Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Jun 1883, p. 1

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• - '• * »• '«•' ' - *' '*• ' •r ̂ it A* ' «.l k.t, < •*?%# • ,V a <•. ppK'\ - ><*% ii '• _ •• • i»'- - "" ** V- ' *'«V* «'??? fell * *"** • , . , --. ». ' > - •-• **" i'« «<V v - ' 1 -i ..... ... ••*-" •< •. aW •*-'• , .. , ,. i »»• X-, .F-o'v'r#: *• • '1*'^' ««? *fr »,i|^ U f * - 1 ' "« v' • - ,- J# \ * M . *• 5'v-n ..*-».?• ̂ |.%;> ;* * Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and « Mo Favors W, SAv-i • •1 no Pear Shall Am." VOL. 8. M'HENRY, ILL! WEDNESDAYS 43, 1883. F. BENNETT, M BUSINESS CARDS. FOR INVESTMENT ge security at cur to the lender, cent. J. W. RANSTEA0, en Block, Elgin, III Soldiers Department. Mil (I rent ntei, Farm MM PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Also United States Examining Surgeon, Riotimond, Illinois MART tt. BARRIAN HAIR WORKER.* AH kn.ds of H«ir Work (toH« In Hrat class sty'e and at reamnaMe prices. Rooms st residence, north­ east corner of Public Square, McHenry. III. CONDUCTED BT DR. S. F. BENNETT JOSEPH N. FREUND. gALOON AND RET A Ull VXT Bonsletfs O old stand, opposite Bishop's Mill. He Henry. 111. The c loicest Wines. Liquors Fresh and Ulnars to be round in the county Oysters in their season served up shape desired or for sale by the Can. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. 0. S. GREEN. RURGKON, trtTKRlVARY V Illinois ANTONY ENGELX, SALOON and Restaurant, Bunk's old stand McHenry. III.--The choicest Kentucky Rlehm Whiskies, «our Mash, wines, Cigars, etc,, always on hand. We buy none but the best, and sell at Reasonable Prices. Fresh Oysters in their season. Sues of S and Goods ot to on the and satisfa Post Office a RICH Farming Toos kinis attended sonabe Terms guaranteed. A. iff. CHURCH, Watohmaker and Jeweler J^O. WS RANDOLPH STREET, (Successor House mo Breach ads, and chean. , „<> » 1•» » • -i,'- -f.-^.. , J**,""'* 1 My* i h - - s * y ' ^ v ^ ' fnHtUhed €••<•? Wednesdar by . SLYKE, Office In Bishop's Bloek, 1 *ERM»OF fltTBSCRIPTIO*. A# Y«ttrHia Advawee) ' >f»t PU4 irit^li'f*»i*B8 Months,.,. SaHwrlotHm wneiMl for thrae • |§slifc* sanin^rroMi^lu ||ate» of Advertiaing. libera' irstes for adTertisint ikt.fcH, and cdeavoi tnstnt« , . that ther will be readily nn- ftHtood. flieyareat follow*: $r* > »nc % Twches one f««r -» - • '-r.fteSi > id 00 • Inches one rear - - -»?o • r #(» If Oolnnia one year. .. •%jt, ....•« ... AO 00 • 3 f)»la*n «ne Toar . • . ;iV^ «•» I Ounts «ns year - - 100 un ' means the measurement of one Itch down the column, single column width. |T«irlr advertisers at the above rates, have JMc privlletfe of changing as often as they (ROOM, without extra chAi-ge. 'Reiralar advertisers (mcnnlnar those havft* Mandinlr cnnlA) will be entitled to insertion of Isica) notices at rate of 5 cents per line each week. All others will he enargen 10cents per Una rtrst week, and 5 cents per line for each f'4|%se4)«ent week. TflMMient advertisements will he cl»ar*e«V rate of m cent* per line, (nonpar«>fl type, «e*Ms.vh(s I* set in) the first issue, snd 5 9lts per line f r subsequent issuer Thus, liicli advertisement will cost fl.oo f>rn»e Jfeek, fl.Sft for two weeks, UN for three Jtheeks, and so on. will he liberal in riving iMltoHal notices, hut, as a linainess rule. It fill require a suitable -fee from cveryliofly •Peeking the ase of its columns for pecuniary gain. BUSINESS CARDS. •*. If. T. BROWX.M.D. f lHYSIOlAN AND SUItG^OV. Office over the Post Offlce, onnosite Perry ft^Martln's ore up stairs, McHenry, 111. i<)|i • ' O. H. PEGEIt . M. D- fiHYfllCl AN AND snRGEON. Johnshurff*^ C 111*.--Olttce hours 8 to 10, A. *. . » O. J. HOWARD, M. D. bHYSlCJAX AND SURGEON. Offlce at hjnr residence, opposite M. B. Church, bHeary. 