Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Nov 1882, p. 5

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,4,. wIJlM tetStoLU** -,.1.., juA. »i.._ i*- 1_,."*.i. ,' i.. f t ' f " •'.* .>*:•> "- * • *,r " tV Kit '".i *t> j: V yr,A ^ >••:". 7:"- *;> ~ x~ -.jn.^, J^S „£&& Ifc. /*** *& 1 *' ^ <j£lfclfes ^Akfe/Qte# W 1.. ,»uJl ,'ktAix'-. WEDNESDAY NOV. 22. U9*J Railroad Time Tab! §. GO.ICO 8( UTH. #M»»* TMe f*as»en*er. •:;y RENOT* T,*UE EXPRESS &en«ra Lake Freight. • ' V ....7:*\ A. * .«!»•»• " »...!:« I P. K ruirvT wr» 1 B«N»T* T,TKE FRELSHT * 4J M •Genera T,*ke F.xpi*eM..... '•<*.v.*..-... .• We, M Kenova Lake PassenireT.-.K..»>.....#: $ " R, A. FDLT*» i MclTei rv. Til " W.- n or tm,o M \ * C T O UnflnTrnv, Xo 115* \. P. nnd'> Regular t'osnnuniontion 3 the Saturday before' the full of the n><»nn nnd every weeks thereafter. »> t CUAS. C. OOLBT, W. M, TfofTuHRr CHAPTER SO, MR. A. M --REINI- |«r Convocations lieM on theseeondandfourth Friila*'® in each moneh. * SMITH SR AHr.F.s, IT. P. -"-'REMOVED. ' .' :"-T. ^ ••' "';;'Th»'F!l.lLiXDBALER Ofljce ha# been removetl to the rooms In Bishop's Block, opposite Perry A Martin's Store, upstairs, where our friends can liereafter find us, and where we ihvite them to call and see us in our new quarters. REV. L. J. DINSMORF, will preach at Solon next Sunday at 2 o'clock. • PROGRAM**? for the Methodist en- tertainmeiftwlll soon be out. FOR SALE, R good double barrel Shot Gun. Apply at this office. V BYRON D. SMITH, of Nebraska. has been calling on friends here the pan week. < MRS. C. T. F'LUREIMVK has been quite Mck the past few days, but is now re­ ported better. V'l THER«C /will be an entertainment given for the benefit of tlie Methodist ciuircli, in a few weeks, by the ladies. Sheer. Music usually retailed from.30 to 75 cts„ 5 cts. per cop^. A thousand pieces to select from at O. W. Owen's. SUBJECT at the Unlversalist, church Sunday morning next. "The Valley and Shadow of Death." Evening service at 7 o'clock. IT. E. WIGHTMAN had the tiiisfortnne to lose one of his heavy Bu*s horses on Tuesday last. Inflammation of the lungs, we believe, was tlie causo. Do not spend all your money. Save enough to attend the lino entertain­ ment soon to be given by the ladies of • the Methodist church. REV. JofcL WHEELER and wife lefts Monday for Kane Co. to be absent a week or more, and will visit Campton while absent, Mr. Wheeler's former place of ministerial labor. J*B: '-A TF-R rrJlT T}X on. He will also build a dwelling on the same next Spring. E. LAWLUS is now settled in his new quarters,opposite the Riverside House, with a full stock of Clothing. Cloths, etc.. and invites his friends to call and «ee him.' . . • -;- THK dancing public shoulij, for­ get the TliauksgiVing tarty, at the Parker House, on Thursday evening of next week' Xov. 30th, Ttje iiest of go.rt tta,. *«'«. A regular Convocation of SicHenry Chapter. No. 34. I?. Masons, will be held on Friday evening of this week, Nov. Every memner is earnestly requested to attend. Important busi : liees. . THB McHfenry Brick Manuractuflng Company are now burning their last kiln of tlie season, whieli contains, we believe, somewhere neira half million brick. Their yard will be consider- Itbly enlarged the coming season, IMP! the business pushed to its fullest ex- trut. A S2D Biblical Reward. The publishers of Hutledfje's Monthly offer twelve valuable rewards in their Monthly for December, among which ie the following: We will give £20 in gold to the, per- «on telling us now manv verses thei» are in the New Testament^Scriptures (not t ie New Revision) by December '0th, 18S2. Should t wo or more correct answers be received, the .reward will be di< ided. Th«i money wi)l be for- ward< d to the winner December 15th 1882. Persons trying for the reward mu.«t.*end twenty cents in silver (no lK)sta..e stamps taken) with their an­ swer, for which they will receive the Christian Monthly, in which the name and address of the winner of the re­ ward and the correct answer will be published. -This may be worth #20 to you; cut It out. Address RUTLEDGK PUBLISHING COMPANY, Easton, Penn­ sylvania. ,> • EDITOR PLAINU>EALER:--Ple*i» ifio- ,tify your many intelligent readers how this agency' aids and assistsjts patrons bv publishing the enclosed, from Mr. Pendleton, also the note from Secre­ tary Sheldon. Qt:r Mne of companies in the order of appointments are tUe Hartford, of Connecticut, tlie Home, of New York, the yTDtna and Phienix. of Connecticut, tlie Travelers', of Chicago, the National* of Connecticut, and the Roekford, of Rockford.1U. With an experhjnee of a quarter of a century, and such a line of companies. I can ofler indemnity againsi loss by ilre, llgliming. wind storms, cyclones, etc., unexcelled, if equalled by any other agency, as T give my patrons the benefit of my long experience in Hiding them in a Hutting their loss, wlieiv loss occurs. Yours very respect­ fully, ASA W. SMITH; / WtHirlstpr.U, Nov. !Ull, 1S.SJ. AsniW. Smith. Ap't of the Jtoc/cford: J Ttjsurnnr.e Company: / DEAR-SIR.