Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Feb 1883, p. 5

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'rwn" *] vie pww '> i fc, r*y Tt 1 !*. -* ,-n,->#: &•>•>« *-«WOfc»v . ,«/ *,-*.vj.; ,-„. "•» >"•-.. .v"*1* „•*« > ,*. * f m* - - "®#^v^w«sr ncA- «-* "*'A .«**-. A f. «• „.-vk A- */«• *-r>w*r* ^ ^ ^ ^ ~<i»- **»-> - *" " * -V*-1- ^ ̂ ~ ̂ .fcâ iĝ 'mJrikf&J?" •*,r wJfe**a»*-%. '4A* jaM* J£* * *•? • rrrtTl WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28,1888. feailroad Time Table. ~k*"" ...1:U6;P. M ••»...«& OOINO WOT•. tNnera T^ake Pas^enser....... Geoera (Ake Kxnress.....,'.,.. 6eneva.Lake-Freight.......... Olfm vowwt. Ben#>** T.ake Frelelit....'...,,; 9:XT A. m Geaera Lake Express.,.. .*:Mp.« fieaora Lake Passenger.. ,..S:A8 " B. Brw*. Azent. "• -£& Molfenrr, III MA«OKIC *" M'CTTIWRT T.OTVJK. NO. 15S \. F. and A. BF.-- Reeiilar Communications thjfeSatwrrtar on or teef*r« the full of the moodfand every two weeks thereafter. CHAS. O. COLBY, W. M. MNFLKNRT OHAFTIT* SO. SI R. A. M --BFISU- tar.Ceavocatioas held on thesec-omlanrt fourth Fridays in each monch. SHITH SRAKF.KS, H. P. BUCKSKIN SAM. at Riverside Hall to- tilght. Do not fail to hear him. - SKK tli# new advertisement of 1&. M. Rows. Hardware dealer, to be found In aridther column. MEETINGS (it the M. E. Church, in this vilUg*. every eveplng this week. •xc«pt Saturday. , . A NUMBF-R of our correspondence have failed to reach US At thf time of "Coins to press. •'•> •> BEAT* the new advertisement of Henry Rogers. Volo, to be found in another column. SowK men are horn rich, soma hi** riches thrust upon them, and ' 80|Df- become editors oC newspapers. THE finest party of the SEASON wis held at the Parker House last Thursday evening. Feb. 22d. Over out hundred couple are reported present. TnE person who borrowed iJ the Wlndlasa from the Warehouse of E. M. Owen A Son is liereby requested to return tli* same, as they wish to use It. J L. T). T.IKCOLN has moved his family /tip from "Nunda. and now occupies tin I rooms over Mrs. Nichols' Millinery S^ere. LOST.--Ret WEEN John Smith's shawl. and the Post Office, a^woolea The finder fill confer a favor by leav 11)g the same ai this office. „ IFK have R new advertisement for A/P. Gray. Richmond, which, for want of time, we are unable to change tfyl* week. It will appear in our next. ON account of the severe rain storm last Saturday, the Auction Sale at Porao's was postponed until to-day. Wednesday. J. A. Sherwood, the boss Auctioneer, will deliver the oration. DR. WILLIAMS. Dentist, if liia health will permit, will visit Waucomla on Monday. March 12th, and will be at the Parker House, in this village* on Tues­ day. March 13tli. Those interested should take notice. MAURIET>.--At the residence of the tiHdo's mother, in the town of Bnrt«n on Wednesday, February 14tn, 18^3, by th9 Rev. W. A. Adron, Theodore A. And Miss Ida May Pierce, both of Burton, McHenry County. THE "L. L. C." will meet with Mies JIIIIA A.Story, on Wednesday aftprnoon Feb. 28th, at ittual hour. Topic: E»' glish History. " MRS. JAM BS B. Paaar, Ptai,' Miss JOMA A. STORT, Sec. Farmers and otliert. desiring a gen- tael, lucrative agency business, by which to 920 a day can be earned send address at once, on postal,to If. C] Wilkinson do Co.. 195 arid 197 Fulton Street, New York. THE next sociable fcy the lsdles of the Universalist society, will be held at the residence of E. M. Owen this •Wednesday evening. This is to be an­ other of those novel, entertaining and pleasing s#cial times. AH are cordially fnyitefl. A STOBY is told that a fellow was ar­ rested in Wisconsin on a charge of lu­ nacy and t'ken before the County Judge. A jury wus empaneled and promptly declared him insane. The only charges against him wn« that he was endeavoring to start a dally paper A THE California MiiibU'eln ciurted out rfrom this vlllag* on Tuesday morning for a weeks trip, and will give enter­ tainments in Wilmot, Antioch. Haine*. ville, and Waucouda. They give a goo<l entertainineiu and we trust they wiM be greeted, as they deserve to be, with crowded housos. «•«» -- THE California Minstrels propose, on their return, to giro au entertain­ ment at Riverside Hall, in this village, •n.Monday evening next, March Btli. Let everybody turn out and give the boys a rousing house. They are full of fun and you are sure to ba pleased. Remember the date, Monday evening next. March 5th. /WE wish to remind those of our subscribers who have promised us wood Ori subscription, that