Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Jun 1883, p. 5

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$p , : r" I • . msm "W? '. . tr %J WEDNESDAY, JUNE IS. 1883, i II ' ' -- Railroad Time Table. eottfOSOVTe. sva TJtke Pa»a<Si»*er .,., 1™ *;,* V4k« txwM* Tj*k« ri*l|rtift ......--!:•« e. * Cheat Sxprees... ...........5:13 OLLFU VOBTB. . §eae*a T.ake rrctaht ®:£A\* x|«MRih(Mt KtcpraM ..tons •• Uk« ~wn |<Hn Uk« Fassearer .*:& *.* Bras, Aseat. $$.•• Mclfeary, III a* ?t Mmvio MctlaweY TX>W>K. Sft MM F. »n4 A. *.-- jtefnltr CmmuntotlMt UM MturAar on or •:lefcr» the fnfl of the moon and wry two iffreeks thereafter. „ CHAS. C. OotBT, W. M. Xomr OHnrrw tfo. S( R. A. M --Warn. r CADvaentlonii h«M on the •enond nod fourth rid a* • in each moneh. K. V. Afmausnw.ll. P. : Special Announcement. | We take ptniuuin In announcing that H§ve have made arrangements with the fiublishers of the American farmer Which enables lift to furnish that ma;«< fine as a Premium to onr subscribers. : The American fhrmer. a sixteen page Ittontlily Farm Magazine, will be sent ffree for one yealr to all our subscribers |rho will pay their subscription to the I'LMNDRALBR one year In advance, ^jrhis means just what It says--the American Firmer one year for not hi nr. Sample ooples eati be Men at this office. RRMRMBKR the Basket Social at the •|Rlversldo Hall, on Friday evening of #ext week, the 22d. *\ RKAV» the new advertisement of O. If. Morey, Insurance agent, to be found tflsewliere in this paper. c 1 HRK the new advertisement of 4th of July celebration at .Tohnshurg. which ;||an b^iouml in another column. Rev. Orover Clark.of Richmond, will Occupy the pttlplt next 3ahbatliat the ^lethodlst church, both here 4nd at Itiugwood. [ PRESIDENT JULIUS H. SEKLYK IS to discuss "Dynamite tot a Factor In Civil­ isation." in the July number of the |&6rth American Review. Tfttt attention of our readers Is called to the^Mlvertlsement of the Redd? Oil $tov«. for sale by E. M. Howe, whlej •Can be fouiul In another column. wliicp "• / e Jfrick it)nis of the workmen In the rard had his leg broken one day'last (reek, by the clay pit caving in upon liim. ..V WK learn that« Picnic for the beneitt *»f the German School of this village, '1*111 he held In Wheeler's woods on th« 4th of July, Full particuUri next week. THK Ladle# of the <• CeauMery Aid Socletv will meet at the residence of iMrs. .Fulla Storv. on Thursday after­ noon of this week, at 4 o'clock. All art firgently requested to be present. DID J-MI ever think what von would «fo If yuu had Vanderbllt's Income? •-Ex. Well. no; hat we have often won. tiered what Vanderbllt would do if he ti&dour Income. BONSI.KTT has removed Ma flour and feed store to the new building of Fltzslmmons ft Evanson's here his customers and the rgenerally can hereafter flud him. THR Ladle*' Literary Society held a meeting on Friday 1a«t* at the resi­ dence •< Mrs, J. 1. Storv. and during = the afternoon were treated to a sere- tiade, for which they wish us to return thanks. The musio was very fine and «ras highly enjoyed by all present. TICKETS have been Issned for a Fourth ,(Of July Party, at the Parker House, iii this village, which will take place on Wednesday evening. J*riy 4th. 8evetj» ance & W illiams' Band, of Mllwankerl <vlll furnish the miitfe and a good time •nay be expected. I 1 MARTIM COLE, who live* two miles .north of Johnsburgh. left on our tahle three hen's eggs tfjot weighed ten end ;#ne-half ounces. They were certainly large enes, but Mr. C<«le says they are only the CQKtmow kitftrf produced by his liens. Miss BCLLI COLBY was visiting with friends at Clifton, III., last week. MRS. J. A. GOING and daughter'spent Saturdaj and Sumlay at Delevxn, Wis, MRS. GEO. OWEN sfient Saturday and Sunday with frleuds In Elgin. MRS. ALLIEN WALSH and daughter, lias been visiting frieuds at Delevan^ Wls„ the past week.' CHAS. W. SLAFTER, an emf loyee of this office, is wrestling with the nea- stes this week. Miss ETTA ROSENBERORR started on Thurs^sy for Red Wing, Miunn to visit with friends iu that place. Miss CLARA B. OWEN arrived home from New Yortt list week. She will spend the Bummer here, returning to New York in the Fall. . Miss KITTIE LCMLKT, of Ringwood, spent last week it Champaign, 111., re­ turning home on Saturday. She was accompanied home by her brother, Clinton Lumley., who has been attend­ ing school at Champaign for the pfut two years. - THR Summer meeting of the Wood­ stock Driving Park Association prom­ ises to be a very interesting one for all lovers of line horses. The purses are liberal and some fast steppers have already signified their Intention of being present. It takeis place on the Fair Grounds at