Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jul 1883, p. 5

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J"SSr „ £ ^*Sf i * " 1 *« . 7 * , v- "7, - " » , T ,-., ~><W^"* fmmama , t.-- - •- -,>?*- • • -*;*- *r' * ~ *" *r/ **" »-• . vj; $ >&,'•'•' " i :*W hMIN i£ ^mmMsrnSm I , " ? • ,. .*•.* s»A.->i* . "•*, : WEDNESDAY, JULY 11.1883. Itallroad Time Table. UOIJTO SOUTH. |h«mT<ik« Passenger Gener* Rjrpress--..... f>««Mn (i»M rreisrht SlttMcbMt Express........ ... ootid *ORTtt. Titk« freitht ....«:« A. M Meanlmt Rxpr«M " Geneva lAke KxprtM.., .4^67p.* Beaeva Lake Passeeeer........ «:« B. Brss, Agent. Mc.Uenrv, III ...7:*7 A. K .«:» " P. * ...»:» " MiWTIC NIEITMR T.OTWN. VO. ISS \. F. M<I JL *.-- Ri'ttnlnr CommnnimtMii« tht Aatnntsr on or before the full of the moon and every 1 two week* thereafter. , CIIAS. C. COLBY, W. M. 1 MCK**T OltlPTKR So. si it. A. M -R«m- or Oonror-itlons hnlil on the wroiidwil fourth FrWuT s in each moneh. . K. V. AKDKRIIOV.H . P. THK Board of Supervisors are lu ses­ sion till* week. MAT KG A BARTLKTT have pat up a new awning In front »f tliefr store, wliLch is quite an Improvement. A PARTY from XIIIIIU, immMrliif •bout thirty, went to Fox Lake to-day, •ia the steamer "Mary Grlswolrt," How. R. Ei.i.woon will accept thank* for a copy *f the Congressional Direc­ tory for 1883, GET your tickets at once for the CON­ fer! t9 be given by Douavin's Original Tennessee aus on Tuesdiy «v<«lHg iwtxt AT F^l V«.r»i«lf HN|I. Ko TnoMPS«N now drive* a* line a mitshed team a« can be found in till* sect ion. They are dapple grey* aud till weigh 3.600 pounds. Go and liear a style of entertainment that Is new, novel and varied, at River, aide Hall on Tuesday evening. July 17. Lfonavlit's Original Tennesseeans ring. faj8t.betweeII the Depot iu McHenry and Johnsbnrglt, a large double shawl. Tlie Under will he liberally rewarded by leaving the same at the PLAIN* DEALER office. BASK RAM. matters seem to tw dead ^fn this village this season. ; We have the material for a good Nine. Why not organise aud give some of the out- clubs a trial before F:il». THE Teimesseeaiis will slug at Riv­ erside Hall on Tuesday evening next for. the benefit of the Cemetery Asso­ ciation. Have you secured your seat? If not do so at otice. fx noticing lust week the new fence In front of Fred Schuorr's residence, we said it was wire. We should have said Iron. It is now completed and is u very substantial and tasty fence. LOST.--A valuable pair of Gold Eye "Glasses, between Mr*. Win. Harrison's and Woodland Cemetery. McHenry. The Under wijl be 11lie r;tlly,w,te warded ,«y teavl ng ttie same *»rithf«rs. E. $. Owen, ' - . THK Tennesseean* learned many of their religious melodies from old "Aunt Hi*.v.** tlie test knowu colored reviv­ alist In or about Nashville, Go, and bear lliem at Riverside Hall, on Tues­ day eveiriug next. •' WK learn thai tlie 4th jpf Jtyly cele­ bration at Johuebiirgh did not draw out a large crowd, but those wbo were there report a goad time. The. Baud from Chicago Is highly spoken of, and added much to tlie occasion. ;UYSUS is uind aud we don't blame him. One of the Sentinel * wise corres- I ton dents said last week that he had taken in tea thftutaod pounds'of clover blossoms iu this Vicinity! The fact is He has taken in over three hundred thoymnd pounds. OuJy a slight differ­ ence, A. II. Hu.L. husband nf Mrs. till I who fkept a Milliner)' store near the depot. In this village, for the past year, died [at tholr home in Sandwich, III., on the ist# lie had )ust been appointed rclty marshal of Sandwich. -He died ^from- the effects of a disease eonUMtad ii tlie army. THK Methodist Sunday Schools, of McHenry aud Ringwood. will hive a joint picnic at MeColium's Lake next Saturday. July 14, 1883. The Sunday. Schools will meet at their churches and start for the grounds at eight o'clock. A. M« All are expected to bring baskets and friends of the school are cordially Invited to attend. THK finest Ice Cream that we ever had tlie pleasure of tasting was at the restaurant of L? D. Llncolu this morn­ ing. It was made from clear cream, was finely flavored,and In short perfect In every particular. We want to say more Iu praise of this loe Cream but-- but--well go there and taste It and then yon will know how It Is yourself. WE would call especial attention to tlie new advertisement of Henry Colby, to be found in another column. In order tn close his large stock of Summer Cioods he is offering Inducements to the buying public never before found in this section. Read his advertise­ ment aud be sure and call and examine Ids splendid stock of goods, all of the best quail ty. THROUGH the Influence of