Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Feb 1883, p. 1

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ei>r m.;^, • >,|r ••» ftt^i ,* ' •" • •/• •'*' i. .„****--!:! ..JUIJC * l'::: , , . r . .^ , , , .; V, . ;;,v. t?">' , - j-.? »; H- i Mo Favbrs win ill and no Pear Shall Awe.** Pledged butto Truth, to Liberty and U M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, ONESDAY. FEBRUARY 14, 1883. VOL. 8. p*»war > 8. F. BENNETT, H. D. flWTSICIAN AND SUROBON. A h& United young soldier's father, although an officer In the confederate service, wai permitted tn remain with his :lv»ng bo ySJ*'. M. M. C. ffvj Department. {Soldiers BUSINESS CARDS. I Poland OMu ea south of Volo, Bill*. JJRKEDERof Lako County XT Statw Eiirainlim ^irgeoa, Illinois. Kishmonu, .CONDUCTED BT DR. S. F. BKXNETT. ' - r Published Krery Wedaeadav by MAKY « WORK Kit. BARBIAN All kinds JOSEPH N. FREUND AND BETAURANT BonSUtt's HATH WORKER, AH kn.ds of nair Work ilrnip in first clans stvle and lit E. LA ilerch WANTED.--Thorndyk# svmotirts of eead liis address to Dr, 8. F. Bennett. Examining Surgeon. Richmond. QALOQN k5 oM stand, opposite Bishop's 11111, Mc-reasonnble prices. Room* at rcoMenee, north­east oornor of Public Square, McHMrjr, I It Hcnrv, III. Th<> c loieest Wines, ancl Cigars to he found in the county Oysters in their s«"«soh served up in shape desired or for sale by the CFTFT. GOOD STABLING FOR BOftS&S. iquors Fresh as. GREEN SURGEON, 1*« B»ji Itt Bin* are Tuntlfe| Oiioy. {Ktf tl. -4. Barrcfl.] ' ""the Bnr« in Bine are turning gray. Thin jrrows our l inks and thinner; We played Death's ?ame full many a4ay, ltut Death to day 1s winner Richmond, ANTONY ENGELN, Foreign and WARRA IS JJL stic Clo*h3. A SAT,OOX at.d Rest&nrant, Ruck's ora stand McHenry, III.--*Tlie chores* Kentoek* s I EDITOR AWn'PlTBt.l9irBB. .: ^ Office tn BiRhop's Bloek, PEWitT A .J tfO: THRMS OF1 SUBSCRIPTION. ̂ •"Tear (m Advance).....,. .....irf.W If Not «» tf I wlthHt'ir^a Months,., for fcliro®. or six mmntUn In the proportion. Kates of Advertising. ^Fe nnnnnncr liberal rates for ndvevtialn* -I'll the Pr.A.twnR*r.i;w, and'endeavom «o stats inew so plainly that thev * ill be roadily nh- derwtood. Thev aie a# follow*:"' ( 1 Inch one rear - 8 Tnches <tn« rear t frebesone vear V Column one veaV' X Column one ve«t 1 Column one year t IM i# on is DO as no f.o ee ino or. if One inch ima^s Mie-mea*nr«in«nt. of «n« Ineh down tne column, sincle oolnmn width. Yearly adverMners at the above rate*, have the privilege of rhi»(?tn<r as often as they choone, without extra chawre. Retrular advcrtiaecu /meanfrvr thone havinsr •tanrtmcr e.arda) will l>e entitled .to insertion of lo-*,al notices at rate of 5 cents per tine each week. All others will l>e chnrced Wcents per line first weeV. and SrenM per line for each •nbsequent week. Transient advertisertwht.s will he charifed »t rate of 10 cent* per ISne, fHomSarell trpe. •ame an this is set Inl the first ipsue, and 8 rents r>er line for subsequent is«ucs. Thus, an inch advertisement wilVc«et tl.W* fn»r one week, for two week*, W.00 for > three weeks, and so on. , The Pr,ATvr>K*T,KR wjll he liberal in rivinsr editorial notices, hut. as a ht»«ines^ rnle. it will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of its columns for pecuniary gain. BUSINESS CARDS. • u TT. T. BROWN, M.B. PHTSTOTAN AND STTHOKON. Ofllc<S over the Post OUce, nnnosite Perry Jfc Martin's Store ui> stairs, McHenry.'lll. C. H. FEf?RRS, M, D- % »wwciw avtt .<5nnnEoy. Johnsbiirgfti, ills.--Office honra S to 10, A. W. ' * , O. J.HOWARD, Mk D. |>HTSTCIAN AND WRGEON. " mr residence, opposite M. Kelfenrv. Til. Office at JI. Church, i F,. V. ANDERSON. H. >D., PHYSICIAN and Rurtreon. OMej Residence, MeHehry, Illinois. J. J. MYERS, Haloon find Hpstnurtint, 4 "i^BASEMENT of Knhnert's .Tohns- l burRli, III. The choicest b*anri*of Wlhes, Lienors and Cigars always on hano« j Catl IM see me. ... •oonda. BARBIAN BROS. C1(1 AR Manufacturers, McHenfy. Jll. Or­ders solicited. Shop, la Old McJIeufv, jn Keitcr Hlock, two doors west of PLAIK- MAT.KR Offlce; RTCIIARD COMPTON. JUSTICE ef the Peaceand Conveyaneer.