nttTX : $ Plf<i«®o but to Truth, to Liberty VOL. 9. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS BUSINESS CARDS. n .4 K-I ?•! Publishes E^ery Wednesdav *»3T SL^ " " .^yeDraOR AMD PUBliISHWI,^ Office in Bishop's Block, C,'e. DB PBREY ft OWIHlV- ?#ERM«^OP 8UB9CHIPTTCW. - • - -if >;m» . r'\*~ >£lsfcY-»t' #•? r«Rr(,n A«tvaae«> ••.... .7 ' ' . If Vot PaM within Three Month#....,. ..*<*» '•', ••>• .OBWWflittteM wnive'l for three or six ," VsUfcj i»onths in the Bame proportion. ' < • Kates of Advertising. 'A: U We announce liberal rates for advertising l> the PT^rvn^Atjm. and en 'eavor to state so P's'nlv that. tbev will 1* rqpdily un- ^jpwi«Kl. They are as fot|»We: ,-y : . <r f * J Tnch «ine rear - - . , •*. , . f SAO ; v • f Tuches nne vear - . • '. . • 10 no •# Tnche* one v****, ]S no 't.'.f-'vM Column one rear - "**'? *... . ^ If fMinmn one rear- V • *• Aoon •-" £1 Column en* year - Kf:*r' - WO00 -i'One inch means the measurement, of one '"Vppch down the column, sintrle column width. . . Yesrlv advertisers, at the above r.ites, hivfe i*Jie pvivileore of chancing as often as thev Ifhoose, without extra ehnrirc. * ltejrular advertisers ftnemins those Mvirnr jftandinsr cards) will - l>e entitled to Insertion M local notices nt the rate of 5 cents per line Mich week. AH others will foe chitrjred 10 tents per 'ine the fl-stweelc, ami 5 cents per line for each atibseq nent week. • Transient advertisements will be eharsrod the rate of 10 cents pe* line, (nnnp'u*fil rpe, same as this Is set In) tl»e first issue. nnd fe.ents per line for subsequent issue*. Th"s, inch advertisement will cost *1.00 for one •Week, Sl.Bft for two weeks, #2.00 for three • flecks, and so on. The PT,AiNnKAT,KR will be lihernl in srivinir •flitorial notices, but. as a business rule. It Will require a suitable fee. from everylwlv •Peking the use of its columns for pecuniary ^fcln. . V** , «=• V .ft- . , > MAHT <i. BARBIAX. WORKER. All kinds of l*air •k done in first class stvle and at reasonable prices. Rooms at residence, north east corner of Public Square, McHenry, III. HAIR Work done ITKTKHIVAHY V Illinois C.fe. GREEK. SURGKOH. Richmond, JESSE A. BALDWIN, rAWYER. Law business in any part of J the State receives prompt 'attention. O(Bre room 41, Government Building, Chicago, Illinois. D«. C. E. WILLIAMS. "\ENTTST. Residence Dundee. Will be at J McUeniy, at Parker House, the 10th and th of each month. AVhen date* occur Saturday or'Snnday I make my visits on the following Monday. JOH* KLEIFGEN. HOtTSE Painter, Grainer, CnlciminT and Paper Hanirer. Residen -.e one Block West of Riverside Wouse. Work attended to promiily and on reasonable terms. Horsemen, Attention! A11 lovers of line Horses are respectfully invited to call at mv farm, half a mile west of McHenry, on the Woodstock road, and see my fine Mor.san and Draft Morses. I have a Percheron Norman Draft <;olt that is hard to beat. Call and see him. , f- tins ine 88 done on Sunday. - 4 St. S. OOLBY. McHenry, May 1st, 18SS. s j,v -- iA "lyfyi'i Notice 1o ths Public.; - - irtji ^ , BUSINESS CARDS. " », T. BROWN, M. IX . felTY^TCT \>T 01) STTItGEOV. Offlcrfover T the Post Ortlc.o, onnosite Porry ft]Martin*8 Store up stairs, Mc^inry, ill. iif* j "jj" " • #•>>- •.; -4$' ' 11*$?: :-i T-J an. FW>*«1,M ,*D- ivrrsiot w SXD STTRaEOV. McHenrv, Tilt. OUce at Resldenee, on the Corner, ^Opposite Blake's Furniture store. •-fiiii-- -- -- . > O. -J> HOWARD, M. D. f>TTYST(UAX AVD StTRGEOV. Office at " mv residence, opposite M. E. Church, McHenry. 111. rONEY RECEIVED POR INVESTMENT and loaned on morteaaro security atenr- pent rites, without charge to the lender, jferm loans made at six pvr cent. ; .1. W RANSTEAD, . r •-:> land 2-,Borden Block, Elgin, III. 3 ^ - J . M Y E R S , Saloon and Bestanrant, " Ciquors awl Ci?»rs always on hano. Call * «j ," «tia see me. »'i 1 • Ji ii j, 111 PRATT HOUSB. A. PRATT, Proprietor. First cluss ae. * ?