Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 May 1883, p. 1

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Published Krery urednesdav toy JT- SLYKE, sifX, CDITOI AXD PUBLisHica. 0tf)ce In Bishop's Block* . *-0rFO8ITR PBRRT &i MAK.TtK'8.--• TERMS OP ftUBSCBIPTION. laeTeardn \ Ivivncte) W•s® If * >t Pill wlfiliiT'iri-j Months,.», 8 #0 Snhv-rlptUn re vi ve I ftr t'irja or Stx Kates of Advertising. We announce liberal rates for advertising -. . in the Pi,\ini>e*t.kk, and e-deavm to state '"t1, tliem so plainly that thev will lie readily nn- ^ ctcrstonri. They arc as follows: ) Inch one vesr -y .•»" \*» <* ^ 4 Tnrhes one year i - i w • - 1" <10 3 Inches una Vear '>•" . IVOil V Column one year a ?i» - «• > 30 00 X Column one vwr . . • - 60 00 I Column one year - • - 100 i« One inon mnn* the nwmnfwiMit of one Inch down the rnlumn.slnirle colnmn width. Yearly advertisers nt the abnve'mtes. have ' •, the yrivllere of ehnnsrinar <*« often as they " ohonae, without extra cliHrjfe. Regular advertisers (men'ninar those hivlnir standing cards) will be entitled to insi>rri<>n of local notices at rule of It cents,per line each week, ill others will he r. unrated N'cents per line first week, and 5 cents per line for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements wiljl lie charged $t nt rite of in cent* per line, (nnnivirell type; • same as iliis is set in) the first issue, and 5 |f :- jh rents per linn f-r subsequent issue-. Thus, an inch advertisement will cost SI.IK! firoue week, for two weeks, #2.00 lor three weeks, and so on. Th* Pi.AtNDRvLKR will he liberal in (Ivint editorial notices, hut, as a business rule, it will require a suitable fee from cvervhodv seeking the use of its columns for peminlarv gain. M AItT (J. BARIUAX. WORKEtt. All kinds of Hair Work done In Brst class stve and at i f t residence, north­ east cornev of Public Square, McHenry. III. C.9. URGES. y-BTRRINAttY fiURUROST. Richmond, JE3SK A. BALDWIN, !»s in a prompt i Building, Chicago, r AWTKR. Law business in any part of j th« Hiate receives prompt attention. i,-: BUSINESS CARDS. H. T. BROWN, M. I). PHTSTOtAV \ND ITTRCSROV. Office over the Post n-ncc, onnislte t*orry AiMartin'g Stoic m> stairs, McHenry, 111. M, n. l>Hr«IOl \V AXI> SURi»KOV. Johnsburgh, I Ills.--O ~ • " " a n. kror!i W V 1.--Office hours 8 to 10, a. m. O. J. HOWARD, M. D., Office nt opposite M. B. Church, McHenry. til. Office room 41, Government Illinois. •.(DSMDSIW)*, NOTARY PUBLIC anduanveyancer, Al-len, 11. Dtt. C. E.*WILLIAMS. DENTIST. Residence Dundee. Will be at McUenrr, at Parker House, tS*e 10th and 25th of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday. ~~ JOHN* Kl.EIKUKV. HOITSK Painter, Grfliner, Calciminer and Paper H'inser. Il^si lonice one Block West of Riverside House. Work attended, to promply and on reasonable terms. Horsemen* Attenfcfoil! All lovers of fine Horses are resneolfully Invited to ciM nt mv f:mn, half a mile west'of McHenry, on the Woodstock road, and sec my fine Moi^nin sm-l Draft Horses. I have a Percheron Xormnn Draft l.olt that Is hard to be^it Oitll ;in<l see him. 49*N) business done Qn Sunday, *.#.OOI.BY. NcHenry.May 1st, l#S*. n Notice lo tha Public. TH*\VK Imilt a shop Inst south of R. Law-Iti-i' nn Rnek an I Wood street, where I »m preiiared'to do all kinds of work in illv line. As I have no li-n-s to do mv work, I w«nt very wear wha1: it. Is worth f-»r dolus;, it. I do my'work in a th^t needs no watching, T. A- HEBABD. McHenry, Jan. ttll^ 1MJ. |>T»YSICIAS AXD srrWROV. 1 mv residence. K. V. AXDKR^OSs H. PHYTIC TAX and , Suraceon. Reside D. Residence, MeHehry, OflBee IlUnoi*. nt ' I ' '-Iff • ' ' .ll-11'Tl HfrillllH.141, l|l J. J. MYRRS. Saloon and ReHtmirarit, X BA«KMKXTnf Knhnert's Store. Johns. "ties. Call I tinrgh, Til. The choicest brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars al w-iys »n<l see mo. liana. wool, McTlciirv Co March connection Waueonda. III. Wj •-i:p BAltBlAN BROS. f llG Alt Manufacturers, McHenry, III. Or- J de«-s solicited, Sli«»p, 11 Otd Mc'Tenrv, ji Keiter Block, two doors west of PtAlW- JKAMCR Office. RTCI1 Altl> COMPTOS. TtT^TIOKofthe Pivicem l O^nvevancer.