Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Oct 1883, p. 1

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*Ct ttS;* 3 miif4 ; - '" *; *T ll £ffiS&;* ****Wfe Y' i m̂mm •r*' - IB - «. \ t'r"" f v, 1 r"'"f * it* "^nrr i # arfir •*«; Pledged butto Truth, to Llborty and kiBl̂ Vio Favors Win xa and no Fear (hall Awe.h VOL. 9. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, ill IfeSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 188S. r*1*ishe* Every wadnoarfav eir ;•••"£. V^V^' SLYKE, " f?;»- anno* *aa riiaumm*^ ;: In Bishop's Blofck, " '*?•• --OrroeiTB P««*R * OWEN'S.-- YKBits or strtacRtPTioXi1 ^ J:; year (in Anita*?) *•!.*> lot Puld within Threo Months 2.00 VeeeerlpMona recelve'l for three or six »aith» la Um im« proportion. MMM BUSINESS CARDS. M ART (i. BARRIAX. HAIR WORKER. Alt kinds of Hair Work (lone in first class style and at reasonable prices. Rooms at residence, nortk- east corner of Public Square, Mcllenry. 111. C.9. URKKN. yKTKRmARY SURG RON, fticluAoed, 18 m -- -- ' JBSSR A. B ALDWIH;*. A WYElt Law business in any pari of th« State receives prompt attention. Office room II, OoTemmcnt Building, Chicago, Illinois. XJ " Kates of Advert sing. r-r'Qt* annonnno liberal rates for advertising tn t|e Pi.xiKOB*i.KR, unl sn-irtwr to thM aeplsinlv that thev will be readily tin. iltlllaoit They are as follows: 1 Inebone year > .100 S Inches one voaf, •» jmtfat, Itnajp.^ 1° m' • * lanheaone vent-. ^ •, . #«,. 15 no j? (tMaam one v«# *<*} - • w> «o M Oolnian one anon 1 Oetnntn one year - - - TOOOe One inch mean* the measurement of one Inch down the colnmn, single column width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rnjteit, have tin privilege of rhnneinir as often as they r.hoose, without extra chance. Regular advertisers (moaninir thosn having standing cards) will be entitled to insertion' Of leeal notices at the rate of 5 cents per line Mfk week. All others will ho charged 10 bents per line the Ibst week, ami 5 ccnt.s per line tor each subsequent week. -Transient advertisements will he chnr*rel St the mte of ir> cents per line, (nonpareil type, same ns thin is set in) lhe first, issue. ami fc cent* per line for auhsminent isvics. Th-s, an ineli advertisement will cost auto for one week, $1.50 for two weeks, *2.00 for threo weeks, and so on. The PfcaiNnK*r,Rn will be liberal In giving Mllortal notices, but, as a Ytnsincss rule, it trill require a suitable fee from every,bodv nocking thensc of its col A itins for pecuniary ^nlo. BUSINESS CARDS. IT- H. T. BROWN, M. 1». PHTS1CI VX AVI> SHROKOV. Office ovfcr the Post OiKce, opposite Perry Jt jltartin's lUrf up stairs, .Mcllcnry, ill. L - t o. n» v R mit, si , iv :'t f%HrslOt.VN AND STTR.'JKO*. Mcffenry, I III*, Office at Residence, nn the Corner, Sftjposlte RlAke^s Pnrniture Store. Ck J. HOWARD, M. O. PHTStOIAN AND S0RUEOS. 0«eo at my residence, opposite M. E. Church, VeHenry. III. MOJtKY HKOKIVKD rOR INVKs'l'MICVT and loaned on inortKape security at <'.iir- rent rite*, without clmrjre t« the lender. HMMH mnde at six por cent. J. W ItANSTKAD, 1 and « Borden llloek. Klein. III. URBEDKR J. J. MVRR4, Iktlooit and Bcstau rant^ H IMMSMmfTof Rnt»nert*s Store. .Kthna PRATT (IOI7AB. A. PRATT, Proprietor. First' class ac. oemmodations. taiieonda. III. Uood.Rarn in connection It A It It I AN Rltos. Or- Sho'ii, ii Old" Mcllcnry, M Kelter Itlook, two doors west of PLAIN. MMMNtOflitf*. CIG AR Manufacturers, SIoHonry, lit der* soli«'lled. RICIIARU OOMPTON. TU^TIOK of the Peacean-I Conveyancer.- "W Will attend promptly to the eollectlen of Mts, Volo, Lake County, III. a E. R. RICH VRDS. A-Sa oomplote Abstract of Titles to land In M TIenrr County, Illinois. Office with nntylerk, Woodstock, III. B.M.OWKN, SBNRRAIi Itealor *iwl Nannfartnrers Agent in Lead in ir Karm Machinery.