t •Tofi.'s; i-' r M'HENRY, ILLINOISJpVEDNESDAY. JANUARY 10, 1883." K^rarj fhinhiltt. PtiblUhedEve<-7 Wednescfar by i fi,, SIjYKEi, EDITOt aND PtTBtHHICit. m Oifloe in Bishop's Block ; jtev.T' W*OepostTn PER*T A MARTY'S.-'- . , ' i| Ai'-'/'r TRRMS OF StrBSCMPTltfS. 'v^Hreireaf (tn wHitkj'.ii.:.r J?*'. *>* Tit'tf CtlW ,11 revive 1 for tHrb&'%r ' in the *4m» proportion. , , ' BUSTSESS CARDS. BUSINESS CARDS. AS. JUKEKN. ; > •YETKRTXAKY SURG E«HF. "tUetomonrl, JESSE A. BALDWIN, rAWTKR. L»w business In any p*rt of J tH« Sitice receives prompt intention. •flAlre room 41, new Custom House, Chicago Ill inois. .2 00 six rf, T. nnowv, M. i>. f^HT^TCTAT VXD m^RGtfONT. OW'-ff over i the Po<»t onre.fl.nnnim l**rry A Martin's tor* »t> 'fur*, Mp.Henry, 111, & r. n. farina*. if. *>-"•' ^iVir^TOt w w^> *rrn tohaslprgh, Til*.--Office hours * to 11, A. M. ? i I- RV. .I. wowwfto, *H. r» |>HTSMF\V« AVO ^TTUGKOV, ' mv . resMnace,. opposite Mcllcnry. Til. OWee at M- E. Church, N. v. VSRRMTSOV. TF. TK, MTSTPFW ONO ^NR-REOTI. OWOE RepMei»'-e, Melfehrr, Illinois ... . at J. "J. * "-IS! I. ,, Saloon null Tlestanrnnt, r>t B ASKMRNT «f Knli'icrf* «tnv«. .tohns-hUrgh, Til- T'<« ch<Moe*t bran!^ of AVinos ^Liouors an>l Cigars alvVivs on nnnl. .rail v«nd see mi*. PRATT IIOlTSR. A. P1t\TT, Pronrictnr, First *f- IT oommolitions. Vaneonil*. til. Goo<l Barn in connection IV I: ; ' RANNIAS TlIGATt Manufacturers, McHWrv. lfl. "Or- "i\ i «ierS «oliclted. Shop, t » OM Mc«1i»nrv, ji Keiter Block, two doors west of. PUAIW- _JF.AT.KR Office. ••fm- m i - . - - Hf KTOH AU1> OOMPTON. , # TU^TIOK of the Peicoant Conv6V!iW>.or.-- Will *ttnn I i»i linotly to the collection of Hebta. Volo, Lake County, 111. » ' I . • R. E. RICH UtD^. SrTASa complete Abstract or Titles to land «il in M Tfonjvf'vintv, TU'Ools. Office with CountyOleVfc,W>><I#TOk. IU> •TUWT < E.M. OWE!f >J . ENERAT/ Peale'r nni Mnuirn^'irfr^ IT Agent in l-ei'linff Farm Mac!»in«VA'.-- Prices low ami terms favorable. Mc!Ient\v* II'. X. S. CO LOT. i IfoRKVRT, Mp Heurv Co.. 111. Rreclerof ;!*1 Spanish Merino >luie|>, Berkt t»ir« *••»« U , . sna.. -. -SaPoinnii Ohinji « wine. \ choice lot of you»« '"iBiick s'tocii for sale. Ploane rail :m«v examine efore Uuylns st«ewh»r«. • Yt'A '•-- StWXEV DI-^BROW, J"OT.\RY^PUBLIC and Conveyancer, Al- DR. C. E. WILLI VMS. nENTTST. Residence Dundee. Will lie i»t W.inconds, !*t Pr.'itt Honae, the 10th Snd 25th of each month; at Purlter IIon<e, MC- Henry, the IH1( and "JUth of each month. When .dates occur ^atunlay or Sunday I Wake my visits to JTancondaon Monday,'and McHenry on Tuesday, following. JOHN' KLEIFGEK. HOTTSE Pnlnter, Grainer, Calcimfn^f and Pajier Wander. one Ttlock West of Riverside House. Work attended to proinply and on reasonable terms. S. K. ilKNSKCr, M. U. j PHYSICIAX AND-iUKGKOS. AlsoUaited Status E\a iunin{f.-»aiifooii. tKipUiRoiiil, FLIITHU^ - XI& •. JOSEPH N. fKKUXD. SALOOV AHDRETAUaWT BonMett's old "tand, oiipo^ite Hi-iiciji's Mill. Mo- Ilenry, ill. The c loicest Wines, Liquors and CSifjsrs to lie loimrt in the oounty. Fresh Oysters in their scwoii survail up in Any shape desired or for sale by the C*n. GOOD 4TABLIXG FOR HOUSES. ANTONY ENGEI S, SAT.OOX ar. l Restaurant. Buck's old stand Mcllpnrf, III.