Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jul 1883, p. 8

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• • , • - • ' ' - ^ V ,»*" , \ <0 ' \* n < ,-4is#4»^,v' rrn|«e(i. I*t«t reports to lh« Ultliol* tW|WifMi|l«WI »f Agriculture from the In this county eonecni- ;cro|-»s are a« follower imr--The Kimid of corn Is tin- the plant Is pmull for the »»>||PX'j"< €">p has made soin« Im- l>ru9*|»#t*t the past month, and is to an average in condition. KriWW torn will make over tiiree- <nf an average yield per acre. I'wrtiwilH cane i« up to *» average In Wheat and rye look well* tifOtnldf about an avernfce yield p^rfcre. Barley, oats and flax are »^V« an average in condition. There mill be more than an average yield per wre of Irish potatoes, and more than three*fourths of an average! yield of tweet potatoes. Meadows and pastures tarn above an average in condition. Tfctre was nearly one-third of a crop of cMtrle*; over three fourths of a crop *r eon-ants, and nearly an average crop df flMpWrrles. Area of field beans rothe larger than last season; condition of prop l« up to an average. The late wo«) clip is not as large as in 1SS2.1 Area of apple arid pear orchards not as l«»fre a# last season. Grapes look well. Mill the area is larger than last se»son. I }flit as much Hungarian sown as in 18S2. Farm animals are generally of the im­ proved breeds, and compare favorably y|h the stock in any part of the Stale. v House and Lot for Sale. I offer (or sale my House and Lot, rttiiated In the village of Mi-Henry, on tto West Side. The house is nearly tat, is in first class repair, newly painted both inside and out, and Is one of Jhtt most desirable residences in the Tlllagow Good barn and out houses on the premises. Will be sold reasonable if applltd for at once. For full par- * * . ,,1^ 0f y, K. Granger, at OWEN, i S S H S : 1,4 a iMnntrnrfl •WBSTCTII SHORT LINE i •vm m •: <BsH imtM, - t OLD Ettt/i iisa M I Illinois, it;' FOR SALE OH RENT. Two houses In the village of Riugwood, one house with ten rooms, the other with 9 rooms. A good well and barn <»n each. Plugwood has a wood school, making it a desirable place of residence. On the premises Is a shop and a good opening in the vil­ lage for a shoemaker, blacksmith, or any mechanic* . Igor further par­ ticulars inquire of WKST.KT L ADD. ^ s ttiagWOQd, III. .... FlItST GU5T. i 1 1lfelin#ieapolis Twine Btn#er tains Its.reputation. , „ , , i Oookrvvim.r, M«l., May lil, 1383. Minneapolis Itarvestur Works. . Gents.--Exhibition i«» heavy, green rye here.. a single sheaf, with machine exactly as !t come from the1 factory. Yours. D. SAGOH. The Minneapolis for Owen & Son's. sal* at E. M E. V. ASDERBoN, M. D . , Jane Mih, I88S. ,, ' Bakery Supplies. If. XUigeln. at his store a few doors llttnlt Of the Riverside House, has made arranfements to supply his customers a<|4 the public generally, with fresh Bakers' Supplies of all kinds. Fredl Bread, Biscui t, Cakes, Pies, etc.. nan be found at liis store at all times, MKl he respectfully invites the public to give him a call. He also keeps on hand Chick's and Spencer's Flour, which will compare with any to be found In the market. Give me a caU i - K T O l l U t . iry, May 8th. 1881. Given Out. On receipt of yhnr we will make an oflcr by which .Ml* |3 to 07 evenings, at your Men. women, bovs or girls can 8L0. Wilkinson & Co., 195 and Street, New York. w VlAC 1M0 V jn* r t-i v*>;****«, s-h i\,i ,•*<. If you contemplate buyinsr anything: in the Implement line we wish to announce to yon that