(#•'• commodations. Good Barn In eonneotion •> i,Irnuconda. III. BARBIAN BROS. ^S^^icrs solicited. Shop, la OM McHenry, SpKeiter Rlock, two doors west of PLAIK- JEAT-BU Office. I H WE built a shop jit*t south of E. Law-lus1 on Brick and 'Wood Street, where JT am prenared to ilo all kinds of work in my line. As I have no boys to do mv. work, X want very near what it'ls worth for doinpr it." I do my work in a manner that needs no watching. P. A. HEBAED. McHenrv, Jan. !»th, 1882. < ^ RTCIIARD COMPTON. ii ^'^IrCSTlCEof the Peaceand Conveyancer.-- ?!?!• h (I vrillattend promptly to the collection of tebts. Volo, Lake County, 111. 1 v ' '-Ii-, E. E. RICHARDS. ' ' tTASa complete Abstract of Titles to Und iSfe* I I in M ilenrv Oountv, lll»noi». OAee with Jo^itylerk sr R. M.OWEN ENER.VL Dealer and Manufact'irera Agent in Leading. Farm Machin-' V--- Prices low and terms favorable El1. ' McHenry, E.G. SMtTH. »OOT AND SHOE MAlfER. Pronipt atten-BOOT AND SHOE MAK.rcre. rroiunt tion sciven to Repairing. Shop Jn 6r«?. "try's Harness Shop, opposite Riverside House, JKcHenry, Illinois. S M A R C U S CERMAN -feiF.Sf ARCTJS, WINES, LIQUORS AH0 CIGARS. Woodstock. <i.r* «*• { WiO^jest Tonic in the world. «' .• ^Pist»n<l Quart Bottles. r. MARCUS, Pate III. Pat ap in J teo.^ TWELVE REASON FOR INStURING WITH r w. . SAith Ol Woodrt«<«i "I- 1 he I#-OT<l#rsed by leading bus »Vn<N», ana p^rtlcu ariy caiusu the oldest ujciicy in. the ^he ftpresents the best line of »'• oinuaui«TPiany «gencv in the county. '• 4. JMKtthss. wllh one exception, he repre- .> the? oljrlest companies in the United fi Btjtttfiise, infeaseof loss, he gives his % atrrms the berufft of his. long experience In ecuiingan equiWble adjustment. 6. Because l«h:is always it sued full pol • "1^'\i'%cie8. ' & ~ Became hepaye losses on farm property fire ensues or not. es live stock anywhere » 7- Becanse hepaye 1 •A"viAjtligiitning, whether V-T-W&. Because beinsuri >#'=^|igainst lightninjr.. C. N. CULVER AOCTIONEGt, Richmond. Illinois. Sales of Stock, Farming - Tools an<l Goodsot all kim s attended' to on the most Reasonable'Terms' and , satisfaction guarauteed^ Ppst Office addreSs, RICHMOND, ILL. ••"Will attend sales and furnish "printing and advertising as cheap as can be procured elsewhere in tbe Jounty. SOBSBT C. 3EHNSTT, ; --BREEDER OF--- atria /*. WliP- lil€HMOND, ILlI (FIRST FRKMIUM \T MCHKKRT OOL'WTT rAIR.) My fowls are of the celebrated DUKE 0>F YOllK strain, remarkable for their great size and layinK qualities. I can show a trio of last season's chicks weighing :U pounds: Eggs, per setting of thirteen. delivered to purchaser in Richmond, snipped, securely packed. tllM. ROBERT C. BKMVETT. S. F. BENNETT, M. D. MYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Also United _ es Examining.Sunreon. fllinois. PI_ _ States Examining t Surgeon. Richmond, DR. <3. R. WELLS. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Wauconda, Lake CV^, III. All calls promptlyattena• ed, dayor night. Office en Main St., east of Barker's harness chop. H. K. JOHNSON ft CO.. OOLtCITORS of Patents, 1006 r St., ». W » O Washington, I>. C. * llEyEKBNCKs.--Hon. J. A. Logan, Hon. W. R. Allison, Hon. D. C. Smith, I'ekin, M. E. Stone, editor Chicago Farmer1* Review, Chicago. Send for mstWieeions. s JOSEPH N. FREUND. ALOON AND RET AURANT Bonslett's old stand, opposite Bishop's Mill, Mo. Jlcnrv. III. The c loicest Wines, Liquors . Fresh and ijigars to be found in the county. Ovsters in their season served up in shape desired or for sale by the Can. GOOD STAB LINO FOR HORSES. any ANTONY ENGELN, SALOON and Restaurant, Buck's old stand McHenry, III.--The choicest Kentucky Whiskies, Sour Mash, Wines, Cigars, etc., alwavs on hand. We buy none but the best, and sell at Reasonable Prices. Fresh Oysters in their season. A. M. CHURCH, WatcUinalter and Jow^eler NO. 105 STATE ST., Chicago, III. Special attention given to retiring Fine watch es and Chronoiut ters. DT.\ Full Assortment of Goo<|s in his line Richmond Hou&i*% j . . 