Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Apr 1883, p. 4

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f r . .?y - - ••••• *4'* vox- -cty ^ * . Jt?I. • .'••.*:tVt ->. •«'W'^; \ f ' ' V - 1 ; T f m Wauconda Departmenti v&? «g .v.?* •RTPTfONR far the Pr.AmnKAT.iCR will be receiver In Wnucntda.-it K. B. Hup- noil's Drug *tor«j a n<i bv John GAljMug *OVKSDAY, APRTL 4, 1883. . VAN SLYICE. Bdttor. OTpfl Merit «»» TO o. <3. cots*] §QT Report# from tbe Election In t'K1c*ga yesterday Indicate the «ler. linn of Carter Harrison for Mayor by ftbottt t«n thousand majority. (Grift Sergeant M*«o'i to remain In prlfton f if lit years for the r;a*<>n chat those who are petitioning for his re­ lease <1& not ask for his pnrdop on proper jro:iiiil! Ttiat appears to be the position of Secretary Lincoln. Wrknt a man cannot make a speech •?. a political meeting, a banquet. or on unv other occasion without dewtlng three-fourths of hi# remark's to the abuse of tiie newspaper*, it Is very •rlilenr that he has been punished by them for something he h-is done, or thwarted In something he wanted £o ^n.--Inter Ocean. ? Truer words were never * KSrThe absorbing question In Wash­ ington politico just now Is who is to b« tfie stiecesxor to the law Postmaster General Howe. Ths President seems to be disposed to take plenty of time in making the appointment, but. the amount of gratuitous advice that he Is ItaUy receiving is truly astonishing. "The Woodstock correspondent of the Harvard Independent, lias the fol­ lowing in his letter of week before last: 1 I In tlie Sealing of two weeks ago there appeared a card from Postmaster South Worth, in which he takes occasion to thank the business men. the members of the bar, the comity officials, and the ninny hundred friends who signed a petition, and also those who would so gladlv have done so if they had had an Opportunity.etc.. etc. We are at a logs to know whether the last clause wast meant for a j«ke or not, for it there |ras a man or boy within a radius of live to eight miles that did not hare that petition shoved under Ills nose, he hasn't shown np yet. It is well known t*> the people of this cotinfy that Mr. fm, H. Cowlin, a veteran and disabled anldier. was a candidate for the same office, and Mr. Southworth evidently aspected that his card would prove a crusher to Mr. Cowlin and his friend?, by making the public (as far as em­ braced in the readers of the Sentinel) believe that he (Southworth) WHS en­ dorsed by the business men, county of- •cers, and pretty much everybody else tw creation. Bn\ as usual, '"Gardy" •••put his foot Into it."* for it proved a fknomerang in the shape of a card from IIr. Cowlin, which apj eared in the dif­ ferent county papers, showing, to the •ntlresatisfaction of every fair-minded reader, that he (Oowlin) was endorsed . l»y a majority of the county officer*. •nd tjfiat he presented an array of ••backing." not only from the tewn of y t>orr, hut from representative men " throughout MeHenry Co. and northern Illinois, almost unheard of. As every ? person in MeHenry enitnly has had. or Will have an opportunity to read Mr, Cowlin's card, wo will leave it with , t. them to judge of tlu* mutter. Why Mr. tJowlin failed to. receive the appoint- h>c..; «;I! ;.c. be m the tire satisfaction (or dis* Uisfaction) of llr. Southworth and his friends, not Only in Woodstock, but in Washington, ahouM they desire it. The particulars of another little transaction by five •'prominent citizens," which took place /during the contest, would prove mighty Interesting reading matter to the pub­ lic, while It would reveal a degree of treachery and deceit unheard of in the annals of Mcilenry county, We refer to a circular letter which was tacked to Mr. Southworth's petition, which in the light of late developments, ha* been shown to be an untruth from beginning to end. a copy ot which is in the hands of Mr. Cowlin's f riends, and may appear 'lo print some future time. MARCNOO. - SSmtob PLAINDKALKE:--WHbar