•AT, SEPT. 13, 188.1. ,N«LT«tR, Ktllfw fl»* wmfnjr autumn is awaken- Iflerl interest In the struggle • it# Sfvriikersliip of the national llotiM* «»f npptTSPiitatlve.a. At present sortie cont^ft seems to lie between Car ole, of Kentucky, and Randall of .Pennsylvania. ;f , ; *SP The New York Greenbacke.r.*, or Ht*> there I* left of them, have nssem- ^lv*-'-w'"- '"iileil *t Rrtehester to go through the formality of nominating a State ticket ^•he party will make so trilling a show fne at the palls that the names of the jjvi»!id*te« are almost a matter of in difference. . %/;. $BFA NOW Haven man named llorin II having a hard time trying to com- \ '-'list suicide. Re shot himself four times in the fmehend. but the bullets flatten- . ad on the skull and he still lives, Ir is had that all the people of the „ Irorld who are so anxious to die cannot fee huddled Together near so.ne volcano Jhi erupt inn. .• * • "Tlie New York San profiles to „/%Hl'e*e that Governor. Butler will not r-' Sl" named by the Democrats for Pre s- y' 1d«nt ne*t year, hee.iuso he is a Mns«n- |T Chn*<*tt* m-Mi. We should l>e willing jjl*: * tw lav a M5; wiger that if this were [H „ the only atnmhlHg block in the way of ^ Ills tdyanc»»n»!i*', the Governor Would 4^ 't'istiij* his dwelling pl:u*e tomorrow. ^ A Ban from any other Stata would |« i ^ <f|ii»ell as well. &, ^ 1 ••"The interna! revenue com nils- I'1 floner's decisions are of particular i 11- *A#iere«t to drng^lstg about this time. Is'; ?„ An nitaly*is of Mo«teUer*§ Bitters lias h rn* |K*n«l Iris fou,,d that they |Vf. " """irttitaln proof spirits equal to 82 per . Vcfent of ordinary whiskey at SO per || ' * li *^ent proof. Tlie coinmissionur decides U" that any oue selling tlieip U a liquor dealer, and must take out a special ^Hcen»«. _ •••«. - • 4 t^*In the journey across the conti- |.l '•& V - j|ent, ('resident Arthur has been more |/ --. fortunate than some of the Knight |i:V •£" 'T««M|>law. Aocordlgg to the San Fran- .* - Ifisco papers, stage full of the Knlglits * ^ras ii|>*et and Injured near tlie Yo- iemlte Valley, while another party _;,j*-a* encountered by road agents and % ' forced to stand and deliver. In the ^j jfatter case a stage containing seven |>assengers, five gentlemen and two . -ladies, including Grand Commander J4^a?tu»Rnd Grand Commander . i|fohnson, of Arkansas' 'and Sir Knigiit « Bnf and sister, «f New York State h: ^rere robbed «f about 91,000 In money *nd valuable jrwela by two masked •C 1vf'ilRCa's« one armed with a ril!e and the 1 '.^fcther with a shotgun. , " t^Tlie enormous extension of the „ Tail road system of the United States jt'. *lnring the last decade is set forth in iJH^Pooro's Railroad MauuaP just Issued. vtThe statistics which the compiler has / ^gathered and published show th «t more ^gAhan two fifths of the railroad mileage *•<* *>f the world Is in the United States, lie aggregate b«iiyj at the close or last f |rear? 13,329 miles. The nominal capl- ||||y$nl gives no very accurate Idea of the capital invested in these enter- prises, but it Is immense. The aggre- v "* %a*e of share capital is 92.456.07S,196. v %nd that or funded debt was <13,184.415,- s ^' ,e tota' liabilities, Including floating debts, was •6395.064,359, or an Hverage of 961,34* per inile of com- I' |d«t*d roid. The gro%s earningi? of tne " last year amounted to 9770,356,71G. of A'hich 9202.140.775 came from passenger "*• ,f raffle, 9506,367,247 from freight, (and '<• ^61.848.734 from miscellaneous sources, '•;L 1Ph* net earning of the year were 9310.