111.. ^ I j. J. MYERS 'Saloon and Restnu ran^, fU ®tWEMENTof Knhnert's Store. Johns. III. The choicest brands of Wihes. inndCifsra always on hann. Call PRATT HOUSE. 'All fhfit gnu » wnn»S*53Xn«V G^nBarn in connection fTnuconda. 111. m ?: k p • i:p Vhi is I: §. I- te':; - BAltBIAN BKO«. IpiIGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, III. Or- fji de^s solicited. Shn|i, 11 Old McHenrv, lEKoiter Block, two doors west of PLAIN- MFCALKK Office. , RICHARD COMPTON. JUSTICE of the Pe^ceand Oonveyancer.-Wlllitten l nromotlv to the collection of Isbts. Volo, Lake County, III. B. E. RICHARDS. l^AHa complete Abstract ot Titles to land Si tn M HenrvOountv, lll'iois, (Mm with Mmty Clerk, Wo<»istocV, UK E. M. OWEN GENF.RATj Dealer and Manufacturers Agent in Loading Farm Machinery.-- Prices low ami terms favorable. McHenry, ^ E. G.SMITH. MOOT AND SHOE M VKBR. Prompt atten- 15 tlon given to Repairing. Shop in 'Jrttg. jry's Harness Shop, opposite Riverside House, llcitencr, Illinois. E A R O U S ' G E R M A N ' • • • • MOT BTE1S. Manufactured by MARCUS, .*kf V. J -DRALER IN-- lURE WINES, UQUORS AND + CIGARS. Woodstock lite Wfct Tonic in the world. In t and <Juart Bottles. r. MANCUS, MMHM. WELVE REASONS, As< FOR INSURING WITH W-: w. Ot Woodstock:. 111. ' Because he is endorsed by leading bnsi- flfSss men and the press, and particalarly Where best known. '-.1 Because his is the oldest agency in the Montr. f. Because he represents the best line of oempaniee of.any agency in the connty. A Because, with one exception, he repre- •WU^ the oliicst companies in the United t. Because in case of loss he gives his pat- fOn* the benefit of his long experience in se­ curing nn equitable adjustment. #. Because he has always issued full poli­ cies • 7. Because he pays losses on farm property Ij lightning, whether Are ensues or not. tL Because he insures live stock anywhere tgainst lightning. It. Because he insures against tornadoes fejeiones and wind storms. JO. Be>»use you can thns save yourself ftnm disasi ei for a mere trifle. 11. Because you will And him equally as •etive to aid you in getting your money after loes as to secure your patronage for his coui- Mnies. 12, Because every one of the above reasons ean be fully verilled by calling on E. A. Mnr. ahy, B. Sessions, J. W. Milier, from thc-ir own experience, and on the entire circle of hit acquaintances from observation.- In hehalfof theOM Reliable, the Phoenix, •rlmtfcrd, Connecticut, I take great pleas­ ure In returning the thanks of the company to Mrs. L. D, Kellv for her promptness nnd snusual presence of mjnd in extinguishing a 8re at her resilience, kindled from the burn-If of S. A. Murphy's residence on the mom- lag of the ISth Inst.,as by her individual effort properly was saved on which the company Slid » policy of *3,000. ASA W. SMITH. Dragp, Drng.o, Drngs, a lot nn hand, •foeI tooth, and must sell. For sale by te . ™ v.- JESSE A. BALDWfS, IAWYER. Law business in any part ot J th^ state receives prompt "attention. OIBce room 41, Government Building, Chicago, Illinois. DR. C. E. WILLIAMS. r" fAKNTIST. Residence Dundee. Will he at 1J M<-»ien; v. at Parker House, the 19th and SSth of each month. When dates occur Sntnrday or Snnday make my visits on the following Monday. JOH N KLKIKGES. ~ ~r HOUSE Painter, Gralner, Calcimin^r and Paper Hangar. Resilience one (llock West of Riverside House. Work attended to prom ply and on reasonable terms. Horsemen, Attention! all lovers ot fine Horses arc respectfully invited to call at mv farm, half a mile west of McHenry, on the Woodstock rond, and see my line Morgan and Draft Horse*. I have a Perclieron Norman Draft t.Jolt that is hard to -bent. C;ill snd see hitn. 49* N 3 buslne es