Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Aug 1883, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, AUGUST I. IS*3. Railroad Time Table. OOIRO SOVTV. 8«n«n Uke PI»Men*«r *• * fitnan f»ake Express .«:W R«iH*4 f<ik« FreiTht .l:uS e. * SMMCkMt Express... " airiij mTB. B*n*»S T,«k< Freight A. V 8tmmhont Kxpress W'W " Genera l.iklct Kspreiw *:57p. * fienera Lake Paweneer *:S7 »• •B. Br«, Aeent. MeHenry, III m*! s?«• M AWVTO MCHKHHT T/omn. \o. IW \. T. unfl A. Sf.- iMtalxrOommtinirttiniii the mnril^r on or before the full of the moon and ,«»«ry two week* thereafter. CHAD. C. COLBY, W. M. Hcwur ihiptm STo. n k. A. M -Hew. ar nan vocations hel<t on the second and fourth frlda*• in each moneh. K. V. AKDimmw.H . P. 7tewsp*p*e law. Anr nersnn who has taVen a pip*r rewlarU from the post-nin^e--whether directed to hi nawe or another's, or whether he ha* sub­ scribed or not--i« re»i>onsllile for tho navmr<nt. The conrts have deMded that refnsine to tatce newspapers or periodicals from the post- nfllr.e or removing and lpavincr nnnalled for is prima faela evidence of Intentions! fraud. If anv person orders hi* paper 'lisc.ontinned he must niy all arrearages or the publisher n»STV.nntinne to send it until pavnicnt i» made and collect the whole amount, whether the paper I* taken from the office or not. j. P. SMITH. th« }pw«lor. hw his now shojyln front of lit# residency. In course of erecllon., T HK attention of our readers I apalled to the poetn, to be found On the last P*fc*. ' THR new house of F. K. Granger Is rapidly progressing towards comple­ tion. PERRY A OWEN liave a new adver­ tisement thin week, which tlio«e In Mardi of bargains should not fall to read. thf Sunday next the Mary Grlswold will arrive at. MeHenry at about noon with a party from Fnx Lake who will lie accompanied by the Antloch Braes Band. TUB L. T«. C. will meet with Mrs. C. T. Stevens at the usual lionr on Friday August 3d. Mies J. A. STORT, Pres. Mies B. F. iroitTSTKR, Secy. WOODLAND Cemetery Association will meet at Mrs. -Julia Bishop's at 4 o'clock p. m. Thnrsdav. All are cordi­ ally Invlttsd to attend. MRS. J. L STOUT, Pres. Vi« BKLIK STOOD *KI>. SOB. LovfcRS of fruit will he. pleased fO| know that, although the peaoli cro «M father more entirely killed o lastSDrlng hv the frost than is usual yet there *vtll he a bountiful supp! for this sesson--which is also as usual. ROSCOK CONKMN ssys; "Tho country newspaper Is worth more to its country subscribers in one month thjin its prlcc for a year, and does more In a neigh­ borhood for nothlug than any high of­ ficial does for Ill's munificent salary." THE average banana ee|$r <§>es not enjoy the true flavor of the fruit with­ out depositing the skl.i near the center of the sidewalk. He mav not be there himself, but he knows fhiit someone will have a chance to laugh when the old man steps on It and falls. C. MEAD IS now In the honey busi­ ness quite extensive. He Informs us that last week he took out about 2.500 pounds, the week before 1.900 pound*, and so far this season about six thous­ and pounds of honey. He started in this spring with one hundred swarms of bees. THE MeHenry Brick Company am now helng pushed to their utmost to supply the demand for brick. On Mon­ day they shipped 28.000, on Tnetdav 28.000. and to-day, Wednesday, will ship 30.000. They have a large number or contracts to All and it. can safely be said that business at the brick yard Is booming. AN exchange says tlio man who TRIED' to run a newspaper to suit, everybody died in an Eastern poorhouse eighty years ago.--Ex. Y«is. we know the man. He had a summer residence In Hungry Gully, comer Starvation street, three doors l»elow Poverty Lane. We do not know where he wintered, for lie died in October.--Press and Type. JOHN BLAKK, our enterprising Fur­ niture dealer, sold 9165 worth of furni­ ture on Saturday last. One hundred dollars worth was sold to one man, Frank Cox, of Nunda. This, consider­ ing the dull times, we consider a very food day's trade. But then Blake Is an enterprising man, keeps none but good Goods, sells cheap, and advertises In the TLAINDKALER. All these things taken together is sore to draw a big trade. AN eminent lecturer, in reply to th question recently made, "What do yoi think the tendency of newspapers is a present?" said: "the papers of the future I think will be newt papers. The editorial is getting shorter and •horter. The paragraphist la taking the place of the heavy man. People rather form their own opinions from the facts. Of oonrse, good articles will always And readers; but the dreary, doleful, philosophical dissertation has had Its day, ^ • The Conneaut Herald thus addresses Itself to business men: A word to our business men. It Is well known that you have no very kind­ ly feelings for thesis persons who go out of town