- ^ l^if82'877* out of which 9149.285.380 was • V f»iH in Interest and 9102,032,434 in div- |d*nib. The |>ercentage ot gross earn- y^ngs t» Investment was 11.2 |>er cent. spt net earnings 4.5 |»er cent. The num- , V ?>erof Pa8#e»a«" ,» carried during the ^ , year w»4 289,1W),173, or exceeding • ^ t ,J*bout six times the entire population 1,1,1 cmu,trf* 'r,,e freight conveyed J&.rv V5- $ ;was 330.490375 tr»n«. September starts in in a manner «, - j ^calculated to keep np the monthly av- |" ,s 'ei, * «rage of calamities for which 1S93 has I , , Jt hue far been noted. An uuusuul nurn- ,.^ V;^herof railroad accidents are reported % ' ' " from various parts of the world. Two ^ fast express trains collided at Colches- ' Vermont, by reason of one train '•>*> unot being switched ofi on the branch y ®oir tinti® and the failure of the air •brake 011 the other train to work. Roth eugli»erand tenders were wreck- K- C6*1'baggage ears telescoped and a score V *°r m"re °f pcop,e were some \ t h e ' n 6 e r I o u s , 3 \ A t r a i n f r o m A t - , fjantic </ity Jumped the track near l'hil- t'l b,,t ,or|unate,y nothing but the baggage car and engine jumped "'the track. A Rockaway train "• % stopped to put off some I. . ^ who refused to pay their fare ^ i Other train dashed into igt wrecking it and the second car, i\', i. arsons were killed and several f, f injured. Across the ocean a train from fy'7> w« passing Steglltz, ran into a i't > f of Peol>,e who were intending to *• "-^y ; return to Berlin, and were pressiuir 'r forward to enter the carriages on the was passed? ere and an- the rear cnr. Two were :.»Sl wrong side. It i« estimated that fore persons were killed or wounded. The report* from the sea are even worse than those on laftd. The steamer At»»erique, which sailed from Havre Saturday for New York is reported -"" foundered, A heavy gale prevailed ig throughout Englaud on Saturday night M «^aHid Sunday, doiiije utuch dainrt^ to &^Spntl»«riy, emuing tumur 'wrouks and toss of life. A bark was wrecked off the cast of Peitzaiice and two of |the crew were drowoed. Many liol»ing Vc*»e«» Were *uuk ofl'ihe Nova Scothi ooast and a large MttMtitNir «»t ' |n>r«ons Emw» . Pi.Aplffl _ port ion of mentators ,w0ie trouble, or more per plexed the*general reader intent on understanding what lie reads, than fl>e discourse of Jesfts to his rHsciples wiiMi' we find recorded in the 24th and 26th charters of Matthew. Certainly no subject of equal importance wns ever presented to the contemplation of a human being; vet strange to Par. of all the inspired penmen, who, as eve-wit nesses have taken in hand to set forth i ? order a declaration of the doings and saying* of Jesus, Matthew alone lias given that discourse entire. John makes no mention of it whatever, and Mark and Luke.are unaccountably reticent at1 the very point where we should natur ally expect- to find the fullest details, namely, In relarlnn to the final judg ment. The difficulty encountered is to reconcile the prophecy with history-- to find in the destruct ion of Jerusalem and subsequent events, facts coinciding with nil the specifications we meet with In this discourse, and at the same time harmonizing with utterances else where to be found in the sacred volume. It will be recollected (hit Mr. Bassett opened up the discussion on th(« ^ob ject by alleging that Matt. 34:29, Is a figure of speech; also, In a suhsequent (irticle, that verses 30 and 81 nre in the same category. In an article of mine of A4>jy+i33?h, to which by the way, Mr. B. has not replied nor intimated In any way that lie was'aware ot* its existence, I attempted to slmw that assumptions of this kind, un uppnr.vd by oveil.