Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jul 1883, p. 1

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Published Every Wednesday toy SI^YKE. i • «. "< JROTTQU **0 PDBLBBK«|» :' ; i'.-' ,:^v. ; • *"- ""' .- '7 5%4j W i i office lit Bishop's Block, / tt --OrroaiTH PERKY 41 MARTlK,'8.-- ^'*'V' '<* ^ 1 tigRttflor 8UB8W«hR>*(.'.f4' l""A ». ?•*"" ' • '•;• ' -W;*« r>"V *'• ShM'Tmr rtn' ,Mv!W*««) • ••• , ,Jt|* "ill vrlthiTiT'i's'! Months... 2.JW p.;<i ?. 'reeelvel for throe ;0* ••.• alx ii.- i . .. qS^nths In the «w proportion, fiv% *, gfag*^r---- Kates of Advertising S Wfl awwotinee If tarn' «tp» for idmtwiM ' x'^' ' an' the Pr.AivnKsr.rn, and r~d**vo, to state ^x T iMbm so.plaiwlv that they will be readily on- <• * tderstood. They are as foliow&i.p - »'--• \ , j fitch one war i - 4* > ;|> ' § ?£ ? - ^ f # Tnohes on** y<vtV - - -,., »..W JJ'J v. -, jf*. JJnflMi*one ypvr..•- ••••«.,<•' •'*••'• sVt-- 'i If-Column nno venr. .'».-. - - .30 w -*- JOT'olnnin one vWf . • '- •' (A tip r< ™ Pol nine one year - - ' * '.;i - - 1<W <*> <^we inrn mean* the wwwwemrfnt of one Ifich down the column, single column Trhlth. r .Venvlr advertisers at tho above rates, have file privilege of changing its often as the y ehoose, without, extra ihnrg«». Jteenlar advertisers (meanine tbo«e bavins' standing cards) will lw entitled to insertion of loral notices at rate of 5 rent? per fine, eHct* weeV. Ml others irUI h« «•narged lft cents fier llrto fir Ft week, and 5 cents pof linofwewh subsequent week. 'Transient advertisement* will bo ehnrsrrd' at rate of T» cent* Vor 'ine, (nonpareil type. Mme an thin l» f><«l In) the flr«it l««ne. »nd 5 *«ntsporlin« f«-r subsequent issuer., TlillS, nil ine,h n'lvertfsemenl will *-ost >1.00 foijone i^rV, #1.50 for two \re«k>, lor tliree WtteVn, nnd soon, ". .. ; ; , _ Th? Pt.ATKT>K,\t«« will ho liberal in srivln* ttlltorial notiftei". "hnt, ft* a hui»itio«» ru'o, it *111 reqniro a snltRblo foe fihrtrtr cvervhodg M«kin{r the ubc rtf il» ooluniaft tor pecunin»r lain. i . . •AiB.'.)': &*'" - Ut' '* ~£x • ;£*Y ,i ft'* - J f i : ^ ; ^ ' i - w -X - *• V.y. *= :vM BUSINE»H CARDS. %T IT. T. BROWN*. M.1>. flHV«TnTVV AX I* STTRfJF.OV. Omoo o"i*pr I the Post onnositn Pei*&*H»rtln » rft»»n« »t> stair*,. MdtUmry, HI. • --• • ) 1 • '<r f,H. 'mBR, Mi.O- • oi vv \xn <*Hn(5KOsr. Mivrfenr^v "Ills. (Ifflee nt l!e ide^ce. on tlte.C<>y»ei*» Wi'ke'i farn^nrt atorf.. f •WvH. PtRllY, Kl. »« ST^IWrt*. tffT<«-Tin.*.X ANT> Besley's PrujtStote, West.McHenry, 111. oflt<«0 at » n.' .T. WOW VRT>, Mi O. flTTVKTCT AV AND ^UR(TKOX. " TNV RE»MCN(CE« OPPOSITE M. K. l^sHonrr. Til: OWce, at CTirt*«h, |i1 J. J. MYKR"> ,^^to.loon and R r PRATT ITOUSB. 1" \. PU ATT, Propriotor. First class ao- i: pontmo htion*. Good Birn lfl RO(i»SPt)OH rtnoond"-HI. • ; * n\uniAN BROS,; 111." "br- jSh,»M. I* 01«r Mf lTe.nvy, ,l» K(>iler lttoi-k, two doors west of PtAiif. "" AI/KK Office. 1^10 All Mnnnftjctnrers Meffenvy, T'i d«»-s solicited. B.TOIlAllO COMPTON. ITTSTICK of the PftHeean-l Oonveyanc^r.r- 3Will ittoml promptly to the eollowMow ®f >ts. Volo, Lake County, 111. •».i l T -:£? E. K. Ricii vnns. ii CT \sa complete Abstract ot Titles to land ••TP1 in M HenrvOountv, TlP«oi*. Ofljce with Itettnty Clerk, Woodstock. III. E. M. OWEV lEVKWfVI/ Dcalir and Mannfaetnrcra ST \ffcnt in l<e;idinpr Farm Machinery.-- rice's low «ml terms favorable. Mclionry, B. <}. «MITK. • OOT AVl> SIldK M \KEIt. Prompt atten­ tion «riven to lioi«iirin<r. shop . ,Tl.J*ri15" jry'* ilnrnoss <ho|>, opposite Hlverswle llon«e f|eHenry, Illinois. B BU»17f!B88 CABftS. -. /. ;r. ." ' . - MXKY ti. BAUBIAX. - '•'.w'tV HAfR WORKER. All kinds of Hair Work (done ii< llrtt class style and at reasonalile ]>ri'-cs. Rooms )>t residence, north­ east cornet-of Public, Square, M"Henry. III. tfKTERt*ARY V" Illinois &3.1&RE KN. ftv&Gr.os, rAWT^R. t.ffw hftsiness In any part ot H th<? At ate receives prompt attention. Office ro<v>il 4i, (Joveimmerit Building, Chicago, Illinois. HOtTSE Painter, G*a.inoi\ C «Jc,iinlr)«r and Paper fliint(ej\ Uesj^nce one lIMc.k DR. C. K. Wlf.l-.IAM8. DENTIST. Re<ndence r»«ndee. Win be *t M-f Henrys at Parker