Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 May 1883, p. 5

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Railroad Time Table. «OlM KKJTB. (•Mr* Ukt P*»»e«pt«r....... wwn Uk* Rxpiwi Beaeva Lake frelzbt 49IVO *0«T«. >Mm f«ake fretirht SeaeraKake Kxpres* tmm Lake Pawenrer. .7:* A. K .8:M " A'Mf. H A. V 4:85 P. M B. Bess, Agent Mclfenry, III K«£OKtO UnWwr T.nnoy.. Xo. 15S \. V. an«l A. *•- •agalar OemmiinicKtions th« Satunlar on or fcafifa tke fall of the moon and every two week* thereafter. _ _ „ CHAS. 0. OOLBT, W. M. Vcmr CIIAFTH ffo. St R. X. M lar Oearocatlons hel«l on the secondana fourth Fridays in each moneh. K. V. Arouami.H . P. MRS. 8. K, RKED. of Chicago, mother of 'Verti" Smith, died in that city on Thursday night last. ISCBJKCT at the Uulwwnllw Chord] iie'xt Sunday morning: "Universalis! the only tme evangelical doctrine." FOR SALE.--A goad pair of Spoon Oars. Inquire at tliist office or at thej Tuesday, to commence confectionery store of E. B. Perkins. I WO|-k as I'KRSOXAI. T.KROT 9. BECRLRT. of Nunda, was on our streets on Tuesday morning. Mits. 0. W. OWKR la visiting with her daughter. Mrs. P. Walte, at Kansas City, Mo. GEO. WHITSOX and Miss High, of Woodstock, were "calling on (fiends here on Snuday. * FRKD BLAKESLKK and Miss Furer, of Woodstock, made McHenry a eliort visit on Sunday. ALLISON OSTRANDKR was on our streets on Sunday. We believe he hails from somewhere in Dakota. C. N. CULVER and wife, of Richmond, were calling on friends hero on Sun­ day. VKRK of Malcont, Nebraska, was OJI our streets for a' few days last week. * «> J. HATFIELD, of Osborne City, Kan­ sas, IK vie!ting with friends in this Tillage. STACY CLARK went to Richmond on Monday, where he will learn the palnterYtrade ln the ehop of A. P. i*y. ... :. v V • ' eee In the papers that A,owe, of New Bedford. Mass., lias just preached hie eight-thousandth sermon. Holy MO6CS! > WE would call especial attention to the new advertisement of the Wau- cotida Drug Store and Book Haunt, to > found In another column. Moses* Club House. CHRIST GBIMOLBY, who lives on the Greenwood road, has bought the oh! Aaron Boomer pruperty.ln this village,] and will occupy thesame** an early day, • - JOS. FtTZSlMMONg IIUS purchased the" ' lot Just east of his residence, and when he gets the grounds cleared up will liave one of the handsomest places in : the village. A MAM may break his back Over his garden all day long, and an Industrious, energetic lien will gut up early next morning and undo the work iu fifteen minutes by the clock. * DR. R. V. ANDERSON has been treat- ; Ing his residence to a new coat of paint • on the outside, sgmewhat changing its color, which Is a good Improvement. Kleifgen Is doing the work. FARMERS and breeders of horses should not fall to see the thoroughbred Trotting horse, Henry Clay Jr.. who l<> at Johnsburg Friday and McHenry Saturday of each week. * TRIPP BROS are building an addition to their Wagou Shop to be used as a Blacksmith Shop. and as soon'as it h -completed will put in a Brut class blacksmith. Superintendent of the Fox Fox, ffl dan- but rap- tliis RKV. RICHIE, Episcopal Clergyman of Dundee, spent Sunday in this vil­ lage. He was called hero by the sick­ ness and death of John H. Parker. MRS FRED SCHNORR has been geronsiy^ick the past two weeks, is now reported much better and Nil}' convalescing. JTIFEST VAN SLYKE. ye Imp of tfflce, was hard side for A few days hist eek. but Is now able to preside with Ms usual dignity*behind tin. press.- s AKRAKOKMENTS have beet? made with the editor of litis paper whereby stu­ dents can, at any time, enter the West- ern Normal College aiid Commercial Institute at one-third the cost of any other scltool. This school Is plticing a first chins education within the reach of every one," be lie old or young. rich or poor. An} one contemplating attend­ ing school would do well to call at this office he Tor** deciding where to attend. See advertisement In this Issue. We visited the farm of X. 8. Colby oti Monday afternoon last for the pur­ pose of seeing a two year old Drart C«»lt; which lie had Just received from the Dunham celebrated herd of Irn- ported Perolieron-Norinan liorses, and while we were prepared to see some* thing fine, as Mr. Colby never keeps anything else fti the horse line, we mwt say wo saw as perfect a iraft horse as we ever laid our eyes upon. He Is two years old this spring. Is a dark Iron grey lu color and weighs i£30 pounds lr. thin flesh. His sire Is called Marques, and stands at the head of