Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Sep 1883, p. 2

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tfrJourml to- . ' . S i -- « a i -- A t W • -̂A*6B*tma*f<*m • i<aifl6ouk* KIMTINKDI^LIRUHOVNATUL HIHIM .̂ •sksssss tkeotnattfot £<*** St Nicholas, «l tin "IUHKbnettfSeUUd. The ked ot loe •Mwwitiil t| a ttatak envelop «f Mad tiapd^vUoh Mna^ontacton of fcert. ' tth te bU tut--• the crest A «a Ma»da»y morainf the il* broke into smaBaeetioaa i the aeme time Mcbtfnl ,Ud tto columns «t fire eeroer at the USe the Mtm is I to open tMr %arj MgR, that mm ttwiy t--B, iiHmAtt MferlMM «dk Tlw not BouUiriMLo t̂Miaf twlj-iw mymy by ud Mb baM of tfie aopolattoa. Hi-* » • tlai Jawa pofitieian, says a Waafeing- •widl̂ patoh to ifte Chicago fVHwM ̂taaa- ;«feeShy4M-thestatea>eUtthetaI>ee Moines law arm haa^>acnlatcd la tt«atate efti» J$mK t. Alloa, enî nissfipulo ̂tta se- rawttTtoake tuoqo.toa "S ̂firm controls nearly^* the crates' claima, which were bonghfc aft ftoa I toi !morA a iSdm a lead M State, m ; Art and klOad lattititor. Y««nrJ " feUdMbd bMMe the fbL tWe children, 0 and 8 year* of eg* Miavtc*w --I a* uaaplWjs inthe Nolttng House, where the crime was committed.... The Kxecatlv* Committee of the Chicago aadNusthwialsm Ballway Com­ pany hss daciarad (be usual quarterly divi­ dend of 2 per cent cm the jpmfleaed atock. The4fcrttend wilt be payable Sept 27: THKtODTft P. V- MIDDLKTON, a South Carolin­ ian ef fflnrtriOM desoent, who recently penned away at Greenville, refused to crow MaKmairfDIkon'slinealnoehiB library waa deafcoyedhyOea Bhcrmaa'a army--Con- peKDHWm. P. Poole, of Jiorth Carolina, CmiKM on both aides of the Bio dtianteat El Paso have made up a parse of IWI6 aecurethe ptoi|lt between Blade mi Mitchell The AleadeofPaeo del Norte, Mexiao, has frtm permission for a ami on that side af the river. ' Tmt Hew Orleans correspondent of a Chicago wholesale 'bouse writes thattbe eotHsiwp to Florida. Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas and hisowa State doea not prom- la the , njam, btttttMabs tta aaMaa eabahlenoe of the dis- tmbaaeelatbeklnjtdom of Bantam, en Mon­ day, the ernptkma aeoaad to loae their forte for • time. aad^w^ogte ef Bstavls experienced afeeaagefi -t -- ..hepothat the want bad Tbeqatatar iwadltlana contiaoed yt. ;te# -i*A • 0S. it""'-; aata abut w o'clock, whea the enten o&oa JSMBAW««&»& •̂ys^grasrgs£.i»gs efatock the ItopaadsitaK, wiieh ia T.SM feet hli!h._wBsta a wry fcMVc state of paroxyamal enoptin. It waa accompanied by StoiaMaaa ^a'Ttalinm esmtortssfrosithe mmtatnfr/a v*tt htfitt? aadlts whale waface soon ameamdesif cov- ewdwtth fcry lava Mma^^Slcb a»aMCta neat dMaacea oa all aldaa Stoaea fdl torn •Baiimaliaittt bM fmnenUry awt- teMtWlip the air tojaeltaSZT^aiitBala. A wbtrUfM aigwpananiad thfa arapUoa. br * ntnnAkMM oaaatMyofaahea .. JWr tha gnmnd as oatteeeafara^alarartwotyetMME, MMMto tMead their w jU . Tbertee «T warn nodaoiaw . . . anhou eevctal t«rmri faat _ . baaed oa the edge of tha crater. It an- Mpnd ftrna a dlateto to mktol a bum ~ faanmeraMe globular doads at extreme iWeawa, xeaenbUac vaat baOa of cotton f̂̂ sasyssar̂ Eg'fea: aaatty vrgad apward by, tbe wSSwl ex- epmylintoa dafk'iSS aaa bMaty MBHUMUV dutcdlna AWIMRTF .dtonda. JBh^dwily p eoene waa s>sn»a1- The w*e *St into arren gartewtthoBt a mama ̂a jwdaa. and when gSpaatoytoKhad afc ed alwa there were now aavea dtettBct raike loOMag ap to a gnat y t̂~Brn - OOOld r y baBa af atoltea mat- . »W® «M iMNBM Mind A|MA| GGG-SG^A^^^'RA dawn into tha fcea.thnwrt etffl bam. ilestamtUthdr ftene- l UmcaA wat with- letecteia *«s:',iS¥S ^hat had haan tha laak aad tof atorateg waa beyoad 'g* h--ifia Meat to Jan j| coainheulai ttet tha ~ 'ST*!