Mouse, the WtU ua-l £5tfeofe*eh month. When dftte-j occur Saturday or Sund|y I make my visits on the following Monday. .Vmiy~ ivT.iir f6Ws. 6tTSE Pain . .. . , Wept of Riverside House. attended to prom ply an(l on'vteasonHblti terms, > Horsemen, Attention! rtll lovers ot fine Horses are respectfully Invited to roll at m» fKrm, half a mile west of Mc-flenrv, on the Woodstock roiwl» aiv<L see nvy fine Moijtan and Draft Horse*.. I have a Per r heron Xorman Droit Dolt tlt&t Is h»f(| to bout. H.ill and see him. U So Uusiwc-6^ done ou Suu.d»y. ' ' '" ^ ..." - &j-ctoL*!ifr;' Mclienry, |lay 1st. 18®. -v : t ",* ••" ^ i ,if • . **--' - * * .Notice to the P«$te. ^ tH bnUt-H Shop jftSt son! H of £, ftfffr-, lux'on Brick and Woml ^t.rerft, where T am prounm>d t<> do all kinds of. work in my line. As 1 have no boy* to do my .work, I want verv lujitr whst if is woi tii f»>r (loiiijc it. I do my la a. |«ansver tUaf weet« «*> wu telling, j a Mc.llenry. Jan. Oth, 1S«. * A- SKERI C.A" BEHK5TT, kR£EB£!t OP mp y? ILL. fFIRST PR KM HTM AT KOHEKftT COUNT V I'AIH) Hv fowls are of the cefebrared DITKE OK VOftK stvsin, remarkable for their' greni si*e and laving i|nalilios. I can show a. trio of last. .*64 won's eh Inks weishlnfr Si po»nd*. Ejeys, wev setting if thirtten. #l..f», delivered to pureltsiset; in RlehmoiW, Sfolppi*!, SL'i'Ul'Clv iw^et1, cx amw. ooihirid B. WAiMTHORP Rlne;wood - - 81! 'lo |>eo|)lo that I linve opofiotl fi store near the Depot, whore I will pay the highest murk tit value for Egg*. liiittei', ;ui:l other producc, c.uh or .trade hciuar iixiiuaterktl to me. I shall keep on hfiml a select stock ot" Groceries ami Flour, which with choice brands .of ( irars an<t Tobacco, I am iroing to ^ell at jrji'ices to defy competition, and though I have met with a much more liberal- pntronu<re than I had expected, I shall yet hold out inducements circulated to increase and secure a larger custom. B. RAJNTHORP. RINGWOQO, I11.. June WtU, 18S3. "f EXECUTOR'S ARCH CERMAN Manufactured by . MARCUS, --DEALER IX-- WINES, LIQUORS AND CISARS. Woodstock, The best Tonic, In the ««rl4 Pint and Quart Bottle*. in F. MARCUS, Pitentee. i: r<"' TWELVE REASONS, FOR INSURING WITH sa W. Smith, Of Woodstock, 111. 1. Because he is endorsed by leading husV- f?ss men and the press, and particularly here best known. . 2. Because his is the oldest agency in the . fi<>untv. . ij ,- :3. Because he represents the l»est, line of . >;il||>mpanies of any agency in the county. Because, \vilii one exception, he repre- '.•fnts the ohicst companies in the United "-JJllntes. , 5. Because in case of loss he jcivt-s his put- . ..i^ns the benefit of his Ions: experience in se- '-';*:^(t«irinif an eqiilialde adjustment. - .si :fU Because he has Always issued full poti- ',- ipes r .. 7. "Because he pays losses on fttvm property f liplitninsfi whether tire ensues or not. ' Because he insures live stock anywhere 'fcpainst liRhtninjc. Beciuse he insures against torna<ioes. ' Cyclones and wind storms. * • 1«. Because yon can thus save yourself • '.,- lR'om di«asi ei for a mere trifle. "It Became yon will ilnd him equally as, ' lirtive to aid von in jrctttnjr vour money after *lj>ss as to secure your patronage for his coin- names. ii_ Bccause every one of the above reasons gan be fully veritled l:y calling on E. A. Mur- ihy, E. Sessions, J. W. Miller, from their own Sxperienee, and on the entire circle of his icqnaintances from ohseri-ation. In behalf of the Old I'eliable, the Phoenix, U.'irtl'ord, Connecticut, I take areat pleas. .'fjro in returning the thanks of the company |n Mrs. I.. D, Kelly for her proiatilitu<»a uiid presence of niind in extinguishing a five at her residence, kindled from tlie buru- ' Infr of K. A. Murphv's residence on the morn- In? of the i:Jth in^r./as by her individual effort roperly was saved on which the company ^ policy of _ * 1 *** W. SMITH, N0T4CS, EST ATE of Joseph Oarr, deceased,... i itndcrtdcneii ti.ivins iM'en appointed lC\c- eutor of l lie last Will and Testament of Joseph Carr,deceased; late ol" l.l»e('ounty fit' Mc.llenrv iinit State of Illinois, hereby givvs notice tbat­ he will app«iitr liel'ore the <;oitnty Court of Mclleiirv County, at the IN>urt House, in Woodstock, at tn'e .Inly Term, on the third Mondav in Julv next, at wjiieli time a!i ]ier- son* having claims against «aid csiale are notitk-'l and leq nested 'to attend for ihe pur­ pose ot having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to tho undersigned.