Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Jun 1883, p. 5

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* * „*/ /;>-% fv' !*&}% K5\ ' .: i-Sv^Mi £ . / j* *&* A ^ f t £ vT|# It J. ^4" *' A** $&*$?&; >-*$* „ £t v s*2 * 1 ftlKGWOOD EDITOR JPLAINDE ALER : -Slnoe >3K-".' ,- S , WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20. 1883. ^Railroad Tim© Table® OOIKO AOVTR. limn Ukc PMMllttT 7*y *;* |<Mn f*ke Kxpreu .,... •*« " i*iMn (ink* Freisrht........... I1!!?*' * StMMEboat KipreM B:1S " tiitffff woarn. Iwm Tjik* .*!» A; * KtMmkNtRxmH .......... »'* dM(r»Uk« TtaprSSa/ .4jWr.ll 8«MW Ufa Pumwr....-- «:« B. Bnss, Ajtent. McHenry, 111 5... (• tfAftOXIC Mcffawur ixHMK. Ma im \. r. *wl A. *.-- Rttnl«r Onmmnimjtioni the Saturrt*T «n or before the full of tin moon and every two week* thereafter. \ cm c. cot»r, w. *. I KcmT nnkrtnn lift. #t R. A. M --Re*n. *r OnnroMittoni heM Mi the iwsnil and fourth frida* • in each aMnefc. R. V. Aypumwif.W P. How. F. K. GRAHORR has commenced tie work of building his new residence. B"- L. W. HARTMAN, denier In A| Mr*! MicbiiM'rjr. Ridgefield, hnilnr tlreHlHRi*nt this week. WR «R« under obligations to Win. ttangham, of Ringwood, for * very flue f.'jfr.f' '. Roquet, left on our desk, the first one "V U" Of the tAWRn. " **i Do not fail to attend the flasket for the benefit of the Cemetery, iff; Rlverelde Hall, on Friday evening ;V -.TNH this week. . •. ** Mb* Wr Franco •fihhie«e ,.. Of fbmale tfoMfc«w*» would see how license. it seems Co have no- 1 I; TIASSIKTFS BLOCK, nenr the Depot, <^r now owned by Sinitb ft Snyder, I* re. v veiving a new coat of Paint, which 'much Improve* its appearance, ^'•V RKMKMRKR the Circus to-morrow, ,'. Umimtay. A free show Is advertised • . to take itlnee on the gronnds before performance. >; ^ I'HE IJ. L, C, will meet with Misi Story. Friday, June 22d at tiie' ttsnai hour. Topic: Englitli History, R % Mis* .HXTA STORT, Pres. "LLTM L»ERTHA HOU.IBTKB, 8e<-/y. LLRS. WH. H. COWLIN, of Woodstock, to has been dangerously sick for the it t wo weeks. Is, we are glad to say better, and strong iiopes are now en* x tertaiued of lier recoverv. THE Rev. J. Mervl field will preach at the Unlversalist Church next Sun* day morning. All who are Interested to the prosperity of this church are In- ^ifjjted to be present. ' -JOHU EVANSON, of the firm of Flt»- "summons A Evanson, has purchased tiie Geo. England property, in this village Mow occupied by the editor of title faper. THK young man who passes the fore Dart of the evening showing his bent jflrl the. "big dipper.** an exchange thinks should not stop on Ills way home and examine a small gl-iss tumbler. «- 'HE Board lor tiie Revision of the Assessment. ot the town of McHenry for t|le present .year will meet at the Town Clerk's office on Monday next, the 2&th. All Interested should bear this in mind. Xtss COEA MoOifMCR spent a few days with friends In Elgin,last week. R. B. TYRRELL and wife, of Nnnda, were calling on friends here last week. Miss LILLIAN Kraxir Is again stop­ ping with friends In this village. MRS. SARAH MOKSK, of Garden Prai­ rie, III., lias been visiting Irlends here tiie past week. WILLSIBBS went to Elgin on Than day. having secured a situation In the Watch Factory. J. A. RKICHRLT, who travels for Sels. Schwab A Co., Chicago, was a caller on Tuesday. JOKL H. JOHNSON. ESQ., of Wood­ stock, one ot the oldest Settlers o Mo Henry County, was in this village short time on Tuesday morning. WM. BORDKN and family, of W oot stock, wer# the guests of John Brewe and family. In this village, on Satui day. HARKT NICOLET. a View Photo grapher from Champaign, Ili^ has be taking views in this section and at F< lake, the past week. l|tss SARAH BKC*|i^|Sf*(«r ot M J. r. Going, and ^ns%j8»cle Pie lief njece. both of Rifiilb. N". Y visiting here this week! Hop WAN hud the misfortune of his horses^aMontjAy last, lielleve. i||| Inflrtitttna- Hoflman i$ a poor this breaks np his team, earned his living. It slmpe. r the Jhlttit Of the OiRWtery. wklth will be held at Riverside Hall on Friday evening of tills week, promises to be a very enjoy, able aflair. As we stated last week the price of admission for gentlemen will be 25 cents, which entitles tlteni to a Basket or Supper, as they may choose. Ladle* with baskets, free. Ladles with* out baskets, 10 cents. Those under fifteen will be furnished baskets for 18 cents. Ice Cream will be served. We trust our citizens, one a;>d all, young and old, will come ont on Friday even­ ing and have a good time and aid a worthy cause. Baskets for the occasion can be procured at Colhy'sjttore, River, aide Block. ^ ITK Poef Office tight, whl«h has raged in this village for thfe $$|fi seven month*, has finally reached tftfs point, the establishing ot two Po$t offices in this corporation, the McHenry office being located In the center part of the village, and the new one, called West McUenry. being located near the Depot. How this was accomplished against all law and precedent* Is a conundrum. If this state ol thinars would heal up the old sores, and make all tilings run on harmonious, it mtgjtt be well, but from present Indications we do not believe such will be the case. Time •II. !