Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Dec 1882, p. 4

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ra * . iiWft mgmi: . . . , . a T t p " & litem- fS 0>Mf ;rMy.smA i,mi' fr^cSjC '?** M#! Ufrtztt *1- K i t'Jfr £T mm ivt f$i'm^i*5 pi'-fl. ;E J#i ~ -.'*1 | • !n*g J .. .- C."^' , i ' i-r. 'r .*, I wEnxRsmv, hr.r. 13, issa. -Afr .V Editor. 'T'.fii f**i- *t*m >*' *'<i» '«.«•'« - a j « « v,3 . - -M? , r , t « ' f f . . , f i t . t.„V # >'. t Jt<. ft. •-' r«> ,&<•»•>- •j^Tlt* action of Governor MeEnery, onlMana, In wl »<? a certifi- tto from Sector Kellog:j» as-'con<;r«»*»i« an from tlu»'thlr<l district, shows'that Mit Democrats hare not lost tholr «ft parity for blundering. It Is probable that Kallojj^ will eventually receive tf)« certificate, as the ghwemor is not iUpport^d In his action hythe pfeM of ';#» «l«W. , •*" 'The tr»»Mem-railroa«ls nre flglit- enrnesrlv as ever, arrtl no one seems $%>know when t!ie jvar wfll end. to >.$!• Qt*5|^na^v of the managers of two : f$t Ihe leading roads liio following lii- trtdent Is reltfed. Mr. Milbnnk.of the , §t. Panl road, who is a shining light in *• Methodist chr.rcb, met. Wf. Porter, <h® Prefident of tlie Omalisis. the otlier #»y and paid to !•!n>: -Look hero. I'orUr. jou're r.ll wrong trying to fight :4j|gaiast me, I'm iis*sd to lights. Iliavc concluded one In the chtifrh that T\e been engaged In for the last :/".1 wanty years., Xow that's my recont. I md !f It 's necessary I'll fight this raVl- •f»*d battle just as .peweveringl.v;1* a*TUat's very trueReplied President ^•rter,**but you must remember tliat 4*ill twenty rears or more younger than _ are, and time will tell." , •©" A story has been going the J|*ande about Tom Ochiltree, Congress man-elect from Texas, to the efle;t that When a Kentuckian oiiec boasted #h*t ther«» were but three "really great tiara in the United states and he him- |»lf was one of the three, the niHaiuit- ed Tom modestly replied; "I'm the Other two." The Troy, N. Y. Tim-s #ayi the story is not strictly accurate. 4tnd gives the true version as follows: S^P. A. Towiisend made Ocliiltree tlie §»utt of ridicule in one ol his "Oath" titers, and spoke of him ns ' 'the great* «--t liar in America." "Did you see my 'tnwbamFs reference to you in his letter '.to the Cincin»ati Commercial ?" ask- |«d Mr*. Townsend of Tom. "Yes mad- ,im I did," Siiid the cougressmm-elcef, I^There was onlyone .mistak^ it it." he .added. There are three great liars la America. I am one of tiiuasf four husband is the other two." ;y.. • ,>sol3N. t i KI>ITX)R PLAINDKALKRNot having *een anything from this »>)ace for some tline. we give a few items. Father Suuderlin is comfortably set­ tled in his new l|ou«e whicl? hi* many friends bought the ftimber and huilt for him. One cannot help thinking of the scripture's words of 4-f have never seen the righteous forsaken," etc. * Our new blacksmith ai^ balfir Aff botli busv men and find they caii do in our village. fJ«U and see those splendid jjiollday goods at R. B. Gardner's. Clarence Orvls has gone to llve wlth Ills aunt, Mrs. Bradshaw, niid to attend school,*at I'hilo, Chamj^iien Co. Ills schoolmates wisii liini