Woodsttu-k on July 3d, 4th. 5th and 6th, and should the weather prove good we predict a out. ' THE Ladles of the Cemetery Aid Society will hold a Basket Social, at the Riverside Hall, on Frit'»y evening of next week, June 22d. The price nf admission for gentleireh will be 25 cents, which entitles them to a Basket or Supper, as the v may choose. Ladies with Baskets, free. Ladi«*s without. Baskets, 10 cents. The Soeiety w»«»d more money to put the Cemetery iu proper shape, and it is hoped that all our cltlsens will turn out on this occa­ sion aud give them a benefit. THK Woodstock Democrat of la*t week, taking pattern after the Sentinel, reiterates that stale old lie, and winds up by saying we are to have a new press to console us In our wicked ways. John, as usual when you follow the lead of that pretended Mrs. Caldwell Christian, you are wrong.' We always keep sober when we go to Chicago, and consequently have had no fines to pay and therefore we are able to buy our own press. ARRANGEMENTS have been made with the editor ef this paper whereby stu« Oents can, at any time, enter the West­ ern Normal College and Commercial Institute at one-tlilrd the cost of any other school. This school is pixel ng a first-class education within reau:i «f every one, be lie old or young, rich or poor, ^ny one eMtt*wActing attend- In school woiijil wiwnW'i'ii 11 at tliTi*" office before deciding wliK0 »o attend. See advertisement In this f#ne. JAMES B. PERKY, .. received Wis commission as Postm ister of MeRciijry ast week, attd on. Monday moved the ffice back to its old quarters In tf»e center part of the village. It WHS hoped and expected that after the re­ port of the Inspector, who was senj^ here by the department, the long hitter contest wfculd be"*<ended. hut from minors in circulation )t lonks as \y such was not to l*e tiie case.^ We shall therefore withhold further re* m*rks on the subjects until mother THE Annual Fourth of July Party, at 'the Riverside House, in this village, will take place on the evening of the ,St\. Anderson's Quadrille Band, of Janesvllle. will furnl«h the music, and all may rest assured of a good time. Tickets will be issued this week. SUBJECT at the tJniversallst church next Sunday moraing: "Does Charac­ ter change after Death?" At S JO In the afternooirthe children of the Sun- day School will give a concert. A col­ lection will be taken at the doer far •be benefit of the organ fund. ' THR little chipping bird, one of our Sweetest singers and the most friendly *>f all birds, has been almost extermin­ ated by the fighting English sparrow. This is one of the i&any sins of the for­ eign pest. The question Mwhat shall be doee with the sparrowV invites eplutlon. REKBHBKR that B r«w egg wlH dear your throat of Ash bones. Pnt one in a little hot wine and some sugar, and the flsh bones will slip down all the r'"' easier. P. S.--You can take the egg. ^ jgwlneand eugar anyhow. They are good as a preventive, and yon don't know what moment you may get a flsli • bone in your throat. Br reference to the Railroad time . n Table, which can be found at the head of this column. It will be seen that a slight change has beeiv, made in the running time of trains, wtilch the t#av- veltii£ public will do well to note. The . ^Steamboat Express has also been put '• on. passing this Station as , follows: Going North, 10A) A.go'BgS^wVh. 5:15 P. li. :*• week. J^rav. wind and liail stor^il or Monday evening made things rather lively on the fnrtn of Wm. Ifenaelly, about tlire«« miles jRtnth of this village. One half of his house ^vas unroofpik hi* ham moved •'ight inches on Its foundation, one cow killed, tore up the trees in his orchard, carrying them full thirty ro-ls away, oak grubs wefo torn up and blown away, etc. It was evidently the tail end of a cyclone, aud Mr.' Kenullv is extremely glad he did not see the head. These thiugsare getting a lit­ tle tob numerous And familiar in this iectioij THE Harvard Independent sliwws up the rubber stamp; fraud hi the foI low- in ̂ manner: "A rubber stamp roan was doing our town last Tuesday and Wednesday. These fellows are swin­ dlers and liars. We heard this feMow tell a business man h^eetild furnish him a stamp for less than it would cost him to print 500 canto. When asked the cost of the stamp and 500 cards printed, it was clearly demonstrated that lie was selling goods under mis­ representations. He was selling stamps for 92.50 to 93.00, and we will print one thousand cards for that amount, which, when printed, will give tlte merchant the appearance of a business man. Instead of one wasting his time In making a botch job of stamping. No business mau can afford to give his business away by the