Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Dec 1883, p. 1

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m Mim^rm »i#tt ;'iwf^ if <Nfc»r> *l*.l IWUIfll f(Wu ^ • ~* ^ • .„ . I »* 9»Ih4 h. 'Ti| •»«! «'*•«*»». '. , itbtaeKmarr Kavj .f !'*"* *">** rnt fo**'* ~cT K«..*^ **f *#»«* |ri: -SS «: fefc«yjjy« - md< &) *'<$&?Ai*|' '>'&*• &&&/ >& ! 3 "*0$faAi&(iit.i\ v./ v Ji&faim Jo J. las'.••'i*itm-, • ••,•• ' *~ -v.. '; S •*"*/*' •;-• - * jf <vf «:t\'. '> • 'trn 1% tnte? v »••»•. , .1* . j i^P^WRWfWfr'ilSSS^K; * t « r , . a ; V . * • » | x * * ' . . i / m a . n m * : i * > • - «% »«* fesoft* «**» ."JeV^wt e*H «vi*j v ». ! i $»**'* •>» • «<*$*** }VM- ;'fcfS vifSH*' • ' •vrnrJsJ-bajfc; M ,J , * '7 ' }< * tj +* * f 'H ' > *«.orV'j •• • 4 I.., ••• - !'.•*•< ^-(ff 'iftftps-vl '•'UEt'tI 'Iff?-* .:®#- *»«•$'» . (ttKMl'.- iwfcjv. * E-wjf-iH- .••• tl'f. • imtiiA , •-• *lfi? k ~ '" '% ~«-~*'4 H. •+#• -:W'V-> : f f & t =#•? <* Mfc'l !»k4te/K<'4 trot?*!* '"Up - **^ o,-» **-4' f _ '«atfKu'* hm «Mfet .S'ifJi #«V* • >4, • - -r-,r---'- -44? } ' k ~̂ f%%- vm " Pledged but to Trutti, to Liberty undMLaw; No Favors Win us and no Pear Shall Awe." ' VOL. 0; •*»*< M'-HENUY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 5, 1883. j||^[eDry ^lainMep, Published Every Wednesday by VANSLYKE, BDITO & vKO PUBL.I3BEB. ce in Bishop's Block, n --Oitostts P«mr A OWM'B.- i' • TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION On# Tear (In \rtrHiff) ..i.ilj. .*1.» If Nat Paid within Three Month*..-.,,. ... 2.(10 ^lhsr.riptions rn^e'vel foe . thVee* or sis months tn the same profmrtlnn. BUSINESS CARDS. MAKT (J. B.1UBIAN. HAIR WORKER. All of Hair Work done in first r.Kss atvle and at reisonaide prices. i!ooin« at rcsMenne, north­ east ctirner of Public .Square, Mcllenry, 111. • C.S.<iREEX. yK^KEJNAKY ftURUKOK. Richmond, Rates of Advertlsinsr. We announce librcrjil mtes for aivertfoinw in the Pl.\fNl>BAI,KR, tuvl <;n 'eivor to *t«to Hiera so^hinlv that thfivwHT <»e reHdtly tin- i)«rstood. They are as fril lowrs: ,« . 1 Inch one year . .• . > SO" 2 Inches nno vnar •• >; • j•; !•» IV> H Tnnhe* one ycir '£*" - 1**%£ 1S ^ V.lJolnmn one ve<ir V^ilnmn nns vnar-'-rj^. ?< 1 Colnmn one voir ** » .» • « ; TOO (xi One inch mein« the topi'uromont of one Inch down the column, sinrle cnlnmn width. Tearly n-lyerrisera, «r «h«^ 'iT»oyp rite*, have the privilege of chansrin* ss often as they choose, without extra ch««rjte. Reeniar advertiser® (mp'in:n7 those h.avin"r stnndinif cards) wi!l he crvfitlpi tn insertion of local notices at the rate of 5 cents «*r line ench week. \\\ others xviil b<» clvirpted 10 cent* per !ine the fl-st week., and 5 cen's per line for each subsequent week. Transient advcriiseineTirs will be charred fct the rate of 10 cents lie "line, (nonnnrol type, Mme ns this is set In} llic flr^t i<«n". and cents per line for snbse^'icM issues Th an inch advertisement will cost. «l.WOfo»> one Week, $1.50 for two weeks, $2.00 for three Xreeka, and so on. Th* Pt.AivnKAt,«?R will be liberal in rr'vins ft'lltoWtil notices, l»«it. as a business riil", it tlrill require a suitable fee from everv'^ody Ss«Tcking the use of its columns for pecuniary Vain. BUSINESS CARDS. s» II, T. RUOWN.M. l>. 5 r>TTTSTCIAX \XO STTRarcONV office over I the I*o$t onice, onnosite Porry AjMartln'a Store up stairs, Me,Henry, 111. p. t\. ""vr-vi-M . n- f Viraid W AVT> RtTft'4KOV. MeHenry, 1 Ill». ufice at llefidenee, on the Corner, Opposite ISl'ke's FurnUttrc Store. . . ---- ^ . .ft O. T. TTOAV ARn, W. T>. fVTYSIOIAV \NO «TTit«?KOV. Offf^e at 1 my residence, opposite M. E., Mlf ftenrv. Til. JE^SE A. BALDWIN, Attorney* at law, iioom 24, no Wash-Waslnnjrton St., Chicago, III. Op^n for business on snd after December 17th TV Ml. O, E. WILLIAMS. ENTIST. Residence Dundee. Will be at M"!le:irt. at Parker House, the 10th and 55th of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I make n»y visits on the following Monday, ' JOHN KI.EIFGEK. HOUSE Patnter, Gminer, Calcimlnef and Paper Tl inorer. UnsiInse one Block West of Utverside House. Work attended to proinply and on Reasonable terms. Horsemen* Attention ! nil lovers ot fine Morses are respectfully invite<l to call at mv farm, half a mile westot" Mclicnrv, 011 the Woodstock road, an<l see my fine Moraran anil Draft Horses. I have a Percheron Norm 1111 Draft t;olt that is haril to be:it. Call and see him. W2*3 business done on Sunday. 