success. ,Mrt», Carsoiii of Iowa, with her three children, is visiting Iter girl hood friendfc in Solon. _ M a rri ejf- By t he Rev. M r. Soiil", at thi* resirleftce f»f ft. B. Gardner, Rev. Ervin Jlrown and Miss Maggie Turner, on the evening of the 8th of December 1882. Last .Sabbath evening we were surprised at seeing the nilni»ter leave the church, after service, without dis­ missing the congregation; and still more astonished when Mr. J nines Rob-' bins arose - and announced , fliHt there' would be a donation Thurday evening, at Mr. Gardner's, and thftt just before stipper there would be , n '"wedding!- (naming the parties), Aptlie appointed time (although yn account of the ex­ treme coldness of the evening many who were expected were unable to venture out) tlie house was Piled with friends who waited eagerly for the en­ trance of the bride sjnd groom, who *oon entered, took their places, and were made one. After the ceremony friends crowded afound shaking hands and «itleriii«r congratulations and good wishes, until supper was announced, When the happy couple, with their relatives and intimate friends, were sufficient to occupy tlie whole -apace of two long table®, extending th« whole length of the room. Four time's were the tables replenished and others In­ vited (o partake ol the tempting viands rich cakes, pies, and fill the delicacies which the good ladies of Solon know se well how to make. ' Bnt the crown­ ing glory of tlie 'feat was a lovely *btiflal cake, over a foot high, adorned with cupids, ornamented with immor­ telles. and crowned - by a- beautiful bridal wreath of white rosea and gera­ nium leaves. We believe it was made ar.d decorated by Mrs. J. Bobbins, a cousin of the bride. It was,uot molest­ ed until all had finished supper, when it.was cut, put into parcels and divided among the guests. By tlie way--mum the AUCTION SAL 10. The undersigned will sell nt Public Auction, on iits iarm. four miles south- east OF Mcll. 'M v. OH Saturday, Dec. 80, 1882. commencing at 10 o'clock A. SI., the following propertv: 31} Cows, B Heifers coining two years old, quarter blood IIoTste!n,jl quarter blood Bull, two years old, I Span Horses. 1 Tread Power, 1 Belle City Cutter. 1 Sheller, 1 Iron MeCoiiviick Mower, 30 Tons Corn, 400 bushels Oats, 40 Tons Ilav. 30 Acres of Corn Stalks," ,2 set Double Harness. 1 Road Wagon, 1 Top Buggy. 1 Brood Sovv and 4.Pigs, Plows, Drags, and ot her articles too numerous to mention. Also at the same Mine my Farm of )90 Acres, good buildings, well watered, and with­ in 20 rods of a clieese factory. TERMS--On stock and fanning tools all sums of 810 and undei. cash. Over that sum a credit of eight months on approved Notes at 7 percent. On If arm, terms made known on day of salef". „ WM. H. MuoGit^T. F. K. GRANGER. And ion^er, ' r ' • ' _ ~ i ¥ p o f T ? T D s 7 f V " ; • -6 Ten founds O. K. for oi.e dollar. C. V. STEVENS, 0 *'• i GKNTS' TIKS.v25 Vfnds to pick from; 10 i>er cent less than market price. Suspenders al it> cents. Also ladies Cloaking*,-§2,000 Woilh at low figures., f-i'.U \ - E. I«AWLUS» i Opposlte EiverBiile Hotel. Mclienvy. 