Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Nov 1883, p. 8

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W1: -•.V . . .^ , FT a\4 - w •• : v $&•'****• 'r i •" 4 ";"^^:?v'v';v..:.;-. *;'_'• '--\-Jjf • # mas - , • > •-'• ; -V- "'t - _ -H-- _,.,, •• # V- .- , / * •dru.'titter •• f-"i - t ^ ' «*/»»£«« tf.s* ffipS iSfl ?*'«.>'. s Ifaay Wiyon »re, DANGER? L;*J • ,• g*. • * . * f >** • m:. M< WAMIMII III IV ft.wwtcil. Mr R«faUr Correspondent. W amino TON. frvtrtl, Tin reau!t *f 'fWsd|f*« • Ipraiift » very gctt«r*) ftpilng gM'atli tacitftft In <itlUm circlet lit the Ch|»It«l. At tlie Executive Man- fn CK« Department?, VM (Ills " U*n *p,»are»t.~ The President ow*ri himself A rareful student of the #f«!tlon renins during the week, but 1m ha* t»tk*d wry little about the re- txwpt in Cabinet circlet He *nld, In the course of a long conversa­ tion on Friday with a gentleman whi» j-epresento an important bureau ef the government, that h« wa* very well featisAed, except with Virginia. "As for New York." continued tin Pfesl- lleot. "I consider that we may safely Count that state in 1884. The one filing T do regard as settled Is that the moorntlonominee will not conie from *«t *f th« Alleghanle8. New York is oo uncertain, and Pennsylvania ha* no mocrat who can carry his own State n a Presidential Contest, llutler never *d any chance for the Presidential onilnatlon,even if he had been elected. Ii« Indications are that Ohio or Indiana will furnish the Democratic ipiuminee. and the battle of the coming Campaign will oe fought over on the ground where It was fiercest in 1880. ^ v&y this I inean that the bitterest of the r flsht will be In Indiana, Ohio, and New York._ It Is generally accepted as a jjpalpame moral of the elections that UNew York will b« the main battlefield Jfbne-year hence. Now that the elections are over, final "preparations for the Speakership race jire begun in earnest. AH the candi­ dates will be here this week, with their respective staffs, and will estab­ lish headquarters at the leading hotels. |riie idea that the following of Mr. t« merely complimentary, and that tii« votes are to be given to Mr. Car- ,->w lisle, lias bt;eu dissipated by the dcclar- " fttions of his friends that they mean to atatid by him as long as there is a Ichancu to elect. Mr. Cex is no longer nsidered a short horse by those who •ok the situation calmly in the face. • has a strong support* and it looks ««' if there will be a determined eflort it his behalf. He has friend* among he Southern members who are werkv^ f*lH»fuNjr for him, and he numbers strong backers in the Indiana delega­ tion, and some ardent supporters ' ^^^"./"^imong Ohio Democrats. On the ether *hand, Mr. Randall's supporters run over ^he list of Democratic Congressmen * -and name a majority for him, whilo ^ ^Mr. Carlisle's friends readily count .:||li»ames enough to elevate him to the Speaker's chair. Tbe Randall men count confidently ever one hundred ,votes for him, and concede to Carlisle, §||;',jai the very outside, about eighty or possibly eighty-five votes. Even with 'earnest opposition from Cox It is *, claimed for Randall that lie would still M „ be elected on the first or second ballot. J3t ' and that the bulk of Cox's vote would ^ be drawn from CarliMe. The workers for Carlisle count in their list numer 4 ©us names that are relied upon by R*u- „ sl%i dall men. The several estimates when < ;< considered together, go to show that ; i If Randall, Carlisle, and Cox all enter the contest in dead earnest there is a * prospect of a triangular fight that will l»® *«ry lively aud interesting, and ^ which may result io a protracted skir- • _t ^mish. But, withal, it seems that Mr, V Randall has made his calling sure, and 1M bears the easy confidence of a nan who has the laurel within grasp. 