Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Oct 1883, p. 2

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' I ̂ mm ' ,* % 1' » £.*\i. '1\/ „ "-It *•& %"?k> „ ' '"V,, , &&-. ~"*A g £ . -U* rtflPt wS»:̂ H«s. -;/ J * ' BmJ Oft, ____ ted. Iter« 9WM0Q. bat have p£ £&,. MOM of the B __ Brisked, & L, was laid by President J Ju5e Oeft delivering the « - - loaok vUch followed at the Qov. Bourne, the tablecloth and (direr did Similar duty at a reception to Washmg- (onblKO. SECTION B of Steinberg's ©levator at Buffalo, filled with ftrain, wee' barned,: canting a loss of #i55,utfi THK WS8T. THE Indians will probably resist the iHoR Issued by Commission r Price, re- quhelaftoe discontinuance of dancing am o«qt the tribes and that Indians having two wtteeAall at onbegive up one of them. S3fiM£AM4#S&& ^MMfthiadfi lAAit ton hlliitlTihnrl VS]|mrdv>,:!̂ IHHI" wm î mK» WP UHMKUUIMI* • •• • Twentydivaroes w«n granted in Chicago by Judges Gardner and Moran in one day. H»eformer wade the best acore, a decree •wwrrfMiatoBtM |iWU BLAIK, A prominent Cliicago methjhsnt, net his death In a tragic manner. Zte had arranged to go hunting, and had his gad In Ittl deeping apartment Immediate­ ly aftulaneh he went to his room, and the was soon heard The to his month tared and h!s portion of> hia Mown off; Cfep 100m was be- smeaMd With his blood and brains, ana one M ike bureau. „..Tl»e jail at Aah- consumed. and an Unknown hua flames. ' * TH* 8anto te road list Week sold at •& 19 pair sure, all lis lands from Topeka weMMtorlK miles.... At Osakia, Minn.. on tlieMnrfiuha road, the boiler of a steam IhmMag machine erploded, killing four men and dangerously injuring two....Sit- ttatMh tn a ata'.e of un6ettiihty as to Whlll oflhtWwiTM ho will give up, and the ,Bs»awic(n> f of receiving' him into the Church has been indefinitely poet- TWHlinoia State Fair, iirhich was Chicago, proved a great ^UpgMMh, the -attendance far ex- •W people ly. Ail metoeds of ooavev- 1 the grounds were attained pacify In the 02ort to fur- ion to the groat throng of 1 said that Chicago has not J3T ;A >** » s; I4?!, "i,: jL'4>T* .*( , •' -••**-* - '. |y4 ' w/M$ W * 'w • , *.4 «*•<**! rltv> M' * ffimtiMiii • THE yellow fever is spreading at a rrtble rate along the Mexican coast A re­ cent dispatch from San Francisco says: uCapt, Caverly, of the steamship Colema, who touched off Manzatlan on his way up from Panama, confirms the report of tbe tadal of the dead by .a band of hired In­ dians, who, he says, roamed firpm house to house, gathering corpses as a garbagfr-inan would make his roand& TWa resulted in many persons being buried alive. In one case a man, taken up for dead, was carted away and buried in less than hidf an hour. It was rumored that a noise was heard in the box as it was being carted off. A friend heastag this, went to the cemetery, disin­ terred the remains, and found the body turned over from the agony of suffocation. ... .The comet recently observed by Prof. Brooks will be visible in this oonntry before Christmas. It is the comet of 1812. JOSEPH MKDILL of the Chicago Trib­ une, was a witness before the United States Senate Sub committee on Education and Labor The chief cause of the impecuni­ ous condition of the masses of laborers in this country he attributed to their own im­ providence. Tbe only way to improve them was to teach them to save Too much of the earn ngs of laborers was spent in liquor and tobacco It had been calculate! tint the amount annually spent by the la­ boring population in drink was *4011000,000, ana at least #20U,0JP,000 more was spent in cigara, tobccco. and