Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Sep 1883, p. 5

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mmm •••••••*»«•.#-.• »jt?ijs *v* *V3"*^' ' ' >«rn» ** •&BcssV A*eat. MC.HMRY, III -Tv-ImMoxw *• jij**i«i VF. and A.M.-- jniiW tt> S»tttwl»r on er before the fall nt the noon and every tw» we«k« thereafter. CHA*. C. OofcWT, W. M. *<T»m*TjqiMBrrmiS'O.«RA. if --HE*U- ar flMVmi«N'lcniaR the mwicImU lonrth Fridays rtt cullMMh. v* ' v Airoitwmn.H.P. But Barb!an Brothers' Cigars. They are the beat. ^JOFIN I. STOST IS building an addi­ ction to his residence. SRR the new advert iseroene of Flanry fiolbjr. to he fonad In another place In this paper. FRANK KORKR, of Oil ft on. III., has been spending a few Kays with fttends In <iiis village. FRED TDTTIJI, a former McFlenry boy. ha« been renewing old acquaint­ ance* on onr afreets the past week. LINCOLN has changed his sign frem Ice Cream to ' Oyster*." He haa then i can or dish. JOHN B. KKNNKBKCK, an OLIL German Resident of this town, died on Monday tnornlng last. His funeral vli helibto- day, Wednesday. THERE will a dnciftl dance at the Opera House. Woodstock, en Friday evening of this week*. Sept. 98th. Tickets, only one dollar. WKSI.KT LADD has left on our table a Tomato that beats any tiring we have seen this year. It weighs one pound and fourteen ounces. MORTON A CIIAPKI.L HAVE AN Auction of a carload Of extra larg«cows, at Al­ gonquin. 011 Thursday (to-morrow), at 9 o'clock a. in. THB unknown p«r*en who has so kindly left vegetables at our residence at different times in the past two weeks, will please accept the thanks of the editor and family. W. A. ORISTT, of the firm of CHsty, tTalkcr & Co., has purchased the resi­ dence of E. Brssee, In thl s village, and (moved into the came. We d|tfc not 'earn the price paid. WE are under obligations HrC. B. Curtis for two very flue melons left at eur office last week. Also to M. Trrrel j for a number of heads of Hue cabbage Thanks. ; _ -• •- • • - A REGI'LAii Convocation of Mcilenry ^Chapter No. 34, B.A< Musons. will be lield on Friday evening of this week, Sept.. 28th. WorkOn the P. M. degree and or her business of Importance. '•AR' E. v. AKDEHSOK, H. P. W« had prepared a short Primer Wesson for this week, on a subject that will be highly interesting to some of our readers, but for want of time and apace we are obliged to leave it over Jttntll next week. - ! A. PAIIKKR ha* the car|»enterR at ork putting a new front on his build­ ing east of Mayes & Bartlett's store, and we understand when It is com pie t. «MI.cootemplates opening a Feed store lit • ' ' 'TICKETS have been Issued for a social Party at Grand Hall, Parker House, on Friday evening of next week. October ftth, N. E. Slocum's new or- ohestjra wiUJWi»tefa^jJUB music. With music aii'l a good supper, a good social time may be expected. IT 16 tlie wish of the parties who con­ tributed money for the purpose of building a n»w fence around |4ie Spring Cirove burying ground that « state­ ment of tlie cost of the same be titatle Rnd posted In a public place in Spring Hmv*. ON learning of tlie death-of Prof. 9 D. Baldwin, on Monday morning last the Public School In village was draped In mourning by the teachers and schol- urs in retfM&l to the memory of one .bora they had,,/rom long years of •tercourse. learned to love and respect. NEXT sabbath win be the last of the ; conference year at the Methodist Church ill this plan*. * Preach Jug-in Hie morning. At night, prayer aa#"pra1se ftrvloe, commencing at 7f p. Jftr* Pro­ bationers at that time will be received Into the chureh and. Che Lord** Supper administered. ^TH* Marengo Mfaubliean' Issued a Daily during three days ?f thelr.Fair lastweek. Uwas a neat,'clean and •rawsy little sheet, and does credit to |bo taate and ability of Brother Bab- jcock, who, by tlie way, both edltorlkly and mechanically,, Is an honor to the profession. .'... FROM M. M. Clothier we learn that |be entertainment by l&iWdge l*est rl, Hebron, advertised for Sept. 29^h, I* postponed one week, and will, there- fore be held on Saturday , October 8th. Tickets for the quilt-drawing are for i£kt» at B. W. Blossom's store. Wood- {, C. V. Stevens* ""store, McHenry. I at O. W. Outhauk's Xaws Store, ft Harvard. THIS 8ucoess of the experiment of ing a cannon and ringing bells by (•graph. In connenctioii wltb tho tpletlon of the Northern Pacific, ;wts to the , Boston Herald the adful probability that some lover of tiolse wiU organise a Fourth of July :lebration all over the country, to be id from a common eenter. Great loctrlclty. Go to Mr*. M. Schumacher's for Will- ry, Drc«* Making Mid Fancy Goods, Roller Process, and intended to havf written something In relation thereto this week. but unavoidable absence from Home tho