Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Nov 1882, p. 4

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«• * V AND w -i ^ - " v : " mm -,- >' . '-, . * I'i'w <»,^«* ^ iM-.ih- rt: ,ih y©ll»V© jttsii^elt^ an immense Stock lor th©^ ̂ j'ffi '"•<:* ft'>'?$» W BDVK^n A Y, ' KK Rlitor. fQffTrin. T' nrlnw AVert, the veteran journalist nt N'nw Ynrk, fHe<l on 1Ve<1- nttilay morning of In^t \v»»ck, aged 85 7un. •. /., • Another claimant f*n«ro»ty has Mimed tip. A Wash- taffton rHKler. who states t.l|*t he has •••orilie iMiHets fired at President G*rfl»M* whieh lnil^d fn his vork box •n<1 *h*lter«-<1 it# contents. *sks that lit be appointed to* wo hft po'itlo'u f 11 th«.ptihlle aervief. ; The modesty of liU request. a« compared wiita tlrat »f I>r. Blios, i* in hl«»».ivor. -,.."/ IBFMeneral H. N". EMredge, H well- known lawyer, of -Chirtigo, aud who except dnriHg the years of the war, whelt he wa* in the military service, tiM resided In tliat«ity Ritw*» 1857. »s a member of tlie law firm of KMtedjje & Tourtelotte, died, on Monday morning, after a month's severe illness Gener­ al Ei«lredf?e whs in his 49U* year, and «u a classmate of'tiie late /-Pn^lnt);!. Garltald In W i I lis ms < <ollegf>» - §9*1* the Kepoliiioaii party hope* l*Mly ruined by tlia sweeping defeat of the 7th insi? Not-tit nil"; but. or. tht contrary, greatly benefited, if i t •hall have the wisdom to dispense with IU political bossefs. There is ample time for ita own reconstruction and preparation for the great campaign Of 1884. Indeed, the. party will go lato that struggle in a bettor conditio;! !• win a victory than it 'would have dona, but for the defeat of this fall. 5 he Next CotigreM. ITTH* poi|Uv!ti -stains of the tTou«o "of Ui'pries.Mitarlves of ...the forth-eiglith ('ongros® h now ascertained as accu­ rately as, It will he. baring a few con- teats In certain I»ist/icts% wlticli will have :<» be detarfnined by the House Itself. The /noting up .ftKows the i).Miioi;r«slo majority lo be seventy- Thi« mux ;f«lrljr W c*HM *i£ood working majority-and is nenrly equal to tiiat which flic Democracy had in the forty-fourth congress, . when the rebel brigadier? seized Ihe •'reins of power and drove the dinriot of the Confederacy itntjrh-shqid over the neck of the 5fortlu " It remains to l»e seen wbet1d>r the forth-eigbth Congress will repent the folliew of ^i;e forty-fourth. The Democratic party lias a marvelous capacity for blundering a;t critical mo- meitf$, ami t lie re Is, no eonimauding ] reason tor t He belief that i t will not, i n the flu.-b of its recent triumphs, repeat the sad uil>take$£n( which it lias before befit guilty. . ' : Jpar*Governor Ouilom has nmde for- iikl proclamation of the results of tlfe racenl electiotv- In this State. The membars of Congress, of the State 'Senate, and of the State House of Rep­ resentatives, are :lie same as hereto­ fore aimoHiicedi Tlie proposition for ceding the Illinois and Michigan Canal .to the United States Government is declared to be carried, and the prop­ osition for an appropriation to com­ plete the State Home is do^red to be Ikifeated. & What alls the people ? With ^||ne8 never better, abundant crops high prices, the nicest kind of a fallN Oui lean's akeleton left at rest, the gov- ornmeitt credit better than ever, tlie poet office department not only self- anataining, hut running at a profit, the onmet receding fourteen millions of iwllea. more or less, per day. and with She exception of that little star route •Mtlnets,everything being lovely--to vote for a change beats all and every mischief yet. What can be tlfe matter with the people?