Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Jan 1883, p. 1

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r- fctf, "iM.vJ;^ •;rA «, • >• < -• *••;• -'•. '* .•••--: «? * mm >- . "»*Mf .•'•KV-* - \i V*rV '.y 4 ̂<*> 1 til ... W. ' . Ml'- ' j.-'.' ---- -- m butto Truth, to Liberty M mi r ii i. nftUi. n. rnj^n ^ |Law; No Ptvora Wln u* and no Fear Shall Awe." VOL. 8. : I M'HRNRY, ILLINO^ I WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 17, 1883. <r""* •>•••'>•. * I 'f tR - r" " • Nf>. 2R.; , ̂'*X4 •' :>' lep, ' * * . ' i'tUr** f|< Published Gvcrv Wednesdsv by :--f" ><•&. *%Tj\JS SLYKE, J^* Ml $,* EDITOR AMDPUBLISBKI^ Vf1*'4* ' •-;* * '* : _ '• "q,r;;;, *WWM? *1 Oifice in Bishop's Block, • "frjv-t'f.H-tf- --OrrofliTR PE**T * MARTIW'B,-- . N^- 1 J-Y •:„ TBRVS or w®wwrriof^^: ,. t i (in --... ........:..v; 'wf' f '-ff f *il1 virrtAftMS Miohth*,,,.^....i«0 •• "'ttil:'f « tiibsnrlntH** reaeitot -fir three;' a#;.-'/ six BUSINESS CARDS. *',••'*** . . • YR. T. *T*TOWV,M. t», if*# s>- « f-|t|Y«xni \.v \vn ^rrfiri*trtS. ,oe|e.« wr V.'^^Kr^f5'! !(,«*'Piwt wnwtt* **i»rrv ft "Martin's . *,;*t«re nn stair*. Me Henry, 111. '>"•••"•**' '*$4P ' r, n H, T>- ,TrT«tOiAS WD ^TI.'V'V*. T^nsbaveH. Ills.--Olwre J»mirs * to yy %. *. ». W •!'•,"• a. I. WVtf \RT», 'M. f>. 9 rs »htstct *N ASO . OS*** 5* mf residence, opposite <• E. Ohnre.b, fellenry. III. V. AVO'.IW. H. T».. HVSt^J W *n<l ^nrwn. oHeir lje«i1eoi«, Mc.tfe'vrr, Il'inf>t*. »>* \M. . V*w J. T. MYERS, -et.< flalnon nnd TlcstAnrnnt, **!*« IfX BA^EMEVT of Kwlinert's "afore, John*, l ba^gh, Til. Tlie choicest brand* of Wines, JElqnorsand Cisar* *Uvavs on tiand. Call •"•*•'.-•••n seetae. ---v^ -4 '• . , . • • " y.i .-. ' • ' PR4TT NOTTS®. A --.; ^<4'ir A. PHVTT, PropTiefor. Flr*t CDitmn Htions. Uoo-l^Bam in connection - '^^jpanconda. 111.- H -A>M -miriHAj. B.\nm\N nnm. fiTOAR MnnnfSH'twrer*, M«-n«*iirT. *11. Or. ^ > <i»m snlirlteil. Shiiftill 1M JfctJcnTy, |j Keit«*r H^ock. two doors west of PLAH»- IBAT.RR Office. HTCI1.VU1) CrtMPTOK. USTIOKof the Peifetn l Oi«v«v*nter.- WI11 *tten-l nrvnnU v to the collection «f bts. Volo, Lake County, 111. R. R. ninn vniw. •f.VS* <*-omnlete (intnut if Titles to Und "1 in M Ilcnrf Oonnty, Hl'noi^. Office with fonnty Clerk, Woodstock. 111. E. M. OWEW i < fcNEKAT> T>C!\ler • ani Mennfft^tnrers IT Agent in Lealins Farm WneMnerr - |fjt Prices tew awl term# favorable. Mi-Honr\, . ftp" ' •j'j ' ' Tii • -"'•*' 1 ' . ' „f» r-. / *. s. CfTHNRT, McHenry Co., 111. Bree-ler of . S|4anlsh Merino Slu'op, Rerkj olan'l Oliin^ * wine. V «,.h >i<^el'»t of ynflinfe i-™; . /•„_ ,.. ii. »nii eiuMWiue ^.•[ r|., .1. T- v<j|*fore -BUSHTESS CARDS. ,r t> . . • • ' | MART OI BARBIA.V.- H.\TR WORTfBH. All kin of H»»r Work'lone In "(Irst cl!M» »t*le an"1 at r«a«onfti*le price#. Room* *t rMirtedw, north­ east corner «f P«blic Square, ltnfieary, IU. rET ERIN Alt Y Illinois. C. A. fGSREEK. 8UR«i pdN, RiokBMB«l, JK^E A. RAI.OWIN, T A^TF.R. T^aw bmincM in anv jwrt «f "i" the '4ta(A receives prompt attention. Ofll'-e room 41, new Custom House, Chicago Illinois. SII»*Er DHBROtr, N«»T\RT PURLfO mrt i Oonrerancer, Al-den, 111. I>R. C. K. WTT.T.T\^. nTVTT^T. (ImH"*'* PwIw. W1K He. at Wnn *'»n'l^. r»* Pnt' TTo>»«i», (t>* in'! '••JMh of each menth: at P-» rVi»i- Ktc- llrnrv, the nth snd Wh of f«ich amonth. Whop <1at»« occur or ^ntvlnv I •unlet my visits to ymifi'ii'ta on Monday,and McWenrv on Tuesday, following. JOTIV KT EIP 5F.V. Hr»TT«V! Pnlnter, firiincr, f?!ilci»nln*r and Pincr HtnTer. Rcsi one Block West nf R'rer*»'1e ?Ton«e._ Work itttB'lM promniT an<1 I on ret9onnW«» terms. fcotice 1o the Pubth. Tn WE Hnilt "I shon io*t south of K»' on Brick and Wood «treet, where I ,irn nrpi>arc.| to do all ki»d* of work in mv lin«i A* T have no Hov* to do mv worV, I Want v««rv near wh*»* It Is worth f.»r doing it. I do mv work in a manner that ne»'dj no r. a McHenry, Jiin. «th, W- McHENRY HOUSE. TF.TKR SMITH. PROPUIETOU. Goon Bi»ar<l hv the d*v or week at reason-able rates The choicest brand* of Win**, t.iqnors and rigsrs. «oo>l *tahlinlr for Iforses. A Pigeon flol# T ihle in connection With the H«Mise. Give me a call. PET Kit SMITII. M. M. CLOTHIER. RICUMONP .