Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Mar 1883, p. 4

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KdDAY, VAKCB 7, 1883. Kditor. l<V.V. I' h: Si si 9?> ie McHenry Bridge Salt. Tl» In which the town of Mc- SenrflMltti cc:r.ps5 the county of pojrtng for the Iron Br I life «cro»i Fox Rirnr, at the VtllagejDf McHenry. has been decided Appellate Court against the f(ibe decision in full being; pub- ln Ihef-e coJumiiH last week.) but tUt* by no mean* decides the question at Issue Anally. This Is th« third suit of this nature that has been before the Appellate Court, In each case this Court lias de­ cided, as iii this case, against the towns •nd In favor of the cottr.ti*?. But the other cases have each been taken from ' MM Appellate Court to the Supreme Court, and there, in both cases, the de­ cision of the Appellate Court has been reversed and the suits decided !n favor of the towns. There are no- well grounded fears that the result in this case will be different from the others. 1ft Is the opinion of the best lawyers that can be consulted i •* the State, that the Commissioners of Highways of the' town of McHenry have so fully follow­ ed the spirit and letter of the law in this matter, that there can be no possi­ ble chance for the county to escape from its legal liability to assist In pay­ ing its share for this bridge. It would seem that after a few more decisions by the supreme Court on the questions inrolyed in this and similar cases, the Appellate Court of the State would awake to the fact that the law seeking to compel counties to grant aid In building bridges, in certaincases^ means Just what It says. The law reads •o plainly that a school boy can easily sea its intent and meaning, but it takes an able Judge and Court to present a reasonable apology for non-complying with its fair and equitable require­ ments. While the delays and costs of litiga­ tion are vexatious and oppressive to the tax payers of the town, there can le no probable doubt but this case, like its predecessors, will be decided iby the Supreme Cenrt in favor of the •town and against the county. -yfi JSTTlie Washington Sunday Chron %>' • s -iele has the following: "United States Senator-elcct from Illinois Cullom has been In the city for a few days, a guest -of the Ebbitt. Senator Cullom was a popular Congressman for several terms ten or fifteen yerrs ago. and has since ;served six years as Governor of the great State of Illinois. If an' Eastern man is nominated for President next year. Governor Cullom would be just the man lor the other hall of the ticket iif the nomination goes West. Let it bet For President, ----; for Vice , Shelby M. Cullom. The was given an ovation in th« ..|U»iMe »• oilier uay tiy iris jHjj^sseci- p: wies thtere." i6P"One, at least, of the French socialists has reached the top round of the ladder. He makes the cheerful proposal that all men who cannot sho-v hands hard With toil shall be condemn­ ed to death, and his remarks, the tele­ graph Informs us. were received by their hearers with great applause. If Che courts would at once pronouuee this fellow an idiet or a lunatic, and the national assembly would follow such a judgment with a law prescribing the guillotine for all infectious disorders of the brain. France might take a long step forward in the process of politico- •ocial regener ttlon. g9~A Washington letter, In speak­ ing of Illinois* stalwart Senator, says: •"I^ogau Is, perhaps, the best hater in America. He is said to be more bitter in his personal antagonisms than any man who ever came to Congress, and there is that in his nature which seems to indicate that he cherishes a ma­ licious spirit as the noblest gift of God. Aud yet there is no man iu Washing­ ton who is happier in his domestic re­ lations. 