--Ex. The Mormon leaders have clalm- '$'<0$ thmt tlia ehurg* that xfypy arc fojral la baselesa. an»T hence that, tlie 1 •Ota of the government interfering with their institutions are cruel perm­ eation. Their Insincerity is pro red by the action of fhe late conference^ whe'a, it U stated. President Taylor laaoed a decree that none of their prlesta. bishop* and councillors ran hereafter retain their positions unless •hey be some polygamies. Can our gOTcrnnwnt tamely submit to this aedltiousdefiance of its law? For­ bearance ba« ceased to l>e a tdrttie^ A strong hand should be laid at once •a this organized rebellion. "Eturovt Pt,.\viNt>KAi.Kft :-r-It Is said Itliat "a"woitnde<jI .bird ;tlw;iys flutters,'* and In Igjng bv the tjuttefinff among, a pack <»f vu!t»tre< in this ritv diiri'tg the l?st six 'Or.eight motitii's the well- directed shots from tiu\ 1*1.AixnK^tKlt have not, srone ' amiss. This ]«n% of vultures fiui-tered t.ljems4?lvfs". info f commit tee a fi'W d:\>;s ^iiuv iitul waft- ed on i.ny employer in>'ormin> him that i tl'iis his, business- and using his"tu;n>* In writing articles and correspondence • for the Jlcileiiry Pl.Atx';. (the part "Wglecting Ills Unsiness was news to hiin) and that they wanted it stopped, aod much jiiore of^the snnie sort. 1 will say rip'ht Jiere^. though, that 1 have never exchanged--eitlier hefoi'e or siiice--ojin wnrd witli 11i!ii on the sub- iect. Now, Mr. Editorvwill you kind­ ly inform these Yazoo "bulldozers," "throuffli the columtis <tf y<>uT paper whether I am now of ccei&have been, a contributor to the colnmi^. or a cor­ respondent of Hie I'l.AlNDKAl.KH? As you are perhaps-aware.'! have written the item« that have appeared in -the Woodstock Department of the Harvard LuhpertdenC fcr nearly two years past. and the most of the time under my own name, and prey-ions to the time that iny name was placed at the head of that department., there was no attempt made to conceal the writer's identity. 1 admit that I have 'vritten somv pretty plain trullt&-_Ayhieli--liavc apiieared ttiere, but L. defy these "wounded birds"1 to show o?ie solitary instfiice wtiere I have departed from tho strict ti ii'h, or where 1 have ever done'anv prrson an inj.usti'i'e.. If any of ;his "bu>=tetd" otlice • seeking- g'i"Kr arc aggrieved^ at articles that ap|iear in the eidmusu of tlie PhAISl>KAi.KK or Ind?pendant, why do° they not make their grievances known to the editor of tlio«e papers and not go sneaking behind my*back trying to nle out of a livelihood. An open enernv is en titled to' some respect; a cowardly as­ sassin none whatever, and I defy these snake* in the grass, whichever course tfiey nvay take. Re?pec lully yours, OlAHl.KS L. CUHTIS Woodstock"; III., Ifov. In answeritig' tlie above we would say that if Mr. Curtis thougnt as little of the* opinion of the sneaking, coward, ly curses nf whom he speaks, as we do hj would pot t/ake the j»ains to co.ntra- AtfCtlt>S\ SAL'S, uIHISLr^ed having cohcfud^d Yo quit farming for a siiort time, wtll sell :vt rubli«,Auctloh on his preiiilsrg, one and one half dfiiles Hoyth of Mcllenry on wchat is known as tlie Old Voso farm, ou Saturday, I)cc. 2d, 1SS2, at 1 o'clock P. M. sharp.' the* following prqpefty: 22 heifers, coming four years old, inostliy springers, 1 span Work horses^ 1 niare nine yenrs old," l work horse twelve years old4l span mules, 2 lutnber wagons, 1 three seat1 platform spring wagon, 1 buggy, 1 sulky plow, 1 cr«»ss- iug plow, l drag, I six shovel cultiva. tor, 1 diamond tooth .cultivator, 1 horse liAe, V sulky, Jiay rake. I stone- boat. 2 set double harness's,1 set single harness one crib of corn, aiid other articles too numerous to mention. TKRMS CMP SALK.