• WILLIK SCHRKINKR. youngest child Fof the late Geo. Schrel ner, was run over by a team on Friday last, but fortunately was not seriously injured. It was a narrow escape. WE would call the attention of our Bf adcrs in Wauconda and vlciuitv to the new advert isement of the Wuu- con da Drug Store, to be fouud else- ^*g£ptere lu tills pa|»eiv 1 AMF.s ROBBIKS, Solon Mills, has a»> ail/ertl^enient in our paper to-(l»y, in which lie informs the public that he is •Mil selling fartn machinery a& usual. Bead It. S^THRRB will be a Regular Convoca- tlou of Mcllenrj Chapter No. 34. R. A. M. Friday evening, June 22d. 1883. Work on M, and P. M. Degrees may be •xpected. E. V. AKonasoir, H. P. THK dancing public should not for- gpet the 'Party at the Riverside Hon«e fin the evening of July 3d. tickets for wliicli have been is«ued. AndersonV Baud of Janesville, will furnish the music. WR would again remind the dancing tbllc of the Independence Party at e Parker Home, which takes place on the evening of July 4tli. Severance & Williams Band of Milwaukee will fur- n)sh the music, and a good tlmii may :'1| expected. CTCLONRS ere becoming so frequent that when a young chap takes his girl out riding she softly murmurs: "Hold me tight, Charley; a cyclone might come along and blow tne awav from you." Even cyclones have their ad­ vantages, LINCOLN, next door to the Post Office |f now prepared to furnish Ice Cream, ^fgjf the finest quality ond flavor, either VsW (he dish or quart. He attends + jjpersnually to this part of the business, and lis* a reputat ion, which he has fully Mistaiued. of making the finest Ice Jprearo to be found in the county. Call ^j|||t Ills Restaurant and be convinced. He ;^<0lso keeps a full stock of choice cigars, tobacco, confectionery, etc. | "SCOTT, the Hatter," of Chicago, who ||i well nnri farm ably known In this ejection, has lately removed his store to Ko, 111 Madison Street, between Clark QIHI Dearborn, wliere he Is r.ow pre- |»a<-ed to show the finest line of bus!- i|m aud other Hats to be found iu "iJhleftgo. Scott has liad an experience ""Of many years in this line of business, and knowing the wants of-tlie public, is prepared at all times to meet them in ifhe Hat line. He will sell you a full Irtock or a single lint cheaper, quality *nd style considered, than at any other |§ouae lu the West. Call 8,1(1 him when la Chicago. AI to lo>r The cauw tlou ot till man, and with which kaveshliiMtt THK Mission Band of McHenry M E. Sabbath School will have a meeting on next Sabbath evening at the M. E. church. The programme will be a varied one, of iinusuaf interest. All are invited to attend. MRS. Itiottbow, Pre*. Miss HTKLLA RKCKWITH, 8e<-Y. DR. E. E. BROWN IS the name of a new Fhysictau who has located iu thi« vil­ lage, with Ills office at Be«dev*n Drug Store. The doctor coined, we lieiieve tin New Tork StateJ aud Is r**coin- as an a hie nud experienced practitioner. We bespeak for hiui a liberal patronage in this section. ATTKNTI »N Is called to the new ad- vertisemcut of Perry A Owen, to be found iu this paper. This llrin have « large and well selected stock of gomls In their Hue. which they replenish weekly, and conwquently are always fresh and new. Read what they have to say in their advertisement. A TRACKRR, defliiing a transltl**# Are last school si on. An day eveal of sch ifcatlon from this place onr ed after a successful Set­ hi bit ion was given on Frl- last wliicli for the number engaged and considering tlte youth of many of them, was the best entertainment given here for a Te|me«eeiHme Ifanag^ Donavin, during «be past two seasons, has been unable to (beet the detiiau<|||»f lecture associations, ly> c«unis yitltiva, and Indivldli- bdred nlglits. To meet tlSWlkand two separate com pauies have beei.' organized, and will he known as ••'Donavin's •Original" Tennesseeim*"" and '"Donavlu's "Fani- ] ous* Teisnesseeans.'" Each company ] Is coui|>o«ed of a double quartette and j an accompanist. Mr. Doimvin guaran- | tees that lie lias preserved In the I ••Original"* and the " Kutnouo" com­ panies, every excellence which made tin reputation of the "Original" Tcuuesseeaus the most enviable of any colowd company that ever appealed to the coutitleiiev anit patronage of :he people. The "Origiiial" coiupanj Is to appear in McHenry nhnut July 17th. ; W^ireliulelleinrW^ lerwln. wlio came down Tuesday iiorniug. for the particulars of an al­ most fatal accident ©rearing at Fox Lake Monday. It appears that a party »f Chicago Tribune hoys front the lli- uleslde cauip were sailing, and getting tight In one of the gales that coiqe up without particular premutation on verb as onetliat expresses an aotlou l ,j|e th«vlr crui't wns tipped over, which Is "pa«sed f»ver" from the doer T,|ft ar|y co;wrste«i of D. G. FfWrti, C. irflvo fnr llliiirrnttmi • I1A« UMIIN M ^ «... gave for Illustration: *'The dog wags his tail.n' Whereupon a your^u arose with the • criticism: **Pleiis<> ma'am, the action don't pass over; I stays with the dog." REKItVllKR the entertainment oi Friday evening of this week at th M E. church, Riugwoofi,g!veu by Mis Annie M. An drum, a»sl$t<£|l by Mr. am Mrs. J. J. Vasey, who will slug some o t he i r bes t voca l p i eces a t tha t t ime Prominent In MissfAudrtis' programm will be: * 1 - "The Pollnh Roy"...... .... "The schoolmaster's Uaeel- ••Mcl.ain's Chil«t"........ ... "Poor Little J»e" "The Brutal Winectt|»".. ..., >«CIM ft AENATML O'lrllanX ,..CAw Mouldy I A LADY whose eyecliiiit has been dimmed b}* age, aud to whom on that account the ordinarv print of t news, paper is too fine for con«raiit perusal says she finds gre*t pleasure in rea,ding advertisements. The large and start­ ling announcement* are ea«ily read, and, as the old Isuly declares, they are interesting. More than one old lady kiuws that the modern advertisement is a work of art. and no department of a paper receives closer attention from readers. , THK Great Eastern Show, which will exhibit iu this village to-mn*-row, Thursday, is said hy tho«e who haVf seen If, to be one of the best Circuses traveling. While not making as big a street show as some others, it is said their actors are performers of real merit. They give a free exhibition o>i the grounds about 11 o'clock, which wll! consist of wire walking, balloon ascen­ sion. etc. Be sure and come out and me the show and remember t lte to-morrow, June 21st. ANOTHKH riNK HllltgR. At the farm of N. S. Colby. |u*t west of this village, can now be seen one of the finest young draft horses ever broirght to this section. lie is an im­ ported Percheron Norinan live years old, color jet black, and weighs 1.700 pounds. He has flue net ion and is a perfect horse iu every respect. He will be kept at the barn of Mr. Colby for a limited time, where farmers and all lovers of fine horses are invited to call and see him. Mr. Colby is taking pains to bring into this section the best horses to be found in tiie country, and is deserving of thanks for so doing. AT tiie close of our Public School on Friday last, the Principal, Prof. S. D. Baldwin, was presented with a very handsome and valuable Eaisy Chair by the scholars of the higher department, as a token of their respect. It was a very haudsome present and worthily b -stowed, and shows the high regard In which Mr. Baldwin has always been held by his scholars. Miss Etta Torrence, teacher of the, Intermediate Department, was also; presented by her scltolars with a light stand, an Album, and a glass; Miss Belle Stoddard, of the Primary Department, with Wall Pocket and Handkerchief Box. and Rev. L. J. Diaamore, of the Gagetown Division, with a handsome Autograph Album. New and elegant Linos'Dress Goods in Bunting of latest shades, worsted in different styles, Lawns, etc. Parasols in great variety and prices very moderate at Fitzsiuimons & Evanson's. Fine line of Lace and Colored Bun,l« logs at Perry A Owe«*s. Johnson, R. Morrison, and W. Thursen. The mishap occurred about a mile front tiie shore, ofl Llppiucott's ami in about thirty fert of water. A party offish- eruieu why Uapp&UftsJ to bj near by %4eut immediately to the. rescue and hut for their timely arrival the entire party would undoubtedly have perish* ed as they were about tuckered out with their efforts to keep afloat. Ohe of the voung men was jVllined under water by the boats sail and considera­ ble work was necessary to bring lilui to life. The r'escuers