Dunham's herd, taking the first Pre* niium at the Chicago Horse Fair Inst year over one hundred competitors* His dam was also a.fine Imported mare. Tills colt Is fine built, clean limbed and has good action, and in our opinion is the most promising young draft stallion in ibis section of the country. No lover of a flue horse, and farmers especially, should fail to call and see him. We were next shown that splendid organ horse, ' YOUNG GREEN MOUNTAIN. who lias been thoiougiily described lu CHAS. FAT went to Fox Lake on L these columns before, bnt no one who his season's L |Stg eTrr g«.en this splendid horse but is • THE Brick Company have Oitatnten- /ced operations, and will get a tCiln I ready fo burn as «oon as possible- m wow turning out about eiglit- tliousand brick aday. ^ ' A. PARKER lias moved a building on his lot. just east of Mayea A Bart- left's store, to which he will build an addition, making it 20x3(1. and as soon •a it. Is completed will open a feed store (herein. WE last week advertised a gold enfl button found, and as no one lias called for it we would request that the owner •end us the mate to it so we can have a pair. If they don't want | wo do. Nothing mean about us. >RK on R.' Bishop's mill Is pro­ gressing favorably, and is being pushed to completion as fast as possible. When it Is completed we'shall give a more extended notice of improve- tents made. 'is&vl THE mother of John Hue mann. aged about 85 years, died at his residence on Thursday night last. Her funeral was held on Sunday and her remains de posited In the Cemetery at Johns! ^bttrgli. THERE IS a town in Iowa whicit has a population of 1300 and twelve distinct §|church organizations. It is understood | that they will Join In renting an oyster for during the present soason of oyster suppers. Work Given Out. On receipt of your address we will make an oflcr by which you can earn S3 to f7 evenings, at your home. Men, women, boys or girls can do It. H. C. Wilkinson & Co., 195 and 197 Fulton Street, New York. MRS. H, H. NICHOLS lias just returned frem the city with a full line of Spring Millinery, of the latest styles, to which all* invites the attention of the ladies. The largest stock and the finest styles to be found In the county. THB Cemetery Aid Society will meet with Mrs. John I. Story on Friday afternoon at four o'clock. All Inter­ ested are requested to attend. MRS. J. I. STORY, President. Batxa STODDARD, Secretary. A REGULAR Communication of Mc­ Henry Lodge, No. 158 A. F. and A Masons, will be held on Saturday even-* of this week. May 5th. Work on the M. M. Degree. All members are earnestly requested to be present. B order of the W. M. DON'T forget the May Party at th Parker House, on Friday evening o this week, May 4th, The Janes*ill Light Guard Baud will furnish th music, and mine host Parker will leav nothing undone to make it pleasant fo •II. ' GOLDINO BROS. Wanconda, have ; secured the Agency for Curtis' Mixed Paint, whlct is, without question, the : best Paint now on the market. If yon contemplate painting tills season do not fail to try this print. Tint are sure to be pleased. AN exchange says; "Kyo peeping'* is now th# favorite game for evenings. Two holes are made id a screen, against which seine person hidden places Ids eyes, and the attdieuce iu front have to guess to whom tlie eyes belong. This is all very nice; but when a cross-eyed* squinting old dame, with eyes of faded gicen, is put behind the screen.and the gucsser IliiiVks they belong to Miss Somebody, who is a belle, he'll b* made [incoiufortable whenever he me.ets her hereafter. E. LAWI.US has been nixking some good improvements ih tud around his store and t^uildiuir. the most noticeable of which is the tearing away of the old shanty on the east side and building new stairs. 1I» jms also put. up a new Sign ' Cbivago Clothing House." And by the way Mr. Lawlus has as line a line of Cluthing and Gents Furnishing Goods as can be found in the county, while af the same time lie stands ready to urike you a suit to order and warrant satisfaction. - Call Hiid see Ills goods, and learn his prices. OUR belter half has been using, the past week, one of the "Modern Roaster* and Broilers" and pronounces it perfect In every particular, and that the ad­ vantages claimed for it are not cxng. gerated iu the least. Meat, bread and cake are conked much easier and bet­ ter, and when it comes to roasting meals, it is perfection lts» lf. In short, no family should be without' one, and when the agent, who Is r.ow lu this village, calls, do not fail to ^ive it a ctatef'ul esainin itioii. The price puts i; within the reach of all, and it will pay for itself many times a year. DIED.