-' Will itton I rtri-wHlv to the collection of lebts. Volo, Lake Conntv, I!l. R. R. RICHARDS. HAS a complete Abstractor Titles to land in M HenrvCountv, Ill'nois. OI8ee with ; > . County Clerk, Woodstock, III. R. M. OWEN GENRR.VL Dealer and Manufacturers Agent in Leadinc Farm Machinerv.-- Prices low and terms favorable. McUenrv, II'. R. O. SMITH Prompt at ten _^ *hop in Ori.g ory's Harness shop, op|M>si to Riverside House, McRenrv, Illinois BOOT AVD SUOK M \KRR. , , tlon given to Reitairlng. _Sh«|) in tlri.g, M A R C U S ' ERMAIf M. M. CI.OTI1IER, II. 8. Pension Attorney* Prosecutes claims in al! Bureaus in the DEPARTMENT OF THS IWTERI0B. Careful attention given to com pi icatWl > «Siees and ItK.TECTEB <5t#AT*B. A competent assistant and Notary Pnhllc always on iliuv. My only htisiness office is at the residence of Win. II. Cow tin. HUNDREDS Of REb EREXCRP. " WOODRIOCR, MCIIRNRT C\, ILI.IXOIS. f f * STILL LIVE, Please come up to t'ie Rinswool Nurserv with vour te'iro, ninl load un with KIH'IT. \DR, OBN tMKSTAL an I KVKR'IRKRV TRRRS A fine block of BLACK WALJIUT^ and the mueh talked of CATALPA, Grape Vines etc., all cheap for cash. SALOON* AND RRTAUItAXT o il stand, f. 111. The ' c, 1 Wines, J.iaiif igai'S to be tonnd in the county.- rresh Henry, and ^ islett'i stand, opposite Bishop's Mill, Mc O vsters in their se-ison jsurved up in any Sliape desired or for sale by the Can. GOOD STABLING FOR 110K3E3. ANTONY ENGELN, SAT.OON arid Restaurant, Buck's old etftnd McHenry, III.--The choicest Kentucky Whiskies, <011 r Mash, Wines, Cigars, etc., aiwavs 011 hand. We buy none but the liest. ?u,d sell at Reasonable Prices. Fresh Oy.lers n their se'ason. A. M. CHURCH, . Watchmaker and Jeweler NO. If:? RAVDOT, PH RTRRRT, (Successor to E. R. Shirley.) Chicago, III. Spe. cial attention given to repairing Fine watch- «b and Ciiroiiomcters. <WA Full Assortment of Goods in his line. Richm< Snes of St and Goods ot to 011 the most und satisfiK Post Office add I , RK HMI , Richmond House, RIC^VIDMO. ILL C. N. CULVER, - - PROPRIETOR AVIXG recently pnr«*,hs?ed House, I hate put it the aiiove ill tlw»rou*h re|M»ir, with new fu'-nitne" tliroufflmut, aii«t would wspectful'v Invite the patronise <>» the trav­ eling public antl others. The tallies will al-, ways lie provided with the best that can lie procured, and polite'and attentive waiters will be iu readiness at all times to attend to the wants of guests. No puns will be spired to make Uiis a First Class House. Large and commodious barns on the premises. Free Omnibus to and from all trains. Sample Rooms on first door. Sh< HK. WIiillTMAS, Proprietor* First . rlass ri«s. with or without' drivers, fu.inished at reasonable rates. Teaming of all kinds done on short notice. Established 1855. 0&: JOHN STEftBA, , Wood stuck Woodstock, ly of McHenry, Ohicago, lias retuvix-il to sad And bnh now on hand the sto' k of Iflinois, largest and Powder, Hnot, Caj tor sale. Fishing ^ AH kindsjpf £iportiii| AND REP, % }A g«mrt Breech i.n 6inn. wniraitied Twl • AViK lies-cv Rifle,"" Nickel P'.aled « sin jf»elf cocki' g rritif . A good Single Single Gun, warrant! i will nndereeli anj Guns ami S ovtiug U good gun it will |i;iv I wurrnnt every gun ! Clothes Wrii new Kolls put ^ pair warranted," Woodstock, July 15t ECONOIVI You can save me bes K» Plants, Roses and Seeds. WB will mail; postpaid, any one of the fid. lowing collections, ujioii receipt of OnE DOLLAR: li Hir* Kver'-blooming RO»RS. 10 Ritsn ,, all white, pink, red or vello'v shides. 10 t»R. RAN IIIM"4, stUBleoi double. S Dahlias. 