Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Feb 1883, p. 8

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COLUMN BAI-dwik. • ; s, yt> nt fid, *tr=1Shp «tw^ it * Tripffrflifnj liTiirf'n find ont that*"* fnt cheapest teach- <WWk W tt«r acltoola. i,- John 0. Saxe, tlis poet, Is stHl an i invalid at lila son1* liomv In • Albany. | 'v Ills ilsesss ia Neuralgia. accaraprytitd |>y cbfouie tJjrfwpsia, causing 'ronch 4$kyaical emaciation. His , >«liw,|l^ray»r? l> unimpaired, and he f „ raail ̂ Bcii 'and talLsae brilliantly as s/' •" lm, „ V';' \ , • . ,c_ -• 8ap*tfrit«niflent Train!*, «T Waoan E^anatf, has ba«n working for aatera] jraara to formulate a plan of ays- (amatle work for country aclioolii vTlie loUowiaf Is hit statement of ^~ & THE PLAN. I* A carefully prepared courae of ||ttn}y for the use of the country and ||rlllage school*. 2. A concise Outline of Study to ficcotnpany tbe Cuttrse of Study, for the |Me of the teacher an<J the pupil, a 3. A syateiUHtic plan of exam!Ha­ itians and record of the progress and •landing ol the pupil to 9pferc9 the Ratline of Study. | 4. The freupiuj: e f the eountjr Into £re&t districts for th« double purpose tif holding the Superintendent's exam-nations and to promote a healthy Spirit of school emulation. V 5. The awarding of certificate of ik in class by the Superintendent in rson. for the purpose of showing just hat the pupil has done ia the text Chicago &f(orth-Western OLD E8TAB^^|D8HO»T LINE w a y a m a i i s M , ^ ^ „ CHICAGOGREATI v 6. The systematic record of school |tttendance, by a series of attendance fertiReates and diplomas of honor( awarded by tbs teacher tor regular attendance. j 7. The Annual Exercises of the "t glasses, examined at the central school^ whereby arousing an Interest in the Reserved excellence of the individual School as compared with others of the Ifaine group. ; 8. Finally, the systematic work of r and pupil, tending to bind iool to school, township to township, by abend of sympathy and onion frhlch will make our educational sys­ tem a force which shall ever be wielded for good hi both the moral aud ralig- taua world. ^ R. C. HILL ' # r IULINOIS, -DULBS IK-- : Agricultural Imp(emenl9| Ol ALL KINDS. retoepefWlttaaofPan* 'Machiaeryof the Mt«a*attoetnre and sell at i If you Want anything in the AgricifTiitral tfaeeiaeir line, do not fait to call on ine be- fere pureaaainfr, a® I < an save you money. > I am also agent fer Lake and McHenry CeMtiee tor the; . . „v * ; iCutter. 'sife', You caa have a grinder attached to grind tit the mne fhne yon are cutting. Everv pur- hhaser gateaWritten guarantee with h is ma., thine. It Is pMttiveiv the EASIEST KI N NING rEED tnjTXK* 13C THE AfARKKT. give me a call. R. C. HILL Waaeoada, IIL, Dec. 96 1882. iASSA a week made by the industrlon*. jSf flfe Best business before the public. ^capital not aeede<l. We will start you. Men, /^•ronen, boys and girls wanted everywhere to %ork for as. Now is the time, " You can wora ia spare time or give your whole time to *ha business. No other business will pay you • Marly as well. No ono can fail to make enor- |'toea» pay by engaging at once. Costly out It /9t^§ terms free. Monev made fiut, easily and iao»onil>ly. Address, tHlTE ft CO., Augusu, And all points in Northern Illinois^-Cen­ tral, Eastern and Northwestern loum. Wisconsin, Northern Michigan, MinnOf^p eota, Dakota, Manitoba, Central and Northern Xrbrasf.a, Colorado, Wynm. lngr, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Nevada^ California, Orcyon, Washington Terri-»> tory, Itritiih Columbia, China, Japan, the Sandwich Islands, Australia, A>irf Zealand, and all principal points in the NORTH, NORTHWEST and WEST. With Its own lines it traverses North* era llXfNOIS, Central and Northern IOWA, Wisconsin, Northern nilCHI.H OAN, MINNESOTA, and Central DAKO­ TA- It offers to the traveler all acoom- modations that can be offered by any* railroad. Its train service equals that- of any road; their speed is as $rreat as comfort and safety will permit; they make closa connections in union denots at .junction and terminal points with the leading? railroads of the West and Northwest, aud offter to those that use them SPEED, COMFORT AND SAFETY. At CHICAGO It makes close connec­ tion with all other ml Iron ds at that city. It runs I'AI.AOK SI KKI'ING CARS on all through trains, IWRI.OK CAlts on its Erincipal route?, and NoUTH-WKsTKRS 'ININii CAItS on its COI'NCII. m.rrrs and on its ST. PAUL, and illN.