Arooa- Mo., tti«r« ft « |trl who faculty of spelling dllR* ird without hesitation jl« M.Drew, Just past I WHlwlny mid residing with in OalcfteM. who are people L« filuMtlon, 11 VIIIIF upon * * rural community. While this rl 1* bright unci *mart as the •f h» r mates she never at- llMf particular attention until, than a year •«», It was ?nta!!jr ,ll«»vered *l»e posws?ed Mjingtilar gift of, spelling backward y^mpnt hesitation. At * spelling "* jjllllli recently held In the school which Hi* attends, without any previous warn- • Ing, she stood before the audience tor ;»om* ten minutes, spelling wor<l< sclec- «t random, *o«ne for their difficulty •fconUnatlmi, but without any pre* trtoto knowledge of what they were to b«, rapidly and correctly, except one or two which she could not spell i n the proper way, and when prompted In the correct • pell lug would Immediately re- jW»e It. Among the words which 8lie spelled were these: Galaxy, syzygy, as tronomy, robin, photography, difficult, attendance. Indivisible, etc.. and many other words of eqnal length and diffi culty. All of these were spelled M rapidly as the eye could follow without tMsgle misplacement of a letter. Has any other person without j any training feeea aide to do this or similar feats? may be said, upon the testlmoay of the girl, tnat "she can see the words sri her mind and knows no reason why she should, not read the letters backward as in the usual way." "*•••" jy--r?' Establi Woodstock Formerly of McHenry, Chicago, has returned to Woodstock, Illinois jtbofeTMilc MAIl reirom And htk now on band the largest ana to* stork of OLD ISTA COLLARS, WHIPS, Ac., to be found ia t Oonnty, and has tmrtUu made of thS •BEST MATERIAL. Call and . see me. JOHN 8TBRBA GOLDINGr m mfw B * AV BLAK sft And til points In Northern nummt»j0m' tral, Eastern And Northweeterr Wisconsin, Northern Michigan, •ota. Ihtkotm. Manitoba, Cents Northern AVftm*kmf CM!#* toft. Utah* Idaho. Montaiia. OrrtfMt, Washington ton, JtrM«k Columbia, China. - • , the Sandwich Talanrta, Au*trmlimt 1TM» iwrtssJ, and all principal points fa «te NORTH, NORTHWK8T and WtlT. With Its own lines It traverse* North ern ILLINOIS, Central andNortherD IOWA, WISCONSIN, Northern MCHi ©AN, MINNESOTA, and Central IMUKO- TA. It offers to the traveler all aoootn- moditlo&s that can bo offered hy any railroad. Its train service equan that of any road: their speed is as mst as comfort and safety will permit: they make close connections In union depot* at junotlon and terminal points wit" the leading railxo&ds of the west an Northwest, ana oflbr to those that use SPEED, COWI FORT A NO SAFETY WAUCON DA, ILLINOIS. respectfully announce to ttie citizens of VSTauVorttfti Jift3 $ttF» rounding country that they have purchased the stock ot Goods of O. L. Pratt, and ate now on hand at the old store, withatull line of Goods for the Spring aud Stammer trade, consisting in part of DfcY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, \ r . • f *-v I HATS ANB GAPS, • v' P. $!* ;•, AH INST iNTANKOL'S MBHT. 8*ch, In a word, is the unique appara tus on exhibition at the rooms of the Portable Electric Light Company, 22 Water Street, Boston. It occupies the •pace of only five square Inches, and weighs but five pounds, and can be car ried with ease. The light, or more properly lighter, requires no extra power, wires or connections, ind is so constructed that any part can be re placed at small cost. He chemicals are plaoed in a glass retort; a carbon and sine apparatus, with a spiral platlnam attachment. Is then adjusted so as to form a battery, and the light Is ready. The pressure on a little luiob produces an electric current by whlch the spiral of platinum is heated jto incandescence. The Portable Klec trie Light Company was recently in corporated, with a capita] of #100.000, -snider the laws of Massachusetts. The •sefalness of the apparatus and the lew price ($3) will no doubt result in Its general adoption. Some of the prominent business men of the State «ra identified with this enterprise. In addition to its use as a lighter, the apparatus can aleo be used in conncc tion with a burglar-alarm and galvanic battery.