60 good ^hee p for siUe; njwtnll ^wes^ hi good vofidjypu .for breediu>. : ; In-; quire of Andrew Thoi|ia?, ; uorthwegt ,of Mcdenrv Statioii. , ;, Trunks and Valises, a good variety nlnd prices very modehite, at Fitzslm-. uions & Evanson's. 1ST"The m*nt election in the terri- |-|ory of ITtnh was not encouraging to o|-»he Gentiles. Tliev nominated a deJ'e- jfgate to congress iiiwl supported Itini by | is the word--but a little bird told #jntbllc meetings in seventeen out of ' secret, viz.: That a certain Eilltor vv rs to receive a share! How Is that? Be­ tween 40 and 50 dollars were raised (in money) besides several useful and orna­ mental presents to Mr. and Mrs. Brown. Among them a handsome silver castor. *>tlie twenfy-two counties. This activity . resulted in stirring the Morfnons to' a campaign -by public meetings. Tlie "Gentile speakers were followed from -I* tewn to town, by Mormon orators. ^ They discussed no vita* int^reets. omit-> S?-Ilng polygamy altogether. They rslmply ranted and coifimanded the "Mormon voters to Ftand by the hi«»r- •ytg arcliy. They obeyed as nsnal. 'I 'he Gentiles made good gains casting 4.90S •otee against 1,357 in 1880, but the Mormons24.239 votes against 18,567 in *1880. The boss system works well in , ^ Utah, so well that tliere is no immedi­ ate prospect of any relief, even with the Edmunds bill. Tiic influence of the . • Mormon bosses extends in every direc­ tion. In the grand juries the Mormon •embers are simply spies, who wnrn both witnesses and criminals, giving them an opportunity for escape." A ^^oorreapondent of the Chicago Tribune •A halds that the Mormon po-ver will not # Succumb to any laws winch may be en- W"«eted. •" ' Oall at K. M. Owefi <fc Son's and see a fine Swell Body or Portland Cutter. Sold very low; Mens Ovwoats less than Chicago prices at K. Lawltis', opposite Riv,er»^de Hotel. , ! i The'largest'Stock of mens boys and youths flue and coarse Boots' brought ^6Woodstock at Dwlght*#. ' Dwight makes a specialty of the, Selz hand-made Veal Calf. Veal Kip, French and American Calf, line and stoga kip Boots, and can save you from 25 to SOc and #1.00 per pair. ; , n A fine French Calf ;hand-s.e\yed ,poot at Dwighi's. . • B«#t liftW^t'^yiirnB at Mai ie,d'& lett'S, V/JJ;- v -v / •' ' ' CASH BUYERS. I bny for cash, sell for cash, can and will self yon goods at lower prices than iVny-eredi t°^to^ivSlC*ll and 1 Will cin-| vinceyow. • ' - -•'<» , 'i COLBV, Nunita. ; : "" Boys' Overcoats at Mayes & BaVt- lett'S. 1- I Ask any one AVUO- has had pictures made at Bennett's what, they think of them and t,heu notice the reply. " ̂ B1 VELLS "WAUCONDA - ILLINOIS, a(^B6n their orenortil stock, havo a full line of ffoo'ls suit­ able for.wpitantial Presents, to which thov invito tho attention of the buying public. A nice line of Blankets. Quilts, -Underwear, Woolen jtioods, Glove.*, Mittens, etc., as cheap as the same can be bought iutside of the city. In short our Fall and Winter stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and SJioes^Hats and Caps, Heady-made Clothing, liartlwHre,,. .C'rQck- ery, etc., .-nev^wti».wo^tjbj^>'|ete-'|htktt' at'pi-e^ut, ami ^icies Will be made ^ v.iyv: • -• 5r To which * ' • »v't ' and ).i- -'< :hwirSaKt. ^ ruV' •|Kf« t&'H . iBj'jf-#' Sttt'y oves, ..»