--All SURASPF ®10 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of one year \vill be given7 on approved 7 per cent, interest. Two per cent, off for cash. No property to be reiuoved until settled for, . -vA, r. II. MCSBATi ' V , K , GRAXfOfiR, Auctioneer. ; ; . ] k" : . The undersigned,-having determined • to go to '1'iVJEas iu ahont six w^eks, will sell at auction to the highest bidder. .Pj.t .the Village 6f W.iticondr.. Lake/Co., 111., on^rhxir9dayvNov> 30. 1882,. at 10 o'clock sharp, the following pt op- ertv : 8 Cows, coming in in a few days; 10 yearling Heifers, 10 Calves, 1 pair half Gorman ^latched Colts-two years old.and weighing 2,I?O0 pounds, 1 three year old black half Norman Mare, 1,330 pounds, 3 Sucking Colts, 1 five year"old Creeper jSar^. 200 She op, tobe sold in lots ot'25 each, 2 -Lumber Wagons, 2 pair Truck Wagons, 1 thoroughbred Durham' Bull, three years old, with full I'edigree, * TKUMS OP SALB.--A credit of-one yearwill be given on approved notes at 7 per cent, interest. No property to be removed uutil settled for. , J. K. HONEY. U, B. BUURITT, Auctioneer. D. C. Mack, 79 Dearborn Street. Chi­ cago. 111., says lie suftered from dvsjiep- ia. and could eat nothing. After try- jSrg Iirowu's Iron liitters he is to-day a new mail. Aftd i*na sho\y you tie ̂ nest lino pt everbrot]!rht t» McHenry Cpuiitjr*. Kemembi^ tbitf iin^ .fist ;*trtfy 16'iir goods at : ' II •MfT Hi ' • • itC I.;-',' 'I" LH-, •/'m ^ ;4~ "(i 'iff?* \ 1,1' Dry, ;0op4fc Clothing, I..' '<& S- "We shall ma^e a specialty16: for tlie ' , Goom ;.••• i*-1.,**! W , t - THIRTT D&7 ,̂ 'l Can and will give/you such bargain? that- It will pay you to come from any part ot'tlie eownly to trade with us, 110 lpatter how great, the distance. y{e keep it full lino of the- ; ; SELZ vCELEERATED custom made goods, t'onst»g|ly jqii .jfepr children. " » , \ _ Woodstock, III. ^ We have an assortment found nowhere gtock of Men's and Youth's ill town. .Ki'.. We * very large 'The Fifth Congressional district cv i j «* » has asked us a ^trai; tion w<> will answer. litforwa"d-Q'UMS Mr. C. L. Curtis never has written one line, either as u < ominunicatiou or otherwise, for tlie "LAINDKALKH, since it was established, with the exception, of a few short ad­ vertisements or business notioe.3 for J. S. Medlar'* Gallery, Where he is em­ ployed, !»"d |we hereby ' emphatically- declare that a:ij' charge that he hr.s evrr contr'bnted one line to our col- iimns i* » malicious-falsehood. In his contribution^ to the Ilaiivard independent Mr. Curtis has shown him­ self to be an able writer, aiid has dealt the cowards who are now attempting to stab him in tlie back, some well walked away with the state banner at nierited b'ows. I dare not come the late election. While only. -Shout two-thirds of the Republican WM cast. Hon. Reuben Ellwood re­ vived over 7,000 majority. This is |^jn*l to the inajurities given whfii i|ohu F. Farusworth carried aloft the 'banner. While tlie whole country has foiled up.unprecedented majorities for the Democratic party, the Fifth' Illi­ nois comes oiit of the contest with colors tljing.on which ie writ ten. "TvOCK) Itepublican ihajorlty lor Kuuben Kil- wood for tjoiigre^." Well may Mr. Ellweod and his