t imwti ¥ T»« urn* ^ * ^ 7 , , * T „ \ ^ v ' * " * k " > f c . ' ' V v - . : • ~ * 3 ̂ ^S^f^gr^s.i. -jSf!: ;g^$ ... M..." 'V. r - \ /?* ;'S«4.C|ViV ft'f ,r»i|i uiftfr Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and law; No Favors Win us and no Fea* Shall Awe. M'HENRYVILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 14, 1883. %% <2>) • k ? 'i •Office in Bishop's Block, Published Every Wednesday bf ^i;.JT. VA> StliYKE, **VM5»V.,,.. SUfM AND PUBUaOtt*. .": ';', y.^ :i" •»•;. . _____ V.?i.:'»V'^ .R %-OTFOSVTK PFTKRY ft OWEN'S.- • ... * . • • , :• . • % > • * * ? " { vsi• .* . - TERMS or SUBSCRIPTIOX. *••' *> • • • r ;.• One Y«r (In Mm«e) ....."..tlJW • f> If Not Paid within Three Months....'... .. i;00 • #**'••'& Sntweriptlons rec.eived for three ,0r Six / VTT?, months In the same proportion. ' ..-V *5 .? 1 11 1 1 • 1 ' 1 "i. *.?: ~ *" - 1 ~ ~ *" Kates of Advertising. We announce liberal rates for advertising ' in tho PLMNOEAT^BR, and endeavor to state them so plainly that thev will be readily un derstood. They are as follows: V JT ? J Inch one vear . . ' »<• 9 Inches one vear , 5 - ] * 8 Inches one year • ' . .,. « V Ootnran one year • , » ' • ii Column one rear- * . .- 1 Column one year •«•' •' . BUSINESS CARDS. HART G. BARMAN. HAIR WORKER. All kinds of Hair Work done in first class style and at reasonable prices. Rooms at residence, north east corner of Public Square, McHenry, III. TTTCTERfHAttY V Illinois 0.8. GREEN. SURG K OH", Richmond, _%-i 3, 'r:& tVlfr so° ,, 1« 00 r 15no . • 30 00 no 00 .100 00 One inch means the rt*MhrWn«ht of one inch down the colnmn, single column width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rate#, have the privilege of chansrinx as often as they ehoose, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaninar those havintr standing cards) will be entitled to Insertion of local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line cach week. All others will he cliarirecl 10 cents per !ine the fli-st we«k, ami Scents per lin« for cach subsequent week. Transient advertisements will bo chawred at the rate of 10 cents per line, (nonpareil tvpe, same as this is set in) the first issu<\ and Scents per line for subsequent issue*. Th-s. an inch advertisement will cost #1.00 for one week, tl.SO for two weeks, #2.00 for three weeks, and so on. The PT,ATNnnAt,KK will be liberal in eivins editorial notices, but, as a business rule, it will require a suitable fee from everybody aeekinx the use of its columns for pecuniary gain. f i*# ' f ~ ' * •„ff BUSINESS CARDS. H. T. BROWS. M. 1>. PHTSICIAX AND SITRGEOV. Office over the Post Office, onposito Perry AJMactin's ttore tip stAirs, McHenry, 111. O. 11. PR'irTSI, M > D' - |">HYSlIOt \N AND STTRUROV, McHenry, I Ills. Oflc.e at Residence, on the Corner, Opposite Blake's Furniture Store. > O. J. HOWARD, M. D. nmrSICIAN AND STTRGEON. <MHce at 1 mv residence, opposite M. E. Church, McHenry. 111. MONEY RECEIVED FOR INVESTMENT and loaned on mortease security at cur- fent ntes, without cliar20 to the lender. Farm loans made at six per cent. .1. W. RAN'TEAO,' 1 and 2 Borden Block, Klffin, 111 . S J. J. MYERS,- .. -t> ftwlortn and R est fin rn At, IN BASEMENT of Kuhnerfs *SfArft. .Tolins. burgh, Til. The choicest brands of Wines. Liquors and Cig»rs always on kiuuw Inn see me. . Call PRATT HOUSE. J A. PRATT, Proprietor. Fivst class ac-co'.ninodations. (jnod Barn in connection fffoiicotnla. III. BARBIAN BROS. •m CIGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, 111. Orders solicited. Shop, t.i Old Mclfenry, kn Keitcf Block, two doors west of PUAIX- J1CAI.KR Office. , RICHARD COMPTON, JUSTlOKof the Peaceand Conveyancer.-- Will attend promptly to the collection of lebts. Volo, Lake County, 111. E. W. RICHARDS. •"T'Wft comolete Abstract of Titles to land II in M llonrvCounty, Illinois. Office with County I •' 1,Woodstock, III. v;j E.M.OWEN ENERAT- Dealer and Manufacturers JlT Agent in Leading Farm Machinery.