were F. Weideman II. McNeil. J. McNeil aud Fred Wiley, and the capsized ones were kindly cared for t»y Mrs. Bee be. It is really a wonder that accident* are uot luore frequent at the lake." N^TT***i,,ock correspondent of the' Harvard Independent makes the following pertinent remarks In the list number of that paper: The Sentinel of Inst week published "by request"' an address which was de­ livered hy ••General*' John M. Sou tit* worth at Memorial services held at the court hon«e on decoration day. "By request" of whom, pray? Not "by re» quest" of the meeting nor "by request" of the G. A. R. Now. for fear that, the Sentinel will never leli we will Just '"let the cat nut of tlie hag." It was "by request"'of the "General" himself, for doesn't, he "rule that roost?" Hasn't he said wiiat. shall aud what shall not l>e priued in the Sentinel ever since Ed Glennon traded his interest iu that paper to Hie "General" for a job In the custom house in Chicago? The idea of a "request'* being made by anyone else than the "General" aud such speakers entirely ignored as the Hon. J. C. Car­ ver. of Kockford. who came here bv invitation and delivered such an ad­ dress as is seldom made on such occas­ ions. Aud Lieut. M. F. Ellsworth, wlio, though wholly unprepared.showed that lie carried more material for an address In his head than the "General" couU learn by reading a whole library. And then there was the Hon. B. N. Smith whose ability in that line it is unne­ cessary for us to mention, tor It i* too well known to the people-of this coun­ ty. No. G-irdy, your little plan to bolster up this played out political 'shyster'* is too thin, too thin. He had better tUke Horace Greeley's advice, aud "go west aud grow up with the country." for the |ieopi« of McHenry coiiuty have no further use lor him. ARRANOKMKKTS have been made with the editor of this paper whereby stu­ dents can, at any time, enter the West­ ern Normal College and Commercial institute at oue-tliird the cost of any oilier school. This school Is placing a dint-class education wltlitu reacn of every one, be he old or young, rieh or poor. Any one ceutemplatlng attend- In school would do well to call at this office before deciding where to attend. See advertisement in this issue. Durham Bulls for Sale* Three fine young Durham Bulls for sale, at my larm three miles South ot Me Henry, on the Crystal Lake road. m" . J. C. CLBUBN8. WANTED. 60,000 pounds Choice Butter, for which we will pay more than Market Price lu Cash or Trade if quality suits. Parties making flue Butter would do well to call and see us. PITZ8IMMOMS * KVAWBO*. We desire to call the atteution of the ladies to our drens goods department. We have added a fine line ot cashmeres, camellettes, silks, satins, etc.. which will be sold on very close margins. HENRY COLBT. Large veneered Panel Bedstead for ti^DO at J. B. Blafct'a. i Drake, a nephew of Mrs. ft A iuekftnd, Is making a pleasant stay In this village. Henry Bancroft, ofRmdi Medical Col­ lege, Chicag^f. Is visiting at W. Stevens' at present. * Also a Miss Klngsley, of Lodi, Wis., is visiting there, Mr. Richai^d Morley, wlio has been attending sfliool here during the last two terms, #as returned to Elgin to work In the Watch factory; but we ex* to at least hear from him occas- ly. I and Mijs. G. L. Hubbard called at Charlie Carter's on Sunday last. Olin Hall,of Elgln.spent the S.ibbath with his parents iu Ring wood. Warren Pifckett, of Kansas, visited at his father's home iu this place last week. Mrs. Mary llodge and children started on Monday lakt to visit with friends In Iowa. John Urimolby Is building a very be­ coming addition to his house, and ot he wise Improving the appearance of his place. | Cliao. Carterlias just finished a job of painting for l^li Chase, which adds greatly to tli# beauty of his place. O. E. ChiiKhin is bulldirg a large barn for Mr. Weston, near Greenwood. Business at the new cheese and butter Win a"*tiirlving condition, and Mr. ilason works up daHy nearly six thousand pounds ol milk. What kind oil a hand shall I engage? Is a qties:ion t|at farmers frequeutly ask themselves^ We should want to ****** one. If ftelp became a necessity, that would stay fur beard and clothes and agree to He ready to take hold on Sunday or ati^r other day to <io the work .before tiuMii. Such a hand ap­ plied at Richard Lawsou's not long since aud was feugaged. Up to this writing everything i* satisfactory aud the little fellow will probably soon be named just for convenience of calling him up*to breakfast. We