--In This viMtgc,**uivtay m.->rn April '29th, of quirk consumption. Joitw I'AKKIZK, aged 23 years. insr. V ' " A Before you buy a wheel-harrow, call and see those for sale by John I. Story. It will pay you. 'he death of Mr. Parker wat sudden and unexpected by his friends, as he was sick but little over-a week. He was a painter by trade, snfl came here from Chicago something over a year ago. He took cold about a a week ago, that dire* diseasa. consump­ tion, rapidly developed itself and he sunk rapidly, breathing Ills la«t on Sunday morning about two o'clock. He leaves a wife, father, mother, brother and sisters, to mourn his loss who have the Sympathy of this entire, community in this their hour of afflic­ tion. His funeral WHS held at the M. E. Church on Tuesday, and his body taken by care to Kvanston for inter- luent. • ' * WK find the following notice of Earl Mead, son of H. C.liead, of this village* Ifi the Elgin dally Advocate* of April 27ih: A handsomely framed picture, which might be called "Cbuifort.* is on ex­ hibition at Han's. It represents a champagne bottle, a wine glass, a half smoked cigar and a newspaper. The: latter is an Elgin journal, and the: wine bottle suggestively hides the flret two letters of the word Elgin in tlu^ paper's heading. A rich sectiou o| curtain helps make up the background The colors and prop »rtious of I lie pic­ ture are excellent, but the charm of the work is in its simplicity and nat­ uralness. The airti3t is Earl Mead, a 16 year-old-boy of McHenry. whose only schooling in art has been tliiee weeks of Instruction under Mr. Keiiucy, of' our city. Mr. Kenuey says that young Mead is the most promising pu­ pil he has ever had. and tiie lad's work certainly evinces genius. He is a rel ative of D. F. Bigelow,.the well-know Chicago artist. Calico Party. At Maimai.V* Hall, Wanconda, on Friday evening. May lltli. Music. Mudgett's Quadrille Band. Tickets 75 cents. All are Cordiallv invited. BT OROF.R OFUOXaitTCt BIKD CAGES. Bird Cages. In all styles and prices, at John I. Storv's. A lot just recelye,d. Call aud see them. anxious to see him again, as all pro­ nounce htm a model horse in style* action and intelligence. He Is 10 years old this spring and we!ghs about 1.000 pounds. A party from Ohio, and a man who has made the Morgan horse n studs* for years, recently visited ^lie stables of Mr, Colby, and after examining his pedigree unhesitatingly pronounced him the best bred Morgan ItorSe In the United States. Mr. Colby is almost weekly receiving letters from' Ohio, Indiana, and other parts of the United States, making inquiries about this horse, the horsemen seemingly having again become interested in the pure bred Morgans, and are anxious to Hud out when* the best ones are. Two colts sired by this horse, owned by James Saylrtr. were recently sold to parties In Indiana, one teu mouths old for 9100 and one coming five years old for (500. We ucxt saw a seven months old eolfc sirpil by Green Mountain, dam the full blood Morgan mare Flora, and no des­ cription we can irive of him will do him justice. Foar a seven months old colt, that never saw a summer, he is simply perfection, and must he seen to lie appreciated. We also saw a flue two year old of the same breed, that would weigh about 1.000 pounds, and bids fair when fully developed to make a good 1200 horse. Taking Mr. Colby's horses all to­ gether it will well repay any man to make a visit to his stables. We also saw a couple fine Jersey yearlings, heifer and bull. brought from Vermont last fall, which we shall speak of iu our next. WR would call tlio attenMon of farn- ers to a notice Imm Fiizsiminnn* * Evan*on to he roturd in aitnther column, offering choice Seed Corn for sale. Tills corn is from Kansas, ^ivl Is known as S liietv Ihy. Yeilow Dent Cwrm «ml is a superior article, and will show ah actual test of ninety-five percent. As much of the corn in this section Is poor farmers should call at onco and get a supply. A liberal discount will be made for large quantities. DR. C. E WiLiLtMS. Dentist. I* oWet. ing with good success in Ids profession in this village, aud the last tlRi<S bfr was here was obliged to stay foiir davs instead of one, and was also here ngaiu on Tuesday to do work that he was un­ able to attend to on Ids other visit. This speaks well for the Doctor. In fact those who have had irork done by him p'-onomic« liini a first class Dentist, in every particular, and with this flat terSiig reputation his business is bound to Increase at every visit. His next visit will be on Thursday of next week, MaylOflt, OHITUAKV. DIED.