Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Aug 1883, p. 1

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. 0r': •j- » ' " e* • "< ".; ml •;'• A ->v;j . Jb-Wc-* jtr-Vf;: ft' »vxi»yg VOL. h&r- Ot-•*••"?!' -ya^ Pledged tout to Truth/to Liberty ai i* %!»« 4£te*IKl'»at 4 r;»<«..n,4 & If*"***®! Favor* Win us and no Fear Shall AWs.' M'HENRY, ILLI5 EDNESDAY. AUGUST 22, 1883. , P.uWiiheil tKye*v Wedaeadav by VA> SI^YKE, HDITOTANB POBUSttEO. Oiflee ii Bishop's Blocjt, "irijpKwrtifc • rrtlt 'ft TKRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. V. • • J Year (jit Advance) .M;1W ./*'»» !'iH Tit'ii it iras M>nthi,.......8 CO re'nlfBl fir t'irjs or six Jgwnthn in t1i«» svwi orofwrtion. •. .-. - . Kates of Advertising:. We *r»nnnncc llhen»l rates for Advertising an th« 1'i.AimttKK, irnd e*deavo» trislftte them so plainly that the will he readily tin- Herstbod. They arc As'follows: 1 Inrh one year - t.T..... - ' ft • 11 Tnchns one year >- St i }*».' - -- - g Inches one year • ?*..{«# IS •*» nnevwr. T«' " - * . '80 00 «nc vwr WOO one year - . . - . 100 vo .One ini-.ti means the meitsnroment of one ch down the column, single column width. Yearlv advertisers at the Above rates, have privilege of chansrinsr as often as they j »«»oose, without extra vlmrge. tteirnlrir •'•tdVertisers (meanin? those h*»i«ff Standing cards') will 1*? entitled to insertion of lineal notices at rate of 5 rent? per line each Week. All others will he ciargou 1ft cents per , •line first week, and 5 cents per line for each ifjpBbs'equent week. Transient nd vertiaemnnt* will be charged • ill rate of IfVcentn per line, (nonptireil lyite. Mime as this is set in.) tbe tlrst issue, and S rents ner line f..r subsequent issue*. Thus, an ini'h advertisement will cost 4*1.00 f»rone #sNtfk, #1-5" for ft wo weeks, $2.00 tor three B^AUS, aijajBs.op, .3* "Ths Pi,ai'wi>katIrr will be liberal ingivttog ... !'••. Mitorial notices, l>nt, as n business rnle, H ***' arlll require a -suitable fee ..from everybody . i -t.. leekmg the use of its columns for pectiniaay >. - *>«• !'«*S fColumn i Column i Column < BUSINESS CARDS* ; M ARY G. BARIUAN. . HAIR WORK Kit. Alt kn.ds of Hair Work done in flrrst class style and at reasonable prices. Rooms st resilience, north­ east corner of Public Square, JlfcHehry, III. :t.. .Ci.9v4i«K«3i.-'. 1 yT^TRRlSrAtt* fttfRGROili *1 ' JE^SK A. BALDWIN, . 4jj rAWYER. Law bnsliiesfi in an* l*>r* «t j ihi State receives proiwp* attanfcioa.' om. « room It, Government Battding, Chicago, Illinois. , IMt, O. E. Wn.Ll.VMS. I^ENTIST. (tcMdenre Dnndei. Will lie at I/ Mi'ilonry. at Parker House, the 10th and '25th Of e:U'h month". When dates orenr Saiardajr or Snriday I make my visits on the following Mondaj'. JOHM Kt-EItfGEX. HOrrSW Painter, Grntner, Oalcimin»r and Paper Hantrer. Itesi louee one ~ Block Went of Riverside House. Work attended to promply and on reasonable terms. •*, r •• . CARDS. If. T. BUOWS.M.U. Hfr^tCIAV A'sn STTROKOV. Office over ,'th« Post OlVc.n, onnosite Perry ft^Martita's up sfiiii-*, McHemry, Hi, ••m k; 'i-H- V I C. R. FRrStiR, M, D- " t^HY^IOlAV AND srrnfJKOV. MeHenrjri; •f Ula. tirtlce at Ke Idenc.e, on tile Cdflilfr, lOUkposite Blake's fnrnitnro Store. - ' ~* > • - . -- : --* ' ' ' 1 1 ' ' O. J. HOWARD, M. D. PHYSICIAN \NO SITRCIEO^. Office nt my residence, opposite St. E. ChUrcli, i^rlleiiry. Til. ' • • ; MOXKY RRC'KlYfcD POIl I'MV E^TM UNT and loaned on mortZHsre security at <-ur-!i V Wmt r-tte*, without eharce to the lender, ataxia loans made at six per cent. 'j.W RAN^TKAO,r? ?<* ,k\>- . . ^ I'and 2Borilen ittnrk, Klpin, ll|,, *, ' : .a , r- - ---- : v" i i ; J* J myeh^, -Jf Call tmrsli, ttt. I.iqnors and t;ii?*rs lad see me. always on luinn. i a 3 ™ lvaue< PRATT HOUSE. PR\TT, proprietor. First <\lasa r.o:nt«c»t'Uir>ns. juconda. III. a& Urto l Bnrh in cohneetion BAUHI.VJS BRO^. INkj .