1 ». S- COLBV. Mcllepry, May 1st, 1833. •"t W C. N. CULVBE;: AUCTIONEER, Richmond. Illinois. Sales of Stock, Fanning- Tools and Goods ot all kim s attended to 011 tlie most Ueasouahle Terms and satisfaction gtmr^tfed. I ' o a t O f f i c e a d d r e s s , 1 , 1 11IORMOND, ILW' i SWWill attend sal*s and furnish printing: and advertising as clieap *s can be procured elsewhere in the comity. EOSSRT C, BEOTETTj: -BREEDER Mr r OXRV ltETEIVKD Kf>R IKVK'STMEVT sfhd loane l on mortaraire security at cur­ rent mtes, without charge to the lender, farm loans made at nix per cent. J. W. UAXSTKAD. 1 and S isor.lun Block, Klgip, lit *.*ybbs.% v. Saloon and Kostafirnnt, IN HASEMKfxY of KiThnerfR Ptfcre, .Tobhs. , , «,,alitie« I can sbow~ a trio "of. ¥< hnnsh, Kfc i^ «h^r.esil>ran^aC W*t>efc, i t«i-tsi»h's >c1\Jic4a JwuAMMba *v-? k w m t i l i f t y i , , f t : • i f t w f c - j ' T a l f - 'wr»«««»'*.»r infiicen. $l.»i,'delfremT "3 rm see inn. PTtATT HOUSE. A. PRATT, Proprietor. First class ae. Gooil fn connection tf nommodations. HiMiconda. Ill , BAIiBIAN BROS. rllGARMantvfHct.urers, MeHonrv, 111. Qr-( Jers solicited. Shop, ti OM MeHenry, ,n Keitor P.lock, two doors west of Plain- ,#r.Ar,Kn Oflice. ,T lohte BICllAP.l) COMPTON. TT«*TIOK of the Pe vennd .0-»nvoy*n«er.-- lptl; Volo, Like Oonnty, Hi. Willattsn I nv»ini)tly ta the collection of Co 11 n K. K. UIOIIVRDS. CT-VSa-eomnlete Abstractor Titles to land I I in M flenrv County, Ill'nols. Offlce with County Clerk Woo Istock 111. E. M. OWjEN - f1KXER\T< Dealer and Manufacturers T A pent in T^jiwlinir Farm Machinery.-- Prices \ew and terms favorable. McIIenrv, II'. J0. <*. SMITH. BOOT A^DSHOK MAKER. Promnt after-tlon yiven to Repairing. Shop in jiri.p-Harness Sh»>p, opposite UivcrsidcHousOi ||cffenrv» Illinois. A R C T J S • Mafiuf^ctured by F. MARCUS, --DEALER IV- FUBE WINES LiaUORS AHO • CIS ASS. Woodstock I. mr Put Hf In Tb« hest Tonic, in the world. I^lj^nd (Juiirt Bottles. - F. MARCUS, Patentee. -a. TWELVE REASONS, FOR INSURING WJXH A^a W. Smith, • f > i Ot Woodstock, 111. "^."iRee.ftuae he is endorsed by leading but In*** men and the press, and pnrticn arly where best known. , 2. Because his is the in the eonntv. S. Because lie represent® thel«at line of ompnnies of anv agencv in the county. 4. Because, with one exception, lie renre- eants the oldest companies in the Uniteil Suites. 5. Because, in case of loss, be Kives his patrons the lienefit of^Jiis Ions* experience in flMutln^an equitable afljusiment. 6. Bevauae lie has atnvays issued full pol Ides. \ 7; Becsnse he pays losses on farm property jbv liglitninp. whedier lirh vnsuos or i.nt. "8. Becnnsejte insuies'live stock anywhere. Against lipbiriin? ' 9. Because he insures against tornadoes, ©veloties »nd wind storms. 4 . "10. rt'eeauee you can tuns save yourselves *rom disaster fi>r a mere trifle. II. Hi-cause you will llnd him efjuftlly as actlvt' to aidyou in Scttinx your uirtncy after 'loss as to secure you 1 patronage for his com­ panies. li Uecanseanv ouo of the above reasons ,can be fu 11y verified by callinir in E. A, Mur­ phy, E* Sessions, .1. W. Miller, trom their own experience, and on the entire circle at his acquaintances froiii observation. In behalf of i he Old Reliable, the Phienix. of H irtfoi-'l, Connecticiii, I take areat pleas, lire in returning the thanks of the com nan v to Mr*. L. D.Kelly tor her promptness and un­ usual presence of mind in extinguishing a lire at her residercc, kindled from the lninili.g ol E. A. Murphy's residence <>n the looi niuit ol the Will Inst. as by her individual effort. property was saved ou i a p-'licy of $4,000. which the company ASAW.8J ri. ?.,s r>: RICHMOND, ILti. (FtBar Pit KM III M KT MCHl.KKV COi;W*V FAXK ) My fowls are of the ' eelcbraied QUXE OF YORK strain, ivmarkable for tlieir great si^e puic.h.KH'r iu Richmond, Shipped, securely Hacked, SC.'IO. ROBERT C. IiE.