t« t» occupy the Burg I u piacm for a ttewa depot, Georre Sanders will remove hi* stock of jewelry to the store lately Oc­ cupied by Mrs. Buck, first door south of P. .T. I'arkhurst's hoot and shoe store. Meivlii Drake has told his house and lot on Ann Street to Mrs, Hereley for #1,100. Mr. Drake will occupy rooms In Mrt. Clark's house. We understand that T. V. Eddy has at last- succumbed to the inevitable and taken unto himself a wife, la the person of Miss Alice A. Burns, of Wi- nona.Minii, We are glad to hear It, Tom, for yon actually began to look a little lonely, and you know the Good Book say* it is not g4>od for mail to be alone. Joy to you and youre. The caucus last Saturday was yery lively and interesting though a good deal one sided, the winning party nominating their men with a rush and whir that really aftected one's risibles. The opposition were few in number, but resolute, coming up to ballot with a firm tread, but retreating with a con­ sciousness of the defeat that awaited them. As a result of the caucus, the •Homlnations are as -follows: Super­ visor, Ira R. Curtiss; Assessor; tJeo. Heidin: Collector Henry Sanders; Road Commissioner, Patterson Pringle. The last three were re-elected. In the cor­ poration caucus a strong temperance hoard were nominated: B. S. Parker, Pres.; Dr. F. L. Xutt. Dr. D. K. Peck. Loren Woodard, Jared Teeple, Board. The temperance women of Marengo have commenced the organization of a W. C. T. A., and meet at the residence •f Mrs. Ira R. CurtUs next Friday evening to complete the same. If any of our ladies wish to become a Francis Wiilard, a Mrs. Hobart or an Elizabeth Cady Stanton, a good opportunity pre­ sents Itself in the above organization. A sociable was held at the residence of 3. K. Bartholomew last Wednesday evening, refreshments were served and a splendid good time was enjoyed by all. The grand opening of the Marengo Opera House takes place April 18th, at which time the Chicago Church Choir Opera Co., will render the beautiful opera of "Chimes of Normandy," Come one, come all. and hare a good time. General admission, 91.00; Be* served seats 91.23. The Woodstock correspondent to the PLAINDEALER, In referring to the de­ sire of Alexander Stewart t > become ocr Supervisor, suggests that if the gentiemau would move Into town., he might easily secure the position of President of the Board of Trustees, and thus be entitled to a seat In the Supervisors* room. We sincerely thank the gentleman for the kindly in­ terest he takes in the welfare of our beautiful village, but we think he can­ not be personally acquainted with Mr. S.. or be would not, wish to Impose him upon (A hi the manner he »ug We prefer to be excused. .'•.Am I-*"4 fe®- 14. ' .1 ftaslneaa Meeting or the Fhnt Dti- Tcrwllit Soelaty in McUenrf. Notice is hereby given that the an­ nual meeting of the First Universalist Society in MeHenry will be held In accordanee with the requirement*of its constitution, at its house for pubUc worship in MeHenry, III., on Saturday April 14th A. D.. 1883. at 3 o'clock p. m. At said meeting officers for the ensuing year WH1 be elected; the society rein­ corporated in aeeordaucc with tht pro­ visions of the statutes of the Stste of Illinois made and provided for that purpose; action taken upon the propo­ sitions for deeding the property of the society in trust to the Illinois Univer­ salist Convention and for changing the constitution of the society by tlie adoption of the following article: "I* case of the dissolution of this society for any cause, all its propertv. real and personal, subject to all just and legal claims upon it, shall Cest In the Illinois Universalist Convention to be held in trust for the benefit of a future Uni­ versalist Society in the neighborhood, or for furthering the cause of Uiviver- aalism in some other way." Such other business will also be transacted as may in accordance with the constitution of the society be brought before it at such a meeting. It is earnestly desired that all friends