to trade when they could probably do as well at home, bid you ever think of applying the same rule to your own actions? The papers are here for tiie purpose of working for the town and for you. They are rim by competent men who understand their business, end can do any work you in ay wish at reasonable prices. Then they exchange trade with yon. and the profits are equally divided. Remember that you owe It to yourself and to them to give no work to traveling agents, at lea*t until you have satisfied yourself by Inquiring at the home of­ fice* that such is the proper course. PERSONAL. Msg. H. H. NICHOLS spent Sunday srith friends In Elgin. A. A. 8LAFTER and wife, of Belvldere are visiting friends in this village. WILL SIERS, of the Elgin Watch Fao- tory, spent Sunday In this village. MRS. A. D. LYNN, of Chicago, Is vis­ iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,H. M. McOmber, in this village. R. B. ISRAEL, portrait painter, of No. 224 State St., Chicago, is visiting with friends here. CASPER MCOMBER andxwire, of Chi cago, are spending a short vacation among friends here. PAUL BROWN, of Chicago, Is spend­ ing a month's vacation with his parents in this village. J.J. VASET has been engaged to teach the Gagetown Division of our public school. DR. J. H. BIQILOV wife, of Chicago, are guests at the lit. E. Par­ sonage. In this village. WM. H. WHITSON and wlfe.and Miss Ida Whiten, of Woodstock, were the guest* of the editor and family on Sunday, .> JOHN WENTWORTW came ont from Chicago on Friday evening, belrig called home by the severe Illness of his sister, MR. AND MRS. CONE, of Waukegan, father and mother of Mrs. Geo. W, Besleyt vpenf'* few . day* here last week.' '• "V v>"" Mr. Geo. Lawlns, Miss E. Law-Ins and Mrs. F. E. Russell, of Riverside. III., son and daughters of E. Lawln*. of this village, arectmping at Pltson's Point, on Plstaqna Lake. MRS. E. M. OWEN and her sister. Mrs. E. E. Thomas, went to Chicago on Tuesday to attend the funeral of a voting oliild of their brother. Frank Patterson. , MARY WENTWORTW. eldest .daughter of Isaac Wentworth, was taken sudden­ ly elck during the night Thursday, and for a short time grave fears were en­ tertained, but we are happy to state that she is now rapidly convalescing. JOHN DORAN has been quite sick the past few days, it the residence of O. W. Owen, in this village, biit is now Im­ proving, and will be able to go to his home in Elgin In a few days. He 4as here on business when he was taken sick. f JAMES B. PERRY and family. E. M. Owen an<? family, John I. S*tory and family. E. E. Thomas and wife, and Oliver N. Owen, with several friends of the different parties mentioned, contemplate going into camp at Pis­ taqna Lake this week and next, to re­ main two or three weeks. MRF. SARAH MII.LIXKR and two daughters, of Waukegan, Miss Sarah Gage, of New York, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Drnry and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Horace Drury sfwl daughter, of Willmette, Mr; anrt Mrs. W. ~P. Mori-e. of Nunda. were visitors at C. V. Stevens', last week. AN exchange tiny* talks an­ cient history of base ball: We read a good deal about the flrst. base-man. the second base-man. and third base-man; and also of the shortstop man; and it occurs to us that Cain was the original first base-man, Judas secor.d. and Nero third; while the Wandering Jew may be regarded as the original short-stop, for he never made anyLhing but a short stop wherever he went. Noah was probably the llrst pitcher, for he pitched the ark withiu and without. AN exchange thus laments over a de- linquent subscriber: , He went to Dakota, Or sotne place remote-ah 1 • (And we are out 5 years* subscription ) Our long experience in the news­ paper business has demonstrated the fact that there is more truth than poetry in th« above quotation, and that it is too true that there are men mean enough to take a newspaper Ave years and then cheat the publisher out or his pay. Such men are not very plenty, however, and their 'tames and places of residence ought to be pub- lisljj QUITE a serious accident happened t the barn ol A. L. Howe, on We.ines- ay arternoon last It seems that while inloading hay with a patent fork the hoys had climbed upon the derrick, or standard In con" uection with the fork, la order that hey might better see it jrork. Some- hing giving away the standard fell, nd one boy had his leg broken near the thigh, while the other one WAS badly bruised and shaken up by the fall. In the excitement the team be- |came frightened and ran awa]^ Mr. Howe, his hired man and Mrs, n\owe. all hrfvlng a narrow escape from Injury. While the children were severely hurt !t is considered fortunate that no was killed. Both children are now jloing*f wfll as could be expeclgj^;/ Fine Views. . Whiles Woodetook