flrsl {jars of tli- and crowd of othei (natter has made it necessary fir m to postpone it «ittll next week. MAKitiKik--At the residence of the bride** tathur. In Mattel, on Thursday. Sentember ».18*3, bj tho Rev. S. C. Hay, Mr. Milton Jt. BMiMi, or OMn«n, aau MIm Minnie C. Swmrti daughter of John Stewart. Esq., if scueoa. , Sir. Richards la an efficient and trust­ ed clerk in the Chicago pest office, and has many warm friends in this county, who wilt wish him a pleasant voyage on the sea matrimonial. PEOPLE are beginning to purchase fall supplies. Many are undeulded as to where they will buy. A glance at an advertisement iu the newspaper often settles the question Instantly. Many times an advertisement suggests a want which otherwise would not be thought of or realized so late that the. proper puruha*e would be deterred to another season. Those who seek pub- He patronage must gain public atten­ tion, and that la done by reaching tlia people through the iiewspa|»er that everybody reads. A word to the wise --aud PI.AIM DEALER advertisers are wlae--• Is sufficient. AT the Methodist church oh Friday •veiling, Sept. 38th, will be held a basket social and entertainment. Every lady is expected to bring a basket, and all gentlemen are expected to buy. All arc Invited to attend. Following Is tlie programme for the entertainment, te commence at 7:3Q: • 1 Voluntary . ... MraJJVasey t I'tiet ... <M*j..]lrait«i Mr» <1 O BtgeU»«r I Prayer.. 4 Refilling.i....: .......Mr* Fanny 1teck,\rith 5 s»n)i .Kuth Sherburne « Rci itatton........... ChatOften 7 Duet.... B«lieCMI>f and Clara Wright' 8 Recitation Ir^-auk Martin 9 Holo Mis Julia Kisln»n 13 Reading ' Kred Colby II Trio Mr* BUhftpt Mr and Mrs RiifeUMV 19 Reading ...Mia N S (Julitv IS Dnct Frank and Carrie Martin 14 Reading...... I C Biirelow 10 Ti-io Mrs Biahop, Mr and Mr# I5i;<el»w 10 Reading..." Stella Itcckwitli PKKORDKR COMMITTKB. . THK entertain me lit aud ba<ket festi­ val at RitiffWood last Friday evening, proved a success In every respect, Tlie singing of Itself was, as some have said Worth going a considerable distance to hear. While all did well, &l-r. and Mrs, Blgelow, Mrs, B!*liop, Mrs. Gorton and tlie Mines Ladd particularly, enter­ tained the audience. Too hi^h praise cannot be given to Mi«s An.lrus. Her 'uiannerand style are both pleasing and Cannot fail to Interest. She has many friends In Rlngarooif who will be glad to hear her again at any time, and it Is to be hoped she cau be secured In the near future to givoiisan entertainment for her own Interest, as she has so gen­ erously responded when called upou to aid in the Interest of others. THE excursion to Milwaukee on Sun­ day last, was J&iue>l h?re by about thirty, which would have been swelled to one hundred, Irtd there been a pos­ sibility or even getting a cbanoe to sit on the door. The managers of tlris excursion made two serious mistakes. Oue was in not providing cars enough to comfortably pake the paasenjfers, and anoilier Waa in not living up. to their a*lvertlsed price. They advertised to carry passengers fioin Mcllenry to Milwaukee ami return for 82. but more titan half froii) this place were obliged t4t pay #2.*25. There was evidently a PCrew loose somewhere. To be sure twenty-live centa is a small amount but the principle isjust the same an tlHMigh It were as many dollars. A«ide from tlie lit 1 In a<iiu>yancc.« mentioned, and a lew turbulent spirits, who were full of spirits ai-d are alwnys a nuiaance wherever they go. the excursion >vas a vory pleasant afl:iir. ^ j| THE nnlooked for' newii Vii tbe :d$f|h of our worthy aud esteemed County Superintendent, S. D. Baldwin, sad­ dened the hearts of his many friends in and around Algonquin. Steps were immediately taken to pay respect in an appropriate manner to his memory. The School was placed in being heavily draped, and decorated with an unusual display of beautiful flowers, furnished by the pupt 8, and, as we hurredly pen these lines, other preparations are being made, to man­ ifest the grief of Ills friends, their sympathy with the bereaved family, and tbe profound respect In which Ills memory is field.. On Tuesday afternoon, the day of his funeral, the regular exordia were dis; oehsed with and short addresses we're made by the. teachers and others. In respebt to ills trfsmory. *• •i ' AtGOWQCiir. 1 * : the above anhoiiiiceui«nt was ilt«iti>eot«diy revived on j u*of !•?