--At his home, near Rincffomt, on the -2th of April, JOBKFH I'ARB, in the Slst year uf hi sage. The deceased was born In Yorkshire, Ejigland. June 4. 181*2. From quite a youth he followed the life of a «hep-. herd, serving several years on the farm of a Mr. Cook, and about thf same time for Harrison, both men being noted sheep raisers. In the fall of 1830, he married Miss Hannah Fourth and the following spring set sail for America. Tliev landed in Canada and there remained six years, leaving the Dominion early iu 1837 and traveling overland through Michigan, making from 15 to 30 miles per day. They came to tills place June 10th. They here settled and have since lived on the farm ho first selected, Mr. Carr was a very successful farmer, and has for some years lived a iifetpf ease aud mi fort. He was a member of t'io M^ c .Church, and was the first 'class adcr appointed in this congregation, !and served until his death, a term of more than thirty year*, lie was a man of strong physical,powers aud enjoyed quite good health until about three months ago, ivhen he was stricken with paralysis and lingered, steadily weak­ ening, until the 12th of April wlieu he quietly departed this life. The funeral was hf Id at the M. E. Church on Sun­ day. the services being conducted by Presiding Elder Mandevllle, assliied by Rev's. Bigelow aud Nickle. After the services the throng of friends and [mourners repaired to the graveyard aiear the house In which he dletl, and there t hey deposited his mortal remains, aud another little mniiud in the grave yard will stand as a sad reminder of the lose of a dutiful husband and father. F. L. CARR* FOR SALE. 200 bushels Choice Seed Corn from Kansas, known as ninety day Yellow Pent Corn. Call for sample. r'FlTZSiMMUNS 4s EVANS'ttf. "Mrs. Henry Tower, of Chicago, IS Visiting friends In this City. Chas. T. Eldredge, of McHenry, WM on our streets one day la«t week. O. W. Owen and James B. Perry. Esq*, of McHenry, shook bauds witli.frlends la this city last week. Mrs. A. W. Fuller, of Chicago, paid her former home (this city) n short visit the first of the #eek. Mr. A. K. Bunker's new residence on Jackson nreet Is fast being finished and will certainly bo a handsome, con­ venient home when completed. Miss Mary Whitney and her brother Hamlin have both been quite ill for a week or so past. At this writing they are rapidly gaining their former good health. Mrs. M. Colton. of this city, who has been dangerously sick for some weeks past with some difficulty of the lungs and liver. Is now considered to be* ^slowly but surely gaining by lier physi­ cian, Dr. D. C. Green. Miss Etta Haas lias keen confined to her home In this city for several days past with inflammatory rheumatism. Her case was considered quite serious on Saturday last, but at this writing she is decidedly better^ Maynr Bunker appointed S. Van- Cnren City Marshal and Charles Helner Street Commissioner, r t a recent meet­ ing of the new board. The present night watchman, James Boiger, Is to continue the duties of that position. J. C. Choate and Mike Schenck.of this cit*\ went to Rock ford lust Thursday to attend the celebration lu honor of the 64tli anniversar)' of Odd Fellowship in the United States. A general good time, with an immense crowd present from every section. Is reported. Dr. D. C. Green Is repairing and gen­ erally overhauling his residence. The Doctor never does anything by halves, so that we know what to expect when the work fs completed. John Corlett Is the contractor In charge of the job. which is a guarantee that the work will be well do:ie. Among the firms that are doing a lively business in this city Mr. B. S. Austin & Co.. may be put down. Bart is always on hand with the good things to eat. and keeps a score filled with new goods which he receives almost daily. CaJJ In awl see him when In ton-II. . ' We were in Whltson'f hardware store the other day and heard them telling how many jmilk cans they had turned out since January 1st. tills year. The number runs way up into the hundreds as far as five. The Whitsons know just how to run their , line of business, all being practical workmen. Iieuce their continued success lit ^Increasing their trade. " • I M. T. Madlgan, a lieutenant on the police force of Cleveland. Ohio. Is visit* Ing his