. . ' *„•* * *« .. * - m V-^* SPS^fSJW * •**•> if **• £** ̂-- r> », •>, . -f> *" /i< |psK^f»s^g;?#s:... _ _ w ^TVRV-' V^V^ «^ ris •.,' *.'.•&&< WEDNESDAY. MAT 9. 1883. « IT is said that the coming «$*«>«* ^iuniinni iff W llHi Hf»nt»l«wr*w«u at Pox Lake. Before you buy a wheel-barrow, call and tee those for sale by John I. Story. It wilt pay yon. THE choicest line of Dolman* and Ladle*' Neck Wear In towii/.|jyifrB. E. W. Howe's. IT i« easier for a came! to pass through the eye of a needle than It is for a man who borrows his neighbor's paper to sleep well nights. IT is too early to predict Just what style of parasol will be fashionable the if^IRS Pralrl* PKBgOXAL. Mm. SAMUEL STOCKBR removes this week to Lake City. Minnesota. RBV. MRS. WHEKLER, of THIS village, Is visiting relatives In Elgin this week. PETEB BLAKK and wire, of Rich . Minnesota, were calling on "«io iut weeK. lfiss JULIA A. SLAFTK*. of Belvl- dere, was visaing friends her* oo Sun day and Monday. OAPT. DOMIHT, the veteran Insurance agent, was In town again tlio first of the week. WM. MCDONALD, of Nunda. has rented Mrs. Schreinei** Saloon, In this village, for the coming year. J. HATFIELD and wife," of Oshorne City, Kansas, who have been visiting among friends here, Started for home 011 Tuesday. FRANK SCHNORR. A«E Miss coming Reason; but they will be worn.fNarv j,. 0we„ ,Urted ' „ Monday as usual, lust high enough to rake out* morning to join her husband, at Athol a tnan's eye. iDakota. IT has just, arrived at the season of the year when the small boy who can't lift a spade full of dirt In the garden, will (urn up a ten acre lot hunting for fish bait. THE L. L. 0. will meet with Mrs. J. B. Perry. Friday, May II, ** 330 P.M. Topic: English Historft Miss J IT HA STOUT, Pres. Miss BKETHA HOLLISTER, Sec'y. THE ".Sketches from a Soldiers Mem orandum,'* which 4iave been omitted from our Soldiers Department for the past few weeks, will bo commenced again next week. BEV. ERASMUS MANFORD. editor of Mauford's Magazine, will preach at the Unlversalist Church oil Sunday after- noon next, at 3 o'clock. The usual services will be held in the.morning. THE Mission Baud of the McHenry Methodist Sabbath School will lio'd their meeting next sabbath evening at the usual time. There will je an Inter esting programme. All are invited to attend. Work, Given Out. On receipt of your address we will make an ofler by which you cttiiearn 93 to 97 evenings, at your home. Men, women, boys or girls can do it. H. C. Wilkinson & Co., 185 and 197 Fulton Street, New York. T. H. IToWELL, of New Jersey, wlio^ with his family, spent I sat, summer in this village, has again taken rooms at the Riverside House for the season. S. I. BRADBUBT, editor of the Patriot, Waukegan, with a party of friends, were registered at the Riverside House on Sunday. They came down from Fox Lake on the steamer 'Ethel.' Captain Yeager, PERSONS who receive, by mistake or otherwise, letters not intended for them, should take a second thought be fore breaking them open, and read section 1.224 of the postal laws and regulation* of 1879. wherein Is pre scribed that the penalty attached to the act of opening, by any person, of a letter received from a post office, and not addressed to such person, but in tended for another, shall be a fine of not over 9500, or Imprisonment at hard labor for not more than one year or both -- JSr. Mrs. Sesrles will open May 18th with a choice selection in outside g-irmcnts. in all the various and latest summer siyles. I am now prepared to take orders tor all the extra «izes. ' ' MRS. 8. RXARLKS, Mftffenry* IT will be well to accept with inanyj grains of allowance, if you do not re ject altogether, the claims of the man! who says lie can Hud no work to do at^ this season. Ten chances to one he i^ too lacy 16 tell a uiore consistence story. .lie DECORATION DAT is to lie approprir^ atety observed at Richmond, under thnos auspices of Eldridge Post. G. A. R., Typhis particulars of which were published ifto our Richmond Department last week?"® Should the weather prove favorahl«j we predict a large turnout oil .. that^ occasion. _____ 3t OLTB advertising columns will be't* found unusually attractive. The iead-^8 Ing merchants have receive*! large stocks, of very choice goods and many novelties. Their advertisements tell where the new and fashionable goods are to be found. The ladles should not fail to look them over. LIST of letters remaining in the Post Office at McHenry. 111., for month end ing April 30th. 1883: Letter*--George Appleman. 