Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Aug 1883, p. 5

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AUiiUST 39 i r *• - rr-'nr TWIT iiitiTii fiflffiBflgl fcallrMftTJme Table. '* u SOtTTff. ...T:ST A. x •tta " Mr» Ben**« Ut*fnWit.....,„ lllMiilimt ff fill 8«m t^M>TS*Ji!Usa........ In«n Uk« rtmanr... 1 *;.* . ..VMM .... A:Sfr. w «:«T " "• "'mVK^V.V. MASONIC WdHmf Lomk. NO. W A. V. inrt 1 M.-- Iterator Cwtawnntrntiona the S*Upi1iit "»» or beniv IH« fall of the riaomi and every twe week* thereafter. _ „ ~T CHAR, a COLBT, W. M, '* ttccwttr CHAPTRR JTO.St R. A. * -*•*«' •rOonvocatiADi held an the I«MB4»B< fourth Fridays m each moneh. K. v Ain>R*sow,H. P. OUR Public Sckool «e*t. ' opens on Monday ' A. VCLL account of the rwnt terrible Cyclou* InMinnesota can be found on iftside pages of this pr.per, THK Rvniiion of the old Soldiers of Lake Couijtjl is being .held at Waucon- di M»y, W*dn«d*tT, •% THK Lake County Fair, which LOHRTD •t Liberty vjlle, will be heldSept. 12th. 13tli, 14th ami 15th. Bo notfall to go and heat the Will |j. Smith Bell Ringers, at Riverside Hall on Tuesday eveiling next. Tots Is the dm* of year when fftv man with ft piscatorial Imaglnallai oatclifi mnra IIHi than he brings home. RXMEMHKII tlie Old Settles*' Meeting In this viltage on Thursday of next week. A large gathering and a good time raaybeexpected. How. H. D. DEMKHT, Secretary of State. wWl jrtease accent our thaukf for a!Copy of! the "Sewinri Laws passed by tlie last Legislature. , Pi.KAffc'remember that our (trdil are •1.50 per 'year, strictly (h 'advance. Therefore, If yoii do not wish topay $2.00 pfr year for your pa|x»r. see that your subscription is promptly paid. WE learn that Buchanan A Moody, of the Johnsbnrgli cheese factory, paid 64 cents pei* hundred for June milk, and tliat Oat man & Sous paid 69 at Ring* wood and 60 at the McHenry Factory. 'I^he Picnic on Saturday last for the benefit of the Catholic Church of this village, was well attended and nil re­ port ft good time. We did uot Jearn what the receipts were. BEAK In mind the AnctioVl site of blooded cows, horses, and all kinls of farm machinery, which will be held on the Chapell farm, at Algonquin, Sept 7th. R<>ad the advertiseuientlnanother column. THE Church Aid Society of Ring- :• JOHN I>ATtof Woodstoek, made our sanctum a pleasant call oa Monday. Joel H. JOHNSON, ofWooclttock, ws!s iu town on Sunday. Witt. SIKHS. of the Elgin Watch Fac­ tory, called on friends here on SIIMHTF- JOHN Went WORTH, of Chicago, Is vlsltiug lils parents In this village. . JOH* H. DORAW, of Elgin, wo* on our Strsets the first part of the week. LEWIS OWEK, youngest sou of E. M* Owen, is spending a few weeks with friends 1 n Chicago. MRS. WALTER W*RNRR, of Rock ford. Michigan, is visiting with her brother. H. N. Holraes, in tbls village. Mrs. Warifer Is on liar way home from Da­ kota. , Increased since their last appearance ^oi^illmeetat Ricbe«^rr s. o^ ̂ . *„d now hive on« of the finest mite west of; Ringwood, Thursday afternoon. August 30th. A cordlst lu- vitation is extended to all. MRS. J. W. G|i»nt,tiT, Secretary. THE style of pants are'now cut skin tight, gently sloping toward, the feet- where they ate parted to tlie ankles with imtscilage, intended to keep the ants front crawling up a mait's legs at picnics. So says an exchange. fat L L. G. will meet with Mrs. C. V.Stevenson Friday, AMgust 31st, at SiSir. M. All members are requested to be present. . Miss J. A.STORT, Pc**» Hiss B. F. IloLLisTBti. Sec'y I^M. WBAV, &ruve,"1inf of Spring lately replenished his peddling wagon with a flue line ot .dry goods, notions etc., and is now better than ever pre­ pared1 to furnish bis customers with gootls In his Una. Wait for hi* wagou before you buy. ; MRS. H. H. NICHOLS lis* just returned from tha city with a full stocit of tlie latest styles of seasonable millinery to which she Invites the particular atten­ tion of the ladles of McHenry anil sur­ rounding country. Her stock is full and complete and prices, as usual* will be-AS low as the lowest. POSTMASTER PERRY has received the new Postal Notes, which lie will issue to those who wish them on and after 8*pt. 3d With these the fee on any sum under five dollars will be three oehts. They will be very convenient for sending small sums. These notes are supplied to Mouey Order Post offi­ ces only. Miss GERTIE BONSLBTT, eldest daugli ter of Jacob Bonslett. was married on Thursday la«t to Peter Fmund. of Johusburgh. A party was held at Gilles /fall. In their honor, and was a very pleasant it flair, everything passing oil In the most quiet and orderly manner, ill" S'llllltl c<Ui|\IAUve ilie UfVl WIRIlM of their many friends for their ftfttire prosperity and happiness. . - >4.,, -,v STOLKk.