brother-in-law. W. D. Ringlaud, of this city. l.lcut;|!M|«dtgan has a son here who has Hv«d with the family of Mr. Rliigtamffornmlte^lMonrliB past, and who lias recently ^eeu afflicted with diphtheria in its Worst , form. The father rejoices to find the bey improv­ ing so rapidly. v J H. B. Bidwell and family departed from this city the first of the week for their new home 15 miles from Mitchell. Dakota. #e wish Aimer and his fami­ ly prosperity and contentment in their choice in which to establish a new home, and know that they are fol­ lowed by the kind wishes for success generally by their many neighbors, friends and acquaintances In this county. We think it about time to ask If there are any arrangeineuts being made to pay tribute to fjiose who lost their live* In the service : of their country during the late watjf The 30th of May will here, arid we do hope the matter will not be Jeft for the last niomei-t. as Is too often the case, but that Decoration Day may lie observed properly and without any drawbacks when the day arrives. We hope to see the Post of the G. A* R. of this city take prompt and active measures to make the ceremony a success. . We suppose au encouraging word will do no harin under any circumstances, aud especially when a servant of the public trl^s to serve the public well. We refer now to our Post OHice, which 's admirably kept and the public well accommodated. The mails are dis­ tributed prom pity, the clerks and Post­ master very ac^ommodutiug, and good order prevails. Dr. Adams is a tcood rostinastef.--Jfnrcwy/o Jivpublican of Icul week. Yes, friend Babcock. Dr. Adams is a model Postmaster, aud when outsiders visit Marengo and have occasion to call at the Post Office the first thing they notice is the manner in which the same Isconducted ainlthe general order of tilings in tiie m.ike-up of the office; and as for obliging clerks,' why how could iliej' be* dlfisreiit after laboring with the afiable and urbane P. M. of your city, if only for a week. OOHTRIBCTRD BV 1 K. RCKJRMTT. Tiie improvements on the M. E. dkureh are nearly completed. The Richmond Hornet Band h>"e sent for new Instruments and will soon be 1n vigorous practice. We notice In passing through Key­ stone that Lyman tfacon lias finished bis new barn, and re-sided a portion of his house. The celebrated Bi«m>|l Carpet Sweeper for 82. The best ihiug iu the market at John I. Story's. Mrs. Peterson will soon rent her house In Richmond and removed to Marengo, where her daughter. Sarah, Is employed in the posthfflc*. Her son, Louis, talks of learning tire carpenters trade at Mar**ngo. Dr. E. R. Bennett, of Richmond, is to deli/or the summer course of lectures on the Practice of Medicine, before the Chicago School of Nurses, in Rush Medical College. It is an unusual honor for so young a phvslclan, MARRIRD:--At the resMenee ef S. f. Ren. neit, IfichnioiKf. on Thursday April 2#th. I8S3, by the llev. tirover O. Clark, MR. Slt.AS Wii. SON. of Woodstock, m., and MRS. CHARLOTTE J. BENNETT, ot Richmond. The marriage took place at II a. m., and after a dinner by Mrs. 8. F. Ben­ nett, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson started for the new home of the bride. May pros­ perity attend them. The Richmond Milis have sbnt down for the present, for the purpose of put- lln^ new aud expensive machinery to make flour by the so called "roller pro­ cess." The changes to be made will cost a large sum of money, but Messrs. Cole, Cooley & Co., are not men to let expense stand lu the way of keeping up the good reputatiOH of their mills. The new process flour Is very popular in all markets. FITZSIMMONS & EVANSOiF " Are daily receiving new and stylish lines of preps Goods in Worsteds, Ging- liauis, Prints, etc. Men and boys Cloth­ ing. Boots aud Shoes for ladies, gents aud children; Wall Paper iu latest pat­ terns; Trunks, Yalses. etc. Farmer's produce bought at market price. It will pay the cash buyer to call in at the WEST ENUof McHenry, almost opposite the Post Office. ^ v WAJITKDt At Wauconda Mills. 1000 bushels of good wheat, for which I will pay the highest cash prloe. J.KR^HCBB. Wauoonda HV, April S4th, 1883. PARTICULAR NOTICE. All persons owljig me will please Sail and settle their accounts on or be­ fore May 10th, as all unpaid bills will lie placrd in the hands of a collector after that date. H K. W. Waneooda. «L. Aftrtl ttth, MB. sK-.