V, \ T +S >\ IfiP^" i;*#fK#« ; \r' »*:,x ','•> i\V"-" «v «*»-«; t- So'favors Win «s ant} no Paar SftaU Aw«." Piedidd silt to Truth, ia Liberty SESDAY. FEBRUARY 7, 1883. M'TlENRY, ILLIN t AMES PolAn<t China •oath of Volo, SHHlr. S. F. BENNETT,,„M Soldiers Department. BUSINESS CARDS. pHTSICIAN AND SURGEON. Also United BBEEDE Hog*. States Examining ̂ Surgeon. IRIchmond, IliUHM*. Lake Oouat* CONDUCTKD-BT DR. g. P. BENMETT M ART U. BARBIAN. WORKER. All kiuds JOSEPH N. FUKU5D. ^ AI.OON ASD RET AtTRANT Bonslett's Published Rverr Wfinei<Uf by VA> SLYKE, done in first class style and *t rwnnal>l« prfcen, Rooms at irnMenre, north east corner of Public Square, Mr Henry. III. WANTED.--'Thorndyke »Tmoudi to wnd his address to Dr. 8. F. Bennett. Examining Surgeon, Richmoad. AM old stand, opposite Bishop's Mill. Mc Henrv. 111. Liquors and "igars to be found in the county. Fresh Wines, c loicest EDITOR aWD PUBLISHER. Ovfiter* in their season served up shape desired or for sale b\ the C*n GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. its any 0. & GREEN. •yETKRTHAKT RURGKOS. iBeluaoart, ANTONY ENGELN, Foreign ant WA OR estic Cteths. A FIT, SAjr JE. SAT OON and Restaurant, Buck'* old stand Mrllenry, 111.--Tlie choicest Kentucky ;~:m$ ___ ^ .O0C® In Bishop's Block, , -iiOitowTn Pcaar ft Mm'fi- ' *1'*"' ' * TERMS OPf flUBSORIPTIOfl.•' ^••fTearftn Advance).... flf f»t Pitt •vltVnT'ira') Months,.. 100 rr,^'?ivi I for three or six tonths in the sa-ne ni-oiortton. Cfl? Rates ©1 Advertising. : We announce liberal rwt«<i for advertising in the Pt.ATwnRAT.ttir, and endeavor* to state |>em *o plainly that th*v w 111 he readily un derstood. Theyaie as follows: # B frn | Tnc.h one Tear » • Inches one rear - '.II Inches one vear ,\m Column one rear. j| Column one rear .Iff Column one year - 19 ft* IS Oft . as m MM . 100 (W f llne ineh mean* the measurement of one e.h down t^e column, kingle eoln"nn,width. Year'v advertiser* if the ahovo rate*, have ' ** rJhe privilege of chagrin* as often as they .sHhoose, without, extra c In rare. ^fle*ular advort.5*nr« (mi>nn'w» tho'so havin? 4flt»nding cnrdsl will he entitled to insertion •floral notices at rate of s <-ents per line each •Week. All others will be.charared in cents'per Ine first weeli. and 5 cents per line for each jjjubseqnent week. j Transient advertisements will ho charged rate of lOcents per I'ne, (nonnsrell tvne. imennthisls set inl the first Issue, and 9 »nt« rter line for sribscnnent issii*>«. Thus, inch advertisement will cost *1.00 for one reek, •l.Ml for two weeks, ft.00 for three reeks, and so on. JESSE A. BALDWIN, AVTER. Law business In any part M th^ State receives prompt attention. Office room 41, sew Custom House, Chicago Illinois. SIDXET DISBROW, NOTARY PUBLIC andC»nT#y«*i*»,41-den. III. _____ DR. C. E. WILLIAMS. ENTTST. Residence Pundee. Will he at Wnifonda, at prat; IIou«e, the 10th and B.V»i of each month; at T»>»rker House, Mc- Menry, the 11th and 96th of each month. When d^tes occur ^.ntiirdRT or Sunday I make my visits to JTauconda on Ijjonday, and McHcnry on Tuesday, following. --jiersoii in a UIHHK gmifyof a crimi- -•»' assault upon a voting lady, for Wliich he wan sentenced to twenty years in State prison. A man named Mc- | The Pr.*tvnK\TyRn will he liberal In srivin* Kditorial notices, but. as a Jhusines* rule, it Irtll require a suitsnlc fee from everybody Seeking the use of 'its columns for pecuniary lain. BUSINESS CARDS. TT. T. nnoxw, M. T). jpHYSTCTAV WT> STJRGEOV. Office over ;#"^the Post Office, onnosite Porry A'Martln's •«torti no atalrs, McHenry.'lll. C. H. FEVERS, M, D. >HT!?ICi AX AXP SCTRfSEOV. Johnsburgh, TIlB.--Office hours S to 10, a. M. . 7 - y.„ Atf* O. J. HOWARD, M. D. WTSTCIAX AND firTRUEOV. OWi*e at mv residence, opposite M. E. Church, ellenrv. Til. V. AVDEffsOV, Vt. D., iHYBIOTAN' and..... Surgeon. Olllce Besldencc, Mclfehry, Illinois. at ' j. J. MrEt-^, Saloon nnd T? ost an rant, BA^KMENTof Knhnert.'s *«tore, Johns. " Wi on hand, call ttf bnrjrh, Til. The choicest brands of Wities, is •ee me. PRATT HOUSE. *?mnr,on »a. ii S3afi««s w»i BARBTAN BRO«». 