use of a rubber stamp, when he can procure first clats printing for a little more than the raw goods will cost him." MMS ANNIE AN PRCS AT KINGWOOtt. Friday, June 22. Miss Andrus. late of New York State, will give a Reading At the M. E. Church at Ringwood one week from Friday evening. Miss An- drus is a fine Elocutionist, and none who enjoy a fine eir.ertaiunient should fail of hearing her. We take the fol­ lowing from the Rochester Express: "The entertainment last evening, given by the "Wilbor OluU" »rove<i a goo'l mi«cei»». Miss AnUrua rc»<t in ft «tj*le very «£ the ear. We believe that her "MoLalnij HliiM" and Boy" eon Id not be Improve'! upon. Uer humorous pieces kept the audi, ence in good cv oer." A correspondent from Bfishnell's Basin in the Rochester Democrat and Chroncle, says: "Of all the entertainments there are rone so picaaing nnd enjovable as a Reading, espect. allv iftttte uf the simple natural style that only A true artist can give. Such was the entertainment Miss A minis gave Monilav evening. Her three best, "MeLain's Chilil, "Child Lost," and the "Blind Boy," were in­ deed fine. Her humorous pieces were w.ell PLAINDBALER :--The Senttnd sperffcs. and lo, poor little Charlie, the Sentinel despised ' little cuss," how he does catch It! uThere is hope of a tree if It be cut down, that it will sprout again." But we had giv?n up all hope that the 300-pound editor ever would show any signs of life. In this, how­ ever, we were mistake^, MTh» little cuss** seems to have bearded the Doug­ lass in his hall, the lion in his den, and the result Is there is mere life in the latt issue of the Sentinet than In all the Issues preceding for many years. There is Indeed hope that the "leading news­ paper of the county** U convalesant. Yet It does not seem to have entirely come out of Its comatose state, as it seems to see double, and miscalls ob­ jects with which It ought to be famil­ iar. Now the "little cuss" seems per­ fectly competent to bold his own with the Sentinel in this war of words, as long as truth Is made the basis of asser­ tions, nevertheless sometimes false statements are taken tor truth unless the psrty against whom they are made can show the preponderance of testi­ mony that such false statements have no foundation in truth. As beth the Sentinel and Independent make the utterance that they .dislike newspaper controversy, so say we, but sometimes justice requires that we give in our testimony, though not the most pleas­ ant task. The Sentinel says of Charley that at Charley's examination his stand­ ing was less than teu. Now we claim to have seen a report of that examina­ tion, and InsteAd of being less than teu it stands correct at 86. But why should such ponderous weight as Is claimed tor the Sentinel be so anxious to demolish such % diminutive "little cuss" as the Sentinel labors lo make Charley out to be. Not withstanding the boasted superiority uf the Sentinel it seems to realize the fact that "nothing is. so small hut It has some means of defense" aud burring the diflere'iiTe In avoirdu­ pois the "little cuss" seems to"hold the fort'* iu the controversy. Marengo, 111, Jnnedth, l*KL li' WHMOOUBK EDITOR PLAINOKALKR.--Two Nieces of Mrs. Wyiiian, tram- Chicago are visiting her. Mr. and Mrs. Rollln Trumbull are visiting iu Waucouda. Mr. 4c Mrs. Andrew Oaks are visiting friends In Iowa. ' Dr. Butterfleld. npparently|lmproved iu hralth, ha« returned from the so.ith eastern country, where he spent the winter, lie is living at present with 7. R. Wells Miss Ethel Blstherwlck hat returned from Chicago. J. F. Rooney has bought* out Mr. Lamphere's meat market, and uow has a monopoly of the business, Fred Swinson will start a peddling wagon soon, receiving goods from the store of McAndrews &> Jeuks. A little prince arrived at T. King's Weight not yet reported. The Good Templars lc« Cretin and Strawberry Festival postponed Friday evening on account of the storm was lield Saturday evening. We are unin­ formed as to the success. Fred Ken- dricks of Barriugton graced tl)j» occa­ sion with his presence. Great Eastern OlrdtiNfc1 The Great Eastern Circus is adver­ tised to give tno performances in this village, on Thursdny. Jrtne 21st. after­ noon and' evening. Atlne Circus, a good show nf Animals, and a Balloon Ascen­ sion bHore the performance are some of the at tract Ions advertised. A Western exchange speaks of thera as follows: • We had the pleasure of witnessing this week*, the exhibition of the Great Ka«tcrM Circus, which lias been per­ forming iu this oiiy. Seldom, if ever, hav* we witnessed such wonderful feats in tumbling, leaping, etc. Ilowitt. Donaldson, Carter. Doty and Water- gren are a full team. The contortion­ ist, Frank Donaldson, is the wonder of the nineteenth century. The eafy manner in which Matthews acted upon the slack rop<> proved liim to lie an old hand at. the business. The entire pro­ gramme was enjoyed, and all who went appeared to be ph>ased. See their big posters awL come out and see tiie big show. See advertise­ ment In another column. BU8CEY A WAL8H<. . Would respectfully Inform the jffflv lie that they have removed their Pho­ tographic Tent from McHenry to Nunda, where they are now ready to take first class Pictures at the follow­ ing low rates. ^ Cabinets, 92 per dozen. Card Photos ....... .tlAO per dozen Tin Types.. 