a few <*ny* since we had the pleasure of examining some very flue stereoscopic view* of the late cyclones in this State and Wisconsin, and must say theyrare as flue as any we ever had the pleasure of seeing. Mr. Medlar has full sets of Views of the track of the cyclone .on Big. Foote Prairie, the one near Harvard, and also of the one that Utely visited Fort Atkinson, Wis. They show the track and ruins caused by this terrible de­ stroyer as plainly as though you was on the ground. Every one should have a S"t of these splendid Views, and In fact they are going oft like hot cakes. Mr. Medlar Informing me that he has hard work to keep up with his orders. If you have not ordered a set. do so at once. You will never regret It. FINE SHOES. • . .iM Received. The finest Stock of Ladies' and . Chihlt^n's Wear In the -eAnnty at bottom prices at Perry A Oweu'a, EDITOR PUINDEALER.--I had sup­ posed that the last word had been said touching the matter Biolic&l broached by Mr. Bassett some six or eight months ago, and consequently, was not a little surprised to find the topic revived in your last iSsuo. I am not qtiite sure I understand the purpose o,~ said article, though its drift is apparent enough In the following sentence: "That an «®- judgc should fall to prove from Matt. 24 a personal appearing or Jesus Christ, and a literal ending of the world dis­ appoints no one who has looked critic­ ally at the subject." Waving the point raised In the assumption as to the pres­ ent writer's identity, a fact In itself wholly unimportant, and, In this con­ nection simply interesting n8 furnish­ ing a fresh illustration of a singular propensity to take tilings for granted in the absence, I wish to note a mis­ conception on the prrt of my neighbor as to the part I have taKen In this dis­ cussion. I am not aware that I have attempted to prove anything on the general subject here designated. I have simply ventured to dissent from Mr. B. and to give my reasons therefor^ Not accepting his theory, my object was to show its weakness, not to establish a counter theory in Its place. If this gentleman has anything further to offer affirmatively on the main issue, or anything to say as argument In reply to my strictures, it is his privilege to do so. Or does he suppose the subject already exhausted? If he does not, and wishes still further to prosecute the Inquiry, I should be moat happy to ren­ der him any assistance In my power, and would rather agree thah disagree if it were possible. But I must protest against gratuitous assumptions. Sub­ terfuges are degrading at all times, au'd figurative mist ideation on a subject so grave and awful, Is an exegetical outrage. A PRIORI. SPRING GROVE. EDITOR PI.AINDKALER:--Fred Hatch's addition la nearly completed, and when done will greatly improve the appearances of Turkey Street. Self-binders seem to be all the rage. We hear of four new ones withiu a circuit, of a tew miles. Miss Agues Kimball has an acre of as line onions as we have seen in many a day. Miss Minnie McKinnes and a Mr. Hansen, both of Chicago, have been the guests'of our teacher. Miss Belle Montgomery for the past few weeks. Gus Hubbard and wife of Elgin, are visiting with Fred Hatch. Also a sis­ ter of Mrs. Hatch. Yes, that honey of John's "takes the cake." We know whereof we speak. Haying'is nearly finished In this neighborhood and most of the fall wheat cut. Aaron Hoffman has thirtj'- five acres which lie estimates will go nearly foity bushels to the acre. Phillip Hoffman has twe!ve acres wliiuh is said to be the best raised in them parts for many yer.iv. The creek school house is fast near- Ing completion under the able man­ agement of John Merril of Solon, and Ransom Stotliff of Wilmot, and when eoinpieted will be second to no dis­ trict school building in the county. The dance there on last Friday even­ ing for the purpose of purchasing a bell was attended by thirty-six couples. We understand the boys intend bAyJng another when finished. To MR. J. E. BASSETT: As yen are one of our best Biblical experts, 1 should like to have .you explain through the PLAINDKALKR the 8th verse of the 17th chapter of Rev­ elation, and obllgo a subscriber to the PLAINDEAI.ER, Harvest Picnic. The Queen Ann Sixth Annual Har­ vest- Picnic will be held in Michael Senger grove, on* Wednesday. August 15th, Programme commencing at eleven o'clock sftarp, A cordial invita­ tion Is extended to all. Don't- forget to bring your basKets well laden, as we will have tables enough for all. Sing­ ing and speaking to suit every one. Anyone wishing any more information can obtain it by writing to J,JBt'9i£n Woodstock, III., Box 334. Old Settlers' Meeting. The Executive Committee of the Old Settlers' Association of MeHenry and Lake Cour.ties are requested to meet at the Riverside I}ouse, in tht village of MeHenry on Thursday, Aug­ ust Otli, 1883, for the purpose of mak­ ing arrangements for the anuual re­ union. The following are the names of the committee: For MeHenry County.