\>ons throiigh day express train a If you wish the Best Traveling Accom­ modations you will buv your Tickets by this route AND WIlX TAKE NONE OTHKH. For rates for single or round trip tickets and for full information in re­ gard to all parts of the West. North and Northwest, write to General Passenger Agent, at Chicago, 111. All Coupon Ticket Agents sell Tickets: by this Line. J. D. LAYNG, MARVIN HUGHITT, T Qeu. Snp't. i.l Yic<--I'r<«. and Gen. Mant£«r. W. H. STENNETT, £f Gun. Pass. A^t., Chicago. f The McHenry Brick Mapufactitriag Com pany are now ready to aupplyjlrick. in %naa- iltiaa fUQE gifftT.T. lots * mm n ̂ «i m j " PaofXoads. 4 i • •" ' Their Brick ar« aeooad to none to ba Connd , in the markvt, and Kill b* sold at tbe lowest market price. Persons intending to build. or those hand­ ling brirk, will do well to calf aud see us be- t fore | urchasinj. For further information apply to or address, The Model Newspaper. The Inter Ocean-for 1883* To give the news without indulging in of« fensive sensationalism; to l»e ronrasreous and ajriiressive in the a.lvoracy of well establish, ed principles, without beinjr narrow-mindeif or unfair; to cater to the tastes of all classe# of intelligent readers, without parderincr td the prejudices of anv; to present in most at. tractire form the greatest display of matter, trilliont curtailing or lowering the standard of any department; to grow in interest ami excellence with each succeeding year of its existence, ia to be the model newspaper. From the first it has been the aim of the publishers of The Inter Oceun to hare the pa­ per reach this high standard, and in each ot the ten years of its existence a notable step forward has been taken. A* i-very elianjehas met with encouraging response from the pub­ lic in Ih® sha>)e ot increased patronage, it is fair to assume that the etforss of the pnblish- ers have been in the right direction, and have been appreciated. The Infer Ocean will remain liiicomproiriis* irigly Republican, will maintain its present at* titude of protecting American industries^ will continue to devote special attention td trade, transportation,and economic questions; will retain the departments of 7he Curiosity Shop {a current encyclopedia of curious, in­ teresting, and valuable information, called out by inquiries of subscribers): The IVaman'i Kingdom (devoted to the progressive move*: mcnts in which women are interested); Th«' JfTarm and Home (covering topics of special in. lerest to fanners, their wives, and tneir cliilt. dren); The Veterinary (containing answers t-«? questions as to the treatment of horses, cattlrt and othel* animals by one of the best veterinf Jtry surgeons In the West); and ('mnpUcaiion.4 (taking in puzzles, enigmas, conundrums, etc),' all of which are peculiar to the paper; wilfe give as much space as hitherto to serial and' short stories, original and selected sketches, and jioems, and with increased facilities for. news gathering in the shape of xpecinl ictrex to New Vork and Washington and experienced .correspondents well placed at home a ad abroad^ will more than maintain its high standard for enterprise aad accuracy in all departments of news. The Inter Ocean, always closely identified With tlvfc *kf IK** \ir.»ajv Kau work of development of both the Northwest ami the Southwest, and it will continue Ir} make prominent. the characteristic featured of the progress ol the newer communities to« ward .Statehood. No paper in the country has given so much attention to immigration move­ ments. railway anjl caual enterprises, race and economic problems, and other topics re­ lating to the prosperity of the older states an'l the development of the newer sections as, the Inter (Jcean. Because it is constantly enlarging the Held of newspaper discussion, and grappling tin. hesitatingly with all new questions thatcoine before the people, it has increased rapidly in circulation among all classes of Ira-lesmeiij and farmers. Because of its enterprise in. leasing special telegraph uires to the great new? centers, it lias grown in favor with all who like completeness and accuracy in iliBputches. Because