- Dated this 31st day i»f Msv, A. D. tSCkv * J A M KS M. (IA Kit, E xec.ntor. PU TCI AN ASI> « U «G RON. States Examining Siitgetfu. Illinois. S JOSEPH K. rilRUX I). Al-OOJ# AND RKT AUSIAXT Bonslett's old stand, .opposite B:slv»o's . Mill. Mc- Hctirv, ill. The c ndccst Wines, I.inuors and r?»?!»TS to lve tonnd In the count*, rresh Ovsters in tlieir season -scrvc^l pp in »ny shape desired or for sale by the Csn. , , tf.oab STABMNO F(m HORSES. CD FOR INVESTMENT tion}r!t?e sechrity at «•,«>• . . . . _p*M1n*rg« to the" lender. Ifurm >«••« nix pei cent. 1 J. w. RAXSTKAO, |Borden Block, Elgin, II). i*4M e. jycuLVER, s ' ;AN*T°NVE>-«EI N, :.'i- (D .VL0K1X at.d, Buck's otd stand "McHenrv, 111.--The cimice'st Kentucky Whiskies, *Onr M«sh, Wines, Cigars, etc., always on (isod. We buy none bntlho hest. and sell at Reasonable Prices. Fresh Of sters In their «e*son. A. M. CHURCH, Wfttcliinaker and J«W«ler XTO. in.r-RAVDOT STREET, f^ucttesso; l\ to K. It. P. Hliirley.) C'ltcago, 111. Spe rial attentfiiar*iiven to^'repairing Fitae watch esand Cino.^WVters. tBfA Full .i»fortm«nt of Goo«ls in Ilia rtne. i r Richmond House,' ; *: RICHM3MTI.' ILL 1 a: o; . i C. W. CUI.VfiRv •* PltOPHIETOR, Hhore HAVTXO recentls ^unrclusQft tho noinrts, I have rinfft in thorough .repair with new fip-nltiie t h i-'iii .rhor t, aritt won Id respectful'v inVWe the pstron-iue ot the trav­ eling public, ftnd others. The tshles w»ll; al- w»v\ s be providedwith tho best that cani he pro'euwl, and polite and attentive waiters will »»e in i«Hdi'ness*;v» all times to attend to the wants.of -iiu'.-ds. No pnas x^ill b'e s;wred to uiakeihis n Class UouSe. Urg«l and omvnndioiis bovn* <itt lh« f»rerfii««*. F»*e Omuiliui' to and frony, all Tjoonisoii first, !fo(Sr.," tr«.^ns.- fJample » . * * * • U i ' i ^ V : i ; ; - - W f k i* t . • "• '.f > j-t • >u7-( •»<$** j- - ^r- E. W i yl.isfS ilslj^vf'^or. wltr^nt drivel H FU.MTS1I«D U T REASONABLE RHT ES. all Mn<ts oh snort nolicc. t'ronrietor. First v« "' etnutg ot A P"o«i Breech law-Hv;', Double Barreled Gnn. watranted Twit-I, 20 . TOjKfhi^lrr Riffe,|c ni..del, 1.1 shots, 2A. \ WHAJI plntedlt s#»t 1,'( voiver.#4.M). S«U'I'riUsli Hull I>og Pistol, S .00. A g.»od, *iii'.rle, -Barrel, Jliecch Loading, Gttit^%'i<*i*n|M. * limine in t.hccontityin foods, jf run want a uatfyou to«Ml ami so* me. guf I.sell, 4 Established 1858, '-'in •f'-> J ft I' 'f 1 jFormerly of McHenry, lias returned to A-hvit\ ."s^listfX Wood stack Mi<( iOHN STEflB^ of Mcfienry, f Woods s returned to Woudstock, Jllianis, And Hai> no* J*9ji the largest and '!»• stof k of s ^ ^ READY MADE HARlfi^ski CO I.. l,AR«, WHIPS, &r., to be i-oitntv, find ban everything BES* MAT ~ " WENDELL, IS MB joiim McHenry, III. •^iH t:»kfi contracts fur fuittlng up Biiildiiigs and j(tii'.r.iiiten mr work wilt oiiiii|i:iie with anv man in tli« State. J can and Will do work from Ifi to 2b per ci'iit choaper t lutn other rarppiitt?.-?, as I hav«» two nf iiiy boys tvlio work with me. which makes it possible for into: to do .so. All Jobs In thn Carpenter line promptly attended to. Giye me a call. ' J A. WENDELL. ^Ichm Saes of bti and Goods oI to on the nnos and entisfaciton P05| Office address, ^ mv.nw>>ii\ iL& , , • -v ̂ _ _ .. ^ ajiii i d, Illinois. Farming- Toos kims attended Keusonabe Tei ni» guaranteed. ermaH, .ti'T %OPO®tOCK, IU_r Breecb and Wuzzfe Loading Shot Guns. PaWiWpY£t)t»t. CwMfe'Wada, and Curtifflfges tor «»]e. Fibhiug wklc cheapo A l ' ' K i n d ? . o f , , \ . s " ^ 8por tiiip O oodisf ANI> REP^KING DONE . 