Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Jun 1883, p. 5

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v ' ! OJIfriUBCTEO BY i. r. BKNHKTT " v •t. " WEDNESDAY, JUNK ST. 18 • a--.---- 'i i -- Railroad Tlnte Table. OOIBO MOTS. uMUkt PMM ager A:.* f«ka IqmH -S:» " --. - ....... l:«6 r. n is '• ; VOfttH. . Vi (ht.... •••••*•>« *S^ M ..W W " pNIm .4:S7 F* II -- S:S7 " B. BDU, Agent. McHenry, III, i'lf AiOHIC iMoflmutT Lofca*. So. W \. F. and A. M.- |egular Commnaieations the Saturday on or »fbr« the fall nf the moon and every two •eki thereafter. CHAS. C. COLBY, W. V, MCBifRT CHirriCB No. si R. A. M --Recti- ir Oontorittlnni held An the second and fourth rl(t*T* in each moneh. K. V. Awdkrko*,H . P. MR*. F. K. GOAX6F.R was visiting in Chicago thf|fnt part of last week. Miss Erne GILBICBT *M visiting witli friends in Elgin last week. Ho*. PERRT CUISHOT.M. of Elgin. WM on our streets ei Monday. Miss ALICK BKNMKTTIS visithigwlth friends at Racine. Wis. Site expects to be gone about four weeks. JOHN BISHOP, of Waukegait, brother of Hon. R. Bishop, spent sere rat days in till? village last week. NEXT Wednesday being the 4th of ily our paper next week will not be Issued until Thursday, thus giving the l*oy» a chance to celebrate, THB McHenry Brick Company have just made a contract to furnish 500.000 brick for the new Union School build­ ing at Nttnda,^ - ' LOST, HI THIS village. en Thursday list, a gold bracelet. The finder will be suitably rewarded by faring tho we Mine at this office. BUSLKY'S Artie Soda Fountain Is now ^ | ^r riinnfng. We wonder if that Is what v:;, < * luroughton this cold weatherf But it's :;4| flue drink all the same. ' THB elrctts which exhibited In Mc­ Henry on Thursday last did not make ilkucli outride show, but those who at* Jpiided pronounce it a very flnoper- fbrmance, ;; WHRKLRR. at the News Room, now fleeIves tlie Sunday Tribune and thole It lulling it should leave their names With him at once. It arrives lie re about li o'clock on Sunday. % RKV. J. MKRKIFIBLD will preach it Sunday morning In the Unlver- list Chnrch In this village. In the evening he will preach In the Method* lit Church at Ring wood.. MAKY of the young men about town have had their heads Rand-pap*red. and the golden locks of a winter's growth look as though a severe frost had visited tills section. • LOST.--A valuable pair of Gold Eye glasses. between Mrs. Wat. Harrison's ?id Woodland Cemetery, McHenry. he Under will be liberally rewarded for leaving the name with Mrs. E. M. if"ei>* \jitM L. O. LINCOLN WHI please aeeept the ilititto family for a , ' -yriiBi.*»f the finest Ice Cream we ever Wiiich was left at our residence ' ' oik Sunday. Lincolu beats the world making Ice Oro Inge, with his ;|^|is|ey*s drugstore. He comes ilf&lffau aud brlngs with hi»0 illations of a hlkh order as to '^aAyMi^vard A teaspoonfnl of saltpetre diss&leed In a pailAtl of water and sprinkled on ;.ifn1r)^||f]T.,~1H keep oft the worms and nnr jl^ltii thi' cabbage. It will also tr*ueumber aa^i squash vines Striped^ b*g^l|^*bor»ir, " "" * " trth. jyro adver- clothing, wjiloh this uouable .to " sell red in reduce stock, anything from a whole cheap Sanger. Call aud see tlf omi ted to tW^tnies in the ice are Miss Jessie Bertha Hollister. *t the o(Bq»4ni!« systeina- (let tliatjjvre will be no »d ol# in McHenry •re botli young ladles iip4uei IIPSB tact. The olBce *111 be furnished with new boxos Jts soon as thsjf can tie built. fj!i^ AS the currant worm has commenced ^ ^ the bushes In this section, of course ever; runted? .anxious to find out will destroy these rax in warm water tnkle on the bushed that has come to our fKtMftrledfe,and parties in this village ed it pronounce sure le»«t it caii<4o l« th trying. aud ti is the last liarm 18 are klbg fit this I at ( repent. O. it. Clayson drytr« in this village, tar three days ending Monday eight the iMtMaf: Friday. 14.270 pounds. Saturday 22.560. Moiulny, a trifle over 90,000 pounds, Mr. Ciayson Infsrail us •that this beat* anything iu the Mover line he ever experienced. From three 6'clesk oatll nine at night the streets In the vicinity of the dryer are liter- ally blockaded with wagons loaded .With detinl Mr. Ciayaon also has ital I«.ake, Marengo and Harvard. TH* Annual Independence Party, at e Grand Hall, Parker l&oate, will lake place on Wednesday evening, July Jth. Severance & William's Quadrille Jtand. of Milwaukee, have been engaged to furnish the music, and mine host ||arker and hia estimable lady will i|pare no pains to make tills Party, ;%hai gatherings of this kiud always feave been at this popular dancing re liort, A No. 1 Iu every particular. Grand Pall la conunodlaus, new, neat and clean, and those who attend cannot fail Of having a most enjoyable time. JEW »!