Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 May 1883, p. 5

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">>r ih' 1 Mfe ^ * *.-. • 93.1S83, WEDNESDAY. MAT - •* 1 # * ? . J , •>': - StdiSrvau TlmS Tabi& ooiwa lowti. ^ Geneva Lake *a«eeo«er........ 7:® A. * «•<«!', % •£ GM«TII fAke BxpttM „ F 1 S* fientra Lake freight 1:«:P. * ' 9MT» XIITt. f? Bene«» Lake FrelRht S:«A.* % • Genera I.iike Kxpreas ... .4:Mr.* S"*-'3 r Scnm Lake Pssseneer .... .fl :ftS *>. B. Boss, A*ent, ¥ Metfenry, HI £ . . M A S O X I O S McltamtY Tx>tw»K. No 18* *. F. *n«t A. M.- f>Beealar Communication the Saturday on A; before th» full of the moon and every twi , # week* thereafter. „ CHAS. C. OOFCBT, W. M. t Xccmtr CHAPTER *0. SI R. A. M .;•'*'• ? ar Onroentlrai held on the second and fourth Friday • in each moneh. |j*- E. V. Awortasow.H. P. >• Special Announcement. • • fclL. 4 • • • k , • We take pleasure In announcing that we have made »rrwn»m«nti with the publishers of the American farmer which enables tit to furnish that maga- •too as a Premium to our subscribers. The American Farmer, a sixteen page monthly Farm Magaslne, will be sent free for one year to all our subscribers who will pay their subscription to the PLAINDRALICR one year In advance. This means Just wha*. It says--the American Farmer one year for not hi tijjfe. Sample copies can be seen at office. tins FOR 8il.«. cheap. a goml doUbl re I Shot Gun. Inquire at tliife ofli B. SHKBKAK and E. Kurer. of W*o«»tl- etock, were oil our streets ou Fridny last. ' ' ( Mttg. 'R. A. CovtY, of Minneapolis | Mi mi* (laugh er of. E. D. Slj|p»r. of this ' f village. Is visiting with friends here. THK ladies of the Universalis con- gregation are preparing * strawberry festlral for next week. Wk are under obligation* to Hon.] ^ Clias. H. Tryon for lateflies of Spring . Held papers, BREAD nfe<& onerv and Cttki*!*, Cigars ami Fruits, at the News Stand n4ar the depot. EUGKXS WHKKLBR had tho jfifsier. | tune to lose a valuable four year old ijHorse on Sunday last." We did not learn I -*§"tho cause. THB "Cheerful Workers' Sfrwiuff Society" will meet at the resilience of L. D. Lincoln next Saturday afternoon at 2:30. All interested take notice. L. BONSI.RTT is pushing tiis warchou «e near the Depot to completion Mf*<fttst us possible, the frame being up and the blUTding almost enclosed. WM. L. SMITH,of Ring wood, has pur­ chased the residence of A. A. Martin. vfWofe. and w Ml occupy' the r iame as soon as Mr. Mtrtiu moves out. THK L. L. C. will meet with Mrs. Dr. , Anderson on Friday. May 25th at the iMttit! iiour. Topic: English History. %' H»F JULIA A. STOHT, Pres. Miss BBBTHA HorxiSTRB, Sec'y. I. TOCNO son of James Dowel), of Volo, was accidentally killed by a pi* tnds of a comrade one day week.K The full particulars can b p Volo correspondence. 'THKRK will be services In the Epis copal church at Spring Qrove. on Sun * day. May 27th. at 2 o'clock p. m.. bi Rev. Dr. Cleveland, of Dundee. All art • cordially invited. A&*rlll beseen by,the advertisement on the Hrst page of tills paper. J. "P Smith li»4 been tppointed agent in thi section for the Xew Home Sewiiifr Machine. Call at liis store'and axamiue the machine and learn price. V TRKRB will be a grand party held at Maiuiaii's Hail, Friday evening, tfnute 1st. Ladies and gentlemen are invited V ,to atten l. Music, Mudgett's Qoadriiie Ban^l. . Refre*hmeut.* at the restaurant ' of .feukt -A McAndrews. fc * SDBJKCT at th* Universiiiist Church next Sunday, "The Right and Wrong U«es of the Bible." Attendants upon this church are requested to note the fact that hereafter services will begiu promptly at half-past ten. A New York doctor say* tlio best cure he knofK for a cold is the old fashioned sweat. "Take ten grains of quinine, a hot mustard foot-bath and a •till glass of toddy." Everybody be­ lieves In this remedy, but nine out of ten will forget the quinine and the foot'baiiu J. OATMAM <FC SUNS, of DuiwTee, brought lo this village onJi'^esday la*t one hundred swarms of jfees, and hare located them on the farm of .Henry villageJ| Tn»» atmau liAV0^1llne q<ilte an ex­ tensive business in this line the past few years and have foirnd ifc quiic 'table. . '/£:• DR. E. V. ANDERSON, of this village, has formed a co-partnership with Dr. Northrop,of Woodstock, and will move to that citv earlv next wgnlt^ fji« many friends and patron* hi this village and Vicinity very much regret his de- «islon to take this step, but the best wUhes-ef all will go with blw lii his a«w location.