--From C. D. Holt* Kenosha, Wl«^ on the night of August 18th. a bay mare, nine years old. low build, weight about 1.S00 pounds. She has b!aek legs, and heavy black mane and tail and small white spot in forehead. She has many large scare all over her body. A reward of t50.00 will be paid for the horse, and #25.00 additional for tUf ap­ prehension of the tltief. THE game of ball on Friday Ian be­ tween the MuHenry and. B*rrlngton clubs was rather a one sided aCair, tlie Harrington's being the winners- by a seer® or 23 to 10. The Barringtoirs art good ball tossers, besides being in per- fact practice, whils on tlie contrary, tlie MoRenry club have played but one game before this yean The result was not unexpected. We have a lot of Hats trortb from ; SO cents to #3.00. Tour choice for 60 oiltistauallflli, ? SCHOOL report in District No. S. Nunda Township, for tl»e month ending August 21st. Number of pupils enroll­ ed. 16; average dally attendance, 13; number neither absent nor tardy. 7|vix: Katie Langhlin, Maud Harrison, Lizxle Powers, David Powers, Sadie Peck, Fred Schroder, Willie Schroder. ELLA A. TYRRRLI* Teacher. SOLDIERS ATTEKTION. -- Mllo B. Stevens & Oe., War Claim Attorneys, will be represented by a special agent at Woodstock, 111., Monday September 3d. Belvidere, III., Tuesday, Septem­ ber 4tlt. And at Rockford, III., Wednes­ day, September 5tli. 1883, at the office of the clerk of the court. Soldiers hav­ ing claims are cordially invited to call at the time and place most convenient. DR. CHASE'S Receipt Book should be fn every household in the country,as It Is replete with practical Information on every subject which may arise in tlie house, on the farm, in the workshop and the office. Ji mmt meet with a ready tale. See the advertisement iu a*iother column of our paper. We pre­ dict that whoever is fortunate enough to secure an Agency in this section for this wonderful book, will surely make money. -- • . r , • • ; i , - We had intended to write up a full account of the PLAINDEALEB'S Annual Chicken Hunt, which came off on tlie 16ih, (nit the crowded state of our col­ umns and the extra rush of work, lias prevented us from doing to. But we take this opportunity in behalf of the entire party, to thank Capt. C. H. Trvon and his estimable lady for the hospitable manner In which we were entertained on that occasion. Indeed, we were entertained right royally, as everyone Is sure to be who calls at the Captain's handsome residence. THE Will L. Smith Bell Ringers, who have been camping at the Lakea for the past six weeks, have advertised to give an entertainment at Riverside Hall, In this village, on.Tuesday even­ ing of .next week. September 4th. The former entertainments given hy this company here have been well attendel nud given tlie most perfect satlsfac tlon. Their company has been largely Cflfuipaiies traveling. Commodore Foote and sister, the smallest couple living, are with this company. Do not fall to go and see tlieni. If you do, you will miss a rare treat. Remember the date, Tuesday s veni ng npei, Sep­ tember 4tli. ALGONQUIN. BiMTOR jpLAIHDiCALKtt:--ThjBKff; WaS a Robt. flieger's grove, four miies east of town, on Thursday, tlie 23d iust., and a goodly uumber of Al- foiiquiiiltes attended and reported a good time. Jack tiraiit, of Dundee, was In town ou Thursday last, shaking hand* with old friends, ; , John Calbow It drawing lumber for a new barn on his farm nortk of town. The old creek bridge lias been re­ placed by a new one and is a great Im­ provement, It has a sidewalk ou i>ue side. Ilelm & Peter have enlarged their store and shop and treated it to a coat of paiut outside and in. They intend to put In a new front, and when com­ pleted It will l>« one of the handsom­ est store's in 'own, and will add much to their facilities for doing business. They can show their goods to a much better advantage. _ J. M. Pyott Is going to build an ad­ dition to his barn, 36x40 feet, which will, when completed make his barn. 36x140 feet. Heury Tubbs does tUt mueou work, and carpenters from Crys­ tal Lake, the carpenter work. Geo. Dodd hat commenced drawing lumber for a new liouij»s on tlio old homestead on the bill. Therti was quite a serious runaway In town on Friday evening. Mr. Gisters left his team attached to a threshing machine in front of Wlnliolts A^Phllps' store wh*n they took fright and ran up Main Street, through the lumber yard, over the railroad tra< k and around the cheese factory and then s.arted for home. The machine Is a to; al wreck. Mr. Gister started for Chicago for a new one the next day, A party of fourteen went from here on Sunday to tho Des Plalnes camp meeting and report a good time. Died, on the 24th inst., tho Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Clias. Schroder, of this place. Funeral on Sunday. Geo. Harvey, of Elgin, spent Sunday in town. Mr. anil Mrs. Phillips and Mr. and Mrs Stalp or Aurora, have been the guests of Bd Morton Jr. for the past few days. Mrs Scott of Evansou has been tlie guest of Mrs. Blgluw of this place tlie psst week. Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Rennle, Prinslpal of our public school, returned oji Satur­ day uight from a western tripg where lie has been spending his vaoat^ou. His school will commence Sept. 3d. , Tlie Algonquin outdoor dances evSfy Saturday uight are well attended, ami they seem to be having a geod time while the weathar will admit of out- Department;. IS. . ijftrks nbreuk, who t* dependent on his vliM wort (or tha support of his family, (found one of his horses with a broken l*g. which would have been a great misfortune to one so sit­ uated, but from the fact that sympa­ thising citlsens, for which Woodstock and vicinity are noted, who, to a large extent, have contributed ready catdi with which to purchase another horse. W. D. Ringland so'd at auction on Saturday, a very choice lot of cows, by him purchased and brought from the sooth. J. A, Sherwood acted as auc­ tioneer and of course they sold well. Thomas Lindsay utilised his Spartan visit by purchasing a car-load of choice cows. We saw Rev. J. D. McLean ou our streets. A new restaurant graces J. Klmber- ly's store on Main Street. Tho Citlsens' League are giving us a rest. Patrick Carr baa a new residence on his farm west of the cemetery. ' Jacob Eckert, an old resident, and of the Arm of Eckert ft Richards, Is re­ ported at the poiirt Of death. Where In our reference to the com­ ing Fair last week, we wrote "line arts," you made us say, Mbrlng your fine oats.*1 We have no objection to the oats, but there Is nearly as much difference between oats and arts In this connection as between shirts and skirts In tho following: 4'A young lady fashion writer waa made say •shirts are worn shorter,' when she would have said 'skirts.'" -Why do you put those horrid wood­ en things on the necks of those cows?" asked tlie youngJady boarder of Far­ mer Furrow, as he was driving a yoke of oxeu down the lane, "That's to make^em keep still wkilti I milk 'em," said the old man as he winked to his wife. "Oh, yes!** exclaimed the pity maiden,U1 ought to have known that," And she ran up stairs to enter the iu- gnrmatlon li» her diary. "He who halt money be coarse at will;: He who t u« none, can he courser stilt" "IWnqf taker' These three little words are the touch stone of love. The application of this touch stone be­ gins iu lufahcy and ends only with the eud o* life. If,the baby in its mother's arms could speak intelligently it would say: "it la for my sake a moth­ er's eye watches unsleeping through the mldulfitit hours, and her aVms hold me until they are ready to drop off from weariness.,' "For my sake." A successful man acknowledges grate­ fully that his piretils toiled and ecou ouilsed Iu order to buy books and pay college bills.' "For my sake" provides a sheltering roof and arm chair for dear old grandma at. the fireside. Take these three woi'ds out of our language and you would rob home of its sweet­ ness and human life of soma of its noblest inspirations. Mlf right tna«1e might in erery flgfet, The worht * ouM life the better far it." Mrs. Sylvester McGhee, of Hartlaud, Mis. Calahan, of Chicago, both well ad« vauced in vcars and early settlers of this county, and two children of the He v. Adams, pastor of tlie M. E,.CIiurch, ware buried on Tuesday, and Mrs. Nor­ ton, sifter of tit* late Mrs. Col. Church, was buried on Saturday. The foundation for Dr. Kendall's new block is on tho advance. G. 8. South worth appeared on our streets on Saturday, but wa failed to hear his smlle^ and therefore conclude his recovery is not complete. GREENWOOD. EDITOR PLAINI>KALER:--Mr.'%nd Mrs. Tom Per vis are visit ing'at C. Toles. School commences September 17th Instead of the 1st. Master Earl Tolas Is visiting frionds In Ditn.lee, , £, j Call on A. W. W ash bum for, ,a > Irs t class washing machine. Miss Lizzie McDonald is qulto sick with Diphtheria. Dr. Nortlirup is the attending physician. BORN.