we have a gw>d, honest lines of Oood on hand of all descriptions, and for reasons that, we are ready to explain, know that we can save you m :>ney on any Goods in our line. It is full and complete. AH Goods warranted to be as representee! and if you find them hot as represented we will cheerfrlly refund your money. > Our stock of Plows i» ieompiete,-eOnsi«itirt^ of fhe Rockford Sulky Plow, the Skinner stubble extm double ahin-hanlcned, either in wood or s^eel beam, the Boloit wood or steel'.beam Sttihb.'e Plow with Gesley Jointer; also the Gesley Sulky Plow that can fturily he handled by any boy that can drive a team* ! vfe ^n h^d^nll ^The Red i5cIf Dump, Centennial, Surprise; but not least, the Old Reliable Hollin«*sworth Sulky Rake. No imitation in ours, no no, but the Original. It is no new aud untried imp.ement» itstands king of the field to-day. •' The McCormick Iron Mower. To make hay while the sun shines is a <rood old adage, but to make hay at all requires a good Mower. The McCormick has no equal. We also handle the New Clipper Mower. PARTICULAR NOTICE., per«on* are hereby notified not tocfaarjre anything tome unless by my petaonal order, as 1 yjL.j mo suuh charges rill positively STEPHETl f. NIITfl. Jaly fct, 1888. . Fine Shoes. J O o r s t o c k o f F o s t e r ' s c e l e b r a t e d Beloit Shoes is complete. For style and durability they cannot tfe excelled. Ask to see them. . <#* . HENRTCOI.BT. |tn M «ftte «f Safety %• .nf' t* i**-V ,.-5 '4,! * '•(V - *: I; I-- W-- ofjaaare. , DANGER PROPERTY i every jtaiul. The mutter of alycion, sick loon, saloon, cyclone, torn.nilo. WMifmi, or whatever name mav be given it, ft heard in some section of the country l|a*ly«very<ta7. The Fire Fiend moment--the economv of aitfiittlm W-eanHiiineri. Death must come toftll. llyaanall payment each year you can Mcar*V> yourself a foitune, should you live, «nr, ta n* erent of death before the time OMttiSik year family |8 provided for. * 150.. MWMm fefneftente'd by this agency. Our . are as low as experience has found to You will save money by insuring ^ THE BEST ^ J SOLID WHEEL MILL BUILT SELF GOV ERNIN<& SMPLE&PfcRFECTjN CONSTRUCTION WILL SWND ANY WIND SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, FLINT,WALLING&Co. L0 KENOALLVILLE, -- INO. ® I . BRANCH HOUSE LAftYETl^Mh-J •©idyoMSiiy Bird, Elhvood HAVE THEIR USUAL FUI4, STOCK OF SUMMER GOODS* Fans & ParasQlstr;C^.'v'::;:::5;:,:;. w •• ->* Gloves, ^' " Cprsets, Ribbons <fc Laee& And ail points in Northern lllinol*. ^al. Eastern and Northwestern Zm /iaoonsin, Northern Michigan, Mlnn»> >ta, Dakota, Manitoba, (%nti " sota, Dahotq, Manitoba, Northern xibr«#&», Colorado, w Idaho. Montana, Nevada, , Otf-f/on, WashinKton Terri- .tory, Jirittih Columbia, Chuia, Japan. Ing', Utah, .California ntml and 1* ;*•tf4'- Summer Silks, ummer Dress ' J'" +~h * *" . ,'vV"V lb v i i>»- < ( . V* Cashmere^ < THE Buchanan Wind Mill UNEXCELLED FOR BEAUTY, DURABILITY ANX> V' • LIGHT RUNNING/ Hew method of attach- ; , lag the SajD% MiKjsa IX THE KOST F0W£BFUX , AXD DURABLE MILL BUILT. TWINE BINDER, all its late improvements foT 18JB3. The owners of tUef-mallebt farms now see it is to their interest to use the Twine Binder, as it eat) nothinpr, never strikes for higher wages, is a faithful, obedient servaiv , never wearies of work, alwavs pleases the Jadie», as it involves no additional boarders. We make the easiest running-Wa^on, use only the best seasoned material, get^"up work in good style and finish, and sell at Lowest Cash Prices. Finally will say that our itock is full and overflowing, and feel con­ fident that we ean please you in quality of goods and Prices if VoU will favor us with a call. With thanks for past favors, we solicit a continuance of *he same upon the claim that we will sell the best K$*$ct. Yours R. BISHOP. AL.L.1 KINDS OF TANKS, PIPE, PUMPS, Etc. B« dlrr to scad for^wr sew CiUlogne bef*n tartagb BOGHiRAH WBB DLL 06, BUCHANAN, pfltCHIOAII.