\R Manufacturers, Mclfenry, til. * vJ* ' I ' devs solicited. Shop, l» Old McHenry, Keiter tJlo< k, two dooia west of'- rlccs -A- •' RlOll AHI> COMl'TONT. v ,. %TrsTlC>W of the Pence in I C^nveyaneief.- fl Will *tten I pr>:n;»tlv to the colloctfofa ot tttbts, Vplo, hake County, HI. B. E4. TtrOIIXRIW. *X: VSa complete Abstract it Titles to;land In M IlenrvOounty, HPnoi*. Office with unty Olerki-Woodstock, 111. R. M. OWtlK' '! - v EXRRAT/ Dealer and MaiiufKrtwrW* ^Axont in I.eadiajr Kantf Mnchincry.-- ow and terms-favorable, ilcllcnry, iili'" mi «•»='* - R. U.^MITlf. »OOT AND SHOE M \'(KH, Prompt atten- i lion given to Itepiiiin'i. Shop _ in tirop- •y's llnrne^s.S.hop, opposite Riverside House, c.ljeiiry, Illinois. • ' i,. .. MARCUS' GERMAN Manufactured by . MARCUS, : • -DE.VI. Ett IN-o PURE WINES, tlQUORS AND CIGARS. , J JSws* ' i.".y >pfood8toct ' . l?Th« Iwst Tonic in the nrorld. ap in * #kntanU (^nart Bottlea. V v w - : F . MARCUS, Pa te too . SgfEWELVk, REASONS, FOR IKSURING WITH*-' . L W Ol Woodstock, 111. t Because be is endorsed by leading 1>ns. ess men and the press, and ^rticujarly bere best known. *. Because hia is the oldest agency in the r ^*S. because he represents tbe best line of ;rV' iMnspanSes of any agen«y in the county. (• t 4. Ber-anse. with one exception, he reore-V jpats the oldest companies in the United •tates . .. 5. Because, in ease of loss, he gives hi« g.Irons the benefit of his long experience in ruling an equitable adjustment. •" - t>. Because he has always. i«su<M full pdl- teies. T ' ' 7. Becanse he piys losses on farm property) lightning, whether .lire ensnesof not. . *,. ii j 8. Because he inaureefive stock anywhere • g a i n s t l i g h t n i n g . . . . ti R Because he insures a^stbst tornadoes, fycloaes and wind 8tonus. r-. g * _W. Because you can thus save' yonrselveit^ disaster for a mere trifle. / «*- 11. Because you will And .him equally as * i. Af live to aid you in getting your .nooe'v lifter * loss rfs to' secure yon^r patronage for hia cort- It? _• niuies. «• ftocause anv one of the above reasons can lie full v verified bv calling on E. .v. Mnr. »i»y. fc Sessions, J. W. Miller, from their owi experience, and on the entire circle ot his «equainUM4ce8 from observation. , In bfhalf.of the Old Reliable, the Phcenix, i»f Hwtfowf, Oonnectlcut. I takeitrest uleas. DM In rctarninsr the thanks of the company , to Urs. L. D.^Rel 1 y for her promptness an<l un • Visual presence of inin'l in extinguishing a lire IjjilMfflf ntfti-lnr kindled from the Imruiiig of "S. AfMurfdiy's residence on the morning of the Wth inst, as by her in4iviiluai effort, ®roi>erty was saved on which tbe ci-inpany' Wit a poUcy of f£,0M». ^ 1 ASA W. SMITH. V HA- prjy Horsomeiiv AttiMitloiH aII lovers ot line Horses are renncntfully, inviteil to call at inv farm, half a mile west of Mcllenry, on the U^ondstorvk road, and see iny flne Moigan and Draft Horse*. I Ijave a Porelieron Xormnn Dnift t'olt that Is Irani to bent. Call and *ee him. ^ WS3 business done on Sunday. ' t v Ji.S.COf.»C Mcllenry, May 1st, 198.1. , Notice 1 o th3 fublits. a I. H\VR built a shop last s'»'ith of E. lus' on Brick ami w<m»d. Street, where I am prei»ar<id to do ail kin ls of work in mv line. As I have no h>vs to do my work, I want very n^ar what It Is worth for doing it. I do my "work in a manner that needs no watching. x t W»- !A. HBBAmD. McH»nr*,'Jaa. 9th, ISSi. Richmond, Illinois. * Saes of Stock, Fur niinsr Toos arid Goods ot it kim s atl ended to oil the most Keasoiittl>« Terim* Hrtfl satisfuctioii guar^utoerl i*ost Office nddress, : iirciiMOXo, ILL. 5 - mmz. BESIETT,. --~BREEDER Of- FOAfLS, ; IBCHMOirD, II.I.. %ttiK -tt (priRST PKEMIim AT HRHh»|«T COUNTY FAIR.) My f,Vw4s are of the: wlebriitert DUK E OK YOKK strain, reuiarlfenbie for their great size and laving qna.liUes. i can show a trio of last. ce'ison'« chicks weig.hiug 'M p >unds Eggs, l»«r