of its steadfast Ucpublicunism and its close sympathy with tbe lietl elements of the Republican party, it lias grown steadily in favor with party men. Because of the high character and wide rauge of its literary an»t special dapartments, it has become a. greater tavorite in the home than any other distinctively political paper in the country. The aftn has been to inake it the best papea for city, suburban, or country reader; th4 best paner for the business man and his fami. ly; the best paper for the strong partisan as well as the general reader; and as the circn. lation ot the several editions has increased more rapidly the past yerr than in anv previ­ ous year, and as It is now larger than" tliat of any other paper west of Sew York Citv, the publishers, feeling that thev have fair 'meas­ ure of jiopular approval, will continue in the course marked om, making such improve­ ments as will keen the Inter Owm at the head of the list of American journals as the model newspaper. The circulation is beet shown by the amount of postage paid on the papers sent to actual subscribers. Judged by this standard, the Inter Veerm is far ahead of all of its Chicago contemporaries, as shown by the table lielow. This table gives the amount of postage paid on circulation bv each newspaper named rail ^Chicago) for the fiaoai ytar ending Juru SQ, The 1-ter Oeean.. . . i . i . i . v . . . * TJle £*"'* -• "1*1 U rticTim°*.... .. 6,4*1 10 The Vrmme ». 6.0445+ Tlu: Herald 1,44368 This statement needs no comment. It speaks for itself. The subscrintion price of the Inter Ocean Is follows: Woekly edition, postage paid $1.25 pr y'r hemi-Weekly edition, postage paid. 2.50 pr y'r Daily edition, ]tostage paid 10.00 pr y'r Sample copies of tbe Inter Ocean will be seat on application. 1 8«nd mnnei in Registered T.ctter. Money Order, Bark Draft, or by Express, at our risk, and be sure and write the name and address of each subscriber plainly. Address THE IKTKlt OCEAN, Chicago, III. I'U- * it: nft • i.:-: , • ' ! 4s ***»» wm i --."t J. nois. t»<Lk tit •f't j Mill 1 H>1» •</«iA 4 , »•,»»»#»• jfL.1. It " OO} Tn tTTuCr iw X^5TtxBC0 fWIvHBiw Xu uiiiAu luulll is now prepared to offer rare iuducemeata in ^ SBY QOOSS, OBISS 1LAHN1LS, DBISS I071LII18, AO. AS iSSf tii W •? •rim Men's and boys* Clothing of erery description. Big Bargains in All the latest styles in Gents' Furnishing Goods, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, CHOICE GROCERIES, <fec., AT v ' • : 11 HARD PAN- PRJCES, Good Goods, New and stylish good^, and Prices as low as the low­ est, are his mottoes. Don't buy a dollar's worth of General Mer­ chandise until you have called,^at,lis store, near the Depot, Tdc- 'is#! h-jIKtxtf' .jiI" h' •« a V>:f\ THAN EVER. ,n Wb "J », ; ;v ui Vnf '• itii-i-'A*- .sVir4 Iff gild JjjIJL t ' " " r " * ^ •• u- • iJ ."'iHiyi-yif : '.-Mfy. liXf Two Doora North of Perry A Owen. • ' • ' '"^v; Vi'7"7«L, ;«I ' }*<>• -i" ,'i » M1 '.' 4-i: 'i'> x -.J * y 'it 1iq&t'r n ih ; HMt T^V'J .•*•?» v"? 1 ktl} ' '«» i •• % -\"l ' '•WSXtit w. i / ... . '• My stock of furniture is complete with a larger siock than ever, and will be Bold as cheap as any other in the connty, and it will lie to the interests of the buying public to call upon me wheu in want of anything in that line. •m BOOTS AND SHOES. We have just received an immense Stock lor the < ' ' " i- . t_ FALL AND \^/INTER TRADE r ' fUi h , Y ' 11 '• '« ' JOHN FormfHrly of McHenry, Chicagd, has returned to Woodstock, And now on hand the •tttck of READY HABE HARNESSES COL.IyABS, WHIPS, fur,, to be found ia tha JOHN STERBA- largest and IN WAUCONDA. CLOTHING! Porftiit an3 Winief a, fAH lino .of piece poods of the latest stylai and at the lowest figures. \ - teLo^Htiri A. Biggef Stdtik ^ than ever. •uM'P And can show you the finest line'of these goods ever brought to McHen yre b^y #n<} sell for Cash, goods at m our Prices, • *" . . . >- • • . . ' r'-^1 . V f ' r , Can and Mifitl jslive you such bargains that it will pay you to cotne from any part of the county to trade with us, no matter how great the dkfeuice. We k^^luU liiie^Ihe • , p. SELZ CELEBRATED: ,CUSTOM i't'f.. StJlTS AT $4.50. £ SUITfcr Suits all priof««V at?|, •s.oc^,.. Maimawl MALE GOODS, AT WAtJCONDA. y For anything made to order, MainasA'a .plnee to go, *AUo a full line of *""2^^-: Gent's Furnishing 6oodt HATS, CAPS, ; Mrs.