Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Apr 1883, p. 5

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* . . i"Usv- ^ .'A « » 'ttr l&iism&ir, if f t-3t „ 4 , M v *»>_ -it -»!* *"** ' m .&' tit -ai't f <•> "' mrnmrnm K^i; HMMiilfltiiiflMiitiMMriiiNifM WEDNESDAY. *PRIL 18.1S8S. Railroad Time Table. flOlNNUTl. aeva Lake INwenwr 7« A.* -- Lake IBxiwess -- " Lake freUrht ...1:*5 F. u so arm /« • #»•% Uke Freisrht * iMrtUkt Kxprew ;*........ -J'MF.* am Lake Pasaeaeer..... .«:» * B. BrM.Awnt. MrHMr*. HI M VSOXIO Mclfmr T.orKiit, Va W \. F. end A. H.-- e p i l i i r C f t m m i m i f t h « w * r ifore the full of the moon and every twe eek* thereafter. „ CffA*. O. DOUBT, W. M. f *cmr cmpT** in. SI It A. W --n»rn- "•.*lar 0*nr«Mtinn« held on the wronl una frmrtn < .Kv'rlda?* in cash moneh. ' • K. V. AN<>KR*0*,H. P. of Sp4n or at jrtne v |. Try th« Triple Crown Cig*r at E. B. , 'jerkins*. ^ 6. W. SMITH, of Ringwood. WM elected Township Trustee on Saturday V ^ FOR SAL*.--A g«ed PAIR •'f'.jQars. Inquire at thin olflw or iponfeet lonery itore of E. B. Perk In#. Wit are under obligations to the Hon. f*. Kirk, and to the Hon. C. H. Tryon 'or documents received. How. J, C. SHsnwiN will accept our hanks for the compendium of the enth Renmi*. In two volume*, a very ^valuable work for reference. QUITE a nomher of tlie letter* of onr ^w^rrenpondent* arrived too late la«t t' x<*veek. Such at «lld not spoil by age are Inserted this •TOSKPII CARK. one of the J>lde*t net- tier* of Ringwood, died at Jtliat place on Thursday last, at the advanced age of 80 .rear*. ( 'Wouk was commenced In the Brick Tard on Monday. Superintendent . Wentworth propose* to push It to its fullest capacity thl* *ea*on. PKItgONS interested should not advertisement of a fail line if-xjlo read the "'^"tresldence at auction. t»y A. W. Smith. IVmwlHwk. Tlie notice can he n another column. found THE Steamer. "Mary Grlswold." made her first, trip to the Lakes, this Season, on Friday evening last. Slie will commence making regular trip* a* joon a* the travel will warrant it. 1 ' MRS. H". H. NICHOLS has |ust returned v.V'/!jrrsm the city with a full line of Spring " £ ^Millinery. of the latest style*, to which/ he invite* the attention of the ladies/ 1" .1* ^^I'he Irfrgeststock and the (inert style^ ' *•-ft® be Sound in the county. , ~i\ • t " .Y * ' ATTENTION IS called to the new a ; |vertisement of R. Bishop, to he found ^n another column. His stock of Agri & Cultural Machinery I* large and Nvill Itmr Hie i'ln««"<t Imnpfltlmi. '"'FTK MAY PAHTT will be BEHTTSRIHE Parker this village,en Friday ^^pvenlng. May 4th. Music by the .fanes* ivilie Light Quard Baud. AH who at- Jt tend are sure of having a pleasant tijUe. ' • • WE understand that F. K. Granger kaii purchased a lot from Hon. George Wage, Just west of the residence of the i "latter, and will inimediitely commence I he erection of a line residence on the name. Work Given Out. On receipt of your Jnddres* we will make an oiler by which i,yoti can earn 93 to $7 evenings, at yonr ?|iome.N Men. women, hoy* or girl* can i|do It. H. H. Wilkinson & On., 198 And '*197 Fulton Street. New York. THE Genoa Music <Jla«*. under the direction of J. J. Vasey. will "g'*« * musicai entertainment at Ringwood. *II Saturday evening of thl* week, April 31st. The programme is a good on#, and all lovers of duo music «rtll be wet! repaid by an attendance. THE 'Torporation Election. In this •village on Tuesday, wae one of the *|ulete»? ever known here. There was Siutone Ikijft in the field. Tlie follow- §-|nf are the officers elected, one IHHI- ^dred »nd twelve vote* being polled: ; * For Trustee*.--John I. Story, Jacob iB'shop, E. W. Howe. • 'y® Far Clerk,--George W. Oweii,' ^ J ^ - ^ REPORTS have been extensively clr- Sculated through the newRpaper* that . Scarlet fever I* <*«glng In Jennings -'Seminary, at Aoror».p#l have re­ ceived word from Prof. Bacsett, the 1|>rincipal, that he Uvea several block* from tlie Seminary, and that hi* chil­ dren have had the disease, but have re­ covered, and they* I* net a case any •where in the vicinity of the Seminary. The Summer tetm begins April 24th. Tfo one need to fear, for there Is no danger whatever. As will be seen by referenoi' ff o«r advertising columns, the enterprising firm of I'erry A Owen have taken pos­ session of two frill columns in the IPLAINIHCALKR. in which to tell the buy­ ing public of the large and seasonable • «t»ck of Goods and low prices to be found at. their store. This firm carry one of the largest