setting -if, thirteen. Jl.'i i, <Jeliiei«'it to purchaser ip. Kichuionti,' Mii nin'tl, .secureLy pA&erl, t&IM.' T • ROBERT 4X BE#XE?T. Ii. Eonsl©tt;';- Ntjarthe Depot, - *• MCHENRY - - - ILLINOIS. Keens constantly on haint the ttpest btaiwts of t'lenrand Keed of all kinds, wriilvti ho >viV> set! at Wholesale or Retail at. , , Bottom Prices. < .five.difleirent brands of Ktour ;i I ways'on •(land and warranted as represented. Flax S>cpd Meal^'Wi,y» 0*1 Hand . tfionr deli vered any where in the Cor poratiou, Or.lers mav ne. giveu .by Postal 0ard, BoX l07, Post Office. : • GIVE ME A OAf.F* • ! ^ . L. BOJISLETT- 'T Herein j, M#cf, ihhi. KEEPi,". _ Foreign and Domestic Cloths. WARRANTS A FIT, 1 OR NO SALE. • - ALSO . > ' C'lfOTfilNO, Men's Boys' trna Children's sizes, of the best qual­ ity nnd at Chicago prices.* ' Store opposite jtivei'siie House, McHenrv - Iliitiois. 'Wt, iBSSBl*; M. D. ' ., FHYisiCIAS AND SURGEON. Als^Unlted . Statue Examining Surgeou. RieSmend, J U i n y i s . , = t , s . . . : % f v r: t ---- -- , D1U C. R. WKLI^. f>II YsIClAN AN l> SUKtj KOJs. Wauconda, I. I aktvOo., IlUi Alj calis piHiuiptiyattenrt- ed, day or nuiit. Ouii-e on M«uu .4t.i of It.Trker's lrarness,th»ip. " • ., / " J0HXS0K& C6., ; SOT; lot TORS of r« tents, 1005 P St., S. W Washington, !». <X R*KKRE>OEJ.- R. AM istifl, Hon. -Hon. J. .A. Logan, Hon. W. l>. C. Saiitlj, I'ekin, U. R. WM. » • ( r a < fill ".'l/a COWLIN MI. n.«txmiHc»] SOLICITOR Stone^e.litoi' CVii«'airo JVw*. >nrM{er'« Heview, Chioa^. Sftjd lor instructions. J , ' * T4 " , - josepU x. FUfEux^; 1 ^ j SAl.OOS AND RBTAU'VWT Bonslett's #ld <t «rt t, opposite'g Mill, Mc­ Henrv, 111. The >p,K.ic.est Wines, Liouors and Stgarstobe tnnnd in the county. Fresh Qvsters iu their aeison served up in- aay sliape desired-or (or sale by the Can. GOOD $UAB LING FOR HORSES. ** ANTOSTY EXOEI.JT, SAT.OOV ar.d Restaiuvint, Buck's r»td Mcllenry, U.I.--.The choicest Kentucky* '* Whiskies, <our . Mash, Wines, Cigars, etc., alwrtvs on !ian;^.' ;Tte buy none but the best, and s<>ll at IteVsonable Prices. Fresh Oysters in their season. -- : A. Ml. CHURCH, Watehmakei* Q;fi<l Jeweler NO. l«a RANDOLPH STREET, (Successor to K. H. I'. Hhirley.) Chicago, 111. Spe­ cial attention given to repairing Hue watch­ es ami Quronomcters. (tf\ Full, Assortment of Goods In hi$ lino 1 Richmond House, :! RlCltllO. ILL C.K. CULVER. - - PBOPUIETOR AVING recently purchased the above • liouse, I have pnt Yt In thorough repair, with new fuvnitue thrnn?Iioi'.t, ami would Ye'spcctfu'liy invite the puron ttre of the trsiv- eling public anil others. The tables will al- •wavs bc'pirorided with the best that can* lie procured, and polite and attentive waiters will be in readiness at all time? to attend to tbe wants of guests. No piiils'will be spared to make this a First-Class House. Large and commodious barns pn the premiees. Free Onmlbbe to and 'from, ail tralna. Sample Room*'in tlrst floor. j v" vvNWj2»ip 1 - E. ivnuiTM AN', Proprietor. Firs IrfnssYlgs, with or without driver*.- 6uni«h«d *t |<teMnnkle 'ratis. Teaming, ol all kinds d^ii^ .qp 9ln>rt nolirc. t . A.WENDELL, MoRenry, III. . Will tuke «y>nti-aelF f»»r pntting up Biiiltlii^ and sriiHi-.intfi* inv tvorli will, comjrHie Willi ;uir man in the 1 C!it> ami will do \vnrk from 15 tj> iv. per .Cent clH'mK'.r, i-^ati..oilier earpeuteris a» j have two o< 4ny l»oys hMh» work ti ltti ine. Miiiolt nmkea it {tossilnle for mej to do mi >< • . , .AjU /Jo|)^ ..jtlie c Ca^Pfliter • IHM» promptly aiteiideil to. Give ine a call. A A. WEItDELL. / O. . Wt O'WEW, at - : --dealer m--ft Clocks, ; Watches, ^ Jewelryy Sliver ahd Ratod WpW eto. rf:S t* 1. • • : i/s •: i 4 M-liilb/f, Ikeepin stack tlie celebrate* Springfield Waieh. which i* pronounced .by »M to be the best wutch.u.w 011 the market. j, •' Will not bo Undmold, Odaa^r ^oodsinttiy line. MoH«nry. , 1883.' S&mvfak' SI MPLS °^NEWllOMEi SEWING MACHI Al^O 1*AR¥ MBLIC. **• • tifalnsttbiS #0 •t ftmiM trull >eete4 elalMe t are encloeed fbrj aril) be prouyl • '-•mi <m • Offieaatl rm&-m r> 4 ."s-t'i ltln|i» tbo late, HI toaees a»l v«. .. ei«l»y;i If gUmps d! -eetnmnnleauou# «T., wooiwrroc*,ai. Referenceibj aeter, bnsin (iitt. John A.' Illinois. Gen. J. C. Hill Hon. R Kiln ainore, 111. Hon. John P.