--Ou Tuesday. August 21st, a son, to Mr. and Mrs. 8 1). Baldwin. C. Toles lias been1 having a cistern dug on lits place. C. Marble is putting a fresh coat of paint on his hoitsot f " Mr. and Mrs. Ba<rd, ot Chicago, are visiting at W. D. Howe's. Mrs. Baird was formerly of this place. Wf .beg leave to luform the Sentinel correspondent from this place that there is^iio street in town named "Com­ petition Street." It Is really too bad that A'parson should live hara as long as he lias and not knaw tha namea of the streets. J. J. Western)an lias commenced preparations for building a beg house and corn-crib combined. Geo. gig Is also building one. The surprise party In honor of Mr. ami Mrs. H. B. Baldwin was a very pleasant affair, and a complete sur­ prise to them. About thirty-five were in attendance, each btiuging some present in token ot friendship. There was no preaching In the M. E. Church Sunday morning. Mr. Nickle teing at Des Plahtes attending camp mooting. CAMP MEETING. ^ All those attending the Camp Meet- lug at Silver Lake, can be furnislied feed, bay and stabling for horses at reasonable rates opposite tho camp grounds. Your Attention Please. Plow shoes, former price 91.50 now 95 cents. Ladies Walking thoen, former price 91.65 now 91.10. Ladies Walking Shoes Button, former price 91 now 80 cents. 500 Gross Fancy Drsss Buttons, new and stylish )ust arrrlved; retailing al! over the County tor 25 cents. We are selling them at 5c per dos. Call in. RITZSIMMOKS A KVAMKML Velvets,biacE and In Co I by V ' colors, at O. A full line of the Justly celebrated : a. *w"tawi" • • V 'r_ H •>". • • „ • door danclag mm** Hiifilfcn • nt mi ver s«Mjnr.apoenatKi n .:ter k Ui« l&tfclftimt. tit i»t HO to Mrs. Howe's for MtlHnatf Dressmaking. No trouble to show goods S* questions at K. BIMmpV. Farm Bells cheap, n John I. St OdrTRIBOTRO RT 4. R. BRNKKrT. Lying flat on a felloWs back, with his iiead wedged In between sand bags, nut Hng.a game neck, stiller than w*r the old Pharao's ever was, Is uot the most delectable position in which to write. ^fhat'I afcout the sise of It." But the scribe's lost I net is strong, and even sick ffngors will itch for a pencil and tablet. So here goes for an attempt to again comnannlcat" with the readers or the PLALX»KAl|M,tban whom, whe e has tlie writer hotter friends? Jo Richardson hail a severe wrestle with cholera morbus last week. Teachers* Institute at Richmond on September 21st. A large number of Rlchmondltes plc- uiced at Twin Lakes «n Saturday last Mrs. Peterson, her daughter Sarah and snn Louis, of Marengo, visited old friends In Richmond last week. Spencer Cot ting and wife started on Monday. Aug. 27th, for a two weeks1 trip to Vermont. Tha Richmond ladies who rented a cottage at Twin Lakes and have spent a couple of weeks rusticating on those batky shores, are home again. Mrs. John Wolfe, an old resident of Richmond, died at her home, of heart disease, on Monday, August list, aged about 50 years. Her funeraj waa largely attended on Wednesday. A comparison of the assessments In this Congressional district shows that McHenry county assessors make higher values than those ot any other county In the district. Horses are assessed 98 to 912 higher than In DeKalb, Kane, Winnebago or Booue; cattle 93 to f5 higher, and mules, hogs, sheep, organs, pianos, etc^ In the same ratio. Our neighbors better come over to old Mc­ Henry and get some gond stock to grade up tlielr lietds with. Iu any great enterprise wa are sura to find one master directing spirit--a mind not only cap Able of originating plans and methods--but also capable of carrying tliem cut In details the most miuiite. and of converging all links of action to the oue grand objective point of glorious success. Such a man tlie McHenry County Aftricnltural Board lias iu tlie person of Its Secretary, A. S Wright.' Ills energy is untiring, Ills enthii*lasm unbounded, his tact a tower of strength. The programme which he has arranged for the next fair presents an unequaled array of attractions and It Is safe to predict for this exhibition the greatest triumph in tlie history of the McHenry County Agricultural Board. FIXIMHER HROVHER U : I T .LDE DOT'I, MR* M Stewartijnfc srlTt Mr.-.n ! Mrs J H Osmoii !; » N« Potttl.- Wirld. K»t< Racine; h<Ar-<toae« wM *lt^ and Mrs Herat*, ttar.iM) *•4 Mr* OoetHlnx. Rata> la* K*aas,jc iSDOAMS, Mr Wf vlar fl|; braese Immr, Ooo SheJUr nwl aicter*; pair Mirer httLWrawl Mrs G rPum; We. turesistNMl, SO liewti;•tlrereake hasket. frma brltle'ft RHMle eiass bnaket, Hebron; flower WEDCINO BELLS*. Married, at the M. K. eltureh la RMnrnNl, on TiieMtay ayeaing, August ilat, by the lie v. Graver C. Vlaftt. MR. J. W. HAVWARD,of Mil. wankee. Wis. una Miss JKNKIKiiKLLKsriK, of Kicbwead.lti. The high entlmatMht In which Mrs. Hay ward Is held by our people, tlie high character of the groom, and. perhaps, also, the fact of the marriage services being lieM In the church, nuide the above chronicled social event one of much more than common interest. The. number of Invitations issued was quite large and the auditorium of the church was very c'owded. The floral decora­ tions