- - - ILLINOIS, MCHENRY COUNTY. Prosecutes all claims in all bnreans tn the nepArtment of the Interior. Special atten­ tion irfven to difficult or relected cHini*. Careful attention given fo sll 'natter* of ini. imrtance Office of w n. II. ^owlin, Woodstock. III. Business will at­ tended to bv Mr. Powlin in my absence. I shall 'tlwavs l>e there on ^stnrd'iys s«d shall be at the office ot .|. T. Itetdin. Es.j , Mire.igo, on the first Friday in en h month All letters of a huxiness nature must contain stamp for reply. •i v.*; E. li. SMITH. ^•fraoOT AKOSHOK MAKER.. Prrtmpt atten- -«?VD N t l o n g i v e n t o l t e p : t i i i n g . . S h o p i n J . J . :V lilles'biilldiri!:, next to river bridge, Mt- :\<¥ , « 4,'^ enry, Illinois. W. H. 3ANF039, eroliaul Tailor In the store of C. H. Dickinsort, EasUide of »«Uic Square, WOODSTOCK, ILL. mo:i» A xood Stock c^rine Clothe 1I ./iavirttST'M band. Suits made to order and a «f L ( , tarranted. Give ine a call. ' W. H.SASt*i)ttI>. Woodstock, III., Sept. 27U». 1H'5^ J. A. 8HESWOOD .AUCXIO^KK" £t*. AND APl'ltAISEfl, . s Algonquin, III. Al.ESof Stonk, Far.nintcfcools and Ooods Ki % af all kinds promptly ^ lies a aiiecialtv. i« ee address: Aiicon nable. Post III. ONLY •2(1 for a PUILAUKLPHIA 8INGM of tiiis ityle. Equal ts aajr g«r in the market. B»- tnlnr, we tend it tot ~ GKailCiE CURTIS, IfoiiHo and Sip Painter, fwcMSHsrr, ILL. - Ship Opposite Pftrry A' Martin's. Will attend promptly to alt frrtr* fc#d *fiiar- ante« s-tlSUNotion Pr»c«s ks low a^.gootl work can be ; •. ;»r- "-vt " * ^- • • FINE CffAlHIMC A 8J»ECIAJ.TY MtXKD PAINTS. T am prepared to tnrnish M'ived Paints of all kinfl^Ht the lowest living p'ices. ami fur- nish an article far sniMjrior to the common Mixed Paiuts liehig sold. Call and s« e me, CEO. CURTIS. Mclltnry, April 12.188'. JOS. WEinmM, Salosa and Rcslrars^l, • . VR T'|,E DEPOT, IWc -iENRY, - ILLINOIS The best Brands of- " ines, Lienors and Cigars always on Hand Good ^tabling for Horses. Jf , ALSO AGENT FOU . .»?» - ernmitu'il before ymt pojf > stjrlo other companies retail for$50. for it. Thia is the aame i All Machines warranted forS years. Send for Illuitrat*d Clr- cularandTestimonials. AddrSM CHARLES A. WO0D 4 f0.v .12 flu JfifilhSWiuWsIfktt,!^, M A E C U S ' GERMAN m ':v-# Manufactured toy "P. MARCUS, -DEVl.Elt IN- ' • *- ; . PURE WINES, LIQUDft S AND CISARS. Waodstock 111. The best Tonic, in the world. Pjit np tn Pint and Quart Bottles. P. MARC US, Patentee. fHarper% Young People. AN ILI.t'SriSAHCn WKKKI.T.IG i'AC.ES. • BUTTED TO B'>VS ASH OXII.8 (IF FBOM *IX TO 8IXTKK* TK.ARS OF AOE. VOL. IV. COMMENCED NOVEMBER. T, 1SS2. The Youiif People hts lieen from the llrst snc<M»<sful iieyond anticipation.~.X. Y J&vn- in<f Pott. It ii:)8 a distinct punioae, to which it stesdi. Iv n'th'res--thst. psmelv, of mpnbMitin* tli<- vicious !i-nter« for the roung with n paper more •aivHonve, as well as more wholesome.-- R»*f'iri Tiiurn il. jr(,r elegance of tngrsvinff, and content s generally, it is nnsnrpa«s«d by an*' i)iiMi"nMon <>f ttift kiii'l yet brought to our. notice.--Bitt*bvr-jh (}<vptt*. TKltM^. HA^PPT^YOUNe 9?OfJ.E (g.M Per Year. Postage Paler (,lM XM Boaslott, Neitr the Depot, McHENRY - - • ILLINOIS. Keens constantly on hand the finest btands ' of Hour and Keod of all kinds, which he.will •ell at Wholesale or lietail at Bottom on Duiivm Pricos* * S F i v e d i f f e r e n t t » r a ODS of Fiour always -0^';'lI'LIAND And warranted as represented,. 5 i - Flax. See»l Mesil Al ways on Hand •ST'Floiir delivered anywhere in the Cor FE 'K COR.TTION. Orders M\y be JGIVEN by Postal S. .¥• OTID, Box 107, Post orace. t ? GIVE ME A CALL. L. BOMSLETT',3 * MeUoBry, March 8th, lHl. ;; \'f* i ! • : " Franz Falk's -r JIILWA^KEK srer O tonr in ',argn >r -^ liail Kegs o - R >it|<'» •<' ivsonhsnd cheaper than any oth.