*..?- Doc" MCLKAM la again on lila old stamping ground. Be arrived on Thursday last. SnrOsBiM, of Johnsburg. has moved to this village, occupying the hou«e lately vacated bv Thos. Walsh. DK. E. E. BROWN, who we noticed last week as locating here, has changed J'ls mind and moved to Richmond, " B. IJTTHOMAS and wife, of Omaha* Neb^ former residents of this connty, liave been the guests of E. M. Owen and family the past week. GEO. MOORS and Mr. Wentworth. of Chicago, who have Jbeen rusticating at Fox Lake, spent Sunday with the family of Hon. F. K. Granger. Miss CORA MCOMBKR went to cvgo this Wednesday morning, where she proposes to spend" three or four Weeks, visiting friends. RKV. L. J. DINSMORR and family, de­ parted on Monday forUiis new field of Owntonna, Minn J They carry wishes of this en­ tire community. ON the evening of July 3d *I$N take place the Annual Independence Party at the Riverside House, in this village. Anderson's celebrated quadrille ban»1 of .Tanenvlile will funUh tli«» mii*l« and those who h^re heard this ham need not be assured that there is ni better music to he found In the Xortlj west. The large and commodious fin has been newly calcimlue.1.*a new'fioi laid, and mine ho«t Wiglitman has'doi^ everything that could be done to mtik It comfortable and plea«ant for all who) atteud. Rnmember the date, Tuesday evening, Jul^ 3d. PROORAMMB for the next meetlnsr of the McHenrv Young Peopled Temper- ance Society, to lie held In (lie M. E. church, Sunday evening, July 1st, 1883. at 8 p. u A A A 5. a. 7. a. s. te. li. is. 1A 14. SonK--G«*pel Himni Vo. » Scripture Remling Stella «. Be kwith Praver Bv th« IMttnr Pnet..MU«e» Rfllo THton, Rnth cherliurii Minutes last sneetinc Serrttnrx Solo Mi** Don Whitlnr Kca<1inc Mary Wenlirorth Reailiag Kfort T. Trio-- ....G. T. and Kiltie laimler Ohns. P. Colin? Select Ke<t'lin* Mrs. J. O Ritrclow Solo (IT Mrs. Jiilfa Bii«hop~with rlioru* itimt Clinton G. I.iimleT WMpcl Hymns ...... ...Jfo.817 1 fuvitation to all. BKUI.K C, COLBT,' DON AVI SI'S COMINO. .. Donittln's Original CfiniprisflPhln* ex-fiAfe*, all of extra- culture and yenrs ofcoitSfant prnctlce to a high state of cultivation. They are no humbug, no iinriit cork trtlsts. but genuine, first class singer*. No lover of song, the best of all unus fhonld fail to hear them. Tiiey appea at Riverside Hall, McHenry. July 17th Tills entertainment will bo for tliel benefit of the Cemetery Association. JwrNtr In mind that 'Woodwtock If to have the grandeat 4th of July celebration ever held since tho city had jhv«xtetence. Hon Luther Lad in Mills. oC<^jfc*ge, the most gifted and enter- Iclwng ajieaker that ever addressed an audteiiee will deliver the Oration. The celebrated Harvard Ban'f, one of the best in the State, will*-, furnisii the music. 'J'he mayor, «ity council, ami the msffagnrt In charge will do mil in their power to make it. pleasant and 4*Wtterta1ning' for ^i|^-;a«dijl**t hut njt- least yon will see at D vight*s Old He- liable (Jash Boot aud Shoe Store the largest stock ef Boots and Shoes ever brought to Woodstock or Into McHenry,, ftettnty. The«e goods were bought ex­ pressly to accommodate the vast throng attending the celebration. Independence Party. There will be an Independence Party at Peter Adams' Hall, Johnshurgh. on Wednesday evening, July 4th. 1883. Good music In attendance. Tirkets. including supper, $1.00. All are Invited. PBTEK ADAMS, Prop. Fourth ef July Picnic. As we have noticed before In these columns, there will be a Picnic on Wed­ nesday next, July 4th, in Wheeler's woods, ou the East side of the River, for the benefit of the German School, of this village. A good Band of music will be present, a fine large platform for dancing, «M refreshments for all who wish. In llMj^MOthlo^ will be left undone to make It pleasant for all who attend. The proceeds, after pay­ ing expenses, will go for the benefit of tlie German School of McHenry. A general invitation is extended to all to come out and have a good time, aod gflso aid in this most worthy cause. Bf Order of Comnjy^e. Good Clothing ; FOR LITTLE MONEY.