ft " <. . • *' , , * - - . . Wood*toe WEDNESDAY APRIL 4. 188». ' ' • ; ' ? * ' : " . MttM ^s!9fssd Yhvte Tsfel©= win soovflk v • lenmUkt Passenger 7:* JL * Oaaeva i.tfce Kxprea* 8:*S •eiuiv* Uk« Freight 801*0 ITOtTI. Baton Uk« Fretsrht ..S:M A. * Oeneva Uk« KxpreM . .4«R * Imivi Lake Pftumnr (:M " B. BOSS. Agent. MeHenry, III M&SOXIO MellmT T,onon, No. isa F. awl A. M.-- Regular Communications the Saturday on or befera the fait of the noon and every two week* thereafter. CHAS. 0. Onwr, W. 11. Xcaxav nn4PTRH i(n. St R. A. M --lte*n- Ur 0*«vor,*tlins held on the scon-land fourth Fridays in each moneh. K. V. AmMoil,R . P. SCHOOL NOTICE. We are requested by the Director* to give notloc that the vacaMon In onr Public School ha8 been EXTKXDBB ONR "WKKK. and School will not: open until Monday, April 16th. Scholars and Teachera will take due notice and govern them*olve» according!#, " ifc RRK tbe new advertisement «F tield. i-'.lng Bros., Wnnconda. in another col- : umii. THR Novelty Barb Wire, cheap, at X. M. Howe's Hardware store, opposite Bishop's Mil!. IF yon wish to enjoy , ait evening of real fun go and »ee the Comedy Com- j»any at RIversldeHall this Wednesday evening. Tim New Home Sewing Machine, set tip at Dell Going's last week by O. W. Owen. Is a beauty, and works to a charm. FKUO*AI. MRS, BKV. JOKL WHCRLKR Is visiting friend* In Chicago this week. PADL BROWK, or Chicago, spent Sun day with his parents In this village. Mas. J. I. STORY and daughter have been visiting friends In Chicago this week. Miss AT.LIE TUTTLE. of Michigan. has been visiting among friends In this vii lage, the past week. JOHN GOLDING. of the firm of Gold Ing Bres.. Wa neon da, made us a pleas ant on Friday last. Miss ADDIS COLBT and lier brothei Frank, of Nunda. were visiting friends In this village over Sunday. FRANK SCHNORR starts for Athol Dakota, this week where he Is going Into the hardware business wltl his brother Fred, under the Arm nann of Schnorr Bros. II. S. GREGORY and wife went to Chi cago on Saturday last to consult physician In regard to Mr. Gregory* health. He has beeu quite poorly ol all winter. THRRON OAKKS. of Wanconda, lost one of his line blank team. The no was valued at eleven dollars.-- Wauk< JJ<xn Republican. Now that is a slander on our frien Oakes, and we won't stand It. We are reliably informed that the said horste, now deceased, was worth twelve dollar* and a half I Take It back, brother Avery. TUB I onlv child of Stephen Ravmond 'a little girl about seven ye<r« old^died on Monday morning last. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond hare the «ympithy of all hi Jtheir afflict IMII. * Thr L. L/C. will me«t with Mrs. O. V. Stevens, Frldav, April 13th. Topic. English llistorv., "The Five ,'IIPS" fro>n 827 A. D. to 1399 A. D. Farmer* anil others desiring a gen teel. lucrative agency business, by which $5 to 920 a day can be earned send address at once, on postal.to H.C. Wilkinson ft Co.. 195 and W7 Fulton. Street, New York. A 8PKCIAI. Convocation of McTfenry Chapter Nri. 34, R. A. Masons, will be held on Friday evening of this week. April 6th. Work on the R. A. Degree. "Every member Is earnest! v requested to he present. By order of the H. P. THR Sociable at the residence of pr. H. T. Brown, on Wednesday ovon- ing last, was well attended and a highly W e^ynvifblo affair. The Cabinet Of 1 Curiosities was a pleading feature.and I added mnclt to the availing* enter- % tainment. .FIHR finest car of lioge seen for manv in day was shipped from this station on Tuesday by Nick Srhaefer. who lives Ju«t north of this village. There were f^rl.v-slx hog«. with an average -velgbt of four hundred and *eveniy-fwo pound* •vetch. There were no cripples, being a clean, straight lo^, Who can beat TICKETS will be Issued to-morrow for a Social Party, at the Riverside, on Thursday evening, April 12th. The music will b« furnished fcy Anderson's Band, of Janesville. As this Baud has - ,b«3ome justlyspopu'ar with the dancing . public in this/vicinity, we shall expect to see a good turn AH*, on this occasion. '.I(VS„ph OGLING; George Hlnes 2; F. A Remember the date. Anrll 12th. ¥ RRV. L, J. DINSMOKE started out on / Thursday last, lor tl»» purpose of rais ing funds to build a Parsonage on the grounds of tlip U>iversalist Society and nas lieen so successful that we can now sav that the building is a fixed fact. Up to this time about $600 has been subscribed, and