Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Feb 1883, p. 5

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- I ' ' •* • •'. :• • ,' '•- .'-. '••••'• - • •.'•'•••' _ •••*,'--•• •' -r-:- • v. •' " •••'. . - •. WEDNESDAY. FEB. 14,1883. Railroad Time Table. OOIWO SOUTH. I"' #eaeva T<ake Passenger......... fiWa. a r-'- flMwrtUki Kxprets...,.^,^ ̂ " 3?s l«Mn Uk« Fcaizht * mtvo'iconm. • N««T« TAKE Frelcht k. * QmnUki T£xpre«* 4:55 r. * Iwm Ltk« PiiMBier »:«• " y B. Brss, A.?ent. MeHenrv, HI MASOXIC *" VefTmntv T/Onrtr., No. UN \. F. and A. M.-- llMular Communication* the Saturday on or '•kahri the fnll of the moon and every two VNki thereafter. CHAS. C. Cor.BT, W. M. HCHKHRT CRAPTRR .TO. 34 It A. Kf --Kesrn- 1*r Co»Tocatlons held on the s««<nida»d fourth FrMara in each month. SMITH SwAitr.**, IT. F. '.if How. ('HAS. E. FCIXRR will PLEASE accept thanks f«r Public DoenoiMti netfrad. #KhtT« received a new advertise­ ment lor F. B. Harrison, the Wanconda Druggist, wlilch will appear n«xt wi«k. THE DAY# have begun te lengthen at feotb ends, and will continue to gain ahout two minutes every twenty-feur hoars until the 21sfc ef .Tune. SEE THE advert!CEMENT OF Auction 8ale. at the farm of Joha Dor an, which ean be fdtaid in another column. The sal* takes place on Saturday, Feb. 94th. t 1* Jyti SUBSCRIPTIONS for the PLAINDFTATEK will be received at Vole at the store of Henry Rogers, who is authorized to receive money and receipt for the •ane. *v • THE Cemetery Aid Soviet? will :lMlt 'With Mr*. T. J. Walsh,on Friday after- neon at 3 d'clock. MRS. T. J. WALSH, Pre* • JOui A. STOUT, See. C." w!H meet with' Mrs- %Toh* I. Story, Wednesday afternoon at usual hour. Has. J. a. PKBRT. Pre#. >U A. STORY, See. M ROAT» Commlesloner Ad it ma haittfre misfortune to lose ene of his horses while going to Half Day last Friday. The badly drifted roada and heavy [traveling no doubt was the cause. Farmers and others desiring a gen- teel, lucrative agency business, by which i5 te 920 a dajr can be earned, •end address at once, en postal, to H. C. Wilkinson A Co.. 195 and 197 Fulton Street, New Tork. ;? THE Read Commissioners ef the Town ef McHenry have let the job of putting In Ic* breakers s^bove the iren bridge, to Messrs. Tere A Co., ef Half Day, and the work will abe commenced Immediately, /riiese are the same gentlemen who Will* the Jolmsburgh bridge. THE Pound Sociable at the residence af Han, B Rlthnn an Woijn»iiUj ^fng last-was a grand success. There* were thirty-eight pounds received, which being seld at auction brought the handsome sum ot nine dollars. It was a novel entertainment, and all went away well pleased. Dr. A. JC, BALDWIN made us a short call on Tuesday morning. MRS. G. A. CANFIKLD, of Beckford, is visiting with her mother, Mrs. TvSted- dard. In this village. D. 9. SMITH and wife, e! Burton's Bend, Nebraska, are visiting friends in this village. JOHNNY THURLWELT. started fer his home at Malcom, Nebraska, en Monday morning. J. A. DUFIELD, wfee travels flir the Woodstock Democrat, called at our sanctum on Saturday. FRANK CAIKINS has moved Into the heuse of C. B. Curtis, lately vacated by Mat Weber, in this village. MRS. SMITH COLBT and sen, ef Chica­ go, are the guests ef H. 8. Gregory and, family. W. B. BESI/ET, K. D. Besley, and J.'W. Besley of Waukegsn. and 8. W. Besley. of Council Binds, Iowa, were t le guests of their brother. Geo. W Besley, of this village, on'Monday. Low C. MCKINSTRT. who has been in the store of Perry A Martin for the past two years, wlllgo to Des Meines with Mr. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Kinstry have many warm friends in this place who will very much regret his decision to change his location. The best wishes of all will fellow them te theli new home. THE Meiienry Minstrels go t* Wan- conda on Friday evening of this week, and we bespeak for them a good house. | They are full and running over with fun. and it yon want a hearty iaugli go and see them. I A REGULAR Communication of Mc- H«*nry Lodge No. 158, A. F. and A. M.. will be field on Saturday evening next. Feb. 17th. Work en the Entered A?