Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Dec 1883, p. 8

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:#* Is taH<$e WflmJnjf- n «loek with If* milkfed ®n. 8 what it ruthless tti i i»(f i1m of invouilpjt M wlie^ Itself loose. It bftwi't any r tlin well-being of society--It iNRltd ]ust as lief th* human family *ir*td4 live «n bread made ®ut ef shav- 'tome Infendve lunatic could Ills insane penchant for con- ; by galling out a patent on It. «oone the ni&uiac who designed twenty-Tour clock never had the fltoker of *n !<!•* about Hie %od%l Stid domestic destruction lite Midline would eaifeil. Think of a hian getting home at fourteen o'clock- ill the morning, What would his wife ^«y to thatf Is It conceivable that * ? *"*** * 1 - ^ 'v w * mm mmm - >?} > }<U ysiKFiz. DKAI.BRS 3 Furniture OF ALL KINDS." f *tjy %w- w: ,• i A : . . . X. t i .V> -- d.J. td V: *...» >• f -• 't . V «;~.ryrv-».4 <a£- To his lrtrsre stock ®f seasonable goods Soy fclj. and winter wew, consisting iu j>nrt of Store in Lansing's Block, ITEAR THE DEPOT, the most fftlr-mliuled of |§irHw, would eniure fuck a thing for a lOinentf Nor tlOW It take a very * j; faulting plunge of fancy to picture the jftligwat ttrnt would well up In a man1# ,V lnirtM Itearing hla wife (jail out a* ', : . •;,#!#•'<****« the morning: *' ? "Efere, John, Its eighteen o'clock. 4 iTIme y®u were building tho fire." , Tanw, to think of the thoroughly s*"-*-i#rt«Hing aspect of waiting ;mtU ty-four OVIOCK for dinner, or to small hoy to be lit your oflk-elit tly elgiit o'clock la the morni.% n4 then not have him show up until * jtwenty. Almost any one knows from * |>ersonal experience that in the matter ^%C*<jatchii»g railroad trains there if ^ %lt®a«ty trouble enougfc under the sui, ^ ibut, lt» the name of all tim*. what ^woald be the linrit of "getting left" if %he train ran on the revised edition, land the man who wanted to catch it are working on a watch of the old version? ' It is sincerely te te hope* that lit** 'chronological Idiot who has Mtcceeited lln evolving this twenty-four hour piece may be caught and made an end «>t be •fore he succeeds in getting t|»« laws of nature any worse-torn up in the matter of time than they ale now. Heaven If knows a man has trouble enough about meeting engagements, payiug note* ' and settling tii% bills as the thing is MV, but If they manage to ring in ^two or three more leap years oa us, *nd get tho difference in time between ,g<Jhicago and New York a little further lapped over on itself at each end, the | best man living won't be able to tell wtwther ha Is tiking breakfast at ^iCrestllue or Aitoena, and, In case of a« accident, his wife and family will i^nover ba able to discover, for the life 2 of them, whether liiaseul went up to glory on the wings of the tsoruiug or I at soma beastly, dismal bour of the v night. We tare one Of the largest stocks of Fur­ niture of nil kiroid to be found in tho countjr, atul our prices will be as LOW AS THE LOWEST. We krep none bnt the best and persons wishing i* buy Pttrniture ofany kind will save money by "giving us a call. We also keep a full line of samples oft, - ' . OARPET9, And can sell yon one from the cheapest tirade to a Brussels, as cheap as any house ouiside of Chicago. <iivc us a call itiiii we ere sure tre can safe you monev on anytliin« In our line. Undertaking. A full Assyrtment of COFFINS AND CAS­ KETS always on n:t ml. JD8TEN BROS. l(cH.enry, KOT. 28th, 1SS3. ..V*, ' ' i ; ayaiii;rti,' SHOES, ttBlfl the following critical opinions ot •••WW" "Ballet and Shell." ••A book of re»l!r absorbaisf interest."