done on Sunday. N. 8. COLBY. McHenry, May 1st, 1883. Notice 1o tha Public. IHWRbniltashoplnstsoutli of VI. tiw his' on Brick and wood Street, where f HID pi-enared to do all kinds of work in mv line. As I lisive no boys to do mv work, '1 want verv ne:ir wha». It I* worth fur doing it. I do my'work in a raannerjffcit neeils no watching. ^ 7. A. BK1A1B. McHenry, Jan. 9th, 1883. BOBSBT C. 3EH5ETT to E. R. P. Shirley.) Chicagit, III. S|»a cial attention given to reitairlng Fine watch­ es and Chronomc ters. 4STA Full Assortment of Goods In his lis*. Richmond RICHMOND. C. N. CULVER, - - HAYING recently pnrenwted the aWe House, I have i»ut it in thorough repair, with new ftmiituc throughout, and would respectfully invite the patron-ise ot the trar. ellug public and others. The litbles will al­ ways be provided with the best that can lw> procure I, and polite'and attentive waiters will bo in readiness at all times to attend to tli* wants of aruests. No p uns-- will be spsred to make this a First Class llonse. Large - wl commodious l*irns oh the premlaen. F re Omnibus to nnd from all trains. 8i<iaple Rooms on first floor. -BREKDBIl OF FOWLS, RICHMOND, ILL. (FIRST PRKMIVX AT MCHKNRT COL'WTT FAIR ) My fowls are of the celebrated DUKE OF YORK strain, remarkable for their great sir.e and Inying qualities. I can show a trio of last senson's chirks weighing :tl pounds. Eggs, uer setting'if thirteen. #1.5>i, delivered lo purchaser la Richmond. Shipped, securely packed, 10.1* , , ROBERT C R KXXRTT. B. RAINTHORP Rinefwood - - Illinois. people of Rmg'wood aiul vicinity I would respectfully any thai I have opened a store neai* the Depot, where ! will puy the highest market value tor Eggs*,. Butter, and other produce, canh or trude heinpr immaterial to me. I shall keep on hand a select »tock of Groceries and Flour, which with choice brands of < -i- *jars and Tobacco, I am going to sell at prices to defy competition, and though I have met with a much more liberal pntronugc than I had expected, I shall yet hold out inducements calculated to increase my trade and secure a larger custom. B. RAINTHORP. RIKQWOOD, III., June 13th, 18»i WIHETMAH, Proprietor. First class lias, with or without drivers, fiunishc I at rcn>-ouiihlc rales. Teaming ot all kinds done on short notice. Established 1865, '?'B'-Sfb-'J' 0. JOHN STEABA, Formerly of McHenry, Chicago, lias returned lo Woodstock tkM* Woodstoqk, Illinois. And hn* BOW on hand the largest snd hfcs strk of ""M" READY MADE HARNESSES COLLARS, WHIPS, Ac., to l>e found in the » :.pM. WENDELL, CiEPEITEH AHD JOIlifl McHenry, III. Will lake I'ontnu'ts fur putting up Biilldii.^s uiiil >fiiH»MiiH>M mv work will compare with any IIIHII in the Stare, I can and will do work from 15 fo |»er oent cheaper than other tai penfers. HO I have two of my boys who work with me. which tuakes it possible for me, to do so. AH Jobs In the Cnrpente* line promptly attended to. Give me a cull. A. WENDELL. Powder, i _ , tor sale. FMiii All kind* of Sport! AND HEP. A g«ort Breech Gar. wa»rinte«l T Wir.rhesier Rifle, Nickel I' »te«|il f»elf cocking Wri1 A good -single Single Gun, WiWftl. I will undtraa^i Guns sad S •ortlli). good gun i* Wtt!««a I warrant efwpy ING DONE. ing, Doable Barreled 90. el, IS shots, Ctt. .vifllvef.l?.!#, nil Dog t>if tol, A.M. I, Bieceh Loading, I. use ia the county in s. If yon want a to call and see me II. Oioth^ Wringers repaired tnd new Bolls put fm. . Price j»er pair warranted, $2.50. „ j . *:• B. SHERMAN. Woodstoek. July HWIt, 18S2. ECCNOfMY IS WEALTH. Ton can save money by giving your orders to 7. 7T. MEAD, RICHWOWtt. - ILLINOIS, IV J EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Ij*STATE of Josnph Csrr, decensed. Tiro V undersigned hnving lM<en s)ipoiuted Exe­ cutor of the last Will and Testament of Joseph Csrr.dec.e.