1 have heard it said repeat­ edly that mnch of the success whicli he has attained iu life is due to the noble •Sorts of iiis wife, than whuiu a more cultivated and accomplished lady never breathed the pure air of heaven.'* JWStTBSCRIPftOIfS for the PUti$&U«:R will be receive<t in Wauconda at p, ft B»r. ison's Drug Stow aria by John Golding J Mr. Thomas Grantham, who had been very sick in Chicago, was brought home. He bore the journey well, and seems to be improving slowly. " John Goldlngs eyes have troubled him so much lately that he was obliged to leave the postofflce entirely lor a lew days, but they are better now, and probably he will be about as usual soon. A very sad affair occurred on Friday night, the 23d. 'Mr. Giles Fisher, a man apparently about thirty-five years ot age, has made his home in Wauconda, principally, ror the last two or three years. He had been sick at the Pratt Knii^e for some dara, and was taking medicine from Dr. McChesney, contain­ ing opium, He seemed to be doing nicely; in fact the Doctor had dis­ charged him Friday noon. A friend calling at his* room Friday evening found him in a dangerously deep sleep and immediately summoned Dr, Mc­ Chesney. He was roused sufficiently to he dressed, and to walk down stairs And about the streets for a short time, but he soon becam* utterly unconscious. He was taken to Dr. Wells' office, and the two doctors and numerous assist-, ants used every means in their power to restore him. but without success though he lived until about 10 o'clock Saturday evening. An examination of the medicine box showed that he had taken au amount greatly In excess of the doctor's instructions. The Coroner, Dr. Knight, of Liber- tyville, caine over Monday night and an inquest was held Tuesday morning The verdict of the Jury was; "We the Jury And, after hearing all the evidence in the Inquest in the case of Giles M. Fisher, that lie cami to his death by procuring and taking an overdove of medicine by his own hands, while in a deranged state ot mind-." Mr. Fisher's relatives, in Michigan, telegraphed to have the body brought home, and It was taken to S"«les, Michigan, in the care of K. <\ Hill. Poor Fisher's body had not left town before a c wd of sporting characters from McHenry, Yolo and Wa.iconda, assembled to witness a liors» race on the Lake, between a horse owned by C. T. Eldredge, of McHenry. and one owned by Fayette Huson, of Volo.-- As usual, the race was so managed as to take up the whole afternoon, and as usual opportunities were abundant fer the spiritually inclined to get glorious­ ly drunk. We understand that one of the McHenry delegation had been hav­ ing words wi^i a quiet, inoffensive eiti- sen of Wauconda at intervals all the afternoon, and about six o'clock knock­ ed him down. Our citizen proceeded to defend himself with a jack knife, and in his excitement very dangerous­ ly wounded his assailant. The latter was taken to Dr. McChcsnev's office, where Drs. McChesney and Wells pro- ceeded to sew up and dress his wounds ap that he was able to be taken to the I J^aillnnra of llln mrhn If CO a uot far from the village. He will probably rccover, but be obliged to keep quiet for some time. Fred Taggart and Emerson Cofltk are home again. W. H. Ferd Is living with his fatlrvr until his new house, or rather tiie addi- tlon to liis father's house, is built. Jame Halpin has returned to work out his time at A. C. Bangs'. O. L. Pratt has sold out to Henry and John Golding. They take posses­ sion immediately. Mrs. Jacob Brewster died Wednes­ day, after a brief illness# J. F. Roney has gone 0 Nebraska to buy cattle. M. Cook has just brought iii %®t of horses to sell to the farmers. 