friendc swing their bats and rejoice over this largeintjor- " »«y. While other sections have gone to the "demnition--bow-wows"--the * Fifth Congressional district remains true te her colors and bears aloft tlie largest Repiiblivaii itiajority of'any That is what a great "many people are doing. •They don't know just what •is the matter, but they have a combination of pains and aches, and each month they grow worse. The only sure remedy yet found is BROWN'S IRON EITTERS, and this by rapid aifd thorough assimilation i out openly and charge • that what he savs is not true, for everv W"»rd is sus­ ceptible of proof, but like tlie stieaking coward* that ibey are thev attempt to undermine liim by downright lying. H;.- writiugs for the independent are under his ow« iuUnajae.and why they should' try to make a point against hi in by charging that lie writes frtr tlie PLAIN*- DKAI.ER we know not, 'Tis false. These sweet scented individuals, who congregate in Lager Iieer Saloons to abuse all those who will not do their bidding, are well known to n«, and if they do not know themerdves by the time tlie PLAINDEAI.EU gets through with tliem it will not be our fault. The end is not vet. tkJ' The "railroad people, d i s t r i c t i n the 6t«te of Illinois.--who handle pa-seiig^rs lliat is luggage V.'itK the blood purifies and enriches it, and rich, strong blood flowing to every part of the system repairs the wasted tissues, drives out disease and gives health and strength. This is why BROWN'S IRON BITTERS will cure kidney and liver diseases, consumption, rheumatism, neutjilgia, dyspepsia, mala­ ria, intermittent fevers, &c. Mr. Simon Blanchard," a •weTl- known citizcnof HayesviUe, Meade county,Kentucky, says: "My wife had been sick for a long time, and ber constitution was alt broken ... A>wn and she was unable to work. She was adv ised to use Brown's Iron " Ktters, and found it to work like a charm. We would not now be with- * «wt it for any consideration, as we consider it the bcit tonic in the" world." BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is not a drink and does not contain whiskey. It is the only preparation of Iron that causes no injurious ef­ fects. Get the genuine. Don't be imposed on with imitations. -peciaj attention paid to Ladies' and Misses'; Cloaks and Dolmans at; ' popular prices. A full line of Groceries, Paints and Oils always oil; haud. ̂ Call and examine.. ANSKOW- W'J[ave It! . Infei tlie Season. Of An oxtm MVy bl no T'rint, •32' inches wide at 8 cents per' yard. We h ave also the ltirjrost and l>est as.-orted stock of noods of nil Kinds that we have ever sliown. \ye have'a • good many bargains to show you. Call and see. TO THE PUBLIC. PERRY «fe MAB.TI2T. HENRY COLBY! --DEALER IX-- JOI1NSBUUGH,. , JU General It-w \v6«l«t Tospoptfully inform tlie public, that iui lias juat leceiveij a full stock Of Goods for ;'ic Fall and Wint?r Trade, To which lie invites tlicir ospeeiiil attention His Stock consists in {iart of r i Volo, Septal3. GROCERIES, Hations, Boots and Sltoea, tlNH AllE, <fec., &c.. > usually -kept in n Highest Market Price, And in short, evcv'vlhiitg t*l-st Ctiiss"<icncni\ Store Tito MeUL I'nrlont lleoulla. Tl not too late to note some of tlife V*ry singular results of tlie r«c<*nt H«ctloi»s. In Connecticut .lite Demo­ crat* eleet their governor by 4,000 ma­ jority, aud the llepubnciniH carry the pre-teml to have discovered In tiie.^icr- *ou of MSasSu^an B. Anthony, -he first and only human being who has the ordinary feelings toward them. The discovery-»-.