--The choicest Kentucky Whiskies, ".i|ir Mash, .Wines, Cisrars, eic., always on hau l. We Imv none but the Iwst. and sell at Reasonable Prices. Fresh Oyster# in tlVQir season. , , T-rr MCHEXRY HOUSE. PETER SMITH. PROPRIETOR, GOOD Board by the dav or week at reasonable rates Th« choicest brands of Wines, Liquors and Oiirar*. G«K>I| StatilinfC for Horses. A fine Piifeon Hols Table in connection with the House. Give me a rnli. PETKIt ^MITH. M. M. CLOTHIER, RICIIMOSD ILLIKOIS, , MCHEXUY COTTXTY. , , Prosee.ntes all claims in all bureaus 1n lbe Department of the Interior. Special att«n. tioiv aiven to ilifflcult or rejected claims. Careful attention ".riven to all matters of tin- lKirtaiicc Office at tho residence ofW n. II. Cowlin, Wool^tock, III. Business will he at tended to by Mr. Cowlin in mv absence^. I shall nlwavs he there on nrltys, an^t .fhall be at the office of J. T. Relilin, Es^., Maveiiijo, on the ilrst Kridav in each month. All letters of a business nature must contain stamp for reply. GKDRfiE CURTIS, House and Sign Painter, M C H E N R Y , I L L . , 1 Opposite Perry At Martin's. "Willattend promptly to all work and guar- antce satisfaction. Prices as low as good work «an lie dons an vwhere. *•** GftAININQ A SPECIALTY . » *F '.I'*-- IXED PAINTF^ ; lam prepared to furnish Mixed Paints of all kinds at the lnwost living prices, and fur nish an article far superior 10 the cominon Mi\ed Taints lieinjc *oM. Call and ste oie. CCO. CURTIS. MeHfanry, APRIL It, W8!. RW e. u. ssi IT if. >%%OOT AND <HOK M \KKll.. 1»¥omnit atWn» *!l» tion given to UeiKiiriitj?. FT hop in J. J. LILIES' building, next to river bri-lge, HE- flenrv, Illiiiois. W. H. SANFORDy V MERCHANT RX>T,ilor Tn the store o fCf.K. J^oiiwisoa, &a«twde of •AWUS9QUAR«^'.. VJ ; WOODSTOCK, ILL. A cood Stock of Fine Cloths for Suiltnprs aU trarson hand. Suits mado to order and a lit rarrantod. Give me a call. • y.,¥ W. H. SAX FORD. Woodstock,, III:, Sept. 27th. 1S75. |h 5 J. A. SHE1WOOD ;; a i k i i o m : e r AND APPHAISER, Algonquin, III. JAI.ES of Slock. F ir niiiy l"i Is and Goods 7 of all kin Is proinpMy a'.t.ci ded to. Far '} isles a specialty. Ter ns r «u*<>nalil«. Po« Dfflce address: AJgoiiuitm. III. JOî WEIDmiOL : ^ Li. iff *.*• V; , • - • 5 -V Saloon and Restaurant,,: KEVR THE DliPOT, ^ Mchenry, - Illinois r# and irig for Tbe iMWt Branils of Wines, ! Clears aiways on Hand. Good St:t Horses. ALSO AGENT FOR Franz Falk's MILWAUKEE Beer, ;.?y ger ft?: ONLY S20 for a PHILADELPHIA SINGER of this style. Sqnal to any "Singer in tho market. JBo- tnrtHftrr, «'c send ittobe fjrmtiinfrl. Itefan" you Jtmjf fur it. This is the same sma otliercompaniesretiil for$50. All Machines wurranted for S years. Send lfrr Illustrated Clr- cularand Testimonials. Addra* CHABLKS A. WOOD A CO.. N».I««tll8t,PhiWe!plui,K neor in Ijar je or Small Kejrs or'Bottie# al w.ivson hand cUeapev than any olliov. quali tv considered. This IJeer h:ts a worl<l wnle reputation, and sjood in-Ijres acknowledge it cannot ue, «ur. as-ed in the world. Orders hy mail promptly attended to. JOS. WJEDE'VJABIK. M. Hcnry. III. Auir. lAlh. »!««. s « ; A ' JOH^SBURQH M A R C U S CERMAN Manufactured --DEALER m~ f PlTfilEWINES, LIQUOHS lm CI3AHS. Woodstock III. TOna-fest Tonic in the world. Pat up to. Pint and Quart Bottles. F. MARCUS, Patentee. '*'*<#• Ml ill FEED X*. Boaslett» Neaf the Depot, McHENRY - - - ILLINOIS. Keeps cou>fi"il v on hand tiieiincsl binnils Of Flour an t Feed of all kin Is, Which hehwill •ell at Wholesale or Retail at, Bottom Prices. Five different brands of Fiour alwajra on fraud and warranted as represented. Jflax Seeil Mejvl Always on Hand WrFlmtr delivere«t anywhere I ioration. Orlcr-S imv oe Jgiren i®»ird, Box 107, Post OiUcc. % GIVK ME A CAI.L. in the Oor ITr POAUTL L. B0NSLETT. ISCI. HENRY MILLER, -^DKALKR IN-- mm anil Foreip HarMe. Monuments. Headstones, ETO.. ETC,, ETC. American & Scotch Granite Constantly^ on Hand. Shop Two miles Nqith of Me Henry, IU. Johnsbargh Ang. 90tb, 1W THE CREAM of all BOOKS of AD71NTDRE. Pioneer Heroes AND Daring Deeds THE ilmllin J adven tu re* of a l l ILIE hero ( s- plnr-tuvs ;u»l t inn tier Uxhters with ludiuis, ontlaws AND wild boasts, over the whole country, from the earliest times to Ihe pres. enl. Lives and famous, exploits of UeSoto, IJISalle, Stamlish, Hoone. Kenton, Brady, Crockett, HI wie, Houston, Carson, Caster, CaHf(U*UI:v Jor, Willi Bill, Buffalo Bill. Genur- ills Miles and *-look, irreat Indian Chiefs and score* of OLLI^"* GOIKIKLLUSI,! II. TUATKD will 13? Hue eugravinjts to the lite. AH.KVTS WA): 11 D. Low priced.and beats a a y t l i i n ? t o s e l l . . . . I^ASDARDHOOK 9Q. ST. LOCIFI, *P. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker aud Jeweler NO. IFLTRAXDOL.PlI STRKET, (Successor to K. U. P. Shirley.) Chicago, III. Spe cial attention Riven toreiiairinx Fine watch* es and Clironotnt ters. • «iTA Fu l l Assortment of Goods in his line. Richmond House* , • RICHMOMO. ILL C. N. CULVER, - - PROPRIETOR. HAVTX6 recently pnrchn<ed the aliove House, I have put it iu thorough repair, with new fii'-nituu throushor.t, AND would respcctfnl'Y invite the p'itron-IRF«» ot the trav- elinat nuhlic and others. The tables will A|~ ways L»e provide"! with the best that can 1* procmv I, and poli te an<L at tent ive waiters will BE in readiness AT all times to attend to TH* wauls of QUESTS. NO pun's will tie spared tomst .e t h i s a F i r s t C l a s s House . LARGE a u d commodious hams on the prcmifles. Free Omnibus *o and from ail traina. Sample Rooms/IIT first tleor. ' AMI BREEDER OF T Hotrs. itesld Lake Omnly, ItWl RL llercl Foreign WARRi IK4 AME* atffhtire I Poland China >*V miles sonth of Yolo, ek for sale. Soltllers' Department. CLOTHING!! ( hiltlren's si ity«ndut tHil % Tailor^ FEPS •• S imestic Cloths. A FIT, ID leu's Boys* nn<l of the !iegt r^il- FO PRICES. i H E. WIGHTMAX, Proprietor, rirst class rigs, with or without drivers. ftuniKbcd at reasonable |rntes. Teaming ot all kinds done on short notice. ^ ~y*. » -- -- tesftijift. A. WENDELL, smimnm jomsa McHenry, III WH1 take enntraots FI/R PUTTING up BIIIMII .^ an i l guarantee mv work w i l l rom|iare witli any mau IN TLIN State. I can autl will do work from 15 to Si, per Cfiit trln»a|ier than other farpput«*rs. as I IIHVK two of IDV lioys who work wltli me. which IWITKFS it |>wible for me to iie so. ' All JOB* In the Carppnter liiie firOinjniy utiKiidcu to. €iv« me a,uitU. tt .iWxii-'-iWW tW.*r' *•••*'•,•# •* • .»vw ' ;•'*<•>.< ,M3M» -VM;.**™ A. WENDELL. ; •• •tymv-.v. ^ i?-" v.'-r.ifeffff --- t. BAINTHORP Rmajwood Illinois. To 1 be people of Rino'^voocl an<l vicinity I would respectfully say that I liuve opeuetl a store near the Depot, where 1 will pay the highest market value for Eg«:.s lJiitter, iiinl other produce, ca.^h or trade being immaterial to me. i shall keep on hand a select stock of Groceries and Flour, .which with choice brands of ( i- orars and Tobacco, I am «roin<; to >el 1 at prices lo defy win petition, and thouirh I have met with a much' more liberal piitronajre than I had expected, I shall yet hold out inducements calculated to increase my trade and secure a largereuatom. - B. BAINTH0HP. JUNE 15TH, 138^. FTA, C^OCERIESl CROCERIE8! iM, Ungeln, HAVING L4VIWV«"L his slorp to Colby's Brick Block is no-.v prepafad TOPPER to the buy ing PUBLIC a full line of CHOICE FA^LY GROCERIES, C^aiiuod Goods. CIO Alt, TOBACCO, PIPES, ;. _ 46;c,, &c, ; My Goods are all fresh and wittrft« twftd «t the lowest livinjr prices. Ialsukeepa till I sioc.Jt «f Gim Material 'aishing Tackle. SJinuovv Hems, Hammocks, and in fact ev«rvthing per.Uiniiig to Fishing ami Hunting, c.:iii be foimd at my Store at, reasonable 1'iices Violins. AC.ordeons, Picalas, Flutes, V i o l i n Strings, ami all other E^TROS for yiolihs, My> stocks of RIXWAUK U coiupletb. Call and exaniiueit. I guarantee Prices that defy al l competition. 