SKEW swisfs; -mm a\ ~- v w ."V .. f *• . .*•'*• ,< \ ̂ ,w*<bi Attftrl mm MM* hwm •»u; - ~r\H •<? %£> ̂ ..v . .<- f| v < > , ." #*« ?̂ "*! '"»» J?"£ ̂ *** ' " > » • *W7*7TJ^** r?« 4 "Vs* ^ **V» 7%\ V'. 1 >f. ' X v 1 " o * V ^ •1 i - H* > & > - ' % Y /' ' • -"V * ,' *t \p* - 4ro «./ ' * ^ J , # .V^,«v^ */*>. Vj.'. - - .*p • VJ^FEXI»».-• J W .J. - - --* J- JGFOA>**.V .1 - .. »- - "•,*:_ %. ^ ^ - L . tt' jWfuTj ^ •Vit'iiift.'i- r"i >ur 'HKttwAu 'BONK8DAY. NOV. 15, 1882. ,T. VA N N LTIi E. Kditor. ff-fjr- " HIM. O. K rm.i.Mt rOR KPKIKKM. Among flu* names mentioned for F|*»*1cer of tli2 lower House of our State reuUlitnre, we JIF© pleaded to ' notice that of Tlon. Charles Fuller, of tliia District. ami we most heartily,. **t»oonr1 tlie motion." From li'ts ex perience ami eminent fitness for the position we know of no man in the 8(at« w'»o would better fill tlie'posi- tt«m. - ./--. • TIMI C«mit|#* com prising tl«e 8th DlMrfrt ltav« ""nlwnya beelt ehr^est working Republican Counties. And we do not thitik it now too much to ask that one of our members be elected Speaker of the Incoming of Representatives. The fact that this District has no State institution, uor other local cause to enlist hissyinpa- Uif in favor of any ©no section of the State a* against at the expense <»f any «|ber. and that Ids County. Boone, is not In that close jdlinnce, politically or " otherwise, with Cook County, so as to noddy influence Ids action in reference to requi^d legislation fAr Cook County, Is stfonjr rea«on in favor of his elect ion «* Speaker. The voters of his District, fcy a large majority, endorsed him for - th« high position claimed for him, and for which his acknowledged expedience ; and ability o so eminently fit 1dm. Therefore we say "For Speaker. HON. CHAKI.KS F. FULLKK. ot Boone. fS^The vote given in this County for C*pt. C. II. Trvon, our tnen»b«r •!«ut to the Legislature, was a compli ment to an able and popular man. With one Independent and one sorehead can didate in the lie Id, who were using every mean* known to pot house poli ticians to draw votes front the regular nominees. Capt. Trvon ran right along with his ticket, getting the support of nearly every WepubUcnn who came out to rote. And the voters of th«* District will never regrjjt the confidence reposed In htm. lie nUl do lionor to Ithnself •nd the District. nip' !'"̂ r S9*Tlie full returns from this Sen- Mortal District confirm* the election- •f the notorious E. "M. Haines over Thompson by a majority of 7S6. The election of such a political trickster is certainly a disgrace to the District, and the Republicans, who, by their Totes, have aided him to gain this po- •ition.should receive the curses of Jjll trne Republicans. "In politics -we can Inspect air iiont»rahie Opponent, uo matter whetherfehe he Democrat or Greenback. But tliese political bush whackers. calling themselves Indepen dents, who have been kicked out of all parties, and whose only object Is to g»# »ii«lr tijttdjtijAft _ tli* JMIIUS ta'ib-. we detest. Fr^-.n Ibc •'pirtincl, >Tov, Pth, IRS*?. "When Or?nk M*ot« Creek, Then ^oin«M> •the Tug »»f War. iWiowIoff we clip from tl»* AirfT*Mir,v Honntv Dem^cmf: Wo IIHVO in OHT'CITV a l'tirincr <le;i1«r in ORT liiio-s, now :i itoetrnr nt tho pulilic. crib; a ftpciilcr of photographs anrl a f*sr-en<l poliliciaii, an«1 ;i l)l«Mu'»aK!i« expounder of Bl.ickstonc, who uhv.