1IG AR Mannfnctnrers, McTTcnvy, III. Or- de^s solicited. Sh«»i», t.i Old Mcffenrv, iB Keiter Block, two doors west of PLAtK- jniAf<BR Offinc. r* UTCHARD COMPTON. !J^STICKof the Peic.eund Convejriwieer.^ WIllattCTn l jirouutlv to the collection mf, ebts. Volo, Lake County, III. E. E. RICIIARDS. «AS* complete \>iotrnc.t of Titles to land in M .HenrvCounty, lU-nois. OHlce with County Clerk, Woodstock, 111. E.M.OWEN (1EXERAL Dealer and Manufacturers J Agent in Lead in? Farm Mnchinerv.-- JTrices low'and terms favorable. McHenry, tl'. ^ _• V. S. COLBT. MCHENRY, McHenry Co.. 111. Breeder of Spanish Merino 4heep, Barki hire and Whiskies, «our Mash, Wine*, Cigars, etc., alwavs on hand. We buy none but the best, and sell at Reasonable Prices. Fresh Ovsters in their season A. M. CHURCH, F Watchmaker and Jeweler TV NO. 10S RAXDOL pn STREET, (Suc« to E. R. P. Shirley.) Chicago, III. . Successor to E. R. P. Shirlev.) Chicas^t, 111. Spe- rial attention given t » reiwiring Fine watch es and Chronometers. "A Full Assortment of Goods in his line. I Kotice 1o ths Public# TH WE built •( shop lust south of ife. T.a4r. lus' en Brick and Wood street, where I am premrod to do all kinds of work in mv line. As I have no bovs to do mv work, I want very near what it Is worth for doinn it. I do mv work In a manner that needs no watching. , „ „ 7. A. TOBAUD- McHenrr, Jan. Wh, IS#. McHENRY HOUSE. PETER SMITIT, PROPWBTOR. GOOD Board bv the day or week at reason, able rates The choicest brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. for Horaes. A line Pigeon Good "Stabling Hole Table if» connection with the House. Give me h call. PETER SMITlt. M. M. CLOTHIER, RICHMOND ^ ILLINOIS, MCHENRY COUNTY. » Prosccutes all claims in all bureaus In the Department of the Interior. SppoHl at ten. tion given to difficult or rejected claims. Careful attention (riven to all matters of im portance Office at the resirlor.ee ofWai. II. Cowlin, Woodstock, III. Business will be at tended to by Mr. Cowlin in my absence. I shall nlwavs lie there on Saturdnys, and shall he at the ofticeof J. T. Boldin, Esq., Marengo, on the lirst Friday, in each month. All letters of a business nature must contain stamp for reply. GEORGE CUBTtS, House and Sign Painter, McHENRY, ILL. Shop Opposito Perry A Martin's. Will attend promptly to nil work and guar, antee satisfaction Prices as low *• good work can be done anywhere. MIXED PAINTS. I am prepared to furnish Mixed Paints of all kinds i»t the Jowest living prices, and fur nish an article far superior to the common Mixed Paints being soUI. Call and sre me. GEO. CURTIS McHenry, April IS, 168-2. JOS. WEID1MANN, Saloon and Restaurant, NEAR THE DEPOT. MCHENRY, - ILLINOIS Mpftnlflh nicriii'f jpoland Chin^winfi. V choice lot of youn Buck stock for sale. Please call and examine In before baying elsewhere. The hoit firands of WineA, LlAUAWi «nd Clirars always on Hand. Good Stabling for HOI'HOS. ^ LIJLU_ , lie main hall are a number of flags 1 • , - . . glass cases lent by Mr. Parnell. | ;in<l though I |i:ive met with E. G. SMITH. jtered folds are eloquent protests against BOOT AND SHOE M \KKR. Prompt atten- |jje folly of earlv rising. At the end of tlon given to Repairing _Shop in fireg-f. . n triiesc flags were used in some of the 1 much more liberal pntrona^o jearly risings in Ireland, and their tat- j than I hud expected, I shall yet fnlrlo ai*n alAAnanf tiPAf^wfa nirninet • *1 i • 1 A ~ 1 ̂ 1.. ijry's Harness Shop, opposite Riverside House, McHenry, Illinois. M A R C U S GERMAN his hall, also in a glass case, is the first umber printed of the Dublin Free' mil's Journal, dated September 10, j 763. In its article, introducing itself t the public, it said, over one hundred ars ago: "The quick and affluent ommunication of a free press are as uimal Spirits to a Body-politic or So ciety." 