Hon. fclias. H. Tryon, our Representative from this county to the General Assembly, Win. Burger, son of Peter Burger, of Hub- rou, has been appointed Superintend­ ent of the farm in connection with the Northern Insane Asylum at Elgin. This Is a good appointment, and Capt. Tryoj deserves crcdit for the Selection of so .able and efficient a man for the place. Touiig Burger is a practical farmer, a man of learning and ability, and will do liouor to himself and the position he occupies. We congratulate him on his good fortuue. Ladies' fine Cloth Shoc§, former price #1.50 to 93.00, now offered at 85c at II. CotBi's. rtntmuuu MRS. JOHN M. SMITH, of Osborne City, Kan., Is visiting with friends 1^* rC»A8. Owwr, of Oberlin College, Is •spending his vacation with his parents ^ii^iils village. ~1"*' FRANCIS J. ROOEUS.^FY^VMEI*. was the guest of Tripp BROFC, over Sunday.. i ' . • »' JAKES B. Pr.RttT and wife, accom­ panied by Miss Bertlia (follister. spent Sunday with friend? at Marengo. PETER BCKGO, of the town of He­ bron. pade us t. pleasant call on Mon­ day. JOQ» DARRELL aud Chas. Retterer, of Woodstock, were over flsblng the first of the week. MRS. T.J. OLIFTOV ' returned from bet visit In Wisconsin on Satuiday last. A. A. MARTIN and family started for their new home, at Des Moines, Iowa, on Tuesday. ARTHUR BnooKa,<»f Chicago,is vl*lt Ing with Ids brother-in-law, L. D. Lin­ coln, in this village. MRS. F. A. HKBABU IS visiting witli friends at Allen's Grove, Wis., tlili week. HON. BISHOP IS at Woodstock thi week. In atteudauce on tlie meeting o the Board of Supervisors. P. D.SMITH.of Osborne City, Ka has been calling on friends iu this vil lage the last few days. H. H. NICHOLS started on Frlda; last for % visit with his brother, a Treka, California. He expects to absent about three months. MR. AND MRS. A. A. BICNHAX, O Elgin.are visiting McHenry for tlie first time, and are the guests* of tht I r uncle, Rev. Joel Wheeler. I.AWVER JONES Mid wife, of W»u- kegan. visited this place on Sunday last, and were ilso guestl At tlie Wheeler farm. MRS. J. II. WAI-DRON, nee Miss Blanche McQmber, «f Chicago, spent a few days with her toother, lu this vil­ lage, last week. EPWARII PEKNET, lea<)er of tlie Evanstou Military Band* aud his sis. ter, Mise Georgianua I'eeney, are the guests of G. T. Parker and family, tn this village. WE learn that Fred Domir<t.of Wood­ stock, a Harness Maker by trade, at­ tempted to commit suicide 011 Saturday ulght last by cutting his throat with a razor. He was alive on Sunday morn* fug. fcfuce which time we have heard nothing from him. but u that time little hopes were entertained of his recovery. Temporary iwsanity, caused by poor health a*a* the cttu-e. A NEW passenger train has been put 011 the l*ox River Division of the Northwestern road, aud now ruus be­ tween Crystal Lake and Turner Juuc- tfVtn as follows; Leaves Crystal Lake at 0:35. A. m.. 11:30, A. m.. and 4. P. M. Returning, arrives at Crystal Lake at 9:40 A. M.. 3:45 p. M„ aud 7:30, p. M. Tills train also ruus 011 Sunday, leaving fryst a) Lake at 7:38. A. M.. aud return­ ing arrives at Crystal Lake at 4. P. *1. >^-+-*1 •» S4-'1 * »» $ ^ * *" t f / ' '\ t t"* i \ •%'{ ~ " 1* v-J % • & } • ' A y " * . y Miss Fraukie, tlie contralto with the Tennesseeans, has quite a his­ tory. She is tlie grand-daughter of the ruler of the people near the Gabbwii in West Africa. She was brought to America by returning missionaries,in 1870. Iiecau^e they were convinced she possessed remarkable talent. That tal­ ent lias developed into something ex­ traordinary, anil she is now one of the principal attractions with tlie Tenne<<. tteeans. Slin will appear with the Teuite»se<*aus this aeason uuder special engagement. THK attention of our readers, and especially old soldiers, is called to the new advertisement, to be found else­ where in this paper, of Win. H.Cowlin, Woodstock, (successor to M. M. Cloth­ ier) U. S. War' f^talu* Solicitor and Attorney, Mr. Cowliu has had a large experience In this line of business, and is therefore able to'get claims through the department in the least possible time, lie is also a _ Notary Public, which is also a great convenience, art claimants can go before him, have their papers made out and sworn to without extra trouble aud expense. Mr. Cowliu is au able and competeut man, and we take great pleasure In recommending him to tlie aid soldiers of the North­ west Read III* advertisement. What the TanacMcsai Claim. That tliey have tlie best shouting tenor living. ( That they have the purest and sweet­ est colored soprano traveling. That they have th« very best basso with any company. That they have the very best oolored tenor