JULY 18, .T. VAPf Rdltori »• *; • „*? - f^*Gen. Tom Thumb died suddenly ||t Middle bora, Mas*., Monday, at the *$• 46 years. ApliofJlexy wu the u«e. Ifc fc; iisF ist WffOn Monday afternoon another Cyclone viol ted the Nortlieroat, and the Cities of Fort Atkinson and Oconom- gwac. Wis., were the sufferers. In the former city about one hundred build ing were destroyed, one life lost and *larf* number Injured. * y ggf Vernon, the juryman whose «nf» faring* with delerlum tremens were among the scandals ot the star route trial, has suddenly become rich, having received a windfall. The exact aource #ooi whence the windfall came ha? • vfot been given to the public. i MT*Nine years ago this month ®c- #nrred the abduction of the little hoy, Charley Ross, from his home in Phila delphia, and. though not a ray of light ias Illumined the dark mystery of his * Whereabouts, the bereaved parents hope aiffftinM hope, believing he Is still alive. Ind exiiect some day to recover their r-lost son. ' ffi^Tlie postmaster general hat ren- jlered a decision In the lottery cases 'Upholding the order of Postmaster general Key of November 13th, 1879. prohibiting the delivery of money fjrders or registered letters to the f^otutan* Lottery company. If a lottery Ik a swindle that cannot be tolerated l|rhen conducted by private parties. It .^oei not become any the less a swindle Mi conducted bv ^ state. P,f«- : - S5'"" SftSSft %" ) v | a&"In his om age. and in the ripe- nof his wisdom and experience Ex-tor Thunnan declares that he re- ' 'jfrets nothing so much as that he did f»ot hold fast to the plow-handles and follow the avocation fog which ho had || natural bent--that of a farmer. A fientiiBent like this, coming as It does from the lips of a man who has attain* Qd a place so near the top of the ladder. 4Hight to arrest the attention of farm- •l*" sons, who do notalwav* appreciate illie truo worth of their calling. I-?-'4, "-k »1 •>' • ... i - - ,̂ A; 8k S9~A German has invented a safe 'Which, on lis lock being tampered with •tilrows open its doors. eeUes and drags tftftd locks in the burglar, and handcuff* :|uid holds blm in readiness to be coh- •4ucted to the police court in the morn. • < This sort of a safe may be very ;|M, for protection against the burg- tars, but what this conntry is in need of some contrivance that will nail the • casWer as l»e is going over the back -fence In tho direction of Canada, with •the funds of the bank. During the past 'fear or two the financial concerns have JUidered more at the hands of d»fault- '"%• and decampers than they have at hands ot tqprglars --Fx. ^jly^DK DOLLAR. A Wa|^p^too dispatch states that ^reasnqr officers no longer have any 4pbubt that the trade dollar agitation jjiras begun by brokers to depreciate flieir value that they might purchase cheaply," This has been the opinio* »f people -•UUlde o( Washington froih the ont- It is not unlikely that a syndi cate of capitalists has been formed %lth the purpose of buying up this •in at the lowest possible price. Sup pose the entire trade dollar coinage could be purchased for eighty-live oents on the dollar and that Congress #old be persuadedexchange some 4gf its surplus standard dollars for them Which it could do and the government Make money by the operation, the trade dollar speculators would net a <dear profit of oyer seven million dol lars. If they conld get hold of only ins-seventh of this coinage, a feat by •# means impossible, they would net a fjfillion by the present scare. , Of course the government will re- •#«» the trade dollar ultimately. fPhere is every reason why it should 4k It, It Is worth more