uselera amuSfemenla What the country wantei, J»e said, ' was more mechanics Industrial rchools should lie established in very large eitteft, where edwjtfton in technic)! jgta mold be ob­ tained. Bi speaking of the raffioadques- ttonthewttBOYstfdkOttiemeanythouldbe to exer 'n&t -toHM» niafc «l huaHinttirr It heia>« «*OwdedMnce theKnights Templar iJPm^ave was held there three years ago. THE SOUTH. Georgia Legislature has de- ty zefueed to pay the bills oommoted ifnneralof Gov. Btepbena, and l̂iie of Attaita will be caBedvpoato reimlw the undertaker....Kearbnrere- fsa% tm, ths bollsv s« a boat upon which itv^SXTSSd^un ̂ oM lataur....A leaa of Mg a dollars waa entaUed by the burning of tteUxaocr iron furnaces at Birmingham, [81m, 8eoratary of ft* Kaa- î Board of Agriculture, makes an tt* oona yield of the Mate, ristums from SM correspondenta is414biiaels peracre.̂ or a Of bu»Ms, «Mk».000 th*a the hugeof last yMd, if realized, wta place at the bead of the cCrn-grow- r 18 3--An anpzatsai of the - ̂ J at® Senator XGitt Carpenter, hi' the Probate Court at Milwaukee, *ty on hand of the value of FJ^VDSOK LATLKBE, a colored ««», . vHh dl*d ln Kew Orleans at the age of 110 JWjlfc -tiatttoed to have been Prince of a tdhpat nsgroes in Guinea, and was a full- PW«Wi. when brought to tbe city and WifajIWî iafc »• eenredPaniU- aill%5ga^-^a£?s: MMIBCB ne was steed and given DOMT t--Sfh to wutsla ton comfortably. OwtciALs of the PostoiBoe Depart- • *Mtoh«rthatBBataaaster Oeusral dreaham wato Us teMoeasiag report take stmgec 'tofavcrof thaadopMoaof the pos- 4 mial s--l«.aa|̂ nl ••• UV1 ttcai ef mawr raUrowifc w Ae oost of construction of the roads, and they were annually fleecing the people of the country oat of mil-ions of dollar* in profits. COL. GEORGE KNAPP, President of the St Louis Republican Company, died on board a steamer from Antwerp, en route home. He was born in 1814, in Orange county, R I, and entered the office of the lt«publiraH at the age Of 12 yearn He par­ ticipated in the Mexican war as a lieutenant in the St Louis Graya Twowntht a«:o he want to ttkeSlasingen springs in Bavaria.... The hurricane which visited Nassau. K p„ and that vkSnity <m the 7th ult, destroyed haadreda of vessels and caused great lore of life A Nassau di»pat:h says the list of Mves lost <»n only be partially obtained. Fifty-three have been EO far reported, but it is thought many more have perished. TBK revenues of the Dominion of Canada for the past year were #35,888,884, and the expenses of the Government .#22,- 803,22;), leaving a surplus of |7,0JS,1C\ e»- cusive of the amounts received from the sale of lands in the Northwest Territories. VOBElQfflr. NEGOTIATIONS between the Vatican and France have reached a satisfactory con­ clusion. The French Govemmant has re­ stored the suppresbed stipends to theCatho> lie clergy mid riven formal assurances of most pacific intentions toward theHclySeo The Vatican has authorized the Cathoite Bishops who were expelled from Prussia to open negotiations with the Prusdan ~ ment for their return to their pastoi The London Titnn thlnks r̂ance can have Annum, with the right of commercial settle­ ment in Tonaota; farther than ttila Franoe cannot go without war with China The »m«ae t̂ottitekthatBachas61attenî the_questfam 1$ Viiiioflk eso^ed. on the Eel andDetroltrail- L, en the night of by three men 1 over the'.r facea They >mia, the messenger of Company in his car, at his head, and keys of the safe. The overpowered htm, and beat him with the butt* of their revorora. At last he eurrendered the keys to the safe He was then bound and agag placed