Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Jun 1883, p. 8

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* p P*VL:': ttuch Inter- newt from JiiLiXtrfiordlnary proprietor In Vantouna which ere World. Evl •*|s very much *lr. Life on Namotin* must have ell the end uncsrtalnty as to what of them next. Mr. Ben­ in mane his guests com r%? playing on them with a Are >*#9 ftBd raising a mock alarm of Are, •lil'MInsist on the whole crew getting ' drunk upon pain of instant dis- if lie Is not obeyed. But in this laiit tipsy exploit he haasurpassed liiin- Mlf. The gravity with which Bennett most have refused the proffered assist­ ance from the Frenchman mnst have been m good as a play, for "JimV phe­ nomenal soberness (adparent) at such timee Is proverbial. 1 heard a story ^•esteiday in Illustration of it. ' One New Tear's day Bennett arrived : it the Union Club towards night, hnv- made many calls. He sat down ita a chair, and. observing that some mem- Iters of the club were presenting Peter, the venerable porter of the club, with* 95 bills as New Year's presents, he? called him over, and fishing down into one of his pockets brought up a bill. . *- **, my Mend." he said without ;'Vs:" locking at the bill, "take that." "• - ,"Thank you, sir,"said Peter, his eyes glistening at the sight or a 820 bill. Bennett gazing at him for a second, iald sleepily, '•Walt, Peter," and div­ ing down Into another pocket brought another bill. *Take that Peter.** c / drills performance went on for fully five minntes. Every time that the as­ tonished Peter attempted to retire he was called back, and tiie presentation Of every kind of bill' from (I to $50 'vent en to the amusement of the spec­ tators. When no more bills came forth Bennett stopped and went away. Peter a«ked some ef th* members what he had best do with his h&tful or money, lie was advised to ask Mr. Bennett the liext time be came whether he had not given liim bv ui intake more than he had Ifftendnd. So the next day when Ben*; Mtt appeared Peter said to him: **Mr. Bennett, I think you gave me More or a New Year's present than you Intended last niglit."' ^Bennett looked at him for a few sec- weds, not having the glimmer of an; «eaofi» how much he had given, orj wtfcbther he had given any at ail. ' _ •'How much did 1 give yon, Peter?" * *"Eigtit hundred dollars, sir." The position was a delicate one. bnt not ee much t>o to a man with an Sn- omm of a million a year as to an ordin­ ate anortal. "That was the amount 1 Intended for yon, Peter,*' said Beunett without a sign of annoyance.--New York Letter in Charleston Netoe and Courier. „ . a Kir Jodg*. . * ge Jopin was very angrj when be Outered the court-room. He kicked a Jiwyert dog and trod on a constable's feet In the blindness of his rage. No one understood why ihe old man ex- JMbited such ill humor. He was known «|l over the country ae a genial, wiiole- eouled fellow, and the lawyers who Made their living at his bar, looked at the old man in surprise. The Judge took his seat, and for a moment seemed to be revolving in his mind the wheel # of a serious problem. At last lie looked and asked: "DofcS anybody chew tobacco in this Court-room P" No one replied. "1 moan does anybody in this court-room chew tobacco t The educated gentlemen who present will please excuse my rhe­ torical error. Nobody chews tobacco? I am much disappointed. I did not Want a chow, for I do not masticate the Weed. I have just been presented with keme tobacco, and, as I do not waut !t Myself, I desire to give it to some one WJio does want it," 1 -1 chew, your honor,** said a lawyer. iMdio, fearing that the Judge waa beg­ ging, had hitherto refraiued fmm mak­ ing himself known. **Doe« aay one else In the court-room •,'4^ew?" asked the Judge. , - ^**1 believe not," said the lawytp^,. ^ .. -You are the only one, tlien?"