traveling in America. That tiie present is the best chosen and most novel programme of any col­ ored company. That as a chorus they are unapproach­ able. Tnat as a company they are tlio best. WE would call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of the McHenry County Fair, which can be found iu another column. Secretary Wright, a* usual, is bending every nerve to make the Fair a suec-ss, and from the array of taltfntlwhlch be pre­ sents, we have 110 doubt that as far us emiueut men Is concerned he will pre­ sent the best programme ever present­ ed to tlie people of McHenry Count)*. Besides Gen. Longstreet, whose letter lie publishes this week, he has letters from all llie State officers, Hon. Clark E Carr, aud other eminent men both iu and out of the State, who have assured him they will be present. Providence permitting. We know whereof we speak as we have seen tlie letters from all these gentlemen. The programme of the Fair tills year promises to excel anything ever before offered in North­ ern Illinois. ' Do not fail to read what they have to say in the PLAINDEALER from week to week uutil the Fair. Tlw#0«rth tn BfoHenry. Tlie Foarthin Mcllenry passed off In a very quiet and orderly naanner. There being no celebration here Woodstock. Wauconda and Fox L-tke each drew their quota from ohr village, and the coiisequenre was our street* presented more the appearatwe of Sttuday than our National Holiday. On account of not being able to ob- taln the music which he wanted nti the 4»h, Wightman,of the Riverside House, was obliged to hold his annual Pnrty on the evening of the 3d. This beiug ou». of the general order of thing*, of eonrse did not dra«v the crowd that it would had it been one day later, but nevertheless it was tlie unanimous ver­ dict of all that It was one of the mast pleasant and enjoyable parties ever held in this village. Tlie music of six pieces from Anderson's Band, of Janes- ville, under the leadership of J. Tuck- wood. was, we think, a little the finest music that ever struck this town, and to say that those present were pleased dog^ not more than half express It. ^The Party at the Parker House on tlie eve«l og of th<* 4th, tins an aston- istor. and was without doubt tlie larg­ est gathering of the kind ever held In McHenry county. Mr. Parker Informing us that three hundred and thirty-two numbers Were sold. To feed aud take care of this large crowd was no small task, but we Are informed that Uiere was enough and to spare-, and that the last table was as good as the first. The house was full from top to bottom, aiid unlike an omnibus, there was not room (or one more. The music by Severane* A William's Baud, of Milwaukee, waa pronounced A No. 1 by all who heard t. and In fact, for so large a jcrowd wo ve heard of little if any complaint, uring the day tlie Picnic fgr the benefit of the German School, which was held in Wheeler's woods^ was well attended and highly enjoyed, by all, al­ though not as much wn« realised for the school as It was hoped would lie. With tlie above and display of Art­ works near the depot In the evening, the 4th of July, 1883, was" passed in McHenry. Want«d-Th« Balanea of tho Man. Found, In the river, near the Iron Bridge, McHenry. 011 the evening of June 16th. 1883. a black stiff hat, with the name of L. D. Cleuveland, Chicago, printed on a silk ilbbou on the Inside. From that time' until July 8th, the finder has been diligently searching for tlie balance of the • man, supposing of course that he would not voluntarily absent himself aud tliui cause his friends in this section needless pain, but having notv come to the conclusion that in H moment of thoughtlessness he had committed tlie rash act of going !n search of said hat at the bottom of the Fox, the finder now advertises for any of his heirs or assigns to come for­ ward and relieve the suspense. Not that he proposes to give up the hat to any hut the original owner,--as" it is too good a hat and too good a fit--hut only to relieve the mind* of those in search. Anxious friends have lieen fishing for him from the bridge, with a pint bottle tied *0 a string, but con­ trary to ills natural Instincts, he re­ fuses to.'•bite." Excuse these tear*. For information concerning said tile address the President of :lie Thunder Ulub. Woodsiock, HI. • /. •. ;--ji. • - f • • • A OA HA Mr. a .d Mrs. Fred Schnorr wl«h. In tills ptihlle manner, to return their thanks to their neighbors and friends for their kind sympathy and oilers of aid during the recent sickness of Mrs. Scliuorr. Such kindness and sympathy will ever be remembered, and should the occasion ever occur *we shall cheerfully reciprocate in any way that lays iu our power. Again, friends, we thank yon from the bottom or our heart. Ml. AND Mits. PIIKD SCHNORR. SJI-- i.