8. JC. Lawsou. John A. Dunne. Hensel A Appleman. Dexter Harback. John MInk ier. C. E. Sanford, Jacob ne Nottlng- liam, Mota Tees; Mrs. Llllie Bailing. Mrs. M. Sailes, Mrs. Harriet N. Kelt, Mrs. Mary Tanner, Mrs. Edna Rockwell. Miss Corla Sanett. Postal Cards--Mr- G. W. Hunt, Mf. L. Harrison. Please c:ili for "advertised*1 letters. C. V STEVKNS.P. M. •vwuva iii t/iit? pOU O wavci oubu atwa^i drawed herself, and then I milked th| cow. When I come in Philury was uj fryin' the potatoes, and the tears a shin in' on her white face. She didn't saj Dothm', she's kinder still, but shl hadn't no need to. I felt a leetll meaner'n I did the day before. Buj 'twan't nothing to my condition "When I was goin', towards night down thfc sullail stairs for some apples, so's the childre could have a roast, and I heered Joe u in the kitchen say to Emmy. 'I do tx lieve, Em, pa's 'goin* to *Wh; Josiar Emmons, how you talk!' "We I do; he's so everlastin' pleasant good-natered I can't but think In struck with death.' "I tell ye, brethren, I set right do\ on them sullar stairs and cried. I di reelly, Seem**' .<*«• -frr--t-- THE old 15th Illinois Volunteer In fantry wlty hold a Re-lTnion at Rock- ford. Thursday May 24th. All surviving members of the Regiment are expected to be present A cordial Invitation is extended by the committee to ail old soldiers and their friends to come out and Re-Uue with them on this occasion. THE Baptist National Anniversaries will be observed at Saratoga Springs. May 22d to 29th, 1883. The Baptist. Theological Seminary Anniversaries will be observed at Chicago. May 13th to 17th. Commencement exercises May lltli, at the Lecture Room of the Ini- inamtel Baptist church. Chicago. AN exchange puts it tlui*ly: "Those who write for sample copies will please send stamps, not for publication, but as an evidence thAt they don't take us for a hald-hcaded philanthropist, with a gold-headed cane and an Income of 9700.000 a year, who is printing a paper for amusement and paying the pottage on It for fan." THE Xolting House. Elgin,> BOW open for the accommodation of the public, and we unhesitatingly pro nounce !t one of the finest Hotels out side of the ciiy. That Prince of land lords, Leon Lasher, formerly of the Waverly House, in that- city. Is the proprietor of this magnifcent House, which is a sure guarantee that all who pay the Nolting a visit will be wel| taken care of and courteously treated while there. The House Is new, ele gantly furnished, and has every con venience for the comfort and pleasure of guests. Elgin is to be congratulated on having so good and well kept a House. When In Elgin do not fail to call at the Noltiug lluuse. ^THK hens have again opened the strife on big eggs, and the result is that Mrs. Ward has left one on our table, produced by a hen of the com mon variety, tlint measures 8f x6j inches, a little the larflfffifc»»«or*,TMiy we have seen lhis yeaiVj The following etTcellMlfinfSniaudoU us with Uie egg: - ' • j The wonderful hen that laid this egg, j Was one among a score; 1 But she has goue. without parade, / AN<l her we see no nioro. But^lifca »Utomit bninffi^wtrtTta die, ne'tir ilreameil ot fame, "Ami to no treat en<l did she aspire. Hot sought to make a uaiae. Anil manv a (renin* of the pen I« dippniK ink to-day, Unconscious, like the noble hen. That fame lies in the way. »1 / MATHIAS BLAKE, an old resldeni of / this town, died at the residence of his I son. Peter Blake, at Rich Prairie. I Minnesota, April 30th. He went to ^ 1 Minnesota visiting, about six weeks f*8 h*ve another one on our table, I ago. where he was taken sick, and died (handed us by M. lyrrell, which, al- I as above. Consumption, wo believe. 1 ti,oug'1 * little smaller, may truthfully 1 was the cause. He was about 67 years! called a large egg, as It measures \ of *age, and had resided In this town! ^ there are any larger eggs Y for over 36ltears. i produced this seasou we have failed to ^ -11- flsee WITH the prospect of warm weather ^ see them. at an early day. and consequently fish ing time, the fish liar has crawled out and cQirimcnced operations. He ^oes tUhing about once In five years and spends the rest of the time lying about what occurred. He caught a bass weighing fonrtecn pounds, but the hoe^ broke and let him escape. He had a bite from a pickerel four fee'ttong, but stubbed hlx toe and couldn't pull up at ie proper moment. He began Ashing rlth minnows for bait, but the IIah bit greedily that he finally tied a horn >utton on the tiook and pulled 'em out as fast as he could drop the line. He caught an even tubfnll, but while he was eating luncheon the wharf gave way and let tub and fish into the water. . The fish liar can be found sitting in the most public place of an evening, all wound up ready to commence business* and nothing lets the sunshine into his life so quick as to get hold of some one who will gasp out Occasionally, "My stars! but Is that possible J" BIRD CAGES. Bird Cages, in all styles and prices. *t John I. Story's. A lot just received. 