• ' •' ,. '• • ' "':.-, :?. •« 1 1 • how "in the |!n<rli*K tW*" .«••• •'>* '• '.kwaMJ % lh-:r t+. irfy.' jc ,<# 4fo. A ," ~**4< '4te .• [efjftiry piiirieder. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 28. 1883, Railroad Time Table. OOINO SOUTH. ifaen Uki Passemter --7:27 A. M initra Lake Express .t:12 " Geneva Lake Ereizht j...i:'t5 P. M timer* Luke Passenger. 3:33 " V')«ril. Iwm Lake FreUht i....»*3S A. M i-aneva Lake Passenger 9:.W " TMeraLake Express .4:57p. m tmn Like Pawensrer...... 0:57 " B. Buss, A^ent. McHenry, IH M. MASONIC JPOITKXRT T.OI>GK. Xo. 153 \. F. and A. M.-- ftegpilar Communications the Saturday on or fcOMre the full of the moon and every two weekl thereafter. CHAS. C. COLBY, W. M. WCK*NR CHAPTRR Vo. 3T It. A. M--Rescn- ar Convocation* held on the sec.on i and fourth Fridays in each^moneh. E. V* Anderson-,H . P. it. D. LINCOLN will please accept thanks for two very fine freshflsh, left at our sanctum on Monday. • ?l.ooic out for the new advertisement Brothers, Wauconda, next ^wlok. ^ . rivvrns BROS.* Furriitnro dealers V have a new advertisement this week which our readers should not fail to peruse. • • ' ' .«; • KEVIN'S Military Band, of Chicago, frfiy at the Thanksgiving Party-at the Riverside House, to-morrow (Thurs day) evening. They are acknowledged {•fee the best Band in the State. - , PKKSONAL. H, H. NICHOLS arrived home from California on Wednsday last, X JOHN H. DOBAN, of GlvUt, was on our streets on Monday and Tmsday. MRS RICHARD BISNOP^ias been quite sick tlie pust week but Is now some what better. / GEO OWEN IS still under the doc tors care, but is reported as slowly improv ing. DR. FEGERS IS rapidly convalesc ing, and his friends hope to soon see ihn around attending to buisness again. PETER SMITH is still very;iow with typhoid fever. He Is under the care of l)r Ballou. F MILLIE WAIT*, daughter of R. • Waite, is quite sick but her many ffrienas Jiope she may soon be better. J JOHN HUEMANN, who was injured by fa vicious bull a we*k or two since, is improving slowly, He had a narrow Iscape, , : HON RKCBEN ELI.WOOD. MEMB**OF Congress from this District, will leave for Washington on Thursday to-inor- row. \ . CYRUS JEFFERSON, father of |kj |C. Jefferson, late of Woodstock, died at Franklin vllle, N. Y., on the 22d Inst. Mr, Jefferson was estimated to be worth from 82,000,000 to 83.000.000. A WOMAN offered her husband at Auc tion and no one bid. Then she put up a billy goat and twelve dollars weie offered. There Is nothing like an auc tion sale to show what a thing is worth, N". E. SLOCUM s Orchestra play at the Thanksgiving Party at the Parker House to-morrow (Thursday) evening. It is too well known to need any en comiums from us. WE have received from the publisher* Eugene Hall, Chicago, a copy of humor ous and dramatic recitations, which is designed for public school and p/lrlor entertainments. It is a nice little work and wlll'be appreciated. "The Westminster,'" the boss coal •tove on the market. If you 'don't be lieve It. call on E. .M. IlSwe, and he will prove It to you in no time, and If you want a stove, will sell you one be fore you leave. ; THE finest stock of Confectionery and Cigars to be found in" town. nr. J. P. Smith's Jewelry store, where can also be found a fine lino of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, and other articles suitable for Christmas Presents, ('all end'see. pn^t^t all.--Ex. Do not fail to read the new ndver- f Thursday night of,laet week two Jlsement of Perry & Owen* to be/,,a>' s,at*s. tiie property of Homer Clemens, w "the Sycamore Bep'tbticcui says: **A slick-looking Stranger appeared at. the residence- of Charles Deveranx, a school director in the town of Rock- ville, near Kankakee, last Friday, and Informing Mrs, I), that he was the 'as- .sistitnt sitpertiitendent,*' requested the privilege of inspecting the directors order book. Mrs. D. allowed *hlm ac cess to the book, and lie coolly wrote out an order in favor of himself for 870, forged the name of Deveraux and ano her director to it, took it to the school treasurer, and drew the money. He promptly disappeared and left no trace. The gamers a new one. and school directors aud their faailiies will do well to be on their guard." How does one manage to fill up his paper day after day? is a query fre- queut. propounded. It is just as easily ^nswercrt. The quality.of the matter used frequently disturbs the editorial start of a newspaper; but the quantity, never. It is infinitely more bothersome to know what to leave out. than it is to find out what to put in. There is one key to success