If It is not delivered at once we shall demand the money. The road6 are now good,. and there can be no good excuse for not delivering it. and we must have the wood or the money to buy it •teewbere. This is the last call. IN another part of this paper can be found the decision of the Appellate Court on the Bridge Question, by which it will be seen that the decision of the Circuit Court has been reversed, and the case remanded. We presume It will now go to the Supreme Court. W* mny have morft to lay about ttilS casein the future. R. BISHOP IS making preparations to /overhaul his mill, and will put in anew 'wheel, new machinery and th« patent rollers, making It second to no m'H in the Northwest. Mr. Bishop believes to going to tli# firont fh all husiftet? •nterpr'ses, aid finding that his mode of making flour was not rip to the times Jie set about at ouce to uiuke a change. THK ladles of the Universalist con­ gregation are requested to meet with Mrs. L. J. Dlnsnaore Thursday after- noon at 2:30, for the transact too of Im­ portant business. Alt are earnestly asked to be present. * WK are under obligatious to Hon. John C.&herwfn for a copy of the "Memorial Addresses I»I» the life and character of Fernando Wood," and nlso a Congressional Directory of. the Forty-seventh Congress. H. H. NICHOLS went to Richmond on Tuesday and commmenced work in the paint shop of A. P. Gray, wagon maker. Mr. Nichols is one of the best paintern in McHenry County, and Mr. Gray is to be congratulated on being able to secure his services. A buggy or wagon that comes from unde* his brush Is sure to be finished In every particular. THE Young Folks' Temperance Meet­ ing, which was to hav« been held In the M. I. Church nextSabbatb evening has been indefinately postponed be­ cause of the revival meetings being held IN that chiii-ch every evening but Saturday.- Ail Interested in the I>m- peranoe Meeting, please take notice. A good prograame will be presented at their next meeting. Look out for it* SECRETARY. THIC party at the Riverside House on the 22d did not draw out a very large crowd, but certainly was a very pleas­ ant and enjoyable affair. All present were highly pleased. The music by Anderson's Quadrille Band, of Janes- ville, could not be surpassed. They are simply perfection. Perfect time, new and beautiful changes, and in short a quadrille band that lias few equals and aud no superiors anywhere. So say all the dancers who have heard them. As the house now occupied by Rev. TJ. J. Dinsmore lias been sold, would it not be well for the Uriversalist society to build a pursonage on the lot just seutli of the church? The society own the lot. tiie location is % good one* and we believe it would be a paying invest­ ment for the society, for while it would pay so much each year towards the minister's salary, it could also he readi­ ly rented should the pulpit become vacant. We make tli^e suggestions, and hope #ome of the leading members will taka theoi under careful uonsidera- tion. WE liaye lint received the January number oj Perry's Musical Magazine. It contains sixteen pages of beautiful music for voice, piano, or cabinet or­ gan. At sheet music prices, the music in this number alone would cost one dollar and sixty cents. In order that musicians may examine a copy of tills valuable magazine, the publishers. A. W. Perry & Son, Sedalia. Mo., will send a sample copy to any address OH receipt of 15 ceuts^in postage stamps, or if you will scud them a good list of names of people who haye a piano or organ, they will send you a sample copy free of charge. The subscription price to this magazine hor one year is 81.50. For this s.nall sum of money the subscriber will receive during the year over €20 worth of the latest and best music published.--Sedalia Times. BUCKSKIN SAM, the noted Texau Rkiiger, Scout and Guide, is advertised to give one or his Indian Lectures at Riverside Hall this Wednesday evening His Lecture consists of a history of that beautiful country that lies beyond the Mississippi, giving a history ,of his life of 27 years upon the Plains as a Scout under Kit Carsou and Red Wing, and his capture and captivity of 9J years among the Wild Coiumanche ludiaus. How he saw eleven or his comrads burned at the stake. How he was saved froiu the same to see the Massacre of loving wife and a little daughter, by a baud of 19 Wuthtelloes and he shows 18 scalp locks taken from the same band by hlutsell. He will also give a description of the beautiful Yellowstone