1 thought that was rather pro- >hetic in the Journal, written more v lipfore "the quick aud4* • -- •" ^Manufactured by F. MARCUS, --DEALER IX-- fUK WINES, LIQUORS AND PlfiADC; CIGARS. Woodstock Th® best Tonic, in the world. Pint and (juart Hot ties. hi. Put lip III P. MARCUS, Patentee. AGENTS WANTED. Russian N ihilism .-.-W --AXD-- • 1m Eiile Life in Siberia, BY J. W. BUEL. This ap1en«lld new l*>ok presents a thrilling panorama of Life in Russia and Siberia. It furnishes the only full nnd reliable histnrr of that mystevious nnd wonderful orsr-fni^tion known'as Nihilism It gives the unwritten history of tho Russian Kmoire. It tells of -mysterious adventures with mysterious pco pie. It desr-ribes desperate h'nd-to-hrtnd eomhats with pistol* ard knives in closeed rooms between the iv>lice nn ! Nihilists. II paints K*l!»« Lire In KiHorla in vivid and startling colot«. It relate' f'ninous hunts and adventures '"ith wild ar>imnis on ibe frozen pi-ijti* of the far North. It for Mie rtr«it time expose the real horrors of existpive MIIKHIT I h • Siberian convicts. It describes the horrible Instruments of torture sanctioned an-l used bv the Itnss'an <Severnment. It relates the Personal Experiences of the author during his travels. It tells all tint one co i'd wish to know alw»nt Rusw'a and silteria. It is the most thrilling recoril of travel and adventure ever written; not retold sf. tries, i»nt K\r-T« wit nessed-l»v the author in port on an 1 sanction"! br the Pnited States Government. <100 largo paires ami over i,"<a fine iUnstrations, Price; »5.Sf. No hook like it on *<irth. '»ntsotis all other l»ook«. A JE^TS WANTED. Write at once for Pieton-i1 ^irctilars an:? full jwirticii- Inrs, cr send 50 com s in m-»r,ev or sti'nps for Complete Caev«h-«inT Ounlt.' Act oiiick and 4«enre first choice of ferrilorv. A-l')rcss, 0 HISTORICAL PCBLIHHING CO.. <* N. Third street, St Louis, Moi, Richmond House, RICH'MONO. ILL S". CULVER, - - PROPRIETOR. purchased the above House, I have put it in thorough repair HAVING recently House, I have <i« m timn/HK" >^. with new fumltue throughout, and wonbl respectfully invite the pntrontge of the trav. cling public and others. The tables will al- wavsbe proviiled with the best that can lie procured, and polite and attentive waiters will he in readiness at all times to attend to the wants of gue«ts. No pains will be spared to make litis a First Class House. Large and commodious barns on the premiees. Free Omnibus to and from all trains.- Sample Rooms on Hrst floor. HE. WTUHTM AX, Proprietor, rirst , class rigs, with or without drivers, fiunishoil at reasonable rates. Teaming ot all kinds done on short notice. ; A. WENDELL, usmm Aim joissa McHenry, III Will take contracts for pulling up Biiihliiig!* MIUI gtiarnute*» mv work wiH compare with any man in the St;tte. I can and will do work from 15 to 2b per cent cheaper than other carpenters, as f have two of my hoys who work with me. which makes It possible for me to do so. All Jobs In the Carpenter line promptly attended to. Give me a call. ^ WCKDEL#" §1 jRAlNTHORP «?in&;w30d ^ lllinoi#. To the people wood and vicinity I would respectfully say that I have opened a store near the Depot, where I will puv the highest market value for Egtfs, liiitter, and other produce, cauli or trade beinar immaterial to me. V shall keep on hand a select stock of Groceries and Flour, which with choice brands of Ci gars and Tohifcco, I am ffoiiijor to sell at prices to defy competition. hold out inducements calculated a to increase my trade and secure a larger custom. B. RAINTHORf. RfKOWOOD, III.. June 13th, 1883. t i nrfore tiic qtiicK. a JOS. WIEDCMANI McHenry. III. Aug. 10th, 1838. 1883. Harper's Young People. AN ILLUSTRATED WEFKLY,16 PAGES. SUITED TO nora ANI> GIRLS or FROX si* TO SIXTKRN TKARSOFAOK. VOL. IV. COMMENCES NOVEMBER. 7, 1883. The Young People has been from t*e first successful beyond anticipation.- JV. F. Even ing Pott. ^ It has a distinct purpose, to winch it steadi- lv adheres--that, namely, of supplanting the vicious papers l'or the young with a paper more attractive, as well as more wholesome.