Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jan 1883, p. 4

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^iy '£#£•*, Umu HRSHM mmm REPORT OF THE C O W D I T I O P J Hjr*>- if K WA-W W' ' f-> X? fgw*' :HrlijffiiPAT, JAX. ii,; im.. -ffiviT'.' wjjfcut* .I,, •; v ,. •' |. VA**LY K B, EfUtor. dead-look in ttw Minnesota Mill con 11 nap*. tli« lust TTnifiHi Mtfttsu 8er»atnr *tand- t*g •« fallow*: Wimtom, 4$; Wilson, 17; Onnner, 10; Hubbard. 9; "KWwftwit. 5: Start. 4; Farmer, 4; Davi«. t; Am«tr*it|{, Berry, Oilman, Castle, WakaAeld. Strait, •aeh 1; total cast !«** Tha defeat af Senitor Windmn W*«I4 (m a Xatl^nal calamity, terrible aoenes In Eorope •^pinftfnf fmm Nt* floods, beggar de- "1>Sh|>ttAn. Tho ••luring* of the paa- pf« wb* loat their all, and barely as- mft*4 with rltair lives, can better be (••fined than detertbed. Tl>a wash- 4ng a«t of cemeteries am! sanding the rawatns of dead persons floating In i l i a l r c o f f i n * t h r o u g h t h e , s t r e e t s o f fttiae and villages, i« too ghastly a pic- tare to contemplate. Tet this Is the Mwe Mtit us from across the ocean, Md which, it id presumed is not axag- ' gtrated in the least. i«r«j£** * • " Another bank has been plnn- f#|re4 by its president, cashier and to«k-k*eper. This time it is an Insti­ tution In Jersey City, just across the ?lvar from S<aw York. The book- keeper is said to have been a fast yosng man. Whether the' cashier and president sre connected with the Snn- 4ay schools is not stated; but the . three appear to have made way with the bank's capital, or all but #50,000, Wttlcli had never been paid in. A Mviags bank also closes np in conse- qoenoa of the failure of the city bank. «N*t. ^H^TAtioHier frightful rallroatf ie**!- 4snt, this time in California. The re­ port says: Near Tehocap!, Cal.. Satur­ day morning the Southern express train While locomotives were being changed, dashed down a steep graie, and after raoaiiig with lightning speed for four •alios the sleeper, mail, express, and tefgac* cars lumped the track and foiled down aa embankment, and were 4tet oft Are by the lamps and stoves. Twenty-one persons perished, eleven feting burned beyoud recognition or •hookingly maimed, and a uumber were Injured. tl^'A Springfield dispatch, under to of the 18 th, has the following: Mr. Fuller offered a House bill regit- tating the trade in liquor, which makes It the duty of I'o-vn Boards to issue as Mftnjr licences as they think proper In their township or voting precinct, up- •• a petition of a majority of the ••tew |jn their township or voting pre­ cinct; lad making the iitiiiimuus license SM0a«d the maximum 31.000, exc>pt la Incorporated towns, villages and cities, where ths license fee must not ho leas than *500 nor more than $1,000. It was referred lathe License Coui- •Mttoo. Is sir Judgement the above is a (Sod Measure, and we hope to sec It jjNMi both Houses and become a law. rThe senate pasted by a decisive of 43 to 13 the bill providing for the presidential succession. This bill 4»volvos tlio powers ami duties of the •hief executive upon the members of the cabinet in their order, beginning tilth the secretary of state. Before passage, the bill was so amendetl tlist the secretary of state Is not to fill out •ho entire term of the president, but is to call congress together for the pttr- !••• cf ordering an election, or making fhme other provision for the filling of the executive office. The senate lias well In promptly passing the j THE MIMVAUKB.; nrsA^TKft. ^ater datails&of the destruction ftf tho Newhall house at Milwaukee only add to the feeling of ttticoiitrolla^ie horror that the flrat reports itisplred Tlie recital of the destruction ut .prop petty, the binning of victims, tho crushing of those who flung themselves from the windows and otlier harrowing simply paltiTttl, «ven sick­ ing, Snoh a disaster has not been re­ corded since the burning of the It lug theater in Vienna. The striking feature about this dis­ aster is that it does not differ e*c*pt In degree from all amiiar disasters. It ts«otkno*n that the flre might have Tteen prevents,||ibut it is certain that there was a<f unnecessary loss of life. Solar as 'can bo karaed the hotel was peculiarly adapted for the part that it has tin illy and not alto jrthpr unexpect­ edly played, ft was a death trap, and no more fitted to serve as a place for human shelter than the