stock of geods In McHenry Oeunty, and being liberal . advertiser* are toing a large and con- etantly increasing business. Read their Advertisement clear through, yon can­ not fail to learn some thing beneficial. HENRY COLBY, whose store ean be found iij Riverside Block, has enlarged his advertisement this week, in order to get more roorti to tell the buying public of the large Mode of goods and rare bargains to be foun.l at his store. Mr. Colby lias a stock of general merchandise second to . pone, either In variety, quality or price, and invites all to call and see for themselves. His clothing department is complete i« every particular, and, cental us sixes to lit anyone from a six- year-old boy up. .Read his, advertise­ ment aqd caH ^ fee feis mammoth etock. PRKSONAt, G. E. CHAPELL. ofAlgonqoln, was on our street* on Monday. F. W. MEAD, of Riclim*»<t, was on our streets on Tuesday. T.N. MEAD returned from his trip to Dakota iasc week. He *peaks very highly of tbe country out there. FRANK SCHNORR started for Athol* pakota. on Monday morning. His wife will not go for several weeks. GEO. L. SHERWOOD, of the Waverly House. Woodstock, accompanied by a" friend, was over fishing on Tuesday. MRS. HARRIET HOLMES hasV taken rooms in the house of Mrs. Joan Me* Oniber. ' E. C. PERKINS, who resided a few miles south of this village, started for Frankfort. Dakota on Monday. He loaded three cars with lumber, furni­ ture and agricultural machinery. HON. F. K. GRANGER has moved into the house lately va«*ated by Frank SchnolTyWhere he will remain until his new hous^ which lie Intend* to< com­ mence building Immediately, Is ready for occupancy. CHAS. CCRTIS. that "little cuss" who corresponds for the Harvard Independ­ ent from Woodstock, made our sanctum a call ou Mouday. Charley Is Postal Clerk on the Chicago and jBiirliugton line, but still makes it Ms lione at Woodstock. EDITOR PLAINUEALKR:--Some time since there was circulated In this vil­ lage a tract, entitled "Against the Biblc,M which was a direct a«sault up­ on IJnlverbalism. Tills I shall make my topic next Sunday moruing.and in­ vite the presence of any who may have been luteiysted in the document re­ ferred to. L. J. DINSMORK. Pastor Universalis! Church. THE best local paper is tlie best read paper in the world. All the city pa|»ers cannot supply the place of the home paper. Noothcr contains the marriages and deaths, to say nothing of divorces and births; no other relates the acci­ dents happening before the door* <«f the tnwus-people; no other gives the time tor tlie next ball, picnic, or pollti cul meeting; no other publishes the "roll of honor" of the public school; uo other discusses the aflairs„of the town and county, or gtves in detail the local jnews, which cannot be obtained at any other source;"everybody reads it," and that Is why the "little local paper" Is the best read paper iu the world.-- Wfritelaw Reed. ' THE following are the nainei* of the Patliiuastors appointed at the an mini town meeting, for the town of MpHenry, fer tlie year 1883: ^ Dist No. t-~.fno. M. Miller T- --'lames Ladd '( --.Ino. W.Smith i « » 4--Win. II. il:irris«Mr ^ 1 I * *> 5--Philip Gieseler \ . •* 6--Ed Thompson I--*" llsiirv p--j-- - • *" • 8-- " •* ,9--Isaac Harsh •• •* -|(»--Bradford Smith " /' ^fl--.rfno. Nett J:","; " _ " |2--.los. Schaefer , ! " * *• 13--Warren Frauc^tgl ^ " 14--X. S. Colhv ^ 15-- Jacob Stack # - K;_K. U, liori i:0 * 47--Hubert l\»tter • * F. G. MAYES, Town/ rk. 1 - Hard ay ft»r U*rseik Theron Oakes,. of Wanconda. lost one Of his flue black team. Tho hor«e was valued at eleveu- dollars.-- Waufcejnn Republican. No«v that i» a slander on our friend Oakes. and we won't stand It. We are reliably informed that the euid horxe. now deceased, w»s wortli twelve dollar* and a half! Take it hack, brother Avery.--MCHENRY PLAINDKALKR. All right. -VHH," back IT goes, hut we Oidirt know you were so hard up far horses over In Mcllenry. wheu We spoke. -- Waukegan Republican. We accept your apology, brother Avery, but we have since learned that we were misinformed about that horse. It was not Oakex' best liorso that died, but one of Waukegan bleod, valued at Just two doWir* and a half. v CONNUBIAL AND CONYIVIFFI,: MARKIKO.