didn't get his weight, but hi* grandpa. Uncle Robert Simpson, says he s a tip-top boy. Mr. Dwelly Is building another barn In his farm yard to be ready for the fast approaching "harvest time." Sinrc school ha« closi-it 'iu woeful «tnll. No noise is hear>< about. And <m« might think tliu liojra it vat, Anil not the eesaioa out. An<l now I think I know it H, • Cor looking mua<l at out #1 fe«i that I'm the loiic^oinent oiif^> • Tiie "teacher" countoil out. Far Warren Colo is not here now* An<l Hii-.hrini M»rloy's luft. With dor* tJoofleri-i rf.Mii'»way,„ »n re Willie Ifrien's bereft. <' Richmond Department. COKTKIBlTTKtl !»r i. P. BiCKHKTT. FESTIVAL :--The members of the Richmond Comet Band wilt gin a Strawberry and Ice ('ream festival at tho Culver House, Richmond, III., on Friday evening, June 22d, Good music will be furnished so that all who desire can enjoy themselves dancing. Don't fa!I of the chance to catch your fortune from the Grab Bag. A cordial invita­ tion is extended to all. Come, and give the boys a full house, so they can clepr a good sum. The following card has been handed us and we give It entire, for tiie bene fit of th* dancing public: "An Inde­ pendence Party will be given at lite Culver House Hall, Richmond. 111., on Wednesday evening, July 4 1883. Your­ self aud ladies are cordially tnvlted to attend. Music by Miller's Orchestra of Elgin, five pieces. Floor managers, H, L. Chevillou. George Shlbley, James Fitzgerald. Tickets, including supper, •2.00. C. N. Culver, Proprietor." The Orchestra mentioned Is A No. 1, and mine host Culver and lady will spare no pains to make It pleasant for all who attend. When fixing out your slate for July 4th, do not fall to |iut down t(te Culver House, Richmond. EMCO. Et>m>R Pi-Aixcfc VI.K!!.--Mr. Wells Is building a picture gallery on his lot eatt of the Baptist Church.' When will lie to married, and who will he marry? We are all waiting patiently, but please hurry up. Mrs. Taylor lias bought the Sponable place' Where C. J. Allen lived. Miss Lulu Fity, one of the teachers in our public school, is attending teachers Normal .School at Valpariso, Intl. A couple of Scotch , Evangelists are holding tent meetings on the green north of the depot. They talk plain and don't believe in the sham Christ­ ianity which makes professors but not firm believers, lite meetings are "veil attended. Remenyi tlia.c«l«hriited violinist *rlth Ills entire company, will give two entertainments the 4th of July, after­ noon nud evening, These exhibitions of musical skill anil ability promises to be a rare treat aud no one should inisb hearing them. The flcpublicaa In speaking of Mr. Piper our new night pralchuian says: "Dave * * * means business, and the beer brigade will have to look a little out or they will get trapped." We would like to see this beer business busted as well as any one, but we don't think it can lie done |by brute force. These Saturday night sprees on im­ ported beer do not l»n| well In a tem­ perance town. Where Is the W, C. T, U. ' t/' It Is nearly certain t|at Marengo Is to celearate the Fourth: In grand style. The business men are contributing liberally, and the outlook is, that with the above mentioned concert, the Fourth of July will be a big day in Marengo. The party from Marengo who wrote that article to the !*LAiNl>KAl.fcR last week, hrd better go west aud grow up with the country. While it is good to see the opposersof the Sentinel'» under, handed game make themselves known, it is net so good to see them go beyond their depth In doing so. In'this case the writer became tangled up in Some of his gushing sentences, lost the run of bis theuie, and finally fixxled out entirely. Mr. James Cunningham and Miss Mary Dwart were married at the resi­ dence or the bride's father last Wednes­ day evening. We are sorrjy that we can not give further partlc^sw for the ^brlde is well known in Marengo, but we wish them every joy add a lifelong happiness. Bargains In Bed Mens Clothing at Evansou's. Spreads,1tflHf In Fltxsliniuons A FARM ERS^ Ton cart find the following first class Corn Cultivators at E. M. Owen A hmi's: Standard. Climax. Bertrand A Sanies. Case. GranJetour. New Norwe­ gian. Kuowiton. Monitor and Furst A Bradley, which we will sell lower than any other house in either county. Remember that you will experience no difficulty in getting repairs for any machines sold hy K. Bishop, thus pre­ venting vexatious and expensive de­ lays at a critical time wheu time means Rionef* * •, 7'^^ ̂ '»"« J"' . fjL,...... •'^fi I