-iys crvM " hen ik'fcillf'1, who, one rikI ;\ll of ihem," ninke it « 'iicmt, rJiroueli Hie columns of n disreputable shoot published at McHcirv villajre, to nbnsc our citizens col- lertivclv nn<! indivitlnnily. This week-we cnive in'for «nr share of litis vile not iciillv n? we mijrht expect, but personally anft'assw'i 11i;isr xrit-hwsthe shortcomings of one wl»ohi charity's mantle ought to cover, in pla .'•.e of these *|:uni<(r<ni,s inniieni! >es srotteh" up by one ot this 'rio, «.« portnived in the Pfainrii'dter <»t t his iveck. Now, you snarVinfr whelps, n ithont character or.staivtnijr where vim :ire known, if vou wan* family matters prone yon will ,l;e amply mipplicd, not with clan ft,' but facts, as we are thorouxhlv jwste.l on both your indoor life ami outside working*, from the Wont fsidc of the Hantisv church lo the jri avel pit on the hill. "Then ranie on McD tIT nnd damned be lie who tlrH 'cries hold enf.uKh." '-j-~ We patiently a\Vait developments. Someone please rise and explain. lector, (whose curate had left the parish) visiting an old woman.--Well Betty, I expect you will miss Mr. R a good deal' Betty.--Oh. yes, elr, He were a beautiful younsr man, sir. Rector.--Well, he was ' good man. Betty, nut I don't know about his being exactly heantiftil. Bet ty.--'€Hi. h^ wern't much to look at in tho face. I know; but Lor;*jWjr„ ids innards was lovely. • - So 1»Te think of the Democrat from cellar to garrett; The "innards" are not as-large as the Sentinel, but .they seem to be just as lovely. "Yes. sir** lie said, "that*# ftn awful knowlnac null-dog of mine. He was jam full of fleas, and he got* sick o" wrenching his spine and the cords o* his neck reaching round to gnaw 'em. besides lie was rather tired o' the taste o' himself. What did lie do? Went out. sir, and got into a fight with minth«r dog and let that dog do ,t!ie gnawing fon him. Mighty intel ligent dog, sir." Wonder how the Sentinel Hb«8 tlie gnawing. " Now. as the Lemocral sends the challenge and tl»v Sentinel chooses to act as second by re-publishing tlie above, tli-' "'love of honah. sail," de- mauds that «ve eitlier accept or <lccline. We choose the latter lor two reasons which are: First. If rnns a race wiili a g««U. tlie latter attracts the most attention; and second, as the Vermont fanner said after a contest wit'i a skunk."he did not mind the the j>qimblde. but It was mighty h;u-d to c >liCe:ll i i." And thus is it evct*.7 •Vou mi v kill--you tftay rnin| the skuaU if vou will, « • • Bat ttic scent of the polecat hangs rbuwt It still." ' Therefore we simply say in tlie per suasive language of old Deacon Honie- sptin: "John, don't, let the bull hook the old mare. And we are not partic ular whether you spell It mare, or mayor with au "ex" befor^ it, nor which of-the challengers von call the XQttt««r which the other feller. • * WlJEW. BOOTS: AND SHOES V- 7 • wV9 <M2:1 ~'W*'^hafi"just received au immense Stock for tEe / * •$* -§*•- v 1 •» */r~* f « - r , w FALL AND WINDER If ttotf iioti't' tail to ctill ftt tho WaiicoMa Drni Store aai Bait • ' ( '.f'T you the finest Ttno of theBe ^oods cver brouwht to Mcflenry,County. . Remember we buy am? sell for Cash, buy our goods Aud l<**i ©iif prices. have Just completed arrange- mcftts with the publishers, so that we ran now furnish you all papets and magazines, by thedayj week, month or year, at the low est dub rates- And when eall- in<r, ask to see those Albums, marked way dowtt t» plear out stock. ' 'v aV Alw.ays wTad to see yoil whether it be to <ret, papers, Albums, Knives--nnrkeddown too,--Ala; bast ine--one pound or fifty- Carbolic Sheep Dip--much better to kilI Ticks than a Tobacco wash --or any other article in our line, or simply to shine upon u# tj|f|r light ol your countenance. Fr B. HARRISON, <>&-• * 1 •Q. Bottom Pnce% ('an and will give you such bargains that it will pay you to come from any puiA of the county to trade wltli jus, no matter hb^r. -'jomi.- the distunce. We keep a. full line of*-1" mum -r~' We shall Offer 5, Standard Printlf unprec- SELZ CELEBRATED CUSTOM., MADE GOQ||, c1, both fine and coarse, for men, Women and •XWi: '<• V- • MV' Constantly on children, r 1 f>r- i"'T fyf .jlQ^The proposition to cede tlie Illi- «0ls and Michigan Canal to the United ffta'e" government was carried by. an overwhelming majority at the late »l«ction in this Stale. There was ••ry little opposition.-the understand^ tng being that if the Federal Govern ment accepts the gift, it will extend (be canal to Bock Island by fongtnu t- Ing the projected Hennepin Canal, and thui eBtahlish a direct water-way ior. tr»nsportation between Lake Miehftran And the Mississippi. As regards the other prwposiiion that was voted upon tn this State at the recent election-- roakiug »n appropriation for complet ing tfce Stale Hou«c at Spri:igfield-r the result wa» for a time in doubt, but wim carried by a majority somewhat IMplier than tlie Canal question. THR LKfilSl.AMVK COSTHST. The sharp political tight over mem. Iwrs of the Legislatum in this district ia endttd. ,Wliile the result is. In some FtwpecU a surprise to us as well as to tlie entire district.still it is nqne the le«» gratifying. The district has elect* Messrs. Puller, Tryon, and probably Haines to leprescut tliein in the Tlie Eighth District Vote In the Eighth Senatorial District the vote for members of the General As sembly is as follows: Fuller's vote-- Lake. 2778; MeHenry, 1731; Boone. 31594; total, 7668$. Tryon's vote--Luke, 2<534J ;McHenry, 3S28; Boo no. 23.'! J; total 6(136. Thompson--Lake. 578; Mellenrv 3226; Boone. 395; total, 419P. Ilaii es^ --Lake. ,3916$; MeHenry, 52G; Boone. 142J;itotal. 4585. C-owan--Luke, 98$: MeHenry, 429; Boone. 2343$ ; total, 2871. Allen--Lake, 79$; Boone, 288; MeHenry 195; rotal, 502$. tlaiueV wajofiij ov<B> Thompson. 