--At the Court House, in W<XHI- nt ock. on the 31st of Mnrrh, A. D., 18S3. liy the Rev. Self Interest, The Wrtoilstock Sinfinel. Esq.. to Mies McHenrie Countie Democrat. Tlie present* were numerous to both bride and groom, luit as the)- belonged to the people were iuexi>ensive to the donors. To the bride, the township offices of supervisor, collector, assessor, and highway commissioner. To the groom, for his ewn. use, the office of school director, and for the special use of his guardian, the War Horse, the offices of school trustee, school treas­ urer and Mayor ol Woodstock, It need not be a matter of surprise that tlie "lion's share" of these presents were for the benefit and use of the War Horse, when it is apparent fliat lie was the principal ingredient in the love powders used by this happy couple during their Short ftiid Lamb-Wk* courtship. By a \nrivate arrangement this couple hack been secretly cohabiting for several months, and not iiq^H ti>e results of their iNicit Intercourse were developing to public view did they eonseiit to a public ceremony. By a special arrangement tlie guar­ dian of the groom gave the bride sway. Tlie ceremony was touching in the extreme, partaking, as it did, of the Catholic. Protestant and Jewish, and was rehearsed In the Irish, German and English languages. But tlie most Imposing scene was the kissing of the bride by the Har Horse first, as guardian, after him by the groopt. Retreshinents were served at the various saloons whose proprietors i»re- „diet for themselves a season of pros­ perity by reason of this alliance. A 8FECTATO*. > FOR SALE. 900 bushels Choice Seed Corn from Kansas, known as ninety day Yellow Dent Corn. Call for sample. FITZSIHMONS A EYANSON. For good Cigars go to E. B, Perk I us'" 14 *<> ̂ 1 SfliOOT RltKlUtPHlOAL SKfCTCHIM. Of Prominent Member* of the South- HtarihgUmmm Combination* in Easy /•essoM for New Beginners. IIO.II. Come my son. is It not about time I gave y«ti another lesson about the South wort hglennoh Combination f Yes. 1 have wondered what they have been doiug lately. The subject of the lesson to-night will be a caucus that took place over «t Weodstock last Saturday night. Did any of the South wort hglennon Combination have anything to do with the caucus ? Yes, my child, the editor who has not yet learned "to write even an es- tray uotice." and who is also the Super­ intendent of a Sunday School, and the Abstractor, took it upon themselves, as they usually do. to run the caucus In the interest ef the old War Horse, What. U tlie War Horse haukerlng for office yet? Yes, my' bby, lifter twelve years of hankering he ha* finally reached the goal of his ambition. IIow did he make out to do it? Well yon see. my child, ever there at Woodstock, as In other places, people dlflergreatly in opinion. For instance, some people are In favor <«f high and some low llceueo, while others favor prohibition. Which of these did the War Herse fiuor? All of tliem. my son.5 as you shall presently see. To make the thing sure all these faction* had' to be united. Ho«v did he unite them? He first sent the editor, who has not yet learned "to write even an estrav notice," and who is also a Superintend­ ent of a ^undny School, to interview some of the principal saloon keepers, for the purpose ot ascertaining tloir views and atso to assure them their' interests should not suffer at the hands of the War Horse, if they wouM &upport him for Mayor. How did the War Horse manage with the high license men? Well, my son. to this class he repre­ sented that he was stronariy in favor of a high license, while to prohibition men, whom he electioneered, he ex­ pressed himself as being entire!)' in accord with their views; while yet to the low license people lie declared that 8300 was all that a saloon keeper could aflord to pay for a license. How did the War Horse make people believe so many difiereut stories? Of course they did not, for a majority of the people were mistrustful and united on another candidate, who had never tried to lide a half dnsen horses going In difiereut directions. Why was this mail not nominated? Walt, my boy, we will come to that presently, as we have got to the caucus* Was tlie'War Horse at the caucus? No, my child. Sniffing defeat from uf ir he liU'd him nwnv to Ids trusty rljjiit li«a?er (I svf &n Mw vmvor who has HW ;jEet - learned "m -wei** an eslrajr uotice." and who is also a Superintend­ ent of a Sunday School) to say to the people assembled In eaucus that Ills friend the War Horse, would not be a candidate lor Mayor unless he could have their undivideJ vote. How did he happen to be nominated If lie had been withdrawn by his trusty right bower? • .Vow, my son, I will tell you why. The gentleman whom a majority of the people were united on was not nomi­ nated, for at this stage of the proceed­ ings