-Fitiiiftti- nions & Evanson have too many Suits on hand, aud in order to reduce stock will give a Discount of 15 per cent, for the next 20 days. It will pay you to look tliem over, We would call your attrition to the fact that we have the largest stook of men's, women's, misses and children's fine, staple and fancy Boots and Shoes ever brought to \Voodsto2k. These goeds were bought from the manufac­ turers for cash, and will be sold for cash at a small profit, and we will make it an object for you to come from any part of the county to trade with us,no matter how great the dis­ tance. w. H. DWIOBT. Cor, Main St. ud PuMteSqaaro, Woodstock, Illinou. Parasols, Fane. Lawns. Laces, White Goods, Fine Shoes etc., very reasouable. Gallia. FiTzaiajfoxs ASVAKmx* Jaa« " * ' Wm. Whitaoa, aged It It Is with a feelltig of sadtf#«t that we are called upon to pen those Hans, the last tribute that we can pay to one who, to ourself aud family, was a veiy d«ar and greatly respected Irlend. In­ deed, "In the midst of lif9 we are In death," Mrs. Cowlln was tick but a short time, and until about a week be­ fore her death lier friends had not the remotest idea that she was dangerous. All that kind nursing and medical skill could do was done, but It was of no avail. Tlie grim messenger had marked her for his own, aud after bidding her friends good bye she peacefully fel asleep to awako on that other brighter shore Mrs. Cowlin was born IR Wank< Lake County, III., Feb. 11th, 1849, w she remained until she w«%;:ftve years old when she removed, with her par­ ents, to Woodstock, where she ro*NMl, until her death. Site was marri October 3d. 1868, to Wm. H. Cowlln, who, with three children, tlie oldest aged about 13 years, survive her. was a kind mother, an affectionate and honored and ipspuctcd by all w! knew her. Tho funerjdJ$^vi<*9 ware M^Tat the residence of her father. Thomas Wr**"" son. on Saturday last. Rev. R. X. official Inglguid was.jjUjpiMled by a large' concourse of sorrowing relatives apdt friends. The bereaved husband, chil­ dren. father, sisters and brothers, have our heartfelt sympathy in this sorrow­ ing hour. . ' K«t <lea«t. bnt cently sleeping; ,i • ' Waiting on the better shore, For tlie love«t on js monrnfullr treeplB#, • She waifs thee At the open floor. New teller Mills. The I'M Rl»wr Valley Mills, R. Bishop, proprietor, which lias been chtsed and under repairs for the past two niMtiths, is now again In runhlng ordei. although tlie Interior is en­ tirely changed, the old burr stone be­ ing discarded for making flour, and In their place introduced what, is known as the "Gratloj v^rt'""1 Roller Mill, our knowledge of Willing, and" partU'uiarly this new machinery itemed aboveSU would be worse than/iselass for us toSutempt oven a description of It, much IVM an explanation Of its workings, llta this we ca^ say, Mr. Bisiiop has spsveri neltlier time nor money in purtlnk his mill in shape to compete with thaNtoscto too Cfpud in the ynited S(ates.\fiverftlUag in his mlHj»m top to bottom, is new and of tMOnost approved pattern, ami the satfVMw of flour'alrea coi^jpere with 4lie anywhere. Tlie mill Ity of (Beveuwr-flve Mr. Bishop/informs push It HI its fnlli motto Is Ut lend, not iievfng t/mt just as, made, and made as as elsewhere eiTOiflPlPR he has who will go tlirough hto n»i%^f«aiBl his nuicltinery and see wliat1|^4s pro- ducing. will f«.r A yoatent o MIHer's Orehestra, of Elgin will play at tho Culver House dance 011 the 4th. An arrangement has been mide for the summer by which two mails from and ^Chicago will he received dally at tlf»|i|rtimona Postofflee. The pub­ lic am al0(ed to Postmaster Potter. Landlord Culver seems to be the only man In town who wants any fun here tlie 4th but he always draws a full hand and can ge It alone. The boys and girls ®nd tha old^folko, too, who feel in- frate the National annl- icing, may do so, accord- it approved standards, at use July 4th. i*tt who has been visiting llcBMry ls| vicinity lately informs us Mead%.«f this place, number of pupils In is winning golden ! ker success as a teacher, tad to hear this. Miss a diligent student, and acuity of imparting In- an fellow: OaelwH|Vig machine.... ... . -WfiCTHwaait tworakee.... apr beige shears .. .. . * 9SieM*rtew ratviiii.