Agricultural Country, the National Park, Spirit Lake, Geysers, Petrified Plains, Photograph Moun­ tains, Flowery Gardeos of the West, and many Hairbreadth escapes. Those who liavo board hint pronounce his Lectures as highly interesting aud instructive. Mus. II. 11. NicnoLS is now getting ready to-put in her Spring Stock of Millinery, and she can assure the ladies of McHenry and surrounding enuutry that it will not be inferior in quality and style to any to be found in the Northwest* She will visit the city In a few days and will spare no pains in selecting the latest styles to be found in the market, and coniidentally asserts that in style, quality and price her stock will not be surpassed in either McIIenry or Lake counties. She also has a fine line of Ladies Furnishing Goods, Ties, Ribbons, Plumes, etc. We respectfully ask the ladfts to cal' and see us before purchasing their Spring Millinery, as we are confident we oan save you inouey. Mas, H. H. NICHOLS. * *Vji,;. Town liouda. A h ^ . ••'•'JrtPitfMire of McIIenry notice is hereby given to call on the undersigned and got the interest due <IU aaid Bond*. F. K. GRANGER, Supervisor. Pigeon Shoot. ' *n»ere will be a Pigeon Slioot on J. Myer's lot, Johnsburgh, on Saturday. March 3rd, 1883. Two hundred pigeons will be furnished for shootists. Shoot­ ing according to rule. After which there will be a Puff Ball Shoot. Let all sportsman turn out and have'a good tiuio. , ' Xinula Taxes. The undersigned Collector bf the Town of Nunda, will be at tlie store of Smitb Bros., tfuiida OH Saturday, Feb. 24., and at. the store of <5. V. Stevens, McHenry, on Thursday. March 1st.' for the purpose ot receiving Taxes. All interested will govern themselves accordingly. J. S. ANDREWS, Collectqt, AXOTHKR MJKH M IDE HAPPY. That is what '••erybody it talking about In and around Woodstock. Well they may talk about it. aed this Is the reason why: On Tuesday night the 13th inst.. a largo fire was discovered about two and a half miles south-east or tewii, at, or near the hour of do'ciock P. M., which proved to be the residence of A. E Guild, which was burned to the ground before any of liis neighbors could arrive to aid liim In saving "even a small part of the contents. Mrs Guild was absent at the timo for an evening's social)!* Mr. Guild had. with his two small children, retired for the night, the youngest, eighteen months old, In bed with him, and the other, three years old, in another bed# As he did not immediately drop to sleep, he soon beard a crackling as of fire over-bead, and on opening the stairway door lie discovered the chain, ber In a blaze. Without dressing Jie caught child and bed. conveyed them to the l»arn ar.d returned for the other child, whieh he was obliged to lay out through a window, as lit* retreat through the door was ait dff by the fire. He then made his escape, lie hardly knows how. caught up his child, conveyed it to the bam. "tucked St up" as well as he could in the bedding savod With the other child, and could do nothing more than watch the rav­ ages of the flames as they consumed ills household comforts and valuables. Mr. Guild's loss will figure little short of 92,500. Now do you ask why all tiiisshould make a man happy? Be­ cause he saved himself and children from such threatening danger, which is the main cadse of happiness. And then agaiu he was insured to the ainonot of $1,300 In the JEtua Fire Iti- SHrauce Co.. of Hartford, Conn,, with A. W. Smith for agent, who is always on hand to prove that he is more active to aid his patrons in .case of loss in time of trouble than to solicit business. On the 23d, just ten days after the fire, Mr. Guild was allowed his full insur­ ance. Now tell me, pi ay. If he has not reason to be happy that his misfortune is no greater. If you would protect yourself and family from total loss in case of Tire, lose no time but call on Asa at once and lie will give a policy protecting you against entire loss by fire, cyclones, tornadoes, wind storms and lightning at as low rates as Is re­ liable, and at the same time be will give you his persona] guaranty to aid you in getting a prompt and equitable settlement in case of loss. * Now, Mr. Editor, please put this down as the 13th reason for insuring with ASA W SMITH. NUNDA EDITOR PI.AINI>EALER:--We under­ stand our tax collector has levied ou some pickles for taxes. Quite a number of scholars from our sclioAl wont to Woodstock last Saturday to teachers' examination. If lac Vatt jo pAr<|nit 