4 for 50 centfr. We will turnout nothing but first class work, and i»vite the public to call and examine specimens at on? Tent. All work warranted satisfactory. To the citizens of McHenry we wish to say we shall return to your village on or about September 1st and remain during the Winter, and hope to merit your patronage in the future as in the Buscar A WALSR Dated Jaae Kth, MW. FARMERS. You can find the following first class Corn Cultivators at E. M. Owen A son's: Standard. Climax, Bert rand & Sanies. Case. Graiiiietour, New Norwe­ gian. Knowlton. Monitor anil Furst A Bradley, which we will sell lower tl)*n any other house In either county. Bakery Supplies* M. Engeln. at his store a few doors north of the Riverside House, has made arrangements to supply his customers and the public generally, with fresh Bakers' Supplies of all kinds, from Miller's celebrated Bakery. Woodstock Fresh Bread, Biscuit, Cakes, Pies, etc., can he found at his store at all times, and he respectfully invites the public to give him a call. He Also keeps on hand Chick's and Spencer's Flour, which will compare with' any to be found In the market. Give me a call j(. B*gklw.' McHenry, May 8tb, Wt EDITOR |̂YIRII|IA||IIT -̂I once more ask p^rmle«MlSlB*^Widtovself againn a frlanderoes ahd lying article which appeared in the Woodstock Sentinel of last week. This article was aho written by that prince of humbugs and frauds who signs his name on the hotel regis­ ters Genera! (?) John M. Southworth. than whom A more unscrupulous ntls- creaut does not exist, if I except one who signs his the same wherever he is not known, with the exception that he prefaces his with Col. ( f) G. S. It will be noticed that there was no attempt made to refute my statement which appeared In the PLAINDEALER of the 31st ult., but a wliogs column of un­ mitigated falseliootlwiri^ hurled at the editor of the Harflrrt Independent, who had dared to defend me against their former scandalous attack. I think it safe to state 'list I convinced every fair minded reader of the PLAINDKALER that their charges tha^ I had been re­ moved from the Railway Mail Service were false and malicious. I have In my possession a letter signed by W. B. Thompson. General Superintendent of Railway Mail Service,^that will settle the matter to the entire satisfaction for dissatisfaction) of Mr. Southworth, if he will take the trouble to call on me. The Sentinel says that on my second examination, the last, I did not reach teu per cent, while Kite standard la ninety. I have a report of my second examination in my possession (which Is at the service of Mr. Southworth at any time) signed by J. A. Montgomery* Examining Clerk, which states that my percentage correct was 88. What do the people of McHenry County think of a mau who deliberately makes Mich a slanderous aud unfounded statement? The Sentinel says: Again the Independent knows, or ought to at lenst, that those employees who nre dis­ charged for some criminal offence, are the only ones "delmrrcd the privilege of entering a mail oar or tne inside or a post ofBce." I proved the falsity Of the above In my former statement by quoting Gen- eial Order No. 20, which plainly says: ' "Any person who has been discharged from the service for any MUM H-Mever must not be employed MS substitute or in any capacity, nor must Tie he allowed to eater or ride In any office whatever." Once more I qnote the man who has no regard for the truth of Ills state- ments: The /ttdqmHMjnlnlnly shows its ignoranco in regard to the R. M. service in saying that Mr. Curtis made hut two errors during his term of office, an examination of the record of the clerks in the Hi nth Division wilt show that ttie most efficient aiHl liest Informed clerks excce<l the number mentioned monthlv by at least ten times. But. what does Hie Iniitpend­ ente, all an error? Is Itan error Kjmply to seize a pouch of mail containing from four to live thou sum I letters, plainly labelled for Its des­ tined route, and thmr it^yhe car o«e hun­ dred ami fifty milMj;#hO|jRW its destination, thereby delaying every*: Nfiir in the pouch t wen t y - foil r hoara M.wwfof ' Such things are not no'led in the 'AMJriee As errors butare railed "bulls," notptMlB repeated. 