Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jan 1883, p. 1

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piibltaHotf K«'t Wednesday by VAANI^YKE. EDITOR iKD PUBLISHI6E.i ^ » in Bishop's Block, ,.* 'torMiira1 t̂tiair St Ma**!****.;- ', >iL -•• - • U * *~H TETRTTTMR SUBSCRIPTION. *f &1T- «tri£TOuxm V Illinois. >nel *o*r (y* A trince) a..W.W* If »\iI TlhfiV4' «> tMni rcvMr*t fnf CirsV Or six ••nttn in th» «"n* BUSINESS TT. T. ^tOTT\\Af. l>. N*HV*LTR,T YX INI S'f'lT'W. (W(tr ' the P vtt THce. onui'n *»erry Jt'Wartln's Mere Mcltcnry., 111. r>. H. I'F.T.'jOfi r>- PWTSICIANT \xr> ^'Tl l^OV. .rohnsbiirjtb. XllS.--OfBcs hours « ton, <.'*. i mii r rs. T. TTOW \rcT>, "M. TV >H rHTSTf'T \*C * VfT> Oflf* ni mv rg<ii opiwiiito M.i E» Church, McHenry. Ill,, H. V. ii i>., PtfVSTfiT.W wl swteoi* Oles *• ttesnteace, Me.Hohrv, lUinqiy. t » . J. J.*, [ Saloon and Restmraiit, ?t RA^EMEVTof KnHnerCa •'tore. .Tohns burjth, III. The choicest brands of Wines, Liquors and Ci«ars alwtys on **a<t., Call tn<i see mm. PR VTT nouse. TA PRATT, Proprietoe. First Has* *c-cownodations. UooCB*™ in connection ffa«0opda. JH. . r .. •**> jnAUIUA,N n«Q% f ClIO \n tfsnnf|*ft»irers,, / ,l«r« solicited. Shop. tt Old M^tfen™, ji Keiter Mloett, twodoors w«5St of Pl>A.rK- »BAfcltlt Office. i , RTCllARl* COMPTON. TTT^TfnW^f the Pc<ee*iit 0>nT««iwer.- tj Will *tteivd iiri nntly lo.tln collection of lebts. Volo, Mike County, III. MART DARRIAN. HAIR WOR<B:I. in '-.MI* of HAIR work fn first clw Ptrle and at reasonable prices. Room* *t residence. north- eaat corner of Public Square, 14'Henry, III. C- S.JCiREEN. SURG ROM, Ri«kMM, JK^K A. BALDWIN, 1" jlWTF.R. Uw business In any part of • j th« State receive* primnt: attention. tH'* room 41, new Cnstnm Honae, Ctiicsjro -fHinois. v°t gfttXRY DISRWW, ART tmtrmo *«t Conveyancer, II- I• , IM. • ' . PU. C. K. WTLLUM*. fAfVTNt. TVm l(<c, WW be *f " it I'vif tn«c, the Ifl**) ni l 5th of «w<>h *«nnlh; at Oirlsei" Hon«e, Mr. '^nrv, the .nth *wt ?t»h of er<*h month THpi< il-wc* wriir s>iiurlav or *lnndny I mr vl«H« to r^ncott'li on Monday, and Mchenry on Tuesday, following. .fOTV ltt BIPf;EV. rt-orrqv. Painter, Gralner, Ca»clml«»er tml "Tl P^ner H in r>'.r. tVift"'"' one piork tnjt i»f lljvpr«! le lliii'P. Hr«v,r attemied to imply ani "»n r,jnonl»b> term#. Notice 1o the PaWic. TJT WK lin'H •* Rhof» io«t flo'i'h of R. Ti'V. Ina'on Rpiek tn.l fwoi ^treGt, whero I oi nre>nre! to '!<> Ml' ki«l« of 'vofk 'n n>v \« T IIIVP no l»ov« to 'lo niv work, I •vtit viirv n<»'ir \yh^! it worth f-»r iln;n7 it. F 'lo mv work in a manner that neel"' Tttchini*. •: 1 I A- HZBARD M^Henrv, ,hn, ̂ th, 1*^?. McTlENHY HIUSE. PTITRR SMITIT. PROIMIIKTOR. qi)OD N<Mr.l bv-the 'In or week at rei*o«. • * ntn* ' Tho ""'i litest lifun U of "Vlnns, l4fr|nor«an:| niasr*. O<io.| «|i'»line •"or llorfff*, \ <lnt> <'i r"<vu llol* T'tble in •onnection with the tlouse. Olre me i rail. Pf'TRR ^MITII. K. R. RICH \RDS. HAfia «0'iii>l«|le Abstract ot Title* lan^ in M TIenrv Connty, Tll'noin. wiM» County Clerk.- Woo'l»to«-k. HI. . r K. M.OVTElf • GENERAT, Ociler »n«l M2P"t•'I ^lMrP,'i, A<»ent in I,"< linff !M" n >f1<,Wi>»evv.J- Prices^lew nn<l terms favorable. McJl«nry, II'., , v. s. (KH.nv. MCftENRY, Mollcnry Co., tit. Breeder of SmniVh Mt'rltfo 4heep, Berk, lire hu<1 Polan-1 Db»ii!» *• ume. V «• •»-»ivQ A'/t.. i;;K*>n.**v R„ek.A'.r!l IV^^h'. .TMc.^.W^ Wl'^i""" «M>f»r» U 4 v i wht're. ^ | ,--• K. A. SMITH. ^ BOOT AXP SHOE MAKER. Prom flatten, tlon jriven to Ucnuiring. Shop. In J-Billes* buil<lin{?', next to river binlfee, Mc. Henry, Illinois, • . W. H. SANFORD, Merolmnt bailor In the steve of 0. Hi Dtelunaon, Kaa|ai<le of •«Mic8qu»re, WOOHSTOOK, ILL. A VM't -Hook of Fin.' Cloths for ^litinRh al- rayaan haipl' Suits niatle to order an<l a Ut rarrtinted. 