HEBRON. T EDITOR PLAIXI»KALKUFarmers In this section of tiie country are planting their corn the second time, on account of poor seed. Others are pulling it out on account of good seed. Don't you forget It--the dance at Union Hall, Friday evening, June 22d. Music by the Ja'nesviiie Light Guard Bam?. A good time Is expected--the weather permitting. Miss Mamie Martin, of Cheshire, Massachusetts, arrived in Hebron last week to spemf a few weeks with her many friends. From here she will go to Wisconsin, Mr. B. H. Pierce, of Washington, Is spending Ills vacation In this burg. Ben was once a Hebron boy, and is now teaching elocution at Washington to Bob Ingersoll, a-id several Senators, and giving readings to large audiences. Mr. Ileury W. Mead,one morning last week, made all of his patrons happy by presenting each with a cheese box; but their happiness was changed to dis­ appointment when they found the box devoid of cheese. A resident of North Hebron took two aspiring insurance agents Into camp the other day In the following touch­ ing manner: Atresouudiiig rap on the front door started the lady of the house from*her clialr lu the kitchen where she was perusing the Elgin Advooate. The door opened and two young men entered and Inquired if they could tie accommodated for tho night. She answered that she was willing If Mr. A. could keep the horse. They proceeded to the barn to consult with Mr. A., and receiving an affirma­ tive answer tliey made themselves at home. In the morning after breakfast I hey offered to pay for their lodging but Mr A. being unable to change a V, they agreed to leave it at Alexander A Hyde's, at Richmond. A few days later Mr, A. called at the above mentioned place, but no Insurance ageuts had been seen in that part of the country. He has been known to make several trips Co Richmond on the same errand, and has sent his wife two or three times but wlt bout success. Alexander A Hyde are trembling for the future, thinking that Mr. and Mrs. A. will torment them as the bad boy does the grocery-man, and are contemplating putting up a sign "no insurance agents ever enter this domain." Moral--Beware of all traveling insurance agents* jjjfyy-:- WAUCONDA, EIMTOR PLAINDRALKR:--Miss Nettie Flucli was recently married at the residence of her sister, Mrs. Gaorga Hubbard, to Mr. C. E. McDonald. Mrs. Ilattie Hortou was married on Tuesday, at the residence of her father, Mr. Frank Powers, .to Mr. Levett, of Minnesota. Mr.s Eugene W. Brook* and Miss Carrie Seymour were married Wednes­ day evening. The happy coupl® started for Iowa the following day, which, it Is reported, they intend making their future home. Arthur Tldmarsh came from Elgin to act as groomsman. Miss Lamphere being bridesmaid. Arthur reports Harry doing first-rate out in New York State. He Is leader of a band there. Arthur thinks of joining Ills brother before long. Miss Linn, a sister of Mrs. M. Coyle, has been visiting Mrs. J. L. McCabe for a few days. Mr. J. Doddridge and Ills wife, a sister of Antony King, are enjoying Wau­ conda air for a few days. The hotel is expecting a house full of visitors soon, "Jnd" has come back to take his old place, and Mr. Burton, disliking the confinement in the house, lakes charge of the business outside. Mr. ami Mrs.Carr, of Itingwood,spent Sunday with Mr. Robt. Harrison. Rev. Mr. DuBois Is spending a por­ tion of his vacation here, in addition to his regular Sunday appointments. Dr, and Mrs. McChesney spent a few days in Wisconsin last week. Mrs. Mo* Chesney will remain a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Oakes are visit­ ing in Iowa. Mrs. Danftl Oakes has been visiting there also, but returned a few days ago. A new »ldewalk has been laid on the street passing Mr. Todd's residence. Go to Mrs. Howe'a i Dressmaking. _ Down's celebrated H. O. Nichols'. No trouble to simt s questions at R. Bi Carriages sold &m:' A Son's. Buckeye Force Pumpi, at SL M Owen's. FOR SALK, cheap, a good double bar­ rel Shot Gun. Inquire at this office. When the Sunday-school .Snpcr- inten Jant asked bis class why Moses smote the rock, a little fellow sung ont. MI reckon he missed the feller he aim •4 at," * VJ*: Farm Bells cheap, at John I. Story** Building Paper, ebeag), at John I. Story's. Genu Fine Shoes, several style*, at Perry A Oweu's. A fine assortment of very fin* Gran- City residences for; ite Iron Ware at John 1. Story's.. , Asa W. Smith, W< 5Q pound wool Mattress for 94.75 at J. B. Blake's. Corsets. Corsets, Corsets, at Perry A Oweu's. The Richmond Champion Drill