Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Jun 1883, p. 4

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JUKE 12(1 It or. MVJtHfrlnx from the anxiety of TildenV frlenda to ran him again for Treatd«ut it moet be that the old man hM dUeorered ft new cipher. M^Kow If the next democratic ^jHCowgrea* will do an badly as the tidal legislatures throughout the !/ cwrntrf have, the democratic Pret>l- |||,>>rietttiai ticket will be burled *o deep ^ ;; ;that Its political resurectlon, if It ever • lias any, will be on the other side ot the i*/' globe. * i | * M T A w i t n e s s I n C h i c a g o e n l i g h t e n s S- the country ou what compose* "prime |r ateam UrJ." Cow's bones, butterl ne skimming*, beef fat, sheep fat and hog _ ;fat are inong the ingredients. The v. ; s American hog must not be a* bad as ? hl* reputation, or part of him would not be coanterlelt«d. "Sf-.i- mk 'tiM, ~ t0T*Who will It be? Tilden the paralytic. Bayard the aeoessionest, Cleveland the "greenhorn."1 Hancock the "good man weighing 350 pounds.1' Thurroan the superanuaeed, Hendricks the played out, McDonald the unknown, or Butter the Greenbaeker f Which of these will stand as the object of a '•change" in 1884. MTThe socretary of tiie Chinese legation intimates that his country Is 'rather anxious to have a war with some European power, for the purpose of ^showing its advancement in the pact few years. It baa a strong navy, if - reports are true, and a war waged in '.Chinese waters would give the Chinese the opportunity they have beau looking ; for. ; "The Chicago bricklayers' union lias been smashed, and the members are free to work after being out on a arrike for two months. Building has been delayed ami new men have been ^engaged in c*n«equeuce of the strike of the bosses for $1 Instead of 83 50 per day. The rank and file have now broken from the bosses, and it would have been better for them had they done so before. Ml tlSkSSOd tti* THE Peoria Transcript, commenting upon Mayor Harrison's quibble about not being able to enforce the Harper bill If It became a law. s»ys: MA man charged with the enforcement of the law who will thus point out methods for It* violation ia a disgrace to nnv 1 office. Harrison seems determined to advertise himself as wholly lacking in 3 any sense of duty, and able to dodge • any obligation of his oath of office. He I appears to think he was elected fur that ' purpo^."--Inter Leean. About a million of th»wlnbahU Canada do not aprove the ap­ pointment of the Marquis of Lansdowne to the position of governor generil. With the exception of Forster, about the most objectionable man to the Irish element whom Mr. Gladstone could have selected for the position, is the Marquis of Lansdowne, whose fam­ ily has played a hostile and inimical part In the legislation and government •f Ireland, It Is not Improbable that the dissatisfaction may lead to more /ubstantial expressions of disapproval than any yet exhibited. The appoint­ ment of such an obuoxious gentleman as governor general is either a mistake, •r a wilful snub of alike character to the tax upon tea which workel so much mischief more than a hundred years ago. The Harper bill Mi%laany Intro­ duced provided a uniform license of 9600 for all klnda of liquor*. Mr. Will* ooghby (0e».) a resolution fixing the rates at ifefotor spirituous liquors and 9S30 Tor malt liquors. Mr. Morrison (Rep.) moved to make the figures #160 for beer, $260 for beer attd wine, and $600 for stronger beverage* The two outside figures were adopted. The text of the measure, as it is nsw is as follows: A BILL for an act to restrict the powers of counties, cities, towns, and villages in licensing dram shops, to provide for granting a license to retail malt liquors separately, and for punishiug persons holding such separate license for unlawful sales and gifts. SECTION 1. Be It enacted by the peo­ ple of tht State of Illinois represented in the General Assembly: That here­ after St shall not be lawful for the cor­ porate authorities of any city, town.or village In the State to graur a license for the keeping of a dram-shop, except upon the payment in advance into the treasury of the city, town, or village granting the license such