'mc'^MO. IL C. N. CULVER, - - PROPRIETOR. HAVING recently purchated the, House, I have put it in thorough reptfr, with new fu'-nitue throutrliort, ami woul<| respectful'v invite tlie patronase ot the tmy elins: public and others. The tables will al wavs l>e provided with the best that can be procured, and polite and attentive waiters will be in readiness at all times to attend to the wants of quests. No puns will be spared to make this a First Class House. Large and commodious barn* on the prcraiees. Free Omnibus to and from all trains. Sample Rooms on first Boor. HE. WIGHT M.VN, Proprietor. Firs . class-rigs, with or without drivers furnished at reasonable rates. Teaming ot all kinds done on short notice. -'If#-1 L. Near the Depot, 11 1 McHENRY - - • ILLINOIS. Keens constantly on hand the Jlnest brands of Flour and Feed of all kinds, which ho will sell at Wholesale or Retail at Bottom Prices. Five diflerent hranda of Ftonr always* cte btfud and warranted as represented. Flax Seed Meal Always oii/Mand.' *9"Flour delivered anywhere In-'the Cor poration. Orders may be given bf Postal CaWj Box 107, Post Office. , # ̂ GIVE ME A CALL. L. BQMStETfe Mcllen y. March 8th, \ M . V / E. LAWLtTS- llerpliant Tailor|f|s ; ' KEEI^ . Foreign and Domestic Cloths. WARRANTS A FIT, ALSO CLOTfUXG, Men's Boys' and Children's sizes, of the best qual-<= ity and at Chicago prices. Store opposite Riverside House, McHenrv - Illinois. | A. WENDELL*/ McHenry, III. Wffc'tuke contracts fur puffing up Buikliiigs a nil (fiiaianteo inv work will comjiare with any man in tl»o State. I can and will do work from 15 to 42b per c«*nt cheaper than other carpenters. a» I have two of my hoys who work with ine. which makes It possible for tnej to do so. AI1 *.Tobs In the Carpenter line ^row^Uy attended to. Give nte a call A. WENDELL. V No Favor« Win u» and no Pear 8hall Awe.1' DNESDAY. NOVEMBER 7, 18S3. % Edwin Department. eimett, M. D. Cook County Hogpital, CONDUCTED BT DR. 9. F. BKSNSTT. Illinois. or night, and special at- cult Surgical cases Comrade. HH W9UNDKD SOLDIRR. Sadly h i lay on his hospital cet, i4S His arnf »>a«llv torn by the enemy's SIMMI; Jf "While fcis thoujfhts wandered hack, u n , hone fltr away, fK her/his youth had been «peat,iohamy^,i From th DON'T Y FORJET IX! f*.-; i HEllUnoiiB. oiu of money st dtunage bj (Late House Chicago, RIchmdfrM Calls attenned ten Hon given to Woodatool # Backed by J INDEMNITY aj Lfghtnjhg, Wind Stormii, ' - ' • - I ' ' CTCLOXi&Axo,TORNADOES. Droj) me a vosiai enr.l and I will visit vou; call on ine ntnl I if ill write you a policy/nntt wnen t*11 tier or of t hose <i£ti(ru<*ttve el**- ments devastates vour property, happy wil yon l>e if you hold^'one of my policies, "for will sureiy visit y$u, *nt| minister nuto ' l.will not foi'sak^ou. 7V Asa rr. syrrrrr* J * Itt.iuKUice Horscj Shoein General paeksm: WAGON AN0 PER1SCH, MoHiwrj, Illinois, Would respectfully /nforin his" customers, and the pubUc than ever pfopai lorally that he is now hettei Ut^doail work in his line. AGENTS WAKTED j AGENTS (WANTED. WM. ft COWLIN [6t;«<JE880R TO K M. CLOTHTERl IS. WAR CLAIM SOLICITOR AND ATTORNEY. ALSO NOTARY PUBLIC. prosecutes pension or anv *ther claims against the government,. reMting to the late, or former wats. Compt'cated cas«a and re jected claims made a specialty. If stamps are enclosed for reply, all communicattous will be pi-omptly answered. Office at BetMenoe.ff ADI80N ST., WOODSTOCK. ILL. i • Befereiiice% l>rpermission as reftards char actar, business ability, reliability, Ac., Ac : n«ii: Jolin A. Logan, U. S. Senator, Chicago, Illinois. Gen. J. C. Smith, State Treasurer of Illinois. Hon. It KlIwood.M.C. 5th 111. Dist., Syc- ainore. III. Hon. John C. Sberwin. ex-M. C. 5th ill. X>ist.,^ur^a, 111 Hon. A. ST.' Jones, U. S. Marshal, Chi/Ago, ill Unioj/v« Piea 'eteran o. }• . *• Mr. OWEN, DEALER IN-- ' , Cfo^ics, Watches, lft#rtry, Silver ard Platecl Ware etc.. ». Because h# insures against tornadoes, cyclone8»nmt wind storms, 10. Hecause v/»u can thus save yourselves froft'<MRitfBij<M' a mere trifle. ^>4 11. IJee^tiBiou will find him equally as *"Sv<.