^ DO YOU WANT I to BUY : . • ' 1 Sewin,? Machine? \ ' ^ TRADE OF jatw ar WittJui General Insurnnce, Life, Fire. Lightning •I Tornado a specialty. Thanking all niv end* for their liberal patronase, and, hoji-r, by square dealing, to merit a continuance the*sane, I beg to subscribe myself, Eespec.tfullv yours, G JL MOREY. MeHeirjr, I1L. Jnne 1J, 1883. Jamea Robbins, Mill*. -DeaMr4«^- *n. We ba«r« the ^ j, Ghiipisi aM Beinet Biito CHAMPION AHD U0VEE3, And the Beat [HA.y RAKF, ,ir 1 , la the market. I Wfcepaiw of ali ̂ lnda ̂ oaataatly -- haod iOalt and see ow. Jamas Sokn Mlllt, #one 4Kb. *4. Rofoblns. With an unusually~large assortment of Hardware,, licware, Stoves. Sranite Iron-Waw.&c, ' h _--at BOTTOM PRICES ' " JOHN I. STORY, At the odhtand of Jacob Story, Ale Hen n, invites the attention of-Dairymen, House-Keepers, in fact everybody, to his large stock of Wik Cans, (Jreamery Pails, and everything in the ine of TIN AJJD GHAMTE 1KOM WaRKs which he is seing at prices as low as the lowest, workmanship and quality of goods . guaianteed. Tin Roofing, EaveTroughing, Jobbing and Repairing piomptly attended o Remember, extra good bargains nu; always be obtained a . Tlmvpon hand and am sellinarat the T,ovr- est 11ri'• is, tbo Domestic, KMredtrc, New Heme, Springfield, Aincrican, and Singer irin^' Niiicliiiie.", r.nU w'Uuot be undersold by :tny ageul in the conn'tr. Agn«d Singer M.idiiue' for 20. vrarranted to do the work of any Singer Machine in the wo.ld. Call and see inc. 3?1 IS J, Mellenry, F|bf2(t i38Sfc Ô V.OWEN. Lace Buntings^ .. - wuu«u, Japaj U jthe Sandwich Islands, Aumtralia, JV>t® Z'-alamt, and all principal points in the NORTH, NORTHWEST and WEST. With its own linos it traverses North' ern Illinois, Control and Northern jo\v.\, wisroVsisr, Northern MICH1. GAN, MINMESOTA, and Central DAKO­ TA. It offers to the traveler all accom­ modations that can be offered by any railroad. Its train service equals t.hfr .of any road: their speed is as grdat aa comfort and safety will permit; they make close connections in union depots at junction and terminal points with the leading railroads of the West and Northwest, and offer to those that use 8PEED, COMFORT AND SAFETf ; At CHICAGO it makes close connec­ tion- with f11 other railroads at that city. It runs l'ALACK si i< ri'iNG c \its on k ail through trains, I'AKI.or CARS on its * principal routes, and ni:UTir-^.VKsTKUN DINING C VKS on its COUNCIL IH.l'FF* and on its ST. PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS through day express trains. j If you wish the Best Traveling Accom­ modations you will fcuv vour Tickets by this route AND AVILL TAKE NONlS OTHKIt. ] For rates for single or round trip ! ticket3 and for full information in re­ gard to all oarts of the West. North and Northwest, write to General Passenger Agent, at Chicigo, 111. All Coupon Ticket Agents sell Tickets by this Lino. J. D. LAYNQ, MARVIN HUGHITT, <Nn. Sop't. 2d Vlcc-i'res. and Gen.lianacsfc W. H. STENNETT, Gen. Pass. Agt., Chicago. [EADQDARTERS FOR Clothing, Boots & Hats and Caps, Straw Goods, et©/ Paints Sc Oils, , Mixed P PERRY A. -DEAT.EKS *'*•?» * c. W?!