•>»; !» cs«l a»!i!e«( over car awiis* community, an.I In short thronglioiit the entire county, as but few men, either in public of private life, were more honored ami respected than PROF. S. D. BALDWIN. lie was taken sick on llie 0i|i lust^ and Itls fever assuming a typhoid form, was very severe, he being delirious nearly all the time until the day before l»«» died, Saturday last his symptoms were more favorable, and it being the fourteenth day. hopes were entertained that the fever was breaking. On Sun­ day morning he Was not s« well, being delirious much of the time, yet recog­ nizing his brother who was attending him, and appearing to kilew much that was going on, particularly wheu spoken to. Durtug the day bis respiration in­ creased to 53 H minute, aud Indicated passive congestion, as be was so low that tiiey^couid not get up circulation enough to overcome it. Consequently congestion of the lungs was tlie imme­ diate cause of his death. He continued to sink during the day Sni dav, and passed away at about 4 O'clock on Sun­ day afternoon. S, D. Baldwin was born I11- Green­ wood, Mcilenry County, Illinois, March 7tli, 1850. He was raised on a farm and received qnly common school privi­ leges, with the exception of six months iu Miiton Academy, at Milton, Wis. Il« began teaching the winter of 1867 and has tnught continuously since, for the past eight years being Principal of the Mctleury Public School, a«d under tils Charge our school was brought from al­ most the lowest |o tbe highest standard of any scheoi in Mcllmry County. Iu tlie fall of >882 he was elected by an unanimous vote to tlie office of Comity Superintendent Of Scl^ols, and although h« has held this responsi­ ble position scarcely a year, he had In­ augurated a system that would, had he been spared to carry it out. have been of untold benefit to the educational in­ terests of our county. Ills zeal In his school work,his efforts to Improve the teachers and schools in t he county, aud his labors in the Institute lately held at Woodstock, (which was pronounced by the best educators to have been the most successful ever held iu this part of the State) Induced the run of fever and capped hi* death. He was natur­ ally of a robust constitution, and sure­ ly the picture of health, but the men­ tal strain was too great, and the grim messenger stepped Iu au1 a good and noble man has gone, Tho funcra) was held in tliO Baptist Church at Greenwood, on Tiwsday af­ ternoon, Rev. IK D. Otlell officiating^ assisted by Rev. Mr. Happel, Rev. Mr. Adron aud Re* . Byron Aldeii, and was ona of the largest gatherings of .tho kind .we ever saw in Mcilenry County. Sympathizing frien<1s were present from Mcilenry, Richmond, lleb'ors Woodstock, Harvard, Crystal l^ake. Nunda and AlgoiKpiiii. 'IJhe J!>Icn<*firy sctiool was close<l, and, wl h <i»e prliic':* pal, J. A. Sheldon, at tended the fu al iu a bpdy. bringing raft; and beau ti ful floral ofleriiigs to »tfttv ti|w>n bfs grave, as a last tribute they'had so dearly loved, boili as a teacher and a« a nvan. , Tlie services at the ilnirch and at tho grave were both solemn and impres sive. Mo iths lieferobis death, when himself and four brothers happened to meet at home, all In the heHof health, lie made the remark, that if lie. should, by any act of Pr»fv,id<*nce, be called Nway firs', it wa.« his nri«h that hit» four brothers should act as his pall bearers. And Incompliance with thjit request these four loving brothers performed that sad duty on Tuesday afternoon last. Although something unusual, it seemed to its peculiarly beautiful and appiopriate. The singing was by the Mcilenry Choir, of..which' Mr. Baldwin hadouce been a member, who rendered so'iie very appropriate and impressive pieces, after which the remains were followed te tho Grsenwood Cemetery by the large concourse of p-ople pres ent. * Mr. BnMwin leaves a wife and five small children, au aged fatlier and mother and four brothers to mourn bis early death, who have the heartfeifa sympathy of all ill this, their hour of affliction. R«part ot Woodland Ceineterjr. The societjr has recently finished its third term, During tlie past six months it has held four buslnear Meetings and given two entertainments. Tlie officers elected for the present term are as fol­ lows: President--Mrs. John 1. Story. u Vice President--Mrs. E. GriswOld. Secretary---Mrs. Julia Bishops Treasurer--Mrs. T. J. Walsh. Muss BEIXK STO»D*BD, SecJj Report of Treasurer of Woodland Cemetery Aid Society, from March SS, 1883, to Sept. 30,1883: RECfctPTS. 1383 Sept as May K Roeelved from ex-Trea» ISJ <3 Dountcil by Osmond Hale « <*» Reeelvcft from enterlAtnineiil... H'w Donated by Mr» England 1 •• w «• by R Biahon J®1 '• SB " by Heery Colby los Jnly S «« tw MraMeFlW.... •• W Received from eoneert 80 W Total Reeeipte 'EXriKDITCBES. IK} Mar IS Paid Joe Welch for fumUhlag , awraeti ing hitching po»U •• » - is Paid O T Parker, letfof areh.. *«o •• ia •« for postal cards » « w •« N OMs.raking <M«etery.. 6 00 " 14, " Mr l^ieitRen, pataMag S7& June M * -f D flatter, now'g, r»king « «o ** 28 -- K Perkins, leeereaa^ .. .. 