the caucus was Informed that un­ der no circumstance* whatever would he accept the ueuiination. Gentleman after gentleiiiau were mimed for the t.Rice, but a* fast a* named tliey promptly declined, when It began to look a« though no person could lie found who would accept tlie nomination. As a last resort the old War Horse was again put upon the track. Did he win tlie race without opposi­ tion ? No, my boy. for the gentleman whom the people wanted received more than half the vote cast, after it had been positively stated that he would not accept the nomination. The War Horse had now readied a point where tlie de­ sire of a lifetim'e was gratified! Were there any other dominations made at this caucus? Yes, my child, but they were of minor Importance., and would .b« of no Interest to ion. Can you tell gp more about the edi­ tor to-night, md why lie still furnishes the Scavenger with the slimy pieces instead of printing them In his own paper? Not to-night, my son, for It Is get­ ting late, bur I will give yon s lesson on this subject at some future time that will be both ridi and racy, for yon can rest assured that the editor and the Scavenger shall not be ueglected at my bauds, because the Scavenger is now controlled by the Smitliworthgleuiion Combination and Is entitled to tlie same consideration. Good night, itjr hopeful. UMitoll Department;. F1TZSJMMOKS & EVAN SON Are daily receiving new and stylish lines of Dress Gootisin Worsteds, Ging­ hams, Print*, etc. Men and boys Cloth­ ing. Boots and Shoes for ladies, gents and children; Wall Paper iu latest pat­ terns; Trunks, Yalses. etc. Farmer's produce bought at market price. It will pay the cash buyer to call in at the WEST END of MeHenry, almost opposite the ^ost Office: CORN FOR SALE. One thousand bushel* of Corn for sale Inquire of W.m Mosgrove, 9} miles south of McHenry. WI, MOSGROVB. Closed for 30 Days* On account of the lmprovenienl*~~I am now making, the Fox River Valley Mills will be closed for the next 30 days, after which I will be ready for business with improved and increased facilities, second to no mill in the Northwest. My frieuds and patrons will take due notice. ft, BISHOIV ^ MeHenry, April lbtb, 1M, D. W. Robinson who list been ill "tor some days past. Is able to be out again. Dr.S. F. Bennett, of Richmond; was calling on friend* here on Monday. Hon. Ira R. Curtis and A. B. Coon, Esq., of Marengo, were in attendance at the cohnty court on Monday. N. B. Burtch. of the Harvard Inde­ pendent. let the light of his countenance shine down among us on Monday. Horn Richard Bishop. James B. Perry, Est)., and H. C. Mead, of Me- Heiiry, were on our streets on Monday. Hon. John J. Murphy U having the ontside walls of his block painted and otherwise improved In appearances, Mrs. W. H. Cowlln. of tlds city, is quite sick and urtder the professional cars of Dr. D. C. Green, W. H. Dwiglit goes to Mie market to purchase his spring stock of boots and shoes this week. ; That new railing , la the county clerk's office looks wellj ilfirt I* some­ thing that has long been needed there. Rev. W. R. Frame, ot Hndson, Wis., occupied the pulpit st the Presbyterian church last Sabbath, both morning and evening. . Dr. A. E. Baldwin, formerly of ttits city. Is now located at. 125 Stats Street, corner of Madison. Chicago. We shall make a more extended notice of the Doctor's line of business aud prospects in s future communication. The smoke stack on the foundry • In this city was blown psrtly over by the high wind last Tuesday night. We hear of no other damage being done In this immediate vicinity. Neverthe­ less It blew "great gmis" the wliole night long. f A sociable was held at- Sheriff Udell's residence at the court house last Friday evening to enable all those who de­ sired to meet the Rev. J. D. McLsan and family for the last time before their departure for their future home. The same was well attended and a pleasant evening spent. The entire family of Mr. W. D. Ring- land, himself included, are down sick. Heme, the eldest son. is considered to be dangerously so by tlie physician in attendance. Dr. p. C. Green. Mr. Ringland. Ill itself, is also a very sick man. We believe the disease is a throat difficulty of some kind. A caucus was held at the court house In this city la*t Saturday evening to jiouiinate officers as follows, the per­ sons whose names we „ni?ntion receiv­ ing the nomination: Mayor, G. T. Bunker; City Clerk, Simon Brink; City Attorney, Clias. II. Donnelly; City Treasurer, H.T. Donnelly; Alder­ men--In South Ward, Dr. W. W. Cook. North Ward, Ed. Furer and J. W. Short. There was po opposition for the Richmond Department. COHTaiBCTBD Br 4. K. 1ISWBBTT. Look at the W all Paper at Alexan­ der ft Hyde's. Magnificent string* of pickerel and blacK ba«s are being taken with the hook and shot gnn at Twin Lakes. Our fanners are rushiug their plow* Ing and seeding, and gardening lias commenced in the village. The brtys are now taking any amount of fine flsli from tiie creek. The sucker* are running, and an occasional pickerel Is also speared--contrary to law, by the way. Uncle Jimmy Bacon - Is out with cards advertising the MBacon House.