-r. n ti • 1: considered. i-iji, :ver ha - a >vorld wide reputation, aod «'l in iicWnowledge if c.annot lie »»r. ••s«ed initio world. >rderobr mull >»romptt;f- jittended Id, JOS. WIEDEMANN. M^*«#ry, III. Aug. mih, 18<i Single Nuailters, four cents eseh. •specimen copy sent on receipt of three *The Volumes of Hirper'x Young PeofiT* for J»>1 and l"«i, hsndwunelv liound in lllumin- lited Cloth, will l>e -cut by mail, postage pr«. tiMpt on receipt of f-1.00 esch. Covei for Ywi>><j People for M*3» 35 cents; postage, 13 • •'•it ~ add it ions I. Remittances should be made by Post Office Money Order or Draft; to avoid enance or ^""xewrjyaper* are not to'copy thin adrertitrmnid without expveM ORCIER of HAHPKR ,C* HROTHKK». ACTRESS HAHi'EK * BltO I'M KH<. New Vork. THE CREAM ef all BOOKM mirnm. Pioneer ANi,j Daring Heroes I Deeds* The t h r i l l i n g sdventurea of all the lierot-x. plorers and frontier lighters with Indians, OH Haws and Wild beasts, over the whole country, from the earliest times to the pros- ent. Lives *nd famous exploits of O'.^oto, LaSalle, Standisii, Boone. Kenton, Brady, Crockett, I* wie, Houston, Carson. CMstcr, California Jot.. ifild Bill, Buffalo Bill, Genef* als Miles an<l i'tnok, greit Indian Oliiefs and scores o.f otht"» GOIWEOOIM II.LlJs. Tit AT K I) will U' line engravings to the lite. AGENTS WAJ I » D. Low price I and boats ijSfW. *»• D. r. BENNETT,JM. PHYSICIAN AHDSURGEOK. Also United I States Esamioing .Surgeon. .Kiefamoad, TUiauis. JOSEPH N. PREITND. SAI OON ANI> RETAURAVT RoaeleU's 'IdfctABd, onposite Biahop's Mill, Mc- Henrv, 111. The e loicest Wines, Liquors and igars tn he fonnd in the county. Fresh Oysters in their season served up in any shape desired or for sale by the Can. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES/ AXTOKY EKGELN, ' SALOON AR.d Restaurant, Buck's old stand JF'"Henry. III.--The CHOICE*T Kentucky Whiskies, ^ONR Mash, Wines, Cigars, etc., always o« hand. W« buy BOOB but the heat', and sell at Reasonable Prices. Fresh Oysters in their season. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler NO. INS RAVDOT PH STREE R, (Snecessor to E. !T P. Hhirlev.l Chicafn, III. SITE, cial attention GIVEN to repairing Fine watch­ es and Chronome ters. -»»*A full Assortment of Goods in HIT line. B-KSf LTKTUWII E. Richmond Hou8®| ^ *101*3*0. ILL .rit&Sl C. X. CULVER, - - pROFRXETOR. HAVING reeentt* P«reHa«ed the alwve House, I have put it in thorongh repair, with new furnitne throughort, ant wonld respectfully invite the patrotnge r»t the trav­ eling public and other*. The tables will al­ ways be provided with the best that can be pms-nrel, und polite and attentive waiters wi1LI»e in readiness at all times to attend to tb« wants of guests. Vo puns will be spared u» t»;'l.e this a First .Clas* House. Large and cmain-fti'inH Itarns on the pre in iocs. Free Omnibus to and from all trains. Sample Roawa wu «rat Boor. nE. WHiHTMAN, Proprlctov. First class rigs, with or without drivers, fiunisbed at reasonable {rales. Teaming ot Sll kinds done on short notice. A. WENDELL, zismmm jqisss 'IWeKmr), III ' WtftWie ooiitmcts "fur patting tifv; BttfMiiijcs attil j(i»ftrAntpi» niv work will compsre with any man in tti« State. I CAn and will do work from 15 to &> per cent Kilt**per than other t-arpptiter*, sa ] liave two ol my hoys who work with me. which ia»ke« it po^il>i$ fur me to do so. All Job* i»i„ ibe £Laa?pntari IIJHS CLrittii ( hildroii'^ S sty and at <fl It IONS "AMES • nmughbred Paland China nec 2^ miles south of Yolo, , Stock for sale. WLUS, it Tailor, - ' ' - 'r • . ^ KEEP) 1 yi.;t;.sx Domestic Clottit. LNTS A FIT, >' HAJLI2. Men's B6yrVrtfl J, .of the I»e8t qual- igo prices. CULVER, Ricttrtmnd, Illinois. Sales of and Goods to on Ih® i and satis l^ost Office RIO Hi Breech A. WENDELL* d»/<f.viil i-.vt; ' B. RAIN THORP 'm " Rin^wooil » *; luinoloa •l | o the people of Ring wood and vicinity I would respectfully say that I ""have ttpenctl a store near the Depot, whore 1 will pay the highest market value for Butter, and other produce, ciwh or trade boiu^r immaterial to me. I shall keep on hand a select stock of Groceries and Flour, which M'ith choice Iminds of Cli- ffart; una Tobacco, I am froinjgr to sell at prices to defy coin|wtitiou. aud though 1 have met with a much more liberal patronage than I had expected, I shall yet hold out inducements calculated to increase my trade and secure a .T custom. 