2^ and tee tbei|; MILLINERY! MILLINERY! Mrs. Searles will open. May 11 tli. the finest stock of New hummer Millinery ever shown in the town- of McHenry. Choice trimmed Hats ami Bonnets got ten expr«*s!v for the summer trade. Also a tine line of children's and misses' Trimmed Hats, for which we invite the closest inspection. Ladles, please call and see our goods and learn prices. We will not be undersold by any firm in town or county. Mas. 8. SEARMW, McHenry. III. FOR SALE. 200 bushels Choice Seed Corn from Kansas, known as ninety day Yellow SM. * Cal 1 for sample. . • f • - FlTZSiMMONS A EVAKSOK. ̂: : Calico Party. At Maiman's Hall, Wanconda. on Friday eveulng. May lltli. Music. Mudgett's Quadrille Band. Tickets 75 cents. All are cordially invited. Br ORDER or COMMITTEE. BARB WIRE. ; The celebrated Lyman Barb Wire. Second to none. Has been in use for several years and has never been con demned by one. For sale by . ' • JOHH ItSTOBT? MAftKNdO. EDITOR PJUUXDEALEK:--StIH the weather holds cold, but last Sunday was a beautiful, warm day. and we must have more like it before crops and gardens will show Uidlcttlons of yield ing their fruits to the hand of toil. * « ?««4 Avery's houso. Col. Avery moved his family' and household efleets to Woodstock on Wednesday. The Colonel lias made many friends in Marengo during hi* residence here of twenty-five years and we are sorry to lose him. Alfred Cady ha* sold hla house and lot to Mr. Mason, but reserves a good sized lot oil from the east side upon which he will soon build himself an other residence. Mrs, S. Saflord offers her residence on West Prairie street for sale. It Is a very desirable place and will make some body a good home. We notice the li'orufeTock correspond ent to the PLAINDEALICK endorses the sentiments of <tlie Marengo Republican in regard to our Postmaster, the clerks etc. We do not know who the corres pondent is hut we would like to shake his ( f) hand and say "correct." Marengo is to be afflicted with "Burr Bobbins' American and Gorman Allied Show" on the 18th inst. Mason & Morgan's Uncle Toms Cabin played In Lansing's Hall hist Friday evening to just a fair audience. Some say it was good, others say <t was not. In our last weeks' communication we stated that our Board of Trustee* had not taken any action upon the Billiard question, but at their last meeting we understand that they licensed the same imposing certai u restrictions, etc.. and that they had appointed O. P. Rogers liquor agent for the corporation. Now what better could they have done un der the circumstances? Some chronic might easily answer this, but looking from a reasonable and unprejudiced standpoint they have done the best they could. The "town saloon" busi ness is virtually busted, for no one except an adept in deception,can get a drop of O. P. Rogers; and as to the billiard room, that is the lesser evil, and wc could hardly expect our new Board to make a clean sweep. There is reason in all things, and if we retain the same Board next year we will see the wis dom of their present course it we don't now, and the goodly results of the de liberations of well balanced minds. The building boom within the i-or. I orate limits of Maivngo consists, as near as >ve can ascertain, of ten rest- deuces, two single brick stores, one tripple brick block, and a two-story eight room stone school house, aside from a number of small barns and work shops. This speaks well for the pros, perity of our town, and these, with tlio new buildings lately completed, will make. Marengo of old alittost unrecog nizable. Let the good wurt go on. The death of Geo. B. Adams and his gjuuiddauglUer. Pauay &utll, lust Wed nesday. of diphtheria, created a great sensation in our village. Mr. Adams was seen on our streets Monday, and Wednesday lie was a corpse. The little girl, "Pansy," as she was called, had been sick longer, but at about half past itwelve Wed lesday afternoon her »pirlt took lis flight, and the dear girl was dead. Mr. Adams died just I wo hours after. A Miort service was held the u*xt forenoon and the bodies were laid iu their last rest leg place. Two more in the same family are now prostrated with the dread disease.but it i» thought that they will recover. The femily, in their great affliction, have the sympa. tliles of our entire village, [FBOM