5 ' ̂ Your correspondent took occasion to * ^ / aseend to the clouds the other day. by way of the temporary constructiou- " elevator In the Washington Monumeut ..» It was a trip of nine minutes from terra firma to the present apex of the Meuutuent, four hundred feet nearer iji lieaven. But one is apt to imagine ^ their destination towards the place ^rhioh is mythical In the mind of Bob ^5 Jngersoll, the passage of the elevator V tfc being shrouded in impenetrable dark- * sess. With every up trip, the elevator l ibears nearly three ton of marble, and s there is at present enough stone on 4 fiand to raise the shaft to a total height ^ Of four hundred and fifty feet. From > the top the view is unequaled. The dty seems spread in a mi nature be­ neath you, while to the west, seemingly Just beyond Georgetown, the view is greeted by Sugar Loaf Mountain, near Frederick. Maryland. To the So<nh, the winding course of the Potomac Is plainly mapped out for about tlijrty mile*, and, oc the East, the height of the Monument will soon enable the •easels on Chesapeake Bay to be easily distinguished. This great pile of mar­ ble ivow presents the appearance of a huge, white, factory chimney, but when finished it will have au ornamental cap and elaborate base. It will be neces- , sary for proper action to be tawen Ir. ^ Congress this winter to secure a fitting '• celohratlon of tbe completion of the Monument in the spring or enramer of 1885. ft is suggested that the Hon. Robert C. Winthrop, of Massachusetts, who laid the corner stone, be Invited I# deliver' the oration of dedication, imd there; will probably be a grand wltUar ' TO IJFE JK, PROPERTY Beset yon on every hand. The mutter of the Klvroon, sick loon, snloon,cyclone, tornado, win<lft'tnrni, or whatever mime' wav be given it, ia Iteani in »<>me section of the country nearly, every day. The Fire Fiend May IwsaV out At |n»y moment--the frshwefa*- of H lip connnmoii. Death must come to til. He N *IIIHII pavmeni eiich year you enn 8t»curc ti yourself a foi tnne, should you live, or. In the event •>< death liet'ore tno time expired, your family is provided for. H50.. OOCi.CUO in "reprei>ente<l by tliia agency. Our rates are an low as experience has found to l»e safe. Vou will save money by insuring with me. General Insurance, T.ife, Fire. Lightning and Tornado a specialty. Thanking all my friends for their liberal'patronage, and, hops, ing, by square dealing, to merit a continuance)! of the same, I beg to ttabscrilie myself, Itospec.tfullv vours, C. it. MOHEY. McHenry, 111.. Jnne II, 1883. James Robtiins, X1L Solou - , - • -- D e a l e r • Maeliineit. We have the Champion M Beiiaet Binders.; CISAMl'ION BEAPEBS AND MOWERS, And tbe Beat HA. "IT Xt AJKE in the market. «9"Re pairs ofail kinds constatttlyenhand. Call and see me. James Robbins. Solon Mills, Jnne 20th, WK R. O. HILL, WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS --DBALSBIlt- Agricultural Implements, " ^ Of ALL KINDS. We keep a full line of Farm Machinery of»the best manufacture and sell at Bed Rock Prices If von Want »ny thing in the Agricultora, Machinery line, do not fail to call on me be; tcre purchasing, as I can save yon money. I am also agentffet: feels* and Mclienrj Counties for the p CHAMPION : Feed Cutter Ton can have a grinder attached to grim at the same time you are cutting. Every put chaser gets a written guarantee with his ma chine. It Is positively the E.