1 w^ll »iide-»st'L HJT.V I tlhwsliwl Sj>ovthv? Jtr.r g(Kt«i I wairanl ey<jry guf Ij '/ Ofothcs Wlfihcrors repaired «nd new l^ojls p'li^on. Prieo |>er pair ^luinutci $2.50, . Ji. MEftMAlSf, Woodatocfc, July jfttli, issi, ' Jterript'ripi* 21& •' WEALTH. Jjy gtv'lhg jiMrt orders W. RI^HMOM () th€ nuithiu^ At'.. &C. h. Bonslett, Near tiie Depot, McHENRY - - - ILLINOIS. Keens constantly oh'hand the finest brands of Flour and Fend of all kinds, which ho will selJ at Wholesale or Retail at Bottom Prices. Five diftcrent brands of Flour always* on hftnd and warranted as represented. Flax Seed Meal Always on Hand •^Flour delivered anywhere In Ihe Cor poration. Orders may ne given by Card, Box 107, Post Office. UIV'E ME A CALIM L. BONSLETT. 'WcfT«n v. "March fib, isi'f. FLOWERY NEWS To meet the growing demands of my cut flower and plant trade, during the past your, I have enlarged from one to four large green­ houses. Now i am permanently located on North-Street, east ol Cbantiinir, on a direct line four blocks eMt of the Foxltiver ttailrtai! Depot, and the Ladies of HTcHeiiCy, VISITING ELGIN , Will be repaid by a visit to mv new quarters. The prices current this year tor most kinds id plants will vary from 6 cents to 30 cent» each. Monthly Roses, from 15c to 50c eu^li, ; * Hardy " " 3Vto78c. " •; Pansicsand Verbenasf.5c per dozen. Cabbage Plants, early,, «>c pei-hnn. # „ .. « late, Stv per hnn. #2 per M. Celery ** SUe. JHM1 bun. Tomido " 3tc per linn. i»er M. I make a specialty of WEDDING JkTPUNEBAL DES GINSi"' And get up work in as good, if not better, and twenty-five per cent, cheaper, than Chicago prices. Having telephonic connection with telegraph oftice, orders in that way are delivered immediately. B. O'^CKIL, Ptarticil Florist, Mfh*, imum SFUjj- llMilliy IMP: IIME GO SEWIKQMI Uliiijii CHICAG0JLL. ORANGE, MASS. AND ATLANTA, GA Repniringot plows and all other ftirm Ira- piements is given particular attcntton. In my ma tin fact u res l use onlv the, b'-ft materl- ali and, keepiiiK ihe very h«st ivovknien IU.all departinents, I am on;tltlc>l to iruar.intee nnd warrant all \\o, l; thai goes from niy shop as fi rut every partlcuhur. • PECIS.L «UA"RAKTKE ON WAGONS. All farm wagons manufactured at niy shop are War routed for TimKK YKAHS. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. I sell everv agricultural implement, inclnd. ing, especiufl v, "Norwegian Walking and Bid. ing Plows, N. O Thompson and (Jesley Bros'. Hows.'ind Cultivntoi'H, F. II. Mannv Seeders and Corn Cultivator*, the Dowairi.'ic Spring Tooth Seeders, (he Pla no and D. M". Osborne * Co.'* Harvester ami Twine Biuder, the War- riorand Hopkins' Mower, aud iill other tlrst- c.lsss niachines. Wiirranled firs I-class or no sale. BLAPKSMITWTNG of every kind attonded to proqiptly and sntisfiiction g'naraateed.. .? »M « IS PAINT ING ' A SPECIALTY. t have eiiga.LTed J. ^TILLWELL, the boss lainter ot Mia Northwest, for one year, or to take charge of iny paint «hop, which is a s.ilHcienl. gui.raiitce thill all worU of that kind will i»e done in the bent ami inost'ariiKtic st>le. it should not be forgotten that I employ J. Repass, wood-workman of twenty years'ex- lorienee, and I.. Howe, carriage 'bliickshiitli, lotli in surpassed as nrtizans in their line. Filial!*-, come and see me and I will guar- antee sa'tisfaction as to prices and quality of work to all interested. - - • - CONDUCTED BY ftRt'S. If*. BENNKTT. .qkjr. mead. L A W L U S , Merchant Tailo#, KI;KPS Foreign and Domestic Cloths. WARRANTS A FIT, OM NO SALE. ALSO CLOTHING, Men's Boys' and Children's sizes, of the best qual­ ity and at Chicago pricesl Store opposite Riversi le House, jStlcHenrv - Illinois. <S- i 'W^t' "7*"' XIWEN, ^--DEALER IH Clocks, Watches^lewelry, Silver and Plated Ware etc. New Home Sewing Machine Co. 24 Stats St., Chicago. : „ ;;'I-.. P. SMITH, Agent, t M i } M c H e n r y . I I I . WESTERN NORMAL COLLEGE And Commercial Institute. FIVE ten-weeks terms per year. COURSES.:--Teachers'. Collegiate, era. Language, Commercial, KIFTKKN Mod- Art, Music,>. Klociition, Medical, Engineering, Drawing, Ac. Whole expense for one year, $125 Wes­ tern Normal Lecture Bureau. Western Normal ".vlvocate." Catalogues and speci­ men copy of paper F!tKK. < . C. fc. G REUORY. Pnnci,rf.l, _ ^ T keep In stock the celebrated Springfield Watch, which Is pronounced by all to be the beat'watoh now on the niurket. •Will not