20 packet* of lM»it KI.oWK'l SBKD< pack e t.s of V K( i KT I li I. K S E K D v 10 i i L AI> l<»I.IT.S BIT!.«•«. Jft asvovted BEDDING PLaNTS. 12 Tr BERO^E BIT l.lts. Price Lists FKKM. Saiisfiction guaran. teed. Thirty Greenhouses in operation. Address. NANZ A NEITNER, Florisls. L«U'Ikvii.i,k, Kr. ItREKDKIt OF Manufactured by y. MARCUS, 1 --DEALER IN- PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. f Woodstock III. liest Tonic in the world. Put fink and Quart Bottles. P. MARCUS, Patentee. JOS. WIELSMAM, Saloon and Restaurant. KGAR THE DEPOT, MCHENRY, - ILLINOIS The best Brands of tVines, Liquors and Cigars always on Hand. Good Stabling for Horaes. ALSO ACEN+ FOR Franz Falk*s MILWAUKEE ' Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottlea al arays on hand cheaper than any other, quali tv considered. This Beer has a world wide reputation, and aoodjudges acknowledge it cannotoe sur. passed in the world. Orders by mail promptly attended to. JOS. WIEDEMANN. MfHei)ty, til. Aug. loth, 1881 PATENTS i; * mO*" vears experience in procuring Patents. Oaveate, Tnde Marks, Copvriehts, etc., in this and other countries. Our Hand Books, giving full instructions in Patents, FOWLSf RICHMOND, (FIR9T FRKMIUM.AT MCIH-.NKV COIT^TV FAlH 1 ' Mr fowls are of the celebrited DUKE OF YORK sTrain, remarkable for their great size and laving <|iialitics. I can show a trio of last season's chicks weighing 31 poumls. K-rgs, per setting-if thirteen. #I..W, delivered to purchaser in Kichniond. Shipped, securely paci.ed, U-lNi 1 ROBERT C. BENNETT. B. RA1NTH0RP Ringfwood - - Illinois. To the people ofRinjrwood tiutl vicinity I would respectfully suy that I have opened a store ne^ir the Depot, where X will pay the highest market value for E^ifs, Butter, and other produce, cash or trade l^einjr immaterial to me. I shall keep on hand a select stock of Groceries and Flour, whieh with choice brands of < i- nrarg and Tobacco, I am jroinjy to sell at prices to defy competition, and though I have met with a much more liberal patronage than I hsul expected, I shall yet hold out inducements calculated to increase my trade and secure a larger custom. B. RAINTHORP. RL KG WOOD, III,. June 13th, ISti READY MADE HARNESSES COLLARS, WHIPS, Ac., to lie found in the Conntv, and has fevervthing made of the BEST MATERIAL. Call and see me. JOHN STBRBA. BUS* CARPENTER AND JOIHES McHenry, III. Will t«k« I'niitrartP fi>r |iiitlll)^ up Btillilhigs and KtiHraiil«e«* mv wnrfc will compiin* with any man in rh<« State. I can and will do work from 15 to 2«> pt>i cent clioaper than other rai pente;'?. as I have Itvo ol luy lioys who work with me. which makes it pot&ible fur me, to do so. All #Tob9 In th« Carpenter line promptly attended to. Give tue a cull. t • A, WENDELL. F. W. RICHMOND. Illinois, far min <r Toos |Uu s attended souab e Terms guaranteed. [D, ILL. irman, ICK, IU-, IX-- . 2216 Loading ns. and CnrtrldgeR i chcnm Goods, ING DONE. Double Barreled Sel, 15 Rl;ot», SSw - ivrilver C.ftO. Ill I>o(r r'utol, Wft |l, Riecclt Loading, nse in" t^e county in If you want n Ip call ***• repaired and rrice per i?50» nowr :. WEALTH. • giving yourorderi ;ad, ILLINOIS, £•. Boaslett, ^ Near the Depot, T McHENRY - - - ILLHIOIS. Keens constantly on hand the finest hiands of J?'lonr und Keii'l of all kinds, which he will Kb Wholesale or Retail at ^ Bottom Prices. , Five diHerent hrandfcof Ffonr ^ilways Ott kind and warranted as represented. Flax Seed Meal Always on Hand <WFIour delivered anywhere in th« Cor noration. Orders niav lie given by Postal yard. Box 107, Post Office. ©IVK ME A' CALL. L. BONSIETT 4 r-,11 mm: (MB? SEWIM3 MACHINE CO TOM'SJI CHICAGO.ILL ORANGE. MASS. AND ATLANTA. CA. New Home Sewing Machine Co. 24 State St., Chicago. 3^ SMITH, Agent, is Mo Henry. III.' PENSIONS FOR oldlers on aiiy difeease wound or injury. Fees, tlO Bounty, Itack Pay, DU liharges for Deserters, etc., procured. 