Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Sep 1883, p. 4

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BiCisi 1S8S. at* comptit- liMltrjr'i aea- ind Iml tktt they ! flMUl doaM® thO VBf «• • ^ OmitaviMfjrt •nd >aflfr, Gtadstaaa dur- i parte*, audit laeafo to •f thoaa estimable Mftalf M mncli run at the ||liu imund the conn try pa$Attal«r that Freddlo* Gab- • P®*fi fPT« *5,:l Mrfa rofMrttIhgtlw proceedings of *«ra»aatjr flair otiTfiiirsdajr Um Chi- •- **£• YVtfaase aaid: '* 1 4 «S*» tlM Pittid«nt of tha fair, Thoi. h ** BliiiariK aaid to Ool? South worth . ^r^pwar toj»«rt4me." That gentioman MWliMf) dime fofwanl (• In- He did It hi fjfe-M&mHh i^ick «M three . tltnea tha ; f**fttli of (kit ol tba old warrtor whom -|| 1M preaaatod. ^ And tka importer might bin truly added. **41«gMStedevery person within |4| tha Mwmdofhh rolce." If the officers •f ttolgilwttWiJ Society wished the Invalid Corps Colonel? to make the priiNdpa! address, they should hare ad- V^ «»r«iaad lifm. He then would, undoubt* v,: ;'^odly. have learned hla "little picce'; sM- l^ugr. 3*1 7f4 .:y( ' < - g^WhateTer may be thought of the KMIInf of fclie southern Independent* In Washington. It Is reasonably sure that tba Democratic party in the south I* ICobpf to pieces. Patrick H. Winston. Jr., who Is tha moat popular man In I^MilfcOaralln with tha younf men. ftrtaally withdraws from the Demo- ' t"l>l<* ****3% and In a RIX! column letter Ms reasons for so doing. The It a powerful arraignment of . la looked upon as the to follow. The high sharaatar and eminent ability of ^ Wloaton will earrr great weight to the i Mtfttbi leans In the coming election, as •'4r&»• la proaonnoed by the Democratic |;1 IWrtf atone of Its highest stars. Deme- :.; . -; «rata throughout the state are ninclt dlaoomfltad by the letter, while there r ^ la rejateiag among the Republicans. «. fl^Tha aeplilstophelesof the Be- _%• publican party in New York. Ellis H. v*y$ Boberta.of the Utica iSTeroW, is at his >„ eld tricks. All the signs of the times -<£, • nam pafatlug'to Republican harmony - *mph« Slate, when Mr. Roberts j" ^aasurfNllttie geng of disoord la a tIo- L lent aati^Ulwart editorial. The ex. •\ ' ! eltlagaaafeef his anger was the elec- UN *f ex-genafr l'latt as a delegate JHMfcallatM Gearentlea from Tioga If It ha* eome to thta. that ai Mr. Piatt cannot be elact- tea te a State convention, :1fortt may as well be handed PfOKierata without a at rug- la.tobe hoped, .however, that at la email and will ti aaqftfelted by the common sense of tbe wing of the party to which t he be longs. Further developments will be awaited with special Interest*--later 0OM*. tgp"Aa America* journal in publish* Ing •tattrtt* avto tbb Immense quan- titles af land bald by Bnglish uoble- •senaad eebers In the United States, rbpairfs that Mr K. J. Keed, M. P.. «m»aoleaathaa SjOOOuMO acres; the flMfea ejlSatlMffiaad. 400,000; the Karl sfUMMiis. lOQtOOO; and the Earl of • 'IhNliihea. acres. Messrs. PhlK> Marshall 1 Co. own a farm of IJQOpBl acres; the heirs of Colonel Murphy, l.lOOjOOd acres; H. DlMon. 