8. RAINTHORK. RtNQwooo, III.. June l-'iih, 1)^3. GROCEmES! GROCERIES! M. Engelrij Hsving removed his store to Colby's Brick Block is now i»re,pared to offor U> the buying public a full'line o¥ CHOICE FASdlLY GROCERIES, Caunedf G ooilii,, • CIGAR, TOBACCO, PIPES, &c„ &c. My Goods are all Iresh and will be sold at the lowest living prices/ I also keep a full stock of Gun Material ishiiiji Tackle, Minnow Seins, Hammocks, 4ii<l in fai t evervtliing pertaiiiihg to Fishing iiid limiting, can be found at my store at reasonable Prices v Violins, Acordeons, Picalas, Flutes, Violin siring", «nn all other extras for Violilis. My slocks of I'lNW VItK is com piet*. Oall ami examine it, I guarantee Prices that defy all c^mpetiUoff., ^ ESGBI<IJ W! o*" THK AGENTS WAITED Lives . MARTYR PRESIDENTS. \RRAII.VM LINCOLN, "Emm Pioneer Home to White Ilouse," and JVM Ks A Hit \ M G AR- FIELII, "From Log Calun to White House." In Eng'lish and tierinan. Illustrated with tine ..leel engr:»vings. By an eiiinn ut author. Also for the only large steel fwrtrait or Gar iield. Send for extra terms. THK HKNKV BILL Pt BLISHIKO €!O., NoRWH'll,_t'OJfW. -^1 on long ereillt END essy tema, in s ntM cliinatp, free from FE.J&T) snows, blight* lag frosts, and E*- cesdve rslns. ANDS 5iU0SS OF fXQES for sale in the ^LDEH DELT t'i Xausaa, by the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, r cs rich Doll tbe SUM ever skims a, silk eM swrksts eaai SBd west* »%? DeaerlpHve *n* IUustr*ted B--1* u tb MapA, Sew* Free, Addret* IMISSIONER,--Kansas CITY. MISS0MW, Powder, Hhrtt, tor sale. Vialiitog All kinds Of Sporti AND RE A food Brceeh Gun, warranted Til WLR.chester IfH Nickel Plated I Self cocking l*r| A good singts>i SingleGun.wav I will undtws flu l)H llll't StkOl'llnjt j goo t gun it'wlUj * « Farmin/f Tools i\\ kiius attended Kcasonahle Terms Mtm guaranteed. jress. errnan, FOCIC, ILL., stt tir-- lunle Leading Guns. - UVADS, an I (^RTRIDGEII . d 1 moci^, tUIXG DONE. ling, Double Barrelod ««K . • ^ • model, W stiot s, f JSk . Revolver, [RnW Dog Pistol, *&*». irrel, Bieech Loading, B«*. • IMBse in the county In (KM*. If yon want a Ltpcall and sec me. Clotlies Wringers repaired and new Kolls put on. Price per pair warpinte 1, $2.50. B. SlIERMA N. Woodstock, July 15th, 188! A. P. GRAY. v Always Ahead. WINTER CAMPAI6N OPENEO -AT HLI^- Carriage and Wagon Factory, ABI> I/' BLACKSMITH SHOP, RICHMOND, ILL I sell everv Implement, Tool or Maehine a farmer wants. PL \TFORM SPRING, DE- LIV filtY AND FARM WAGONH, TOP AND OPEN BUCCIES, One, two and three seated, from the eele* bin led manufactory of J. W. lieury t, Co., Fi •eeport. lllacki«mithiBi(t Painting; Ikud ltepairiiig Done -Hi *' •workmnnliks manner and war- ra nted. From tbe large variety of Farm Machinery maniifiK-lured, we select that best adapte i for tills section, ami upan the BEST TKItM* Til AT O V*» 11 CAN PURCHASE, which en- aides ns to sopp!)' our ]iatrons with just what they wiint, and at lower prices than anv other concern northwest of Chicago. Call and make exattination for yourselves before giving your orders for any piece of machinery you iii'iv neo'i the coming season, and you will iliid the best aud uio.t complete line of Farm Machinery ever before offered in Mclienrv Co Remember that we offer the VERY BEST MACHINERY at the VERY LOWEST PRICE that Cash can produce anywtoera • - • v --Mrpf - •••••M-r- . /mk IK QUAY,. . •' '*./,) ^ ' ^filchmond* M> Soldien' Department, C INDUCTED BT DR. 8. F. BENNETT. • WANTED.