14 • ears experience. Addr ss: O. M. ITES, ft '"^0.,fi0* F St., tVashinirton, I). C. MpOV not, life is sweepins: by, sto 1 dare l»efi>re vou die; some- tlunjr mi^htv and snldhne, leave behind to conquer time." 466 a week in your own town. K> outfit fiee No risk. Everything new. Capital not required. We will furnish you evervtliinss. Many are making fortunes. L:idie* mnke as much a* men. and hoys and Bil ls make irre:it pay. Reader, il you want Business at whieh you can nuke great pay nil the time, write for particular® \o H4l»« LETT 4 CO,, Portland, Maine. Wagons, Orrfciftea M ' Repnirimrnt plows a«'l nil other ftrm Im Pl<- meats i* jrlven i»articulHr nttrntion. In mv manufactures I use onlv the beet materi­ al', and, keeping the very be.-»t workmen III all departments, 1 am enabled to guarantee and warrant all work that jroen from my shop as Orst rluss in every particular. SPECIAL GUARANTEE ON WAGOXS. All farm wajrona m.tnnfactnrcd nt my shop are warranted for tiikkk TKAKS. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. I sell everv agricnltiiral Implement, Includ­ ing, especially, Norwegian Walking and Rid- inir Plow, N. Thompson and tJesiey llros Plows ant Cultivator*, F. II. Manny'Seeders .*.nd .\>rn C llivalors, the Oowagiac Sprinjr Tooth seeders, the Piano and D. M. Osborne * Co's. Hat vector and Twine Hinder, the Warriorand llopkiiu' Mower, snd all other tlrst class inaoliinei-. Warranted tlrst class or no sale. ' HI. ACKSMlTll 1XG of every kind attended to protupil) and satisfaction guaranteed. P A I N T I N G A SPECIALTY. I hare onjrsged .f. STU.LWBIX,- the horn* painter of the Northwest, for one yenr, ir longer, to take charge :>f my paint shop, which is a Hiifllcient guarantee that all work of lhat kind will be don» in tlic heist uuil most artistic style. It nlionld not bo forgotten that I employ ,f. Repass, wood workman of twenty years" ex. pericnce, and L. Ilowe, Carriage 'blacksmith, both unsurpassed asartizansln their line. Finally, come and sec me and I wi'l guar­ antee satisfaction as to prices and quality ot R W. MEAD. |i«R BATTLK ABOVK THK CLOUIM. ,/ BY Kir. Thkrom BROWN. By the banks of Chattanooga, watching with a soldier's heed, In the chilly autumn morning, gallant Grant was on his steed : For the foe had elimVd above bint with the banners of their bind, " ' And their cannon swept tue river from the hills of Cutnherland. Like a trumpet rang his orders: "(Toward, Thomas, to the brnlg»! One Urig.tdc alioard the Dnnhar! Storm the heiglitsi f'Misxion lt«iw! On the left, the lo-lges, Siierman, oharge and hurl the relads alown? Hooker, take the steeps of T.ookout, and the . • > s ojiee before the town!" Fearless, from the northern snmn>ita^ looked the traitors where they lay," •' On the gleaming Union army, 'marshalle.l as for muster-day-- Till the smlilen sho'ut of bittle thundor'd up. ward from the farms. And they dmnpt><i their idle glasses in a hn:*> rlsd rush to aVins. •Then together up the highlands, surely, ewiftly, swept the lines, And the clang of war aime thorn swelled with loud and louder signs. Till the loyal peak s of Lookout in the tempest s»emed to throb. And the star.flag nt our country soared in smoke o'er Orchard Knob. Day and night, and day returning, ceaseless shock and ceaseless change, Still the furious mountain conflict burst and burned along the range. While with In tile's cloud of sulphur mingled heaven's mist and tain, Till th' ascending squadrou vanished tram the gasers ou the plain. From the boats upon the river, from the tents u Lion tne shore, From tlic -roofs of yonder ejty, anxious eyes the clouds explore: v But no rift amid the darkness shows them fathers brothers, tons. Where they trace (lie viewless struggle by the eeno of the guns. Upw ird t Charge for God and country! Up! Aha, they rush! they rise! Tit! the faithful meet the faithless In the never clouded