1 M. EXGELX C. N.» me Rfchi Sales of St< and Goods ot* to on the nnw «nd siitisfa J'ost Office HC BICI ILTCB, B. SI -WOOD: T»l Ski •::m. L L*owde'r7"><hot. CSaj for eale. Fishing JUI kind*of AND RE Pi A good Breech Onn. warranted T Wii.chester Rifle, Nickel Plated « si Keif cocking I'r i t l i A good Sinifle Single Gun, warmni I w i l l undersell *•; Guns aii'T SPORTING, ' gun It will UA I, Illinois. Farmirig Tools kim s attended basonahle Terms GUARUN^J. •:f ij, t s ED, ILL. • " ;>iii-1 'in . limy* ••; IS--I iHle.UaiJilU '••v la, ant^'UiiiiiM^I EHEAP.^ Goods, m DONE. I) >ubla Barreled |1, iS Shots, 925. nUei", r!.!U>. [ Do* Pistol, (i-flO. i)r«ech Loaltng, COSL>UCTED BT DR. 8. F. BKSSKTT. WANTED.--Tliortxlrke svniainl* to unnd hla atlilwss t*^Dr, S; F. Betirtett, R««ni|nl»t' Swiprai, Rlclitn«^j|<„ « | , RKETCLIM From a Soldier's Memsrinifim ' ^ * I.ETTKR HO.4, ' '• Ai-: TRTTJXB&R TK1IPKST OX SUIP«9LAIIt»« ,, Htiip Islatul, a barren waste but littl* above the lo vol of the sea, \va# within alffiit of the Mississippi shore. During Hie occiipHtH-y of till 4 Islnml by the Union force? the snrroumliiig waters were dotted with white sails, the lias's of all nations flattered in the sunlight of day, and ttie call of watchmen before the mast blended strAn^eiy,-at .night, with the morning of the set. There was notldng nmttotonous about camp life there; n^val engagements occurred almost dally within plain sight of the troops. . On the afternoon of the 8th of April (one of the Joveliest of April days) the Great Republic, the largest sail «hipt in the world, arrived off the Island and plowed majestically through the white capped billows. She ca'st anchor about one mile from the landing. At almost the same moment R rebeHdockade run ner was overhauled by the Union gun boat. New London, and a furious con flict ensued. In thirty minutes the fight was over, and the blockader was a prize to tlie Union. That evening we received a large mall from the North. Th« day throughout had been one of pleiwant excitements; a day that will not be forgotten until the last survivor of that expedition is lifeless in the grave. At evening then; was but little air in mot Ion. and the red flag on the small pox beach hung la*Ily at the staff, There was a small black cloud In the southwest, and later the air seemed heavy and dull. There was unusual activity among the crew ot tho Great Republic, and an old sailor explained to us that a storm Was at band. By the hour for retiring there were flashes of lightning followed by low muttering sounds, not uullke a distant (but heavy) cannonade. Nearly all however, save only the sentinels wore soon sleeping soundly. At about midiiijrlit ft lteav? «e in the oountv in |f you want a gooo gun It will u***9UMbcall aud SOQ me. 4«MKtew»«T^SSS,^§S^-' .. j* - . rf. j^a "pj'vjit; .... -ii over anil against our camp Clothes W I INO-ERS repaired and new Holls put on. Price per pair warranted, $2.50. B. SIIERMAN. Woodstock, July 15th, I8S2. soldier who ealisted In Its service, and who holds an honorable discharge, eight and one third dollars for every month that he was In tu service, less only the amount of bounty Whlcii he actually received from It. We aro in favor of paying the debt, before the tax on patent medicines, .perfumery, cos metics, checks, bank deposits* tobacco, and whiskey is taken oft. How eloquent are the words of the late Senator Mor ton, Indiana's great war Governor: "Mr. President, justice to the soldier cannot always he deferred. It inust aud will triumph sometime. If it does not come this Congress It will come at £>»me oilier Congress, it Is « part of the war debt, as much so as tlie 