**** Muida an atte of ttheir adafiNrtaiMe ^^ •̂SfttSSS ,££hI aatnlj'tK aearty'ioB^ooo. t. horror wlUnawa be "Vrnej aawatoMatory. nwaaaberoftha ** <bat ia BaiaTlathiak^wt Thelong-ooatlaned drooght Wll laada eapedaMy haa iajnted the plant acriradr, aaatortnglt prematorelyand ent- tbf « Ha yield oonataerahhr. The cater- fOar kaa hwtlha plant In aeteral States • 'N*w ChBUfi Grand Jnrjr has aandearqgait whtdk la caoalnga euiiraHrin fa ttis Qeiiaat Cb. The document asta farth that o<Boeholoire are occrapt. that Ttoe adiuitlsaa itself with electric tMMy, that slnn.iii> a&ood, that the food of the ei(r Is ouataiatasted through the fllthiaess of the auMtketa, aad that the rapltahsts evade the'r tax«ia The bolldlog of a are- asntesy Is suggested la which to 1mm tbe 4esd bodies of victims of oontsgtotta w%a This will] THK report of the Poatmaster Gen­ eral will afaow that 2,000 poatogcoa were is "sinrnt liwa .. . P t̂hc total up to aboab 4»,00U, or a little lem than one to every tiumaand peo- ple in tbe eoantrr. Of these about 6,000 are moaegr-order office TH* collections of internal revenue for the first months of the tiacsl yean end- tog Joneg0.18M,and 1883. wore aafeUowa: Beoalpta, M8; decwaae, Î Tia.CSa lie irinolpal items of decrease were manufactured tobaooo, • 1,064,636, and btmks and bankietB, HWiW. The principal Items of iacoease werespirito distilled from materials other thtt anples, oeaohes or graoea, #400,915, aad fenaeated Uqoore, tlwrn Tin United States of Colombia are agafn in troable. Dom Pedro Bolear Mar­ ine* basset ap a Uttle Government for hlah- self at a town In the interior, and President Ota"era has marched with 1,000 men to osenhsoqr the iasatgenta rouTicAi. THK State Democratic Convention of Nebraska, w îch met at Omaha, was pre­ sided over by Judge Kinney, of Otoe oounty. £x<* odge Jamea W. Savage waa nominated to Juattoe of the State tkmremeOoort, sad Ames W. Woodworth. of Doaglas. Dr. E. & Denieia, of Kadi son oounty, and Dr. a W. Johnson, of MlmenLwese nominated for Begents of the State university. The Com- mittfee on Platform, the Hon. X 8tecJinsr IfortoiL Ohaliman, reaffirmed the platform of last year as in national polities and incorporated several new puiiw the whole being adopted without dissent 'he most important planks are these: 1. The Government of tlie United States has !̂ f?>^ ,̂0,ial(*•«ii>bttoimpoaetaxea ®? thepwqde except with tbe Intent aad reralt SfvSlT1* mo"®y into the pnbHe treeaary With which to pay tbe debte and provide for the SS5r«isfL"'a.'£5f lassr ammtmeeaa*. bat ia wlxdly a Scheme of t̂hestoraUkdyttis toba euetodTbeesase the log-rolling for it la the fiercer aad more *H* IAIR. . A* oil-tank of large dimensions ex- ylodedte the South' Brooklyn (N. Y., works, whkshmi in all direc- jta^ severely burned many persons. The ag>woiks, which suffered a low mStiSSgS? »• •*>Afl plaoas In PW'adelphia where î w^pScSr* i'*re mM bave bee® HVMOH river steamer Iiiverdale, while ta mHatiaajii off Vbwteeath street, rfoikctlgy, hiliorth liMr, explode ̂her 3^*2? ̂«?£.%« -- - - Sersral of these wounded. JR Qf deaf lfifirtteWhm6ft YOrk" threw smf: express of the Phllsdalphln and mm gaage) mUway at osm were Gov. CBITTKKDEV, says a St. Louis telegram, to reported to be serfoudy oon- ££kT*?ind,?,*w ̂ nmk« Itspply y sntl-iyohihltionlst trom the aole of my feet to the crown of my head, but I feet ̂ ««"»e t̂«; that if the law iatobe deflea to Bt Lools.sad 1 bave to omeee between lawlesaneas snil lenlillNllon I em a prohiUtionist> fJader sodi nrovoca- lS«gg!km"*~" by 80,400 «4mitar , OKKKRAL. TBK Chicago Tribune remarks: "Prom tbe showings --*mftr by the eteafteg. houses of lhe country it appeassjhat bust- nese wy ia psr eeat> poorer la new Tut .