be Undersold, On any goods in nay title. _ Ok W. qmszr. The following we find In tl»« Hebron VotncPpohclertce of tlio Harvard Inde­ pendents M. M. CTOIWFLIR RAISED OVER WOO AT Hebron on the 4tli of July, towards a soldier's monument fumj. TM* amount was obtained within one hour. A beau* liful inoiiiiTnent will be placed In the tenter o? tho Hebron village cemetery about the first of Oetober next, and dedicated t° Hebron'? fallen herue«. The lot Is already (secured. Geo. W. (lotiit, Esq., I? tlie tr^awirer of the monument fund. Soldiers and their friends who are tilsjiossd to aid In this matter, can send tlieir contributions to Mt, Ceil 1. aww .'. fc<lf« MathcHfjr «• r I rp^r^t exceedingly that truth com* pels me to *tat« that I already 9«esl|rn!» of forget fulness. Already the grand achievement of tho poor soldier is fad­ ing from the memories of men. Alrendy grumblings and mutlerhigs arc heard about the poor pittance doled out by the way of pensions to the disabled sol­ dier by the very Government ho saved by liis valor and his sutlering*. The nieti who Hnld at hoine and grew fat In purse aud property while the brave soldier was wasting htg health ami lifa to protect that very "purse and prop­ erty" arc now whining plteously over the peilsiou list. "Enormous.'* tliey ex­ claim, "it will Impoverish the treasury." ~\Ve}l, what If it does ? Who has a better light to it thmi the veiry men who saw J the treasury? Where would your UoNSted treasury b« if the rel»el hord#* hatl not been driven. howling linok from i ts very doors by tbese same pensioners? These grilHlf.fers are "peVfeotly con­ tent that the President shall be pen- siotted at ftfty thousand dollars a year: thHt 5 our judges and goyiirnors aud con­ gressmen and a hundred thfeusand other Officials shall receive pensions ranging from five to til teen thousand dollars per Mftuttuin, All this 5 s pro pot and right, but if the poor soldler, totterlng npon one leg, toiling with one prm, healtii u!l shattered ami broken It) Ids country's service, asks for the miserable pittance nf eight to twenty dollars per mouth, a himl of indignation bursts from their lips, l,,IUo touch, 8oo much! It must tie stopped. It will bankrupt tho such a result; and if it does, it will be at least one case of bankruptcy in a 'glorious cause.v NTot one dollar too much do these disabled soldiers get. Tens of thous­ ands more ought to receive pensions who are now burred from it bv some miserable, quibbling technicality, nil worthy a great government. He who is small enough to be^r'ud^e the poor soldier his little compensation is un­ worthy the itMine of man. He is a mockery, an abortion, a wretched bur­ lesque on humanity, a libel ou Ills Cre­ ator. Fur such miserable creatures "No minstrel note snail swell, But. doubly dying, shall go down To the vile ilust, from whence thcy sprar, Unwept, unlionoruiL und unsung.'f . The following commtinicatlon' which we tlnd In the Harvard Independent cannot fail to be of interest to our sol­ dier readers. M. M. Clothier Is deserv­ ing of great praise for the abl« manney in which he conducted this case, and the prayers of the widow and orphan of our brave boys in blue will arise fol­ ium long after these white-livered ene­ mies of the soldier are forgotten: MR - EDITOR:--I wish instate through the columns of your paper the fauts concerning a mutter of looil interest to the village of Marengo, which came to pass recently; how a hurd-workitig. worthy widow woman (who had applied for a pension) came near being cheated out of her honest- dues from the gov­ ernment (after the claim of evidence was nearly completed) through tho pusillanimous interference of certain parties, consisting of three or four per-, sons.