in journalfSci and that U good judgment. Papers succeed just in the degree that its editors know what to leave out. Of course. It is well known, that news items are to bo had for the clipping and that editorial thunder is as easily manufactured as tne stage material of the same kind. The locals are picked up here, there, and everywhere. , People get acquain ted with the reporters and the report ers with the peofle. They soon learn' from whom they* can obtain inform ation and keeping their eyes wide open it is rare indeed, that an item escapes their notice. Probably tl»r«e-fourths of what is told thetu ntfver gets Into SCHOOL KRPORT. Report of the McHenry Public School i«r the 20.Oaya euding ^tjhjfti- MtOHER DEPARTMENT. , Number days taught.... .v,^^.£UV20 Number boys enrolled.. "Number girls enrolled 23 Numtwr pupils enrolled.... 43 Number days atte udaneo........ . . .133 Average daily attendant. i.. 17 iPer cent of attendance V. , . . 85 Number visits from scoool officers.. 2 Number visits from others* ........ 6 The following named pupils.stood highest In written examinations: Win. Wentworth, Frank Fay, Earl Mead. Howard Perry, Cora Paige, Minnie Knox. Maud Van Slyke, Wallace Morey and Mabel Fnrd. Highest in deport ment: Cora Paige, Mattie Smfth, Mary Doherty, Minnie Knox, Mabel Ford, Ettle Parks, Bertha Buck, Maud Van Slyke, Christlua Buss. J. A. SnKt.Do?f, Prla. INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT. Number clays,taught 20 Number boys enrobed, .... '.I....... 27 Number girls enrolled...,,^...>4^.23 Days attendance..... v....811 Average daily attendance.. 40 Percent of attendance 80 Number v'sits bv school officers.2 Number visits by other* 2 Number neither absent nor tardy, 19, viz: Lonnie Bishop, Mary Block. Reka Block, Mand Colby, John Fay, Calvin Ijenry, Katy Henry, Nellie Hill, K^Jy Knox, Eflie Kennedy, Ohas King. Bello Whiting. Alfred Perry,Florence Seaiis Grace Stevens, Frank Smith, Louis Walsh, Anna Nordquest, Beniilo Bons- lett. Ktta E. TOKKAUCB. PRIMARY DKPALTTMENT. Number days taught. . ,20 Number boys enrolled.. 24 Number girls enrolled.. Number pupil* enr»Slleil......... i.... 44 Days attendance ......702 Average daily attendant®. Per cent of attenda ice. ......... l,».- 79 Number visits by school officer*..... I Number visits by others ...*. 2 . .Number not absent, 24. viz: Daisy Hill. Agues Perry, Lizzie Hill. Mary Curtis, George Gilles. Herbert Bennett Frank Bennett, Miles Colby, Pearl King. Mary Cens. Lizzie Eugeln, Agnes Colby, Dell Parker, Louis Itiock, Mllo Howe. Clement Cens, Willie Smith. Steila Morey, Villa Morey. Iriua Pow ers, Harry Eldredge, Mary Bigelow, Lyle Howe, Josie Leickem. HE I.I. K STODDAV& . OAGETOWN Dtvisioxl WaucoDda Department. fmind in this week's paper. I'lie^ stock • In this old, reliable store never wae more com pie than this season, and thej always make prices to correspond witli the times. A Conductor tells a good Joke upon himself. A passenger recently tendered him a trade dollar for fare. The con ductor examined it and remarked: " don't waiHTthat piece of money." "VV«l| give it to the company then,** replied tha passenger. Appropriate religious services at tlie Motliodist Episcopal Church, Thursday Nov. 29. at 10:30 a. m„ by the pastor, Roy. S. Searl. Also at Ringwood. Thanksgiving services will be conducted, Thursday at 7 p. tn. by Rev. S. Searl and Rev. W. Nluklo. THI News-Gazette la the name'of a new paper, six-celumn folio, dated at Union, in Iliis county, and published by F rank M. Fillmore. It is printed at the New* office, Elgin, and presents a neat and tasty appearance. It may be a paying Investment for the pub lisher, but we doubt it. J FITZSIMMONS & EVANSON have taken possessloiiof two columns in the PLAIN- DEALKK tiiis week, in wliich to tell tlie buying public of the great bargains to be found at their store. ThHr stock is complete in every particular and in their new store shows oft to good ad vantage. Do not fail to read their ad vertisement in another place in this P*P« r. EvERr home In our land should be famished with a supply of good news papers. There are no other means by which knowledge can be gained and is so universally diffused. If parents would encourage their children to read the newspapers, by taking one or more of them Into their families, they would very soon discover how much lieofit would be derived from them,and bow much faster their stock of know lodge would increase. Books you may have in abundance--and they are good In their way--but they soon become monotonous, a<;d are like an old song to a child, while a newspaper, coming