-- Jloxtnn .Tmirnnl. For neatnei-s, elegance of engraving, ami contents generallv, it is unsurpassed l»y anv publication of the kind yet brought *» 911 r notice.--Pittsburgh Gazette. J- "/rSh , "' \ . TERMS. HA^TTSYnur.'CP Per Year. Postage Paid f* Single NumIters Specimen copy cents. . . Tlie Volumes of fltirper't 1 oung Peopl* for >|S«l and-ISS2, handsomely bound in Illumin ated Cloth, will l»c sent liy mall, postage pre- paiil on receipt of #3.00 each. Covet for Youn't People for 1SS2, S5 cents; postage, 13 c e n t s a d d i t i o n a l . Remittances should be made by Post Office Monev Order or Draft, to avoid chance of tre WW >1 tfU* adrerfitemrnt 1 cilhoul ejcnrew order of 11 \ERKR <C HHOTITKKS. Address HABPER A BROTHElts. •. \ New Vork. Four cents each. sent on receipt of three m CEMjf nil BOOKS eT ii. _ Pioneer I ANB] O'flng Mcross !. ! Th" thri'ling fl'Jrenturea of a 11 the her . ex. nlorer* and frontier .fighters with Indiana, ontlaws and wild he««n«, over the wholo conntrv, fr»"01 i.he carl-est times to t he pres. ent. Lives-in-l f 1 nous exjtloits rtf De<oto, I a^alle, Sian lish, lVv>ne. Kenton, B"tdy, Proclj.'t't B< w'e. Houston. Carson. Cil-'tvr, Crilifo'-nl'i -lef Til l Bill. BnTh'oBiM. Gener- •lis Mi'es and t "T/H»k, ereat Indian Chiefs n^vl score* of ofhf"* GORGEOUSLY ILLU*- TIS \TED will 1"* dnc engravings to the life. AGENTS war t I'D. Low priced and beats anything to sell. • STANDARD BOOK (XX ST. LoFIS, M«V GROCERIES! GROCERIES! M. Engeln, Having removed his store to Colby's Brick Block is now lire (tared to offer to the buying public a full line of ' CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Canned CjS ootls. CIGAR, TOBACCO, PIPES, -- &ct, &c« My Goods are all fresh and wlllfcs sold at the lowest living prices. I also keep :i full stock of Gun Mnterial aiislunjr Tackle, Minnow Scins, Ham mocks, and in fact evervtliing pertaiiiiiig to Fishing and Hunting, can lie found at iuy store at reasonable Prices Violins, Acordeons, Picaias, Flulcs, Violin Strings, ann all other extras for Violihs. My stocks of f IN WARE is compleU. Call and examiue it. I guarantee Prices that defy all competition. ENGELN FOR THE OF THE Lives MARTYR PRESIDENTS.- ABRAHAM LINCOLN, "From Pioneer Home to Wliile House," aed J A M Ks AltltvM GAR FIELD. '•From Log Cabin to White House." In English and German. Illustrated with line ateel engravings. llv an emin«-nt author. Also for theonlv large. > I eel portrait of Gar Held. Send for extra terms. THR HKNKV BILL PUJ^LISIIIHO CO., \N«»BWICH. CONN. ; on loa'g e»*ilU end easy terms, in a mild climate, free from heavy snows blight ing flrosts, and ex cessive rains. (% MILLIONS OF ACRES for saie In the GOLDEN BELT of Kansas, by the f cfcs r-leli roll ai the sisn ever afaonci to, iritb gosd ius7iiel« casi and neat. For Descriptive and Illustrated with Mttpn, Sent Free, Addrcst LAND C0£ir4iSS!0:JE3,--Kansas D'vWcf KANSAS CITY. MISSOURI. BA1LWAY, CLOTHINGV^Ien's Boys' and Children's siafs, of the beat qual ity and at OhVtmpo prices. C. N Richm Sales of S and Goods oi to on the mos' and satisfa Poat OflSce a •WOH. NEE v Illinois. Farminjar Tools kima attended sonable Terms guarouteed. D, ILL. Tmm, ztls issding ss. - and Okrtridge* «*P«47 WOOD8 powder, Snot for sale. Fishing All kinds of Sportia AND REP A good Breech Gun. warranted'T Winchester Rl Klckel Plate " Self co«*kiiig A good Single Single Gun, warr I will undersell Guns and Sporting icood gun U will pa warrant every gu Ooodhs, G DONE. hie Barreled pShots,t» îs'tol, |R.Q0L Loading, the eonnty In -'ant a Clotlies V^riiijre new Kolls put oil, pair warranted, $2.50. B. SHE KM AN. repaired 911 Frlce per S9ETCHEIV. From a Soldier's Mexnorandmn • iiTtn no. si AANONRN O» JNO. MVMPHOBD. Farragnt's float, excepting tho mor tar boats. having cut the great chain that •panned the river from ehore to shore, near Fort* Jackson and St. Phil lip. at once encountered the rehal