were on an elaborate scale, and were tlis work of tha bride's lady friends. At the appointed Iiour the bride and groom, supported by the Messrs. Havward, brothers of the groom as groomsman, and tha Misses Nellie Moth, of Wiiinetka. III., and Sifrah Leg- gett, of Freeport. III., a^ bridesmaids, entered the auditorium from the door of the conference room and walked down the aisle to tho altar, while Miss Nettie Downing, who presided at the nrgan, played a wedding )»arch. At the attar they took their positions un> der an arch of evergreens and lilies, with the flrst names of groom and bride on either side of a wedding bell, and the twaiu were made one flesh bv the beautiful ritual of the Methodist Epis­ copal church. The groom and best men were In the customary blacK dress suits, and the elegant costumes of bride and maids were pure white, witli flowers for orna­ ments. A reception was held from 9 to 11, at the residence of tba bride's mother, after which followed an elegant sup- per. At 8 o'clock Wednetday morning, the newly wedded pair started on their honeymoon tour, which will Include all the principal points of Interest In the Eastern States, as Boston. New York City, White Mountains, Viagara Falls, etc. etc. While *11 her friends must needs re­ joice at the happy marriage of so esti­ mable a young woman as Mrs. Havward, their toy has a tinge or regret at tlie thought of losing her society perma­ nently. An accomplished musician, she has been an aligpst indispeiislbie fac­ tor in our musical society, and Iter place will he hard to fill, while In gen­ eral society, where her many virtues of heed and heart made her ever welcome, she will be sadly missed. Besides the family and invited guests from tlie Immediate neighborhood, tho following from abroad wore at the wad* diug and reception: Hr. F.C. Hay ward, Boston, Mass.; Mr. C. S. Hay ward, Vin­ ton, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Herzog and daughter, Racine; Mr.and Mrs. Etchelle Miss Pasquier, Misses Kate and Eliza Evans-, Miss Brown and Mr. C. Deltrlcl^ Racine ; Miss Nellie Moth, Winnetka, 111 Miss S. Leggett and brother, Freeport; Mrs. Thos, Leggett and son, Chicago; Miss Annie Fowler, Miss Kate Walters, Chicago, and perhaps others whose names we may have missed. The fol­ lowing is a list of the wedding presents: GoM watch and chain, groom; elegant faml IT Bible, bride's mother; tie Swiss clock, •essra. Atwell, Amiiteeaa, Hali>v, Henderson, Ziltaeh, Frank *nd Meyer, Milwaukee; a com- Vlete aet »f eMrerware, In the lamilv ot the groom; S silver goblets, Eddie Gelle*pie; 1 net jegoralert ware. David getleenle; 9 large Mr atHi Mrs fountain. Raeirie; all. ver pthfcte easier, Robert Emmons, hntf <ioz<-n fmtt kntve*, Mtsa O Hame^t-; hnIf dozen fruit knivee, Mr and Mr* Rus«ell Ovcune, lt>w>t; ootid #«tver sauee spo<m, ill rase, Mrs awl Mrs Pitillnrotm, Kaelae; set lace spread and pillow atiams, Annie Fewler. Chicago; an elegant f'ntt serrtar, Mr iw* Mrs « r Etrheile, Ra- rlne, and l«r and Mrs Gillette. Chiriuo; efe- ganteant leeeiver, Nellie M»th, Wimieikn: an exanisit opera fan, KCHavwnnl, Uoaton; arraftqnnk, franl Parsons,Nellie Sumner an<l Geevgla feaner; tableeloth and <loaen dinner r.apkins, Charlea Detrk-h, Racine; half dozen china d«w*ert plates, Howard Cole; lare npmn Orace Oote; water --, Mrs Goo Karring; l>ed spread and towels, Mr awl Mrs A I, Ans in; allk pln-oajhlon, Mi«s Lney Turner; haU doz tnwets, Jennie Leggett, Freeport; carving set Mr and Mrs J W *penner, Racine; pickle ras­ ter, (MM and George Stevens. Rlngwoott; DOZ silver knives, Mr and Mrs 4 R Ward; hairdos, silver spoons, Mr awl Mrs T Leggett,Chicago; pair silver napkia tings, Kred and Mary Her* aog; panel picture, Delia Brown, Racine, half dozen solid silver spoons, Mr and Mrs Rawke* Milwaukee; silver vase, Mrand Mrs Dobann. Chicago; all ver sncar spoon, BMeOannel; sil­ ver butter knife, Btta Richardson; silver cake basket, Kittle Gellesple; cold and silver salt cellar, Mary Barring and Nellie Howard ; fralt plate and decorated salt cellar, Mrs Lovell and daughter: stiver sj-rnpenp, Mr and Mrs J McOonnel; plnsh frame, Miss gate Walters; silver pickle caster, Mr and Mrs €i N Miller, Vintor, Iowa; silver vase, Mlenie and Grace l.ergett; pair geld araided napkin rings. Mrs J H frank, Milwankee; oil Young, Mlssc Voting, Mrs 1 W Unrnham and Miss LlbUe Rnrnham, Vin Btinting, artank. Mrs J Mrs U ton, lows; volnaae "Indian Snutiner," Sarah Leggett, freeport; plnsh perfume case, M is Lisateand Nellie Oti cabinet cine; ail'ver id Nellie Garten; elegantly framed portrait of little "Tot* Hereof, Ra. Iver tooth pick holder. Miss Kaama Hawkea. Racine; Ore dollar geld uieca, faMt William Oellespie. . if 1 , , ; . ' j i r GIBRS-JOHONNOTT. » FR-' At the residence of the Itride's parents, la Richmond, August 22d. W8S, by the Rev G C Clark. Mtt HKRBKRT Gums, of Randall, Wis. and Mtas MARIKTTE JOUUMMOTT, Bicbnsoed, The weddirg was a quiet, home af­ fair, the guesis being nearly all rela­ tives of the contracting parties. Mr. William Berger and Miss Gertrude Jolioniioti acted as groomsman aud bridesmaid. Bride and maid were tastefully arrayed in silk, with white flowers as ornaments. The rooms were decorated with flowers and etergreens. A l»eautI fill aud tastelul evergreen canopy, under which tho bride and groom stood during the ceremony, was a triumph of art decoration. Its front showed the Initial of groom aud bride on either side of the name "Glbbs* In the center, beneath which two while doves held in their bills the silken wed­ ding knot. After the congratulations were over the company repaired to the supper room, where, on flower crowned tab'es the wedding feast was sprtad. . A list nf guests la appended: Mr. Slid Mrs. B. F. Gibbs. Mr and Mrs. O. Gtbbs. Mr. and Mis. Charles Glbbs, son and two daughters, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Gibbs and daughter. Randal), Wis;Mrs. Miner aud daughter. Lake Geneva, Wis; Mr. an J Mrs. il. Pice, Mr. and Mrs. C. 3. Rice, Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Tabor, Wllmot, Wis,; Mr. J. E. Manii,Bun Prairie. Wis; Mr. and Mrs. H. Benedict, Mr. and. Mrs. J. Cairns, Hebron; Dr. E. R. Bennett, Chicago; William Berger, Klgln; Mr. A. Doralhy. Harvard; Mrs. Eliza Barnes Duntou. HI.; Mr. aud Mrs. E. S. Johen* nott. Solon; Mrs. Bennett aud son, Mrs. H. Bout ell. Miss Orphia Wilson, Mr. aud Mrs, L. B. Rice aud son, Mrs. Sarah Gibbs. Mr. John Wray, Richmond; Mr. and Mrs, Voshurg aud two sons, Ran­ dall, Wis. Mr. Gibbs, who has thus won and wed one ol our most intelligent and accom­ plished young women, is a son of B. F. Gibbs, Esq., of Randall, Wis,, and a young man much liked and respected for Ills quiet ways and excellent char­ acter, Mrs. Glbbs was a successful teacher iu our public school and has a thousand friends hereabouts. Fortu­ nately, her new liomo will bo so nesr that our society will not be robbed of ono of its most popular members by tho marriage. We wish tlie young couple a long life of wedded bliss. Tho wedding prensents were rich and useful, as tho following list will show: •25 from groom to bride; shifted easy chair, bride to groom; bedstead aud commode. Mr and Mr* B F Gibbs, Oscar Gib lit, Charles Glbba. Albert Gibbs and Horace Boutell; $100 cash, father of bride; silver cake t sisket and pickle caster. Mr and Mrs B Tabor;3 solid sil­ ver table spoons, Mrs. R. Rlivin; silver soup ladle, brother Henry; carving set, Mr and Mrs H Rloe;glass preserve dish, Nellie Giblts; pickle caster, Mrs Elizn Barnes; camp rocker and willow work basket, sister Gertrude; 1 doz. Ivory handle knives, Mr and Mrs T Cairns; ! dos.silver knives. Mrs S Gibbs: 3 solid sliver table spoons, mother of bride; handsome tidy. Miss Orpha Wilson; handsome tidy. Mrs Charles Gibbs; I dos. napkin* and table cloth, Mr and Mrs B F Gibbs; silver cake basket, Mr and Mrs Vosburg and soii;silver butter dish, Mrs C S Rico; silver cake basket. Mr and Mrs 8 F Bennett and Mr and Mrs E S Johounott; set solid silver tea spoons ami 13, Mr R. R. CrOsby; set solid silver teaspoons, Mrs R R Crosby; 3 linen towels, Mr and Mrs L B Rice; large caster. Mr Win Berger; baud glass, Maurice Miner and sister; 1 doz. silver knives. J E Mann; bedspread, Mr and Mrs H Benedict;crumb tray and brush. Mies M'ria Brown; caster, H Vosburg and A Doratby; boquet of cut flowers, Charlie Howe; server, Frank Cairns; butter knife, Louis, Katie aud Nellie .fnlioonott; bracket, looking glass ami comb c.aas, Bertie, Emma and FrSukie Glbbs. ',W if. 'fiivjjw.'. 3&.JS J %. zt.&hdL- JZJLh Old Setttovs' Daroe. A Social Danes will bo held at Helm- er's Hall, McHenry, 111*, on Thursday evening, Sep'ember 6th, 1883, to which yourself and lady are cordially invited. Music, Mudgett's Quadrille Band. A good, social time may be expected. IT H«m«. r**; n. 4;-v i \ NOTICE, There will bo a glass hsll shoot at Spring Gtovo, Saturday $ept.f, for one silver vase, value, t6.00. One sllvor cop. value #3.60, and one sllvor nspkiu ring, value 91.76, - Soldiers' Be-Union Dance. There will be sn all night Dance at the Old Hotel Hall, Wauconda, Wednes­ day evening, Aug. 39th, 1883, tlie last day of the Soldiers' Re-Union. Tickets, Including supper, glJSO. Music. Tld- marsh's Band, Sitting-room accommo­ dations and all baggage taken care of. Also good accommodation for teams. All for 91.60 per couple. No pains will he spared to make It pleasant for all. "h V;f* 4* GOUMHG, Maaapr. 