\XETT. >i- i*' H C O W L I N 3 > ii IfSDCCKBfeOK TO H. *. Ct,OTHI8«l t S. WAR CLAIM SOLICITOR AND^ATTORWEY. ALSO NOTARY PUBLIC. Proseentea pension or any other claims against the government, relating to the late, o;* former wais. Complicated cases and re­ jected claims made a specialty. If stamps are enclosed for reply, all communications will be promptly answered. • at Eesidenoe, MADISON ST., 1 WODBSTDCX. ILL- by permission as regards char* acter, bu •iiness'abiiitv, reliability, Ac., &e : <i»n. John A. Logan, U. S. Senator, Chicagw, Illinois. tieiu,.!. C. Smith, State Treasurer of Illinois. lloKl.' Ellwood, M. C. 6th-III. Dist., Syc­ amore, III. Ho#. John O. Sherwiii, ex-M. C. 5th III. JDist., Aurora, III ' Hon. A. M. Jones, U. S. Marshal, Chicago, IJI ; Col. jas. A sexton, Pres Union Veteran Club, CSiicairo, 111. .letse A. Baldwin, Ass't U. S. Attorney, Chi- »caj«n, III. Messrs. Self., Schwab A Co., Wnolesale Boot an ! Mioo Dealers. Chic ago, Jll. Also hundreds of county and home referen­ ces . S. F. BENNETT, M. It. J>HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Also United _ States Examining . Surgeon, Illinois Richmond, DR. O. R. WKLLS. PHYSICIAN AXD SURGEON, Waneonda. Lak«s Co., III. All calls promptly attend­ ed, day or nipht. Office on Main St., east Of Barker's harness tnop. Edwin 1^ Bennett, M. D. tlAte House Surafou, Cook County Hospital, Chicago, III.) »igl . Sll Richmond^ - - Illinois. Calls altonded dwr or night, and special at­ tention given to (JflBcult Surgical cases. H. K. JOHNSON ft CO., SOLICITORS of Fatsnte, IMS t St., It * Wa«h,ngton, D. C. W KEFEHEX'ES.--Hon. J. A.Logan, Hon. W. R. Allison, Hun._ I). C. Sintth, I'ekin, )t. K. Stone, .editor Chicago Xews, J-'anner't Review, Chicago. Send tor lnstrueeions. JOSEPH N. FREUND. Saloon and ret aurant Bonsietfs old st^nd, opposite Bishop's Mill. Mo- Henry, III. The h loicest Wines, Liquors and ?igsrs to be found in the county. Fresh Ovsters in their season served up in any shape desired or for sale by the Can; • GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. ANTONY ENGELN, SALOON and Restaurant, Buck's old stand Mcllenry, III.--The choicest Kentucky Whiskies, «o»r Mash, Wines, Cigars, etc., always on hand. Wo hnv none l»ut the best, and sell at Reasonable Prices. Fresh Oysters in their season. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker nnd Jeweler NO. W STATE iST., Chicago, III. Special attention given to repairing Fine watch, eg and ClironouK :ers, JT.V Full Assortment of Goods in his line Richmond Kous*f RIC^VIIMD. ILL ?' C. N. CUTiVEB, - - Propriety. HVVIXG recenn* pnretinfod House, I have put it iu thorpngh i-»>|ialr. \VTXG recently I have p with new fipnitue thmuirhort the above . r, would Backed hv MilMn INDEMNITY agMbs Light FORJET IT! . SMITH, -OF-i s of mone^ st damage by Wind Storms, CYCLOXE&,4Xn ,tokxadoes. Drop me a postijfejird and I will visit you; call oil me an t I ^311 write you a policy, and Wiien either orartk of these destructive ele­ ments devastates*#nur property, happy will you be if yon hold one of ft v policies,' for I will sureiy visit y^a, and minister unto you. I wilt not forsake pou. ' >is.i w. fiwrr/r, (im?l Insurance Ag'L TON, D. C. The popular palace hotel of the National Capital. Conrenl<mt|!y located and accessible to all the street car lilies of the city. Open all theyeat. O. G. STAPLES, :t Proprietor, La te of the Thouaamd Tsland House. au<t resncctfullv invite the pruronaire ol the t.ra v. elin" public and others. The tables will nl- wavs be prorbled with the best that procured, ami polite and attentive ran be ^ waiters wiliTie in'readi'tfoss at all times to attend to the wants of «uest». No n uns will be spared to make this a First Class House. Lm gtf and commodious bafns on Ibe premiees. Free Omnibus in and from all trains. Sample Rooms on tlrst floor. 