in his mouth. The robbers then opened the safe, abstracting sOme tlR,C0J in express packages, besides other valuables, and Jumped from the plat­ form, locking the express car behind them. VOuAtiM train reach Pern the agtot and others forced the doors, and found the mes­ senger insensible. Telegrams were imme­ diately sentin alldireoJonsL NKAB Shakdpee, Minn., the broken section of a freight train on the Minneapolis and St Louis road ran into another division, telescoping some cars, and Instantly killing Hodation's annual tournament closed at Fort. Bnelling last weak, the Minneapolis team again winning the association's cnam- pionbadge,defeat&g theaT«igo andMil waukee turns. . .Nearly an indli of snow fell at Owatonna, Minn, on the aath ult WHILE the brothers, Samnet G., William O. and Thdma* Rogers, were taking depMHKms at Blue lick, Ky ., in tfte ̂father's will contest, Samuel, who is PreMsnt of the Fatmera' Bank at Carlisle, drew his revolver and shot his two brothers, inlilotinffinortat wounda Willlun Is aBh Louis lasiarae and Thonms to a fairness The fratuhnde claims tint he thought Ids brothers were about to ftra at him. ...The haagnmn closed the oMtatt of throe negioee «i Cnattiam. Ta, who waylaid a white man his way to market with vegetable ̂and a eolued man at Savannah, Ga, who killed a sailor. THE sohool-slate market is in a bad way on account of overproduction, and the the manufacturers have been ordered to take a alxty-daiys' rejt There were 1M , telfce. United States reputed to -pie wc nMe1«BiBum thill now in «|Mcatlen'in to • -*r W&n, turn ef the ahfyMsedOm SieHdan in eeiMnahd«r ttiUfcrrflihlM nf Win Mlnisil wldch ia aindes. besfcfaw the JeMuNtnent of Ids. '«t*« »ovesri>er as the dato apon whkdi howiB 1mm. over the cnmaMto Gen. setioaay rtttte toctvahfe, of Washmgt n, has bean a patent attorney before the it on account of irregular _ message was received hgrVteHdent Arthur In answer to theP|«A- co r̂ratalations upon the open- lM||. of the Cen'ral and BmHi Company's hues: press of Bra il thank .,! --* Go vernment of the United Itt morning their aaluto ooncur .% toe assuran e that the new •jQMct oouununioation open bs> i*S.ewfy|y ̂ValnaraSoTand wfll contribute to the mainton- kWPT relatione xlstinr between •m&t material benefit" Î Mjr excitement in Washington i« ew tbe Civil Service act The .Win#*, flwsiiiilpih) 111 us and the heads H logger heads, and as towhatttai fairy Blaine has Washington rest- far atom maintains that <s department to which Bstvtoe law an l̂ests|hatoc«l̂ 00 In tote til CNIMKIM Oom. Heary 1C. urtlngthatGreat Brital̂ csodahn a pro- Baglhl CnasmlssiuiiBr ha m Un daty contaiacd gestlon....Ttm widow of afertfad a* Plymenth. Sat--- dearti fwnded by deteotlvea ODOK ÎU, the avenger, appeared iaoourfc pt London, Sept 28, with his oona- sal, Vt tallivan, M. P., while the crown was renrossntod by Mr: Poland. Mm tamftnoiiy wis taken, iwtfadfay that of Oatey'a aon,mostof it going toSowttaft theaseaa^atlonof Carey was premeditated, and that <ypmmeir subeequently cioatot. ovsr̂ bis work and ̂ pirpolaimed thiuT he was .J;««»t to do it . ITie prisoner waa eloadbr guarded to prevent a rescue.... In a daeTat Paria between Baron Beaufort and Ylsaenat Sfe Armand, the latter received serions wounds....A railway train was thrown from the track ih Boumania, and a lamanmhsrof yaassoireis were maimed or killed--Simeon a Had ley. Alderman for Castle Baynard ward, was cheeen Lord Mayor of London. AT Dttngannon, Ireland, Thomaa Power, O'Connor and Small, msmbera of Parliament, vlaited Unchnaolay Market tat the purpose of holding apolitical mMtiaf. They were unable to speak, howevwvasa body of Orangemen took possession of the town and 00m polled tbam to remain within ssa .