--C. B. Curtis. MeHenry: C. E. Chapell, Algonquin ; Richard Wray, Richmond. Fnr Lake County.--Walter White- Hftinesville; J. R. Wells, Wauconda; A. V. Smith, Fort Hill. All old settlers are respectfully in­ vited to meet with the committee, J. VAN SLYKK, secretary. Thistle Notice. All persons knowing of tiny Canada Thistles, growing in the Town of Nunda, are requested to report same to me at Nunda. so that measures may be taken to have same destroyed, and to prevent their going to seed. Any person knowing of any growing on their premises are requested to keep same from seeding, and to use the best known methods to exterminate Same. A cat eful and thorough attention to this pest will soon exterminate it from the town. It is expected that all will feel interested In this measure and give it their personal attention. W. BrTi-KB, Superrisor. Biiy the Estev Organ If you want the best. O. W. Owen. MeHenry, Agent. * COKSK I S. A full line or Dr. Warner's Corsets In several styles at Perry A Owen's. G«T your Sheep Wash at Barblan Bros. ,1F you want any'thing less than the Estey Orjfan 1 can eell y°n one for M0 aud upwards. v , O.W.OWEN HEBRON. EDITOR PLAINDKALER Miss Annie Whiting, of Geneva, is visiting at M: 3, CfckMtsell's. Misses Rett and Nettle Van Hoosen spent Thursday of last week with their sistet. Mrs. Frank: Rowe. Mr. Lewis Phillips, of Clinton. Is In­ troducing hay carriers to the fartiieiS In this vicinity. Those who have them think they are a great labor saving machine. P. H. Woolfrom and family have moved to Harvard, where they intend to make their home for awhile. Mr. and Mrs. Hicks have been engag­ ed to teach the public school for the fall and winter term. 'We understand they have been teaching In Southern Illinois. Rev. Grover C. Clark filled bis accus­ tomed place In the pulpit last Sunday. His many friends were pleased to see him back much improved after two weeks vacation. J. Brown's "sunshade" took a trip to Kaye's Park on Suudav, Oh! we for­ got to mention the "fact that it con­ tained a merry load of young people. John Alexander is seen of late wear­ ing a very smiling countenance. 'When spoken to he umrely answers "It's a girl." Mis* Jennie Gellispie lias given up her music class in Hebron. Miss Fannie Cooper, of. Woodstock, will be her suc­ cessor. Last week a party of four went to Twin Lakes on a tisfeing expedition. They anchored Mfir boat in one lake but failing to catch auv fish, thought they would row to the oilier. One of them took a turn at the oars and was soon "tuckered out" and hadu't made much headway. The other one then triod his strength, thinking lie could take it over there in no lltne. At last when almost exhausted and uear the channel they discovered the auclior still at the bottom of the lake. The people oi Hebron, last week, were grieved to learn of the deatli of Mrs. Esther Pierce, at Baltimore, Md. She was once a resident of Hebron, but for over a year she had resided in Washington but on account of poor lioaltii went to Baltimore, where site died Inly 21st. She will be remembered here as a kind friend and neighbor. We were pleasantly surprised last week to hear of the wedding of Mr. Fred Morgan to Miss Annie Sylvester, which took place a; Geneva Wednes­ day, July'ioth, MARENGO. EDITOR PLAINDKALERNT. B. Bnrtch of Harvard, aud (3, L. Curtis, <of Wood­ stock, were in town a little , while last Saturday, attending to bus%es$ mat­ ters, bur. did not fnrget lo slfake hands with their many trie mis. Dr. Nutt had a runaway tlie other day. The Doctor was ont making professional Calls, and In turning around, the hor»e, which is quite spir­ ited, £av* a spring to one side, up­ setting the buggy and throwing the Doctor oift. The lmrs« then took a l»ee lino for iioiiieUui was caught on Main Street. 3>* damage doue to s p e a k o l . . . . , Mrs. Cummtng?, a very elderly lady, died Sunday moroiug at about five o'clock, of dropsy of the heart. Her demise was very sudden, being sick only about two. hours. Fuuer&l ser­ vices Monday at 2 o'clock. The opera IIOUM was filled to over­ flowing lust Wednesday evening, to listen to the lecture of Heury Ward Beecher on the subject, "Reign of the Common People.