-- Prices low and terms favorable. McHenry, IP. •im E.G.SMITH. ROOT AND SHOE M AKER. Prompt atten-tlan sjiven to llei>:iirinz. Shop in Grog- >r.v's Harness Shop, opposite Riverside House, McHenry, Illinois. M A R C U S GERMAN gVlanufactured by F. MARCUS, -DEALER IN- PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Woodstock, IM, ~ The best Tonic in the worML Pat up la Fint and Quart Bottles. F. MARCUS, Patentee. k' ft*: TWELVE REASONS, FOR INSURING WITH Asa W. Smith, Oi Woodstock* 111. I. Because he is endorsed by leading bus ihess men and the press, and particu arly where hest known. 3. Because his is the oldest agency in the tcountv. 3. Because he rf presents the best line of ompanies of any agenpyHh the county. 4. Because, with one exception, he renre- •ents the oldest companies in the United States. A 5. Bccause. in case of 1ns*. he gjves his patrons the benefit of his long experience in eecuiing M» equitable adjustment. 6. Because he has always issued full pol U'ies. - 7. Because he pays losses on farm property toy lialitninjt, whether Are ensues or not. ' 8. Because he insnreslive stock any where against liirlitninir. - 9. Because he insures against tornadoes, cyclones and wind storms. 1«. Keen use you can thus save yourselves <rom disaster for a mere trille. II. Because you will lind him equally as Active to aid Jrou in getting your money after loss as to secure you r patronage for his com panies. 12. Because airy one of the above reasons cau be fully verified by calling»n E. A. Mur phy, E. Sessions, J. W. Miller, from their own experience, and on the entire circle ot his acq1"1'"1*"008 from observation. In'behalf oftlte Old Reliable, the Phwnix, of Hartford, Connecticut, I take sreat pleas ure in returning the thanks of the company to Mrs. L. I>. Kelly for tier promptness and un usual presence of mind in extinauishins a lire at her reaidecce, kindled from the burning ot E. A. Murphy's residence on the morning of the 13tli init;. as by her individual effort, property/was aaved oa which the company Hd a polio/ of #3,000. • ASA W. 8MITS. JESSE A. BALDWIN, IAWYER. Law business in any part of J the State receives prompt attention. Office room 41, Government Building, Chicago, Illin<\|s. DR. C. E. WILLIAMS. DENTIST. Residence Dundee. Will be at McHenry, at Parker House, the 10th and 25th of each month. When dates occur Satnrdav or Sunday I make i»y visits on the following Monday. JOHN KLS*FGEN. ROUSE Painter, Grainer, CalciimnT and Paper Hanger. Residence one Block West of Riverside House. Work attended to prom ply and on]reasonable terms. Horsemen, Attention ! All lovers of fine Horses are respectfully invited to esll at my farm, half a mile west of McHenry, on the Woodstock road, and see my tine Morgan and Draft Horses. I have a 'er^heron Norman Draft <>olt that is hard to beat. Call and see him. £S"N3 business done on Sunday. N.S. COLBY. McHenry, May 1st, 188S. • Notice 1o the Public. I H WE built a shop just south of E. Law-.. liis'on Brick and Wood Street, "Where I am prepared to do all kiuds of work In mv line. As I "have no boys to do my work, 1 want very near what it'Is worth for doing it. I do niv'work in a manner that needs no watchiiig. F. A. HEBARD. McHenry, Jan. Rth, 1882. C. N. CULVER, AUCTIONEER, Richmond. Illinois. Sales of Stock, Farming Tools and Goods-ot all kirn's attended to 011 the most Reasonable Terms and satisfaction guaranteed, Post Office address, j RICHMOND, ILL. • WWill attfnd sales and furnish printing and advertising as cheap as can be procured elsewhere in the *ounty. EQ8EEI C. BEIUEIL -BREEDER OF- S. T. BENNETT, M. D. -I3HTSICIAN AND SURGEON. Also United 1 Statee Examining,Surgeon. Richmond, Illinois. DB. C. R. WELLS. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Wauoonda, Lake Co., III. All calls promptly attend ed, day or night. Office «n Main St., east of Barker's harness chop. H. K. JOHNSON ft CO., SOLICITORS of Patents, 10« F St., N. W Washington, D. C. . . REFERENCES.