--Permit, me to thauk you 'an<l the company for vour prouipt ac­ tion in seti,i<Mi!«iit of 1 »«.>; under policy number 13:1.872.of a valu iltle cow. killed' M.V ligtjt ning.. N*>\v, Mr., Smith, by some miscarriage or mislaying of cor­ respondence, th»s claim had been de­ layed ti'l 1 had lost confidence in in­ surance. hut by your prompt interest in presenting my claim ro the. com­ pany I have received full and satisfac­ tory compensation. And 1 have learned that there is a diflerence in asjents as well as in companies, and I shall hereafter advise my neighbors and friends to insure through your ajrency. wiiicli I understand to be the oldest, agency'! it the.countv, and to consist of a jines of companies unsur­ passed. Tours truly.' - Hri!B.\rtl> PKNDI.STONV Horkfon),! 1H., Novoml>uv :l,l, ISS2. Attn W. Smith, jtnq., I!'omlatock. It DEAR SM.--We have your favor of; the In inst., enclosing affidavit of Mr. Pendle,toiL I herewith hand you blank proof of loe« for Mr. Pendleton to execute, and wlien dulv completed you may hand him the endowed' draft *for whicii will be in full serin- 1- X 872. III»? INAA uimtr TTTT JNMC^ --TTJIIF* hnS j.tirvu;i9<-ff tiiK- iirt iust north of II. «. Gregory's r< sidence, „ . ... « ,, - t J. . Yon e*« assure youxp>vri:ft.i.isaU<lt we Mid commenced buildmg a shop tl*ei**-• Ii-j. to pay our losses promptly, and that, in die case of Mr. Pendleton, the delay was caused'by either a neglect to receive lite notice of loss, or an over­ sight on the part «»f the former officers of the company. Yours verv truly. OUAS. K. SHKM>O», .Sec'y. CI.OAKS, CKOAKS.--Call at Mrs. S. Bearles', and look over her large stock of Dolmans. Roman Circular*. I^elitses Ulsters, and Children® Cloaks. Asls'«* Cloak Trimmings in Plush, Pur. Orna­ ments, Buttons, etc. Mrs. Searles prepared to take Orders, for Silk ami Satin outeids garments «f every de- scr!i>tion. BY invitation of Supt. Wentwortli quite a number of ladies and - gentle­ men assmbled at the brick yard on Tuesday eve, where tables were spread under the large 6lied adjoining the kiln, and as flue an oyster * supper set ved as one could wish to sit down to. It was a novel but pleasing enter­ tainment, and gave ma fry a" chance to see what they had never seen before, a kiln In full blast. After partaking of thebonntiful repast and a time spent in social chat, tlie company departed, voting Superintendent Wentwortli rcy- ftl thanks aud wishing hiin juibovtwted success /. ". An L'nwrltten It is dti unwritten law.well under­ stood in journalist!?, that no editor is under the slightest obligations to give a reason for bis acceptance or non- acceptance of a manuscript. He is not called upon to write critique on tlie article to the anthorof\f. Ilis accept­ ance or rejection is an absolute and un­ questionable fact. -'.Among amateur writers this d|>es not seem to be under­ stood. All s«ifb-editors and reporters understand that it Is an unjustifiable nnpertihence to ask the managing editor his reason for publishing nr not publishing any mutter submitted to liis judgment. o Outside writers and aspiring amateurs rarely ^eem to com* prebend 1 lie truth, and their transgres­ sions are largely from ignorance rather ,than inattention, flic nature 4ot edi­ torial work requires absolute power of decision in order to preserve Die itni- tlss of the journal the editor conducts. --Exchange. Another New Invoice WINTEIi MILLINER^, MRS. H. II. -XICHOT.S Tf «f j ust re turned from the city with a large niid selected stock of Seasonable Millinery aud Fancy Goods, for the Winier trade, and is now prepared to show to the ladies of Mcllemy and vici' ity tlie finest lot of stylish Hats, Flowers, Feather. Ribbons. Neckwear, etc.. etc.. ever brought to tfiis town, and which she will sell at-bottom pric­ es. Do r.ot f„ail to call aud examine her stock lie fort purchasing, as sdie is sure to plea«e you both in quality stvle and price. MRS.H. H. NICHOLS, SHORT BIOGRAPHIC \I. SKKTCHKT, Of Prominent Member# of the South- worthfftf-nnon Combination, in Ea&y Le&tom for N^ero Baqinners. Nam • ...v 1 twaM * m*n say to-day h« iiad readinj a filthy piece In a paper that is printed over at Wood­ stock which Is generally known as the McHenry County Scavenger. Isn't, that a funny name to call a newspa|5e r? What is a scavenger? ' A scavenger, my son. Is a guthewsr 0f filth. Was that all the man said about the piece? No. The man said he was not sur­ prised to see such a slimy mess in that paperrbut when, a few flays afterward, he saw that it had been copied by the "leading paper," which Is also printed in Woodstock, a paper that does lay some little claims to decency, lie was surprised. Did you see that piece f. Yes. my boy, I saw It lu the "leading paper." - Was yon surprised to see It there? 'No. my child, for that is the paper that „tj»£, 4.?'ilji ' oUrid^you about* who, for laok of brains has not yet, learned "to write even an estray notice," and his instincts are low. He takes delight in printing sueh pieces, but for tack of ability to write them he Is abliged to fall back on the ckriuinns of the Scavenger. 7 \ Did the man wlio prints the ' Scaven­ ger write the piece? No. my son, for such literature lie hires tlie public administrator 1 told you about, who from constant reading of the Police Gazette and other trash of the same kind, has become an adept in that line. , Here is the "leading paper,** Will yon read to me the piece P i- : • No, my child, it is unfit for your ears, but I will call your attention to a few words timt are in the piece. It mentions soine one who Is 'a beg. gar at the public crib." Do you know who it means? No. my boy, twites* )t means the | worthy post *inH%teV'"St Woodstock, (who is I lie editor I told you about) *vho is the only »>ersou tijiere who feeds at the public crib, and 1 guess the fod­ der must be getting low, for I saw au invitation in the newspaper the other day to this man from th« U.S. Doctor who examines applicants for pensions to call and be looked over, and from the size of him 1 should judge the Doctor would'have a pretty big job 011 his hands. From ail you have told me about this man. I should think that the Doc­ tor could sec through him pret ty easy. Didn't you tell me (fli:it this man had received an iuviration a long time ago to call and be examined4 v Yes. 111 v child. Why didn't lie go then? That is a leading question my boy, I prefer not to answer !t. If .l,e f,./l.le;. 1.. tl... •«p.;l ;lte ta getting low. I nm nf rald be will never be able l« p*y a h*u|dred dollars that he gavc^ to a iuau. Well, perhaps not, my son, l^| Jybu w*ll remember that lie forgot to date the note and It is not due yet, but sjnee I told von about It before lie has -paid ten dollars 011 it, uud it life was possibly Scavenger Is considered bv respectable people as beneath their notice, and its reason for attacking repot,able people is a hid 10 be adv^rti^ed bv newspaper® of standing, which Is tlie mo*de Usually adopted by those'printing such jour­ nals as t!ie S'- Jtoeiijir. The editor of the "leading p ipeI1"'savs that, he pa­ tiently awaits developments. and asks for "som« o«e to rise and explain." I think, my boy, that I have fully ex­ plained. If riot, I will try to m.-tke It cleat to his befuddled brain in a future lesson, and now, my hopeful, good night and to bed. AMONG the books oT popular Vidfeal Literature which have become widely known« and appreciated by the general public, none maintains a steadier sale or more favored plaue In the opinion of the press and the people, than "Plain Home 1 alk" ,and "Medical Common Bense," by Di\ E. B. Foote, of 120 Lex­ ington Ave.. N. Y. City. In bringing out their complete Illustrated edition of nearly 1.000 pages, bound in cloth, at the remarkably lowf price of 81.50. tho publishers have insured for themselvc* prosperity In "Marge sales at small profits," and for the public the boon of good and instructive reading at a priae within the reach of all book-buyers. The contents table can be had, free of the Murray Hill Publishing Co.. 129 JGast Twenty-eighth St., N. Y. City. '• ' : ^ . r,;v A GOOD OVERCOAT CHEAP. To reduce-stock- w<> shall s-i; over- f h},? vet\- low tii:ores. MBS. P. L SILI, Milliner - and Dre&smaker, Would most .respectfully inform the, •atliep of. McHenry and surrounding country, that she will, on FRIDAY:- NOVEMBER 24TH, at tlie store formerly occupied by P. D. •Smith, near the Depot, open a full line of Millinery Qoods, of the latest styles and patterns, and invites the ladies to call, as she is confident she can please them, both in quality of goods and price. 