he inform* us that he anticipates no difficulty In raising a sufficient amount to put up a respec table building. WR are requested by M. M. Clothier, U.S. W*r Claim Attorney, to say to tlfose who have been called to Wood ck by letter or postal relative their claims against the United States, to wait until further notice before going, on account of the sick ness of his assistant. W. HJCowlin. who has been forbidden by his Physicians to perform any business whatever, for the present. Also those, expecting answers to correspondence, will under stand why such remains unanswered, WR are under obligations to J. A. Baldwin, Assistant U. S. Attorney* ' for a Pamphlet whjch bears the follow ing title: "Punishment of Crime In the National Courts. By Joseph B. Leake," which was read before the llloiiois Bar Association, at Its Annual meeting, held at (Springfield, January 4th and 5th, 1883. Gen. Leake Is the present U. S. Attorney. Is one of the ablest lawyers in tlm state, and he pre sents the subject in a defraud forcible manner. THE Elgin Daily New*s J. K. LeBaroa editor and proprietor, came cut one day last week, enlarged and Improved, and is now one of the handsomest and ' most newsy dailies outside of Chicago. In speaking of the enlargement, Mr. . LeBaron says: "On Juno 17tli, 1876. Vol. 1^ No. 1, appeared, a four-column sheet, pages 10}xl2 iuchcs. During the same year it increased to five col umns and so continued until it bec^ne the property of the present owner. It was tlieu enlarged to six columns, later to seven, and even now. In the dull season of the year, the press of business ^ demands au inciease twtdglil columns," * Thn News Is ably edited, is staunch Republican and is an honor to ttie thriving city of Elgin. WIIL K. SMITH, agent for W. S. Mer- rihew. Crayon and Pastel ArtUt, Elgin. III., has been in our village for a few days past, taking orders for pictures. The tramples shown were certainly equal to anything In the port rait Hue that we ever saw, and were greatly ad. mired by all who saw them. He pro pose* to return here in about two weeks, and all those wishing picture* of themselves or friends should not fail to examine Ills sample*. A GOOO deal of attention, says an ex- biiuge, is now paid to lamp shades and heir cover*. Not onlv *re the shades themselves of every conceivable color and design, one we have seen having the globe itself represented upon it.ev- «ry country distinctly marked with the degrees of latitude and lnn£ttn>l*. hut many are dccorated with a banging of lace and ethers have covers most elab orately constructed of tissue paper or •ilk and lace, with embroideries and ribbon flower*. MORTON DKAN. of Plttsfleld, Ma**, who ha* been s|«etiding the winter In this village with his brother-in law^ C. B. Curtis, Is the boss fisherman so far tills season. The past treek he has caught at Lake Defiance over one hun dred Hsii, mostly black bass, some of them of remnrkable sice. Two that he brought in last week weighed ten pounds and seven ounces, one of them going very close to *ix pounds. The editor aad family acknowledge the reeel pt of ~V'^ne"me**, sennit by Mr. Dean tills morning. Thanks. LYLR<& HOLLAND'S Cotnedy Company are advertise*' to give two entertain ments at Riverside flail, In this village on Wednesday and Thursday evenings of this week, April 4th and 5th. This company comes highly recommended by both the public and the press where they have given entertainments, and we have no doubt will give a pleasing and instructive entertainment. They will open on Wednesday evening with the beautiful and laughable Comedy entitled "The Scapegrace." We be speak for them a full house. LIST of letters rematnln^'in^ tile post office at Mcnenry, III., for month ending March 31, 1883: LBTTBR8-T- George Bauurr; William Dixon; Hoye ; Ferdinand Jesoke: Tony John son;.!. Morse;. Fohn Smith; Fred Wliit- marsh; Miss Elisle Forrer; Miss Emma f. Norton; Mrs, Clara Anderson. POS TAL CARDS--Fred E. Holmes; C. E. Sanford; Mii»s Elise Forrer; Miss Nan cy Van Horn. In calling for the above list please call for advertise^ letters. 