̂'ssg-ar'̂ *s?g£ (uleT were nMsed, and eheers for ttie Queen gl en. The mob announced its 4n- ptitofeaston of the tc or m Han 10 w>port, raise a] of Kew fork reatBrms the t ita last State Convention, the approval of the people, a majority ofnaarly 200,000 at the " they esneotelty denounee the . te peopfe should be taxed to fond for the Federal Ctovent* ~«te amoas the States, we . ie and saOsfoctl n that every in made haa hSM in nod filth re- aloable relorms hav» been wrouaht, --ces have be«n abolished, the ctvfl has been freed from the debasing and la inflataces of rnrtFun msnirnlattfra ftreedentand purity of tfaenrimarles ' -- - Mecuiedi hollaoal assessnpats have1 Iversh ̂ atasM have been eo , jle of lo«a seifogoverninentb* to, the efflcieney oftheKatiomd Guard i Increased, taxation for the support of irament has been reduced, a StMe B Eebor Statistics JHIOMD of the itoridngmilt have) and the Injur Ions 00 hss been curtailed ̂1 have been the ride in uie management affairs. irdthus made, and to whieh It will adhere, the Democratic party asks a tbe award ef the apmoe tf tbe j» invite with reiM»onall fri«ndsof >n aState^a îm^ t̂inî tnt̂ gpotivecf exieudOag thraa't̂ all branches of tiattM* servleeeu; Webeirtily Indorse Gov. Cleveland's attoo. , It jastt|ss the great vote wh edhhtt. He has deservedly won the affection of the/Ftogle by hia Indiuiry, firmness and In- and acgrestive honesty. Thereeul s tion one or the best the State«awr had. .. Isfiaig. Maynard was nom'nated for Seo- retonpM State, Alfred C. 'Chapin for Comp- traller. Bobert A. Maxwell for 8tate Treas­ urer, ism D»inis O'Brien for Attorney Gen- that tbe State Committee the power to decide who shall be from* district where there is a tievola, exoept in New York city. On«0tfonof Mi Orady, ofTammany, it waa 4|itded that tt#oonnty Democracy SSSSft̂ ^nm^y HaUt̂ ?andfr£ ing Hall one. ' XARTLANO KKPCBUCAXI. in Hbrs CONVSITOOK--A ix>i»o purronc, TK«# .̂was a large attendance at the Mary­ land tt̂ ublicaa Convention,, in Baltimore. J. ItoMtou Harriaon preaided. Hart B HoltM^of Balt'more, waa n&ninatod by ao- clamatihii for Governor; for Comptroller. Waahhmton Smithwasnsmed;andE. Stook ettliWMi>ws was nominated for M88, and! of 18 e corresponding wesfc oi two more thsn the same week «. >8^1 ....lbs. Dtana Colphua, aged 115, died at London, Ont Shfe was a negresB. bornln Kentuckyln 1768. THE boiler of the steamer J. S. Bobinson, lying at an Albany dock, exploded, killing three persons instantly, and wound, ing mani otheja.,> Craft lying contiguons to tho Bobinson were badly damaged. The shock of the explosion resembled an earth­ quake, and caused consternation In the vicinity. There were many' narrow escapee from, death.... .Blair Brothers, proprietors of the carworks at Httnt- nwton, Pa., have beoome insolvent Their assets an valued at *101,0011 and their liabilities wfll aggravate #24,000... .Homer beat the fist est twee- mile tlmeonreoord ajMha Hotton (Pa) f After I. platform piinoftpies waa adopted The "platform la Itimnwwrof the admin-veiy elaborate, istaratlon of Pi ' SS£b5tSf«KS I» tb. pr.nn. ol W0.IM pM l̂ioa the»ledeiwatd,the ĵtMafOiHiMil>w-- wiML mrM Ihi ImmmIm il |mmi VtauAMF #f MIli mf the I'titii ai ikft MAAA" 1 MHAM LH |ka rant Salvation Amy i* to < i!»ami*B Tn man who threaten the world is al­ ways ridicaftons; 4or the world oan eaa- flygoon withoat hi»,anlt in a short tfoMk will oaM.toaaMyiB.WbAn- -- • >»IP1TB < Miw TOBX. Boos iWhlte. DBed.... Coan-NaS OATS--Ma 1 CHICAGO. rsneyStsOT. itolUFTT... tovur.. QBmih***,* OATS--No. % ton--Mo. a. BAJUUST--No. 3 Buma--Choloe Creamerr Eoos--Fresh.... POBK--Mesa. LARD .... Con-Ma x OATS--Na l....,' Bit-Mai.... BABUT--No. 9 Boas--Mess wJT v t»J?