\ IET KUJi NINGFEED UTJTTEE IX THE MAUKET"}* Give me a call. R. C. HILL Wanconda, III., Dec. 26.1892. DO YOU WANT TO BUY Sewinar Machirte? g&m ZXTVZTSB INSPECTION To his In rye stock of seasonable goods for fall and winter wear, consibting iu part of DRY aOODS, CLOTHING BOOTS AND SHOES, J* mi- All new and desirable jroods, l^g^You will find our Orocer Department complete, as uhuaI and prices very low. Satisfaction guaranteed on every article. HENRY pOLBY. RIVERSIDE BLOCK. McHENRY, ILL. FOR THB--*• WINTHf TIME OF With an unusually large assortment of ^ r Hardware, -Tinware, Stoves, Granite Iron-Ware,&c, AT BOTTOM PRICES JOHN t STORY, ' At the bid Mtand of Jac ob Story, McHenr\, invites the attention as the lowest, workmanship and quality of poods guaianteed. Tin Roofing, EaveTroughinsr, Jobbiug and Repairing promptly attended o jlir'Remember, extra good bargains can always be obtained 1/1 Oil I U noils til III I a omp Atlouaca lu Itcasonablc I h»VP on hand and am Belling At the Low­ est prices, the Domestic, Khiredge, New Home, Springfield, New American, ami Singer wing Machines, and w <11 not be undersold hy any agent in the county. A good singer Machine for 20. warranted to do the work of any Singer Machine in the world. Call and sei me. U. H'. OWEN. UcUenry, Feb. 20,1883. AN IMMENSE STOCK, CRN-W BOOTS ̂ &^«SHOES, Chicago^toith-Weslem - 7 Railway is the ' OLD ESTABLISHED 8HORT LINE C H I C A G O AND- fall just received winter use, D wight's old reliable cash house. We have bought an extra large stock this fall of very desir­ able goods. These goods were bought for CASH and will be sold great bargains* . W. H. DWICHT. Cor. Main Stand Public Square, Woodstock, ill. FOR SCHOOL BOOKS. ITe'W -AND- Go to Store. Having ascertained the different books used in all the different districts tributary *o Wauconda, we can carry a stock which, in quantity, quality "and variety, will be sufficient to promptly i upply your wants. You will also remember that this is the place to get' bargains in Albums of all kinds, Pocket Books, Ladies Hand Bugs, Stationery, Cards, Music, Spectacles and Rattling Good FIVE CENT CIGARS. ^ ONE AND FOR315T IT. ;F. B. HARRISON. Wauconda, Sept. 1st, 1883. Iv * k'" T ,f •9K THIS MAGNETIC BELT IS WARRANTED TO 0U8E&S^» withoutmt 'diolno• - P#tn In I l i^baeU. bipi , h«*ad» or llinbi, ncrv iia*i t l i 'J»l!it .v,!u»il jcncrul debtlSty, rhcuasati«m, pnra!yp»k ncural^ln, dlneai* t<»ol tbe »<• v»,«p!n«| dUea^'it,torpid liver, gout* •cmlniftl luipo(<n< v, nMbntsu heart <!!#• tMC| con«r1put!ot*, rry*»|r»fia», tlon. Bi'rntii or mplur«t ctiUtrrlif Bumb ufftMS et<*. When »tiy d"bllity of the C,I '3FIIAT1 VE OUG\X» WurH. lo»t vftuHly, lack ttfn r̂w forec and > iff or* «»»tlnie wettliwMci. rimI nit tlie«c dlai'Hien of tt per- kon»t nuturc. from whatever cai. 'hp. the continuous stream of Ma^netlnm perincatSng' throuiph the r««tnrc th<»m t« a healthy ftetlun- Tb«re U no uil» aivunt thi« appliance. FURNITURE! FURNI CHEAPER THAN EVER JOHN B, BLAKE. Two Doors North of Perry & Owen- My stock of Turniture is complete with a larger stock than ever, and will be sold as cheap asany other in the county, and it will be to the interests of the buying public to ca upon me when in want of anything in that lino. UNDERTAKINGS In this department I keep a fi^^-class assortment of- Caskets aud offins and Shrouds of all kindf and qualities. A Hearse fiirQished reasonable rates. JOHN B. BLAKE. THE TIME GOXiDING BROTHERS, WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS. Are ready to fulfill the promise made jfar show th« people irf that place and viciiiily the LARGEST, MOST ELEGAHT And varied "stock of Goods for the Summer trader ^gsisting in part OF DKY NOTIONS, GIIOCERIES. •••* &Q And all points in Northern