>- prenti<« Degree. Every officer Is earnestly requested to be present. By order of the W. M. We wish to make apologies to enr readers for the appearance of our paper for the past few week*. We srot caught with a very poor quality of ink, which has made us think some very hard words. Before our next we shal| replace it with something better, when we hope our paper will make a better appearance. WK would call especial attention to tbe new advertisement of John I.Story, Hardware dealer, which can be found in another column. He has a Rue stock of gooris in his Iitie, and stands ready to make you prices as low or lower than any other house in the county. Read his advertisement and when in want of Hardware do not fail to give him.a call. O. w. OWEN, the Agent fortheold reliable Estey Organ, will have a uew advertisement in the PL.AINDEAL.KR next week, which no one who contem­ plates purchasing au Organ should fail to read. He is also Agent for the new f Chicago Organ, Lock out for hi& new advertisement next week and do not fail to read it Carefully. In the mean­ time call at hi* titore and examine his instruments. OBITUARY. PiEn:--5U HU kettMft ttegWKrt. on Friday Feb. 9th, .Solomon Dodge, in the ?3rd year of hi* age. Mr. Dodge was born in the town of Johnson. Vt„ in April, 1810. of which place he was a citizen until 1&6. when lie came west and settled at McHenry. Being strsng physically and havkg da- veloped that industry for which his people are characteristic lie went to work at his trade, that of a carpenter, at which he continued to work for seme time. He afterward engaged in trade in Meiienry and was a partner of the firm of Smith, Dodge & Co. After his separation from that firm, which was mutual, he came te Ringwood te reside. He here married and purchased a «mall farm just en the edge of the village where he had since lived an honored and respected citizen. Temperate frugal and strictly honest, he won with­ out end tbe respect nnd esteem of even these wh* differed from him in opin­ ion. Very consistent in his political opinions lie chose to be a Republican and always seemed proud of his choice. When speaking of religion he genarally gave it as his opinion that anyone should do as well as lie matter what he believed, and believed as he said that a man would be rewarded according to his acts and not his pro­ fessed belief. Always full of sympathy for those in trouble he was liberally charitable to any whom lie deemed worthy. He was a man who always enjoyed good health until about three years ago, since .which time he has been gradually failiug. About a month ago 'he began to have Ipells of quite sevei-e illness which lasted till Friday Feb. 9th. He leaves a wife and two children amply provided for. The funeral was held at his house, on Sunday under Masonic order. At about noon a large croffd b«g*n to gather and by 1 o'clock the hour set for the services, the house was denxfly crowded-with mourning friends who came lo pay their list tribute of respect te one of Nature's noblemen. The funeral services were Dvrformed by the Rev. L. J. Dinsmere* After the burial was over the frien<ls returned to the house to ofier their sympathy to the sorrowing family and to say kind words which only can sooflie theui in their loneliness. Uncle Amos Dodge, brother of the dec«ased,and the only survivor of i family six children, was present at the funeral and In ap- parent good health. COM. Do not forget the Valentine Sociable, by; the ladles of the Universalist so- olety, at the residence ef C. B. Curtis this Wednesday evening. This I?, something new in the Sociable Hue but we have no doubt will be the most interesting and enjoyable of any yet lield. De not fail te attend. A New Tork doctor has been figuring Jfer the pact twenty years, and lias reached thi conclusion tliat very small feet on a woman means a temper like cayenne pepper, and a tongue that will geccip about Its best friend. This is a noble eflort to console women with big feet, but it won't work. the village of McHenry, ett Vfcnrsday, Feb, 8th, a small Box, about tbt else of a oommon chalk Box, con­ taining two bottles,the box marked on the aide "glass," and a letter "D" on the end. The finder will ba,6uitauly rewarded by leaving the sauie ajt> this •fflee. A WASHINGTON'S Birthday Party will be held at the Riverside House, in this village, on Thursday evening ef noxt week. Feb. 22d. Music by Ander­ sen's Quadrille Hand, ef Janesvillc, f^vc pieces, which was pronounced by the dancing public, when here before, as second te none. With th* new floor in the Hall and the splendid music, those who attend cannot fail of bayin|E a good time. J.J. VASET, while en his way to the Harsh school house, on Friday night