--Phil*. Press, "Itre nisi astlio«i;nit bad b«'en written on tna floid o£ battle."-- .V. 1". Critic. "Itwiil be the moat widely t'ip. Cul l ed wo k on ihe Civil War th:vt h.i^ brun publiL.^rii.'* --Boston Globe. "Warmly weleomttl everywhere. Syracuse Tim s, "It i•< n pleasu e to heartily endorss •Ballet and Sh .•II."'--CMcag-t Tribune. ' It is rery eoi4- rfect history."- Gm. V. S. Gmnt. "I have no hesita­ tion i n rei'omtneiidinpr i t to the reading public of Arnev tea."--Gen. W. T. Sherman. AGENTS WANTED for Afresh,,sho'viiit; "war as the soldier saw it "aud AND SHELL Ail.flewJanCdesirable poods, pSf*You will find our'GroceP (ieinpleie, '&* unuaI and prices very low, Sat istWfri<*;l% ffouruutoed on every article. - r HENRY COLBY. RIVERSIDE BLOCK. McHENRY, ILL. Mltin? at the rate • ai |% °t thonsands of CC»T>- i '« weekly. Ener- Jk M II getie irjeu. m tubers of heU-A.Tt ,and D IV II others ilesiriugesprt- ciaily profitable •• •• mm emi'ioyioent,should lnv»stitrate and secure agency •with exclusive territory. Spe­ cial teruis and full particu­ lars free. Address A.C. NETTLETON & CO., PUBLISHERS, CHICAGO, IU. SQTThe Chicago Aeuw say*; **Oov- em»r Orlttemlen of Missouri appears te be in a peck »f trouble. His career Illustrates the folly of a man's bank­ ing altogether on his gooil looks and family connections. His name and his beantlfm complexion spoiled Mr Crit­ tenden when he was bnt a bay. J. a CHOATF* POTTERY PALACE! ART MUM!! 'J.-.V'Uiv- CV\ . ' ... • : Great Saving to Dairymen* Seventy-five dollars paved by giving •ne bottle of Dickinson's Cow Prescrip­ tion soon after the cew calves, to pre­ vent milk fever. Never w«s a c*se of mlik fever known where this medicine was given. It will al^o prevent earget and all other diseases incident te the NV. Tor sal* by all druggists. Manu­ factured by C. DICKINSON & SON, Bnrrlngton, 111 riLiy 1884. 'S WEEKLY. Illustrated. • Hetrper'i Weekly stands at the head of Amer- leu filastrated weekiy jeurnnis. By it* na. partisan position in politics, its admirable illustrations. Its carufuliy chosen aerials, short stories, sketches and (joeips, contribuiod by the foremost artists ami authorsof tlio day, Itoerries instruction and onterMlnment te thousands of American homes. It wi|i always be tho mm of the publishers to make Harper's Weekly the most popular and Attractive family newspaper In the irorld, and, in the pursuance of this design, to present a constant improvement in ull £ho*e features which have gained for i( the (Confidence, «ym^>sthy and support of its large •nay offlpadera. ^ _ ' J :/ HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PER YE^RIFF V,V:; RASPER'S WEElftY.. ^ ̂ ,§t 00 HABPBRM M At. V/ISK MHlTi fl» HARPEit's BAZ.VH «<« BAKPEK'S FRANKLIN SQUARE LI- BRAKY, One year--6Snumbers..V ....10 09 