6. V. STRVRNS, P. M. WRhave received from the Cockroft Publishing Co.. 88 Ashland Block, Chi cago, "Geruiaula's Gems of Song." a neat little collection of beautiful home songs, with piano-forte or organ accom paniment. and both English and Ger* man words. Among the familiar pieces we Hud the "Last Rose of Summer," ••How Can 1 Leave Thee*" "Watch on the Rhine." "When the Swallows Home ward Fly," etc , etc. Every one who has an organ or piano-forte should have one. If you caunot get a copy at the music or book stores, send to the pub- Ushers. Price 25 cents. PROGRAMME for the Young .Folks Temperance Meeting, to be held iu tht M. E Church, McHenry, Sunday even ing. Af»*il 8th, 1883s 1. Voluntary ..Grace Owen 2. Scripture Reinling.........Clara Wifbtman 3. Soni;--uosuel Hymns. -- 4. Killing Frank Martin 5. Minutes previous Meeting Secretary «. Kc itation Vinton Lumley 7. Duetto. Muses Clara Wright and Kate Itili R, Address. G. Mayen 0. Reading ...» Belle Stoddnrd 10. Song. ..........Ruth Sherburne Jl. Kssay. li Recitation, . . _.... „ .. Misftea Maud VanSlykB, Edith Carpenter 13. MiiHic, 14. Handing -• Tlwwias Kieharrlsmi 15. Remarks Prof. 8. i>. Baldwin W. Music--Gospel Hymns. All interested please take notice. BELLS C. OOLBT. Secretary. THB Geneva Lake New* hat the fol lowing: The C. A N. W. R. R. is com ing to a fine point. They require the conductors to give receipts to passen gers for money paid to them (the con ductors). When the conductsrs start out they get their^pass, then g®t the family Bible and see if the name is right, and then pull out. At the first station out, they go to the engineer, and if he lias no pass, they put him off- This is wfiat the engineers call slipping an ecceutric. It Is hard •on the boys, but if it Is the rtde of the company they ought to abide by it. Stick to tbe rules, boys, or switch oil. The Town Meeting In McHenry a**ed oft In a Very quiet and orderly manner, although a good deal of solid, earnest work was done. There were two tickets In the field, one headed "Union Tleket," with the name of Hon. Richard Bishop for Supervisor, and one headed**Bridge Ticket," with the name of Hon. F. K. Granger fer Supervisor. There were four hundred and eighty- three votes polled, and the result was the election of Richard Bishop for Supervisor by a majority of thirty four. The fo'lowlng is the r#*oU ff eleetlou in full: FOR 80 PRRVTSO*. R. Bishop 25 1 F. K. Granger ....v«i^*....2S I Bishop's majority, 34. FOR TOWN CLEHLU F.G.Mayes No opposition. FOR ASSRSSOR| John Ruemanu James Ladd Huemaun's majority. 89. roR coi.LKCToik, Geo. Rothermel Frank Smith.. Rotiteniiel's majority, MS. FOR COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS. Allen P. Colby....... Ben BrellHd .....23i Colby's majority.6. » ....190 HEBRON EDITOR ' PI.AINDKALER:--Mr. Blno Youngs and family have returned from Wadswerth and will move into one of the resiliences on Main street. Miss Frank Conn left this place on Tuesday night for Wiiithrop, Iowa, to visit friends. Quite a number attended the Teach ers' examination last Thursday. They will lie on the qulvive until they re ceive their certificates. [And more so If tiiey don't get one.] Mrs. G. B. Stone started on Tuesday for Wayne, Neb., to join her husband lu their new home. Misses Fannie Sear* and Emma Wildey returned from Kenosha Wed nesday night, after having a very pleasant visit among friends there. . Sidney <5, Rowe, Hattie Pierce and E'la A. Rowe, went to Harvard one night last week and took in the roiler skating and returned the nest morn ing. We had the pleasure of witnessing a npvel game nf snow ball In our little town on Monday evening. The parti cipants had just returned fron the auction at Genoa', and felt so ric't over their purchases that they celebrated the event by snow balling with mud. We were surprised at "Flossie's" au dacity in making the bold assertion in the Sentiruil in regard to our identity. She ought to be sure before making such announcements and offering con gratulation*. [People are all liable to mistakes.] We do not wish the honor* belonging to ti#conferred upon another. Guess again. "Flossie." Henry Mead. Jr.. and Elbert Phillips liofc^"their rte|Jwhti^WrWay last week, where they are to lubor in the creamery belonging to G. B.Stone. P. N. Woolfrom and G. Thomas re turned from their trip to Minneapolis, Minn., last Friday. The Ladies Foreign Missionary meeting was |«old at Aaron Rowe's last Friday. Among those present we were pleased to see the Rev. G. C. Clark and lady. John and Roy Wlckham and several others start for Dakota next week. School commenced Monday after a short vacation of two week*. Howard has returned to his home, after having made his friends In Hebron a short visit. -We understand