of the society be present at tfefa meeting. . D. a. SMITH , ) VTrusteea. R. BISHOP, C. B. CCBTISS { Ca-Appointmeiit of Naval dots. HycAMOBC, III.. March »th, 18S3L ^ 1*h#re being a vacancy in the Naval Acadetny, from this Congressional District It becomes my duty to rea am mend some one to fill the same To give all an equal opportunity, will be at the Noltlng Hotel, In Elgin Wednesday. April 25th, Those applying must present satis factory testimonials of a good moral character and each must be over four teen and less than eighteen years. N one will be examined whose age does not fall within the prescribed limits. Candidates must be physically sound; five feet will be tlye minimum height, anil must pass a satisfactory .examina­ tion iu reading, writing, spelling, geog­ raphy, ami English grammar. A full expiaaatiou of all" matters pertaining to the position will be made on the day of examination. R. Erxwooo. tWill the papers In the JUuict plaiua eojfr.] Fort Hill Preclnct-Lak* " EDITOR PLAISOEALER:--The legal voters of the town of Avon met in caucus on March 24th, and nominated town officers. Chase E. Webb was nominated for Supervisor; Emory Adams, Town Clerk; Jerome Burnett. Assessor; Sidney Kapple,Collector; Or- vilie P. Barron. Commissioner of High­ ways; Watne Harvey.Constable (to fill vacancy); Gilbert Frazier, School Trus­ tee Over one hundred voters wero In attendance, and several of tlie offices were sliarplv contested. It is now generally thought that there will be no serious opposition to the ticket at town meeting. There have been several changes among our farming community this spring. J. T. Cordlngly. of Nunda, has rented the Graham farm for three years and taken possession. Lemuel Edwards has sold the Gleason farm to harlee u1,. Waite. of Grant, but Rufus Thayre. the lessee, will occupy the same one year more. Wm. J. Fuller has removed from the Millard farm In Avon to tlie Rentier farm In Fremont^ r.ow owned by Mr. Trant, which Fuller has rented for one year. Chauncey Hill, the Ilainesvllie black­ smith, lent for Dakota on Monday last ith liis fiunily, accompanied by Irwin Fuller and Eugene Sullivan. A Mr. Kelly has moved into the house lately occupied by Hill, and the shop is now rnn by a young man from England named Michael Pester. Charles Rowling has purchased a farm, and Ira Cribb has rented one. In the town of Lihertyville. A gentleman named Norton has rented the cheese factory at Rollins. John B. Converse lias moved onto the Geo. Carfield farm iu Avon, which he purchased a year ago. Augustus Townsend has sold his in­ terest In the homestead to his brothers and removed to his farm in Benton lately purchased from Mr. Saunders. Misses Ella and Rachel Townsend have lately returned from Sutherland, O'Brien County, Iowa, where they have been spending several months with their sister, Mrs. Geo. Carfield. Our farmers are becoming impatient for warm weather and good roads. No Railroad uews. Our schools are nearly all closed for the usual spring vacation. I think the schools generally in this county have been well patronized and duly appreci*. ated the past winter, with a few unfor­ tunate exceptions--tlie unprecedented cold weather, bad roads and prevailing epidemics of course in some measure interfered with the progress of the schools. Our merchants are prospering. R«g«rs, of Volo, Is still a favorite with many of the store going public, Alex Tweed, of Monaville,1s prepar­ ing to do a large business in egg pick- Hug. He aUo has some specialties in merchandise. Our ilaiiiesville merchants will soon have timlr wagni;« on tiie rpail. But few eases of nickuet*. , EDITOR Pt.AtXDBALKs.