foi sale by R. Bishop. Great bargains lu Cane Seat Chair*. • Chairs for *4.78 at J. B. Blake's. The Rock ford Sulky Plow for sale at R. Bishop's. Carpets, Wall Paper and Window* Shades, full line, at Perry A Owen's. A large variety of Misse* Corsets cheap, at Mrs. H. H. Nichols'. The "Boes^ Borrel Churn at John I, Story's. The latest Cultivators with 4 and 6 shovels with the Boss Foot Lltt at E. M. Owen ft Son's. Tiger Rake, with Pole, it ttl bo*s» At S. M. Owen A Son's. BREAD and Cakes, Confectionery, Cigars and Fruits, at the News Stand, near the depot. The celebrated Bissell Carpet Sweeper forti. The best thing In the market at John I. Story's. Call and examlue the Richmond Champion Force Feed Seeder at R. Bishop's. The late improvement on the La Dow Pulveriser takes the cake. Call and see It at R. Bishop's. It will pay you to call and examine those Bureau Washstands for 93.15, at J. B. Blake's Call at the warehouse of R. Bishop. McHenry. Illn and examine goods and learn prices. _______ • Madam HoGeo Corsetts. The best on the market ai Mayes A Bartiett's The Gesley steel or wood beam walk­ ing Plow on hand and for sale by R. Bishop. CLOTHING. A complete stock of Men's and Boy's Clothing at bottom prices. Paaar * OWBK. A full line of choice groceries always to be obtained at HKNHY COLBT**. BUNTINOS in black and colors. Nuns Veiling, Cashmeres, Summer Silks, A fuH Hue of summer Dress Good* and Trimmings at Perry A Owen**. BIRD CAGES. Bird Cages, in all styles and prices, at John 1. Story's. A lot just received. Call aud see thrift. Everything In farming Implements from a Swill Cart to a McCormick Twine Binder, can be found at the warehouse of K. Bishop. Ladies, we think we can show you the "prettiest" line of laces that was ever brought to this market. Ask to see them at Henry Colby's. Young ladies, our new walking ahoes and French and Mat Kid button shoes are "just lovely." Call and see them at Heury Colby's, THK choicest line of DolmtUs and Lad let' Neck Wear In town at Mrs E. W. Howe's. GLASS! GLASSl, We trwip Glass of all sizes constantly ou hand. Special sixes cut without extra charge. JOHN I. STOUT. Rakes, at E. M. Owen A Son's: New Hollingsworth. Tiger and Furst ft Bradley Self-Dumps. Knowltoa, Archer and Coate*. All warranted. Cultivators. All kinds at th* house of K. M. Owen ft Son. *' Ware« BARB wire The bottom dropped out. But I still live to meet or beat any and all Cuts that has been or may be made, ou Barb Wire. JOHN I. STORY. House and Lot for Sala. I offer for sale my House and Lot, situated In the village of McHenry.on the West Side. The house Is nearly new, is iu first class repair, newly painted both inside and out, and is one of the most desirable residences iu the 7lllhge. Good ham and out houses on the premises. Will lie sold reasonable if applied for at once. For full par­ ticulars inquire of F. K. Granger, at McHenry. E. v. AxDxaaov, M. D. MeHenry, June 10jh. ISM. CUCUMBKft SEED. The later the season the more impor­ tant it becomes that good seed Is used. We have the best there is. It has been tested and Is sine to grow. It was raised by Mr. Buckland. of Rir.gwood. and Is the best kiml. Get your seed soon and so be sure of It. and not have to take fioor stuff when the good is gone. PRRRY ft OWKN. A Tour drawer, black-waluut bureau for 47.60, at J. B. Blake's. Bakery Supplies. M. Eugeln. at his store a few ttbors north of the Riverside House, has made arrangements to supply his customer* and the public geuerallv, with fresh Bakers' Supplies of all kinds. Fresh Bread, Biscuit, Cakes, Pies, etcM can be found at Ills store at all times, and he respectfully invites the public to give him a call. He also keep* on hand Chick's and Spencer's Flour, which will compare with any to be found In the market. Give me a call M. KKOKUI. McHenry, liar 8th, 1833. •USCEY A WALSH. Would respectfully Inform the pub­ lic that they have removed their Pho­ tographic Tent from McHenry to Numla, where they are now ready to lake first class Pictures at the follow­ ing low rates. r Cabinets,.' . ..W per doxen. Card Pliotae......