1 A petition to the Legislature, urging the adoption of the $500 License Bill, is being circulated and already has re­ ceived quite a list of signatures. A Donation for Elder Brooks is ap­ pointed at Maiman'g Hall for Wednes­ day evening, March 14th. Mr. Permet, of Minneapolis, but about thirty years ago a merchant in Wauconda. is visiting at his sisters, Mrs. Colgrover. & BARTLETT mm:'W , -dealer --DEALERS in-- Good* I#1 '* J'J! ' *%>•• v **&&• I®?' '1%. '".V".. * V Iff (MMBk EDITOR PLAIXDEALBR.---Dr. Hart Is improving. Levis McCaanon lias rented J. J. Parker's farm and will move there soon. Our Public School closed last week Wednesday, after a successful term. Job Tales Is around again after sev­ eral days conflnment, with the Erysip­ elas, although he is not yet well. A. Weeterman has eo!d his farm to H. Menser, 110 acres for $6,000. The donation for Rev. D. D. Odell at John Charles* was a success socially and tinancially to the amount of tl00« C. R. Fink paid hi« patrons their first dividend. December netted fl.60 per hundred. Orie Howe has bought a half Interest In the Greenwood cheese factory 4>f C. R. Fink. Orio is a young man of sterling worth and is bound to succeed in anything he undertakes, and with Fink, who has a reputation second to none In these parts, as a cheese maker, the outlook for the Greenwood cheese factory is promising, and farmers who take their milk there can rest assured that they will get every peniiyUiair m i l k i s w o r t h . . ' • r As we've tried .with all ottr might, Nor done our very best, . " & yr- We consequently don't propose, ' ' To let the peanut question resC > 3* For Hebron's brilliant poetess. With her womanS wit .MI4 cas Thought by a r«sort to poetry. '-'A would surely have the last," • - •>, Although the end has not vet come, It is very near the brink', .> o Though ive'll not starve the printejr yet%5 To save the printers ink, ,v-- ;. * .'-I."'-" • . Before the chillengcwe accept, , " I have a word to say. ' ^ «<•<?; That there may be iio'foolinff, Just call it the- lirst ot May. The reason I name no late a day, You'll v«rv plainly see, t That you have time to get the peanats If shipped via the K. 1). ~ > f On choice of weapon* we agree, ' 1 ; But not at hair-past ten A. II.; ' i* Onfehoiee'of time would be, t'h Say half-jiast eight P. M. f Second* we will not need,; !K.*r~. ' Hut we'll have hours ilist^ftd, And as to the number, It had belter not be said.*"* ~r ~ As dueling is against the law, ^ And we must the law obfey. The public will soon be inquiring;. • • - • Who is having ali this say? 4 ,^ As we're not Mace, Slade, or Nor any ot that kit, Before we get the printer mad, • We think it time to quit* ' • If at Greenwoocl vou shmiM call, At Soger's vou'll llnd tliinys usefnl. And nice bright ,>eanuts freshly baked, By the pint, peck, or bushel.* d MADE CLOTIII> O, t Ceitterville, McHenry. McHENRt, ILt., January 1883. Sales Stock, l< ing Tools and (jood of all Kinds i'rompily Vtteiiiiod 'XH.UU Ueaaouuulc A. SHERVVOOD, Algonquin, MARRIED. BAT.DWIV-BORDKX.--At the liouse of Mrs. C. JE. Khodes. in l.ake, by llev. D. D.Odell. MR U. 11. BALDWIN, of Pveeu- wood, i l l . , MID Miss NKTTIK C. Boifi>EN,ol Crystal Lake, III. IIOFFMA"--PECK--At the residence of tho officiating clergyman, Itev. L. J. Dinsmore,; February 2Jd, ISAI, MB MA«K HOFFMAN, of Spring Grove, and Miss NELLIE PECK, of N unda. FITCH--Dir.T.DV-- At the M. E. parson, age, in this village, Feb. 3Sth, by the Itev. J. C. Bi^eioiv, HAY V. FITCII and Miss KEZIAII A DILLON. ^ TOXIEIt-TIIOMP^ON -- At ^he same time and pl:ice, by the same. CIIAS. F. TOsiERand MJSS KBTKI.LE J. THOMPSON. * - fQTAn Exchange hits tiie nail square­ ly on the head in discussing tho poly­ gamy question. It says: "Since auy legislation looking to the supression of polygamy must, to be effective, be tacked by the power of the United ^ates, the logic