llli^oia, Cen- itral, Eastern and Northwestern Iou>m, Wisconsin, Northern Michigan, Minne­ sota, Dakota, Manitoba,, Central and Northern Xebrwtka, Colorado, Wyom­ ing, Utah, Idaho. Montana, Nevada* California, Oreyon, Washington Terri­ tory, tiritith Columbia, China, Japan, the Sandwich Islands, Australia, iTtpi Z'-aland, and all principal points in the NORTH, NORTHWEST and WEST. With its own lines it traverses North­ ern ILLINOIS, Central and Northern IOWA, WISCONSIN, Northern MICHI. GAN, MINNESOTA, and Central DAKO­ TA. It offers to the traveler nil accom~ modations that can be offered by any railroad. It3 train service equals that of any road; their speed is as great as comfort ana safety will permit; they make close connections in union depots at junction and terminal points with the leading railroads of the West and Northwest, and offer to those that uo* them SPEED, COMFORT AND SAFETV At CHICAGO it makes close connec­ tion with all other railroads at thflUdty. It runs I'ALACl: si KFl'lNG on all through trains, 1-AitLOR CAnPnlts prino'Til ro"."o3, and N<;UrU-WKsTEUM blNING CAltS on its COI NCIL BLUFF# and on its ST, PAUI> and >1IN-NKAPOLI8 . thiough day express trains. ? If you wish the Best Traveling Accom­ odations you will buy your Tickets hi^ route AND WI1X TAKE NONB • rc.tes for single or round trip i end for full information in re- jO rll parts of the West, North and «ii'.vojt, write to General Peasenirer ^•ent, -,t Chicago, 111. All Coupon Ticket Agents sell Tickets by this Lino. J. D. LAYNQ, MARVIN HUGHITT, QWi.Sup't. 2d Vice-l'ri'R. and Gen. T*" W. H. STENNETT, Utn. Paas. Agt., Chicago. JOS. WIEDEMANN, Saloon and Restaurant NEAUl THE DEPOT, m McHENRY, - ILLINOIS , The best Brands of Wines, Liquor si ar Clsavs always on IIHDCI. Good iTStabling FO Morses. 1 # ALSO AGENT FOR Franz Falk's MILWAUKEE Lager Beer, necr in l.argn or Small Kegs orfBotUes a ways on hand cheaper than any other, qual stv considereit. 'f. Tliis IJccr ha» a world wide reputation, an ccotl judges acknowledge it cannot-oe sui I aseed in the world. Orders by mail promptly attended to. JOS. WIEDEMANN. M^ttnry, III. Aug. lOlh, 18S2. HATS AND" Soots, Shoes. Crockery, Glassware, &c. Whioh they are bound to sell -is chea]i as «ood Good?s can l>e bought anywhere, in short, everythinar that can be found in H general store will be kept and sold as low as the lowest,"and everytl^ng warranted as represented. AVhen in want of goods in our line you will find it for your iutortwt t# call and see ns Wauconda, III t Jutie 1st, A&ENTS WANTED, 'Henry Ward Butcher hu be«n tilkiug on the subject of temperance "IMie eviU of," lie said "Mlrpagg ill ether evllg together,*1 but toa tliAught' Its immediate extinction impo98ibie. "*J4alti^," he added, "has succeeded wHh(pref»lbitlen pretty well; but if you suppose that it has cleaned otic drinking there, you are greatly InUtalcen. If men want to drink they kuow where to go and jf«t it. Kansas IffNtluted •ut.. !• have just come from ttifre. A friend told ine while there that the sale had incicaged since the |M8*ing *f the Cou*t i tuiiotial aiueiid- nieiit. Iowa is Just like it. Ohio has made thrt effort, aud It lias turned the State into the hands ef the Demo­ cratic yurty--a very good party--mud^ i||< <>f vary lionuritnle nteu. M»IU<> of them--hut I hive never ho.xrd tli*' it ^ M a teaspcranee patty,"? U0,em'a«metic ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER. TO TpE U0IES:-g.Q«^« EzbfKa«Moii,Dv«pcpft!a,or with iMMfuni'# of the Ll«~ <*r, Klilii'j.v^ llt'Muui'lio or 4'old Fi't'U Swollen or or Swollen an A^d^'niiruil f M-»irnHir rics j o sui- '-iior inthe te'iff iHMlcuri? of all < 1'hej carry a powerful magnetic