786. W. H. DWIGHT, "Woodstock, A edented low'price 3 Cents a yard. a 3 Cents a A t . The McHenrv* Brick Hamtfacturlng Com pany m-mflMtfitMnnrif-'liivk'. in qitagn- - , i ties 1f. • ,;V?' --TO-- Car Loads. Their Brick are aorond to none to be fouml. in the market, anrl will be sold at the lowest market ].riee. 1 l ' intemtinfr to bnilft, or thoao hand- linp liric.k. will do well to call'and see as be fore j iirehasing. For fttrttier mformati<» api^y to of addree 6 MeHenry Brick Maiif^iuiii McHE^RY ILLINOIS. TO THE PUBLIC. I til JOIINSBURGII, ILL., Woulfi respee.tfntly inform the public that, he has just received a full stock of Goods for the - Fall and Winter Trade, To whidi he invites their especial attention. Hit Stock consists in,]>art ot Good Goods, AND-- aPERRT 0t MARTZXT. HENRY COLBY! General Merchandise. Real Merit the Basis! •©"The Legal News says; "The su preme court of Indiana, in a recent case, deciiled. where a defendant toy pistols with cartridges to two hoys such sale being contrary to the statute, that such £*le was also negligent, and the .accidental wounding of one of tlie boys, jn playing with the pistol w;ss the iiiiturul and probable conseqiienc?- of the defendar.t's act in selling the tpy», and _he was held liable." , - v J@" .Whpn a Hong Kong geiHleman desires a wife and yet does not know next i where lo find one, he advertises in a General Assembly. Mr. Fuller receives the largest majority of any. Mr. Tryon coming next. It will thus be seen that the bitter tight made against the lle- |Hibiicau nominee from this county has r«i*ulted in giving him a larger vote titan lie would otherwise have received. .V-T,';We regret that the .light has been ."iM- --we regret the division in the Bepttblicau ranks, but now •lection is over, we hope all Will cease, and the parly he again thor oughly united In this county. We liiuwevcr. cannot neglect to congrrt- •ilato the Republicans upon the .hearty tupport they have given to their noiu- i®ee in i>pite of the onslaught upon • Jpiu,--lielvidere NorthwcxU'm. manner to leave no mistake as to his requirements. Here is a specimen of the self-denying sort: "I want, a wlf. . She-must be a • maiden under twenty years of age, afid must not have left ̂• S* A case envolved the liabilities ; 0 a husband for liis wife's deltts. from | i|hrnn he was seperated and had adver- j tlsed in the newspapers, was tried in | Provldeiuv», 11. I., the other day. The j tins band was sued for $50due for board- j In- his wife. Tlie judge allowed tli»* j CoiuplaliiHUt the full amount of tlx* | till, holding that when ,*a woman i» frilling fo live with her husband, as in j|h» case cited, "postii g" her iu jpap^rs did not relieve him from the ^•f|M>ns|hiliiy of Iter debts. her father's house. She must\ have never read a hook, lw»r eyelashes must he half an inch in length. Her ieeth niiist i>e as sparkling as the that the ]"p»*Hris of Ceylon, iter breath must be divisions | like the scents of the magnificent odors of the groves of Java, and her attire tnrst be from the silken weavers of the Ka Li-Ohlug, which are on the batiks of the greatest river in the world, the ever-flowing Yagn tse-Kiang." A girl of this delightful sort is worth, to •the special purchaser, something like 8190. »nd