--Thormlyke syroonds to wnd hie address to Dr^ 8. F. Bennett. Evatnlninf Snrgeon, Itlclimond. B^low tg a list of 8oM1»r* who tr* ordered for examination bofore the sur­ geon at Richmond, III., and hate not wt reported. Some of the names have been before published. We have ex plained several times why an applicant for pension should report u*ifhout delay when ordered for examination. Claims are taken up and settled in turn. S'sw suppose a man's claim is reaelied in the re^ulsr course; an examination of his papers shows that the certificate of the examining surgeon is not yet on file; those paper* are pIj{eon-hot**d and must wait their turn again, which may not be in a tear or more. It might happen, then, that the delay of a day in report­ ing for examination might put ofl the settlement ot' a pensio'i claim for a whole year. Here are the names of those who should report at Richmond: Frank R. T.oomls. D. 15th III." . M Samuel Moore, If, 144th III. ; Michael Best, husband of tFTftnnnti Best, dependent mother of James Best. Moses Evatut, 1st asst. surgeon 96th 111. Timothy Ryder, dependent father. Charles Ryder. 34th, N". Y, Vols. Leonard T. Hitchcock. 38th Wis. W. H. Hoflman. D, 93th 111. Samuel S. Sergeant, C, 95th 111. Nathan A. Taylor. G, 17th III. Cav. Charles Case. K. 64th III. Yet. Nathaniel if. Robinson, K, 153d III. John Mansfield, husband Qf Jennie Mansfield, dependent mother of J^hn T. Mansfleld, Henry C. E»ldy, K, 95th 111, George fj. Sherman. A. 134th IH. Theodore W. Goodsell. 0, 95>t|i ilL Frank Williams, B. 5th Mich,^ Alex. McMnrty, C, 88th 111. ^ Wm. P. Thompson. I. Maine, fl Art. • ^ BKETCHm From aSoldier's Memoraadam LKTTCa HO. I, ,n«A BRVSH WITH OUKItRILLAS. tl not my purpose In this series ot letters to relate battle «oenes of the nid nrl t»li» S;;Ci, i*s yuo ToPtSic i . . ^ t h e o b s t r u c t i o n * a m i r e a c h e d L a k e . imt rntiler to keep rer\' nearly within _ „ . . . HAS BESS ' KOVEfi, But we are stiii in the aante plaoe, veady VP do all kliids of General Repairing On snort notice and at reasonable rates. Ve would also call lbs ettenliou of those wishiug to buy to our IKON KNEE Which we are selling at very 'ow priees. WAGONS, CARRIAGES, Ctttttn and Sleighs, |i BtackeinitU Shop P Made to order. C'Olftnd sec|us. rear of Carp«aMr't> llom y, lliunda. Shop In i.. TRt • • "V ' • 1 .>3: I., : i'-r 'u.^. • keep rery nearly lli<5 bounds of Gen, tfntler's military sway lit the Hulf department. Now all good soldiers understand that a flglit with Guerrillas was of little account, as it resulted in nothing more than to send a few of the inoautious aud the unwary to the world eternal. But veterans will bear me witness that ^tlte first encounter with bushwhackers • was a "Ick in a Union soldiers history of far greater moment to him than all the glowing records of campaigns from Julius Caesar to the present day. Three companies of the 31 st Mas*. Infantry went on board the old river hulk Chalf rotten) high pressure steamer, J. M Brown, then lying at Fort Pike. The Rrowu drew about three feet of water and svemed to he just wide enough to touch both shores of any bayou, and just long enough to swing around a bend and not get stuck. The burden, hewever. that the old Brown could carry astonished even the natives. We steamed across Lake Pontehartr&in, entered the outlet of a bayou black with alligators, and plunged Into the entangled recesses of a forest. For several miles the Browii tugged and labored, blowed off steam, whistled, snagged occasionally, landed the troops and doubled capes that would discount Hatieras or Horn,"busted the star-board wheel and disabled Its partner, knocked down a smoke>stack, backed into a bank and snapped the helm, stopped for re­ pairs and coffee, re-embarked the troops, and, as the boys said, re-started and re-busted until nearly dark. Talk jibout