- i, «• 1 THB ladies Of the Cemetefjr Aid . Society have been doing some good work In and aroaud the Cemetery grounds, cleaning up and removing the rubbish, and now re«p«etfully request all Owners of lots to he careful and re­ move all rubbish that may accumulate tt:i and around their lots.and not throw It In the paths or by the side of the fences. They have been to considerable tronbie and expense, and trust that all iirlll now lend a helping hnn.l to keep the Cemfjpr? mftN " " At Harvard, Hay HSCh. MS, ot een of toe brain, Ueerg* K<lw«r<l, 0*1* el Loui» rtnJ Sarah Tberriea, aged tt OMinUis. The remains were broiiirht to this village and burled In the Catholic Cemetery on Sunday afternoon last. EXCURSION Tickets to the National Railway Kxposltlon at Chicago will be «old at McHenry Station aa follows: May »th ar«t 30th, gwxf nnttl Jane 4tlt June 5th •• fith " •• •« uih •• 12th '• 13th «• •• « IStn " I9ih " SOtli -- •• « )5th Price of.. Hound Trip Tickets, 92.03. PKOPLB who were dehided by the sultry atmosphere of last Friday luto exchanging their whiter for their sum­ mer clothing, were down on llielr knees on Monday moriiiiig«>»iiot In penitence, but looking to see where the mercury in the thermometer had gone to. «RM . OUBIN is general agent for this County for-the New White Sewing Macliine. Tltey are improved so they can't be beat. They arie the best and cheapest. Send to Wm. Ogbiu, Algon­ quin, HI., for pricc^oraik biui to bring one to your house, ARRAN6EMKKT8 have bee'tt made with the editor of this paper whereby stu> dents can, at any time, outer the West* eru Normal College and Commercial Institute at one-third the cost of any oilier school. This school is placing a first-class education within reacn of every one, be lie old or young, rich or poor. Any one ceateiuplating attend- In school would do well to call at this before deciding where to attend. ailverti8enieut in this issue. GKORGK THDKLWELL was arrested on Tmtrsday last and brought before Esquire Perry tor ait attempted assault tn Mrs. Ktisl^n, while she was ou Iter way home from this village on Wednes­ day He did not attempt lo deny the charge, his only excuse being that he was drunk, and waiving an examination was put under fWU bonds t'» appear at the next terui of court, falling to ob­ tain which he was taken to Woodstock lail. _ ^ /AT Beiineit's I'lKHograpIi Gallery iu this village,one day last week a tiroiip was taken tliat represented live gener­ ation*, vis: a child three mouths old. it* mother, grand mother, groat grand mother and great, great grand mother, the latter being over 90 years of age. The picture wai a remarkably good one when we lake into consideration the fact that It is very dilHcult to get a good picture of a group wltere there is so much difference in That M^ artist has been proved Iteyoud a doubt. HOW ot'teu do you see (lalf • dozen heads crowd tog* ther..peeriug over tlto columns of one newspaper? Ail these are dead-heads to that paper. If each head with a body and pair of legs at­ tached to it would go to the printer or publisher of that paper and pay liiui the pitllul sum charged for aobscrip- tion, would It not be much more credit­ able ? Every mail who thus reads a newspaper cheats eo.iue uoe uniuevteil with it, getting it out of its price. We see tills species of pv>tit iarceuy com­ mitted every day. If }«u go luto an eating house you are exacted to pay for what you get. But It seems a uiau can gobble down a whole contents of a newspaper, and "git up and git," and no questions asked. O. W. OWKN lias been repairing two watches tiie past week that have a pe­ culiar history. One Is owned by M. M. Chase, of ttiu^wood, and was lo*t by litui while husking corn fourteen years ago. The trround lias been cultivated each year si oce. the watch neyer conk­ ing to light until la«l Augu't. It was baxily rusted but Mr. OWu has put it iu good running nrder, and to look at It one would never fhiuk it had boen burled lourteeu years. '|'he other our and lay i:i tiie ground about and Mr. O weir has also put It ihiiihi£jiril«jJyVe wooM not ners of watches to bury theiu as an c'Xperiuient,*but if they should be so unfortunate a* to lose theiu it is well to know where to xake tliem to get theui put In rtiuuiiig order again. Mes>rs. Palliser. Pailiser A Co^ of Bri-1ge|K»rt, Ct„ tiie well known Arclff<> tects and Publishers of standard works ou architecture, have lately iKsned a sheet containing plans and specillca- tio.istif a very tastelu! modern eight- rooni cottage with tower.aud also witli tin; ueces»ary nioilllfcatious foi build- lug it.without the tower, and with but i»is rooms il desired. Iu its most costly forUi, lhe outlay is estimated at 93.000; without the tower it lias been built lor 92.500; and if only six rooms are in­ cluded, the cost Htny be reduced to 91.700 or 92,000. Details are given of mantels, stairs, doors aud vasings, cor­ nices, etc. The publishers hare found it the most popular plan they have ever is»ued. and state iliat It lias been adopted in more than live hundred in- stances within their knowledge. The same firm issue Specifications in blauk a lapted for frame or brick buildings of any cost; also form or buildingc-ontract, aud several books on luod-rn ilie*pen- rive, artisth Cottage |daus which are of great practical valuo nnd iiyuveu- ieiice to everyone interested, v KEROSENE RANGES^ AH the difle.ent styles to'b© found Iu th« wnirket, at John I. Story's. BARB WIRE* The bottom dropped out. But I still IIw to meet or beat any and all Cuts that has boen or may be made, on Barb Wire. JOHKI.STORT. TOWN TALK. That the Light Running Oesley Sulky Plow has arrived and C*n be found for sale at the warehouse of R, Bishop. McHenry, and parties wishing to purcnase a sulky plow would do well to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. GLASS! GLASS' ,V# keep Glass of all sixes