̂̂ 2*?'* U>an lt.w,lS h«>t year at thie J" .̂1 Pf* cent hotter everywhere eke la America While, therefore, the is unfavorable as a whole, it need III? 1^2?*® dl*urbaaoe of mind. Plainly ^moatetora an the OMS who are ntolar from the present squeeze. ̂t°^«L cle«lngs were last wodc Tkqr were over twloe as laig^at the m*rk of the great boom, with four less clcarinsr-hooses to make reports* Wrrn true Northern grit, the people of Rochester, Minn., are worldĵ night and £sy to rebuild their elty. Two hundred pouisea in «» town aad suburbs were en- Mrely swept Away. About #a>,000 ia relief contributions'have been raised, bat the that •10Sf,«U)wfll be re gniredtQshelter the homeless forthemo- m<*fĉ P«*saj« aeed of the hoax is peaaing A hall-aboim tbe to- tef»lffl0ck county- WU'tothee»- FOBEIOX. Volcanic eruptions in Java and other Islands of tbe Malay Arohipelsgo have re- Scores of villa- » ftSenvfetoa Qraeoe. aadthePrtaoeasof • laaorieru. nws. " <-y Tbk business failnrea throughout the Onited States and Canada, as reported to Heif̂ Xork. ... fa #* ifiP» rmfr - ind 'Ss ̂1, -were 188, as. oempared wflk lGi tiie preoedlng week, shewtag an iitdr&weof n. Tbe failuies ware dlstsibute l a ̂fW- tows: Mew Bmdaad Statm. at; MIMle States, Soiuhora, 81; western,»; Pa­ cific States and Territocieft, 23; Gaaalft anl Proviaoes, »; New Tack Cttar. l....Wre destrovel the planlng-mUl ofEWridjfe ft Hon, at Fort Ro«m Wla, valued at •2(llt>000; the UtooeHa cbem^sil w« ̂ located near Biidgeport, Ct̂ w«5i i J5,00Q. and the City fonnd r̂ at Bel'e- nlle, ML ....Two 'assisted* Irish immigrants were seat back to Canada foom Baffa'o last week. They reported that 1,100 ot'ief •sissiste* came With them fee Canada, and that It waa tile British Government's pur­ pose to chip from there to the United States Tea thousand men are employed on tbe Panama canaL aad. the- company feel sure of opening It In Ave years. The sanitary condition of the workmen is exeslent BELLE HABBIS, a polygamous wife at Salt Lake, refused to tell the Grand Jury the name of the father of her children, and has aince served a term o( three months in Jail for contempt, and nade herself a Mormon martyr. She was released the other day en the expira- ion of the term of court, but has orders to appear sgain ia December-- A warning from tbe Prorecnting Attorney at Atchison, Kan., esassd Slade and Mitchell to oesee training and to abandon the pro­ pose J prize-fight ̂ THK fishing flee? at the Grand Banks of Newfoundland was scattered by a fierce tempest that came suddenly and without waning A achooner which narrowly es­ caped tbe fury of theetonaand rode into St Johns reports that for thirty allies of her coarse wreckage was encountered oa every aide. Many doriea were seen bot­ tom up, aad oars, flab boards aad other ma­ terial m large quantltiea were passed from time to time. One Freneh fishing-brig atone lest four dories with all hands, A geaeral es imate puts the loss of life at from sixty to eighty sools, while the damage to the fleet Is incalculable. THAT which Shakspeare feared is about to take place The Vicar of Stratford- upon-Avon has signified his willingness to allow tbe remains of the poet to be taken up so that expertvmsy compare the sktill with the basts; pictures, aad masks which were left to sorely pusde humanity. ESAU SMITH, a negro, sentenced to be hanged in October, 1875, but who escaped from jail and was not captured till last