-Mr, Sey­ mour is building a wind mill on the farm near the cheese factory. Mrs. Kirwin has moved hack Into the Stocum District. Mrs. Slocnpi wilj Improve the old drug store, property- iated vacated by MM; Kirwin, and move Into the village. The Wauconda communication last week may have beeniocluded In those which the editor states to have been received too late for publication. The letter was mailed however at the usual time* In the death of T«evl Parfcef Mend March 26th, Lake Co. lost a veil kno and highly respected ritixen. J|is sturdy, outspoken honesty made him>a friend thoroughly to he relied upon, at^l will cause him to he greatly missel bv many outside his own family. Rev. Mr Alison, of Barrington preached his funeral sermon Wednesday. Mr. Par­ ker will remain for the present with her father. Mr. Paschal Houghton. Miss Allle Poole, who has beet) teach­ ing In Benton dtirning the wintei:, has returned to Wauconda. W. H, Ford, R. D. Cook, and Luther Turner's vonngest son start for Dakota early in the week. Mr. Ford takes a carload of horses to sell. The other gentlemen Intend to romata for aomf time, Mr. Case, who lias • been selling or­ gans In Barrington for some month*, came to Wauconda with a number of Kimball organs and placed t^em for sale and exhibition in Mr. Herman Malman's tailor shop. Mr. Case pro­ poses remaining some weeks, perhaps months In this sect;on. The school children are enjoying a vacation. The next term begins on April 9th. both teachers being re­ tained.-.^ Little has been said In tlie PLAIN- DEALER about the Reading Room, over J. R. Wells'store: yet it has become an Institution in which, if properly sustained and encouraged, Wauconda might justly take pride. The credit of establishing, assuming the financial re­ sponsibility, and making it a success i> due to Mr, J. V. Stevens. Visitors,anil residents of the village with spare time at their disposal, can there spend a portion of It pleasantly and profitably, as will he shown by a list of what can be found in the room, vie: Frank Les lie's Illustrated Newspaper, Harper's Weekly.- Peck's Sun, Detroit Free Pres«, New York Weekly Time*, Youth* Companion, Weekly Temperance Pa­ per, one weekly religious paper, one volume Oofden Dayn, fonr volumes Harper'% Monthly, about 30 bookstof reference, biography, etc.. anil t. num­ ber of miscellaneous pamphlets and pa tiers whlcli are contributed • from tiss to {Jjb® by patroHs and friends of the Beading Roo.m. The proceeds of the Jubilee concert were sufficient to pay all expenses thus far incurred, and leave a balance for future expenses; at the same time, all who believe that an enterprise of this kind is worthy of encouragement, and are willing to con­ tribute to its support, are invited to place their contributions, either read­ ing matter or money, in the hands of H. D. Wells, who will see that such favors ure acknowledged and properly applied. Theron Oakes lost one of Ills horses on his return from Waukeganon Thurs­ day. It died soon after, reaching the residence of M. Cook. Over-feeding is said to be the catue of its death. „ G. W, Pjatt is building a palatial henery, and intends to go into the business of breeding pure blooded stock Last Saturday night some contempti­ ble thief stole eight sf lilt finest chick- ens. By the way. Isn't it pretty hard times if a poor, overworked clerk can't get oft for a week's vacations chopping wood without everybody in town congratu lating him and wishing him "much joy1 the minute he readies town again t are* Tli© J' Oovelt, tligtiwi county public ittwt* inMnf'IPn menci)«»e»f< publin ie<*oiv«f, tie ed. and loir , #1 saiil risen I yefc The saut tloth Al inent, bv hirrr 4(1 f McH«nry the Tress. ;lfhway8. Snl by «. H. ,_mi^lnn(!i8 ot ^Jdllenry, in the Of Site amount of "ed br him • ndingnn •howinjr the ... atth® <!on|- •, the amount of im what sources _lle fun11* expenu «*p8nite<!, during _ SforfiHTild. |L bcinsr <luly sworn, •t itic following state. it,-|s a correct sta'e- e moMtlfMnli - •4t the commtmeeieearaf flsca1 year above seated, the amountfunds received, and the sources fWwiPwIleh received, and the Amount expended, nod the pur,*>*oa for which expendM, a# nt forth In said stato- ] 8. H. COVELL. •ml Re«elved of jbrmnr Tress... ..'tlMW 21 Couew trwenrer...... 