than the Standard dollar, to-day, intrinsically, gnd could be purchased as bullion at a froflt. But there is no gueseing wiien IP1'*^ ^onp. lh« meantime, flM best thing for laboring people to #ois to leave the coin severely alone, the h^nks. railroads and business ople will not take It, persons in mod- rate circumstances who believe the liars tlrey cam should be worth lr faca, do not want it and should fuse It. Bw Beat Ohio Democratic Platform. The Kansas City Journal has labored translate the Ohio Democratic plat- form Into intelligible English, and pre- ients the following as the result of its ^efforts: ;; Resolved, First--We are the Demo cratic par»y and sole legatees of Tho*. Kf:> Jpflerson'g principles and trade uiark l*jr C'»° exHanations given. - »ew»ii<l--Wp want the whole earth ft ml we want It had. ' ' Third--And we mein to have if, f •*;, . Fourth--Thar Is. If we can get It. •*/%> • •' Fiftii--Ami (luu*t you forgHi it. , . *lxth--WP want it distinctly under- '*• - , •tAod that WP do not straddle the Tariff Wo go it blind--and deaf, and wmiM Ilk* to ign it dmrh. We 1 w-ii»r m Protpt'tlvp Tarifl for old women V>:«nd younjfj ri«h and j»oor met?; for Revenue only, hut we want a Tariff for v f ;; ^vprylK»dv. aiid will arrange all incon- * ^latencies after are elected. ./.t v - S«»ven!h--W« believe in pensioning L J ssoldlers, protecting our cltixuns, having '"t silver, and redeemable piper s - "'money, and nivlnjf oil the public debt. A, The Repubilean party lias done that, fv " but d--n the Repiibliean pari v. * Eighth--No mnnopoliesi, eneept In iotlVe-holdiug hy Ohio Democrats, Ninth--We do not know Ren Butler. Tt-nMi--Well regulated litM-oso but fr®e whiskv. Eleventh--Thoniash .Tefer«1if»n --Con st 11 tit Ion of 1'nlted State*--rim in alienable rlffbt«'i of Sbrni(*s-i!ilr^.!n|iii Sherman be blanked--hie--whooo! hur rah! for "Id tlou-R<"t»uU(ifin Ilo^dly for Oovenal ft?'-;:. . •• "K«»p 111* HMwIl ttaf The public mind should be concen* fritted iipon tho fact t^at not a single Democratic Convention held dnring the present year has had & word to say in favor of Civil Service Reform. All the Democratic} platforms IMVA contained Impassioned appeals lor the ejedilon of the Republican party from the control of affairs, but that ls%ll. There are no assurances that If the Democrats are put in power they will perpetuate the present Civil Service Reform law, but there are abnndant evidences that the repeal of that law would be the first Democratic act after getting possession At the recent Ohio DemocratIcConven- tlon the talk was atf ta that vein. Sen ator Pendleton, the author of tlic law, was snubbed and openly denounced. The leading Democratic organ of the State says h« brought this treatment upon himself when he declined to '•place himself iu line with his party" against the law. General Ward, in clarlne himself a candidate for the SenatorshJp. tobk'care to say that he was in favor of giving all the offices to Denlocrats iu case of Democratic suc cess. The platform demanded a "change" vociferously, but had not a word to say iu favor of Mr. Peudletou or his law. This Is no new development. Every aspi ring Democratic statesman who lias wished to stand well with his party lias been sneering at the Pendleton law ever since its passage. Senator Tliur- mau said months ilgo that he was In favor of "taking the boys In out of the cold and warmi ng their toes," Gover nor Butler put the same Idea in a more abstruse form when ho declared his belief in the principle that the "Gov ernment belongs to it's friends.