4-rC'i'».(?, iii t i»i.i ,:v H E. WIG HTM AN, Proprietor, First class rigs, with or witriout jlvivers fu'mlMherl at reason.!ble rates. Teaming ol all kinds done on short notice* Horse Shoeing, General ,!#acksmithing, : :j;;^WM0N AN®]' "" P. HAUPER1SCH, MeIIeij$r,T, lllinoi«. Would respect and the public geui than ever pre pan ' repj irt ixi, A. WENDELL, C4S?2iIIS2 AilD JOKES ^ScHenry, HI. Win tiikfi oontraotR IV»r pulling up BuiMiiigs anil anai'.antPH mv ivovk will compare with any man in tins State. I ean and will <lo work from 15 to 2*, per cent elu'iiper tliiin other I'arpenters, ns 1 have two of mv hoys who work with me. which makes it possible for tnei to do so. All Jobs In the Carpenter line proinptty,attended to. Gfve ine acall. A. WENDELU Of all kinds on shi eall and we will pi ami price of work. . P. Mcllenry, 111., At J. P..8MITH,! WATCHMAKER g JEWELER, . M.oIIoni*>-, - Illinolik y inform his customers ly ib4l he ijsnoMf iiett'et •lo a)l work inJ»iir line. ice. *®"Give us a both ijb quality UPERISCH. h, l^. Soldiers Department, CONDUCTED BY DR. 8. F, BENNETT ,X«. 5cnsl9tt» ,. XT . . Ta , : i cm.> the ttepotj .Mc h e n r y ' - * - - I llinois. Keens constantly on hand the finest bianils of Flour and Feed of all kinds, which be will tell at Wholesale or Retail at Bottom Prices. - FivediBerent brands of Fion'r always" on land aifd warranted as retire denied. Fhix Seed Meal Always on Hand WTFlonr delivered any where In the Cor­ poration. Orders may be given by Postal Card, Box 107, Post dflee. ffavlag'inoTed into .«>• new store, one door East of-Mrs Seaiies' ililiiueiy store, I am now prepared to show to the buying public as line a stock of Watches, C!ock&, Jewe'ry, Silver and Plated Ware, As can l>c found in the county, wljich 1 offer at priciw that cannot be beat. The Attest line of ^ FINGElt Ever seen in this section. BINGftfi i&f W- "S:d' u ,-QIVE ME A CALL. I, BONSLETT. 'IfMflirr/^rch 8th, 1891. o. w. OWEN, IK Cfocki, Watches, Jewelry, Silver ard Plated Ware etc. ^DEALER ' %• I keep in stock tbe celebrated flpringilell Watch, which is pronouueed by all to be tbs best watch now op tbe market. Will not be Undersell On any gpods in my jlna. '-.I- - iVv'a/^iV XcHeary, Fab. m a w.owxm , Also Agent for the Popular ^42 tT^r. ism Sewiag 'illicit A Fine Stock of Choice Confectionery, And Cigars* Alwxvs on hand. *»*Call In, examine goods and learn prices. Remember I will uot be undersold, quality of goods considered. J. P. Mc, Henry, III., Wo v. 27 th. 1S«. WESTERN NORMAL COLLEGE And Commercial Institute. ^ FIVE icn,weeks terms per year. riETEEN COUIl^ES:-»Teac.hers'. Oollcginte, Mod­ ern Language, Commercial, Art, Music, Telegraphic, Phonoirraphic, Penmrinshtp, Elocution, Medical, Engineering, Drawing, Ac." Wli-ile expense for one year. 9US Wes­ tern Normal Lecture Bureau. Western Normal " \dvocate." Catalogues and speci­ men copy of paper KltEK. Ci U GUEGOUV, Principal, ^ * Hiihhnell, 111. Haoyetjon are. ,v| \\r\v DANGER TOLIFE & PROPERTY Beset yon en every hand. The mutter of the slvcoon, sick loon, saloon, cyclone, tornado, windstorm, or whatever name'may lie given it, is heard in some section of tne coiinti v nearly every da;1. • The Fire Fiend Stay lireak out at.fany moment--the econom<* of a liletlnie be consumed . Dealt) must come to *11. Bv a small payment each year you can secure to yourself a foitune, should you live, or, in tlu- event .if dealh before the time expires, your family is provided for. H.W.