-r Willattend promptly to the collection «f tebts. Yolo, Lake County, 111. • • • ' "frff ,1.., E E. E. RICTIARDS. * HAU complete Abstract of Titles to land in M HenrvCounty, Illinois. Office.witn County Clerk, Woodstock, til. - E.M.OWEN GENERAL Dealer and Manufacturers Agent in Leading Farm Machinery - Prices lew a ad terms favorable. Mchenry, IP. . . N.*.OOLBT. tfcHENRY, Mr-Henr* Cn.illl. Brendcr of IH Spanish Merino Sheep, lierkt hire and Poland China Swine. A choice lot of yonng •«ck stock for sale. Please call and *x«mine before bwying elsewhere. E. G. SMITH. BOOT AND SHOE M AKER. Prompt"Atten-tion given to Repairing. Shop in Greg-o.ry's Harness Shop, opposite Riverside House, licHenry, Illtnois. M A R C U S ' CERMAN ' &.r yETERlNAHY Illinois. BALDWIN. AWYER. Law. business in ai^r part of the State receives Office room 41, neil. Custom Illinois. attention, ouse, Chicago 3ftrDNEYI>ISBROW, ROTARY PITBLIC and Conveyancer, Al- DR. C. ^(WILLIAMS. DEN^tsT. Residence Dundee. Will be at Wauconda, at Pratt House, the 10th and 55th of each month: at Parker House, Mc- Hcnry, the 11th and 26th of each month. When dates ocrpr Saturday or Sunday I make my vlsfts to Wauconda on Monday, sad McHenry on Tuesday, following. JOHN KLEIFGEN. HOUSl? Painter, <Rrniner, Calotmiii»r and Paper-Hanger. Residence one. Block West of Riverside House. Work attended to promplv and on reasonable terms. Notice 1o the Public. TH^VE built a shop inst south of E. Law-lus1 on Brick and Wood Street, where I am prepared to do all kinds of work in mr line. As I have no bovs to do my work, I want very near what, it Is worth for doine it. I do my "work la a manner that needs no watching. . V. i. IEBIBS. Mc.Henry, Jan. 9th, 188!. McHENRY HOUSE. PWTRR SMITH, PUOPIURTOtte CI (JOD Board by the day or week at reason-T able rates The choicest brands of Wine*, Liquors and fipars. Goo«t Stabling for Horae«. A line Pijreon Hole Table in connection with tbe House. Give me a cali. r PETBR SMITH. M. U. CLOTHIER, RICUSIOND - - - ILLINOIS, MCHENRY COUNTY. Prosecute* all claims in alt biireane fn the Department of the Interior. Special jitteh. tion (liven to difllcult or rejected claims. Careful attention given to all matters of im­ portance. Oilice at the residence of Win. H. Cowlin, Woodstock, ill. Business will be at­ tended toliv Mr. Cowlfn in. mv absence. I shall alwavs lie there:on Saturdays, and shall lie at the ofiSr.e ot J. T. Bcldm, Es«i., M:irengw» on the llrai Kritlav ii^ each uionth. All letters, of a busiifees Rit6r4)<tiHT8t contain stamp fpt* reply. t v'* KL: Whiskies, «our Mash, Winest CignH>, etc., alwavs on hand. We buy none bnt the bent, and sell at Reasonable Prices. Fresh Oysters in their season. A. M. CHURCH, Wtttchmaker and Jeweler NO. 108RANDOLPH STREET, 0itcceMor to E. R. P. Shirley.) Chicago, III. Spe cial attention given to repairing Fine watch es and Chronomf tera. WA Full Assortment of Goods in Me line. Richmond House, V'h RICHiaiOIID. ILL . C. Iff CULVER, - - PROPRIETOR. HAVING House. recently purchased the aWve I have put it in thorough repair, with new fuvnitue throughor.t, and would respectfully invite the patronage ot the trav­ eling public and others. The tables will al­ ways be provided with the best that can lie procured, and polite and attentive waiters will lie in readiness at all times to attend to the wants of guests. No pains will be spared tn make this a First Class House. Large a\)d commodious barns on the prciniees. Kroe Omnibus to and from all trains. Sample Romneott Ur*t floor. « u; • -S -»it' E. WI<;nXMAN, Proprietor. Flrat class rij?s, with or without drivers. fu.inisheil at reasonable rates. Teaming ot all kinds done on short notice H. GI<X>RG1S CURTIS, 'c me House and Sip Pa?ntc¥* MCHENRY, ILL. Shop Opposite Perry A Martin^ Williattend promptly to (ill work and guar­ antee satisfaction Prices ae low as good work can l»c done anvwhere. g CffAIWIWO A eifCIACTY MIXED PAINm I am prepared to furnish Mixed Paints of all kinds iit the lowest livinjr prices, and fur- nish an artlnle far superior