constantly ou hand. Special its** cut wltfioat extra charge, JOBH Tf STORT, It Is la vaia that I cat! on toy "mother toagae to desoribs the ruins strewn along the path of the monster cyclone which visite*! Ik' northern boundary of our oennty on fri- «tay evening almnt aix oV.lock. or. perhaps, % llttlo later. The win<t had been Mowing « terriBc jritc nearly- all the riar. At about lire AVlock the ftale increaae l an>t the northern •»»* of (lark clouds eddletl ronn«t atonnt each other, ab if for the strife of combat. And, as I gaxtxl npon the warrinir element*, the whistling of the blackness and the vivid lightning's fiery •treak toward the north and on my right, I anxiously looked at the briirht bine sky skirt­ ing the son hern horiien, and thitherward my bosnny black t reined, and urged her on for safety, well assured that destructive force* were threateningly near. I reached my home In safety, bnt on the following morning 1 could not resist the impulse to retarn whtoce I had so lately fled. As I nearcd the center line of the monster's path, fallen trees, prostrate fences, shivered timbers and debris of every kind bore witness ofitsgower I will not attempt any perfect description of the r>iins. first, the school honse, known as the Kings- ley school, In District No. i, ta Aldea, was approached, or, rather, the site. But there was fully aa mnch debris from neighboring ruins u^on the site as of its own.. Then, to my right, farther east, if I get the true point ot compass, the lately beautiful farm mansion of K. L. Kingsley unroofed -and shattered. I did not learn ot anyjofthe family being Injured, except from the nervous shock to Mr*. K« Thence east, Mr. K.'s barn, perhapsftoxiuo ft., lay in ruins. Some stuck was allied. One horse was carried twenty or tnlrty rods. Thence east a short distance were shattered farm buildings belonging to a Mr. Williams of Kenosha. Daniel A. Canyc'sbuildings vvt re laid in rnlns.* Thence turning west from thj school site a few rods, were the ruins ot Fred Rottoiny. whose everyt' ing, in the shape of buildings, furniture and machinery, was de­ stroyed. One man here lost his life. Krcd- and his wife and little girl were seriously In- J»red. Fred Rom taint's house and btrn were damaged and a commodious hog house be. i ween the two was entirely demolished. Mr, Campbell's barn was torn to pieces and some stock killed. Mrs. Wlieaton's bulldjngs were Indly injured. All this in an are* of only a lew miles. Oa the James Rogers farm, build­ ings were swept away so clean that it was scarcely discernible that buildings had ever stood there, so said rumor. I had not time lo go a/(tar west. Htr^ one miin lost his life. Tffle devastated fields, the upturned and shivered trees, the ruined homes, the tales of horror as related by the stricken families made me thankful that my line of march lay toward the south. of toward the north on that fatal eve. t wilt not neglect to nama the feet that the uninjured for miles arouud were on the scene, and with a will repairing, building, caring f>r the hijnred. and In every possible way bringing order out of chaos. Money, of coarse, cannot restore life, bnt> legitimately used, can lighten pain and re- pla< e the ruined buildings, and now I hereby tender to the people of McHenry County, money indemnity, baciced by millions, against dtimage by Tornadoes, Wind storms and Cy­ clones. as well as by Fire and lightning Every daijy paper tells us of all Mieae Ca­ lamities visitirg some locality Anily. Of this one we were made conscious from Its proxim­ ity. without tflo aid of (tail'us. Will you get indemnity before the next hits roa Instead of 5 oar neighbor? AM V. 8XITR. Woodstock Department. Deeoration tajr at Waunond*. A meeting was called for the purpose of decorating the sol Hers* graves, and was well attended by citizens as well as ooldlers. The following officers were elected: President--Justus Tlangs, Kao, Set-rotary--Arthur Cooke. / 1 Treasurer-- Wnrien Powers* Orntnr-Ueo. Waitc, K-«<|. i> Chaplain-- Rev. .1, I,. Brook*? - * v „ - (ifficar of the I»av--Arthur Oooke. Marshal--G. F. lowers IJr tutive Committee-- Merrlt Lake. Volo; Geo. Waiie, Grant; Henry Dombskl, Hainesville; George Prouty, l.nkeZurichj C.P.Thomas, Fremont; H. K. Harris, II. M. Davis. F. Pow. crs, John McCusker and Batuuel Taggert, Wanconda. Fimal Committee--J. V. Stevens and Llda Cooper. Choir--Mr. and Mrs. Dr. McChesrfey, Mr. and Mrs. M §T Kor-', Miss Nellie Bangs, Miss kffic swiiison, Miss Lida Cooper and Mrs. I>. K (hikes; Messrs. H. D. Wells, Fred Sivlnson John llumidirey. Will Werdcn and Arthur Graham. Those who wish to attend will meet on *lt« Academy grounds at 1:30 p. m. The proces- sion will form st i o'clock, march to the Cemetery and decorate the soldiers' graves- after which there will he a prayer by the Chaplain, sin Ting by the chotr, and an oration by Geo. Waite, Esq. AITHI'I COOKB, Secy. Wiaeetota, May mh, MB. 