'eiwniei ealW.t • ; «• W. II. SA?fFORl>. Woodstock, Hl.,«ept. i'lli. 1875. • • J. A. SHERWOOD AtiorK »> I; AND APPRAISER, Algonquin, III. 25 ALES of SlooK, Filming Tuots-W»«l "jJ* ^ «fxll kinUs i.i-o nptlv n i ";ile«l to, t rm ,?lefa a\ Ter r; , onable. - Poat 3«ce a'l.lres<: Ai* »n in»n, III. '•mgt-' OWLY S20 fcra PHILADELPHIA SINGER of thU style. Equal to any >Sing*r in the market. H"~ mstiilw, U'f setul it to ba rxrtmitwd hefurn you pay for it. This is the same styfa other companies retail for $50. All Machines warrarted for 4 jwan. fiend for Illustrated Cir- eularandTi'Stiaioi'iaia. Address M. M. CLOTHIER, " liCUMONP - - - ii.UNOK .V.v 0 , MCHENRY COTTSTV.. ' fW^Mitei all ei*tm* in all bnreane in the department of th«v Interior. S|».vial atten. •ion piven to .iifflcuH or rpie"t<"l eHinis. '""iiveful tiltentloni «riven to all m>»lter« of iit»- •orMnoe Office <»t of W it. H. 'owlin; W^i"li><«'kt IM» 'Bftsim-ss will lie at- »n teit t • liv *1 r.' Pow1 in in mv absi-nee. I -"hall alw*v« l»e. there on ^ntnr l'»y<, and shil' '•e atjthe oflj'-e of J. T. Bel lin. E'-i . M tve.iso. •n tbd'tlrit Kridnv in e^rh monrli. AH letter-* •fa iwilntM nataremust roatain stami* for 'P'y- "• ; CITItTIS, ! and 81^ i PiV!/^9r* lim-rt-:; Oppdsito Pa-ry A' MUrtln't. iwaptly tn >11 work and p'iar- iinliue »'ttlsf;irt,inn Pi-!'- '- ;l ^ t-> i *• good \ :R. ehn ite anywhere. •*f - *m- • ,<-r-- . > • .1 MIXKW P VLXTS, 1..I AfMwei'iU'iid to tiirnish Mixed Paints of all kinds at the lowest livtnjryriees, and fur­ nish an Urtlele far superior to the common Mixed Paints beingsohi. Oill anil »i e nte, CEO. CUHTiS- MoHenry, April |2, IMS, ^ u f.4Wr JOS. WEiDtMA#,' ;|^ooa aad Restanraat, ' NEAR TIT^f DEPOT, ^CHSNRY, «fiLL!?JOl3 Wines, Liquor# ntv. Ft-stifa Tleii! > , 111. The e u.ii-est •»nd r*;?tars to be found In the eon Oy«t<r« in their season served up tn shape desired orAir sale by the Can. GOOD STARLING FOR 0RSB8. ANTON V EMGELK, SAT.OO* ar.d Itestanrant. Bnek's old stand Me.Henry. III.--The choicest Kentucky Whiskies, >»our Maab, Wiues, (Mjrars, ete., alwavaon hand. We buv noae but the b«mt. «nd sell at Reasonable Priced. Fresh Oysters fn their season. A. M. CHURCH, : Watchmaker aud Jeweler NO. 1URAVDOLPH STREET, (*»ncee«sor tn E. K. P. -<hirley.1 Chiea^o, III. spe- eial alteution ^iven to repairia^ Fine wateb. em and Cbronoiucters. WA Full Assortment of Goods tn hia-lifte Richmond House, " R1C>IVO|IO. ILL 6. PftttPRlKTOR. . ' ',-V , . nAVTKfJ rereritly pni-ehafei1 the al»ov« House, I have put it in thorough repair, with new fii'-nitue thronzhoi-.t, a it it would respectfully invite the patronage ot the tritv- elinx pu'blie. and others. The tables will al­ ways l»e provided with the best tliat oan be procured, and jmlite and Attentive waiters will be hi res liness at all times to Httend to the -wants of >r«e«ts. Vo pims will be *|»are<l to make tills a First Class House. I..irir« ami coinnuxlious barns on the premiees. Free Omnibus to and fretn all trains. Sample a*O*ki«NI BRAT CUM. • • • 4T\IJ ; ' *' , •*. -i i i' i . • • " " II #» iiH-i1 "i ii Sjiiw- HE. WIGHTMAV, Proprietor. First class rigs, with or without drivers, fmnished at reasonable (rates. Teaming ot all kiixi» done on short notice. A. WENDELL, C.iSP*ifT£H i NO IQIKEB Mh ",,j McHenry, Will take oontrnots f«»r putting; tip Bwililii.jrs ami 4jii:iiaiite»» mv worli will, c«>iiip:(i't> with uuy iimn iit tlio Slsite. I (iiiii HIKI will do work fr«*»n 15 to 2b per cent clieniwr tliati other H« I lutve two ot my hoys who work witli u\e. which uiukes It poe^ible foi' trte to «!