« One lawa Total. ' Total Invoice.. As Mdsion 9 (or u.»rth part) la opt laht ou t late rexelar lot*, the worth «t land eaaaut be correctly eatinuit^t. U la valaed by the eem- •littee at SX cents per square foot and aoM in any quantity desired. The fcrottnd is in fitlr condition, well fenced. CFsess taa OUeaffo •Mbaae.) •>MO«V AOA1M. MM " Chmat aMto JiivaU. with a tool house Wx 14, S feet hi^h, witheU. if Oat of dent and money in the trsasary. lot owners watering lowers, etc. «Mn*dto tern and pump for eonrenienne Crtr setting monument*, waterii ItesiMietfullr suboiittad, J. b. Dowmwo, Superintendent R. O. A. The ^following bill of Downing A Dennisou was presented and ordered paid: Richmond Cemetery AssoelatloaJta| Downing A Denntsoa. \ 1879 Aug. S To labor on new emends • 73 " mowing and cleaning gronad* sen IS •• Polling weeds 49 fl " loilior on new amnnds part of Sdars with borae S75 To hanllnr brink,lime and water 75 " Spade for cutting aod 115 " Mulching tree* tt •• Wor" We are vei Stao<^"tl »ysM requeit ItM cannot the following. though ; wc have dosie any more justice to the baud in any notices it may have re* land: ^ lendflttfnet Band, re- nfca to Miss Howden ktt tor oonipllinentary mistook Sentinel and CALKit, and for their HUH»urage men t to our suggests that we Jiair |ulet slumber Igfct, by the booiu of and lee cream festl- riven by the Richmond 1st Friday eveniug. at was a grand success Tlie net receipts ,asum that will help l»rab!y, but we wish it |Wenty-*lx. It would ing for our cltlxens to |(iy a band uniform for . The organisation Is one townshoula be proud of. Who will up the Jtatt §10 toward the aul­ as? than celt M< kind band.* awaken 1 some bass val, andilfci Cornet B« the Culver in every,res were abbot the boys were ten tlm< be a graceful ;hip in" and members, Kept ss (let. 17 Nov. 4 10 1S80 Mar. S Apr. S 7 * 17 17 . » May si SI » Jnne 17 50 July S » 17 Auk S *ept. Nov 10 M 1SS1 May II » Jnne IS 51 July 9 SS Aug. 15 Sept. 1 7 1883 Aug. 1 1 ISM Mar. .W May IB Jnne Total.. fork on cistern " 1 dav with team graveling..W11ft -• Half day with bone 100 •" Beedsand plants IV «« Work J l> half day 1< •• I day* labor 17ft *• Padleek for door 9ft " Paid Frank HUt.|ft>r drawing plat of ground ] 00 '« Ca«h refunded Mrs A Potter and credited on !»x>k* 1 00 " Door trimmings and flowers.. ISO " Lalior eleaning up graves.... 5W " Mowing gronadit i 00 " Labor..... too » " 160 " Whetstone 10 M Cleaning around with horse and wagon 1110 M Rait days labor 1 00 «' Half day with team "5 Labor 50 '* Itepairson toots SO " Sdays labor lday team S SO " Flower vases ana evergreens H 00 l»c I no ,. 75 100 10 so 00 X day tabor 1 •• " 'Work JI>...!. ...."!.!.!,.i! 'Pain for pulling weeds.-.. Making S deeds Staking out lot* ...... " Making Sdeeris 80 M Paid for blanks SB " Cash lor band on wheelbarow 80 '• Repair*on gates and work... BO Su|x, cervices Irota Juae 1879..S3 00 980.47 Ctedlt by wblte lead left from painting house .f I SO Balance 7897 Cemetery Association from account Jan. 1S79. Balance on hanrl as per last statement tnelnding note of |0Odiie Asso't'n. .. | 74 57 RER.M of J L Downing to date eaah S8B00 One bill on D A'D S7M Interest on note reported Jnly *79, 4 so Total. IU1.81 IKO.--At t >. Sumiay, ageti^MyOars. My,;lpfcon W) glaitifriut el resiilid la 1 residence of M. If. lCj^Mr. Ely Hlxon, If nnrive of New En- reaching manhood had ville. Tenn^ w lie re lie was (»«itee «teeiiSnlc of tlie R. R. car sliopfi. During the last 10 years lie IMjl reslijjed most of the time with rejatwip In tMs place. Mr. H. was akiud nelgh* hor. jja man po^ssed of a generous, lovitig dispostt^t. and liad many rricMs. The fuberal service was oon< ductpd by Rev, n.t A. Palmer at the ence of Mr. bole oil Tuesday p m. whtnj Total Cash on head fwl «a Supt'seoleie ead order of asso­ ciation to Supt #177 7S Add due bill ...... 