that Sain Cropper Is srolng to Richuioud to engage I n' t he butcher business. Our. loss is Rich mond's gain. The Sons of Temperance Installed t'.ie following officers Tuesday night, far flie ensuing quarter: F. E. Gratton, W. P.; Ihbie Rowe, W. A.; Lnman Hewe*. R S.; Nellie Andrews. A. R. S.; Seymour Stoneall. F. S.; Mr«. F. E. Gratton, Trees.; W.O. Bough ten. Chap lain; Sidney C. Rowe, C ; Delia Conn. A. C.; Jennie D. Seaman, I. S.; Edgar E. Conine. O. S. * We would advise the Rlclimondifes to shun the "icebnrgs" fn the future, and devote their timo and interest to the object of keeping their own town from becoming "the land of crimson snow." Tbe Richmomlltes took a queer way to "thaw out" the "Icebergs." They could not expect such great re sults in etiquette, when they amused themselves by ridiculing and tromment lug upon all present but those of their^ own party. Nevertheless we would be pleased to have them come again, and we will try to be thawed out. City election tM weeks from last Tuesday. Matt Conklln left for his homo In Dakota last Monday. Ed Dufleld, who has lately come to tills dry, and who isa ten of James Du- Held who lives near Rldgelleld, lies at the Richmond House very sii&, we be lieve with brain fever. M. D. Stevefs. of Chicago, an old and former resident of Woodstock, called on friends here last Sabbath. Henry Ellsworth, of Grand Crossings, III-, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Dr. Buck, of this city. Mine Host Richmond, of the Rich mond Home, tliia city, and C. L. Curtis, visited friends at Free port, III., last Sunday and Monday. Geo. Salisbury shipped two carloads of stocR to his future home at Hnrou, Dakota, last week. Ed Conklin went in charge of the stock ami household furniture and will remain with Mr, Salisbury when settled iti their new home. We believe the family go this week, Mil. S. having already gone. A . B. BIdwell has recently returned from Dakota. He has purchased 160 acres of land 15 miles from Mitchell, and expects to mak« that rammry his future home. Mrs. A. P. Hoyne, of this city, is dangerou«ly ill. Her daughter. Dr. Jennie Hayner, of Chicago, who Is now visiting iu Florida,lias been summoned, as well as other absent members of the family, to their mother's bedside; al though at tills writing the lady Is reported to be better than for some daj-s past. Joseph Lnsee. who We reported some time since as being very badly off with some lung difficulty. Is r.ow said to be Improving, by his physician. Dr. D. C Green. Dr. Wm, H. Buck still remains quite ill and is nt tended professionally by Dr. Baiiou. of Nunda, and a Doctor from Barrington. Dr. D. C. Green was, on account of sickness, unable to visit many of his patients last Saturday and Sunday. Dr. Doolittle kindly attended the cases needing immediate attention. Mr. Fred Hunt, of Chicago, who lee* tured here one flight last week on Prison Life, deserved a much larger audience than was present, for he is an able speaker and handled the Subject uhderstaiidlngly. At a caucus held at the court hoits* In this city last Saturday afternoon, called to order and presided over liv a member of the RepublicAii Town Com mittee. tbe following ticket was put In the field: Supervisor, E. M. Lamb; Town Clerk, S. Baldwin; Assessor, J. D Short {Collector.O. L. Sherwood ;Sehooi Trustee. A. B. McCouueil, Comnils sionei' or Highways, Owen Marren. We -1 liMr. jiut ,ni »<i plma .niir l»tr»r- llmr. is likelv to lie some opposition. We think It useless work for the Republi cans to make a straight nomination un less they keep out of such a caucus as was held last Saturday. We understand these Is a likelihood of both tbe Congregational and Frfe|- byterlan societies losing their present able and zealous pastors, the Rev. John I). McLean, of the Presbyterian, and Rev. J. D. Wells,nf tbe Congregational chirrch. being about to resign and seek other fields of labor. Both are good aud true men. and we hope will be as successful In their calling elsewhere ns they have beeu while sojourning lu tills city. Rfctattoiid Department. COMISCTIDSRI F. RDIMTT. Miss Cora I}avis, of Elgin, spent thr Sabbath 11 Richmond. AUCTION SALE. On Saturday. April 7tb, 1883, I will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder. In tiie village of Algonquin, one Carload of Cows, new milch and spring- e-s. TERMS.