-iice. are logically void, in .that tiiev take for granted ...material points requiring elu .eidiition and proof. And this I deemed a fcufiii-iene answer until some sort of justification should be oflered. and so I Still think. But haying watted in all courtesy in vain for more than four uiontlis for a r»'plv, now, in order to close tip this discussion in some reason able time, I here waive this demurrer --iV having apparently operated an a bar to progress -.and propose to meet this assumption On its own ground, not as a naked assertion, but at having' claims «oconsideration in the fact that It is of supreme importance to the theory of my friend. If the figurative interpretation above alluded to should be found untenable, the theory is un tenable--they go up or go down to gether. The interpretation which sees In Matt. 24:29 31---In whole or in part*--a mere tigin'ative representation of the tall of Jcrustlem, ami the disiuption of the "Jewish policy, civil or religious,'" is unftdin'ssihle for the following rea sons: First: This passage describes phenomena as taking place alter the destruction of Jerusalem, not as coinci. dent with it, a fact strangely over looked. An account of this destruction forms the burthen of preceeding verses and is appirently complete. The phrase "Immediately after tlie tabulation of those days.n fixus this point, while it rnnrks the transition to a new subject still more appalling. Strange this evi dence, with the chronological order of events here depicted, should have been ignored. Not only is tlnj.downfall of Jerusalem described In * at* verses, but it is descri bed in language at once plain and easily understood. It is simply preposterous to suppose that Jesus after having thus given a literal state ment of the case, should immediately go over tlie same ground in figurative enigmas, in a way calctdated to mistily and embarrass his disciples. Secondly. There are points in this passage which this theory doe« not explain, for in stance, tlie universal wailing of nations. Israel wailed, no doubt, hut did "All tlie tribes of the earth mourn" because a seditious province of the Roman Em pire was chastised? Thirdly: The uni versal gathering together of the *' Elect" --to what does this refer? "Perhaps a refereuce to tlie universal preaching of the gospel among the nations." says Sir. B. 011 the authority of "A little commentary used in the Mcllenry Methodist .Sabbath School," forsooth. A "Perhaps!" Is that, all? If this gen tleman is satisfied with such authority, why did he appeal from his el is* to the public for a decision? This is trilling. We are here not at a game of guessing but in soh«r earnest; discussing a gr.tve subject. Tiie text says. "They shall gather together tlie efe'ct"-not "Pre.icli the gospel." Fourthly; Tlie language of this passage, rhetorically and logic ally considered, that is to say. in its simple narrative formation, use of words, and in Its tenor, is undistiu- guisliab'e from that further 011, which describes the judgment, to which it is a fitting prelude. They are both figur ative or they are both literal. I see no •way ol escaping this dilema. Either understand the entire passage in both chapters as a highly wi-fiight allegory, or el«e accept the literal interi>retatloe of both. One or the other of these al ternatives. logical consistency and com mon sense demaiid. There is no con ceivable reason why. we should attach a mystic import to the one more than to the other, save the exigency of a foregone conclusion--a theory in need of artificial support. ,'Fi.fthly.: These three verses in chapter 24. naturally connect with chapter25:31 46 where the thread of the narrative Is