97 04 Note on band due Oemetery Assoelation so 09 :r..r.:v.::::8BS J. R. HTOB. Tinas |UchmoiHl, III., Juae 19th, IMS. Tke Secretary was requested to copy |pon the book of mlontes tbe reports ml stattment of the Suparintendwat. Voti^rli raise SupeHatbn<lsnt,se«i|i showing lotk^ 4$fe, t!0 per On mot tor. thffSecrei •10 as pay for entire sai five ye are. Tlie old office*!, sf t! were re-el»-cted, vlt^; Pres.; Mr. 8. W. Chapman retnraed Wedoae- day.night fruia Loalavitie, Ky„ wblfher he tourneyed to look after the peerieas McCormiek machine In a grand reaper contest ooeuriug there 00 the 19th Inst. The test which brought oat tbe whole country aide, resulted la a grand victory tor tlie McConnick, aa Uw M lowing spetdal telegram from Lexing­ ton to tbe Chicago Timtt of Thursday plainly evinces: I.HIKQTOK, Kr, Jane Mb, 1SH One of the most Interesting events which has occured in this vicinity fur years was a field of twine binders to­ day. The coatest was andar tbe aus- Kices ot the Keatoeky AgiieaHaeaNutd [eclianical association, on' the farm af J. B. Clay, three miles from this city. The Bltiegrass population was out In large numbers, tlie crowd being esti­ mated at from fifteen hundred to two thousand. The trial opened at 10 o'elock. and lasted until nearly 6. It was a warm contest, in which eleven machines were engaged as rollowa: McCormick. Min­ neapolis. Walter A Wood. Champion, Osliorne. St. Paul, Dee ring Elevated and Dee ring Low-Down. Buckeye Ele­ vated and Buckeye Low Down. Aa usual, the result waa a most signal triumph for the justly celebrated Mc­ Cormick, Tlie judges selected were C. J. Cox. William Wood, Alexander Shropshire. B. T. Hume, and J. C. McClure, From the very first round It was evident that the M6Corutick aras the favorite of the crowd, It never missed a bundle, never chocked or stoped for repairs, panil its clean cutting stood out In bold compar­ ison with tne work of other niaenines besides its width of cut was eight foot, while its rivals In the contest ranged In width of cut from four and a-half to six aud a-liall feet. The Buckeye and the Deering Low-Down were complete failures. Much Interest waa manifested by the farmers In tho low-down nficliines. but their slovenly work at ouce brought condemnation upon theuw The Deer­ ing in simplifying the tying device seemed to have carried tlie point of simplicity too far. as by the new In­ vention one of the most trainable requi­ sites has been omitted, as shown by the frequent missing of bundle^. There waa an attempt by its agnnts to bull tlie Osborne through, but whan, owlag to its heavy draft, the dottMa*t|oo waa broken, and when In several Instances It rliocked, and the driver waa obliged »t down from bis soil and tear the m In tlie repairVngllitd changing over of tills mill he has expended upwards of 910,000, and. while of course lie a pects to benefit himself, it must be itajk' mitted that he has done a good tl for McHenry and the surrr.uh coimtiy* and Is entitled to great pra jfrom our^tircns.j % ""TBiriltiil m 11 WW In fpll running 01 der and prepared fo do grinding oitt short notice and guarnute** satisfao^ t!nu. The best rtour iti the'hiarket In any quantity, from one stick to a car loail furuiahed on demand, an^at prl. ces to meet, the market, «MI> si«lered. When iu towalplk fltll to call and look over this model mill. - The 4th at Woodstock. " Woodstock I ns decided to have a^ regular old fashloued celebration 4th, and when Iter citizens their minds in a matter ot they never do things by halves; Luflln Mills. States Attojrney of go, lias been engaged to bntt%! occasion, and we can truly sfty abler or mow polished spcaker*an found In the State of Illinois, Ilia oration alone will bo worth going twenty miles to hear. Besides tlilsiir there will bo sack races, wheelbarrow paces, etc. and in short the programme throughout will be agoodjMie. In the afternoon there will be some splendid trotting on tlie Fair Grounds, Cousin and ^Totthern Til 1110 Is Ti Circuit holding three days races iqt tl place, commencing Thursday, .?u|y and ending Thursday July 5th. n*4 grammefof wlilcb we give In full low: V3-- clrcnn- ido with a man's er all, the right with the above ndltions absent, ibert Gardiner nimencing In a tiiero he lias a*>tni; trade I bills on goods # those more Hretentlous es- le of his vicin- ,acO'urage home of Mr, Gard- meeting la June, ilng was bo held on the secoiHl 1884, to wh|«h Mn* adJourMii v ̂ " • B. F. BKRWBTT, Sec. looked upon as the TOolitnoiuf as held at tha»: Tuesday even Assoc! s of last meet as they appear July 11.1 Secretary's books, were of tlia Treas- * the re|iort and rlntendent, J. L. and on motion eat of the Blch. from July 13th, From lots so For care of to ..tsiso a so S33.W) ..#75 M) mis as per ea lock.. nter«at on festtva ft. Olttb d s of ef lote Tuefdiy, Jnly Sd S-.4S class-puree #«». Euti ieCf-J. <i. slterotan, Chicago gg ahepartl O. A. L. Boy nton, Milwaukee, cfr David B. Lon Freeman, Wrights Grove, III., bs Geo M. H. E. McKinney, Janesviile, Wis . hg li. H. Howe Wm. McGinnis,'Itnickford. 