>* \»- we invite the attention of the public: ('all nW& see Waucoudu, 'IS €r ... 4>.' ' ' t-yli.'fj '-'ui-K, i-!,: f-Ufii itm Re mem her the best assortmeiii? of Dress Goota in town cfcn be found at Perry & M'artin-Sv . : Men's Ovcrcoitts "Mayei(t & Bart- lett's. . . . /. . . . tJOT^i^S, DQI-MANS, T^olmans.'JfeTttck and Colot ,et1,(a/Pevrj' ' PBOFE9i»OR-TICE, tlie' distinguished H«leorolog'st anil Weather Prophet ^•of St. I^ouis. has issued liU Annual Na- ^ tlonal WeAther Forcasts for 1883, in "Which, besides foretelling the weather Jar every da/ in the year, and clearly |*xpli|in(ng the theory on which his predictions are based, be gives ; much ether information con corning atmos­ pheric phenomenon--the whole design­ ed not only to give the facts as to the weather, but to leach the masses the tfadM determining wenjther changes. 2n the present number the Professor It as a timely article on "Cbmets," and «1so oil Electricity as "The Fuel of the Tutufe.* In view of the terrii>le etorms of last summer, his '"Notions , about Tornadoes , , are specially intec- •atlog, and his directions for guarding Agalnste their destructive effects, pos- «M rare practical value. Tito pages of tl»e*lmanac for 1883. are lurther "en­ riched by a variety of Iresh. popular •nd unstruetlve matter relating to the faaclnating science of Meteorology-- the whole making the most complete and useful annual for the farm, tlie fiousehold and the shop ever published, for sample cop v and terms of trade And to agent*, semi 20 cents to Thornp- JUJlington, of II*. ' AMONG the books of |K>pular Midicai Literature w^ich have beeOn.e widely known and ap))reclated by the general public, none in aim :ti u<i a steadier sale or more favored place In the opinion'of the press and the people, thai'i "plain Home Talk" and "Medical Common Sense," by Dr. K. B. Fuole,of 120 Lex­ ington Ave.. X. Y. City. In i.iin^inir out their complete Illustrated-edition ' Of ucarly l.UCX) pages, bound ineloth, atv lite remarkably low price of $1.50., the publishers have injured for tiiemselvcs' prosperity in "large sales at* small proflts," and for t'ie public the boon'of good and instructive reading at.a prije •rltliin the reach of all book-buyers. Tlie eon let'ts I aide can be luwi tiee of the Mnrrav Hill Punishing Co.4 129 JSast Tweuij-wigliiU St., Is. Y. Oit^, ^TrgJvf ?jnwiTiV ^pjTTlT*,' Tfllll other pretty things, but did not learn the names of the'donors. We were also shown a small but elegant diamond pin given to the bride by friends from Chicago; also a beautfful alb«m, the money for which was given by tlie children of the Sabbatl; School of which Urs. Brown has been several years the superintendent. A handsome pocket book was also presented to Mr. Brown by the young men of this place. The following Original poem was in­ tended to be recited by one of the little girls upon the presentation of the album to Mrs. Brown; but was. by some mistake, left at home by the person to whose care it was intrusted: TO MttS. RROWX, OTR TlKl,OVF.1» f&XDAT SCHOOL SrFKKIWTKttllKNT. ' Will you arreiu Hie lit He eift -J-TT These lilMe fricmls bi'<t«w, _';'r Dear Te.