In fresh every day or week, is always looked forward to with pleasure, even impatience, as a promised present and Is read with an eagerness unthought of In the perusal of a book. There is no man se poor in tills age of cheap newspapers, that he cannot afford at leaU hie home paper. Notice. The annual meetine of the McHenry County Board of Agriculture, will he held at the Court House ou Moudav. December 3d. at 2 p. M., for the elec tion of officers for tlie coming vear It is hoped that all who are interested In the continued success of the Mc Henry Co. Fair will trv hard to be present. Remember tlie Fair is yours, and eacn one who owns property should be willing to come out and say who shall best tlie executive ho resides southwest of this village, were burned. From the loca tion of the stacks and the dampness of the weather, tlie re was no doubt but lhat it was tlie work of an Incendiary, and steps were immediately taken-to ferrit out tlie guilty party or parties. The services of Detective Benthusen, of Nuiida. were secured, which resulted in the arrest on Monday, at Chicago, where they had gone that morning, or' George and Doc Watson, two young men. brothers, who have b*en at work tlie past year or two for George Parks and .John Kimball. They were brought before Justice Perry on Tuesday and obtained .a continuance until Friday In order that they might communicate with their friends, in Michigan and ob tain connseljJ What the evidence Is -against mese young men we know not, and until after the examination we think it best not to repeat even the rumors that are afloat. The crime is one of tlie lowest, and we hope the guilty parties, whoever lliey may be, tn:»y be caught and made to suffer accordingly. A person who will com* mitsii3h an act is an unsafe person in a community. We shall give full par ticulars of the ex:imin;ition next week. GREENWOOD. EDITOR PLAINDELER:--Geo Rob inson will soon move to Rockford. Taylor Bros have been diggings well on .las Mc Donald's place. We would advise a certain stock man to subscribe for a geod periodical re lating to sh?ep. Then after careful perusing he mtj not make the same mistake. Chas Toles has ha:l diphtheria. The school house lias been newly white washed. A much needed im provement. There is no telling what the weather may be to-morrow. No dependence can be placed upon it whatever.' Chas Merchant. Jr, returned to Ills home In Ontario, Wis. Monday. He lias been living with his uncle, C. H. Merchant the past summer. At the last meeting of the Teachers. Association, Win Wire wasehoseu pres ident for the ensuing year. represent your town on board. THOS. MCD. U ICHA&DS, President* S. WJUQHT, Secretary. AUCTION! Tuesday, Dec. 4. We will sell wltliou t reserve on the David Robison farm. 1} miles northwest of Crvstal Lake aud*l mile south of Ridgetiel I. commencing at 10 o'clock a m. the following decribed property: 32 good cows, new milch and springers* 8 2-vr-old steers, 2 yearling bulls. 1 span roan mares 7-yrs-old 1 span sorrel mares 8-vr-old. i Irown horse, all good weight ; 100 lings and Sheafs, 100 tons of liny, 700 bu white oafs. 80 bu wheat, stack fstraw. mower, sulky hav rake, lumber wagon, truck wagon platform spring w:igon.3-spri ng wagon, set bob sleighs, corn planter. 2 corn and 2 stirring plows. 22 'milk cans, cooling vat. and other articles to numerous to mention. saw. TERMS OT SALB: . All sums over 810 one year's time on' approved nore at 7 per cent interest. HASH AND COFFEE FREE. J. M. GAHRISO* & Go., J. A. SHERWOOD, Auctioneer. Number days taught.. 20 Number boys enrolled SW Number girts enrolled $2 Number pupils enrolled. I>8 Number days attendance ..........878 Average daily attendance.....i..43 Per cent of attendance..;.^..}..... 75 Number visits by school Offleft*.... ' '2 Number visits by others. ... 7 Tlie following named stood highest in .written examinations: Eddie Gran- gey. Robbie Howard, Lizzie Nickels, Cora W heeler, Minnie Daymeut. Those neither tardy nor absent are: Atahel Stevens. Thus. Walsh, Chas. Blackmail, lff*d Verinilyea, Emma Peters. Grade Mead did the best work in B spelling class. J. J. Vi^intV ALGONQUIN. EDITOR PLAINDEAI.ER:--Rev. Jaiues Tompkins, of Chicago. Secretary and Superintendent of the lllinoU Homo Missionary society, preached at tho Congregational church both morning aud evening of last Sunday. Died, on the 24t.li in«t.. a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Christ Pregnest, aged 15 months. Funeral at the German church on hunday. W > Helm & Peter haVe got their new front in their store and It miikei a big improvement on the outside as well as a great difference in tlie light inside. Tliey have avery good and roomy store now. y Mr. Siuriett glvrs his opening dance ou Wednesday evening, the 28th, and by -what we can learn there is g.