-- Hon. J. A.Logan, Hon. W. R. Allison, Hon. D. C. S«ith, rekin, M. E. Stone, editor Chicago News, Farmer't Review, Chicago. Send for instruceions. Edwili R. Bennett, M. D. tl^ate House Surgeon, Cook County Hospital, Chicago, III.) Richmond, - - Illinois. Calls attended dar or night, and special at tention given to difficult Surgical cases. Soldiers Department. CONDUCTED BY DR. 8. F. BENNETT. JOSEPH N. FREUND. SALOON AND RET AURANT Bonsiett's old stand, opposite Bishop's Mill, Mc Henry, III. The c lolcest Wines, Liquors and Jigars to be found in the county. Fresh Ovsters in their season served up in any shape desired or for sale by the Can. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. ANTONY ENGELN, SALOON and Restaurant, Buck's old stand McHenry, III.--'The choicest Kentucky Whiskies, Sour Mash, Wines, Cigars, etc., always on hand. We buy none but the best, and s.ell at Reasonable Prices. Fresh Oysters In their season. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler NO. 105 STATE ;ST., Chicago, III. Special attention given to repairing Fine watch- esand Chronometers. 4£^A Full Assortment of Goods in his line Richmond House, ^^RICHlWDlia. ILL C. NABTVEB, - - PROPRIETOR. HAVING recently purchased the above House, I have put it in thorough repair, with new furnltne throughout, and would respectfully invite the patronage ot the trav- eling public and others. The tables will al- wavs be provided with the best that can be procured, and polite and attentive waiters will be in readiness at all times to attend to the wants of guests. No puns will be s|>arcd to make this a First Class House. Large and commodious barns on the premiees. Free Omnibus to and from all trains. Sample Rooms on first floor. HE. WIGHTMAN, Proprietor. Firs class rigs, with or without drivers fiunislied at reasonable rates. Teaming ot all kinds done on short notice. FOWLS, RICHMOND,. ILL. (FIRST PREMIUM *T MCHR.NKV COUNTY FAIR.) My fowls are of the celebrated DUKE OF YORK strain, remarkable for their great size and laying qualities. I can show a trio .of last season's chicks Weighing :ll pounds. Eggs, iter setting of thirteen. $l..r><i, delivered to purchaser in Richmond, Shipped, securely packed, $2.oa ROBERT C. BENNETT. A. WENDELL, CABPENTEU AND JOKES McHenry, III. Will take contracts for putting tip BiiUtHiig? and guaraute* 111 v woik will compare with any man In the State. I cnii and will do work from 15 to 2b pe cent cheaper than other carpenters, as I have two of my hoys who work with me. which makes it possible for me] to do so. All Jobs in the Carpenter line promptly attended to. <6ive me acall A. WENDELL. DON'T YOU FORGET IT! „ J :̂*SAW. dNITH, --or-- v.. Woodstock^ . •» Illinois. *f •' ' r Backed by Millions of money offej YOU INDEMNITY against.damage by Fire, Lightning, Wind Storms, , f * /: CTtfawrasar 42W> ^TOU^adoea^7?. Drop me a postal cilrrt and I will visft ytiti; caU on me ami I will write you a policy, and Wttcn either or any of these" destructive ele. nients devastates your property, happy will you ix) if you hold o«0 of mv {iolicies, "for I will aureiy visit yow, and minister unto you. l^wili not forsake yuu. H*. s\rrrif, (f/'n'l Insurance AffX Horse Shoeing, General Blacksmithing, WAGON AND I Xi. Bonslett^ • Near the Depot, McHENRY - - - ILLINOIS. Keeps constantly on hand the finest brands of Flour and Feed of all kinds, which ho will sol) at Wholesale or Retail at Bottom Prices. ,, Five different brands of Fiour always* on hand and warranted as represented. »'Flax Seed Meal Always on Hand •y Flour delivered anywhere In the Cor poration. Orders inay be giveu by Postal Card, Box 107, Post (jffice. GIVE ME A CALL. L. BONSLETT. MclTen v, March 8th, 1881. E. LAWLUS, Merchant Tailos, KEEPS foreign and Domestic Cloths. WARRANTS A FIT, OR NO SALE. ALSO CLOTHING, Men's Boys' and Children's sizes, of the best qual ity and at Chicago prices. Store opposite Riverside House, • McHenrv - Illinois. O. W. OWEN, -- DEALER IN Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver ard Plated Ware etc. I keep in stock the celebrated Springfield Watch, which is pronounced by all tio be the best watch now on the market. Will not be Undersold, On any goods in my line. , a w . o w e x McHeBry.Feb. 93,1883. WM. H COWLIN ft'i jit CriKSROR