June, executed lor Us ciiine last Frilfcv, «* 8PATCBE8 from Batavia report that fearsof further eruptions in' the Island of Java within the Immediate future have sub­ sided, and all tiie efforts of tile Government and the people are concentrated oa the work of burying the dead and preserving the health of the living. All along tile $o* ̂. fr°m Pota* Jsaum foA the Ihver Pacini e on the NbrtSern coast and from the Bfver Tjmandttle to TSipankolc, on tiie southern coast, there' are rfooad corpse •» thickly strewa. In tbe forests of the interior from the Biver Tjiedom to the Elver Tjieternm, dead todies ace lying at short intervals wart in some IMurtia'ly buried In the snlphurous white mud or the hastened lava that Sowed from the eruptive craters large forces of men are busy at work Id all direction* dtv ring out bodies from bfr neath the beds of lava and rocka TheCap- taia of a steamer which wasia the Strsitsof Saada dosing the eruptions reports ashes fell on the deck of his vessel to the depth of Eighteen inches. He passed masses of floating pumioe stoae sevea feet indeotk f - Iastraetieas ta Barglari. ,yr>: A card bearing the following instruc­ tions hangs conspicuously upon the safe In one of the stores on Water street, Naugatuck, Ct.: "To burglars We keep no money in this safe. This is for fire only; our money ia up to the house. Come up. We have fonr shotguns, two rifles, three horse-pistols and one revolver, all loaded and ready for use, and warranted to kill at ten rods. Time spent here is time wasted. Verlram satis sapienti." Then follows the fig­ ure of the* combination, so that if the burglar is determined to get in any way he can do so in a deoent way, without spoiling the door. THBMARTRT- NKW TOBK. gEgvns.. HOM ; „ ! ttx»ua--•dopwfins. WHEAT -NO. I White No. 9 Bed ....; COBS--No. % OAIW--NOL. t. I'oux-Ma* liAKI) , CH1CAUO.' UEBvaa--Good to Fancy Stears.. CWLO -- Common tojWr 1*3 •wOO 4.75 0.00 AM 0M aw 10 «.ao i.ou LI1 .«S .as 14.00 09 4-50 & I.W* & 1.1V* & .oyji m j«;<* (isu.ia;* «)*<£» • 8* # «.4 ) HM 4. SO «<* K.tU @ 5.6 » @ (i.Ot) (»<: S.30 - 1.0094 1.07 .i7)4<a .n .'Hh& .M «9 -6l4 .a 0 .6.Y;* .is i?«e .ai .IS © .1 i U.W (R^LXIW . «54as . m 1.00 .4S SÎ Europeans, bave Uedloa to #abr Hoos KLOUH--Ksney White Winter ISK. em*-*!#.!!?.?!!"*- OATJ<--.No. A tt*E-- Xo. a * Bajw**--Ho. :. BJiR l̂MictOmwqr....,,. Koor-PreNb. Coax--Bewi l.AKD. .T! . " MlLWAUKBtS. WHEAT--NO, 3 CJBK--NO.» OATH--New. ' ' U*E--N«-. T. . Binur-Ho. 8. * HOUK--Mow I«AKU coax--Mix.d OATH--.No. 2 ttns L»T>BK.--Mean LAUD » *Vciai'<^MATi.'* WHKAT--Xa2Bjd . uses i Oai-S •'*"**** Itrs I'OJK--11 see... *•"••• Lasu „ TOLEDO. ' WHKAT--Ho. 2 Bed.... COBK OATS--NOU Si " UKTKorr Fvovn . WHEAT-- O. 1 White.....'.""" COBN -No. 2 OATRT--Mixed..... POBK--Mesa....... «, « » iNDiA îUdilia WHKAT-Na 2Baa u9iH& 1.03 COBN--No. 2 ,M UT .N OAT«--Mixed ; *.£1; % KA8T L1BEBTY, PA. CATTL*--BEAT 6.75 0 Fair ................ 4.76 U $J0 ' Oommolj.... 4.n ?OOS 8.40 « AGO & 1.00&S Of .W-j .*» K* .*t«a .MfiW M .66 ̂ .(Hi ll.H7-*("liuo . «*<» . *% 1.04'4@ 1.045 s .«?*«• .4S u«£Sl ..OJi! « » .SMi 1%W (S.IAC6 . 7J4W . 7J4 1.0) ® l.'Xili .61 HI(TI .52 .20 Kf .2.1?* .65 (ft, ,S« 18.00 MIS.,6 . s <9 . a* l.oo & i.n% .SJ* •ti & .28% r«. flbmnk' ui naoaa ti* in .jMiiA.