„ Jig HEBRON. EDITOR PLAIN DKAI.F.K:--Look out for the Hebron Cyclones. Mr. P. II. Woolfrom and wifa made a short trip to Huntley last week. Mrs. Maggie Stevens is here tospend the summer with W. V. Andrews and people. Her husband from Chicago came out to spend the Fourth with her. Geo. Thomas' youngest child wus buried Thursday. The funeral services were held at the house at nine o'clock. The remains were then taken to Green­ wood for interment. Miss Mamie Martin left Hebron last week for a two months' visit in Rich­ mond, Wis. Miss Allie Jenks Is making her friends In Randolph, Wis., a short visit. Mr. Joseph Ayres was burled Monday and the funeral seivices weie held at the house Tuesday at eleven o'clock. Fourth of July came off as expected. A number of the Hebror.Ues went to Kenosha, others '"took In" the liorse races at Woodstock. a few visited Kay's Park, but .the majority attended tlie picnic in the grove northwest of Heb­ ron. First on the programme was a game of base ball between the Cyclones and Keystones.wliich lasted about three hours. Although tlie game was a close one the came off victorious; the Keystones 41 to the Cyclones 40. After this came the game of perpetual motion of the elbow In trying to satiate the pangs of hunger with a supply of goodies from tlie lunch baskets. Next the audience listened to several extem­ poraneous speeches by Rev. J. Cur re r, M. 11. Clothier, A. Tyler and D. A. Clary. Tlfe latter's speech was short and to the point, which we publish in- full: "Ladies and gentlemen. This place was once a howling wilderness. Whoop!*' This closed the exercises of the day. Iu the evening the usual amount of fireworks were displaced aud iliree balloons were sent to such a height that oue could not see them by looking up. The dance was attended by a large number of young people, who tripped the "light Iniitnsllc loe" till uear the break ol dar. Linen Coats from 15 to 5U cents each, aud ail summer wear at cost aud below at HEKUY COLBY'S. if wuviiua mropunmeiit« , Mrs. Herman Mafman and little May have returned froui Iowa. J«*eph R*ytiold*| V. S.. of Chicago, is visiting fits brother-in-law, Mr. John M'dlen / Mis* Lttey Cook, naughterfof * Homer Cook. Esq., of W.-mkegan, has been visiting friends fs Wauconda. Miss Kate McMahnn. principal of the Halnesville school, is home on a vaca­ tion. f > Mr. Callahan, forjthe pant two year* a student a Kankakee College. Is spend ing tho racation at his father's. Mr. Judge has put a brand new stage on his Wankegan route. It is said to be a very easy riding vehicle. R. F. Taggart.lwho has been em­ ployed in a dentist* office during a portion of the (kasj; year. Is home en a vaca t i on . } J. f The Methodist Sunday school lias purchased new singing books. Mr. Ziba Osman succeeds |Ir.S;eveus assuperin- tendent. V Among tho guest* at llie hotel are Messrs. Belle way aad Gainer, of Chica­ go. It is suspected that the former geiitleman finds attractions here In ad­ dition to the coi^ii try air. lliss Eilie Swinson is visiting in Ringwood. By the way. It has been Intimated that If; the friends of Ned Duers keep a go^l look out for RlngK wood news they may iee something interesting shortly. The Glorious Fourth was not ushered In ttiis year by the booming of the vil­ lage cannon, some miserable pup having spiked it the night previous. The obstruction was at last removed, how­ ever, and Its voice afterward heard at intervals during the day. Col. Mc- Clanahan delivered an eloquent oration In the grove on the duty ofoltisens becoming politically intelligent, not only regarding tlie political events of the present, but to become well grounded in tfce constitutional history and principles of our system of g overn- ment. He showed the practicality, and urged the linportanee, of Impart­ ing such Instruction at home and In our public schools. It was an excellent subject, especially worthy the attention of young men, too many of whom, the Cdlonel regretfully observed, were nn- ahle to hear hint owing to the superior attractions of a refreshment stand placed a short distance In front of the speaker's platform. We hear that a few individuals, while acknowledging the sound good sense of his address, still rather question tlie propriety of a Southern t-Yifowefe delivering a Fourth of Julv oration, **l remember," etc., etc. Well, now of course, hut it does seem your correspondent that there is a peculiar appropriateness In just this thing. Should oue of these clitics settle In a souther;! *tate, as the hero of the "Fours Errand* u represented a* doing, and