400 SS h H B Wighunaa for halL ... soo " sr " Moving taMee to tall 30 Jnly is - •• Kxpenfes for eoneert 7 90 Sept 14 " KD flatter, mow'g, raking 1W Total Cxpeeditures ..Ml 75 Balaiiee in Treiun|gr Sept. 10, tW3......«U67 Mas. T. J. WALSH, Tveaa. THB following letter from N". S. Colby, who la with the party who started from here about two weeks ago with ten cars of sheep for Montana, will be of iuterest to our readers: BILLINGS, M. T.. SKPT. 18,1883. EDITOR I'LAINDEALBR:--We arrived her* on Monday morning, six days af­ ter leav|ng McHenry. Had a ti'ie run through^made express time when run­ ning. We parsed many very heavy grades thrt would seem almost unsur- niountable. The engines are very large ami have a wonderful capacity of strength. The air here is most health­ ful, and tlie eye can penetrate beyond i! conception. The Big Horn Moun tains are plainly in sight, with their lofty snow caps that look like thunder- pillow cloiule beforo an »pproaclting storm in our counn'y; The Yfllow Stone river here is most beautiful, with deep dear water, and many rapids. Also the high olevation on its banks on either side, towering some 100 feet or more, nearly per|>ei;dicular. are wild iu the extreme. We .left McHenry with 1,954 sheep aud arrived here with the loss of but six; tlie rest in fine condi­ tion aud ready for the Ranch. This afturnopn we start them for their fu­ ture bOme, 25 miles north on the road ruunittg from Billings to Fort Benton, wliich Is located #00inlien to the north. On our return from the Ranch we ex­ pect to go to Yellow JStone Park, about 160 miles by railroad or 100 by private conveyance. Have seen some tine trout tisl: this morning^ esMgbt from the Yellow Stone herer ,1Eb«;Weather here to-day ia very warn, too iwiah so for comfort. You may hear fn|Ma mo again in the future If opportunity»«ords. N. S, COLBY, What would tlie County Fair have been without Riehnmnti exhibitor!?, Cimrley Ortxu'i; r««wla took flrsi |»rcmiuin at the county fair. II. Hlck'i* 3 ycar-old mare came home from the fair with a premium 1 ibbou. New ministers preadw'd in the Con­ gregational and Baptist churches last Sunday. ? ; Since the lailf we uotlc^ that OFeorge Kldredge's trottiug (Mate w«|^f . the blue ribbon. • Dr. Brown has rented a portion of the residence of Ben Martin and has moved froOi the Sklnkle building. The dance at t he Culver House last Wedi^tor evening came of! as per att- tiouiic«niW|, and was as usual, a pleas­ ant ufla' A. P. Gray took five premltims at the coimty fair: 1st on farm* wagon, 1st on phaeton, 1st and 2d on Tlmpkiu spring buggy, aud 3d on truck wagon, J. R. IIydo's Black Cochin Fowls, ex­ hibited by O. Green look first premium at the cour.ty fair, and Frank Cole's on Plymouth Rocks. R. C. Bennett's Light Brahma fowls again took first premium the Wood­ stock fair. The prise pair will be sold lor <7.00 if taken soon. He haa plenty of A No. t birds for tale. MtHik« of York" strain. s John Cairns has bought the 80 acres near Hamlin Fenner's, known as the "Mason Farm,** for the sum of #4.800. Sixtj dollars per -acre seems to be a big price for land, but that, and more, is what sellers get In this 'Vicinl ty. -- Frank Mead ouglrt to be satisfied with lifes success at the County Fair, He had at Woodstock line specimens of his work and took a premium 011 every one of them, tfo sltop In the west turns out a btttar waAAtt op pacrlagc than We are pleased to note that Aaa W. Smith assumes cliarge of the PLAIN- UKALKR'S Woodst<K>k Department. In such hands the fugitive local history of the county Sea*, may safely be trusted. We wish the ne%v histori^M Of tbe fu­ ture abundant success. One of our farmers informs us that of 40 acres of corn planted by liitw this season. 38 acrea were planted to the Nebraska corn. It stood 12 to 14 feet high when the frost struck it aud was not iret out of tltt. milk Slsge. Tlie whole 38 acres was entirety mined for any purpose except damaged fodder. The loss is estimated at $500. The panuting of Nebraska seed has been an expensive experiment to a large uuni- ln>r of farmers In Noriheni llHnoU. A very warm ami long senso*^ might ma­ ture it in this latitude, but in an ex- Lvptloniilly cold the. one pow closing, it is a sad t^ilurc aniil disai>- poiutnient. MARIUAC.K BKLLS;--A happy? CO^ pany gathered at the residence of f). Dennisou on' the evening of Sept. 18th; the occasion being the m*rr!«,? e of his daughter, Klla, to Mr. C. K. Abbott, of I.ake Geneva. The ceremony was per­ formed by the Rev. Grover </. Clark of Richmond, aud Mr. and Mrs. Abbott took the trals nstt morning for Chica­ go and other points. The florW deco­ rations were fine and the wcddlng'Sub- per faultless Mr. Abbott was for a time a resident of Richmond, being in tlie jewelry business here. He is now engaged In the same business at Lake Geneva, where will be tlie home of the ' newly wedded pair. The bride is a lady of many accomplish me nfs, aud will be much missed In the society here. 