-V',. mmmMM . .. ' - Wall Farm Bells cheap, at Johu I. Story's* Dress«Goods aud Trimmings of every description at Perry A Owen's. Gents Fine Shoes, several styles, at Perry & Owen's. . A fine assortment of very fine Gran­ ite Iron Ware at John 1. Story's. 50 pound wool Mattress for $4.75 at J. B. Blake's. Car of Hapgood Sulky Plows at K. M Owen A Sou's.. , The Richmond Champion Drill foi sal« by R. Bishop. ureat bargains in Cane Seat Chairs. 6 Chairs for *4.75 at J. B. Blake's. The Rockford Sulky Plow for tale at R. Bishop's. NEW Spring Mllliusry just received at Mrs. S. Sauries'. Go to Mrs. Howe's for Dressmaking. . ' Down's celebrated W III H. tl,«Niehels*. ^ r Fancy Window Owen's, i Shades *t ffervf Carpets. Wall Paper and Window Shades, full line, at Perry A Owen's. - j A large variety of Misses Corsets, cheap, at Mrs. II. II. Nichols'. City residences for sale. Apply Asa W. Smith, Woodstock. IH. Nn trouble to show foods or^lMMwei questions at R. Bishop'*. If. ^ Carriages sold low at E. M. Owe» & Sou's. S A Tonr drawer, black-walnut bares* for 97.50, at J. B. Blake's. Full car load of Hapgond £nlky plowii ust received at E. M Owen 4k Son's. Large veneered Panel Bedstead W.90 at J. B. Blake's. Buckeye Owen's. TRV the choice cigars at E. B. Pep­ in's, Kelter's Block. lumber Wagons, Milk Wagons, Plat­ form Spring Buggies for sale at R. Bishop's warehouse. Perry A Owen have received tUelr new spring stock of Wall Paper. CtoH early aud make your selections, • The famous Plow, the Gesley Sulky. Don'; fail to call andexMiuiue it before purchasing. For sale by R. Bishop. Another Importation ofthoHapgood Sulky Plows shortly. E. M. OWEN k SON Drags, Drags, Drags, a lot ou hand, steel tooth, aud must sell. For sale by R. Bishop. The "Aurora" Road Cart, the easiest thing out on man aud horse, at vB. M. Oweu A Son's. Pursuant to a notice given in the PLAIN DEALER a meeting of cltlaeus and soldiers of ihe towns ol Richmond and Hebron wa) held at Culver House Hall on ttnturilay evenijig, for the purpose of making arrangements for tiie proper observant'** of Decoration Das* at Rich­ mond. The meeting was under the auspices of the Eldredge Post.G. A. R and M. M. Clothier, commander of tin- Post, was accepted as ex-ofllcio chair­ man of the meeting, aud S. F, Bennett, Woodstock Post, wmls appointed secre­ tary. After a few mllliifeii spent In a gen­ eral Interchange of views, it was de­ cided to invite local orators to do the speaking instead of sendlug abroad, and that the matter of their selection be placed iu the hands of a committee on speaker*. It was also agreed to put the matter of procuring music In the hands of a committee, and further, that the He­ bron Martial Baud and the newly organized Richmond Cornet Baud be Invited to play on the coming occasion. S. F. Bennett, Johu Billings, mid Henry Christian were appointed Coin- mi i tee on Speakers. F. W. Mead, O. S. Stpvens, and Com­ rade Seaman were appointed a Com- tti * I M George^BWredge. Bee. Mr. Palmer, and A. K. Alexander were appointed a Committee on , Finance, and Gworge Eldredge made general treasurer for the funds raised in both. Hebron aud Richmond, A Finance Committee was al*o ap­ pointed tor the town of Hebron, vis.: Frank Rowe, Fred Gratteu aud Delos tJlodgett. C.N. Culver, J. L. Downing, F. W. Mead. James Ashton and L. B. Rice Were appointed a Committee on Grounds*. S. F. Bennett, J. K. Xethercut, and Rev. Mr. Palmer were appointed a Committee on Advertising, said com­ mittee to use its discretion in regard to manner and extent of advertising. Mrs. George Carpenter. Mrs. M. Ilt<'ks Mr«. J. L. Downing, and Mrs. John W. Haythoru were appointed a Committee on Floral Decorations. It was conceded the arrangement of the Programme of Exercises properly belonged to the Grand Army of the Republic, and to facilitate this work it was agreed that the chairman of each committee shall report their progress in writing to Commander M. M. Cloth­ ier, Richmond postolflce, on the 15th day of May. A conference of the committees resi­ dent in Richmond was arranged to be held at the residence of 8. F. Bennett on Tuesday evening. May 2nd, aud a meeting of the Hebron committeemen was arranged to be held on the same date at the residence of O. E. Grattona The old soldiers from Hebron are en­ titled to thanks for turning out to attend the meeting in such numbers, and thanks, are al«o due to Messrs. Slier- mau, Alts aud Darling for music fur­ nished on the occasion A good deal of enthusiasm WM- manifested and the general resolve 'seemed to be to make the celebration one of the greatest events Richmond ever had. For the Ladies. A new departure iu dress-making b}' which every lady can make her dresses and secure a perfect fir!