«»o. . All JFohs In »li« C5«rp»»iit*r" 1MI« prif^ipits' afteiidtMl to. Give nio^.call. • A. WBNOEi-U , • >«»•• %'-v* 'wsi,: '-faj B. RA!NTH0RP -r-r t GERMAN Manufactured P. MARCUS, -DEALER IS-- l < '"V : HtRE wines, liquor And CI3ASS. ^ Woodstock III. B liest Tonic. In the world.. Put np In and tjtoirt Itotlluk. r. MARCUS, Patentee. Bonslett Near the Depot, MoHENRY - «. - ILLINOIS. Keens constantly on.hand the finest btands of Flour and Feed of all kintls, which bekwill Ml) Ht Wholesale or Retail at Bottom Prices, 1 e diffe'-ent brands of Fiour alwnjrs* (t(| rt and warranted as represented. Flax Seed Moal Always on Hand •^Flonr delivered anywhere In the Oor aeration. Orders mav tie "gire^ by Postal Qard, Box 107, Post Ofllee. ' ̂ " = GIVE ME A OALI^j^ ,v : L. BONSLSTf, f, March 3th, HWi. ' f" ,Tl>e liest, Brands of ines. Liquors and, (T'lsffr^'alwiiys on Hand. 'Good ^labltiig for Hi»r«*>s. *'• AL^O AGENT FO* Franz Falk's SBLWAtJlIKK .v Xager; Bsetj;; tteerin l.a'rg* or « i»al| ^eus <>a .Rottj«»,.;<,., \* tvf "n hand cheaper t Inn auy 'tper. 'i iiyU, . ^hn-ideve l. " " ' . This Beer has a world Wide, an-l -'.^o<l jiilxos <-t>iio\iledj;t'it cap pot uc aur- asseilinthe world. ,'j®>l(l«rs by,mail promptly a ttended to. > JOS..WIEDEMANN. •wj'. ^ M^Henry. in. Auc. Iftth^ IWt j tj't -- n • • 1 | " ' U i ! t » -- - ' U, H"!JI Harper's Young People. AN IN.rsritATEn WKFKI.Y.10 PACKS. SUITEUITO Wiva a*n otni.s OF FROM atx FO SIXTKKN VKARS OF AUR. VOL. IV. COMMENCES XQVK1IRER. 7, Vm. Tii# Young People has I teen from the first auceessful beyond anticipation^- y, V. Even­ ing Pn*t* r It has n distinct purpose, to which it steiMI. lv adheres--that, namely, of Mipiil.tntinx the vicious papers for the younjf with a imper more attractive, as well as more wholesome.-- Boston Joiirn ii, For uentness, elegance of engraving, and contents generally, it is nnsurt»assetl by anv pnblie.ati«n of the kind yet brought to qnr Oi'MaKif >"/»h fJrty+tlA. notice.--JPUttburgh Gazette, TERM^. 4 H * * S Y O U K c p r O ® » i # r ( g t i s o Per Year. Postage Paid f * Single Sumljers, Four cents each., «t>e<-imen copy sent on rieeipt of throe cents. , „ . „ The Volumes of Harper'* loung Penrtl* for 1SS1 and IS^i, handsomely bound in Illumin­ ate I Cloth, will lie sent bv mail, postage ]tre- piirt on-receipt of #5.00 Covei for Young People for liisM, 36 cents; ]>ostage, 13 cents additional. J , _ Ri*niittanees should be made by Po«t Office Money Order or I»ratt, to avoid rhaii'-c of ]nX*cimr>cr* are not trToapy thU a(lvrt>t«Hnent without ejtnreto ordfir of IIARFT.IT A* BROTHT.RW. Address UAKPEUAUUO I II Kits New ^ ork. THE CBEAM of all BOOKS ef ADVENTURE. Pioneer Heroes AND Daring Deeds The thrilling advonture* of all the hern ex­ plorers and frontier lighters with Indians, outlaws an l wild beasts, over the whole country, from the curliest times to the prea. ent. Lives and famous exploit# of Desoto, LaRalie, Standish, Boone. Kenton, Brady. Crockett, Btwie. Houston, Carson, Custer, California Joe IVil I Bill, BnTalo Bill. Ge er- als Miles and t'-iook, great Indian Chiefs and scores of ot'ir *.s (iDlltiKOUSLl. ILLITS- TUATE1) will Ii? flue engravings to the life. AGFN'M «',D {t u. Low ptaoed and beats *nytaXAypA^p B^OK 00- ST, Locu, M<». fflti^woeil - • Milne's. To the people of Rmsr wood ami v'K'initv I wouUl rc»pectfuHy say that I have opened a store near the Depot, where I will pay the hiar'ie-t market value for E?«r*. iiutter, and other produce, canh or trade heinpr imn aterial to me. I shall keep on hand a eclect >stot'k of Groceries and Flour, which with choicc brands of (i- jrsns and Tolwffo, I am <sroin«r to sell at prices to dety competition, and though I have met with a miK*!! more lil>eval pntronage than I had expected, I shall yet liold out inducements calculated jto iucreane my trade and secure a Iprgfirsewefcom. B. RAIN THORP. RTKQWOOO, III.. June IStli, IStiiS. GROCERIES! CROCEHlES! M. Engeln, Having removed his store to Colby's Brl Block ianW'Mnnr to the l.uyinp piiWip a t'uiM,l)c I-* CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Cauued Goods. CIGAR, TOBACCO, FIPES, &c,, &c, My Goods are all f reeh and will 1»^ ^>W4. *! the lowest living prices, t-«. I also keep a tull stock of Gun MAteflal aishinp Tackle, Minnow Soins, Hammocks, aud in fact e'vervlhinjr poriaiiiii.g to Fisltinp and Hunting, can be found at tny store at reasonable I' Violins, Acordeons, Picaiaa. Flu leg. Violin Strinirs, ami all oilier extras for Violihs. My stocks of- VIM WARE Is complete. Call and •xaniiue it, I guarantee Prices that dely all competition. M EHQE1 H OF THE r.»