skies, And the iKittle-ticM is cloody wheie a dew drop never falls. For a voice ot to u-ios" ju&tiue for a 1 earless vengeance calls! And the heaven's wild with shouting; H6ry shot and bayonet keen Gleam and glance where freedom's angels hatrto in the blue serene Charge and volley ilercely follow, and the tumult iu the air. Tells of right in mortal grapple with rebel* lions strong despair They have eonqucrod--God's own legions! Well their foe*, might he dismayed. Standing in llis mountain temple 'gainst the terrors of Hi* aid : And the clouds might fitly or ho pnan loud and |»arting jttin. When from upper light and glory sank the traitor host undone. * They have conquered! Thro' the region where our brothers plucked the palm, Rings Hie noUe in which they won It with the sweel.iess of a psalm. And our woumte I si<*k and dying, hearit la their crowded wards. And they whimper: ' Heaven is wilb us; lo, our buttle is the Lord's!" til. t-onieil. the ovations wlilcli were ae corded tjiem, and the eulogies which wer* pronounced upon them. Let him portray, fnally, the condition of the country as ft" ia to day: its profound peiicc and unexnmpled prosperity; the unity of its Interests and the Integrity nf its domain; its amazing growth and unnrrested development. <3«»uld any­ thing appeaf more strongly in behalf of those whose deeds Decoration Day commemorates than this simple »t«ry Qf n war and its sequel? Ah! well, it mutters little to ttiem ! what words are spoken oyer their smil- I graves, but happy will be the Nation If the contemplation of the vir­ tues ot Ifs dead defenders shall Inspire it to do justice to the living! ' A Vsll For Volaateeri Just* be fere his departure to the Pacitlc const Commander-in-Chief Van Dervoort, of the Grand Army, issued the following circular: Headquarters Grakd army L or thk Republic, f Union Block, Corner Fifteenth and Farnum Siree.s, Omaha, NKB., April Wth, 19M. I earnestly desl re eadi Departmert Comuiandei* and all oflleers and tuetii- be'rsot the Grjiiid Army of the Republic to life tlie most extraordinary ellort* to recruit our ranks before Memorial Day. Comrades. giv> one day. each of you, to this work: map out the work, lake applications and secure the recruits. We have seven hundred thousand old comrades to.recruit from. They must l>e enlisted, and now In the time. Com­ rades on the siafl of Commander in- Chief must lead iu tliis work. We have gained ip to December 31st, 1,050 Posts --50,000 members. Since February 1st wn lii>>*e gained 202 Posts in Kansas, Nebraska, Michigan, Illinois. New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania. This administration must only gain 12,056 in quarter ending March 3ist in order to surpass the entire gains during Robin­ son's, Earnshaw's, Wagner's, and Mer­ rill's administrations. Comrades. 1 call upon j on to go to work; the harvest is ready. Recruit all along the lino, liy command of Paul Van Drrvoort, F. E. Brown, Uotuluandcr-in-CUlof. Adjutant General. There is no mistaking Hit* spirit of tills appeal, and we trust It will meet with a hearty and general response. Great as has been the growth of the Grand Army since the last National Encampmeut, and remarkable as has been the enthusiasm pervading the Order, the Increase which iias taken placc In its membership has been due chiefly to the personal exertions of In­ dividuals--as shown, for instance. In t >injiMiia^Ei»mc»de|Na<tfc gf Aubur "W E. LAWLUS, Merchant Tailor, * KEEPS Foreign and Domestic Cloths. WARRANTS A FIT, OB NO ALSO CLOTFUNG, Men's Boys' and Children's sizes, cf the best qual­ ity und at Chicago prices. Store opposite Riversi le House, McHenrv - Illinois. o. Clocks, OWEN, -DEALER IJT Watches, Jewelry, 8ilv*r and Plated Ware etc. - • ; - F' ; % I keep in stock the celebrated Rprinpfleld Watch, which Is pronoun red l»y all to - be the best watch now on the market. * WiH not be Undersoil, On any goo<U in ray* lino. HuHennr, Feb.». ism. |p^: 'recdiini's Mofniuj? Hells, Lift thidr li:i(r>t!ir.