- sf-r i71HP0<r J,2-! -vt.c ^*aHli£4G3;s S to THIS MAC.NETIC BELT .18 WARRANTED TO eURE""^"?. St A: WAtCOPiDA, aUNOJS, • IT «!.: . L-'B- %• , icutturaJ 1iiHJU«enl8, • V'a' I~H • ».% tV' i<% - ** M ALL KINDS. r - i ' v / a m m f R<k;k Prices. the \B' •'T"41 >n Want anything in i»«r tcrc p COUB th« AgricnHura wy1 line, no not fail to call on me be g, as I can you money. ^ t tef Ltk* and McUoa^j without medicine *--|»sin In thebftek ing diseases limit*. nmoa« gi-n<*ru)F4aMlity, rhcunuitf 4iii, paru!;.' t»ln, m-urul-ui, dlneJM* Clol the klt!rr*Y»,spinal t or j»t<l nvertcotlt»n •ciafnnl fm^ot^rK'y, u^!imo, heart dtft* fH-", dr*p«>p»io, < ion, :>< !«», inAlte-- lion, hernia or ru^ture« CHtarrh, pllvi, eplley»j9 ncms etc. Wtu'n any debility of iho OK VFR ATI ORGAN® Io«t vitality. Jack ©j'i»« r* i* for< e aiMft vlgor9 •ru«tli!ff •.veaLne'"?*, and till tit one dUeaiciflfft per* tonal nutor#, winterer cauw, (he c<7nt3nuou« of ]'Cri),eatiJ:ff U»reu«h the part* ni:tstrf>«tor<> th«-m to ft liculthj sctto*. TU®re lb uo mistake no out th: -i app iam e. .1*7] ^rocfries, «.*. *•' #.<t •»< *&.:. -jfc . HM' f'-'Sv F.' -• • -IIV - ••••. -:,v " J,a '.*•••.. f «.'Sv t -All! "•H READY «ifAD£! CLOTHING f-T,' At Centerville, McHenrv. McHENRYV January 23d, 1883. itm lA««e#V6Hrnc A8DOM.INAL SUPPORTEB. 10 THE LADIES: ll ' V ' V " r^wgi Feed Gutter -Tn can have * minder attacked to Mil •4*M-W*e time ̂ on *re acting/Htm-j- f twiwii rrTn n writti*n sruamntee vit»i hsuwi :'T». It Is twsitivHv the EA IK P nfTV. IQfKED <Jb 1'TEU IX I'llE JIAHKEX JR. c. mi ftMte.nL. IMC. 9^1^ / If Too ar« ftllrfcl Kwi riil Exhmi«t!»ii,0/o9vpR|a.or wKU l>l«n»e»uftita Lif­er, Kfiirtvv», l!. :rdHi'.i«- <>r4'ol(l I've*, ^VMlCTi or Weak Aolilen. «• l «ft» rui Al.iiuuilJVftl Reit »ikTb p'nlrof Sfr'ff'iftlc Foot BufM-rii"." h:.M* no«bpei'Ior In tiia r« ittf an 1 cure «f all iken« Thny curry a jiov.-crfi! iu*jjn<it!c force to tuo seat of tu» ^ Lane TlaoV, TTfnlrtiM«of the bailie, Fall. 1 ft I'* uainb, ( iirouteInfinPiuiM flou C-< i*rul '»tt of ?ht* WI R'.'frtcnUtl or FliKxiittC* t*ainf'ufind If* lar atwi ciifliice 41 tlila lathe Bui! A jplUince M*<1 Cnr«tlv« A(fc«* I ; . * 1 r'< 1 -§W" MM Two Doors North of Perry A Owen- r-.'Sifiila! J !fy. tl lh as a cuj ̂ tiv®' Bi-iil t v «•>:fsrt 0.1' , an'1 < •< n. i' n.< ^ n a.lov. oil. i r I jr mail Oil n-;ai|.I of t : in «,aln;.ik'. m-.J li;«-n>«i-c >'t arid v\s.»' cf ', mic$ c«.ji bvXL.uaeiu.cui'* Tiuii nt inletlri'ttt o .rri:-k. '<iH'tou Ga: n:« Tit5^rc adapted to all ages, are j tlie under (.'tolling, (n<»t to tho 1 K' : -r f. ;i t-ire t > ^VdSrHil Treat- t t^SETOS APPT.1AKCE CO.. - "v J; SiAi# J&U--C My ptock of ?urniture |s complete with a larger stock than ever, and will be sold as cheap as any other in the county, and it will lie fco the interests of the buyiug public to ca upon me^when in want of auythiug iu that lino. " _ UNDERTAKING. '.I.« -̂ r: k'• • Don't be stuffed or fooled but call and examine our larjre stock of FARMING TOOLS, which is far Inriror this sc.isoti than ever before. It you want plows we have the old make of Furst ^ fBradley, Grandetone, Moline, Norwe^iau, Case and the celebrated . liari *tyk« ^wnlkiiiff tm* In Planters we can show you ai d sell you the renowned Keystone, Union, Standard and Deere, choapcr than any one in the stall. We have the liaudal &-Keystone Harrow with their improvements that are far ahead of any other made. For a Mowei you all know the Standard, Manny and Know!ton are lighter draft and lead all the light Mowers in this