--Botton Tmnwrlpt December SOL At CHICAGO it makes close connec tion with all other railroads at that city. It runs 1'AI.ACE st^FTOO CARS on all throuarh trains, PARLOB CABSontta Brincipal routes. and NORTB-VrKSTKRIf iININO CAES on Its COtmCII. BUTFItl and oh its ST. rAWI. and M1K.VSAPOU8 through d&y express trains. If you wish tho Best Traveling Acoona- jnodation3 you will buy your Tickets to this route AN1> VPII-L 'TAKE NONK OTHER. For rates tickets and for for slnsrle or round trip full Information In of the West. North i orthwestjwrite to General Passenger crard to all parts of the West. North and Northwestjwrite to Q " Agent, at Chicago, 111. „ „ . All Coupon Ticket Agents sen Tickets 'JD^LAYNG, MARVIN HUOHITT, " X 2d Vice-IYr*. and Gen." ~. H. STBNNETT, Gen. Pass. Agt., Chicago. Boots, Shoes, Crockery, Glassware, Ac., Ao Which they an* bound to sell as cheap as good Goods can be bought anywhere. In short, everything that caD be found in h general store •will be kept and sold as low as the lowest, and everything warranted as represented. \Vhen inwaut jpu will find it for your interest to call and see us. ^ " ' V ."J; l$Lrt ̂ ' WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS, --dkalkkJIK-- Agricultural Of ALL KINDS. Af rMrm%lUaeblnery of the best manufacture and sell at Bed Rook Pricai* If von Want omy thing in the AgricnUnial Mrtcfcinerv line, <io not fail to call on me be fore purcha3insr, as I can save yon money. I am also M«nt |tar ||f j^fnry Counties for tbe iMAMRPiON Cutter. iPfce history of New KngUnd raanu> ftttim. In the matter ef a change of operatives. Is beginning a new chapter that Is not unlike some that have pre ceded it. The ni|l1s were at first filled by Yaakee girls nttd' beys, who found the work more profitable and congenial than farming. The males gradually became overseers, and the temales re tired almost altogether from the fac tories. The extension of our railroad system into Canada opened up a new source of labor supply, and at present the great majority of the mill lunds arc Canadians of Preach and Irish par entage. Bat the em pier era have now turned Into a new field, and are import ing largely from Europe. Ton can have a grtivter attached to grind at the same time you are cat ting. Every pur chaser gets a written guarantee with tils ma. chine. It is positirelv the BA IE T KUN SISO FEED (JUXTER IX THE MARKET. Give me a call. ft /I TT T T T -- *»• V ----- - Waucondft, III.. Dec. *6. W, Wauconda, lilt, April 4th, 1833. Don't be stuffed or fooled, but call and examine our large 9tock of FARMING TOOLS, which is far larger this season than ever before. It you want plows we have the old make of Furst A Bradley, Grandetenc, Moline, .Norwegiau, Case and the celebrated In all styles of walking-and riding". In Planters we can show you ard sail you th©Te,lowne^ Keystone, Union, Standard and Deere, cheaper than any oue in the stall. We have the Katidall & Keystone Pulveiizin«r Harrow with their improvements that are far ahead of any .other made. For a Mowei you all know the Standard, Manny and Knowl ton are lighter draft aud lead all the light Mowers in this county > by many a length. The lightest atad simplest Twine Binder i& jtbe market for 1883, is the Minneapolis, aud is the only one that has Appleby's latest im- piovements. It takes only one-half a team to run it. (Jail and we will show it to you and you will see it. wiil *av<e you time* and money. • 7 " v. .)