is set down as a fairly good bargain. OLD BLftHCHtRD CHURN Five Bizea made for Family Dairies. Five sizes for Factory use. Perfect stock and tho best work. Strong, simple, efficient, convenient and durable. Tliey continue to be THE "STANDARD CHURN OF THE COUNTRY. T R Y O N E . Send for full Descriptive Circulars to PORTER BLANCHARD'S SONS, OOIICORP. W.Hi GROCERIES,' ftotis&s, Boots. ShcOs, TINWARE, ^ &c„ Ancl in short everytliincr usually kept in n Ki~st Class (jCncra'l Store. The Highest Market Pricey IN CAS1I OR TK^DK, ..jdhio_»sa# »« • t»tmmm mwMW* Thankfnl for p*ist fjivors T silicir a continu ance of tlie sHine', and shall always i»e tflad t" mci't Hll ray <»!• I friends, and as litany new ones as nr.ty seu At-'to call. OlfAS. KUKXERT. Johnslturg, Oet. 17th., ISstJ C. L. PRATT, WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS, * A . , ^enld resptfctfnlly.infovm "the citizens of watic.ohrla and siirvoundintr <v>u»tvv that tie I IIUH a Isr/re and well sclented Ktoctc of tijods in Ins line, for Hie Full and Winter trade, in part of conisistiinu 3: ^ MISHAWAKA HiUlSBflitBB Patents. {J M .. Pf!'! a rou^li skotrli or a l» r ] HI vour irivciitio:> in L .; i:. LUP.:G.\,. \V3B!iiii»ton. I>. C.. and a f-ri limiumy Br lt:;i:;;an:i:itn \,ki b:- r t !:ai'tcc, uf nil t nitml Ktnt^s pnifnts of the ol' inventi-jiis aii'l ynu will 1 m BuVUeil ttn-'( '»• »<>( :' pa-' it .-a-.! !•<-- oi.taiiK-il. «"«- Ii y;..| irMVlvisi ' ' 'They are beginning to have fmiii* l«» tJalitornia. A pri^yate l^tt r Jroui Al»ui-i!a eoiiuty. dared the ^utli ;#f Octolter--a w«?ek ait" yesterday -- "Karly raius--not the u»ual J |jli«w#ni- made this uionili Mi 1 ever fcpeiil here. Tlie grain green ft'd th" iilr«^f» rt»<l utiJil. uii'l %lto«jetber everytliiji^ is r!.:ii !i!in^. J[O(K1 iiiixiiint of daiiiR'^e to unilnesli- F ft heat wa* done/hut (':ilifornta maul wnetjii^ri? t«» ^ro<v l iiboui;" tJi. l yrrir Mtrntabl*. semi >«>;l, t»> pay Oovermnenl fen of &1.) *juh| tor UI-:HVII:T< required h.v the liovc-riiment. This is pav- wii"n ri|i|»lietition i.< nui le. Wlic-n all-iwed, (iie ub! flttof (fii')l i til l Hll.N villi;- |i iUS 111 licit iUli„'nll'llt ,.•1 , -< lit-. mill I lie finul < iovi-ntiiieiit pa.Vilble. All -ittont '.'V Willis;! ilo|rf>';llp; on ^ ill nblr.iiiii,^ a l';strm will iiot ;i:lvi»e yi>u I*.'"1 i««tfiit»l>lc uiik-ss It II nil.v is, aa li^'i-riii 1 in-; Ueriee. exainiiutlioii is hml. i/cigti ami Mic U:r!.i(itra«io:i of Lab-ln, TraUeOIarks, nud ii<t filed. R-'-i;. /'4i j Ajiplic 11.. t:;' .'."j i l.-:., -.don<>d. er rl Htcd ( n» "» maile. If v«u lutve mi ierl.ikcii - I •' l;-: | .Hi,. I I'nfr •• TW --:it)0 •,:tuv li-c '. to Ba-.-vc-.-s. -t utj n'.i. a I wr; ,-ii l-w-H-t liiMri-g.<>-( to »l:c Cn:nni; • I..nt r of Pi' iiM t mt ti» ret*"., tt nr.aunr. R. t.UMO*. of i .*»•« .iJiM-ni, I>. ;.-•«»ut»-u-ivv •» tlie trkf- , 1-* III-- Mile Of th- iill It ' F1 ' •" rtlt • •; . of 1 JL" • ,! •».4«-::..-<Mt«^4«a4i.«u xCitv.i. •hi u tr</. •. ln*.K-.-eMulo|i',i-mi.mjiiijcelji6-'i - . ( i .. ',e f "- 'I '-1 ! .