1\«| luiv situation as teacher In the Crystal Lake school and Miss Lizzie Martin accepts her place. At the pickle growers meeting last Saturday it was decided to hold to for­ mer prices. A great deal of talk is occasioned by the high school or college plan of Profs. Estee and McLain, and it seems to meet with general favor. Messrs. W. T. Hamilton, F.Coxe.G. n. Clayton, E. I>a«e, aud Win. Hill were appointed a commit tee to investigate. Next meet­ ing March 3d. Temperance Jectnre by Elder Collins one week from next Sunday. ifenry Lye has made another addi­ tion to his farm by baying 80 acres of the Gates estate. Tfie Owl Club had a very good at­ tendance lit tlisir last party. O. C. Colby has Increased his stock of hardware by brjiigiug goods from bis ot her store. The wife of Chas. An druse, the hag- gage agent heie, died the 22d after a lingering sickness. Hrr remains were taken to her former home. Will Lincoln will move to the farm of Jas. Behaii, where lie will till the soil for a change. L. P. Lincoln has moved to MoHenry. Particular Notice. All persons knowing themselves in- »l«bfe<l to me are requested ro call and settle tlte t<im» on or before March. 10th, 1883, without fnrther notice. O. L. PHATT. WAutonda, 111., Feb. 90th, 1*81 The t 'eiebrateil tiesley Sulky Plow. The Celebrated Light Running Ges- ley Sulky Plow can be found at the warehouse ot R. Bishop. McHenry, 111., and parlies wishing to purchase a Sulky Plow would do well to call and examine before purchasing. She is a Daisy, and last season, that using its first appear­ ance in the and being an active competitor with all other Plows in many a field trial. of course, this Plow was one that was trying to b» let down gently by other manufacturers, but being made of the right stuff and tliape, did not let down worth a cent, but went to the front in every instance. Mr. Ge«ley, the inventor of "the above Plow, whose occupation for many years hi»s been that of a farmer, which caused him many times to witness the field trials of the different Plows manufac­ ture*!, and by close observation found where he thought an improvement could he made and as an experiment had one made In accordance with his own ideas; plncejl it at work in his own field tpfsurpussed his expecta­ tions. He be. ame encouraged aud iu- vtted in his neighbors to see its work­ ings. Tbeirconclusions wer» unanimous in its favor, and Mr. Gesley commenced Manufacturing them on a small scale and the demand for the Plow became so exteMsive that lie was forced to give up bis former occupation and turn his whole attentiou to the manufacturing of the above named plow, ami at this time is running extensive plow works at Beloit, Wis., aud employing good and experienced men in manufacturing the same. However, the Plow will be here on the ground and when the sea­ son opens am willing to go into the field with aiVy Sulky Plow manufactur­ ed; will guarantee it to be as well made, and warrant it to be ns Light a Draft Plow as can be found on thg, tnrfrket to-day, sale bv R. BISHOP, •MHtfNOO. Beautiful waath#! How long will ft las Lou Peak, of Coral, while returning from Hampshire in company with Ed Axtell, both of whom were said to be "boozy," froze thr«« of his fingers so that amputation was made necessary. The story is that the parties, full of Hampshire's poor whisky, had got out a little way from town when a runaway and smashup took place. Ed volun­ teered to go back to Hampshire and get another team to take Peak home, but among other tricks peculiar to men in such a semi-abnormal condition, he didu't turn up. Stone U being hauled for a building on Mrs. ThayeVs lot, ju^t south of Ab- bott's furniture store, Ard aito on the vacant lot west of Alfred Cady's. The Double Store, under the Opera house, is nearly completed and will be occupied by II. E. & F. A. Patrii k for a dry goods and clothing establishment. Success to 'em." The old firm of R. M. A F. W. Patrick & Co. has dissolved, H. E, A F. A. Pat­ rick withdrawing and going Into the new store as above stated, while F. W. & Ellas Patrick remain at the old stand but will not run dry goods and clothing as heretofore. There ia strength in uiiioo. Babylon fa fallen. Wiio will be our Supervisor* Col. Z. E. Goodrich, who has proven an able man in this capacity, has moved out of town, otherwise the people wonldiiot look far for a Supervisor. What a novel idea, Johnny, and how quiet you work It; but, dear-a-me. It will never do. The people all know that Alec isn't big