-toiier; anil with it our love Wo i»l-o ;rive to you. j Aon, thou xli oome lnrtrer. costliaij jtft Y«M IIVMV to-niirlit rt 'cpive, . £ Vet, none will from truer htestrta; : ! ®inr Teacher, pray believe. "• J ft TTndeVwear for ladles and gents." will pay von to look fhem over, Fifztsimmons «& Evaiison's. Oo to Diidght'S Slippers. i ; i fdr your, StilldHy < :® i •!. ^Ve thnnV voa kin'lly,--o'er anM o'er Prtr all Mint TOII ti.i've ionc f'1 Kdr u*. 3inr« We. :tt Siblinth schqf||i Our lc.^ous ilr^t Uc/uu. r , As CJU'II year slowly rolled aronr.d.j Aw<l Ohristmsw eve «irew near; • ; 5 When y«« our tree took in your change • > We J^iibw we nueji not tear. Sfotoneof us won hi i>c forgot In all our litile tiiii'I, • . TfeHrh nn<l all, pome pIcn.Mnc; gift Woulii always i-onie to tiaivi. May v«ii liit'l i\;i oiiinc'iH <-iu«j pdaee » In :ill your futuru Jit'e; Artfl may you IK- inFJIL-M of storm A lieiovcil aiei w.ife. Sftw. as a tok»n ot our 4offe, .' , thw little gift we hriug^j-' •-An'l bes? j ou will no'itpi <>f u» E'en •u«li a little tWiu-fT., ! • CLIILORKN OF THE SAMIATB SCHOOL. •ili -DE.vlERSJtN-- Closes, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, B I SHOP'S- BLOCK 3Ir?JJ[eiiry, 111. L>";' '""mint a iioe line of (joods for thg ; Trado? i Ito Whim we invite the attention of tlie l>uy-in? piililii-, ami (innriinti'e that \< « will •> , l>le<ise you both iit pMi'U anil vriuvt), tJall and St*e us Hetote Piir- chainjjf Your I'resout. ; SHHTH & CLARX. McHeMi'SS IH'c. "nh, 18S2. Lo©k Here. 1 « B»/ 1" .J . We have now[ari<lth»g atid Jto *rri?e a flnev aBsorUttent j .. * Hol|ay Goof Ootisistinsr of Vnfes, Tea Sets, Cliani ber/5ot8 Fancy OUPS an>l Saucers, Mugs, and WB'MTO a clioiee lib® of ,1,-1- ; BOOKS.. * *'•' ' V#- ' .!•/.;!• ' ' All to be s«W -i-.iw ' AT That, WHfr th'nk, will please yen it' yon wilt call an'l enquire about them. "Will, gt^e yf>it in.tice in tile Local Col tunn each w eek of some - • ^ '; '••' - - ' ' " ^ » . Bars siiii Special hat we have to offer. ^ he^^GQM^. Volo,*T)e*.\ 188-3.; PUBLIC. tOHNSBTJRCfH, woull 'espertfirlly informtba public that he ba« iupt, received a full stack of Uooils for the' ' ' Fall and - Winter Trade, To wHieli he invites their especial aUeution. His >Stoek consists in part of ' " 1<1,1 l<> 1.' r OHOCEBIES, H'otissy, Boats arid Jjioes, (• - i • . . . 1 •<.i\ J.i. An'l in short every thing usually kept in a After Dee«*1>er til, I wtll iellmy stoofcof MIXilEIBR'T ;;j|a4.Iaac7 Goods, ' * ,4t At Cost . h 11 >•1 ^tirt'thvmtaiiee-ttrtiiy atlM*,: emuhitlnr M r Drv iiuoiiH, Hoot#, Shot-*,»v>» „Crocl.ery an'l Glttb^waie. 1 liuve a It«v line 04 Tea and Oofrs©, The" High03i Market Priori IN CA^II OU TUADE(, FQ5 BUTT3R AMD 1C-5S, Thankful for past favors T solicit a eontinn- anee of tlje i-auiii, uiwl »h:tll always be jrlail lo meet nil my iel'4 ,i 'i \cii '<is .and aa, juany new ones an n. ,y see fit to cull. r Oil AS. KUIIKKttT. Jolmahnfg, o«it. 17th., UWli- - V' 'WW-i7JF- V Faxiey Gfoceries, Canned o? HE YOU KNOW That WP have t.iie lur^est Stock of Gloves and Mittens in toa-n. ' C. V. STKVEXS. . v W# - ittake a apeelart v of women* mlsfceiK ami ciiildrene fine Kid. fioat anil CiUf Shoes. W. II. IhviiriiT. Wooiletoek. AGENTS WANTEDS LiTK, MARTYR PRESIDENTS. ABItAIT.