^fiig to be a general turnout ou the occasion. The property of the late Mis. Pinney on Main street was appraised on Satur day of last week. It was valued at 81500. ^ Our barber shop is doing a rushing business, and we are glad to see it, for we have felt tlie need of a good barber shop in town for some time, aud if they continue to run their shop a* they have commenced, they will have a good patronago. The Congregational church held sac rament en Sunday last aud took two new members into the church. Miss Birdie Morton spent last week in Chicago visiting and buying millin ery goods for her shop in this place. Mr. Hull, of Dundee, spoilt Sunday witli Wui. Huntley and family of this place. We are having all kinds of weather nowadays. We thought we were going to have a cyclone on Sunday night, but luck was ou our side and we escaped. FOR THIRTY DAYS, I will make very low prices in Cloaks Dolmans ai d Shawls--a large stock to select from. O. C. Coi.ur, Nunda. Examine that 50-ceut Undershirt at Fii%#|injD0iis & Evausoti's, FINK SHOES. Ladies will find tlie best assortment of fine shoes lit the county at O. C. Colbj-'s, Nunda/ Henry Ladd has sold his liuo bay mare to Mr. Bacon, and bought Mr. Spencer's heavy team. Miss Nellie Bangs made a brief visit last week, returning to Chicago ou Thursday. ~ \ ' H. B. Burrett has moved his office from over J. R. Wells & Son's store to the room over Jenks & McAiulrews. MUs Batchelder, troui Colorado, has been yis!ting at J. R. Wells'. Miss C. J. Durfee, of Waukegan, has formed a class in painting and fancy needle work, and begius glviug In struction next week. Greatly to the satisfaction of his pa (the kid's pa) Dr. McChesuey's oldest son came to see him bright and early Mondi^ morning. Tlie boy says -or that is, we understood him to say, we didn't tee hltu long and be ha^a pecul iar voice, be I tig a high teuor and with a strong Scotch brogue--that he is go ing to 6tay with him until he is twen- eue. . Mrs.'Green i Mrs. McChesnev's moth er, came from Kdgerton, Wis., Tues day afternoon, and will remaiu seme weeks luWauconda. ; " ' , " Time, for some reason, has become badly .demoralised in the village. Most clocks are within half an hour or such a matter, of each other, and but few people can be found wilting to hazard positive opinions as to the cor rectness of their time pieces. Tlie boys who ring tlie school bell evidently decided that the attempt to ring with anybody's time in particular was useless, so they ring when th*y are a mind to. It Is a good thing to bo in dependent. Owing to the absence of the super intendent, Mr. H. D, Whilst, at Barring- ton. Sunday. Mr. E. M. Taggart con ducted the Sunday School at the Bap tist Church. Heretofore the Methodist evening service has begun at 7:30, but here after it will begin promptly at 7, as has been, and will continue to be, the hour for the Baptist service, The evident intention of the St. Paul R. R., to run a shorter line than they now possess from Chicago to Geneva Lake, ha6 caused considerable rail read talk in Wauconda, and con jectures as to whether such a line would, directly or indirectly, benefit us, have been numerous and varied in their character. Work, however, until recently, has not been anticipated on a road through our town, until spring, at least. The announcement, there fore, Was received with much iurprise that four cars had arrived Saturday P, M. Nevertheless tlie report was confirmed. Four actual, live cars had come over tin; Ring wood line, aud were stopping at* Robert Harrison's. They brought a dead hen with them, which was speedily devoured by Mrs. Harrison's voraciousQ boarders. The Carrs returned Sunday afternoon, each with a buttle of Warner's Safe Liver and Kidney Cure, warranted to euro tlie worst cases of tlie complaints for which it is certain to be a specific, and which has been highlv endorsed by the profession throughout the United States, Canat'a. Australia and Volo. Richmond Department. t CONTRIBUTED BY A. R. RKNNKTT. BORN:--To Mr, and Mrs. J as. White, en Monday, Nov. 5th, a daughter. Our merchants are all well supplied with large fall and winter stocks of goods, and no buyer need l*ok any fur ther than this little burgh to hayo th#lr wauts supplied. John West, tlie "boss" harness man, had an attack lately which looked like a threatened paralysis, but his many friends hope he may never have any