** He Is a fiuenrtp^aker but niOKt too "common" to Miit his audience. He Was not as choice in his language as he might have been, and the general opinion is that he is able to .lo all the mean thing* that have been said of him. Van Ettten. ol New Y«vrk, gave an­ other temperance lecture in th* Baptist church last Friday evening. He draws a good audience ami ca:i entertain Ills hearers well, but owing to the extreme pleasantness of his delivery the good Is lost sight of, ftnd something to laugh at is looked for In every new point. The Marengo Base Ball club Is a "daisy." It has met ind defeated clubs from Huntley, Belvldere. Woodstock and Harvard, and contemplates at no distant day a contest with the Elgin club. So marked lias been their success as a pickup nluet that a meeting was held last Frid»v and au organization affected, and officers. Including mana­ ger aud directors^ were elected for the remainder of the, season. The boys will te fitted up In No. 1 style and will make a good show at the bat and in the field. THE North American Review for August opens with a very spirited dis­ cussion of the subject of "Moral Instruc­ tion in the Public Schools," by Rev. Dr. R. Heber Newton, who offers a practical scheme for conveying etl.lcal instruction without reference to reli­ gious tenets, and the Kev. Dr. Francis L. Patton, who mafntalns that the Bible must be made the basis of all moral teaching. Henry D. Lloyd exposes the tricks and frauds of speculation in grain, which operite to make bread dear, and maintains that tliey should be repressed by law, as being flagrantly in opposition to public poljfcy, '•Woinau in Politics," by ex-Surgeon-General Win. A. Hammond, is a caustic discus­ sion of certain facts of nervous organ­ ization Which in hl9opinion render the female sex unfitte'i for participation in public affairs. Hon, Francis A. Walker reviews "Henry George's Social Falla­ cies," criticizing in particular his doc­ trines regarding land-tenure and rent. The evils resulting from "Crude Methods of Legislation," both nationnl and state, are pointed out by Simon Sferne, who advocates the adoption of certain rules of legislative procedure whi2h, in English practice, have been fouud to serve as an effectual bnrrier, botff against YobbjUn;{ Msg against the mischiefs of lll-conshlered law making. Charles F. Wingate writes of "The Un­ sanitary Homes of tlu Rich," and there is'a joint discussion of "Science and Prayer." by President Galusha Ander­ son and Thaddeus B. Wakeman. Pub­ lished at 30 Lafayette Place, New York, and for sale by booksellers gen­ erally. 1 »-- HOUSE AND LAND FOR SALE. The undersigned Offers fpr sale his house and one acre of laud, situated in the village of McHeliry, near the pub­ lic school building. On the premises is a good barn and outhouses, and small fruit ol all kinds. Will be sold reasonable and on easy terms. In­ quire on the premises. (VSTEGBHilOr* MeHenry, lll„ Augnat 1st, 18S3. Please rememOer ou* prices are al­ ways as low as the lowest, and we stand ready at a)l limes to meet any aud all coiupetiUoit. * U&tfKX CoUK. I GREENWOOD. EDITOR PLAINDKALER One of Geo. Barnard's horses has the distemper. The factory dividend tor May Was seventy cents. Chas. Thompson baa a *iew Dee ring self binder. Mrs. C. H. Tryon Is rapidly recover­ ing from her late sickness. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Chittenden (to- parted for their future home, Kansas City. Mo., the 23d Inst. Mr. aud Mrs, M. A. Adams, of Har­ vard, were lc town over Sunday. There is. at least, one man In town who will plow up oue crop for the sake of putting in another. Mrs. Dr. Hart • returned from her visit to(Dayton, Ohio, last Friday. Jas. Watson returned from New York the fore part of last week. At present writing, Mrs, J. H. Garri­ son and children are visiting friends In Elgin, aud L. McCarter's folks are In Chicago vis'tlng relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Soper, after spending a few days visiting their son's family herd, left for tlio Empire State to visit their many friends and relatives, and look once more on the scenes of their childhood. The greatest curiosity now !« a atone found by C. H. Merchant, while loading bay. It Is shaped like an arrrow head, is nearly two feet and a half in length. It* greatest, width seventeen Inches, and measuring ten inches between the notcl^s. The greatest thickness Is ahont four inches. Both sides of it are rough, showing different formations is it natural, or was it so shaped artificially? It the latter, what was its use? The following was handed us for publication: List of letters remain­ ing In the Greenwood post office for the month ending July 31st are as follows.