** where board ran lie obtained at reason­ able rate*.and a single meal when re­ quired. Give Uncle Jimmy a call. .MABRIRD.--At Mie M. K. parsonage, Lake Omni, April II, ISB, bv Rev. M. Rrnns, Ma. C R. MIM.RR and. Miss CARRIK I'ACKKR, both of Rictimokiil. The young couple hav« our congratu­ lations and the hope that their married life may be happy and prosperous. The following 1* the ticket elected at the village election Tuesday: for Trwtee*.--Rufus Randall. Rich­ ard Wray, A. M. Pettenglll. lor Clerk.--Frank W. Mead. Remember the annual school meeting next Saturday, and elect a good man for school director. J. C. Smith is the retiring member of the board and ought to be re-elected, but we are In­ formed lie declires to lie a candidate. A. P. Gray reports ssles of agricul­ tural Implements for the two week* ending April 14th. amounting to 92.000. IIow is that for business? This week Gray will lie out with some big posters, printed at the PLAINDEAIER office, rd- vertising hi" large stock of agricultural implements, such as the Empire and Buckeye Twine Binder*. Miller's new Model Vibrating Thresher, Portable engines. Droppers, Plows, etc., etc. Look out for the posters. Professor Frank Lydstnn. of the College of Physicians- and Surgeon*. Chicago, came out to Richmond Friday evenlnfi. armed with a shooting iron Instead of a scalpel, and on Saturday- morning. In company with Dr. E. R Bennett, of the Cook Co. Hofpital staff, inaugurated a campaign against the ducks on Camp Like. Wis. Dr. Ben­ nett. who came home for a two weeks vacation a few days ago, has already scored two fine wild geeso pa tlie Hebron Prairies. 1 Our old college'chum in tlie Untver- slty of Michigan, Geo. Mason. Chicago, will please,accept our thanks for s copy ef the "Constitution and By Laws of tbe Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States?' a finely bound copy of the songs of the Order. For tntf A new departure in drei«*maklng by which every lady can male# her dresses sod secure a perfect fit!--By using the reudv made dre*s linings, of which I have all sixes, mid win warrant them to tit or no sale. I also have a good S*<»ck of millinery goods always on "Ihanil at very low prices. It is no t rtuible tor me to show goods. Come one aud all and see for yourselves. MM. I'. U. 8USUB. Richmond, III., April J8,18SS. FOR «ALK OH HINT* Two lionses in the village o Ringwood, one house with ten rooms! the other with 9 rooms. A good well aisd barn ou each. Plngwood has a good school, making it a desirable place of residence. On the premises is a shop and a good opening in the vil­ lage for a shoemaker, blacksmith, or any mechanic. For further par- 5s Of WB9LKY LADD. Btagvoed, 111 Dance, There will be a Social Danee at the McHenry House, on Thursday evening Apr!'. 19th. This will be my isst. dance, and I invite all my friends to come and have a good time. Good music In attendance. Tickets 35 cents. PKTKR SMITH, Prsp. Dress Goods and Trimmings of every description at Perry & Owen's. Gents Fine Shoes, Perry A Owen's. several styles, at :M.v«w- a^^yu Dr. Cook ^mnrm^l ttir the use of the Illinois Alderman in the South Ward, and Ed, Furer. Alderman In the North Ward. The affair throughout was of an ex­ ceedingly tranquil and harmonious nature. The nominee* are about sure of au election, there being no tftlier ticket in the field at this writing. Rev. J. D. McLean preached lils-fare­ well sermon as pastor of the Presby- terlau Church, this city,.Sunday, April 8th, to a very large and Kpprecintlve audience. The Reverend gentleman and family left this city tlie early part of this week for their new home In Dskota. We believe that we but speak the sentiments of this entire commu­ nity wheu we say that all are sorry that Mr. McLean thought It for the best to sever his connection as pastor of the church here. People of ail de­ nominations unite in wishing himself and