® ; Maimeoa, Has received a fine Stock of Fall and Wintei Millinery ^oods, and of the latest styes. A nice lot of ltibboiis jtnd Flumes. Tba l.adies of Western Lake Ccvunty are pHpeciallf ; tivited to call nnd examine goods and yvicss. 49*l)TlKSS MAKING done in the best etyla und at Jiie^ywibie l'iiceB. . H> ' McHenry, 111., January Kith, 18«3^ ^ McHENRY, -DEALER IN- Ml CompaDj, htcUw July Mh, UML v JLLINOlS. m rirvp\T THE ATTENTION of Farmers vvj It• is culled to the Normundy Giant White and the Mammoth Yellow King ; - Seed Com, the best and most productive vafie- " ; ties known. Will pay any Fanner t» per cent ijjf* : more than common corn. Send im your order, if;; and if you are not wulstlcd on receipt of corn we uitl rtflfnd your mo/tejr. S oiim-on, by mail, fe 10c; 1 uoaM for 25c; 1 peck, by cxyrcsx, 75c ; 1 -S' I'll rbrflf ***' 2 bushels §4,&Ul Send for our PremiuafcCatalopue--Corn, Potato and Uarden v Seeds, Free to all. Tbos. M. Hatks ft Co.yOiBetoaati, O. Drtt^, Hedicines, taints, Oils, Toilei' Articles. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Use. Also Bottled Ale aud Porter for Family Use. The host brands of Cigars, and Smoking and Chewing Tobacco always on hand. I u - „ We have the largest stock*# ' sweats. Ever brought to McHenry county-, among which can be found th« Bonner Library, Princess Library, Harrison & Smith Safety Lamp and a fine line of Bracket and Hand Lamps of every description which will be sold at prices thftt defy competition. oefore purchasing. * ,'•> ?.. • ^gieianii ('onst&ntly on hand, both fine and coarse, for men, women and children. " " ---- W. u. DWIGHT, Woodstock, tto yon want first class machinery Something we buy so much ol that you get the benefit ol it? We know of some dealers that buy rso much that they claim to sell low, but you get all their prsces aud then come to us and we will sell you the $uu< g;oods cheaper th*n \ny other deeler ^ ' Wii have just received the finest car of V:> CARRIAGES F ttl'H CABXtlAG ES. AIjIj STYLE^ That ever came to this county. If in want of one don t fail to Call, as the finish beats them all. Aguaiantee of our own for oue ye^r with each carriage. . people are rs on tin loot, out for chances to increase e*rainxs and In time become wealthy; These who do not improve their opporttinl. ties remaia in poverty. We offer a Kreat chance to make moaey. ^e want many men, womea, V>p» and girls to work for us right in their own localities. Anj one can do tht work property from the first mart. The bn*ine*s mm. M- will ]iay More than ten tiine^ ordinary watce*. erpenaiTO 'aatiiWurnislied tree. jNoone wbo cugai^es talis to make money rapidly. You can devot# your whole time to the work or onlv your spare uicments Pull information • odall that is neede'l sent free. Address gl'XN>ON & CO., 1'orliaiul, ll.unc. TWELVE REASONS, FOR INSUUIXG WITH Asa W. Smith, Ol WooilNtock, 111. 1. Because he is endorsed bv leaning hns). ness men and the press, and particularly where best known. 2. Because bis is the oldest agency ia the emintv. 3. I'.ocause he repre^wnts the best line of coin panics of any agency in tho couuty. 4. Because with one exception, he repre. sents tbe oldest companies in the United States, 5. Because in case of loss he irives his pat. ronii tbe benefit of life Ion? experience in se curing an equitable adjustment. S. Because he has always issued full pol. icies. 7. Because he pays losses on farm property by lixlitnin^, whether lire ensues or not. 8. Because he insures live stock anywhe« a^ainxt lightning. i Uecatiac he insure* against tornadoes cycloncs and wind storing. 10. Be(-atise you can thus twe yourself from disaster for a mere tritle." 11. Because you will tind him equally «« active to aid you in getting your monev aftet1 loss as to secure your patronage for bis comi panics. 1 12. Because every one of the above roasona can ba fully verified by calling on E. A. Mur-i pby, E. Sessions. J. W. Miller, from their own experience, nnd on the entire circle of his acquaintances from observation. In behalf of tbe Old Beliabl*, the Pho»nix of Hartford., Connecticut. I take great pleas! ure in returning the the thanks of the com. pany to Mrs. 1,, I). Kellv for her promptness Mud unusual presence of mind in extinguish- lugs lire at her residence,' kindled from the burning ol E. A. Murphy's residence on tlie morning of trie 13th inst., as by her individual on which the Carefully Compounded Give meaCall. 