'Every­ thing new. No old goods. I nm also prepared to do all -kinds of Dressmaking on sjiort notice, and guarantee satisfaction.- Give irie 4 call. \ M RS. P. A, HILL. Meff«tiy, Sovember 22(1, 1882. ii A!T^UXS1;O^(JLOS E. We tiiis week ofler at greatly re­ duced prices a lot of Caps and T. ad leg* find Cblldreia*s.^poI Hose. L - ' ; " H C J J R Y - Remember the, best assortment of Dress Good® in town can be foUud at Perrv & Martin's, not so short,, the inan might succeed in getting the whole of It. • How long lias the editor been a "beg­ gar at tlie public crib?" He compile need begging at the "pub'" lie crib" long before von was born, my boy. but with indifWent success, al, flioogh he"diil inaiuige to secure the position of visitor of public school**' a number of years ago.* i: ' D i d v i s i t m a n y s c h o o l s ? 1 don't know, my sou. though I did hear ©Tone school that lie visited near U a r i ' n o n y . - < y ' " i i \\ 'bat-d4<l- he <10 wheh he vinlted schools?' - ' - ' 7 .V 1 u this particular case. my^boj% ow­ ing f<"{ - extreme fatigue--and fowfr thing else---^e tipped his chair back against the schoolmarm's desk and went to sleep. ^ „ What did the teacher do then? Well, she tried her Wst to stttjpi \the bad boys f roui xlirowiug paper wnds at liim. but in spi te of her'.they would oc­ casionally get in a shot -on bis nose which would cause him to parMal'y awaken, when (ie_ would drop oil to sleep-again. i * How long d!4^« sleep? Cut51' it was time to 'dismiss the scliooi, my child, and then the teacher, wif h the aid of some very t>ad lioys who got in two or three unusually large wafis. succeeded iri bringing hiin to his senses, and start ing to his feet with a yawn, he proceeded, at the in­ vitation of the teacher, to orate, and I may. some day. give you his speech In full^liut liave not time now. Does this 'f«*Ug«W& '• OOW-'fl adays? ' It is supposed not hiy boy, Tof «you know I told you that he was a Superin-" tendei.t of a Sunday School. Now. my child, I have spent a good deal of fime on the editor to-niglit, and as there are^otiier matters that I must tnlk to you about, I will defer further mention of him until occasion requires, as *kthe hfclf has never been told." 'i The piece mentions a ^fagrjppr^. po|)f iticipn.** Can yott i^U me who that* nierins? HEBRON. EDITOR PLAINDKALER:--The rpadem of tlie PLAINDKALKU have n6't heard anything from our little town for some time, hut we beg of them not to think that we have been slumbering all this tlrtie; we are still fighting the rough battles of lift'. An observing eye will see that our town 1* growing in slsse and beauty. Mr. G.-Phillips' new house is 00m- .pleted, aud is being cleansed prepara­ tory to moving In. : W-. Nichols' new hou^{lR waltlng pa- tlently for the roasoii^. I' - •(. H.'-W. Mead's new-old hooso is about ready for a tenant. ; ••The Sons of Temperance*' organiza­ tion holds its meetings in the hall on Tuesday evening of each week. They nifmber about forty regular 111 embers, and would be glad to rece've new Ones to help, not only in the work of tem­ perance, but in the general welfare of the order. Mr^Rogers aud family will soon leave Hebron for a new home In Iowa. Mrs. Geo. Seaman is visit higher mother, who lives at Badax, Wis. We-understand that Jlinmie Robert­ son is braking 011 tlie Chicago aud St. Paul R. R, Mrs. Dr. E. O. Gratton and daughter Gertie are visiting friends in Miclii- gam. There Will be preaching at the M. E church every two weeks during the Winter, by Rev. G. C. Clark. The temperance society 011 Tuesday and Wednesday evening's. Nov. 28 and 29. in Union Hall, will render the beau­ tiful dramatic chntata'entitled "Lost and Saved," They are practicing for it. now and show by their actions that they intend to make it41 success. The proceeds will go towards paying for the new organ for the division. We trust that the people of Hebron and the adjoining towns will favor tlieiu with their presence and we are sure they will be fully repaid for their time and money. Tickets to any part of the house lo and 25 cents. For further particulars see small bills. '» GREENWOOD^ FOITOR PLAIVDEALER.