and keep a fine line of Confectionery. Give me a call. K. W. BROOKS. You will find Cotton Biits atyl Prints very reasonable at fitzsimmOns A Evnnsons. » Standard Prints at. Five Of^tS yard at C'V. Stevens', per SETTLE UP. Having I? a so d :sy w iim Winter I hereby reqilest all those ?»i- dehted to me to c#ll and settle t ;esam« without ilela.v. I trust those knowing themselves owing j^e Vill not vvait for another notice hut'call at onue, as my books must be settled up. JOS. J. FUETT. The Highest Rank Made from harmless materials,. and adapted to the needs of fading and fulling nair. Parker's Hair Balsam has taken thehighest rank as an elegant and reliable hair restorative. H. H. Nichols will sell you 2 pounds of Coftee for 60 cents, and make you a present of a nicely decorated cup and. saucer. Ginhamf and Plaids, new and stylish prices right. Ai Fitzsimmons & 'Evan- sons. Do not fail to examine those suspen­ ders now being sold at Fitzsipimmi* A Evansona. They are "worthy your in­ spection. A true assistant to nature in restor­ ing the system to perfect health, thus enabling 'txto resist diseasc, Is Brown's Iron Bitters. Cook's Cider Mill. Two miles Northwest of Wauconda is now prepared with TWO FIRST-CUASS PRKSSES. to make vonr apples Into Cider on short notice and in the best manner. Give me a call and I will guarantee every partic­ ular, M.Cook, Call at E. M. Owen A Son's and see the celebrated Hapgood Sulky Plow that is warranted to run lighter than a Walking Piow.. A General Stampede. Never was such a rush made for any drug store as is now at Henry Colby's, for a trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. All persons afflicted with Asthma. Bronchitis, Hoarseness. Se­ vere Coughs, or any affection of the Throat and Lungs, can get a Trial Bot­ tle of this great remedy free fey calling ataboye Drug Store. . * YOUNG MEN. We can fit you to the nobbiest- soft of clothes or ulsterette to be found in thef jj,, v • PERRY & MARTIN. | • - • Clothing. Our stock ot' children's boys' and men's dothing and overcoats, we-thinH the 1 firmest eyer shown in this vU+nj^ When in town w<e wouljKfiSpleased to show yon through our clothing room, whether yon wish to purchase or not. Good gopds at close prices and always as represented, is the motto by*whi<*h we hope to re­ tain the very liberal patronage so generously extended tq us in the past. We appreciate your trade, and shall at all timesdo ouy utmpst to please you.' • c . HfKftf Cp^BT. Dolmans, Cloaks and Jackets in all styles and eolors. guaranteed to At any tignre, at manufacturer's ^prices at Perry & Martin's. CLOTHING! CLQTHING.! The latest styles and lowest prices to bp found i:i the county, at C. V. Stev­ ens". o We want your trade and If yon want onr goods there will, he nothing to prevent us from doing business to­ gether. Our new Stock is certainly complete «iid prices always rigln. FlT^HMl|OKS A EVAJtSOV. The Farmer'^ Friend- Published at South Bend. Indiana. Terms, only fifty cents a year. Circu­ lation. 33.000. The laigest and best agricultural paper in the country. Eight, large pages, fort v-elght columns,' fe«v, advertisements and almost donlile th reading matter given by the 81.50 agricultural papers, but we send fit to yon for fifty c«nts a year. Pre­ miums to every subscriber, premiums to ;lub raisers, and 23*2 splendid pres­ ents given them in .addition, consisting of a 9470 New Blrdsell Clover Huller. complete, including re-cleyiu»ng attach­ ment. which cleans ttte seed as threshed: a $60 Casaday Sulky Plow; a 865 Studebaker farm wagon; Oliver ('billed Plows, Sewing Machine. Silver­ ware, etc. Some of the departments of the Farmers Friend are "Farm Topics." "The Orchard." "Idve Stock,- •\Tli6 Poultry Yard." "Home and Health," "Do,mestic Economy." "Onr Young Folks." "The Puzzler," "The .Mory Teller." "The Funny Place ".Sunday Readlnsr," "The Clover Leaf." "Tl\« i\p1ory." "Letter Flasket.*' "Va­ rious Topic*," "Correspondence.'^ "Hints for the Season." "World's Rec­ ord," etc. Practical farmers and the best writers contribute to it. Agents make money canvassing for it. An^ subscriber authorized to act as agenf sen d*0 cents tor a year's subscription, or write yonv- sianie and those of your neighbors on. a postal Qi^d for. tree .Sample copies, ami our Illustrated pre­ mium Ibt. A«l^ ress!