Mvefree UiM nriMorffrer* i+ the BtaUi or Canada. < ••••>». I ti The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is raentiosad, it will be understood that tho subscriber wishes to commence wiih the number next after the receipt of order The last Four Annual Volumes of llarper' . Weekly, in neat cloth binding, will be sent l»y mail, postage mid, or by express, free of ex­ pense (provided the freight does not exceed one one dollar per volume) for £7.00 per vol nine. Cloth Osseg for each volume, suitable for ce"pt'Stf($|l 06 fCBt br postpaid,on re Remittances should be made by Post-Office to avoid chance of Money Order or Drift, Newspaper*are nUlocopy this advertUemetU wUhovi ihe expret$ order of H AKFEK FT BROS. ArtdMS* SA&PS& k BtOtHEBS, „ . New York- 1 HHi 4. Harper's Young; People A* 1IXC8TBATE1> WEEKLY--16 PAOES te Boys and Girls Trom Six to Sixteen Tears of Age. ftot* Y. Commence November 6, 1883 ^ Young People is the best, wetkly lor children in America,~#>u*/»u<eii£«rn Chris­ tian Admcute. All that the artist'A skill can Accomplish in the way of illustration h4* been <ion<>, nnd the best talent of the country has contributed to 4ts text.--New EngltxtvX Journal of JSducaHon. Boston. •In its special ftel-i there Is nothing thst can toeumpared with it.- nan/or a Bttakng foel. TEHMSi • ASPKIC8 I*«r War, Postage Prepaid f" ™w Single Numbers, Plve Cents each. Rnecimen copy *PIH <m rc 'cipi of 3 rents. Tlie Volumes nf ffkrpar'n ydwgr People for J881, 1882, and 1W3,hamlsomelv Imund lllnmin. ateii Olotli. W)H be sent bv mai5. po»taitcpre paid on reciypt of #3.00 each. Oloth f. each volume, suitable for binding, will aent by wail, postpaid, on receipt of 50 ««nts each. Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order, or Draft, to avoiil chance of long. Jfeuvpapere are not to corn/ thin ailneriUcment WUhoui tlie express orrfr r of Harper & Bros. Address JUMPER & BROTHERS, New York, ' , -3 vok' IP '-v«pr Without ti Rival. •* ^ t* ; 7'r •-. \ m 01ass, Ait Warn, Fancy Goods, Toys, Is7«IU»3, I Hardware, With an unusually large assortment of Stoves. Granite Iron-Ware, &c, N~-AT BOTTOM FRICES- WtyHis x. * stand of Jacob Stovy, McHenn, invites Se attention of Dairymen, House-Keepei-s, in fact everyUotly,, to his large stock of Milk Cans* Creamery Pails, and everything .in the line of TIN AND GRANITE IRON WARK, which he is selling at prices as low as the lowest, workmanship and quality of jroorls ^uni tin teed. Tin Roofing-, Eare Tfonsrhin^r, Jobbing nnd Repairing prompt ly attended o j3f~Remeniber, extra £ood bargains car. alw-tys be obtained Siiles Of Stock, t'aitn iuoi ium OomlS I illi iVIIi'lB t'loiuijuy V.HOU'1^1 to Rousonnbic The stock ia now, conpleta. Ready for the Holidays. This fe the place to bny. Prices are low Prices will please. The display will astonish. The show will surprise. < -orae before the assortment ia broken. Come now and ses the novelties. Come now and secure rare articles that eannot be dup­ licated by and by, The 2old finished Lamps and Chandeliers will spive the house a modern appearance. The new house an elegant completeness. Tlie Grocery Department be especially complete. • ^ ORANGES, LE VSON3, CHEAPER THAU EVER