--on<« man in particular (who has held prominent offices) being the lender to carry out this nefarious scheme. And it is supposed by many that a certain old man (wise in his own conceit) whose hairs are already whitened for the grave, made up the most prominent pari of the background. Some two years ago Mrs. Lila Perk­ ins, willow of Henry E. Perkins, late of Oo. F. 141 111. Infantry Vol's., applied lor a pension, and having, as her attor­ ney supposed, tiled the requisite proofs to establish the validity of her claim, was anxiously .waiting the final settle­ ment of the matter, when, something Jike six .months ago, the Commissioner of Pensions notified her that a special examiner would be sent to Marengo to investigate her claim, thereby giving her plainly to'understand that Iter case had been Interfered with. The "special", in question Mr. Hoyl, (and by the way a perfect gentleman) came on Thursday the 21st.. and the case was at, once called In the office of Esq. Wells. M. M. Clothier was counsel for the defendant. K 'wenty-tliree witnesses in all were sworn and their*testimony tak*». but three witnesses appearing for prosecu­ tion and twenty for defense; and num­ bered among the lttter were two resi­ dent physicians, vi*.* Drs. Hag-ir and Mesick, the former having been dm lug the war U.8 Examining Snrgeon. Esq. Wells was eworu and testified that lie was personally and well acquainted Willi Perkins prior to enlistment, and belie veil him to have been physically sound and bealthv prior to date of en­ listment (1S64), and Immediately after hi® discharge and return home «.iw that h»j wflH emaciated and feeble an<iJyul a cough. This, with exception of *#h»rt time, said Perkir.s was in Chicago, and WHS well acquainted with him up W date of his de»th. t874; and that fronf' his own personal knowledge of the ci>e said soltiie'r was not (wiifi exception sta'e.l} free from said cough up to time ot ite»lb« Hinl tli»t ho d|o<i of tsousuuip- ' tion. Was acquainted with three sur-1 ViV^ng members of Perkins' family and had never seen any visible signs of cou- swmprion about tneni It was shown by E. P. Person*, a comrade of deceived, that he was perfectly healthy when he enlisted, but took cold from exposure, and from which in his opinion, he never recovered. All the othets sworn for defendant testified substantially to the same things above mentioned. The testimony of Drs. Hagar and Sfesfek entirely corroborated with that of Esq. Wells and others. t)r. H. having pro­ scribed for said Perkins as he left the cars, he having just returned from being mustered out of service, tide prescrip­ tion being for bad congh which Perkins said he had contracted in the army, and for wiiish himself aud Dr. T. W, Stull (deceased) advised and prescribed lor till the time of his death in 1874. It was clearly shown by Drs, Hagar and MesicK that neither the deceased, father, brother or sister died of con­ sumption proper, but that tlieir lung difficulties were a sequence of other prfof and serious difficulties; that thei? Wfis no hereditary talut of consump­ tion. Win. C. Stewart was called for prose­ cution aud substance of oirect examin­ ation was, that said Perkins was as healthy and sound when he enlisted as the general average of boys. Haw him soon after ho returned from the wrmy and- he was then suffering from agne, and had no cough, but contracted one lu Chicago which led to sonsumptiou and death. That the disease was here­ ditary in Perkins' family; tho father, one brother ami sister died of the same. When cross-examined would not swear positively that there was no visible signs of consumption. Swore that him­ self and Mrs. Perkins were on good far as he knew; if they were not ho .knew of no reason therefor; but ad­ mitted that they were B'*t on speaking terms, which would Mem to be some­ what contradictory. The evidence ipr plaliitifl has been given partly in detail to show that there was manifest a feeding of spite, with a \ieiv to persecution. There is a strong probability that this bad blond was tinge tide re d as far back as the time that defendant's step-father and Stew- Art undertook to inventory a stock of drugs (which had been kept ill Her hus­ band's store previous to Ills death) and determine tlieir value, with a view to tinal settlement, so that his widow could obtain her share of his estate, but. this tcrmluated 111 a quarrel, the Stew­ art party being hacked by a counselor, who, from general pretexts, antagon­ ized every effort on the ' part of" the wlifow In