stttn as may be determined by the respective au­ thorities of such city, town, or village, not less than at the rate of $T»00 per an­ num; provided, that In all cases where a license for the sale of malt liquors is grunted, the city, town, or village granting such license may grunt the same on the payment in advance of the sum of not less than at the rate of 3150 per annum; and provided, further, that the city council in cities, the board ot trustees in towns, and the president and board of trustees in villages may grant permits to pharmacists for the sale of liquors for medical. mechanical, sacramental, and chemical purposes only, under such restrictions and regu­ lations as may be provided b.v ordin­ ance. SKC. 2. The comity boards of cach county may grant liccnse to keep as many dram-shops in their county as they may think the public good re­ quires upon the application by petition of a majority of the legal voters of tl>e town, if the cou"tv is under township organization, and if not under township organization, then of a majority ol the legal voters of the tdm.tiou precinct or district where the same is proposed to be located, and upon payment into the county treasury of such sum as thv- hoard may require, not less than 8500 per annum for each license, and upon com­ pliance with the provisions of au act entitled: "An act to provide for llie licensing of and against the evils aris­ ing from the sale of intoxicating liquors." approved March 30. 1S74. in force July 1.1874; provided that in ail cases where a license is granted lor the sale of inalt liquors only, such board may grant the same upon payment in­ to the county treasury of a sum not less than #150 per annum for such license; provided, further, such hoard shall not have power to issue any license to keep a dram-shop in any incorporated city, town, or village, or within two miles of the same, in which th» corporate au­ thority to license, regulate, restrain, or prohibit the sale of liquors, or in any place where the sale of liquors is pro­ hibited by law. SEC. 3. Any person having a license to sell malt lienors only who shall, by himself or another, either as principal, clerk, or servant, directly or indirectly sell or give away any intoxicating liquors other than malt liquors in a less quantity than one gallon.or in any quan­ tity, to be drank upon the premises, or in oi uuou auv adiareitr. rnnn Jmiun.^, yard, or price of public resort, shall for each offense be lined not less than $20, nor more than #100, or confined in the county jail not less than ten nor inr>re than thirty days, or both. In the dis­ cretion of the court. The penalties provided for in this section may be re­ covered In any court of competent jurisdiction, or the fines only may be sued for and recovered before any ius- tice of the peace of the proper county, and in case of conviction the oflender shall stand committed to the county jail until the fines and costs nre fully paid. A conviction under thife section shall forfeit the license held by the de­ fendant, iiud the court rendering judg­ ment upon such conviction shall in such Judgment declare a forfeiture of such license. LER.--No"thi njf If S^liint of a little raln» is visiting . her uiany friend# here. \ Dr. A. EL Baldwin, of Chicago,, was In town one day last week.& Wni. Wire made us a stiort vblt lately. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander were In town over Sunday. / ( Alice Oarr Is qiilte slck ^present writing. Wm. We&terman and wifls ar® ylalt- Ing friends in Harvard this week, Greenwood has good horses as well as other towus. John Barber sold «r.o to Chicago parties for the small sum of three hundred dollars. James Robbins, Solon Mill*, - - 111. --Dealer in-- Farm Machine -v; • have the " ' ' CHAMPION 8EAPERS Am MQWBBS, And the Best la the'market... *S~Bep*lrs of all kinds constantly en hand. Cat) and see me. J a me 3 Robbins. Solon Mills, Jane 20th, 1S8L FOR TELLOV or BLACK BEEi -Olfc-- There will be a Picnic mid Dance In the Grove bvtck ot" the Office, Johnsburgh, ou .JULY 4a, 1883. A fne Dancing Platform will . be erected, and a good Quftd« rille Bund ol five pieces will furnish music for f « the dancing day and evening. A Brass Band, Of 17 pieces will be present to furnish music for the occasion. -ik Grand Display** FXKE WORKS >.?