to the common Mixed Paints licing sola. Call ami sic me. < CEO. cgRTts McIIenry, April 12, 1882. > JOS. mimiAM, Saloon and Restaurant, NEAR THE DEPOT, MCHENRY. » ILLINOIS The l»e>t Brands of Wines, Cigars always on Hand. Good Horses. Liouors and Stabling far ALSO AGENT FOR::_ Franz Falk's ger Manufactured by F, MARCUS, --dealer IN- PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. liroodstoclc I Tbe best Tonic in the world* pilit and Quart Bottles. P. MARCUS, Patentee. :'V ' • tefev- i i AOENTS WASTED. Russian Nihilism --AND-- •V iv.. And Exile Life in Silterii, ' BY J. W. BUEL. * This splendid new book presents a thrillihe Mnorama of Life in Russia and Silieria. It famishes the only full and reliable, history of that mysterious and wonderful organization fenown'as Nihilism. It gives the unwritten ftliitorv of the Russian Empire. It tells of mvsterions adventures with mysterious peo. pie. It describes <lcsperate hand-to-hand combats with pistols and knives in closeed rooms between the police and Nihilists. II paints tfxll* Life In Sjberla in vivid and startling coloie. It relates famous hunts and •dventuves with wild anlmala on the frozen plains af the far North. It for the tirst time expose the real horrors of existence amonirihe Siberian convicts. It describes the horribjle Instruments of torture sanctioned and used by the ttuss:an Government. It relates the Personal Experiences of the author during hia travels. It tolls all that one e-nuld wish to know about Russia and Siberia. It is the most, thrilling reeord of travel and adventure ever written', not retold stiries, but PACTS wit­ nessed l>y the author in person and sanctioned by the United States Government. tiOO lariro pages anil over 2<K> line illustrations. Price, §i&C, No book like it on earth. , Outsells all Other book", AliKNTS \V.VSTEl\ Write at once for Pictorial Circular* and full particu- lars, or send 30 cents in money oi stamps for Complete Canvassing Ou'ltt. Act ifuic.k and aecuxfeJlKSL choice of territory. Address, ^^^ MLSTORICAL PUBLISHING CO., did N. TUU'U sticet, St. Louis. Mo. Beer in Large or Small Rogs or Bottles al ways on hand cheaper than any other, quali ty considered. This lieer has a world wide reputation, and Koodjtid^es acknowledge it cannot oe sur­ passed in the world. Orders l>y mail promptly attended to. JOS. WIEDEMANN. McIIenry. IIJ. Aug. 10th, jssa.. s;ffi 1^S3. i*-*?--rr Harper's Young People. AN ILl.t* ST RATED WEFKLY.IC PAGES. 8UITKD TO LLOVS AND GIRLS OF FROM HXTO gtXTF.KX TE4USOF AOK. VOL. IY. COMMENCES NOVEMBER. 7, lssa The Young People has been from the first successful beyond anticipation.-- JY. Y. Even- "ft h:*s a distinct purpose, to #hich it steadi- Iv adheres--that, namely, of supplanting the vicious papers for the young with a paper more attractive, as well as more wholesome.-- Boston Journal* For neatness, elegance of engraving, and contents generally, it is unsurpassed by anv publication of the kind yet brought to our noticPittsburgh Gazette. TERMS. MAaPFa'SVpUKC PEOPLE ifl50 Per Year. Postage Paid f* w Single Numbers, Four cents each. Specimen copy sent on receipt of three cents. „ „ . The Volumes of Harper's 1 oung People for 1R«1 and 1SS2, handsomely bound in Illumin­ ated Cloth, will l>e sent by mail, postage pre­ paid, on receipt ef £1.00 each. Cover for 1'otityj People, for lrW2, 35 cents; postage, 13 cents additional. Remittances should bn made by Post Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid cnauceof are not toiropu thii ndrerliKement without ertrtoMt order of HAWF.R <T-, ' Ad.l7.;aa HAUpElt & BROTHERS, • ' New York. THE CREAM or all BOOKS ef ADVENTURE. Pioneer j^cj Daring Heroes r - I Deeds The thrillinit adventnrea of all the hero ex­ plorers and frontier lighters with Indians, outlaws and wild beasts, over the whole country, from the earliest flnies to the pres. ent. Lives and famous exploits of DeSoto, LaSalle, Standisli. Boone, lventon, Brady, Crockett, Bi wie, Honsthn, Carson. Custer, California joe. Wild Kill, Buffalo Bill, Gener­ als Milee and^Upok, great Indian Chiefs and scores