5-40 bonds or the 10 40 bonds. It is founded on tiie same principle of justice. It is an obligation resting upon this Nation, aud if it takes $20,000,000 or 950.000,000 can make difference. It Is a debt this Natioh honestly owes and ought to be paid. In other words, let the bounty he equalized; put all honorably-discharged soldiers on the same basis; pay them at the same rate. They are entitled to it. The justice of It uo man can dispute, and that is all that this bill contem plates. I am for It. I vols for 11 with all my heart." #A A. P. GRAY Always Ahead. WWT£B CAMPAIGN QffNEIl , -AT HIS-- Carriage ami Wagon factory, OK XH K AGENTS WANTEDS Lira MARTYR PRESIDENTS. ABRAHAM LIX^OLM, "Krom Pioneer Ilomo t o Wliitc LLONSE,"and JAMKS AHU VM GAli- KLKLLK, "Front Log Cahin to White ilouse." In K'IGIUH and German . I l lus t ra te i l wi th FIPO ATECU ungraviogs. By an eminint author, Also for the only large steel portrait of GAR Held.' Send for "extra terms. TUB HEKBY BILL PL-RMSHIYG Co., NORWICH, COXK^ on long credit pnd T*MJ terms, in a mild ellnatc, free from heavy saowi, blight ing frosts, and #x- HILLIONS OF /TCRES | EE*SL*FC R*LNS' for sole in the GOLDEN OELT of Kansas, by the UNION rmts8 RAILWAY, OF cs rich Coil RM tho tun ever (bona pa, with S<MM1 mukk Lvim «MC and weot, for Descriptive nnA IlluBtmMt Boof| with Map*, Sen# Free, Addrttt UNO COMMISSIONER-Kansas DFy^lcl KANSAS CITY, MIS£QUftl, CHEAP LANDS AKP 3LACX3^IITM SHOP, RICHMOND. ILL- I sell everv Implement, Tool or Machine a farmer wants. PL \TFOITM SPRING, DE- L1V YHV AND FARM WAGONS, TOP AND OPEN BUGCI1S, One, two and throe seated, from the oelef biateil manufactory of J. W. Henry A Co., Kree|Jort. iJluekNinit hing, Painting and Ucpctirinjg Done in a workmanlike manner and war ranted. From the largo variety OF Farm lifaehinory manufacture.!, we select that hest ADAPTER for tins suction, and UP'UI the BKST TKKMS THAT CASH CAN P^ltCII ASK, which en- a i d e s us t n s u p p l y o u r PA i r o n s w i t h j u s t w h a t they want, AND at lower prices than any other concern northwest of Chicago. Call and make exaiv inatlorx for yourselves hefore GIVING your orders for any piece of machinery von INIIY ncc' the I'omiiiz season, and vou will Hint the best ami most completo line ot harm Machinery I-VW BEFORE ottered in SfcHenrv-Co Renieinher tha t we offer the VKIIV BI;ST MAOH JNK11Y at the VKITV I.OWKHT Plt(C|: TL^AF Cash CAN produce anywhere. i iia*.1.UM.'.W! .. ' <K- '•m, P, &BA F, Richmond, Id, "••"•'•-Wy ' - UIULUBI. A '-- 1 1 HAS BEEN mm, Bnt we are still ia tbe do all kinds of place, rem ly to General Repairing, On snort notice and i^t reasona\de rates. Ve would also call the Attention of |hose wish tag totwy to*Ct ' :;-i - Which we are WAUONS, OAKRI ̂GK8,^ ^ 1>rl0*8" Cuttsn sad 8lelgh?, Made taorder. Ctll'ind see us. Sbap »n re.ir of Carn*inter*3 Blacksmith Shop, Kf* Henry, llluiais. i McU/ofj. IIU »ov. 27, ifce. TH1PP BROS, iiistaiitly gave way and the torn can vass aud rushing waters brought every sleeper to his feet. Again a great wave broke over the bench, drenching every body within twenty roils from the shore. No power could now ketp tents iu position. Raiu and hall was falling with tremendous velocity aud quantity; darts of llghtuiug were Incessant; peals of thunder followed each other Iu swift succession with deal'eulng vehemence. The sand moved under our feet; the Island quivered and shook from center to shore. Each passing hour seemed to impart greater violence aud destruot- iveuess to the warring elements; sol diers strove In vain to cover themselves with their blankets, aud many sank dawn exhausted, limp ami powerless iu ilie blinding storm. The storm sub