• IN THE EVENINO. • Refreshments sei-yed at hours. Supper at 8 o'clock. Tickets for afterhoon and evening $1.25. Let everybody turn out. Muludore & Nelson. Still Out of the Ark of Safety. mCE: on * John HendrictaH Spring Grove HI. AIM will Insure your property npiinst wind, cyclones, or Are. I represent the Home; ofXew'Tork; the Phu'nix, of Hartfoid, and other good companies. JOHN HENDRICKS. Spring Grove, III., June -20th. 1383. WAUCONDA Jfl^The committee on political ac­ tion of the Union leagne, of this city, which is investigating the alleged bal- lot-box frauds at our municipal elec* tlon, hat been thus far giving special attention to the second precinct of the ninth ward, and has difinitely ascer­ tained that, of the 1,112 votes returned from that district, most ot tliem for Mayor Harrison and the other Demo­ cratic candidates for city offices. 907 were fraudulant--mora than three- fourths. , Tills Is probably a fair sample of the outrageous frauds that were practiced all over the city at that election, by which Harrison was declared re-elected by about 10.000 majority. The Union league Intend to prosecute the election o(Beers who are guilty of these astound­ ing flotations or the sanctity Of the ballot-box. They will render art ines­ timable service to the community and to political morals by doing aoMto the bitter end."--Journal. •QTOf all the demagogues who have ever filled a chair In the state legisla­ ture none ever eclipscd E. M. Haines of Lake County. Mr. Haines lias been devoting most of liis time, during the cession now approaching a close, to an attempt to pass a bill ordering the 1 urchase of 924,000 worth or books on township laws, of which he Is ttie au |lior. In this lie has been twice defeat­ ed. He lias found In .fames Herringtou A ready assistant who has exerted everv effort to help through the *24,000 grab la the intrests of Haines. The great author statesman seems to appreciate the fact that he lias made a "damned record" and In a few remarks before the liottse on Wednesday, after the second defeat of his bill by a vote of one ma­ jority, tie said: "That when lie retired frow the genera) assembly this time it would be for all tUne to come." Un- loas we are greatly deceived in the pooplo of T.aue. McHenry and Boone counties, composing the district of which Uaincs is one of the representa­ tives, that gentleman's remarks quoted above are qnite likelj* to prove true. A man with a record as crooked as is that of E. U, Haines certainly ought to he retlred for all tltne to cotac.--Elgin JSfemi, TfIB I5VANS CYCLOXK BILL. A bill entitled -An act to authorize fire Inturance companies to Insure agaiuH lightning, wind storms, torna­ does and cyclones/* was introduced in the state senate on May 23 by Senator Evans. On the following day the bill was reported back, its passage recom mended, and ordered to second Read­ ing. The text of the bill is as follows: Beit enacted by the Peopfe of the State of lUinois, represented in the General Assembly: That all insurance companies heretofore organized under any law or laws of the state of Illinois, having power to make insurance against logs by fire, are lierebv authorized to make insurance against loss by light­ ning, winct storms, tornadoes and cyclones, or either or all of them, pro­ vided the same shall be clearly ex pressed in the policy. IN the North American Revi-ew for •fulv. President Julius II. Scelye writes of "Dynamite as a Factor In Civiliza­ tion," taking for the subject the re assuring view that dynamitism being merely a symptom of present discon­ tent, is necessarily a transient social phenomenon, which will quickly disap- peur as the institutions of government are brought more into harmony with the interests and aspirations of the masses of the people. In "T|,e Last Days of the Rebellion" Lieutenant- General P. H. Sheridan recounts the operations of the cavalry divisions tin der his command din ing the week pre­ ceding the surrender of Lee, and oflem a highly important contribution to the history of the late war. William 8. Holman, M.C., makes astrikiug exhibit of -'The Increase of Public Expendi­ tures.