last, had the misfortune to tip over, and his horse getting away, left him in a rather bad dilemjoa. but he took the matter cool, returned to tewn. secured a team from Wlghtman's livery,, and reached his destination In safety. His Iterse was caught at Jehu W, Smith's and taken care of, but little the worse for his run. WE learn that the Cole school house, hear Spring Grove, was -burned one' night last week. Lo»s about 9250. mostly in books, the building being au old one and of but little value. The fire is supposed to have been the work of an Incendiary. The lumber for a new building has been purchased and Is now belpg drawn on the ground, and the building will be put up as seen as the weather will permit, A * exchange says; "At a recent Glwrch festival a man found a lonely Dystcr in his soup, and ostentatiously lieid It upon his spooo. thereby induc­ ing others to Invest in the deceptive fluid. It was afterward discovered that the man was what siuful and worldly people cal a 'capper,' and was employed by the cliuroh people to pre* tend to discover oysters, and thus en­ trap the unwary. Tbe oyster Is sup. posed to have beep borrowed for the TICKETS have been issued for a Wash­ ington's Birthday Party, to take place at the-Parker Ilon?e. in this village, on Thursday evening of uext week, Feb. 22d. The music will be by th* Jaues- Ville Light Guard Band and a genera] good time may he expected. Nothing will be left undone by Parker to make it pleasant fer all. and therefore with good music, and a good supper* no eue can fail of having a good t ime. MORTON & CIIAPKLL will sell at pub­ lic auction, in the village of Alg«nqu1r* on Saturday, February 17th, 1883. com­ mencing at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, 20 Cows. New Milch and Springers. Terms of sale.--Three months time on approved notes at 8 per cent interest. One-per cent off for cash. MORTON ft CHAPELL. J. A. SHKRWOOD, Auctioneer, Nu ml a Taxes. The undersigned Collector of the Town of Nunda, will be at the store of Smith Bros.. Nunda. on Saturday, Feb. 17, for the purpose of receiving Taxes. All interested will govern UMMp^lves accordingly. : .. J. S. ANDRKWS. Collector^ ^ TAXES! TAXES! i( On and after Jan. 15th, 1883. the un­ dersigned will he ready for the oollec- tion of Taxes for the town of Meiienry and will he at the fallowing places at the time named. Mondays--At the store of Lye & Adams, in the village of Johnsburg. Tuesdays--At the store of B. K. Duers, In the village of Ringwood. Wednesday--At. the store of Perry ft Martin, in the village of Mclfenry, Saturdays--At the store of C. V. Stevens, in the village of McHenry, JAMES IJANN, Collector. "ttiivATCHEsT" O. W.Owen will sell you a bran new Elgin Watch forf7 and warrant It t» keep good time. All other good! limy line pi the same low rates. fti' "MS .'%• .,v. O. W. OWEJT. f if- Horses for Sale. Good road ami cheap farm Horses kept fer sale, from Chicago. Price from $35 to f 100. At'M. Cook's, 2 miles north of Wauconda, en the McHenry road. Huffman' & Marshal. At their new Warehouse, near the Depot. Nunda, III., keep In stock Flour and Feed, which they sell as low as the same can be bought elsewhere in the county. They also buy Grain nnd all kinds of Country Produce, for which tliey pay the highest market price in Cash. Farmers having anything to sell can do no better than to call on this firm as they will be sure to get a square deal, and those buying can always find at their Warehouse the best brands of Flour, and Feed of all kinds, Call aud «•« them. RKHOLUTIOXS OF KKSI'BJTFF. ; AT* Special Communication iff Mc­ Henry Lodge No. 158, A. F. and A. M. the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted: WIIKRKAS. It has pleased the Grand Master of the Universe, in the wise dis­ pensation of Ills Providence, to remove by death our worthy and well beloved Brother. Solomon Dodge. th*r*>hy sever­ ing another link in the fraternal chain which btoids us together.--Therefore. IieHofved. That in tho death of Brother Dodge the Masonic Fraternity has !o*t oue of its most worthy mein- b; rf=; ! he ofifs: ;n !•.:;! t y at litrgs sh est and upright man, and while we inoum his loss we will cherish with un­ fading memory the many virtues which adorned hi* life. Jie8olvect. That we tender to the af­ flicted relatives of our deceased Broth­ er our earnest sympathy and condole with them in their sad bereavement. Ilexo/vfitl. That these resolutions he spread upon the records of the Lodge, a copy transmitted tu the family of our deceased Brother and the same he pub­ lished In the eountv papers, and that the Lorlg* he dmped in mourning dur­ ing the usual lime. J. V AS «ST,YKK R, ilmiMi', C. V. • TKV I:NS Committee riKU.