^ More recently the organs of the party have invented a still more roundabout way of expressing the •same idea. They shout,"Turn the rascal* out!" irienning all the time, "Tut u» rascals back." None of these cries deceive the public for a moment. The whole Democratic party is rushing headlong after a clean sweep of all the offices, and is so confi dent of success that it has thrown off nil disguise. It lias a simple way In which it can express its determination to stand by tlie Civil Service law. and it studiously refrains from using it. A plank in each convention platform ap- provfng Senator Pendleton's xvork would be all that was necessary, but such a pla'ik has not appeared vet and is not likely to. Not only are the platforms silent. The candidates are either silent or openly against the law. Judge Ifoadly is trying to pose before the country as an independent, progressive Democrat who is considerably better than his party, yet we venture to predict that lie will not be so reckless as to cham pion the P<-ndieton law. His prospects are dismal enough now. They would lie absolutely hopeless were he to thus put himself out of *iine with his party." He is attempting an imppssible role. The Democrats ire not looking for a progressive candidate, and they will not support one. What, they want is a candidate who, if he is elected to the Presidency, will take the boys In by the Are aml w*rra their toes. That is the kind of reform they are after, and the only kind. Perhaps the country yearns to give it to them, but there is no signs of such a disposition at the present moment.--^New York Tribune. JADVIOK TO MOTHERS. Are you uisinroea at night and brok en of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so. send at once and g<Jt a bottle of Mrs. Winsiow's Soothing Syrup for children teething. Its value is Incalcul- ftble. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it mothers, there is no mistake about. It. It Cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regu- lntes the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softons the gums, reduces inflammation, and gives tone and en ergy to,the whole system. Mrs, Wins- low's Soothing Syrup for children teething is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest^. and best female physicians and nursesi ' ' In the United Stales, and is lor sale by all druggists tltroufffcitytf 44$ Price 95 cents a bottle. ," - ^ Young men. we are now receiving our spring and summer stock of fiae Shoes, and can show you the finest assortment ever found In this market. Call and see them at Henry Col.by*i. Gossamer circular* and coats for ladies and Gentlemen, and a full line of Timber goode always to be bad at FARMERS. . You Can find the following first c!a«s Corn Cultivators at E. M. Owen ft Sou's: Standard. Climax, Bertraod & Mantes, C»M», Grande lour, Now Norwe gian. Knowlton. Monitor and Furst ft Bradley, which we will sell lower than nnyotber house in either county. Fifty pair of Walking Shoes reduced from #2.00 to $1.50, Call for them soen at H. COLBY'S. DOHTYOU FORfrET ITl ASA W. S«IIT| HENRY COLBY'S. _or-- . «sj t •V1 i : ' ^oo4stopk» .«?. ^ ti. Haeked' bv ofllus j»®u INDKMNITT against damage by Pire, Lightning, Wind Storms, CYCLONES AND TO HXA DOES. i"-J>rop me a postal carit ntid I will visit yaa: fetH on me an<t I will write yon a policy, and W.ien either oranv of these destructive el*- ifteats devastates your- property, happy will V*>H 4K' if you hold one of my ixilieiea, for I wtiUuMiveiy vigjt you, minister uuto you. I forsake you. • V ^ ASA IT. FFL/FRFF, , \ GrnH Inmrance Ag*4* ::W. W '• -i-;- <i ? , 1' • * > " ^ General Let?-Us Have 'Peace! w i vv<fr*\ / • * " ^ !<• i* •:.