^ ^ fifll"! think 1 am." if- .-, ** Well, I want yon. Just now as 1 jMme up the steps, a quid of tobbaco * <*own the stairway, and 'spat' it • ifook me over the eye. I adopted thi* Method, sir, of detecting tiie wretch. Mid I am thankful to say that I have iianglit him. Mr. Constable, take him to Jail, for further trial is unnecessary." Set no one say tiiat the laws of ArKan- are not *n(orCfSi}.--Arkan&aw Trav- iPPgipipHPI| fSH'" ^ . m jt - j,"x- *•"*v v. f» ?V -H-'H •ALE Two Howe* in liij King wood, one house with the other with 9 rooms. A and barn on caeh. Flu good school, making it. a" desirable place of residence. On the promises is a shop and a good opening ngj tbe vi I- lage for a shoemaker, blacksmith, or any mechanic. For further par ticuliirs Inquire of - « WESLEY LADD. •• * ^ „ ' ' Bingwood, 111 *'tf- FIRST GUN. Tiie Minneapolis Twine Binder MIS- tains Its reputation. CocKKtriLM, W»l., May H, 1683. MlrmMjiolis Harvester Works. Gent*.--Exhibition in heavy, green rye here to-day. Never missed a" single sheaf, with machine exactly as it come from the factory. Yotirs>. 1). SAGOR. The Mlnnea|K>lls for sale at E. M. Owen & Son's. JUST ARRIVED. A LARG* AND VARIED STOCK< i Sonier CLOTHING, If ]fwi bnvinyflrtythlnsr in thcKfitiplernent to announce to you that we have a <rood, honest lines of Grood on hand of all descriptions, and for reasons that we are ready to explain, know that we can save you money on any Goods in our line. It is full and I complete. All Goods warranted to he as represented and if you find Iii all styles of walliin<r and riding, thera not as represented we wiiletieerfrlly refund your moncf t r> *J T ™ --l - Don't be stuffed or fooled but call and examine our large stock of FARMING TOOLS, which is tar larger this season than ever before. If you want plows we have the old make or" Puflt & Bradley» UrautleUme, Moline, Norwegiuu, Case aud the celebrated ^ * Our stock of Plows is complete, consisting of the Rockford Sulky Plow, the Skinner stubble extm double ahin-hardened, either in wood or steel l>eam, the Reloit wood or steel beam Stubb.'e Plow with Geslev Jointer; also the Gesley Sulky Plow that can easily be handled bv auv iiay t W rnn flrirn a. tiuim. « "# « * i rrT1 .. . , ^ : y : v ; « ' " : c ::,S ... 'ylijp. , , v v " if . * 'tkt**. Rakes! Rakes! Rakes! ^ -'SF-T^ •a. 3 » * £ , • -- i 1 FOR MEM, YOUTHS anil BOYS, Ready made acct made to order. Alsea full line of V*'" : Genf8 furnishing Goods. Hats and Caps, BOOTS AN D SHOES, H. MAIMAN'S ATT WAUCONDA. Just See What Tou Can Get FOR S7.90. i * ' V/" One Xioe Cassimere Suit; One Hal,; ' '3 One Overshirt; One Uin1er»nirt; One P.-tir of Dra\rgm» - V One Pair of Socket Oi»« Pair of susponders; One Han'tkerchief; ^ . • One Necktie; • One Col tar. Call within THIRTY DATS fur seek l«r- gaina. ______ MRS. H. MAIMAN, Has just, returned from the city with a full and selected stock of SPUING AND SUM- MKR MII.l.INERY, which she invites the ladies of Wauconda ami vicinity to call tkntl ex&uine and learn prices. Did you say Rakes? Well we have on hand a full line. The Red Bird, Ellwood 'Self Dump, Centennial, Surprise; but riot least, the Old Reliable Hollingsworth Sulky Kaife. No imitati^i in ours, no no, but the Original. It is no n«w