flotilla that were moored In waiting above the Forts. The flagthlp ffurt- fer«l took the lest! and $|r>wly the noble ship enveloped on all »M«c bv a clourl of rebel gun-boats that twarmed almost under her bows, made her way toward the crescent city. Occasionally she would flre a broadside, yet seldom did she ilwKen her onward course until opposite the Plain of Chalmette. when the great war ship panned a moment to axcliange ahota with a frebel redoubt that was manned by ahont 409 men and some 20 pieces of artillery, lint a single broadside'from the Hartford put the disconsolate Johnnies to rente and again the champion of the fleel steamed on toward the greater priae and loon with deck cleared far action and ports open she took up a raking poiltion off the doomed city. Commodore Farrsgut demanded the unconditional surrender of the town. The demand was unhesitatingly com plied with, and a detachment of mar ines took possession of the custom house and the mint, and hoisted the stsrs and ttrlpes over each of thone buildings. A vast mob had congre gated. They were furious and exceed ingly demonstrative and threatening, yet were restrained from acts of vio lence against thj marines by the sight of the black-mouthed cannon peering from the ports of the Hartford. Tlie mad, surging populace must, however, needs give vent to pent up wrath some way. Other war ships arrived and leisurely brought their broadside gnns to bear on the principle streets. Thous ands of enraged cltIcens--hook-nosed •fejrs, Italian organ grinders, thugs, fters from the rshtl fnA^, and A IWOt SNATCHING AlWCStCRR. "Toucan bet that grave robbing Is nothing new'even among stiuUuts in this city,** tatd a young physician yesterday In converse I ion with a^ Phila delphia /Yes* reporter. I graduated ia this city, yon know, and if you'd like to hear It lean tell jrou a very amusing adventure of£a couple of my fellow students. Of course I cannot mention any names, but I can assure you that the stery| iaj'strictiy tnie. A body-*natching expedition In those!days*wis';regarded as a bigMblow bolder and more recklessfspirits would takef partiln'lt. One nigiit<acouple ef my chums started off for a "stiff" (as tliey used to callja corpse In the dissecting room), and selected!*n?out-of-tewn csineterr'as'the sceoe'offtheir operations. It was 11 o'clock.when tliey" aecured'?rhe body, and as cold-and cheerless£a nlglit ns yon ever'saw. They J wrapped the cor|fete°up in an overcoat, an3,*"to avert suspicion propped hlm^iip on the seat' of^their open wagon, so he looked as|lf"lie were one of'the com'pnny, Then they drove Into'town. As I said It was a stinginly cold night, and as soon as tney reached the tavern they resolved to? enter It and warm up. both outwardly and In wardly. They left the wagon standing on^llie road, with the'propped up body in thefcenter of thereat. "An Inkling of their errand had been obtained by others*ef their c)iM, and wlionet hey pulled up at the tavera sev eral «f the students were on hand but did not show tliemselves. The grave robbers*>warmed after a while, and re turned to Jthelr*vwagon. But In the meantime the other students had re moved the corpse from^the wagon, and substituted* In Its seat one of their own number. This the robbers had no sus picion of,"amistaking their seat, one on each side of the^corpse, they drove off. The jolting of|thejWagonl It happened the band of on* of the students csme iu contact with that of the corpse. "By Jove! Smith It's warmT he cxslalmed. 'Nonsense,' "said Smith, and tken he touohed|what should have been a cold and clainy hand. *Hy GodT lie exclaim ed. 'so it is!" •Yea,* ejaculated the corpse, Mf you'd been In h--I as long as 1 have you'd be warm too!