-ise-Mate of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, herel>v giv.»s notice tim't he will appear before tlie <;ountv Court of Mcliitnry County, at. the Court "House, in Woodstock, at the July Term, on the third Monday in Julv next, at which time all per­ sons having claims ngnin*t said estate are notified andRequested- to attend for (he pur­ pose ot Inving the siinie adjusted. All |>ersons indebted to sai I estxtc nrc requested to make linmediate pnvment to the uinlersigncd. Dated this 81st day <if Mav, A. D, 18-vl. JAMK* M. CARR, Executor. Xm Boaslettr"' Near the Depot, «- MoHBNRY - - - ILLINOIS. Keens constantly on hand the finest btands of Flour and Feed of all kinds, which he will sell at Wholesale or Retail at Bottom Prices. Five diflerent brands of Ftour always* op hand and warranted as represented. Flax Seed Meal Always on Hand WTFIonr delivered any where la the Cor poration. Orders may be given by Postal yard. Box 107, Post Offlce. GIVE ME A CALL. L?B0NSlETf. McHep y. March 8th. 18PI. FLOWERY NEWS To meet the growing demands of my ent flower and plant trade, during the past year, I have enlarged from one to four large green­ houses. Now i am permanently located on North Street, east ot Chnnning. ou a direct line four blocks east of the Fox River RailNad Depot, and the ' Ladies of McHenry, VISITING ELGIN. Will he repaid by a visit to mv new quarters. The prices current this year for most kinds of plants will vary from 6 cents to 30 ccntb each. Monthly Roses, from 15c to 50c eaci^:~« Hardy •« " 35c to 75c Pansiesand Verbenas65c perdoren. s Cabbage Plants, early, 60c per liun. •• " late, 30c per hun, IS per M. Celery 44 S0c. per hun. Tomato *' S(c per hun. it per M. I make a specialty of WEDDING Sc FUNERAL DE8 GNS. And get up work in as good, if not better, nnd twenty-live per cent, cheaner, than Chicago >rices. Having telephonic connection with e'egraph oillce, orders in that way are delivered immediately. B. O'NEIL, Practical Flarirt, ^THE^ SIMPLE 'SEWING MACHIliE CO- CHICAGO, ILL.< •ORANGE, MASS. AND ATLANTA.GA. New Home Sewing Machine Co. 24 State St., Chicago. J: P. SMITH, Agent McHenry. TU, WESTERN NORMAL COLLEGE And Commercial Institute. FIVE ten-weeks terms per ve:>r. KlFTEEN COUR-iK"*:--Teachers', Collegiate, Mod­ ern Language, Commercial, Art, Music, Telegraphic, Phonographic. Penmanship, Elocution, Medical, Engineering. Drawing, Ac. Whole expense for one year. fl-i5 Wes­ tern Normal Lecture Bureau. Western Normal "Advocate." Catalogues and specU men copy of paper FREE. C. L. GREtJORY, Principal, JHishaeU^ lU, . Wagons. Carriages of all descrintiona pairing. Painting, Jcneral Black, smithing, Ac., Ac., Ac. Repalringof plows and all other fhrm lm. plements Is given particular attention. In my manufactures I line on I v the best materi­ al, and, keepine the very best workmen in all departments, I ain enabled to guarantee and warrant all work that goes from my shop, i first class in every particular. SPECIAL GUARANTEE Oft WAGONS. All farm wagons manufactured at my shop are warranted for TIIRKK YKAK8. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS I sell every agricultural implement, inc.lud. ing, especially, Norwegian Walking and Rid. ing Plows, N. C Thompson and Gesley Bros*. Flows and Cultivators, F. It. Manny feeders and Corn Cultivators, the Dowagiac Spring Tooth feeders, the Piano and D. M. Osborne A Co's Harvester and Twine Bin "er, the War. riorand Hopkins' Mower, and ail other first class machines. Warranted first-class or no sale. ISLACKSMITHING of every kind attended to promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. F I N E P A I N T I N G A SPECIALTY. I have engaged I. STILLWELL, the