JOHN B. Figs, Aprlcotf^ Grapes, Baiaina, 0^n<) fXAniirnix t. ' Mj • * .o. * A ' " WOODSTOCK, • 1883. • : • . X7 PATENTS. Inventors, send moiiel or Nketch of vent ion and I will make <;ucinl preliminary exnmmation, and report as to pnt<>niHl)illtv with advice, circuiurn, etc., FKEB OF CIIAI;AI! All business before 17. •«. Falvul omen at. tended to for moderate fees. NO CUAUGl? Ujr". jUKft|»ATKMT ISOBTAIMKD. >' F- J- BF LITTKLL, PAUMT^TTOGNEJ^ ̂ Doors North of Perry & Owen. <• .r > ; ̂ 1 s ; ify #ioe^ of TfomVtnre is fofttp^te with n' lftrge* stoc^c ttifln ever, and will be sold as cheap as any other in the county, and itwiil he to the interests of the buying public to ca upon me when in want of anything in that line. TJN V-- »OF*» v' " i' ?.'~i - <4tarJ V- H-r** ^ '"'A * . . .<44 tf, . } J Pt " ' * V 'f'nf -arnrtdt" ' • -- ' - H A L L & S H E P A R D , ' ̂ K m: d r "M" . ipiiui 'tufa***."T;.: --i y •. »y -•« TT51 r <4Uu,r. The only cash at ore in Northern Illinois. The largest, the best filled. Size, 140 feet lon«r and 22 feet wide, two stories hio-h and working for the people that PAY AS THEY GO. & dollar's worth goes out except for Hard Cash. We sell 4 , \ our p trade with us. DRY GOODS, CLOTHIN JS;": s&as: .GROCERIES, CROCKERY, &c rices will make it pay you to con ! y'ff'ri \l4' • ' <i*V. „r , , . . ty mTTcs tr We sell goods ot the best quality and guarantee everything as represented. Read our price list and bring it, ami make your fall purchases where your money will do yon the m6st good,'/ Will your credit dealer make you the following prices? Best Prints.... W' Finest Blenched Cottoti • llcst ITnlilfm hCd Cottml Stnnilard (iing'hnms.. No 1 Corsets ,4 . Ac A Ticking ' . . . Klegnnt Dree* Goods . . , 4-2 inch lllack Cusluieres . Dress Drills Oil mi >rtcs ... I.adics' Clonks, all prices. Cotton Flannels 8 J" No 1 Flannels, 23 Cents to 38 .;•* Ladies'Fine Handkerchiefs 6 '5**, 6 o»d in cent bai-guius|a abundance. «"».*»'• .i . » ...... 7x ..... 8 ...... in AT, 9 & 10 .4.... (to S- .... 8 * 8 S cents 81« • t .OO.i < ;otton Clotll No 1 Denim* I'est Denims made ... . Kxtra Waterproof .^ ,..t I'lidle-i'Slippers, woi'th 75cents.. I.ailies' Shoes I..idles' French Kfd Shoes, One.... Gents' Hoots, Good.... .. All kinds for Tncn««ti<k (x>yt andL only food Goods. Clothmir Is our groin "specialty" we carry the finest Hock in Illinois.. We _ huvo from the Boys »'uitB .. v 12P0 to 1-200 Men's Suits -t....; 3 2B to SS 00 Wen's Overcoats hild Boys 2 25 to 38 00 lung Is our greet' snecinin-. Miwl' Northern the goods. Buffalo Kobett diiect Northwest, all sorts. Spioes. wnv d<ft\v|i. > Snjrar at Chicago cost><ld'frelsrht. ••50 cent Tea 25, 30, 35 A 40 7 • 15 10 A H ..K .... 8 AO lod Ten •'.'Best IJice ...-.* ... ; Hest Uonsted Coffee..... ,-•<* >od " " 6 •• [Mamlard Rnisins 1*2 .. No I Toljacco, Snlokieg 15 j««. ;s i-l-ine-l'nt Tolwcco... bn .-f* ,*l ' lnir Tolta<-co 45 <« afll .onyr l!ox Ma:dies.. fl 00 ' :^5-<-ent Hox Matches. 2 (K> £10.relit , Box Mp.lches.. . ' ; i 00 ^ ltaljbitt's Salem tus " Best Soup..!. « Strive Polish i. ,j,. 44- cen ts •f '(.tip* K- Kow we want to nnd know your interest t©i come, n»# ^ill d6 it!, . Our goods am i that we% can make it Vor come once mid,see. and Sold fof CJasli Only, THAT arid to sncl a pi- •0 -•*Yfr~0- u, r.