ANOTHER COaRESVOKDRKT.] EUITUR PLAINOEAUKK;--Seeing that the correspondent from this place to your lively and go nliead paper does not write every week we propose to try our hand at the business--not that we sx|>ect to hold a candle to our friend --who is au old hand at the bellows and is s«me on the gathering of news. etc. Not being worth a cent on prelimin aries we waive them. So here goes. Mrs. Peterson, mother of Dr. Adam*' worthy assistant in the post office, has bought two lots of the Doctor and will build and move here to live. We believe she now resides In Richmond. We see by reading a recent copy of Ganl's Weakly ofWing ihat lie calls for another of those "primer lessons," These sketches even make the preach ers "laugh and grow fat." Our ex-post master, Bill, of this tOWn. while he does not hanker after the PLAIXDEALKK as a general diet (because 11 is so out spoken and tells the truth) says MVan takes the cake when It comes to writ ing liis own matter," and nearly goe« into ecstJicies over a biographical sketch, and swears he does not nor never did belong to the Woodstock S--Q combination. And there's old Uncle A. B. Coon, who thinks the world of Van and his paper, sputters and spits at a great rate when he finds upon opening up the PLAINDEALER that the editor lias not given his youngster a lesson, both profitable, truthful and In structive. Yes, Van, they are better than sketches of "Peck's bad Boy," be cause they are true. We thought you would accommodate Gardner. Ne<rer knew you to fall. Every one l.i this section reads your 'tprimer lessons," and are disappointed when the PLAIN- DEALER does not contain one. Give us the one Gardner is so anxious for, and do not keep him and your hundreds of readers in suspense longer thau Is necessary. T. H. St. John and wife left early In the week to vl^lt relatives at Atlantic, Iowa. 4 Dr. J. W. Green went to Iowa the first of the week on a short business trip. Dr. J. Q. Adams Is making over his house, and when completed will greatly Improve,!t in every way. We have a street sprinkler In Ma rengo. Guess if we should call our vil lage a city now it would be all right. Corsets. Corsets, Corsets, at Perry A Owen's. Richmond Department. CONTRIBUTED BT S. F. RKKDKTT. The exercises on Decoratiou Day are to commence at 1 p. m. sharp. Farutn.ra.ii.ny tlx* .>*»-«* *•"'•«* h".?? a large amount of go«d. We hear that an original poem if to be read at Richmond on Decoration Day. The Richmond Committee on Flora] Decorations is a splendid one, and it wll! do its doty splendidly, too. Besides the oration by Rev. Q, 0. Clark at Richmond, on Decoration Day, a number of other speakers are engaged to address the people. John Vermont is building an addl. tlon the whole length of his livery stable to Mcommodata his Increasing business. C fe The Rfffemond Cornet Band has re ceived Its hew Instruments and will be ready to glve some 4n Decora tion Day. ^ v Lovers of Nature's panic will be well repaid to arise at 4 toft o'clock on these spring mornings and listen to the bird concerts. Ail the newspapers in the county and the neighboring country are requested to give not lee of the coming Decoration Day observances at Richmond. If anybody knows of a dosen or so of good girls, for housework, let them be sent to Richmond. Everv-other family, almost. Is In search of a girl. The G. A. R. will meet at Cn)vor> Hall on Saturday evening May 19th to perfect arrangements for Decoration Day. The pnhtlc will be pleased to learn that the Rev. Gw»ver <\ Clark, of Rich* mond, has consented to deliver the oration at Richmond on Decoration Day. Mrs. Peterson has tented her house to a party whose name we have not. learned, and who proposes to practice homeopathy. Mrs. Peterson and fami ly niovo to Marengo. ̂ • Dr. R. F. Bennett's farm of adjoining the village, was lately sold to Kate and Ed Greely at very nearly •80 per acre. It Is one of the best farms hereabouts. Phil. Kull and Ills hilde. came iVwn from Genon Junction gillie other <*ay to buy ftyni ture of our Richmond dealers, for their housekeeping. If not too late, we wish them "much joy." J. R. Hyde's three-year-old Merino ram was one of the prize winners at the. Woodatock sheep shearing festival* and another Richmottd^tnan. John Sill carried oft one of Iho shearing prizes. Our thanks are 4ns to Hon. C. H. Trjtin fora eopyof the Roport of Pro ee^fHngs of the Stattr fRfnrd of Health; the same being for the quarterly meet ing, heldat Chicago. April 12-14,1883. F. Monear Is laid up with a bad hand and arm, caused by a poisoned wound. He was handling a sick hog. and ran a honk, made from an