*' WansAT-Na 3 Bed ..t 4.M inent and deolarea that oiUy Bepubiicans can bring.about reform. It recommends the abortion of the olllce of Tax Commissioner and the transfer of Its detesto Ae Comptroller; the abolition of the offices of wehftierd of grain and bay, and the rep<«al of the law for the compulsory inspection of tobacco. It also inserts in its entirety the minority report at the .-ate Democratic titato Convention It recognizes the rjfght of laboring men to form combinations for pro- toctien, andp^nte to the policy of protec­ tion of the Bepublloan party. It holds that oolored schools should be placed on on equality with white schools, imposes the Mvtot-laher ̂ contract system and fright d swiriiinaUons against the oiti- tons of the State. It declares Hhat there is no rea*on to doubt tbat for tfgbtyears past the people of Maryland WonM have been In the full enjoyment of Jae nwaaasss of reform they demanded. Md fpt the votoe or the nmk-riî been rtlled, IIMK kgmlly-expresaed will of W,000 1 ignored, and the de~ of the State over- outragesand by false rsturns in the cUy of Balti- they further deolare that if there M ta law or virtue, in positive, --1. the Iniquities of 1875 shall nominee for Governor, is ler and member-elect ess from the Fifth dis:riot and member-elect to NAWAOHtlBKTTS GRKKNBACKBJR8. or BUTLXB. 1 The Maweheeelts Oreenbaok State (Jon ventkn, which met at Boston, was presided over by Levi & Pierce, of Lynn, and <*»•. of its work In short order. B. F. was renomiaaled far Governor- by The platform of all class laws; no subsidies for ttws; eqMl righU1 for men and wo S.'5Ste- gradnated tnoonm tax and taxationof a ̂ cinnot be pahl when the Gov- maaThaa tbe money to ray with; dttoon- tinuance at the boarding policy; demone- Usation of gold a r̂ilrar m doiUttcour- rency, and the ftwue Insteal of full togal- tender p«mr ttanw; withdrawal ofthe Power of IMKM from the national banka; re­ moval of the tariff monstrosity; tbAt prism labor shouMnot be aU0#ed tocfeapenhon- est labor; thatroffragashaU be tt& to aU; l̂ gwr appropriatmis for .oommon cchoola; ahorter hours of labor, ana the regulation of inter-State commerce by Congress so middle-men cannot ndae prloas; prohibition Wwrty; of in ffl̂ ar̂ at a «stot In for its iw which wUl Mtt̂ t iniuriee iof their d itigatton of Jnoompetent insmutf tarforpnl andin<Dfferenostobi fourth resolution Is also devoted to affairs, and. after, reciting tbe loped therein, spproves the en­ ergy and perseverance shown by Gov. Butler to prevent waste and secure economy in InMtutiona Mth resolution commends Gov. But­ ler to the people of the State as the only volunteer soldier ever elected Governor of Massachusetts, and urges hia xe l̂eo ion After the nominations were made. Gen. Butler was broughf in. He recelved a tro- mendous oviulon, snd went on & ah how'a " to recount the features of bis admia- mt Tewtartmry, tbe exnoeare in the InmraiKNi departmenls and dhangee in the ipagement of the State'* prison, ware the dn toplos dlscussed Be made the Wie tnbeeivlency which the Bepubhojua Exeoutive Council had shown in ratifying his notions, and promised still more sweep­ ing revelation? another year. He raid: S1 have no qAMtlon aoout my own re-eieo.ien, but I wank you to elect a Demosratte Legis­ lature, and then we will make a thwMIBh deabinront* <o his Presidential candidacy, he ^ssy that he waa whltng to veer's eventt lor tfcfc in few ont anddsnoimoedwveral ison the soore of being rich HedeoiaTedthat the cam- be tooght by the Bepubllcans »--"Butler mint go, and the bo ran TeWkdftury) must come . t* *1 m«y go.