•»# made in the following way: Mis? Anthony wanted to have j two medium Mz<h1 trunks checked oti one ticket. The ajjent. demanded pay lower hou*e of the Legislature by ; for extra weight. Mt*s Anthony reinott- tweniy-ei^ht majority^ In .Mai»i»aciirt- #ettf, Butler ran 30.000 aheajl of his ticket, getting 13,000 majority, while the rett of the ?tate ollicere are Re|rub- licmis In 51 iciii^an,governor Jerome, who had oflended tlie UHuiterance i>eo- jile, I* beaten by about 10,000, wliiie lin; r«#t of tlie Republican ticket haiTabout that, mnjorltv. In Kansas Governor St. John rod'? tlie prohibition hobby and |« defeated bj' 9,000, whllej' ail'^tlic rest of the stata officers elccted are Jli-pub- llcanw. Tho governor-elect ot' Colorado is a Denn era', while the congressman and l»gi-lature!. the latter to elect a United States senator, are Republicans. In the campaigns of 187G ami 1880. llaycit and U .rth Ul ran far ahead of Hie COiiprBi»siona: ticket ; In this licet ion. the heads of the -Republican tickets Iiave been s»<ver«"ly hit, wliih* h'gisla- tuieP and coiign-r-Huieu liuve been saved. The luoet iitnortmis members tu tlie llpeseut. cougri'M*, who weiV trlii **tV.V v«»- f|»onsible for tin- more oiliouw l«-^i>-i:i- $t1on. have bee't're|i'V.i«-tljt in yew .lersi'V. But ic^vvoi ih in Oiiiu iU Page in CalM"i nia> ATTEMTIOil STONE KAS0HS ;!>-r:s-.v!r • v-.>rt»ui-«intH-v.- of iho Town JL ai Ri< hinoij(l will let to .i resj»ou=i^:<i pirtythe 1'>I) t>\ rei>uiHmg the i.irth iihut- mftit of t'ie bri'tsri; •»>*-< t•!*; Nit isinr, -known a# thd ••C'r)u:e" !Ut IK". Iieiwcn auil .•spri'tsg <iro-ve. iiir.iif ii.itrl.v t > . • K. s. Jt»ir«IN>OTT, >olon, • - -K. Bowi-.KK'Uirhiii'iB.l,. GEO *TEivAUT,.!\i'.y>>lon«, lliifltuay t'oiiuiiiisioners. B|: W. Vogi. (Jai ju'iit ei\ fcfl'Jctlve Dtilcaffo. 111. s-.ivh: -1 Uro*II'js ,-UTs'easetJ'ow fe. It-oil'WltU*»Jw bv fV*l- I:r 11 ion. and « e - , <1 4»A vV» n«fiuu L. p-trated, saying that tin; trunks did noi weigh-as much as an .ordinary."-SHratrt^ ga,*" and that she had put her eflects in two trunks instead of one out of eonsid eratiou for the- baggage man. Tbi* was et:ongh and more tli:ln" enough, lite trunks were cHeekcd, all the em­ ployes i n t he (le'partmetit liuviug been ti:st Hiiunnonerl to belinJd ^nd cheer their phenomenal owner. Here We Ara Again. j, Belnw von will flad the iiiimcf of th^ I prominent farmers that have bought; the ci'lebiated iiirht rimning lifi-pgoo<l '^ulky Plow within the la-t six we<-k»: •limit's Barnstable, . liernard IfarrisotJ, N icltolas Fii'iiiid, ' </'has. Parks. August u< ToWrnsend, GeTi. Parks, irti-s Harvey, Jake Snyder, Win. Wood. Freeniaii Whiting A. (i. Fauver (2), .R. R. Doolittlc. Ask them what they think of them. Remember it is tlie only sulky plow ui:wl.' tiiat is wiirranjted to run lighter th in any 14 incii walking, plow. We ,« ill in ike atry man si j,resent »cf the Stnkj. ii ii. |.iiin to fill tun* wairaiiti'e. H It- wniu of n Suiky "I'i.iW," don't 'fail to call on i^, as AVK ai". surii to siiit you. Bold only by K. M , Uu cn & '•iSoa. medicine fuv kiiUse'V low fe.vt-rfe Hud iiet'votty pi'oli- vveli worth^ of a tii.,1, is ^ Vi n ii liuii L.siv. t, SAS'̂ yBESH JIOVED, Rot we ara stSUta Mie same dx> alt fcimt.<s of Tha Rlode! Nav/apaper. / Tho Inter Ocean for ! 133*, To a'iv<» the ne-.v« without in of­ fensive sensationalism; to lwi.c<>. u':isi-<i!i« am! ajrtfressive in the a.lvootey cf well e.*tah!Uh-: »?•! •(ii inoit'ili's, without iiHnz'ii:ir'-o*.