< • i* r'i . if* i lit' I4J' , H " ~~ f >'} -rr ; To show have no desire to humbug you, read the following let ter, from 9R !«• m pWpmu.ttjuwois, BKrntnr- Agficultural ImplemeiHs, tX-^ * KINDS. • •Wekeep a full line of Farm Machiaary of.thc best manufacture and sell at • i. # . -th ll' <- •vnss} I I **- f < RodkPrlcos, tvf"' w^?r invthinK in the Agriculture- Machinery line, no not fail to call on me be. Str.re purchasing, as I can save you money. I am also a^ent ter Lake anU McHenrt P.ISflffJ , .» •' 3 >J itAltUZ, - ^ • y -,4I s,' 1 am also a^en ' Npeuattea wr tw I M present at the Cutter. Ton can have a prinder attached to grim' at the siimc time von are cutting. Everv pni cljaser gets a written guarantee with his ma chine. It is positivelv Hie EA IET Kf/X- NING FEED CilTTER IX THE MARKET <Give me a call. Waacanda. ItL, Dec. 26. RIVERSIDE BLOCK, McHENRY, l)i.L. Juraiicl 0losfn|p sale I - GREEN MOOO' ••ifWW PLAINDKALER:--TJ, T., HOW- ard contemplates building on Addition to his barn. Mr. and Mr*. Henry WeMerman, of •^lgln, are visiting friends and relative* in this place. T.aPt Sunday quarterly meeting was h«*ld in the M. E. Church, a« ustiai, tlie presiding elder delivering tlie sermon Mra. H. J. _Wood, of Stri*at«tr, UIM a Cornier resident of this place, inade a short visit among her many friends here recently. W. C. Bryaut, of Blackberry, has been •isitlng at Mr. Hotclikiss' for the put week. Burglars entered tlie residence of Mr. J. Mansfield the night of the lltli Inst. A pie. plug of tobacco and twenty seven cents in cash were atolen. We pity that burglar; he must have been hard up. The bridge n»«r the cemetery Is now repaired, and It is to be hoped that no accidents will occur there In* the future. Willi® CharlM is slek with Ot* measles. ' During the thunder shower that pars ed ov|r here ".ast Thursday, lightning strucK a tree standing in front of W. D. Steward's hotwe. At Mr. Pierce's a hickory tree was struck, himself and boy being stunned by the .shock,^JU they were but a f»»w roils from it. SWEEPING UEDUOTION TO & Fancy Straw Goods at 25 tt> 50 cents on ft. dollar. Linen Wear at less than one-fourth wlia^it co^t us Lawns below cost. Parasols at cost1* i -t •Walking' Shoes at cost and below. ' 50 pairs Ladies* <£fath Shoes to f J.Wper reduce^to 85 oents. And many other goods at prices that will pay close buyer* to inspect. ssr r, fWntVts; Match 18S3. ^TLAim, G». , May 9,188% A . 8 . W E I G H T , S e c ' y , W o o d s t o c k ° MT DEAR SI«:^-Your invor of the 1st inst, fa received and noted. It is my. desire and purpose to be with you on the 13th of September prox, I beg of you, however, to iet me come and* so us any other quiet citizen. lam not accustomed to public demonstrations or public notice of any kind, and am now too advanced iu life to desite UIJUFE things. I am, Very respectfully yours . I i MI C- I I i-J "<• t .*» . t1 JAMES LOXGSTREET. N. B.--Any doubtful ones are requested to call at the Secretary's office and read the original. Also letters of January 15th and, Feb ruary 5th itMfi STAR" GASOLINE RANGES. Superior to al*. Is rapidly su perseding Cook Stoves and Han- ges for Summer use. Call and see th^rn. JOHN I. STORY. Melteary, May ZV1,1883. f < •; i '»•. . mm. v' V'»' ..Zst'r-. m: ft % * * i * At the 01d Iteliable Boot aud Sho4 B/buse n| jmsA' H. DWIGHT. * "I, Ifci; d e a. Come early and examine my new goods which are now being received and placed iipon tlhe market to be sold for very little money. Our Stock is the Largest, the Cheapest and the Most Desirable be found jn the &QSthwe&fc, Drop in and take a look and get my low, Cash Prices* s< H. DWIGHT, "Woodstock, 111 |y,i£i£„ r * HEBRON. EDITOR PLAINDKALER:--Fannem In this section are very busy "making hay while tlie sun shines." Eugene Rotnour has been SlcV for several weeks and at this writing is still under the doctors care. Mrs. W. V. Andrews and Mr*. Maggie Stevens spout Saturday and Sunday in Woodstock. Bell aud Nellie took charge of affairs during their absence. Rumor says Hebron is to have an en tertainment. by our home talent somei time in tlie near future. We will give particulars in time for all to get re-N served seats. Tho Hehron people are quite Inter* esfed .Iff a contemplated Soldiers' Monument.. Nearly two hundred dol lars has been subscribed. ^ We are surprised at the scandalous reports afloat in our little town since the Fourth. The temperHiice cause is a good one «nd should be upheld l»y all means, hut it Is far from being the right way of in-iking our town a tem perance one. I»y reporting that which is tnlse, and exaggerating the truth. We should rctnetoher to "fi'rlie tin ••rrors o' our on tl»e sand l»Ht engmve iliei; vlr(U«H OO lite ^ldvl^ HI eiului iiiz memory CL0UGH DUAUFYING TUBES GIVING A JPE ORGAN TONE. Address, CLOUCH & WARREN ORGAN CO., Detroit,Mich. THE SPIRAL SPRING BUGGY HAS THE ONLY ADJUSTABLE SPRING IN THE WORLD. * No SAO, NO SWAY, NO PITCH, CARRIES ANY WKIOHT. i l l s 3 i i i e 8 LIGHT, STYLISH AND STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS. EVERY BUGGY WARRANTED 2 YEARS. SPRINGS WARRANTED: 10 YEAR*, THE EASIEST RIDINC BUCCY BUILT. THE NEWEST AND BEST THING OUT IN CARRIAGE SPRINGS. WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST. TheSpimlSprkg Buggt Co., gum rapids, men, THE REDDY OIL STOVE, ft M il 1 Wot. different sizes, ̂ »ll furnished complete, and sold as cheaper than auy other house in the county. Call and s»e them. E. M. HOWE. McHenry, 111., June lith, 1883. or THE TIME HAS COME! • - - 'I ( . • ~ • • • *>?»•-* - . -v WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS! Are reat^r to fulfill the promise madd. place and vicinity the people that a > „ : . k LARGEST, MOST ELEGANT •M'- '. i- • • . And varied stock of G«>ods for the in part of DR* GOODS. NOTIONS, GBOCERIES. • - f'^T; .-Ki . HATO AND CAPS. Boots, Shoes, Crockery, qiassware, &q« Ao. Which they are bound to sell as cheap as good Good* can lie bought anywhere, tn short, everything; that can be found in h ff^nernl Mow will be kept and sold as low JIS the lowest, and everything "WHmintH as represented. When in want of ^oods in our linejou will find it for voiir interest to call an') see us. GOLDING BROS, " ; V' ? • r 'W"3P^FT" *• *' ' J" Wauconda, III , June 1st* 188S.' . ' * ^ **1 • " 7 ' ' J " • . ' " / • /... ... • -• •• ' * I - . . , . . . . WE SELL THL Celcvbirated Golden Star OIL mm aM EAHQES. The l>«'st and safest, maiml^cinred. H:iv<* already sold 28 which speak for themselves. JOHN I. STORY Melfenry, May 23. 186.1. . AND-- Twî .9 Binders. Repairs tor all of the abew^ CHIEFTAIK ft PERFECT SULKY HAY RAES, CROFT'S Wind Mills All kinds ot. Machiuery li'or Sale •i b 't:; H. Rarthian, Ridgefleldy IIU Orders by mail promptly Attended to. • James v Robbins, Solon Mills, - - 111. --Dcalerin-- Manhlitpry. ^>v|MTetb^ ^ fBii. CHAMPION REAPEHS AM XdWB8, And the Beet Wi At tn tlie mnrket. T 43^ttetpkllrs of alt kinds constantly en band. Cull aiut see me, '• James Robbins. Salon Mills, June 3<Hhk 188:!. FOR YELLOW or BLACK BEES OH John Hendricks, H|>rl«tir Gro|e • ' Ale* «4tl Inanre yonr uroperty (ninit Wind, nyckiRfD, or lire. I represent the Homes, oI NttW York; site IMxeniX, of IJartfiNd, a*cl other tfuod eouk|Muius. JOHN HZNDEICKS. Spring Urove, 111., Juue SHb, 1883.