* " !«' • •n "J "A •K-.1 : • <j < " 'v-«i '!< 11r , We want the 'far-off' ti'ade tliat we say, come and see us, and it your expenses buy we can't save you money, will pay We are getting in hs rgains every thiy, and they gc as bought, very cheap for cash . Yuurs tor urood goods and low prices, HALL &: SHEPARD, . y o d , j , d u r d i e , i L t : li-i-i.i .• . ' r&hriM'l- :: . "T" BOOTS & SHOES. I a886rtm^nt Coffins and Shrouds of all kinds and qualities. A Hearse furnished it reasonable rates. * Great Bargains in men's and boys' Veal Calf, Stoga Kip, Fine Calf Pegged and Hand Sewed Boots. _ Men's, boys' youths' and children's Rubberand Gum Boots:; ,; tnen's women's, misses* and children's Buckle iSrcticl, Snow Ex­ cluders, self-acting Ala^kas and women's Siberian But­ ton Arctics, mens, womens, misses and childrens staple and fine Shoes, mens wool lined boots in calf, kip, and grain leather. Chicago & North-western 1 BaiJv,* y is the _ ] OLD CSTAE3!LICHCp SHORT LINK 1 UEITED STATE^F&ST r^AIL ROUTE j It i3 tho Groat TiiorougrUfero irt.m and to | C H 1 C A Q O And all points in Northern Minois, Cen* 1 ta-a.1, Enstern raid Nort'i-.vcstsrn lotva, 1 ••Wisconsin, Northom, Minne-" I got.A, ihi/cota, Mc-.nito'oiv, Central and 1 Northern Xvbrn»k<i, Colurad", Wyora- I tog, Utah, Idaho. Monti na, Nevada, I Cnlif •rnln, Orrjon, V/t.ailing'tOM Terrl- I tory, Sriti"h Vt'lumbia, China, Japnn^ I fa Gandv/ich Islands, Aitxtrullu. Xrte 1 •aland, end r.ll principal points in th® I NORTH, NORTHWEST AND V/SST. With Its o "7?i lines it trnverses North- I em lUiiNOIS, Ccntrrl end Ncrthero I low \, AVl i;;ovsiN, Nortiiern I.ilCHl, I CAN, .ni.\WKsr»TA, end Central onto- I TA. It ci/era to tho traveler r}l rccom' | mod tion3 thit can be offered l:y any I Railroad. Its train sdrvico ec;i:c]3 that I of a:.y road; their speed is es rreat as J eomiort and safoty Trill permit; they tnalce close connections in union depots ] At junction and terminal points with I the leading rollrorda of tho west and i Northwest, and cifer to those tuat uss j thom I SPEED, COMFORT AMD SAFETY At CHICAGO it rnahes close corneo- ] tion v/lth nil other r- llro' d°. r.t th --t city. \ It ruu3 I'Ai.Acii si CABS on 1 ell through trains, T'ATtT^ii CARS on its 1 prin^nil ront03, end M"RTfT-wi: -TERM I PINIVft C\HS on its COtTNC!X BLUFFS fend on its ST PAtil. end MINNEAPOLIS through day e-prerrs tr"irS. •* j IF yon wish tho Bss'- Traveling Aocom'* 1 "d-'t'.ons yon r^ill bu" vorr Tieket# route AND WILL TAKK MONO . • "*4" • s • r itea for shi7lo or round trip : *9 pnd for full i 'format'.on in re- jO "ill r»r,rts of tho Wosfc. North R.nd uti\vo>^. writs to General Pasaoi'.cer j'Gnl;, at Oliicvro, 111. . All Coinon Tlclict Agents sell Tickets by thla L'ne. J. D. LiAYNG, MAEV'N IIUGI-7ITT, Gen. Sup't . S<1 Vicc-I 'r . s. and lien. Mauagor. •X W. H. ETENNETT, • i .^ '5 -v-.v. '-is- ~<ien. Ptiss. Agt., Cliicago^. ! f , • • T •: !; "I. ATTENTION ECO NOMY IS WEALTH , You can save money by giving youroMeri F. W. MEAD, RiCHMOND, • ILLIKOIft, >•• • FOR . \Vagon8, Carriages of all fleB^rlption#, Be V pairing. l*>iiniin.