TO M. M. CLOTHTKRl If. S. m CLAIM SOLICITOR AHD ATTORNEY. ALSO NOTARY PUBLIC. Prosecutes pension or any other claims against the (fovi»rniiient, relating to the late •r former wais. Complicated cases and re jectcd claims made a specialty. If stamps are enclosed for reply, nil communications will be promptly answered. Office at Evidence, MADI80N ST., WOODSTOCK, ILL. References by permission as regards char acter, business'abiiity, reliability, Ac,., Ac : (ion. John A. Logan, U". S. Senator, Chicago, Illinois. Gen. J. C. Smith, State Treasurer of Illinois. llon.lt Ellwood.M.C. 5th 111. Dist., Syc ainore, III. Hon. John C. Slierwin, ex-M. C. 5th 111 Dist., Aurora, 111 Hon. A. M. Jones, U. S. Marshal, Chicago, III •'Col. Jas. A. Sexton, Pres Union Veteran Club, Chicago, III. Je^se A. Baldwin, Ass't U. S. Attorney, Chi cago, III. Messrs. Selz, Schwab A Co., Wholesale Boot and Shoe Dealers. Chicago, III. Also hundreds of county and home referen ces. FOR YELLOW or BUCK BEES ---Olt IfTICE EQNET call on John Hendricks, Spring Grove, 111. Also will Insure your property against wind, cyclones, or Are. I represent the Home, ofXew'York; the Phoenix, of Hartfoid, and other good companies. JOHN HENDRICKS. Spring Grove, III., June20th. 1883. WESTERN NORMAL COLLEGE And Commercial Institute. FIVK ten-weeks terms per year. riFTEEJI COUR^BS:--Teachers', Collegiate, Mod ern Language, Commercial, Art, Music, Telegraphic, Phonographic, Penmanship, Klociition, Medical, Engineering, Drawing, Ac. Whole expense for one year. $125 Wes tern Normal Lecture Bureau. Western Normal "Advocate." Catalogues and specu men copy of paper FREE. C. L. GREGORY, Principal, Busiinell, III. HEAD THE P. HAUPERISCH, MeHcnry, Illinois, Would respectfully inform his customers and the public generally, that he is now bettei than ever prepared to do all work In hit IIQ«. REPAlIRIlSe, Of all kinds on short notice. XVGire «» » call and we will please you both in quality and price of work. P. HAUPERISCH. Mctfenry, til., Aug. ?th, 1883. herqesIfths FLAms. U,ra ! BjJ. W.BTOU,, \ A01"» WANTED. S 7 (WANTED. The. Great New Book of WESTERN ADVENTURES. A book of wild life and thrilling ail ventures on the Plains; lights with Indians and dosper- ate white men; grand buffalo hunts; narrow escapes, wonderful ghootiny and riding. The only a«UhtHM«o»l 4W»'1hililW -feWtnry nt-tlM daring exploits of the greatest Indian fighters scou l s , hun te r s and gu ides o f the f a r Wes t . Wild Bill, Buffalo Bill , General Cusier, Cal- Ifornia Joe, Capt. Jack, the I'oet Scout, Texas Jack, Kit Carson, Capl. Payne, the (Mmurron Scout, White Beaver, the great Medicine Man of.the the .Sioux, and many other celebrated Plainsmen. First find on! v" history of t luster' ••Last Fight," as related by billing Bull and his Chiefs to the autho<* in person, with ac curate Topographic Illustrations of the battle and portraits ot Sitting Bull and his generals. A great and valuable book; reads like a mnnce and outsells all others. Two hundred thousand copies already sold. •^"Agents don't throw your time away on slow books or worthless imitations of'thi grand worK, bill send at once for the great original. It »<»iu on sight. 000 large pages 120 lilnstratiet , HI line Colored Plates, l'ric onlvfltt. (':invv>jng On till*, ,10 cents. -Outfit FltKK to agents who are eanvas>ing for any other hook; Don't miss this grand chance, but write at on JO for Pictorial Circulars and extra terms. Address, HISTORICAL PUBLISHING CO, 41-* V. T ! i ir I sr. , t . Louts, Mo. Front the Comrade. MV OLD ONIflHtM COAT. \ » v I t h a n g s o n a n a i l , All covered with dnat, v-- ' -s The buttons are battered - Anl coated with rust White still on thi shoulders, As when it was worn, ;i'. W:, Are seen the gold bars, . ** Though shabby and torn. > I'll keep and preserve it. And treasure with care, And while gazing on It, ,n, So worn&nd threadbare, , *, , Will t(iink of the dangers , And troubles gone through^ , i • In defense of our banner. • . 