become no longer a citi­ zen of Illinois, but of South Carolina for instance, and in response' to au In­ vitation should cordially reply In the language of Col. McClanahan: "I accept your invitation simply as a citizen of Lake County, and I know I will enjoy the day with your people. Thanking yon for your partiality, I remain your friend and fellow citizen.' He might justly feel that such au invitation in­ dicated a willingness 10 forget the past and become friends, ami Ills reply aud Sf eecli would show the same desire on his part, aud should Ids siuceic words of friendship unil advice be coldly re­ ceived by a portion of his audience simply because he was opposed to them twenty years before, he aud his northern friends might justly feel that tlicy were certainly insincere iu their professions of friendship to the north ard desire to lay aside past bitterness! What difference doe- It make whether a northern man addresses Ills fellow- citizens in the south, or a southern man Ills fellow-citizens in the north? And iu ne it lie r case Is It patriotism to re- refuse a proffer of friendship on such au anniversary as July 4th, After dinner, foot races, egg races, etc., helped to keep tilings moving. The greased pig was caught after a short run by Hiram Parker. In tlie running race W. Ha Ford's horse wus first, J. Rooiter's sec­ ond. ami Dean's, from ivanhoe. third* Tlie Japanese day fireworks were a novelty, and afforded much amusement. A dance iu Maiman's hall during the afternoon sn:l evening completed the principal attractions. Tidmarsh's brass band furnished very satisfactory rauaic and tots of It. fifty pair of Wr Iking Shoes reduced from •tiW to |ilj50, Cajl for them soon AT , H.COLBY'S. ARRANGEMENTS have Wen made with tlie editor of this pap^r whereby stu­ dents can, at any time, enter tlie West­ ern Xornial College and1 Commercial Institute at one-third the cost of any oilier scliool. This school Is placing a lirst-chus education withlu reacn of every one, be lie old or young, rich or l»oor. Any one contemplating attend- In school would do well to call at this office before deciding where to attend. See advertisement in this issue. Richmond XNsfNHPtuwoBtj* CXJXTK1BUTBD BT £. r. BRXMKTT. . A. R. Alexander went to Woodstock Monday to attend tlie meetiug of the Board of Snj ervisors. We acknowledge the present from Mrs. Cottlng, of the finest strawberries we ever saw, measuring five to six inches 1 n circumference, Geo. Carpenter, who lias so long been in the harness shop of John West that he had come to be considered a per­ manent fixture of that Institution, has made an engagement as traveling salesman with an Elgin saddlery aud harness firm. Farvaf lleHs dwirp. it iotis L Stoty's Building Paper, cheap, tut Jobs I. Story's. We are pained to announce the death of Geo. Purdy's oldest son. Frank, which occurred on Monday inorulng. He died of diphtheria. Mr Purdy has the sympathr of our whole community in his great sorrow. Frank was a lad of more than ordinary in­ telligence and manliness, and was uni­ versally liked by our people. > OBITUARY.--William Thomas Bee den was born In PeufieSd, Monroe Co. N. T. Dec. 29,1828. died In Bioomfield, Wis.. June 24,11 P. M.. 1883, aged 64 years, S months and 26 days. Came West in Juo* 1847. Was married in the Fall of '859. at Lake Geneva, to Emma Abell. daughter of Jonathan Abell. deceased. He leaves a wile, mother and son. This is what the Harvard Independ~ ent says about our hotel: Last week, In company with Dr. H. T. Woodruff. E. Rector and Geo. King, we took a ride from Harvard to Rich­ mond and return. While at Richmond we pi;t up at the Richmond Hotel, pre­ sided over by Mr. Culver. The Rich­ mond House Is one of those hotels that the traveler reoeives real genuine hone comforts. While friend Onlver makes no pretentions of keeping an extra good hotel, he does It all the same, and every one that puts^ up there can rest assured that beside* ge£» ting a good square meal, they can bVt their bottom dollars that every dhh that comes on the table Is a* clean as is possible to have it. Mr. Culver has just caused to be built for the accom­ modation of his guests a neat and fash­ ionable buss which he runs to and from trains. The drive to Richmond is one of tlie best we eyer enjoyed. ...