« Farmers' i.tieud Publishing Co.. Soutb Bend, Ind.' MRS. II. II. NICHOLS Has just returned from the city with a large aud ^elected stock of Fall and Winter Millinery Goods, for the Fall and Winter trade, and is now prepared to show to the ladies of McHenry and vicinity the finest lot. of stylish Hat$^ Flowers, Feather. Ribbons, J^eckwew. etc., etc.. ever brought to this town, and whlch"she will sell at bottom pric­ es. Do not fail to call and examine her stock be fort purchasing, as she is sure to please you both la quality style and price. t FEED MILL The subscriber having purchased, and thoroughly repaired the mill situated two and one half miles west of King- wood. (formerly owned by C. A. North- up), is now prepared to grind feed at short notice. Best grades of llonr constantly on hand, and for sale at lowest possible rates. FRANK P. COOOIK. PARTICULAR NU.TICK, All persons knowing themselves ln« debted to me are requested to call and settle the same without delay, as I need the money. Now this means business, qp4 1 wqpt a(l ovying me to pay up at once. IIAHTIH BtTONH. Johnstmrgh, Oft. 17th, 198S, If yovi want Bargains In Plumes go to Mrs. Searles'. WORTHLESS STUFF. Not so fast, tpy friend; if y<pt could see the strong, healthy, blooming men, women and children that have been raised from beds of sickness, suffering, and almost death hy the use of Hop Bitters, you would say. "Glorious aud invaluable remedy." See auotlier col­ umn. Fitzsimmons & Evanson are closing 4 ut a Lot pf Suspenders at half price. Rheumatisnv disordered blood, gen- sraldpbil'tnr.any p5tfv>uiodisesi?es'd Incurable, are often cured by Brown's Iron Bitters. Ovf n\*prked men and wpmen, persons of sedentary habits, and others whose system needs recuperation, nerves totifd. a^d musclesstrengthened,should use BrowiPs Iron Bitters. Come and take out a Hapgood Sulky Plow. Be your own judge. Giyp It a thorough test. You all know that It will carry a BIG man and thep run lighter than any 14 inch walking plow made. See one at E. M. Owen & Son's. , Mrs. Seprles will open this week a large stock of Ladies' and Children's Cloaks. H. H. Nichols will sell yon one pound of choice Japan Tea Jgr&O cents and make you a present ollf pipely decorated cup ami .saucer. A pure, strengthening tonic, free from whiskey and alcohol, cures dys­ pepsia and similar diseases. It has never been equalled. Brown's Iron Bitters. Buy the Casaday Sulky Plow for sale i>y L.II. Harrnian, Ridge field. HI. H. H. Nichols keeps Oat Meal Crack­ ers. Soda Crackers, Milk Crackers, Butter Crackers, Star Wafer Crackers. Frosted Creams aud Ginger Snaps, al­ ways fresh and the best grade that can be found in the markpt. - The best 60 cent Tea In tbe county at H. H. Nichols'. Call for a sample and be convinced. Farmers, you want a light running Sulky Plow, if any. A plow that will run lighter than any walking plow on place. Jf so, purchase a Hapgood at E. M. CJwen t Son's. ' Farms For Sale. Apply tp Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, in: H. H. Nichols has the finest Show Cases of Cigars on exhibit this side of Chicago, Drop in aud smoke. A general invitation to all. City residences for sale. Apply to Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, III. JTor first-class insurance against fire and Lightning, wind storms, cyclones, tprnadoes, etc., etc.. apply to Asa W. Smith. Woodstock. ll(. The largest aud best assortment of Gloves and Mittens in town, at C. Y. Stevens-. Go aud see the new stock of Sliawls at C, V. Stf vens*. Rock ford Yarns and Flannels, best goods in the'market, at Fitzsiminons $ Evanspus. . Cotton Bats, cheaper thai} befp.fe, at C. V. Stevens*. * <3o tp If. H. N icliois^ for yot}c tp- bacco. He keeps the largest and l$npsf .-tock in the county. :im • » • -- . i -- Business NotittW Go to Mrs. Howe'* for MHUMIT Dressinak^yi^. Fishing Tackle of~all kip^e EugelnV 'ln Howe's Block, Dear new ^riage. Buckeye Force~Fuiupi, 0 X» Owen^, ^ Always Ketrnliii^. \ delicious odor 1* imparted FJore$ton Cologne, which i$ always freshing, up '^w tseelj; ns^d. The Snest line oTs\Tver ^nd Ptatp Ware to' be found in the ̂ O^nty, 'f^-° W. Owen^s. Society Belief. On accoynt of its remarkably d°W icate and lasting fragrance, society b*Ules*re loud \u ttirlr ~f ^loreston Ctilognp. " FOR SALFL" 40 Acres of land In Section 11. al^ fenced. Al^o.iO av'res of land, with a good liouse aud barn thereon, wltl\ timber and water lu abundance, In Sec-, tion 24. Alsa'nay homestead w <be Cryst»\ Lake ftud Nunda road. Good 'n«*r house, barn >nd other outbuildings.