-4[ Doors North of Perry & Owenl My stock of furniture is complete with a larger stock than ever, and will be Bold as cheap as any other in the county, and it will be to the interests of the buying public to call upon me wheu in want of anything in that line. ! > tv: TTNDERTAKIN G. In this department I keep a first-class assortment of Caskets and Coffins and Shrouds of all kinds and qualities. A Hearse furnished at reasonable rates JOHN IN WAUCONDA BOOTS AND SHOES We have just received an immense stoctt lor the v EAH» AND WINTER TRADE . I^^id can show you the finest line of these goods ever brought to McHenry County. Keinember we btiv and sell Jot ash* buy our goods at , Bottom Prices, Can and will give you such bargains that it will pay you to come from any part of the county to trade with us, no matter how, great the distance,! We keep a lull line of the SELZ CELEBRATED CUSTOM MADS GOODS, ^Constantly on hand, both fine and coarse, for meti« women and W. H. D WIGHT. "Woodstock, 111 CLOTHING!! For Fall and Vintir a full line of piece goods of the latest stylat and at tlie lowest figures. C ^ o t h i n g I A Bigger Stock than ever. SUTS AT Suits all prices at $4.50. SUITS AT 95.00 J • 8HKBP ATITSAKLKFI RIMTIVAF^ , * The time is dune at band for tho an* anal shearing on the fair ground?, gen erously opened for that occasion. April 16 and 27 is tho time fixed. The first day the different classes of fine wooled tf ieeit will he examined by a committee from the Wisconsin As*oet atloa, and the second day will • be de voted to shearing. I ban no doubt the shew of sheep can hardly be ex Miled anywhere, and the afternoon of thettth will tie the best time for cit- IttM to view them. The Association fcaaaaverul times Honored our county With their festival, and I hope to see a large number of visitors bntit day* A public meeting will be held at (he s Court House oa tho orening of the 96th. . T. McD. R(CH4*na, Sap't«f Shearing* Woods toe k, April 3, 18&3. DO YOU WAHf -TO iVf. Sewing Machine? I havo on hand and am selling at the. Low est prices, tlie Domestic, EMredge, New Home, Sprinplield, Neur American,and 8inger a wing Machine*, ami w'll not be undersold Uy any a^eiit in the count?. A go.ul singer Machine for 20. warranted to do the work of any Singer Machine in tbe wo . Id. Call and see me. McHenry,, 18S& U. W. OWEN. people are always 011 the look out f«W chances to increase •Macaaml in time l>eeon$« wealthv; i.Who do n»t improve their opportmii. tiee remit ill in poverty. We offer a great elMHHie to make money." We want manr men, W<Mae«, Vtpf and Kill 's to work for us rixht in tMIr own localities. Anyone eun do the work WMtperly from the llrst #wrt. The business WlU V*f more than ten times ordinary wage*, j expensive outfit furnished tree. No one who " ~ ' pes fails to make money rapidly. You sroto your whole time to the work or jrapr spare moments. Full information ••Aalt th.«t is needed sent free. Address HTlSitOX A CO., Portbitid, Maine. a. week made by the industrious. Itest business l«cfore the public. c;ipit;tl not needed. We will start you. Men, women, boys and girls wanted every where to work for us. Now is the time. You can wors in spare time or give your whole'time to the busiiietts. No other business will pay you nearly as welt. No ono can fail to make enor- nioiiK pay by engaging at once. Costly out It and terms free. Money made fa*t, easily and nonorably. Address, TRUE A CO., Augusta, Maine. ESXEY OROAN LEADS THE WO R LD. '.%vjkt7CoPii>4#; For anything order, MalilMd'a ts the place to go, Aiso a fullMlne of Gent's Furnishing Goods. HATS, CAPS, &C., A H«s received a line Stock .of Fall and Wintei Millinery goods, and of tlie latest sty'eo. A nice'lot of ItiblNinS'and riumes. . The t.ndiesof Western l.ake County are eSperlattv nvlted to call and examine goods and prices. SSTDKESS MAKING done in the best style and at lleasonable Prices. Wauconda, Sept. Wtit,^; The Keaso|| Nothing hut the Tisrer, .Hollingsworth, Furst & Bradley, Knov^l* ton and others. AH first olass. You will always tind both Plrtform Wagons and ferriages of all kinds and styles at onr place and will sell lower than anyone. Also the Celebrated Sarnes Wagon ( „ \ Pump.?, Pumps, a!l kinds with the Enterprise of Turbine Iron Wine Mill at low figures. Be sure and call if in waut of anything in our line as you are sure to be suited. E. Ml. OWEN & SON, . LA.WLUS, Merchant Tailor KEEPS Domestic WARRANTS A FIT, OR NO SA.LE. ALSO CLOTHING, Men's Boys' and t ijitdreu's sizes, of the best qual ity aud at Caicago prices. Store opposite ltiversi le House, McHenry - Illiuois. TWELVE REASONS, FOR INSURING WITH W. Smith., OI Woodistook, 111. est agency la the,, ^ ^DEALER IlTw companies' in the United I Drugs, Medicines, Faints, Oils, Toilet Articles. NO PATKST, NO PA.Y, is our motto. We have had 14 > voars experience in procuring jf%ms*t*, Tnde Marks, Oop>«rigli is, t Mils and other countries. Our Hand Book*, giviug full Insti'uclioiis in Patents, K A'ilress: tt.SJkA. P. LACK.Y, Pat- eat Att'i», St., WaaliLugiou, i>. c. Au elf«(iiiit line of dre»s buituiiM and Collo1*. 