of othf!4s, GORGEOUSL\ ILLU"- TR.VTRD will l^^ fltte engravings to the life. AGJSNTS WAl I ID. Low priced and beats BOOK L 31. L.OH, IK A. WENDELL, CARPI5TER AHD J0IK3S |< McHenry, III take contracts fur putting op HIHI KTIFTRNNTEA INV work will oni|)ure with any man in the State. I iind will do work from 15 to 2t per •eht elienper tlian other carpenter's. ,iiavft two of my boys who work with file, which makes it possible for me to do so. All Job* IB the Carpenter line promptly attended to. Give me a cull. tffWBfU.. tor sale. Fishing All kinds of Bportin AND REPA A good Breech T. Gun. warranted Tw Wir.chesler Rille, NirkeT Plated<1 w self cocking Eriti A good; Single Single (inn, warran I will undersell any 'Guns and Sporting G1 good gun it Will i>a I warrant every gnw B. nmmnp Rin^wootl ^ A Illinois. To tbe people of Rmgwood and vicinity I would respectfully say that I have opened a stove bear the Depot, where 1 will pav the highest market value for E"£s, Butter, and other produce, canli or trade being immaterial to me. I shall keep on hand a select stock of Groceries and Flour, which with choice brands of Ci­ gars and Tobacco, I am going to sell at prices to defy competition, and though I have met with a much more liberal patronage than I had expected, I shall yet hold out inducements calculated to increase my trade and secure a larger ^tom. B. RAIN THORP. Riwowoon, III.. June ISth, 1881 CROCERIESl GROCERIES! M. Engeln, Having removed his store to Colby's Brick Block is now preiwteU to offer to the buying public a full line of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Canned G oods. CIGAR, TOBACCO, PIPES, &c,, &c. My Goods are all fresh and will be sold at th# lowest living prices. I nlso keep a full stock of Onn Material aishing Tackle, Minnow Seine, Hammocks, and in fact everything pertaining to Fishing and Hunting, can be found at my atore at reasonable I'rices Violins, Acordeons, Picalas, Flutes, Violin Strings, ami all other extras for Violihs. My stocks of riNWARE is complete. Call and examiue it. I gjutraatee Pfices that defy all M. BMGSt.N FOR THE OF THE AGENTS WASTED ̂ MARTYR PRESIDENTS. ABRAHAM LINCOLN, "From Pioneer Homo to White Mouse," and JA.MKs A15UAM GAR­ FIELD, "From Log Gjilnu to White House." In English and German. Illustrated with line steel engravings. Bv an eminent author. Also for the only large steel portrait of Gar field. Send for extra terms. THE HENKV BILL PunwsHiNoOa, NOUWICH, CONK. . ti *'* CLOTHING, Children's sizes, ity and at Chita -./• ; ' ';,5U % 's Bo^s' and the beist qual- rices. j-: ; Richmoi Sales of Stockk and Goods ot all;' to on the most and sjitlsfacti I*ost Office add KICHM Illinois. irming Tools us attended >nablo Terms guaranteed. ILlrX mm. WOODS Breech and Shot SlHW. Can • Ltading al. Good*, G DONE. Donble Barroied el, 15 slVYvts, f»3. inlver, I Dog Pistol, llreech Loading, sc tn the oeu'nty ln If you want' » call and tee me. Clothes Wringets repiired and new Rolls put on. Prion per pair warranted, $2.50. B. SHERMAN. Woodstock, July 15th, 1882. A. P. GRAY. Always Ahead. WINTER CAMPAIGM Of£HED -AT HIS- ' , e and Wagoft WftaPf, SHOP, ILL- BLACKSMITH RICHMOND. I sell cverv Implement, Tool or Machine farmer wants. 1»L ATFORM SPRING, ~ DE- LIV.'iRY AND FARM WAGONS. TOP AND OPEN BUCCIES, One, two and three seated, from the celej brated manuQiotory of J. W. Henry * Co., Freeport. Blaok«mithing, Painting and Repairing a workmanlike manner ajiMj^ war-Done lit ranted. From the large variety of Farm Machinery manufactured, we select that best adapted for I his section, and upon the BEST TERMS TH AT CASH CAN PURCH ASE, which en- allies us to supply our patrons with jnst wlmt thev want, and at lower prices than any oilier concern northwest or Chicago. (Jail and make exair Ination for yourself es before giv'ng vonr orders for any piece of machinery yon ma'v need the coining seanon, and von will find the best and most complete line of Farm Machinery ever before offered in McHenrr Co ltemomber iliat we offer the VERY BEST MACHINERY at .the VERY LOWEST PRICE that Cash can yroduee an vw hero. --•> Jimn A; P>. GRAY, Richmond,, III, W. H. 8ANFORD, iHercliaiit Tailor In the store of C. H. Dickinson, Eastside of ?millc Square, WOODSTOCK, ILL. A good Stock of Fine Cloths for Suitings al- rayson hand. Suits made to order and a 1U rarranted. Give me a call. W.H.SANFORD. Woodstock, HI.,-Sept. CTtlta 1875. on !