-active ttKR^ti in getting your money after Joss as to se'onre your patronage for his com- ^•panies. 12. Becanse atav one of the above reasons * ap, lean l»e fujlv reti'fled by calling on E. A. Mar- '"rpliy, FT. Session#, J. VT. Miller, Iroin their own . osperience, and on the entire circle ot his • 'jfccqnaintnnees from observation. ^ In behalf of the Old Reliable, the Phoenix, m '•&&& jjof Hartford, Co|»pecticiit, I take areat pluas- i-t} In returniitt the thanks ol the eorip;iny :'H•> Mrs. I„ D. Kelly for lusr promptness and un usual presence of mind in extinguishing a lire residence,«ki»dled from the burning ol Murphy's ̂ residence ou tiie morning o| individual effort, the company Col. Jas. A. Sexton, Club, Chicago, 111. Jesse A. Baldwin, Asa't U.S. ^<torney, Chi. cago, III. ' , , „ Messrs, Solz, Schwab & GOy^ Wholesale Boot and Shoe Dealers. Chicago, III. Also hundreds of coumty awl home referen. oes. FOR YELLOW or BLACK BIES OR- IOCS! ' Call on. ' John Hendricks, 111. Spring Grovei"' §/* Also will Insure yonr^pwpw^ *pinst wind, cyclones, or lire. I represent tt»e Home, of New "York; the Phoenix, of Hartfbtd, and other good companies.^. JOHN HUNDRICKS. Spring Grove, III., June 20th. 1SS5. h WESTERN NORMAL C0LLE6E And Commercial Institute. FIVK tei{.weeks terms per year. FIFTEEN COUUSES:--Teachers', Collegiate, Mod ern Language, Commercial, Art, Music. Telegraphic, Phonographic, Penmafi»hip, Klocution, Medical, Euguieering, Drawing', Ac. Whole expense for one year. |12,r>. Wes tern /Normal Lecture Bureau. Western Normal "Advocate." Catalogues and speci men copy of paper K RE K. ' C. L. GUEGOItr, Principal, Bushncll, III. THS! T keep in stock the celebrated Sprij*fi6hf Watch, which is pronounced by all t%^« the best watch now on the market. t ' 'X Will mt #r Under$ol^; On any goods in my line. - .. • , 'a**1 30,1883. The oldest and most reliable story paper published in the West. Itisa large eight-page paper, full of interesfang storieSkSocietv news and humor. Qvery new 8abM}m|sr receives a book as a premium. Price per year. Sainplej-opiesfree. Addr6«^ tb« CHICAGO LEDGEB, Chicago, III. ";wsn: : UttVAJLT* IN^, Of all kinds on »Wort notice. *S*tiivo us a call-mid we Will-Mease you both m quality and price of *or|t P. HAUPERISCH. McHenry, 111., Aug. 7th, 1833. HEROES IF TEE PLAIHS. J By J. W. BUELL * ! The Great New Book of ' WESTERN ADVENTURES. A book of wild life ftn<l thrilling adventures on tM Plains; lights with Indians and desper ate white men; jirond bntfilo hunts; narrow escapes, w<in%jp>i ^Stooiiott and ri ling. The ifl>.vuthfnl historv ot tlia W'tr^Wesi Iiidinn flglrters scouts, hunters mid tru j.-lt*.- of the fur West; Wild Bill, Buffalw Bill, (iencral Custer, Cal ifornia Joe, Capt. Jark, the Poet Scout, Texas .lack. Kit Carson, Capt. Payne, the Oimnrron •Scout, White Beaver, tlie great Medicine M-in of the the Sionx, and many other celebrated Plainsmen. Kirstand only liisloip- of dialer's '•Lnst Figh't," as related by sitting HnII and his Chiefs to the author in person, with sc. curate Tojiograjdiic II In *1 rations of the battle and portraits of Sitting Hull aud his generals. A great and valuable book; reads like a ro mance and outsells a}4 others. Two hundred thousand copies aireadv sold. WAgents don't throw your time away on slow books or war-thls&s- imitation* of this grand work, but seftd rft once for the great original. It sells; on surht. (I'M) large pages, 1-20 illustrations, i(> line Colored Plates. Price only #2.' Canvassing Outtit«, .'i0 cents. Outlits FKEE to agents who are canvassing for any other book. Don't miss this grand chance, but write at on^e for Pictorial Circulars and extra terms. Address, HISTORICAL rUBLISIIIXGCO, 4H V. T'»lr 1 St., t. T.ouia. Mo. STANDARD He trfmght of the father, and mother so;i^*> Tlieif last parting words, the kiss ami thj 72mr As iji'tdv mounting his charger ao gay. To jj^in his brave comrados.just «tartin(&w>y Hp itiought of the marches, the batt.e* he'd Of the ^>ar« on hia shouldet, bit Itmverv'd nought. 