'Congratulations^ . j.Sttii V, Aiilrlch. R. Alexander. sssaafSseBfe taking a ||̂ ^n Mr. and Mrs. al iw»r »«•**»«» " « a|Oi1ieUtif t|V 'P,V Come to tb* great Remnant sale a Fitsslinoionfl St Kvai*»on's. begi * Sept. 27th, Thursday morning. Richmond Market At a meeting of the citlaeua of Rich­ mond aud vicinity. called for tlie pur­ pose qf organizing an association and establishing a Murket Fair, John C. Smith was called to the chair* A com­ mittee which had been appointed at a former meeting to preeeot a plan of organization submitted tlie following, which was unanimously adopted : WHEREAS, We, the citlzenaof Rich­ mond aud vicinity, being interested In establishing a ready sale for miscel­ laneous farm stock, products of all kinds and implements of Agriculture, and believe the holding of a Market Fair fas often as hereafter shall he agreed upou) the most practical mode of promoting such iutereat, therefore be It Retolved, That we form au organiza­ tion the better to eflect said objcct by electing oue Superintendent and three Assistant Superintendents, a Secretary and Treasurer. The ratne of this organization shall be The Richmond Market Fair. It shall lie the duty of the Superin­ tendent to preside at toll nn-etings. If present, or one of the Assis:ant Super­ intendents In his absence. It shall be the duty of the Assistant Superintendents U* prepare and take charge of the grounds, and erect suita­ ble pens aud sheds and posts for tbe use of pat rous. The duties of Secretary and Treas- urer shall be the same as usually per* tain to their respective offices. Tlie officers elect shall constitute a finance committee. Their term of office shall expire on the electiou of their successors. It shall be the duty of the Supariu- teudent to call a meeting each year in December for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year. It shall be the privilege of any person to exhibitor sell, either by private saie- or auction, as he may deeui best, any animal, farm product or agricultural implement free ot charge, provided, if by auction, the seller* to pay expeuse of auctioneer. may become a member laiiou a>>d entitled to by paying the $eoigB- jojfini of one dollar to ISM fit of Market Fair, p ilous may be changed at ^rOlf of • majority of mem- Supt.--J. R, llyde. • h -. • viiiV ihi^Von, Wednesday, O^Job^f 17, was made the da*e for tha first t Fftlr of the A^.nciation. I?• lately rceeived a sample copy a oewspasper pnbllshed' In OtiU| claiming tn be "A Joprnal of Home Literature." We have aaid publlcajtion that we might ju« fairly of Its merits as a journal for home circle, knowing tlM|t:Otily tnre of the purest and hlpbost chara should ever enter tliat ^i^i<?d rtt While most of the departments of the paper a-e well enough In their way. tins "Poets Co rue rw;Jtor«3 that . tb»f have g«»t a poetry tho**' ill Ohio who is fully pwle--or. if he Isn'tNils |»etry certainly Is, Ills name is Van Sickle. Let not his sonsitivo cheek bnm be­ cause we give his name to that fame which slmuld reward trie genius like his. We do tint give tlie samples of his vem*. which follow, because we expect any of our readers poetically ihcllned can ever hope to attain to such sub­ limity of thought ami faultiessnosa of versification, but that thalr vearning hearts may be ennobled and chastened by contemplating and longing after the Unattainable. Van Sickle's first theuie Is ol tli« picturesque aud nobHl Aoterl- cap.Aboriginal. Rend: THE RED MAH. »T VAK SI^KLK. Tkelted Man was the brave Mil Id of Nature, In the wild forests he loved to roam; A gloomy, restless, euspicious creature, Yet enjoyed rnde^sports in his forest home. The Pale faces searched out his secret hnnnt They drove him away from his hunting groisndi),* Cleared the forests and increased his want*,-- Robbed of lilwrty--his misery abounds. Who shall henceforth venture to say tlutt the lied Man lias no poet to vindi­ cate bis- fame! Poet Van Stckli»*s next theme Is "Nature." Ills closing llftes aY« too Inchl and too essentially too too to be omitted, though the reader may shud­ der at the thought of the cataclysm that must ensue when Niagara's scenes of great renown eventually all must •ratable down! Brandenr, l>ennly and tnbVinii,tyt Kvor hrtnfflng irieasnres new; * I,o\>ly scenes of great iiillnity, x lnvariiilily prewnt themselves p* view., Iltagara's scenes of jrrct renown, Kventually all must crumble down. But Van Sickle almost out-vanslckles Van Sickle when he tacklcs the moon. We regret that the PLAINPEALHR'S press cannot bear Miestrain of printing the whole povin at