furnaces built, by Belshaszer. The guesU in tt did net enjoy the same immunity from fire that Shadraoh, Meshach and Abedtt»o did, and consequently those who did not escapewiththeirli ves we re roaste d to death like the rats In the hnlldittc. It had been condemned as unfit, for tho proprietors knew that every man, woman and child they welcome 1 was being welcomed to almost certain death. Knowing that the hotel was a tinder- box, likely to vanish In flames and smoke at atty moment. It. is singular that ho prevention whatever <ras made against lire. There was not a single, flre escape. The poor servants in the sixth story and the poor guests in the lower stories had to- choose between a roasting In the flames or a crush on the -sidewalk. Some choose one; sunt* the other; both met the, same fate---death. It does seem strange that kfter so many disasters like- this and so much t,alk about lire escapes, thit we should not have an end of burning people to death with all the noneTial«nce that the in­ quisitors roasted heretics. It dees seem as though some Adequate punishment ought to be provided for that criminal avarice, which seeks by refraining from taking those ordinary precautions that entail a slight expense, to increase its treasures. JKWNPAPKH tKOtlBtn. The newspaper 'business is very ex­ acting on all connected With it, and the pay Is ^o npiritively small; the proprietors risk more money for small­ er profits, aivd th* editors, reporters and printers, work harder and cheaper than the same number of men in any other profession requiring given amount of Intelligence, training and drudgery. The life has its charms and pleasalit associations, scarcely known to the out­ side world; but It has its earnest work and anxieties and hours of exhaustion, which also are aot known to those who think th« business all fun. The idea tbst newspaperdem is a charmed circle, where the favored members live a life of oa*s, anil free from care, and go to the circus at night on a free ticket And travel on free passes in the summer, is an idea which should be exploded. Business Is business, and. tbe journal that succeeds is one that Is run on a square business footing, the same as banking, building bridges, or £o4p- iog a hotel. Without being represented in its ad­ vertising columns we have had people request iw to gratuitously insert this notice, or draw fctt^htlnn to this arti- clo, with the slight suggestion that uit will not c;>st vou anything ro put this in." which is Just as ridiculous as to grind your ax on his grindstone and graciously tell him it won't cost r cent. It takes money to run a newspaper as well as any other business; no paper cau succeed financially that carries a dead-head system. Any mention of people's affairs that they are anxious to see In print is worth paying for and when printed is generally worth as much as any other investment of^ibe same amount.-- Cincinnati Review. * * Tho Philadelphia Evening Tel-' '*•'t^ljgraph rises to remark that "if every ••fseted aspirant for a senator<>iiip Will retire from the field as gracefully ®aex-Senator Ogleshy did in Illinois, ho will strengthen his hold upon the l do away with much of the •Itternesi which these coutests ofteu v,!7;^ngondor* 4 To which the Chicago Journal adds: »J|The simple truth plainly stated." Honest old Dick Ogleeby is one of Jt'^0©d?8 noblemen." and would sooner it oft his right hand than do a mean When he was defeated at Sprinc- >ld lie stepped gracefully aside, and Instead of being (toured by his defeat, rill,Iii the future as in the past, be jPound manfully battling for the prin- Iples (not the spoils) of the grand old iputdican party. We wish the State Illinois had more such men as Hou- Dicfc Ogiesby. ^ > A Washington dispatch> to the 'Chicago Tribune,says: Senator Logan, referring to the >;^M,;,lu,nts that he is disappointed that Oulloin is to be elected rather tbnn Ratlin, said to-day: "You can ' •cay what von know to be the fact, that "that statement is entirely untrue. I ;have taken no part whatever in the contest as all the candidates know. It # „ Jwas my Intension from the start to in- terlero In no manner whatever with K.- ^ people's ehoiee. and 1 did not. Jto *fNsau received assistance from .me, and fii ' e» obstacles were placed by me in the ^ ^ ^ way of any man, The statement that T , 'ji brought out Henderson, or anybody - j !