1 never Vid claim to be the i«Mt efficient or best Informed clerk In the Sixth Division, but I defy tits writer of the above to show that th«*re were ever more than two errors recorded against me while I was In the service troip tlij^wt rk is noti- he-'fs charged befom it is recorded. In re­ gard to throwing of! a pouch before It reached its destination It wllt^ be noticed that the Sentint.l does not state that I ever committed such a "btdl," hut leaves its readers to Infer that 1 did. Now if any person will show by any record or by any man that 1 ever ran with that I ever made such a blun­ der I will acknowledge that tlie Sentinel man Is not the greatest liar unhung. The insinuation Is as false ss the bal­ ance of the statement published by this vile hypocrite who pretends to be a christian, felnce my resignation I have learned nf lih attempt made by that bluod-sucking horde, headed by Gard Southworth, to esuse my removal, but wheu my friends (during my absence) called the attention of the proper authorities to the matter the little game of this perfidious crew WAS im­ mediately nipped in the bud. On this subject the Sentinel says: The editor of the Ptentinet never has dlreetly or indirectly n*ed his influence to get Mr. Curtis removed from the position, nor has he ever recommended or suggested the name of Mny man for the place. The idea of the "editor" having any influence; a man who secured his recent re-appolutment as postmaster by the basest fraud And deception. This man who secured names to his petition by stating (when asked) tlmt there was no other candidate, the falsity of which he well knew at tiie time. The truth of the a ho ye was verified by the with­ drawal of many names secured In that manner, those withdrawing making voluntary statements to that effect, which statements are n^w on file at Washington and are now on record In this city and can be p^duced at any moment. And this pwd will also show that 525 other patVpMkot the office withdrew their nnmesfram his petition stating their reasons letters for so doing. This alleged* Christian, who entered saloons in tlile cl^ty asking those present up to ,the bar and treating them to what they called for and then presenting his petition for their names. We would a?Mln ask the .people of Mc­ Henry County if stich a ,lrnati*s word is entitled to the least particle of credit P ? Respectfully yours, C'llAKlKS L.OUBTI* Woodstock. III., June 11. ISM. Please remember our prices are, ..w-. ..uv. .... , . ways as low as the lowest. chosen and plesned the audience very much." gtanj ready at all tlntef to meet Airy Look out for projfftuuM*# | cowpAUttoo* ADMISSION 15 CENU^ < 0BXRT CoL*T, House and Lot for Sale. I offer for sale my House and Lot, situated in the village of McHenry. on the West Side. The house is nearly new, is III first class repair, newly painted both inside and out. and is one of the most desirable residences in the 7illage. Good barn and out houses on the premises. Will be sold reasonable if applied for at once. For full par­ ticulars inquire of F. K, Granger, at Mclleury. . E. v. AXDBBSOV. M. D. McHenry, Jne W]h, ISM. CUCUMBER IIED. The later the season tlffc more Impor­ tant It becomes that good- seed Is used. We have the best there Is. It has been tested and,is pie to grow. It was ^raised by Mrr'Buckland, of Rlr.gwood. d Is the best kind. Get your seed u and so be sni%of ft. and r.ot have take poor stuff when the good is gone. ; PERRY A OWEN. A four drawer, black-waluut bureau !w #7.60, at J,J*. mal^W| ....' . " & • " MAFTENGO. EDITOR PL«INDEALER:--J. A. Read Is potting a bay window In the home he purchased of Reuben Wager, and otherwise fixing up and remodeling the same. What does it all mean? Mrs. Peterson has commeuced one of the two house* which she hat been ttt* tending to build. S. A. Crissy lost, a valuable horse last Friday. He had bought her but re-, centlv to match his other black,-- It Is viry easy to loee t200 In this way. Our board of school directors refused All proposals offered for bullying the school house, and new proposals are now In order. The board is awake and proposals must be reasonable or they will be set aside every time. We notice that the Sentinel and /nde- pendent are having some fun alt to themselves, and we see by a recent issue that the Sentinel Is willing to abide the result aud see who will first hang their heads In shaiueu Now, Mr. PLAINDKALER. If there Is to be a hang­ ing of any kind we would like to have a bund in, Tiie Sentinel has evidently