\-urltnled or unfnir; to cater to tlie oi all cUssse.-i of intelligent r<'.nlt*rs, witliont i'.'u-<Un iiiir to the 1.rcjni'ict"i of any.; to present in mo,-! at-tracuvo. form the preHte»t il.ispt.av of matter, without citrt.w'.in^ or lowering tho yt in lar l ef any ilepiirl'lUMU ; to jrr«>\v in i!ifi*?»-sr aiiTT oicceflence with eaeh sji'-ci-eriinp year of Us cxi-leiice, w to !hj the.inoi',v I ii(MV->oaper. Krom tHfriiivit It haa tieen tlie aim of the publisher.-; of Th* Inter 0*-tn to have t lie pa- per reach this hijrh «teln*tant, ami' in Vaclief the ten-ve,irs <• 1 its exi^-<Mire ii notatile Mcp'] forward"' Ita9 Ixsen taken. As .-very r.troue lia-4 •net 'with enronr'atcing- r'e*t><»»*e from the pirb- Me ir> the stisfj.e <>t iuerense<t patronavrc. i' is lair to a?«nnte that the efl >r!s of Hit" p:iltli-.Ji- <»'rs have been in the right ilirection, an'l have lii'Pti ar.vref iat.O'l. The Intitc <)'•'•• in will remain iitieomp'rotnts inp:lv Kt»put>iieaii, wil: maintain it* pri. '-r tftuhe '>t .protc-tlti? 'Atnerie.nn irdu-trics; will eontinue to devote special attention .to trade, i.rau'apoi tatioii.and ei*'.ni>nne i|tiesti»ii«>; w-il'l retain the depirtme ts of 7Vic < Shi'ji'it cuTient encyrlopedia of enr^>us,'iii- tere-tinir, and v.iluaible informrvtion. c iiie I out by 'itu|iiirie'#of »uiWerihor-): The Kiiiyiium yle^-nii"l to 'the pro>ri i.'S^tv.e i-.iti-* e-. •iK-tiis ill w'hfui women are rfttervstedV.':TUi- b^tnn'tnd /iotee'd:ovcrinvr topirn of cpeciiil in- turest to farmer-, their ue-, ai.'l tinir rlnl. •I'ren): Thr V'-t'-riwo-)/' (ennta'ir.'iiir ai'sww to •jne-'tions a* to the' liorwe^,.cattle and oth'.n-ittiimals .by or.e of t he l^^t veii-rin. ary t iirjreons !n Hi." We*t); an't (tnUiritr m p'.izzle-», i iiitfiiiaj-.eonundriiiii", etf ;, all of wine it are peculiar to the paper: will tri visas nut eh i-pacus. Uit.IierlO to sernl am »hort stories i»riirinal anrt feleeted sketehi, unit, poenn, and with in«-rea-ed facilities Inr new* ir^therhi-'- in flic «!:ape ot spi-rvil wtrrx to Sew York and \\' ik!iin;r!oi'i. and experiuiice t eorre-imndeuts well p! u-ed at home aa'l Hl>ioai!, « ill more than niiiinta'm its lnxh ttan'lavd for en' and aec-.tiraey In alt j <lei»arlinenLi of iie.wn. . "l'be /».<«/• :• I w.i vs closctv ident itled with the interests <rf the"-Weit, hhs le-l in the JWurt. of d,evrU)pirien t i*t' t'olh the Noftliwe«t and the ^inilliwe^t, mid it wit) contintie to . make prominent the characteristic,, feature*- of the progress »il tlie ti«w«0* i-oaniiuuit i'lt- lo- H'ftnl ^UMelifMxI. No pap<n oi . rn"< ountry iiui'ii »iin;-,ch attention to inimijrr.iI ion niove- nw^nl *.-*rad wivy -a&4 can vt eiiierprisc^, race- and cfotii IU'IG probh HIS, arid other topu-.-i re l iliuar to the prosperity of the older state* and the d-evc-lopinent of the newer Kurtitiii^'as the Inter IJec?.use it i^ const taut Tv en Jar^int? tl:n Held of lKuvipaoer discus>iou, and (rrapplinj; tin- heMlalsniriy with all n»>w qi.estions thatcouie Itefore the people, it Ita« increa«efj rapidly in circulation anionj; nil c.)»<>!<(>» of .in• e»iiicn and f.trinero. IteeniiKC of its enlerpri-e in Imxitty njtwirU nrrr* t<» the jrreat lie WH centers, it ImniiroWn In fnvor with al1 who like complelei'.ist-s and nc.riiracy in diripatches. t!eca;i^e of It-" 'teuitai-t Kfp'iibiicanisMi and lis rlo.-c <.yuip-itJiy with the he.-1. elements of the Hepublican party, it ha* jjrnwit ftea lily iu favor with jtart/ men. *lti;'-ause of the lii^h ••liaracter .'mid wide rattle of its literary and «pre la I d.