'i' -- asns> MAH1NCO. EDITOR Pi.ATXNKIT.KRThe snn shone A day ei two last week. The cherry and apple trees are blossoming nicely, and there is a good prospect of a fair crop this year. l)r. York, the celebrated veterinarian, will lie in town this week and next. All Who have »i<*k horses might <lo well to consult him. Ths 111:1 son work on P. T. P:»'s store is done, and nil hands are now at work on the building across the way. The wet weather has put them lack some. Mr. Loudenl>eek has the frame to hi * new house up- Also, O. P. Bogers on the lot l<nug|it of Davie Johnson, will be nice houses and valuable additions to our towi. ; D. A. Htedman tins Iniilt a caritenl -r shop on the south side of Mrs. I,awrema.('« lot. The old board awnings on the east side of M:iin Street, have been removed, and canvass awnings have taken their place. The big tent Indonging to Burr Robblns' show blew down Just as the evening eonrert was ulHiut to commence. Xo injury beyond a good scare. The wind had been' blowing a gale alt day and the show men were unable to raise the ranvass in the »fternoon on that ac­ count. It is qtuer how neople witt ruth bead I011 it into such places. The show was A grand flszle. Did yon e^er see a mad man? Wo never did until we asked a friend how he liked the circue. Ills back began to raise and kept on rising until the lejjof his pantaloons daDgled six inches above the ankle joint, and his shirt rollnr f'uinbloi around the tops of his ears We only stopped t<> take one look at this magic transformation wnen we wnlked quickly away, repealing to ourselves those scriptural words that "a wise man foreseeth the evil th it is to come and turneth there­ from. " Vow if those parties don't stop that kind of business, we will sea what can be done for them. Remember our Board of Trustees weie elected as a temperance hon-d, and do not hesltHte to act as such. We have "tumbled to voui lay," so wind up er we will do tne other t^ing. Hon. J. C. (iarver, ot Hoc,kford, III., will be the speaker here Decorition Day. Judsnn Khaberly has been placing new sills under his fraafee buiMlagOa "ain Street. Dr. E. V. AMsriMtSf Mr Henrv, was seen npon WoodatmSlt's streets one dair last week. John Mcconnel, of }l chmond, visited Weet* stock earlv last week. Co. t? WHS out on a nijfht parade one even* ing last week. ' Col. Wm, Avery drives the Slickr St team to be found hei<eal»iit% . . . The grass in the Bark was cut far the Hrst time this sosson,jfte tffs! of tnst week. The city lawn mower1dM tbObuslness. Prof. J. B. Katee, tonteer principal of oar public schoo , called on friends in this city last week Hon Klcbanl Bishop, nf Mcffsnrv, let the fight of his ro»nten*«ce shine <t»wa nuon friends in thia city^gl *ft>t .I tha Sreek Bd Blossom. t»r. Beck, Feler tThit- aeyan<l V . ̂ Hi< hitrds,oftMs cttr ««arlo<l for Dakota on different days |sst week. Amos Roylngton, of called upon friends in this citv last ThOradav. Ame Is better known as "itambler" in this neck of woods. » We understand that Alex McXauehtnn. en. gineer »f the Woodstock Accommodation, is very aii.k with ervsipelaa. We hope It will prove nothing serious. There is some talk of Woodstock's celebrat­ ing the 4th of July this year, l^hv not? It is some yenrs now since We had a right down old fashioned celebration on the 4th of July. W. I». Riugland Is expected to bring another carload ol olioico new allien cows to thiseitv sometime this woek. W. O. beats them alia't this business. The Guards will not go to Chicago Decora­ tion D«y, but have accepted an Invitation tendered tliem by VYitodsutok Post Xo. IAS of the <>, \. It. to take pun In the ceremonies to take place in this city May >Wth. II. Dwl"ht, of Root nntl Sh«ie notorietv, brought a second large stock to this market last week. It is certainly a mvstery what llwight docs with all the Itoots shd shoe* that he places In his store, but however that may be he is al grays buying mere. James H, Garrison, whA resides in Green- wood, but who has befn traveling for a large luinlier concern in Chicago for some ttme past will soon sturt a new lumlier yard in this citv. Jim is a lively go aHierid busiiiess man and «;e have not the least donhttyit thathe will make a success of his new enterprise. There was some lively scampering engaged in during last. we"k by severtl of our officials sad others to evade the draft., tt made one think of war times ante to see tliem make themselves so scarce Ir the space of so short a time, »n<i until thn "cruel war was over." We inny have mrwc to say sltout this little episoile in a fiitu*0 eoetmunlcation. Rev. Psrmley Jdll deliver his lecture on Qncen Ksibcr, at wWH Baptist church Sunday eveninx, May 27. "Sle lecture is spoke* of as a food oue and we nope the house win lie crowded, tor the proceed* of a collection to lie taken up ;ii the close arc to tie given to the Rev. Win. Ostler, late pastor of the chiireh, who on account of ill health for mnnv months itast has been unable to perfor.d his usual labors. Mr. Ostler is a most worthy ard de­ serving gentlein-in, bsving tried a'sraln and again to lake up his work in the mlnistrv, sad in fact, to do an> lalmr that would earu him- aelf and family an honest livelihood. The following shows that Woodstock has a would-be "flre-bug" within its limits; for whatever is uppermost In such a person's mind who wrote or dictated the article in question il would seem to us as though thev would sooner or later carrr It Into ^xccutior,". If a man has murder in his heart he is a dan- gcroua individual to have nmund, and the tanner he is apprehendeu and hung to the nearest lamp post the better for any conimuni. ly; at least sueh is our opinion as regards such mons:ers. WoonsTocx, May t5tt, 1881. Ill Wsma: .