Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 May 1883, p. 4

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;<*; ' immrn )-Yr : 'i'nffiitirffliilin" fn "•< WRDN"FC3DAY, MAY 16. 1883. ^ J. VAN»LYKB. Rdltor. «*»** Brn<1r, tlie chief of r lie pang of Irftli conspirators wl»o sltw Lord C*»ew1lsl» anil innT<»r-S«*cretary Burke In Pteiifx Park, was executed III Dub­ lin •» Monday Morning. MT If Deg Moinrs lias a municipal debt, now is tlie time to ex*£JHe»te It* wli' from It. FIffy-tlirpe faloons have taken out licensee, ntnl $53,000 has gnn* Into the city treasury. Thel^l.OOO licence <?i«1 not prohibit after all. But the prohibitionists smile imw, w well at the caaual drinker. 'John Blizzard, who ""fttefr at Ontrpvllk", Ohio, at the age of 125 years.I« the most remarkable western blizzard heard of In Several mrinths. Tit* west gave its the word blizzard, and it is ju*t poo^ble that the people ont there have reconstructed it so that It mp»w6*alw>ut as much as tlie Texas meteor. ' •. notable deaths oeCfltt^Vl oh Friday last, that or Amasa Stone, the aiiUionMire iron railrond capitalist of Cleveland] O., who committed suicide In a lit of temporary Insanity. and that •'s»f Mr*. Hannah Simpson Grant, the 1 •enerahle mother of General U. S. Grant, who died at her residence at Jersey City. a^eil 84 years. V- 19* A New York paper IWti that GOT. Cleveland has overthrown the Democratic party In that state. He has played Ike deuce with the Democratic machine without much doubt. If, In doing it. he has killed the Democratic party, who is sorry ? It is ttmo that "machine politics"* was given the go­ by, and the people allowed the privi­ lege of governing themselves. Iligli tlm. Mr Kansas City was the acene of a terrific ami destructive cyclone Sunday evening. Many buildings were demol­ ished, and many more seriously damag­ ed. Several lives were lost. Wyan­ dotte, on the opposite side of the Wsmari river, was also terribly dam aged, as were the villages of Randolph *nd^Aroutine, suburbs of Kansas City, and portions of the farming regions in that vicinity. Destruction and dam. age are also reported in other locali tics in Western Missouri and Eastern Kan«af. ;V/'- I^While the Democratictins been on both sides of every great issue, except that of the tariff, it now pro­ poses, through many of it* leading Journals, to modify its historical atti­ tude fB^#*Vor of free trade to suit the exlgtlMjlM of '84. - A recent Issue of a leading Democratic journal comes out boldly an A says: "The truth is, the ; Democracy is not in favor of fr«ie trade In the present condition of affairs." Of course not! Although the Democratic party has declared for Iree trade at every National Convention fcince 1800, It Is now willing to aoandon that doc­ trine for the pursuit of office. Will eotue Democratic light kindly tell us if Its party has any principle whatever that it Is willing to adhere to at the ilsk of defeat? MA*C«IOC> ' . Enrron PLAJNDEALER.--A. n. Brown has bought Mrs. Safiord's residence on West Prairie Street. We understand thnt Mis. S. and ftuuily intend moving to Ro9kford. Alfred <Jady will more Into the home vacated by Mr. Brown, and will stav until his proposed new residence is euilifii^icu. ' James CarpentPr succeeds nartwell Brown as clerk in J. A. Read's store. Ilartwel) goes to Elgin to assist in the management of a skating rink. Brink and Marks were over in Riley again last week completing their sur­ vey and establishing new landmark*. There was a lively little runaway one day last week. The team started from Stewart's drug store and took a zig-zag course until they got to Abbott's store. A one horse rig was standing hitched there and the runaways cleared it with abound, their wagon colliding witli the o:ie hor«e rig, detaching it from thejiorse and smashing it ail to pieces. The horses were caught about half a mile west of town, uninjured. >>trawberries are in town, and a short cake tour stories high can be had at. 