• help defeat one man. or fo aid i n '4- j<*eoleciivu of another, i# al^urd. WW we«c no Logan headquarters :V^|'jteMe4 *t Rprlngicld as I see i* diargeil. No one went there with f < *»? authority to represent uiy wishes *'* « 1 manner, and no representations V^v! W9r* ,uade t,,ere on'»«y hehalf.** ; v .r- ' It I® due to General Logan to give eonaplcuous plaee to the above state- * esent. which all parties and elements at Springfield will recognize as Uter- i V ally true. The General's hand hiis not ^ ^ been discoverable In connection with '--jtuptsi the "Senatorial contest, and it Is no ^ doubt a fact tliit lie has. In no way or ^ , manner Interfered to influence rlie • choice of MB^The following extract fr<N«i .i; long article on uFalth Cures." in the New England Medical Qatette. prob­ ably reflects fairly enough the common professional sentiment on the subject. Believers in the efficacy of the faith- cure movement will say that the doc­ tors are prejudiced witnesses, because they are afraid tlieir business will be injured, but we will let the profession have tijeir say, anyhow: "If the 1vife of th£ champion faith-rarer should cut an artery anl be in Imminent danger of bleeding to death, would he he so idiotic as to neglect the means for ar­ resting hemorrhage, and instead to annoint her with oil and pray over her, while her llfe-biood gnshed forth? If not. where shall we draw aline9 What becomes of the omnipotence of the Lord, if lie is not able to check hem­ orrhage as well as St. Vitus' dance? The only possible inference from such actions of the faith-eurtrs is that the Lord makes a Specialty of nervous dis­ eases, but Is not posted on surgery--we mean no irreverance, but simply desire to show the absurdity of a position which Is often taken. We believe em­ phatically that the Lord helps the mau who helps himself, and that Redoes not approve of laziness^ but expects men to work hard to discover the secrets of nature and to apply them, to the extent of their abilities, to the cure of disease. Doctors never cure their patients; they make use of the best means they know of, and the Lord restores health. Farmers never raise corn; they plant It, water it if neces­ sary, boo it, and the Lord makes it grow. Ilow morbid or lazy, or both, must a farmer be to go into,.his closet to pray that the Lord may send him crops, instead of lirst going Into his fields to do liis share of the work*'? J9*The Hon. Lot M. Morrill, wiiose deatli was announced Jaa. 10, has long occupied a prominent position in na­ tional aflairs. Born in Belgrade, Ken­ nebec county. If aine, in 1815, he pur­ sued a partial course In Watervillc college, studied law aud was admitted to the bar in 1839. He was a member of the Maiue assembly in 1854, and of the senate in 1856, of which he was president. He was elected governor of Maine in 1858. and re-elected in 1859. He was elected United States senator in 1861, to fill the unexpired term of Hannibal Hamlin, who was elected vice president, and in 1863 he was elected for a full term to the same position, and again to succeed William P. Fessen- den, for the term ending in 1877. Re- tiringfrom the senate.he wasappointed collector of customs a 1'ortland. Maine, which position lie held until his death. H4wSs an able nsnii, whose loss will be mourned sincerely. Having been sick for several weeks bin death was not un- pected. ^ t0~IllinoU now liaff at Washi ngton the acting Vice President, the Secre­ tary of War. the Assistant Secretary ot ihe i nier"ror, tho Commissloner or Internal Revenue, the- Director of the Mint, the Public Printer, and the Chief Examiner of Patents. It is 1 rumored that there Is a suspicious | movement on foot to secure for Illinois the place of Commissioner of Indian Aflairs. in the person of an ex-Indian agent named Pollock of Au«>r|| Illi­ nois is a great country. Afirw^w^- You cau buy the Domestic, the El- dredge. the Crown. New Howe, Spring­ field, yud New York Singer Sewing Machines, »t a better figure than you can buy of lany traveling agent. Ro- member it and call and see them. *W"Yau tickle me and I'll tickle you," iii what the European power* are playing now. while at the s-tme time it is given out Lliat all are prepared f'or the worst. It IS evident that France and Germany, notwithstanding their hatred of each other, are dispsstd to have friendly relations, while the other powers have their hands full of Internal