•-* » I wnht to notify yoa that you must dis­ charge s. Vanciiren from the oflceofcittv Marshal or if yon donot you will be the looser for he aint tit tor pound master if he aint dis­ charged right away look out for fire for I am determid that he Matt not 1 e marshal anv longer now a word to me wi°c is enoufl voii no thst he is the blgesf thief in town as well as I doanfl It you dontwschavge him von wili be loovcr for 1 will aivii mv word that there will lie a lire In BHOWiM Block. Xo sianatnre whsteWBr was attached to the above and it is wrUfcitt^n-ord for word as It Is spelled. Now if a ilg)fe or fool wat op|»osed Richmond Department. OOKTKtBDTBDBT < F. BKNRKTT. Try t ho "Clems de la Ureato" cigar It Alexander & llydf's. LandlorJ Culver's new buna Is one of tho ton I est out fits eror seen oa our stroots. to Mr. VtinCurea's Marshal ot our city w] that gentleman and ft who had but little N* Mr. VanCuren in aldermen who Soted fWr the time of hi^ apps4 mav, Mr n hada 4 r-h*iSee _ _ would coilly nndifei through the mall a lei nat uve should Ite imm Getiiilne Moth Proof Pape". for put- tlng 1111 dor carpets. Warranted. At John I. Story's. Work Given Out. On receipt of your address we will make an oflcr hv which you can earn 93 to 97 evenings, at yoiir hotn<t. lien, wom«>n, hoys or girls can do It. H. O. Wilkinson A Co., 195 and 107 Fuitoii Street. 3f«* York. Paper, cbeap, a$ Jobn I. Building Story's. THE choicest lino of Dolmans and I<adie*' Meek Wear In town at Mrs. K. W. Howe's. Before you buy a wlieel-barrow. call and see those for sale by John I. Story. It will pay yon. Fine Shoes. Our stock of Foster's celebrated Beloit Shoes is complete. For style and durability they cannot be e^ceU@4* to see them, ^«MBTCO|.BT, Ming the position of did lie not threaten Mi. G. K. Bunker, 1 to do with iilacing vthnn did either of the >aad aupporteil hlin at I.. ..Be *b»t as It to his a who aad send le threatening a j looked sftter, for summary Justice should certaiaJ* to meted out to him without aaiq,delay. HEBI KNTTON Pi.aikoraM.11 wiOwlng to the Iste ness.of the season the fn|nlers are hurryiag to get their c<ira plaiUod.»r Mr. and MTS. Rogers, of Rsrvard were In tow h last week visiting their nephew, Dr. H. K. Ohesbio. A goodly numlicr of the took In the oircusat Harvard Vin Satnnla v last. (Cd Shelter and Dave Wcler, of I.inn, were in town litHt week. The attraction appeared to la'at the public school. We made a slight mistake about Fred Cram.' er's having returned to his home in Missouri. He did intend to tuko his departure, but he Haw a stray duck llyina over snd could not withstand the temptation to remain longer and continue Ills target practice. The Larkins cheese factory has closed for good, and some of the patl'ona are carrying • {u*ir milk to Genoa aiul others to H. W. ^read's, at Hebroi. | Tho Tcnnesseeans arecoafag.aud will visi t Hebron June 4th. No one timuld fail to listen to this troupe of JubdeePdMagers, and all should procure their ticketflfit once before it is too late. Over two hiind|eii have been sold at this writing. 1 On W ednesr ay night a large crowd of Heb. roniiei, about forty-live in number, gathered at Pred (>ratton't. At the appointed hour the captain (rave the command to shoulder their grub sacks and fill In line, headed bv "Uncle Itloilgett" carry ing a gasoline stove, 'in which was centered the compliments of the whole brigade. Amid the yelping ol dogs, salutes from the street corners and the music of the tin bund they marched for Dr. Chesbm's lo qttieUy surprise tliem. Tliev were agreeably surprised, and the evening" was passed very pleasantly. Ata rensonsblehour tne company departed toward their 6everaI homes think­ ing "it was good to be there," and e.ich Mid to the other "go thou and do likewise." ' Sunday morning we visited the scene of the cyclone which p.ttsed over the northern part ot this county «nd southern Wisconsin last Friday. Xo pen can picture the desolation and destruction canned by this fearful Mir. nndo. Trees unrooted and fences blown down. I.evl Xicholj' house and barn was completely demolished. One man was killed here. While milking in the barn, hearing a rumbling noise he went to the door and sh'uiied to his companions to follow him or they would la; killed. lie was stuick bv a falling timber and hilled instantly. The body was carried to the school house and left until claimed by the priest The roof was taken off from old Mr. Xlchols* barn; Mr. Ball's barn was blown to pieces and house damaged; at Henry Envies' two barns were blown to pieces,one cow and several hogs killed; Mr. Smith's house was lifted tan feet in theair and d ished to the earth. Part of the roof was found a mile away. Mr*. South ntarted foi Mr. Karles' but was injiirtsl by a falling tree lasfore reaching the house. ' Shis will recover. Several horses were injured and the country is covered with lioiirds, fnilk cans, wagon