* "The aft righted students stood not apto.theforderef their golag, but ««a| at once." , MTRrrglfsfi papers tel^enl story of a we U-koowe tisnierlof* Belgian. Ashorttla^fgo ' little dinner party t<ag*lii«|v|i bad been bidden. heUdi* 4ilti wife, making twefye la irfl. T! Just about to Sit down when'li a friead from the Antipodes; vlted himself to dinner, time tlie fatal number thirteen. The to prevent Ill-luck, rmhed^dew* to his olHce.r fon'-id th*t castiiee-. ahotit to leave for the even'ng. *lj him up stairs, fitted him wifhfei^ coat, nnd led him trlnmphatlj»M"i^|ii drawing room amid;the ap|lf relieved gueata, three of w| that they wanld not. sit down tb# best dinner ever served If here a^r|||§| thirteen at the^taMejf At that BMWflt* ^ the belt rang, and agnote|(was|l»il»iMil» ' for one or the gneats' who^wtWpi.| suddenly fallen 111. and who co«!»e<?«ent» * ly was tin able to remain. Tblrtee^- again! Gloom and despair:'and tl»# ' ] cashier, finding bimeelfi the. Jonah of -; the evening, voluii eereil^ft^ depart, The banker saw tilm down atalrstfaiii| was expressing Ms regretjjwheh--joyt«3 --the family doctor heaved in sight* t ^ Him the host secured, and, happy lit", ,1 being able to offer the hosp!ra!it!esro£ ^ his table to his kln«t hearted and!sore!fr tried employe, thel'three^freturned t<f tlie drawing room. I)lnner'«ra* onbiiv to be placed upon the table, but, jnst: all was ready, the hostess, who snaal delicate health, and who had duly excited by all the untoward eMst*^ fainted dead^away, and had t#'• b#5 to bed. Thirteen again! Thl^j tlmi^ there was noihiiigj'fnf the ca*ble«fhu^| to go and dine with what appetite might at^the nearewt restaurant. Woodstock, July 15th, 1882. A. P. GRAY, Always Ahead. WINTER CAMPAIGN OPENED --AT HIS-- Carriage and Wagon Factory, AXD BLACKSMITl|; SHOP, RICHMOND, ILL- I sell every Implement, Tool or Mnchlne a DE farmer wants . |M. vTKORM SPRING, LIV 'CUV AND FARM WAGONS, TOP AMD OPEN BUGGIES, One, two and threer seated, from the celej hrated manufactory of J. W. Henry ft Co., Free port. ' • f. . . . Blaekamlthing^ Halntlng and Repairing Done In a workmanlike manner and war ranted. From the large variety of Farm Machinery manufactured, we select that best adapted for this see tion, and upon tho BEST TERMS THAT CASH CAN PURCHASE, whieh en- aides us to supply our patrons with just wh»t thev want, and'at lower prices than any ot tier concern northwest of Chicago. Call and make exairination for yourselves before giving your orders for any plec,e of machinery you ma'v nee1 the coinin'g season, and von will IInd the lies' and most complete lino of Farm Machinery ever before offered in Mcllenrv Co Remcmlter that we offer the VEItV REST MACHINERY at the VEIIV LOWLST PRICE that Cash can produce anynEMfe*;, ' b v £'^V. OR A Tt Richmond, m W. H. SANFORD, >lereItant Tailor In the store of C. H. Dickinson, Eastsuteof Public Square, WOODSTOCK, ILL. A good Stock of Fine Cloths for Suitings al ways on hand. Suits made to order ana a lit rarranted. Give me a call. W. II. SAXFOBD. Woodstock, III., Sept. 27ili. 1S75. «-Si*. Bonslett» Near the Depot,, McHENRY - - - ILLINOIS. Keens constantly on hand the flnest brands of Flour and Feed of all kinds, which ho^will sell at Wholesale or Retail at Bottom Prices. Five difTc-ont brands of Fionr always"-on hand and warranted as represented. v • Flax Seed Meiil Always on Hsind aSF'Fiour delivered anywhere In the Cor noratlon. Orlers mav be ^fivcu Card, Box 107, Post Office. GIVE ME A CALL. bar fo«tsi L. BONSLETT. |IeUen y, Hareh 8th, 1881. veHed and etamped the earth In wild 1„^ , , . i «nnw »n paroxisms of desperate madness. There l-.»A was no demonstration by marines on shore or on ship-board that could tend to excite a mob to violence, save only tlje'significant fact that the ITnlon fleet held tlie balance of power and were abundantly prepared to maintain it. Later a mob seixed the mint and the national flag was hauled down from the staff on the dome by the hands of Jno. Mumphord. a wealthy merchant of boasted Creole blood, and he, attended and cheered by blood-thirsty devils trailed the flag In the dust, stamped upon it. and spit upon It. But the misguided aristocrat was soon captured, tried by a drum-head court martial, found