0^2( Edmor ri. AtN »RA i.KR -.Qttlte a nom- her bf our people are attendlijg tin­ ea in j» meeting at Cherry Valley. Our l»ase halt Mine h*ife jifay*d thir­ teen games during the ataMa and have been beaten but One*. They Intend going to Elgin next Friday to try a game with the Elgin Reds. Wager and Brown have opened up a skating rink in Empire Hall which lias been fitted up with a hard maple floor and otlier conveniences for the accom­ modation of all who wish to parfciei-i pate iu the S|>ort. Tlie wooden sheds In front of some of our business places have been re­ moved and canvars awnings have taken their place. The Improvement is great aud we hops there ars more that will follow, n Frank Lambden.of Chicago, has been visiting wttli old friends. While here be painted a neat sign oti F, G. Vail's agricultural warehouse. A new switch track Is being laid north of the main track for the accom­ modation ot three or four of our busi­ ness men. Dell Crego has tho management of affairs at the depot In the absence or Station Agent Fillmore. A Miss Trull from Wayne has charge of the tele graph offlco. Business was lively With' Mtt mer­ chants last Saturday. Hie farmers are gottleg through with their work and can And time to come to town and do their trading. A pick-up nine tram Marengo went dowp to fluntley on Friday last anil slaughtered a pick-up nine which bad scut a challenge to our boys. It's no nse Rflng. Marengo hoys can't be bent. Our telephone lino is getting to be* quite Indispensibte. Our merchants use It daily and our base ball directors Hud it ssry convenient. Building Paper, cheap, at Joha Story's. Buy the Estey Organ if yo« best. O. W. Owen. McHenry, want tho Agemu A ffne assortment ot very tine Gran* ite Iron Ware at John I. Story's. i" Barrel Churn at John 1* The Story's. City residences for »sk Asa W. Suiith, Woml»lock, IU. The celebrated Bi«olI Carpet Sweeper for #2. The best thing in tho marteS at John 1. Story's. Lumber Wagons, MilR Wagoni. Phtt* form Spring Buggies Bishop's warehouse. Fishing Tackle of Etigeln's, in Howe's new Bridge. it,. lor sale ml f|» all kisdt it BFANK, BUT and RmsI ty, M II. The finest lino of Silver Ware to be found In the W. Owen's. . An elegant line of dress buttons awi trimmings always to be footid at Henrjt Colby's. COltSETS. A fbll line of Dr. Warner's Goreott IliMwral stylesat Perry it Owe»*s. •,/ 9Kadam McGw Conetta* The best OR tlie market at Bartlett's Old 8«ttlera Attention. At Perkins' Restaurant In Kelter^s Block, you will find eatables ot all kinds, and a neat and cosy place where you can get a good square meal or a lunch on short notice, Ice Cream, Lemonade, Pop, Cigars, Confectionery, etc., always on hand. Will also have a stand nesr the pub­ lic square on the day of the Old Set­ tlers' Meeting, where everything will bo served up In good style. Call and ses me, E. B, PxRKiNg. . McHsnar, III., Asf. SB, MM. . CLOTHING. : 1 Our Clothing Department fr ally complete and tliuik we can' show tlie finest line of Children's, Boys', Youths' and Men's suits and overcoats ever offered in tbls market, and at , prices that will pay tha closest buyer to Investigate. Call aud examine them at H. Colby's. Smoked and Salt Meats* I oiler for sale at mv market In Wau­ conda, Salt and Smoked Meats at the following lew pricest Smoked Rams........ ... ISctsperlb Shoulders.............. ..10 M Smoked Bacon............ 10 *• Lard 11|* A supply of Fresh Meats of all kinds and sf the test quality always on hand. j. r. Roncr. Waaoeede* 111.. Aur. sth, MRS. For Hale, On scrotint of sickness tha tmder- signed offers the following property for sale on the most reasonsble terms: One span ot matcticit Mnles, gentle end well broke !n every particular, 1 Spring Wagon. 1 Farm Wagon, and 1 hew Grain Drill. Will sell cheap for cash or good ap­ proved note,or will exchange for cattle, hogs. eto. Call at once and I will give you a goad bargain. si Mint MICKLKS. Johasbargfc, 111., Ang.sth, lass. House and Mt for Sale. 1 offer for sale my House and Lot, situated in the village of McHenry.on tlie West Side. The house Is nearly new, is Iu first class fepalr, newly painted both Inside 'and out, and is one of thu most desirable resideneea In the Village. Good barn and out houses on the premises. Will be sold reasonable if applied for at onoe. For fidl par­ ticulars inquire of F. K. Granger, at McHenry. E. V. ASOBBSOK, M. D. McHenry, Jaae |Sih. WW. Great Saving to Dairymen. 