of forcc might just at> well be applied first as last. ' Legisla­ tion upon the subject will only be tem­ porizing. Either the Mormons have right to practica polygamy, or they have not. If they iiave the right under any construction of the Constitu "lion, let the fact be proclaimed. If they have not the right, the practice ihpuld be 8top|>ed by forcible means; fl0TOne o( the most cold blooded Murders it has been our province to noord for many a day occuredat Elgin on Saturday night last, Ge»rge Pan t«en, a drunken, miserable wretch thooting aud instantly killing one Wm. Smith, a steady, industrious and hard- Working young man. The murderer Is now iu cuftody.aud tiie hsinouiMietsoi' his crime would warrant the lynching Of the cold blooded scoundrel, without /bdge or Jury. Tho murdered ui»n Was nnmarried and leaves a slater as Msouly surviving relative in Elgin. > JNFQoyeriior Hamilton has appoint­ ed W. N. Braiuard, of Evans on, E»l- L Ward C. Lewis, or LaSalle County, and *' CBiarles T. Stratton. ot Jefferson Conn lijr. Railroad and Warehou«e Sloners. The latter was the defeated Republican candidate for State hupei- tntendent of Public Instruct on at tiie lost election. ATTENTION ! ECONOMY IS WEALTH. You can save money by giving your ortla*#*. "r. W. ME4S, READY I0R BUSINESS! •Mm. :M. HOWE [fcuccKsaon TO O.C/CO Tf-ivin" purchased'tho stork of liar of O. It. Coliiy, in the ston- opposite Blsh Mill.) jl uin now prepare t to offer to tin, uay- u.jf public anything in the lino of 3ABDWABE, IEIWAEE, ^ Stoves, SLCm At priees to salt the times. . v. < W»latop find a iar?re assortment of Calif,p_- irig' tfienuils. Milk l*ans, Milk Paits, Mifk Cans, and anythuj^Ojthat Uiie al pricu<i»» Law iW the • ioweft*. RICHMOND, ILLINOIS, -FCU- W*Gov. Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia, died on Saturday night, aged 71 years. He has been an invalid for some time, aud his death was net iin- expected. A special election to till the vacant Gubernatorial chair will- jb* held April 24th. * Wagons, Carriages of all description*, Be- pairing. Painting," Jnneral Black. ! smithing, &c., Ac., &c. . Repairing of plows and all other filrm im­ plements is {riven particular attention. In my manufactures I use only the beet materi­ al, and, keeping the very best workmen in all departments, I am enable I to guarantee and warrant all work that, >?ocs from my shop as first class in-every particular. 3PECIAL GUARANTEE.OX WAGONS. , All farm wasrons manufactured at my shop are warranted for TIIUKU YEARS. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. I sell everv agricultural implement, includ­ ing, especially, Norwegian Walking and Hid­ ing Plow, N. Thompson and (ieslev Bros'. Plows and Cultivators, t\ H. Manny Seeders and 2orn C Uivators, the Norwegian Spring Tooth feeders, the I'lano Hai vecter and Twine liinficr, the Warrior and Hopkine' Mower, and all other lirst «*las8 machines. Warranted first class or no sale. Bl.ACKSMITIIINii of-every kin«i attended to prompilj and satisfaction guaranteed FIN B PAINTINCi r A SPECIALTY. I have engaged ,f. STII.LWELL, the bans painter of the Northwest, for one vear, jr longer, to t;ike charge of my paint shop, which is a surtic.ient guar mtee thai ail work of that kind will be don * in the best'and most artistic «tyle. It should not be forgotten that I employ J. Repast, wood workman of twenty years ex­ perience, and IJ. Howe, carrltjfe blacksmith, both iir-surprised as ariizan^ in their line. Finally, come ami see me and I wi'l guar­ antee satiifici ion :n to prices and quality vt work to al I interested. '. F. W. MEAD, l^rCon^reps adjourned nine die at noon on Sunday. Tho Tariff hill passed and was signed by the President. The river and harbor bill failed to pass. 19*A prominent Democrat recently said that "fifteen year* ago the Dem ocratic party took out a patent for he ing fools, and now they are at Wash­ ington trying to get a reisaue." This wag »aid hire fere nee to the course of the Democratic members of on the tariff*question. Congress Four The Spring Trade. GOOD GOODS, LOW PRICES. A full stock of hand. BARB WIRE always on JOSBINC AND REPAIRING, Promptly Attended to. ®S"t>on't bny any­ thing in the Hardware I,ine until you haye examined, my stock and learned prices. E. M. It i, WE. McHenry, Vebrfiary 87. 