-,kM Gents Fine Shoos, Perry A Owen's. several styiesf at A fine assortment of very fine Gran­ ite iron Ware at John 1. Story's. 50 pound wool Mattress tvr #4.75 at J. B. Blake's. s Corsets, Corsets, Corsets, at Perry A Owen's. « Buckeye Owen's. Force Pumps, at X. II Fine line «*f Lace and Colored Boat­ ings at Perry-& Owen's. City residences for sale. Apply to Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, III, Madam McOe« Corsetts. The best on the market at llayes * Bartlett's tm Mew Part Q. A. H at mutant Wednesday evening a Post of the Grand Army of the Republic was mus­ tered iu at the Richmond House Hall, at Richmond, by Coiniramler Col. Wm. Avery, of Woodstock Post, assisted by Command*** Curtis, of Marengo, aud Woodrufl.of Harvard, and junior officers of Woodstock Post. There were 29 members on the roll, 10 of whom were mustered In. Ths o(Peers Installed ware as follows: Commander--Dr. 9, F. Bennett. 8. V. C.-F. W. Mead. ... J. V. C.-- lohn Sanbort. 4 . '/ < *• Adjutant--Edward Brown,' v " ( Quartermaster--John C. Smith. ^ V ! Ctoaplai»--tt»v.4},CvCl»fk. O. D.--Henry Christian. ^ : O. G,--John Billings, Q. M. S.--S. O. Stevens. Sergt. Maj --II. M. Nichols. < Surgeon--L. B. Rice. ! ;y ., : After the Installation of officers and the transaction of the regular business of tlie Post, the company were Invited to supper in the dining hall of the hotel where all did ample justice to the ex­ cellent lunch prepared by inlne host Culver, who by the way, knows how to cater to large as well as small com­ panies. The visiting comrade* from abroad were t)ol. Win Aver.v.G. S. Southworth, Geo. Erk*rt, K. K. Richards, E. Blossom A. S. Wrighi. Sheriff' Udell. L. Joues. S. Van Cureii. Woods took; Coin. Ira Cur­ tis. Marengo, and Coiu. Woudiufl, E. Rector, Geo. King aud N. B. Burtcli, Harvard. After Diipiicr and a social chat and visit all around, the party dispersed, all more than ev<*r fully resolved to perpetuate the memory of old army assoc 1 a 11 ons.--Harvard Independent. CLOTH IXG. A complete stock of Men's and Boy's Clothing at bottom prices. Pun A Owaa. Drags Drags, Drags, a lot ou hand, steel tooth aud ufust sell. For sale by K. Bishop. A full Hue of choice groceries always to be obtained at I1ENKY COLBY'S. BUNTINGS In black and colors. Nun* Veiling, Cashmeres, Summer Silks, A full line of summer Dress Goods aad Trimmings at Perry A Owen's. BIRD CAGES. Bird Cages, in all styles and prices, at John I. Story's. A lot Jusireceived. Call aud see them, ' Ladles, we think we cati show you the "prettiest" line of laces that was ever brought to this market. Ask to see them at Henry Colby's. Everything In farming ^Implements from a Swill Cart to a McCbrmick Twine Binder, ean be found HI tlie warehouse of K. Bishop. For first-class Insurance* against fire aud Lightning, wind storme. cyclones, tornadoes, etc., etc., apply to Asa W. Smith, Woodstock. 111. . . : i' * Fine Shoes. Our stock of Foster's celebrated Beloit Shoes is complete. For style and durabilit.) they cannot be excelled. Ask to see them. HENRY COLBY. * Work Given Out. On receipt of your address we will make an oiler by which you can earn 83 to 97 evenings, at your home. Men. women, boys or girls can do It. II. C. Wilkinson A Co., 186 aud 187 Fulton Street, New York. Please remember our prices are al­ ways as low as tlie lowest, and we stand ready at all times to meet any and all competition. HENRY COLBY. Inmwirjr »t Agrltnltarsl Stsththa Retnme<! br the Asse»s<»r of the Town of Richmontt, Co'nntjr of Mcllenry ami Slate of Illinois, l»r tho viNtr endinx December 31, 1882, Mini acreage as called for J»jr 411 act to secure the collodion and uublicntioa of agricultural and other statistic.*, approved and in force May 15th, IS77. FAIN CBOPS, RTC. Parasols, Fans, Lawn*. Laoes, White Goods, Fine Shoes etc., ver> reasonable. KITZSIMMOKS A KvAXSbV. Hurricane*? And hurry Mrs. Caue. aud hurry Smith and hurry all the rest of tlie Inhabitants of Mcllenry and vicinity, and go get some of tlie fine photographic views of your handsome little village, nt E.W. Wheeler's book and news t>tand. Aud you who have fine houses will never have a better opportunity to get beau­ tiful pictures made of Join homes. Call and see samples of woVk at Wheeler's and leave orders there. IlAkar l«. Ntoot,ET. , Photographer. If yon want a black ^1 Ik dress worth 93 a yard for 61.60 you cau get It by calliug sooii at Henry Colby's, Cora Winter Whaat Spring Wheat Outs Apple Orchard Timothy Meadow...* Clover Meadow. I'r|irie Meadow Hungarian and Millet... Itve Iliirlcy Buckwheat... ?>.. Ileans Irish Potatoes Flax (fibre)... Sorgo.. Turnip «nd otter Root Crops Other Crops not named above Pasture Woodland . Uncultivated l.ind Arvat'ityand Town Ileal Kslaiu (not iucluded above) Total sun her of Aeves HO. ACKIU wsa, f 33IS SI !MS 17* IS IA3 WWJTSl &U ]0SS ss ~ * «* • U I •IIS SS7SMI 1741 N m j soMNian Quan Pred 180*. 