--Three months' time on ap proved notes at 8 per cent interest. One per cent off tor cash. H. HENNING. J. A. 8IFERWOOD, Anctioneer, . ' / ^CARPET FOR SALE. Fifty yards of new carpet, all cnt and matched, for sale at cost. Inquire of Frank Schnorr. Corsets.Corsets, Corsets, at Perry & Owen's. HORSE FOR SALE. A good norse for sale. Will Hfl# either double or single. Inquire of J. A. Golutf, at Fltssimmons A Evan- son's store. Ladies and Mjeses fine Walking Shoes latest styles, at Perry 4. Owen's. * A four drawer, black-waluut bureau for 97.50, at J. B. Blake's. . Dress Goods and rrkiimlngs of every description at Perry & Owen's. Gents Fine Shoes, Perry A Owen's, several styles, at fw: U's-' # M ,::X " GREENWOOD. EDITOR PLAINDEALKR.--'Thinking a communication from Greenwood might be of some interest to the readers of your valuable paper, we take -the liber ty to write, although we know not how it w0il| be received. We shall uot be surprised if It is entirely rejected; but we send it on its mission regardless of consequences. Mr. Ensley Barnard, of this place,and Miss S irati Ely, of Nunda, were on the 22d of March, united in the holy bond* of matrimony. May the happy couple have a long and pleasant Journey through life, is the wish of their many friends. Levi Coudry, wlie has been quite sick for some time, is better, though not able to be out of doers. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Strat* ton ere afflicted with the measles, but are rapidly recovering. Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Wasliburu visited friends lu Harvard last week. ^ J. H. Garrison wa* in town (Tver Sun day. He is selling large quantities of lumber ail over tbe country, and those wishing anything in his line will do well to leave or send their bills for estimate with D. W. So per. who at tends to Garrison's business when he Is away. There will b£ a road opened this spring, extending from Main to Soap street. We believe it is to be named **Fr«g Poud Alley," and it is verjr ap propriate. Our thoroughly energetic and enter prising veterinary surgeon, G. E. Adams, is doing a rushing trade in his line of business. It i» nothing unusual fer I lie silent hours of midnight iu our little village, to lie disturbed by the pattering hoofs of "Sleepy Jane." hitched to the doctor's road wagon, whose very wheel* seem to say, "Here goe s to doctor some rich man's horse tore the small sum of one dollar. Mrs. B. Wire is very sick at present writing. This week Mark Dawson Intend* leaving for Redwood Falls, Minn., his future home. Mr. Henry Dailey. of Royal. Neb., was married to Miss Dora Del!, of Osage. Iowa, til 15th of March. Mr Dailey was a former resident of this* place, who*e many friends ex;eud to iiim their hearty congratulations. The firiv. nf Fink & Howe, manufac turers of butter and cheese, have di»*ol- ved partnership, the busiiiess will ix^1 coutliiued by Frank Boos. ij School commenced Monday, with Miss Jennie Leipuiers a* teacueis, • .. . . - ^t i . • * s Ben Martin ha* moved Into his new bouse lately purchased from Mrs. Cor nell. Mr. Wm. Overton and family rejoice In the possession of another son. who scored 9} pounds avnlrdupels. The clerk of the Meteorlegical De partment will be entitled to thank* if he furnishes a Utile decent spring weather. Geo. H. Stow art, auctioneer, lately sold a lot of 21 cow* at an average of •56 each. How high is that for George's oratorical power*? Mrs. J. R. Hyde returns from her winter's residence in Colorado, very much1 improved in health--a matter of very much gratification to a host of friends. A nnmberof our village bovs have gone to work on farms for Hie summer. Now, If they will all save their wage* instead of 'spending It foolishly, each will have a nice little pnrse next fall. We are sorry to state that Mr*. Wm. Drake has lately developed unmistaka ble signs of Insanity,and tbe propriety of removing Iter to an asylum is being considered. VOW tALt Oft RENT. Two houses in the village * Ring wood, one house with ten rooms' the other with 9 room*. A good well and barn on each, flngwood has a good school, making It a desirable place of residence. On the premises is a shop and a good opening !» tbe vil lage for a shoemaker, blacksmith, orauy mechanic. J'or further par ticulars Inquire of ^ WESLEY LADD. Riogwood.U. CARRIAGES! CARRIAGES! CAR KIAGES! Anyone in, want of a Carriage, Buggy or Wagon, should not fail to call on E. M.Owen A Son aud -see the large car-load just received. The finest finished