-- Prices lew atui terms IHvoi-aliVe. Mellonry, H«; R. (i. SMITH. BOOT AVD SllOliJ M AKKU. Prompt atten Men given to iloimirin*. Shop in <iroK E? *s Harness Shop, opposite Riverside Honso, •Henry, Illinois. MARCUS' GERMAN Manufactured by F. MARCUS, --DEALER IN- PURE WINES, LIQUORS A i . CIGARS. Afoodstock The best Tonic in the werld. iBtt iji in flltuil <|uart Bottles. • ^ : F. MARCUS, Pa tentee. '• . «**£; allot v).i:r fWELVE REASONS, POR INSURING WITH W. Smith, . , Ot Woodstock, 111. llecanee keis endorsed by leading has. ww men and the press, and patUen arty wnere kest known. i 1 Becanse his is the oldest agency In the Aemntt. • 1 Vecanse he represents the best lineef oempnnies of any agency In the coHnty. t Because, with one exception, herepre-. eents the oldest companies In the United States. ft. Because, in case of loss, he gives his Ctrons the benefit of hit long experience itt sniingan eqnitable adjustment. fc Because he has always Usued full poi VOfWa 7. Beeavselie pays losses on farm propertft If Hal**Inf. whether flro ensnes or not. a llecanee he insures live stock any whera' •gainst JigtiCning. % Bnense he insnrcs against tornadoes* eyclonec and wind storms. • in. Becanee yea can taus save jrontselver DM disaster for a mere trifle. IL Ssmi »«se yow will and hint equally as' active to aid you In getting yo«r ittonny after loosa* «o secare you r patroaago for hU com4 panics. tt. Becanae any one of tho above reason^ «nn be felly yerified by ealltngon K. A. Mur­ phy, «. tesstena, J. W. Milter, tram tbeir own expertoaee, and on the eatim oiiwUi ot his" acqaaintnncos from observation, tn behalf of the Old RellalrtB, tho Ph«nix, •f HartCard, OnnaecUcat, I take great nl«aa. MBl HartCard, OnnnecUcat, I take great a •re in returning the thanks of tne coufpany IsVn. U IVKerlly forherpromptnese and nn- . o/mind h»*xtiafgurt«hl»gafire ier rosidecce, kin<HeK M« the immtag oi.< A. Mnrpby's residence on the morning of " * ^ effort. Sle Nth in'st property was saved on fiMapeU«rof«&aQ». ber Htdfefclrtal whh'.h the cr-mpany DR. C. K, WILLIASfa. ENTTST.' Residence Dundee. Will he at Mclienry, at Parker House, the 10th and 25th of each month. When diites occur Saturday or Snndny I make my vUits on the foUowlng Monday. D1 JOHN RLKtFWE*. HOTTHK Painter, Gralncr, Calcimtnor and Pa | per ll;in?er. Resilience one Block West of Riverside House. Work attended to promply and on reasonable terms. llorsonien, Attention! All lovers ot fln« Horses arc veapoctfully invited to call at my farm, half a mite west of Mcilenry, on the Woodstock road, and see n)y fine Morgan an.I Draft Horses.. I Iwe a Pert-heron Norinan Draft Colt that is hard to bent. Call and «ee him. a®"it i bnsines8 done on Sunday." jt; s. OOI,BT.:; Mcflonry, May 1st, 1883. rf Notice 1o tha Pubfic. IH VVK ln\1lt a shop just south of E. Law. 'Ins'on Brick and Wood street, where I am prenare<i to do all kinds of work in mv lirte. As I have no l»ovs to do my work, I waut very nc»ir what it ts worth for doing it. I do inv work, in a manner t|iat uceds no watching. I. A- HSBABD. McHenry, Jan. !)th, 1IBI. C. N. CULVER, Richmond, Illinois. S.ies of Stock, Far miliar Toos nn<l Goods ot a kims attended to on the most Kcasonahe Terms and satisfaction guaranteed. Post Office address, RICHMOND, ILL. BQBEBT C. 3SHBI9, RICHMOND, ILL. (FIRST PRRMIUH IT MCRhKltV COUHTY PAIR.) Mv fowls aro of the colel»r»te»l DITKR OP VOltK stiMin, ruinarkabio lor their grc^il sice ami laying «|ualities. I can show a trio of last season*s chicks weighing SI pounds. Egg*, wer soiling '»f ihii'teeu. •l.S'i, delivered to purchaser ill Richmond, Shipped, securely- packed, fcLUQ. JiCmKRTO. BKXXF.TT. Zi. Bonslett Nou* tho MoHKMRY - • • ILLINOIS. Keeps onusinntly on Itand the finest bignds of Hour and Keod of all kinds, which h« wMI sel) at WholuMlttor Refill at Bottom Prices. Five different brands of Pionr al wafra: on hand and warranted as represented. Flux Seed Moid Alwuya on Hand af^Plonrdelivered anywhere In Ihe Cor porn lion. Orlers may ito given bp PoaUll Onnl, Box 107, INiat Office. UIVK MK A OALI* L. B0NSLETT. McHen y. March 8th. IS^ i. S. P. BllSMRTT, St. D. PHYSICIAS AND AURGKON. States BxAinining^ Surgeon. Illinois. Also United Richmond, DR. O. R. WKLLS. PnYSlClAW AJCD SITRUKOX. Wattltonda, Lakt. Oft, 111. All calls promptly at tetui- Main St., east of All calls ed, day or night. Office ou Rarkor's harness t hop. H. K. JOHMSOK * OO^ atsnts, tOQB F St, If. SOLICITORS of t ate Washington, I>. C. RnfKR ISJHTKH. " M,m. J RnruKBJtOKH." M,m. J. A. Logan, Hon. W. R Allison, Hon. I>. C. Smith. Vckin, M. K. Stone, editor Chicago JVcha, WIWW'I ifanior, Chicago. Send for instrnceions. Holdlem CONDUCTED BY irtment. St P. BKNNKTT. JOSEPH N. FRKCNIA SALOOV V10 RET AU,e v?fT 1U»«elett's old stand, op|>osite Bishop's Mill, Mc> llcnrv. III. The c loicest Wines, l.liiv.nri and digars to bo found in the county. Fresh Ovsters in their sevion served np in any shape destred or for sale by the Can. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. ANTONY KNGELN, SALOON and Restaurant, Ruck's old stand Mcllcnry, III.--The choicest Kentucky Whiskies, «*onr M:ish, Wines, Cigars, etc., alwavson hand. Wo buy none but the best, and sell at Reasonable Prices. Fresh Oysters in their season. A. M. CHURCH, Watohmakerand Jeweler NO. • toct R.VMIXILPH STRERT, f*neceseor to K. R. P. Hhlrloy.) Cl«irj»go, III. Spe­ cial attention givon to repairing Fine watch­ es and Chronoinc tors. A Full Assortment of Goo<ls in his line Richmond House, RtCH*.-MD. ILL C. ST. CUf.VKR, - - PROPRIETOR. recently pnrcnaced the nhove I have in thorough repair. HAVING HoilSe, l navu ,,, with how furnitno throughout, ami wonl<i respcctfullv invite the patron ige ot the trav ellng public and others. The t:ibles will al­ ways be provided with the best tlint can lie procured, and polite and attentive waiters will be in readiness nt all times to attend to the wants of guests. No p uns will lie spared to make this a First Class House. Largo and commodious bams nn the premises. Free Omnibus to and frout all trains. Sample Rooms on llrst floor. H- E. WIUHTMAX, Proprietor, class rtgs, with or without drivers Firs fujinlsbed at reasonable rates, all kinds done on short notice. Teaming ot A. WENDELL, CAB78SIBB ASD JOQRS W1H tnke con tracts fur put tf tig wp BtiiMiugf ami ximrauten mv work will compare with any man In tho State. I can ami will do work from 15 to A. per cent cheaper than other carpenter*, a* I have two of my boys wlio work with me. which makes it posdi^le for tuei to do so. All Job* In the Carponfer line promptly attended to. Give me a call. /r.r A.WENDELL. ' The invalid mN for pension prior paid, if kiia clatu^ the date of (ft#i similarly aflllt claim a few day* • rrora tlie date of Just, nor Is it| which prevea pension from ih*? ed must go. Major Clark*, tl Deputy OominlPPl^ "gotten lhe Idea^ belief thatvasan < ptihllcatfon of il will not prove a sti the haiids of «. "rascally" claim if indeed not thorn unearthed where celvlnjj less than tl to. Senator Beck ho knew. Our readers wl Washington comt ticaily that a pensii lug onoe leacln •! own absolutely aut and not under the States or any of IJSH [wfao files hla claim fbly 1st. 1880, was successful, from The soldier ri»o sent in tits ler, la only paid Thla ta not itcjr. The law rmcnt of every tlie rlglit aouru* »rv«dly popular of Pensions, lias N lie exprcHnes a Itile measure, the Ita of pensfonere Tlione H»ts. in enterprising but ICS, and hundreds, Ida,of cases will be [Door soldier is re- Inw entitles him lilded better than observe that a us decided prac* «<*i'g money, hav- |ils hand, la his Inidor Ills control, trol of the United Iclala. We nev­ ertheless advise claimants against gir- ing or promising presents of money or ether valuables to ttlelr attorney*. It is a pernicious practice. An honest at­ torney wants nothtae but the stipulate ed fee, however ftadequate the ^nm may be for the purfwe for which It is provided, ' J The proposition o| Uen, Meig* to u«e the hollow terra cetta pillars which wll: ailorn the luterjjor of t|ie hall of th# new Pension one building as a re­ ceptacle foi Govemipktir reeords it) cer­ tainly a new idea, (ppartmeiit official* regard the plan wl|ti favor aHd are preparing to send cartloads of public for safe keep- the .Secretary of permission from building, when llie work of • being likely to Itdtng, after the MMBi w.'w* Eir:fEAWLMS| Merchant Tailor, KEEPS Foreign and Domestic Cloths. WARRANTS A FIT, OK NO SALE. ALSO CLOTHING, MOII'H Boys* and Children's sizes, of tlie bes't qual­ ity and at Chicago prices. Store opposite Eiversi le House, jyiclioury - Illinois. o. w. owei^T, • bEALER IN-- Clocks, Watches, iew^ry, Silver and Plated WareJteo. I keep In stork the celebrated Springfield Watch, which is pronounced by all to be the ji*«t watett now on the market. Will not be Undersold, . . . . . „ " t l On anjr goods in my line. ^ MV.owsx. . SMA W. Melfeery. R«K. ML UBS. COWLIN fsreettf^R TO *. m rr.oTTttERl 0. S. WAR CLAIM SOLICITOR MiD ATTORNjjSYo ALSO KOTARV PUBLIC, Pmsecntee penslos or any other claims ugitiDAl the government, relailngto the late, or fitrwer wnis. Coiuplicntod caaos and re- jeeted cliiinis made a bpccinlty. If stamps art: uu«'lo»od for reply, all oomuuulcatMMts Will be promptly anowered. Office at Kasideaoa. MADISON ST., WOODSTOCK, ILL. archives to Gen. M< lug. Itiaatatedl the Interior will Congress to use completed, for h tlie PeusloQ Office require so great m present rush of MH pending of tills nature, that of New York having been selected by Secre­ tary Kolgfer as a teat case. The eniy means by which these claiuie can now !