#, Dist., Anrera, tlf| Hon. A. M. C<d. Jas. A. Club, Cliieagni ll Jecse A. Baldi eu ro, III. Messrs. Sela, I an<lSlioe !>eall Also hnndrtdi ces, ^r-#? lissinn as regards *elMiy> t.v, relihWlty," *c., £e : a, U. S. Senator, Chicago, Jtate Treasurer of Illinoia. ~ O. 6th III. Dist., Syc- rwin. ex-M. C.?5th III. , S. Marshal,Chicago, III Pres. On son (Veteran I Ass't U. S. Attorney, Chi- rah ft Ca, Wholesale Bwt »ica «», ill. • aunty and bom* referen- B, '-mi Breech Powrt«r,i tor sale,' AH ctttdi* -•?: . " Mm erman, "OCK, ILL., UKB Iff-- tzle Loading inns. Wads, an; i'ckle cheap.' AtfP A 'giiwl Br Gun. wiitr<nt . Wir.chcsieir 1 Kickel iMate* Self oocjtin£ f A good SinjfP Sifigte tJnnj wfl I ttill undersell Guns nmt rf .orf goo<i gun it wilH I warrant evorji JltTNGDONE. 1.ling, Double* Bnrreled «• 8. > model, ]&%1«ots, SB, iSilV, lb>k ll^Moi, .Ot. irr|l, Rieoch Loading, 4««Pie fc flip county In If you want a leail and Me me. rep new KoUs put^oja. Pi urairrati tec|»# rice per 7, t#l t!S "vt' m • • »**«< ' • - < ' * "l* tV " i* •* ' *:• . n. shti&MAisrl WoodBtock, July IS 111, I8te. Soldicr«' Department. CONJDUCTKD BY DR. S. P. BKXXKTT. The number of pension certificate* issued and siguied during the week end­ ing August 4th, was *9 follows: OHg- i"*l, 703; inerease, 170; re-Issue 76; [reftoration, 23; juplicstte, 1; nrreas»V.O; Rechie'd'pensloiif.. 24; total, 1,078, , , The Soldier in Pol It lea. [Minneapcli* RrjmStiean Platform.] r Sesoiveci, That it, Is, in the ppinion of tills convention, (lie duty of Congress as an act. of justiuo to the soldiers ol out commonwealth, to restore the ar­ rearage clause to the pension net by the .re-enactment of that law; and we do Jifreby regpectfully ask and most earn­ estly recommend t» that body iu eaiiy restoration. f " [ioMxi Repmbtoxm Platform ] - Resolved, That time does not Mt fhe c1nlm« of t lie soldiers who fouglit down tlie rebellion on the gratitude ami Jits* lice of the country; and. therefore, we favor such modification of the peusio 1 laws as shall secure equal treatment of all soldiers entitled t* pensions by coin- mewing payment from tlie date of dis­ ability, and we demand of tbe next General Assembly of low* the enact­ ment ol a law exempting from attach­ ment and execution both pension money and homesteads purchased therewith, A* Unpleasant Memento ml Hi* War. IJeutenautG. W. FUli, of Gngle wood, member of I'ost No. 8, Chicago, is one of onr ex-soldiers who parsed through an unusually severe experience, and as a meniento ot that experience, he car­ ries a bullet in the back of lite head, which causes It lit) seme Inconvenience. Lieutenant Pitch was an officer In a colored regiment, ami at Na»hviHc_h« and three other officers were made prisoners. Jell Davis, hoping to dis- counigfj the North from employing col­ ored troeps. issued an order to the ef­ fect that all officers of colored regl- nsents should be killed instead of being made prl«on«r*. On thU occasion I.ieut Fitch and hi* three companions were moving along witli their captors, and from the acilon of theiir escort, began te think ftiey would escape the fate whlcto they Expected, when suddeuly, with no warning whatever, the South- crfiers tfrew their revolvers and flreil njion the helpless prisoners, killing all iRl^antly eXcojil T.lentenint Filch, Who llf»W*ver. fell to th» ground. The ball * side of ATTENTION ECCNOMY IS WEALTH. t ' -J. ' ? ' ; Von qah MvettOAOjf l»y |ivin| youronleN F. MEAD, RICHMONO, ILLIITOISF -#CR- or all descrijrt^ons, Be- (3C UN10N S0"UARE-.NEW?0RK CHICAGO. ILL .