boss ituiliter ot thft Northwest, for one vear. or longer. t«» take charge of ni«- paint shop, which is a sufficient guarantee that all work ot thai kind will be done in the best and most artistic st.v le. It should not be forgotten that I employ J. Repass, wood-workman of twenty vears'"ex. uerience, and I- Howe, carriage 'blacksmith, both ui surpassed as artisans in their line, Finally, come and see me and I will guar sntee satisfaction as to prices and quality of work to all interested. P. IF. MEAD. E. LAWLUS, :|lerehant Tailor, '* * 1 KEEPS ! Foreign and Domestic Cloths. WARRANT8 A FIT, OR ISO SAXK* ALSO CLOTHING, Men's Boys' and Children's sizes, of the best qual­ ity and at Chicago prices. Store opposite Riverside House, ,,-i-vg^lcHeniy - Illinois. Off W. OWEN, ----DEALER IN- ClocMk Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware etc. I keep in stock tlie celebrated Springfield Watch, which is pronounced by all to be the best watch now on the market. Will not be Undersold, On any goods la my US^, .; MoBeary, r«b.», Ml •&M> OWE*. J* _• ' •."^"•*>1,': -i'iv - SKETCHm From a Soldier's Memorandum *•«**«*J«».». •COUT AND CAMP. ^ Wg1 tfie Summer of command were excessively hard worked There were few Idlers in the Gnlf De­ partment that wore the blue. The sick list was enormous, the ratio or slek and well being at times nearly equal, and « sort of relaxation of muscular power was the (om|ilaliit of all. Mercury •Hen stood at 115 In Mw shade, and It »#was a common thing to see soldiers prosttated with sun stroke as late at six o'clock p. m. The heaviest duty was performed by night, and the stone- paved streets of the Creseut City echoed and re>echoed during tlie hours of night to tlie tramp of marching men. The rations Issued were *iifficlent In quantity, but for various causes the quality was bad. An occasional meal of desslcated potatoes did not suffice as a substitute for the original article, and potatoes and onions were only to be had oy paying one shilling per pound: butter *1 a pouud. and eggs #1 »o 91.60 per dozen. Meals at the St. Charles'lio>l were 916 each. Citixen*. hn£gard and starving, begged food from tlie soldiers, and for several weeks one ration of hard bread per day was Issued by the government to thousands of the destitute. To witness the b?g. gnrly misery of helpless women and children as tliey gathered under the folds of the old flag waiting for tol- diere'bread was a sorry sight that I hope not again to witness. By the established rules for Issuing rations to the needy, each member of the family must be present and receive the food In their own hands. Mothers, (how­ ever) could draw a full ration for a l»abe, but the little one must bo present at tlie time and plaoe of distribution. On one sultry, sickly morning an Irish mother, pale, sad and weeping, pre­ sented herself with a babe in her arms at tlie door of the commissaries build­ ing and asked for two ration*. There was a something about Iter to give way and the mother had little ilittlculty in reaching the head of tiie seething crowd, but there the guards hesitated and seemed to shrink away from tlie pif.e woman with the babe In her arms. There was a stench as from a decomposing corpse, and when the woman *as required to show the face of her child the rotting flesh of the lead child cleaved from the cheek. It had been dead two days. The two ra­ tions were given her. and in addition a sentinel gave his own, Tlie child was hurriedly takon away for burial. This is not an extreme illustration of the winding ways resorted to for the pur­ pose of alleviating the terriblo distress of pinching hunger. In the month of July.1868,scouting parties were frequently sent out from New Orleans and Baton Rouge for varlAtts