more trouble from it. We are Indebted to Messrs. Cole, booley A Co., of the Richmond Roller Mills, for a bag of superb buckwheat flour, the quality of which was be it attested by cakes we had for .breakrast this morning--and tlie;^rapraity with which they were disposed of. On Monday, two weeks, Mike Fezer, a brakesman on the Chicago and Lak* Geneva freight, while coupling cars at Ringwood had his left hand badly crushed. He was brought to Richmond, where it was dressed, and returned to his home at Crystal Lake on tho return train. • " TbO changes made oh the Inside of the store Of Messrs. Alexander & Hyde are a great improvement. It also speaks tfell for the prosperity of a firmfwhen It needs more room to do business in. As usual at this season. Messrs. A. & fl are buying a large stock of holiday goods, which will soon be ready for In spection. The Market Fair of )^|| week was, perhaps, net so pronounced a siwcess as the first one litsome respects, but much greater, after all. than could have been contemplated from the miserable weather and roads. A large amount of stock was on the grounds and the s^es very satisfactorv. The two fairs have demonstrated the fact that the people waht them, will attend them and will bring their stuff for sale, and that which wss an experimental aflair at the beginning may now he considered a fixed fact. Tlie Richmond Market Fair association may be looked upon as a permanent organization, and Its fairs will be held as often as circumstances seem to demand them. We are Indebted to W. II, Cooley for late numbers of Colorado papcrs-^-the Aew$ and Advertiser, dailies, published at Trinidad. The editors of these two sheets are just now indulging in mild (western) Invective--In fact they are lavishly free In calling each ether such endearing names as "liar," "old cuss." "jackass," "traitor^ "Jltl reprobate," "land thief," "miserable abortion," "cancerous old wart," ^Ustuleus old sore," **d--d fool," "ass'tn a piinting office," etc. That is tlie way they talk in the daytime, but at night, we sup- ppse, they take their social glats of whiskey togetlierin lamblike intimacy. Copley has evidently struck a light lively town. -•>- •; blood, liie spleen was also diseased. Tl^e funeral services were held at the house on Sunday, the Rev. Dfe£aich, Uni ver»ali*t,pf Elgin, oificiatlii|ni|tid were attended by a 1 irge concourse of friemU. blameless life--a life of self-sacrifice tor her children, of devotion to her "husband, of kindness toward all with whom she became associated. And it is a comfort to know that her la»l hours were made more pleasant by the pres ence of all her daughters, who camr long distances to be :iear her wheu thr expected end should come. 1 I. Business Notices 4 Mrs. Howe's for Milliner; Dre _ N« trouble to thttw aoods or autwi Thus lias closed a long anA .questions at K.TBMiop*. ' IB*?* Barbidit Brothci are tiiiTfwet. Velvets, SMt and l|» -tolo O'fc,'.. : 'yv / - Buy the Esley Organ,if.you want be3t. O. H. Owen. M City residences for saliH Apply Asa W. Smith, Woodstock* III. Case and Plows at E. Furst it Bradley Sulkey M. Owen & Son's. Go to Mrs. M. Schumacher's for Mill n«ry. Dress Making and Fancy Goods Silk Velvets Perry A Owen's. aud Velvetoens at Cloaks, Dolman's and Ulsters for Ladies and Misses at Perry A Owen's. All the leading Owen A Sou's, Walking Plows at The largest line of Ladles' and Gents' Knl I Underwear at H. Colby's Zinc Boards, in ail styles . and prices. JOHN 1. STORT. . A fine line of Owrcoals just received at Perry A Owen's, The Jewel Parlor Base Heating Wood Stove, a perfect beauty, At John I. Sterj's. Call and see the Universal Coal Steve at John I. Story's. Also tlie Jowel Star. TIIK latest styles and lowest prices in Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Mrs. Nichols'. Vfe have a lot of Hats worth frem 60 cents to 83.00. Your choice for 60 ceuts at II. Colby's. We sell the celebrated axe called the Wood-chopper's Pride, Fully war ranted. IOMNI.STORT. Both Combination and Platform Wagons at E. M. Owen & Sou'ipof the best make. THE choicest line Ladies' Neck Wear E- W. Howe's. of Dolmans In IOWH at Lumber Wagons, Milk Wagons. Plae* form Spring Buggies for sale at It. nisliep's warehouse.