• •ORANGE, MASS. AHP ATLANTA.6A. Now Home Sewing Machine Go. "'24 State St., Chicago. ̂ •/. ift SMITH, Agent,. . . ' ....t.1 " Mcllenry. TU. WE$Y£rn«ORMAL COLLEGE And.Cp^ifmiercial Inslitut©. FIVE ten-weeis terms per year. MFTEEN COUR-iE^:--Teachers'. Collegiate, Mod- ei-n I.anguage,- Commercial, Art, Music, Telegraph^, ' Phonographic, Penmanship, K locution, Me«l ical, Engineermir, l>r^wing* Ac. Wh«»le expense for one year, $126 Wes­ tern Normal Jjectnre Bureau; Western Normal "Advocate." Catalogues and speci. men copy of paper FREE C. L. GREGORY • .1 • , Principal, . ButhneU, IIW (i. Fine Shoes.,' -;; Onr«t*M'lc of Foster's celebrated Beloit Shoes is complete. For style t|.nd duriibi!it\ they CRRiiot be excelled^ Ask to see them«» : Wagons. Cariiages • pairing. Painting, jencrul F smithing, Ac., Ac., Ac. '^tepairing of plows itbd'all other fttrm tm. plements is given pnrticniar attention. In my manufactures luseonlv the l»est materi­ al", and, keepinir the very Iwat workmen in all departments, I am enab'led to guarantee and warrant all work that goes from my shop as first class in every particular. SPECIAL GUARANTEE ON WAGONS. All farm wagons manufactured at my shop are warranted for TUKKK TKASS. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. I sell every agricultural implomeat, inr.lnd. ing, especially, Norwegian Walking and Rid­ ing Plows, N. C, Thompson and Gesiey Bros'. Mows and Cultivators, F. II. Manny Seeders and Corn Cultivators, the IVMrsffcc Spring Tooth feeders, (lie IManoand D. M. Osbctrne ft Co.'s Harvester and Twine Riader, ' the <Var- Tiorand Hopkins' Mower, and all other flrst- class muchiiies. Warrantetl ftrst-class or ao sale. BLACKSMITIIING of every kkid attended to phnnptly and satisfaction guaranteed. PIfiJB PAINTING A SPECIALTY. ' STILLWEI.I^ the boss "iwest, for oqe year, or of my paint snop, which is a s<:nieient guarantee that all work of that kind >fili he done In the Ue»t and lifo'st artistic style. •' . • ,» It should not be forgotten. thsV.£«mploy J. Repass, wood-workman of tiran^r years' ex- purience, apd I.. Howe, carriage ̂ tacksmith, both tn surpsased as arllaan's tn their line. Finatlv. come and s£e mo and J will guar, ante^ saiisfhetton as to*piHces and quality of work to all interested. F, W. MEAD. • The lfeHeary Brtek Manufacturing Coca paoy are now ready to anpply Bridt in quan­ tities - ' - : .i>, ;, -'5: •dX .. fc. 1 < ?'pi Their Brick are second to fcene to he lwuid in the market/and will be -eold at tbe lowest market pTIee. • 1 ^ • - . . Persons Irttewdiag*0 bnild.or these hasd ling brick, witt'-rto well to call and see tis be fore) urefcastng. r . . For further information apply to er address legem; Brisk lans&ttipj . "tkvpgr;.;. :i! ILLINOIS M 1 . " v " ' iu the brck of hlfc heart. The Soullicrit eis ttxnniliied the fnileii men, and on« was,supposedly, about to put another bullet into .Fittflu witeu a companion 'said, "come along; lliey're all dead." The Southerners moved on and the wounded man lay there for holirs, a-hen "the Union manV friend"--a slaye-1- enme ti|wn ths scene. Seeing the blue clad jnen lying thcre.liediscOvered that F11ch was alive,atiil.with the alac­ rity and care that tnaVketl all tlte ne­ groes' attention to the men from the North,remnveil hltu to lit# cabin, where he.secreted and ca^^40r him.- The Southerners retiKnei|^|||pMie spot where the Union men h;ul"roen killed, and, iniusing one of them, liegan a dillgenl search for him. Tlie search became so' warm that Fitch determined to ebcape the country, if possible, and as soon as h^ fell himself able li^et out, only to fall senseless by this yraysLde after pro ceediug a short distance. A second tiino he was discovered by a "friend;"' this time another slave, who secreted aud cared for the wounded soldier, and filially started liltn for the Union ITnes. which Lieutenant Fitch reached In safity.