lot ever come to the county and will sell tiiem cheap. Horses for Sale. ©«*od road and cheap farm Horses kept i«r sale, from Chicago. Price from •35 to 9100. At M. Cook's, i miles north of Wauconda. on tbe McHenry road. Have just received another new lot. which those who are iu want or good w»rk horses will do well to call aud see. Awhile age Mrs. William Pnrdy had convulsions, which were considered to be epileptic iu character. Since that time she baa shown sign* of aberration of mind, and her relatives have taken her to Oshkosh. Wis., where It Is hoped change of tcene and good nursing she may recover. We gratefully acknowledge a genuine speckled trout for dinner one day la*t week. It came from the hand* of Johi* Wray, and wa* one of twenty canght by his son Frank, near River Fall*. Wi*^ Frank is attending school at River Falls, hut It seem* lie g<m » Uttle tlme for piscatorial sport. At the caucus held srt House last Saturday the following ticket was put lu nomination for town officers: Supervisor. A. R. Alexander; Town Clerk.Thomas Bowers; Assessor. William Turner; Collector. Harvey Booth; Justice of the Pcace, M. Foete; School Trustee, John McConnell. The following In the result of the town election. Tnesdar: For Supervisor--A. R. Alexander. For Town Clerk--Charles Green. For Assessor-- W. L. Turner. ' For Collector--Harvey Booth. For Justice of the Peace--Marcus Foote. For CommUsioner of Highway--G. H. Stewart. For School Trustee--John McConnel. The Reliable Rockt'ord Sulky Plow stand* on its merits. Tbe farmers friend, never strikes for higher wages, is a faithful, obedient servant, never' wearies of work, and last but not least always pleases the ladies, a* it Involves no additional boarders. For sale by R. Bishop. Call and examine the Richmond Champion Force Feed Seeder at R. Bishop's. nARROWS! HARROW*! All styles from 40 to 100 Uetfl, all steel. Tbe Reversibles take the cake at Owen A Sou's. The Richmond Champion Drill for sale by R. Bishop. 50 pound wool Mattress for 94.75 at J. B. Blake's. Perry & Owen have received their new spring stock of Wall Paper. Call early aud make yonr selections. TOWN TALK. That the Light Running Oesley Mulky Plow lias arrived and can be found for sale at the warehouse of R. Bishop, McHenry, and parties wishing to purchase a sulky plow wouid do well to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. • Lumber Wagons, Milk Wagons, Plat form Spring Buggies for sale at R. Bishop's warehouse. Call and examine those Black Wal nut Extension Table* at 91.00 per foot at J. B. Blake's. 3} per cent, oft for cash. Carpets. Wall Paper and Window Shades, full line, at Perry A Owen's. The famous Plow, the Geeley Sulky. Don': fail to call and examine It before • purchasing. For sale by R. Bishop. Car or Hapgood Sulky Plows at E. M. Owen & Son's. The Rock ford Sulky i*low for sale at R. Bishop's. NEW Spring Millinery lusl received at Mre.S. Sauries'. house of Edward Stockton one night last week. We are Informed that Mr. Stockton had that da.v received a sum nf money In payment for land* which lie had sold, and the burglars must have known of this fact--which would argue that It wa* some parties living in the vicinity. Failing to pick the lock, they cut through the door near it. whan they were heard and frightened away. It would strike us, that. If we are harbor ing a lot of thieves and burglars In this community it I* time steps were ta\en to find it out aud give them their deserts. WE8THARTLAND. EDITOR I*LAINDEALER: -- Walter Waterman and Erwln Dodge were in this vicinity buying calves for their raneli in the West, for which tliey start about the 1st of May. James Noion iias moved to Harvard. Mrs. Maley having so improved In health as to allow her husband to take has not beeu able to move there yet, bur expects to soon. The cheese factories that have been idle this winter expect to Often April 1st, with an increase over the large amount of milk received last summer, and under the management of the boss butter and cheese maker of the North west. M. Munger, the ^alrumi aie sure of fair dividends and good profits The pickle growers met last WednesI day and elected Baldwin and Gardener who. In conjunction with the owner of tiie factory, form a committee for the sale of the pickles. If all the factories and growers would adopt this plan aud consult one with the other, or still better appoint a committee for the county, growers