7 who'd Mien, to oft by hia Tli? last parting words' they'd spoke ere thev / ̂ tU6tle h ' .•The nieward approaches, whaHs It he brlnss. A l:ope ol a letter, to the snfltfirer springs. A package is speedily placed by his side, Tlie seal is soon broken, the strinyia untied. At last he has news from the dear onesnt home And joyfully teams that no more he will roam' tor his dj^havge has reached hiin,his soldier ing o'er, • • A**!' 'OJO*||C wi)l start for his home once more. ~~~>-- Army PMi at Wimwsdt, A. J% Mik^i. Special Mustering OYfl cer Dpp| of His., G. A. R.. will be tit Wauconda on Haturdity %reninj{, Nov, 17. to orginixe » Post of tli« G, A. R. All ejt-soldlert who wish to become members of ft Post nt this place are cordially fiivitetl M be present. ; ^ ABTHUR COOK, Com. * INFORMATION WAN*K#-icL_ TH« A^ERTSSES OP POII.OWINO. Comma it derln-diief Robt. B.Beatb lias issued a circular containing the names of persons whose addresses are wanted. Under the heal of Illinois appears the following; John P. Carnes, Firit Lieutenant, Phil Slpples, Klrst Lieutenant of Com pany F. Thirty-tlret Illinois Regiment, by George \\\ Htnlsou, Heber/Cluburie County, Arkaiians. Colonel Charles H. Miller, of One nmi<U*$l and sixth Illinois lufantrr. by Joijji AHiwon. Utlca, Neb. Captain ,J. W. Arnold, of Company A Forty$hcth Illinois Itilantry, by J. W. Tomlins. Banjjor. Cofley County, Kan. Jes>8e York, or" Company G, Ot.o Huu- •lrpd iti<l Nineteenth Illinois Infantry, by Martin T>. Wilson, Utirtlen. Kan. Colonel or Captain of Company D, Rijfhty-ninM» Illinois Infitutry,by L. S. Wall*, i.ardul. Norway, Anv member of Coinpariy I. Fifty- fonrth Illinois Infantry, by Isaac W. bhephenl. Ford, Warren Coimtv. Iowa. Captain Everett an*) William Moore, of Com pa y Fourteenth Olonel ^aines Stewart, and Captain George F. Snelllng, of Company 1. Tenth Illinois Cavalry, Henry Van iirunt, Girard, Kan. •. Meut'-uant William Sffflliw Mid Le- land J. Webb, «f Battery E. Flrtt 111. Light Artillery (kn%vv"as -WatepHouse Battery, of Chlcaeo,") by -.Will iams, Portland, Miob^ GRAND ARMY OF THIS RKPt/BId" A Post to be Organised st 1,1 » Short 1IUM> " Afc* meeting of ^iienfc ix-toldlers, lieltT at Wuiip^a, Saturday eve-ilnj. Oct. 20.->^3, to to ike arrangements to tafXauize a Post of the G. A. R., J. A. Masen was elected Chairman and A. L. Price, Secretary. After aomo discus* slen, reading circulars, etc., the follow ing named persout signed the. mutter rpll: ' -.a - i Arthur Cook ---Co. B, 96 111. Inf)^ V. Traill--Co. B. 96 III Inft. ^ officer in the service, receive# ' month (or a gun shot weund in id. w|*1le another, who has a hall i^ttt arm, never extracted, and rectialso a serious injury to his back, only gets 95 per month. The latter is unable to pertorm manual labor, and the former earns a good •alary." ^ In looking at such ineqmtlltiee, It calls for a re vlslop of the present. 14«r. Judging by th»*e |*ension lists, U very plainly show's that the amount of in jury tr Incompetence for manttiU labor Is not fairly paid according to their' deserts. We kitovf of many af tb»pres ent time who rVo *4iicap.%cUate(l.froin earning their daily bread, and revive nothing, while there*ar&smu^ *iy titese Pension lists, residing in QiifcHjo. w*lto are earning gooil shades. A revision of the |ienstq)i list would n^iei^y these inequalities, and provide pensions to these pensioners equal to their Incom petence for manual labor. m TlteuiomradeS, m they answered to their country's cJli. bared their breasts to meals the leaden buiiets ol. the enemy; Ihey valued not their live*,so long m tjjey defended their country CfoHi treason and wrong, they manfully wen$ w.tiie troot tinaej* tlie waving foidsof tlie grand old flag^ and now, scime j>t tliem -fiave re turned ; but in what cbnditlbn. tlie stiflerurathefiiftelve? know best, and they are now ploWdifig. ^|gng through ibis world, .physicKl wrel!fc» Atiheir former selves, and it is only just and |hat ^ n. n»ent that they foughtt©,^^ ehVild provide them \flth adequate mean# of