'r% . The red, white and blue. ^'1$ STANDARD LaiiiJrr Wai Preserres Lfnen, rglves a bekntlfbl flaish prevents the iro* from sticking, sates labor 5 Cents a Oake. kl yoir Storekeeper for it MADE fiY Standard Oil Co., CLEVELAND • - - OHIO. FOR SALE IN McHENRY BY PERRY Ac OWEN. Continental HOOF OINTMENT, f CURES Cracked Hoofs, Sprains, SCRATCHES AND SORES f 1 « ' 1 is HO STSES, CATTLE & SHEEP. A sk your Storekeeper for it or writ* di* set to the Manufacturer«. AMERICAN LDBEICATIV0 OIL CO.. CLE VELA ND - - - OHIO. FOB SALE IN McHENRY BY H. COLBY. Of th« Appropriation of #100,000,000 for 11»« payment of pensions for the fis cal year finding June 30,1883,839.000,000 remained unexpended, and was re- iipiiroprlated for the present (focal year, making the sum available for the ex- ponse8 uf the bureau about $125,000,000. Commissioner Dudley expresses the opinion that there.will be another Inrge surplus at the end of the present fiscal year. In tliat event he will ask to have the surplus rfeapptopiated and expects to be able to reduce the ainou<it re: quired for the fiscal year beginning July 1,18S4, A blue jacked at Alexandria ft per forming one of the multifarious duties which fell to Jack's lot during the Egyptian expeiitiou, was assisting to remove some trusses of liay from the quay, and, stunibKiig along under the weight of a small haystack, not being able to see \ here he wa? going, pushed against a commissariat officer irre pr ouch ably clad In his review dress. "Who the dickens are you, and what are you doing hereP" "Who am IP" said Jack. u We I.I, I don't altogether know. 1 uoed to be a British sailor; but now, it strikes me, I'm tuttied into a commissariat mule!" It seems to be a fact, from recent disclosures, that of all the unonjupclona- ble sharpers and swindlers in this coun try, the professional pension agents and claim agents at Washington, with stool pigeons in other parts of the country, art the meanest and most thievish. The official authorities having at lust become fully cognizant of the opera tions of these rascals, and how they hiiUI been ro&btiig vet*rails of the lite war by false pretenses, vigorous meas ures are being adopted for their sup pression. We are both surprised and sorry* to learn that even Mrs. Belva A. Lockwood,the woman lawyer. Is among those who have been detected In these disreputable practices. It wuuld seem that the demorallaing influences of Washington life are enough to make even an angel fall. ° ferring to the circular and petition, we desire to warn our old toldiers against them. They are not gotten up to bene fit old soldiers, only to keep alive and make money for the Claim Agents. These schemes are gottet; up year After year, billed, as actors say. all over the country, until Congress has begun to believe that spldler claims and ideas are full of humbug, and consequently tliey sit down upon what is really meri torious because they have become nauseated In the outrageous actions of Plains Agent laws. Look carefully after these sp«6tous fellows. They mean no good, and we Itre but injuring ourselves in the esti mation of loyal people In appearing like grasping, avaricious people, whose only object Is to Secure more and more* Roster Richmond Post No. Ml, U. A. R. Richmond Post, No\ 288, 6. Ar. ft.,' was established June 27th, 1883, rfrHb the following officers: ; = Commander--S. F. Bennett, 8. V. C.-P. W. MVd. ' J. V. C.--John Sanborn* - Adjt.--E E. Brown, <' Quartermaster-,Jolin C. Smith. ; Surgeon --T„ B "Rice. '% Officer of th*e Day--H. Christian, Officer of the Guard--John Hillings. Sergeant Major-- H. II. Nichols. Q. M. Sergeant--S. Oi Stevens. PRESENT MKMRKRSHIP. Samuel L. Orvls. A 1st Wis Car. Thomas Sutton. F 95th III. II H Nichols, M 3d N Y Car. Win Peacock. D 93th III. E E Brown, Kflrh N Y H Art'y, J B Vosbttrgh, 48th Wis, Co B. - J A Ualdernian. il 36th III. Q C Clark, B 104th III. F W Mead, M 1st 111 Arl'yl ' >i ' 8 F Bennett. F 40th WIs.