and untried imp.ement. It stands king ot the field to-da^. The McCormick Iron Mower* To make hay while the sun chines is a good old adage, but to make hay at all requires a good Mower. The McCormick lias no equal. We also handle the New Clipper Mower. With all its late improvements foi 1883. The owners of the smallest farms now «ee it is to their interest to use the Twine Binder, as it.enta nothing, never strikes for higher wages, is a faithful, obedient servant, never wearies of work, always pleases the ladies, as it involves no additional boarders. We make the easiest running Wagon, use only the best seasoned material, vet up work in good style and finish, and sell at Lowest Cash Prices. Finally will say that our itock is full and overflowing, and feel con­ fident that we can please you in quality of good? and Prices if you will favor us with a call." With thanks for past favors, we solicit a continuance of the same upon the claim that we [will sell the best Goodj for the least money. Respct. Yours R. BISHOP. WIS Wauconda, April 23d, H-jnaiMAM, DO TOU WANT TO BUT _ Sewing Machine? I have on hand and am selling at the Low­ est prices, the Domestic, Kldredire, New Home, sprinirileld, New American, and Singer e win* Machines, and w'll not be undersold by any agent in the rouiity. A jrond sinper Machine" for 20. warranted to do the work of any Singer Machine in the world. Cslianii nuu me. U . W. OWEN. Mellenry, Feb. 20, 1883. HiII -*^-*£•011 ' THE*#"* IP TBABE OF With t«i unusually large assortment of Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Granite Iron-Ware, &e, BOTTOM PRICKS-^-- : In Planters we can show you ai d sell you the renowned keystone, Union, Standard and Deere, cheaper than any oue in the stall. We have the R audal & Keystone Pulveiizing Harrow with their improvements that are far ahead of any other made. For a Mowei you all know the Standard, Manny an$ Knowl ton are lighter draft and lead all the light Mowers in Uus county, by many a length. The lightest and simplest Twine Binder in the uiarket for 1883, is the Minneapolis, and is the only one that has Appleby's latest im- piovement8. It takes only one-halt a team to run it. Call and we will show it to you and you will see it. will save you time, horse flesh and monej. talnN i'jisi , :-.t•' ' Rakes I «!e, UuSShm, y%2 V'llifurnin, tory.BrttUk 1 _ amimmd, a^\ll^rta^^"pointa*{n tte NOR™. NORTHWEST and WEST. J5F «itVSS1 traverse Nortb- imv v -SP*1 Northern Northern StlCHI. t a i ̂ * ^ Central DAKO-ta. it olfers to the traveler all accom- railroad. of any road comfort an Its train service equals Is as li thflr speed Is as great as d safety win permit: they connections in union £epo& mod-ltfoxis* that IS 1 rea make close connectlons ln union ieiKrtM at junction and terminal points with the leading' railroads ot the West and Northwesjt, and offer to those that use them SPEED, COMFORT AND 8AFETY At CHICAGO it make* close connec­ tion with all other rallroeds at that city. It runs PAT.ACE SI DEPHVO CARS on all throug-h trains, PABLOR CABS on its princloal ro ;te3, and NORTH-WKSTERN DINING CARS on its COUNCIL BLUFFS and on its ST. PAUL and MINJiKAl'OUg througrh day express trains. If you wish the Best Traveling Accom­ modations you will buy your Tickets toy this route AMD WILL •take NOHJt OTHEH* For rates tor einarlo or round trip tickets and for full Information in re­ gard to all parts of the West. North and Northwestjwrlte to General Passenger Agent, at Chicago, 111. S All Coupon Ticket Agfents sell Tickets y this Line. > D. IiATNQ, MABVIN HUQHITT. Qeu. Sup't. SrtVlce-Prvji^and Gen. %:• H. . 