strifes, and are not in shape to make ai)3' new conquests, if they felt so disposed. Peace In Europe inay*be said to be assured, for a_-||«r weeks at least. •ffir'fhe editor of the Cro«by County Clarion and Farmer#' Vindicator thought he would double his circula tion by promising to publish biograph ical sketches of his patrons. Some o the patrons liked the Idea very much and took several hundred copies fo their friends, but the majority of tlie patrons, who had been indictod in other States before they came to Texas, paid as high as . f'20 to have their biographical sketchessupptessed The plau worked like a charm, and tho editor, from comparative poverty, lias soared up to positive afRueuce.-T-2^<s Siflings, ' , ^ *• v r the legislator*.--Chicago X w. I* yhtt drabt Winder Noo to S»fr «ny fclud, cheap, call at t««« store vi 4* « WelU JtSuu, - * THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock,^ Illinois, -- AT-- Close of Business Dec 30, '82. RKSOl.'KCKS Loans and dtaoonui* Oventjrafts IT. £. Hoixlg to secure circulation... IT. S. lton<1s on ltaa I line from npjirove I reserve agent*. Due frrnn other National ftonb itcdl estate, furniture nn<i fixtures. Onrrcntexpenws m>l,tnx.espaid.. Preuiitiros Paid ('liecks antl other oata itcma ItilU of other l>ank.-< Kri-'t paper cur. nictceU i, pennies.. Specie I.ejrnl ten<lernotes Re<teinptiou fund with U. S. Treiw- ercr (5 per cent of circulation). * .t160,739 M . _ m 7" . o< i.onn (K :s,«74 17 }«,&« fli «.ei)u in «»> 2.r> »,W9 IH» W,!i« fi« s.owoo Unplam.Hi^ teilA Jiroprnl odf , ' ITe kur a fulLIine of ram Jtach!n*ry or the beatiap anftiotfiw seHat; v . y i Befd Rock,t i Frlc«a. If vou Want anrt!>insr in the AjfricuHarat Mnehmerv line, do not fail to call on me be- tf re purcfvimtiR, n«<I <-jm ot fe « " tn also asrent ter I.ake and McHenry ties for'lhe<i ; .*1 u» • T<>tal...,,»g|jj^(. 2,000 00 97 . LHWIT-ITIItE* -'1 ' v Capita) stoeknait in tTn«Jivlded profits •• •• 1.53S 7i National Bunk Note's nat^tan tinij;... In'!iviihij»] ilo|K>sit-i Kiii'jcct toctieck i76,8<U 43 Demiiixl Ocrtiflcatos of deppsil - 3,1<X) <>" J^we to otlier National Ba^ut. ... , <<> Total .. STATK OP ILLINOIS taso. iu 97 ss V- MCHBXRT C«>t) NT r. ) I, John J. Mun>!iv, cifhler of the above named Rank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best ofmy knowledge and boiief. , JomnJ. Mutriir, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me thia 10th day of Jan., 1833. CIIAS. H. D 'NSKM4f, Notary Public. Attest • ' • pi - . JOIITf J. MlTRPnVv . V - ' W r f i " . ' ' ' • f K K B M A N W l l i T l N O , : . W. II. STEWART, * Direct era. c ' Money to Loan ' On Retil Estate, for Long Time, at Low Interest. J. J. MURPHY. 7 M^Tcrcrev Shop opposite. Parker lioiise. McHenry, •; lllinoi». T would inform mvenstomers and th" public generally that I am now prepared, with llrst clnsw workmen -and poo«i material, to manu­ facture wagons an l UntrKte!* on short notice anda+T.ow Prices :«» a guud article can be piii -chased elsewhere. ' I ALSO DO A Cenerai Biacksmithlng Business, and will do yotilf work in th#f best ot manner and with the least possible delay. HORSE SHOEING ^ sprctAL1?r. , Of All kind^ pnnnptly attended to. Call arid seofer yourself. C. CARPENTER. StcOenry, Wth, IW. I nni Ooun CHA^PIOIN , Feed Outtert Toil can havfe la grinder attached to Krind at the same time youare cut tins. Every pur- chaser gets a written guarantee with h is ma. rhine. It is positively the K.VSIEST «ING PEKO ObTTKB IN TttK MA It K IS T. Give me a call. AV C. HILL Wauconda, lit., Wee. *«. 1SB. " ' TWELVE REASONS, FOR IN'SITBING WITH Of Woodsfor-k, 111. ;1. Jttieanse he is endorsed b* leading hnsl ness men and the preas» ami particularly where hc-tt kno\fn. -2. Rccause his is the oldest agency la the county. 3. Kcanae he represents the best line of Companies of any airency in the county. 4. Bemuse wt'ih one'e*cep'lon. he repre- scnls the olde>t companies in the United <Hta.tes. 5. Iteennse in c^ise of lo*s he Ki*es his pat­ rons the tienciit of his ion'/experience in ** $'iinn« an tiiiiitahle adjustment. H. Because he has always issued full pol­ icies. 7. Ttecanse he pnlo.*sps on'frirm property by lisrhfninjf, whether fire ensue* or-nor. , '8. Hecxti.ot* h® insures live sl«te> anywhere against liKhtiiin^. i». Because hn insures against tornadoes, cyclones and wind storms. |0. Bccause you can rhns s ve yonrself fro;n disaster for a m"re trille. |1. Because v«>n will And him e«|iial1r as active toai'i you in iref.rini voin - in »»ey nlHer liws as to secure vour pntrona^e for hi» com. panie*.' 