87, S31 7KI 4,607 Mt, III 1,112 S..VU 511 1,91V 7.1 l.SAl 1.000 1>«K 13 1,sea LITE STOCK, RTC. HORSES. Haw of horses and colts 1S8S.... N«. rolls fooled in MS No. horses and colts lied IM.. Val. horses and colts died Mm. CATTI.K. Xumlicr caillc all ages 1SSS.... X(onbef fat cuttle -old 1S&3.... w'ght tut cattle soM ISSt No. cattle died of disease ISMS. VaL •• " •• J* i»Aiav. Cows, So. kept isss.....' Ponnds of butter sold, tSS^...., Pounds of hheese soli ISSS..... Gallons cream aitlit S*SS Gallons Milk sold KM* SIIKKI*. , Number eheep and lambs ISSS No. sheep killed by dogs IriSi. Val. sheep killed by d»g« I8SS.. No. sheep died of di*e**e 1WJ. Val, sheep died of digeaxe ISSS. No. poiind.1 wool slioru 1SS1.... No. fat sheep Kold, 1SS2 tiros* w'ght fat sheep sold ISSS HOU», Number hr»g* und pigs, ISSS... Number fat hogs sold, lAtJ.... Uross w'ght fat liojr-s »old IIS!. No hog* pig* died cholera ISsa W'ht swine died cholera, M No. hogs died disease othei than cholera 1SS2 Wght hop* fJiad disease other than cholera, ISS1 ; HKK8 AKI) HONKT. Number hive* IR'C» MSI .... No. pounds honey prod'od JSS1 nmirii. 'ETC. NO. I>ii. Tim. seed producod U No. bu. clover " " W" No. bn. Him. and millet IW.. No. bn. flax seed prod need 1*1 Quae or Val Wo No No 1 «tt Tf V 1S» So No Iba No • giiSS Wl ss sua No lb. Iba gal »*» 1S3S tarss USMW lie 4S047U No No No ih! No III. ssst 51 SIS 53H SWKMi 4W1 3S7-JII No No lbs No ItM 30*4 SS4dU0 S4SS So es lh. ssss S lbs s; 60S bn bu bu ha ass 43 «S 2*0 WM. L, Tl'BKKS, Asse^r. Hemember that yon will experience no difficulty in getting repairs for any machines sold by it. Bishop, thus pre­ venting vexatious aud expensive de­ lays at a critical time when time mean* money. PARTICULAR yoTicfc. All persons are hereby notified not to charge anything to me unless by iny personal order, ss I will positively pay 110 susli charges. STEPHEN P. SMITH. ICeifenrr, III., July 34, ISSS, WANTED. #6.000 pounds Choice Bufttf,'" for n'hlch we will pay more than Market Price in Cash or Trade if quality suit*. Parties making flue Butter would do well to call and see us. KtTKSIXMOMS A KVASSOX. Good Clothing FOR LITTLE MOXEY.-Flts*lm. mons A Evanson have too many Suits on hand, ami in rftder to reduce stock will glvo a Discount of 15 per cent, for the uext 20 days. It will pay you to look them over, Noute and Lot for Sale. I offer for sale my House and Lot, situated In the village of McHenry. 011 the West Side. The house is nearly new, is In first class repair, newly painted both inside aud out, and Is one of the most desirable residences In the village. Good haru and out houses on the premises. Will be sold reasonable if applied for at once. For full par* 1 iculars Inquire of F. K. Granger, at Mclleury. E. v. AMDaasos, M. D. Mcllenry, Jtuie Khh. issn. We would call your attention to the fact that we have the largest stock of •Hen**, women's, misses and children's fine, *t* pie and fancy Boots and Mlioes ever brought to Wnodstosk, These goods were bought from tho manufac­ turers for cash, and will lie sold for cash at a small profit, aud we will mnke It an object for you to eome from any part of the comity In trade with us,no matter bow great the dU* tance. W. It. l>WIOIIT, Cor. Male St. and Public Square, Wuod.toek, Illinois. • v ? Bakery SuppUef, M. Eugeln. at Ills store a few doors north of the Riverside House, has made arrangements to supply Ills customers and the public generallv, with fresh Bakers' Supplies of all kinds. Fresli Bread, Biscuit, Cakes, Pies, eta* can be found at his store at all times, and he respectfully invites the public to give I1I111 a eali. He also keeps ou hand Chick's and Spencer's Flour, which will compare with any to be louud In the market. Give me a call M. Kmku. MeHenry, Hay sth, -4SSS. teoiire The Original. ERE THE SUBSTANCE FADES. L. E. Bennett. Photographer, wishes to inform the public that he Is now prepared to do all work in his line in lb** befit style of the Art and warrant al! work just as represented, or no charge will lie made. Being perron- neiirTy located in Alclleury, 1 am In a condition to make iu* guarantees good, aud will allow no pictures to leave my Gallery unless satisfactory. The fol­ lowing from the Numla Herald speaks volumes. Our people are hereby csutioned about dealing with straueers, espce- iaily not to pay for negatives until you get your photographs, We have iiesrd of people getting left by transients. We warrant satisfaction if you de*l with our advertisers. Ask Geo. Skin* ner how he liked Ills pictures. Call at my Gallery over Perry A Owen's store, take a look at my s|»ecl- imens. aud it you want any pictures either of yourself or friends, we will guaranteo satisfaction or no charge will be made. I.. E. BUI If SIT. ^cHsory, III., June »tb, ISO, Go to Mrs. Howe's for MMtmtf Dressmaking. , Dsn'* oriebratad Coneta, at H. If. IT Idiots*. Xo trouble to show goods sf questions at K. IMsbop s. Carriagee sold low at -V. K> Alton's. Ladies Wraps. Do hi mans, and Perry A Owen's. tire at bargalna In Cassjtit Clmlrt* « Chairs for $4.?