••# er»4i« ^nd easy teraiK, In a mild cllmat#, <t«e from heavy snows, blight* lug frosts, and ex* cesslre ralM. ANDS MILLIONS OF ACRES lor sale in the COLDER BELT of Kansas, by the IKI3B PACIFIC RAILWAY, of ca rich roll HI tbe ana ever skona on, ttttfe geed flMtrkett «B»' and west, Fbr and. IZlu*tr»i*d- Ecofy with Mmp»* Sent F*vet Address ., LAND COMMISSIONER,-Kansas DFyi^UI KAHTA* CITY, MISSOURL £i. BoxxsletV - Near the Depot, ! McHENRY - - - ILLINOIS. Keen« constantly on hand the finest bmnds of Flour and Feed of all kinds, which he will eel? at Wholesale or Retail at Bottom Prices. Five different brands of Fiour always^ en hand and warranted as represented. Flax Seed Meal Always on Hand HQTFiour delivered anywhere in tbe Cor poration. Orders may be given by Postal U>7, Post Office. • . ,««Wlfi ME A CALL. v t. B McUea y,*arol4Slhk LETT, •Mid whistling shot and screaming steti, - Whee steutest heaits must quiver. • " Faeinir the banevy's lielching bell, ,, Some crossed Death's silent river. tSome mangled,mwaned with tortured Iwaath 'Till Death in mercy freed them; • * 't Inprison-pon some Starved to death, With only foes u> heed them. And eome •'God's Conntry" gained al Ikst-- , r, Died 'utiil tbe dear home faces. • »•, •Of limbs torn off bv war's fierce bla^k : Their empty sleeves are traces. . We list no more the shrieking shell, • No more the bullet's rattle, Jtut comrades fall while tolls the , As once they fall in battle. « Then close the ranks as years roll on, ^ ̂ As Lite's dim «nn grows colder; L Face death to come a# death that's gefiik, With shonldev firm to shoulder. » ^ » What though above onr wastingraftlUl No battle-flag is gleaming. God's red and white in morning lighg .- r O'er Heaven's vault is streaming. > .• Thouph scowt the muster-roll below, ! Almve Sis growing longer; , ... Thbiigh faint on Kartk oar voicet'gro^'. la Heaven they'll swell the strong#!f*' SKETCIim From a Soldier's Memorandum *0.9. ;,,v. ; FROM PKARL RIYBKk , v III the wlnttr ol 18G2-3 the military uudertook tha hazardous task of poa- Cfssitif ami operating a saw-mill a faw isilea fram the mouth of Pearl ri*tr. 'FHara were many old loga in the etoek. Oyprest *«<! yellow plneA and a con­ siderable quAiiilty of lumber, tnottlj «yfire#i, wero piled about the mill jartl aiul near tbe landiug. The coaittry en either hand was uninviting, jwid ahowed the uuuiistakablo tteglect and «lecay Incident to the NO«r neigh­ borhood of cbiitending armies. There wa», howete#, a single plantation in w1»!c?» the >oldters were interested in protesting. This property was owned a Ihilouman, one Capt. Wluslow, who co«mvanded Che ateanier. J. M. Brown (of triiich mention was inade«4n Letter Not6 of this series). Hisateamer piled on the lake and occasionally would tow barges of inmber iron the 1'njkrl r?».»r mill ta ^fsar Orl«»m 'l'h» IRMW goanl anuMutleti in the outset to about fifty soldiers. As a sort of lean to to this li Hi putt an force there was attached about a dozen laborers (mostly negroes). But what gave vim to the situation was the significant fact that a considerable force of gorriilas were in the neighborhood of this mill, and furthermore that these gorriilas were me* well calculated to Intimidate even tbe rifle-nosed hogs of tho jungle, and it is proper hero to,say that hogs not uufrequently betrayed the approach of the boys in grey. The old mill wa« a relict ef the aucieuts, aud the entire property, including lumber .iu store, was but a inocK recompense tor the meanest human life. The confederates got In aa occasional shot, and they, sometimes get up a lively tusilatle. The days and weeks went by and once in a while an iudis- creet soldies or a faithful sentry, whose feriu could be dimly seen In the uncer tain light of the