^^ J CHmlth, H8lh III Cav. S O Stevens, G 17th III C#|^ J W Sanborn, II 95*h III. John Billings, C 19th 111. www (I Christian, 17th III Cav.M 1"*" 1 li B Rice. C 141st III. »' John F Packer. D 93th Ill.f C ' ; Robert Hunter. K 12th III. V'1 fetetf James McDonald. C 19th 111. Lafayette Austin. G 17th III CavS; ^ I N Mead, F 4th Wis. ^ if? L D Blr.ckman, H 95th IllJ^M-J. E C Carpenter. B 9flth IIlT^^ v Henry 0 Mead, A 15th 111. * Lyman Bacon, D 95th 111. "^ 7« * C T Eldredge, M 1st Wis The meetings of Richmond Post are held on the first and third Fridays of each month. Hall In the basement of M. E Church.. Comrades from abroad cordially Invited to visit the Post. »-:;4 KIM . * . A j . . The oldest and most reliable storv paper published in the West. It is a large eight.pa.ge paper, full of interesting stories, society news and liuiBor. IS very new subscriber receives a book as a premium. Price tl.00 per year. Ham pie copies free. Address, the CHICAGO LEDGER, Chicago, 111, •i • . • ' 0 • • • • \ - LtveAgentsWanted. To sell Dr. Cli.isc's Hecipo.s; or Information for ev vylwdy, in every county in the I'nited Stated:ind Oaiunla. Enlarged by the publisher to B48 pages. Il contains over ?,P<i0 household recipes and is suited to all clafses and con. •lition of society. A worderful book and a household necessity. It sells at sight, tireat- st inducements ever offered to book agents Sample copies sent'bv mail,Postpaid, tor$2.00 Exclusive territory given. Agents more than double their monev. Address Dr. Chase's Steam Printing House, Ann Arbor, Mich. WR now have the finest assortment of Visiting Cards ever seeit "^H this section. Call and see theuit. G. W. Bonnell, tiie peif-ion ofllce clerk who was dismissed from the Pension Office «n Monday, Sept. 10. for furnish lug inform ition to an outside eonfed erate with regard toj the s:atue of claims pending In the office, was ar raigned on the lltli, with'an alleged confederate, Lemuel J. Den Aim, of Washington, before United States Commissioner Btuidy on the charge of devising a scheme to defraud pension claimants. Both were held in bonds of 91,000 for a hearing. The specifications in the charge against the two men are that Bonnell furnished Denham with information regarding clalius Which he (Bonnell) knew were to be allowed, anil that the latter wrote to the claimants offering to procure the allowance of their claim for 30 per cent of amount allcfWed. Bonnell claims to be able to clear himself of the charge. He was not arrested, as on hearing that pro ceedings were to be instituted against him he went before the Commissioner with his counsel and- asked for a hear- i»g- Gould P. Austin, mother ex-Pension Office clerk who was arrested last month on a somewhat similar charge, was be fore Commissioner Bundy on Tuesday, the lltli, for a hearing. His attorney wanted to file a pa|»*r InMvhic'i he stat jpd bis wish te waive exj^mftfatlon before the Commissioner, on the ground that as the latter wa« in the elnploy of the Pension Office detectives it. would be mpossible for his client to get justice Irom him. The Commissioner would ot allow the paper to be, filed, and Austin, waiving an examination was bound over to the Grand Jury.,and in default of bail, was committed to Jail. Boldicra Beware. As fast as one scheme fails, another is inaugurated by selfish Claim Agents. One of the methods adopted is to secure large lists of soldier* to be presented to Congressmen In behalf of some special law, then, if it passes, to deluge the couutry wish circulars in relation to the law, and their own facilities for carrying it through, garnering an im mense amount of wheat. I. e.,--cash. Just now a circular Is going the rounds In relation to payments of offi cers from date of commission and tlie equalization of bounty bill. The petition accompanying thls.cir cular is being seut^to the names of the printed pension lists, which lists by the way. are to be In book form. We had hoped they would be In card or slip ferm, so that erery person might read the names as they were posted or tacked up in a prominent place. Per chance this may follow after awhile. Id th# meautim*! however, again re- mm:* - J[.. Muster Roll or Koada Post No. SM. This Post was organized and muster ed at Nunda, McHenry Co., III., on the 21st day of April, 1883. by S. M. 0„ D. Kelly, of Woodstock, with twenty four members on the Char(er, the Charter having been granted ou April 18th. The following are tUe ottuers of the poet: P. C.