resumed and the prophecy finished. The most care less reader would sit onse recognize this fact but for tlie intervening hortatory matter and parabolic Illustrations, wli'ch interrupt the flow 6r tlie narra tive and divert attention from the or der of events as portrayed. Whoever will take the trouble to turn to this prophecy at the places here indicated, and read in connection the strictly n«r- rative portion, omitting for tlie time being this incidental filling In, can- vejify or refute, as the case may be, this statement to his own satistaction. If lie will do this, under the test con-, ditionshere specified, I fancy lie will find it hard to resist the conviction that we have here the forepart and the. afterpart--the beginning and the end ing of one and the 6a:ne great event, and that, taken together, they form a symmetrical, consistant, organic whole. And In doing this, let him note the similarity of linages presented, the identical words, am I equivalent expres sions used in each section respectively?' "Son of mail." "Glory," •> ,Angel»." "All the tribes of tlie earth," "All nations." I say let him do this in all honesty, and' then ask himself where tlie figure comes in. If I mistake not. he will find it exceedingly difficult to answer this question in a manner satisfactory to the requirements of the theory here under review. He will perceive that these three verses in the 34th chapter of Matthew, Uxturally, -consecutively, in strict chronological ond<-r, describe a series of events wouderfiilly in keeping with those that ni"et his eye in. the closing section of the prophecy ill Matt. 25; and that without this connect ion, the judgment scene is an isolated in congruous adjunct abruptly introduced in tlie prophecy, the coherence and unity of which It destroys. A PRIORI. Will open Septeutberoth, and close OctpherSOfh. A* l«uaj, all Railroad and Steamboat Transportation Lines will put their rates to Chicago and re turn on kard'paii^ha^is, selling coupon tickets to'the B^poCf tlon. On many of (he lines, gentlemen, familiar with the business, are tpaklng arrangement* to run general Excursions, which have heretofore been profitable to those managing tltrm, and cheapened the cost of transportation to the Excur sionists. * As t o the assured that extraordinary efforts and very large expenses have been made by the managers to render It in all im portant departments the most instruc tive, and far the, most attractive dis play of Its class in America. The local pride of Chicago Is fully enlisted In the work, and it Is safe to say thatuo visi- tor will be disappointed. IgFTh'e sale of postal notes begfa'u Sept. 1st. An American, citizen car. now sei:d half a dollar through the mails without filling out a form which takes a lawyer to understand; and the other America** citizen to whom It Is sent can get the money without fur nishing tiie postmaster with the till) name of ids correspondent, the street, number of house. a;?d other personal Information, besides .presenting a blat.k received from Ids corespondent, which he must slgn.-after he has been able to discover the ,t>lace where his name is to be put. This is a ,great c.hjf.nae in the direction of convenience^ '1 FrtSTATK o Li n II< I erst, mini*tv.urlx eensiiii. i ;Hii to (if will a|»! H «>r i-V I Stock, at, Mmi»llvML_. notified anrtnjqiM, |to^« <>f haV1n# f hf> sons iinteUted to »ni<! make iimncliale D ueil, this SIst tni; ir'" Mzwm: 'The Art. We- ttpe all' ?