obtaining the property which by rights should have been 1ier own. Many exisoldiers were present at the trial before the special--also others-- and throughout manifested the strong­ est interest in the matter, as thej had a right to do. It fa shameful that malice would cttiwo 121 wr- oaeh TKAcanf OrrrcB SMuaortaufc To County Section flfty-oa*- hat been amen(fc<t 1 "SECTIOK 61. |T the county sope,' meetlagtat' it nooeomry. fa# teachers, on snehda in the respective their opinion, acvoi est number of perw aiuination. Not lea #t?fajpp»' shall be published ft time, in at least1 general circulation, publication to b« t>fttdont«f fund. The couuty in all case*. Rqulra fee ot one dollar t»nni for examination for • tftftetier'ft cate;and for en eh teiewa! *t- certificate, he shall itpll of a fee of one dollar*. received, and th* ^re| hereinafter provlfled for mit monthly to th* HMty to be by him held an# "" the institute fund. and;4gltli the .comity superinreiidvfct tlie tretisurer a list of the name* persons paying such fees. *btl4 shall be paid out by tho comriif' urer. only upon the order of lli# t . ̂ superintendent, aud only to ilo^ntjr expenses of tln» teaciiers* l'.«tll which the county *npertM#Adi£it«ip this section authorlxed t<l IM>I4. county superlntendeutalrill tako era for all naymenu mip^U out-fSf Institute fund, and lie flifJt rem!** account of such disbursement* vouchers for the samo to thi board at their regular meotl^ ti»l tember, annually. Tbaeottotjr tetitlent shall hold, annitallt, a institute, contimiiag tn auHtmi MMt than five days, for tlM| -liOatriielML. teachers an^ thoae fall* teach, and: with State dufMriuMta tion, procure iw necessary tO con time a# tho generally cfofail^f. or more adjo4Mnfe«M*KI«tNMjr Institute togothniv -|t Institute lhstn»^f ' " such as hold cert county (or count*#* join to hold an Iaafftfeto) hi instituto is heM; but the tMntf liiteiulent shall Ing, to pay to hiM).% one dollar. an examinatloti foe ao act. and tailed to wofi The law as thlia MM force Jnly 1st, at date it will be with law. (MUtfMjmn cant Par »3tnmht»l«l tiroip 41 ewer Tiy misrepresentations ahrl unwnrrante Interference; but such was the case, and the most prominent prosecutor in this affair must go slow, as there Is a strong indignation in this community against iii 111 in consequence of this act. Why did he not single out some of the able-bodied ex-soldiers (who have applied for pensions) an:! make them subjects for vengeance, and not attack a hard-working, worthy widow? Unless some nnforseen event transpires, Mrs. Perkins is now in a fair way of receiv­ ing a partial compensation for the sacrifice and untimely death of her hus­ band, who, as a soldier or cltixen --aye, from boyhood days, was considered a straightforward and substantial man. B V ON IS WHO NKVRH dlltVKU AS A SOLDI Bit. §£9"After the storm, a fow citizens who met In a store ou Seventh street, were discussing effect, and a young sou of the Emerald Isle, who resides at Swampooble, was asked whether any damage was done in his neighborhood. '•No," lie replied, "only the widdy Ma- lonv lost folve av her ducks." "By the hall?" "Yis by tho liail. The wlddy had an ould duck, you moiml, wid a brood of seven, jist out about ten days. Whin the storm came on tlie ould mother duck tuck her youngsters under a porch out of harrtim's way. Well, when the hall dropped she tuck It for corn and commenced to eat it, and the little ones did the satnn, i^nd folve of the dear little ducks were frozen to death wid de hail on their stomachs." Washington Star. ;' JSJ-IlUuois still leads all other statoo in the number of miles of Its railroads. Thi* position Illinois has occupied since 1870. when it passed Pennsylvania, which previously had be on the loading railroad state. The railroad mileage of the former state Is now (1880) 7.588; Pennsylvania comes second with G,06S; New York follows close behind with 6,008; Ohio Is fourth with 5,621 miles; Iowa is fifth 4,779 miles; Indiana sixth with-4,330 miles; Missouri, Michigan, Kansas, Minnesota. Wisconsin, Texas, Georgia and California follow lu the order named- - There Is no