>a collected la through an act of (Jen- greaa making a specific appropriation. Tho Ktsksfc Soldiers' (to-Calm. KKOKUK, lewa, Oct. 4.--The rain drove the soldiers in re-llnien here from camp to the opeft.houae and oth­ er piibllc building}, bilt did not damp­ en their ardor or enihHalaim. A camp (Ire was held In the United States' court room in the morning, and the boys stlug "The Old Army Bean," and other army songs. In thtl afternoon, all that co«ild gain entrance assembled at the opera house, where Gen. W. W. Belknap provided. Speeches were made by Major II. C. McArthur, of Memphis, Mo.; Col. 8. 3, Curtis, of Keokuk; Gen. D. B. Ilillis, of Keokuk; Oapt. W, T. Burgess, of Fairfield; Gen. B, M. Prentiss, of Missouri; Gen. John W. Noble, and W. L, Alexander, Ad­ jutant General of Iowa. One of the pleasing features of the day was the presentation by Adjutant General Al­ exander. of the battle flsgs of the 3d Iowa Cavalry, 2d Iowa Infantry, 14th Iowa Infantry, 17lh Iowa Infantry, 19th Iowa Infantry, and 30th Iowa Infantry. T|>e soldier boys were wild with de­ light at sight of the banners under which they had fought, tud cheered A id shouted themselves hoarse. The military preview and procession was po*tponod until Friday, with a aliapi battle in the afternoon. ' ~ * *• - • ' IN L1HHY 4u How S Traitor was Vomrt-Merttetwl by hla follow ;rrlsM«M A Washington letter to the Philadel­ phia Record says: Of the six officers of the regular army who found them­ selves In Llbby Prison, In 1888-4. one was a fine looking so ton el from Indiana, a big-bodied big-brained, big-hearted fellow, chock full of energy. Re worked like a steam-engine until he got eut of Llbby. Once he fonnd lil* tvnnel was too small for hla burly form; once he waa checked at tlie owter end of if by two or three armed Confederate aol- liem who had been quietly waiting for l»lm; again a clever raae was de­ tected Just as lie got to ttye middle of the gate and *o It went until lie had made half a doxeit attempts. But he never gave up and Aaajiy got out. and Re faience* hy permission as regants char actor, business anility, rellnlkility, Ac., Ac : Gen. Jol/n A. l.o^.in, U 8. Senator, Chicago, Illinois. / ^ .t Gen. .1/ C. Riuith, State Treasurer of Illinois, lion, le^iiw^ud, M. C. 6th Hi. UisL, 8yo- a more. III. lion. John P. Sherwih. ex-SL C. 3th III, Dist., Aurora, 111 lion. A. M. Joiios, U. 8. Marshal, Chicago, 1U Col. ,las. A. .'•oxton, Pres Union Veteran Club, Chicago, 111. Jetse A. ilaldwin, Ass't U.S. Attorney, Chi. eago. 111. Alc&srs. Sell, Schwab A Co., Wholesale Boot and .Shoe Dealers. Chicagij, 111. Also hundreds of county and houie roforea* FOR YELLOW ir LACK BEES ~on--- " HOITET Call on llohn Hendricks, Spring Grove, • >-<1- « Also will .%11 property against Insure your wind, cyclones, or tiro* I represent the Home, «f Kew York; the Phosnlx, of llartfoid, and other good companies. JOHN HENDRICKS. • Spring Grove, III., June 20th. lft&t. WESTERN NORMAL COLLEGE And Commercial Institute. FIVIJ tcsn-weeke terms per year. riKTEBN CMJlTlt-iKS :-.Teitchers', Collegiate, Moil, ern Language, Coimnercutl, Art, Music, TolCgrapluc, Phonojrriiphic, Penmanship, Kloeution, Medical, Kngineering, Drawing, Ac. Whole expense for one year. $ 14ft Wes­ tern Normal Lecture Bureau. Western Normal "Advocate." Catalogues and sped, men copy of pa per If RK K. C. U G i l K G O O Y , Principal, Bushnetl. 111. DvnCMDt&a THM Cow nstss tonor UnAley RstMint tks Cfcnrgo Thnt They are ••Crabbers." WASHINGTON. Oct. 2.