--Wm. H. Huffman. S. V. C.--L. Beck ley. J. V. C.--Henry 'Keyet. Adjt,--Ira M. Maliurv. Q. M.--J. E. Beokley, Surg.--Win. Butler. Chap,--Win. St. Clair. O. D.--Jl. F. Richards. O. G.--r>. B. Warner. S. M.--M. Hattershall. Q. M. S.--L. L. Warner, r ; ?** . , * ROSTER. * . W II Huflman^-Lleut. D 95 fit Inft L Beckley--priv. 1. 52 111. Inft. 1 Heiiry Keyes--sergt. F. 15 III Inft. Ira M Mid lory--sergt. G. 17 III. Inft. „J HJ%eckleyi-capt. D.95 1I1. Inft. Win Butler--priv. D, 95 III. Inft, Wm St Clair--prle*. D, 95 III. Inft, M K Richards- -priv. B. 39 Wis. Inft. D B Warner--priv. D, 95 III. Inft. M BatterMiaJl--priv. K. 153 III. Inft, 1, E Warner--priv. I. 95 III. Inft. ; Wm.Schales--priv. D, 05 III. Inft. John J Atlanta--priv. 1.95 lli« !nft»' M F Ellsworth--lleut, F. 95 III. Iiffej?* II W Beardsley--priv. 95 1JI. Inft. J N Powell--priv. H. 110 N. Y. Inft. N M Paine-sergt. H, 111 N. Y. Inft. Chas Wilson--priv. C, 6 Minn. Inft. C I' Pettiboue--priv. F. 15 ill. Inft. John II Paddock -lleut. F, 15 111. lttf( Ja< II <'ox--priv. G, 52 111. Inft. Frank GHmes--pri'V. B, 141 111. Inft* L McGue--priv. G. 3 Mich. Cav. !y- W P Morse--corp. E. 5 Iowa Inft. . R Rowley-- priv. C, 58 III. Inft. S S Shepherd--drummer. I, 95 III. Infl. H M Bryant--sergt. D. 95 III. Inft. A M Clark--prlv. D. 15 III. Infl. J»D Atidrus-->lleut. II, 124 111. left. Robt. Wilson. John Helm--priv. C. 65 111. Inft. John Peter--priv. K, 88 III. Inft. V N Ford--priv. It 95 HI. iaf$.. K Riuehart. •Wm Jones. A A Roscnkrans--priv. O, 17 Itt. Car. Geo Schmlth--musician, I. 111.-Inft. A Henderson--priv. D, 95 III. Inft. Jno Church--sergt. I, 95 HI. Inft. * ^ 1, Chandler-- priv. F. 9 ill. Cav. » Justus Chapman--priv. I, 95 II'. I-njH, Wm Wih;ox--priv. 95 111. Inft. H Dilley--priv. 1.147 111. Inft. 'haneey D Parker--priv. D, 95 111. Iuft Asa F Johnson--priy. C. 2 111. Art, , , Wm McDonald--prly, G, 9 111. Cay* • O Francisco--priv. 17 HI. Cav, J Smiley--priv. F, 15 HI. Inft. WM. H. HUFFMAN, Ooauftaa4er» IBA M. IIALLOKV, Adj'L Duties of the 6, A. R. One of the great principles of the G^. R. is loyalty. This has a broad meaning and does not mean that we alone shall be loyal to one another, or <oyal to our country, for the fact that we are members of the G. A. R. ls suffi cient proof that we are loyal to our country and our flag; but we are to teach loyalty, and in doing so the fact of some of our organizations who have been and are now making preparations to receive and be received by those who were not loyal from 1861 to 1805 is great lesson, and one that goes to prove that the animosity o^ war has been in a measure forgotten, and that the brave men of the North are willing to receive in friendship the men of the South, who fought battle for principles that are now ever wiped out. 'Bltis feeling, this ieit*§ timent of union, this forgiving these harmonious meetings of men of both sides on'battle firh$». to talk over the old cam prfgnn, to mark out the spots of the fallen heroes. I ho lines anil positions occupied hy eaeh other, for the use of the historian ami future generation. This alone'Miows to the rising generation, that the anl-' mosiilesof t lie past are forgotten, that " loyalty takes its place, and to tills ris ing generation who will have been taught by the principles of the G. A. J?. that this country jean only be gr'atn successful, an J powerful by one'unlonj and a natiou ot Ifrval subjects. --I--a-- k,K- Geo. Batter ««4 the Malfw twtdMgfc Governor Butler made a speech at m Cattle show in Ath6l, Mass., and in lee- ttiHnjj the people, among other things, on cleanihtets as a requisite t6 health, told this IModote of hi* army experl- •nw: *f set mjrA>lf to work among* some Intsachusejtts and Maine soldier* J to look after them very carefully, and I spent every Sunday inspecting them fiom 9 o'clock in tne morrfing until5 daylight ceased. - They tl^Qttglit that I: was exceedingly particular.and couhrhfe Understand what should make the Gen* eral peer Into pots and kettles, anil why he was looking at the bedclorhlng, etc. Well, one day when It was bitter cold. I was inspecting "a Maine regi- , ment, among other things, looking Into A- the knapsacks. Now, ev^ry'knapsack" should have |iad a flXnnel shirt, a pair of drawers, and a pair of stockings. I found one that did not have-thoni. •Where are they?