227 33 ^K#an**r * If'vtancer 4«n 00 • " J O hartd. del. road »x 27 51 - " J C l;add r'd * brd'g " 1352 01 " rro t> '• May • S;' • « ! : Jaaeu H *• > m » t** «i' !-i intMit. 153- April 18 18 18 * Mar •'rbmold inmber.... 1100 • Total amount received ••••< ..'1882 F.xpesrnKn . v,••••.. April II Paid ttH yfrthols villaifSkax..( 4. " J Van Slvke pub. treasur1 * " reoort, eie. 1§ " J R ilnth<'r;<, rep'tf bridge 82 " H Mi' OonrtM work on road ^ i j a soiuhof villasre # ?*•' K k (Granger, for writing bridgeeontraet a ^Stephen Freund fordraw- ;• in? stone. • $ * * Peter Kreund for draw'g , X stone .,.'• ie Mr Adams lortd'ng stone., i ** P Thelen '• " .. :8. -. * X Kround "--vv.•>'*?' ••«•• 8 r,iP M Adams a " V I'itsoji "i. \ M 'i\ *,iT Mfiyier, for itMisenrv at • ' Johnsburjt bridge " John Gay, work at Johns- barg brldice o. J P Adnina, work at Jdhns •i burg bridge .. *SM Adams, workat Johns- burg bridge...^ C Adams, work with team at Johnsbur" bridge John Xett, work at Johns , burg brldpe >1# .U S Pltson, work at Johns- " i , < f.' bur* bridge. •#4, $0, ' :u P M Adaius, work at • Johnsbnrg bridge ... ... It '*, M Freund, work at Jbhns igtt | • burg bridze ; 0 • " Jacob Adiims, work at NJnhnsburg bridge .. ".Jacob Smith, grnding at . f, Johnsburg bridge *» :*5 M"'Kr,'ink Sm'ith, work ....... - ' • W " , S " P i t s o n , b r i n g ' p g l u m b r . £*** .is •• .I.acab Mavcrs work...... I* Si " W Ilill, for towing stone. 5 .*» (t •• Stm'r Itiver Queen towng • stone V" 28 , John Myers, piles deL at Johnsburg bndge.... ... Aug 21 'r lard A Gore, Johnsb'g .. .. 'b bridge.... Sept 20 '•• ISiillard A Gore, Ice break ers, etc. Oct M : **"F G Mayes, dest. road tax . nap«>rs. Nov. 2ft ' " M Jlisten, repr'ng bridge. •• 20 . " Jotin Jnsten, wrtrk ot Jolinsfiurg bridge Dee 21 Wiilard Colbv wt> bridge " " Wm Walsh, digging ditch ' sonth of village " ft" M P H Mnrn-.y, work south ' of "f" Jan 20 -Feb tt •« Mar 27 " 2T •< 27 Hi*-*7 " f ' i M ®7 » 87 J " i u t7 " Smith ft Snyder, lumber, lime, etc *•. Jacob Story, chain, nails.. •* Order Ballard & Gore, Nip . nerslnk bridge f* Thomas Gore, Use breakers • at McHenrv....w. ...i.. H Smitb ft Snyilor, chain, etc •'Jno Frett, rep Moss brid-'g •' MM Ill's Weber work on rVl •• J M Miller, work on road •J Willis Kittle, rep bridi 1 -- - - -ftp. , I f I I I l>] IVIIVIV) I V| / •• Wm n Gttrr, work at Nfp- peTsink... 265 8-2 1# 77 785 00 300 00 5 73 3 00 7 50 7 CO 6 00 . 0 00 a tin 800 47 do 27 00 35 00 8 30 /^iP S Martin, work •'•*MJastor Adams,- work 't. Oastor Adams spec serv's " I Har»h, special services. " s n Ooycii " F G Ma/es, clerk of board Totil amount expanded.... f7,219.«t Marte*! 27th. ^v'4-- " " We here'\y certify^ thit "Wu Tinvc this da y examine I the accounts and vouchers ot' Sim­ eon Covel!,:Treasura|i#>f; tlfe Hoard of ll'gh- v r,,.mmi««ion(»rsTAv f'h» town ot MeHenry. 111.. and And bi^ bandti the sum of four liun> dred and ninety-live dollars and twelve cents ((1495.12). •JAMF.S P. Pkrht, J. P. John HBMANN , Assessor, F. K.GUAKOKK, SupervU'r. Board of Auditors. GOLDINdf IVAUOOMOA, ILLINOIS.' * JfK'W,.' '«• 4' : I, $ m fejpfttfiiTly atii nikuiice to the dtTZfrm of Waucriffila rounding'country, that they h.ive purchased the stock ot Goods of C* L. Pratt, and ate now on hand at the old store, with a full line of Goods for the Spring- and Summer trade, cousisting' in part of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, &<?• tb® •to«k ef Hanlwareoff ft. U. Oolby, in the sr lilll. I am now prepar |Dg pnbhc any thing In the line ef red HABBWABI, mWM, l % \ '11 Stwaa, At girlces to suit tbe times, ' : Ci¥'V'.S A-v. '« - ' . . Will alto And a large assortment of Dairy, men's Utensils, Milk Pans, Milk Palls, Milk Cans and any th ing in that line at prices as AND CAPS, Boots, Sho©8( Crockeryt jCila88ware, Which they ar* bound to sell as cheap as good Gpods can he bought anywhere, in short, everj'thins that can be found in a general store will be kept and sold as low us the lowest, and everything warranted as represented. W hen in want of goods in our line you will find jt for your interest tO-call and see us. m«conda, II!»Xpnl 4th, 1 u > \-fS I r i Sales ot Stock, Farm ing Tools, and Goods of all Kuidtt Promptly Attended to UcuMiiuuli gonquin, -IpALISJt, n|p mim M. M:. CliOTHIER, U. 8. Pension Attorney. Prosecutes claims'in all Bureaus in the DEPARTMENT OF THE IVIERI0R, Careful attention giren to complleated cases and • REJECTED CLAIMS. A competent asiittant and Notary Public always on dutv. My only business office is at the residence Qf Win. (1. Cowlin. 