family well, wherever they may go. His pastorate of five years here has been attended with excellent re­ sults. and Ills flock can point with pride to many tokens that denote the good that, lie has done while with them. Their handsome new church building, so lately built and dedicated to the "service of the Master," is large­ ly. if not altogether, due to his inde­ fatigable and zealous labors. EDITOR I'LAIKDKALER:--I have just received a copy of your paper ir. which among other things, your correspond^ ent from Rl.igwood says: "The boy» who were attending school at tbe Jen­ nings Seminary. Aurora, are all at home at present. Our boys can stand measles, or anything easy, bnt when it comes to mumps and scarlet fever they won't stay. Boys, when yvm go back next term, go loaded lor bears." Whether tlie above Is Intended to convey a false Impression or whether It be only a mistake. It has a tendency to do much harm to a school like this, whose pat­ ronage comes ffom all parts of the State. In fact there Is not a case of scarlet fever among the students, and lias not been during the year; nor have there been any cases of mumps for more than two. months. If you will be so ltind as to mention this in yonr paper you will do a great favor to yours very truly. T. J. BASSMT. ,• Aurora, 111.. April 14th. 1883. AUCTION SALE. Th* undersigned will sell at Pnhlic Auction. In tlie village of Wanconda, on Saturday, April 21*t, 1883, at one o'clock P. It. the following property: f pair chesnuts mares, 7 8 years old. 1 pair four-year-olds, 1 new lumber wagon, 1 lumber wagon nearly newa I top buggy. 1 platform spricg wagon. 1 pair bob-sleighs, 1 cutter. 1 «et new double harness, 1 set second hand double harness. 1 *et new single harness. Also a quantity of household furniture, and other articles too numerous to men­ tion. TERMS or SALE,--All sums of 910 and under cash, over that sum a credit of six months will be'giveti on approv­ ed notes at 7 per cent. Two per ceut. •f for cash. v • • . ' R. 0. BUHRITT, . # . BVXTOIL The Reliable llorkford Sulky Plow stands ou its merits. The farmers friend, never strike* for higher wages, is a faithful, obedient servant, never wearies ol work, and lait but not least always pleases I he ladies, as it involves no additional boarders. For sale by R. Bishop. » HARROWS! HARROWS! All styles from 40 to .100 teeth, all steel. The Reverslbles take the cake at Owen & Son's. 50 pound wool Mattrest for 94.75 at J. B.^BIake's. Perry A Owen haze received their new spring stock of \V*|| Paper.. Call early aud make your selections. TOWN TALK. That the Light Running Qestey Sulky Plow has arrived and can be found for sale at the warehouse of R. Bishop, McHenry. and parties wishing to purchase a sulky plow would do well to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. * Lumber Wsgons, Milk Wagons, Plat­ form Spring Buggies for salo at R. Bishop's warehouse. !i_ Call and examine those Black Wal­ nut Extension Tables at 91.00 per farft at J. B. Blake's. 8} per cant, off far cash. Carpets. Wall Psper and Window Shades, full line, at Perry A Owen's. Tlie famous Plow, the Gesley Sulky. Don': fail to call and examine It before purchasing. For sale by R. Bishop. Car of Hapgood Sulky Plows at E. M. Owen A Son's. The Rock ford Sulky Plow for tale at R. Bishop's. NEW Spring Millinery just received av MTE.H. Searies". Business Goto Mrs.Howe's for Mill! DressaMklng. Fishing Teckle of *it Engeta**, ill Howe's Block, nets Bridge. _ , , V; Bacfcaye Foree Pumps, aft £. Owen's. • - • The finest line of Silver and Piai< Ware to be found In the comity, at 4j IT. Owen's. If you want a black silk dress wort! •9 a yard for 91 .(i0 yon can calling soon at Heavy Colby's. FOR SALE. 40 Acres of land Iu-Section fenced. Also 80 acres of laud, good bouse and barn thereof timber and water lu abundance, 1 tlon ». Also my homestead on tlgo Lake and Nunda road. house, barn and other ontl 3 Apply to Joait Fi Case, Fnrst ft Bradley. Moliae, «ood and otiier Sulky plows .at J •wen ft Son's. As usual wa have this spring •nest line of Embtwlderles in town: HEBKT 'JOLBT. Foil esr load of Hapgoad Sulky Plowl aat received at E. M. Owen ft So»*s. M Our stock of drugs, cbi and patent medicines was more complete. Goods reii and prices right. HKNBTCOLBT. HORSE FOR SALE. A good Horse for sale* Will work' either double or siugte. luqulre of J. A. Going, at Fitasimwons ft Evan* son's store. Gossamer circular* and eoat* for ladies and £eut)emen, and a tull line of rubber goode always to be had at HENRY