'Mrs* E. J. Goodrich's restaurant. Some time ago we alluded to the failure of E. W. Treat, one of our Hard­ ware inen,aud spoke of tlie |>rohal>ilities of his continuing or not continuing the business. We understand that W. A. Treat iias set fled- tiic a Hairs of the de­ funct firm and will himself assume the •tnanflgement' of the business. - Mrs, Jeff Channels, while passing in front of P. T. Parkhurst' store, stumbled on some rubbish tvhi^li bad been permitted ttrlieoii tlie walk, mid, so we hear, broke two ribs. Now if she were rich the town Would have to pay big for that, but as she i-» A poor colored woman probably nothing will be done. Private contribution is in order. Mrs. Ira R. Curtiss and Miss Emma Norton were present at the National convention of the Woman's Christian Union, held at Evansion last week. Wo are informed that this association and tlie Womans Sufi rage Association have joined hands and in­ tend to go it "whole hog or none," that is. both pull through, or neither. And we further see by a report that the ladies were gfad that they had met in convention, lor they felt that tlu-y had removed the barrier that had stood In the way of men voting for their pro­ posed reform. Oh. ladies1 dear girls! don't hug tills delusion too fruiilly. Bye and bye It will recoil upon you, and. oh! the venom of its sting! The funeral services of Henry 1*. Smitli occurred last Wednesday at 10:16 a. m. It was the largest and most im­ posing funeral we ever saw in Marengo. The floral ottering* were costly and profuse, Henry wis an exemplary young man In every respect. For several years he had been a partner in the "Bee Hive" store, and gained many friends bv his honest, upright dealing. Of late he had been subject to attacks of Hemorrhage of the lungs, and two or three weeks before his decease he went to Carthiige. to try achangeof climate. His health tailing fast, his parents were sent for, and upon their arrival they found hiiti very low. Tliey remained there a couple of weeks and feeling sure that he could not live long, were very desirous of getting him home that he might spend his last hours with the family and home scenes. Henry, too. wished to be at home; so accordingly they started, but as they neared Chica­ go symptoms of hemorrhage began to appear, and when they were within about two hours ri le fr »m Chicago Henry breathed his last--quietly, peacefully, without a struggle. How lonely tint home will be. Henry was an only son, and dearly loved. It seemed so hard for the dear friends to part with their loved dead, and they mourn :n him a dutiful son, ;v dtVG'teU brother, a kind, true friend. WOOD. EDITOR PLAIXDKAT.ER Since our la-t contribution the farmers have sown their small grain and a.*e now busy preparing to plant corn. The cheese factory Is fast approach* ing completion, and Is said to be as Hue a juildlng of the kind as the coun­ try affords. Mr. Hyde, of Dundee, who t!;; *• man who uuderstandb his business, and from his method of fair dealing. Is, we be­ lieve, in every sense a man. The ma­ son work was taken by Robert, Twist, of Dundee, and, as far as completed, the job is a good one. The cheese maker la Richard Mason, of Richmond, and conies highly recommended. H. C. Allen delivered the Hrst can of milk on the morning of May 1st. The amount taken in that nminiitg was about 1,200 pounds, which was consid­ erably Increased before the end of the week. The factor}' is under the man­ agement of Messrs. Oatman. and Is looked to with strong hopes of being a financial success. Farmers should call and examine those new wide tire wagens at JV Grlmolby's. Henry Rowley, of Nunda, spent the Sabbath In this vicinity. Miss Elida Buchanan, of T.odl, Wif,' was the guest of Mi*s Nellie Ladd over Sunday. Mr. J, I. Vasey has jjust organized a singing class in ihi*plaw,. The term will be extended fr**m thirteen t6! t'weniy lessons, and goad work Is ex­ pected. The class numbers about thirty afpreseut, but will probably be larger before the next session. Farmers who are In need of fence posts don't forget Geo. Stevens' adver­ tisement in this paper. Tlie posts are large and the price reasonable. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Smith were called to Hainesville to attend the funeral of their sister-in-law, Mrs. Edward Smith, of Mclleory. Mrs". Smith had been ill for some time, and was slaying in Chicago, hoping by the aid of skillful physicians to regain her hfaltli. but all aid and skill proved fruitlcs. She was buried in the cem­ etery at Avon Center. MosSey Buck I ami has gone to Ant loch to work in a cheese factory. M«»sley is a llrst-rate workman and that he may succeed is our hearty wish. Mr. F. F. Coggiu is spending a few days at home. Miss Nellie I.add started Tor Algon­ quin on Muiiday to take charge of a school somewhere iu that vicinity• Mr. Duers is spending the week la Wauconda. During the storm of the ninth, light­ ning struck a water tank on the farm of Richard Lawsou. We iearn that the Coggin mill was struck during a storm a-few days previous. A young man of this place was cut­ ting his corns on the Sabbath, but tlie razor slipped and lie cut his toe in^ stead. So beware, young man, for in such a moment, as you think not the shaver slippeth and of! goeth the long­ est member of the happy family of five. David Ingalls has rented the widow Smith place and moved to the village [A part of the above was intended for last week but failed to mall$ ]C9t> tied ions.--Ei>.] f **' mm. • - • * k «\ ' bV ! h,'\ <v\J 7il SS~. v.'iv? ' ^ f* .U Su» it •i! k v- Hi 4 . iv ' s,_ »£ >« jl 1 < U » *" fi « > $ «?»• h- : , 4|* '*1 -M : RIVER8IDE BLOCK, McHENRY, ILU. ur attention is in a ble and elpgani styled fof g very complete and prices uniformly low. lited to our magnificent now line of season- ' - , •> • - v ' ' , *V , r t t ' * * , • ' f 4 ' -^4' wp '"'•viU? CuuHw^ . Take pleasure in announc­ ing that their stock is plete in ever ' 'i*: "l ' .. -I-,'" >• , „ sift-ilisi s -V n ,,, ^ ur large just received. V .•nvM&sA -f-? ^ lxri Spring Stock ' : . 'J*-..' - Suits, -v.- McHenry, Illinois, March 5,188$. CHEAPER THAN Is the President a-more sincere <ffvll wrvice reformer than the Civil Service Commissio iers? It would seem so. The Commissioners recommend®d to him the appointment of one Keiin. * Pennsylvania "machine politician," for Chief Examiner under 4he new «Ivll-servlce law, and the President re­ fused to appoint him, in order--it is reasonable to believe--that the pro­ posed civil-service reform shall not be made a farce of. Now, the Commis­ sioners and tlie President have agreed upon Mr. Charles Lvman, the Chief Clerk pf the United States Treasury, for Chief Examiner, and he is a good inan for the place. Now let the new carriage move on, and let the Commis­ sioners who have been appointed to "smash the machine11 not again be guilty of inciting the "machine" to bm their official actions.--Journal. Marble foreign fish- f SST'There Is a small sized row In Washington about the Interior De­ partment. Senator Hill, of Colorado, assails in a vigorous, breezy, healthy manner Secretary Teller of the In­ terior. In his out-spoken utterances lie reminds one of a Sycamore public ipeeriug. He charges that the Secre­ tary has be«Mi connected with a num­ ber of land frauds in Colorado, and that he is acting generally, in tlie in­ terest of the great laud grant monop­ olies, against the good of the govern­ ment and the people. He charges liim VMth evading the law passed by Con­ gress. which forbid the Kufus Hatch syndicate from monopolizing the en­ tire park, and that he has practically given them that monopoly In spite of Congrew. There is a wholesome, hon­ est sound to Senator Hill's letter, and perhaps tho>ie acquainted with his As­ sistant Secretary Joslvn. may surmise that Teller is undergoing castigatlon = Ipr some of his oftences. Joslyn, it y Stems, has also undertaken the man­ agement of the post office appoint­ ments in his county, and is making •jbiinself generally useful (?) at Wash . 4»i£teu.--Sycamore, Republican. : ; : Wilt Mftke ft am Kven Dosed* W. If. Brearley of the Detrolt t'WlW.) Evening New4. who has personally con. ijucted StJ'IOP round trip excursions **From Detroit to the Sea," every year jjor the post t-even years, and who is to tak«* three more this j'ear In June and Jn!>. «mi<| luis made the ascension of j|it. Washington nine time, and this !|r*ar propoeos to ntak it an even dozen It wfll pay y«u to ea'l and extmite those Bureau Washstauds for 93.29i, at f ; B. Iilake'd GREENWOOD. EDITOR PL.