got Its foot in. and if by som> misman­ agement It should get its neck In, just toss the end of the rope over this way. we are good on the pull. Mrs. Carmlchael died last Thnrsday at her residence on East Washington Street. Funeral services were held on Saturday. Mr. Chas. Tuttle, of Coral, And Miss A«la Maries, of Blare.igo, were married by J. A. Reeves, at Belvidere, III., on Tuesday, June 5tli, 1883, Another of Marengo's fair ones has been captured, and the lisppy couple have gone forth on life's way Ml of hope and the pros­ pects of a bright future before them. A host of friends join In hearty congratu­ lations and wish them every joy as they journey along the new way that has opened to them. VOLO. EDITOR PLAINDEALRR:--James Orvls Day died at the residence of George Wait, In the town of Grant, on the 6th iust.„ of general debility and Inflamma tlon of the bowels. Deceased was about 54 3-ears old. The remains were sent to Wankegan for interment, .Wheat,oats and hay. for the time of year, are remarkably good. But It's tno early to even conJec;nre what corn will do. Farmers have had more poor seed corn to coutend with than ever before lint 'about all ascertained the fact In time to remedy the evil, bnt at much vexatious trouble and expenso. Fruit, from observation and many inquiries in western Lake Co.. prospects were never so slim. There were just a very few cherries, but grape vines will be heavily ladened with choice fruit; and as for apples, I have heard of A few blossoms on Tower's farm. Grapes are the coining fruit. The Concords are liardy, heavy hearer*, choice eating, good wine grape, and even cuttings tfiftt Irewr srnelr in the spring of *82 stood the winter without any protection with me. A communication In the PLAIN- DEALER of June 6th from Volo, deserves a passing notice. As the author of said article is merely a crank of the Gulteau type our humanity comptls us to touch him lightly, as these poor demented unfortunate specimens deserve more sympathy than they receive from tlie public. We sympathise deeplyfcfor all such unfortunates, and do hope the time will come when they will be shown more mercy than poor Gulteau received. Again, If said author was perfectly sane then there never was any sense In using A trip-hammer to demolbh a fly. as the chances are tlie pestiferous little insect will escape to huzs about how It came oH best In the encounter. No, the game Is too small forme to waste the least amnnitlon with. Again, you can see that he had conceived an Idea on the 4tli of April last aud was pasidng through gastratlon for the loug period of two months and two days, then was able to announce to an expectant and breathless world that he had been delivered of a quantity of gas and a roll of paper and bad said article published June 6,1883. OLD GRIMM. THK CLtXBfSiMl ani. GREENWOOD. KIMTOR PLAINDKALER.--H. Geroulds will return to Dakota this week. W. D. Stewart and J. E. Wesson art building ".arge additions to their barna. Onoe more the roads ere assuming A better appearance by the fresh coat of gravel being pnt on. Dexter Herrlngton, who has been attending school at Champaign, Is now at home spending vacation. Those who would have work In the dressmaking line, are invited to enll on Mr*. A. Wsshburn. No. M MAIIIA Street. Mr. John BASSO and Miss Nettle Hart well, both of this plfcce, were married at Genoa Sunday. William Bigham and wife. Are visit- Ing relatives at Stone Lake. Iowa, We often hear It remarked: "How short a step It is from the sublime to the ridiculous," And yet l«ow much .easier It is to be simply ridiculous. W m. Moses of Russell, Kansas. Is visiting ills parents In this village. EDITOR PLAINDKALER:-- British Wes. leyan Methodist Catechism, page 6, 1843: What sort of a place is hell? A dark and bottomless pit full of fire and brimstone. How will the wicked be punished there* Their bodies will be tormented by fire and tlieir souls by a sense of the wrath of God. American Methodist Catechism, page 36, 1853: What sentence will Christ pronounce on the wicked? "Depart from me ye cursed Into everlasting Are prepared for the devil and his angels;" Matt. 25, 41. The brimstone eliminated. Quite an improvement. J. E. BASSETT. Remember that yen will experience no difficulty In getting repairs for any machines *"ld by K. Bishop, thus pre­ venting vexatious and expensive de­ lays at a critical time when thue means Of all the garden's wiMMlefS, ' -. ' I love TIT KMC, "•S.FR'lW the elhnfaiac MM, that nude* t* k f - Mr window grows. , . .jsfofc, !.