enough to fill Uncle Zebulon's clothes. Why don*t£you build your hopes ou a surer foundation* Pat­ terson Pt ingle ia a better man. Vive la Pringle! Whoop la Pringle! Henry Sanders Is going to oceupy the new part of Vail Jfc Otis* store for a harness shop. The building "boom" crowded him out of his old stand. Dell Crego Is now eur telegraph oper­ ator at tills place. He has grown up among us, and richly deserves the posi­ tion. Nash, the former operator, has a position at Rockford. Some eight or ten young people were baptized by Re*. J. K. Wheeler at the Baptist church last Sunday evening. What was the incentivef Was It really a change of heartt Let u§ hope it waa. The air is filled* witli rumors that wedding bells will coon ring out wild and free, aud from all corners. Let 'em ring. Our quill ii ready, rain or *hine> There's going to be musie, 'Tli a pity, and pity 'tis.'tis true. Richmond Department. CONTRIIirTBP BY *. P. RSNKKTT. Mrs. Geo. Osmond Is on the Kick list. Dr. S. P. Brown, of Elgin, visited In Richmond last Friday. Mr. Clark, a Woodstock penman started a writing school In the high school building Monday night. Remember the Rev. H< R. Palmer's donation at the Baptist cliurek this (Wednesday, Feb. 28) evening. Only 84 pupils are enrolled 1 n our public school, with an average daily attendance of 7tt, Ray Mead is doing finely. The large cavity left iu Ills foot after the re­ moval of the bone* Is healing kindly and rapidly. Mrs. C. G. Cotting slipped on the Ice Saturday end was qnlteseverely bruised On one si4e of her head and face. It Was fortnnate no bones were broken. KEYSTONE. EDITOR PLAINIIKAI.HR:--Mv. George Mason, of Erie, II]., au old Keystone boy Is visiting hil parents here. Mrs Miggie Stewart has returned from visiting heraoq Clark, la Rock ford. M!sa Laura Mason has closed her school at the stoAe school house after, a successful session of fonr months. Mrs. Lyman Bacou is suftering from the.eflecu of a severe cold ou her luugs. Jonathan Scrugglus reports a hard tiro* Wednesday night and swears he will never cross the Nippising again, if it is possible to reach Eaat Greeu' wood in any oilier way. A little child of George Stewart's died Monday morning of inflammation of the lungs. Funeral was held Wednesday at tea o'clock ia the school house. No school Wednesday on aocount of the funeral. Mr. J. N. Mason, on Wednesday pre­ sented his two youngest daughters with a flue, new Kimball organ. Now for some aiusic. Mr. Frank Mason has returned home from Hcbroa, where be has been at­ tending school during the preseat winter. Hank got a little un*asy about his calves he shipped last week but aoW he says everything is "all right." Owing to the storm last Thursday evening, not as many were present at the party at Fred Trvon'e as were ex­ pected. Nevertheless a very pleasant evening was spent by those present who "tripped the light fantastic" till the wee sma' hours. Next week is onr last week of school. To finish up their term's work, the students will give a grand exhibition in Mason's cheese factory in the ever.- ing. The programme consists of dia­ logues, declamations, songs an! music by Prof. Mason's Orelies'ra. Lovers of the beautiful were graH fled on Sunday morning by a magnifi­ cent display of Ice crystals, the result of the sleet storm of Saturday. Daniel Dennison has bought the resi­ dence property of Dr. Ward, formerly owned by Dr. Bennett, ef Elglu, and vill become a resident of Richmond. John Stone lias bought a lot of Geo. Purdy, in tlie west part of town, and is hauling stone for foundations, prepara­ tory to putting up a fine residence as soon as the weather will permit. Major Sam no I J. Hall, otherwise known as "Buckskin Sam," was adver­ tised to lecture at the M. E. church last Saturday evening, but the audience was so small that he concluded to defer the aflair to another occasion. The proprietors of the I^jchmond Flouring Mills have determined to In the requisite machinery for produc Ing that superb grade of flour manu factured with rollers. The change will be made as aoou as practicable. The Marengo Republican reports the milk dividends of two cheese factories viz.: Sharon aud Shattuck's Grove, at •1.87 and tl.78< respectively, for Decern ber. Wonder if the factories about here made as good a showing. Spencer Cotting h is been appointed, administrator'of the estate of C. G- Cottlng, deceased, and will appear be fore the county court Iu Woodstock ou the third Monday in April for the pur­ pose of