profanity! Why, the pilot of that old Brown made the air fairly blue. The way that old tar blasphemed Jtlie name of his God would amine even a Guerrilla, and compel hi in to pauqp on his errand of deutli and listen. The Brown flinlly swung stern ami stern, touching either shore near a large brick yard. It appeared tbat. the •pbject of the trip was to get cord wood ami brick. A pi«k»t "was seut out. and all night long soldier*and negroes were loading the steamer. Pickets were posted in squads of three. I was the last man posted and stood alone with­ out relief during the night. My post was by a large oak aud ill close prox tmity to an orange grove. There was a full moon and the night was clear. At about 2 a. m a squad of mounted con federates passed along at a slow walk within six rods of me. The shadows of the oak shielded me. About this time the neighing of horses and the braying of mules about half a mile away was demonstrative and loud, but • few shots were fired durlug tlie ilight 1 was very tired aud very hungry, and as the day dawned (everything bMiig quiet) I crawled through the he due laid my rifle on the ground, climbed up the peaceful side of an orange tree ami had picked 2 orauges'wheu a shower of btilletB (LI SV<MM at least 2000) proba- ably U*lf » do»en, *;ped aid cut through, the branches; oranges rolled to ilie £i'oiivd< *'»d *o did I. I grabbed for the old oak tree. A bullet had clip­ ped the toefof my shoe and disfigured the stock ef my rids. I.covered by the oak, ate my orange and got in one shot when the screaming Whistle of the old Brown sounded the recall, and 1 truly believe that the best time I ever made in my life was through the ,briars en route to that b#af. The "rtbs* yelled and fired; I had no time to do either* All the afr utilized by me was needed for propelling purposes. About forty of our boys were in line waiting for the Johnnies, and the remainder of the force. Including aegroe*. were rushing for the boat from every point of com­ pass. I had not forgotten a Sunday school lesson (of long ago) relating to Lot's retreat from Sodom, and-the fate o? the one that looked hack. look back for me until I could peer around the safe il«|o of a pi It; of brick on the steamer. But when I got into position there was not a "reb" In sight, and I began to gro.v mad and wanted to flght^ Directly I was handed a cup of boiled beans I had forgotten that I was hungry, hut laying my rifle across my knees I begin to eat. A comrade queried to know why I run fo. I told blip to go to k A piercing, whizzing sound and the negro fireman fell dead. The commander of the troops was wounded, bullets rattled on the boiler and riddled the pilot house, brtck trembled, rebels j-eKed, soldiers treed or deployed, and there was commotion enough for a second class earthquake. Half dazed I heard the commander of the Brown call out "let go," At this Instant a shot from a rebel cannon cut oil the flag stall on the bow of the Brown. We had one field piece on the steamer but no one thought ot using It. Our sharp shooters got Iri some good work anil held the "rebs" at bay. D5- recti y a rush was made for the con­ federates and they were driven oifl and tfnlte severely punished. Again return­ ing to the eld Brown we descended the stream perhaps a mile and found trees felled across the bayou. About eighty rebels were posted in a cemetery near by behlud the tombs (for In this coun­ try people were buried In brick vaults above ground). It was now impossible to restrain the soldiers, and with fixed bayonets they. In a disorganized mob, charged the confederates and drove them pell mell ln ail'tlTrectio^s. killing and wornading,eleven. Ii ~«s %viri; to wo. in response to the call for mof volunteers, enlist for three year* in tl same regiment. .According to acts »»l congress each is entitled at the date o| his dischurge/**rteriithe expiration ol two van rs of actual service, to receive t A'o huu dred d"»'?.