--; Apply to FLVSKY. Kid glove®, button and loop lace, it^ black ci»lors and all tints at Perry St Martini, * F^TY BU^HfiliS OF OATS Wanted in exchange for j^wnitpre, at John B. Blake's. Call and over look the ftitp Jof pf Carriages at E. M. Owen ^'Spp*<t_ FOR SALK. A good Stove, suitable fpr s|)up. Inquire at this of^ce.. Don't buy your Coats and Sbpe* until you have called at C. V. St£Y£US. He wpl save you money. Thf "Aurora" Road Cart, thp easiest thing out'on rtum and horse, at ' 'K. M. Owen A Son's. - V- r .. NOyiPfS^ ' I am in the mill again, ami am pre- pareil to grind w!ie:<t orfcedou shirt notice. Give ine a call. < HHNBY OATM*»T. 1 SpringGrar^, IlL, Sept. S, lWt *'*" * Oa§e. Furst & Bradley. Mo.Hpe, Hap­ good and other Sulky pk^wa at K. M. Ow«« 4 Son*. If yo^ w^ftt tp buy Ck\tblag at Cbl- •pago ftvices, ^all on E. La^lus, In Lai\- Slng^s Block, McHenry. CARR1AGEM CAHHIAGESl CAR­ RIAGES} Anyofie in want ol a .Carriage, Buggy or Wagon, should not fail ten call on E. M.'Owen A Son and see tlia large car-load }usi receivpd. Tlie flnpst finished lot ever come to tlis County and will sell them cheap. HEAD LIGHT OIL. The best Kerosene Oil tn tUMPil H. H. Nichols. 176 Fire Test. FENCE POSTS FOR SALE. 2000 seasoned Burr Oak Fence Pott* for sale. Inquire of JQHJT DQKAK. FOR SALE OR RENT* - A Blacksmith Shop and Tools, at Bllven's Mills, McHenry County. Illi­ nois. Inquire of R. TWKKI> A SON. Bt.iv^4^ MILLS, Awprnat mth, iaaa. Our stock of druars, chemicals and patent medicines was never more complete. Goods reliable and prices right. ^ TJKXRT COLBT. A new and complete stock of Glnfr hams. Prints, ̂ nd Woolen Dress jdroowi this week at PERRY A MARTIN'S. You will always find good fresh Oysters ^t H, H. Nichols'. An effective medicine for kldneje diseases, low feverg and nervous pro*- t ration, and well worthy of a trial, t* Bvown^s Iron Bitters. Fine Hhoeg. Our stock of Foster's celebrated Beloit Shops is complete. For. style and dumhtlity they cannot be excelled. to see them- HVNRT COLBT. liopk nynr onr Drive In an all wo«| Dlagp(ia) Ulstprette. It is a leader PKRitY & MARTIN, Dress Goods, Dolmans, Cloaks, Ladies and Gent$ ttnderware. Overcoats, all new ^ud stylish, prices very mode^i ate at Fi\zfimmnns A Evanson. Gpssttn^r ciix;ular.<- and coftlt for ladies and gentlemen, and * till 1 line of rubber opods alwavs to he had ^ \ ' \ HENRY COLBT*®. ^AMj»S. LAMP3. Office I,amps. Parlor Lai^ps, II^nj^inA Lamps, Bracket Lamps, and the eel#*, hrated Oscar Wilde Lamp, at B^sley^l Drug Store. ANOTHER BARGAIN. We have a few pairs pf ?hil(T<9 and misses' Shoes we are closing out %t ha^f price. PKRRT A MABT^. Overcoats and \ilsterettes. \ htrge line an«l the latest styles You ure a§ked to examine thent at COLBT'S. If yon want a pair of good Boots Hi Shoes, latest style, go to Perry A Mafe tin's BUTTER AND EGGS. Wanted. Butter and Eggs at FaoOK Prices at C. V, Stevens'. ^ FOR SALES. > A first class new Parlor Violin--with Box--f^r y^ ̂ aR* Inquire at this office. * The celehmted "hiiffalq ^qotst a full .'iiie of meiiHi aud boys' ways to bq had ul nKNRT CpLB^#. pw MILLINEflY STOB ̂ At Nunda. MRS. Q. \Y* (^Oi. BY f(-oul4 vospeel* fully i|tfQf.q\ th§ pulie^ pf X^nda anA' vicin|ty that ^he has opened ^ i|la-> nery store III the fpoin^^t*ye\. the poj] oflfi^e and h.-i? j^st rej'vjyed a fwU tin pf jiats. Bonnets, gibbon;. La^'es. anil Laili^s ^irnisiipig CJooiis generally, »f- thp latpst styles, ipid Js con tide nt sbj| C«n please All who may give i;ef a My gooils are all new and of t hp latest' styles to l»e (o^ml in the m^r^ft. an«l as 1 buy for cash I am conAdeut (bat C can sell a4 cheap, if npt ybeap.fp tlian any other place in the conniy. Calj and see m.v styles ^nd iearn privet, ho- fore yop purchase. W*S- li,T. poi.av. Xrm«l^, Sept. 1SS3. I- „ "•""1' -!' - 1 ' BUTTEB-WtllftEB Qm pctocipto * DIRECT AND PQW£RftH PRESSURE, instil of rotliiK. gnadlae at upon fbci butter. Works Ux m w M CERTAIN, EASY, QUIC& STRONG, CHEAP. - 1 taid for fall AworiptiTo cuxulan to UM I^mlM fnd SOLE MAKERS, PORTER BLANCHASD^ SONE^ ,. eowoow, M. M.

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