adjusting claims against the estate, if aay there be. The ladies of the M. E. chnrcb. attd others Interested are very busy iu their preparations for the church fair to be liehl at a date not yet definitely fixed. We have seen souie beautiful faucy work which will be disposed of at the fair. Plow Trial. A Plow Trial took place on the farm ef Jos. Sellaefler. just south of tills vil­ lage, on Saturday afternoon.September 17th. 1.S82. which was witnessed by quite a number of farmers. The trial was between the Hapgood Sulky Plow, and Moline Clipper walking Plow, and the result was simply being proven that the Sulky Plow would cut a furrow sixteen Inches wide and carry a driver with eighty pounds lighter diaft than the Walking Plow, cutting only fourteen Inches. Below Is the report of the committee: MCHENRY, III., Sept. ]7th, 1882. We the undersigned, having been chosen a committee by the farmers present, te test the draft and work of tlie Hapgood Sulky Plow, as compared with a Mollr.e Clipper Walking Plow, report as fellows: The Hapgood Sulky is very easy to throw out of the ground in turning; lays out and finishes a land perfectly; can be adjusted to any depth er leveled while the team is in motion. Does ex­ cellent work, and is lighter on the tearti than the Walking Plow. The follow­ ing is the result ot a careful test with a Fairbanks Dynamometer: HA^AOOD SULKT PLOW.--Width of Cut 10 inches. Depth of Furrow inches, Draft 342 pounds. WAI.KINO PLOW.--Width of cut 14 inches. Depth of Furrow 6} inches. Av9iage Draft 422$ pounds. Jittttl. PlfeWS good erder. /II 4 E. TOWBR, Jacob s>-roRB, r, '-*• ' "F V • " V -8. MCROXALP. *"2K2Thitikg, J. YANSI.TKK, Committee. Le*t week severs! ceurhMllug to have a "little fun," rather exceeded the limits of moderation In their potations and became noisy, the amusement ending In a promiscuous fight. Tlie president of the village board and the police constable were ou baud a couple ot time* aud gave the boys good advice, but arrested nobody till next morning, when complaint was made against two of the party, with another as tlie witness for the corpora, tion. At the tiuie appointed for the trial it was found that the complaining wituesa bad skipped for Wisoonsin. which of course left no other course for the magistrate but to discharge the prisoners. The authorities then went IO Woodstock for legal advise and had the parties re-arrested and taken before a justice ef the peace in that placea Gilmore was counsel for the corporation aud Smith for the defendants. Smith at once discovered that the indictments were defective, aud ou that ground his clients were discharged. And thus ended another "corporation farce.** FOR SALR O* Rtirr. Two houses in the village o Rlngwood. one house with ten moms' the oilier with 8 rooms. A good well and barn »a each. "Ingweod has a good school, making It a destrabh- place of residence. On the premises is a shop aud a good opeuiag in the vil­ lage for a shoemaker, blacksmith, or any mechanic. For further par­ ticulars iuquire ot WBSLST LADO. i . Binfwood, III. Cafl Mud tfxamfne tta Richmond Champion Force Feed Seeder at R. Bishop's. TAXES! TAXES! On and after Jan. 15th, 1883, IMBS* derslgncd will be ready for the collec tion of Taxes for the town of McHenry aud will be at tlie fallowing' places a't tlie time named. Mondays--«At the store of Lye A Adams. In tlie village of Johnsburg*. Tuesdays--At the store of B. K. Duer*, in the village of Ringwood. Wednesday--At tlio store of Perry A Martiu, in the village of McHenry, Saturdays--At tiie store ot 6. V. Ste^aus, in the village of McHenry. JAMKS LADD, Oolleeter. „ -- -Horses for Sale. Good road and cheap farm Horses kept for sale, from Chicago. Price from #35 to f 100. At M. Cook's, 2 miles north of Wauconda, on the McHenry roadi Tlie Richmond Chaaipida Drill for •aK by R. Bishop. 50 pound wool Mattress for $4.75 at J. B. Blake's, \ Large veneered Panel 92.90 at J. B. Blake's. Bedstead for A winter Overcoat at summer prices Good line at Perry ft Owen's. Lumber Wagons, Milk Wagom, Plat­ form Spring Buggies f«r sale at R. Bishop's warehouse. Cull and examine thoso Black Wal­ nut Extension Tables at fl.00 per foot at J. B. Blaks's. 31 per cent, off for oash. The famous Plow, tiie Gesley Sulky. Don'i fall to call and examine It before purchasing. For sale by R. Bishop. HOUSE AND LOT'FOR S ALE. Situated In the village of McHenry, which will be sold cheap. Apply to GEO. w. CLARK. MoHenry. 