<P#ie,*re per- Hi to Wto «nder»4*nert. fOrt.AilflBM. ADMINIS rj>ST \TR of &hei un'lei8lfne»t Hiiitlwiiatrix of tti The Att- ; «etyer, inly ox «0Hei»rjr and glvet aotice that she nountr court of Mc- " art Hoale, in Wood, it term the thirrt at winch time all st said cstiite, are jo ntteiid far the pui- adjusicil. Alt per- |te are reqneated to jM^p^ntto the iimter&igaed. I? 1 "fttweii deceaxed, late of tlte I stnt«< <>f Illinois, hersi will appear l.efore tW Henry O.Mtnty. Ht t* stock", at the flefraei Mon tny in Septemli persons ImviifK.elalm noiiiieii and reqaesr pote of bavlogt' sons imtebttirip H*a4r II. OOt>TRR, Administratrix. Live Agents Wanted. To sett br- Chntni'if^iprs; w liifwrnntton for evervlKjity, fn ev®W,<jonnty in fTni'eit Stntes aiirt Canada. (CwaSirM by the pubtiahe to fm*?es. It conMdas over C,000 household -orines and is suited to all classes .and con- ilition of society. A wor<ierf«l Hook anrt a lionfrhold nereselty. It sells at sight; Great est inducements ever offevcil to Upokafents. Samtilc copiefi sent..by rriail, Postpni't, torte.00, Kxclifsivp territory fjlvcn A'routs more than 'tonhie nhoir mounyi A<l<lves» t>r._ flhase's Steam Printing Iiousa, Ann Arbor, Mich, A new sect known as'flto I'H- grims has been organized in 'Schuyler Co., at a small town named Erwiu, and are Introducing practices which arouse a decided oppositinn among the law abiding people. The chief objection to litem is the practice of polygamy, which, as in Other points of alleged be lief, they imitate the Mormons.* Their temple wns blown up by giant powder early Saturday morning, and their leader and organizer who lodged wit!.* iu its walls narrowly escaped death. A'repetltion of Hie Nativoo excite ment is scarcely possible, and (he peo ple who are coniinittiug ontr.itf^s u,pon tlie members of the new sect had. much better appeal to tiler courts than use lynch law anil dyuumitej Tlie State Of Illinois will not tolerate organized po lygamy, even If the United States Government does.--Inter Ocean. AN IXTKItHSTING PUZZUV. , \ Perhaps some of our readers nre'ftOt familiar with the follow!ng pnzzle: A young man isked an old mail his daughter in marriage. The answer was; "go Into the orchard and bring in a parcel of apples. Give me one-half <>f the whole number, and the mother one-half of the balance and half an apple over, and the daughter one-half the bal ince, and, hu'f an nppl over Jiti'i have oue left for yourself, without cUl ting an apple, and then. If'she is w'lll- Ing. you can have her."* lie solved l|»t; question, and how many did he bring"? Fourteen, as 3*011-can easily 'prove. He was iogive tlie father one-half the number, whjcii would be seven. The mother, who wan to have one-half .[the balance, which wpuld be three and a half and half an apple oyer, which would ina':e four apples for ber. There would be three apples left, of which tlie daughter \V«s to have one-half and half an apple over, which would give her t wo and leave; the lovej; his^^oiie without cutting a 1 apple. ..4^ .;, MSfTlie CI I.-ago Herald trulr S«y«: • l'he trial of young Nutt. for the mur der of Dukes ;fs about to begin. Tlie jury should acquit without leaving; the box. If Dukes had never murdered the lather of the lad who kill him, Dukes treatment of that father's girl and his horrible letters gloating over tlie crea ture whom he ruined and., repudiated, condeined hli.n Ik any ,manly breast, to a dog's deatli. ' • , l^'Tho&e «i|o delight In jlvlhg. In lively places should go to Java, Sixteen new volcanoes liave just appeared there which, together with tlie fifteen that have been conducting such a deadly exhibition, promise to make It ns live- ly a place as^any.pne need ask for. TIIE ABBANGBMKNTS liave been made with the editor of tliis paper whereby stti- gViits can, at any