-At Oambri-lcfimrt. Mass., verv mid. denlv on Siin'lny evanitit;, Feb. lllli," 1SS.{, Sarah Page, in the 7+tli year of bur mite. M rs. Page was a sister of Wesley Ladd.of Ringwood. and also a relative of the late Solomon Dodge. At the time of her Golden Wedding In Nov­ ember last, an account of which ap­ peared in these columns, Mrs. Page was enjoying excellent health, and little did her friends think that she would so ftoftti be callcd from their mid*t. Her oldest son died of consumption a tfw months since. "On© by one we cross the rtv**,.: On« liy one wo're passing o^er, - One by one the crowns are given On tbe bright and happy sboro." Mrs. Page formerly resided at He­ bron. N. II.. where she new has maay relatives and ft lends. RINCWOOO. EnlfTOR PI.AINI>KALRR:--James Stev­ ens. a former resident of this place, has been visiting the past week with friends and relatives here. The school exercises ef last Wednes­ day evening were good, as usual, and all who attended are loud in praise. Little Georgie Churchill has been euflerirg from congestion of the brain during the past week. Singing school closed on Saturday evening fer this term, but It is alto­ gether probable that the yeung folks will conclude to have another term to­ night, as we believe all are quite sat­ isfied with Julius' mede of conducting the class. Letters received by some ef oar boys from Herbert Allen state that his health is innch improved. Re is ex­ pected heme next month. Phil Harrison, Will Smith and Carl Fay are attending school at the Jen- ning's seminary, Aurora, We wish the boys the success they are almost sure to gain. Mr. Grimolby, our blacksmith, is again able to attend to shoeing, a fact his friends will b« glad to learn. He lias on hand a large amount of new work, bnggics and wagons. Farmers cal) and examine these wide tire ffkg- ous. They are certainly a great bar­ gain. - The large turnout on Sunday t* the funeral of one of Ring wood's tfiOgt honored citizens shows the high ap­ preciation in whtch the people of this place held their friend and ne Solomon Dodge. We are ofiering great Bargains in Clothing. Call and examine Goods and learn prices. Butler & Warner JNundai 1 * SPRING GROVE- EDITOR PLAINDKAI.ER:--The roads in this vicinity are badly blockaded) owing to the reecnt snow atortns. Eugene Lawson arrived here last Saturday from Kansas, on account of the sickuess of faLs father, who Is still very low. Last Tuesday was asade memorable by the marriage of Mr. Joseph West- lake, ef this village, and Miss Cera J. White, of Richmond. The happy couple started on ashort tour to Broad- head, Wis., followed by the good wishes of their many friends. Harvey Wilson, father ot W. Wilson ef this village, died at the residence of his son-in-law, R. Cole, in Richmond. February 1st, and was buried the next day. We havn't a bid. yet bnt expect te get one soon. Way be Walter will tell you about it. A load of our veung folks went' te the spelling scheol at Solon,last Thurs­ day evening, and nearly had the honor ef spelling the school down. As It was MlssSibhie Hornby had that honor. The Cele school house, one mile east of this village, was burned to the ground last Friday morning. The Are was discovered by Frank Cele about five o'clock, and was then under such headway that nothing ceukl be saved. How the fire originated is net known. Tops*. FROM ANOTHER CORRESPONDENT. EDITOR PI.AINDEALKR:--William H. Broadley had the misfortune to IOMC a very valuable bore from the effects of a tree falling en him. Quite a number ef our young people attended the concert at Solon Satorday and pronoun<<s It a success in every particular. The company will be at Spring Grove soon. Let all turn out and hear them when they come. The Cele school house is burned dewu, breaking np tfte school for this term. The lumber Is on the ground fer a new one and the eld house was to he used as a wood heuse, but can net now. ' Mr. Oraine has been sick some time with Inflammatory rheumatism, but Is improving now. Quite a'number ef the Grove folks attended a tin wedding at Henry R&horse's. near Richmond, last week. Adam Jackson