< AGENTS WANTEDS Lives MARTYR PRESIDENTS. VRRVH VM LTNr-OLN, "From Pioneer Home to wi.ite* House," and JAMES AHttAM F1E1.I>, "From Log Cabin to White ilouse. In English and German. II lustra ted with line oteel engravings. By an emint tit author. Al !*<» fur the only large steel portrait of Gar lield. Send for extra terms. THK Ht.MtV BILL PL BR.TMITNO Co., NORWICH, COXW, FAP- i?ill LMj ] on long erertii end r>asy terms, in a nllii cliiaate, free fron heavjr snows, blight- fit • MB* ~1 iug frosts, and. e*- miUORS OF ACRES | e««*,T0 :aia%- for sale la the GOLDEN BELT of Kansas, by the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, of os rich Doll m the son ever shoaa U, with RO^ auukctt MMC «n«l we««. Tor Xk-aertptive nnd. Ulmfmt** ZtcoT* -pith Map if. tfent Frae, Ad&resa LAND COMMtSrSfOMEB,--Kansas Wvljwt*, KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI, LANDS E.LA Kercha: ! Foreign and D WAHRA W A (;LOTIlIX(jr, Children's sixes ity and at Chic i Cloths. s a ?.r9 •-u'-w .'s Boys* nntl 'the best qual- iprices. ;W,,-V.- C. X- Richmonwllli no is. Sales of ytock.j an 1 Goods <»i all to on the most « nd «a' isfactioi l*OAt Office addi RIC-H.M03 irminjj Tools s attended »onable Terms guaranteed I VLi i-n. B >*• I'-fe't-' i WOOD ST* 'i;v" -o Brooch and S i • finwCttr, Hhot, Caps, tor sale. Fishing l'aol All kinds of ^poriing AND REPAIJ A powl Breach j/».l Gnn. warranted Twist,| W fr.chester Rifle, 7d ntl Nickel Plated U shot l« Self cocking I'l-itish Hf A goo«l Si iRle liar* Single Gun, warranted,| I will undersell an; I* Gunsamt Sportiiig «ion' good »tiin it Will nav vol 1 w*i iant every guu 11 'man, lo Loading apt Cartridge* nn .?*& tyit - .V isifi* «ug ; riib* ̂ « .... IJTOOUS, \G I>ONE. >oubleB;ijJrelcd ;tKabM<t,'ftS. rer, rJ.StH > »g Pist«U«5<nO. Kteecli iioadih?, the comity in you want a 11 alia son uie. CkUhea., W- • new Kolls put tin, Prino p^t* pair warrante 1, $2,r>0. y wooaitSctc ;ixxiYWM.Bi$Iii;tt*'AN* A. P. GRAY. ways Ahead. "' a# SKKXCHE^, ^ From a Soldier's Memorandum t.KTTKR KO^fi. HARD AOROL'KD. On tli# troya^e from Button to Ship ISIHIHI tU« JIUMTAN freight, 1.400 strong, on rht; steamer Mississippi,experienced !ii:i»iy sirun^e vicissitudes, son* of which were ezceetllngl^ painful to con­ template, while from other* there re­ flected A ray of annshlne* There was nniph sullerlng among the rolunteers. the maiorlty of whom (the writer in- cltuletl) were then making their first trip uii the ocean, and this dismayed majority swore by the great Ciar that tliey were entirely out of their element, and furthermore, that if they ever reached the end of their voyage they Would either fight their way buck lioui« overland or die In Dixie. After the storm off Hatteras (the gist of Letter No. 3) the sea was very rough and contrary to our expectation, the steamer, instead of putting well «ut to sea, almost constantly steamed along in sighi of land. But although old sniiors muttered and wanted sea room we were entirely satisfied to get a glimpse of terra tirinn, tor iiudvr the circumstances if the whole concern busted we might somehow manage to reach the shore. We l]*d but little faith tn steamships, more especially fron clads. for iti our voutitry iron would sink. We had in our boyhood pitddled over a mill pond on a plank, but had never ouce thought of trying a caldron kettle. As the ship ne a red the neighborhood of Uie moutii of Cape Fear rtter the water appeared to be shoal, so much so as to attract the attention of the sol­ diers and excite their comments on the chances of striking bottom, . Directly there was a "shudder and quiver of the •hip; a heavy lurch and another grind- iug plunge, and kuie enough sjre were stuck fast. The title was going put. The captain, either drunk or incompe­ tent, commanded the sttiiors to cast an­ chor, when In fact there was no power but the eternal thai could budge the ship one jot. In the ha*te to obey the command (a sailor is but a mimical «*i •*?i| W; WINTER CAMPAIGN OPENED Y HIS- CUrsiago and Wagon Factory, A*® • : irwsi.,.. 