ordinary pall han dle. into the palin of Ids hand. Mark Foote, dr.. and wife last week came out t» Richmond' from Chicago to spend a few days with their father and mother. Mairk is wrestling with a fill! grown attacK of measles, so the pleasure of his visit is much Impaired. It is a splendid thing, though to have a mother's nursing. Was It the Hnr+Rtil Independent that said James V. Ah^'idli had been seen In Miat city shaking hands with old friends* There must be a part of a mistake in that notice. We don't doubt Jim was In Harvard, hut then, the shaking hands! W4 fellows know that •1. V. never shakeflp hands--or hardly ovor! A load of old soldiers from Richmond attended the meeting of the G. A, R. at Hebron last Saturday evening. "The boys," I. e. the old soldiers, of both towns are at work like beavdrs In preparation for the observance of Decoration Day at Richmond, and seem determine.1 to leave no work undone to make the observance a grand success. A very fine likeness of C. G. Cotting, in crayon, the work oY an Elgin artist is on exhibition At th^ store of Alexan der A Hyde. It wih probably be bought by the Richmond Lodge A. F. and A. M. for the lodge room. Mr. Cotting was a charter member of that lodge and Its first Worshipful Master niul at the time of liis death had ueen for many years lis secretary. It would lie a graceful acknowledgement of the esteem iu wiiich he was held as a man and Ma?on were the lodge secure thtf picture. ' - A meeting was held at the school house In Diet. No. 1 (White's) to vote upon the proposition to build a new building to replace tlieshai>b; old one. Elijah Bowers was elected chalrn\an and Wm. Motlev secretary of the meet ing. It was decided, by a vote of 13 to 9 to build*, A building committer was elected as follows; E. Bowers. Henry Reliorst, Wm. Motley. Charles Ha life- man and John Hodge. This committee is to report plane and specifications and estimated cost, at a fatura meeting Good for No. 14 ' ' The re-opening of the M. E. church, which has been closed for repairs, oc curred last Sunday, arid to the partici pants was a very pleasant ajlair. The church has been repainted, grained, carpeted, etc., and is now one of the pleasantest places of worship In the county. A nice room has been built on the south end of the church, eutrance to which Is from the choir. 11 is to be used for prayer meetings, «£». J^or weeks our good pastor. Mr. G. C. Clark, has donned his workman's apron and labored an hard as anybody at the Ira- pTpvemeBtt. The ladies of the church haye also been unwearied at such work as tltey could do. The society may now congratulate t item selves on the fine ap pearance of their house of worship. From UM Star and Covenant. V. s 1-WIN Mm - ..IT • » To my tittle daughter, Mav, in St t.nnir. Mo., who was born in the month of Mar,ami who is expected home Mav 1, 1883. Two Mays are roming-- the one a montlt, The sweetestof ait th« year! ? ' , By the bint note and the oreete'a balm I know her presence near! She com eg Willi a mantle all of green. And flower vvreatli# on her brow! I can almost hear, aye, almost hear . The chime of her foottulln now! :: £ O tear.wet April, hasten on) " *' Make room Tor my uweet, twin Mays! My heart is on tiptoe, and I count, ' \ Hot pitiently now, tho <!«ys ? rH; . That flow like a river's life iielweew il?' My hope, which aland* this side, H Y ,r And" a vision gracious, beckoninj, Just over the utnly tide. Twin Mars! Ah frlec<1,conld yon,coald yon gueas The other, the sweet month's twin? My love, my daughter, my peart of prioa. My sweet soul Knlttles* of sin! '• v * Born was &he in the flowery Ma>, Fairest oi nil hei poors. Lily-bud'with a heart of gold, , "• *' Oraclng my graceless years, t • Twin May*, O, come together--wil'.iwiL'v'i' Ooine to my heart, my child! - Hope of kixs'ing again thv Hps Qft imtli the day beguiled. Come with thy glory of golden hair! Come with thy smile and speeeh! Twin of my heart and twin of tha montlt, One is the name fov each! An article In a late number of the Woodstock Democrat seems to call for a refutation, or at least an explanation on the part of your Local, since the grave accusation Is made therein that two of our citizeus have been levying blackmail on certain saloon keepers of ^ohnsburg and McHenry. The writer has had an Interview with F. W. Mead, one of the parties accused, and simple justice demands that the public know his side of the story.' A young fellow* named Robert Cain, works for Mr* M<ad, or was working lor him at the time the aftalr occurred, and wanting to go to Haiuesville lor some purpose Mr. Mead eugaged a team for him at the