support. It will not be> for long, for the comrades are fast , answering the last roll call, and passing to the groat* buyout),---1 he Comrade. JC DITOR PLAIXDEAlJpt^ obligation to Mr BaMmit; critique on aii article of §lf J2th. I regret my frientf | it bis duty te give ft syiMpol brief. Of my entire a stated, even though It! lueonvenlenr to asi*w< In sai»l article I cal that fallacy whidt mnl the gospel with gattarHtg! elect. Mr. B. replies, J Hsvt that preaching may -blM ft gat lie ring." Not at aH.tfl|« criminate between ttitb|n' «">li|l«. ' Preacldiif a' ^ gathering In snywense. frMtefctr •before, gathering (»M«i ttfltr; «!6es n«| com* a To represent thaae two praceSM* ,*ny sen** tlie same cnnfMs of ihought. i* f*e propbery «misR£ consideraUon. the utiiv«rsal preaditujf x>f the gospel i» foretell} In Matt Slflp terms, about the meaning «f which there can be no question, aftd in th»"order of *fuTflllinent. as anleeeilent to the gathering 4n ff the elect Bieit* tioned In the 31st.vef#e. CoUe now, Jet us exercise a 1lti)*>comnion sense. ^What oecn^lon w«» there to repeat thll prediction* flgnraMvelys In tlwl Slat verse, wlien it had j'»«t bcfor#bee» •»« nounced literally. ITtlie literal etHttt* ment was not clcar. hMMMmia a /igufa- *'ve» dialect ImppviF It? I haal reminded Mr. tff |kl»4llom§ liitlm trructejie crl^ifcisetjijbiitfjug prefers H overlook it. * A gill n, says Mr. B...If we nndem*n,| the 29th*vs|Fse lftnrally, "then the str» moon and s(ars eeaceit some 1S0U ye sinoe,"* ' liy Iriend seem* uiiaM#Of J Preserves Linen, givers a heanttAil finish prevents the iron from stlckinsr, s^rei laber |S Cents a. Jt^ake. " v • \ _,.A* . • M yoar Storekeeper for it. / Standard Oil Co ezMLAvo ^ - FOR SALE IN MbHENRY BY PERRY & OWEN. OHIO. CONTIN^pU' HOOF OINTMENT, A. L. Price-Co. 1.10 HI. Inft. M. S. Hill--Co. B. 96 III. Inft, H. F. Htifljjiea--Co. 1.147 111. Inf|. * , J. M.f'lurk--Co. I, 147 III. InfH ^ f John McCusker--Co. B.9(JH1. Inft. J. T. Mori ill--(Jo. B. 90 III. Inft. Geerge Wiiifteld--Co,*B. 96 III. Inft. John Boomer-^Co. A. S III. Cat. Win. Marble--Co. B, « III. Inft. .. Sheldon Wood--Co. D, 146 III. Inft. >£' Frank Garland--Co. B. 9ff IM. lwftv \Meritt Lake--Co. A, 36 111. Inft. E. E. Gilbert--Co. D. 146 111 Inft. WJ. A. Ma«on--Co. G, 98 fII. Inft. ' Geo. II. Foote--Co. G.96 111. loft, i James Grace--Co. F, 37 III. InfL Warren Powers--Co. B. 9® IH> Inft. - Reuben Wood--Co. B, 101 Penn. Inft. i ill. K. Harris-Co. B. 10 Mass. Inft. It was voted th>t Comrade Cook lake 4^arge of ij|Mf^fund8, make arrange ments tl"> State Mustering Oflicer /prWinter iu at his earliest conven- ' A. L. PBICK, Sec. - lArldes tad UniUM.-" ~r"'*; WltMn the past slk months th# press has been called ttponto chroniere scores of marriages of girls in thefr teens to men in their second eNldnoot? arid fn one case tlie bride was sixty-five and the groom nineteen. TJX* ages of the parties In a majority />V the 'absurd unions recorded have averaged seve^-* |n years/ Probably the rtost Intef- esiing ca$e of these latter marriages was that ofa Washington yewh. His at her was an •mplioyie In |ihe na#y yard of that. city. Tlio boy became fully con<yewMj *^tL "'t was not g in'Stf to be ato«»ju v»viiiif havfng a rib taken from his side while asleep and wakl.wto 11 falr-htlred blue-eyed partiV ne»r by he proceeded after the li*<«r day method Aift* pro cured a u&TiHge license, niarrledf his | g|r] a,^-took iter to hi* father'* house. <gv« latter part is In accord to lire cus tom of the country. But he %ardly expected so warm a reception as he received, Entering the house he IntroV duoed Ills wife to her father and another In-law. They were. Of course, surprised, and the old gentleman went ye hi# Mr tit* willing to kecphiseytt«**&tif |&*4 o# ibetssue bet teen us. pr«-» sents one of those <mlgj^«iMHtl"a- several timea aihided ik jUM^ IuMmta his iinwiglnation. b«t wjhteh realty liar nothing fit To Tfflh thlrTj||lg)(irtiiii. m»-~ less the Issue lH? narrewedMbwn titsV afiul only txvo. m^tmHy>«frfliefjiiff