*he wex ̂on to say, "but If anywhere, it wp be to Beaten torw havedone in theTewksbfory msttor* ¥ MXBBASKA KKPUBUCAXS. The Convention lurch Hoi a -̂lamttion Tbe convention toooeeded at once to ballot for a candidate for Supreme Judge. Oh Che tenth ballot IK. B._EBeeae Vas iramtoated for Judge of the ,* J. Hull. I *. Hy t̂t, J. T. Mai taUen and I P. Ilolmes were nocnlnated foi Begentsof the Univetwlty. The platform, wmdxiaof the stalwart Bepub iosn char­ acter, was rocelved and adopted with «n- thust. sm It favors a proper protection to tariff and a State fiailroadTCommission; kt wwrtJ the forfeiture of unearned ralhroad landgrahts; oppoees allowing oatt'emen tc secure large traota of ptdMlo lands; indorses the administration of Pree dent Arthur, mid advooatas tho Improvement of the great rivers of the Weet and South. < • 1. 1 • i"" OFFICERS OF THE ARMY.' M TlM JHiWMrd of •orals ;'i Aateng [Wsshlagton Telegram.. Tin army has occupied a considerable apace in public attention for the last sis months on aooount of the moral delinquen­ cies of some of Its offioera. Old soldiers say that never during peace hae there been a time when so many officers were ohatgea for offenses agaluat mill ary law aa A present A case now pend ng be­ fore tbe Judge Advocate General for decision will be likely to call at­ tention (-till more to Ihe army. Charges have recently been filed againat an officer that he has been guilty of oonduet unbecom­ ing an officer and a gentleman, and has brought scandal upon t ie army, and should be oonrt-martlsled, tn tbat he hae married a woman, who. prior to his marr age, waa hfamiatrosa The ottoers of * he United Mates army have otlled upon the Judge Advocate Gimeral to decide thatan offioer shallloa®nothinginofflot.loraooialrmi> ct living openly withamlstress; bat All "" * ptny the »ame ns conduct unbecoming an 6LEANIHQ&, Taa population of Egyptls 6,T»,£0a CAT*. WBSB IS to bave a monnmeat at the spot on the Severn vrtiere he first saved a life GBAXP gasBBTAVr-BJScr Tjamn, of the Knignts of Labor, will remove that body's offices from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia. He will employ fifteen oerka A NsW laa man has Invented an ear- rhiBfet which îa concealed In the head of a cana^ao that a sensitive deaf man e«n hdid form o'.osea with an extreme eulogyGov" the principal »!' were untuaComwr̂ S îjM withdrew.andde: town dant they would fie seat thePameld Ihe^Bcial mort of toe. tata itos cense onant npeu the late earthquake In Iaohla ftSSi that l.ew persona wm kfflM and tH m]uroa > Puaaxn FXRBY and the Marquis Tseng are still holding conference* In the meantime the Black flogs are reported ss having abandoned Soutejr atid tt*-Nat Bin.... Posx--Mem l.lMl «r « CTdCINNATL Wanav-Ma IBed... OOBM. . oa*S TOLEDO. atBed DBTBOIT. OUTS MM. lOtS @10.40 .DTK LOS 0 1.0314 SIS :S8 •«)4# 1.04 01 1.05 M m M% IU0 S11.1S JDM m ear withoutattracUng atcemlon. ACUMOOS well Is said to be In Mtseoule coqnty, Montana. It contains but eighteen of employment of children under Uyeare IncAea of water, which never lowers an in mines ̂ and workshops; equal pay for inch, though water is constantly pumped equal work of men and women. The plat- from it to supply a at earn bo ler. At a depth of thirty feMeofidioeformaeround ttmpi e in the hottest weatBee. A* a str ng draft ofalroomea from the Iottom, the wells suppoeed to tap a