--TL R. Bald­ win has gone lo Chicago|to spend the winter. ' u - - - . ft C. R. F4IIK will have hi# ̂ Cheese Fac- torv ready for buslnesJ" by tlie 1st of December. v Mrs. A. WHShhufn i | at ^iome. after an an aboence of til red months, visiting friends and relatives, in Ne­ braska and Dakota. The phrase "Two hundred thousand strong" we hear so often lately, luis reference to Cleveland 's majority in New York, This time it is John Mansfield that if made happy by having another girl boarder. » Clareece Goddard has- bouglit 2 acres of land o.fl from the noi^n side of Dr. Hart's farm. Muddy roads made a small party at W-m. Rot Hour 's Friday Eve. but no one can fail to have a good time that'cail on Billy. Wall Peatt wb.ntnorth list week with L. Raferty who took with him a car load of heavy horses for the Lumber woods. Wall will work there this winter if he does not sell b|s team. Although the colored troops fougiit bravely, a heavy load of gravel will sometitile's break obi wagon^ For more particulars ask »u» Jolly townsmen. y , Job Toles Is "at liome again ' after several weeks travel. In north-west Dakota. He reports a flue country aud says it is being settled fasY along the lines of railroads. His mission was to locate a mill if he could Hud a(good Water powed, but reports the latter scarce. Garrison & Dailev's new lumber yard is growing in size every <tay,--except Sundays People in the vicinity of Greenwood wanting lumber, will do well to examine their stock and prices before buying elsewhere. J, H. Garri­ son goes to Chicago t his week to work for a lumber firm there, -either in the .'yards or as agent 011 the road. One of our ever peaceable and quiet citizens appeared with his face some­ what disfigured with several scratches the other inorni-ng. Inquiry brought the answer that he had been kicked by. a lien. Rather curious we thought, until we had learned tlie particulars. Old men should not be nrouud lieu roosts after dark, when there Is s boy - Should you be rt snfb-rer from 'Ivs p»p- sia, indigest ion, inalaria., or. weakness, you. cm be. i'lllL'U bj Jrotti.'e ix No, my boj*, unless It refers to mem­ bers of the Sonthworthglennoiicombi* nation, who aM come as near being "fag-end politician?* as any one J know of, : The piece refers to a "blatherskite i&xpounder of Black stone," Who floes It mean by that? | I should judge, my son, that it meant the "General" who commanded the Invalid corps at Flmira. Tlie piece .inv cliiId. also -tales that the PL-AlS- I>KAI.I^K, wliicb is published in this vil* lage, iyS a "disreputable sheet,** which causejn a smile to spread over the faces of il/ who read It. , Doeg ^anybody believe that the, PJ;AINI>!"AI.EI: is a "disreputable sheef^ •cause t!':e Scavenger says so? 1 should think not, my sou, for tes with a pole stirring up tlie fowls. THE HENDERSON BOOT. lias the largest sale and is the most popular boot In the west. A fullliive of men's, boys' aud chiUls at Perry & Martin's. , CARRIAGES.' Have 011 hand a few first-class car­ riages which we will sell at cost to close. E. M. OWEN & SON. Ladies and Misses tine shoes a speci­ ality, complete assortment of the cele­ brated C. M. Henderson make on hand. •PERRY & MARTIN. Ask any one who has had pictures made at Bennett's what they think ot^ I hem and then notice tin# reply, f; : ~ THJLM ANS. DOT.MAN'S, | Dolmans,.Black and Colored,at & Martin's. ' ' Go to Bennett, tor your picture§*; ; • > . ' X T O U K N O W ^ : That we have the largest" Glove#ind MiUttrd in town. c. v.3TPVKK8.. Woodstock Department. And m»w the spring house In tl»e Park Is closed for the Winter, . ;* ' { Mr, J. H. Durfee. our expfntit figent. is home again, having been alrseut on business iieHaiiiing to his calling. Miss Etta Haas. ofbChlcago, Is spent!- log a few days with her mother, Mrs. Nelson Norton. I11 this city. J. D. Saunders, an old and respected citizen of Woodstock, died last week. Mr. P. had been an Invalid for several years und wa« quite aged. Ca | . Steve Stewart, formerly county treasurer, and who now resides in Iii- dianapolis, Ind„ ctHed upon friends here one day last week^ Dr. S. F. Bennett, the able corres­ pond" nt from Richmond to the PLAIN-* DEALER, made friends happy in this city by calling upon them last Thurs­ day. ' '. .* We finderstsnd tliat G. S. Sonthwortb, of the Sentinel, left Woodstock last Sunday nft'ernoon for Washlngton City, via Vermont,' Where be inteixls stop­ ping off to see relatives; The night passenger trrtlu d»«here from Chicago at. 11 p. m.. met with an accident last Wednesday night near Gary, The engine and one or two cars were thrown from the track by the switch being turned b.v some person or persons iil^nown. No one was injured to any extent, which was extremely fortunate under th« circumstances. Mrs. T. D. Murphy and her daughter, Miss Alice, while out riding in thelf carriage one day last week, by the stumbling of ths horse both were thrown from the carriage and It seems almost a miracle