guilty and was sentenced to be hung. On the morning of the hanging there was a detail made of 100 soldiers from each of the infantry regiments and st the hour appointed tliey marched to the place of ezecntioa. Mounted guards and one section of a battery were already there on duty. But ,tlie wild throng of citizens! Had the slums of the Infernal been ransacked for sub jects? The d«vilisli visages of thst Babylon of tongues; t ist teething mass of cuseedness could not hive been out done on this terrestrial globe. The size of the crowd seemed to he only limited by the capacity of tlie streets and the strength of marnsard roofs miniature black flags and rag* hearing the inscription: "Yellow Jack" fluttered from prominent windows, or were used as handkerchiefs by secesh ladles (wee. lovely creatures) but the devil owned them. The steady-hearing of-tlie Union soldier? fixed an effective barrier against the surging thousands. Prompt ly at the call of time Jt o. Mumphord ascended the gallows. He manfully ai-knowiedged his guilt and thai he merited the hanginir. With heroic fortitude he met Ills fate and died game. When the trap was sprung a smothered growling murmur and con glomerated bitteroathsechoed through and above the throng that encompassed the troops, but there was no collitiou. and without serious difficulty tlie patroj guards cleared the streets. M.M.C. •S^Tlie Napervi lie Clarion has a *ery interesting letter each week from f lady who has lately gone to Africa. She writes all about the country, the habits of tlie people, etc. Evidently the tramp hasn't blessed that country with Ills presence yet, for she says, "At night we look our outside door and that is all. 1 keep nothing under lock and key. My gold watch lies on the table in the corner, day and night, when 1 sin not wearing it. We never think of burglars." Let this be pa«f»d around and some »nferprlsin«f tramj will climb tlie north pol«f but 'what be will find some way to get them and steal that watch. Tn resrnrd to Ufcfn? the cnuntrr. she say*: "Most emphatically T do like ilt.'frnd neverwttstttofe bsppf or better Kri heal tV iwt» <nwn«w{n«p|m in Newspapers,* figures*up'the number of type used iu a newspaper t-he^size of the Eagle at 600,000--that£Is the actual number of fi^s of metal arranged for each'newspaper for preparing a news paper of that size for the^press. We suppose few people think of the print ing trade as one of the most exact and particular handicrafts, but It Is. In making type, variations that might be allowed in the flnest machinery, wouldfrender type useless. It Is very rarely that the type furnlshed^by two separate foundries can be used together without a great deal of trouble, even though tliey|would try to make It after the standard. We read once In a wliile of a wonderful piece of cabinet or nyisalc work, containing ten. twenty and fifty thousand pieces, the maker of which lias spent months, or even years of labor in producing It. and the people go to see It as a curlosltv; bnt the most elaborate and carefully-lit ted piece of work of this kind or ever made does not compsre. for minuteness or detail and accuracy of fitting, with that whleh the printer does every day. The man who does the first Is looked upon as a marvel of skill, and If a hundred of his pieces are put in wrong side up."or turned arotind.lt. Is not noticed In the general effect; bnt, if the printer. In fitting ten times the number In a single day, puts one where another should be, or turns one the wrong way. everybody sees It and is amazed at the "stupid carelessness of those printers.