is moving from the old Riverside mansion, "where so many happy dtys have been spent." , to a place in Alden, rented from his father- in law. The name ofjsnr poet office has been changed to Spring Grove, to corre> spoud with the name of the village so when our rail read comes the station will he called Spring Grove and all will be one. On the morning ef the 5th of Feb­ ruary, with the thermometer twenty degress below zero. Ed Kimball came up to Mr. Slater's aud called him up out of bed. He partly dressed and came to the door, opened it aud uskea hi in what was wanted. Ki mball said ho wartied tw WN4 a revolver to 6huot coens with. Air. Slater told him that his revolver wac up to Spring Grove being repaired, but Kimball did not believe him, and told him if lie did not let. him have it lie would kill him. Suiting the action to the word, he commenced his murderous work with a jack knife, stabbing him in the lelt breast at once. Mr. Slater called for help and his wife came to his assistance. A lively struggle en­ sued in which they finally put Kimball out ef doors, hut not without receiving many dangerous cuts. A doctor was called at once, who dressed and sewed up the injured man's cuts, and at this writing he is doing uicely--ac well as could be expected under such circum- stanccs. Kimball was takeu before a jury at Woodetoek and pronounced In­ sane. He has been insane several times before. He will be placed in an asylum, snd it is the wish of the neigh­ borhood that he may stay there the rest of his natural life. LATKK.--Mr. Lawson died this Mon­ day morning, February 12th. Will be burled to-morrow, 'Tuesday. He has haUaivng and palnffll Illness. H E B R O N /EDITOR PI.AINDEAI.ER:--'We've had no mail fer ever a week and groceries are getting scarce. We are nearly out of sweetening, and--Etc. The train has become a tri-weekly--foes down to Kenosha aud tricc to get back all the week. The Sons of Temperance will give an entertainment for the benefit of Geo. Thomas' family, on Thursday evening Feb. 22. Au interesting programme will be presented to the public, consist* ing of vocal an1 instrumental music, recitations, essays, etc. Admission 15 and 25 cents. Auntie Clary is clowly recovering from the effects ef the fall she received last week. Nelson Smith has finished his studies in Hebron for this winter, and has re> turned te his heme in Ringwood. A brother of Ed Taylor has moved Into the house belonging to Mr. Gid- dings. Ala«! we're tried with all our migM. * And done our very boat, fflRif * To have the latest word, and let The "peanut qnestion" rest. But, Greenwood's clmtnplon carblier, By his shots nt random cast, Ha* shown, that he who hud the Al*t» Is resolved to have the last. . Although the end has not yet come.. We'll acquiesce, we think. And through these columns say An Revoir And save the printer's ink. To a duel we wilt challenge you, On April first at half-past ten; Our choice of weapons will be the tonf ue, And not the rusty pen. We will wield it with good solid *en»e. And try to be polite, ••!?*' 1 • And yet wc closet v will observe » Greenwood's defemler-of the rigMt An Invitation to the Greenwocditel ̂ We cordially extend, And hope that tliey to visit us Will sometime condescend. We'll treat them the best we know how, The angels can do no more; We'll give them peanuts by the peck, Until our kindness they d«plore.~* Richmond Department. City residences for sale. Ap^ly §§» W, Smith, Woodstock|^U, OOXTSIBCTM> BT 3. F.- ITKNYETTF Whoever should bring a dozen loads of hay to town would fimf a ready market., a' • - 3|eph$n T«avp«o<l,an *'residenC «f English Prafrie ai'd latterly bf Spring Grove, died on Monday, tiie 12th Inst. The funeral services were at two o'clock, Tuesday a fterooon. Hon. C. H. Tryon was in Richmond Saturday evening on his way heme from Springfield to spend the Sabbath. Judging from his appearance and the old time hearty grip ef his hand, we think his Legislative duties agree with him. Mr. Tryeu thinks the bill ror a 9500 liquor license is very likely to be­ come a law. The folly of buying goods ef irres­ ponsible'peddlars has not long since had a fitting representation in the ex­ perience of a number ef persons near Richmond. The mode of operation adopted by the sharpers who have been victimizing our citizens was such that it was mostly rich, men who took the bait, which is better thairif the poor had been swindled. These