--'CWtagn Infer Ocean. j . ' A (Sood Joke on Oeneeal Sjelma [/rom The National Tribune.] T have been a reader of your valuable paper for thte last three month*, ant) think it Is the ttest soldier's paper pub^ llshed. I tytjfre greet delicht in roading tlir accounts of (fie various battles and marches, ami was especially pleased with the account of Nelson's trip over the mountains of Ea&tern Keucutky and nptbe Big Sandy, 1 imi*t>tell you of. an incident that "happened (0 our general. About 10 o'clock on the day before tbo joy Mountain fight, as we were turning, a bend iu the ri<rer, we saw across the river and some ̂ distance ahead a large open field, and probably mile away on a" side It 111 WAS klo* house, wliere there was sbmethtng mov­ ing around, which the general though^ were human beings. He ordered a hair, looked steadily In that direction for a short time, and then, iu his loud voice, asked If they were peaceable citizens or were in arms. As no answer came back, he a? ain made the aame request, calling louder, if possible, than the first time, with the addition thai if they didn't answer hint Immediately he would fire. As before, there was no an­ swer, ̂ o he turned to the captain of the two piece* of artillery, who had been viewing them with bis field-glass, and Who was nearly expiring with laughter and ordered him to load one of his guns with shell and send it over to see if they wouldn't answertv The first shell fell a little short, but the second drop­ ped closa to the house. Then com­ menced the fun. There had been a herd of cattle quietly feeding on the side hill, but when that screeching shell dropped 'amohfe them they, hoisted their tails and away thfcy went over tiie hill for another pasture ground out «( the reach of NeUou's shells. Front j^ll along the lines the shout weut up: **Are you peaceable cltixeu* or are jo^ In arms?" until the general threatened to place tiie oiAeera umiet1 arrcat if it was not stoHiied. i ill.'%!. Van CAMP. >. CO. C. 27 th O. WYi I "• it. . , . ' • >-v' «•* Arm »ad One Leg. OWe of the most remarkable men In 'Catndeii Is a oue-leGrged uinl oue-armed colored man named James Weeks. Ho l« a atrong, healthy mtii of about forty years of age, and evidently enjoys life aa mtielt us his mor« fortunate ami piiy- slcallv suppiied brethreu. Tl.f strange ^ s part of tlie tiling isthaf, although both ^'It*ury county carrili* Ttt« Stolleary Reports from all Boone, and Eane,>ls0| Walworth counties, show that the eomft ileury Co. Board of. cetled tn be tlie cOtal w exhibitions. Why 5^1 satisfaction given itl'l wins the masses Jlke a pleasing progfaml one as tl;e niiHiftgeineot;' son. convinees the nioilk hU Jeft Teg aud his left- arin ar«*goae entirely--they having been taken out at the sockets -lie Is able ; to 4rive a oart, loading the vehicle as quickly and as well as they, who all their limbs, with sand or brick, and doing fully as much work as any cart driver in the city. When a«ked liow iie came to.lose his limbs, he showed his Ivories, aa' a broad grin spread over his rather generous mouth, and aaid: "De war took 'etn Off. You see. boss, I Was shot down at Port Hudson. I laid dere hour arter hour, and finkiii' I, Jim, you are a cooked nig. siiuah. 'case I only iiiid a piece of my lef arm aud none of l he lef leg worf meutioni.i'.! Putty soon. When tlie scriuunage was all ober, d* men cmrie along for to pick up the woutrded, and I seed Dr. Gross, a son of. de old professor at de Jefferson College I link lie was. He jus' ioojked at me an' deu passed on. 'Hold o:i, surgeon,' said I, 'can't you help a feil.ih 1 Don't gone foali to lelte hint he ah, when lie can't walk.' 