- (KMt.roo is "represented by thi.s agency. Our rates are as low as expe'rience has found to be safe. You will save money by insuring with me. Genera! Insurance, Life, Fire. Lightning and Tornado a specialty. Thanking, all my friends for their 1i!»era1 patronage, and, hop. mg, hv square dealing, to merit a continuance of the'same, I beg to subscribe myself, Respeetfullv vours, C. It MOliEY. Mcllenry, I1L. June II, 1883. Oiie-flfth mf the soldiers ef the reifii- iar army are mustered out every year by the expiration of enlistment terms* while dentils, desertions and physical infirmities make 1,000 more vacancies in ,lhe ranks. About 6,000 eniistinents are therefore required annually. •C ^1llInol«. Tlie foliawlnjf addresses are needed: yvu <'«pt. Francis R. Hiunplirey?, Seargeiit Wlffht, Sei^eant Michael P. Sheridan, Private Ezra flftllock. Private Ncal Hunter, Or any comrades serving In Company 0, second regiment, X. Y. H. Artillery, wno served between August 1st, 1861, and February 9th, 1864. Ad­ dress Jutf F. Elliott, Middlesex County, Cochltuate, Mass. % A very remarkable case has just been developed. Among the men who en­ listed in Co. regiment, N^T. Vols., and was mustered in, served his time, and was mustered out and dis- charged, was Alonzo C. Hemstreet, of Albany. What Is mere, lie is drawing a pension from the government, and yet, st range as it may seem, bis name does not appear on either the muster-in or muster out roll of the regiment on tlie in the adjutant-general's office. This Is the report or MaJ. Isaac F, Handy, who made the search recently. Ma). Handy says the man enlisted when he did and received his discharge at tlie same tlmo. Why tils name dees uot appear on the rolls is remarkable. Grand Army ot the Republic, Tlie Immense boom that our organ­ ization is having in Iowa is surprising to many old.soldiers, who hitherto have field «loof from the Post, and now that they begin to see the good work tliiit Is being accomplished by the Grand Army they say, "boys, we must unite with the order," and thtij it is all over the State, Where there Is no Post the old koldlers take hold and in a short time a splendid P^Mt is iu operation, Iowa, with her 65,000 old veterans, can't uflord to be Iu the rear in Uraiiri Army matters, end from the amount of work being done at prevent, she will soon be tlie leading St ite in this work. No Strife in':il] this Union can boast Of a hotter war record for her soldiers than can Iowa, and so It will be with jfy the Grand Army of the Republic. Iowa she is coming there to stay.--Grand Army Advocate. Dps Moines, Iowa, many a battlefield, have m(i hand to hand many a bitter foe; but none, per­ haps. more deadly than those sheltered in our own hearts, our own evil pas­ sions and propensities. The enemy without th« estop can dons little harm; it is the Inner foe who win the victory. How goes the conflict, my brother? Thp day Is passing: already the sun is high in the heavens; at nightfall the warfare must cease. Are you storm* Ing the works ol tlie enemy? Are yon holding your own ground? What is the outlook? Are you sure of your am­ munition, your arms, and your bregMt* wurks? Are you always on the alert? Remember, one point left unguarded means captivity, means death.--Cbm- rods. STANDARD Preserves Linen, gives a beautiful finish prevents the Iron trom stickiiiir, saves labor & Cents «. Cake. it. POUT HILL PRECINCT.-l.AKe CO. Editor Plaikdkaler:--Mrs. Sarah E. Hnson. who has been very sick for the past tVo weeks, is now considered In a fair way for recovery,. We hear ot the marriage of Miss Annie Stanford, of Graut, to a Mr. Hammond, but have nothing official on the subject. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Huson .have let about 190 acres of their farm In Avon to William J. Puller, who lt«s moved Into the Sqlomen Marble house and commenced labor.' The owners reserve the new house on %ne farm and some five acres of land for their own use. The continuous rains are damaging corn more or less. Oscar WhitmoFe, of Ualnesville, and Mi's, Richard Hook and son, of Malta vl lie neighborhood, started for Old England last Saturday to visit friends in the old country. We hear ol the sickness of Mrs. White, mother of Michael White, Wit%» town of Grant. Dr. Rickey is In Attend* ance. . L. C. Davis, of Sioux Falls, DakotA, is visiting his old neighbors at Fort Hill. Marrikd:--At LesOatos, California, 9ept. 17th, IH by Dr A. S Luse, Andrew J Show­ ers, ot Maydeld, Cut, to Bstello Davis, of Hainesville, III. At Paulina, Iowa, Oct. 38tb, I83S, by Rer. R. Fane her, Mr. Tom Hark, of Sutherland, Iowa, to Miss Ella Towniend, of Grant, Lake Co. III. Died.