last swind­ lers were high toned fellows and would sell goods only in 9150 lots. Of course, they could not afford to sell goods at wholesale (?) prices in less amounts than 9150! Their stock Consisted of dry goods, such as shawls, cloths for meu's wear, etc. The cloth) sold fer all wool at $4 per yard, wholesale (?) aro worsted goods worth 50 cents In the Chicago market, and the shawls,sold at 98. can be duplicated right here In town for 92.25. All the other goods run about tke same. It does seem a little too bad that people should be cheated out of their money in such a way, but, after all they do net deserve much sympathy. Our local tradesmen are responsible men and keep straight goods. If those fellows who got fooled out of their $150 had taken the money te any of our stores to spend they would have got the right kind of goods and at a very small advance on wholesale prices. And if, under such circumstances, anything should be found wrong with the goods, they would have somebody to go to to demand restitution. It is generally a dear experience to go away from home to trade, and besides, it is not fair te the local dealers. Ifany a time we have known women to send off to Chi­ cago for dress goods, and never knew it to fall that It cost more for the arti­ cle wanted -"than It could be duplicated for at heme--but they won't own It! Support your own home merchants, If you don't want to he swindled. to On Wednesday evening, February 7th, a happy company gathered at the house of E. S. .lohonnotr. Solon, the occasion being the marriage of Mr. Edwin Monenu and Miss Mary Brown, both of Solon. The company consisted only of the relatives of the contracting parties, with iwo or iiu«c exceptions. The Rev. 6^ C. Clark, of Richmond, was the officiating clergyman A bountiful wedding supper was prepared by Mrs. Johonnott. Among the pres> cut* given the bride and groom on this happy occasion wo note: Glass pitcher and goblets, Misses Marietto and Ger­ trude Johonnott; wash bowl and pitcher, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Johonnott; table-cloth, Dr. and Mrs. Bennett; glass table stand. Mr. and Mrs. R. Jo­ honnott. Lamp, Mr. and Mrs. Moncar; office chair, bride te groom; sugar spoon, Nellie Brown;set sllvej^forks, Maria Brown; set silver knives, Mr. and Mrs. E, S. Johonnott; silver spoon holder, Mr. aud Mrs. J. Ward, Qshkosh | Wis.; g,lass set, MUses Josephine and Einma Cralue; fruit dish and cake piate( J.C. Cralue aud Mrs. J. A. Beyrd; pickle dish, Mr, Frank Johonnott; glass set, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith; sugar spoon snd butter knife, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cairns; eue doz. napkins. Miss Orpha Wilton; towel, Mrs. Asa Johonnott; folding parlor chair, Mr. and Mrs. R. R( Crosby. The young conple start out with the brightest prospects In life, and the benedictions of the whole community. Both have spent almost their entire lives among us, and consequently every body knowR and Is Interested in "Ed" and "Mary." May the PIIII of their happiness never set in clouds; may life which now seems so bright never know the shadows of sorrow; may pence des­ cend upon dielr pathway like a bene­ diction--is the invocation of $|Mluwriter and a host of other friends. > AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at rubllc Auction on his farm, two miles south of Solon, in the Town of Richmond, on Thursday, Feb. 22,-18*3. Commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., the following prop­ erty: 1 3-year old Colt, 2 yearling Colts, 1 Cow. 8 2-year-old Steers. 1 yearling Steer, 2 yearling Heifers, 120 Sheep, 1 Merino Buck, 20 Shoate, 1 set Double Harness, 1 Lumber Wagon, 1 Platform Spring Buggy, 1 Champion Reaper, 1 combined Mower and Reaper, 1 Sulky Cultivator, 2 Diamond Tooth Cultivator. Plows, Drags, 1 Sulky Hay Rake, 1 Hay Rack, 1 llog Rack, 1 Coru Shelter, 1 Fanning Mill, I set Falrbank Scales. 