'Why.' Ptild the tlociall.'you're dead! Dere aiu't no uso tendin' to you.' But I sisted ditt I was better'u two dead men, aud lie Vidud to see what could be done. When I ca.ita out ob dal hospital I waajus' like you see 1 Is now. Dey took bofe lHnbs out f'oiu de body at do sockets." He draws a pen«ion of fl8 a month from the Government, and *ay* he has no trouble making a little extra by driving a cart. Twice eaclVyenr since the close of the war, Jim goes to Phila delphia to see Professor Gross, who ex­ hibit* him to the Jefferson Medical College as "Old Ironsides,,' The world HMtowned surgeon says that it is one ot lira most remarkable cases that ha« ever come to his knowledge, and does not believe that there is oue man in a million who could, have gone through the whole course of the circulation of the blood changed. Jtm gets around with ease011 lils'crtitch and the remain 'ing leg, it mattering very little whether he uses it utnlerfiis right arm or t'eaiiliig against tils' left side, where the only arm socket uow . Quunden (N. J.) Pout. !"' ; Simon Cameron'* Plan. ! a Obrmetpondenee of the Philadelphia 1 heard a &tofy of Simon Camt-ron tlie other day which is probably old enough by now 5 to pub||$li. Wiien President Garfield was li ving on emen- ata and the hope of the country on tlie false bulletins, nt the titjue when It was first suggested ho be removed from Washlugtoii to the seaside. General Cameron surprised a grotip ef politici­ ans with whom he was discussing the mWtter, by saving very positively. "That Isn't the thing to do. lie ought to resign and he taken home to Mentor. Blaine ought to be smart enough to see that much." He excl a lifted; .'"If he sltoul:! resign it would remove all till*1 distui and uneaJslMess that. Is now4 felt hf the count.rr. The question of Itis iiuibllity would not'then have been discussed. If lie should die after re­ signing hawouid have the glory of having resigned the highest office'on this Cohtluent tor l he public good. If he slioul.!;survive (and life' Would Jis^ve, double ^iie chance to live wltii ail care taken from ,his nvtiWl) uo ;power on earth could prevent bis . rerelection. Public sentiment would demand tU'aY he bi relnrttated In the Pre«lde»tcy at once. . Sherman would resign his seat in tlie Senate. Garfleld woold be elect-, eil to succeed liim, and then elected President of flie S^nat^ Arthur coulW do no less than resign- Iu turn, aud Gar­ field, being PresitTent of ' tlie Senate, would,sucoetd him as President of tbe United SUtes again. Blaine ouglit to be. politician enough to see what ought to be done.'* glory in having fine attractions,: week of general Rinusenient* for tl an<3 voting, Tiie attiMid*' l.ongstreet. gives 01#^ national reputation of (not follower) of gtattd ideas in national unity. "Let us liave swti*," was otto of the grandest sentlmetrtawrer «tt««4 ' by General Grant, W< and our nation was ynaii».'? perotis; the hot words Of tlfibate, ami (lie cjaslilng.chains of slavery are no more. A nutted laud: so we weleowMl^ him who comes to study our Ity. Let every one torn otrtand: him a royat reception. ;The ance of our Governor and State ol ought to please and conviiiefe ei ho ly that it is their duty to as making our exhibition veryjjj hi all departments. It cost^llic to have the reputation of H * best hordes, best cattle, best ' sheep, beet fine arte, and than it does to have ... care." and live along iftttot _ being seen. Come out aei^ ̂ a^kl time. What are you living for? you who never attended a fair 1 thliik of thlst Come out andi thing; come out and lieiur iiti Longs 1 reel; come out aftd vriior llaiuilton; ct>i»e out and tear Gutrtii al Clark»E. Carr; come out aa«l see the prize rud hear tlie come out and se'O iba'g^aad riding; cume out and%ee the splendid speed ruees; enme out and see largo - aitenXiaiice of» come out and see the ' *'"* come out aud ^ee thousand* WINNIJN ttttlkip iuu for others. Tou, young men. bring (your sweethearts--no rack place to have fun as ati everything to bolp yo»; child re n--110 sutth i connty fair. It eticouragea them strive for etteeese, whotcter their «tll- ing may trt*. It \Vlll make ^mt;:#omea happier, a^eeteraud more Let all dome'^iud see tlie besi,' fair, best attractions; If you. are not con­ vinced of it, cail at the Treasurer's of* ficc »ud get your tuottejy » t*is; • • - • ' Tk* ^Tallest Tree In th« WorM. .