*»•> Snianer, ere its fleet jUooms perished in the IMMgr t - It heard a secret tweet, , '• (1 No other knows. > O, fohlen namr weather, Krt wees die! , -{-,?. •( Some one aad I together, , , : - Went wandering by, _' Aad passed the ntee, ee ted. That slyly heat its head, i Aad heard what was one said, . ! As we went by. % -' ; j f l O, hear, when paled the fcr-teaias < .1 Of the MOM'* light, « " geaie otie, 'neath the star tsais, / •; W hispering, mod eight, » Lingered, to soltiy tell-- s v Neiaethtog--the me knows we|| . Why, then, my heart did swell? > With strange delight. Aad some one, in the starligM* Kissed mo good by, I saw, hi the far.Tight, The mse bead nigh To hear soft whlsmiw, then. "I'll come mid claim thee, w" The rose* bloom anln. - . Good by, good by." * ^ Se loses, haste yonr comiagff l And blossom soon; For seme one, some one's oontni, When red the ruses Meoaat Tear hods held, hid away, Mjr happy weddlag day. IMB, roses, ba>te. I pray, Oh, hatte yoor coming. Jnne 1,198S. --OOSIK DAVIS. Farm Bella cheap, at Jolin I, Story's Building Paper* cheep, John I. •Story's. Gents Fine Shoes, several, styles. At Perry 6 Owen's. A flue assortment of very Ane GrAA- Ite iron Ware at Joint 1. Story's. 50 ponnd wool Mattress for 14.75 at J. B. Blake's. Corsets. Corsets, Corsets, at Perry 4 Owen's. The Richmond Champion Drill for sale by R. Bishop. tire at bargains in Cane Seat ChAlrs. • Chairs for 94.75 at J. B. Blake's. The Rockford Sulky Plow for ssle at R. Bishop's. Carpets. Wall Paper and Window' 8hadee, full line, at Perry ft Owen's. A large variety of Misses Corsets cheap, at Mrs. H. H. Nichols'. The "Boss" Barrel Ckon At Jobs I, Story's. The latest Cultivators with 4 and 6. Shovels with the Boss Foot Lilt At I. Owen ft Son's. « Business Nottaft*. Go to Mrs. Howe^for DresstnAklug. ' Down's celebrated Corsets, At Mrfc H. II. Nichols'. City residence* for sale. AMly ts ASA W. !*miili, Woodstock, IN. No trouble to show goods or AMAWAK questions At R. Bishop .̂ Carriages sold low at I. Mi Owe* ' ft ton's. _______ Ledlee Wrape, Dohlmsna. JacfcetA and Ulsters, at Perry ft Owo«*«. Lumber Wagons. ttlMt «At- form Spring Bnggfee lor *«!• At M. Bishop's warehouse. The famous Plow, tlie Wesley Mkf, Don't fail to call And examine It before purchasing. For sale by R. Bishop. Fishing Tackle of all kind* At Engefh'a, in flowers Block, neer new Bridge. The finest line of Silver And Ware to be found In the cooaty, W. Owen's. _______ If yon want A black silk dress worth •S A yard for 91.60 yon ceo get It by calling soon at Henry Colby's, As usual wm have this aprtag that flnest line of K^phNM ln town, ITOOLMT. int *85W^*hNHt I Tiger Rake, with Pole, la tbe baas. At E. M. Owen ft Son's. BREAD and Cakes, Confectionery, Cigars and Fruits, at the News Stand, near the depot. The celebrated Biased Carpet Sweeper for ti. The best thing In the market at John I, Story's. Call and examine tbe Richmond Champion Force Feed Seeder at R. Bishop's, Tbe late improvement on tlie La Dow Pulveriser takes the cake. Call and see it at Jl. Bishop's. It will pay you to call and examine those Bureau Washstands for 93.35, at J. B. Blake's ..i i Call at the warehouse of R. Bishop. McHenry. Ill* and examine goods and learn prices. Madam McGee Corselto. The best on the market at Mayes ft Bartlett's k The Gesley «eel or wood beam walk­ ing Plow on band and for sale by R. lM "iM A complete stock of MenVand Boy's Clothing at bottom prices. PKBBT AOWKK. A full line of choico groceries always to be obtained at HEX MY COLRT'S. BUNTINOS In black anfl colors, Nnns Veiling, CHshmeres, Snmmer Silks. A full line of summer Press Goods aad Trimmings at Perry & Owen's. BIRD CAGES, Bird Cages, In all styles aad prices, at John I. Story's. A lot just received. Call and see them. Everything In farming Impleosents from a Swill Cart fo a McCormlck Twine Binder, can be fouud at the warehouse of K. Bishop. Ladies, we think we can show yon the "prettiest" line of laces that was ever brought to this market. Ask to see them at Henry Colby's. Young ladles, our new walking shoes aud Frcncli aud Mat Kid button thees are "Just lovely." Call and see them at Henry Colby'a. THE choicest line of Dolmans and Ladle*' Neck Wear In towa at Hn S. W. Howe's. *• GLASS! GLASS* We keep Glass of all slses constantly on hand. Special sizes cut without extra charge. JOHN 1. SfoRT. Rakes, at E. M. Owen ft Son's: New Hollingsworth, Tljger and Furst ft Bradley Self-Dnmps. Knowltoa, Archer and Coates. All warranted.