In. terpretat ion». B|ij|R«lia shown to be tfal Tltere iaay b* half a dolten «wcMfrnnrttle«,-.aim there" may nbt bejj^fwheo the prt| properly w^ntoofi. as tiiepe are a do^ttH Ot- more theoHsEl t«?": them. We are discii^sitis one . theories, and only one. disposed of another wltt be Cannot. Mr. B. see tlie ftolnftf My friend closes hit hint, "adn»onitory,ft 1 very imwh needed*,, this, lie aays^ n*frHir^S*'iah poilty^- (polltjr > out •W^TWs Is st»l>stant!any »renef«ti<H» of i position takert by,)jjfv ®. ftl-Mld" article, lie should in my reply, thid portion Was lenged as aa tssuus^tlwa atbi'.r a<lvanced. With no evidfeliQfe to stv It. Besidesa«fm«tl¥erVa^ assigned why j-' Cracked Hoofs, Sprains, fP&CRA'l'CHES AND SORES IN HO USES, CATTLE & SHEEP. A f f k y o u r S t o r e k e e p e r f o r i t O T w r i t * dir sct to the Manufacturer». AXEaiCAN LUBBIC/.TlNO OIL CO.. CLEVELAND - * - - OHIO. FOB SALE /-Y McHRNRY BY r u H. COLBV. ^ • r? II. J, "l» „ •t-5 Live Agents Wanted. To sell Dr. Chase's llecipes; or Information for everylioily, in ever.Vicoiinty in the Cnite«l States ail»l Ciili:u!u. En'arsf'l hy the imblislier to filS It contains Over e,000 household recipes auil is suited to ail c.lafses and con dition of socictjr. A wocderfiil lipok and a houmhoM jiei'-L'iSity; It lis at sight. .Great est inducements ever ofpn-.ed t<» i»ok a«ents Samnle c<)]jios sent by jiiafl, Postpaid, tor ?'2.0S Exclusive territory glveri. Afjents moi'f than double their money. ; A<ldres» Dr. Chaee s Steam Printing ftousq* A^| n Arbor, Mich. c3f • Wb now have t\»: ^neat assortment of Visiting Cards! -ever s««Q In this 8ection.4Ptll and tliem. • • • $ • ^ PENSION LISTSfr- • r The pension lists have been publish ed and the law enacted by the last con- gfees has been complied with. The number issued is limited, and we thick not great enough to guard against fraud, but the statute only intended enough to show to the people this roll of honor ot the brave ones, who fought «nd suffered for the welfare of their country. It Is no barren honor ro bo enrolled on this list, for it is a positive exemplification that all these, whose names fcre upon it, were flrn^ adherents of the Union and its welfare. The list so far as we have seen it seems unequal and shows very plainly to us that the causes cf disability are not pensioned according to their deserts. The Boston Globe In speaking of these inequalities says: "A large majority of those paid are recipients of pensions for wounds and injuries received in the service, and a striking commentary upon the inequalities of the pension law may be found upon examination of the printed list. For instance, one man loses an eye and gets but $8 per month, and an other man who loifes th^f middle finger of the left hand gets #18 per month, one man who loses,'.a p^t of that im portant member, tJie Index finger of the right hand, gelffc $4*»er month; an other loses the middle finger of tlie left hand and recejve£«3 per mont*. A nan tn a town adjacent to Boston, who out to meditate. He was a #ery prnc tical man. He found a good lath and returning asked the bride to retire while he held a consultation with th« groom. She had no tnor^than left the house when a sound of deviltry was heard behind her. She had a strong desire to see her ma an* struck a regu lar J. I. C. gait fo^haine. In about tw# minutes the nqply made, fnfautfiie husband was seen to emerge froui the back dofr In a dr#adful hurry, foliowed by ills father and mothon.^***® father had about two feet of JfcK* latli in his ba^and seemed toJ^'very anxious to wear It up on t*3 basement of the grwoins pantak^'1*- The mother equal to tho occ^o" And realizing her posi tion as a helpmeet to Iter husband, was i playing'an accompaifyment In great style with.a clap-board. This was kept up for about two blocks when the groom seemed to suddenly get a fresh impulse and soon distanced his father and mother who returned to their home feeling that tliey had done their duty and done it well. The groom went to his bride's parents where lie was Received as one returnetj/frora the grave. While all things art not as the newly wedded had hoped for, and not up to the average dime novel on such subjects, yet it is hoped they will not be in the divorce courts inside of tlie next year asking for a separation. If the example of this Washington father and mother Is followed by lathers and mothers generally, we should have less puppy love :iouse:ise itt th^ country.