--In his repotf made to the Secretary of the Interior this afternoon Commissioner Dudley, or the Pension Bureau,fakes exception to the charge frequently made that the soldier ia degenerating into a grabber --crying that his service* and wounds Into tlie highest possible amount of cash. In h'.s defense of the soldier Dudley shows that there arc living lu day almost as many veterans who have net applied for pensions as there were soldiers in the army in May lft65. There are on file here 169.000 certificates of disability whteh have not been acted upon simply became that number of veterans clearly entitled to-ifxiuBion* have net asked for them. Although lists of penions were published |n blanket sheets several days ag«t not a single complaint showing that persons not entitled te pensions were receiving tlie in has reachel the pension efBce, The oldest and most reliable story paper published in the West. Itisa large eight-|>age paper, full of interesting stories, society news and humor. Every new subscriber receives a l»ook as a premium. Price $100 per ye«r, Sample copies free. Address, the CHICAGO Kit, Chicago, III, i w : v : % - • Gould P. Austin, who for some time prior to tasl March, waa a olerk In the Pension Office, was arretted fur using the mails for improper and fraudulent purposes. <m tlie *JSth i»!t. The specific charge against Ati«lin la that he opened correspondence with pension claimants representing that ho was possessed of Inttueiice and could secure favorable action on their da I ma. The case of Helen R. Riclinrtteon, ef Teciimcoh, Mich., la noted in tlie com phi hit against Austin. Ha wrote to her that he could get h6r claim through, and would ex- pect her to pay hint well for Ills servi­ ces; also, that he was examining her case, and that as soon as lio could brief the evicjpnc* and make the report it would be settled, and that she must not divulge this, or lie would be re­ moved from office, |v ne re as he had been removed several months before. Cein- niissiouer Dudley Is taking apeoial Interest In this class of cases, and it is hinted that tlie ca?e of Au&tiu ia but a small one, compared to others uaw un­ der investigation. Attorney General Brewster has writ­ ten an important opinlou lu reply to a question submitted by Secretary Fol- ger regarding the payment of interest on money borrowed by the state of New York during the war of the rebel­ lion for the enrolliiieuti.aubsistenco and clothing for troop*. Pennsylvania, Ohio and several other northern states havo presented claims of a similar char acter, which involve hundreds of thous­ ands of dollars in taxes. The Attorney General, after a carefu* review of the aot ol July 27,1801, which provides for tlie payment by the Secretary of "the Treasury, out of any money not other­ wise appropriated, to the governor or authorized agent of any state, the costs properly incurred In raising its troope for tlie suppression of the rebel­ lion, says that the claim ot Interest paid by the state of New York on the money borrowed for this purpose does eras In I>ibby, and n good deal richer; but otherwise unchanged. As Uncle Remus says the coloneTa Mmln wn* alius wukklng." After two or three ef his attempts to get out of Llbby had failed, he began to suspect that his failures were the result of treachery In the prisoner's camp. ESchange, like kissing, went by favor. The eolouel, after thinking each failure over, came to the oonclu«len that some peer iovll .vtv* selling his manhood for a mess ef pottage --currylug the favor which would "exchange" him to his home lv 1 betraying the p?a>*s ef hie oompanlons- ill-arms to the enemy, lie looked about for the man. Cautleua inquiries at longtli gave him such Information as prompte I him te say to each of the other Ave regular army office re: "Meet me at such a spot at midnight, I have found a traitor. We will ootiH»m*rft!al him t*vnight.* At midnight tho six men met lu a dark corner, am) in whis­ pering voices organ laud a drum-head court-martial. The colonel presented the name of the suspected and then his proofs. In the ballot which fol­ lowed, each of tlie alx voted Mgnllty.w "Mow,"•said tlie cotonoi, *tltls Is not a farce. We must vote a seutenoe, and tiien we must execute it," "Very well," said the next wan *Well,"aald the Colonel. *9lj vote for death. 'Pin wretch deserves It." M3o do I," aald the next, and so on down to the sixth, a Pennsylvania Major, He knew the culprit, a Pennaylvanian like himself, better than the rest did. He knew that he was quite capable of the crime charged against hint. He had uo doitbt of his guilt. He wanted to see him punished. lie said all this to the otlipr members of tlte court, and then !