that they were not seriously injured, which, however, we are pleased to be able to write Is a fact. Mrs.M. was somewhat frightened which under the circumstances, would :iot be t bought, strange of. Other than a little nervous prostration sustained for tlie time being by the lady, both came out of the wreck in good order. We see by looking over laKt #ifekV Richmond Gazette that the Swell here who it is supposed writes himself up, or toots his own horn, does^not forget .us In his usual Weakty offering to tiiat sheet. Drive ahead, "Col.," there is one consolation for us: We are not alone in your sneering mention of county.correspondents, and if we f*il to hold our own with you "Flossie" and that same "Curtis" are equal to any and every emergency. It Is high time the readers of the Gazette were given an­ other dose of "Woat I know about'* he* iug a soldier in time of pe^ce, Tligse who have not already procured their Winter's fuel are looking around to see what th,- prices are, and whether it would be cheaper and. more con­ venient to burn wood or coal. As in everything else..people differ in regard to this. "-There is one thing, however, that all should agree in, (bat Is, which ever you conclude to burn will causrs greater risks as regards lire than dur­ ing the time you have not been obliged to use but very little of either. Is your house insured, or if you area renter, have you any insurance on your furniture? If not, we know whereof we speak when we recommend yon to call on Mr. A. W. Smith, of tills city, who represents several of the leading insurance companies? (hose which have been tried and not found wanting In times past. Besides, Mr. Smith is one of tlie oldest and most reliable insur­ ance agfcnts of the Northwest, and who thoroughly understands this class of business and is careful in tlie risks he assumes for tlie company be is employ-? ed t.y;aud has alwivs been known to settle losses sustained by said company promptly and to tlie eutlre satisfaction of those instired, On Sunday morning, Nov. 12th, it was generally known throughout our city that Mrs. A. L, Salisbury wa# dead. That at last the life of .suffering which she had so patiently endured for tlie last few months was past, and her gei^ tie spirjt. bad passed over the rivter of death, going as site had livi'd, sweetly and oalinlv, perfectly resigned frnd fully prepared, knowing full well that a longer lease of life for her in this world only meant more bodily 6ufter fug and anguish, Mrs. Salisbury was born on Nov. 2Gth, 1826, consequently was almost 56 years of age. She cpine to Woodstock with her husband and family about 19 years ago, QIKI has re* sided here eyer since, Mrs. Salisbury was a lady that commanded the respect and admiration of all who knew her, and in tiip Presbyterian church here, of which she was a member, she will be greatly missed, and more especially by' her class in the Sabbath school, where she was a loved teacher. By her |uti- mate friends aud neighbors she will be remembered as one who was ever ready to ofler words of comfort, consolation and advice to those sorrowing and in attjiction. From the poor a.nd destitute she was never known to turn a deaf ear, to those that she considered worthy. In tlie family circle It Is safe to say that such^a devoted wife and mother being t{ik«Jn from their midst will cause a loss tliat will be hard to bear and will fall heaully jpon the hus­ band and children, tlie fatter being all grown to men and women, there being two sobs and two--daughters, to uiouin her loss. The funeral service was held Monday afternoon following her death, at her late home. Rev. R.K.Todd, S. C. Hay and J. D, McLean, all former pasr tors pf the deceased, taking part in the solemn and iuipres-iv^services. The same was largely attended by friends and neighbors, 3ml in fatst many of our citizens were there to pay their last tribute of friendship aud respect to her who had been so lijte|.\ |p. their midst, after whicii the remains of wife, moth­ er, friend and neighbor were borne to their last resting place in Oaklaud Cemetery. CLOTHING AN'D UNDERWEAR Jil«f opened.' You are going to have u tan-01 Boot*. Call Ofi lVV. Stpvpps iUld buy gootj ones. OYSTERS! OYSTERS! 15. W. BROtlKS, Wauoonda III., dealer in Gro­ ceries. Canned Good-, Confei-rkSnery. Cigars, Voliacro. Not l«in«. Also Heatkptarters for Piatt Jb CIK,V clebru te«! Baltimore OyAlers. I nm now pre |w»re J n> furnish Fresh Oysters by the * 'an or Dish, at all hours of the day or evening. My Re freshmen; Parlors an cosily rttted up. well wanned and light e»f. and no pains will be spared t< plestae all who call. t also make a specialty of all kind of Can Good*, aiul keep a flue line o Ctwfeetiouery. 