once, but we will give as aiHcii aa the bed And platten thereof *r|ll stand, although we omit 12 stanafasa/mofflequal to the ones quoted: THE MOON. BT VAK SIOKI.R. Thou lovely orb which rule* the night* And proilnces, Iu part, tho tines; Thongn in your splendor, much lets brivht. Than the sun which aid the spring tidete O Moon, satellite of tho F.aHh, ' 'V'" That effects llie weak minds of men. In thy unproductive »tJ»to of dirth Shilling as tivlsthily as you can. Once a part of the old Rtrth no >. ys:'t AIHI «mun<l «W I'lnto* -»i i In itwenlv-seven days, or wl»ont; ! The time from one moon to n not Md, ; ' Tour phases present rarions scenes te vlW, And some that arc very novel; •>"" ' Varying conatantlv from old toneW,M i- As around 0I1I Dulo you travel. And thus aronnd the old Kartli slie goes, fasting through tho saino phases; Revolving through Iter orbit--who knows lint that she will continue for ages. •The fiarth. Evidently Tan Sickle's head lias been snakod iu'lhe dews of Parnassus^that mono tain sacred to Apollo and the muses, and perclianc*, too. Ids Hps have been laved by the waters of its Calsal- iaUjSpriiig. "I WfM " I,.' ' • '3- GREENWOOD. ' '7' EIHTOR PLAINDRALKR--Seme of the tow unpeople are hatding coal for win­ ter use, Joe Gage and family, of Darlen, Wis., were in town a week slqce. It escaped mention in our last. Mr. Rome Fay vldtedat W. Wester- man's a few days last week. Joe Garrison moved to Woodstock last week, where he will continue to reside, at least for some time, Mr, Wm. Storrs, of Standing Stone, Penn., is visiting at A. Stevens'. Mrs, Margaret Curtis,of Storm Lake, Iowa, a sister of Wm. Blghain, Is visit­ ing at his residence in thi6 village. We understand that J. A. Baldwin lias removed from Evanston to Chicago. This week Joseph Dawson retuns to Rush Medical College, in Chicago, this being tils last term. » M. W. Montgomery and wife, of Philadelphia, sn visiting at James Beatty's. Mrs. KMzabiiflrFre'einatf, of Klrwln, Kan., is visiting her pareuts, Mr. and Mrs. Hart. Mr. C. Marble still continues to make improvements, lie is now biiildiuga hen-house, or something of that des­ cription, We believ£ lie calls it an iuqubator. or sometliiiig vjsry like, and is to be heated by stea<p, fiirulsited by a box stove. Roller skating may be ail well enough but when a fellow falls down, bumps his head, smashes his nose, and gets a blacl^eye. we fail to see where tluv fuu comes in. How Is it? A nunilwr of Greenwoodites attended the exposition and state fair this week. NEW FALL MILLINERY < AT MRS. NICHOLS, The latest notions In Fashionable Millinery just received. Hats. Plumes. Tips, and Birds, In all tlie new shades. Also a full line of Fancy Goods. Croat Remnant Sale. On Thursday. Friday and Saturday, Sept. 27.28. and 29 we will open a fine lot of Remnants In different varieties of goods at one-half and two-thirds of regular value. It wilt pay you to call. COftte early. This sale is for Cash only. <PlTZ3IMMONS & EVANSONV TAKE NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves in-' debted to me are requested to call at the old Frett Meat Market, near the bridge and settle the same at once, aa my books must be closed. 4m. iL ffajtuiuot . • MeHenry,Sept.ttth, r. . i J- : - .... : 4-' * * ^ .if1 V . <t' li.. Wt: 1 of Mt however been jiVMiieiMiritntar, tlrm in his OOBVIC- too radieal to be nni- .... . ^ warmly rat pec ted by hia luttmi tofMeiKl* • W e hear that J . f. Honey intends eniargrlng his house by adding two large wings. Mr. nnd Mrs Joslyn.ot Marengo, are visit­ ing at tlnsir Rtther's. H B tlurritt, Ksq. Mr, and Mrs. R. K. Dujri are in town. Jolin Orev JS tmtinx ia thn Mate Kair at; Chicago. Paring his abseucc Henry Htrri* handles trie riblmns. In spite of the unfavorable weather Satur­ day evening, a goo»l company attended tbe feir at the 4ltd Hotel. The ladle* were fortu­ nate in scenting the services of Mr llurritt to at^tlon off tticlr goods, in his usual facetious style he disivosod of every article oflTermt him and then called for more. " Klve <|uilts Were sold by lottery, and yielded a hnndsoine sum tor the church fund. The ice cream was.