| eyes, ard, pin ting. With llieir cin'cks m^:iIiihi the bars, Feel lindS iiumih <>r Impe, .intl sec it playing with the stripes and auirs. Tones safe In *er|>ent treason, startle a* IIiomb airy cheer* And tlut wild, eilifi' wir-drura felt like doom u|Min their ears, And tlmt rush of <-lou l-iiorne armies rolling iKK'k a u.-iiioii'w ^hume, Frighto thum with its »itund of judgment and its dash of angry ilutuu. Widows weetilnff liy their (lresidos, loyal sires dcs|M>ixlent jri-owu Smile to bear their country's triumph from the gate of heaven lilown, And the ualrioi'i children wonder in tbelr simple huiirts to know In the fond aiH>vu the thunder onr embattled champions go. have from the latter caution, contained In Dudley's circular, tlier rick of being victimized 1 mere fact that money should be enough to exclt* tfcrtfii picion. for no agent of tto' Bureau is aiitlinriied, as the C<f»m«l»- siouer points out, "to receive money either as a fee or as exptnwi tu mmf manner."* We a«1vlse oar readers, In case they should ever be approached by any p**» son assuming to have extraordinary pcweriMor procuring a ftpeed? ailjwil ment of pending claims or an infOftso In the nmonni of pension prertoaBly allowed, to tarn a d«af ear to the** representations, and promptly notify Commissioner Dudley of the fpBMi.w* thai the swindler may be apprtANlCiflMI and dealt with according to law. V But. aside from these bogus lmper> sonations of pension agents, the reft* another class of Importers agalnut whom onr ex-soldiers shonld be on their guard. We refer to the shyster attorneys who travel from town t<» town, and herald their coining witti flaming posters announcing that they powess unusual facilities for obtaining pensions. Thftir practice Is to deuiaml the whole or a part of the fee In ad* vance, and then abandon the claim* thus secured. The nnmber of thee* shyster itinerant cltlin agents Is fortu• nately small, but they are capable or doing a great deal of mischief, sinew those who entrust their claims tosndt liands are certain to suffer legal neglect and delay as well as the loss of titer money exacted as an advance fee. TH* pension laws are clear and extet«aii«t the practice of the Tension Oflfoeii- iiulform and rigid, so that the preten­ sions of these traveling attorneys arg­ on their face false and deceptive. , Commissioner Dudley deserves til* thanks of all ex-soldiers for the effort* lie is making to protect and penskm. claimants against Imposition. ••.-si f w • ;Jj The Dead and the Llrlni. The observance of Memorial Day which tills year promises to be more geueral and impressive than ever be­ fore. [had Its origin, as our reader' doubtless know, in nil order i*Mied hy General John A. Logan, t(» Commander- in Chief of the Grand Arinv, on May 5, 1808, designating the 30tli of May "for tho purpose of Ftrewiug flowers or othernlse deooratl.<g the graves of comra<le8 who died iu the defense of their countryand naturally the anni­ versary has come to be popularly known as •'Decoration" Day. It ought always to be borne In miml, however, that while the act of decoration is a very beautiful and touching ceremonial it is only a ceremonial after all, and the an- .liversiry would fall far short of Its purpose did it fail to keep Kreen the memory of the soldier's patriotism as well as the turf that wraps his clay. At the same time, therefore, that loving hands garland the passionless mounds of our heroes, loving lips should re­ hearse the story of their valor, Upon Memorial Day, if at no other time, the Nation should be brought to realise tiie immensity of the obligation is un­ der to the men who preserved it. Then, if ever, should be dissolved the Ice of indifference which threatens at times to close the