11UXDRED8 OF llEb ERENCE& WOODSTOCK, MCHENRY C"., Im.INOIR . M* ONKV ItKCKTVRD FOR TNVKSTMtCNT and loaned on mortgage security at cur­ rent rites, without charge to the lender. Farm loans made at six per cent. J.* W. HANSTEAD, and i Borden Block, Klgin, III. W 11 mdiU \ maFn houae >n.... d the W.M. Com- hint iQuide n, DL ford, >r «f STATE OF ILLINOIS. County of MeHenry, 88.--Town of Burton, Office of Treasurer of Commissioners ol Highways. Tbe following is a statement by D. liable* man. Treasurer of the Commissioners of High­ ways of the T»wn of Tlurton, in tbe County and State aforesaM, of the amount of public funds received and expended by him liurinT the flscal vear just closed, ending on the 27lli day of March, 188:$. showing the amount of public fu ids on hand at the commencement of said flscal year, the amount of public funds received and from what sources received, the amount of public funds expended and for wbnt purposes expended, during said fiscal year ending as aforesaid. The said D. Huldeman, licing duly sworn, doth depose and say, that the following 8t ite ment by him subscribed Is a correct statement of the amount of public funds on hand at tlie commencement of the deal year above stated, the amount of public funds received, and tbe aources from which received, nnd the amount expended, and purposes for which expended, as set forth in said statement D. HAT.DEMAX Subscribed and sworn to before mc, this 27th day of March, 1883. CHARLKH MEAD. ! Justice of tlie JPeace mount of public funds on " at the comin'cem'lof tliet. / year coiu'nc'g the l'Jtb day of March, 1843: 82 Amt 18ch20 ...#12461 Mar 12 Bec'd frim IT Hatch, lei ux.. 3 72 Pec 23 '* " Win Pierce col lee t'r Feb road tax 10 34 !i«iw Mind i Sscal, Total amount reeeived.. 1SHI Dec 6 1882 May S A Ifoffnian, stone BXPBJTDBD E Jackson, atone $13S.T* ..'."V Aitt /i'si*»«.•«>•• a 3®® * &....• Apr 5 J Van Slvke, pub report... Jnn 80 II C Andrews, rep Kcrapeft...... Aug 2 Alexander&Myrie,oil and pain.t. Dec 18 Smith A Snyder, lumber. Mar 23 D llaldetnau, painting and rep- brid«es Mar SO F Dole, rep scraper and labor... 20 J W Sanborn, .drawing lumber. 90 J Carry. Jr. ex. lab'i overseer.. RIVERSIDE BLOCK, -McHENRY, ILL. ; Ynhr attention Is Irivitecl tf» our miijrrili^lft lltH* «f s^son- able and eloirant stvjes for gprinar requirements. Every department is very ccpp||te au^ipces uniformly low. McHenryf Illinois, March 5,1883. REPORT OF TH2 CON lilTION _ UUUJU IJI^I body was placed on a flat-car the V and those not allowed in the morgue clamber up the car and peer into i. morning anfl .all day the scene arouil (funeral caw was a ipitiable one.' crowd kopt steadily hicreasing* persons were clustered toj ";THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock, Illinois, 500 near the itracka .WaLte came fro: women, heart-broken sobs bet kenin told woe, and stout-hearted men whi •workediin-thetnine, and had saved selves almost by miracles from the roah of \wa en, -wept in comj aav on la atr the crumbltog clav. Tears trickled Woodstock, -Al­ dose of Business War 13 '83, ants, Roses and Seed*. WE will mail, postpaid, any one of the fol.' lowing collections, upon receipt of OkE DOM. Alt: 12 flne Kver-bloomlng TtftSES. 10 Uosej, all wlilte. pink, red or yellow shades. 10 GK- KAXIlfMS single or"double. 8 I>ahlias. 20 packets of best KI.OWEll SKKDS 20 pack - eCHof VKGKTABl.K SEKDS. 10 (>l<ADloMT.3 BULBS. 10 assorted BEDDING PLaNTS. 