wheels, household effects, pieces of wind­ mills, etc. Largp timbers were driven lire fret into the ground. Mrs. Smith's feather bed WHS found pinned to the ground with a ratter. People generally took refu.ire in the cellars and so escaped with their lives. To­ day (Siiuday)crowrls of people from Itichmond Genoa, Geneva, and nil the surrounding coun­ try viHiti-d the scene of destruction. Contri­ butions are coming in, already several bun­ dled dollars having lieen raised iiourtown for the sufferers Many other houses and barns were damaged to a great extent in this vicinity which we have not space todescillie. Homes were laid to waste both east find west nf us and a number nf lives lost. It is esti­ mated Levi Nichols' loss will resell f),409and Henry Earles' ¥2,uou. m Ifc' •'I '* • WSkMS&M New This Week. A very large stock of Summer Millin­ ery Ooods just received at Mrs. M. II. Nichols', tills being the llfth invoice ot Millinery Goods rcceiicd this spring. Our stock is now complete, aud the finest we ever had ou exhibition. The ladies ot Mcllenrv and surrounding country will Arid our store open every day earl)* aud late; also ready and will- iu; £0 show goods and give prices that can not be heat in tiie county. It will pay nil to ci»ll and examine our stock before purchasing. Corsets. Corsets, Corsets, at Perry A Owen's. * Remember that you will experience no difficulty in jjettlog repairs for any machines sold bv K. Bishop, thus pre­ venting vexations and expensive de- Brother Mallory, jour proposed pan* tie rah ip wouldn't work. You sen we would have tho opposition of the clergy in a body. Mrs. Libble Darling defires to call I lie attention of the public to her dressmaking rooms, where the ladles can get garments made lit the latest styles. Mrs, Darling has jiiiU received a stock ol goods tor the ladies, consist* ing. In part, of cloak and dresa orna* meuts, buckles, braid, silk aud twist, fans, frix nets and hair nets, heir waves, belts, pins and needles, the f.angtry hoop skirts, button rings, whalebone, etc. Tho patronage of tho public Is respvetfully solicited. A cyclone was to pun to the ea*t and north of Richmond on Fri­ day afternoon, near night,extending It is reported, from Chemung to Racine. It was first observed by our cllistens In the west and It rapidly passed In a northeast and east direction until It struck I.ake Michigan at Racine. Par* ties who have'beon over a portion of Its path describe Its destruction as terrible. To give one half the reports would take half a dor.en columns of the PLAINDKALKK. Houses, bams, trees ane fences were lifted up and scattered far and wide and many people were killed and wounded. From Hebron village, where Mr. Smith's house snd barn were destroyed and his wife nearly killed, tho cyclone passed through the Ira Richmond nelglibor- i.ood.'thence to Minister nnd then on to Racine. We already have reports of more than a doxen houses, barn* and sciioot houses destroyed. People were picked up by It and earrled long dls tuncife and had every shred of clothing torn from their bodies. .(Jilver«a1 desolation and destruction marked its path, At a special meeting of Post lIl.O. A. K.. held at Kichmond on Saturday evening. May 19tli. Vice Commander If. Christian occupying the chair, the business of making arrangements for the Memorial Day observances at Rich­ mond was tsken up and disposed of so far as possible at so early a date. Comrades 8. F. Bennett, F. W, Mead, and E. O. Grstton were appointed a committee on programme, and reported as follows; PROGUAMMtt. The procession will form on Broad* way, opposite the Culver House, at 3 p. in. sharp, and preceded by the He­ bron Military Band aud the Richmond Cornet Band, march to the Cemetery, being joined at the public school build­ ing by the Representations of the States and Floral Committee of-ftebron aud the Florid Committee of Richmond At the Cemetery the following order of exercises will lie observed at m'ar aa circumstances will permit: I. necomttoB 0fgraves. .. Eev. Mr. Cunrer, Bebron Grand Army ot the Republic In tho 1 procession. An Invitation Is extended to eltlxeits everywhere *o attend the ceremonial* and assist In paring tribute to tho memory of our patriot t>*d. S. F. RKWWVTT. Acting Adjutant. ve nan es of the Hebror Music Prayer.. Music Oration^IHOWBTT. G. 0. Olark, Richmond P. Bennett, Richmond M i l s Poem Music Add rest... ....ttev. Mr. Palmer, Richmond Music • Address..........Rer. Mr. Currer. Hebron Music : Voluntary Address, with Mvalo Benediction. On motion the report of tho com­ mittee was adopted* On motion nf Comrade E. 0. Gratton !t was voted tiist 100 posters be pro­ cured. and the McHenry Pl.AlNDKALKIt office do the printing of same. On motion the Commander appoint* ed Comrades F. W. Mead aud E. O. Gratton a committee to arrange with the commit lees of Richmond end He­ bron the details of the dccoration of the graves. On motion voted that E. O. Gratton, of Hebron, and S. F. Bennett, of Rich­ mond. he appointed a committee to distribute the advertising material. On motion, voted to appoint Wm. O. Bougliton, of Hebron, Musical Dlrec. tor for the day, with full power to superintend and direct the music. On