--In the town of Avon, on Sat unlay, Nov. 17th. l*tt, Mrs. Betsv Morrill, in the ninety -second year of her age. Mrs. Mori III, with her husband, the late Geo. W. Merrill,came to Lake Co. about 30 years ago, and has resided at liferent periods in the towns ef Avon *nd Fremont ever since. JHer husband m v>- : i-\it ; made by Standard Oil Co., -.;t -'*iii • t Mit&'i CLEVELAND - - - OHIO. FUR SALE IN Nell ENR Y BY ; : PEBUY & OWEN, ' ^ CONTINENTAL • ! Fine Shoes. - • v Our stock of Foster's celebrated Beloit 81ioes is complete. For style ami durability they cannot be excelled. Ask to see them IlENRT Co LB*. r > Matched Team For Sale. A stood matched team for sata. Four ^.tld tivc years idil, ami w ill weigh he- tweeii nine and ten hundred each. Are well l>roke and stood roaders. Will be sold Cheap. Inquire of 13-m3 Philip Gieseleb. HOOF OINTMENT, Crackod Hoofs, Sprains, sores •J&i m' ' : 11 •' ' ,• I " V " ; " - * IN HO 1SE3, CATTLE & SHEEP. A sk your Storekeeper for ttor firit* di* set to the Manufacturer*' , AMEBIC A* LUB&IOATIHG -OIL 00.. CLEVELAND - - - OHIO. FOB SALE IN UcHENRY BY ' H. COLSY. Gossamer^ circutarf- wr ML. und coats for ladies and gentlemen, an 1 a full line of rubber goods always to be b*d P^5RTOOLBT,6 "Thre^ Cheers for the Feller* What Kit" We trust that our friends enjoyed ns much as we did tlie account In our last --copied from tlie Pittsburg Commer­ cial Gazette, of the ceremonies and pa­ rade upon Grand Army Day. We lav* the pitrlotUm that manifests itself In attention to "Our Boys;'nothing is too good lor them; let us give the in our kindest words, and brightest smiles-- to say nothing of the chickens and the pound cake--they saved our country for us, and "to the victor belongs the spoils." Do not grudge them a play spell now a:id then, a few hurrnhs, or evei( a more noisy demonstration, Twenty years ago some of you were ready enough to give them more than that if they would take your place and be sliet at! v God bless our brave boys, Let them 'tight their battles over again. Let them meet around their camp-fires, the 'Grey and the Blue together, and let tiietii. with clasped hands, rejoice that the old days are gone forever, and that a new era Iias dawnod upon us. The years of the great conflict are growing more distant, tlie old wouiidh are healed over; only an empty sleeve or a halt­ ing step tells us of the fierce struggle once endured. Sometimes, when we hear these croakers, we are tempted to think that men have forgotten, and that life and limb were sacrificed iu -vatii. We remember the brave hearts jthat went down in tlie contest, and we *ay"D!d It pay?" Here we are,maimed homeless, forgotten. The world goes on just tlie same, men grow rich by our toil, our blood-shod; we are Ignored An old soldier, like au old horse, is turned out to die. Did It pay? Friends, it needs some demonstrations, sonte housing, heartfelt sheer, like that given by those sturdy miners^-heaven ble>» 'their warm hearts anJ*sooty faees--to show £he 8oJdier>boys that American tiearts are -in the riglrt f^lace. only covered by dust of this work-day life, and that tlie land is rut! of gratitude to $the brave men who held the fate of our 'nation in its hour of peril. The feelii g is there, strong i»ud true, and, while we have r country, voices will uot be want­ ing to eciio the sentiments of those men of the mines--"Three oheers (or the fellers what fit." ' ™ i. . , ,,. .. . • . > Comrade: somewhere, away 111 the past, is the dear old heme of onr child hood; somewhere, in memory at least, are the friends of onr early years. How they throng around us to-night as we sit In tue gleamiug. Just over yonder is mother, with the glow of tiie fire.light upon her brow, and the love-iiglit, in hereye. No face was quite like hers, and no hand so ready to fuiu- ister to our wants, iu that cozy nook ate the little ones busy at their plays, while, just beyond, sits father and neighbor Jotte6 discussing the political outlook er comparing notes of fron