13,. and the Standard Oil IjBOOjOOO. It appears that •mi * territory equal to that, of Hew BaatpsiMre, Maatacbusettii, and' Whada fHaad oomblned. Then there are tha |nft railroad corporations, whoae free gifU of land from lavish Congresses anwinu to upwards of 200,- aetea. Eleven of these corpora- tlaMonly have received 190.000.000. aerea. Tbe Northern Pacific road had granta amoanting to 47^)00,000 acres, aad other grants made hive ranged IW| tfOOjKO aeres upwards. WSi i- ̂ HttA* tbe true Inwardness of the failure In Boaton la given to the to dearly ahown that Itad they bee« eeotent with legitimate proQu •^^»t have become vastly wealthy but Heir (ttle-er-rulo policy led them tot* veatavaa too large for them to carif through. They made money as MMoui tanners, aad. When their credit •ja good, attempted to corner the *>J buying np the bides. They W«rt aiifbbi to "bull the market** after !^?«C IV Aa»HMndous amounts, and wemoiaapenedto aell at a leas. Their MMl attempt was to ret control of the burioasa of tlie sonntry by buy- bark. They owned about % mimtu acres of land in Maine, thouaaud acres in New , large tracts In Northern a*f:Toik. Much of this land was only nenfiaelad for, and under tlie condi- tloaeaf tbe contract It will revert to lor. The«e facts are sufficient Why the firm failed. U Is hard ibojp any disaster to the « j « n t h . | 1 M l l negroea in Philadelphia murti aurprised the other In the button) of a well tenga*ed In digging. --their lunch, when • twin cloud of steam coin •ftln the earth, followed water. Tha water was before thev knew it •Mldliig. With the n. "Fob de Lord, wld dls watab out of the well lie in luced to .t iOXfllanation of the tlMt near the ««l) was a hole i|fier of a large engine alM Mie hot water trick' a looae rein of earth into In assuming any reapiiilbti dutj isflttlntthat Ity, state t» them wbat asMp he pected,«f him by reason of sueb tlon. : flavlag H^red m$ ^hree eoete yaata* aad the <««t third of fhe^twi to man.* without editorial* it will nolbaejKpecUdof mitt *«a»«^': on" to all tho noveltlea of tba «g«,wt|ai the tj^or of youth, but we ilw en­ deavor to fumfsh our column of Wood­ stock itetaa, with auoh matters o^newa aa tbe public intereat rt)all.aaem to ill* maad without the ettubeTHshment of •bade or volor. And that our oolunftt may prove newsy without gosaip we earnestly Invite all who take a|i inter­ est in such an enterprise to furalahpe with any ttemi that will tend to make it strictly a news column audi as the many intelligent readers of the PLAIN- DEAT.KR will delight to peruse. Politically our column will be as nearly neutral as a neutrally independ­ ent spirit will permit, reserving to ourseir tlie right to "speak out In meetln,n should the "spirit mov?." Having said this much we desire to oftsr as our debut by "hit or mlas'" items in regard to our very successful Fair, just closed, which has made lis ail, "young, middle aged, old, crippled and gray," so proud that we are citizens of McHenry County. And we will begin < with: CLASS »A" IAT 1--DtTBIUMa. In which Fred Hatch anil Prank Cole, of Barton, and Elijah Itowers of Richmond made a commendable exhibition of bulls, row#, lieif- ara and catvcs; and as the "Ked, White and Bine" fluttered on their many etails, the judges *ecm to have appreciated the efforts of these enterprising farmers to improve the stock of the conntrv, nnd as we viewed the shape, condition, size and comeliness of their noble herds and upon inquiry ascertained them all to hare descended from the most ap­ proved lines of this grandest of breeds, we could not bet second the verdict indicated by these several colors. We mast add that onT stalls, and in fact our grounds, notwithstand­ ing the vast multitude, had a vaceant appear­ ance without the herd ami presence of