13. Becnuse every one of the al>ove reasons ran Its fully verified by calling on E. \. Mur­ phy, E. Sessions. J Wi Miller, from their o«vh exirt-rience, and ">n the «nrire circle of bi* ac(|iial(itane«;s from observation. In behalf of the (Md Rcli-iMc, the Phopnix, of Hartford, Connecticut. I take >rre:U pleiw- ure in rvrurnin^ the the thanks of tbe com­ pany to Mr». L, l>. Kellv for her promptness end tinuHual prest>iice of mind in extinifni.-ih- lu^ a lire at h< r re-id^nci*, kiudled from the bitrninicr of K. A, Murphy's residence '>n the itx>ri>i:»i; of me nth inst.*, as by ber individual effort, property whs on which the com­ pany had a poliey nt£M>co. ASA W. SMITH. •* ,A 4.J ... W. • iw*"4'11 '"fi 'J!" - . -r : -rtl . .. ' ' HJI'-W '•Wl'tl f.fli « - 4 ? ' u c e ; h i s s f o r i >) wdj* k(\7.w 1 t A f.r.r.-'t j( "• >dt -ft * ' t . «» *.,fr f'* - i* >• --m « 'Uiih t J C. ut#' •>/•»<{ m .N isjiow prepared ritre iodmemenWife- ««»A, ̂ 5?, BEY GOODS, 3B1SS FLA!IHS> SEESS 50mSOSL '*• . r t« .5j.4ri(K> ^ ' *. C * "f ' >* iftjf •- •- *- f ^ f *' ^ WOOUEN8 /ACe*. If ;, • ,d '.ft \.!fl ingr of ev^ry deiw»ri|!tioa,; Big B«rga>i»i in N SI,000 can be made la six months, selling TUMSOX'S MAPS ft CHARTS For SB page catalogue, free, address, H. C. TOKISO.X, Cincinnati, O., N. Y. City, JeeksomviUe, 111., Omaha. N*b. in 1U. ,l--y •*"» ",! f I f (1 v:» • • •' / ' •' • • kt.ifei .W.M.i* ,A i r ^ '... ,. • ' ; r Gents' -"tin nishin^ ' • ' 4 ^ ' * •' ' •' . i-. • HAT8, CAPby BOOTS ti^6K4E aHarERIES, Jtc., AT -i j. ;t.ii •• ; • '•* "r1 ' • • . • • • i ::H A R BfP A IGEŜ ' Goods, New mid stylish troods*, hikI lJvicesias low as tbe low- f^t, are his mottoes*. Don't Imy a dollar's worth ot' General Jrlef* rhandis-e until vou have called at lis store, near the Depot, Mi*, fleurvvIUinois.' O .V.STEVEKS. fust mu ». " '* * -d 'it '1 H*» L«I#. *n. r-r^TT" W, t'ilt City repideuces for sale. Apply Asa VV. Suiltli, Woodstock, III. to SOTICK ro PHV*ICIAN8 AMU Acnoi;CUKR»: Yoii are hereby noiilled t(M>inke returns to me immediatelv'of a'I births nnd dcathM up to Januavy 1st, |8*:1, as I am ̂ rttiuirotl bv l:i«i to m.iks full report to the sin'v Hoard of llc ilth annually and am n>w uixkinK records up lo said date. Those I'hysiciim* who hare not registered aa tho bvv direct)* are rei| uesteil lo do so immediately. WM. ATMRT, County Clerk. Woodstock, January 1, ltK'l. (County jwipcrp plci«e conv). pAp\T THE ATTKNTIONo( Fnrmers V^'V./I\c,iIIc'l to the yonn indy Gi tiil While and the Minwtoth YrUon- King Seed Com, the best and >!iost, product ire'varie- ties known. Will piv any Karipcr '20 per «'ent more than common corn. Snnd its vonr order, and if you are not s uisiied on receipt of corn we wilf refund your mufif. . 'ioumci, by ni'lil, 10c.; 1 pound t'or2.ic; 1 peek, by expres-1, 7.'ic; 1 bushel i buslud.-j W-.V1. Sen I for <»nr Preuiiiim Calalo-tue-- Corn, Potato and Gat den Seeds. Free to all. THO*. M. HAYES FT Co, Cincinnati, Ot Go and pee the new stock of Sb&wls at C, V. Stevens*. CROCKERY TO CLOSE. To make room for other goods we 111 aell Crockery ami Glassware at cost until closed out. * : ' C. V, Stevests. CUTTERS! CUTTERS! All styles and prices at E. M. Owen A Sou's. UWHfrfcBrfHi r.*mtti&UMXmimizaAwtU DISSOLUTION. THE Firm of PERRY ft MARTIK is this day dissolved bv mutual consent. All persons who are indebted to the late Arm are requested to call and settle their ac­ counts without delav. x- JAME<4 P.. PERRT, „ „ ALFRED A. MARTIN. McHenry, January Mth, 1863. CO-PART NKKSTftfi*. _ t> A. stock of Uonerul Merchandise of the lane Arm of Perry & Martin, will continue the business as heretolore under the firm name of PKItltY ft OWKX. and would respectfully solicit the patronage of the ptiollc. which, in the past, has l»<;en lilieniilv liestowed on their predeceKHorit, and hope, liy Htriut atten. tion to the wants of our customers, to merit tbeir confidence and putrona^e. JAMKS B. PERRV, OLIVER N. OWEN. McHenry, III., Jan. 21th, 1h8H. ,0 'Mr* 'f,r- ' __ 1-4^ ^ - A ftST*Tlie steamers Cimbria ami Sul tail collided in the German, Ocean dur. iug a dense fog on Friday morning last the former vessel ahnoet immediately finking. Tlie CirMtft* had a crew and passenger list numbering 497 souls, of whom seventy-two are known to be saved. Six steamers are in search of beats supposed te contain the majority of the wishing, but up to midnight had not been heard frem. The sudden foundering of the CImbria leaves no doubt that the Iom «/ life la (earful to centemplate, and it is believed #111 reach 300. • ' ' 1 OUR RAItCAlN COl'NTER Never \fk.