6fre me a call. E. W. BROOKS. Ton will find Cotton fiate/tond Prints very reasonable at Fitsu/iuimoits & Evansons. Standard Prints at Fly* Ctewi* per yard at C* V. Stevens'. j H. H. Niehnjs will sell yris 2 pounds of Coffee for f»0 cents, and ^i&ke you a present of « uicelv decorated cap and saucer.-,-'- | Ginhamf and Plaids, imv ao'l«trH*h prices right. Ai Fltz«lmm®ns A Evai*- sons. Do not fail to examine those snopeb- ders now being sold at FitzshnPIOUS & Evaasous They are worthy y»»r i(t- }pection« /\'*;. •. Call at E. M. Owen Jb Sou^s a«d tire celebrat ed HapgofKl Sulky Plow that is warranted to i-uu lighter thau a Walking Ptow. RMn * Nm»rHl June BN Cnl*v The strongest Color 011 tlie market, only requires one-half the amount of other Colors. For Sale by Fitaslumous & Evanson, McHenrv. III. A full line of choice groceries always to be obtained at HENRY COLBT'S, YOUNG MEN. We can lit you to the fiobbiest suit of clothe^ or ulsterette to be found in the County. ^ PKRRY & MARTIN. A complete line of Groceries, at reduced prices, at C. V. Stevens. If you have not given Bennell a call go lu and see what he is doing* ' •p. AU«ntlon, Ualrymen Beau & Perry's Natural June Butter Color has rto equal. It is guaranteed to five perfect satisfaction. For sale by itzsimmons & Evanson, McHenry, III. All the new and desirable style* -.In Hats andCaps at C. V.Stevens'. Clothing, Our stock ot' children*® bpys* and men's clothing uud overcoats, we think the largest ever shown in thi# village. When in town we would be pleased to show you through our clothing room, whether you wish to purchase or not • G ood goods at olose prices and always as represented, is the motto by which we hope to re­ tain the very liberal patronage so generously extended tq us in the pas£. We appreciate your trade, aM sliall at iill tiuiAA^o owe utmost to please you. HENRY COLBY. Dolmans, Cloaks and Jackets In all styles and colors, guaranteed, to fit any figure, at mauufaoturer's prioe* at Perry 4^ Martin's. Fitzsimmons A Evanson are olosing <1 ut a Lot of Suspenders at half price. Conje and take out a Hapgood Sulky Plow. Be your own Judge. Give |t a thorough test. You all know that It will carry a BIG* man jind then run lighter than {tny 14 inch walking plow made. |iee ou» at E. M. Ow«u & Son's, Mrs. Searles will open this week H large stock of Ladies' and Children's Clocks, H. H. Nichols will sell yon one pound of choice Japan Tea for 50 cents and make yon a present ot a nicely deoorated cup and saucer. Buy t|id Casaday Sulky Plow sale by L, H. Hartman. Ridge field. for JH. 11. H. Nichols keeps Oat Meal Crack­ ers, Soda Crackers, Milk Crackers, Butter Cnickers. Star Wafer Crackers. Frosted Creams and Ginger Snaps, al­ ways fresh ami tlie best grade thftt can be found in the market. The best r>0 cent Tea in the county at H. 11. Nichols'. Call for a sample and be convinced. H. H. Nichols has tlie finest Show Cases of Cigars on exhibi t this side of Chicago, Drop It) and smoke, A general invitation to all, A SPECIALTY - , Made of Clothing. A suit for Bovs fi 6. 7. 8. 9.10,11.12,13.14,15.16,17, 18. 10. 20 years old; and from 20 to 100. oall at' C. Y. STEVKNS. A stock of Uuderwear sufficient to supply McHWiry and Lake Counties, to be sold at bottom figures. At C, Y. Steven's. MRS. SEARLES has this week received a Hue assortment of Wint6r Millinery, consisting of Birds, Plumes, Tips, and rvll the Fancy Feathers now so much psed, A|so a choice lot of Beaver, Felt, Plush and Yelvet Hats, which will be sold »t 'the lowest possi hie figures. The largest aad best assortment of Gloves and Mittens in towu, at U, Y. Stevens'. Go aud see the new stock of Shawls •tO, V, Stevei.s*. Farms For Sale- Apply to.Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, IIS. Rockford Yarns aud Flannels, best goods In tlie market, at FUfStmipons $ Evansous. Cotton Bats, clteaper than ever before, at C. V. Stevens'. Go to H. H. Nichols' for your to­ bacco. He keeps the largest and Attest stock in the county. or Business Xotlc*». Go to Mrs. Howe's for Millioery M4 Dressmaking. FVshlng Tavkle of all at It* RiA£eliiX in tl<>we*s Block, M»r tlM| new Briilgr. Buvkeyv Force l'uu<pv« fil £• X Owen's. A delicious oikir Is ln|Nnts4 hf Floreston Cologne, which is always is* 1 freshing, no matter how freely used. The finest line of Silver anil PlaMd Ware found In the county, at O. W. Oweu^. BELLE«. On account of Its remarkably . testivg itagrsMce. sofletjr belies are lornl \m Ibeijr Mrafe*« fi| Fleiirc&tO« Cologne. FOKSALE% 40 Acres ctf l^nd in S«*»HMI 1». «H fenced. Also SO *eres of laud, with 1% goo«l hoBse b»ru thereon, with, timber and water in abumhui««, lu Ser«i t Ion 2*2. Alsu my homestead on the Crystal* Lake auiK Nunda road. Good n«W Iwiise, burn and other out buildinca.