8TENNETT, Ucn. Paas. Agi., Chicago. HEADQUARTERS FOB Nothing but the Tiger, Hollingsworth, Furst- & Bradley, Knowl- ton and others. All flrst class. You will always find Inith Plrtform Wagons and Carriages of all kinds and styles at our place and will sell lower thau anyone. Also the Celebrated Sames Wagou Pump;?, Pumps, all kiuds with the Enterprise or Turbine Iron Wine Mill at low figures. Be sure and c$U if in want of anything in our line as you are sure to be suittti* m m m ALBS -AT I. S' At the odntand of Jacob Story, Mctlenrj, invites this Attention of Dairymen, House-Keepers, in fact everybody, to his large stock of Ailik Cans, Creamery Pails, and everything in the ine of TIN AND ORAKITK IKON WARK, which he is seing at prices ns low as the lowest, workmanship and quality of goods guaiauteed. Tin Hoofing, EaveTroughing, Jobbing and Repairing piomptly attended J5|T*Remember, extra, good bargains cac always be obtained to MAYES & BARTLETT -DE ALE11S 13T--' Dry Goodd Groceries. -AND- WITIIOOTHEDICIIE. THIS MAGNETIC BELT 13 The McHeary Brisk Manafaetnring Com »oy are aow ready to supply Brick In <m»^ PPM SMALL LOTS ' 9 [Si . -rTO- • Their Briok ftvc mcaikI to none'to bi fAnnd •Jgttt'a JTB For further mformation apply to or addreM Mamfactiimi! MCHENRY *i-v -• " ... , ws*. JlUySUl. .Iff. - • ILLINOIS WARRANTED TO CURE- withoutmrdiHne fatn la Ibelul Umb«, nrriu. <i< billtjr.laaibsm. m> rkcHMMtUn, purulv aearalela, aclntlM. 4 ** . ? kld#<,TP,»pia»i dlee»«ee.tei»lalWer, mmIbb! cmUkIOII*, laMtfHj, ••Mu, hear rt«.ruplur€' •»*««*. »UW| When anydf-Mllty of the CRREKATITE«UUII ocrors. l<wt vKalltr. lui k ofncr»« r«iwc aa«l rlnfk irAitlnx vpakiii'.M'B, ami Mil these dlatiiciif tytib Miial nature, from whatever cauw, tha contlnoooa Btre»m of jJairnetiKm pei mfattng tbraach lit aarta Ilwre 1. r-tuut this a| |iliauce. HEADY MAmi : At Oenterville, HcHenry. General Merchandise RIVERSIDE BLOCÎ j McHENRY, ILL. I « miliM«iifiiiniil nfly line of season *S lBVlvBu lllllglllllWHl* <*»•» -«**• WHO able and elogant styles for spring requirement*. Every department |te and prices uniformly ! McHENRY, ILL.* January 23d, 1883. L^°iE3VGNETIC ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER, TOTHEUDIESi-i'^VKOisaj EzbE>n«tl0it.l>rMeMla.or wltk IMIHIM f6 h'J"' }••. Ileadaeh® or Cald Feet, Rw«Uca op Vtmtk A n mm. «r fwnllm Fc«t, an AbdomlBKl Belt and a pair of Magnetic Foot Batteries have no supefior iQthet e'ief and cure of all tbe^e complaint*. Thejr carry a powerful magnetic force to the Mat of tbm fll8l«RS6* FOP T.HW© Rack, WfakneMof tH« flfltc, Fall* •fih i'hrtiil«I«flapMio tlou and llftraUoa of the Wmmh9 IncNeital Htaio orrhage fr rli^odlng, Pmtnt*at* *a*pre«»t»4 mn4 Ir-rvg«lara HarrenitM, mu4 thaag* af KaclJrai Aypllaaaa mm4 Osnttvt Agail For all forma of Fena1« Hlflleatflea It Is unmr-paaKc<l by anything beioto iiivefttetl. both an a curativa ager.t undaea^ou'-ceof power and •italiration. Price of ctiJtcr Ui h with Magnetic Fo*>t liat .t nea, #10. Bontl y cxpre^KC.O l) .and exr\i::l* alion al!ow<^l.orliy m».il on ret.'c ipt of ijrire. In ordering, t*end mensure «t and nize <>f Ti^ndftfinctf oaa bu mado 111 cur­rency. wnt InletU rat ourrit-k. The Magneton QaTTiirntH are adapted to all ag«a, are worn oyer the under ciothfng, (not n«*t t# t!»o like the many Oalvanle and FKvtrle limit* bag* *dvfr:!»c4 ao exteti«l%-' \r > m:d alioit:«| bn taken <>ff at tiiplit. Th^v hoM thdrpoU/'o'/orck'er.aAd arp worn at all ' - r ' 9 W THAN EVER Two Doom