motion. Comrade Nelson Gates, of Hebron, was appointed a committee of one on traiis|M>itatlon of committees ind representations Iron* Hebron to Kichmond. On motion, the following named ladles were appointed 011 the Hebron Floral Committee: Mrs, Geo, Goildard, Mrs. Dr. Cheesbro and Mrs. Henry Rowe. Oil motion, voted that Major John Vosbnrgh be Invited to act as Marshal and Dan Cleary as Assistant Marshal on Memorial Day. On motion, voted that Commander M. M. Clotlihr be invited to act as President of I lie Day. It was arranged that the Representa­ tives of the States and the Floral Com­ mittees rendezvous at the Richmond public school house at 1 AO o'clock p. m. to be ready to join tho procession at 3 o'clock. A communication was received from M. M. Clothier.'stating that Memorial observances would lie held at Hebron in the forenoon at 10 a. mM previous to the departure of Hebron citizens for Richmond, to which ceremonials tliO citizens of Richmond are Invited. The observances at Hebron will consist of a procession under the Marsiiaishlp of Dan Cleary. prayer, music, a poem, etc. There is to be 88 yonng ladies in the procession, appropriately dressed to represent the States, aud 13 little girls representing the thirteen original Floral Committee for Memorial Day: Mrs. H. Slater, Mrs. J. Chapman, Mis* R. Gratton, Mrs. Rev. J. Currer, Mrs G. M. Conn, Mrs. H. F. Jones. Miss M Brlgham. Mr*. G. T<. Phillips, ^jlrs. G Godard, Mrs. II. R. Chosbro, Mrs. H. Rowe. An original poem will bo read by Rev. Mr. Currer at tho Hebron observ­ ances iu the forenoon of Memorial Day. We reprint the names of the ladies of Richmond who were appointed on the committee or. floral decorations: Mrs. G. W. Eldredge, Mrs. S. F. Bennett, Mrs. G. B. Carpenter, Mrs. S. R. Ward. Mrs. Nlles Burton, Mrs. M. Hicks. Mrs. J. W. Hay thorn, Mrs. J. L. Downing. H should bo remembered that these ladies are authorized and expected to call in such aid as they m«F desire, and It is hoped that every , lady and mis* In Richmond and vicin­ ity will take an Individual interest In preparing floral oflerings for tbe sol­ diers* graves. Farm Bells cheap, at John I. 4tory'« Wall Paper at Perry A Owen's, Dress Goods and Trimmings of every description at Perry A Owen's. Gents Fine Shoes, several styles, at Perry A Owen's. A flue assortment of very line Gran­ ite Iron Ware at John 1. Story's. * B0 pound wool Mattress lor 14.75 at J. B. Blake's. Car of Hapgood Sulky Plows at E. M. Owen A Son's. The Richmond Champion Drill for sale by R. Bishop. tirent bargain* in Cane Heat Chairs. 6 Chair* for 94.76 at J. B. Blake's. Tiie Rock ford Sulky Plow for sale at R, Bishop's. Carpets. Wall Psiier and Window Shades, full line, at Perry A Owen's. A large varletv of Misses Cofwts, cheap, at Mrs. H. H. Nichols'. The "Boss" Barrel Chant at John I, Story's. Lumber Wagons. Milk Wagons, Plat­ form Spring Buggies for sals at R. Bishop's warehouse. Perry 4 Owen hare received their new spring stock of Wall Paper. Call early and make your selections. The famous Plow, the Gesley Sulky. Don': full to call andexuniiiie It before purchasing. For snle by R. Bishop. The celebrated Itiis.'ll Carpet Sweeper for IS. The best thing In tho market at John I. Story's. Cnii and examine, tho Richmond champion Force Feed Seeder at R. Bishop's. ________ ' Another Import at ion of tW Hapgood Sulky Plows shortly. K. M. OWBN * SOX Drags. Pings, Drags, a lot 011 hand, steel tooth, aud must sell. For sale by R. Bishop. The "Aurora** Road Cart, tho easiest thing out ou man and horse, al l« M. Owen A Son's. The late improvement on the T.« Dow Pulverizer takes the cake. Call aud see it at R. Bishop's. Call at the warehouse of R. Bishop. McHenry. I1IM and examine godds and learc prices. _______ OIL STOVES. Poor patterns, and tho finest article in the market, at John 1. Story's. Madam McGee Coraette. The best 00 the markot at Mayea A Bartlett's The Gesley steel or wood beam walk­ ing Plow on hand and for sale by R. Bishop. The finest Plstform Wagon made with Iron comers and rocking gear, a! E.M.Owen A Son's. CLOTHING* A complete stock ot Men's and Boy's Clothing at bottom prices. PltflBT AOWIV. /HARROWS! HARROWS! ^i^tyles from 40 to 100 teeth, all steel. The Reversibles take the cake at Owen ft Son's. A full line of choico groceries always to be obtained 111 HENRY COLBY'S. BIRD CAGES. Blfd Cages, In all styles and prices, at John 1. Story's. A lot just rooelvod. Call aud see them. Everything Iu fanning Implements from a Swill Cart to a McCormlck Twine Binder, enn be fouud at the warehouse of K. Bishop. Ladies, we think we can show you the "prettiest** line of loeea that was ever brought to this market. Aak to see them at Henry Colby Is. Young ladies, our new walking shoes and French and Mat Kid bnt ton shoes are ""just lovely.'