our almost life long fellow worker in the interest ofonr society^ Richard Wrajr. In Lots, Devoas, only one animal, a two year old heifer, was exhibited and as ihffbad no competition tbe Blue was awarded to her, as the property of Arnold Smith, of Dorr. In I.ot 3, Alderneys, Homer Wat ties,'of Mo- Henry, and Carrol Kingman, of Woodstock, were the owners, aad as the ages did not clash, all took Blue. Mo entries were made in Lot 4, Ayerahires. In Lot 5, Holsteins. R. W. Haeger, of Atgon- quin. was the only exhibitor and as his herd made a highly commenjable showing, as worthy representatives of a very worthy breed, his premium* were as numerous as his stalls. In Lots, Herefonls, Osgood Joslyn and Wm Sanford each exhibited a ball, bat of different ages. They therefore each received the Blue. This breed is in demand, and their crosses furnish profitable market stock, as all caUle dealers will certify • We eome now to the '"Color line," or Lot 6)f Polled and Gurnseys, In which Qmrge Abbott A SOBS made an exhibition tint wiH not hurt the exalted reputation they sustain as cattle raisers and cattle dealers. The Blue decora­ ted their stalls "all along tbe line." Lot 7.X. The display In grade and native Stock was good and was a mixture of Short horn Jerseys, Holsteins, Polled, Angus or Aberdeens, in which Parks, O. W. Brass. R. H. Haeger, George Abbott & Sons and Arnold D. Smith were competitors, and all will draw on our Treasurer for their awards unlessnmler a spasm of liberality they conclude to donate. Fred Colliton "Ailed the bill" to a •4T" in this class as superintendent, and the committee kneg-their duty and did it walL f|p-:1;I?«lJtae "B" LOTS 8 JlXD »--Hoasifk " f * : , A b e l D y k e . H o p * . . - ' • In ttiia class the <1 isplay was said to be the best erar cxhibite<l in this county, and LotsS •nd 9, while neither time nor spaee will per­ mit an elaborate reviaw we note Charles Dyke of Crystal Lake W T Palmar of Groan, wcod, Chas Willis of Dorr, Chapell aad Bon of Algonquin, WPJewettof Dorr, John Rey­ nolds of Hebron, Thos McDRichards of Wood­ stock, Henry Bigelow ef Seneca, P If Haff- maa of Nunda..K Peaee Crystal Lake, F Thomas of Cnry Station, John McLean.of Seneca, N Ballard of Evanston, Geo Earring of Richmond, It Heck;of Kichmond, W H Man- role of Wis G 8 Young of Chemung, Geo Owen Of MeBenrv, J Manning of Qoekford. N Hall of Woodstock, A Dyke of Greenwood, carried away badges of honor. In Lots 10, 11 and H; Frank Cole, Spring Grove; Michael Russell, Seneca; J Thompsrtn, Dorr; T J Disbrow, I s Soper, Alden ; Robert Forrest, HartHnd; Henry Harmon, Dorr; G F Dtirkee. Alden ; G 8 Young, Gbemung; F Col- lison, Richmond; J S Hart. Dorr; F C Sumner, Hebron; M A Hnbble, McHenry; A H Hanly, McHenry; R W Haeger, Algonquin; II Gor- ham, Dorr; Geo Davidson, Arlington Heights; A B McOonnell. Dorr; Rnius Thompson, Dorr; Geo W Eldredge, Richmond; G Bates, Alden, and a few others whose namea we were nn- able to get, carried away marks of distinction CUM w-ewaap. '> ' " Frank Cole, So perintendeaft. 