Iforth of Perry A Owen-' • Wf?urn!ttwe1a complete Willi a la^er stodt than eve#, and will be Bold as cheap as any other in the county, and it will be to the interests of the buying public to ca upon meJwheu in want of Anything in that lion* / . * , i ^ . v • f thoy< •-L-Vi-n. » in* tfire In V«jlca1 Treat- ^ « 'Uvut ilvdk'luv," with tii^UixiWAOi t4»U'»HH "iii- luuxpros, *»•<> oUt« but 2L In tbifl depnrtment I keep a first^lasa assoi-tmefit of Cadtets attd Coffin? and Shrouds of all kinda and qualities. A Hearse furnished at reasouuble rates. ' ,lU SPRING AND BUMMER £KT> 4.. A Agiicallttial Machi&try, Illinois. f ichmond ! «fll every lmpletftwit, Tool or Mn chine farmer want*. i*l,.\TKOUM SPRING, UK. MV.'SRY AND FARM WAGONS, TOP AND OPEN BUCCIESV One, two and three seated., at 1ow«t i>rlce» than any other concern north weal of Chicngo. In tiie Aftiiciiltnval Department I have tha Moline, Davenport, anil the John Deere Plow* t>oth Sniky iium Walking. The Kevstoiichnd ticlinioml Champion I'lntuers, 'The Ulcli- inoivl Bronilcasl and Snperipr ^eeiltrs. Har. vow.sotall kunfs at lower prices than ever tiefore. Corn Cultivators of all kinds, Mow. era, Reapers ai.d Twine Himlers. In ahnrt j jmytliins n man want* in the farm Machinery *linc, ritOM A CLEVIS TO A STEAM EN GINE. • ' . FINE PAII^TIKG. In my PaintinK Department I have secnTei the services of H. H. NICHOLS, who is well known in McHenry and Lake Conntics as one of the in st iminter's in this |Mtrt of the conn- try. Call ami see his work, which speaks foi itself, r'or "Artistic Style" in this line, we defy competition. Blaeksmithin^, and Repairing Dono in ft workmanlike manner And war ranted . Call and sen me before pnjctaRbing : |aa I am sure I can save you money . A. P. Q/.AY, Richmond, Marsh 0th, 1883. READY BUSINESS! v < > W. "" E. M. HOWE, JUCCKSSOR TO O. C. fcoLBT] Having piirchased.the stock of Hardware of O. I!. Colby, in the Store opposite nisli«p'» Mill. 1 am now prepared to offer to the buy- public anything m the line of Stoves. &c. ta salt the tfanes. DA RYMEN, Will Bbo And a large assortment of Dairy men's Utensils, Milk Pans, Milk Pails, Milk Cans and anything in that line at prices as tow as the Lowest. A ftrtl stock oi band. BARB WIRE always or jjJOBBINC AND REPAIRING, i Promptly Attended to. *3"Don't buy any. ttliing in the Hardware Line until you bare •examined my stock and learned prices. E. M. HOWE. McHenry, February 87.1883. A£ the Old Reliable Boot and Shoe House JOS. WIEDEMANN, Saloon and Restaurant, NEAR THE DEPOT, fcl^HENRY, - ILMHPIS . IBBkitnUnsh^et i» 1 Come early and examine my new jroods which are ^ now being received and placed upon the market to oe sold for very little, money. ?()ur Stock is the Largest, the Cheapest and the Most Desirable be found in the Northwest, prop in and take a look audgetqiy low Cash Prices. T*"f '• .-.I'.*! H v ,1 i-'S • • :V - • /V;. ••.Jr. H. DWIGHT, Woodstock, fht Wat Brands Cigars always on Horses. • of WIom. LlQMrs and Hand. Good Stabling foi ALSO ACENT FOR o Franz Falk's MILWAUKEE Beer, Beer In Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al way * on hand cheaper than any other, quail tv considered. This Reer has a world wide reputation, and good judges acknowledge it cannot ee sur I aseed in the world. Orders by mf(l promptly attended to. JOS. WIEDEMANN. j. Mc Henry. III. Aug. loth, ltfett. ' . : » ml Call ami examine tlioao Blaok Wal* our Kxieiisinn Tables aL fl.OU per foot at J. B. Ulukc'a. SI |>vi ccnt. oft for ca^ii.

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