111., Wm. Kimball. Wm. McDonald, Nnnda, bg Harrolil Cha* l.athrop, drown PI. In«i.,Griy Dick. J. Hfilter, Chirajro, bg Logan B. Molony A Wil­ son, Bel vide re. gg Desota. S:29 class--purse S3S0, Entries--J. G. Sher­ man, Chicago, blk m Bertha Clay. T. J. Dun­ bar. Chicago, gm ROsaland. John Huber, Chisago, bg Logan B. Jas. VanKlta, Janes ville, Wis., Fulton Maid. H. Hover. Monroe, Wis., bm Doubtful Girl. David Johnson, Jef­ ferson, Wis., Betsy Ann. The Glorious 4th. 3 ininnte elssa.--purse (NO. Entries.--Newton llall, Chicago, bg Ke£> A li Bovn.on, Miiwaukee, eg David B. lx>a Freema'n, Wrights Grove, bg George M. OH Hpaffoi'd, Kockford, gna Blanch L. H D Me. Klniiti}', Janesrille, ens Ohio Maid Wm Me. Donald, Nnnda, Iw Uairold. David Johnson, Jefferson, Wis., Minnehaha. 4:35 class--purse t90Q. Entries.--D Desmond* Milwaukee, Dm Stolen Sweets. H D McKw ney, Janeoville, Janesviiie, bm G W Howe. Jas VsnKt ruftonMaid. Win McDon N uniia, eg Wm F Hayes. Purse S1S0. lor Novelty end one-half iniie dash, S25 to each quarter, lor Novelty Running Race, one 2:30 class, Pacers, SOU, Association adds S30 Thursday. July 5th. f :40 class--purse f**1- Entries.--J G Sherman, CiacaRn, gg Shepian* O. J VV FOIHI, Chicago, cs Blue Bull Pilot. Jas VanKlta, JanesviTle, bin Kiiitnn Maid. H D McKinney, Janesviiie. bg G W Howe. H D McKiuney, cm Ohio Maid. J B. Peters, Colon, Mich., Mainbrino Sparkle Win Mcl>ouald, Nunda eg Wm H Hayes. C L l.athrop, CrfOn Pt. Ind., Gray Dick, H H Gatps, Ciucajpf^em Frse for all--purse SJMiO. Entries.-VD L Wells, Milwaukee, eg Ticonic. J G Sherman, Chicago, bm Bertha Clay. Milwaukee Jockev Club, gm Rosalind. John Hulier, Chicago, bg Logan B. Geo B Hayes, Frankfort, Ky., bin Cjitciifly. W II Doble, Chicago, Monroe Oliiet David Johnson, Jefferson, Foxie G. Friday, July 6th. 2:30 subscription stakeo, f50 each. 3:3u subscripuou slakes, i&oea<"U. Fine line of Lace aud lugs at Perry * Owen's. >. Y.. ?' ... v.|. StoiM P G Si inkle fatal IMS From sale of For care of •Total S From sale of lots Forosre " " . Total. •83 00 Amount drawn from treesnry dnrlnf at ore ipeoiSed time as pr books .S177.7S Balance on hand 275.32 The Cellawtag is a *utemeatof the improve- meets, tbe amount expended for tbe same rfuHng the last four years, the outstanding aecoeMUl, the a umber and raluatioa of lots stillMMHle, the toola, and valuation, and a geadanrntement of the condition of tbe grou VWeeder the .care of the association: WS-ISSS UU Ameaa» pall for improveateats In tbe eray of grubbing out trees and - stumfrs, plowing, seeding, ead lay. ing etU of new a rounds, wltbeost ofpeese,cistern, mowing maehine eedentter. shears, wheelbarrow, ejM.£ete. . (H4I tbe amount drawn tinetndiag Doirn- rs blll) presented It la a rearpleasure to Had, a while, Intelligent aMtfselttlonf! of merit, gracefully ex^iened, aud the rrlends of ^Charley" Tryosf will thank us for reproducing the following from the Illinois State Juwnat a( June 21: Among the quiet-unobtrusive mem* hereof tho GeiterarJ^Mmbiy, during the recoilt session, IhetO lias been none who looked more faithfully or con- scientiously after the Interests of his constituents and the peopl* of tho Stale generally, than Hon. Charles H. Tryon. Representative from the Eighth District. Mr. Tryon resides on a Farm Jn the vicinity of Richmond, McHenry county, and is identified in interest and vocation witli tlie agricultural class of Northwestern Illinois. Though an In­ frequent S|ieaker, and seldom calling attention to1 JfiimseK ou the floor, his induct i-.v andclottc attention to business secureil^irhlin a dagree of influence exerted'^ few members011 cither side ol tlie Howw. He was particularly fluentiai In securing the passage tjktoitgli the Hou«e of two 'measures-- Ottfcllk.bill providing for the more cer­ tain oonvlctioi] and eflective punlsli- 'inent of persons guilty of burglary, forgery, etc., and the other an act authorizing the erection of private telegraph and telephone lines and pro* tectiug the same--of much importance to suburban and farming communities. It is doubtful If any man leaves tha General Assembly with more earnest friend* on both sides of the House, while the respect and confidence won by liis high character for honesty and fair-dealing, have