- It seems that America, after all! Is unable to make good Iter claim to the possession of the tallest and largest trees In the world. Every one* has te.fd of tlie marvels of Toeemlte Valley, and of Yellowstone Park,the huge national sporting ground of the United States. But tyhat are the giant# of California in comparison to a tree wliich has lately been discovered iu Australasia? It has long i>een known that, in Tas- maula are eucalypti measurfng 200 feet from the ground to the "tlrjit braaidi and more than 350 feet lri total height \ and there is, or lately was, on Rouitt Wellington, near llobart Town, a Ir^e, of this specie^ t he trunk of whioh was eighty-six feet In circumference. But a still more gigantic luonafcb of the woods has been recently discovered in Victoria. It Is a well proportioned specimen of the JBucal^ptus aawgdat- iAo. aud its top la nearer to the sky than tiie crusa ot St. Paul's Cathedral, for it is no less than 430 fuct 4l|ovc the '*• -* In his bnyhoatlu^ prided hiihselt on his antj. as a jum()i6t, claimiiil f/i Dtiship of the town. He had a young­ er brother,,alow and logy,, who, by accl'deii't or otherwise, weMlotw/ ally pi rfohn a woiiderfiil |»«t Mr the very pnrpdse ~©f enr|Mkti)| Bonry. ^Jnder no consideration could Henry endure to4>« oujdotie by thia brutlier. Fiilfy coiiiprehending thi« .weak point in l»i»^dUpfositIon, rhe b*other devoted a portion pt' each day to t!.e iuveutlou of plans tot subtitling his pride. 0«* one ot'casloh, wlieu waiidering ou tint banks of a s<renui ruuning through hia father's" riieAdmv, lie uUcovered an eddy^where (lie sawthist bad collected feved-af T^lvfr thick npon tlie top of tlie st ilf wMi'r, giving the appearanco solid fohiiiHiioi!, I'uHIiig oQ hia boola the brother fasteaed litem to the, end oi H roif^ninlo swU stamped them lato Hjt (lie diatauce of au ex- from the baak, and to deception, marched them eetions over the sawdug; k? euongJi to indicate » r travel. Meeting Henry ard he. touched his vanity by ,Ute aijj\i$Hu^e*uent of a jump which he "Loiil^i 't «|i i#," "Show mm t tie | sai<i t he chaatpion trium­ phantly. I'fte brother led hMi to tlM bank of tiie stream, where Bejiry gaged in a%t,onisUuient at the UIUMHUII leap. Bn&h*> would never surrender without a struggle. Pulling of ti|» eoat lit iooK position with a sorpf-.W beater- die. ejc^-essloii in bia (oaataauics,, gave the.usual swings witli bit arma for sev^al ntoiueuis, at.d Vvlth a Itf- metlduns spring, lose In the air,case- down several indie* bt-hind the broths et's leap and disappeared beneath the- sawdust.^JBad the chiuiplou. found boy to Uck, on regaiuiog tlie shore, fcla* iiuiuiliation would have been relieved but something w|;hlu whispered to. tlie bto* lier to i|t'e before tlie wrath, whU'u vas to coaie up out of the tmlh. -- VU* Unkmsf Aprii 17.1S74. iu va soou ,y J-S •*. i -F T A, • 'Mm *1 > % 'fail-,*.*®? ; • ' - ' i - A* ^ $$$M the big N»m |I ai»p's\i ire ba«*i*t*rr 4eila a pK>4( ttarjf ofJilniseff; Meeting ah old firiued te- eently, whotu he had known vlu youtlt*. ^Iie old fellow congratulate«l the gui" iaut tL*o«ouel on his yoqlhful appeaMMpiw and tlie surprising way in whilkIm^ held his own. "Ho* ie it yo<iNe pHi«- ^iged to Leep so fresh and good-looltlog ail fbc»e years ?" saivj flW|pp •TU tell you. I've always draidtipw rutu aud voted thJ I>eii:wTa!tt> N'Oh. y«V fJtd the old iiroM»r. -! »»• how it Is; ono piseu neutraliaed (tki^ .ir^J f 1 Jb .vLtl :

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