stars, received a dead­ ly blow or was stung by a fatal bullet. Capt. Win. Rockwell, in eomioaud, hav­ ing ascertained that the rebs had shifted tbeir headquarters (this they frequently done) to a secluded place about seven miles away, determined to punish them. Accordingly, on a fear­ ful stormy night, when the warriug elements forced even the owl'and the wolf to seek shelter flud be still, the Captain divided his force, taking some IS men and a faithful negro guide with him. The^torm raged with such fury as to coaspletely drown the sound of human footfall. Thispquad of faithful and fearless men penetrated the woods and at 2 a. in. readied the confederate camp, It waa there and theu asc«r tafned that the greater part of the confederate command was away on a raid. Rockwell halted but a few moments aud keeping bis meu well la hand charged the camp. The surprise was complete; the reba either surreu dered or threw away their muskets and ran away, but ewing to the blackness of the night all but seven of the survlng confederates escaped. The seven were captured and among the number was one Dr. Clapp. a' native of Massachu­ setts, who in his boyhood days was a playmate of Capt. Rockwell, hi* captor. Their meeting was most affecting and painful. Later the Doctor took the oath of allegiance and he proved to be an able and a faithful Htirgcen, lind he it was that shortly after soothed the dying pillow of his schoolmate, Capt. Rockwell, and followed him to • sol­ diers grave. Another prouiinmU eharac ter among the prisoners was a native I'ennsylvanilui named O'Rouke. a very wealthy freeholder, an accomplished scholar, a«d, as be declared, an inveter­ ate ntgro hater. The remaining five were as ignorant as a ground li.»g aud seemed not to (realize that tho earth had foundations 3(1 miles away, it is proper here to state that Dr. Clapp u a* captured while dressing the wuuud of a yotiii£ *vldier who that day had beeu 6hot fn tiie head. The Doctor was per- ftMlsu tor Chlldro*. WASHINGTON. Feb. 3.--Aa interest­ ing and entirely «ew pension claim is now before the Assistant Secretary or tho Interior for decision. The guard­ ian of the children of a deceased soldier has applied for tlto bark pension of 92 a month, due eSch child from »he time •f their father's death. The children's mother neglected to mako application} Jor a potion for herself or family, and finally married. • The slalm of the guardian was rejected at tho Pension Office by the examiner, who held that the marrlag* of tho widow barrel all rights of the family to a pension from that date. Her negleet to apply for a pension at any time was construed as a further difficulty iu the way of allow­ ing the claim of a guardlau at this late' day. Tho Assistant Secretary la of the •pinion that the mother of a fatally ••titled to a pension, ocotiples the re- 4a(ieD In law of a trustee, and any fail­ ure, or neglect on her part to apply for •r secure the allowance of pension due the children cannot work |« their prejudice. He will accordingly decide that the ehlldrcn are entitled to a pen­ sion troin the time of tbeir father's death until they arrlv* at tb* age of sixteen years, the second marriage *f their tB«therhavlug nothing to 4« with the claim «f the guardian. Th« number *f pension ce rUHcatea issued and signvd during the w*ek end­ ing January 24tb, #as as follows: lOrlg' inai, 665; Increase, 146 ; re-Issue. ; res­ toration. 22; duplicate, 26; arr#ars,J3^ accrued pensions, 49; total, MS. ^e- issne same date, 4. One of tlw favorite arguments •im ployed by thoge who want the Internal tevonuc system abolished is that It Is a relic of the war. "Repeal the war taxes!" is their battle-cry. Now. it is perfectly true that the Hiternal revenue taxes arc war taxes, but it is equalljf true that the reveuus which they pro­ duce is needed to meet the war debts •f the government. Thcs« del>i.