\IXI>EA LKK GIW has been laboring with the measles. "Buckskin*1 Goddard Is the boss ermau. Adam Wesferman has lately returned from his eastern visit iu the cities of New York and Saratoga Springs. L Coudry has Just received a new. large and raried stock of tinware. wiii;h lie proposes to sell at lowest liv­ ing prices. H. tieroulds, who has opent the win­ ter at his daughter's home in RedHHd. Dakota, has returned, lie is favorably Impressed with ^that section of the country, and wlil undoubtedly make it his future home. Friends are «orry to hear that his wife"* health 4s in a crit­ ical condition, and has lately been suf­ fering from a severe attack of typhoid fever. H. Pnxson visits our little burg twice a week with fresh, dried and smeked meats and bologna sausage. Miss Nettle Van lloozen, who Is at­ tending school at Hebron, was at home Sunday, Mrs. C. Paxson, who has lately re­ turned from Nebraska, hast' been visit­ ing at D. Jones* the past week. Jas. Crookshank has improved the looks of lil« place very much, by set­ ting a row of shade trees in front of it. As tlie day for decorating the graves of the fallen heroes approaches, we think of tlie years that have elapsed sluer the great civil war began, and .of those %vho so gallantly gave up tli^ir lives in defense of our country. We think of tlie terrible days of battle, of tedious marches, and our brave boys languishing in loathsome southern prisons. Can we think aught of the defenders of our union but with admi­ ration? O, how impatiently we wait­ ed to hear news from the battlefield, and then anxiously scauue-d th& lists of those who fell, fearing to tind the name of a loved one among them! But those years of strife and bloodshed are past; north and south are at peace once more, we hope never again to be en­ gaged In such a struggle. Again we are united; slavery is abolished, and prosperity sinilea upon us as a nation. So let us do all we eau in reverence to those who died in defending our union. It leads us to say a word about pen sions. which may not '.ie out of place. Every day we hear person* saying that they do not think a soldier deserve* a pension, making au additional ex peuse to the government. But do you suppose they wonlil say it If they had been soldiers, and is not our .govern­ ment able to psij* them? Tho*e who talk the loudetit think the least. As for out-M'ive* we think that all honor­ able soldiers deserve >i peiifioii, and the day is not tar distant when tfeejr will receiye one. HEBRON. EDITOR PLAINI>KAI,KR:--Mr. George I anything ill that lino. Young is building au addition to his bat n. Dr. Chesbro lias rented Hiram Rowe's house and lot for a year. Mr, and Mrs. He we are to spend the year visiting in the west. Mr. Pettibone spent Thursday of last week iu Crystal Lake. Jidin Reynolds, George Thomas and R. tloliiies went to Minneapolis. Minn., last week with a carload of horses. Mr. P. II. Woolfrom had his sale of cattle on Saturday, as advertised and started for Iowa for another carload. Miss Edith Schenek commenced her school Monday in Eugeue Swan's dis­ trict. Mi*s Fannie Cooper, of Woodstock, has a music class of seven scholars iu Hebron. We understand our Hebron martial baud is to play ill Richmond on Dec­ oration Day. Mrs. Earle has sold li*r house and lot on Main Street to Dr. Chegtiro. Miss Frankle Conn, returned from her visit in the west en Thursday morning of last week. It would be wise for the Hebron peo­ ple to lie on their gtnrd, for we have in our midst "a hero of forty hatchets," ami some morning they may find their cherry-trees ail cut down. But unlike Washington, he cau tell a lie but won't. The Sons of Temperance are making arrangements for -a strawberry and Ice cream festival to be given ou Wednesday evening, June 1st. They are to have literary exercises and a good time is expected. MARRIED.