sided aliout daylight and that morning sun lighted a promiscuous desolation only equaled by a surprtso and a battle by night. In one guard tent nine tAen had been struck by lightning; three men were sleeping on one blanket. The soldier to the plght and the soldier at tiie left hand were iusttuvtly killed, while the third, IViu. A. Stock we 11 of Oo. F. 31st Mass., lived to fight through the war and returr. to bis home. Otif soldier, now living, was struck down in tiie storm ^,nd there and thou was im printed upon his breast a perfect of a pine tree that stood not fav from our camp, penciled by an electro dart iu that uight of deluge atid death. y; AS ' •\jag. x I I.J Th'tf tfh*feBt *rtf»inber W I*nok has a cartoon which will make the mtu'hle heart of Senator Beck thrill with Joy. It represents n pensioner of tiie United siateg Government helping himself with a hundred hapds, to tiie contents of a bowl labeled'"United States Treas ury.** The title of tiie cartoon is ^The Insatiable Glutton." Th|s is tiie Hush ing touch, The pension roll has been denounced as fradulent, the pensioners themselves have been branded as iia- posterc. and even Commissioner Dudley has been ax-used of conspiring to rob the Government, but neycr until now have our maimed and crippled heroes been iq)do the subject of a vile aud brutal carloatnre. Henceforth let our ex-soldiers give no quarter to their enemies. Side by side with this filthy caricature nail «P the picture of Aitder sonville. and Jet us see whether the smile will not die away on the lips of the public. The men who saved the Union are not quite helpless yet, thank God, and there are sons left to vindicate the honor of thnso who are tie at*. Let them rally to the standard, aud retake common cause a^inst the ingrates who^ iu this age of the Nation's crowning prosperity, would fain disgrace the men who made that prosperity possible. The purpose of the Equalisation of Bounties bill U si nidy to undo a great wronj. No one disputes the equit* of the measure, and it is lime that it were altlrined bv Congress, The Government f of ilfg%Tu\te«,l S^tcf owes to every «s- The number of pension certificates issued during the week ending Wednes day. December 20th: Original.921; In crease, 220; re-Issue, 73; restoration, 29; dupllcste,20; arrears,6; accrued pen sions, 34 ; total, 1,312. : ; In response to tlis resolntlon of xtlAk Ilouse of representatives adopted on the 12th ult. by which the Secretary of War Is directed to furnish the Ilouse the following Information, vis: what action has been taken, under the aet of August 7,1882, "to relieve certain sol dier* of the late war from the charge of desertion,** what changes in the for mer law have been decided by the War Department to have been made by said act, and what classes of soldiers charged with desertion have been considered by the War Department to be embraced by the said act, and, further, what ad- dttiminl legislation is deemed uecensary to enable him to carry out the provis ions of the first and second sections of said act, the Secretary of War has transmitted a communication. In which he says that "the aet was so changed, as finally passed by Congress, so that instead of author!slug, as it did when It first passed the House, certain action iu a pttrti;ular class of case* far which author it jr did jiot tyfoto e|^st. || di- without ascribiug to the oilne of tie sertion, as referred to in this act, some element, as yet undefined, in addit!ou to those which have so long, without question, been held t» complete the ofleuse. I And uo autitwity iu Uit act for so doing,*1. Representative Rice, of Missouri, has been instructed by the Committee ou Invalid