force to tho u! tii© flistabo. M F«r Lsmr Barlt, WcftbncM of tHe 8p1n«»t rf»»l- liik of the WOIIIU, l^ucorrjiA'a, Chroiilt' luwuitjirn- Uon BII<) U» ,ci , .itl«»ii oftiic H'atnb* Incidental IJIMM- orrlitigo pr Flooding, I'atnftil, HuppreMvd itnu lr- rcKiiUr Mcn«f ruutluii. l iurrcniK M, mul cliangc of iJIfe, tbftt Utile lieat Appliance uud €uraU*i? Ageit all form? of Female I>IWonlt!oa i t Is untmr- <1 t.y RMVI huijf tort- inv«*nU-<l. b«»th as a nu aUfo Affr.tandas'ab^u-cvof power and vitaliratioii. Pvir*- <»f < UhcrU«-h. with Mn^-rj^.K' tlO. 8«ntt^y ei|<r«*M< C.O.I) ,uiv^ ox^futnation aJIcwiMt.or liy mail on rwvint of price. In m*MI1 uk,-..1 mv vf * *l»tand size of Ulioe. Renr.11 >ncc cau bo ma4o In cur­ rency, M.:\t in letter at our ri: It . • Thr llut-ii-tun fianm-nts ai" a(1apte«i to all ftjrp*. pro worn over tin- umiei clotlihiu, <"ot nc*f. to tho bodr l't« t!ie manjr dulvunlc »»<1 L".le« tile IIIIHI- bucA HO Ij i »ii«l uli'.iK'l bo tukei: (.If at Tlipy hol(H'» lrpo«tr/or«eer,aa<l arcw«.r»i at nil irai 'Oiiix'f thnj-i-iir. fc f..- t'iu "Ni w IV - turp In yedioal Treat- u y. n w»iU^u<i.i vr a 5r»KS MAOSKTOS AI'l I ANCr. c<».. SJIS SibU, CWtiisa, {lit Kio Fo For CONQI'KR- lS(i TIIK WiL- > IJKKNESS, or Xmv I'lCTdKIAI, LILSTOBT OF TIIK LIFT. AND TIM ICf OF TIIK I'IONKRR HKKOKS AND II I,KO. INKS OF AMKIIICA , liy Col. Krnnk Tnyilet. Over 200 stipurb »*nfrr» v ings. Covers tln^ tl ' .reo eras of iMoneev 1'io.nress (I) from tin: Allelic- nitH to the ; (2) from tlm Mi^sW- sipiii to the Itorkv Mountains; C-i) California l<> the I 'nciiii- Slojie. NEW . Combines #(II | ihic I m illing nsiri 'Htive with profusencs# of ele. Kitnt i l lustration, l>v eminent artists. Nearly 14X)j>ersonnl portrattH, enibnu'lng all the |»io. LIcor le uler#, I.CHHICH scores of IncidcntR. A toe.tur<! gallery of rare interest. A true hi»- pliietil work of ihrilling adventure, in iore«t, pains, mountain RIHI slream: covers western progress an<l civilizalion. FiRlits with In. II ia n h; (Jen per,ite nil vent u res; na rrow escajjes, wild life on the border. A grand Imok for utcents. Outsells everything. 7ii») o-tavo jmges. l ,»w in price. In leach of the musses. Ageiit 'n Complete Ontlit , 75 cents. Write at mice for coiiU'lcntial tennn and illuKtratvU description. AddroM, X. D. THOMPSON A CO.. Pubs St. Louis, Mo., or New York City. INFORMATION FOB ALL TIIK VALUABLE BUSINESS CUIDE. SHOUT HULKS for the convenience of Merchants, Manufacturers, farmers, TCHCII- ers, Stii'lents, Clerks, Kv«rylN><ly. Short methods for measuring " size, weight andjCapiu-ity of everything. Tables for tore- telling weather, all easily understood and a perfect mystery U those" who do not -under­ stand tliain. BUSN ESS LAWN I Interest Tables; Complete Tallies far Lalior- ing Men bv the I>nv, Week or Month, and rec­ ords of universal interest. A remarkably useful Itook, nicely IM>IIII*1 in colars, coiiven- lent for tlic pocket or office ilesk. Sent post­ paid for 25 cents. Agents wanted. w. O. WEEKS, Delavan, Wis. B. Sherman, WOODSTOCK, ILL,, •- 1>E\1.EH IN-- Breech and Muzzle bhot Guns. T< v e'er, Pnti-Cflps.'Wndi-iiiid for sale. Fishing Tac kleeh p. All iindsof i:'U, N|X>rting , Goods, AND KEPA1KING DONE. A good Tireec.h Loading, Double! Barreled Gun. warranted Twist'fSO. Wir.cliester Itine, 7(i model, 15 shots, 2#., Kickel I'lated 6 shot Revolver, *'3.r>0. Self cocking IM-itisli ISull Dog Pistol, 5.00. A good Single Barrel, Breech Loading, Single Gun, warranted, $5. I will undersell any house in the county in Guns and Sporting Goods. If you want ft good gun it will uav you to call and 8eo me. I warrant every gun I sell. - STOLEN HORSES* Taken up by the subscriber