7 1. Beeanse he is endorsed by leading bnoj ness men and the press, aad partlcnla where best known. % Because His is the eountv. 3. Because lie ftpreselt* the beet line ef companies of pmn^gennv in the county. 4. Because'}*; * -- ' " sents the oldel States. 5. Because in case of loss he gives his pat rons the benefit Of his long experience in ae curing an equitable adjustment. ^ 6. Because lie has jjHvays issued full pol- 7. Because he pavs losses on farm property by lightning, whether lire ensues or not. 8. Because he insures live stocn anywhere against lightning. • H. Because he insures against tornadoeaj cyclones and wind storms. ' 10. Because you thns ttre yonrselt from disaster for a mere trifle. 11. Because yun will And him eqnalty as active to aid you in giHtiiisr your money after, loss as to secure your patronage for his com panies, 12. Because every one of the abore reasons can l>s fully verified by calling on EL A. Mur phy, K. Sasilons. J. W. Miller, from their own experience, and an the sntire circle of bis acquaintances Irom observation. In Itehalf of the Old Reliab|«, the Phasnix, of Hartford, Connecticut. 1 take great pleas- ure in rviiimiuv the the thanks of the con. pany to Mrs. L, D. Kelly for her promptness «n<t unusual presence of mind in extinguish., lug a lire at her residence, kindled from the burning of K A, Murphy's residence on the morning of tiie Uth Inst., as hy her individual effort, pr"i>ertv was <<:ived on which the com. l»anj had u policy ol *2,000 • ASA W. SMITE It will pay v«»u to call ami examine i am, 14, S.^Uke a. 3 Dimriist and Aptliecari HENRY, Tou Should Many hundreds of our noifrhftorsnntl friends have purchased one of theao snpejjto. inslru ments within the last twelve vears, mid the twelve year old toy's are worth more than any other organ that is sold i:» iliis section SEW. They are the finest toned organ in the wo* Id. and the only organ UuU iimiroves with w&e. You may »i»k#?why can't oilier n:akers inane as gmMl an organ as • the Kstey? This secret remains with the' Esteys, their patents and lnveuti >ns-- which cannot be used by Jinv other maker, They nave entirely overcome the din|rviHy of feeds losing their oualfty and failing with use, and have produced a,iced which pttaaesspsit tile like an<3 musical . Quality of Tone, Found In no Other Organ Having had nearly twenty years experience in selling and repairing organs, Iclaim to know aoinething ahout all, and I should like to give some advice to any one who <'onten>plates living an instrument and would try, m the IJiatpTact to adVi»-e you about the mi<h>s in :m orgin,' I And Vn a great majority of rases that the lirst question nsked hy a purchase* is': llow nian v stoi'* has your organ? Now to, slvow you how i\nini|tfirtant that if, I will tell yon that an Kstey Organ, with tvyo sets of reods, of flv« oiitavet ca«d», is saying it has 143 reed*. 01 Motes, and re<iu-"es oply seven sto^is, but can use only nine at the most. Somoot the lower graifosof orgam of ditlevent makes advertise their orgaus <i$ haying ten sets of »eeds and twenty-seven stops, when, in f'.ict, they only .contain X'-'- reeds or jiotes, and can ouly use nine stops, IvgUtmaloly. I have a cuculatr tiwn an eastern factor>, advertising_these or- gai^ as having ten ociaves of iHJeds, wblj'li means two sets of live octaves each, or 1122 reeds or n«tes Xow I 'would ask any one «hv the stops are put into an organ vfliich has hut 123 notes and can or ly use. i. nine, if not to deceive tUc purchaser, w lio. as a 5^ rule, knows but litile alsmt an instruinelt lor the reason that lie is buying tho lirst organ. You te|l a farmer that you have a mower tlr't has thirtN'-two sickles, "aflrt when he_ investi gated it linil .found it bad but Bichlo6 of aixteen sections each, yon would stiy it was iniepded to misrepresent the mower. ;io I say of the organs thatadvertise twenty-seven stops anil ten sets of reeds. It (s done to mislead. . 