0 . ? = I>»ts 18,14,15 and K. Frank Cole, Ed Tur­ ner, Spring Grove; John Long, Waukegan; L P Smith, «?ary; Geo F Dttrkee, Alden; F OolH- son, Richmond; E H Sewartl, Marengo; W L Glass, Hunt Bros., Hebron; J Eddy, Wanke- gan,and A B McConnell of Dorr were winners of prizes well worthy of their effects, ̂ and worthily won. CIASS swnra. : W. G. Conklin, Superintendent. Lota 17.18,1», -20,20^ and 2L Jas Parker and Charles Merchant. Greenwood; Arnold Smith and S O Gregory, of Dorr; Hunt Bros, and W A Baker of Greenwood; Frank Cole, of Spring Grove, and J M Cochrane, of Dundee, each made a good record in the prize list. The Hunt Bros, make the Poland China or Magie a specialty. SO Gregory and J M Cochrane sweat by the Jersey Beds, aad W'ABaker pars attention to Chester Whites. " CLASS roULTBT. L. Leidig, Superintendent. In this class C H Mer-sliant, (ireenwood; L Leidfg, Woodstock; Frank Cole, E G Turner, Spring Grove; Homer Wattles, McHenry; W G Couklin, Hartland; Chat Greene and Robert Bennett, of Richmond, took well merited prises. . cu^"f-ioRioci,TUBAL ransaiHTs. I. G. Chase. Sopt. Wo note in this department the pavillion of T J Dstey A Co., Woodstock, and the only way we can do justice to this display would be to get it photographed, This company were so busy with their numerous sales that no en tries for prizes weie made, and Tim says he prefers putting his prizes in his pocket in tbe shape of greenbacks, by giving attention to his sales and furnishing a satisfactory article than to spend his time attaching badges or ribbons. Tim's Wind Engine, Feed Cutter, Carriage*, Buggies, Wagons, l'lows, etc., etc. added largely to t»ie attrantionef the Fair. Miller t Sob, of Genoa. Wis., make a special­ ty of manufacturing farm wagons with broad and narrow tire, Pnaetons, Buggies and Car riages to order, and from their well eurne i reputation lor fair dealing, their work liuds a V :\;. • 5 & ill rooi ol tl y of 0» •- , of Wood. •IIIT. Simply be- te bnfto* e»«. saretoi will he i MrlL Lott& -Hi Mrs A I. fMU £0* Wheel- If ffae^saaay. Hkim^mpyWltl aad when IbaW it mi pN-CPLlWAaT. of m •m» y ... Mrs %'A iifertla, Btehards, " * ,ofW. stock; Mrs rWrsK Kaayp, HiM ^Ha Bllawerth. Hrl l At^y«l, r«mni*, «f 8oaoea{ Mra WS thoi <§d< 0«a(eiai inkeil wo* la i RMM^rtlac BAirolaa.1 ^ trvaii, |y,Whbiwar«Bot i Guam, of Dorr; Miss Laey «a»lth< Mn^ngo; Mtoa lira Wetoa and Hra Jeha « wktk, bf Hartiandi'nnd Mrs I)ell:8welt. of Woodstock, made a splendid display in variety, quality and quantity. Form and comeliness, made this department attractive, and we greatly fear had we been permitted to sample all that was herein exhibited our appetite would bate got away with us, and instead of writing as we now are we should have been laid up for re­ pairs, so tempting did tbey appear as taste­ fully p!aced in order by the artistic hand of tte-Superintendent. . ' . CLASS ,,Hn--4fi AXO 4fy(. ' A. Bourne. . , 4 , f, A t Beam, E Knapp, J T WoicoU, C O Par­ sons' and Bella Darreii, of 86nsca; J M Klchol and Mrs Thos Lawson, Woodstock i Andrew Murphy, Greenwood; W G Conklin, Hartland; R W Haeger, Algonqiiin; C F Dyke, Crystal Lake; W H Gregory, Derr; and Henry Mead, McHenry, made good displays Bnrt were awarded prizes In this class. Dlv. 47,48 and 49. A L Beam, John Rose and Jrnn Mills, Seneca; A Freeman, Hebron; A L Newssan an«l John Klein, Dorr; Andrew Marphy, O Garrison, C H Merchant, Green* wood; A Thomas, O F Dufleld, James Lloyd. T J Disbrow, M V Millet, S L Newman, A. II. Hanly, S H Lee, F Collison, J E Urahnm, F Cole, Levi Uoudry, F C Sumner, W G Conklin G B Grilling, James Cro v. C M Hughes, E II Took, W A Baker, Mrs Titos Lawson, .Thos Fits Patrick, A Thompson, James Lawson, J S Pierce and Wm Still made this department a success by tbeir splendid display. Jnmes Mills alone entdM any one man's effort at a State