placed him in a posi­ tion to serve Ills constituents even more efficiently in the future than in the past, in case they should choose to re­ turn liim at the next session--as Re­ publicans in other portions nf the State aioat sincerely hope they may do. We have heard similar reports of Mr. '(Cf|coii's,influenee and position in the uture from other sources, and offourireaciers may recollect that the popular verdict above expressed is just what was a long time ago pre­ dicted in this department of the PLAINDKALER. The time is past when oratorical gutdi is a passport to Influ­ ence in the State Legislature, but hon­ est, conscientious hard work in tlie interests of a constituency Is bound to cetnmj|tid attention and respect. That Mr. Tryon is one of the oonscientioo«(< intelligent hard workers tha State klournal etldently appreciates. to get tlown rrora his seat and tear too 6rain away, tbecrawd erted: "Take , out. Take Umit?* etc Ing to tUf^large crowd it was las* ble te ottnhi a vote from thoee „ . However, tha result ol the Work was the sale of eleven Mc­ Cormick machines on the ground. The follewiug testimonial from the shockers who followed thai taaritlues throughout the contest Is tho proof of the well deserved and easily earned victory tor the McCormick. "We, the undersigned, followed the machines in the field trial near Lexing- to-day, as shockers, and found tne of the McOirinlck the best of n tke contest. It did not mlss a die aid tied tighter bundles than ay other machine. *A majority of the oilier tnachlnee W a number of loess bundles aad of thaaLohoelts#^ 1} "SaiiioBtk-OntbwBU, WROBBBT TAYMM. . J-TBOBAB waatwir, 1 »r J • •:,'SUIM HAVOBB; ^ ̂ ' > I' *A»uaaw *MITB - The sliockerS were the only persons present during the contest who were capable of ludglng to a certainty the tightness of tlie bundles, as well as of all other details, from the tact that every bundle passed through their hands and there was uo guess work about it. A large nomber of friends was added to :lav to the host of those who stand by tlie king of harvesters. Thus oae by one dues the McCormick link Its victories until the chain reaches from continent to continent, unbroken and Impregnable. No tricks nor devices sver take sway its laurels. OXK WHO WITBBSSBO THE THAI Tho McCormick machines are for sale in McHenry by R Bishop. Farm Bells cheap, at John I. Story's Building Paper, cheap, at John I. Story's. Gents Fine Shoes, several styles, at Perry A Owen's. A fine assortment of very fine Gran­ ite Iron Ware at John 1. Story's. 60 pound wool Mattress for 14.75 at J. B. Blake's. Corsets. Corsets, Corsets, at Perry 4 Owen's, Madam McGee Corsetts. The best on the market at Mayes 4 Bartlett's CLOTHING. A complete stock of Men's and Boy's Clothing at bottom prices. PBBBY M OWBB. A full line of choico groceries alway* to be obtained at HBNBY COLBY'S. BUMTINAS In black and colors, Nuns Veiling, Cashmeres, Summer Silks. A full llue of summer Dress Goods aad Trimmings at Perry A Owen's. BIRD CAGES. Bird Cages, in all styles and prices, at John 1. Story's. A let Just received. Call and see them. dn expended 1 keeping watks I trees, repairing deeds, superintendent grounds. trimming bill an earing for the grntteds In general Baking a total expeuditurejor #355 08 F/wn ain'tnecftiveit during same time..0153 04 Leaving a balance over and above ex- pendltBtte of W6 3S 3rd Ontafejindln 1 nrr.t's ara'as follows: J A M Itnbinsitn, oae tat f 7«00 James Lis get " " iftOd J Suinneri W Parsons, oae lot....... 17 6ft i. aha Irtt . . r . lit Aft Mrs W Sales, one lot J<miah \ndi<>irs, o 10 lot.; A J lluwe, b»lmco ' Jssae Allen, note balaaee Total yi. There are yet *ixtenn liu soctivu S) 15 00 1170 . use . M) SO •ailn lots un- ued at SI*.00 •H»SS Mouse and Lot for Sal*. I offer for sale my House and Lot, situated in the village of Mclieury. on tlie West Side. Tim house is nearly new, is iu first class repair, newly painted both inside and out, and Is one of the most desirable residences in tlie 7lllage. Good barn and out houses on the premises. Will be sold reasonable if applied for at once. For full par­ ticulars iiiqnire of F. K. Granger, at McUeury. __ _ K. V. ABDBBSoVf M. D. McHeary, Jnne Nbh. ISM. WANTED. MJDH0 pouuds Choice Bui tor. for wiiicii we will pay more tliaii Market Price Iu Casli or Trade if quality suits. Parties making fine Bntter would do wall