Pen-ious to report lo the House, as a substitute for all pending bills of the same character, a bill which has beeu adopted by the committee to grant pensions for service In the Mexi can aud other sundry Indian wars. Tlie bill provides for a pension of eight dol lars per month, us follows: To all.sol- diers ef the Mexican, Black Hawk, and Florida wars, who served uot less than thirty days, or who. iu connection with their service, have been mentioned by name by Congress, widows of soldiers, wiio have not since married, provided that they were married at the time'of the service of the soldier through whom they may claim peusioii. The bill pro vides for equalizing this class of pen sious by iucrea«lng to otght dollars those which are now of less amount. The only persons excluded from the benefits of tlie bill hy reufton of having taken part In the war of the rebellion, are (hose who have since failed to take advantage of the act of Congress pro viding for pardous. or who ftr* hy that act expressly excluded. Mr. Rice w%s Instructed to ask suspension of the rules for the passage of the bill on the next "committee suspension day.*' The fact that several companies of Rhode Island troopa of the late war were only mustered out last month, and one of the officers has made a claim for pay up to the time of his mustering out. has developed the fact that there is at the War Department at Washing ton a claim from a Vermont regiment for pay up to a year ago, when It was mustered out. It is said that there are several other regiments that wert similarly overlooked *t the break up ut the armies. fteforMi I* Vt*it P+m--dure. Among tho many excell ecri thing! Mr. Storr* has been saving In Ms iNtst Cilcago lectures, ntKfclag It able than hie suggestions for hw ittom In this state. In the desire to^$J|wege.# aud reform the Criminal Code, we havo thus far overlooked needed reforms la the civil procedure. ^ The first ami mo»t glaHrijf tlon in theprvent practice Is th* jp*9* •f Instructing juries. It con»t0fi, a* Mr. Storrs aptly terms it, ef a series of conundrums fired at the Court from opposite points *htf then shot off the court at the jury the hist he can. Tlie court makes a "ntle-cue**, as; Its any one of the conundrums the authori ties are, that a new trial hiay be gran|* ed, although it has constimod tiie WKo of the court and jury sn entlr* Wtek, and n|»on the new trial will Hkefjr tak* ten days. . ^Titers ts absolute unoertalotjr In all litigations in the state, growlayWI «»f this Instruction business. It I* fofdklf Illustrated by the deftulttM f!f«il of metaphysics--"It Is an ilsit to tell some one else some thing tfcftK*ne doe* not know what one Is talking about/* For example, coimndriim maker - nun»-~ ; ber one passes up a metaphysical eoa- wndmm to the Court, tlie Court f«i4a It very attentively, and at tlM thereof writes, "this Is a correct couua- drum, unless yon further believe from ' the evidence that it is untrue la point ^ •f fact." The conundrum maker Is beatea, h# : pays a couple ef hundred dollars la s trip to ths Appellate Conrt, and tha Court grately reverses the case, wlth *u" Tl lnlr ihs fiaW^ippii maker was right,aad the Clreaii Oaan • erred in a««dlf>lac th« coaaairaa aa | It did do '̂ - • -i| Now all this Is uaerljrfaf«l|it^)||^ i| merits or demerits of iln ifulinifllj , A years time liss beeu lost/ VtlaiMa1^ rights have been held In abeyanat. llad all because of a system of ludtciif^^*' glery. The Courts should be required to Instruct iu writing upon the entira case, counsel for each party pasel^i* the Court such wr! ttea requests te iMiy desire should be announce.