Fair; So say those who affirm themselves to know. CI.ASS * V--rtKR ARTS. Mrs. W. tl. Buck, Superintendent. Lot Ml Mrs H S Thompson's KmbrbUlererf Landscape was very attractive' and wonder­ fully tasty In its execution,and of course was adorned with the Blue. Julia Sheldon, of Woodstock. Lena Lennards of Harvard, and G Merrihcw of Elgin, exhibited specimens of Portraits which attracted much attention because tbey were so true to nature. Who that looked failed to recognize Mrs S 8 Gates, Mr and Mri A L Salisbury, Mr and Mrs Dr Northrop and tbeir son Charley, onr Represcn tative, the Hon C M Tryon. and DrBuck. There were other pictures by the saiue artists as well as by Mrs W A Baker aud MrsOdell* of Greenw.ood, all of a hich added to the at­ tractions of the gallery of One arts. In Penmanship and Pen-drawing, F W Streets and Ira Eskew, of Woodstock, and John Klein, ot Seneca, contributed to the at­ tractions and won piixes worthy of their efforts. In Oil Paintings Miss dura Owen, and Earl Mead, of McHenry, Miss Lonise Crow, Crys­ tal Lake, D W Downs, of Harvard, Miss Julia Newman, ef Dorr, found favor in the eyes of the multitude and in tho jqdgment of the awarding committlee, their pictures being in different Lots. Mrs Geo T Kasson exhibited a nice and attrsrtire specimen of "Feather' Flowers,"on wlii;h was placed the Blue. Miss Helen Snyder, of Greenwood, was awarded first premium for specimen of Hairw->rk, Miss Bertha Parsons of Seneca exhibited specimens of Permanship "by youth," hut we saw no ribbon attached, We regret our lack of room and time, nnd still more our inability .to do justiec to this department, and will only add that the specimens speak more eloquently than type or pencil, and we nope tc see these and such aa these with each returning season for B»ny years to cotne. ^ t v ;-«a.aSS"K"-M»T ^l./; "• - Mrs. H. M. Foote, Supt. Domestic Manufacture. And rifcht here per­ mit us to say that by attempting to particu­ lar!!* we shall only expose our Ignorance. Wo shall therefore only give the names of those who added to the attractions of this depart­ ment and tender to them our hearty congrat­ ulations and tbe thanks of the management *if the Board for the part they have takeS in making our Fair such, a glorious suooeas. And may these fabrics of handiwork by delicate, Indnsirioushandscontribute to the enjoyment and comfort of the futhers, hustands, sons and brothers of the manufacturers and so help to add to the attractions of home that no other place can tempt them to prodigality. And to all contributors who work to this end We add we verily believe your reward is sure. Mrs G L Sherwood, Mrs McFadden, Eliza Eckert, Mrs Thomas Lawson, Mrs J R Hyde, Miss Helen Snyder, Mrs M Dyke, Mrs E E Thomas, Mrs J A Mnrsh, Mrs Polly Hurd, Mrs T MOD Richards, Mrs N Beardsley, Mrs O F Dutleld, Mrs T McGliee, Mrs E C Kimberly, Mrs A A Mortin, M Pease, Mrs 0 M Beardsley, MreC O Parsons, Mrs Dell Swett, Mrs Barber, Mrs Maria Simpson, Miss Ella Burbank, Miss M Schryver, Mrs W U Gregory, Mrs Jeremiah Timpson, Mrs Lucy Smitn, Mra E Pease make up the list of contributors. CLASS "K"--LOT at-- FAHCr WORK. Mrs. Hanna Donnelly, Kupt. ' Here again the exhibition "surpassed ojar understanding," and merits the gratitude of the management to the'contributors, Mrs G L Sherwood, Mrs McFadden, Mrs Rose Down*. Miss Eliaa Eckert, Mrs C 3 Parsons, Miss |l Snyder, Mrs E E Thomas, Mm E M Owen, Mrs £ E Stone, Elss