*' and iupis^!) upon the necessity for unceufing vigilhuce on the part of the people, lest the burdens of govern­ mental administration become intoler­ able. "Democracy and Moral Progress" by O. B. Frothfughnm. Is a philosophic forecast of the probable outcome of "government by the people them« selves." Z. R. Brnckway, Superintend­ ent of the Reformatory at TSIinlra, N. Y . points out some "Needed Reforms In Prison Management;" Thomas Ser­ geant Perry writes of "Science and the Imagination ;*' Geo. E. Waring, .lr„ of "Sanitary Drainage;" El bridge T. Gerry of "Cruelty to Children;" and finally there ira Symposium on "Church Attendance"--the question whether the churches are growing |o be legs of a power for good now than in former times--the svmpoidast being "A Xou- Church-Goer." Rev. Dr. Win. Hayt*s JV ard. Rev. Dr. James M. Pullman, and Rev. Dr. J. II. Rylance. Published at 30 Lafayette Place, New York. Will soon lie here in vast num­ bers, and many ol their wants you can promptly supply at the Drug {Store. Vor the -X We have lots of Paris Green. For sheep ticks, the unsurpassed CARBOLIC SHEEP DIP. For Flies, Lice on Stock, or un- mentionahle household vei'fnin the celebrated ;; 1 Insect Powder ? ' '1 • For our less humble irieuds we have a supply of Fishini TacUe, Archer; Goois* Base Ball Supplies, Etc. J ' H When in need of anything in*our Jjne, don't tail to call. F. B. HARRISON. ' June i:i, l**». Many of yna are. ' • • • . 1)ATTSER • ' " 1 TO IJFE Sc PROPERTY Beset von cn every han<l. The matter of the siycoon,-sickloon, stiloon,cyclone, tornado, wm<lstorm, or whatever name' mav bo Riven it, in heard in some section of the country nearly every day. The Fire Ffend May break out at £any moment--the ccwtertro - of a lifetime l»c cotiHiimed in a few moments Death must come to all. B.v a small paymen each year you can secure lo yourself a foi tune," sliould you live, or, in th« event .if death before the time expires, your family is provided lor. £|5<UM¥i,<'00 i» represented by this agency . Our rates ate as low as experi­ ence has touml to lie safe. You will save money by insuring with me. (ienera! Insurance, I.lfe, Fire. Liylitning and Tornado a specialty. Thanking all my friends for their I i be rid' patronage, and, hop. ing, by square dealing, to merit a continuance of the same, I beg to subscribe myself, Kespec.tfullv vonrs, C II. MU&BY. McHenry, I!!.. June 11,1833. - P E R R Y General ' -n -f'l; >MM : I • , « / * * . ' > 'fc*~ ' HAVE THEIR USUAL FULL STOCK OF SUMMER GOODS Fans & Parasols Umbrellas, ^. 4- g - - , >?; i-',# '-J* . J f w f m, ? j, , T . * ' ' •>, f -* t3{ n'wt U'v'.&C' - « ir.'C > -^'"4' - ,.«.»! t. Corsets Ribbons <fc Laces, Summer Silks, • ( v, • Summer Dress {?!"White Goods, Cashmeres, Nuns Veilings, Lace huntings Plain Buntings, rimmings, Embroideries. gmxim; Boots & Shoes, The McHenry Bnek Manufacturing Com l>any are now ready to aupply Briek in quaa. titiea FSOX SMALL ' l-* --TO^r. 1 CJam Load Their Brick are second to none^to be fnnnd in the market, and will be sold at the lowest ^arket price. Pei-'ions intending to h'tild, or those hand ling brick, will do well to call and see us be fore i in-chasing. For further information apply to or address f HcHcnrj Brict Haoafactoriot CHA.MPION A>D Tvriae Biudera. Hepairs for all of . the abore. CHIEFTAIN & PERFECT KY HAY RAKES, CROFT'S Wind Mills/ m All kinds ot Machinery rorfalabf : ' 'V- . L. H. Hartman, Ridgefleld, III, Orders by mail promptly attended to. DON'T YOU FORGET IT! ASA W. SMITH, --QJb--*•>•••• • • Woodstock, • %. Uiuotw money, offexs yon INDEMNITY against damage by Ftr«, Lightning, Wind Storms, CYCLONES AND TORNADOES. Drop me a postal curd and I wilt visit yon; call on me and I will write you a poliev, and wncn cither or any of these destructive cd» mcnts devastates your properly, linppv will yon l»e if you hold one of my jtolicie*,' for f will KUiejy visit you, and minister uuto yon, 1 will not forsake yon. ASA W. SMITH, Qen'l lnturcmce AgX McHEtfftY ,«a»y5th,M0a, ILLINOIS THE "GOLDEN STAF^ GASOLINE RANGES. Superior to al!. Is rapidly su* per»edin<? Cook Stoves and Ran­ ges for Summer use. Call and see them. JOHN I. STOBY. Mcilenry, Kay 23d, 1881,. , , ,y, f -- ---- ' ifea SELL THE Celebrated Colden Star OIL STOVES and EAH3ES. The best and safest manufactured, Have already sold 28 which speak foi* themselves. JOHN I. McHenry, May 23, 18K3^ Please remomuer our prices are al­ ways a* low .a* th,« lowest, ami we stand ready at all times to meet any and all competition, IlEKRY COLBT. Straw Goods, etc., v';'vv^;:^Pamts Mixed Paints. 