^ «• Fishing Tackle of'lifl ktttds at it. Engeln's, In Howe's near tho new Bridge. • The finest line of silver .and Plated Ware to tnTfound in the comity, at O. W. Owen's. ^ .... An elegant line of dress buttons and trimmings always to be found at ilenrjr Colby's. COHSETS. - • A full line of Dr. Wamer'e Corsott In several styles at Perry A Owen's. The Cortl&ntl side-bar Top Buggy lift light and fine, and is the most durable buggy made. Can always-aeo tbem aC E. M.Owen A Son's. A large assortment and complete line of Cook Stoves, the best In the market at John I. Sterv's. > A full line of the jusily celebrated Buffalo Bobts always to be obtained at H. Colby's. The largest assortment of Coal and Wood Stoves, te be feiiud in the couoty at Jolin i. Story's. NECK TIBS. Tlie finest line ever shown in Mc Henry can be found at H. Colby's. Tlie Jewel and Crown Jewel Coal Stovet), with or without ovens, at John I. Story's. The best stove in the mar ket. •I. H. Bngley & Son. Woodstock, Ills., will^ furnisii you with Bran and all kinds' of Mill Feed, Corn, etc., at very lowest market quotations. "Prices fur nished 011 application. JUST REPLENISHED. I have just received a new supply of mens, hoys and cliildrenssuits especial ly for the holiday trade. O. C. COLBT, Nunda. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, 500 bovs from 5 years up to buy Clothing. We open this week an ele- g uit line of Chi ids, Youths and Boys Clothing, to which the attention' of Cash buyers is respectfullv invited. FITZSIMMONS A EVAN^UF.^- ^ GREAT REDUCTIONS. * 7 In order to close out my entire stock of mens, boys au.l childrens Overcoats before January 1st, I have marked them dowu to prices that defy competition. 0. C. 0OLBT, Xuada, HEBRON. EDITOR PLAIKDEAI.EKThanksgiv ing. Turkeys are high iniuded now days. Dr. Wickham. from Goshen, Ind., and his daughter Minnie from Dakota, are at Mr. George VVickham's visiting. Henry Spencer was in towu oue day last w«ek. „. Mike Leahy, our firmer depot agent made his many friends in Ilebron a call last week. Mrs. George Seaman and Willie started la^t week for Nebraska to vli.it her sisters, Mrs. E. Hopkins aud Mrs. T. Brown. Mrs. S. SmiMi Iia6 |ust returned from a visit to her mother In Winthrop. la. E. Taylor's youngest child was buried ou Thursday of las'; week. * Ed O. Rewe took a short vacation last week, visiting friends in Elgiu and Chicago. George Erckeubrack was married last Wednesday, Nov. 22d, to Miss Addie Wilkinson, of Harvard. We understand tlie Harvard boys gave them a sere nade. Another wedding, which on account of absence, we were unable te report last week, occurred Wednesday, Nov. 15th. Mr. Horn jr Wickham was mar ried to Miss Edith O.Scheiick at Genoa Juuctioii, Wis. The newly wedded have Our best wishes for a prosperous and happy journey through life. O, eli! Keystone takes our breath away. We have'nt recovered yet from their harrangne of two weeks ago. Be fore. the article was half read we were completely paralized, and by the time it was finished we were laid low, hard ly daring to take up the pen again even in self-defeu«*. The suppofition was that we were dealiug with Keystone, but it seems the "poetical genius" had to call in assistance ar.d borrowed wit on the prosy article. We are glad that what we meant for praise and com mendation was taken for sarcastic cri ti cism as it was the means of calling forth so much wit and eloquence of which we are justly proud, as it is originally six feet of Hebron cleverness We have no reply to make to our brother for we dislike family jars, which, if they must occur, should be ttled in private aud save publicity ; but we should think our would-be an tagonist would refrain'from speaking of the "iceberg fraternity" In terms of scorn, as he is an hono-nry member, and seeing lie is so free with Ids sug gestions, might we timidly offer one: That h» save Ids brains for he may need them himself. "Charity always begins at home." Tho Marengo Repubfioan, last week, contains the following notice of two of our Richmond girls, and it gives us pleasure to reproduce it for the reading of their many friends here. Tlie Misses Allen and Petersen are ladles for whom we havo always felt much respect for on one particular account suiong others, and that is, that they both had the dis position and energv to seek some self- supporting employment--which so few of our girls do nowadays: Because of continued poor and failing health. Miss Sarah E. Petersofi finds herself compelled to take leave of ab sence from the post office for the next few moi.ths, which time will be spent in visiting friends in Iowa, Nebraska aud Dakota--possibly California. She of late has been threatened more or le«s severely with piilmonaiy and pleu ritic troubles, and her physicians advise a change of climate, rest from labor, etc. During the past two years that she lias been in our midst she has made many friends because of strict attention to clerical duties and courtesy extend ed to all with whom she came in con tact. However,>w<j are p'eased to note that our attentive and obliging young friend. Miss Ella Allen, who has served as pest office clerk for the pust year, will now be promoted to first assistant, aud tlie patrons of the office tiny be assured that their interests will in no wise suffer becnuse'of auv change that has or is to occur. Miss Ella was a for mer resident of Richmond. 