purposes (some of them wild and visionary) often, however. Involv­ ing very important consequence. These detachments, always small, were carefully selected from among the best rlflemeu. and men of tried metal, and their experiences and adventures if carefully ant! truthfully written would eclipse (he romance ot border histories. For hazardous adventure and soldierly bearing under the most trying circum­ stances they were certainly entitled to a high standard of merit. But like paltering rain-drops preceding a storm these assorted deeds of heroism, tor­ ture, success, or adventure are lost and forgotten, and whatever may havo been their Incentive, loss or gain, the scattered graves unmarked and all un­ known yet contain as lie role dust as ever trod a battle plain. On one oc casion a detail of twenty soldiers was called for. They were out three days and within the time enptnred more than 100 confederates, routed a home guard of about 40 men and captured a town of some 300 inhabitants. They destroyed a newspaper printing offlce. spiked two cannon and captured a con­ federate flag. But there wits a ridicu­ lous part to this scouting adventure which I will here relate. Qno brava fellow drank excessively of Blackberry wine, and as the occasion was Fourth of July, he mounted a hogshead and at once began a most Impressive and beautiful oration. (Strange how some men's ideas are sharpened by the ar­ dent). Comrades protested that they could not tarry, that moments were precious; but the orator talked on. The head of the hogshead shortly gave way, but (right side up) the speaker struck terra flrma. Not a sentence was lost, but witli arms uplifted to high heaven bis exalted eloquence at this stage far exceeded his ^gh-toned beginning. In a few moments there was a rattle of musketry and tlie soldiers were warmlv engaged (save only our Webster.) who persisted in electrifying an Imaginary Itliitieiice gathered from the evergreen hills of pence. Scarcely a year later the hero ot Independence dsy fell In battle pierced by a score of bullets. Saillv we lifted him from among the worindf d, and in the light of the stars, be a rock in a wild ravine, we buried our comrade. His dirge was the roaring cannon, and a soldiers* blanket his apRING GROVE. EDITOR PIAINDKALKR -The farmers aiound here have nearly completed their Spring's work. Joseph West lake Is on tlie sick list. Mrs, Kobt. Tweed, Jr„ has be?ti visit- Ing her parents |« Ringwood the past week. The black horse and carriage crossed Kilbonrne's bridge Sunday evening. James Nlslp, Jr., Is the boss Asherman. Re caught a redhorse that weighed fifteen pounds. Mrs. Getbed and son Johnnie made their friends In this place a short visit last week. Our school was made happy a short time ago by a visit from their former teacher, J.. A. Connell. Come again Johnnie, wo are always glad to see you. Mrs. Nellie Hodman has been very slek, but at this writing shs Is on the gain. The flnect lot of fish of the season was caught by Clias. Andrews a few evenings ago, weighing from seven to ten pounds each. Wm. Wray Is very sick and under the doctor's care at tlie present writing, but It is hoped ho will soon recover and be aroond again. House cleaning Is nearly completed In this place and all the men are happy. They say they can get their meals* regular, and when they want to smoke they don't have to hunt all over the door yard for their pipe and tobacco; and when they get ready for cliureh and go to A id their plug hat they don't get it tinder the bed with the old cat and kittens In It. Quite a startling event took place in this village on Thursday last. Mr. Hop­ kins and a hoy from Hebron cam* here to fish. When they started home they slopped at the cheese Atctory to