1 Buckeye Grain Drill, Milk Cans aud Pans, a quantity of Seed Corn, and other article^ too numerous to uientiou. TERMS OF SAUBJ--All sums of 910 and under cash. Over ten dollars a credit of Ten Months will be given on ap­ proved notes at'O per cent interest^ JIHN B. BELL. GEO. H. STEWABT, Auctioneer. «, " K ! Don't You Read This. That is, don't you read this notice unless you desire to know -where to find the best bargains in Woolen Goods, Clothing and Undurwear of all kinds, for Butler A Warner. Nunda, without fear of successful contradiction claims the much controverted honor of giving al those wlip trade with them far better* bargains than they can l>essibiy get elsewhere, Call and sec tlem. FOR SALE OR RENT. Two booses tn thi village of Ringwood, one house with ten room«j the other with 9 rooms. A ^ood we» and barn on each. FIngwood has a good school, maki • it a desirable place 0f residence. On the premises is a shop and a good opening iu the VII. lage for a shoemaker, blacksmith. «r any mechanic. For further par­ ticulars iuquire of WESI.ET I.ADD. ins , Riugwoodi'tl - Fitrms tor Sale. I have farms for sale from 80 acres to 700 acres in sixe. Terms to suit pur­ chasers. E. E. RICHARDS* Woodstock, III., Felv Sth, MB. New Furniture Store, And Undertaking Rooms just opened by .Justin Brothers, near the Depot. McHenry. We have on hand, and are new ready te show you a full line or First-class Furniture at low pi ices. Our stock of CefHus is complete and a good Hearse furnished at reasonable rates. See our stock before buvlng. * JUSTIX BltOS. Woolen Goods at your own price. At Butler A Warner's. BHHH f, ! Business ^ Go to Itf rs. Ifowel f^r1I11fliWflSNH|| Dressmaking. , . . f . fff ^ Fishing Tackle of all 4utd* at Wt Eugeln's in Howe's near the new Bridge. " ' *V ' .' r •P 's.'- •• BuckevC Force Owen's. J: - •" Bargains! Bargains- J. P. SMITH, at his store In Bishop's Block, announces the following Bar­ gains In goods In h!s line. A good Elgin Watch for 910. A 32 calibre Revolver, with cart­ ridges for 92.75. Plated ware aiid clocks In same proportion. I am nlso agent for the celebrated Kimball Organ, and would Inform the public that fam now prepared to sell them an Organ at as low price as any other housu in the county. I also sell tli' Julius Bauer Organ. Call and see me before purchasing, as I aui confident I can «ave you money. „ „ . J. P. SMITH. McHenry, III, Jan SOth, isss. 50 pound wool Mattress for 94.75 at J. B. Blake's. HOUSE AND LOT FOR 8ALB. Situated In the village of McHenry. which will be sold cheap. Applv to GKO. W. CLARK. MeMewry. III., Febrntry Sth, 1983. ONLY 920. ;y M for R Vew York Singer, equal to any Singer in the market. This is the same style other companies retail for 950. AU machines warranted, for 3 years. O. W. OWKN. Big Giant Feed Mills. Will grind Cab and all. or Shelled Corn and Oats mixed. Warranted to do as good werk as any mill for a simi­ lar purpose, and to grind as fine and fast for kind of grlndSng recommended as any other mill of same size and price. For sale by S, <fc J. Sherman, living 2 miles West of ttciienrj on the Woodstock road. McHenry, J an Mth, 1883. A Tour drawer, black-waluot bdreau for 97.50, at J. B. Blake's. Ureat bargains in Cane Seat Chairs. 6 Chair* for 94.75 at J. B. Blake's. Call at E. M. Owen it Son's and see the celebrated Hapgood Sulky Plow that is warranted to run lighter than a Walking Piow. BenAFtrr M»ar»l Jan* Rutor Col*r fliu- n-.l-- * e . •- - -* ntt- xjoitir T>rr vi»*" lllltrKVT* enly requires one-half the amount of •other Colors. For Sale by Fitzshntuoue A Evanson, McHenry. 111. A full line of choioo groceries always to .be obtained at HENUY COLBT'S. A complete line of Groceries, at reduced prices, at C. V. Stevens. All the new aud desirable styles In Hats and Caps at C. V. Stevcus'. CLOTHING AND UNDERWEAR Just opened. Yon are going to have a fair of Boots. Call on C. V. Stevens and buy good ones. Fancy Ink Wells, cheap, at GE*. W. Besley's. Please remein tier our prices are al­ ways as lew as the lowest, and we standjeady at all times to; meet any and all competition. HKMRTCULBT. WOOLEN goods at prices lower than ever before heard of, at J. R. Wells «fc Sons, Wauconda. 10 POUNDS. Ten pounds O. K. good greeK Coffee for oi.e dollar. C. V. STEVENS, Boy*. Great bargains in Overcoats and Suits with new cufis and collars on at E. Lawlus'. GENTS' TIES. 25 kinds to pick from; 10 per cent less than market price. Suspenders nt 10 cents. AUo ladles CloakIngs, 92,000 worth at low figures. E. LAWLUS. Opposite Riverside Hotel, McHenry. MPIIS Overcoats less than Chicago prices at E. Lawlus',opposite Riverside Hotel. For first-class insurance against fire and Lightning, wind storms, cyclones, tornadoes, etc., etc., spply to Aga W. Smith, Woodstock, III. Don't buy your Coats and Shoes until you have called at C. V. Stevens. Ue will save you monev. The "Aurora" Road Cart, the easiest thing out nu man aud horse, at E. M. Owen A Son's. Mrs. Searles will open this week a largo stock of Ladies' and Children's Cloaks. Attention, llalrjrmea Beau i Perry's Natural June Butter Calur has no equal. It is guaranteed to give pe.rfect satisfaction. For sale by Fltzsimmons A Evunsan, McHenry, 111. The largest akd best assortment of Gloves and Mittens in towu, at C. V, Stevens'. Madam McGee Corsett% The best on the market at Males A Barlletl's "It pays to trade on the west side.