--By uof ngthe ready made dre«s linings, of which 1 have all sizes, and will warrant them to lit. or no sale. °| also have a good stock of millinery goods always on hand at very low prices. It is no trouble tor uie to show goods. Come one and all and see for vourselves. MRS. I». U. SKIKKLB. Richmond, III., April i8, 1033. ; : , • BARB WIRE. The celebrated Lyman Barb Wire. Second to none. lias been in use for several years aud has never been con­ demned, by oue. For sale by JOHN I. 8TORT. r < FoivRent. ln tbi village of Nunda. a good Livery Barn 30x60 feet, built especial­ ly for the business. Will be rented reasonable. Apply to BUTLBB* WARNRB, Nunda, 111,, May let 1883. The *AQM* Churn at John I, Story's. The late improvement on tiie La Dow Pulveriser takes the cake. Call and see It at R. Bishop's. Call at the warehouse ef R. Bishop. McHenry. III., and examine goods and learn prices. OIL STOVES. Fonr patterns, and the finest article in the market, at John I. Story's. Madam McGee Oorsetts. The best on tiie market at Mayes A Bartlett's The Gesley steel or wood beam walk­ ing Plow on hand and for sale by R. Bishop. It will pay you to call aud examine those Bureau Washstands for 93.25, at J. B. Blake's The finest Platform Wagon with Iron comers and rocl~ E, M. Owen A Son's. made «r, at Force Pun>p*4 * CLOTHING; ^ < A complete stock of Men's and Boy's Clothing at-bottom prices. PKRRT&OWB*. 4HARROWS! HARROWS! ^AU styles from 40 to 100 teeth, all steel. The Reverslbles take the eake at Owen A Sou's. A full line of choico groceries always to bu obtained ut HENRY COLBY'S. Kvirjiiiinji *>> f«ru>'n^ rr>?rit» fmm a Kwlll Cart to a McCurmlck Twine Binder, enn be found at the warehouse of K. Bishop. Ladles, we think we can show you the "prettiest" line of laces that was ever brought to this market. Ask to see them at Henry Colby's. Young ladles, our new walking shoes and French aud Mat Kid button ^lioes are "just lovely." Call aud see them at Heury Colby's, Call at E. M. Owen A Sou's and see the celebrated Hapgood Sulky Plow that is warranted to ruu lighter than a Walking Piow. Ladies Wraps. Dohluians. Jadtt*t|. >-"• - a and Ulsters, at Perry A Owen's. Ladies and Misses line Walking Shoe* latest styles, at Perry ACf Owen's. | Fishing Tackle of all kinds at ifj Engeln's, in Howe's Block, uesr tl new Bridge. The finest line of sliver and Placed Ware to be found In the county, at Oil W, Owen's. l,% If you want a black Silk ifreiHI wortfU •3 a yard for $1.60 you Can It bjllig calling soon at Henry Colby's, M . ------ -:$P Case. Furst. A Bradley. Moline, fltajii good ami other Sulky plows Owen & Son's. • As usual we have this spring tbo finest line of Embroideries in town. HENRY COLBY. V. An elegant line of dress buttons and trimmings always to be fouud at Heiiry Colby's. The Improvements on :he Randall and Keystone Pulverisers take the lead by far this season, at E. M. Owen A '\ son's. « ii i . i • The Skinner steel or wood beam walking Plow has proved if "elf to be the farmers friend. For sale by It. Bishop. DIAMOND DYES. We have all colors of the celebrate# Diamond Dyes ouly 10c a package. HENRY COLBY. CLOTHING. Our stock of Clothing is unit»ualliFv* . 1 complete and will be sold yer cheap fof cash. HKNKY COLBY. ---------- . For first-class (insurance against (Irt and Lightning, wind storms, cyclones* tornadoes, etc., etc., apply to Asa W* Smith, Woodstock.'lll. Young men. we are now receiving our spring and summer stock of A?<e Shoes, and can show you the finest assortment ever found in tills market. Cull aud see them at Henry Colby's. The LaDow 13x16 inch Pnlverizrr. greatly improved, and as tar as draft capacity, reliability and durability are concerned it has few equals and no superiors. For sale by R. Bishop, Mc­ Henry, III. . Remember that you will experience no difficulty in getting repairs for any machines >:old by R. Bishop, thus pre­ venting vexatious and expensive de­ lays at a critical time when time means money. Fine Shoes. Otir stock of Foster's celebrated Beloit Shoes is complete. For style and durubilit> they cannot be excelled. Ask to see them S H EN BY COLBY, The Reliable Rockford Sulky Plow stands on its merits. The farmers friend, neyer strikes for higher wages. Is a faithful, obedient servant, never wearies of work, and last but not least always pleases the ladies, as it Involves no additional boarders. For Sale by R. Bishop. _____ TOWN TALK. That the Light Running^©e^ley Sulkv Plow has arrived and can be found for sa!e at the warehouse o,r R. Bishop, McHenry. and parlies wlshiuir to purchase a sulky plow would do well to call aud examine before purchasing elsewhere. Don't fall fn call and see'the Hapgood Sulky Plow fof which there Is a des- criptifl n In this Issue). Big sales last fall, all on' account of it running one horse easier than others. They are all getting tliein now. and won't have any oilier. Call and see them, always »»n hand (if can make tlietn last enough) that being the trouble heretofore,i^t E. M. Owen A Sou's. ADVICK TU MOTHSnt .