time, enter tlie West crn Normal College and Commercial Institute at one-third the cost of any other school. Tills ticliool is placing a llm-clasx edueatioii wllhtn reacii of every one, he he ohi or youn-, rich or poor. Any one ceuternphiting ;itt<>nd- 1n seiiool would tfi» vv»fl| 10 caii ui ill's olticc bcfoiv di'eiding w litre to atteud. See advertioeuiuui in lUie iasuc. BUCHANAN WIND MILL UNEXCELLED F.R KADTY, DU&ABMTT LIGHT RUNNING. Hew method iag tie ftdli, HAKRTO IT T8XX38TP0WXS7VL { Attn *jr DXJRAB1.S MILL BUILT - ALL KINDS OF TANKS, PIPE, PUMPS, ETC. B* nm to mm* far our new CnUEegse befen boitaf. BDCEAHAFL W1HD MILL CO, BUCHANAN, MICHIGAN. FOR rtiS CURE or FEVEUFNDACUE Or CNILtt and FEVER, IND ALL MALARIAL DISEASES. __ lie for the SAFE, CKBSAZir, 8PEKDX a&d JPHt- MANlKTonre otAgae and Fever, or Chills and Tever, Whetiier of short or long stand ing. He rotes to the entire Western and Southern oonntryMbear him testimony to the troth 0* the assertion that inno oaae whatever will it M to oure if the diree- tions are striotly followed and carried eat. In a great man? oapes a single doee has been soAoient for a eare, and whole frinfc* lies have beenenred l̂ a single battle, with a perfect restoration of the general health. It is, however, prndent, and in every oase more eert̂ to««fe,if its nse is eonunned in smaller AeSes fair a week or two after the disease has been Checked, more especially in difficult and imlg-standing oases, Usn- ally this medicine will not require any aid to keep the bowels in good order. Should the patient, however, require .a oathartio medioine, ̂ ter having taken three or flrar doses of theTonio,a nagle dose of BULL'S VEGETABLE FAMLYPILL8 wiU be suf ficient. BULL'S MBfikfhVn-l.h is the old and reliable remedy &r impurities ofthe blood and Sorofolous aflboaons--the King of Blood Purlflers. _ DB. Til BULL'S TXOXTABLS WOBX CESTB0TS& is prepared in the form of candy drops, attraenve to the sight and pleasant to the taste. *»R. JOHN BULL'S SMITH S TONIC SYRUP, BULL'S SAtiSAPARILLA, BULL# WORM DESTROYER, mm Pomtimr llteMUee of frisrlitiiacije! Sffil paU^LOFISTILLl, tl. r;0U • ^ kt&i& . n , » , - "iu" Vr,,! i f f * H 4K^:' --sr mm f: sRr«' • f -v ' 1 !: 1' / ' * -i f* / ':v:7 • VV'V^ * *-tv "i > ft ' * ; ^ 4 ft ' <- * ut?\ "t '4 (/ "IVr ,,10' j ^ •r - • > • > ' • - > • .. (it : h *W*j JA-.& . ... V 1 **• H 'A. r JUST RECEIVED AT DWIGLIT'S OLD. RELIABLE CASH HOUSE. WE BOUGHT AN EXTRA THIS FALL OF VERY THESE •a Har!*f'M»ita a weittti I iwv tftr for sale a. -.-•f ftw AM ABLE WERE BOUGHT FOR WILL BE SOLD GREAT BARGAINS, AND AT > • r iEtn.l.* ft of. nf-i",? - 6*4*^ * * * . ' i -f ' i. ,y&<» n . --, jw birds etl Pnre Bred, aad I# went ot any of thote name<t (ire J I wemat ra ant of any of yaaare eare to IM ^Hei. (red. aad if k| >aeaeal)aiM ii QTEggs in their Season. <r- Waaeoada, W. IL, Ang. Sth, un. '& -j 21 MORSE SHOEING GENERAL STAMFTTEGI W. H. DWICHT. COR. MAIN ST. AND PUBLIC SQUARE, WOODSTOCK, III. ••"*ZWT4*r- *-i' f.-r-r: n : r>» KJfet.'i,:/,' > 1 tl ^ .V t-fyul 7 .a-" THE "GOLDEN STAR" GASOLINE RANGES. Stiperior to a!1. Is rnpi<lly sti- perseOin-w Cook Stoves and uau- ires for buiQtncr ustj. Call suit] see ttain. JOHN I. STOUY. Mclleiuy. May 23t|, 1883. ".I " wi^S&L THil ; Celebrated Golden $tor OIL STOVES AND EAHSES. Ti»e licst atul "safest man 11 fact 11 red. Have alroudy suld ^S wliicli speak fpr t lie ui(«fc Ives. , ' IY RI - JOHH I. STORY MtHenrj', May 23. 1883, GENTS MAKE MO EMOAaEMEIITS VBttTWliMiHMtatlMr ••alt Battle* for the Union Our st<M»k pf drugs, chemicals ami ptilcnt tiiediciiii'!