--Mrs. James Burke, Mrs. T. B. McDowell. August Martin, Charley Hunt. Mr. Ben. T^. Wiley, John Sibley, Mrs. Anna Martin and llvin Krous. Postal cards are--August Martin, Mrs. H. S. Vans. 0. H. Ball, Frank West, and F. B. McDowell. In calling for the above please describe as advertised. D. W. SOPER, P. M. We see our friend S. D. Baldwin driving a fi le horse lately, purchased of our merchant, D. W. Soper. We did net learn the price paid. The Teachers' Institute to *bn held at Woodstock, will cemmenee August 28, and continue four days. We have seen the programme and think the topics are excellent ones. Our county superintendent, alms to make this meeting the most successful ever held, hence, expects the attendance of every teacher In the county, for we all know that at one of these first class Institutes more rea! knowledge can be obtained than at snv school or college iu the sameletlgih of time. VOLO. ' t»LAINDEALKR:-Farmsrs Iri' now busy haying and Imrvestlug. Hay is very heavy and wheat and oats bid fair tor a good crop. Corn has beeu improving very fast lately, and farmers have some hepes now of a fair yield. The new addition to the cheese fac­ tory is now finished and busluess is hoomlng. . * R. W. Paddock, Jr^, who has spent the last few months In Colorsdo. is again at home. "Rob" thinks it is a pretty good stock country, but we guess he prefers Illinois for a home. There will be a lawn paper festival at the residence of E.L. Huson, Aug­ ust 16th. If stormy on that evening It will be held on the following even­ ing. The proceeds are to be used for the benefit of the Volo Cemetery. Refreshments in the shape of ice cream, cake, lemonade, etc.. will be served. All are cerdially invited to attend. Rumor says we are to be . favored with a grand wedding here soon. It Is needlees to say the Intended bride and £rooin are young. Family Boarding School for ̂ Irl*. We have received the following cir­ cular aud publish It In full for the bene­ fit of our readers: Mr. and Mrs. 3. C. Hay will re-open their Family Roariling School, for (tirU, at Wood­ stock, III., September ISth, 1883. WooiUtock, situated on the line of the C. A N, W, It. R.,51 miles from Chicago, offers every advantage of ac«'.e«eil>ility, healthfulness and beauty of surroundings. The loeatioD of the school, with spaoioos grounds and abundance of shade, gives Ibe pnpilt the retirement of a country home with­ in ten minutes walk of the depot, post .office and churches. The aim of the school is to furnish a thor­ ough training in primary and academic stud­ ies, while affording facilities for the acquis!- tion of languages, music, drawing and paint­ ing through competent instructors. To the moral culture of the pupils,and their training in those duties which pertain to home-life, the prirclpals desire to give their especial care; and It is thfeir aim to bestow parental watchfulness over >he formation of character, as well as to impart instruction. Through the provisions of the "Foster Scholarship" free tuition is granted to one pupil each year, who may have in view teach, ng in cither home or foreign missionary schools. The nnmber of pupils being limited, prefer­ ence will be given to those who are unaer fourteen years. scnooL SESSIONS. The school year will begin with the Fall term, Sept. 18, 1883, and will be divided as follows: Fall Term--September 18, to December 23. Winter term--January 1, to April 1& Spring Term--April 17, to Jnly 2. Pupils will be received at any time during the year, provided a vacancy exists. N> de­ ductions will be made for absence during term-time, except in cases of prolonged ill­ ness. •EXPENSES. Terms, #300 per school year of 40 weeks. This amount covers al-- expenses except instru­ ments! music, for which (with nse of piano or organ), the charge will he at the mre of $10 for twenty lessens. Instruction in vocal innsic will be given in classes without extra charge. Pupils will he required to furnish, for their rooms, the following articles: 2 comforters or blankets. 1 quilt. 2 pair sheets. e pillow coverings, 6 towels. FOR THE1K CSS IV THE DIKING BOOK. S napkins. 1 table fork. 1 tea spoon. 1 napkin ring. All articles of bedding, clothing and silver must be di^'inctly marked with the owner's nsme. P. S.--Girls from MeHenry Oo. at reduced rates, Young men. wu are now receiving onr spring and summer stock of fi-e 8hn*s. and can show yon the finest assortment ever found 'n this market-. Call aud see tbeui at Iieury Uolbj'a* Richmond Department. CoKTKIBCTED BT 3. F. BENNETT. On Friday evening. August 10. there is to he a dance at the Culver House. Every good fallow and his girl Invited. Mr. and Mrs. Frauk Robinson brought :he tfc«dyof their infant "child Irom l>a;iville to Richmond on Thursday hist, for Interment in the English Prairie Cemetery. Mrs. Robinsou is s> daughter of Richard #tmf, of" tlii place.» ' * We not ice oy the proceedings of tlie Board of Supervisors that four hun­ dred dollar* was the fee allowed the lawyers for flghtln* the MeHenry bridge suit. We are Informed that the other expenses paid amount to over totir hundred dollars more. How much better it would have been if the people's money, thus needlessly -wast- ed, had hern paid over to the town of MeHenry to help pay for the bridge. The Messrs. Cole have been busily engaged Tor months in repairs on tlie flouring mills, the object