-* Apply TO JJTFIK FLU SKY. Kid gloves4 button and loop lict, black colon and «U tints 9t 4| MartiuX FIFTY BUSHELS OF Q*T* Wanted in exebaoge for Furn||utf« «| John B, flake's. Case. Fu?st & Bradley. Moltae, ffep« good and other Sulky plows at R, . Owen SunV IF you want lo b«y Clothing at ChhL Qago' prices, ««1 \ on E. Lawlw, | n slug's Block, McHenry, OARRIAGEM <'ARK|AGS8* OA|L| RlAGKSi Anyone in want o» a 0»rriace« Buggy or Wagon, should not fail »«|' . call au E.M,Owen & Son and tea ' large mr-load just received, TTIlfli -: finest finished |o| ever voiUO td county aud will sell them ^ HEAD LIGHT OIL. The best Kerosene Oil lu to#* lft ' H. H. Nichols. 175 Fire Test. FENCE POSTS FOR SALS.- 2000 seasoned Burr Oak Fence Fop|| for sale, inquire of vm*xx FOR SAILOR RE*Tt A Blacksmith Shop and Toofc, BllvenV Mills, McHenry County, lll|« uois. Inquire of R. T^W^KI» & San, J UMVEN'S AINRUNT rath, LAEA. | Our stock of drugs, ehemkale and patent n^pdu'iwcs w^s mnrep % more complete, Qoods ftlfefeto % and prices IIQLNRT Coin. A new an^ oomplete st»»ck of hams. Prints. i*ui) Woolen D this week at PKURY $ Mi good -a Si Tou will always find Oysters at H. II. N fchols'. ^>n effective medicine for ^ diseases, low fever* and nervous pro*4 trail or., and well worthy of a WUu, Brown's Iron Bitters. Fine Shoes. Oqp stpek of Fostfl i s celebr»tM| ^ Be I pit 8b pes is complete* Foi*; 1 style and durability they ennno|, | be excelled, Aak to see them, j HENKT COURA, i •' * I OVSMOOATS, OVERCOATS, Best s(vl«S and lowest prices In Ms* Henry or L*ke Couutles. 150 new oneip Just opened. C. V. STBYSMS. Dress Goods, Doltuaus, Cloaks, Ladle% and Gents uuderware, Overcoau, all new aud stylish, prices very (uadeVit ate {tt Fitzfiuimoiis A Evanson. Gossamer circular!- apc| COA|# for ladies and gentlemen* and ft lull line of rubber alw^y* to be t>^d ^t HKNRV LAMPsT LAMPS. - A OHkt Lamps, Parlor Hwifl"®;; *' 1 Lamps, Bracket (.amps, aud tlw eele^, . brated Oscar W|lde L!1|up, at imiy'% | Drugstore. ' Bennett does not let any pftQtwpaa ' >1 out of h}s rooms (hat are uoA jH^wK ^ lor-r' Oyepcoats and ulsteret|es^ \ ] large line and the latest stvle^ -; : ' Ypu are asked to exai&i&$ t&eai ^ at • , , i ,Hbn*X •, --•- ; If you want a pair of good Ipoti or Slp^s, latest style, go to \ ;i U'A • BUTTER A>JU J Wanted. Butter ̂ nd Eggs at f|W Prices at U. Y, Stevens*. - A ^ SALfi. J^rlor Osgaa aa<| Cal) (|iid over look tiro fine lf)t Carriages at E. M. Owen Son's FOFSATE, A good Stove, suitable for office pr shop. )iiqtiire at this office. Don't buy your Coats and Shoes until you Imve called at C. Y. Stevens. He will save you money. for A first class pe>v Violin--with ^o^--for »ale very cheap* Inquire at thjs pnU>e. The celebrated buffalo booU t a full litie of men's aud boys* aU Vf'stys to be liad at HKNRY NEW MILLINERY SIQI^ At NuncJa, " MRS. G. W. COI.PY would fully inform the Indies pf Nauda am| vicinity tiiat she has opened % IIlim­ ner y store In t|^ rooms over Hie no^l office and has just received a full llnii of Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons. La^ea, «M^I Ladies Fun>ish|iig Goods grs^*r*|(j% «# ? the latest «*iui is confident 3 can piea«a H1 ' w ,|O may give her a VIy goods are »H new and of t lie l|i«S( styles tp be found in the market, iaj as } buy Cor cash 1 am confident that f can sel| as cheap, if not cheaper tlMU| any Qtj^er place in the enuuty. fi»|j and see piy styles aud loaru prtf^a, lie*- fore yoq purchase. «• :*! NUIHH, PI CLOTHING! CLOTH|lf^*f ^ The latest styles and lo*f*f RrtM m be fiuuid hi the county, ut C. f. I|U«^ . ' a us'. -'•""'c.'c. Road Cart, the easiest E. M. The "Aurora thing our ou man and hqrse. Owen & Sou's. NOTICE. 1 am in the mill again, ami am pre­ pared to grind wheat or feed ou short notictv Give me a ca'l. HENRY OATJIENT. We want your trad* and If v«m rant r goods there wl|J be i)Qth| s event us from <j«)lng buali • Our new Stock is mplete aud tuice® always m la. ' J nTwmMow It ITHIH ^ Debilitated pers<»us. anil si«A»rt|i> • in wast iug diseases • n, scrotula. Urtm-v ikftertioiik, WIH<M leatly |>e|ie^tHri4 PI! (ten. J . *

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