---. -of<; stones mid? - 'it the dlilarih beneath the watemof boiling and •adpra furloas i monatains' Tha »y ana ir̂ 'l̂ iOf tiie vol cans es of Java, *i llamss at a. very aiatm- i sooa spread to the crater of Whlah Is the worid, being neatly fonr __«r, the Gunung Goator aad iiiaor monntalns, ontll more forty-tlvf craters Of in active operation or •It .J a great Unstnens dead Oenang Guntar, snd the ivetemto began to vomit ap - of white, aeld< sahdrar- luantities of lava re explosions, fol- showers of daders its, vHdch w«m rand scattered la a31 taftsrtiiefotee waa q^eat below, oarrylag death aad tiithese terrible eruptions tie demonstrstioas firomthe : clouds were so sar- st one time in terror , filling of Horror. Han. to ret fat before tigs Were fraried beneath me (of hags rocks ̂ nd tnnd, which rhere a few hoars beftnre mi' i hspplness and fancied w- Tw^gerhM not had [seventeen mSto^Umgand completely oevexed With i madsopeoallar to the Is 0,000 feet _ dame on top of of W» Imprsative mommt a huge bowlder. be hurled IV Um ef Ulli X r̂vtr In 18ftt than ta 199S, and lecMents Fewe?. i» iWsehiacton TetegramJ fidfijarviting Xnapeotor (ShrititW ef Sbasm Vessels reports that during tiie fisoel yearended Jnps 80,1883, the' total jnambsf of sodaents resalting ln lem o^hfe was thirty-iour, of which twelve were from ex plokona"Ave from '&e, eleven from ool utioas, and tin from sasgn wredes. aad steUae Tbe total lives lost by aoctdents from vsjdens oanses during the yea* were 2M, of whloh sixty-nine were from the ex- ploiioaor accidental escape ofsteaih.elgnly- fwo ̂from ooOisions, forty-five emm fires, fligr from wrecks or " thtrtnr-tiee firom accidental five from other causes. As oomu-- thepreviohs fiscal year tiie anmoer of aorf- deats to steamers wsi less, while thelom ef Ufe v*as greater, as the following tabks will *how: Total number of aoddents to Bteamew re- in lopa in 1882, 41; ia 1883, 84; de> aumber of lives lostialSSS ̂205; la ICtM, 884; increase, 1H The main lncresss cooaixed la accidents eansed hy oolllsions, forty-eî it lives being lost la exoees of the number lost ia 1W& Ha next greatest was in loss by i forty-four more than the pre . The increase by explosions was The loss of hfe by Are*, aooidentai -- fag,etci.vMM Jessthaa tite prevloflf yeaa TIM most serious eintfe acoldentof WitkMMd by tbe eollhtoa of the; Soiote iiid Jean Lomaa, which o« the OUo rtser near a place called Junction July 4, reitdOng in alosaof eSitlivea jkaad r̂ lec^--*-- l̂ CMMTof life on toci that nc*wjthstsndtng tî vessti vmy 'ew ttves nesd have been M as the ia?eea d steim«r, Where most of 'We«a wasesuy submei'geA to iMiihaWl ItlTlffniin(Biil - imi v^Se ne haMeaae deck was from fear to five test above the water's edge. The great loss Ineuned mast therefore îe iMIwNd to the fright aad nSaie aatozal to sach m- otdeats, causlnf the passengers to throw thena elves overnoard. 4.00 1.10 .61 .its J 3.76 & 6.73 m i.i«H & .61)6 «t .ao @14.23 , ywnlag chnUm <m the"ifeiHiIplattrS Ke<hriaadBendeng. Theshowersofstenes, mnd endlavwpste a0|eo fieeaent ashtSa h .̂por̂ oft̂ a^Tw^s ̂ k. w* covered with tnwesof forest,wss M>on In one great blace of fline. Tft̂ red hotvosaingfrem the eratoshad Mt the *y^^MM f̂tr̂ ti»otthe woods awfol grander, as the eruptions lnnreesud In frequency Sd yiotence the disturbance of the water sarroondlng the barren ooast became mqre aad more vkdent Hen the waves rushed with terrific force up the ****•»» aBP**fcy f̂ jiimm. bwislrliy upon the overhanging aad iwwdlng^n îdly leaving alava flow cooled jast afik* moment whsn it was aboat to fell over a forming a dlstaetstraU of black and bright, Ppi|l«. aad brown lava, all thrown about la the most eccentric maimer, while hafe peaks of baselt rose at frequent ln- terysla Then the waves came whelm- iut over a marshy plain along the shore, suddenly engulftî a hiuSet of fishennen's rode booses, snd. turning suddenly ̂back, wipt away Almost every vestige of whm haii a moment before been a