-VM LINfOT^, "From Pioneer Home to White Houae,'":au.l .J .VMliS A RIM M IJAIU FIKI/I), "Froin'-Loje ('abin to White House." In Knsfijsh ami German. Illustrated with line 3teer<vv?raTiitK4. Hy an eiuiui nt iiutlioiv Also for the only large ctee! portrait of Gar. Ilelii. Sen t fur extra term*. . •TLLK II EMI V Blix I 'FHL,I!S!IIXO Co., ', CoKH.' :- •m Whleh will he toMallowest ljl?J&i#|#ri^ oca. A lull line of • • . . *' -i!- Knit Goods, iGLOVES AND BllTTEMi Which T will sell cheaper than bouscht elsewhere. Alio a zood lino of Ho­ siery, Underwear, Yum*. Flannels, &e. I have a jrnml ami full line of* Goods, and 'will Sell eheuper than the cheapest--quality con- aider <1. Call In at Fitz-iiiiiiions jSc E*an»on"R ami examine their unilershlrts at 50c\ Kobert Reeker. 2.M Alaska St., Chicago say*; '"Brown's Iron Bitter^ cured uie of heartbnrii." The finest teas and dofiees at Uaye» & Bartlett's. ' <• T.adiee (IOOCIK and Xnbiaft are oilered cheap at Piiz^irnmonp Jfc KvaiiHon's. Wateif* A. goorl hand t»»!i'l ' ; Gj'^in 'proof Boot at l'.vi^iii*^ • 1 7 1'RI NTS AT 24 OKXTH A Y ARD 10.0(10 yard>s staiidard '<1aHt prints to e closed out at a hove pr1e>. <». ( ' . COCIJY, Xtinda. -A Ijti 'sre slock of warm lined Boots *,( Dwight^. Fit/.^iminonn & Kvanson are closing out a line lot o. r Nnhlas at 80 cts, worth $1/25, • <>>rfietg. Hoop Skirts. ' .Ud^- . And children'* Mofce at Mayes $ lUnlett'i". IIeailqnarter« for Menu, lioys and Yotitlis Kuhher OHUI HuOi sst Dwight**. A. Sonnensohciirii '0 McDonald'^ old stand. Nniida.Ilf. Hood*. Ho»rery, l,adl«'s and OhiltlrfBg I-"5 il »toe«i- i&f,.;iV'iiiv» jiuij YJquor* Aut.... 1 .liir M lA M • u.1 • 4 k. '.\4 i ' Af t 111! lti>f>l »•<•> I I III aa.1.1 ..I. S.. - II!. fieri no liud. BX Ill6. • rw«i»r. »tiuj >1 IJuioe i s ' (tine Fl» nnel blurts, i^eie uenwiiitteiii tier Benry. jn.-» reci-ive l r»l 9vftiisou'% tlie most cone "hown in >Ir- of the hesi quaUrv. which )i^ U fielling at wliole«ale a* cne.ap ai' the same can b«' iioii^lu i r (J Oal! aiul be i cojiyinced that" vviiat, I «a\ i« true, ' ••'•'} V,, \-v- A. ^ovjJKNSCtlfclKT Xuuda, Dec. igbi. nOUSK AXD I.OT FOR SALE. I ofler noy'house and lot. situated in the village of . Mi-Henry, for sale. There is a food barn, outhouses aird small fruit ou the premises. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply lo •• ' ; «? ' - ' ' '5 M. Kfko«t,N T! jMKLlQiia AMES, : ' ^,1 BltKKDKH of Thoroughbred Poland China llo^«. Ile-iidem-c 1M inilesvouth of Volo, Lake County, ill, Htock for sivle. . In $nlk or C^Qi always on hand C. L. WAUCONDA, Dec, 10, 1883. Choice Confectionery - wTiQm h CIGARS, TOBACCO, &c. ,Fr*Ma2S Inr>5 coats iwM-;j>ound. W* make a speeialtjr of these gOoil».r{4 ^j^i ' , 'i Mv: «tfvf>k (* fresh a«d in eveW pari ienlar, and I will not In- undersold, <jual- itv of :r«iods con^idcr.-'d - I buy none but the best, and v'M'elinserti will And" il an object to call and aee inc before purchasing. Qiilek Sales Jfc Small Profit Is my motto, ftnrt it wHI be lived nn to. . f .4 ^ -.jj.