«• added : '-But you know we are not a legal court-martial. We have no au­ thority to act, certainly uo authority to kill. We may sift the evidence pre­ sented against a man fer our own sa - iafactiou, but we cannot sentence, much less kill him. The most we can do is to prefer charges against him In the War Department. We can't kill him ." Suddenly Interrupting himself he said,"Colonel, what's that In your hand?" "Tlie rope," said the Colonel grimly;"I've been platting it as wa talked," and lie passed it around. He had taken nn aid fhlrt* IWR it i«to narrow atr-lps and woven it into some­ thing that looked like a rope. "New, Major," he said when l( h*n<led back to hiiu, "what you have&ti<\ U *U very well. It does credit to your lieitri as well as your head. But yon,'re out­ voted ; the majority is agtii\«t JHMI. The sentence of the court is that the scoundrel shall die, and die he Kill this minute or I'll kill him myself. Came, Captain," lie said to the brawny Irish­ man next him, "you and I will settle the fiscal." • Why, jon nouldn t strangle him in hie sleep, would .v°" f ' asked the Major, also on hla feet, as the others moved toward the sleeping form of the traitor. "Certainly," whis­ pered the Colonel, Mhe can't pray, and 1.KlHiKit. Chicago, not CMme within the province of the _ act. The opinion affects all the claims we can't Ijave any noise," You neve " " " 1 will," *aid the Major tiririly getting in front of the Celouel i "t *on't let you --you'll have to kill nte ifrai--t won't stand by and see you at el it year honeat hands with hla dishonest blood in a way like that. Why* man,. It would be murder. Yon would bo a murderer. I won't permit it." Gliding softly before the Peat, he reached the sleeping man and Rat down by his head. There he aat, till the gray morning cam* stealing in through the chilly at- nio.vphere. Long before that time the ixilonel and his companions, battled and disgusted, had stolen aw&y to tlie If sleeping place*. Carrying the platted rope with thoni. As soon as the major Could see the traitor's face In the dim light of the dawn, lin waked him and told hlin all that had occurred, "Now, sir," he said sternly, "I saved your life last night, although 1 believed yuu worthy of death. I won't do It again. 1 saved your life for my sake, net fer yours. My advloe to yen i« that aa soon aa the guard comes in for roll call you get out or Libby, and aa soon as you get to Washington got out of the army. If you're in the army when I get ont. I'll prefer charges against you, and if 1 meet you I'll klll^vou," Trembllngwlth excitement, the wretch, without a word of denial or palliation, got up, and aa soon as the guard came in, got out. The stalwart six forwarded charges against him from Llbby. When they got out of prison they found him ont of the army, so they dropped the matter. The traitor is In the army now, re>In­ stated by act of Congress. I believe, but the mhjor, who promised to kill him on sight, la under the green sod of the prairie. Still the colonel wonM make things lively for tlie traitor. If t|*]r met face to face. EDITOR PI.AINDRAI.EK:--AS a psycol- ogietl fact It is remarkahlu (hat how­ ever wary or astute any of iw may be In respect to the ordinary affairs of life, on BiMkml exegesis we are often per- veraely Inexact and Inattentive in view of the essential conditions requisite to the formation of a rational judgment. This it illustrated in the case of these expoaltora who apply tlie whole of the prophesy In Matt.lM to the demolition of the chief dty of tlie .lewa, the over­ throw of the nation and hierarchy. Titers are half a soere of testa in this chapter which oa&jiot In any rational way be ma<ie to apply to thla CAtastro- phe; notably among them are ariclt aa treat of the "oomlng of tho Son ol man." It I* the erode** of nil oeueelta In tbeordinary death of the In- wherever met with, are aa shallow as they are dlalngeiilous Equally falla­ cious Is the notion which ffn:ls expres­ sion in such phrases as "typical com- ing," •'providential or spiritual coming" which commentators are so fond of using. Jesus in former interviews, as In tlie one mentioned in tills chapter, had apprised his disciples of a future coining of his which was to be coinci­ dent or connected with extraordinary events; and tills coming in f«ery instance, was Associated with the Idea of a personal reappearing. The ex pectation of this personal cotuiug of (Thrlat la referred to r«|ientedly In tli) Kplatlee and In the