* «t J. B. Make's. Carpet% Wall Paper an# Wlsidawr' • Shades, full line, at Perry A Owsnffe A large variety of Hissea Colaat* cheap, at Mrs. H. II. Xfcbo!/. A ionr drawer, black-walnot lariMt' for 97.80, at J. B. BUke's. The "Boss" Barrel Churn at JolMS 1# Story's. The latest Cultivators with 4 and £ Shovels with the Boas Foot Lilt at K» • M. Owen A Sou's. Tiger Rake, with Pule, la tbo At E. M. Owen & Son's. I.arge veneered Panel Bedstead for 93.90 at J. 11. Blakri**. The celebrated Blssell Carpet Sweeper for It The best thing tn M* msriiet at John 1. Story's. It will pay you to call and exawfto those Bureau WasbstaBds for IBJS, it J. B. Blake's Lumber Wagons, Milk Wagons, Pla|r * 1 form Spring Buggies for salo at'->J|i Bishop's wart:house. ^ i- 0 Fishing Tackle of all kiads at X. Engeln'a, lu Howe's Block* near tlto 5 new Bridge. ' The finest line of Silver and Plato# l; Ware to be found lu thecoonty, at O. W. Owen's. As usual wo have this spring til flnest llaa of Embroideries In town. HEXRY COLBY. An elegant line of dress buttons an# trimmings always to bo fooad at Has# Colby's. * . Bsrgalns In Bad liens Clothing at KvwMon'a, also t DIAMOND DYES. ^ Wa have all colors of the celebrate# Diamond Dyes only 10c a package^ ilKKRYCounr. CLOTHING. Y ?/ Om stock of Clothing la sheeoallr complete aad will be sold ver cheap faf casli. IIEHRY COLBY, V Our stock of drugs, eheaktb and patent medicines wgs iev«r more complete. Goods reliable and prices right, REKRY COLRY. ____ % ' We desire to call the attention of tl# ladles to our drew goods department* We have added a fine lino of cashnXru. camellettos, silks, aatlna. etc^ wMjfc will be sold on very close margtne. HENRY COLRY. ; Tuyn 1adttfr,«a» Hew salkrng *ho<r^^ and French aud Mat Kid button «booa are "Jnst lovely." Call and eee them at Henry Colby's. THE choicest line of Dolmans an# , , Ladle*' Neck Wear In town at Mr« •* S. ttllioml. "• GLASS ! GLASS f ^ We keep Glass of all sites corsstantly on hand. Special sizes cut tltfimg extra charge. JOHN I. Stair. Rakes, at E. M. Owen A Son's: Ne# Holllngsworth, Tiger and Fnrat # Bradley Self*Dumps. Knowlton, Afabet and Coatfs^ All warranted. = Cultivators. All kinds at tho house of E. M. Owan A Son. • WIRR. •' The bottom dropped oot. Bat T still live to meet or beat any aod all CtstS that has been or may be made, on Barb Wire. JOHK 1. STORY. . Gossnmer circulars and coats for ludiea und gentlemen, and a lull line of rubber gopd« *\w»y§ to be bad a ̂ • HEKRY CoLRY'a. The Ladles will always find a fino Hue of Laces and Neck*wear at Mr|» H. H. Nichols'. She keeps a full sortmentof the latest stylea to found in the market. New and elegant Lines of Dveia Goods in Bunting of latest shades* worsted In dlfierent styles, Lawus.ete. Parasols in great, variety aud prime very moderate at Fitaslmmous # Evansoit's. - , •U Bin t Farmers, In buying a Twine for 1883, s* that It has the prove meats. w See that It has an AUgie Iron Bar. See that It has Appleby's hiteal racker Trip. Don't bny a clogging Binder. l>ou't pay yoor money for an ex Iment. Buy a Binder which has a well and successful Trip. Buy a Binder which has a Knotter known to be perfectly reliable. Buy a MINNEAPOLIS, and yo« will get the /aiesf Improved aud aw*! reliable Binder ottered. Sold hjr Mp. -- * * *»«ef M. Owen A Son. BIDDERS. TWINE BiXDEIW. Farmers, do not be deceived by tho* claim that tlie Appleby Binders are nl§ alike. The Minneapolis Is the sslf machine that has Mr. Appleby's latO Improvements. All other hnrraSteff compaaies use only bis Invention) ut to 1880. The Minneapolis is the otilo "FVLL B LOO IT Binder on tlie ma** ket. Take no agentfs word hst dmti|» for yourselves. Remember the MIMM* apolU is tho best, at E. M, Owen # Son*a» •UMKY * WALSH. Would respectfully inform tlie pol# lie that tbey have removed their rhs* tngraphlc Tent from MeReovy •* Nunda, where they are now mady t« take first clasa Plotwrea at the follow* ing low rates. Cabineta, €9 per doaen. Card Photos. .11.30 per ttoseigc Tin Types. torMtsest^ We will turnout nothing hot Ctsi elass work, and l»vite the pohllt to can and examine specimens at oar Tent. All work warranted satisfactory. To the c'ltlsens of Mcllenry we «i>| to say we shall return to vow vtlla«e% 0:1 or shout September lat and tenaolni during the Winter, and hope to merit < your pattouage In the ffcture as In tlai a -S ' j. '< : % % * "Mi

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