«r» beiinfy, which f#| eight and oiHvthtrd dollars "per*monih«| At the end of twenty-three months--or| Just one moath before the bonnty falli| due--Smith, having become disabl' l| by disease contracted in the service, t| proeotmced unfit for duty and Is boner#! ably discharged. Jones serves one ' m^nth longer, making twenty.few*; months, when he Is also horiorably di*-» charged by reason of disability, and receives two hundred dollars bounty; but Smith, wbe has served within one month of the same period, aed 'whose failure to complete the te?nii i« owing to causes enti rely beyond Ills control receives no bounty whatever! Will any oue say that such a discrim­ ination is either |u»t er equltable? Yet that is Just the discrimination which the government mads between Its sol­ diers, and for which th|.sb|Jt^to eqalize bounties la designed to Hike atoee- inent. ., ^ \ ] That bill l» bascil on the principle that every soldier to whom the govern* in*»t of the United States oflered a bounty as an inducement to Tolunteer, has a just claim upon the government for an amount of bounty proportionate to the number of months that he actu­ ally did serve. When the government called for volunteers it distinctly prom­ ised to furnish medical attendance for all who might become disabled in Itt service. It was one of the considera­ tions of the contract that the govern­ ment was to take care ef its sick and invalid soldiers. Yet, as a matter ef fact; it* made their disability a reason for their discharge, and coolly left them to their own resources. It was not because these men were unwilling that they failed to serve out the alloted term, but because the government had no further use for them; indeed, it was the government itself which broke the contract; aud we assert that it WAS a mean aud contemptible thing qn It* part to set up its own act as * bar to the paymeut of the bounties to which these brave though unfortunate men were entitled. 1 The sole purpose ot the Eqtial|zatl«a of. Bounties bill Is to right |.kis Pontcharfraln. We brmt^ht with us several prisoners, and dead and wound­ ed; blue, grey at:d negroes (wnr meant killing). Sadly we rode the billows as we looked at the white faces of our dead; Was this glory, or was It mur­ der! M. M. C. The number of pension certificates Issued aitd signed during the week end­ ing December 27th. was as follows: Original.387; Increase, 77; re-Issue. 88; restoration, 11; duplicate, 45; arrears, 4; accrued pensions. 25; tatal, 6SS. The public are beginning to compre­ hend the true Inwardness of the move­ ment to repeal the internal-revenue taxes, and they will yet enter a vigor­ ous protest against It. »The presence at Washington of a whiskey lobby, a tobacco lobby, and a patent medicHe lobby, all working for reduction or repeal, shows pretty clearly who will he the real beneficiaries, aud"the at­ tempt to ferce action on Ihe ground that there is a great pe puli»r demand for the .'ibolishuient of the lnternal- reveuue tax& has already come to grief. The Influences that are now at work to securo this legislation are con fessediy those of sole-Interest solely, and should oong-ess yield to them it will be gujity of breaking faith w.ith the publiu. Take, for instance, the case of the w'hiskey distillers. The tax on spirits now in bond. It is estimated would amount. If collected, to fully 870.000,000. if the bill now before congress to extend the bonded period three years loiter should become a law tbe government would lose the annual interest on this sum. ninnutiting to 84.200,000. with tlm possibility. In the event of the tax being taken off before the expiration of the bonded period, of losing the principal alsoi--a sum nearly sufficient to meet the entire cost of the Equalization of Bounties bill. It seems incredible that anv senator or Representative should seriously advo­ cate such a scheme to rob the govern­ ment. hut, nevertheless, this Is almost certain