*!' to t^«J^|r.. An olficlai stenographer should nished to every Circuit Judge, duty it should be to pi graphic note# of every s| trial; iar\»j and to take^dowu Genet si Sherman objects tA the OK- peuses of the Slgna) Service being dtargeil to the army. Ifcsait) tft ft cor respondent recently; You might a* well cha*g« tue ex pense of a ipatcli-^ctor.v to the ari«y. I'he so-culled Signal Corp* do nothing anyway hut lf\lk about the weather. What has the weather to do with the army? It doesr.H help the poor hoys out anions the Indians to I nnw whether to.-nu»vrnw U to be cool AIM) clear, or warm iMUt olo.u(\y. W|^i do they care alx>ut the weMher^ If the Signal Corp& U worth anything. It is for com- nieydi^ purposes. A good many intel ligent people believe it U not worth anything for any purpftMi. But It cer tainly should t\p>t be saddled on to the military establishment. - The finest Writing Desks in ttuwn, M B«'»Iey*<. Call at Henry Roger's, Vulo, and see tlie If-'I l.ine edition of the Poets. ycuis per . KorlfewtiUra PsIrfmtB'a «i Tlie Seventeenth Annual Coo' of the Northwestern Dairymeu' elation will he held in the clty afy kato, Minnesota, commencing day, February 14th, at 9 s^lsob, oontluulng with throe session# day nutil Friday, tlie 10th. Tl^i nual convention of this, the . p! association of the Noriiiwest, ha' ways been attended by tlie re tative dairymen and dairy wrlfc thinkers of the Northwest. Qi of the present, abounding in pi Interest to all who desire to learn improve in the pi act Ice of agrlculti are handled and thoroughly di at these meetings. The cltUeaa Mankato have, with characteristic 111 erality. made ample arrangements the comfort ot all delegates and t success of the convention. Tho CM* cago & Northwestern, the Chlcaca^ Milwaukee and St. Paul and the Chi cago, Minneapolis A (Omaha rallwaya will return members of the couveufcloa at one-tiftli fare. Topics relating |» the manufacture of butter and elsfaa(i» accordiug to the latest and inoak tp* proved uiothods, the matiageiooiit ol cows aud dairy farms, as aell a> tha CQinmercial side of tho question wtit be preseuted and thoroughly discussed. It ls*tiie intention of tho officers of the Association ta make thia one ul the moat Interesting tneetlaga iu the history of the organiaatlaa* Dairymen are invited to bring sassplea of butler and cheese, an<l a speolal eaas* in It tee will be chosen to pass npoa ||g|j. same. Manufacturers of dairy taqpla* meiits are also invited to make ta *7f - hibitlon of their gooda. Let tltera ka>^ a grand rally from tlie whoto &ortlt^ west at this meeting. Piirther lafae» mat Ion may be obtalaed hy address lug Tf. )V Pre*,, M. Atkinson VlMv |U tr. MCGUMOV.'«M*y. »«te. III. im m •t ..fe,: M-: i .. ....• ..- j . ^ A CtKIQC» BKIOAI. COVCU#^"' Aa odtVlooliln# a hrida awl groasa. as one ever sees, and who* after Ilia circumstances surrounding them known, set tongues waggit.g and laughing contagious, were seeu at tha ynion depot thia morning. Tho couple consisted of an old man, fnlljp seventy yeareoif^ge, over six feet 1%, height, with flowing gray hair, ami carrying on his ami a pair of saddle* bag;'* of the kind used thirty years ago, and a girl just fiutrteen years old, eke in height would reach about to the ol<l man's vest pocket. They are oo their wedding tonr. They came In tmm some (Miiiit in Alabama and are bMMMt for some point in CM-egon, A |WMsmrf on tne sanve tmln on whioli tlie. in say< that durluie the eat|M ilf they were tho *'en»er of because »' the if olill»lilko ji aud gctter^l greenue<«. Th« ii by prolession a Meilio«li»*4 goiiu to a conference in OraMa. SA M OMnhlnes pleasure with tlJlagl|*fgg lakiug alon^ with him a veritaili' living Christm;» ^sent.; *** * k K # u .* >..