Delia Couse',' Mrs J K ft/da, Miss M Dyke, Com C Fry, Mrs Me LangtiHn, Mrs 0 H Merchant, Mrs O Garrison *fs B F Ellsworth, Mrs A Darreii, Julia Par. ker, Mrs S H Lee, Mrs R 8 Hen ion. Mrs A A Martin, Mary Rose, Mrs O HGilmorc, Mrs 'j L Wright, Nina Blakesiee, Jennie Donnelly, Ella Burbank, Millie Sehry ver, Mrs G E Bur- liank, Mrs L II Miller, SI Dyke, JjUmna Arnold Grace Owen, Mrs. L Smith. ' Cl.Agg •%"--LOT S3. r ! • Miss Addie Stewart, Supt. "Ulenls, Birds, Flowers, Natural Hlstfeiy and Miscellaneous Dsyartment. The exhibitors were Arthur Southworth, Carl Golf, Delia Couse, Helen Snyder, James Fouman, Mrs O Garrison, Mrs T MeGbce, John Lnmley, Mrs WG Conklin, MraB 8 Hart, Kattie Sullivan, F W Streeto, Lonise Crow, Mrs A W Smith, and Mrs Haas, who made the heart of onr worthy President glad by appearing upon the scene, though ata late hour, with so worthy, a display, and as the Bed, White and Bine were quite common the committoe remember­ ed tlicm. CLASS roil THS DEI'ARl'MEXT. Mrs. C. N. Webber, Supt. Lot MX. The Masters and Miasea are de­ le mined not to fitll behind, and tbe following list is a propbetie assurance that they pre. pose to keep up the McHenry County Fair when tbe present management shall be num. Itered among the things that were, and right well did the committee do their duty toward them. The contributors were Mister W New­ man, Liltie Nichols. Bertha Dyke, Dell Couse, Alice Webber, Jennie Thomas, Sarah Bern stein, Alice Kimball, George Bnchman, Nettie Berkley, Bertha Swensberg, Emma Itallou, Hattie Ballou, Lottie Renir.b, Miss Gorlinm. Mary Russell, Hester Forrest, Earl Mead Ltllle Ringland, Grade Pierce, Bertha Par- Joan Al.vuiic Giover, StvlU Hill, * V*' f , >•* * ? *4 ^ ^ , J r mm*. Bapt IntMO' fciteben, rlloiUnMi by theofa' oiJMW.^nrll|ai>«raaa A*D •ARPV, 1*. J. O«t«ll, 8up*. ; . : , Lot M and fift. la tM» we Barney 81m. mens, Q H I^mny, stnpaaaa#/ Wright^ Whltaen JkSoaand Stei^Kfaf, / The.-4lspla< by .eae^ wove good IMMI |helr fooda- willls aothh^ b^^la^itblbitio^ but baspsahitoirtl owners a .impede in the stove line aaedld weather apgmkinhes. At the Stores of onf neighbors, \^H^on on oue side and SMifbh the other can be found any sty.le ai^LyarlOty of Anything In their line. , "«"1" • ; c t a s s " F , , r - t o V « ' ; • . ? - W. Hi Buck, Sirperintendfent. MUslcat Iustruments, hewing Machines We saw one instrument and one Ot two sdw-. lag machines,4»ut saw neither entrf carda nori'ibboris. it Chicago gentleman and our own citizen, F M iftiitk^r, made fanciftiI dis­ plays of fanciful %hapo farteties,' Phi^ues, p t c . , w h i c h A i l d e d i n n o h b y w s y o f The Bicycle racos und exhibitions eute^ia^^ed the crowii, aiyl a4 adepts neither thoOilteago or Rockford Club neeil fear for theit- reputa­ tions The distinguished v isitoia wereuuner- ous, and U10 speaking of high order, Governor Hamilton, Governor Fifleldl - General Long. Hrcot, Hon E II Washburne, Hon Daniel Lit." tier and General Clark ECarr received Wfll- merited"applause, and may feel assured that their reputations or popularity, will not suffer on account of their presence ainon# tho farm­ ers of McHenry County, anij we feel it proper to apologize to them' that some of our citizens1 should have monoimlizeif Wmiich of vaiutHe' time in Introdtfcing thein. There were other distinguished gentlemen present, among whom we note the Stat*; Treasuier, State Auditor, Secretary of state,. Generals