scene of bustling activity, where family after family had been rushing around la the vain endeavor to save t̂ etr effects and getaway with, thei lives from the awful combination of foments threatening tym. What afew hoars before were fertile Valleys, covered _ with floarlstdng plantaMoas M coSee, rice, sugar, todlgo, or tobao«H the staples of the bland, were soon butmad, stone aad lava-covered fields of destruction Prtbahl; not a single crop of javs wtll be saved. At the entranoe to ®*^*a was en large group jpt hoasea ex- 5S«5f al°nr tiie shore anft oocupied hy Chinamen. This portion of the cSVm »w«pt away, and of the 25,c53 ®en away emae, fearing the toneats of the flame aadhffa of toe interior mote than tiietorreat of water from the exterior. The population of £uropeaaa and Ameri- «na in'j&tavia ̂ ^dafloea of pSrh^a «tt seals eat .of the 8,600 whltesHvlng there, Many of the baaum In the Wghsr por.loas of tbe city were demoHabedjSd ft Is Impossible to make any e4lmaieof the the watsm osam up rul̂ Jeavingaetiilng to sS£fc the site, and censing the^esaf somewhsto intiienaigh- bortioodcf ^GOO lives of the InhaMiants, sadthoaewho had tiled to find a refuge Jhnre,, Bsntatn, onoe a proeperous and floariahhM[ native olty, bat practically abaadoaed many years aga was eatlrely oovered several times by the watera and theie must have been from 1,i00 ̂ t?S?S„ ,pe3Pte, dr"wu® ̂ Tee Island l#< W»et tetir md Mk At.Ch*r.̂ on.thare ,Wje no met flood of }\.tt-t̂ '?.?>at tha|ow er|fe M.d property by the filling liTi must have been very oonstderable Bnrten- rorg suffered very seriously, as did Samar- ang. Jobjokurta, Sorakerto aad Foraboya, ̂JL®. ̂ ™.ê erA'5>5 t̂f from the leaeer tow as indicate tiiat their loss was swat la i roporthm. The Thon'and, at nrambaram, were very much «mt somatefithem tjrtally delved Some of the towers of OeaoeedTemple of Boratoo- croshed by hogs falling rooka While there osn be no accurate HHmsta toWMd at present of the Joss of life, it toe eruptions weie still oontinnlmr. alttiough ̂their vlolenos had abated of Java, "the "Amefefosa Kacydo- E^^eoontrtMfc ofthe " - CTVILrSERYICE LAW. OlerkaMay Be lnvlted toOlTe Politi­ cal OoattthuttMia, but Not ; Dormant. Baton,-Presldeaiuf llw Ghrfi- fMtfvioe Commiaion, waa asked if he i«ga»d ̂the circular Cooper, nhalnwan of tiie Bepobllean State Commit­ tee of Peansylvaala,eeUln«(m theJTederal rf for notthiak,-bs ssld, that ft Is wltiiln a» gwriaee to render aniatnrpretstion ef the 'What Is yoar opinion?* "Well, to violate the otvil-eervtoe chmse prohibiting poMtinal asewssmento, a personal appeal muwbe made, and the amoantii. ence between his eiindar aad others of ssemtng mte obstacles that have been la. cued, cspedally the one ssntoutbyAnrHub- bexllast nat Jltistinq^yan tantidp to contadbop, and is In M sense an assees- ment Thedrcular avdkls a violation ct the law by Iti phraseology and manner of CUflvKaWttttOO* "Isn't the result the same!" "No, sir, ss the fesr of punishment for re­ fusal to contribute has been removed." Mr. Baton then denied the report that he had said that none of the vacancies in the departments above #HC0 olerkshlps could be filed exoept by promotion. "The question." he said, "will be decided when thenesldent returns. 