Apocalypse, From beginning to end there is not a wor.l or hint that this coming was to be other than a visible personal reappear­ ing. 1 make thosa remarks here to forestall that vicious habit of exposi­ tion which is always finding a figure of speech wherever a supposed dltlictHty is encountered, and U ever tacitly at­ tributing to inspiration, equivocation or amblgnltlea in tlte nse of language. Rut I have no occn&loti te further dls ema thit issue here. The point I wish »o raise ia, that whatever thU coin Wig may a|g«U.v% oi* thliue certain. It was, or la to be abritpt, sudden and without warning. It is important Utat thla condition be distinctly appruhend ed. The coming of Christ to usher In the Anal Judgment, alluded to in the New Tenement, in numecou* passages. Is also associated with thU SH>ue idea of abruptness of advent, devoid of pre- llittlntury signs calculated ta forewarn the iuhabttanta of eartlu lu this reaped tl*e two coses are parallel. But without stopping to discus* thla last idea in detail, «»ur business is here with the coining of the sou of man tuetu loued In the 24th chapter of Matthew. It was to be sudden t\nd without warning. Now, as lreepeots the overthrow of Jeiitsalem. where do wo find In the his tory of that transaction anything an­ swering to this idea of a sudden unfor- seen event? We shall search for swh evidence in vain; It cannot be. found. On the oontn*-y, tlie storm of war. which the Jews themselves had pro­ voked, waa seen approaching from afar oft, and provided for in a measure. Two vvd a half years were consumed by Vespasian lu reducing the ou'lylng portion* of Palestine preparatory to the siege. The operations of the Reman ariny in taking po&ltloii afound the walled capital were no more abrupt than such transact ions usually are. Through long month* of varying sue cesses ami reverses the siege progressed Little by little the wails were battered down and possession taken, and there was no special day or hour when--with the suddenness of a Hash of lightning, or, as in the days of Noah the flood came--it could be said with truth the doom fe'.l upon tlie city and nation. Thus we see, tills theory breaks down at every point. But the question arises: What are we to do with tlie fact that It la affirm­ ed "This generation shall not pass (away) till all these things be fid tilled?" This brings us face to faoe with a class of counter difficulties supposed by son\e to he fatal to any interpretation other th*u the one under review. Com- meiititar& have not been slow in receg •listing theae difficulties, and not ajlittle labor and ingenuity have been expend­ ed in tlte aftort |o ovcicome the in lu the interest of some rival scheme of exegesis. But unfortunately the mul­ tiplicity of conflicting opinions ia proof that lliey have not in every Instance heen successful; and it I* questionable whether they have in all ea«es, mani­ fested that Judicial fairness of exposi­ tion that the importance of the subject imperatively demands. One of our more reoont and popular cnm«nentatera, Wm. Naat, D. D„ labors with coiu- «??•?» thla i Just la an eft* -generatiMrUi living Jew*,* •toodT by Ike being* fceldtthat* otheri totMetHeot several pert tons <if'i thla term Is *p| deaignatlqg a **ni lug mieeteors rttnltt aa an organic^ forward from father to children's children, «ndr the children to the father cestorti* and U»at tbl* i« tt which It i« uses ki the pitaoajjiiJ Hon. If my Incentive Inet«t« this dlsciiMlon WeM purely Seal, uninfluenced by' victiens aa to the i»a) case. I might be teitipietf ioj showing as a sufficient (Ii moulty. But as It In, I e*i«a£:i as speclena, as involving a | Interpretation. Which, If w cepted. would OVerth'ow'all exegesis whatever. In th* intirpreta- tlon of language. It la not enough t* show that a word ia usod in diveran senses, or In a given sense on some other oocaslon. If litis were all that l« necessary *t wonld be easy at all ilmo* to evade a d*SSgr*eable dilemma. Th* question iu all audi cases la or slimtM be. In what aenae. by fair ennstrtnttion, is the word used In the connexion whfre we And it? A reference to the context, tlie aubjoct. and the oAnntion, is ordinarily nil that Is required In detertnlnlirg the sense in which a given word la used. According to this com­ mentators' rendering, tlie term gener» aiion in this paaango. It' dtvoid of nil pertinence, and line no meaning, con­ sidered In relation to Ibf, *$ea*ina which gave rise to the pr*gjiie$f. It has much lbs appearance of myetiflca- tion. It reprssencs Jesus ^ aiding evasively, entgiMttealljr,'** We ttum* ing disciples. In respect to ̂ (^MttriH!