--web U was/:/«r ice cream. On the whole the f iir may doubtless tat .let dowu a# a tiuancial as well as social success. John Pwtt liss six potatoes whtch are well ealculHted to set a Gilifornian to lyittg--or, that is, to telling about the crops they raise ia his country. The tuher weighs 1 lb. and IS onnc,e«; from th-it tlicy run down to little fellows ol only about a pound aud a half each. Without presuming to prophesy, we nevor- theleig en-ongly tuspuut that one of our esteemed brother scrims will be prayctrfullr searching tor tall (iuiier in the near future. Certainly if the other fellow discovers the scribes identity explanations will be tn order. Hamilton K. Eldredgo Post C.A.1) IS I, Hebron. At Uidon Hall, 7:;i0i\ M.. October 6th, 1883, will sell by lot one bed quilt, via.; Each member of tbe Post will piece one block of the quilt with Ids own hand and print ills name there­ on, and each comrade's wife or lady friend will also prepare a block In like inannerWith name--each and all to prepare their parts without compari­ son. and strictly attending to the mak­ er's tRSte and design. The qui it h to be quilted by a committee of Hebron ladies, and by them the quilt will be moulded into form. There wiilnlso l>e a basket lunch,each lad? bunging with her a basket with rations for two. Tickets for hiiich will be sold at twen­ ty-live cems each. Tickets for tho guilt will be twenty-five cents. The entertainment will be varied by songa, declamations and instrumental music, with select reading by Mrs. K. M. 11, CogKin. a Boston reader of marked ex­ cellence aud power. The Hebron Mil­ itary Baud la always with the soldiers. All are invited, old aud young, aiul a special invitation is extended to com­ rades of neighboring posts, their wives and daughter*. The proceed*, over expenses, will go to the Poat Treasury, mainly for the soldier'* monument ,fuud. By order of ? ^ _ M. M. CI.oTUiKR,Com. e CltAS. W. CAKTBR, Adj't. Auction Sale. * rtitt kell at Public Auction, on the premises known as Nortbrup's Mill, 2} miles west of Rin^wood. Tuesday, October 2,1883, commencing at 10 a. m. sharp, the following described personal property, via.: 7,or more. Fine Cows, 1 2-year qld Short Horn Bull, 5 Calves. 1 yearling Bull, good blood, several head of young cattle, span Twin Mules 12 years old, 1 gray Mare, with foal by Clydesdale, 1 bay Mare, 12 years old, 1 Colt. 6 months old, 10 choice swarms of Bees, 1 set Sleighs, Ti averse, 1 good farm or rond Wagon. 1 Single Buggv, I Platform Buggy. I pole for Light Bug- gy. 1 New Corn Cultivator, 1 Diamond Cultivator. 1 two-shovel Cultivator, 1 Jlidiug Plow, 1 McCormfck Mower, pearly new, 1 Scraper, 1 Horse Rake, tiearly new, I Iron Bar and Post'Ham­ mer, Hoes, Shovels aud Forks. 1 Har­ poon Hay Fork. 1 choice liny Knife, 1 Corn Marker, 1 set Double Harness, 1 Light Single Harness, 1 Sand Sieve and 1 Fanning Mill. 15 cords stove Wood.l Log Chain, a quantity of Potatoes, 1 Peerless Hay Rake, 1 set Bob Sleigh», 1 old ..Sibley Wagon, 1 Ox Yoke, aud household furniture. Including beds aud bedding and many other articles too numerous to mention. TEUMS OF SALIC--All sums under $5 cash; over that sum a credit of four moot lis' time will be given at 8 per eent interest. 5 percent oft for cash. There will be 110 by-bidding, tne sale will be. fair and positive. Remember the day and the hour--Saturday, Sept. 29, at 10 a. m. FRAXK F. CotJtilJi. Per M. M. CroTiiiKK, with power Att'y. GEO. II. STEWART, Auctioneer. The Great Russian Remedy. Russian Liniment is a sure oure for Rheumatism. Neurilgiu. Diphlheira. Toothache. Karaclie. Sore Throat, sore­ ness of the limbs. Ulcers, Sprains, Burns, contractions of tlie Muscles or Joints. Chilblains. Inflammation. In severe eases apply witli a cloth wet with the Liniment aud leave on over night. For sale by all druggists. C. DICKINSON A SON, Barrington, 111. . Solo I'roprietors \\\f ;5;:.;,,:;For Sale, On account ot sicknesa the under­ signed offers the following property for sale on the most reasonable terms: One span of uiatclico Mules;gentle aud well broke tn every particular, 1 Spring Wagon. 1 Farm Wagon, and 1 new Grain Drill. Will sell cheap for cash or good ap­ proved note.or will exchange for cattle, hogs. etc. Call at once and I will give you a good bargain. MMON MlCKLKS. Johnsburgh, III., Attg, fitli, l$& ' House and Lot for Sale. I oiler for sale my House and f<ot. Situated in tlie village of Mcilenry. on the West Side. The bouse is nearly pew, is in tlrst class repair, newly painted both Inside ami out. and is one of llie most desirable re»idenc>s iu the 7llhige. Good barn anil out houses on the premises. Will be sold reasonable If applied for at once. For full par­ ticulars inquire of F. K. Granger, at Mcileury. - „ E. v. andkrsmm, M. H, McHenry, Jane Hltli. IS<t. ^ S-t~ MRS. K. W. HOWE Has just received a full stock of Fall aud Winter Millinery. Fancy Goods, etc., to which she invites the attention ot the ladies of McHenry and surround­ ing country. We have tlie latest styles to be found In the city, and prices, as usual, will lie as low as good goods are gold anywhere. Call and examine my stock. MRS. E. W. HOWE. A full line of the jus;lv celebrated •*?«*• «! * !