livery stable of John Dermont, thus becoming responsible for charges Cain, wi.o Is a minor, took another lad with him and their first move was to go to ,Johnshurg and thence to Mc Henry, at botli of which places they were sold liquor-by the saloon keepers and made druuk. As a consequence they overdrove and injured the team and smashed up the buggy. Dermont, as was right, asked heavy damages, which under the circumstances were collecta ble of Mead, who thought the fellows who had made the boys drunk ought to foot the bill. He therefore took Con stable Sklnkle ami visited the saloon keepers, who were liable under the law for selling to minors, stated the facts and asked money enough of the in to settle up the damages. It seems all were willing to settle the thing up that way except the Democrat'sMold friend" Knox, who refused. Tlile Is all there Is ot the matter at present though Mr. Knox may think hereafter that it would have been cheaper and more honorable to pay his share than to be sued for selling liquor to minors. We cannot see that Mead did anything only what was right under the circumstances and it would be but just for the Democrat to make amends for the wrong impression which its article con veved to the public^ We cannot feel a particle of sympa thy for men who will Sell whiskey to boys. ItJs bad enough to sell to men. who should have sufficient judgment to use spirits in moderation if at all. but when It comes to seMVig to young lads It Is a crime agulnst society of the gravest character. If a saloon keeper were to sell liquor to a minor son of ours we should feel justified in prose cuting him to the full extent of the law. The traffic is an unmitigated curse anyhow, but If men will drink, at least let our boys alone. For the Ladies. A new departure iu dress-making by which every la«ly can make her dresses and secure a perfect fit!--By indng the ready made dre«* linings, of which 1 have*all slr.es. and will warrant them to tit or no sale.- I also have a good stock of millinery goods always on hand at very low prices. It is no trouble tor me to show good«. Come one and all and see for vourselves. MRS. 1'. TI. 8K»U,a. Klehwond, III., April *8, 1883. The old lasti ioued singing tchool t« again at the front. For many years It lias not been carried to the extent that j:it is lliis spring., American people trs awakening to the fact that a special vtnri »><«; L1; Ju pruiiiuin ««»««»«%, and now that special eOort la to be made in McHenry, Mr. J. J. Vasey.wlio has just closed Ins class for the present at Genoa Junction, and who is now teaching a second term at Rlngwood. announces that a meeting will be held In the M. E. Church. McHenry, on Sat urday eve.. May 12th, for the purpose of organizing a music class. It Is well known that Instruction In music is much needed here, and It Is earnestly hoped that all will avail themselves of this opportunity. At this organisation Mr. Vasey will give Ids method of presenting the subject to the class, and about one hour will he spent in an interesting musical drill. The meet!ug will commence promptly at eight o'clock. The following appeared In the Rich mond Gazette, written by Kev. H. A. Palmer, pastor of the Baptist Church* of that village: Being interested lit the young peo ple of Uei.oa, I accepted the kind Invi tation of Mr. J, J. Vasey. and recently attended one session of his slnglag school. To say that I was pleased will express mv feelings but feebly. I was delighted, for surely he is doing a To KMIGRANT»-A FRKSH OPKNINO. The Lewistor. (Maine) Journal ap pears to advertise a portion of that State as an Important location for emigrants The following is its state ment: "The little Kdea in Maine, in the northeast corner of the north-east State, is a State of Itself. A county nearly as large as the State of Massa chusetts. where thousauds of emigrants may flud homes, health, happiness and dollars. Thousands and thousands of acres, which have not been cleared, may be had. for from 93 to 85 per acre. The soil, the larger part of, which has r.ot been disturbed by the plow, is as rich as the black mould of Dakota. The great ease with which its crops are planted and secured a::d its won derful yield are unequaletl by few countries on the face of earth," "Consistency, thou art a jewelT While perusing this, a letter from a friend Iu Aroostook Co.. which is bounded on the north by New Bruns wick and east by the Atlantic Ocean, reported last week that tnow is most gone " The apprehension Is that the two Mr. Reynolds who passed the autumn and winter In our family, were too fast when they left this Immediate neighborhood of Maine for Manitoba. Another letter iust received, wiitten May 1st. lias the following respecting the weather in that "little Eden in Maine:** "We have had a severe win. ter In this region. The cold was in tense. Still cold, with very little wilit?. Plenty of snow but no drifts- There was not one day for four months that, the sun thawed the snow enough to make rubbers necessary. During all that tlnie the streets were a hard, whit*, glittering surface. Five weeks, the. thermometer averaged from ten t* thl-ty-five degrees below zero every day." surely he is grand work fur Genoa. 