1363. JADQUAHTERS WE SAVE A FEW GOODS WE WOULD LIKlG, o SSixow ifoui Unbl'd Table Cloth, H'fKl'd " Red Border, Bleached, Red fast colors, 25c. to 3!>c. per yanUw < 24 -. to 3!(c. 89c., 5:1c., and fi7c 57c., V2c. and Sin-.. <f8c., -Be-., aud 8-Zc. Napkins. 35C,WJ .,<1.10 aud,$1.25 Also our line of Dress GoodsJ Atpe, 10c, 13c, 15c. 17c. SOc anil 25c per vard. A nice line of COI.OKRI> CASHMISBKs at 5 9 e a n d < J 3 o p e r y a r d . A t l i i e ; l i u e o f , f t . NUN'S CLOTHS,; 54 Inches wid». at f 1.57 per yard. A finel line OF (jlll'.TON N1*.^ ILL 14C, i'lc, 25C,, a lid PER vard. A goixi Hue of OORaKTTS af 48c.,? 69c, 79c, i)8cl ijl.-.'o and <1.88. " " • -\ .In addition w« have n luiT Tine 'b&iioo&ti ustutlly kept by ns at very low prices. Call and sec us, w<• csm show Vrtir sonio o-fMir] <roods mow prices" ' •'^ HEkftr JiOOEK& VOLO, III.. Feb. 28,1S83.' 1 RIVERSIDE BLOCK. McHENRY, ., T°!ir ̂ tten tlon if invito to otJf iftajsNitlficftiif new line geaS6^ , „ able and eloorant styles for pprinjr requirements. Every department1 " is very complete and prices:uniformiy low. % 4 McHenry, Illinois, Maroh i, lL : - aaf.. »S- : •••'*' W" f-J it**" *•[' • -» '"tiff**- " LEADS TIIE Estey. m en l other tiie < nn t» which cam ot bo used iiv anv other maker, They nave entirely «verr.„,u- the <tifllrulty uf reeiis los n then- <|iiality and lulling witli| Use, and have produvea ukrteU wb.cli uos.>e««e* a lile like a..u musical • r 0HaUt*,«t T.Q|^k f In no Otber Qraan VI i REST lO^Somewhat slow: A df* two »jfo a pas^cueer on a milk train that had been detained Home time on a siding approached the comluetor and accosted him. "Waiting for a black­ smith. conductor?*' lie asked, in a C<MI- fldental whisper. "No," growl-d the fimcrionarj';"wh*f. do we want of a blacksmith?" "I don't know." replied the passenger with a nigh. "I thought perhapn this cow had cast a shoe!" I M Notice To the farmers of Mcllenry and Lake Ceuntles: Those that would like t« sow mixed grain (lie coming spring, and are prevented from doing «o hy the expense and trmihle of Eeparutfug oats from wheat, or «>ats from hurley, would say I am agent for a mill or separator, and have one my place,3 miles north of west of Mcllenry M-.ition that, will separate the aho\-e named grains at once minting tliroiigh lit for grinding or for market. It also cleans Timothy and clover seed thoroughly. Please call and see it, and sre it work. THOMAS, AGAI^: • JOHN8BURGH, ILL. Is again on hand with a full line of Goods for the xprinjc and Summer trade, to which tie invites the attention of the buylus public. His stock consists in part of Agricultural MasMnery, A. P.1 Gray's "" ' '>vn> w--- ,- . Richmond » . I sell every lmolemnnt, T«>ol or Machine a farmer wants. I'I.ATPOUM SPltINU, DE- LIV.'iltY AND KABM WAGONS. TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, One, twoan<1 throe seated., at lower prices tliaivnny «ttier concern northwest of Chicago. In the Affrlculi ural Department I have the Moline, Davunpori, and the John Deere I'lows noihSuikvand WalkiniJ. The Kevstone and iiii-tunoiiit'i Champion Planters. Tho Hieh- niond Broadcast :uiil Snperipr ^eedtrs. Mar­ rows of all kinds at lower prices than ever before. Oorii'Outtiva'om of all kinds, Mow­ ers, Reapers ai.d Twine Hinders.