approaches to the rublic heart. It is true that Decoration Day oratory is sometimes vapid and iindpid, but there is an eloquence in th" simple narrative of what our heroes dared and suffered fr-r llieir country that is always irrisistible, and the orator that is content to let the facts speak for themselves will not faU to move his audience. Let him portray the condition of the country as it was iu 1861; the doubt and uncertainty that clouded its future; the Insolent and the threatening attitude of the South and the timid and conciliatory conduct of the North; the actual outbreak of hos­ tilities and the dismay that slezed upo:i the Nation; the uprising of the people and the eager response to the President's call for troops, him describe the long and desperate con­ flict tbat ensued, and the desolation of hearth and home that attended it; the sudden slaughter of tho hattle-tield and the slew torture of the prison-pen; the hardship of the camp and the anguish of the ho«pi'al. Let him picture the nes which followed upon the trl- ph of our arms; the wild joy with which eur returning veterans were wel members mustered by Burnslde Post, of that place, during the last sixteen mouths,--and it Is time that every comrade put his shoulder to the wheel. Coipmander-ln-Cliitf Van Dervoort's suggestion that oijr comrades should, eacli And every oucT. give one «!ay to the work of recruiting. Is, therefore, much to the purpose, aiid if they will but act upon it at once the last quarter of the present administration year wil' undoubtedly witness a still largef In­ crease in the membership of the Grand Army than lias characterised any pre­ vious qua r te r. Frauds on r«nslonerst If the uewspapers whieh iiaVe-hhd so much to say lately concerning pension frauds upon the Government were equally solicitous as to the frauds prac­ ticed upon pensioners and applicants for pensions, they might render a really useful service. Attempts to swindle our ex-soldiers by persons representing themselves as agents of the Pension Bureau have become so frequent that the Commissioner of Pensions has been forced to Issue a special circular of warning, and it ought to have the widest possible publicity. The modus operandi of these I in posters is well calculated to entrap tho unwary. The Rock ford (III.) Register describes it as follows: There is a chap about the city who l« playing a sharp swindling game. He gives Ids name a* Divine, or something that sounds tlms. hut hi" schemes to de­ fraud are deviliii'i rather than divine, ile has somehow secured a list of sol- <licr*' names who are applicants for pensions. Armed with this document he waits upon tfee men and informs them that lie is a special agent sent out by the Government to look up these cases. In order to verily his claim he exhibits a document giving him such authority, purporting to be signed bv President Arthur and Commissioner Dudley. He also wears a silver badge under Ids coat lapel with tho words: '•Special Agent, Pension Department, U. S. A.," and under another lapel he ha$> a cloth badge with the words '"Dis­ trict of Columbia." By these various means and by intelligent and cunning talk on the matter he succeeds In avert­ ing suspicion. Alter this Undone lie informs tlio victim that his case is all right; that within thirty days his pen­ sion will he granted, a»d then adds that he will have to advance 010 cash to pay expenses in getting the pension. If the toldier does not tumble, his W0 is irrevocably lost. A swindler of the same stripe--If noi Indeed the same 'Individual--appears to have been operating In Wisoousin also. The State Journal says: A very ttne Inoking gentleman, dressed in United Stales uniform and wearing two badges bearing the in- scriptUmi wU. S. D. C."' on one, and "C. S. A." on the other, anil presenting himself asT. C. Bent ley. United States Pension Agent, a nephew, of the late Commissioner of Pensions. Colonel J. A. Ben*ley, has been defrauding tlie old soldiers of Iowa county, by pre­ tending to secure for ihem an increase of pensions, and (.