12 TTTBKKOSE HU I.ltS. Price Lists Kit EE. Satisfaction guaran­ teed. Thirty Greenhouses in operation. Address, NANZA MEUNEK, Florists, LOUISVILI-B, KT, • W. O^VEN, DEAtKR IN Clocks, Watches', jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware etc. RKSOI1UK8 Tjoans and discounts Overdrafts .... U. s. Bonds to secure circulation... U. S. Bonds on band Due fvoin approved reserve iificnls. Due from other National Brnks Heil estate, furniture and tlx lures. Current expenses and J a xeo paid... Pvemluins i'nid Checks and other casn ileuio........ Bills of other banks Krc'l pa\ier cur. nickels & pennies.. Specie Lesral tendernotes lte<leniption fund 'with U. S. Treas? nrer (5 per cent of circulation) Due promt U. S. Treasurer other than 5 per cent, redemption fund .fW.snnos i.i.uao 60,(KH) HO Ml,ooo on 92.S4H :t:: 81,382 98 4,-2i>o i n I *)•> 44 :j!S 4.030 of 103 24 83,S((8 7.i 4,000 0' Total. 2,000 00 1.500 ro ..V3SS.297 35 500 It 00 8 00 7 69 IS 70 8 00 8 on 125 3 12 Total amount expanded.... #02,72 Balanceonlum'l..^. «76.M D. HALOBMAK, Treasurer Com. Highways WE STILL LIVB. Please come up. to the Rlngwood Nursery with vour team,rand load up with FltUIT, SHADE, ORNAMENTAL and EVKItGRKEK TREES. A line block of BLACK W&1.XUTA and tbe mncb talked of CATALPA, Grape Vlnei^ ete., all cheap for cash. JOHH V. BUOXLftirS. Blagwoo.l, Hcllenry Co., 111., March, 4, 1863, T keep In stock Hie celehrated Springfield Watch, which Im pronounced by all te be the beat watch now on the market. Will not be Undersold, On any goods in my line# . . a f, qwbx MeHenry, Feb. W, W*. w w LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in 80,000 00 Undivided profits i,IBt 71 Natlonal.Bank Notes outstan 1lng... 45,000 on Individual deposits milijtct toclieck 255,042 41 Demand Certificates of deposit "2,100 on Due to other National Banks. .... , W»0 23 C O L L E C T I O N O F 5EED5^PLANT5 w as the Lowest. ^ ^ : , • - 'a"-' • A fnll etoek al BABB W1BB alwars iNt bind* "• JOBBING AND RIPAIRINQ, Promptly Attended to. *S~Don't buy an thing in the Hardware Line until you " examined my ttwk and learned prices. £. M. now& MeHenry, February 27.188a. any. tor* im V i"*; Agricultural ifaclinoi AT A. #. Gray's Richmond « Illinois. I sell every Implement, Tool or Machine a farmer wants. PLaTFUKM SPRING, DIB* LIV iRY AND FARM WAGONS, TOP ArO OPEN BUCGlKS, One, twound three seated., at lower prieee inn any other concern norihwesl of Chli In the Agricultural Dec I than any other concern norihwesl of Chicago, apartment I Jiave the Moline, Davenport, and tbu.Jidin Deere Plows ijoth Sulky nnd Walking. Tho Kevstoneand Richmond Champion l'lanters. The Itlch. inond Broadcast and Superipr Seedtrs. Har- i-owsot all kinds at lower prices than ever before. Corn Cultivators of all kinds, Mow­ ers, Reapers Twine Biinters. In short any tluna a man wants in tbe farm Machinery line^FltOM A CLEVIS TO A STEAM Jt|fc FINE PAINTING. < In my Painting Department I have seenroi the services of II. H. N K'HOI.S, who Is well known in Mitllonrv nml I.ake l^onntins aa Olt* of the lust painters in this p;irt of life coui*, try. Call and see hit» wort, which speaks for itself, t'or "Artistic Style" In this line, we defy competition. BlnoksmlthiiiK, and. Dono In a workmanlike manner and war* ranted. Call and see ine before pujcba&ing, aa I am sure I can save you money. A. P. Oh AY, Rlefemend, Marsh Stli, 1883. _ HAVIAFSW He WOULD LIKK To Show You Unbl'd Tablecloth, H'f BI'd " " Red Border, Bleached, Red fast colors, Napkins. '23c. to Wc.lper 24c. to 8oc. 39c., 53c., finrl .17c. " 57c., 72c. and Me. « 48c., Vtto., and 82c. 35c., 94o.,f 1.10and «tl9 •• Also our line of Embraces evenrdesirable novelty of |fl AHIIA1 the season, fully described in their IwHnllllli of EVERYTHING forie GARDEN which for 1MB. contains PETER HENDERSON'S %*Revised Instruction* on Vegetable and Floiver Cul* 14urt," making it a condenfied Gardening Book, having •tithe latest information known to the author of dealni fbr I*ro®t.w Mailed free on Application. {P/emse state in what paper yon saw this). Peter Henderson & Co., 35 ft 37 Cortlandt St., New York. Total .. STATE OF ILLINOIS , 35 >8t MCITKXnY COI*NTT, I, John J. Murphv, Cashier of tbe above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the .best of my knowledge and belief. JOHN J. Mcrtot . Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before nie this 20th day* of March, 1883. . ' CHA8. H. DOMNKL.LY, Notary PtMtt. Correct Attest • • • \ : E. A. Mrttnir, w. H. STKWART, FRBBMAH WHITIHO Direc » Money to Loan On Heal .Estate, in sums of $50)0 to $10,000. Time and payments to suit borrower. j.m JOHN J. MURPHY. 0* : WO PATENT, NO PAY, le our motto. We have bad H ears experience In procuring Fatents, Caveat*, Trade Marks, Copyrights, etc., in this nnd other countries. Our Hand Books, giving full instructions in . Patents, free. Address: R. S. A A. P. LACEY, Pat­ ent Att'js, 604 P St., Washington, D. C. fiOBERI G. UUMH, -- BREEDER OT . • FOWIJS, RICHMOND, ILL. i (FIR5T PREMIUM AT MCHfcKBT COUWTT FAIR.) My fowls are of the celebrated DURE OF YORK st rain, remarkable for their great sice and laying qualities. I can show a trio of last season's chicks weighing 31 pounds. Kggs, ncr setting of thirteen., delivered to purchaser iu Bicbmond. Shipped, securely packed, «t.OO. ROBERT C, BENNETT. Please remetuoer our prices are al­ ways aa low aa the lowest, ami we stand ready *t nil rimes to meet any and all competition. HENRY COLBY. For first-elafrs Insurance against flro and T/l'^hlnimr, wind srormi*. pyHone*, torn:i:!<><*». etc.. et<»„ apply to Am W. Smith, Wood»io«k, III. PATENTS.-.' We desire to call the attention of the ladies to our dress goods department> We have added a fine line ot cashmeres. caniell«tfe«. silks, satins, etc., whleh will l>e sold on very close margin*. ' H k n BY C OLBY. lire at bargains In Cane Seat Chairs. f€h«tljr» for 94.75 at J. B. Blake's^ AUCTION SALE. At |lie hour of 2 o'clock, P. on 1 The 1st Day of May, 1883, At 111. !>reiiil«M, I will .ell ot Puhtl. Ven. due. to the highest, nnd b«»t bidder, Lots one (1) ami two 02) in Block iwo (2), in Strode s Attrition to Woodstock in County ot Mcilenry and State of Illinois. On these lots Is a com. modiouu frame dwelling w'tli seven rooms, iio».d©t» two closets, one hftU below and one above, pnntry, well nnd wood house. There is a well of never-failing good water and good ci tern. There are two cellars independent of each other, cemented, and always drv. The lawn Is beautifully supplied with orna mental shrubbery and trees. 1 he fruit is abundant, both large and small, and has not failed in supply or quality since in bearing. It is located on rolling ground at the corner of Vnd'son and Vino Streets, within tnree minutes walk of public school, any one of our numerous and beautiful chnndies, or any principal place of business, and on the same side of railioad. The abstract ot title Is at my ofllce where any prospective bidder can examine to his satisfaction. Tkrms OF SALIC.-- One-third cash down, the balance (n equal, monthly, quarterly, semi- annual or yeaHy payments, to snit purchaser, with Interest, pavable annually at 6 per cent, per annum, t per cent, off Irom credits for cash. Or these terms can be varied upon s»l«. 4S4 W» Dress Goods, At 8c, Mr, 18c, IV. 17c, 20c and 2fle per yard A nic# line of COLORKD CASHMERES at 5»c and 68c per yiird. A line Hue of ;*•... NUN'S CLOTHSi 54 Inches wide, at (1.57 per yard. A fine Una He, 19c, 35c, and 29c per vard. A good line of CORSETTS at 48c,IWB, 79c, 88cI tl.25 and «H.88. In addition we have a full line you at low prices. HENRY ROOE VOLO, 111., Feb. 28,1883. -- ' i . i IrMWi ACME PUL7ERIZING HARROW CLOD Crusher and Leveler. ' • • : • „ : i r ; ' ' The best Pulverizer on earth. A trial glren. gned Is sole Agent for McHt and West half of Lake Co'*. The nndersi, ed Is sole Agent for MeHenry nf Lake CSo'a. Sesd fttr cat»- »og*e (tree). All kladeof FARM MACHINERY, War Sale by Hartman, » • Ridgefletd, III, Or«l«i» mall joeaplly Attendftt tj^ 1^' , te:... >f.,:

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