*J asked. 'I have got them 01V said the man. 'Got two on?' •YeiC 'What's the ma'Vsrf *1 am cold.* „ ^ 'Well, what are yon going to do.next 1 week for a clean shirt?' 'Oh,* he said; r *1 he had not had forethought enough to . , thlukofthat. 'Well,* I said, 'Orderly, this man aeems to be cold. Take him I and run him around the parade ground « doublequlck until he gets warm.' Thia % accordingly was done. J did not aeo the man Again, In 1808 } went np Into. M the upper part of Maine trout fishing, J and while riding on a stage coaoh with the driver,the driver ftsked me if I did not know him. I did not. He said: 'I J was a soldier under you.' Said he: f 'General, there was onf M.HM In my lift when If I could have kllh^ryoii and it would never have been kmrwn, I would have done it with a good deal of relish; but you saved my life by tiie very thing which,made me hate you.' Then ho went on to say thai he was the man who had worn the two shirts, and ho asked me to get oft and Me his old father and mother, which I was verv glad to do." » ^ •* ,'J A NhW KM PI It K. President Arthur's excursion to tho Northwest, the visit <j>f distinguished ; ^ foreigners to take part in the opening* f i of Yellowstone Park, and the complex ^|| tlon of the Northern Pacific ratyroad* *; has di retted attention to the wonderful' i region of tiie Nortbweet. which i»aayet ^ very sparceiy Inhabftod. Mllliotts of pen. pi/will-yet dyelllat|kese vast spacea wher*at present the Inhabitants can be counted by hiintfredi. There are new- three complete transcontinental road*, oonnectir.g tho Paclfie "with the Mis- slssippl vallev and the Atlantic States. There are others underway, and before five years are over the traveler from the east will have a choice of some six: different routes by which to reach tho Pacific Ocean. At no previous period In our. history has the population and wealth of our country been increasing with so much rapidity. It is believed that our actual population hy the close - of'the year will be Tnlly 56,000,600. On*- Increases is over 2,000,000 per annum. It follows tlie land of the Unite«| States, being a fixed quantity. Is stead ily and largely lucreaslnff- in value. Attention is callett to the fact that wealthy foreigners, including many English noblemen, are purvhaa* tig large estates In this country* They are monopolizing: section* In the far- West which are dally beooiQlng inoro valuable, due to the iuorease of popn* latlon and wealth of the oountry., A Tribune oorre&pondent tells of an English lord whose friends criticised * his large outlays tor American land, "Why," he replied, "l am looking out for my children. Under the JGIad- stone laws estates In Ireland have be« come worthless to the landlord^ Tho same result I fear will follow in Bng«- land, American law reoognlzes. absolute right of thtf owner t» the soil," Should not the' American pe©-.' pie, however, do something, for lhl« * country? The English nobleman or other speoultor. purchases laudju largo quantities and hold it as an investment. The neighborliood becomes populous and gives value to tlie soil thus held from the foreign pwnen He thus gett* the right to tax the native American' of the next genration by selling uufc at high figures. The California con stitution, to break up (lie large esutf« . which had created artificial desert*^ enacted that wild lands should )>o taxed at the saiue rate as imprwveil property, and it certrnaly does seem just to levy all the t«ie* on th*«i who thus make valuable tl*M adjoining wild lands owned, by (l)tr >pe»n4atsr j, Demonmfn Month'#" E, L»awhi» beats CM lor dothiuK, ::W? • ' • * ' ft . % -A