would receive more satisfactory price* for their products. We exclaim in the language of the poet. "Beautiful Snow!" but we have gazed on the beauties quite lung enough fer this time, and hope you will recede to your eternal abode, those peaks whose crowns you are, and give place toge:itle Spring, who, they say. Is coming. Your .deponent fully agrees with tliem--is coming-ryes coming. Sunday School in District No. 7, re. opened Sunday last, with S. Richardson, of Harvard, as Superintendent, whose holy influence is shed on all who coiue iu his presence. We learned at a late hour tbat Miss Grace Hammond, of Harvard, who was a former resHeut of Hartland, is very sick with the typhoid fever. Her con dition is extremely critical if this writing.' CLOTHING. A complete stock of Men's and Boy's Clothing at bottom prices. I'KRAR A OWBJL Prairie City Seeders and Drills, all Improved for 1983, at E. M. Owen A Sou's, ^ Ladies Wrapv Doblman*, Jackets and Ulster*, at P««rrv & Owen's. An elegant line of dress buttons and trimmings always {9 be fouuj at Usury Colby's. Wall Paper at Perry A Owen*»» Don't fail to call aud see the Hapgood Siviky P!r.w (of whScit t!;crs Is a d~s criptlan in this Issue). Big sales last fall, all on account of it running one horse easier than others. They are all getting them now, and won't have any other. Call and see them, always on hand (If ean make them fast enough) that being the trouble heretofore, at E. M. Owen A Son's. A large variety of Misses Corsets, cheap, at Mrs. H. 11. Nichols'. Drags, Drags, Drags, a lot on hand, steel tooth, aud must sell. For sale by R. Bishop. Call at E. M. Owen A Son's and see the celebrated Hapgood Sulky Plow that is warranted to run lighter than a Walking Piow. A full line of choico groceries always to be obtained at HENRY COLBY'S. 1 . Everything in farming Implement* om a Swill Cart to a McCormlck found at the f ruin Twine Binder, can be warehouse of K. Bishop. Ladles, we think we can show you the "prettiest" line nf laces that was charge of .Jimmy's farm, although she Lever brought to this market. Ask to see them at Henry Colby's. Young ladles, our new walking shoes and Fr«>nch and Mat Kid button shoes are "just lovely." Call and see them at Henry Colby's, The LaDow 13x16 Inch Pulveriser, greatly improved, and as tar a* draft capacity, reliability and durability are concerned It lias few equals and no superior*. For sale by R. Bishop, Mc Henry, III. The "Aurora" Road Cart, the easiest tldng out on man aud horse, at E. M. Owen A Sou's. The late improvement ss tbe La Dow Pulverizer takes the cake. Call aud see It at R. Bishop's. Call at the warehouse Of R. Bishop. McHenry, 111., and examine goods and learn prices. . Madam McGee Corsetts. Tiie best on the market at Mayes A Bartlett's Tiie Gesley steel or wood beam walk ing Plow on hand and for sale by R. Bishop. Remember that you will experience no difficulty In getting repairs for any machines «old by K. Bishop, thus pre venting vexatious and expensive de lays at a critical time wheo tiute means money. Fine Shoes. Our stock of Foster's celebrated Beloit Shoes is complete. For style and durability they cannot be excelled. Ask to see them. HENRY CUUI. The finest Platform Wagon with iron corners and E. M. Oweu A Son's. Notice To tiie farmers of McHenry and Lake Counties: Those that would like to sow mixed grain the coining spring, and are prevented from doing so by the expense and trouble of separating oats from wheat, or oats trom barley, would I am agent for a mill or separator, and have one at my piace.3 miles north of west of McHenry Mutiou tiiat will >1 |>arate the above iiAined grains at once running through fit for grinding or for market. It also cleans Timothy aud clover s**ed thoroughly. Please call and.see it, and see it work. AM>KUW itoOMAS, Ageot. made Business Hotle**,] Go t«f Mrs. Howe's for Milllii Dressmaking. Fishing Tackle of all kinds at Engeiu's, In Howe's Block, itt*f tl new Bridge. Buckeye Force Pumps, at E. Oncii'i*. The flneet Hue of silver and Plated Ware to be found in the county, at W. W. Owen's. 1 ^ If yon want a black silk dre** wortljf " , .... 93 I yard for #1.60 you can get.it calling soon at Henry Colby'*. FOR MALE. • ••• *>:• 40 Acres of 'and In Section 12. all fenced. Also S0_acre* of laud, with Sj>>: good house and barn therein, witll timber and water in abundance. In Sec tion 22. Also my homestead on the Crystal Lake and Nu:-da road. Good new bouse, barn aud other outbuildings.