to be one of the results of any meddling with our present Internal- revenue system. . Kqtmllso th« Itountle*. " It might be Inferred from tlie StAJte. tuents of such newspapers as the New York Tribune. A'u.t, and Herald, that tbe bill to equalize bounties involved tlio granting of a gratuity to our ex soldiers, when the fact Is that it simply provides for Hie payment, of money unjustly withheld from them on a mere technicality of law. It confer* no new right upon the soldier, and creates no new obligation on the part of the gov eruiuent; its whol* purpose Is to carry out the spirit, of the coutract which congress made with those who volnn-r teervd in defense of the Union, and who, after servlhg their country withf unquestioned devotion, were excluded-, through no taui* of their ,OWII from |tm I icipation in the |>r»ini>»cii bounty. A ^inglo illustration will sortloe to show what we uifan: tiui'.U ..nU JuiiMtcitl<eu»of the |§u>f United States government .owes t* every ex-soldier who enlisted in the service, ai.d who holds an &enorabte discharge, eight and one-third dollars for every mouth that he was in its ser­ vice, less only the amount «f bountjr which he actually received from it. Again and again the equity of tbla proposition has been atlimed in one House or the ether of Congress, and once only the veto of President Grant --a veto Interposed not because of any doubt as to the righteousness of tlMi measure Itself, but because of the slen> der resources of |he Treasury at tbe time--prevented ^its execution. But» as Senator Mertcn, Indiana's great War governor, said of this measure la i| memorable appeal for its passage: "Justice to the soldier cannot always be deferred. It must and will triumph sometime. If it does nut come this f.'ougreis it will come at some other Congress. It U a part «»•" the war debt, as much so as the 5 20 bonds or the 10 40 bonds. It Is fouuilsd on the same prin- pie of justice. It is an obligation rest­ ing upon this Nation and if it takes 82<M>00.0()0 or $50,000,000 can make no difference. It is a debt this Nation honestly owes and ought lo be paid. In oth«r words, let Ihe benuty be eqtfal* iaed;pui all honorably-discharged sol­ diers upon the same basis; pay them at the same rate. They are entitled to it. The justice of it uo man can dis­ pute, and that is all that this bill con­ template*. I am for it. I vote for with all u»v heart." • ' . . .n Sl'K.%& I'P. ~ "• 1 -' t'1 A very *inall boy, with a pitiful lot of pinched features, looking alraid to go home aud afraid to be away from home, erupt up to a large geetfeuaeo with an aggressive stomach and an obtrusive watch chain, and said: "Please,sir, buy a penny paperw , The big gentleman was lotHng in a big chair tilted back against the front ef a big hotel, lie glowered at the little boy aud grabbed him by the arm? "Look here, youjii tie rasc»L,what do you speak in that kittenish way fort That won t sell patient. That won't sell any thing. Why don't you speak right up and sing it out. -l*er«rs your penny piper!' Yell it. Then people will think you've got something. Y«»ur sneaking Utile >|HU**. sir.' Won't ea ch on in Ibis loud world. Perliaj»s you are half starved at home. Maybe you are kicked. Bul-d«n't brln< mat uut Into the streets It won't help vo« any. Be brave and ch«'*rlul. „ KuMle round. Utile IVHuw. and ctoirp It bold, and sometime roti will be a uiAn with a sheep farm ot a silver mlne.#r strike it tn Congress. Here, how w»a»ty have you got. Tb"ee. el.? Well, u»-r*>'s a hair dollar twrVm; ami don't you .v»r mew r«»und isjr .iuwrf.' Mh« iug catcl» mlce.'--Ciwiu *«« j. Sitikt, V. ^ ^ ' • .* • -ii'f. o. W. o»v KN**" Yonctui buy the I^iut-eqp, rbe K& tlrelig*. tbV'CruwiCKew llovfe, Sprhigi flfj.i, and New York Sin<er s.ewii.* M tchines. at * lie iter figure than yoi* can buy of any tr ivj^og agent. 9ft* uiLiubcr it o.ud call U!iil #'®,f ^1', %4

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