^'i iunorul ( lack. i smithing, &c., &u. Repaivingot plows ami all other farm lm< ulciiieiUs is given parinfulnr attention. In my iiiaiiuf;»-t.nvc' ' .s I use onlv tlit; h'f«t mftterU nij :ni<! ( keeping • l ie very worUineu in nil etc]tin en is, 1 utn em1 . Itkcl to guarantt 'e and warrant all woik that fro in my shop »• ftt-sl elans in every particular. ' ' * m.- •• •• • :••:;••• Mi 2TECIAL GUARANTEE OK WAOON9. "ill farm wagons mnimlactiircl at toy abop «'e warranted t 'or TiiUKJK r^AUfl. f ,- ' JfcGfclCULTUilAL IWiPLEliitillTS. 1 sell ove'ry tt^ricnUiirat implement, jnclu'l. JU^'g, espeol-tfly, Norwegian Waikin? ami Kl>i. fivsr I ' lovvs, H. 'O Thoiiipsort at ! Goley J!ros' . '•§ hiw.s antl CnlliviitiiiM, K. II V.:iV:)i v ^efeders ttii ' l (;*n'n OiiltivalOvs. the Howaaiiic Spiin^ 'TdoIIi itie 1'iano anil O M. OKlwrne Co %'Jlarvnsier ami 'Twine* llhuler, the vv'ar. ri ' iraiiit l icjikiiis ' and oilier tirst- elais machines. Warranteii )ir«t-cla»s or 110 6alc. UI.ACK^MITIIISG of every kind attended to. promptly and tutiisl 'aetiou gun ran teed. . • F I N E P A I N T I I T ' G A SPLClALf^. 1 l have engaged J. STIU.WEM'. the bo«» t>atnte"r ot Mis Nortliwesi, t<>f cue ye A*, M Uiiijtpr. t.<> talee eli.-wse «?»< paiti* jdirtp, witfoHb ji* a bi:lli<'ieivl* Mitfl ajf we A of ilmd ktn i >vt)i tie Uimo iii tlie be»t nttrl tiioi% nrti-'ti» sv> te. , li hlutnld not (>e foviTotten that I employ J. Il'-p:t>a, \v<'thI -\\ (;t'k nuwi of t » < i: tv years' ex. pe'riettee, :trnJ I. Mo^'e, c.rirfiairi! JilacK^inith, ixuh iti stirpas^od iik : irIi/Mis to their line. v . , a i i t i m o - p u d i ' W i l t g u n r - ftnlee ^.tn -f ' t- t ine ««• to prices Mttti quality of F: IV. MEAD. f DHN B: JOS. W.EDEMAM,, Sdoon ani .•. estaTirant,; -. «• Wtt Uill's, EPOT, *' . ' Far RenfcV .( ! - ^ ji^'hOitse. sftnat«<l abotti 'ftiree miles PBft of tlie vill;ig« of McHetiry Is on html -vher« iherp ie giultbinjr aiitl other werk to b« done, HIM) A gno<l eliatice will be given a tenant. For full particulars Inquire of JOHN A. BMITII, Also for rale Biz yearlings, five heif- «i*" and oue «tear. Will be eoM rea- «Qn»Lie. Jott$ M HEMRY, - ILLJ .OlS The l>efit Bran ts of Wines. T.i'iuors &r.,,$ Cigars always on Hand. Good 'Stabling fo? Horses. ALSO AGENT FOR Franz Falk's^ ;|®|MIX-WAIJICEE: If -J •ir\ • • Beer, Reerin l.arze or Small Kegs orfBottles (i ways on hund cheaper than any other, qual tv'e-onuidrvptl. # "Tliii* li«mr hasa world wide reputation, anr goodju'iges ncknowledge It euunot oe '»«» (.fisce.d in the world. # Ordora l»y mall promptly attended, to. ' 4 0 < ' W^PFKAVEJV. IfeHenry, III. Aug. lOlh, 18sa. ' ^ * DO YOU WANT --TU, Sewin Br Y SUi-x"* "ellinsrat tH«T<OW. I hn*«» on hand and ntn est prlpe«, tlie Dojie-iltc,. Klilreitge, Home, Soriniriiid'd, New American, and e witiK Mactiinff. rinct M<lt not be utider by any agent in lh« enmity. • A iicid >iiijnr Machine-for OT. warranted, to do the vyork of any Singer Machine In thfli' wo 'lii . Cat I and see me. o. W. OWEN. JJclIenry, Feb. 30,18W, Al o a tiemendous stock of Meii'd aad Womtju's pl«in «iu1 fancy S ippers, bought expressly tor the Holicliy tiatle and ret civeii this week. It will pay you to come from all over the county to trade at Dwight's old reliable cash store N. lJ--HOUlSE ESTABLISHED IN lg6o. W. H. PWICHT^ C'r. M ln St.and Public Square, VVoodsto?k, III. B. Siierman, , .V^C^nSTCCKy, ILL., ' »DM'iO iJfii . Breach *aa» 't^po &hQt Guns. Powder, sn-.t , rmm W.tli t^ti I iC!anrid|[e« lor »:tle. Fislung Tacklo c' . teap. Al. Kinds of 'ft*...