111., where her fatlu.r now resides; is a young lady of good intellectual and business quali fications and with Iter cheerfiil and deferential manners, together' witli strict attention to her duties, has ah ready made a host of friends here, who will be pleased to learn of her continua tion in the office. We congratulate* Postmaster Adams in securing and re taining the services of such efficient clerks. | • Mrs. Isaac Kilgore, a ratich respected, and well known lady, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Myers, The lightest Drop Sulky Plow In the world is the Hnpgood. found at E. M. Owen A Son's, aud Sold as )ow as the common sulkey. WE ARE READY FOR BUSINESS lu our new store directly opposite the West Mollenry Po«totfice. and so- licit the attention «f cash buyers. Verj Respectfully. KlTZKlMMONS A.EVANSOH. , Wheat Wanted WASTED, at the Fox River Vidley Mills, geod Milling Wheat, for which the highest price in cash will be paid. R. BISHOP. McHenry, Ill.„Oot. 10th, ISB. Millinery Goods at Chicago price* for the next thirty days, at Mrs. U. fl. Nichols': YOUR ATTENTION, PLEASE. We havo just received a large lino of Ladies' and Geuts' Underwear te which we invite tlie Inspection of cash buyers. We are showing the best 50 cent shirt ever shown in this part of the country. Li dies' Scarlet Vests, 81; former price. 81.50. Flannels at a discount. Call in. FITZSIMMONS A EVANSON. CLOTHING. A complete stock of Men's and Boy's Clothing at bottom prices. Pkaar 4t owe*. Drags Drags, Drags, a lot on hand, steel tooth aud most sell. For sale by K. Bishop - Ir you want anything lees than tho Sstey Organ i can sefl<yon wne for 840 and upwards. O. W. OWEN A full line of choico groceries always to be obtained at , HK.NUY COLBT'a. The Waverly. Glen Asorn. Rbundf Acorn and Forrest Acorn Wood Heat ers. at £, VI. Ilowe's, opposite Bisbop'e Mill, Ladies, call at my store before yon buy your Millinery. It will pav you. * Mas. H. H. NICHOLS. Organ for Sale. . A now Kimball Organ, new style, and all the latest improvements. Will sell very cheap for cash or on easy pay ments. Inquire of J. J. VaSET. McHenry, >ov. 3d, 1833. < •*> Farm to Rent. " A farm of 120 acres, situated one-half mile south of Fox Lake. It is well sup plied with wood and water. On it are food buildings, meadow lands, and everything desirable. Terms easy. MRS. JAMES MCGAVICK. Fox Lake, 111. Matched Team For 8ale. A good matched team for sale. Four md five years old. ami will weigh be tween nine and ten hundred each. Are well broke aud good roaders. Will be sold cheap, inquire of PHIUP OiasBLaa. Call and see the great bargains how being oflered at Mrs.Nichols' Mlliiuerv stoio. The Banner ol" the World, tho nobbi est little Parlor Heater made, at fi. M. Howe's. / last Thursday, at an advanced age. Mr. and Mrs. Kilgore lived for many years near Richmond, and were well known to all the old settlors. Some years ago tiiuy moved West and for the last four, have made their home in Missouri. Her tailing health made her desirous to be near her daughter, and she' was brought here a few weeks ago lhat she might have the solace of the tender ness and care of kindred in tier last days. Her disease had been of long duration, if we recollet rightly what she herself told us, nearly 50 years. It had been always considered peculiar from its unusual manifestations, the most prominent one of which was a periodical pain of the stomadi of a most excrutiating character. For the last few mouths of her life it had come on regularly between ten and twelve, day and night. She was treated by numerous physicians with only tran sient help. It was her desire that, her stomach should be examined after death, and an autopsy was made ou Friday by Drs. Bennett^ and -Ward. The stomach was greatly dilated, the pyl oric orifice narrowed, full of evidences of chronic inflammatory action, aud more recent inflammatory softening. It coutained half a teaspoon Jul of THE UTICA FAME, UHelt Jem aud Mohawk Cottage Par lor Wood stoves ean all bo fouud at John 1. Story's. Remember that you will experience no difficultv in getting repairs for any machines >old by It, Biishop, thus pre venting vexatious