to call aud see us. MSUKXOBS AKTAITSCW. Ladies, wa think we can shew yon the "prettiest" line of laces that was ever brought to tills market. Ask to see them at Henry Colby's. ••cure Tha Original. ERE THE SUBSTANCE FADES. L. E. Bennett, Photographer, wishes to Inform the public that he Is now prepared to do all work In his line in the he?t style of tho Art and warrant all work just as represented, or no charge will be made. Being perma­ nently located iu JlcHeury, I am in a conditiou to make mi guarantees good, and will allow us pictures to leave my Gallery unless satisfactory. The fol­ lowing from the Nunda Iferctid speaks volumes. Our people are hereby eautioaed about dealing with strangers, espec­ ially not to pay for negatives until you get vour photographs. We have heard of piople getting left by transients. Wo warrant •satisfaction if youdetl with our advertisers. Ask Geo. Skin­ ner lu»w he liked hi* pictures. Call at iuy Gallery over Perry A Owen's store, take a look at my spaol- lmen«. and ll jrou want any pictures either ol yourself qr friends, we will guarantee satisfaction or no charge will be made. ... . XeHeary, IU., JaaeSStk, m Ooi a. Is*. Ho Carriages sotd low ASoa'a. l*mm Wt . aad Ulstiftftsal.^ Ureat .. • Cfcalnforl QCarpe». Shadeo, ffaHl dieai. Tbe - Story's. The lases: CnKlva Mhoveks wlta'the F M.Owen^SoaV. At^ffM3^^' " Barrel Cbaiw ilt The celebratadl for H The beet at Joha I. Story's, It will pay you to call those Baroan Wi J. B. Blake's Lumber Wa form Spring Bishop's warelioiBi, for sale FIshlauPMckle of all klads EngelnXlii Howe's Block, IML now Bridge. The finest linei Ware to be found W. Owen's. If you want a black silk drees < fS a yard for |140 yon caa gatl calllag soon at Hoary Colby's. As usual we have this «| •nast llaa of Embroideries la HKRKY Aa elegant lino of dress! trimmings always to be Colby's. 1 Bargains In Bod Mens Clothing at Eva BOOB'S. •tl DIAMOMD DTB8. We have all colors of Diamond Dyes only nil CLOTHING. Oar stack of OlatMaf ,|s com plate aad Will beaolt i cash. Mai Our atook of and patent ipoWy{ioiBtttei6» and pHeif right. mm __roung men. we are ,_T oi» spring and somaMr ai Slioes, Mid caa ikow yao., assortsaeat «|ir foaod Unr* s»at~ ate "Just lovely.** at Reary Colby's^ " "ep? THB oboisest llaa of T Ladles' Heck Wear la towat B. W. Howe's. Mia GLASS! GLASS* Wo keep Glass of allj on hand. Special slaM Cut extra charge. ' JyiMf 1. Rakes, at B. M. Owe* i|i Rollings worthy tiger Bradley 8eIf»Dampe. " and Coates, All warranted. Cultivators. All kiads at tlM house of E. M. Owen A So*. and costs Tbe bottom dropped out. Wot t j livo to meet or beat any aod all' that has been or mar be l _ Wire. JOHM I. Swar. Gomamer einnlan for ladies and ge ol tull line of rubber to be bad at Tbe Ladles will line of Laces aod H. R. Nichols'. 8be sortmeut of tbe latest found In tbe market. New and elegant LHtea of Prspai Goods In Boutiag^»iii|«r" worsted In different r""*"" * Parasols in great very moderate at Evanson's. Farmers. In buying a Twlao for 1883. see tiiat it has th^ ~ provemeuts. See that it has an Ai See that It has Packer Trip. Don't buy a clogging Binder. Don't pay year ssoaey loraa exper­ i m e n t . , , . . . . . . v Buy a Binder wbtob has a weft tried aad successful Trip. Buy a Binder which kaa 'SlfoHsr knowu to be perfectly rellal Buy a MMir£A4*fem will get the fctfest ha| reliable Binder M. Owen A Sasj,-^; BINDERS. TWl?fE 1 Farmers, do not be «|efelee4 _ claim that the Appleby Bladora aio alike. The Miuneap machine that lias Mr. improvements. All companies use only his to 1880. The Mlnneat -FULL BLOOJT Bl ket. Take no agent's word for yourselves. Remember a polls is the best, at E.M,Q«rea ASoa*s. Mik l» the piety's lato 9 hanrastet / Jem« Woald reepectfally laforaa tbe pab* tograpblc ^eat frem lie that they have vossovod •USCIY 4 WAUH. 1 toe jpob* their l*h*> w Nnnda, where they are now take ftrst class f&iares at tho ing low rates. ^ Cabi nets,...... Card Photae. tIJW per daa»a Tin Types. .....4 IWNSMh We will turn out nothing bg iMt class work, and Invito tha pobllelorail and examine spedmeaa at aar Teat. All work warranted satisfactory* To the citiseus of McHeitff to say we siiail return to yiSf on or about September l»t api dnrlur the Wittier, and hope MS your patiouage la the fu.uea ;#l|' past. wS v •» iki? -ni

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