1 can see no reason why a clerk. sMp of tto •l,Si0i. #l,4W or »i.U» dam should not be filled under the law by ap. polntment direct as well as one of the tower gtadea The law makes no distinction. * •W FASHIONS IN DRE8& -- Bw, gloves and stockings should "»atoh P*U*D brocades are becoming more and more numerous. with the drees Boinarm and hats are as veiled as the meet eaprMeus eaa wish. Bran Sleeves end short shoulders arete, dlspenstble for a perfect lit. BZ^CBD, Mlored and plain silk girdles Will belarg«y worn on white dieesea Ammo MslMibbons, which are revlv'id, are brocades representing peaooek feathem Bmon-oasEK parrots of dascUwhueare placed upon Imported bonnets of crimson- pluah. fluniiiuHrtiUH will sgaln be In tevor In riUtOM, and also hi Loulslne and taffeta silks, for evening wean AIX-WOOL fabrics sre the rage in England ymm* «***> ̂ ««a w tas areasMss tolieta A aomn eohool drees eoarisU of a plaited wodwidcu ettaebedtoattabMrwaiataad aa elsstio Jersey bodit-a Tn* new shades «f red for autumn wew are Indiaa and mageata, used only for lack- eta or oontrasttrlmmlnga. MADEAS muslin for evening wear are taAnmo embroidery will be extensively worn this ssason, and afford da'nty needle, workers ample occupation. "* Tmm sword rash of double-knitted silk, wtth knotted-frlnged ends that tie on the side, hip sqperoeded the endi folds. . Ttohniton that hattohs nothing or the bowthettfee nothing Is en absurdity, as nothing Is In worse taste than over-elsbom. tion HOUSE and evening drcssee are made long enough all around to touch the floor, draped In heavy folda Bustles and hoops are dU- oarded. Warns ribbed flannel ia aa material forthlaoeaaoa of the Mnee very eCeetively with trlmmlnga wett and dust snd chalk are eaMiy removed fiNMw Basnuocet's saspenders are of tee dan- sMe Bkenoh elastie with a white silk web teh^wdpetteme of geld^b^hSS . A OOUMPI brown-flenael petticoat has a tonte of ttlped material, the grouttd of «trip«sof olive and fold. With fa worn a blown hat wresthed with feathers shading frttia taown ayear, andeom. . blue or browa s ,Mich., J*1 ...... i Michigan etlWwin^M l̂taMNdu ̂ »went Into l̂ ce Buen at Osotkte, > went Into lAdto ftuMiler at Msr- 11 reads for 18S3 were frem 'tha - 2LK& ncctwvei fromf laaeousi In all, 4B,7BQ,000whltefiSh fry and whitefitii ens were .dlsr P«re were 12.6; ha ltiML 45 per esnt &1; aad In "" " * ^suplMlon WUat to Qsrmany mils of sUths . yesnvrsre as: the •W,Wf: •GO is only years were: Hi BiHK&ttni h» ipitili by the fact tftint. ttr •' ' "™" ' • MS UWkl- tothSnumtwws offlshglven 4."" " " " 14MW ̂ wSf1rî to'&STaiJl? fnaded -dehts. at the ̂ several haMW _ lose are n^aQ tiie fitiioaltivated by tiie ComnriminH. bat they are ths principal thai buti 0ll>l lIlllWlltlMI iHfel TOtaiMtynrot enough to< mm* other fish tiia - nodhesd hismal. With own, liirsSo trench, bata year feaob- tatha Maine trout small lots _ sne of the Qdttcrnla trout were pat intdthe head wa- wre of the Haw, Potomu, Boeaoake, aad Teaneese rivers, m an<efiert to nalmUn them. Two hundred brook trout were prodaoed and dIsiiiimiBd la the streems near the hatcheries. Over 1,000,1)00 Laketrcat wfre preduoed, meet of Which weat into Michigan wsters, though 1<K>,000 of them went to Germany, and fi0,0U0 to Itenca finally, there warn W,00D ISad- locked salmon, which were distributed in the waters of New England and the Middle aadeatreme WestemStatea. „ ' PUBLIC LMDS. f Upwards of 19,000,000 Acres af the Pomaln Sold Last Ym$* • . 1 s [Washington Telegram.] * U Some gueseee have been made regarding the amount of publio lands disposed of lest year, hut they have oaly been " Thehr werthlamnasi aasy be seiufkemthjl fleet that thelast of the seporte wen osily entered uato-dar. snd the l#ad Ofllcehes ever, ISpreesntaSan nnofllclal saaunary of the returaa Whea the figureeeometobe proved amaQ (Ranges mtaf he msilo. eat as these enannsr. esire maieap irom the omnpteto retuian of all land <Mhoss there can not be much room for oorrcotion. Bxdusive of Indian lands the amount ef puhlle domain dlspo.ed of lam year was U f̂iHfihies aores, lent than i4.eoo,uo the previous year, end a Httie over mCQQ,Q0J eseh ha 18 0 aad mi The amooat disposed of . last year exceeds the hggtegafts «er the fear veers 187C-T8. Of tha aaaoeat dlappasd of laat vtoai year, and £T<n;fi88 jsass-.