-- Peek's Sun. *%• tenable, a* mark able noticing i but persist! uakeq, atMrMM/ih estabtkwd ipMrf#*wte!i| hon<>r,iW#t«sferttrofWrsy. '*fs little, pefi^mar? i»%| kind as to give ns his aathf^ siutement. or tell us Imwja Jewish government "wet** dlatcly after the fall of Je People with ordinary percep hatnrally support tbat wt mvtlon Isovertlwown, wlmteve ity It mav» havS possessed I gulsbed in the overdraw, no* But what has Jewish polity tbladlscusslon anyway t J, mention of this tlil«|UP™# twoa^nsion whaiesaip*' •"Jr system of seutiiuents lie nevot exp#0|^w not pass, H l» • r otis ass»n»pi!•», a frawlwloat lui' . tion foisted lulo^ tho propaooy by <W" tain eoramentators to eover ibelr in*' blWty to explaia the simple anw straightforward utterances of lit* Master, and copied inaJvertently wr . doubt, by i»y friend. It Is • predict!®* ' the Master never made, and which l» nowhere to be found save In the mysti cal excogitation of dreamers. Admonl- , , tory "For I teotify IMIIO every rnmrn^. that lieareth the word*of the prophecy , * »( tlrts book. If any man ahull atwaato*' ^ tlvese things, God sImU a<M u»t» hln» the plagues that ftro written Iu th|* book: And If any man ohaM take awajr troin the werds of the book of this propiiecyrGod shall takeaway his part j out of the book of life, and out of tl»o- holy city,and from tho things whHfb are written' iu this book,"--Rev. Itc 1^:1 J>. A I'KRMU. Some miscreants have been "raising the very devil" with the Northwestern passenger trains recently between Tur ner Junction and Chicago. R. B. John son had an unpleasant experience last evening. He was coming out hom Chicago on the train which leaves Chi cago at 5:15 and runs to this city. At Maywood, about ten miles we9t of the big city, a number of larg^ stones went crashing through the car windows op-t posi te Mr. Johnson, Just missing biro. He was informed by tlie railroad men that this throwing at trains had been practiced for some time past. We think the Northwestern company should em ploy the detectives necessary ib ferret oql^the miscreants who thus endanger property.-lift and limb.--Jut^i Pott. The Westminster Ceal Stove. 1*oth Round and Square. For beauty a^d durability has no equal I* tbe market For sale by E. M. Howo. • Wayeof UsM«»stW«sa Two bofs went to huot gnysa till was happy because they foianl The other was unhappy beeaum 9ftNK> grapes had seeds In them. Two men being oonvalesoent ^ asked how they were. One said:* ~| am better to-day." Tho other said was worse yesterday." When it rains one man says: "ThtO ^ will make mu<l.n Another: "This WlU^ lay the du6t," Two children looking thro^b ed glasaea; one said: wTl»e *qr^l la. blue." Aud the other saklf *lfi bright." -J;-- Two boys eating theijr dinner; Ot»0* said: "I would rather have s«»-»#thl|«| .other than this." Th# otter *»TI»l8 Is better than nothing." > A servant thinks a nan's principally KUchou. A j|uest principally parlor. f >• "I am sorry thsit I Bf®,* man. "I am sorry tlkst I moil says another* *•1 am glad." aars eoe. "ihs worse." "I sm sorry,** "Bays ' • t h a t i t I s n o b e t t o r , ' ^ ̂ One man spuils a good thinking of a better repWt el a#tpor^ Aitoiher enjoys a i>oor repast bj[ <•«£ trasting it wlrh none at all. yli One mm Is thankful for his hlewing^ Another is mow for bis misPWjaaf^ One man thinka he IsentitMJ*^ better world and Is dissatisfied jaMMPO he hasn't got It. Another think* lie » net Justly entitled to *aj. ana I*»atl* ilt»d with thte. ' One loan makes up hi bis wants, Another irsiliWBMh m: .•j&'At k >.». J? , •M Mr&M;.