being to con­ vert the mills into the new process of manufacturing Hour by rollers. Eight or ten men have been, busily engaged most of tlie summer, and, we are glad to state, have got nearly through, so that the mills will soon be turning out the "new procets' flour. It has cost a large sum of money to make tlie change, aud we hope it may all come back in an increased patronage. We notice that some of our boy friends are raising young, crows for pets, and, for their benefit, we will give them onr boy's experience with the same black rascals. Last season he caught two young crows and brought them home. Tliej were kept in the barn until they were pretty well grown, and they ate an immense amount of fresh meat In the meantime. They were at length given the freedom of the premises witlf the chickens, and showed no disposition to leave. • As soon as let loose they refused their or­ dinary food, and we thought they were Jiving on bugs and worms. Not so. We had a large number of blooded chicks that summer, but the number grew steadily less as soon as tlie crows were given the liberty of the yard, but SA cunning were they that they had killed and eaten thirty full blood­ ed Light Brahma chicks worth a dollar apiece, before we caught tnem at It. Of course we made short work with the Bles&rs. Crow, So, boys. If you Jkeep your crows look «uM||*4iNir i'hickens* ' '•* " 60 to Mi*. Dressmaking. No trouble to show gootU tn questions at it. Bishop *. Farm Bells cheap. »i John I. StC Building Paper, cheap, It ?oirii Story's. -• A fine assortment «»f very fine ite Iron Ware at John 1. Story's, The "Boss" Barrel Chum at Jutia Story's. City residences for sale. Apply Asa W. .Smith, Woodstock. III. . The celebrated tti^eell Carpet 8weepe| for $). The best thing In tho market at John I. Story's. Lumber Wagons, Milk Wagons, Plafc"J form Spring Buggies for sale at R. Bishop's warehouse. Fishing Tackle of all kinds at li EngeIn's, in Howe*s Block, itesr tha new Bridge. -J Tlie finest line of silver and Plated^ Ware to be found In the county, at Ow W. Owen's. As usual we have this. "prlng tha finest Hue of Embroideries in town. HRNUT IJOLBT. An Uegant lioe of dress buttons and trimmings always to be fonnd at Henry Colby's. * Madam MeGee Corsett«. The best on the utarket at Mayes A Bar tie u's CLOTHING. A complete etock ot Mea's and Boy's Clothing at bottom price*. rashr * owss. Drags Drags, Drags, a lot on hand, steel tooth and mum sell. For sale .by R. Blsho|J A full line of choice groceries always to be obtaiued ni HENKT CULM'S. BIRD CAGES. fMrd Cages, In all styles and prt«»i. at John 1. Storv'a. A lot just received. Call and see them. Ladles, we think we can show yo« the "prettiest" line of laces that was ever brought to this market. Ask to see tliein at Henry Colby's. Everything iu farming .implementa from a Swill Cart to a McCurinlck Twine Binder, can be found at the warehouse of K. Bishop. DIAMOND DYES. We have all colors of the celebrated Diamond Dyes only 10c a package. HKXKY COLBY* CLOTHING. \ Onr stock of Clothing is unusually complete and will be sohl ver cheap for cash. H KNKT COLBY. - NOTICES^ • Up until noon of Thursday, Augnst 9th, 1883, 1 will receive sealed proposals for the building of a school house In District No. 1, For plans and speciHua- tlou3 apply to CHAS. HALDKMAN. Richmond. 111. 1 . E. LAW I,US. Is selling Suits at less than Chicago prices, A good Cassimere Suit for 94.50. Call and see them. GET your Sheep Wash at Barblau Bro8^ ' ' < • Remember that you will experience no ditflcultv in getting repairs for any machines atold by K. Bishop, thus pre­ venting vexatious and expensive de­ lays at a critical time wheu time means money. _____ Croat Revolution Over mt The West End. About 810,000 worth of goods to be converted into cash at once. We want to sell everything we have, but more particularly such goods as Parasols. Lawns, Dress Goods of every descrip­ tion. Buntings.Alpacas, Brocaded goods In diflerent shades and variety, Ging­ hams. etc. Ilow would you like to buy a few yards Lawn at 3 and 7£c per yard, worth double. Clothing* way down to bottom. The prollt on Shoe* has been cut In two; come and try 011 a few.. 2000 yards Bleach Cotton at 7} cents; cheap at Id cents. In fact cash will buy all kinds of goods extremely low. Try it. FITZSIMMONS A EVANSON. New Restaurant at Nundn. The undersigned having fitted up Ids building on Main Street, Nunda, es peulally for the purpose, has now opened one of the finest Restaurants aud ice Cream Parlors to be fouud in th* county. Ice Cream, Lemonade, choice Confectionery.and iu short everything usually kept in a place of this kind can be found here, and 110 pains will be spared to please all who may give me a call. Canned Goods of all kinds, and of the best brands to be found in the market, always on