** J^*I>o you pretend to have • a Judgment as I have ? ' said sn*e«f| wlfb tocher huftand. "Well,fn*£ replied deliberately, "our ehoW^#f partners for life shows tttat'imy;'Jndg^ meat is aot to be compared with ymirs.V^ Tn matters of contf^^W^l the woman usually hsfrtfefciltlMh witty old author arguments with women^lbecaC spinning yarns among silks ant « man is sure to be worsted and tWf§! and when a man is worsted and ti he may consider hlnMMf The above retort ml| * a jlozcn ot Iters cull I eoce consfdered ^ woman; but you've turned out enly % bit of matrimonial paste." "Then, rar love," was the reply, '-console yom*elf with the Idea that paste is rerrfadhe- slve aud In this case will stick te ttat -; w as long as you live." MV"The fnter Ocean Inquires* ^Stf the north dees not cultivate and keep alive a love for tlie Union, who will?" Does our Chicago contemporary mean the union of the North, or union ot the North aud South ?--Atlanta Conatitu- tion. There Is no more sen«e In talking of the "North and South" than of the East and West. When we speak of the Union" we mean a love for the old flag and the free institution* It repre sents. The North eherisiies no list red for the South, hue on the contrary de sires Its largest prosperity. It is un fortunate that the men of the South still cultivate the old spirit of enmity to the flag, and the sooner they get awsy from Ihe baneful influences of the sent imenf ."forget the past and en Joy tlie present, and help to make ihe grand future >»f the nation, tlie better. --Inter Ocean. MP*An amusing anecdote Miches it from a village in the Indre et Loire, where a quarrel has been raging be tween the mayor and the local school master. The latter was recently sum moned to appear before the perfect of the department, to whom he complain ed of the mayor's negligence. In proof of this he showed an official report^ written by himself, and containing tho following passage: "We have no case : of hydrophobia or madness to re port ̂ ; unless It be that of the mayor and cor- * poratlon, who are Idiots and raving madmen." The mayor signed amt stamped the document without reading " it, little dreaming that <t would he used as evidence against himself the perfect.--London Telegraph* r-'^V& The most serious charge yet brought against Senator Don <?am«*mn la by tho correspondent of the New Tork World, who says Don keeps "tho biggest, fiercest, and ugliest dog IH town chained in front of his house;** that "the dog howls aiid yowls and rattles bis chain and grinds his teeth and utters the most frightful yelp*, anil keeps Senator Pendleton--next door--awake, and affecia Senator Wis dom's nerves--across the wav--and poMt Mr. Robeson, at tlie .uther end of tho block, in a perfect fury." Pendleton** civil service bill should be made to cpver such cases, under a headings Removal for Cause." %5 |0T It was reported..during the re ceipt edd snap that In Dakota the mer cury registered fifty degrees below zero. There is a certain amount of assurance displayed by the people of that Territory in desiring to be ad mitted to the Union of states with a lot of «uch weather on hand. If Dakota expects to become a State she must divide her«e!t Into equ-il par's, with a coil stove In each part, or she must wait unlit sumtaer. ®,',e evidently 0*yi"SJH* COUNTRV Ĵ - * Jiocheeler Exprem, JGTOue day Thud Stevens was prao> ticlng in the Cii'lule courts, and ho didn't like the ruling of th* presiding judge. A second time lhe judge ruled against "old Thad.** when the old ma t got up with scarlet face HII I quivering lip. and commenced tying up his paper* as If to quit the court r«v»u. "!>'» I understand. Mr. Stevens.** a«k*d Hit judge, eying "old Thad" indignantly} i\lo I understand tli^t yon xvls't *n *hov your contempt «»f thi- court?"* "N»»% ir! no. sir!"' replied "old Thad** * ^ don't want to show my coate-upi. sir; I am trying to c«»»iceal it.'* ^ 4 rOeneral Butler took «w*i* frle«iSii? out riding one day la»t fall, at Ids c«we* try seat, in an old family carrk»ij* tl|i* < looks as if it had come out of th» ark. "General." said one "f ,tbe_ partv, 'wherever did you get tWs NB?* "*1* w.ts ray father's," said Butler. NughlMjjJ "anil iia-5 l>eeu iu the family fifty year*j but tliey »ay around here that I sfide it at New Orleans." • 'l Call at E- M. Oeren vt ^o»t*s snd ., a fine Swell Body PyrUaud Ciller, Sold very im •i'tl