subterranean channel. MB. FSANCIS J. SAnmr, of Toronto, <«4V father of a little 2-months old dwign er who possesses no-tars thsn twelve toes en hn two llit 9 pedal extremi.ies There are six toes on eaoh foot, foir> mall and two Great applause followed the reading, and the reeolutaons were adopted. Tbe remainder of the ticket w^s then nominated a* follow*: Lieutenant uo vernor, John HOwea; Secretary of State, Kioholaa Furlong; Attorney General, George Foster; Treasurer, Wilbur F. Whitney; Auditor, A. Objection wasmada to^Foeter; as ho waa not a lawyer, but* delegate said In Butler they had all the law neoeassry, and it made no urattef wno was Attorney General The ticket was adopted unanlmouMly. The State Committee w*a authorized to fill any vaoan- dasby wsil-tcnowBtiieenbackerts BASSA^BVSETTg bKMOCluiifc < Wgonea Tho Whole twelve areperreotlv fortted with aound Joints. The s kim, placa>from which ear-ri- g* arehoo .̂ MMAMUni ktif their auh- p'"ami tteedn is a>ade di«w*|piai SS^yroSy tor the .taadhis Lubeo: '««Ve call Me Mvter. an4 Ml of Me: Light andloStnttW BUTLXB RXXOWMATSn. The Dessocrats of Massacbusptits ih# convention at Springfleld. a«d Ued by the election of Vftamwaseoaia I White t -- « V wbiijfctfdiaK JWnwMp f̂iBed iaB KBTT,'PA. BOOS A.„*»V... . -N.. ^ tha .fp«»wr : the Ion the sub- pour OWiiees Irtwrers into oar̂ nontnr tvery year to utiiimnbered " leim toeyalrow«recov«rM a :̂ Jothe aot declares in IL lag otChwew lalmreriito^&î tteditimiiL wfthouta«orlimli«^onof Oieoonntry from whtohtoey mrght haveoome, iasunmtded. and diuhig s ooh nmension it ma im he ltwfni for any Chinese laborer to oMne,-«rf having o^ ̂aftor oxpinOon of nlnet/ dsgrs to remain within Uie United States. ^sao ̂ah^^MMthidtes Jtnn ̂ demeanor pnaishrtle. bjr fine or imprison­ ment or bo'Ji for the master of a tassel to khowin f̂ hrfa«iato tlm United States on " * ' or permit to ,1»# landed Ms any Chinese laborers from any foreign port orjriaoe. Hie language in theee eeo;ltms Is sumciently broad and comprehensive to mulirioft IFLL CTIlliiin--I laltririii B VHttteni TTIA TO^E^UNT^F^SS^HEYMSTBTL Ject̂ aĵ toe twelfth sMtton'̂ arost any (mfnete person foftmnnlawtalty wli toe United States shall be removed there­ from bjr direction of the President to the countkyfrom whenoehe etata ' "Our attention hss be«a oaHed toaremmt a of Jndgee Lowell and Mtimi of t» i«dt C^urtcf toe Unftei Statte f .̂.jrlotof Msssachusotts. in. whlen a ttffer- fgt gftimtMlftfi Uf tolfliii. lIsANmbMdl rtoat wasoneofiteobiects,lmt Itis very evident, toth from the ehrcum- stances.nnder whi^h it waa passed and f its langqage, tbat it had a 5taifu?t£ai feet Thaconstrnotlen which wegive ders all Its provlskms oonststent witeb • other. Tbewboteparpoeeeftbelawtoex- dude Chinese lahorersfrom the State would be defeated by nqr otb* construction, '•"l he release of tho priasner must be de­ nied, aad he must be retaraed to toe ship from imkto he waa taken, anditlsaoor- - ' ' ^DISPOSING OF OLD HUUS. Secretary Chandler's Aaetloa Mi of Oli hM- [WasbiBgtoa Telogmm.) ̂ Secretary Chandler's aootton of old hulks proved more "satisfactory than many per cons suppoooSlltwMldmds were rooeived to-day for 101 the vessels Offered, except the venerable Pawnee and the not leas ancient bat badly-rotted Florida, and there was soma competition for several of the vesasla. The aggregate of the appraised valuations of the vessels bM f«rwni taffUOIl The whole cost, to the Government of building, reputing and equipping these ships was •10^06!, . 0.'