1888. C- W BESLEY HENRY •I' . ̂ DEALER IH-- pany had a po'jcy of fS,0C0 ASA W. 8MITH, S-M RIVERSIDE BLOCK. McHENRY^ fLL. 'icb % Every Department now complete with Fall and Winter " All Inspection of which 4a respectfully solicited. .%loiotK!«, i!5tpt."20tii, M82. MAI 'ft !f«C Of Piimrw* we have both wood and iron. For a wood pump we keep the Kenosha, Temple, Toledo, Bushnell and Mishwaukeee, aod [or an iron pump'the well known Trakem and Buckeye ways repair or put them down any depth. ^ Can al- *•. M. OWEN &SON. & •-^OIALEUS IN* Mutual Life Becan^eit is the oldest Comitaal^ Uniled States with thirty-nine years of ez> periene.e, Because it Is flip larpest Company in tht world. Assets, f}»4,702,iW, nearly double that of any other Conipany. ) Because ft is tho most popular Comfaay. Its itolicv holder* number over Mio.eoo. •"? Because every of tbe aliove immense stun belong* lothe policy holders, and the snr« plus over what is actually required, is •». nually divided amongst thetp, which surnlus may be applied in either or' two ways: Fits*, to jiay a portion of the annual premlliw, thus mat^jk-tally rtvlucinn tbe i-ost, or it may be used to purchase additional insurance. In the latter way forty-eight policy boldeits ef the year just past, holding policies, the face value of which, was $W;>,5(i0, were carried foi an avei-age term of.":5 years at low rates, and the xdditious brought the snug sum of a little over #:;(«),<;'>(i, Many of these policies had beea self sustaining for "years. Because the rates ef every other Confute? are nearly eighteen per cent, higher tbaa thoso of tbe Mutual Life. Because Its running expenses are 'ewe* than any other. Tne, swovu statements of .the Equitable liife Assuntmte of Mew York, a > com pany several millions less than half es largess the Mutual Life, show its expenses of manage, inent to have averaged 14.2:1 during tbe last three years, those of th«» Mutual Lite 7 8 the dilleronce of first cost of viol'cy, and manage- meat expenses alone, are equal to 25 per eent in favor of tbe Mutual Life. Because it can and does afford theehenpest, safest and most satisfactory insurance invest­ ment of any Company in the world. As it will be impossible for me to see all who are desirous of obtaining Life insurance »t actual coat, I will *ay to such that a postal card will always rea«h me at this place and on receipt of same I will forward different plans and actual retails (ilot estimates) whicb are certainly astonishing and out do anything in the history of L.ife Insurance. This t.'onipany issues only regular Life and Endowment policies and Ifkeotlier Compenyl of the highest standard refuses to have • any tiling to do wiih Tontine wimbling, C. 11. MO HEY, Age ut, , For McHenry County and western pa$t§ al LakeCounty. MCHKXKY, ILS.. • r ' • „ ̂ •'<>'* 30 •M' "it CARD IT CliROKOS g 12 Cbromoa Ff66i The mosj with the PEnn.E'a Magazine. majrni 11 cent premium ever driven, and one the l>est wusazines ])ublished. Only eighty cents a year. Sample sent'free on rcceipt o| 3-cent stamp, or three iiir.nths on trial for l( cents. AtiLNTS WaNTKII. Send 25 cente for complete outfit, including all the chromos, Money returned if not satisfied. A MONTH ftiui lx»ard in yonr owa county. Men or Ladies. * Pleasant busineae. Addreas, PEortr's JiAOAZiif t, Philadelphia, H, $>47 1 i'.1 D-«* 4 I'M READY . MADE •fJLOTHIIS <3-, X - iffl- - McHENRY, Ihb., January 23d, 1883. That Wonderful Book. GUIDE TO SUCCESS WITH. FOR XSutsiiiem A N D 6 ' : K ' - '^OCIETIp; Is selling by tens of thouBa.ids. It is thf most universallv useful liook ever published It tells complel'ely HOW TO DO KVERT T1I1XG in the best way, How lo be Your Own Lawyer, How io.|io Business Correctly and Successfully, Ibtw to Act in Society and everywhere. A gold u.ine of varied informa tion to :i 11 daises for constant reference, AUKNTS WANl'KI) for all or spare lime To know why this book of HEAL value and attractions sells better thAii any othei'. applj for terms to H, B. H11AMMKLL | Louif, M.iat>ouri. 4 / 1 * A . . . . 6 , I?##...*

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