3LACC3MITM SHOP, RICHMOND. III. I soil everv Implement, Tool or Machine a former want*. PLATFORM SPRINT}, DE- LIV ;itY AND FARM WAGONS, TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, One, two and three seated, from the cele bi n t ed inauufoctory of J, W, Henry A Co., Froeport. . : «? • ii Btaekamlthing, Painting *' and llepairlpg Drtn#' in a workmanlike manner an«t war. ranted, From the large variety of Farm Machinery manufactured, wo select that I his I adanle i for this section, and nt>on the BEST TERMS THAT CASH CAN PURCHASE, which en- ables us to supply our |»atrons with just what they want, ami at lower prices than nnv ftttier concern northwest of Chicago. Call and make exair ination f.»r vonvselves lie fore friviui; ynur orders for any piece of iiiaidiinery you mav n«<v' Hie eomiiiK season, and you will llnd the liest and most complete line oi Kami Machinery ever offered in Mcllenrv Co Remember that we offer the VKJtV llEST MACHINERY at the VERY LOW^I' PJilCJS (.iuit Cash can prwiuee anywtoew.j^.j-ifr^- m,-- : , ' .« a p 'tonA Y • hm "Jni "*VA * . - ^ &°bir'Ond, fit, •; iil'i'i'^4^11' '• • • ' * • ' -- 1 • . -- t 048 !|EEH MOVED, But \ye arestii^in the o^np'. pUtoe.«t»1y to <(q all kln<U of General Bepairlng, On snort notice and at reasonable rates. v~e would also call the attention ot those wishiug to buy lo»pr IHON KNEE Which we are selling at very «ow yrteML WAGONS, CARRIAGES, *>• Catters and Sleight, Made to order. CalPtnd see us. Shop in rear of Carpenter's Blacksmith Shop, Kc- Henry, Illinois. TRIPP, yeJIeau, iiL, Kw. B. W92. WaKTKD.--Tliftftidvlcft bmiAnds to i* " ' Vend his addresa to Dr, S. F. Bennett, KX!U»i!iiTii>f^ur2eoh,T?I«nttnond. -. a|W:iy -• »Ttfv«) tmumMfcf w l» mitirot5srrty made* ready The sailors atrnggied to shift the ponderous metal,aiid did not at the word of comniatid let go. Thereupon the scape goat captain raved and threatened to kill the mate and again with a teri ible oath cotutuituded let go. Th«y did let go and the anchor stove a hole in the tide of the ship three feet below water mark Lucky for ns the steamer was constructed with water tight apartments. A canvas was drawn over the break a nil one hundred soldiers were set to balling oiut the water. This detail was relieved every hour. Oen. Butlei.vUceU tUe cupuin under arrett and put the first mate in, comiuaud of the Ship. As the tide receded the steamer rolled lieavtiv to one side. Large quantities of merchandise aud provisions were ordered to ba thrown overboard. Thk decree was obeyed with alacrity and within one hour the ship gained Its equilibrium. In the procett of this t'e^truction a barrel of apples wits broken in handling. A sol­ dier stooped aud picked one from the deck, but wa« compelled to throw it overboard. Again the saiue soldier trying to get an apple was at once punished by extra duty. The captain of the ship hud prior to his arrest, run the flag to half mast. Union doarii. and diiectly several light weight rebel pri­ vateers were making for ua. Gen. Duller at once hauled the national flag to the mast-head <uul within five .min­ utes tiie deck was cleared for action; a squad of soldiers ttvi^ at once detailed to work the $4-pound Sawyer gun, and thirty riflemen were posted about the rigging and tlie deck. At this moment a strange steamer appeared In