Court's. The Ladles will always find a fine, l*ne of Laces and Neck wear at Mrs. H. H. Nichols'. She kee|m a full a* s sortment of the latest found iu the market. styles to be :1 Carriages sold lew ft Son's. at *. p. Owen Commandery. In this compilation wc are pleased to find eur "Sweet Bv-and- By,*' but some vandal has tacked ou an extra stanza which does not belong lo the original. ^ Last Saturday's express brong>t/os a packnge which, being ^petted, was found to contain a magnificent ham­ mock with a graceful note from Walter Davis, begging our acceptance of the luxurious summer couch. It Is tbe work of Ids own skillful hands, made of the nest materlul and I* peculiarly ac­ ceptable, not aloue lor its intrinsic value In dollars and cents, but as a token of remembrance from a young gsutlemasi whose sterling worth and various sccomplishments have long been known to us. No doubt our siestas next summer, taken in its lux­ urious meshes will be thronged with dreams of the donor. We are under obligations to W, H. Cowlln, of Woodstock, for a copy of John L. Ransom*8"Andersonville Dlarr^ Escape and List of the Dead, with Name Co., Regiment, date of Death, and No. of Grave in Cemetery." Tlie diary Is an ever; day account of four­ teen months Imprisonment, written every day in rebel prisons, word for word as printed, and tells happenings in Andersonville, Bnlle Island, l'ember- ton Building. Millsn, Savannah, and Blackshear. The list of the dead Is the rebel offiolal list ami is valuable in pen­ sion matters for reference and record, and U alone worth much more than the cost ol the whole book. It is a neatly printed and bound volume of 304 pages and sent to any address for 91.60. W iu H. Cowlln. Woodstock, III., Is the gen­ eral ag-nt lor the northwest, to whom all orders for books and application for agencies should hit addressed. » A cyclone passed through this vicinity between fi and 7 o'clock Tuesday even­ ing; April 10. moving from southwest to northeast, demolished everything in its course. • It first struck the premises of William Rehorst, two and a half mile* southwest of the village, demol­ ishing his cow sheds aud hog pen. and passing within a few feet of the bouse, which was noiii|ur«d. The next build­ ings struck were these of Frank Gibbs, a mi lo north of town, an1 his wood- house. n long buildiug attached to the north end ol his residence, was lifted from its foundation. A double corn crib, twenty-four feet long, was de­ stroyed. together with a lumber wagou which stood under It. Two hay barns, onesixtjr and the other thirty-six feet long, were uurnofed and bally wrecked and a sheep s|>«d twenty by seventy feet was wrecked, and thirty sheep were killed. Mr. Gibbs' loss is estimated at 91,000i About half a mile further on th<T hurricane struck the large , barn ef John Vosburgh, which was unroofed aud otherwise badly damaged. Not a door was left hanging on the large struoture. The loss is estimated at •1,000. The wind made a clean sweep of fences and trees in Its course. The cyclone was accompanied by HMM rata aud vary larga hallstouas* Wall Paper at 4'erry ft Oweata* - Den't fail to call and see the Hapgood Sulky Plow (of which there is a des- criptisn In this Issue). Big sales la*t full, all on account of it running one horse easier than others. They are all getting them now. and won't have any other. Call and see them, always on hand (if tan make them fast enough) tliat being the trouble heretofore, at E. M. Oweu ft Son's. A large variety of Misses Corsets, cheap, at Mrs. II. H. Nichols*. Drags, Drags, Drags, a lot ou hand, steel tooth, and must sell. Foraale by ft. Bishop ^ Call at E. M. Owen ft Son's and see the celebrated Hapgood Sulky Plow tlint is warranted to run lighter thaa a Walking Pisw. A full line of choico groceries always to be obtained at HENRY COLBY'S. Everything in farming Implements from a Swill Cart to a McCurmick Twine Binder, can be found at the warehouse of it. Bishop. Ladies, we think we can show you tlie "prettiest" Hue of laces that was ever brought to thin market. Ask to see them at Henry Colby's. Yonng ladies, our new walking shoes and French and Mat Kid button shoes are "Just lovely." Call aud see them at Heury Colby's, The La Dow 13x16 ineh Pulveriser, greatly improved, and as tnr as draft i-apiicity, reliability and durability are tonoerned it has few equals and no superiors. For sale by R. Bishop, Mc­ Henry, III. . The "Aurora" Road Cart, the easiest thing out on man and horse, at B. M. Oweu ft Son's. The late