1 advise any one buying an organ to bi.y the «Estey, ef Brattlelxiro, lor several reasons. First: It is tli(* l>est inade organ, betore tlie pu'uiio, conseiiucntly will last the longest. Second) It is I be best tone. Third: It uas tiie DCSI ac tion-- is the quickest to respond to the touch, therefore, the quickest inusie written can oe played on it. • _ „. „ u„_ in »roof of its duraJdiitv t will, wIth normiaainn, refer to some o^ ̂ t{i{i|^90tl nare die, Henry Colbv, " SlcHenry^ ! HTm. Tidniarsli, H^econda, 1)1. C. V. Steven#. ln> ^ i» Hv. W«.ila. riS Z P® The MoHenry Wrw«* Corn paoy are new ready to supply Urlck in quaa- tlties IEQM SMALL LOTS »-TO^r Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Use. Also Bottled Ale aud Potter for Family Ua«. i; Tho l>est brands of Cigars, aud molting aud ('hewing always on hand. W® havft ||ic largest stock ot \ Tobacco *EvHr brouprlit to McHenry county, amon<? which can be fonnd tKc Bonner Library, Princess Library, Harrison & Smith Sutety Lamp and a tine line of Bracket and Hand Lamps of every description which will be sold at prices that defy competition. Call aud see then oefore purchasing. *^7 X*liy«ieia,u4ai Carefully Compounded. 2Pre«oription« HI. 11 • C. Smith, Geo. Clark, H. H. Nic hoi 8, Universalist Ohureh, Henrv ltogers, . .... ^ ltobert Paddock, 1)q Allan Uiliilt, dtebiiins Ford, Waucojida, II). Mr. ^ewnmn, • i. If you want a^cheaploigtiu we can fnrnUh you a Chicago made ln»trnmeni tor vou anq upwauls. * ^ B A . • ^ O. W- OWEN. MeSenry, 111,, February 20th, IStti lto,,-i . Do Ho Do Volo, 111. iHk M'aucopda, II). Br. Bangs,* • •" ';®°. Xiiin Ilansoq,. ... Blngwood, 1. J. Kllia, ' J* ®r. ilutk, Woodstock, ihweregational Ohnreb, • o° Allan uiliilt, Mr. ^ewman, }M'i» AUD- •' f|EA.X>Y - MAD^ >fi OLOTHIISG, At Centerville, McHenry. Their Brink are second to none to be ftxnnrt in tho market, and will be' sold at the loweai market price. ; j • ,: . _ . Persons intending to build, or those haiiq, ling brick, will do well to .oall and see ua tore i nrchasing. ' For nirther information apply to or add^eM Mm , BM /A Cfliany,, July 6th, 1882. j". :'-' '.yi- ILLINOIS. • • 'J wound or injury. Fees, 810 Bounty, Back Pay, Dis charges for Deserters, etc., procured. 14 roars experience. Address: C. M. ITES, A JO., R04 I' St., IVashington, D. C, PENSIONS not, life is sweeping by, IN I dare before von die; Rom$- tlung mighty and subiimev leave behind to conquer time." <60 n week in your own tow^. oi.tlit free Xo risk. Everything pew. Uipilitl not required. We will furbish you everything. Many are making fortunes,, Ladies make as much as men. and boys and girls make great pay.. Header, II you usinessat which you can make great pay lU tiie lime, write lor particulars to h. HAw LETT A CCU,,Portiauii, Maine. _CAT1D «nr OBBUUOS 112 cte. with the PKOVI.K'R MAOAZINB. THE moat magoiflcent preminm ever given, and one of the best magazines published. Only eighty eenis a year. Sample sent free on rereipt oi 8-ccnt siiiinp, or three nirntiis on trial for M cents. A'iKNTS WANTKI). Send 25 rent! for complete outfit, including all the cbromoa, Money returned it not salistied. ®J7 A MONTH and board In your oir« I county. Men or Ladles. Ploasai* business. Address, ?EOFLE'FL MAOAXINK, , , , iPiuladelphia, Pa* 'UM** That Wonderful Boolfc GUIDE TOSUCCESS WITH FOR Bn^inesi AND aQCIETY- |S Is selling by ten* of thousa.ids. ft is tM most univovsallv useful K>ok ever published It tollf conndefely HOW TO DO KVKR* TKIN<* in the bust wnv, How to be YourOwb I.nwyer, How to l>o Business Correctly and Successfully, llow to Aet In and everywhere. A gold n.ine of vacied inform* tion to nil c.ias«c« for constant referenoe. AUKNT> W,\NTEI» for nil or ipsro time IV) know whv this l*v>k of BE\L value 1 n<4 attractions sells l><Ht<<«- ihm f»nv other, apiijj1 ; |or terms to H. *>».