„ Are ynu disturbed at night and brok­ en of 3*our rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pah» of eurting teeth? It'so. send at once* and get a bollle ol Mrs. Wiiislow's Soothing Syrup for children teething. Its value is iucxlcul able. It will relieve lite poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it mothers, there is no mistake about it. It. cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regu­ lates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, sortons the gums, reduces inflammation, and gives tone anil en­ ergy to the whole system. Mrs. Wins- low's Soothing Syrup for children teething is pleasant to the taste, aud Is the prescription of oue of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United Slates, and is for sale by all druggists throughout Mio world. Price 35 cepts a bottle. Our stock of drtijgfs, chemicals and patent medicines was never more complete. Goods reliable and prices right. V. "« IIENRY COLBY. HORSE FOR SALE, * * A good Horse for sale. Will w*ork either double or single. Inquire 'of J. A. Goii.g, at Fitxsimiuous A Evath* sou's store. Gossamer civeulaY* find coats- for ladies and gentlemen, and * tull line of rubber goods always* to be had alt HKHRY COLBY'S. The Ladies will always find a iluf line of Laces and Neckwear at Mr#.", H. H. Nichols'. She keeps a fid! sortmeut of the latest styles to %bo* found iu the market. The Rlclimoud Champion Drill ami; Broad Cast Seeder Is the great source of attraction at the warehouse ot Bishop. Come and look it over aud fef*- cojpe convinced. :- "l POSTS FOR SALS. " '! I have 2.000 good second growth Burr* Oak Posts for sale, at my residence, !#. the village ot Riugwood. Will tie soldi reasonable. GEO. STEVENS. King wood, March 10th, 1ML The L idles of McHenry aed rounding country are reap»*etfolly ' !»• vited to call aiid examine my iie»W stock of Spring Millinery, which, for beauty, style and cheapness, cannot be- excelled in McHenry ( 'ouutv. MRS. H. H. NICHOLS. New Furniture Store, • And Undertaking Rooms just opeuriy by Justin Brothers, near the Depot* McHeuiy. We have on hand, and are now ready to show yon a full Hue o|T First-class Furniture at low piices. Oue stock of Coffins is complete and a goo# Hearse furnished at reasonable rateev See our stock before buying. 4USTIX . Horses for Sale. GfontT road aud cheap farm Horse* kept lor sale,from Chicago. Price Iron* #35 to «100. At M. Cook's. 2 miles uortb- of Wancoitda. on the McHenry road. Have just received another new lot„ whi»ii those who are in want of good work horses Will do woH to ^p|^. see. Stallion for Sale. The undersigned has for sal** one ffcro year old Stallion. Color, dark bay. black mane and lail. and weighed 120fr pounds when he was four years old* Is fine style and a good stock getter. Had more business than he could atteo*| to last seaMiu. Will he si.lil reasonable* inquire of PETER Johasbnrgh, April 7th, 18*3. Closed for 30 Days* '• On account of the Improvements I am now making, the Kox River Valley Mills will be., closed fo^the. neat SO days, after which I wili "be ready for business with improved and inerease4 facilities, second to no inUI fit tb» Northwest. My frleodja and p*tr«*ue will take due notice. * *' R. tiitw jMetlenry, April ftth, SMS. . |> ̂ FORSALB. - ") 40 Acres of land In *SeetI«n tl all fenced. Also SO acres of land, with is good house and barn thereon. * ills timber and water In abundance. In Sec* tion 32. Also my homesteatl on the Crystal Lake and Nu 'da road. Ooo-t "new lionse. Imm and other ontbuiliHiijts.-- Apply t«> JOHN FixS&Y, Big Gian Feed Mill*. Will grind Cob and all. or Sttelfcft Corn and Oats mixetl. Warranted do as good work as any mill for a simf lar purpose, and to grind as ftne fast tor kind of grinding as any other mill of sane Siae price. For sale by S, A J. Skei living 4 miles West of Mi;HlSt| Ol*« Woodstock road. • Mclleury, Jaa 1Mb, WHL . s.

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