water their horse. Tlie horse wonld'nt drink with the bits In his month, and Mr. H. went to take the bridle oil and just as he removed It the horse lit out for all he was worth, with the boy in the buggy. Mr. H. tried to hold him bat was thrown down and badly hart. Tbe horse ran a short way west of the fac­ tory and turned down a steep bank into tlie ereek, with the boy still in the kaggy. Tlie boy being unable to swim had sunk twice before rescued. The horse swam a short dletauM down tlie per, lodging aad and a tea*, 'aj&f T night. Cwt* dealing with do Jnst as Well; they are acqaals reliable. be seen but his head. In straggling he brrke some part of the harness which let It all oft him and li« got free and swam to shore. The harness and buggy was seonred with no serious damage done to either. One of our yonng lads went fishing the other evening. While standing on the bank It gave way with him. and a bigger Ash was never seen In the Nip- persink than there was for a little while. When struggling to get out more of the hank fell on him and he had to paddle out as best he could. Remember Harvey, always look before you step. Of IstsrsM te Cfcssss SLOIR, III., Jnne A a Mr. Manh,of the flnweM A Co.. of Little 1C, Elgin to eoaenCt'ttlifcriiioV^ men relative to the paymci on vheese bandages ami which a patent w»Nme#ii^ Andrew a nnmher of which patent Is Mm owWNf Sb Co. They claim that t! bandaging cheese Is what covers, and that hi favorable decision In Circuit Court In Wisconriftii everywhere will have to royalty. They claim |4 fo hoop and 91.80 for* the si and. if 1 mistake not, SOe for used;a!*«a tax ot 60c per each year they have been in nse. scheme, if It works, will take any< from 935,000 to 950,000 ont pockets of the factory n»n of and presumably as much. If m from Wisconsin, where they are up quite rapidly. The llliu men cl' im that they are If the matter has to be test|i them are willing to try a! before paying the claims, 4W§ patentee* will don hi less vMt cality and hold auother conference the factory men. ¥----ss=s®Httsaae» 19" An old Bostoalan < hie visits to Washington ago relates the following tlie U. 8. Supreme Court: tlon to go to Washington Story did not laaply aap j tent Ion aftfer we he was careful to pofat--awt» celved it. "The fleet do very little for you tl judges take no part tn tl the plaoe. We dlao the President, and that Ita^ l days we take our dianor discuss at the table the quel aro argued before us. Wa asetive, aad SOLO* MILLS EDITOR PLAIN DEALER:--Our Snnday School is again In working order. Our carpenters aro all busy with work this season. Our day school Is In a prosperous con­ dition. with Mr. Wire as teacher. Our baker still holt's forth on the cor­ ner and seems te be doing well. Miss Sarah Hodge is still In the dressmaking business, and It is to be hoped she will be patronised by all the ladles of this ulcinity. Mr. Robert Gardner has been In Chicago three times this season, pnr- chasing goods, which looks like pros­ perity In the mercantile lino. Good (or the Nimble Nickel Store of Solon We are glad to note that Ed Robbins is getting better out in Dakota. We hope he will come bade In the fall as fleshy and well as ever. Mrs, J. P. Ransom has been here visit­ ing old friends and looking after her property, which is very much run down Siie does not intend to make auy re­ pairs, as it is for sale. Tlie Robbins girls have left Solon, their old home, and gone to Dakota where Walter awaits them on an im­ proved farm he purchased this spring. G. W. Truesdell says he will not build another house for some one to buru down for him. He says a bole In the ground with a oover over It Is good enotigii for him. He may change his iiilnd before winter. Miss Mary Hodge and Miss