and expensive de lays at a critical time when tiiue means money. • Call in and see the suits E. La wins Is soiling. Heavy winter suits only 84.75. We would respectfully call tlia atten tion of Cash buyers to a very superior article of all wooKFIannels; price 37Jc. •all in. FITZSIMMONS & EVANSON. Remember Mrs, Nichols is selling choice Winter Millinery at east for the next thirty days. Call aud exam ine goods aud learn prices. Yarns, Germantown and Zephyr new and dean, just received at Fitzsimmons & Evanson's. DIAMOND DYE9; We have all colors of the celebrated Diamond Dyes only 10c a package. ? HenrtCOH^^- Wheat Wanted. WAWTED, at the Fox RiVwr VsTtey Mills, geod Milling Wheat, for which the highest price in cash will bo p«id. .. „ ... R. BISHOP. MeHenry, III., Oct. M»h, I88J. The Prise Acorn, Black Aeorn and Leysl Acorn Cook Stoves. Has no «u- perior. At E. M. Howe's, opposite Bishop's Miti. Everything in farming Implements from a Swill Cart to a MeCorirfick Twine Binder, can he fotuid at tho warehouse of It. Bishop.. For first-class Insurance against -fire and Lightning, wind si onus, cyclones, tornadoes, etc., etc., apply ,io Asa W. Smith, Woodstock. III. C * Wheat Wanted. WAITED, at the Fox River •»!**?• Mills, good Milling Wheat, for which' the highest price In ca»h will be paid. . 'McHenry, III., Oct. 10th, IS8S. B19UO*- ; C&- --- We desire to call the attention of tho ladles to our die*# goods department. We have added a fine line of cashmeres, camellettes. silks, satins, etc., whieh will ba«o|Uo^ very close margin^., - / HENUT COLMT. The Croat Russian Remedy. » Russian Liuimeut is a sure cure, for ' " Rheumatism. Neuralgia,- Uiphtheirs, i, Toothache, Earache. Sore Tnroat. sore ness of tlie litubs. Ulcers, Sprains, Burns, contractions of the Mu»clu« or Jotnrs, :• Cllilblains. Inflammation, lu severe" eases apply with a cloth wet with tha Liniment and leave on over night. For sale by ail druggists. C. DICKINSON JB .Seir. Barringten, III. Sole frepriotors HOUSE AND LAND FOR SALE. The undersigned ofiera -for sale hie house and one acre of laud, .ltuated la the village of McHenry, near the pub-- < lie school building Oti 'the premises is a good barn and outhouses, and small fruit «^f all kinds.. Will be ^eld ' reasonable and on ea*y terms. In quire ou the premises. McHenry, 111* August ** Wanted--To Rent a Farm. Wanted, to rent a t*rm of from 100 to 150 acres. Ca>di rent will be paid. Apply to this office for further particu lars, * FINE SHOES. . Just Received. The finest stock of Ladles' aud Children's We§c In tho county at bottom prices a^ Perry ft Oweu's. >, # • Farm For Safe. What is known as tlie Kenneaily farm, in the town ol Nunda, tvvw and elie half miles south of McIIenry, now held and occupied by Jaine» Kenneally, contain ing 220 acres of good laud witli good buildings. Title perfect. For prico and terms Inquire of 8-12-IU3* JAMES-DOHKRTT. MRS. E. W. 110WE Has just received a full siockofFeU aud Winter Millinery. Fancy Goods, etc.. to which she invites the *rt»nti<»u of the ladies of McHenry and surround ing country* We have the latest styles to be found in the city, and prices, as usual, will be as low as good goods are sold anywhere. Call and examine my stock. MRS. E. W. HOW ft. The Westminster Ceal Stove, tooth Round and Square. For beauty and durability has no equal lu the*market. For sale by E. M. Howe. "White Sewing Machine. W. II. Ogbin, Algonquin, has the ex clusive agency for the White Sewing -Machine in McHenry county. This ma chine lias no superior. Call aud see him or address him at Algonquin and learn terms. tie is also agent for the Stover Buck- ey« Feed Mill. HOLIDAY GOODS, In enJleM variety, at O. C. Colby's, Nuiida. • • -v,. ' • ' ' ' ; • • ' * 1 - • - * Our stock of drii<rd, chemicals and patent medicines was never more complete. Goods reiiuble and prices right. Anntr Opui. New Restaurant at Xuuda The undersigned having fined up bis building on Main Street, Nunda, es pecially forthe purpose, has now opened one of the finest Hrstaurants and leo Cream Parlors to bo found in tho count v. lee Cream, Lemonade, choico Confectionery.and in short everything usually kept in a place ot this kind CAU be found here, and no pain* will t>* spare!'to please ail>\vho may give me a call. Canned Good* of all kin I*. $>ml of tho best brands to be found in The markot t always on hand. Calf and see me. . ' P. >>. A fine Billiard roonV at»*rt»e<k A. SosSKSSCHJMt. Niinda, I1L, July pith. IHfcS. The nobblelt Hats lu tOWB at CO«t re. Nichols'. . 5 ' Mrs Every tiling in the Hardware lino ail bowom fljj'uui, at E. wt's.