- Wtae .̂ atean -, uader the .ltn%er 'Ce|bia -̂ae '̂,aga ̂ a,fiU,C8fi seres latm Itemst was disposed of br fiirii --If fwt MUtloa nnderl)eSSSS5uBi8^Gi is Ailaona. Artaaaaa, t̂tfor̂ Jpakota. Florida, Mah< - - --- ------ 14, Mentenai: •a ---- -" t̂Mspa^year IMWUItM areadisposedof wasafewi la 18«>, aadmnel̂ nexoeosof disoMsdof la tiw two totirmeflate ssssstsws»s~^asa ebowaa very large iaareaaefor the year, and Wisoonsin thows a gala of tts,000 acres While there Is a desrease la eeveral Booth- era States, there Is a very large incrd&se in MisdartMiL Ia Montana there ieagain of twoaadene-helf fold, in Arlxona^nsame, and tn Wyoming three-fold. In Colorado thearealaoreased nyldly for some yexrs, but the psst year shows a tailing oft oflia- 000 compared with provloas yeera Idaho ahows a gain of r.tO) acres. New Meidco ahowa a of more than 100 per cent The followtng table ahows the amount of public land dlspossd ̂ t last year in several <rf the Statae aad Vsriltattee: Dskoto .7 îl7.M)8|Oref(m. .. "Innesota î 4rfMKLowsisaa. 0ft theseveral comp -- t̂eoaitmir ta^begl tcaloulaM; tocreatei tieajgoodand bad. vThe aumber of . ia 1868 on therallroad* of ;gfew of i8eatf, IM " wae«^sa.Q,* •greater "fhim its;:w ___ nue^Ms tmnspcrted tn Maenaehosetts was- 4M.0fif,inBR. a number gpastw- timn to sny other Stata The nunJpr iisi'ifewtjitn the- Middle group of 8 .ate%lUvf elevated railroads, IIMKUIRHI number very nearly e^uiling tea fbnes iUi Mpula- nnmberl̂ SW lete than ttfe popula loa ot this group. The number traaa|iei led on the raUroaJu of the Western and SouUt- Westera group, h^v nga popjlatkm 6f 10,- 18 ;.5fc6. was &?,0 in«unb«r'.l timea greater ttiaa its populatl n: the low aver­ age for this geoop unlmr̂ om embra ing- in it tiie Southwestern Stata ' IM'wm- ber transported on tbe Pacific group, hav­ ing a population of 1.XUB,*!?, wu 10^101,410 --a aumber 7.5 timesgrester tbaa lotion. The totel number trsunxrted on all the rai rrais ef the U<t ed gdj*" tUa last year, not includlug ttabVew ̂ fiOfk ele­ vated road->, was ar number equaling \erv nearly six times the'total gojMhJ:ii, of tbe Vaited State* •The aumber of ions of pofted c a the part of ih# New Englsndgrtfup of S;t. teas, being Sevan tonsper h latirai. The number oc tons the Middle group was feer of tons moved per healr dl. popqlatioa being 13V.G. Theaumle r̂f t ms moved°oa tihen.Uroadsof Peaasy.̂ miCK «&«. Tbe nnmbw ef tone î the Southern group was ber of tons per head being l.£ft. Theatun- ,bsr of tous trenspoatfd la the Wtetera aUU>T r̂l£stftbe UtattedStoteatoelM* very little overt ereatona The aumber OT of NewExjund grot̂ wtsV ch~nreof i. 7 cena pef̂ nafjer |de; ontiw MicUUeSt̂ es gMap, llJww;« tons at a charge of 1 cent per ton per ef̂ the Southnrn IS&= at a charge of I on those of the num- 103.S491 AamaiC LI aeata I atoSTBSi «i*er™riij| ' ihalwi. hai >wlag the total i _ at thaendef . Itoo to _lW8.itnssds te ba l̂e$aed in Sgftp.!! jrartiwreatof ths 'stalsa snd tsnitorles the figcres rnadown to •.SW acres ta Iowa, numbareraffles in IKK, to June 183 0 1831 IB) IMS 184S u5 ISSB 1837 SSi W6. tlSS7 tsio...... M41 ISO 1SC9 «*¥•<* 95*pS|a|ir' JtujQfjnt Knutg's dae|̂ hUK::hiMi:1 îaMne M " ' l u , .1:4-*'* ̂ v ;sr' 4 . : •:S - • ; - - V ' " • "

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