-barging them from 99 to flf*. not on behalf the Government but for personal expenses Iu making out the affidavit^ Government, stamps, stationery for the back pensions and discharges for the land warrants. It is quite likely that these impaste:* DKCOKATION DAY. PNclsasUon bj Governor Hsillle Itllaoie. Stat* of Ii.t.isits. KxKCtmv* D*» PAHTMBNT, 8PltlN«PIKLt»v May 15, 198*. --Whereas, prompted b* |i#pt$lp«e of loyal devotion to tlie welfaiW-alMr petuity of 'our country a» tented by ,» preserved assaults of armed treason i Its soil with their bl«»od;*ao«^j w to forever hold their bravo (Metis Im grateful memory the patrioticpeopto- of our country have by common onneetrt adopted the custom of setting apart one day of tlie year to be devarttei) tor the commemoration of tlie neble Uvea- and deaths of tliese gallant Mktdler*$ ai.d. Wrrrkas, The Legislature of onr State has recognized the fftness of tblf custom by creating the 30th day of Alagr a legal holiday. Therefore. I. John M. Hamilton, Owf>r ernor of the State of Illinois, do lierefcy call upon the whole people of the Htat#' to observe Wednesday. May Sfttli Inst^ as Memorial day. and I request thens on that day to lay aside tlc-ir ordinary bus'ness pursuits, and joining together in their several localities, celebrate tbf day in the true spirit whieh snggented the beautiui custom, thus renewing tijf t the Isearts of all a d«»ep sense of wjr obligation to the sleeping heroes, ami recalling for the beneftt of the preseni- and rising generations the imrressivv lessons of the memorable straggle f<H» liberty and union which claimed the sacrifice of so many noble lives. v: In testimony thereof I hereto set «*#' hand, and can«e the great seal of (lit State in be affixed. Done, at tlie cltjf of Spriugfleld the day and year above written. ,« (signed) Johw M. HAMifcTOX. ';§§U $)&*Ex-Speaker Grow was telling me Inst wefk some anecdotes of Tha<h deus Stevens, who once, defending the public schools that had with difficulty been legalized, said that the Ponnayl# vanla Dutch cared nothing for edueat* ing their sons and daughters, provide# they could lm|>ort and breed line pig4« cattle and horses. Thl» was made the most of by Stevens' enemies, and he had lo defend himselfpublicly when hiv went back to Gettysburg, and did II with the argumentuntad hominem "Isn't It true?** he said. "Yon. Jake ' Snyder, have got a ram that cost you • thous.uid dollars and none of your daughters can read. You. Hans Delt>» man, paid four t lions and dollars for* bull, but m;ike all yo*ir sous work win* ler and summer. You, Jtiniuy Loot* man. own Westphalia boan and bromf sows, but can't read yourself. Don't you love your beasts better titan ymt do your children ami your minds?" Tit# honest Dutchmeu began to c*mfei% "That Is right,'* they said; *he only told :he truth." Stevens, luetead of Mulenberg. shonld have a monument !* the capital.--Uath. DoVt fail t« call and see the HftpfflmS - ^ 1 Sulky Plow fof which there is a (!**• ' -j cripita n in this issue). Big sale* la»| "y .1 f»U. all on account of it running owe horse easier than others. They are a!| , J get t lug tlie in now. and won't have au| •> 3 other. Call and see them, always «*; t; ^|| liand (if can make them fast ensMglil that being the trouble beretotate**%'.".t.- E. M. Oweif & Son's. The LaDow 13x16 ln<4» Pults^ara greatly improved, and as hsr as draft ' capacity, reliability and »kwsfcW*y concerned it Itas few equatls anil »ms> superiors. For sale Ity K, fiitho^ Me* Henry, 111. Call and examine tfcmT Blaek Wsk nut Extension Table* atper foot *t J. B» BlakaX pe» «»*t. eft Cec cash. : i'U- :»5;:

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