-llr i'< i?i nlrci'r- • i-- ^ ' C" . i »n»V>'i*«-s „ I., OEOPOE e . '£**-». CHRONIC DISEASES CURED. New pal lis ninrkecf ont by thnt most popivar bi ok i n Mp.i ical, SuctAL. and FCTXUAL SRIF.NCF, 1'I.AI.M HOME TALK and MFDICAI. C< MMON SENHE. Kcarly 1000 Julias and 200 lllusl rations, ti uaung of tlie human bedy in a:d disease, liy It It. E« B.I/OOTE,or;\©w k-oi k city; rricc, 91.50, Over 500,000 of his books have been sold in thcUi.ited St»teF,Er aland, Germanyi.i;d Australia. AnEdin- borouvrh phynicinn. retired after lif>y ymrs jiractice, writes: "Your li-nvk is itrieeleHSio value. nvdcul- < Hi'ited lo rtycntratr yoeiety."' A ltt-pngo contents table of Plain Home Talk, a copy of Dr. Foote's Health Monthly, and'a 100-vaga pan }»hlet of "Kvldincfs" of tho curability of r.ll Chronic Diseases of whatever pari. sent for.3 cent.0. DR. FOOTE'S Hand" Book of Health Jllnts a«tl Read j Receipt* gives 128 pi'gcxcf art vim daily habits in nil My«wme, and rc<'ii«-a lor euro ot common ailment*-- a valuable referen^o book for evci-y family. Bv mn'l, 25 lints. LIBKBAL UISCOCSX TO AIIESTS. Murray Slill Publl«hlne; Co., 129 Ea»t 2»th Street, New York City. FACTS. 1st. Thit the Phneni <c, of Hartford is dc voted exclusively to the business rtf Fire In. MUranee, " • and. That, « ith two evecptions, the cap ital of the I'lMi-nix is donhie that (ifanv other Company in the tfhitcd tales doing a Fir<', IliBUl'itlisi; buMtM'St c.\ ;V1. That Its rates of prciniuin Are, and Wit- eonlinnc t,'> be, hh low us slrictly clioicel llr-t e,lnM< In-urance CHII he fur milled for. 41li TlMt-ii Ii:m proKccnted t ;ie (icneral Agency lii^itie.x^ in the Western mid Southern states anil Ten-iinvies tli von jrn tiiC mcanx of a l»e|i:u-ti.i«;nl tl,«;ai|i) iiarterji in Cineitmn I i, Ohio, for a pci-iini of niov than tu i-nly live ye.arf to tlicnii i ire, xatiKf.iclion of a vrti«t tninlK*r' of .underwritei-i« rfnd property owners . 5Lii. Tliiit its niannei- of' 'a<tj'iiHt:iig and pay. int; lo«Kes iis^ been te<- ted In'every grent. tire of tlie pennii. nn-t found to be :it- ;i!l Kiiuen in hrii-inoiiy with I lie principles of ulrict justice Jtnd liberality. tith 'J'ti:>. t "it hits -spent a large sum of money in orpiniziiiir. carrying on and pei fecting its present ailinirable kystcin of commercial" and rur;il district*, wbcrebv it igcni-hled l<i offer the adviintages and facilities <it gciiiiine in. ' 1 in ii i l y to the people of overv cif, town, village and comity fn the U„n,.,| statcH. 7ili. That il* capital is Two Million Dollars --its Kc in-.ilianee Iteser* e, one million, one bundi ed and eighteen thousand dollars--its :?--.--erve lor ou'stfiiiditig losse*, one liuiiitred and ninety thousand tloilars --Ms net surplus, one million dollars ami its caali assets. TlUa machine Is especially adapted to the n«e of FAKMKU.S and STOCK l'Ei:i>EU8. Itiscapa- ble of shelling and grinding twenty bushels per hour, with four to six horae-power, and can be run by water, steam or horse-power. Tho prindiiig plates are of crystallized iron, and cost $1.00 a pair, gotd for Circular giving fall description. ST. JOSEPH HI'F'G CO., MISHAWAKA. INO. Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, HAJTS AND CAP3». Boots, Troe 9, Glassware Crockery, &c., All Mew immT <4e»irn!»Je >ud k:*pf at O.y. Htevrii*'. k -a; ». ... v" t '] tliU ONLY $20 for a I'HlljAUliLl'UlA SINGER of this stylo. Equal to any (Singer in the marknt. Jf«- inrtuhfr, tpv. itend it to he fjratninrtt. before you pay for it. This is the same style other companies retail f.>r$50. All Machines warranted for 3 years. Send for Illustrated Cir cular and Testimonials. AddroM CHAKLFS A. W(M)|I * CO., 17 N. Tenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. w&ubonda, II.. --UBALKU IN-- Groceries; Cannad Goods, Choice Confectionery TVOr/OA-.S TINWARE, CUTJ.ERY, CIGAHS, TOBACCO, &o., &c. TEAS, Which ho Is lyuind to sell lis cheap ns pood jjon'li* ean be lioiiifiit anv where. '>• He al.-o Ueojis a tine! line of Itoekrord Hand 51-iilo Hoots anil .Shoes, to which lie inviA.s par .ticular attention. /1 In short, everything tint can he mui.d in a reneral «t«we will he Kept, and sold HA low as the, and everything warranted as ren- resented, • . Chick's Celebrated fRockford flour, ALWAYS OX UAXD. flKhen In want of (Jooils in mv line von will- lindit foryour In teres t to call and ssS me. RIVERSIDE BLOCK, McHENRY, ILL. Evierj Department now complete with Fall and JVinter Goods. An Inspection of fvhich is respectfrlly solicited, .V.' • - Mitt. C. L. W^pC0l(%,.^t.-lflj :188i ' PKATT. And Dressmaking. C. I, - PS&TT, Has jn«t retnrned from the city, with a full stock of Kail and Winter Millinery, *t.Jt<lles' r'nrnishinif (foods, etc . to which she inVites 'he a ttention of the t.adies of tA'anconda and vii-inily. t»ressi:iakinr.' )iioniptlv attended to and satisfaction jruaranteiil. Tmsi .rv ig w . M4P' , Pioves ueyond any ren 'Ule'q ties tlon thatthe CHICAGO & KORTH-WESTMN ' Is by all odds the;best road for you to tak hen traveling in either directionbetween Cllcap and all the Principal Points is tie lest North & Northwest Careful I v examine this Map. Tlie principal the West and "Northwest arc Stations on thii» road. Its through trains make close connections Willi the trains of all railroads Junction psints, • cp -- CD co Ante iirain»;ra RENC Cr.anufor Qiunnesey ValU Ordway Ctryton yttnditu ^Arc^POU saJa*3^r:' od F's lerto^ ^Igona CrtvjtoH *3 GSSZkJZitJm, Vpf?T\ & ) CHICAGO RAILWA Kearntl NOR THE CHICAGO & NORTIL-WKSTEKN KATLWAY» Overall of its principal lines, rnns each wav daily from two to four ^or more F»a» &9M* j 1 rains ft is the only road West, North or Northwest otOlucajjo that uses the - IMPERIAL PALACg DINING CARS. thi intv road '.hat runs Pnllman Slecpin Cars North or Northwest of Cbic»ffOi Jit il» 3 OOO WIH^S Of Road- I" fr-rms, others the loiloH injx lninK isin q».: ? Onnncit HIuIT' Colorado it C ilifomia Mne. Winona, Minnesota A Ccntrnl Dakotit Vion" Cil v & Northeastern Nebraska I.ine. Ohicajro, St. Pr.ul & Minneapolif Line, '"lain Hock ford, Freeiiort A Dubuque Line. Milwaukee, <}recH 15ay & l.akeSnpe Jim Itiver Valley, Vierre & IK-adwood Line. WaukcBha. Madison Jt Northern 1-ine Tickets over this road are soM bv all Coupon Ticket Asronts in the United States 4 Cjina»1»-' RV<nem^r S»?U fo? Tickets via this roaaj be sure they read over It, and take none other W. H. STESHITT. Gen Pass A«t CWoatrx J D. LA^riTG, Qea't Sup'tjObicago. B- BUSS, Ag't Q. *• W R'y. MeHenry,, (II From ?.V to fi5 rents por poui latty of these goods. Wd make 8».n. Thai, the o;.. r:;u-..i\ of K., r; 1..1 T# 'n llv" ir.sti' ii Hi 11 and ev<'rv way worthy theex f< • ' i 'I- i-at ;»at» .iii*- •ijf#- -iwn-.