«W. BROO K> WanconUa, Oct. 390i« 1^1. Olothim unme wv,. vt(>'r4N - v - 1 '( ,1^'t V a) -* < 1 ..,j .h-n We shall make a speciatfy of DftY GOODS AND OLOTBINi forr%m.s I fM-if We hav^ an Immense stock of eaefHind ate prepared to exhibit assortment found nownere else iu town. VV« a very lw# stock of Men's and Youth's and-- Ulsterettes, •i : r v . V < - \ \ < J , ; f *J u ] i ^ Qve^eoatS j " .-iil > ' txti "j"' i HI % \ <: V -s:{ H .£'• w » , i v ' , j '$«- ( * t v ! ' ' f *\* h ' .* - 'f And are willing to make very low priccs to dispose of them. Es pecial attention paid to Ladies' and Misses* Cloaks and Dolmans a] popular prices. A full line of- .6-tjo^ncii.lSi^ti &iid-vOils 'njiraifi01 hand, i till and eSfiiniine^ THE HOLIDAYS. n II"-.: 1:1" , .1 «i ilhcsa Sl ore can lte ff^und on tlife W^st Sidfe, Has' fiist received full lime of goods for the Holiday Trlidfr, and invites the huying publ lie to call, examine goods and learn prices before purchasing-. !•<< 'jff« for it'W ents ' i< : ' PP PB l±:vjs TV We hav£ the lavffost stock of •' • id'} . i ..-uVgii "Uln/ -tVi. R THE CHILDREN, („ L w -.•>'!'] c.'ui . , •• >-^10. ; 3E*'A.i38?&':3^ ,,, , ; UM -rftiif ,.0s V4H - •; ; ' Ever liroiight to ^6Il6nry ^minty,- amonjfr whieti caW" be found th< Bonner Library, Princess Library, Harrison '& Smith Safety Lamp] anil a tine line of Bracket and liand Lamps,, of every description which will be sold at ptices tliatt ^^'^dtti^t|trpxr^X^I|'4|t^"ied thei o6fore purchasing. '-H ' r,"n ' " 'r':" r5' ' •; Physicians Prescription® Caretully Com^OuncieO. "c". W BESLEY : ^l^cHenry, III, I2thi 1H8^. to call tfc Wbea in search of ̂ ne^ent^ do not JOHN B. JiLAKE, . - - -t.Jr ;i l,». • A - 'nS 'tl/i• Two Doors North of Perry & Martin's Where you will find all grades of Furniture, from a common Chair People bminof »w.i-'f»ipNw r «p ,to the finest Set, of the best ip&ke and ^uali^ t ci me will find all aiiy good« as represented, ^ ~}j t ̂ >pi< Also a fine tine of Toys, Albums, Vancy (joods, etc,, especially adapted to the Holiday Trade, which will be sold low tor Cash. M*4iM>«iU W>foi»b«yiwi ? i;. 'J;.;;" .'4M- • Do W n ->i" JOHN B. BLAKE. HAS >3211 HO'JED, 1,!nCC' r""y General Repairing, .. Ilfc snort notice and at renRonabJe rnte?. We would also call thi-^bMUoiE^-'-ilieM' wishing to buy to our ,, Novelty and Variety BAZAAR! • ST A T ION Eli r, NIC WSP4PEUS, Magazines, Books, Novels* /MUSIC. All Muijic.^l. J«uri»dl>, _Juibra^iea, nig nud Joke. Koftk*, I.etter Writers," (aunie^, 1'lnys, Ore'-ii V»-rv-.-(tic,-1- , ,,r«io T »vs and i-o M,..-.I..,;•«!, WruuiK |>er.s 1'etic.iU, Pens, school and BtunK Itooks, • I l|H, l.t lit 3,, O ill MM Oljir.,, an I articles not here iiu'iitionc"*, at "the azaar, RScHeury, US. BOB Tlie'MeH«nry Brick' Manufactnrlnsr Com l>anv are now ready to supply 11 rick in Quan­tities FROM SMALL LOTS --TO-- Lofids* 1*|i«lr aro *e^oi(^ tf none to \>e Found ; In the nmrkef , and will be sold at the lowest umrke; price. t , Persons intending to bnfbl, or those hand, linir brifV, W|II do u'cti t<> call and s»ee us Be. fore }.'nrnbiiiAi>jSi.'> t*:-fcor turilier utforfHatloi»»pply to ijrinUlraaa, rlcoF. Which we are *ellintr at rory 'low p WAOOSH, CA.