#;: Si>orting Goods AND REPA1KING DONE. \ good Rreeelt T.oadin r, Double* Barreled Gun. warrantt ' i l Twist w»». • Wit.ches'er Ititie, <n model, Wa'tots, Nickel l ' (i sliot I(hm Iver, r2..">0 Self corking I 'ritisli I nil 1I ' istol, B.00. A iiood -single IJ.-irrel, l l ieueh Loading, Single (inn. warranted, J5 I will nndcrsi ' l . any house in the eoimty In Giinsaint ^portittg tioo'ls. If you want a irooit gun it will iciv you to cull and' aoo me. 1 warrant every gun I sejl, Clothes Wringers repaired and new. Uoil* put on. Frico per pair Avarmnterl, 50. Ji STIERMAN. Woodstock, J 1.1 IV iSth,18ti-5 i- - D3. JMi BOLL'r FOR THE CURE OF FE^E^arsd AGUE Or CH!LL$ and FEVER, AND ALL MALARIAL OISEAIES. The proprietor of tliii oelebratod modi- mm. > I I'H And will b<» pleased |o show you oarstock/consi^ting- of /JRY'/^QBg^OTlO^aOTaiNi, •fit*:. T--AND- •<,h. - • ; G - R O C : . . . Ladies' and Gents' Underwear, • >. Ladies' and G«otis' Gossamefie, *' " " Gloves & Mitten^ 44 Hosit'iy, A nice stock of (Jovs«=ts and |-Joop Skirts, an EIXTItA QUAUli Y" tJ YVpoUn Yarns, Cjirpet Warps, Cotton liattiu^* and al' the Staple u iclt-s kept in a General St (ire, and at prices t«»•.•»«it|tlie pi*e«>tsi.% _ reciatcd markets. GOOD BLJT1VR 4.ND KGGS VV A^XK15, «d the llighfc^t Ma|*kei Price Paid. dine justly olaims tor it a superiority ovtr all reniedisB cvsr ofxsred to the publio for the SAFE, CEETiSIXf, SPLEDY and PIBr HAKEKT ours of Ague and Fever, or CbilU •W and Sever, whatlier of abort or long «Und- iny. H« refers to the eutire Western and Southern country to bear him testimony ta the truth of the assertion that ia ao oaf* whatever will it fail to cure if the difeo- • tions are stiictly followed and carried out. In a great many cases a single dose has been suidcient for a cure, and whole fami­ lies have beea cured by a single bottle, with ->••> a perfect restoration of the general health, ?f It ia, however, prudent, and in every oaM i more certain to cure, if it3 use is continued in smeller for a week or two after tha • disease has been checked, more especially '* in difficult and long-standing cases. Usu- lV ally this medicine will not require any aid rgn to keep the bowels in good order. Should • the patiant, however, require a cathartic medicine, after having- taken three or four deses of the Tonic, a single dose of BULL'S , VEGETABLE FAMILY PILLS will be suf* ficient. BULL'S SARSAPAMLLA is the old and reliable remedy for imp-iiities of the blood and Ecrofilojs aXTeotions--the King of Blood Purifiers. DE. JOHN BULL'S VEGETABLE W0BX DESTROYER is prepared in the form of eandy drops, attractive to the aight sad pleasant to the taste. •;:f' MAYES 6§ BARTLET^ DR. JOSEKT BULL'S SHiTH'S TONIC SYRUP, ^ BULL'S SARSAPAfKLLA, 7 { BULL'S V/0R?«l DESTROYER, Tlte popular Remedies of tho Day. yiM'ML,

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