^vr ! frviu tlie pe./1,.(( ,u u'vei-jr' ooutiou ufvllit5 try.- . 4,. "ABA "W», R?f iTH, - BIy «toek is fresh and complete 111 every liariicular, and I will not 1m; undersold, qual ity <>f jcoods considered . I huy none but the best, and purchasers will And II an bbJuCt to e-.tll and uie before n'lrcbaalng. C. N. CULVER, ' MICTIOB, Richmond, Illinois. Sales of Stock, Ffirminor Tools #iul (jotxls ot ,iil kint s uttciulotl Ctilok ̂ "alos» ̂ >?mn51 to on the most lietisbji:thle Tcrai^ | sntd fHti>i;iction jiUJUJiiitccdL I "Post Oiiitc inkJ 1 ess, / liK ILL. . Novelty and Variety ST A TION Eli Y, NE WSPA PEIiS; ||agazines, Books, MUSIC s°ry an<J tt- vdn hj.i^-r f? WftttcontU, Oet. 26tli, iWi ! ; All Musical Journal*, Libraries, ingr and Joke ItinJks, Letter Writers,• Osnne-,' P1t-.< iireiim Hooks, Mollo \ vi .sef and i.nm, Tuj» an«i 'en !:• oks. Inks, Mucilage, Writing Pa,v pcrs. pencils, l'eu«,-<eh«'ol and Hlark Hooks, V I m s . ' < 1 • i l i i i ' • 1 • a n t ' . ';.. I_i..I>j . .liiclujiieiv i-ivuuaui', .it the l^izaar, MeHenry, IH. To Whom it may Concern. NOTICE is hercbj jriven that the under-wiRiicil, guardian of (Jeo. «j. Starr, : W. Starr, Corn M. Starr, Charles L. Starr and Kva P. Starr. 1111 i:ors, will apply to the County Oonrl of Meltenrv County, in the State of Illinois, at the November term thereof, to ho holdcn in the court house in JWoodstock, ill said county, 011 Monday, the Wth day of No. venilier, A. I>., IHS-», f (,f an order to" sell the following described real estate, situate in the said county of Mellenry and State of Illinois, to-w-it: Lot. nu 111 l.ier two hundred and seven, •ty.eifrlit (27s*) ot Assessor's plat of tho town of Dorr, as made by John Itrink and tiled f"V record in I hc reeordei's oltiec of Paid MeHenry Co., on the l.'lth day ot December, A, D-. l^-- Also Lots one (1), 'two (2) and three (*), m J ltlock four (i;, trf Asa W. Smith's plat, neniy^^ Wood.>to<-k, in haid county, which said BIOCK J 4 is 1 umbeied on said Asfbssor's plat ns l.ot 170 in Section 8, Town 41, North Ranfrc 7, cast ; of 3d prl nc l-i«il meridian, wheiKmtfTxJ'ere all. persons Interested' may aplfeiar, and show -I cause., if any they have, why such or«ler should not be made, •" ; ASA W. SMITH, GnardUa- l>ated this i:tth day of Oc-totier, A. D., MtiS. Skakkks lias tliis week reVeivi'«I a fine iissortinent yf Winter Jtfilliiiery, OTtiipifting- of BfrtU. I'lttmPS Tlp«. ""«! all tlie Faiiev Keatiiera IKUV so iniir i. tipetl. AIP«» a t'lioiee lotolf Feaver, Kelt, | Plu^li ami Ve|i'pt Hals, \gjjjcb will b« j| snM nt Mi" l«»w«>i>t (jo^siiile tij4iil«S. | A stock t»f I 'liili-rweniX^iittici' ii* t'* .' p«n.|iiy i,rj.ati<l £/. lie «.»|.l at btltoiH U. ¥•' sitcvvii^. •/ ; ... ' ' "v ,H 4