1 have attend ed several singing schools, taking part in three of them, but after carefully not hit; Mr. Vasey's theory and practice, I am let! to feel that without excep tion he ought to have the premium as a teacher of vocal music. I like his theory. It Is comprehensive, yet sim ple. But I was most pleased with the thorough practice which each pupil received. If those who are getting the benefit of Ids instruct inn are not singers, it will be their own fault. It U hoped that they will improve every opportunity to practice, and I would "iiggeM that a good way is to organise a choir to sing in church ou the Sab bath. 1 regret very much that the people of Richmond did not. secure the services of Mr. V., for a singing school conduct ed iu his manner would benefit the town much more than many of the public entertainments now in vogue. Slay we be wise in the future and pro vide ihat which will benefit our boys and girls and elevate our society. Farm Bells cheap, at John I. Story's Dress Goods and Trimmings of every description at Perry A Owen's. Gents Fine Shoes, several styles, at Perry & Owen's. A fine assortment of very Ane Gran ite Irou Ware at John 1, Story's. 80 pound wool Mattren for 94.75 at J. B. Blake's. Car of Hapgood Sulky Plows at E. M. Owen & Son's. The Richmond Champion Drill far sale by R. Bishop. Ureat bargains In Cane Seat Chairs. 8 Chairs for $4.75 at J. B. Blake's. The Rockford Sulky Plow for sale at R. Bishop's.^ NKW Spring Milllnsry just received at Mrs.°S. Searles'. Carpets. Wall Psper and Window Shades, full Hue, at Perry A Owen's. A large variety of Misses Corsets, cheap, at Mrs. H. II. Nichols'. The "Boss" Barrel Cham at John I, Story's. Lumber Wagons. Milk Wagons, Plat- rortn Spring Buggies for sale at R. Bishop's warehouse. their Call Perry & Owen ha?e received new spring stock of Wall Paper. early aud make your selections. The famous Plow, the Gesley Sulky. Don': fail to call and examine it before purchasing. For sale by R. Bishop. Another Importation of the Hapgood Sulky Plows shortly. K. M. OWKN a sow Drags, Drags, Drags, a lot ou hand, steel tooth, and must sell. For sale by R. Bishop. The "Aurora" Road Cart, the easiest tlung nut on man and horse, at B. M. Owen A Sou's. $5 The late improvement on Dow Pulverizer fakes the cakf^ and see It at R. Bishop's. Call at the warehouse of R. Bishop. McHenry. 111., and examine goods and learn prices. OIL STOVES. Four patterns, and the finest article In the market, at John I. Story's. Madam Corsetts. The best on the market at Mayes A Bartlett's The Gesley steel or wood beam walk ing Plow on hand and for sale by R. Bishop. It will pay you to call and examine those Hnreau Waslistands for 83.25. at J. B. Blake's Business The finest Platform Wagon made with Iron corners and rocking gear, al E, M. Owen A Son's., ^ • CLOT!ll*#*r - A complete stock of Men's and Boy's Clothing at bottom prices. PKIIT tt owav. -- HARROWS! HARROWS! All atyles from 40 to 100 teeth, all steel. The Reversibles take the cake at Owen A Son's. A full line of choico groceries always to be obtained at HKNKY COLBY'S. Everything In farming Implements from a Swill Cart to a McCormick Twine Binder, can be fotliui at the warehouse of K. Bishop. ( Ladies, we think we can stilt# you the "prettiest" line of laces that was ever brought to this market. Ask to see them at Ilenry Colby's. Young ladies, our new walking ahoes ami French and Mat Kid button shoes are Mjust lovely." Call and see them at Henry Colby's. Call at E. M. Owen A Son's and see the celebrated Hapgood Sulkv Plow that is warranted to run lighter than a Walking Piow. Go to Mrs. Howe's for Dressmaking. Down's celebrated H. II. Nichols'. Owen's. ^arij City residence* for sale. Asa W. Smith, Woodstock,TO. No trouble to show gated* or asm questions at R. Bishop's. Carriages cold low at E. M. Oi A Sou's. A ffcur drawer, Mack-walaot tari for 87.60, at J. B. Blake's. Full car load of Ha| ust received at E. It. Large veneered Panel Bedstead at J. B. Blake's. Force Pumpa, a* : Buckeye Owen's. Ladies