-* Apply to JollK FLtSKY. '•-m Case. FSut A Bradley. Mollne. Hal good and oilier Sulky plows .at K. 1 Owen & Sou's. As usual we have this *pHng finest line of Embroideries in town. IIKNKY COLBY, FEED FOK SALE. V Must make room for there pairing of my mill, and will sell fer the rc»xt 9$ days ground com aud oats for twentf^. dollars per ton. R. BISHOP. Full car load of Hapgond Sulky Plow* ust received at E. M Owen A Son's. .. Our stock of drugs, chemical* and patent medicines WHS never more complete. Goods reli*bi« and prices right. HENRY COLBY. CARRIAGES. i Have on hand a few first-elasa «•*, ria£ea wbtoh we will sell at cost to cloea» .*5 ^ E. M. OWEN 4 Sou. * 3 ONLY 820. For a New York Shiver, equal Ms any Singer in the market. This Is thl; same style other companies retail foir •50. All machines warranted for years. Q. W. OWKX. Farmers, call and see the two LeveiF^ Keystone Pulverizer. You ail know two levers are far ahead of one, even It you never have to use It. Pulverise rs from 915 up, at.E. M. Owen A Son's. Gossamer circular* and coati^ for ladies and gentlemen, and full line of rubber to be bad at goods HENRY COLBY*®. Farms For Sale. Apply to Asa W. Smith, Woodstocfc^ 111. ̂ Carriages sold low at E. M. A Son's. -otNi v The Improvements on :he Randall} and Keystone Pulveriser* take the leaA- by far this season, at E. M. Owen # son's. . The Skinner steel or wood beat! walking Piow has proved Itself the farmers frieud. For sale by l|*. Bishop. New Furniture Store, , And Undertaking Rooms just opened* by Justin Brothers, near the Depot, McHenry. We have 05 hniuK Bnil akM . now ready to slmw yon a ru11!fn»*{ First-class Furniture at low pi ices. Onr ftock of Coffins I* complete and it g*04. Hearse furnished at reasonable rata*. See our stock before buying. JUSTIN BROS. ljFo trouble to show questions at R. Bishop**. Flow Trial* A Plow Trial took place on the fanjfi of Jos. Schaefler, just south of this vip lage.on Saturday afteriioon^September 17th. 1882. which was witnessed Ity quite a number of farmers. The tHal- was between the Hapgood Sulky Plow, and Moiine Clipper walking Plow* an# the result was simply astonishing.it being proven that tiie Sulky Plow would cut a furrow sixteen Implies wtrip; and carry a driver Willi eighty potttt<i!< lighter diaft than the Walking Plow*, cutting only fourteen inches. Below the report of the committee: MCHEKRV, III, Sept. 17th, int. We the undersigned, having been chosen a committee by the Farmera present, to lest the draft and wortt Of tiie Hapgood Sulky Plow, as compareii with a Molli.e Clipper Walking Plow,, report as fellows: The Hapgood Sulky is very easy Ink throw out of the ground in turningf lays out and finishes a land perlbrtlyi,: can be adjusted to any depth or levellp while the team is in motion. Does es» cellent work, and is lighter 011 tbe tftsas than the Walking Plow. Tiie fellow* ing is the result of a eareful test with a Fairbank's Dynamometer: HAPGOOD SULKY PLOW.--Width Cut 16 inches. Depth of Furrow inches. Average Draft 342 pounds. WALKING PLOW.--Width of cut 14 Inches. Depth of Furrow 61 inefcea. Avarage Draft 422J pounds. Boib Plows were I n good order. E. Towns, JACOB SxvoBa, 8. A. WHITISO. J. Van si.raa, 1 Gouiuuteoi. TtiriSale by E. 3f. Owen A Son. City,residences for sale. Apply IO Asa W. Smith, Woodstock. III. EASTER PARTY. I An Easter Party will be held at iwl McHeurv House, iu this village, e* Monday evening. March 26th. Musi* King wood Quadrille Band. Tlek*tl 50 cents* PETKR SHITS, PiefiMoa ' The mihinoiid Champion Drill an# Broad Cast Seeder is the great aamef of attraction at tiie warehouse of 1^* Bishop. Come and leek it »v»t MAIM* eeme convinced. POSTS FOR SALS. I have 2.000 good second growth Bwrf Oak Post* for sale, at my residence, lis the village ot Kiugwood. WIN 1m sak| reasonable. Grow STKYKKS. Bi»rwood, March tttb, IMS. Tiie Luliea of McHeMry and ***»,- roHutUag country are respect folly la* viied tit call and examine my nevf stock of Spring Millinery, which, foi* beauty, style aud clioapaess. canuot b* , e*ew4M MeHenry 4 'omitv. Mas. B. JL Sicaot* " CLOTHING. Our stock of Clot hi ag is tuiusuaifcr complete and will be sold ver cheap toy cash. Htutaf Count. Down's celebrated Corsets* at Nn> H.JL Klcheis*. DIAMOND DYSS. We have all colors of the nslebrt.1 Diamond 1 -yes onlv 10.- a paeksge. ittswtQofc-v* •f *3$