>i»arnnenta, it has become a r|t'-t»nier t« vorite in the hoiiie than jiny other 11 •*tin' tively political paper in the country. Tlie aim hax-nceu tomak^it the best paper for city, Hutiufban. or c<nn-,trv reader; the 1'H in I - 1 -•* - X-' A^lT * Hk, 1 'UiYUTC-, fOH BUTTEB- AIID E5BS, Thankful for past favors I a c.ontinir- aiiee qf the sauiu, ami shall always be ylad to moet#Il uiv oM friends, uint as many now oiies as itnv see lit to call. CI I AS. KUHNEUT. Johnshurg, Oct. 17th., iScia RIVERSIDE BLOCK. McHENRY, ILL. ^ve^.pepartmB'ntr'n^^^^plcte-witli mmmmw S . GEORGE W. BESLEY, -DEALER IN-- Wauconda -TWEALEK IN-- Fancy Groceries, Canned Gcods, Choice Confectionery y<) y/O.VA, Ti.XWARE, CUTLER 1", 4 11 CIGARS, TOBACCO, &c. Whose Store enn be found on the West Side, wheae everything this line eun be foutid, Fresh unci Pure. ii Kr/'in '25 to f~t cenl ^ p<M - pecialty of these rood- l>ound. We mako a ^tock l« Ire-^h and complete in every 'ar.and I.wil) not be undersold, quai. place, reidy to General Repairing, <1n saoft Jfniea atel at* reasonable rate*. V'e.w.«nl4,stlio.-rttft- the ntt<"ntioiv of thoxe wishing to Duy to our Mv itar:i(! ity of.iriio'ls^co.nsidirrci! I huv none tint the •lie<t, and pu-roUa.-ers will fln.i it an object to call and see ni,K before purchasing. Qiticl^^tUew Ac Profit my motto, and it'will tie lived up to. E W. BROOKS. Waiieonda, 0<-t. 25th, 1882. Evftr brought to McHenry county, araonp which can be found th« iVoiinor Library, 'Princess Library, Harrison & Smith Safety Lamp and a fine line of Bracket and Hand Lamps of every description which will be sol^j-t-^rices that dviy competition. Callaud see them oefore purchasing. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Give n e a Call. f C.WBESLEY MoHenry, 111, Oct. 20th, 1881. Guardian's 8a!e Estate. IV, of R^al II I' « A# Whieb w;e are »ellin«t *1 >«ry 'ow priceg. WAUOSSj CARUIAyKs^ f • a- Cuttsrs ^lade t > order, r ar ot i.t©4+V Loiii'y, Llibvifi* . RIPP Bfcos W-C-iXOii. t , 1-1., N jt. --. , i^v-. Ca,l.t|»irl 930 -Sjhop In LUck|»4iUU Slwp,' Mi. Iwi-t j»ai»«tr for the•iiiutirfts* man and.hi iv ; the best p tj^e/f-r the strong partisan an well Hit tne jfeneral reader; aiid asi the eircti. lntlon ot ifu? t-eVerrtl edition-, 1i;(ji increased more rapidly the passt > err than in aiiv pievi- (iii« year, and a-, it It? now larger than" that of any oi her paper west »f \mv York ' fiitv, the pn'bli«lieiK,.feel-inn that Kiev have' fair irean- lireot popular ajt^roval.' will' continue in the cour.te marl ed out, mitkinjf such improve- ineiit-i a# will keen the Juter-tjceimnt the -bead of tlie ll?t <>f-American journals as tlie model newhpa'per. The circulation U bent shown by the aiiionnt rif |to.i.i:»s«!'4»ai'l on the papers M-nt to actual Kiihrcrtiier.-.. .Indeed by ll(i» Htandard, the Inter Owia is fur ahead of nil of ils chira'po cofitenipiirarien*it* i!,invn hy the taiiit below. Thin table (five*, the amount of postaie paid on circulation by each newspaper name I fall of Oitieago) for the. yuir ending_ The l^h-r Ocean. The .Ye>r* .... T„>- Tun"?, Thn Trf>ii,i/'..... Thr , I T'ie McHenry r.r'n-k 'Mitnufart ti rinir Com panv tire now ready to supply Brick in Ijtttii* FF.QM SMALL LOTS --TO- virtue of an order if the fountv (Vuirt of McHenry fv/uitly, in the suite'of Itli nois, liiade al I tie November term thereof. A. P., IS-i-2, upon ihe'pctilion of the under-signed, fruanjian of (ieo. C. Starr, (iuy W. Starr. < orn M. Starr,'Th:is' I.. Starr nini Kva V. Starr, iiiinorB, 1 will, on the 21»t day of, Peeemher next, between the hours of ten o'clock In the forenoon, and live o'clock on Hie afternoon of saiit day, sell at public vendue on the pretu- i.