* 14 pounds New Orleans Sugar for 91.00 at C. V. Stevens*. " _ Odor Cases, a- very fine article* at Besley's. * Farms For Sale* Apply to Asa W. Smith, Woodstock. 111. Carriages sold lew a$ If. Owen A Son's. -f Remember you can find the C. M. Henderson Boots aud Shoes, every pair Warranted, at' Perry A Owen's. A complete line of fresh and season­ able family Groceries, Canned Gootls. «an be found at r^rry 46 Owen'i. Always A delicious odor i* in parted Floresfon Cologne, which is always re­ freshing, IH> matter how freely nsed. The finest line of >ilv« r and Platen Ware to he found In the rotm mm***-* W. Owen's. , ' Society Belle*. On account of its remarkably del­ icate and lasting frngrance, society belle* are • loud in their praises ef Fio^in%Ciiogv,e. ; % FORSALI&**^e',a 40 Acres of land in Section 1?. all fenced. Also 80 acres of laud, with a good house and barn tliereou. with timber and water iu aUimdaiice, In Sec­ tion 22. Also my homestead nu the Crystal l.ake aud Nttrda road. Good liter house, liarn and uther oiitbnililings^ Apply to JOHN FIXSKT.V Case. Furst & Bradley. Moiiive. Haw* gooil and other Sulky plows .at K. M. Owen A Sou's. CARRIAGES CARRIAGES!;; KLMihS! Anyone In want ot a Carriage, Buggy or Wagon, should not fail te rail on E.M. Owen & Son sod see the large car-load ju*t received. Tbe finest finished lot ever come te the county a'ld will sell them cheap. FENCE POSTS FOR SALE. #000 seasoned Burr Oak Fence Pott#! for sale, inquire of JOH.V DORATFV Our stock of tlru£T8, chemical* and patent medicines was never more complete. C*$ods reliability and prices right. ;; Colbt. CAUKIAGES. Have en hand* a few first-class car­ riages which we will sell at cost to *1*SC. 1 E. M. Owkk & SO*« ~'4f£ : Fine Shoes. f ? Our stock of Foster's celebratiil Beloit Shoes is complete. For style and durability they cannot be excelled. Ask to see them, I HEXKTCOLM* 1WTERCOATS, OVERCOATS. « Best styles and lowest prices In lt«» Henrv or l.ake Counties. 150 new one* Just opened. * - • C. V. STEVCUS, : ; Gossamer ck-cularfc and coat* for ladies and gentlemen, nnd ft full line of rubber goods always to be had at ? . HEXKT COLBY'S. . /J LAMPS. LAMPS. : " X$ Office Lamps, Parlor Lamps, flanging Lumps, Bracket Lamps, and the cele­ brated Oscar Wilde Lump, at Be«ley'* Drugstore.. .. '"v'lf Bennett does not let any pictures go out of bit rooms that are not satlsfs** , t o r y . , • ; ; . ; BTf FrEK A XD TSGG S. ^ Wanted. Butter and Eggs at Feapgp; | Prices at C. V. Stevens'. ^ pLOTHING! CLOTHING.! - f Tbe latest styles and low eft prices te "I bo found iri th» county, at C. V. Btee* A ens*. *: YOU KNOtV ^ That we have tbe largest stock*# Gloves aud MitteiiS in town. C. V. SiEVtKS. . 'j'M A SPECIALTY ' ; Made of Clothing. A suit for Bove 5.0. 7, 8, 9.10,11. 1: , 13. 14,15.16, 17,18, 19. *20 years eld J and from 20 to 100; • Call at C. V. STEVENS, A stock of Uuderwear sufficient ftfr - supply McHenry and Lake Counties,t»^ * be sold at bottom figures. At C. V% Stevens. • vV . « 4 How to Increase the VHIIIO »r Butter. -fe Use Bean & Perry's Natural Junet ; Butter Color. Sample Bottle Free alfc: Fltzslmmons & Evansou's, McHenry» I U . ' • ' ; 1 WcirA.;UJ;,i i, WoifC3ftQ2li >MilU tv-w. •' ; & Fancy GroceHe^ Canned Goods, Choice Confectio MtTJOXS, TJXWAMB> CUTLER CIDAUS. TOBACCO From 25 tn 69 rents per pott ad. We aealtet It »l>ecialty «f lliese gutxla. * TO Mv sleek is fresh and vomiikie in every pai'iu'titar, and I will not be undersold, quaf. ilv of KIXMIS ci>ii»i< 1 Ite.r nuke tail tlic Uist, ami >urch«*ers mil And" it au oU««t %».. eail anil see ia« buture i>un:liajibn$, - Quick Nalen Small ProQt la vqj motto, sud u will Ue lived op t<v E.:w.jBa&oKa. WRtteoada.©ct.*Hi,i8iJi • i i ii>.r wn* f. v 1*51 't '. ^ «-C.i 'cut •' I.IK COUMT uY. x "SenJ iV fell r„v"r"'vo . FOSTER BLAXCIIi^l^S S0X% • 'A, ^ J 1 . .t" f % //

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