sight. All eyes were turned towards the stranger. The man at the Joqkout an­ nounced tbat the advancing ship was a man of war, that site had no Hugs flying hut was a 3-decker autl,carried ut least ilxty guns. lie took tier to be the rebel Ai ibama. Every officer's field glass was brought to hear ant! somehow the word was communicated to the soldiers tie low that the Alabama was coming. (The hatohes were closed) bnt the clinking of ramrods and the com­ motion between d^cks was Indeed an e£citiii£ scene. What the soldiers be­ low expected to do with lh«>lr mtiskels towards repelling an attack of an iron clad carrying sixty pieces of caunou. none but l lie goddess of battle could comprehend. Nearer and nearer drew the supposed champion of the .rebel navy rigM down upon II$. like the bird fl!es, But IjtftKt before reaching shoal water the war ship hove to, and with port* open and gunners at their post their captain hailed the Mi**1»sippl. For a moment cur ship's trumpet could not he found. Another hall from fhe stranger accompanied by a blistering oath. Audktiil a thirdeaU with threat­ ening emphasis before the trumpet w:.s at hand. Then went echoing across the waves: vTlik transport 'JJiS'tssippI, bound from Boston for Ship 1-land, hi&iitrf *r»r* *u4 Hard aground. Who are you!** With breathless silence |w« awaited ttie re­ ply. Then csme the gl »d eclio: . "The Union war ship, Colorado, cruising from llatleras to llfltou Head.** The cheer of weiootne^ that rolled up from iho imprison-d soldiers on and lietween the decks of the transport will re-echft In memory until tho last soldier and sailor of the transport's crow are fer­ ried over tlio mythical waters of ltie river of death. The Colorado sent a boat for Gen. Butler and 1il& wife. The General de­ clined to leave his men bnt directed his wife to go. The lady had but £tis; descended the lad ler wlifti a chaplain attempted to follow. II* was already over the rail when Gen. Butler caught him by the coit and pulled htm to the deek,saying with warmth and empha­ sis: MS«e lieie, sir, you came to pray, for lis. Now that your services are needed you desert ns, will yon !** Tho chaplaiu submissively went below. . M. II. C. AYtKNTIO* COMRAfMCat [fran the National Tribune.] WI»o are the people that are clamor­ ing for the abolishment of the internal revenue taxes? And why do they want them repealed? Perhaps an inquiry into their character and motives will throw some light er* tho question as to whether there Is any real necessity for the legislation which they demand. There are the bankers, in the lint place. '|>y want the tax en deposits and cheeks taken of. They say it is an unjust burden upon their business. They do not. however, claim that it is a bur­ den which they are unable to bear, nor do they pretend that the public gener­ ally will bene At by its removal. : As a matter of fact none but themselves would profit by Its repeal, aud certainly they are, as a class, the best able to pay the tax. We are quite willing to admit that the stamp tax on bank checks is something of a vexation to business men. but so far as the manner in which It is levied and the class who pay it are concerned, it is one of the least object­ ionable modes of taxation that conid oe devised. So long as it I* necessary to raise revenue for tlte support of the Government and tb* payment of Its debts, the stamp tax, it scents to us, ought to be maintained. In the second place, the manufactur­ ers of proprietory articles--perfumes, cosmetics, patent medicines, and the like--want the internal-revenue taxes consumer would fall. Wo are !• favof of abolishing the t»* on matches, and for the reason I bar ft Is t%f otfly one the repeal if which wntdd dlretii benefit to lite public. ., Now. what I? the •«•*! e«|. lected by internal revertm* litntlsit, aud what proportion of the wlmle does each industry pay? Th* following «« the official figures }< aitcEtPTs or i*TEBK'T, wrrrTT*« "»*» r9W' Tt9t\V T*A* WWIW JC** m, t«l. Spirits Tobsevo W.ltsi.ffllJl Ferinente<t iiqitors .