8eveuty-flve dollars saved by giving one bottle of Dickinson's Cow Prescrip­ tion soon after the cow calves, to pre­ vent milk fever. Never was a case of milk fever known where this medicine was given. It will also prevent garget aud all other diseases incident to tite cow. For sale by all druggists. Manu­ factured by CL DICKINSON A SON. Barringtou, lit •Iscksmllh Itialness far Sal* at auittfa- The undersigned offers for sale his tqols, stock, etc.. In the village of Nuuda. Is a first-class location for business. Will sell cheap as I want to get out of the business* A good oppor­ tunity for & live tasii. j. s. rcsKR. Nunda, IIL, Aug. 6th, ISSt New Restaurant at Nunda. The undesigned hsvlng fitted up bis building on Main Street, Nuuda, es­ pecially for the purpose, hss now opened one of the finest Restaurants and Ice Cream Parlors to bo found In the countv. Ice Cream, Lemonade, choice Confectionery.and In short everything usually kept in a place of this kind can be found here, uiul no pains will be spared to please all who may glee me a call. Canned Goods of all kinds, and of the best brands to be found In the market, always ou hand. Cnli and see me. P. S. A fine Billiard room attached. A. goKUBMoata*. Naada, IIL, Jnly Wtb, 1883. ADVtCK Tt» MOTHRHSL Are you uisiuroea at night and brok­ en of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so. send at «>nee and get a bottle of Mrs. Wluslow's Soothing Syrup for childreu teething. Its value is incalcul able. It will relieve the poor little suflerer immediately. Depend upon it mothers, there is no mistake about It. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regu­ lates the stomach and boweis,cures wind colic, softons the gums, reduces iuflamniu'.ion, and gives tone and en­ ergy to the whole system. Mrs. Wins- low's Soothing Syrup for ehlldren teething is pleasant to the taste, aud is the prescription of one of the eldest aud best temalf physicians and uurses in tha United States, and Is for sale all druggists throughou ^ce J6ce|i^ a bottle, p UwDlaajr Smithy " MS® CLOTHING. A complete stoek ol . Men's and BojfM Drags Drags, Drags, a lot ou hand, steel tooth aud must sell. For sale by tt. Blslio|M Ir you want anything lass thaa tho Estey Or«au I can sell you one for #10 aud upwards. O. W.OWUI A full line of choice alwayn to Iwobtainedat llsaiaT Oouff*s. BIRDCAGES. Bird Cages, In all styles st John 1. Story's. A Sail aud see them. last E. LAWIXS. Is selling Suits at than Chiraga Suit fer (.80. A good Cisiftaers Call and se« them. Call and examifte those nut Kxtension Tahles at J. B. Blake's, cash. Black Wal- •t-glJOO per fast 11 pef. cent. o9 Clt Remember that you wilt esfetioaeo no tltfflculty In gettlag repairs fsr any machines sold by M. Mishap, thai pre­ venting vexatious and expensive 4e* lays at a critical time when time mesas money. • . DIAMOND DYB8. Wa have anoolofsitf^ the eelabratai Dlpmoud Dyes only ltes|w>^t.^ Wa <lesire to call tlie i ladles to our dms cM Wa hav». added a fine Jfae al} oamellettes. sllks, i w ill be sold on tery . HBKRTCOLa& Everything Iu farplw Implesssats IT"? Cart to a MdUorasick Twlae IhMhr. caa be found at tha warehouse of K. Bishop. Our stock of 4rug», cbontimts and ptttont taedicinos waa sever more complete. Goods reliable and prices right. % HRNRT GOUT, For flret-cisss Insurauee against ira and Lightning, w' tornadoes, etc., eti Smith, Woodstock, lllj THK choicest Hue af Dolssaas Ladled Neck Wear In town E.W,Howe's. •';S A GLASS1GLASS» i We keep Glass of III slses eanstaatly on hand. Special sixes rat wlthaat extra charge. JuHKl.SlStt. " ' BAM ̂ WMML The bottom dripped out. Bat I stttl live to meet or heat any aad an Data that has been or may be made.oa Sarh Wire. JtHlI I.8TUW, HOUSE AUD LAND FOR SALE. The undersigned offers tor sale Mi house aud one aero of laad, ytaatod la the village of MeHe*nr« near the pub­ lic school building Oa the (waliis is a good barn aad oathoases, and small fruit of all kladk WIS bo ssM reasonable and an easy terns, la- | quire ou the premises. 4.Wu,fVg--"** Gossamer cinmlan and coata for ladies and mtttiemen, and a tull line of rawer goods alwaja to be had at . HXNRT COLBY'S. Call at E. G. Smith's for Boots aad Shoes. All kinds of Jtepalrlag aeatfy anil Cheaply done. Riverside House. ^ % 1 Wanted- Wanted, to rent % fares af feme MS to 150 acres. Caefereat win ItpM, Apply to this oflee for fhrthsr jprtlea lars. FINE SHOES. Juat Received. The fiaost Ladles' and Children's Was county at bottom prices at Owens. Ftae Our stock of Foatgr's csltlmtii Beloit 8hoes is eocnplete. For style and durahtlit} tbej he.meUad. Ask tease tf REMOVER J. P. Smith. Jewf^ MHHiHH his now stery, daat «| Ufa Searles Millinery stove, where ||M?I$ be happy to see all his old aad as saaaf aaw «fss«as aw* m # calT. I win glee yea batg^* Watches ami 4o«relrf -- offered Iu pa(y, Kxcmnsi The fittest llaa «fff ifeaaMl la Weary caa lie Constat

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