improvement on the La Dow Pulverizer takes the cake. Call and see It at R. Bishop's. Call at the warehouso of R. Bishop. McHenry, llU and exsmine goods and learn prlccs. Madam MeGoe Coraetta. The best on the asarltat at Mayes ft Bartlett's Tlie Gesley steel or wood basm walk­ ing Plow on hand and for sale by R. Bishop. Remember that you will experknot no difficulty in getting repairs for any machines >>old by H. Bishop, thus pre­ venting vexatious and expensive de­ lays at a critical time whea tliue means money. Fine 8h«Mk Our stock of FO8 T O r's celebrated Beloit Shoes is complete. For style and durabilit> they cannot be excelled. Ask to see them, BENKY COLBY. The finest Platform Wagoa Blade with iron coiners aud seeking gear, al E. M. Oweu ft Son's. MOP THE LIGHT Running Hapgood Sulky Plows al­ ready sold, a. x.owxx itaoir. The Improvements on ihe Randall and Keystone Pulverisers take the lea^|:i by far this season^ at E. M.Oweu 4K son's. ., . . % Tlie Skinner steel or wood beam walking Plow has proved itself to bf the farmers friend. For sale by l&i Bishop. New Furniture Store* And Undertaking <$oom* Just by Justin Brothers, near tlie McHenry. We have on band. now ready to show yon a full ||no< First-class Furniture at low pi IceS. ~ Ftock of Coffins is complete and a ( Hearse furnished at reasouable iwtee^- See our stock before buying. _______ JlfsTIK SttOBb No trouble to show goeda er auawei questions at R. Bishop's. koiaiiiuu ior isle* Tbe undersigned lias for sal? one f»rar«td Smtllon. Color, dark Idack mane and tail, mid welghe# pounds when - he was four yea«* Is fine style and a good stock get Had mere buslMesstban he could atti te last season. WIM be sold re; I uqu i re of PKTKK ScilAtumu Johnsbargb, April 7th, 18S& Fancy Window Shades at Owen's. --I City residence* for sale. Appty li» Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, I1L Tlie Richmond Champion Drill aa^| Broad Cast Seeder is the great eourr«r of attraction at the warehouse of B» Bishop. Come and look It ever and fef* come aonvlnced, POSTS FOR } AL*, v I have 3.000 geodsecond growtl Oak Posts for sale, at my residence, la the village et Ringwood. Will be sot# reasonable. GKO. STKYKKS. . Rlagweod, Maseh totb, UM. A The L idles of McHenry and sn«* rounding conatry are resp*»etYnlly ht> vited to call and ex&jnine my near stock of Spring MWifnvry, whicft, for beauty, style and cheapness, eaunot tMf excelled In Mcllenry Countv. Has. u:B.Xicaea* Clothing. Our stock of Clothing Is nnasaaQg complete and 4Vill be sold ver cheap fa* cash. HKNKT I^PLBY. Down's celebrated Corsets, at Mra* "•l.?"*-"'- , -v, DIAMOND OTIS. We have all colors of the eelehrati# Diamond Dyes ouly 10c a package. HKKKY COLBY. , "'$SS AUCTION SALE. 1' At the boar of 2 o'clock, r. m., en The 1st Day of May, 1883, At the premises, I will sell at PuMI^TeSh>- i(m. to the hiffhent »n«l liesl Wilder, Ltt* raa> /l>awl two (9) in Block -wo (i), ia Stexte** Ad'ttttnn U> Woo<lstm-k in County ot Me|wiy aarf State of Illinois. On Mie»e lot* is^ceM** W»tiMM» tntute.ttwelliit$ with w»«« MSasSr hMk<|»a twoeloefi.<>. <w>t- ha I) beta* aait east above, itiintrv, well an«l wool haw**. ' Hwiw is R well of aever.faMia* K<»»i water and amfe cMcro. There arsiwft tadepiafemB oteai-h other, reinentett, «n<l always «». The town i» beautifully M»t»irHeft with «n» mental ahrubbery awl trees. The frail I* almn«t*etr both larse small, aud he* aeB flitted ta •ttpi>ljrur quality »in«.*e in I It is loceteti on rolling irrniHiU at tbe < of *1*1 Vine Streets, wttltfe miaetee walk ofpubtie kebool. kbjt -->e eS--e- Mumeefte* #»«l teeatitel DknrnkM, ear nay urineipal of busiaevs, and «HB tfcerMMM* Mdeof ruihned. Tbe abstract ot I itlaka at- my ottce where aay pnxtpeciive Iwbtereaai exaneae te hit saiianetfua. TBKWS or S.4UT-4KW.TUNL cash dei«av(b» labinct in eqnnl, monthly, ijimrtesly. Nat> aaeaal or yt>«rlv fajraMU, to snit wwrlweer, wttb leterest. |MvaMe aaeeally alljae iss»> per aanum. 1 per cent, off trum eveilise SMT rash. Or tbeee tevata eaa U» nik4 apsss aimiiat after sale W. SMITH. .V CLOT HI XQ. stook of Mea*s and1h>y*S Clothing at bottom prices. PaaaT aowasL Ladies and Misses fine Walking Shoes latest styles, at Perry 4J Owen's^ IHOEOUQHBBBD Three thorou^hU-«dr SHORT HORN, Yearling Bulls for ask al farm, three mile* east of ittefe* mood vi lie JBUJAJS BOWERS'* Ureat bargains in Cane Seat Cbalca. t Chairs for 94.76 at J. It. BiaheV Ladles Wraps, Doblmaus, sad Ulsters. at lV«ry & Owsn^ .....

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