- IS,7Sn,241 ?| , capital deposit* »nd eirrttljMbwa of banks Rank che;ks..~. .. . Matches Patent niodiclnes, perfiunertt*, cosmetics, etc. ... Miscellaneous.I also, is the mot ive of their repeal, ifere again it is plain that they alone,and not the general p ibiic, would benefit by the repeal. For instance, tlie tax imposed by the present law Is one cent upon all preparations that retail for iweuty-five cents, and two cents on those that retail for fifty eents, etc. Does anyone suppose that If the tax Is taken eft. the druggist will sell a twenty-tive cent hot tie for twenty-four cents, or a fifty-cent bottle for forty- nine cents? Not a bit of ft. Were that the case, the manufacturers would not be so anxious to have the tax taken oil. What they want is not to give the pub­ lic cheaper physic, but to add to their profits the amount which thejr now pay to the Government in taxes. Inasmuch as the profits on patent medicines are something enormous, wo do not see that there is any special reaton Why the Government should relieve them of taxation so long as It is obliged to rai«e revenue by taxation. Then th«re are ttie cigar tnnnnfac- tuiers. They are also very anxious to he exempted from taxation, but so fltr as we have beeti able to ascertain, they do not propose to sellctgarA to the <ion- suiuer nnv cheaper. Aud, fortliat met­ ier. inasmuch as both cigars and whisky are luxuries rather than r.ecetsities of life--and do more mischief than good, for that matter--we do not know that even » reduction in the price to actual consumers would be a sufficient reason for taking ofl the impost. Our sympathies nre alwayo wlth the persecuted and down-trodden, but we really do no: see In what way the levy­ ing of a tux upon whisky Is a burden upou the distillers. ]t is clulined, we know, that it is the oorn of the farmer which actually pays the tax, but *n?h Is not I he case, and it does not admit of tpuch doubt that if less whisky were drunk in this country it productive capacity would be gristly Increased, and the cenditiou of the farmer, as well »* every ojther bread-winner, he thereby decidedly improved. Whisky makes drunkards, dronkards make loaf­ ers, loafers are oiiproductlves, and, t .e tno(-e unproductive* there are to sup­ port. the poorer the country is. We had almost forgotten the match manufacturers, but, strange to sa3*. they alone of all the mani^cturers do not want the lax taken of), It might be supposed that they were less selfish than the rest but such Is not tlie case. The truth is that tl\e manufacture of mitchee-is a girantic monopoly, and the tax helps to keep it *0. It is. In­ deed. the principal item In the cost of a box of ntatche«, and requires such a large capital that small dealers canuot com|K>te successfully with the monopo- i lists. The big manufacturers who buy their stitvps In large quantltlesget the benefit of tlie discount, while those who bur in small quant it lesaw allowed nous at all. If lite tax were taken « ff competition would be stimulated at 2.-2AMII | » *.i7S.380« Tntat. So far^ wo have prAtveded on fhe a** sumption tluit the reverm* derive*! from this system 'of Indirect taxation !s necessary to the Support <ff tho Government and the liqnidnlion ot tte fndebt»»<lness. %There are those. It Ihonld be stated, however, who'mala- tain that this revente I* not neressarV. and who do so on the gronnd that tl«« public expenditures are larger than they ought to he. For Instance, they do not heoitate to say that tho prnsion list is.too costly, and that the Congres­ sional approprlatiops theretur shouM be cut down. As for the pension an.t bounty measures uow i>ending,lhpy are tn favor of postponing^ tliet* )nde8* nitely. To be consistent tliey could not well take any other gronml,and for the reason that If the revenues of tho Government should he thus reduced there would not be sufficient money In tlie Treasury to meet the depiands which would be made npon it. Tho plain jssue Is, therefore, whether tho Government is or Is not In dnty hound to keep faith with our ex-soldiers and sailors In regard to the payment of pensions and bounties. If It Is, then |s tertainly cannot voluntarily surrender any part of its present revenue withooi incurring the odium of repudiation, and we fancy there will not bp two opinions among otii readers aa to that point. If the internal revenues are re­ duced or abolished, the chances fer tho passage of pension ami bounty bills by any future Cougress will be proportion* ately diminished. If not extinguished altogether, aud we know^iat our coi»» rades are not prepared to subtuit is that without a protect. But how to make that protest*ffect* uhi--;;!l!" tliftt 1# t !>e nno»i|;;,» J tafce a lesson from the opposl same, only. In order to and make a stronger Impress! each of us petition Ongress through % personal letter to the Representative of our district. This, comrades. Is whft you ihoul4 do: Write a frtnk, stralglitftfrwaNt letter to the Congressman from your district, asking him, as one of his con* stituents whose Interests he Is pledget! to protect, to vote against any end all measures far the reduction or refieal of tbe internal revenue taxes, oo tho ground that the Government ebould pay Its debts to the men who preserve^ It as well as to those who loatied it, at heavy interest, the money to carry oil tlie w*r. before it relinquishes the revenue which is necessary to the dit* diarge of that o'bll|;nttoii. Write at lontr or as short a letter as you please* butwrito to tho point, so that yowt Reprdseutative in Congress will under* stand that yon are in earnest and d|* • term I tied to hold him respoosil^e fe^ hit vote. * MTTiie Xcrth American Review for February opens with a symposium in which tig promiueii: theologian, re),* resenting as MKliy religious denomtna* lions, give expression to their irlena upou the qiffestlou of the "Revision of Creeds.*' Prof. Alexander WiiichcU, lit an article eutitled*4The Kxperlq^eut o( Universal Suflrage,** lustiiutee a prft* found inquiry into the essential condK lions ot stable popular government* which he finds to he. substantially, vir* tue and intelligence; but these condi* tlons, he maintains, are absolutely ui|V •.nttsinable under our existing political system, wliero an electorate eithbf ignorant or vMou«. or both, by thft mete fortw of superior number*. prae« tically tmllifles tlie suffrages of the bet­ ter aud wiser portion of the people, whose right to comv«d ihe governiiieus of tlie vauiuteuwealth U gvoundi d i <t the very uature of tilings. Ri»hop U«>* Quaid writes of "The pevajr ttf |*(»ievi« autism," a«id in etsajing ui prvve hh tht'sU, makes a very adroit use of tl« admi^ions of prolotaut writei-s. "T!n« Political Situation'" is-the joii.t title two articles, the one by Horatio 8ey* mour. the other ?>y Geo. S. B«>utwea* who ofier tlwir ren|»ectUe v(ews- up«'tt the causes of tlie receut oVerilns>w <.jf the Hepublican party. An article I * Drt„D, A. sargeut, «a *Pi»y4c*l t^dnc % tlon hi College#,'* trials a suii^-ct prlipe liup^ioi^-e to tl|e wclfir^ pf tl •% youtlw.iu our higher vi|«vat«oeal iusti| tutioiis. Finally, ihe^e ace tw<i artici<'% on v'i'lie ^laudurdOil Company," Si*n;»» t<Mf Camden, of West V'Ugii.ia, ih feii>|> log that coi-piMration xg.tiiist it\fs-ait» auts, and John C\ VVelHt set ting f«*r> h' reasons f(»r ooudeuinliig U as a r| a US monajK>t*\ published at otto ptace. New York. Call at E. M. Owen Jl *»•& a fi»e Swell Body or Partl*«d - 'M m * .V«s-fe . '

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