« moio coiiiiiletc. K con- luitio some rale Uai^ai. e . Call «u4 see tkcu. al iifc.urj CvlS)j'it\ AGENTS WANTEl| Russian N ihilism --AND-- And Eiile Life in Siteta, BV J. W. BIT SCI.. This splendid new book presents a thrilling ptnorama of J.ife in Kuasia and Siberia. It lurmshen the only full and r.«lialde hi^torr of tlutt mysterious and wonderful organi/.aiioii known as Nihilism It selves the unwritten history of the Itus^inn Empire.- It tells of mysterious a«lventures with mysterious peo­ ple. It_ describes d«;sperate hand-to-haml coinlMts "with pistols a <l knives in closeed room* between the police and Nihilists. It paint* Kxilft I-ire In Liberia in vivid ami ftUirtling c.olois. It relate? famous hunts ami adventure* " itli wild animals on the frozen plains of the far Nofth. It tor he tlrnt time excise the real horror* of existence among l he Siberian convicts. It descrilie* the horrible ln*iruments of torture sanctioned and used by tlie ItusH'au tiovernment. It relates the Personal Experiences of the author during his travel*, li tells all that one could wish to know it bout Russia and Silieria. It I* the most thrilling record of travel and adventure ever written; not retold st tries, l>TIL FACTH wit- in*ss-jii by theaoumr iDpertou and sanc.tioiicd by the United State* (lovi rn nent. W> larjje l«agi o utiii ov or iou iiue iiluairation*. Price, *2.50. No book like it on earth. Outsells Mil other b^okf. A'iENT* TT vSTED Write at once lor 1'ictoriai Cin ulars ami full pitrlicu If.i s, or cend 50 cents in money o» stwtnpa for Oomplete CanVitRSia^ Ou'.llt. Act quick and ciioiee of territory. .VMrp«n, llSTOItJCAI. Pi: Iii IslllMt uo., *1<S Si. Third suet-i, 4t l.uuU, Mo. Chicago 8i North-Western ^ _ Baxter -.y is tho OLD ESTABLC3KED SHORT LINE And tho B1S1TE3 STATES FAST R1AIL ROUTE It id tae Creat Tnaroui'lifRro it-c ra < nu to C H I C A G O And all points in Northern Illinois, Cf li­ tre!, Eastern cn-i I-/crfchv.-extern lown. Wisconf in, Nortaern Miclu«£ n, Ku;:io- BOta, liuUota, Mauitor.:', Cuntr; I and Northern Kebrtitka, l olorati", WyOill- iaff, Utah, Id?.ho, Mor.t.ina, TJewud.".. Calif- riii'i, Oregon, WuehlniTton Terri­ tory, Itritiili, i'ltlvmbia, OivilJU, Jup.\n tho Sandwich Ialanda, Atnttralin, A'cv Zealand, and all principal pomia in tht- NORTH, NORTHWEST and WEST. With its o-vn linos it trnvoraoi North - era Illinois, Central mid Northern low 4, W1SOOVSIN, XCorthern Micrn. GAN, MINNKSOTA. :md Contr,".! DAKO­ TA. It olfers to the traveler t; 11 t;cccrc- mod itiona that ciin be olTorod by railroad. Its train eorvlco thr": of any road: their ppoed is r.s rrout t:- comlort and saioty will permit; thej make close connoctlons in union dosjot- at junction and torminal points -vvi^'. the leadi igr railroadj of tho Wo. t ent Northwest, and offer to thooo us. thom SPEED, COMFORT AND SAFETY At OJiiCAGO it mt'.'.res clo^o go> ne-c tion with fill other r. ,'iro .rt-- r/j t.;' tcitA' •It runs PALACK si eki'ino C \i;s <r. a l l t h r o u g h t v a l i s , P A l u . ^ i : t * j . t s o » i r . Brlnoitj'ii roT-:tc -, :;nd S'dtxiMtir.tE!' -• 'HIISO CtKS on its COUNCIL Bum and on if n ST PAUL nnd >tINNEAI>OLlS through day erpro-B tr ir.a. If you wish tho Beat Trnvolln" Accom­ modations you "will hnv vonr "TV-l-et^ by this route AND WILL TAICti NONL OTIIKIt. For ntes for single or ronnd trip tickets and ior full l^formrt-on in re-' pard to all p-rt3 of tho Wcvt North end North went, writQ to Gcnarr.l P.eso trer Agont, nt Chicago, HI. All Coupon Ticket Agents sell Tickets by this Lino. J. D. LAYNG, MARVIN HUOITTTT, Gcu.5m) t. 3<1 Vice-I'rt- f. and t;en. ll&uacsr W. H. STENNETT, Gen. Pas*. A^t., Chicago. < Here We Are Again. 