hand. Call and see me. A. SOXKBNSCIIlEir. Nunda, IIL, July 16th, lS&i. We would call your attention to the fact that we have the largest stock of men's, women's, misses aud children's fine, staple and fancy Boots and Shoes ever brought to Woodstock. These goods were bought from the manufac­ turers for cash, and will be sold for cash at a small profit, and we will make it an object for you to come from any part or the county to trad^ with us,uo matter bow great the dis­ tance. w n piriOHTi Cor. Mala St. and Pnbllc Square, Woodstock, linois. j, ' ' ] NOTICE. - My wife having left my bod and board without just cause or provocation I hereby forbid all persons to trust or harbor her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her -contracting after this date. STKPHCX P .SMITH. MeHenry, III., Jnly £4th, 1383. Fifty pair of Welking Shoes reduced from $2.00 to 91.50, Call for them soon at H. COLBT'S. AOVlCK TO MOTHKRS. Are you uustnroea st night nnd brok­ en of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? jf so. send at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething. Its value Is incalcul­ able. It will relieve the poor little fuflerer Immediately. Depend upon it fnothers. there is np mistake about It. It cures dysentery aud diarrhoea, regu­ lates the" stomach and bowels, cores wind colic, softons the gums, reduces inflammation, and gives tone and en­ ergy to the whole system. Mrs. Wins- low's Southing Syrup for children teething is pl»-asaot to the taste, and Is the prescription of oue of the oldest and best tVinaie physicians and nurses iu the United States, and is lor sale by ail druggists throughout thg worfd. Priqe 25 ceuts a bottle. Oar stock of drugs, chemicals and patent medicines w«a never more complete. Goods reliable and prices right. HKHRY COLBY. We desire to call the attention of the ladies to our dresa goods department. We have added u fine line ot cashmeres, camellettes. silks, satins, etc., wllicit will be sold on very close margins. HENRY Ct>LBT. Young laities, our new walking alines and French and Mat Kid button <lwfa ere "just lovely." Call and see them at Heury Colby's, . For first-class Insurance against fire and Lightning, wind storms, cyclones, tornadoes, etc., etc.. apply to Asa W. Smith, Woodstock. III. Ladies' fine Cloth Shoes, former price flUM) to #3.00. uow offered at fiSo AT H. COLBY'®, THK choicest line of Dolmans and Ladies' Neck Wear In town at Mi* E. ̂ ,^we's. -/ - jp GLASS ! GLASS * We keep Glass of all siseS constantly on hand. Special sizes cut without extra charge. JOHN I. STORY. BARB WIRE. The bottom dropped ont. But I still live to meet or beat any and all Cuts that has been or may be inade. on Barh Wire. JOHN I. STOHY. House and Lot for Sal#. I offer for sale my House and ?,Of, situated in the village of MeHenry. on the West Side. The house is nearly new, is iu rtrst class repair, newly painted both inside and out, and is one of the most desirahle residences iu the Village. Good barn and out houses on the premises. Will be sold reasonable if applied for at once. Fo>* full par­ ticulars inquire of F. K. Granger^ a| MeHenry. » E. y. ARDBSOI. M. 9 MeHenry, Jane Wife. KM. Hurricane! And hurry Mrs. Cane, and Itnrrr Smith and hurry all the rest of the inhabitanta of MeHenry and vicinity, and go ge* some of the hue photograplife views »»f your handsome little village, at E. W. Wheeler's book and newsstand. And you who have fine houses will never have a better opportunity to jrtt beau­ tiful pictures made of your homes. Call and see samples of work ftt Wheeler's and leave orders there. H*UT I. Wicotar. Photographer. Gossamer circular* and coata for ladies and •srentlemen, and a full line of rubber good? always, to be had at . Secure The Original. - ERE THE SUBSTANCE FADES.. L. E. Bennett. Photographer, wishNs to inform the public that hois now prepared to do all work in bis line I* the best style of the Art and warrant al! work just as represented, or na charge will be made. Being pertaa* nenrlv located ill MeHenry. I am In » ,,, condi tion to make nij guarantees good* and will allow 110 picture® to lease mp . Gallery unless satisfactory. The f*§» lowing from the Nuuda JJerald*|iea4* volumes. Our people are hereby eaatioaedl about dealing with stranger*, espr*. ially not to pay for nega'lves until jresa- get your photographs, W« have he**4 < of people getting left by truusietttn. We warrant satisfaction If yoo d» i| with our advertisers. Ask Geo. Skltt* ner how he liked his pictures. ¥ Call at my Gallery over Perry 4k Owen's store, take a look at Mt sp*viN iMiens, and il you waut any pleliMr*# either of yourself or frlenth^ we erUt guarantee satisfaction or no dMim will be made. 1. fc* tonunM"./ - MclUnrj, IMk ^ vl i *....« . ? ifasiS

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