- tion of Jerusalem, end tlie national expectation of tho Meaatoh llMj^,^nwav HI the iu.leflniio-f«tn«% heiere tt>e laraelltish people almuM bsve beoome obllterAted from tbe fsce or tinr earth, these things wonld tnNiaplfe, ^it ns analyse thla tho^gMt. k tl#aenSe of a co r poratc somniiinity» %nvl«n o eotm- try and gover»SMn«« thO JoflTia#notion- ailtj has long sln«s A*pn f*tlnctf but as n race* the desosndanteof Ahra- haa> am to-Aur, nerhnpa, mate nnnier- ons thanever before ;niid nei^iliNher to lire. At the time MU (Mmpheey wa4 spoken, this remnrltnble niopln ex­ pected to aMdnfsntir. <l%sf«ad no expectation then, M they IM*4 «om» them, ns nr' Minis m niiii 'aMiiia iia ' Siheensse fam •Swiil'W!. enllvlng, to take hoed, lo eateb, t«s be In constant rendlnem. "for In such an hour as ye think not the Sflitff-man cometh;" and especially, to them that their city and.temple shmdd be overtlirown before tiielr ffnnl extiiw gulshment aa a raoe, wbe^n, ns it liirned out, some of tiielr number mftunlly lived te witness the event.--I say, lA tell tbvui it!! tltli in close cuiinection, in one and the aame adurea*, is--a mar­ vel of marrelat Snolt tfnuhor asaem* blage of lnoonicrii|tles« an) nnnntiuml conceptions, aa this easgetls involvea, I fanny It wonl*! kn hned to AM, It Is ehnrltable to believe that thle kMurwed commentator was not aware of fte foil logical significance. In the treatment of this particular topic 1 have gone cut of my waj aoine- wliat, partly because I thought Mr. B. might like a change, bat UMMTO especial­ ly to give the rende| an Iden of h»w an accredited expositor srpro^ehpf this subject. lN»«toaM «o itavs gone far enough In this dlseotU*. At tl«s Ouk. set 1 didnol jimnwi. nor da. ( now, la go tvvor the entUo iald tr^ver^d by cbuteatMng expository Hy Inalnmi tesx- wna simply to antag«uM»e a tiioolbg|ca| aberation | liave bMMrto ineoortc deuouMualeda »heojnrx 'I'tiat tlpinr are counter dlflfeultlea to be cleared np% does wt Vit anyway help the theory wn have now see* to bo untenable. Lev every tnb stand oik its own bet lent. Itt will be time enough to "ot op a counter theory who* the necessity nri^es. If Mr. Basaett, or any one Interested hna- »uy &nggeat|oii tuafter )ievt|neut to tbn mattetln haudKit mill couaidered. bo respectfidly A I'KIOMU |0^A .Toledopreacher was so.stlrre<|f up by i\n outside view of a"i,i$u* that lie couldn't stand it. Ha hatilcoiupuno tlori3 of consvlei¥» ng^liv^t the gratin- catiou of what las fancied might he % questionable desire. However, Ml liberality ef lielief would permit of the CltildrenfgeingJajnd ef their s-eipg a>t there was to he aoen, providedtheynlia t some good sised nw^idlne protector' with them. But unfortunately for hlny he bad no children, Mid wa>. thecefore^ "In a hole.*' Finally ho hit upon a plan. He we«t to a preacher and trlo.| te borrow his Ave-year old boy as a compauiuu to ths circus. Rut It woiddu't vrork.the preacher remnrking • "I've waited a long tiuv* $»r n\y boy t«* get big enough te g« to a ci rv^ npHI new I want to. use him uiysell.** , ADYICK fU MOTHSIK, Are yon ui»iuroea at night and hroki eu of your rest by a sick wlVl suCerlnje and crying with pain of mtting teetlif If so. send at <MIUO and get a Itottle of Mrs. Wiuslaw's S*wuhiiig Svnip for children teething. Its value is incalcul­ able, It Will relieve the |.<>nrl»tll* snfk^rer latniediately. Depend ti|Nin it nxolHer&v there ia no mistake atMNit Ii, It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regit- Ktea the stomach »and Itowels. cure4 wind colic, sortons the gums, redureo inAitmmi^lon, atitl gives tone and en­ ergy to tlie whole system. Mrs. Wlnfc low's Sootliiug Syrup for children teething is pleasant tu the taste. an«| is tlie prescription of uise »»f the »!<le*t and beat feiuale pliysiciaus and worsen in the United -Si a tea, a»«l U lor sale hf ail druggists thynm|h»ut the worKI, Vrim lit cents a little. • NISOK ill*... ^ 4, ^ The AnfSt line t*er sltofrfl m&jj:' Heury can be f<^nn I at II. ColbjX t. J*. .... , Jt £L%1

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