111., Febrntry tth, 1SS. Tiie Rockford Sulky Plow for sale at R. Bishop's. A tour drawer, black-walnut bureau for 17.50, at J. B. BUke's. Ureat bargains Iu Cane Seat Chllrt. 9 Chairs for 94.7b at J. B. Blake's. Drags, Drags, Drags, a lot ou hand, steel tooth, and must sell. For sale by R. Bishop. Call at E. M. Owen A Son's and see the celebrated Hapgootf Sulky Plow that is warranted to mo lighter than a Walking Piow. A full line of choice groceries always to be obtained at HENRY COLBY'S. Please retaemoer eur prieea are al- W MH few HS tin Ivtini. iiij stand ready at all times u» wool oay aud all competition. HRMRY COLBY. Everything in farming Implements from a> Swlil Cart to a McCormlck Twine Binder, can be fouud at the warehouse of it. Bishop. For first-class insurance against Are and Ligiituiug, wind steruts, cyclones, tornadoes, etc., etc., apply to Asa W. $<nitii, Woodstock, 111, The "Aurora" Road Cart, the easiest thing out on man aud horse, at B. M. Oweu A Son's. Oo to Mrs. How^tB» iMP!nery $m4 Dressmaking. Fishing Tackle of all ktads at M. Engeln's, ID IJowe's Block* Mar tbo ? new Bridge. ,f. Buckeye Force- Puutpe* sa £. !!>«* Oweu's* _ ,, ; *lw»jn K«rr«<hiB(. A deliefous odor ia tfepaffetfif Florestofl Cologne, which Is always re« 1 freshing, ao mutter bow ireely ns»d* The flnett line of Stiver and Platedt Were to be foand in the coanty, at O. : ff. Oweu's. . SOCIETY MM. On aocoent of Its remarkably, del- lcafe and lasting fragrance, society belles are loud fn their praises of FlorestOU Cologne. FOH SALE, 40 Acres of land In SecffoA ft alt i fenced. Also 80 acres of land, with m good house autf barn thereon,'with timber and Water In abundance, in Sec­ tion 22. Also my homestead on the ^rjratal ? Lake aud NHilda road. Good! near bouse* barn and other outbalMlngs^ Apply to JOUR FLVSKY. Case, Ftffst A Bradley. Moline, Rap* good and other Sulky plows fat ft. M« Owen A Son's. CARRIAGES)! CARRIAGES! OAR* KIAGKS1 Any one In want of a Carriage, Buggy or Wagon, should not fail to call on E.M.Owen A Son and see tltn large car-load just received. The finest finished lot ever come to MM county aud will sell them cheap. Our stock of drugs, chemicals and patent medicines was never more complete. Goods reliable and prices right. HKXRYCOLB*. CARRIAGES. Have on hand a few first-elass ear* iMv'h we will sell at cost to close. • a .,R, E. M. OWKK A Suffer HEBRON EDITOK PLAIN DKALKR:-- H. W. Mead's cheete factory dividend for the month ef November was gl.45. Miss Nittle Ehle returned hoipS from Elgin last week, where she has been spending the winter. Mise Delia Merry wat present at the entertainment Thursday night, and visited the public school Friday after* neon. The winter term ef scheol closes In twe weeks and II. C. Faber will go to his home in Mendota to spend the va­ cation and will return to teach the spring term. The Ice has been spleuded for the past week, and tlie boys could be seen every night with their skates, girl and hand-sled wending their way towards the southeastern part of town, where the "skating rink" Is situated. P. H. Woolfrom and S. J. Andrews have gone to Chicago to spend a few days, Maiiy of tlie good people of Hebron have been on the sick list for the last twe weeks. Some have fully recovered and others are convalescent. The entertainment given by the 8ens of Temperance for the beneflt of Geo* Thomas, was a success. The house was packed from "pit to dome." The' net proceeds were *31, The exorcises were just what could be expected from the young people of Hebron, no praise Is needed; all we can say is go aud hear tlieiu and judge for vourselves. rnmum, mm i "Notice To the farmers of McHenry and Lake Counties: Those that would like to sow mixed grain che turning spring, and are prevented from doing so by the expense and trouble of separating oats frem wheat, or oats from barley, would say 1 am ageut for a mill or separator, and have one at my place.3 miles north of west of McHenry Maiiou that will separate the above named grains at once rutining through fit for grinding or for market. It also cleans i'iniotliv aud clover seed thoroughly, i'leoke call and sec it, aud M e it work. AMPRBW THOMAS, Agent. The late improvement on the La Dow Pulveriser fakes the cake. Call and see it at R. Bishop's. Attantloa, Dalrymeo. Beau A Perry's Natural June Butter (Tolor baa no equal. It is guaranteed to Jive perfect satisfaction. For sale by 'ilzsimmotw * Evansau,McHenry, 111 Madam Metioe Corsetto. The best on the market at Mayes A Bartlett's The Gesley steel or wood