state or territory which is totally devoid of railroads, though Montana can boast ol out ten miles of completed road. treaswt^ the expensesofft#)tNtltute * are requi red to Itol It is ho pod that (hi* law wl possible for MET*of ftmtoaIN alone or wlUfc»0M*0 oAkoreou intemlent, sttUlt ah tMMiftM* as will do much to tavprow' the - ter of the leaching •«" the law ivlll not egaeni residfs will be asmiratl only WfMNfe yo«t lay yonr plana wUoljr* and earn Ibem out faithfully. f ; I shall hold mya^ltotatlf at all time* to confer and adyta* with you IN rola* tioa to your iiistiintoa, , Very truly yowg. Superintendent Pubtle The fight made upon tlie trade dollar is foolishly stupid. The ooln is worth as mucli as the stanilard silver dollar--more, in fact, because it con­ tains a greater amount of silver. True, it Is not a legal tender, neither is a national bank note, except in oertain cases; and we do not hear that there Is any disposition to drive tlw latter out of circulation. It is quite true that congress should, have made provisions for the redemption of this coin; there is no sense in having two sorts of silver dollars in circulation, one a legal ten­ der and the otner not; but because oongress failed to perform Its duty, the people need not act like fools. The trade dollar is worth its face.and there is no good*reason why it should not cir­ culate in the future aa it haa iu tlie past. Of course no one is ohliged to receive It any more than he is a national bank note, but there Is no reason other than a very poor one for rcfusi»S either. E»rrOR Plain dealer r--I m» vtllt alive aud able to buzt HOf4p«•.* I fcavo been in mortal dread dturihiji tho past two weeks on account of $jki "wiping out" that I have been Informed I would receive from you tor daring to trespass on your stamping gittnotls, Yonr friends, by their conversation, have led me to look for the fall of yonr ponder* ous trip-hammer at any moment. Thejr have been waiting with wide mouthe«t expectancy to see met crnslMd. Wtill, the hammer U down, audi !,*% poor, unfortunate, deraeatcrd craak, only worthy of the pity, COOMM bn- manity bestows tipon tlio aflHeted,**' with yonr Inimitable grace, famom originality of thought, chasteueso of diction, and your easy, imcoasparabhi manner of ignoring that I aSMMMt loi anything at all, am, by you, esMtgit**!' to the shades. I ant frce to wrnCm tha( had I known in time that yowr communlcatlon to the Plaihveaikr Im- April last was purely Action; that yo«. are reported since as liavlng said that- yon had no reference to Yolo people at all; only intended tlie article as a fancy- sketch, I would not have ventured to» have called you to an account, Th* next time you exercise your reportor*- lal functions please try some of th«- **gastra:iou" you sent me fo? a *pcrtodt of two mouths aud two daya/' and may­ be you will be able to writ* truth. However, "Grimes" I think that yw* meant all that yon said. Many a naa> before yon haa crawled through * smaller apperture for tha laek of moral* courage to stand by that which he hart, written. I iiave no dictionary at haa4? with a marked list of vltnperous wonh from which to cull choice phrases •*» fling at you. I do not think that intended personal abuse cuts any Mm 1 when it is used for lack of t*Ht*e. Aa*t now before 1 leave you 1 wish toglws you a little iuforu»itlOH.for yonr use: It is a cotiuedod fact that a hMMtfat iianllv evtr knows that hia haate la aflected. The disease works slMljr. Tlie first symptom usually is that Iks person Is around wirii an it!M tn hia cranium that hi* neighbor* are cMalty, of the "Ruiisan stamp** if yonpiea**; especially those that iVuMmna ̂ llH him. The poor man grow* w««| Anally after all his acquaintance* hi*-* become aware that hia ntlnd h|*IH % he may iiecome reconciled la thafhea that lie is the nndtap^Mii.'lMMi^ll^Ni simple, title perfect, '«t skull. I leave you to alalia yoa»«pt» deduction, but would advtaa jt«a-M|bn careful In the luiure ahont ^Brtaln* a. diagnosis of the m*Rt,»| c*ltbre of V«m»*« f frienca, «*% .. •>* f " <$&'• ^ "ai'i

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