* Call and see tliem at Heury Colby's. Call at E. M. Owen A Son's and see the celebrated Hapgood Solkr Plow that is warranted to run lighter than a Walking P*ow. Young men. we are now receiving our spring and summer stock of fire Shoes, and can show you the tfnest assortment ever fouud In this market. Call and see them at Henry Colby's. BARB WIRE. The celebrated Lyman Barb Wire. Second to none, lias been in use for several years and has never been con­ demned by owe, For sale liv JO Hit I.STOBT. For Rent. tbe tillage of Xunda. a food States, who will strew flowers npon the Wtvery Barn 30x60 (eet. built esp&ial- soldiers* graves. The 38 yonng ladies. floral committee with wreath* and flowers, and the Military Band, will accompany the other clt Ixens of flehron to Richmond to a**l*t in tbe afternoon ceremonials. On moMon, ft was voted to Invite all old aoldl'r* to Join fh# tasmberc ol tl»* ly for the business. Will bo itstsd reasonable. Apply to BUTLBB* WABim. Naoda. IlU, May 1st. IKH. Bnalnegg Go to Mrs. Howe's for Dreseinakiug. Down's celebrated H. II. Nlchoia'. t orse ta, at rsncr window ouaiies at Terry Owe 1/#. City residence* for s«h>. Apply '»y 1 Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 111* No trouble to show goods or anewer piestloMa at R. Bishop's. Carriages sold low at E. M. Owe* 4k Son's. A ('our drawer, Mack-walaat bMUS for f7.fid, at B. Bloke**. Full car load of iiapgood Sulky Plow! QSt received at E. M. Owvu A doo's. Large veneered Panel Bedstead fof #S.90 at J. B. Blake's. Buckey* Forco Pumps, 'H. X, H Owen's. ' Ladles Wraps. Dohlmant. Jacket* and Ulsters, at Perry A Owen's. Ladies and Miss«s due WaSklag Sheoj litest styles, at Perry A Ovcp't, Fishing Tackle of aU kinds at K, Engeln's, In Howe's Block, nspr t)M new Bridge. ______ ' The finest line of silver aud Flat## Ware to be found In the coanty, at 4 W. Owen's. • ir you want a black silk drees worlli •S a yard for *1.60 yon can get It Calling soon at Henry Colby's. Case. Fnrst A Bradley. Molliie. Kod and other Sulky plows at K, ron A Son's. | As usual we have thla «pring the Boost lino of Embroideries In town. Hkhmy Coubt. « s! An elegant line of dress button* and - trlmmltigs always to be found at Henry i Colby's. * The Improvements on the KandaR and Keystone Pulverisers take Hw liiMl by far this season, at E. M.Owen A Sou's. _____ 2 Tho Skinner steel or wood bemi "nlklng Plow has proved Itself to W ^ the farmers friend. For sail Iw It, Bishop. DIAMOND DYES. W« have all colors of the celebratO# :Sf Diamond Dyes only 10r a package. . HtcNkYCounr. CLOTHING. 1 Our stock of Clothing la nnnsHailjr complete and will bo sold ver cheap for cash. HKXBY Counr. For first-data (Insurance against Itf and Lightning, wind storma< ryrionejp, tornadoes, etc., etc.. apply to Asa liSf Smith, Woodstock, III. Our stock of dram, and pntent modiciim was more complete. Qoods rel mud prices right, RnmrCouVi , k HORSE FOR SALS. A food Horse for sale. W ill woHt either double or sioglo. Inqolro of J. A. Going, at Fitxslmmons A Itaps son's store. Oo88ntner ciruulurf and eoitt for ladies and gentlemen, 'aH"g full line of rubber goods aNmH t« be hod nt PKMtT COLBY*®. The Ladles wiff always find 0 l»ne of Laces and Neck-wear at H. H. Nichols'. She keeps a foil so* sortment of the latest stylos to in found Iu the market. ' The Richmond Champion Drill aa^il Broad Cast Seeder Is the great • nf attraction at the warehouse Bishop. Come and look Itorer 1 como convinced. POSTS FOB SALE. I have 2.1100 good sei-oud growth BaiT Oak Posts for sale, at my residence. In the villiige of Ring wood. Will bo told reasonable. GKO. Mivin. - Blnrwood, Mareb SSCh, MK. Wc desire to call tho attention of tfes ladies to our dress good* deportment. We have added a tine line ol ceahmeewOj, camellettes. silks, satins etc.. whloll-: will be sold on very close margins. H KMBY COLBY. New Furniture 8loret | And Undertaking Rooms just onnt# bv Justin Brotliers, near tiie Popot* McHeniy. We liave on hand, and arf now ready to show you a full lino of First-class Furniture at low ptlcoa. Oue ttock of Cotiins is compieto ami a Hearse furnished at reasonablo See our stock before buying. jiftrnv GASOLINE RANGES, Certainly the flne»t thine in tho mar* sUiJI"" H|,11',!weI'j oaeooT OP TUB C t » I V 1 > I T I O I H E -or- THI FIRST NATIONAL Bill At Woodatock, liiinolgs J Close of Business May i«t *•% BESOVnCSS f.oaas and diseouuts Oventrafts (I.R. Baada to seeare otseelatMn.. V.ft.Bna<lsoa haa<l.......... DM from «pt>roT®<1 reserve agea|s. Ilut from otb*r Kaltuaal Beaks.^.. Keel estate, furniture «wl txtares Prenluai Psiil «... Cheeks sad other east) lteo»........ Kills of ot Her banks ........ fre'l paper cur. nickels A peootee,. Specie liecal teieler note* Rvtleinpiion fuwl with U. TiOfc urer a per rent of cireul«ti«n>-...» Dae mn V. a. Trensnrer ether ttius Spercent.redeenptioa fund Total ~" UABTUTIAA. Capita) sloek paid ia Surplus fund National Bank Note* eutstaa; liwtivHlual <l«|«tll* nljtst t< Uemaad CevtUlnatee of Dae to other Xatiooal «Mk«. ^Patal ...... SWAT* t» ILIINOM V *" MeKtHIT 000«TT. * t. Jpha J; Murphjr, Osshler of IheehWNl - , «« to tne hso#"^ kaowleUge aad belief. tat, »le seleutulji swesr t it of 1 above stateasent Is true to the km 1 - belief. JOHN J. Mtrwtr. Oasfcler. SabMiribeO aa<l sworn to Mwe w tbto •ii Osy of. Mar, (OO. ^ , IHST, H. UDMKUIT, RMIY ! Oerrect Attest ,y. H> oonwAKtw r fc" • *,, il « lo S.A. Mcatnv, Jean J. Mvnvirr, On Real Estate, la lo $10,000. TiweiuiA ptyMsli to suit Iwrrowor. \ JN>«t J. Uvim«

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