beans walk­ ing Plow on hand and for sale by R. Bishop. . Odor Cases, a very fine article, at Besley's. Parma For Sato. ^ Apply to Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, Carriages sold low at E. If, Owen A Son's. Hhoes. y Our stock of Foster's celebrated Beloit Shoes is complete. For f style and durability they enmot i be excelled. Ask to see then, BKMRY COLBY. | Gossamer circular* and coata for ladies and gentlemen, and a tull line of rubber goods always 1 to be at ' - * LAMPS. LAMPS. Office Lamps, Parlor Lamm, Hang** | Lamps, Bracket Lamps, and the cei«- - bra ted Oscar Wilde Lamp, at Beatey'a Drug Store. « Bennett does not let any Oietores «• i out of Ms rooms that are no! «atbfss> tory. a HOW %• IMNSH tfceVMee^rauSee. Use Bean A Perry's Nataral June % Butter Color. Sample Bottle ffree at I Fitxaimmoua A Evanson's, McHenry, : 111* •+£ Here Wj Are Again. Below you wlll ftnd the names of tlM faamaaa tkoft a --^ James Barnstable, Bernard Hsrrittu. N icliolas Fremiti, Clias. Parks, Augustus Townsend, Geo. Parks, Curtis Harvey, Jake Snyder. Wm. Wood. Freeman Waiting A. G. Fauver (2), R R. Deolittle. Ask them what they think of them. 1 Remember it ia the only sulky plow in ado that is warranted to run lighter '4 than anv 14 Inch walking plow. We will make any man • present ef the Sulky, if it falls to fill our warrantee. 1 If In want of a Sulky Plow, dou't fall S to call on us, as we are sure to suit • you. Sold only by E. M. Oweu 41 Sou. | The Corallne Corset can :;i found at Perry & OweuV * Big Giant Feed Mills. Will grind Ceb and all, or Shelled % Corn and Oats mixed. Warranted to » do as good werk as aiiy mill for a siml- lar purpose, and to grind as fine and I fast for kind of grinding receminended as any other mill ef same size and '£ price. For sale by S. & J. Sherman, living 2 miles West of MuHenry ou the 4 Woodstock road. McHenry, Jaa )SUi, ISSS. WANTED:--A fair-sized hsMehcni condition, lor which a liberal rent wIN I be paid. L.J. DIXSMOBS. ONLY no. 1 For a New York Binder, equal to any Singer in the market. Ttiie is the » same style other companies retail for I $50. All machines warranted f-ir t * years. O. W. OWKK. Remember you can And the C. M. Henderson Boots and Shoes, every pair Warranted, at Perry A Owen's. The Skinner steel or wood beam wnlklng Plow has proved Itself to be the farmers friend. For sale by R. Bishop. A complete line of fresh and season­ able family Groceries, Canned Goods, etc., can be found at Perry & Owen's. New Furniture Store, And Undertaking Rooms just opened by Justin Brothers, near the Depot, McHenty. We have on hand, and are now ready to show you a full line of First-class Furniture at low pi Ices. Our fteck of Coffins is complete and a good Hearse furnished at reasonable rates. See our stock before buying. JUSTIN BBOS. No trouble to show goods or answer questions at R. Bi?hop's. Don't You Read This. That is. don't you read this notice unless you desire to know where to find the best bargains in Woolen Geods^Clothing and Underwear of all kinds, for Butler A Warner. Nnnda, without fear of successful contradiction claims the much controverted honor of giving al thoae who trade with them tar better bsrgains than they can possibly get elsewhere. Call and see tlieiu. The Richmond Champion Drill and Broad Cast Seeder is tlie great source of attraction at tiie ararehouse of R. Bishop. Come and look It over and be­ come convinced. Fancy Ink Wells, cheap, al doo. Iff, Basis y's. We are offering great Bargains In Clothing.- (/'all and examine Goods and learn psioes. Butler A Warslr Musda. City residences for sale. Apply Asa to. Smith, Woodstock. 111. Woolen Goods at your own At Butler A Warner's. price. It will pay you to call and examine M»o«# Bureau Waahstands for $3 25. at J. B. Blake's. -'Fran # y>rr !«*aral Jaa* Hater Cetor The strongest Color on tlie market, only requires one-half tlie amount of oilier Colors. For i>ale by Fiistlmmous A Evsusou, McHenry, 111. E. W. 1 Wauoende, IIU : T ) -. -- **->- * Failey Groceries, • CSIM«B 8s*4sl.«'w<«' •"t s Ghoiee Confectionery mtTiam. rnrvAmm cvruutT, (Mass. tobacco, *>., tLi TEAS, My ateek ts fresh sad eemnlete ia every partlenlar, and I will Met He nn<l«r**M, %eai. iljr of Kuoda voMHlmd 1 lair ami tin " - best, aad purchasers will SIM! II aa eall and see ase before parebaatag. Quick Balsa St iUPrifl> b ssy ssetle, and tt win fee !hr«(t ee tew c:w^aaooK«. WSaeoaia, Oct 2S(ti, IMS.

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