. SeveraTof Ihem. soeh as the Niagara, Boanoke and HisiiinV"nB. did food service In thefr tima, and the Government may bo deemed to have got its money's worth out of them. -Half a, doceu' of them are only tng'boats. Tbe Mew Orlesns Is an old ltae ot-battle ahip on toe stocks, and the others belong to toe lergwotass of ships butt during and Just afterthe war of white oak, because live oak was not to be had, wh'ch have daeayed n l̂dty. The t lor da. for whio:» no bid waa made, wasappraiaed at f 1.4U), oonsidentoly more than any other wmi on the 1st The engloee are the principal thing of value about her. She was built for speed, and was probably the f«*te*t steamer over In tbe navy, but ahe only made one cruise Ten ye tfa ago, when there was prospeot of trou­ ble f pain, shi was partially <fitted for sea. AocordtagtoaretHramadelo the de­ partment. her engine leoetved repairs and the boilers are not m>rth lepalriag. H«r machinery eost and itavpearstoat the Government must tednoe ber appraised valuation or retain her. Tbe Congrees, which was sold' for •*J<L€Cd, oonMns ma­ chinery, toe nr.-t ooat of Which Was #412,000; built luet after the war, and none of It Is re­ ported to be worth repairing The Iowa waa appraised at f t-».<XKS, and waa a id for last |r> more than that The Niagara was ai praised at • : ,0 0, and tho highest bid was exactl y toat aum. The Eeortaj is in doubt whether be can acoept that. Wd, be­ cause la hsvtttt« prcpoals It wasaMedthat the ahfowpuldMaoWforthe highest above the ap£aaed value thereof. This sale doee ic* tnfefids thOvAlastovBcneci* 8aco. Tua- 3f ( A MEW TTPE-SETri3fc» A MsdUss that Oe*s «M W«fh of lbs Oiacategh Letter.1 laawHhe Invwatordf n aew iype eetofng machine at the United Steias jpmteiday. 1 did not aeo 1 te ma -hi no, out If what he claima for It is true, the day of the printer to a closet It laoneof toemer- vela of the than It will further help the cheapening of the prioe ot newapaper& IBs machtna has a o^adty of setttng ems a d«r. ie Worin with icon o:ad aoeu- racy, and avutda tho tatate of ihe preasnt tvpeUett ng machine In that it am •Jwnify" the lines aa a compoaltor oan now, with the hand method No typelaneoes- sary with tola marhtao heyend a few al- pht>beteof toe \arieus klnde and alcearo- < ulred In the aaake-ap of a newspi There Is a key-ioard So too machine that pf a p'auo. The e keys represent ten and itMiaaolat on n rta Ptayingoa them Impresses theie forms In o a paper matrix aimOar to that now emplotad npon the Bullock INK In tend of" setting up T «;*»»*bw! and tatoy amatrix looked fotnC firn.wMe. flmhn- • WtWilWNhlili wlwn the typo ̂ _ .... t-IHia matrlxh amRpm pHsa., *ne iame liftftmoi on< and Address were 1 -- ^ 1 bank' byi SSfSSiStSSJJ^04110' . TMeoanaed the wildest upr J.h >lk 1 oeoliitlnn ' h and^Etefc A Kentooky delegate moved the I hog; whloh aleo made a great uproar; 3fc» Us *$9*.u [taaMgpaM.1 tha< other questions, eapedanylntbel their trUlrfiir aatieaoC y become int raios should not 1 _ people la adhsmHO to.sottid se«U FiMdaua'. wSwrveKsTlt' . aadw»itt>OBtfU t: - 'Asa' natf na|l|̂ | SbmSlm ttailn aw L thy and heat Wishsjk a h o t f t h n o f U s e ' dsrisshm ta nJZ' ~ to ih toe dMatethai the «au»i->siNl ea»fKrsystum< »ln the AMOMmmtXMUMBS. a year 'doing London" has Mmlng among Americans l mania, for pet dogs hss fcroken 4 : ladles and Is worse than it 1 'MtthM A Mw fashion tn hahy oribs te aTtifc of thefav im; -.An aoceof I Mtfnee six 'tms, whfla fifteen-to' Mf per aero to not an -«naMHd .«M .̂c -W Knns,of JackaonvilKdoeenoti fMt< tnahi theoceantides, ^ewmrtsItexpMM 0«der Bostoty ct the sitsat of herb«ra .Oat,) \1 **• ' ifA*#"--':

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