* wtw never more trompU'te. GooJh reliable and prices fight. iiKSUX COLUX. ®fP 'i * c THE BEST SOLIOWHFL^MILL BUILT JK,CJL!N.&NSTRUCT,ON WILLSIMDIIHYWIW) SPO RUT ITLUSNTATCA CATALOGUE. ILINT.LFFIILUIIS&CO, LE,-- IND. | I Urat£TTE,l«P.Zj 1 ® KEN0AL.WJ L-. BRAHSCH HP" ssffi&a ., il; • 'if*" :• • :xH' mi -nwtei.. , "'C Jj, i , ,T„ . n.. am ̂ Siilos of Slock, FMrm ing Tools, llll'l (jO<>il» of all Kni'.l» 1'ioiiijnly tUeu>l«il to TKUMd itCUKHWllIC ..... ,.Sm ••:••••- , WAGON AND IMS THE ONLY ADJUSTABLE SPRING IN Wo SAO, NO SWAY, NO PITPH. CA«MW ,IMIT tit* v+ rmrv LIGHT, STYLISH AND STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS. EVERY BUGGY WARRANTED 2 YEARS. SPRINGS WARRANTED 10 YEAR* THE EASIEST RIDING BUGGY BUILT. THE NEWEST AND BEST THING OUT IN CARRIAGE SPRINGS. WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGFLB AND PRICE LIST. THE SPIRAL SPRING BUGGY CO ̂GRMD RAPIDS, MICH. & M*& -ym ORGANS WITH QUALIFYING TUBES GIVING A FIPE ORGAN T0NL A«dr«».CLOUCH & WARREN ONCAN CO., Detroit, Mich. •W t.,. fiK-Jg;*I ?! . r. (•Artpyu:, _ _ t!" W>i> a) 17©W JLAD SECOND HAND, ̂ 'mm:-' !\ iT* *" V! I % 1 AND Jti IHfid ftfO •lt'»<r. "ft- am:n^"0 •i *' *- ^ iliWA'i! , n M,!,. ! iTW Cil 7, *<{ I. mpuh" •« fiti if P. HAUPERISCH, MeHenry, Ulinoto, Wnnlit respectfully inform HU eaitMwii: w<l tlie public gonerallr that be ianow better than ever prep«red to do all work to hit Hoe. HEPAHI ING, Of nil kinds on short Bttlre. CVGive us call «n«» we will pieaae you botb ia qnsiiil end price of work. P. HAUPKfttftCH. McUenry, II!., Aug. 7th, 1881. 1 « . Preserves Llntn, gires » beentlfal flnisli prevents tHe iron Iron sticklnr, MTII leber ' Nentsi ^ Cakci. m CLEYELAHD MADE BY STANDARD 0U CO 3,tf tmw. C0MTLN£NTAT HOOF OINTMENT, :2!2L CCRE8 CRACKED SCRATCHES AND SORES .• \ : '• * 'w : FFI US, CATFTFI &1HEBP. n ••••i di *1ifftmr Storekeeper for it or ttrriie ict to the Mtmufncturen* "• iwaiBii TtraBTn twee nil ML, ~ m nf ! i^pi |i; 1^ "rr* CLEVELAND - ^ OHIO, W M . H C O W L I N ;'t#occBeeoWtoi(.».CLOTBtini1l'f ... *i&ft | -v. . . :• U. S. F AH CLAIS SOLICITOR AND ATTORNEY. ALSO KOTAJtV PUBLiC. ;r , P«M*ml# pensio* er emr eO»f*.shfs., against the government, relating to tne or former wms. Complicated caMa eMl re jected clalma made a specialty. If e|nwpe are enclosed tor reply, Nil ooswiwlwitiw Will tie promptly answered. .v>; r (HBee it istiAtseei ••t 1":: .ILL llttving nstertnined the different books used in all the different district* tributary to VVuueondu, we can carry a stock which, iu quantity, quality and variety, will be sufficient to promptly supply your wants. You will also remember that this is the pluce to get bargains ' Stationery in Albums ot all kinds. Pocket Hooks, Ladies• •y, (Jmls, Music, t>jW;ctacles and Rattling Good v r ,, '•> *' . 'z' • • J 4 to", OSJffisb tow TfOST P3R3BTIT. ! WauoouUe, Sepi.,lst. 16M. F. B. HARRISON. Sefiiettieeefer peraslssion as npnlMbM ster, business ability, relinhllity, r Gen. John A. (J. 8.8mlor) Wetp acter, Gen. _ Gen. J. C. smltli. skate t . BMJ K Kllwood, M. C. Itk Ilk DfsS ̂Sye. f». Sherwte, ex-ll. D. III. . :Jetee ATmrawra, Ass't v.S. Attonaey.Chi- Selz, Schwab A 0&. Wlelmll Boot «fttt shoe l>ealer». Chicago, 111. Alee hundreds of coinrty aad hsose referee* "*^r-- DON'T YOTJROFEOLT IT! ASA W --OJT-- Woodatook, m SMITH, ̂ • nu«oi«t ye* «f «Brtmey e«u Bnrked by Kllllon 1MDEMN1TT a^ilMt Fire, Lightnins, Wind St*rm«, ^ CYCLONES AND ,TORNADOXR ne i*. postal card and I wtll •}•!'; w»eand I will write yon* p«»ley. woett «iilH>su«r awy ments devasutce y you toe If yon Mil «M. f H|«ia»e yjrWt>««,*•» »l 1 wtli n«tf»»rsiike you. iu r. ffMTTSf, *£ t*e*'t Jntm uno* AgX •• . .Z., ... > ' , 'E,- k,£ Mr ** " ."Sv