nt his place of residiMice live tnilcs south w'«-st from Richmond, a team supposed to h:ivf> nceii stolen and abandoned by the thieves. The owner is requested to Drove property pay charges and taUe tbe in aw>ty . . Address for ioforiua- liuii, (Jiiaei, l]..Tryon, Bicbuioud, l!l. IN TELEPHONE *#"For Private and Public Lines; Latest, li<!st; aiwuva reliable. AntoinHtie. protected l>y an The only Telephone having I.ine Wire Tightener, and is j. ou'-door l . igbtning Arrester. , I l lus t ra ted circulars f ree . Agents wanted. II. 8. Telephone Co., Madison, lad. P.O.Box 2S, Clothes Wringers re new liolls pat on. pair warranted, $2.50. r r aired rico and B. SHERMAN. Woodstock, July 15th, 1883. PATENTS. Inventors, Send model or sketch of V0»T in. veil ' ion «n<l I will make caielui prelirtrtnfirv examination, ami re|H>rt as to palentabilitv vvith advice, circulars, etc., FliKK OF ntiABOli. All business before 17. s . patent Office at. tendei^to tor moderate fees, NO C1IAUC1E FX. LESS FATKNT IS OUTAINEI). ^ LITTELL, Patent Attorney. *" Waibington, D- 0. ,, tion of Cash buyer* to S very superior urUcie of nil wool Flanrtels; jit-ice 87.^e. •all in. FITZSIMMONS & EVANSON. ly call a vei ATTENTION ECONOMY IS WEALTH Yoti can save money by giving, your orderi " F. W. MEAD, RICHMOND, - ILLINOIS, FCR Wagons, Carriages of all descriptions, B# pairing. Painting, joneval black, smithing, &c., &i;., Ac, Repairing of plows and all other farm Im­ plements is given particular attention. In my manufactures I use onlv the l>est materi­ al, and, keeping the very best workmen in all departments, I am enaliled to guarantee and warrant all work that goes from my shop as tfret claws in every particular. ,-f 3VECIAL GUARANTEE OK WAGONS. All farm wagons manufactured at my shop are warranted for THUKE YEARS. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. I sell every agricultural implement, includ­ ing, especially, Norwegian Walking and Hid. ing Plows," N. C Thompson and (iosley Itros'. I lows and Cultivators, K. II. Manny Seeders and f!orn Cultivators, the Dowagiao Spring Tooth feeders, the I'lanoHiid I). M. UsUirne «V Co.'s llarvegU'r and Twine Jlinder, the War- rior and Hopkins' Mower, and all other iirst- class machines. Warrantetl lirst'Clas# or no sale. BLACKSMITH ING of every kind attended to promptly aud satisfaction guaranteed. V I N J S P A I N T I N G A SPECIALTY. T have engaged J. RTILLWELL. the bos* painter ot the Northwest, tor one year, oi longer, to take charge of my paint shop, wUifth is a &i:indent guarantee that all work ot |BNt kind will be done in the best aud most artiSsic stjle. it should not be forgotten that I employ J, Kepnss, wood-workman of twenty vears'ex. uerience, and I. Ilowe, carriage blac'icsmith, lx)th in surpassed as arti/ans m their line. t'inallv. come an<l see me and I will guar­ antee satisfaction as to,.prices and quality of, work to all interested* F. W. MEAD. The McTTenry Bri.^k Munufacti.ring Do panv are now ready to supply Brick, in qna t tities IEQM SMALL WIS »-T0- far liOads. Their Brick are second to 'none to be (bnn<| in the market, and will be sold at the lowest market price. 1'ersons intending to build, or those hand ling brick, will do well to call and see us be fore.| urc.liasing. For further nifonnationjipply to or)addre«a McHcnry- Brick Mannfactariag McHE<VRf 18W. ILLINOIS Tlte Westminster C»:U Stove, both Bound atid Square. For beauty and durability lias no equalio til® market. For sale by E. M. Uowd> -v psspsss •SSWllKQ r'i:.C.HIEE CO- CHI CAGO. ILL.- 0RAN6£, MA$S. u AND ATLAHTA.GA New Home Sewing fill 24 State Stt Iv'*:'i

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