- Cultivators. All kinds at tbe house of E. M. Owen ft Son. BARB WIRE. The bottom dropped out. But I still live to meet or beat any and all Cuts that has been or may be made, on Barb Wire. JOHN!. STORY. The LaDow 13x16 Inch Pulveriser, greatly Improved, and as far as draft capacity, reliability and durability are concerned it has few equals and no superiors. For sale by R. Bishop, Mc­ Henry, 111. Work Given Out. On receipt of your address we will make an offer by wblcb yon can earn 93 to 97 evenings, at your home. Men. women, boys or girls can do i*. H. C. Wilkinson ft Co., 195 and 197 Fulton Street. New York. Farmer*. In bnvlng a Twine Blader for 1883. see that It has the 1883 lm prove ments. See that it has an Angle Iron Bar. See thst It has Appleby's latest Hacker Trip. Don't buy a clogging Binder. Don't pay your money lor an exper­ iment. _ Buy a Binder which baa a well tried and successful Trip. Buy a Binder which has a Kaatter know'n to be perfectly reliable. Buv a MINNEAPOLIS, and you will get tbe latest improved and most reliable Binder ofleretl. Sold bjr An elegant MKftil dress butt. trimmings always to be fonnd at Colby's. The Skinner steel or w***# oea«s walking Plow has proved Itself t* I pjiksp**" Mend. For a*H„ If DIAMOND DYES, We bare all colors of tbe celebrated Diamond Dyea only 10c a package. *1 HEHRTCOLRT. | CLOTHING. vl Onr stock of Clothing Is nuusually : complete and will be sold ver cheap for Ttf cash. HENRY COLBY. For first-class (Insuraiicc -m And Lightning, wind stornw. .tornadoes, etc., etc., apply to Smith, Woodstock, 111, Our stock of drags, chemicals ̂g and patent medicines was never ̂ more complete. Goods reliable ' and prices right. * ̂ HRntrCouiv. 1 Young men. we Are now our spring and summer ii Shoes, and can show jrss . assortment ever fouud In thle Call and see them at Henry 9 Gossamer circulari: and for ladies and gen tull line of rixbhf to be had at : - The Ladles will always find a line of Laces and Neck-nrear at _ H. H. Nichols'. She keeps a fuR sortmeutof the latest styles to found in the raarkpt. ' The Richmond ChaMtjrfQir iMM SMt • Broad Caat Seeder is the nfei ~ of attraction at tlie ..emjl liishop. Come aiid look Itover ul be- rtome convinced, ^ For Rent, In the village of Nipda, a good Livery Barn 30x00 feet, built especial* li for the business. Will be reaisil reasonable. Apply to BUTLER A WAK1TKR. Haada, m.. May 1st. HR, m W Fine Shoe*. Onr stock of Fosters celebrated Beloit Shoes is complete. For style and durability Hlf cannot be excelled. Ask toaee thntt. BRMRY COLSY. BINDERS, f WIN E BINDERS. Farmers, do not be tlecelved bjr claim tliat the Appleby Binders i alike. The Minneapolis la tbo machine that has Mr. ApfAeif%< improvements. All ether harp companies use only hi* invent|e«» ̂ to 1880. Tbe Minneapolis la tan rm "FULL BLOOIT Binder oa ket. Take no agent's word (or yourselves. Remember tl apolis is the best, at E. M. Owes New This Week. A very large stock of Snmmer Mill le­ ery Goods lust received St Mrs. H. H. Nichols', tills being tlie fifth luvoteemf Millinery Goods rccelted «Mt apctag. Our stock is uow eoai|rtete, aad tba ttnest we ever had on exhibit lea. The ladies of McHenry and saneaadtaf country will find our store open eeet# day early and late; ajse ready and will* inj to show goods and give prices that can not be beat In the county. It will t all to cell and examine 'ore purchasing. ADVICK Tt» MOTH Are you disturbed at night aad brok* en of your rest by a sick enltd saSerlaf and crying with pain of cutting teetbr If so. send at mice and get a bottle of Mrs. Winflow's Soothing Syrnp foe children teething. Its value is incalcul­ able. It will relieve the poor HtUa suflerer Immediately. De|>end upon Ik mothers, there is no mistake about H. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regis* Ktes the stomach and bowels, carca wind colic, sortons the gnaM, mlaess inflammation, and gives tone aadstfe* ergy to the wlnde system. Mr*. W|a»» low's Soothing Syrup for teething is pleasant to Is the prescription of ana and best female physiclaa* aai 'aassis- in the United States, and Is Hcra^Slir all druggists throughout MM eorlc. Price 25 cents a bottle. •: V W. m Stm Out of the Ark tf ldik* • • ^ w-nr-' : , : , > ..... I. ,K-Xaay ef yoa ara. TO rJFE*PBOPKRrr Beset you on itojr __ the alvcoou, siekleee, siluatjitfMw wiadatone. or whatever aaoM esi he (tvew It, la heard ts soma sectloa of the eeaatry a early every da*. The Five Ptoftfl May hesak oat at |any meaMol--the eeeemasr ; of a lltetlma ke NMMMI la a be aMMASOt*. Death aaast aaiae to ttt. la a smalt •UMaSjMk ,. eaeh year ymtcaa seaare le yaaiieSr a mr* ' tune, abouM TOO liw. w, te thw eveal sC deaUi l«efere lit line extras, yeae Mftp la wovkted for. hr upiaiHiH this SMBCV. Our rates eteas h»* eaee MS Inamt te he sets. Yew money fey iuttirmg with M. Geaeral lasniaaee, lift. an«L TWMHIA a »peela;tr. friend* for their liberal | IRjr. by square rtcaHajf, to of the aaaie. 1 hef to •ut>4 Re*i w^si}U4 W

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