Torrence and Beam and the French! Consul at OMMkgo. We are infornied by »ocrotary Wright that the reccipta amoiint to lietween Ave and six-, thousand dollars, ao that «ur Fair may m pro-,, nouueed a brilliant success and to the man-1 ageihent will we "asofi be the honor,. glory, praise and power" of piaking the people so# that in no otlror way^ain our grand old county be brought to the front in reputation for in­ telligence, he^Ub, wealth, .peace nnd plenty as by these annual Fairs, and hope to see the •time when t-» attend tliera, to exhibit at thertt1 and patronize them in^yery way shall be tW rule of every citizen Nor will we forget to tender praise to our fellojy citizens who, notwithstanding, the hnrrying season, the beat nnd dust, have con- tributed so splendidly, so nobly and so grand* |f to this unprecedented success The citizen of Woodstock deserve great commendation for the p»rt enacted by them, and especially woold we, in belthlf of officers, patrons anil guests, tender (o Mr John J Murphy and fam­ ily for the very, acceptable and pleasing recep tlon in honor of oar distinguished (a etits, the gratitude of all. To the Military exhibition*,bpth officers and privates, are tbe management and" the paople greatly indebted, and the prizes awarded them were well iqerited. The muuic furnished by the Elgin Military band gave universal satisfaction,and the boys 'tooted" for theinselves a record of which tbey may well Ub .-proud. •' ' 11 '11 rfe ' .. 1 1 . ' ' , V.i nois. aiid Dolmaiis, my birds want of any or thocs i yen are sore to bo pleased. garaî it !. !<•>' f t If' US -Iff! , W'Egg* in their Season. c. w. Wauconda. ll®, Jkmg. etb, Horse Shooing, ceries always on hand. : WAGON AND^ Dou'tfail to ffive us a call and v Mli UiW ^nd th ou win i e quulity le convinced that of our Good? lin­ ts; tU «ti? « <:•'»« Mi- ••>*?» McHenry, III., PERRY & OWEN. ^.t (He Old Stand of Porry & Martin. in uwtf&fs trntfr J! I'ilf, • Admtniftriiter's Notics. ESTATE OF iindersi^nfli /ft;;- [lchnl Ryan, deceased. Tho if having been ap|iointed Ad­ ministratrix of tho estate of MichiBl Ryan, de­ ceased, late of the rountv of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby ptvee notice that she will appear before tho County Court of Mc- Herrj County, at the Court llonae, in Wood- stock, at tho November Term on the third Monday In November next, at which tune all persons havinjr rialms against said estate, are notified and requested to attend for the pur- pose of having the same adjusted. All per­ sons indebted to srtid estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated, this 3lst day of August, A. 1> 1883. MARY JiYAN, Administratrix. Live Agents Wanted. To sell Dr. Chase's Recipes; or.lufaraaslni for everybody, in .every cdbnty ln the uatte<i States aaflCanadakj.Miergeri by lb* pOMi " " " 5 > house..-- »a and eon- book to <48 pages. " It contains over 2,(W0 household reel pes and Is luiuit to all classes " -Sy. ditkm of Mwiet worderfnl it 1 to book lioutehold necessity. It sells at sight. Great' eot InduMments ever Sample copies sent bv tsens 1 A»PMI »all,Pa Exclusive territorjrglven A| doable their money. Address Dr. Chase'a Stesm.PHiuiiie Honse. Ann Artier, Mich. r 08Vred to boo* agents, mall. Postpaid, torilM rem Agents more than VntHy«afca?oaa«oisrXaw*o** Battles for the Union Bells on sight. mkSISX PVt. C0U \ F. O. Box A Philadelphia, Fa. Jv> 141-. if) "If THE "GOLDEN STAR" CASOUINle RANCG8. . Superior to Is rapidly sii- pei-sedinff Cook Stoves iiod Ran-' gc8 for bummer use. Call and see them. JOHN I. STOKY. McHenry, May 88df IMS. ! • - ' AN IMMENSE STOCKj , ' : : .it 1! . ' • • ( ! . rb-r ' ^tf. f » i,sl_ . l •' ' • ' • • .!'