county, by many a length. The lightest and simplest Twine Binder in the market for 1883, is the Minneapolis, and is the only one that has"Appleby's latest im- piovements. It takes only one-halt a team to fi^n it. Call and we will show it (o you and you will see it will save you time, horse u»d motiey. f' i*'l In tbis department I keep a first-class lissortment of Caskets and Cofliny and Shrouds of all kinds ftn^ qu^itiis, Hearse furoished at reasonable rates. Y'-T" JOHN B. BLAKE. Nothing but the Tiger, Hollingsworth, Furst & Bradley, Knowl- ton and Others. All first class. You will always find both Pktform Wagons and Carriage^ of all kinds and styles at our place and will sell lower than anyone. Also the Celebrated Sames Wagon ;it Kv *' Pumps, Pumps, all kiuds with the Enterprise or Turbine Iron Wine Mill at low figures. ' „ , %. ? » Be sure and call if in want of anything in our line as you & re sure to be auited. E. M. OWEN & SON. AMI) Agricultural ifachinexy, Richmond - Illinois. I,8cll every Implement, Tool or Machine n fftrmtr wants. I'I-aTFOUM SPRING, 1>E. LIV CRY AND FARM WAGONS, TOP AND OPEN BUCCIES A t>nc, two itnrl three scatod., at low«r prlcet <jth:in any other concern northwest of Chicago.. . In t'le Agricultural Oenartnient I have the iMoltne, Davenpnri, and the John Deere Plow* poll) Sulky unit Walking. The Keystone an<l Richmond Champion Plan era. The Kich- liond Hrondcawt and .Superipr Seedtrs. Har­ rows of all kinds at lower prices than ever iiefore. Corn Cultivators of all kinds, Mow- Reapers ai.d Twine !?iintern. Jn short Hnvthincr a man wants in the farm Machinery* Un^rlU)M A CJ.KVIS '40 A STEAM J£N 01 E FINE PAir.TINC. In mv Painting Department I have socure<t. lithe services of II. H. NICHOl.S, who is well |known in McHenry and Lake Counties as onft »(of the It* painters in this part of the coun­ try. Call ami see his work, which speaka for itself. Kor "Artistic Stylo" In this line, we defy competition. BlaokHiuitliiniff, and Repairing Dono in a workmanlike manner and war ranted. Call and sen ine before pujchaMng as I am sure I can save you money . A. P. GHAYT, Richmond, Marsh 5th, 1883. B.W HI BUSS! E. M. HOWE, SUCCESSOR TO O. C. COLBY] Hatrih? purchased .the stock of Hard ware-of O. IV Coliiy, In the Store opposite Bisli'ip't Mill. I am now ]>repared to oner to the buy. ing public anything in the line of HAEDWAS% TINWAEB &Cm prices to suit the times. PAIEYMEN, Will alfo And a large assortment of Dairy men's Utensils, Milk Pans. Milk Pails, Milk. Cans and anything in that line at prices as |ow as the Lowest SA4B WIRE always oc A full stde)t';*l hand, "• JOBBINC AND REPAIRING. Promptly Attended to. ®""Don't buy any., thing in the Hardware Line nntil yon hart examined my stock and learned prices. E. M. HOWEL Mcnenry, February 27. 1883. -j JOS. WIEDEMANN, Saloon and Restaurant, NEAR? THE DEPOT, MCHENRY, • ILLINOIS The best Brands of Wines, igars aiwavs on Hi Horses. ALSO AGENT . mo. Lienors amt Cigars always on Hand. Good ^tabling to* worn Franz Falk's ' JnLWAUKEB ' Reerin Large or SmaH Kegs or Bottles af ways on hand cheaper thau any other, quail tv considered. This Hecr has a world wide reputation, an# good judges acknowledge ii oannoC oe sm» l>aased in the world. Orders by mail promptly attended to. JOS. WIEDEMANN. McHenry, 111. Aag. IMh, W62. Call anil exuiiiiii^ those Waifk WhI» nut Extension Tables at ?IJX> »«r foot |at J. B. Blaltt,'*. $k l»er - - viuli. ' ' IMf 5 ^. "•? .JJK.I?: v .. •M

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