tier life. Ilow the years have rolled away sjnoe then. Yfe haye afoot) oq time the Tfas lived ftffttt "t with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. L. Wood of Avon. She leaves one ton Join T Morrill, of Halneiviile. nnd three daughters, Mrs. W«od and Mrs. John Horten of Avon, and Mrs, Tlios. North nip of Beloit, Wis.; also numerous grand chliidren and great grand ehll ilren. Sne was highly esteemed by her friends and neighbors. ; ̂ s* ,-v. m VAHniNOVOX LRTTItR. Prom ear Beguter Cbnesymiyint. ' ' V'4j«| WAMiitfOTM* icev. ss, mm,. : ^ The President has experienced qnlto | a quiet time, ao# tl>e election wavo , , has passed, onil lie h<f 'Mttif»rsil thi* J short respite by (oil In tfcfttarV-'on ef . his snburben retreat af"j&0l<V.c fiomt, 3 The result of tliie toll - , be a very ;;.| interesting message to 'Jigijpt*** next '$ week, fie baa kepi rlr (letalls of mac* - ters connected with ', very ttlose. Titer* ] seems to be no doubt In Washlogton | now that the President took* forward to snch an approval of his atfipliiistra* 4 tlon as Would be eoirveyed by a renoin« ^ ination, and that be has discussed tbe matter. Ou this question he must have found the national press very Interest- ff), Ing of late. Nearly every paper in the country lias had sooietblug to say atwoft ^ his prospects. ^ | Another name ^romlnentty tbentloB- ed for the Repntlisan nomlr.atlon I* that of tlie philosophic historian oTtho Kennebec. Whoj of himself dl.- 1stnftil of turther iiolitldU honors, is not with* out fileucls who villi to|tht«at them upon him. Mr. Bllnie Is tn jypdrllere and there are mauy Who thfnk that tho "Plumed Knight,*' often nlihorsi^dt may yet ride victoriously.tnto the Whlto House. Blaine's weak spot, hitherto, has been his inability to carry New York, and as both parties will molto that stat4 the battleground next yo&p. Ills strength there wilt decide hla clftnces beforo tlie nominating convea* tion. There la a preliminary aklrmish for the gavel going on about tlie betels, but, as yet, nothing more. The real fury and power of the battle* has nbt been developed. In fact, the forces of the principals are still tery tardy In arriving. Nearly two thirds of tho 51 Democratic representatives are yet to come. There is so much in the air, however, that anything one might pre- !| diet may be changed by the events sf | the week. Certain it is that the ex- J traordlnar? Interest centered in tho contest grows In intensity. The ehlot Incident of the canvas, during tbe past week, was the sodden and ipysterlona * change, almost si multaneotwlv, of the leading Southern papers from rlgoroui'~N| opposition to Mr. Kan<l«H to active efforts to hie favor. The leading; news* sf paper of Charleston, S, C, and the two ^ most influent!»l Demeeratlc journals of | rgia have dpoe tkU, and the newe M M m ThsUreat Amerien Usn The great American liars from Erie Pa., and Texas have evidently formed a partnership and established branch offices in all the chief towns and cities, They are turning out copy fast. We have only time to note the story of a sparrow which satches six ducks every day. taking hold of them with his bill shakihg them as a dog does a rat, and then throwing them over his head; of a young man in Alabama who for sev­ eral year#, being destitute of beard, bad a hard knot in his neck cut epen and found a beard all rolled up and nicely packed away In this wen; of a Bridgeport (Conn.) "Professor'1 who has Invented a br<iss belt with a nipple, from wiiicli he noislessly projects pellet, and which. In the presence of a witness, killed a deg In fifteen minutes without the animal's knowing It was hit; and Anally, of a StLoui* man, who by means of two plates of glass one thirtyslxth of an inch apart and filled in with glycorine. has made a telescope with which lie in able to see a carmine sea. strange bat-like birds, and Insect men with sndlmentary arms and wings or anttinnte. who wero fishing iu tbe sea. 19*A correspondent, writing from Mexico, has the following to say of the common schools of that republic: "The schools of Mexloo are numerous but badly conduced. The schoolroom is a perfect bedlam, fifty to one hundred scholars of various ages, of both sexes, studying all kinds of books, and 'study- ing out loud.' to the top of Iheli voice at that. You may judge that it can be heard for bloeks, and la the other ex­ treme of the painful decorum of the liigli toned graded schools in the United States.'