Wrap*. Dolilmanft. JodB»IS:: and Ulsters, at Perry JfcOwoaftk Ladies and Misses due Walking latest styles, at Perry A Owen's, Fishing Tackle of *11 kinds at Engeln's, in Howe's Block, near tktf" new Bridge. .. The finest line of Silver and Plato# Ware to be found In the comity, at Ife W. Owen's. ^ If you want a black silk 83 a yard for 81.60 yon est calling soon at Henry Colbjr^w' Case. Fnrst & Bradley. MoHae. Hop- good and other Sulky plows at Jt. M. Owen A Son's. As usual we have this spring ths finest Hue of Embroideries In town. ... HKRKT COLBT. ' An elegant lino of dress buttona awM trimmings always to |>o found at HonrjT Colby's. *,•< The Improvements on She Randal! and Keystone Pulverizers take tiii laid by far this season, at E. M.Owen & son's. The Skinner steel or wood beaaft walking Plow has proved Itself to M the farmer* friend. For sale by IK; Bishop. DIAMOND DYES. " We have all colors of the celebrate# Plauaftud PJES only 10c a package, " • Hnntr Cnur, \ fcLOTHINO. Our stock of Clothing la nnnsiiiltf complete and will be sold ver clieap fot CA911* HKMBT GOUT, For first-class |ln«nratioe against firs UUj and Lightning, wind storms, cyclone^ tornadoes, etc.. etc., apply to Asa Wi Smith, Woodstock, 111. Our stock of drugs, cbenlotls and patent medicines was ' more complete. Goods TCIU&IP and prices right. Hamtr OOLST. HORSE FOR SALS. A goi.d Horse for sale. Witt wot* either double or single. Inqirtl# #1 J. A. Going, at Fitasiinmons A BlMtlfc* sou's store. • / ,ygj Gossamer circular* and for ladies and gentlemen, and j? tull line of rubber goods nlwatvs to be bad at ' HKNRT COLBY'S. V The Ladles will always find a fas A D1 N'cfc-^ar at H. H. Nichols'. She keeps a fait . sortment of the latest styles to It found In the market. Yonng men. wo are now receiving our spring and, summer stock of tli»e Shoe», and can show yon the finest assortment ever found in this market. Call and see then at Henry Colby's. ' The Richmond Champloa Drill asi • Broad Cast Seeder Is the groat iMMa of attraction at the warehouseOl % ' $ Bishop. Come and look 11 nwr anil ha» ̂ TJm: * POSTS FOR SAME, ' T have 2.000 good second growth jlnrr *J Oak I osts for sale, at my residence, la .!-A the village of Rltigwood. Will bo SOll l reasonable. • GKO. Smrin, ,,1 Bingwood, March SStfc, MRS. ' 3 Tlio L idles of McHenry and sui* •>" 1 rounding country are resect fully In* > j vlted to call aud examine my ne^^Sfil stock of Spring Millinery, which, fo? * r beauty, style and cheapness, cannot bO >. "*'1 '~4 excelled in McHenry Conntv. ^ *M»». B. H. MSCWHIS. ^ "-V New Furniture Store, ̂1 And Undertaking Rooms Just Optaedl ' - •'! by Justin Brothers, near lite Depot. * ' j McHenry. We have on hand, aud am - * now ready to ghow vou a full line ait^ First-class Furniture at low pilcea. oS ' stock of Coffins is complete and * goo# -A Hearse furnished at reasonable ratea. " See our stock before buying. JUSTIN Bitos. „ V., * •'I Remember that you will experience £ ,* no difficultv in getting repair* for anv ' •F?/!*' machines sold by R. Bishop, tho* pr*. ^ ^ venting vexatious anil expensive de» - v 1 lays at a critical time when time atoaaa f( •pwjk . ^ I ..V ' 11 M ? * A--- <?S.- Fine 8hoet* . „ ̂ 'j Onr stock of Foster's cetetofctill * Beloit Shoes is complete. For | style and durability they caw»o% be eseelled. Ask to see them .»• J • HENKT COLBT. - jf"' $ The Reliable Rockford Sulky Pls« , 1 stands on its merits. The fanaoff. *'i 2 friend, never strikes for higher wagO«v , P \ Is a faithful, obedie'nt servaot. oevap.. ' 1 ^ wearies of work, and l.-m but not loaMkv~ . d a l w a y s p l e a s e * t h e l a d l e s , a s I t I n v o l V e S ^ P no additional boarders. ForaoW by K ̂ Bishop. v • i * ,v/ TOWN TALK. " fj 5 t h e L i g h t R u n n i n g G e a l o # , . T , J has arrived and «•» Ktl , i found for sale at tlie warehouse af Ife Bishop, McHenry. am! parties within# i I to purchase a sulky plow would ds woM •' - *Mn"~ 6e,OT*>-«k-i*» / i That Sulkv Plow Don't fail to call and see tho ffsarnait Sniky Plow fof which ihero Is a dee* oriptisn in this issue). Big aalea las» -"; fall, all on accouut of It rwuilMPMsa '4 horse easier than others. They are all '•« getting them now. and won't ha«o na»'. w,. •n'1 them, alwnya aas; hand (if tail make them fast eaon^V: V<v the trouble beretefbffoTal * E. M. Oweu A Sun's. The I.aDow 13x16 inch Pulveriaer, greatly Improved, and as iar as dnfl capacity, reliability and -InrahMtfr atO concerned It has few eqHa»T%o4® superiors. For sale by R, Henry, 111. Please remember oar ways as low as the lowest. stand read* at nil times to and ail cuuipeiiliou.