4 Below yon will H:td the names , |>romlne>it farmer* that hav« hoii^jfit the celebiatetl llsrht riiiiniMjr llnp^oo i Sulky Plow within Hie last fix wei«k»: .lames Rarnstahle, liernanl llarrtamif Xicholap Freuml, Clia^. I'arkfi. ? ' * Atiatistii 'i Towuseii'l. Geo. l 'ark^. j ' L Curtis Harvey, Jake Snyder.' "** Win. Wood. Kreeiiiim Whiting A, G. Fanver (2), K. R. V)ooliflle. Ask them w'ltm think of th*>i«l. Ilememher it ii* tin* <»nlv fnlkj' |#l<»w mailu that in warrante.l to inn lighter than any 14 itudi wulklmf plow. will make any man a preaent of "the Sulky, if it fails to All onr wairan^ee. If in wailt of » Stilkv i'low-, don't fnil to cal! o«i ii*. aa we ore £<tr») t<> "wilt vou. Sold only bj* f£. Owen A Sou. The moaei New.. paper. : The Inter Oeeai for 1883. m To give tlie news withon* InrtnlKing: in "of­ fensive sensatioimlism ; to !>e ro microti* an«< u.stjrres-tive in the Hilvocaey of well estaliliv+t- p<I principles, without iieiiijr nitn'ow-mirificl or mi fair; 10 eater to tne tastes of itll el of intelii rciit. rfiulcr.-i, vvitliout iwpfW'rinjr to the ,ir<*ju'li ' 'e» of am ; l<> present, in most ;it. ir.icitve fr.rm lhe'.£re:ite«»tili?|>lay < f niititer, witliout curtiiilini, ' or lowering the «l:inil:»r't (»f an v <leparimeiu; to ^row in Interest an>l exi'efletirc *»ilh snri-efilinjr ve.«r of iiit exi-tenee, in i<> t>r the mo'lel netr»p:i{t«r. Kroni t'<f» Hr-t it >i:»h l»»*en the aim of the piililifhurs or The inter Ocean to have the pa- per reach I hi* hijfh atiin'Unl, anl in e-ioh »t the ten year» of it8 existence a notahlestvp forward hn« lR*»*n tnken. As every rhitn^shu^ nu't »vith cnccniraLriiiK response from the pule lie in the fchape ot inrreasotl palrona^e. i*. is fair to fisMuirir that the efforts of the publish­ ers have l>een in the right direction, and have been nopreeiiued. The inter OMII will remain nncompromis insrl.v Uepuhiirati, wi I maintain its present at- tiiii 'le of prote'-tlnjr Anifrtean irdustries; will von tin tie t> devote imperial attention to t r.ide, trimsp<»i tut ion. and «.conoimi* nestions: w ill retain ihe il^;»urtme ts of Th» Ottrioti/f/ tSh'ip (i current fiieyclopediu of curiou-. in- tercstinfr, anil valuable i>i for»::tl ion. ctilied out hv inquiries «t" silhrtcritier.); 7','ic Wimturi* A'lrtr/dom (devoted to the progressive Move­ ment.* in which women are interested); The Farm antl Home (coverinjc topics of special in terost to fnrmers. their wives, ami tncirchil. dren): Th? I cirri nary (containing answers lo questions as to the treatment of hordes, cattle and other iinimals by one of the veterin­ ary Hiirjteoiis In Iho West); ai.d Complic'titoim (taking in pu/zles, enijrniss, conundrums, etr), all of winch are peculiar to ttw paptr; will jfive as much spitee as hitherto lo serial and •short stone.-, original and selected sketches, and iKienis, ami' with in<-reased taeilities tor tiew* irat Iterinir in t he sliape of social wirrs t«» New York and Washington, and «\perieiict.t eori'er>|K>nd<Mils well idaoed at home n nd aliroitd, will more than maintain its high standard for oit'erprise and aceurac v »U deparltneti is <d'news. The /<*/•/• always closely ident ified with the interests of the West, hits l«H in ttie woru ot dev«lopinent of lioth the Northwest ami the •simihwest, and it will e.ontu.ue to mak« proiiiic.ent the characteristic, features of the prosrresn ol the newer CiMiutiunilie« to- wiinl statehood. No (viper in ihe coiiutry lins piven kw tuueh attention to immigration move­ ments. railway and caintl enterprises, race and economic problems, and other topics re­ lating to the prosperity of the older slates and the development of the newer sections as the Inter (trrnin. Ilec '.use it is constantly enlarging the field of news|><tper discussion, and prappliiiK nn. hesitatingly with ull new qt.eslious thatcoine bef >>e the jicftple, it has inrreaped rapidly in circulation among jilt clafses of „rii esi'iicn and farmers. Because of its enterprise in leasing .t/> cint telegraph wire* to the ̂ real news renters, ii lias jtrown in favor with al' wlTo like completeness ami accuracy in »!ispatrdies. Because of Us steadfast LepulilicnnisiiLaiul Us clone sympathy with the beft. elements of the Kepulilican party, it has grown steadily in favor with party' men. Because of the high character and'wide taupe ot Us literary and special departments, it has become a greater tavoritc in the. home than, any other distinctively political paper in the country. The aim ha» been lo make it the be.