•*>*• if,f . -it , !<> U *'«' " «• " . f ' )•*•»& » ' < " • ' . .ft it'i (v. j- ̂ - u t r a " u , , 'Aim 1• I j«rT| t nti , TW»t7 . j'.'KW ; «. f '>• >'• • -- "i*.- i * toifJI J 'M i . th0i •tit- Illtnote, WOnld and the pn than ever * Mottoary, reaOoctfblly inform his nbiic generally that be ii ' prepared to do all vtHi enstaassra . isnow better work jn hia line. 1' -rrrm-v. »u a winter use, fe!-*' ft old reliable cash, house. We have toougfct an extra large stockphis f l̂l of very desir­ able goods. These goods were bought for grea^hargapL$. INsw. W. H. DWICHT. Cor. Main 8t and Publle 8quare, Woodstock, III. ',s'+ at J't'f • i wi.i :wi£lU irarm Tools, Uoo«ls Kinds I'rom •rAini vff- i" m m >,tr* •« %!yrrjmu?: :s« • '.utiWi* raiKl v 'w Vf£4F '=>M ri*A tf WE SELL THE Cetobrated Qolcton 9tar OIL ST0T1S sad BASSX8. Tlia best and safest manufactured. Have already sold S8 which speak for theuisolves. - 8TORY HcIIeury, May 23, m DiM Itun A- •&','!•* tit tti* t feM:. W-t" «,fijru lo " • '.*-v 1 • attd -1 mV' »:' 4 Ik i to the Drug: Store ii ; i f Minf* • s" llAvfn^ ft^fertiifhed tlfie (liferent Coltl use^ in all ttie different districts tributary to Wauconda, we can carry a stock which, in quantity, quality and variety, will be sufficient to promptly i upply Y --4,1 L-.1I-. ...I-.I.1L.-I X- ̂ your wants. You will also remember that this is tbe place to get bargains In Albums ot all kinds, Poeket Books, Ladlee Hi * ** Stationery, Cards, Music, Spectacles and Rattling Good FIVE CENT CIGARS; IsBHTBY ONE AND and Bin P?m f S » r ^ J* 'T<i ^ emm#, WONT FORQET IT. ^ F. B. HARRISON. ! REPAIR I1VG, Of all kinds on short notice. SSfGlve as a cull and we will please yon both in qnaiity and priee of work. - P. HAUPKRI8CH. McHenry, til., Auff. 7th, MS. STANDARD Preserves T.inen, give* a beantlfai intah l>rereiits thoiroa frost stlekinr, savee labor S !» Oixice, MjoirSlorekeeperteit MADE I1Y Standard Oil C«f. tunun -s.-i di\-CONTINENTAL HOOF OINTMENT, nr-- ' » 4S ••HffJ CURKfr ?' • , . •-# • . ; itii"' -' ho /»kyour Storetetfarfor it&r writ? dt get to the Manufacturer*. ' Tl AKXBIOAX L?l&ICASn*0 on. ct.. CLEVELAND - - - OBIO. WM. H GOW^|N [SOOOBSSOK VO «. V. OBOTBIBB] J . . 0.8. WAR CLAIX SOLICITOR AMD ATTORMErg ' Iy*r ' iprasee it rt-iiif - j'I - - against or forw Jeeted el are enclosed forjreplr, all will be-p^aaptty answered. r«3:i to. r». •P» '••Ji • h. i:.'. wora«N8X«9&> U-i i f ' . ) Referenees o *cbar- Uea. J. a 8mitb, gtate Tj ysrer ef Illinois. Hon. R Kllwowi, *. C. btb lit Dlsl. amore, III. SbaSwia. 8yc- ex-M. o. Mb III. Boa. JL OoL OftoU •'"•a. MUX* Dealers. ( Also buadreda of e$Mta.i aad Shoe I i,U.S. Marshal, Chicago, III - -- Vstskan Pres. Untoa vta, Asa't U. S. Attorney, Obi iwab AC fiSOM^T >b A Oa, Wholesale Boot. 111. aa* base nftrts- •m DONTYOU FORQET IT! M. A8A w.isam^ Waadatook, - p., Î SKM'N iW aviiilst damag«r2y a<rfa. rem Flra, Lightning* Wind Itarms, CYCUONE8 AJSD\TOaNADOm. , ; JPJrap sua postal_csrd aad I will Tlsit^a; call oa Mb and ! will write yon a policy, and wnen either or an *" *" meets deraatatee yo« be if yo will sareiy . 1 will not ffcrsake yon. ASA w. fiMrrn, W4 * -i. BfiflE '

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