--At the residence of the bride's uncle. In Hebron, Wednesday evening. May 9th, by Rev, J, Currer, Dr. H. R. Chesbro to Miss Emma Wildey. both of Hebron. Tlie wedding was a quiet one. none being present but their most intimate friends. The presents were numerous and useful. We wish them a happy and prosperous life Otfors Ndrth ttf Perrv & Owen. My stock of Vurniture is complete with a larger stock than ever, and will be sold as cheap as any other in the county, and it w ill be to the interests of the buying public tipon tlie when m waatxif AKING. In this department T* keep a first-class assortment of Caskets and Coffins and Shrouds of all kinds and qualities. A Hearse furnished al reasonable rates. ^ « JOHN Bl SLAKE. Executor's Notice, INSTATE qf John Stnrdivant,deceased . The Ij Hiulevsi^iieft h:»vinj?been m»|>ointeil Exe cnirix of Mib last Will ami Testament ol John Sturliviint, deceased, late of the County of McHenry, and State of Illinois, hereby given notice that she will appear before the County Court of Mcllenry County, at the Court House, in Woodstock, at the June Term, on the third Monday in June next, at which time all pcrnons having claims against said estate are noiilied anil rennested to nttend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. . All persons indebted to said Kstate are requested to make immediate payment to the iinuer- signed. _ Dated this lfith rtny of April A. IX 1883. VKBTA STITRIMVANT, Executrix. SEALED PROPOSALS. SEAliED PROPOSALS will be received l»y the undersigned, School Director* for School District'No. 1, Town of lturton, until Wednesday, May .toth, 1883, for the Carpenter Work of a'School House to be built in said District. For specillcations and other par- Siciilars applv to the undersigned Directors of said District. The Directors reserve right to reject an> and ail bids. ' WM. OARKV, J AMK.ft N ISH. JR. MARK IIOFFMAV, Directors. Burton, 111., May 3d, 1883. the ORDINANCE. Be it Ordnini'd by the Pi exi'lent and Hoard o TruatiKH of lite Yilluye of Mallear a: SEC. 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons, by agent or otherwisei to sell or give uway any intoxicating liquors or drinks, in any quantity, to be drank in oi about the premises, within the incorporation of saul village, without first complying tlie "t ite law in iugard to drain shops, and also attaining from the President and Board of Trustees of sai t village a license to Ucep a dram shop, for which license the applicant shall pav into the village ireasniy the sum of ONB UI 'NI>KF.I> DOLLARS C*'0"). piyable, SKV- KNTV-FIVK DOLLAHS (S75) DOWN, at the time the license is issued, and the remaining TWKNTY PIVK DOLLARS (125) to t e secured by an Approved Note, due and payable Novem­ ber l.-t of the year in which such license is issued. SKC. 2. Lt shall be unlawful for any person or persons, l»v agent or otherwise, to keep for bli SEALED PROPOSALS. 'KAI.ED PROPOSALS will be received by _ ) the undeisigned, School Directors lor District No. I, Town of Burton, until Wednes­ day, May Wth, 18tf3, for the Mason Work on a School House to be built in said District. For particulars applv to the 111 del-signed, Direc­ tors Ot said District. The Directors reserve the right to reject any and all bids. ATM. OARKT, JAMKS NISH. JR., HARK HOFFMAN, Directors. Burton, III., May 3d. 1883. FLOWERY NEWS To meet the growing demands of my cut flower and plant trade, during the past year, I have enlarged from one to four large green, houses. Now i am permanently located on North Street, cast oi Cbanning, on a direct line four blocks eapt of the FoxKiver Kallroan Dei> »t, and the Ladies of IVcHenry, VISITING ELGIN, Will be repaid by a visit to inv new quarters. The prices current this year for most kinds of plants will vary from 6 cents to 30 ccntb each. Monthly Roses, from 15c to 50c each. Hardy " " 35c. to 75c " l 'ansiesand VerbenastS5c per dozen. Cabbage Plants, early. 60c per hnn. % • • •• late, 30c per hun, 18 per M. Celery " 80c. per hun. Tomato " Mc per hun. It per M, I make a specialty of WEDDING & FUNERAL I> ESIG N N. And get up work in as good, if not better, and twenty-live per cent, cheaper, than Chicago prices. Having telephonic connection with telegraph ofllce, orders in that way are delivered immediately. i f AO'XEIL, Practical FtorUt, ; : » -• Elgin, Illinoi*. 1 any grade, price or qual­ ity. Latest style to fit the tra^'e. 1':.::, " CARPETS^ A full line of most desira­ ble patterns direct from the manufacturers fit . bottom prices. ix ' i'; 150 Styles^ WIT3 'lOBDEBS W UATC3* V:4 9 " 4 r " h • ^ ^ •gbU ,.r»', » 45 a fine display of Cur­ tain goods and Shades,'% ooas att An immense line of black and colored JCashmeres, Nuns' Veiling, Camelettes, Dress £!