- In short •invthintrn man wants in the farm Machinery line, KItO.M A O.KV'IS TO A STEAM EN- #INE. |Blao)c8iiiithiii|i;» Painting* and Repairing Dono in a workmanlike manner and war­ ranted. C: aud see. me before pujcb&bing, as I am sure I can save yon money . 'Z J'ZZZ. A' • Slchmend, Mar3h4th, 188,1. not, life Is sweepln* #o dare lie fore you die; some­ thing niiuhty and sublime, leave behind to eoni(iier tijne." #(!(! a week in your own town. i>5 outlU ficn Xo risk Evervthing new. UipilMl not required. \Ve will 'furnish vou evcrythiux. -Many are making fortunes. Ladies make as much as men. and boys ana girls make great pay. Reader, il you want business at which you can make great pav all the time, wri*e for pirticulars to 11. llAI.- J.KTT & CO., l'ortlaud, Maine. BO YOU WANT - . TO BUYT« Sewing Machine? fmV77" GROCERIES,,' IfMsas, Ssota aad 'Slses," TINWARE, &c.,&c. And in short everything usually Itoptlna First Class General .Store. The Highest Market Price IN CA«H Ofi TIt\DK FOR BUTTER AND EGGS "" • Call and see me. Clias. KuhnerU Jobntburgh, March 5th, I8s|.r OYSTERS! OYSTERS! E. W. MR OOKS, Wauconda III.* dealer in Gro­ ceries. Canned Goods, Confectionery, •^igars. Tobacco, Notions &c. Also ilciuhpiarters for Piatt & Co.'s cclehra ted Baltimore Oysters. 1 ain now pre­ pared to furnish Kresh Oysters hy the Can or l*ish. at al! hours of th« day or evening. My Refreshment Parlors are cosily fitted up.weil warined^and light­ ed. and no paiiis wilPhe spared to please all who call. I aleo make a specialty of all kinds of Can Goods, and keep a flue line of Confectionery. Give me a call. E. W. 15ROO K I have on hand and am selling at the Low­ est pricos, the Do nestic, Vildredge, New Home, Snriivtrteld, New American, and Singer Sewiug Machines, and w>ll not be undersold by any agent m the county. A good singer Machine for $20. warranted to do the work of any Singer Machine iu tho world. Gall and see me. O. W. OWEN. Mcllenry, Feb. 20,1S38. jLlfSl %y W. OWEN. ri--?7:_ PEAI.ER IN Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware etc. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. Situate^ in the village of Mcllenry. which will be sold cheap. Apply to • • , „ OKO. W. CLajiH. J ^^fy.Ilt.Fel>rirtryWh,»«. ' '. •s&fo Vf-.'i. "" it" f T keep in stock the celeliratod Springfield Watch, which is pronounced by all to be the best watch now on the market. Will not be Undersold, * Onany goods in my tin*. *• TT • _A - O. If. O ITJPiK McTTenry, Feb. 20, 1833. It will pay you to call and examine •*/A. - / Ifaving had nearly twenty roars experience _ *« W^eiiitig Hrni repairinff orjfMtiis, YelttRn to knows* 4 something abou t au organ, and I "sit.HIlit like give_ some a-'vice to liny one who onteiniil.itei>"£ * ^ buying tin instrument aiut would try, in thtf^ ' ' | fltst placc to advii-e you itliout the stops in nil- '• I org.tIK 1 tind in a grcni majority of rinses thai: the lirst question ji*kcd by a purchase* is: How ; many stops ban yourortpin? Now to show yoij I'.ew uiiimportaiit that if, 1 will tell you that ui: Kstey organ, with two wis of reedf-. of liv^ oc.tavot each, is saying it has 122 ree<ls, ot notue,aivt re<iuiies only seven sloits, butcaa. Use only nine at the most. Some oi the lowet* grades of orgaiu of ditlerent makes :wLvertis«» - their organs as having ten sets of reeds and, twvnty-sevcn siopi<i when, in 1'ict, they only contain 1£S reeds, or notes, and can only nsf nine Klops, legiliinaluly. I have « cin iilat • troin an eastern factory ad vertislng these or. gun-s as having ten octave* ot ree«l«, whiclfc means two sets of tlvo octaves each, or Iii,,: reeds or notes. Now I would ask any »n« why the Iweniy-seven stops are put into ai|; organ which lias but ia*i notes and- can or.Iy us«k nine, if not l>> deceive the purchaser, « rule, knows but little HIKHU an iustrunie it foe,. J lie reason that he is bu>' ing the lirst organ* "You tell a lariuer that you have a mower tli-t U;:s thirty.!.v.;: sii'Ulcs. :::;d '.VUSK !;e gael it it iii i louiiil it had but two Vickies e 6 sixteen'seetionH each, yon would say il wan intended to misrepresent the mower. :*o I say of the organs thalailvcriise twenty .seven stop* aud ten sets of reeds. IIPIS done to mislead. 