* 'Take a railroad from the earth to die sun." suys a learned professor, 'with a train running forty miles an hour without stops, and it would occu­ py about. 2C5 years to complete the journey; the fare at two cents a mile would be 91,860.000." The Buffalo Ezprena warns some one to give an estimate ,fif the cost ef bull|i}iq£ kh« railroad. - The English ghost-hunters t.eagne. after spending two years Investigating all the ghosts and haunted houses that came within Its knowledge. Is becom­ ing discouraged, it now prints a card requ 'Sting all people with supernatural afiitlrs ou hand to come, prom­ ising in no case to publish names with­ out th« full consent of the parties con­ cerned, A.. .•i'iik il-'l . sftiltKIF'chtiigEw:flfit' in Texas, The danger to Mr. Randall In the South has been principally from ft feeling that he was opposed to Govern* ment aid to Internal improvements on tho Mississippi and other rivers' Bit friends saw this danger and took step* to avert It. About a week ago a well- known journalist of this city, who for> mcrlv Opposed Mr. Randall, but who It now as ardent In his favor as be oneo was In his opposition, started ot a still hunt to CApture the Southern paiiera that wero opposing Mr. Randall, and thus far his track can be followed by the changes which hav# occurred. Ran­ dall's skill in management Is telling In his favor, and his opponents are la danger of being outflanked. But at the headquarters of tho sev­ eral candidates the affiUr is definitely settled. Each aspirant is Inaereue me In and sure of his elect Ion. So mueb eai*- not be said, however, for Mr. Springer, the most promising possible "dark horse." He is only hopeful. This Ill­ inois statesman has surrendered bis colleague, Mr. Monlton, to the C.trlislo ranks, and by that he loses fifty 0r cent ef his strength. lie still retains his original adherent, Mr. James M. Rtggs. A bright Kentucky congress­ man sbtd yesterday that Springer's candldfcy reminded him of the old KentuckIan who went fishing in- a muddy stream one day with a live frog for bait. It was a pretty warm day, and the fisherman found,a« he watched the bobbing eotk, that his head was nodding In unison. lie awoke witb a start out of a hail' dose after a f»w minutes to find bis cork stilt bobbing serenely. By aenideat he looked across the stream. There eat hia frog, snnnlng himself on a convenient log. "Now.** said the congressman, "Springer hsa­ teen watching his corlt so carefully that hs has not observed hit frog sun­ ning himself on a Carlisle log on tho other side of the stream." No one ne«d be surprise;! to see Springer himself over with the frog on the Carlisle tag before the end of the weeiu " The "New York colony*- in thltcltjr for the winter Is increaelftg, and dally additions to it are heard of. It bids fair to wake a serious change in tks best society of that elty by taking away so many wtio have heretofore been pll. tare in the fashionable world of Man* Italian Island. Especially do liot ha OS'S young belles, who have heard so miarti of tlicgloriesof the Washington seasM^ svineA desire to participate. The Washington monument has lisp ' ped fro wiMjintllhe^ Tlie sensatioal report thdtMk.;- re mains of President LI nee la has bees removed to a secret vault In the Spring*, field cemetery, from fear of graveyard ghouls, like a thousand otner tMegfc sent over the wires by th% ntimro|i». lous news-mongers of tho AflSMtftted Press, turns out to be false. A#H was made to steal his bsdys1 months after Interment, end Ms | was then made abtelmeJj1 MKmrs, t I . «• fl .-safely I

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