* T. •kl'IFEIL. .VJSS Go to Mrs. How«*a foe Mil Dreasniakln^. No trouble to rlwiiE |nwb m question® at R. - - F.irfiif Bells cheap, al Jobn I. Story* Building Paper, ebeap, at Jfohn 1M Story's. . . . Buy the Estey Orgau If yod want tb«l best. O. W. Owen. Mcilenry, Agent. A tine assort :u«-nt »»t very fine ite iron Ware at Johu i. iJioiy"*. Tlie •'Boss'* Barrel Churo at rfotin STOR*'8- 3 City reside net* for A pply U». Asa W. Smith, ffwidMock, 111. The celebrated uiaaotl t.^irpet for 92. The best thing .in the. ...marwel^SjS at Jubn I. Slorv's. - Lumber Wagons, .\llla± Wagoua, Plot' form Spring Buggied for uSte'st Bishop's tiartftOH»p. , t» Fishing Tackle of all kimWat M. Engeln's, In Howe's Block, near t new Briilge. • The finest line of Silver, and Ware to be found iu the comuy, at O, " W. Owen's. „ : An elegant liue of dreaa buttona ami trim in inga always to tie found at Henry Colby'*. k? • •• • • . „ - • ;i „, CORSETS.. ~ >*, A full line of Dr. Warner^ in several styles at Perry A OwtB't, Madam Mctitw Oonetto. 'I'he best ou the market at Bar tie it V . CLOT III NO. .; - A complete stock ot Men's and Boy'ti Clothing at bottom price*. I'RRIT tovta Drags Drags, Drags, a lot ou hand*. •; steel tooth aud must sell. For sale bf < It Bishop. , • IF you want any thing leaa Estey Orgau I can tell you one fi aud upwards. O. W. OVKX A. (till Hue of choico grocerle# alwuyft to be obtained tit u : HKNKTCOLOTPs^ BIRD CAGES. Bird Cagea, in all stylet and prlceaf at John 1. Story's. A lot jMjt|«celye(l)g;: Call aud see tlieiu, ' . 4^ , ' ' *• I AWT.CS. F Is selling =*11 Its at less than Chicago . prices. A good (Jassimere Suit for-^* 94.50. Call and see them, / '.>JU ~ Call and examine those Rl.iek WaK nut Extension Tables at 91.00 per fo<M| at J. B. Blake's. per cent, oft fo«H cash. ,. • Remember-tlwt you will experlenc# no difHcultv In getting rejnilif fhffii"* * " machines sold by K, Blabo)>« fb(li'f venting vexatious wul expeoaH lays at a critical timo wheo tiuie money. . DIAMOND DYKS. We have all colors of tlie oefebratetfL Diamond Dyes only lOe a ^ IIKN We «le»ire to call tbe att«ntion ofi' ladles to our drtwa gbotls departi We have added a flue llneal bMf •amellette*. silks, satins* •stflg* wiU be sold on very cioso margin** fllKBTCULST. Everythfiig in farming Implements. from a Swill Cart to * MeCurinlelf. Twine Binder, can lie found at tbi|:: warehouse of K. Bishop. ^ For first-class insurance against flr#> « and Llgbtnlug. wind storms, cyclones,( tornadoes, etc.. etc., apply to Asa W;^ " Smith. Woodstock. III. . lurciioicent line of Dolmans faille*' Xeck Wear lit town at E. W. Howe's. - . GLAS8 ! GLASS * We keep Glass of all slses cotwtantljr^ on hand. Special siEes cut wUI»»Hit;'» extra charge. •fOKH I. BARB WIRE. - The bottom dropped nut. Knt T stlll^ live te meet or beat any and all Onts^ I that has been or may be made, on Barb>«* Wire. JOHN I. STOET. W HOUSE AND LAND FOR SALE. ^ The undersigned offers for sale hia!?* lioose and one acre of laud, situated tn>* i the village of Mcilenry, near the pub-^ r'-. I't He school building On tlie premises^ f is a good barn and onthnuseR, and,t ' small fruit of all kinds. Will be aehCl ^ ' reasonable and on eaey terms, tn-^ quire on tlie premises. ' " "v 1 O. STBUHUI, -'I "F; McHenry, III.. August 1st. 1S83. •"'J3 Wanted--To Rent a w Wanted, to rent a tarin of ln>m KN|| to 150 acres. rent will be paid/ Apply to tills office for further particu-^j '*r»- ' . ^ FINE SHOES. Just Received. The finest stock of'"4 .> Ladies'aud Childreii*s Wear In il»* county at bottom prtoes «| Perry <A'*; ' ~> o . • : r ' v ' " f i l l Fiue Hlioes. %. * < Our stock of Foster's e©lebrarf«I^:-; * „ Bcloit Shoes is complete. Fori/ * style Jind «lurabilit> they citnitot^ ^ ^ bo excel I oil. Ask to see them. 3 ' HKNRT COI.BT. rv • / _ a, j. GmMin^ eirctilan and co»M ; for hidies and front lemon, aud till I line of rubber cootli? alwHV8 i> : / i t d W W M , > > • • »ii . t1 ' • New Restaurant at n The undersigned having fitted bhlldiug on Main Street, Nitn«|j^l«£^|^ pecially for tbe purpose, has now one ot the finest Restaurants Cream Parlors to be found lit i-ountv. Ice Cream, Lciiiuiixibt, : tjonfectionery.aiid in »liort everrtMIS|m, usualljr kept in a place of this kliia «4^-.£ be found here, and no pains will In ,<> spare J to please all who may give me call. Canned Goods of all kinds, aud of tlw*.* "J"'M b^st brands to be ftiund fu the market, 4 always on hand, 'Call and ***e me. ^T's IVS. A line Billiartl roam ait Hotted. . .. ' A» «ami«Msantw^" N Mixta, tlL, July KUh, PS1. STOLEN 1IOKSES. Taken up by lite suh^wilter ot place of n'sidt'we five milwt" west from Riebiiumd. a lea to havA tM>eu suden aud all the thieves. Tne own«*r I*' to prove prt»|M-rty pay take them away. Ad«lr«>s»ijp| tiou. Chas. 11. Tryon, iti**hn WK now liavo the finest of Visiting l?ardi ever **»• SMtton. Call «n4 sef tbettt^

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