-KRI Ati Cutlers and Sleighs, Made to order. OuHluid soo 'tlS.^ Shop in rc/iv of (;ji! |i<inter'a Iitncksmith -Shop, Jit;. Henry, Illinois. TRIPP BROS. licllunry. ltl., Nov. 47, isaa, McIIKVRY #«ly«tU,WW. ffiasnfaciBriiiE Guardian's Salo df Real Cstaten BV virtue ofanoriticr >f the County Court of Alctlenry County, in thesialu ofllli noif>. made nt the' N'-vcnilier term thereof. A. !>., IS^'i, upon the petition of the uniU'i-rtij^ned, iniardinn of (ieo. C.Starr, Guy W. Mure, <'ora M. Starr, Ch»s. I,. Starr and. IvVn I'. Starr, minors, I will, on- the iil^'t ds> of December next, between the toours ot ten oVbick in the forenoon, und five o'elt.ek on the afK-rnoon of said day, sell at public vendue, on the prem­ises, the followiiitr described real e>tate, sit. uated in the Town of IHirr, County of Mo-Henry and ^tnte of Illinois, to.wit: l.ot ^>'o. two hundred -<nd seven .>-eisrlil, (2TH) of As. sessor's iilatof the Trtwn'of l>orr us ma<lt by John Brink, in the Recorder's office of said county, on the llith ciiiv of December, A. I)., lSl'i. Also I .ot* one, (I) two, (2) and 1 m^e, (Si in Itlnek Four (4) of Asa W. Wiiillli'- j. In * iietv the city of Woodstock in s«i<i couniy. said Hlock fonr <4) lietng: ni'.mliered as f'ot one hundred and seventy (170), on said .Vsaessor's plat, in > eciion eight (8) in said town of Dorr. I'1 ' '- ASA W SMITH, Guardian. Dated thif> 1Mb day ol Nov. A. D., ATTENTION STONE MASONS rl ,llK lliphwav Oommissioners of the Town 1 «d Hichmofid will let to a responsible parly the job ol rebuilding the north a-bui. ineni of the l»nd/e over the NipLsiux. knovvii as the ••Craine" Iti-idjre, lad ween >o!ou imd Spring tiii»ve. Apply iminediati ly to . K.!*- Jnwiisx'TT, Solon, •••ti K. it,<»\Vl lis, IJitdiiaond, J ...» -F OKO ^TK.wAlii', Keywtolie. :t -fUigliway Uouimissioiiers. SUBSCRIBES? If -not, don't laiL to cull at the Waacsaia Drag Slore aad Boole Dissolution Notice. t pn K Copnrt neiship heretofme t'\isl niK 1 under the firm nmneof Stevens & xdiuorr is this ilnv dissolved bv mutuiil con»ent, F. A. Sclmorr ielirinp. All indehle<l lie^> of the late firm will be assumed by C. V. Sievens, to whom all notes ami book accounts owing lo said tlrm will be paid.. ^ y steveH^ ; . OT K..C-HUU>Ott>b '•' Mcllenry, III., Octol»er5d, 1882. *1 • won Id het idiy inform on^ obi cn^tomerH <uid the public generally that 1 wi.I eoniiuue-the busineps at the obi stand, Wil li a troo.| stock of goods in tnv line, and wrill be happy to see all who way give me H call. V . V. ATI.VJH.XS. And learn onr pricet». We have jnt-t completed arrange­ ments with the publishers, so that we cari now•'furnish you all |)aj»eis and nuifftizineis, b}' the day, week, month or year at the low­ est club rates And when cnll- in<r, ask to steei those Albiuns marked way down to clear out »tockv ' ,: ' ;. '•' " M. AI «r*js gli«l to gitieyo« to hether it be to «ret papers, Album®, Knives -- mtrked down too,-- Ala- Imstine --one pound or fifty-- Curbolic Sheep Dip--much betiefr^ to kill l icks than u 'tobacco wash 1 -- or any ot her article in our line, or simply to thine upon us the ol your .'ouutcnauce.

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