'tip'- 'ifi 1°ERR¥ A OWEll. ,0.-; *' ' ' EEDDY OIL STOVE, H i Five different sizes, all turnished complete, and sold as cheap or cUeaper than any other house in the county. Call and see them. ... V . „ E. M. HOWE. Mcflenry, 111., June ICth, 1^83. - i;: IN McHENRY^ Mi! Aftenose nil Iresiii, Geo. W. DaHaven, Manager (JEEAT EASTEBH SHOWS. Col. Hall's Nnsetitn of Arctic Keglon Won. ders and collection of Wild Animals. CGr^at Shows in one Trn vclinpr by Rail in oiir own Cars. 9 Monster Tlalloons and 5 daring j&ro. rnuts. Batty'8 Royal Brass Hand. £xhlblt- inx under Tliree Immense Pavilltons. A Museum of living wonders, a Troupe of Attonishinjr Acrobats, a Superb Combination of Danper Defying Gymnasts, a truly <}rtvit Athletic K\hibition, a Magnificently Grand Pantomime Company, Curiosities from the Arctic Regions, a full company of Negro Mint*, tvels. Twelve ('ages ot' Living Wild Annuals, Birds and Monkeys, etc. Under the lu-Centre Pole Cinvas. Prof. Arnold, the Celebrated JfSronant, with his Mammoth Balloon "America," visits this | >ltce on the above date anil will innke one of lir world-renowned ascensions. This Daring Gymnast will give an exhibition of his skill upon the Trapeze susoended from the Balloon 1,00*1 Yard t in th«> Air. Don't fail lo be on the ground in the Fore, noon to witness the Great Balloon Ascension and Wive Walking from the ground to the top of the centre.pole, to ne seen free. The most Talented Cum|>anv traveling, aud the only show ot the kind that will visit Mclleurv this Season. ADMISSION 35 C«% The above Cont|»any will also show' ifthtch. inond June 8U, and at Crystal l.ake Juno <1. O. HILL, WAEC OINEA ILLINOIS, #DIAMI ffl- Of ALL KINDS. * We keep n full line of Far .n Machinery o^ttM lKst manufacture and sell at A " * J ' ' Hock If yon Want, anything in the AgrlcuKnm Machinery line, do not fail to rail on me be tere purchasing, as I ran save yon money. I am also agent ter Lake and McHenry Counties for the CAMPAIG H ' Feed Cutter. Ton can hare a grinder attached to grint at the same time yon nre cutting. Every pin chaser gets a written guarantee with his ma chine. It is positively the EA IET HtTV. SING FEED CUTTER IN THE MARKET Give me a call. ?"T R. C. KILL • Waneonda, III., WANTED. THE WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS. place and rioM.y'the ^ »>"" "» LARGEST, MOST ELEGANT A nd varied stock of Goods for the Summer trade* foosisting in part <;£ DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, GKOCERIES. I Y '*?•; Ac HATS AND Boots, Shoes. Crockery, .Glassware, Which they are l»onnd to sell as cheap as good Goods, can he bought anywhere. In short, every thins- that can he found in a general store will be kept and sold as low as the lowest, aud everything warranted as represented. When in want <>f goods in our line you will find it for your int^rest^o call and see us. Wauconda, 111 , Juue 1st, 1883. 400,000 -POUNDS or CLOVE* BLOSSOMS, §•': -Alt-*? ' CRYSTAWAKE. MArfENVO. Ale HENRY. RICHMOND - HARVARD & GENOA. FOB WHICH 2 Cents Per Pound, * Will be paid on delivery, C. tt» CLAYtOM. V FREE! a\ ^ E?-- - A " > \ > h Allot oar subsoHbors wkt will yyrtdf anbseriptton aecooaU to this fsysriafall to i*t», Md one mr ta rtwiss. will Is jwjMstod with one year's subeenpttoa to "AMERICAN FARMER" which Is rapidly taking rank as one of UM lssdlaa agiienitnnlpubllcaUonso( the eonntty. ilhS voted exclamvaijr to the interests of t¥s Stock BrtcdtrJ ualo'soan, Oaideosr, Household, and every species of Indnstn with thatgreatportlonof the people el tbsef the farmer. Tne subscription price of tills Tale- , bet for of girl eircul we send It to TOO FR can not well Into their m golt to themi -lieyoungfolkscheerfalv downcast happy and the demagogue linneet. ewtsyoa , »" JJ <( « ' t : -L -k - ^ * 1 , isrt

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