-es, the following described real estate, fit. uated in the Town of Dorr, County of Me.- Henry and Slate o.f Illinois, to.wit: Lot No. two hundred and seven ty-eiirht, ('27->) of As­ sessor's plat of the Town of Pnrr as mailt hy John Hrinli. in tlie Hecorder's otlice of caiil county, on the l.'Jtli itnv of December, A. !>., W-2. Also l.ots <»ne, (f) two, (i) and thiee,'(3) in Hlock rout (4) of Asa W. smith's plat near' thecitv of Woodstock in said county, -said Itiock four (4) he-injt numbered as l ot one •hundred and seventy (170), on said Assessor's plat, in section emhi (S) in naid town of Dorr. Teiins cash. A8A W. SMITH, Guardian. "Dated this ISth day of Nov. A. I)., MMW. Ton Oar Load c« i ; .-.jun.-iioo :w; 7.H:I U (i.lHlllt .. n/Mtrit ....... l u:t<w ThinHtHtemeBttteedanv comment. Lt speaks for it-elf. - ' The nibscrilition price of the Inter Ocean Is follows; Weekly edition, "postage ita'iil... if 1.25 pr y'r >>01(11-Weeki.v edition, i>ont;iye paid. 'l.;M pr v'r Daily editioit, postage jiald .. -...Jit. lie pr y'r Sjam pie copies of lhe JiUcr Oeaun wiil lie Hiin l CI IS (ipl'lHatioil. : Si nd nii.nei i.i Ue/I^lerei! I.fetter. Money Onler, Itar U Draft, or by li\press, at our risk, and U: tfiire an>! w rite the name iiud addreaa •oi e.u i. :ii!l..;c' plainly.. Adilross TUi: i>ixi;n »x EAK. Cii.cflp&j Xii. Their Tirick are second to. ifone to be found in the market, and will bo sold at the lowest markei price. I*iT-«on« intending to Imild, or. those, hand- linir bric k, will ilo well to call aiid see tis be­ fore ) nrchn«ln>r. For further information apply to oir address, lflcHcnry Brict Massfactiiriiin Jul;,' ot!i, I;i2. ILLINOIS. Dissolution Notice. 'PUK Copartnership heretofore .existing A under theiirm iinmeof sevens A sclinorr is this dav dissolvad by mul ual consent, T, A. Schnorr fetirinjrjj^All indebtedness of the hue linn will he assumed by V. Stevens, to whom all notes and- 'book accounts owing to said lirm will be paid. C. V. 8TKVEN.S. F.A. SOHNOBR. McHenry, III., October 3d, 1582. T would hereby inform our old customers nud the public generally that T wi'l continue t he bu.-incss at the old" stand, with a good stock of jroml.Tiri mv line, anil will be happy to see all who may give me n call. ^ - C. V. TJTJSVBNS.. A true Hspistant to nature iti restor­ ing tlie system,to perfect health, tluif* enabiinsr it to resist tiiseasc, is Brown's Iron Bitte>8. City iviilenee1? for tale. Apply to Asa W. Smith, WooiHtock, 111. Fur IJVst-dnss ln«iirance against lire and l ightning, wind storms, cyclones. toi'iKiflocs, etc., clp.. apply to Asa W. fcuiilli.WootliitocK^ll. If not, don't tail to call at the Waula Bus Store and Boil .5 Haonl. And .earn our Jpriceh. We have jiist completed arrange­ ments with the publishers, so that we can now furnish yon all pnper.-rsind inngazincs, by the day, week, month or year, at the low­ est club rates: And when call- in or, ask to see those Albums marked way dcJwn to clear out stock. Always glad to see you whether it be to get papers, Albums, Knives--marked clown too,--Al»« bastine-- one pound or fifty-- Cariiolit* Sheep Dip--much better to kill Ticks than a Tobacco wash -- ov any oilier article in our line, or.simply to -shine upon u^thes. light i,!: your countenance. K f, s. HAnr.jscw, [ V ^ ¥> *

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