§nnels, Dress SUJss, Satins, Brocades, <fec. Of Suitings, Ginghams,-Prints, &c. Buttons and Linings, all fte latest novelties. WESTERN NORMAL COLLEGE And Commercial Institute. FIVK ten-weeks terms per vear. FIFTEEN COUItsKS:--Teachers'. Collegiate, Mod­ ern Language, Commercial, Art, Music, Telegraphic, Phonographic, penmanship, Klocntlon, Medical, Engineering, Drawing, &c. Whole expense for one year. #K5. Wes­ tern Normal Lecture Bureau. Western Normal "Advocate." Catalogues and .speci. men copy of paper KIIEK. C. L. GUKUOHY, Principal, Bnshnell, III. iiiiilii DO YPU -TO BUY WAirr- Rememher that yon will experience no (lidlcnltv in getting repairs for any machines *ol«) by H. Hisliop, thus pre­ venting vexation* an<l expensive de­ lay* at a critical time when time m^aos money. Fine Shoes. y Owr fltock of Foster's celeHmted Beloit Shoes is complete. For style and durability they cannot be excelled. Ask to see them. " iiUNUl JOLBT. public use any Pool or liiHiard Taole or Tables in saiil village, except in such place or places as are licensed tor dram shops, without first procuring a license from the Village Itourd so to do. The applicant sl)ull pay live dollars (*5) per year into the vil age treasury for each pool or billiard table so licensed to be kept. SIM;. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, by agent or otherwise, operating a Drug Store in sud village, desiring to sell Liqnors for medicinal or mechanical purposes so to Jo, without llrst obtaining from the Board of Trustees a license for Hie same tor which said applicant shall pay into the village treasury the sum ol ttve dollars (*5) tor each permit or license so is: uetl. Sue. 4. Any person violating Section One (l) of tnis Oidinance, shall, on conviction, forfeit and pav a line of not lesu than twenty-live dollars* (125) nor more than one hundred dol­ lars for each and every offense, and costs of prosecution; and any person violating See- lions Two (i) and Three (3) of this Ordinance, being con victed thereof, shall be lined in a suin not less than Ten Dollars (*10) nor more than Fifty Dollars (fa<») anil costs of prosecu­ tion. SBO 5. All Ordinances and parts ot Ordl- nances relating to liccnsti gdram shops, drug­ stores, p'.ml and billiard tables heretofore en­ acted bv the President and Board of Trustuee ' of this village, in conflict with thisOrdln.ini-e and now in force, are hereby repealed. Approved April Mth, 1883. HULL IN HOWARD, GKOttOJS W. OW BN, Clerk. ' • • • - J . Sewing Machine? I have on hand and am selling at the Low­ est prices, the Domestic, Kldredge, New Home, Sprinapcld, New American, and Singer e wing Machine!1, and'w<ll not be undersold by any agent in the county. 'A good binger Machine for 20. warranted to do tne work of any Singer Machine in the m, QWEm , U i l i m ' l . U * • * W WAUCONDA, Have been absent for many years, but a line of t > t FAHCY BOWS AND ARROWS, Has just been recieved to meet the demands of the universal boom this spring in Archery. Fishing Tackle, BASE BALLS. AND BATS, Foot Balls, Rubber Balls* TOPS, MARBLES, DOLLS, ji&c., will be lound in full variety. Especial attention is invited to Our rie w department of BIRTHDAY CARD8, A beautiful assortment just hav- in«r been received. Teachers will alto observe that our stock of REWARD CARDS is unusually tull and choice. Other novelties are expected soon, while our general stocK will be kept up to the usual stan­ dard. (toll and examine goods and prices. P. B. HARRISON. Wanconda, May 1st, 188& LATER.--A fresh supply of five cent music. DR. WARNER'S CELEBRATED HEALTH CORSETS, Boots and Shoes. Anything desired in ladies' and gents Fine Wear. Several elegant styles in Low Shoes*:-; ; Spring Stylea m HATS A>TP TRUNKS AND VALISES, Gossamers, Oil Cloths, Etc., Etc ! * t Rubber Coats, A J I T I ;-*?5 Of every description PAINTS, and HEATH PAINTS, all ready for the brush. We keep constantly on band RUBBER MILLIUAN'S CELEBRATED MIXED PERRY fc Groceries.

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