Mary Keller make their weekly visits here giving inusic lessons. We are glad te see the iuterest In music kept up here. H. E. Turner has returned from Da kota looking hale and hearty. He oeca- pies his old place In the Grange Store, which he had partially agreed to do before ha wont away to aee a little of the world. Will Hornby has been quite sick with an abeess on his left side. He is past the worst and will ready for work again. A man by the name of Tonng. who lives away beyond Hebron,bought sixty sheep of one of our farmers at four dt»Y- lars a head. Through some misunder­ standing and in the absence of the farmer he got sheep that were worth Ave dollars per head. Not satisSed with that he tried to bribe the hired man to pick ont the best sheep for him, but could not. snd then would not |»av the ladv nf ilia hmia* 1 hrofl ilnllara fn> tniu W * 'WIT* "I1 " f aotof mortification placed too severe a iipt credulity, and presently < I say about wlno. sir, rule, but it sometii Chief Justice will say to me cloth Is removed, 'Brother StasjMMOp to the window and see If it <|M« not look like rain/ And If I tell Mot that the sun is shining brightly, Jl shall will soineti mea roplft be tier for our jorlsdl«t!«MM so large a territory that the doeferioe of chances make it eertaln that ttlmt be raining somewhere and tjt iril! het., safe to take something.*" -Jesse FsMnr, the'eap^sMMiml. A reporter in Concord,Mas«L ftpmt* ly visited the prison In which Jesse Poracroy is confined. The boy has reached man's stature now. Under,th#» condition of his sentence he I# kept tn solitary confinement. He has no Inter­ course whatever with the otherprt*A»- ers and the visitor was not peii|itto4 to speak to him. Solitary e*afla«i)»eat iti bis case does not mean the alter cheerless existence that one would Imagine. Pomeroy. it le snt*> has de­ veloped Into a yomig man af HMM* than ordinary Intellect, tlioughtfMnesa aa4 reasoning powers, (fo Is allowed t* have all the books he wants, and with these companions his mental life I* not wholly devoid of comfort. 8laea ho has been in prison he has etHptlred en­ ough knowledge of several langwagoa to read them well. His cell is spadoaa and well lighted and ventilated. Tonng Pomeroy remains to-day what hta crimes showed him to be In his boy­ hood--an abnormal character. While more Intelligent and Intellectual than the average, lie la destitute of all moral nature, and hasn't the sllghte*|;.|jMK. ception of the enormity of tfco fttis by which he took the lives of several llttlo children. * i '•3 1^ Judge Moran of the Clrcnlt Own I has entered a decree in the case of ihs Novelty Manufacturing against the manufactnrera Association. This was a bill Mtdt* restrain the negotiation amt eoaspel the return of four notes aagWgSihsg 910,600. given as penalty note# to setftro the performance by the nemhera of th« defendant company, an association sf barb wire manufacturer*,of tha agrse- ments made by tliem. The der.t of th? defendants compOXtjrl* Aaron K. stiles and its Secretary la Charlie O. Collins. The decree find* that the penalty i to tea were given wltli out valuable consideration, ami am void. That the objectot the rieftMUknt, company was to maintain a anlierm price fsr barb wire In the UnHn|!j|ai»o and that such would create a'#at monopoly, and thevwfero w»t eaftlterjr t«» public policy. In rswrhwiwa the Court declares all th* ot^eete as^ajBRro* moots for which the aattlailss Wan formed to he Illegal and rsid--litr OeMS. Genuine Moth Proof Pape-. for pal* ling under carpets. Warranted. At fiM-, V to*. J} ^2. J tu, -*4*. 4*en »* < 4 tii'3 •A ' ^ - *• rakiV* .. %t ti % A . . . i - - • .t f r r . t , . • a . - . .,1 t . - i •

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