|**r doxen Tin Types 4 lor 60 cent*. We will turn out nothing but first class work, and Invite the public to call and examine specimens at our Tent. All work warranted satisfactory. To the citizens of McHenry we wish to say we shall return to your village on or about September 1st and remain during the Winter, and hope to merit your patronage In the ftiture as In the past. BITSCSY FT WALSH Hated Jane Ktk, lm. Ladle* Wraps, aud Ulsters, at JVftyj Lumber Wa form Spring Bishop's wafekoMse. The famous Plow, tho Don's fail to call a Ml purchasing. For *stl| Fishing Tackle of Engeln*s, tn Howe** new Bridge. The finest line of Sliver- Ware to be found in tlte< W. Owen's. If you want a black silk fS a yard for f!.SC ymt can calling soon at Henry OtlbjrV As usual we have this «prin* finest line of Embroideries ls{ HENRY' An elegant line of dress b«ci trimmings always to be found < Colby's. The Skinner steel or walking Plow has proved lite the farmers friend. For sal* Bishop. - DIAMOND DYES. We have all colors of tho Dlamoud Dyes ouly 10c a * HRNRY CLOTHING. Ottr stock of Clothing la complete and will be sold ver cheap cash. HKNRY COLBY* For first-class |in*urauee against and Lightning, wind storm*;-e, ~ tornadoes, etc., etc., apply to Smith, Woodstock, III. Our stock of drags, chemicals and {latent mcdicines was net more complete. Goods reliatj and prices right. HRNRY COLBY. Young men. we are now our spring and summer stock.* Shoes, and can show yon thO1 assortment ever found In thlS i Call and see them at Henry Cothfr**^' Gossamer circular* ami for ladies and gentlemen, lull line of rubber goodn^ to be had it HRNRY OOLAIRTI ' ( iif if i ' i The Ladles will always find a l<ne of Laces ami Neck-wear at H. H. Nichols'. She keeps a full sortmentof the latest style* to bo found lu the market. The Richmond Chamnl Broad Cast Seeder is th* of attraction at the war9b#ii|^|i|| Bishop. Come and look it over aad! oome convinced. .For Rent, In the village of Nunda. a good Livery Barn 80x00 feet, built especial* ly for the business. Will be rented reasonable. Apply to IUTTLXR* WARN KB, Wunda, Ilk. May 1st. isn. . Fine Shoes. !' Our stock of Foster's celebrated Beloit Shoes is complete. For style and durability they cannot be excelled. Ask to see than. HKNRY COLBY. The LaDow 18x16 Inch Pulveriser, greatly Improved, and as tar as draft •rapacity, reliability and durability are concerned It has few equals MM no superiors. For sale by R. Bishop^ Mo- Heury, 111, Work Qlven Out. On receipt of your address we will make an ofier by which you can earn 03 to 07 evening*, at your home. Men. women, boys wr girls can do It. H. C. Wilkinson ft Co„ IM aad 197 Fulton Street, New York. Farmers, In buying a Twine Binder for 1883. sae that It ha* the 1888 lm prove men ts. See that it has an Aagie Iron Bar. See that it hat Appleby'* latMt Packer Trip. Don't bny a dogging Binder. Don't par your money tor aa expe*» lme:it. Bny a Binder which ha* a well tried and successful Trip. Buy a Binder which has a Kaottor known to be perfectly reliable. Buy a MINNEAPOLIS, and yo« will get the latett Improved and meet reliable Binder offered. 8old by M. Owen ft Son. BINDERS. TWINE BINDERS. Farmers, do not be deceived If the claim that the Appleby Blpder* an* att alike. The Minneapolis la the ooljr machine that has Mr. Appleby's lata improvements. All other harVMter companies use only bis inventtoat op to 1880. The Minneapolis Is tM only "FULL B LOO IT Binder on tl*»ar» ket. Take no agent's word bat dslda for yourselves. Remember THE HIWMS* apolis i3 the best, at E.M.Owendtden'*. : New This Week. 4**ry large stoek of Summer MUM*. ery Goods just received at Ufa, it. I, Nichols', this being the fifth Istslw of Millinery Goods rcceiiod tM* amflag. Our stock is now complete ̂ and tho finest we ever had on exhibition. Tho ladies of MeHenry and surrounding country will find our store open every day early and late; also ready aad will* Ito show goods anil give prices that can not be beat In the county. It will pay all to c;«li and examlue onr stock before purchasing. ADTICK fuaotam Are you disturbed at night aud brok* eu of your rest by a sick child suffering aud^rylng with pain of «titting loethr If so. send at «»nw and get a bottle of Mrs. Wluslow's Soothing Synt|» far children teething. Its value istueateol- able. It will relieve the poorlltlla snllerer Immediately. Depend npitn It mothers, there is no mistake about It. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea,tegu- | Ittes the stomach and tiovrels,cures wind colic, sottoiis 1 he gum*, reduces InfiaiumaMon. and gives tone and en­ ergy to the whole system. Mr*, WlttS- low's Soothing Syrup for *kitd>eu teething is pleasant 10 1 lie taste.ami Is the prescription of one of tho oldest and best female physicians and nurse* in the United State*, and Is for sale fcf> all dmgglMS throughout tho wo«ML Prku 85 veuts a buttle. & r ,-V.hl Of.. *>klL <il J:

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