* are of tW* kinds --tielit* t« th« Wndiielder and debts to the soldisr--and one class is M sacred as the other, although, as a matter of fact, the former has been "iW ~ SJRCV KVF; uiy iStaxt iiie pealed ten years ago It woaM have la- voUed partial repudiation of both classes of debts; their Hbolishment at lliis time will still inv«lv« the r«tMidla- tion of the debt to the soldier. Except, therefore, on the ground that the debt to the soldier ||i less binding upon the goverumeut than that to the bond­ holder, the repeal of these taxes cau uo more be justified uow than ten years ago, and we do not believe any Con­ gressman who values his reputatlou would dare t* publicly proclaim his belief la such a doctrine. Tot there Is no denying that the passage by Con­ gress of any bill reducing the Internal revenue taxes would be equivalent to such a declaration. ~4k* fforty-D»llor Bill, Some of our Senator* seem to t'hlnk that $40 a month is an extravagant price for the loss of a leg, and to those who regard pensions as mere gratui ties, which the government is under no obligation to pay, It is perhaps quite natural that the price should appear rather high. But hew many men out of our present population of fifty odd millions would be willing, let us a»k, to submit te the auputatlou of a leg in consideration of a pension of 940 per month for the remainder of their lives! To say nothing of the pain and sillier lug--je», and the ri#k of n fatal result^ which the surgical operation would in- velve, the physical Incapacity which It would entail would be sutHclent to de­ ter any saue man from entering into such a bargain. It Is all very wall te say that some of our veterans seem to get along very well with one leg; no able-bodied man was ever willing to exchange places with n cripple. For losses of property and business and position, it is always possible'to fix a just compensation, but by wlial stand­ ard of value can the loat of a leg or an arm be measured? Evidently the low­ est estimate that ean be.put apon it is that based upon the actual deprivation of the power to perform manual labor resulting therefrom, and certainly 940 per month does not exceed that mini­ mum. The truth Is that the keenest pleasures and enjoyments of life are contingent upon the possession of health aud strength, aud no pension, he wever large,can compensate for such a sacrifice. Ills within the jowerof the government to secure its one-armed and one-legged veterans agaiiut pov­ erty; that is the least that It can do, and that is all that th«y demand. JNtslpMss «nas 0»«s* StMmcr. .,A. _ ^ [From the .Detroit Fn«r - iSTcarly two yearc «*<». ona Ikie mons» lug, I sat on til* promenatfe deck mf UM steamer City of Ur»»aeW <»P'edii^F toward Ol.l England. I tftf'f to tit* taplain, wlio sat near me. *'lf this (wit were suddenly t« find U neeesnfiry to go to the bottom of the Ayn^tir. h«nr many passenger* would you expect to savef** %'AH of tlicaawr said (lie mptsvtn son*#- what brfefty. Tli# paptalrt 'Wa* not is talkative m<ui,4>i»v.aj| ii -waa early an<| wolial tlie deck to ottrteTfea I'thought I would like to find out something about what would he done fn a t otoer- gency. "At a tin.a like the imfmnt, witcn nearly ail of tlto pa«»e»»ger« art In Uialr stat«-roonj% I supp^fe the first thing to be done would b*> t*g«t them on deck r* , ' "Not the flrat tWtijf,* *n«wo¥od the captain."but one of the many almnl- taneous things that wsoM he lAitsntly done. Cer tain officers of tho ihip are detailed before wo leave port to arottao the passengers should It become neces­ sary. Each one has a certain number of passengers for whom lie Is responsi­ ble, and tn time of danger he has tn produce tlice passengers at % certain place on the deck aud iwfs thorn ready to go into the boats. If fta are •.* deck this tim« to morrft#^tj,will tea the practical workl»mef wfc«%wouldb<! done afterward.'