1 advise any one nuylng an organ to bi.y Mi j (SStey.^ofjUratlleboro, tor sevenil reasons. First: It is the best made orgau before the p..lfc :C» consequently will l^.st. the longest. Second: It is the best tone. Third: It has the b .i;. tion--is the quickest to respond to the touch, therefore, tiie quickest uiusie lirrittvi. . layed on H. In proof of lT-~ dur bility T will, with porniissitn Estcy in use the 'tBhflrl Henry Colby, , , i»«Henrv, 111. C. V. Sievens,' *" 1m il. V. Suiitb, lie UlfcCUik, V - JDo II.-II Niflnds, ; :r ;l)o UOIVERSAIIIRT|ICMIUJSMLI ' • ; J^DO llenrv ltogers, IVQle, III. Uoliert Paddock, l)n -Stebbins-i"erd, 'WMuconrt.i, III. If you want upwards. refer to songe of ̂ the persons v b 111 e tho Win. Tiiim-titffc' l>r. Wei In, ; • Mr. Bangs," * John Haiitmti T. J. Kills, Dr. Buck, "^^auconda, ; 'lk» ' l)o * Bingwooal, III. Do Wooilstook, lll» Congregii tional, Chnceh, Do Allan v>iles,' • 1H> Mr. Newiuan, Do a cheap|..igiii> we can furnish you a Chicago made instrument Ibr •» and , O. W- OWEN. Moaenry. BlM Febrnary iOtb, ; «s:iea Aro con:<tAntly eliiinjrMijsr. Itencc tfie necessil^ suitably adjusted to meet^the new requirements, andjience thegvuluo 4Nf our , . lmeter 1 W'iy' ' ' Which vreatly increases our facilities for properly fitting- specta­ cles the first tiiul. It you already wear glasses, or need to wear them, let us prove the accuracy of the instrument, and tlieu please report the result to your neighbors. Also notice the » Mew Adjustable Biding Bern • flames, Or curved frames passing back of the ears, thus preventing the flrtnovance of their falling off when bending over. Kememljer *wo.-. carrv a full line of smri ACLLN bA t ijLAb&La, COLOliLU (iLA8SE6 ard other Oprical Grocds, as well as DKUCrb, AlUhlL., BOOKS AND STATION KKY, and that we furnish promptly unci cheaply any article you wish in these departments which we do not have iu stock; • • F- B> HARRISON. AVauconda. a waaV UlftdC bf (^6 lOflllStTiOIIS. $72 I?est business before the pnblic. capital not needcil. We wilt start you. Mti ,. women, boys and girls wante Iv ̂ pHU work for us. Now is the tirtic, ® wors in spare time or give y<•"™... the business. No other busm«ss » »»!«> >«« rly as well. No ono can tail to make enor- 18 iKiy i»v on<*e* Costlv out II. terms free Money niade fa^t. easily and Address, TRU ls< & CO.» Augusta, nea moil and lei' nonorably. Maine. nAD\T' THE ATTENTIOK of Farmers I/UU^ • is called to the Normandy Oiant White and the Manvnoth tellow Ainy tieeU Corn, the best an<l most productive varie­ ties known. \\ ill pay any Farmer per cent more than common corn. Send us vour order, and if you are not satisfied on receipt ot corn we will refund your money., by mail. 10c; 1 pound tbr^iic; I peek, b.v express, 75c; 1 bushel jrJ.iO; -2 bushels #1.50. Send for our Premium Catalogue--Corn, Potato andGarden flMds, I&ee to aik • ; ? XBOS. M. UAYBS A flp., CMjcianati, Q. E. LAWLUS, Uercjiant Tailor, KEEPS Foreign an# Domestic Cloaw, WARRANTS A FIT, ob rso SAJL£, ALSO CLOTHING, Meu's Boys' and Children's sizes, cf the best qual­ ity aud at Chicago prices. Store opposite Kiyersile House, .v ^aenrj ife Illinois f" • • h ; r - , ' • : X : fc" ' -- :r- R..- f j ' - . . . . .1 * . V- . ' ' ;1 w' "'.vV ' w-J?:-•*•••}.. ^1.-

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