-1 paper for city, suburban, or country reader; the l>etl pnner for tlie business man and his fami­ ly ; the best paper for the strong partisan as » ell as tne general reader; ami as tlie circu­ lation ot the several editions has mcreai-e.l more rapidly the )>ast >err than in any ltrevi. ous year, ami At- it is now larger lliat ol any other paper west of New York City, the pu'blisheis, feeling that tllev have fair treas­ ure ol |topuiar npprov;.I. will continue in the course marked out. making such improve­ ments as wi'l keen the inter Oecim at the head of the list of American journals .is the model newspaper. Tlie circulation is lieat shown by Uie a mount of (Mj.stnve paid on the papers sent t<« subr-<-rii>ers. Juigeti bv tins ntnim^rd, the inter Ocetm i« far ahead ol allot i>s t 'iiirugc contemporaries, as ahown by tlie 'null tieli 'W. Tni> titlile gives tlie ainouui of (MMtage paid on circ.ulnlion by earli iiew.spapvr named (Mil <>r Chicago) far ihe jiaouU tfMW tatfiuti Jutte M, i.-Wi: The'iMer Oemn.,". --.'..v..V (19,«(e;i» Tite .\'etr»... 14 Ttt • Tim**:.. J :'iNiv.iV; The .... Tttc iieralti.. ThissmtciuiOtnve.i»|io itoiuuibnt* it speaks for itself. . -' » . The sul»srri«ition pMeo of the Inter Odxtn Is follows: , Week I v edition, pontage paM fl.*25*pr y'r >emi-tVeeklv edition, ponia^c p»M. i.50 , Daily edition,' postage tmid... . <•!<"».'Ki.^ir K'r • Siii 'iipie e<ipie* of tho inter Ocean will be'*Jnt '• on api'lfcatiirn. HI I)I| IU ' .IU 'I in Re^islei ed I.etter. U«ney Unler, Bark l»raft, or bv Kxprvas, at our ti*k, HiHt l« snr« Nhd write tit«< IMINS Ht|il addresa of each subscriber plainly. A>lilress TUK IK TICK OCEAN, Chicago. Uk 'im#-. ha i f • ; * - a i l -- l - » I Dry Goods Groceries* RKADY - MADE;. '•t'Sfct:Mil' At Centeryille, | MWHKNRY, 0,L., i3d. 1883. 5 (*tifressor t# J W. tTrtity) Ringwood. Ilir.oift, !?av1ng*reflti«rt th« store Intely sctnpN by JrW.Crlsty, anl having til led it with * flrst , class^stock of Dry Goods, JSotion»t Oroc«rie»f Boots nnd Shoes, Hats and Caps, Etc., I am now prewired to jrive the ha ving public as nood bargains • s can be fouotl in any gen- em I store, I do not v.laim lo sell lower than anybody else, but I do claim lo sell good iioodsat lit- Ing prices, an<l giwrantee everythinjj us rep. rewented. My stock is N E W . F R E S H ASH COMPl.ETE. And comprises everything usually found'in a General Country* lore All kinds of Produce taken in exchange ft* -.roods, > GIVE MK A CALL. - B. K. f»UER*. Rf*0•«)«»>. Aagi nth. WW. cui:oyiu Ditr.Asi ± cc. izi>. :r.-\r •' n-lrVrd owi hy that . • p-i-. ir tn/ck i n Jt n>ic«t, >1. en I b- xDAl. 8 IESC*, • i, i J li< *»! T.-.L.S ami 3k ( MJOX «*NSK. Sv*rl> loeo J UK s M.d UOO illusii utir-nn, t.cuL i.g of t o Lnman tody in lua ill a-;d C'-ea*e. ^y DR. B. U.l uOTi:,or rw lork til)) I, $1.50. 0\er &00,OGOon.i» hoi.kshavehcca p..;,] in thcVnitcil Stato.K tlnnd. 0«r::. iriy: i d Anstrs'ds. At. Edln- borou. h p!i . n'cir.n, retfrc.1 niter flf y jr. «i h prtu tu e, writr-*: " l'our v rl tilve. m>H cai­ rn I tettii'i ttfinernt'A IS- nge content* tnUle <1 Plsln 11 II e Tslk. • copj Ot Dr. Pools s llcaUh W. nthlr efrt a 100 page f a-; phlrtof •'Frld Tivk"of ths cur 'ijlify of i li Chronic Di esis i.f whan vcr | «r . *Mit <• t H ceiitf. DR. FOOTE'S flan4* Book of Health lllata and Ilrad J Receipt*, glvw 128 p- g^^of sdvice ahoat dsiy i'l nil « '«»'• »n il rrr'p.» or crrc f>t common a 'ro*nt*--* it vsiusMe rsfvr#»o« book for »*ve r f iBv well. M * - - - --!t-l The#Mc.Henry Rriok Manufactnring CM) fumy are now reaily to supply itrick in quaa- lilies IIZIL SI ALL LOTS Car JLoads. Their Brick arc second te none to ke found in Ihe market, and will be sold ajMhe lowtM innrket )>ric.e. Tersons intending to build, or (nose band- ling bru k, will do welt to call and sea aa bia> lore j urchasing. For furlber luforutution apply to or addreaa. KcHcnrj Brick KanfactiriK CCKHaD}. - McHtNRY ILLINOIS. 4»l? Mb, j £ BmImm Wsa MV« Bair «r Their Pl|arii| By nalng tli* "AmerIran Bualneap Mannal •rtlUitlvcraal Reference Book,? It pc»ntaina many abort and special rules far (lie xttitlanve and canrenience ot meiclianta. manufacturarv, tar intra etc.. whirl) are practical and eatUft understood, and a perferl m>tl«rj to llioi>e who uo not nat knuw tliatn. Copies, nicely bound in rich mlart, niaUedf posipa^. Oancelpt of 25 cents. ' 6. WEF.KS, # • ' l- ; "-<• Itelavan, Wia " ONLY $20, tJKo'm^W "V ork any SingM in tlie market. Tlila ta lli« 1^1-!*#" fair"""T' r-,B B*L 1 wf01"5'* *° ; *ame aiyle oilier cow pan lea retail for 129 But >8tu stmt, New tarU ( ̂ jr#ai*. W. W. OWBK,

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