* » Next morning all hands wei% ordered on deck. ISach one was promptly and quickly at l^ls post. Even the table stewnrds had S|>eclal duties for this oc­ casion. At tlio wer»l of command every move was mad» that would hive been required had tfecae been an Occident. Every thiug ##-l4|l ss sweettdy as If the whole had toe?n o piece of perfect machinery. For over ten years thlc splendid tteamshlp had crossed and rc> crossed tho Atlantic, and no dotpht thlc performance hail been gone through several times ou every voyage. All the*n years of training and disci pi ino iwere in view of « contingency that inight never ruppeu. Th# fact that for years th* voyages were completely un­ eventful, did not cause that ftfeilftne* to be relaxed for a moment. Tho su­ preme emergency at IimI arrived. Tbo circumstances cotild hardly be more un­ favorable. The panoiigori alept wltii thoteeuurity which Mtny almost In pflfrt glvw. The fog was doo>*e as mliW nigirt. The tiisaster came, unexpected, sndde a «u«L complete m a stroke of llglitulng. '•"?' "%&'?• Tlie foresight of none on the City of Brussels could !*»*• averted It. Cte moment the grand steamur rode tlw waters stanch and perfect, the next aho was cut almost in two, and twenty rain* utes later she lay a wreck on the bot­ tom of the sea. Short as the time waa, it was long enough to display tho wonderful discipline of the Innian crow. The fact that it was possible uhder tito circumstances to save the po»«etigers, who at the time of the crash wor* asleep, renders anything that could bo -wrltteu In praise ot the condnct of the officers superfluous. , Standard Prints a^ Hi* P« yard at 0' V. Stevens'. Japanese Crepes. In order to introduce onr Japanese Crepe goods we wili send postpaid to any address on receipt of titty cents,, or 17 tinee-ceut stamps, the following: 1 window banner. si*e 13 by 24 inches with rich color and Jeep border; I tidv. size 8 bv 11 iuclie*, very liandeome; 1 lamp mat. 27 inchts in circuuiIcreucei Jon perfectly lovaiy; 1 w»ll »cre#ti*, laige and hand.-oine. Address. K. FiOieiu*e St A HROICAI. WONIflMl' • 7 ^ ^ A man without hair on any port «! Ills body, who never had any teeth, who Ic entirely destitute of tho sens* # of eraell, and whoso taste Is just ino enough to detect a piece of Llmbnrgcr cheese from a stone, was exhibited t« the physicians of tho Philadelphia County Medics) 8oetoty at lte last meeting. What Is still more astound* ing about the man. aud upsets all tho theories that havo been advanced by nstdical men, is that the man bas is pores in his skin. Heretofore it has been maintained that a man could not live without a porous sklu; but ths most careful examination under tbn ^microscope failed to reveal a single 1 pore In the body of the patleut. Tins man's iiiinto io i?ef er We mil Ing. If* : was bom in Lebanon County, I'*., 48 i years ago, and is now litlrg in Bis* marck, a small vilUge seven mlle» south ^f Lebanon, with a wife and eight children. The latter partook of none of ||>oir father's peculiarities, ex* cept that not a child has a perfect set of teeth, lir. Wendling experience# 'great ineonvenlei* c from his tnabilHjr to persplr*. The body, helng d#*- prived of litis means of cooling. bo» * comes Intensely hot. and it is necessary to pour water over his clothing to ke«% the man cool. Iu working wiih heavy tools the man lias to wear gloves to get a firm hold. Mr, Weudltng is tho vouugest of tfrenty-ono ehlldren. aiwl with the exception of the peculiarities' meurioned. he ha* good health and li:i« ^H^een ulcli.-WWe/'pWa Accorii* vllere We Are Again^ U«n»\v yon will tho •ntniel of tTxk pvoinlneat farmers that have bought, the celnhiated liaht running, Hapgt»»«*| Hiilkv Plow wiiiiiu the lastVix week** •lames BnrnstBernard Harrison^ N icliolas Freun.l, < 'ha>-. Parks, ^ ^ ; Augustus Towtisend, Geo. h*ark<, Curti- Harvey, Jake Siiydwr. , ' Wm. Wood. Freeninu Whitln® A.ti. Fauver (3>. R. ft Doolitllo. > a- Ask lhem what they tlifnk of thei>»* ^ : Remember It 1# the only sulky ph»fr made that is warranted to run llghte#^ than anv 14 Inch walking plow. W'S >' * ill make any man a present of th* Sulky, if it fail* to fill onr wairantee. if k* want of a Sulky Plow, don't fall to call ou us. ac we are Mtro to »u't Sold only hv E. M. Owen A So»% • ' • • i •Htflfcod t» uom||loyi i-V J. lw«Otcw(iuU The Coraline Corset O&O iouutl at Terry & OwcuV, . • ... 4 J* ,¥>i #F " , * ' VS •* -1 ;j/m ' M

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